
hggdhkirkland: walrus just went in with OutOfMemory00:00
kirklandhggdh: arse00:00
kirklandhggdh: tell me more00:00
hggdhkirkland: I am running another 400 instances, with no reinit00:01
kirklandhggdh: okay00:01
kirklandhggdh: same separate topo?00:02
hggdhkirkland: interesting enough, the CLC is surviving with ~816M of real, and the Walrus barfed with ~720M00:02
hggdhkirkland: same separate topo, topo200:03
kirklandhggdh: hrm, yeah, that's weird00:03
hggdhkirkland: OTOH, memory growth is slower00:04
mathiazhggdh: nope - you can use the test rig00:05
mathiazkirkland: ^^00:05
hggdhkirkland: hum. This time the walrus vanished. This is new.00:05
kirklandmathiaz: th00:05
kirklandhggdh: ?  crashed?00:06
hggdhkirkland: not sure yet, I see a "mabolo init: eucalyptus main process (1224) terminated with status 1" in the syslog00:06
kirklandhggdh: hmm00:07
hggdhanyway. Saving the logs now00:08
hggdhkirkland: topo2-1.tar uploaded00:17
hggdhkirkland: this is better than before, but no cigar yet00:17
kirklandhggdh: okay, thanks for testing00:18
kirklandhggdh: can you please leave feedback and pointers to your results in that bug?00:18
hggdhkirkland: will do00:18
kirklandhggdh: oh, and dpkg -l euca*00:18
kirklandhggdh: is it ppa2 ?00:19
hggdhkirkland: indeed. I will add a 'dpkg -l euca\* uec\*', but I already noted it in the bug00:19
kirklandhggdh: cheers00:19
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kirklandRoAkSoAx: merged00:47
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ;)00:47
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i'm going to release 1.37 with this00:47
RoAkSoAxkirkland, awesome00:47
kirklandRoAkSoAx: won't make lucid, unfortunately00:47
RoAkSoAxkirkland, i guess the next release would be the modularization?00:47
kirklandRoAkSoAx: please00:47
kirklandRoAkSoAx: how major are these changes?00:48
RoAkSoAxkirkland, modularization? well i'd say major... changed various things such included the creation of the ISO list into the code, splitted the code up, some adjustments to get the same functionality00:49
RoAkSoAxkirkland, and just the obtaining of the release codename.. I think it is SRUable00:50
kirklandRoAkSoAx: well, I think I'm just going to SRU a one-liner that does r = maverick00:50
kirklandRoAkSoAx: when the time comes00:50
kirklandRoAkSoAx: or we can try to get your changes in00:50
RoAkSoAxkirkland, wouldn;t it be better if we backport it?00:50
kirklandRoAkSoAx: either way00:50
kirklandRoAkSoAx: yeah, maybe so00:50
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm00:51
RoAkSoAxkirkland, we could backport when modularization is done00:51
RoAkSoAxkirkland, or maybe try to get today's changes into lucid00:51
kirklandRoAkSoAx: well, there's not much to backport;  just grab the diff of the merge i just committed00:51
kirklandRoAkSoAx: that might be a possibility00:52
kirklandRoAkSoAx: would you ask about that in ubuntu-motu?00:52
RoAkSoAxkirkland, let's see what they say00:53
kirklandRoAkSoAx: keep me posted; we can try to get this uploaded right now if they approve00:53
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ok we could probably get FFe because it is *major* change but simple at the same time00:54
kirklandRoAkSoAx: right00:54
RoAkSoAxkirkland, <RoAkSoAx> ScottK, could I still file a FFe for new upstream of TestDrive that adds a simple, but necessary functionality?01:00
RoAkSoAx<persia> RoAkSoAx: I'd advise filing an FFe for that: it's not clearly bugfix.01:00
RoAkSoAx<persia> RoAkSoAx: You could probably do an s/lucid/maverick/ upload as clearly bugfix though.01:00
kirklandRoAkSoAx: yeah, i'm leaning toward uploading 2 1-line SRUs per year01:00
* persia isn't actually invested with any authority, and was only offering advice01:01
RoAkSoAxkirkland, i'd go for backporting it01:01
kirklandRoAkSoAx: :-)01:01
kirklandRoAkSoAx: if you're willing to fight that battle, I'll support you01:01
kirklandRoAkSoAx: but it's your battle to fight ;-)01:01
RoAkSoAxkirkland, I have no problem with that :)01:01
kirklandRoAkSoAx: go for it, dude01:02
RoAkSoAxkirkland, at the end, It would save *time* by having to SRU twice a year01:02
kirklandRoAkSoAx: alrighty01:02
kirklandRoAkSoAx: go for it ;-)01:02
RoAkSoAxkirkland, however, if ScottK or anyoine else from the release team gives us the go we could jsut upload 1.3701:03
RoAkSoAxanyways we'll have to wait01:04
kirklandRoAkSoAx: alrighty01:04
kirklandRoAkSoAx: you have motu props, right?01:04
kirklandRoAkSoAx: if you've tested this functionality very thoroughly, and ScottK approves, just go for it01:05
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i tested it here; seemed to work for me01:05
kirklandRoAkSoAx: retrieved lucid, used it from the cache, i manually removed that file, and touched the timestamp back a few years01:05
RoAkSoAxkirkland, i actually have tested it in, what i believe, all test cases possible01:05
kirklandRoAkSoAx: all of those worked as expected01:05
kirklandRoAkSoAx: what about no network connectivity?01:05
RoAkSoAxkirkland, done too01:06
kirklandRoAkSoAx: coolio01:06
RoAkSoAxkirkland, if no network and cache is valid, it uses chace01:06
RoAkSoAxthough, if cache is expired it will fail to launch01:07
RoAkSoAxwait, let me test brb01:08
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ok, if no network, and cache is not expired works. If no network and cache is expired, it still works, however, it throws and error message saying that couldn't update the cache...01:11
kirklandRoAkSoAx: cool01:11
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ok then I'll file FFe01:12
jcastrohey kirkland01:31
jcastroI don't mean to be critial, but the lens flares on the manpages screams 1972.01:31
persiajcastro: So you're celebrating references to a classic age of visual theming?01:32
RoAkSoAxkirkland, bug #570485. I'll ping someone from the release team and keep you updated.01:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 570485 in testdrive "[FFe] New upstream release 1.37" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57048501:32
jcastropersia: well, at least he didn't bust out blender. :p01:33
ScuniziI've modified .bash_aliases to include a shortcut to mounting a samba share on my machine (it's also the samba server).  I'd like to convert that mount command to a line in fstab so the mount happens on startup.  So far I've been unsuccessful.  Any help? alias bpomount='sudo mount.cifs //localhost/BPO /home/<user>/BPO -o user=<user>,credintials=/etc/samba/smbusers,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777'01:33
electro_With regards to the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, I am looking to setup 1 front end with 4 Node Controllers.  I have the front end on a public addressable ip, and the node controllers on the same public.  I bridged the public interface, but want to run VMs on a private network.  Is there anyone that has experience with this I can talk to ?01:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #570494 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57049402:11
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uvirtbotNew bug: #570513 in nis (main) "NIS-based autofs maps don't load on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57051304:01
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rgreening_kirkland: noticed the acpi fix. I'll check in the morning and let you know how I fare. Ty.04:23
Masshuu[2010-04-27 07:17:50]: uid: (1018/test.stormraidergames.com) gid: (1017/test.stormraidergames.com) cmd: test.py04:24
Masshuu[2010-04-27 07:17:50]: target uid/gid (1018/1017) mismatch with directory (1018/1017) or program (0/1017)04:24
Masshuui see the issue but i duno how to fix it :/04:25
Masshuuwell i think its the issue04:25
Masshuui know that 0 should not be a 004:31
Masshuubut my lack of experince isn't telling me how to fix it04:31
ziesemer_How can I force a certain package to never be installed?  I.E., I want to install other things using apt-get that use Subversion, but I already manually compiled and installed the latest version of Subversion.  I don't want the older version (re-)installed.04:38
SpamapSyou can make a placeholder package .. I forget the name04:39
SpamapSziesemer_: apt-get install equivs .. read the docs.. you can make an empty package that satisfies the same dependencies04:39
ziesemer_http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-helpers.en.html .  Excellent - thanks!  Just needed a place to start...04:40
* SpamapS 's debian skills are rusty but still intact.. woot04:40
twbOf course, it'd be better to not manually compile and install things04:40
SpamapStwb: sometimes the learning curve of re-packaging something inflexible and complex is higher than equivs. ;)04:40
twb(I'm surprised that subversion changes enough that you even NEED a newer version.)04:41
SpamapSI used to use equivs for java.. I'm sure thats not a problem anymore.04:41
twbSpamapS: granted.04:41
* ziesemer_ Cheers to SpamapS.04:41
SpamapSziesemer_: twb has a very valid point.. you might find it easy to just tweak the repository subversion package04:41
persiaSpamapS: If the effort of repackaging is more than running uscan and uupdate, or calling get-orig-source, then please file a bug about a package being hard to update.04:41
twbpersia: rebasing the debian/patches is usually the hardest part04:41
ziesemer_twb:  Yeah, I'd use the package version, if it was anywhere near up-to-date...04:42
SpamapSYeah subversion isn't a good example of this04:42
twbThat and when upstream changes build system :-/04:42
ziesemer_But I will investigate the repackaging bit later!04:42
twbziesemer_: it's not "up to date" for a reason.04:42
ziesemer_twb: Care to elaborate?  I'm looking for specific bug fixes in the 1.6.11 release.04:43
persiatwb: Sure, but it *shouldn't* be hard for 99% of packages.  If it's hard, then something is wrong.  That something might just be that the patches in debian/patches need to get upsteam, or similar :)04:43
SpamapSziesemer_: with subversion, its quite likely you can do just as persia says04:43
twbziesemer_: what release of Ubuntu are you running?04:44
ziesemer_10.04 RC.04:44
twbWell, I guess it's a bit late in the release cycle, but a few weeks ago you could've reported this; it might be important enough that the Ubuntu subversion maintainer would backport those fixes from the newer version.04:45
SpamapShrm.. so I didn't even know about uscan/uupdate....04:46
SpamapSalways applied the patch manually to the upstream sources..04:46
twbWhat's the roadmap for Ubuntu migrating to dpkg-source format 3.0 (quilt)?04:49
twbDoes your infrastructure already handle it, so you'll just migrate piecemeal whenever you resync a 3.0 package from Debian?04:50
ajmitchtwb: yes, there are already a number of packages in the archive using it04:50
ajmitchI don't think there's any plan for wholesale migration, just as there isn't for debian yet, while they argue it out04:51
twbdh(1) is also super sexy.04:52
ajmitchsure, it gets used a bit04:53
SpamapSwhats dh?04:54
twbSpamapS: developer stuff04:54
* SpamapS has been trapped in a CentOS shop for 6 years and just re-entered debian based happy land04:54
twbSpamapS: it's a way of reducing boilerplate in debian/rules.   Like CDBS, but without the gratuitous gmake-fu.04:55
SpamapStwb: does it have a home? I'm quite interested in developer stuff. :)04:55
twbSpamapS: apt-get install debhelper; man 7 debhelper; man 1 dh dh_auto_configure04:55
ScottKtwb: Debhelper 7 and source format version 3 are pretty unrelated.05:00
lifelessby which you mean entirely ?  :)05:01
persiaI think they are vaguely related: they both attempt to provide once-and-for-all solutions to long-standing packaging annoyances05:03
persiaMind you, operationally there's no link.05:04
ScottKpersia: You can completely use one without the other, so I don't understand.05:08
ScottKlifeless: Yes.05:08
SpamapSso.. I'm playing around re-packaging libmemcached to the latest version (0.31 in my karmic virtualbox instance, I want to have 0.40) ... the libmemcached2.symbols file has 0.31 listed as the version.. how do I update that file? I presume it is generated05:11
persiaScottK: The relation would be entirely in the minds of folks looking to address issues: there's no operational link.05:11
persiaSpamapS: The best doc we have about that is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/stefanlsd/dpkg-gensymbols05:12
SpamapSpersia: thx that helps. :)05:14
ScottKpersia: For the vast majority of packages, I'm not aware of any issues that V3 solves.05:17
persiaI spent about two days once unwinding issues with linda that v3 would have solved.  It also solves all the annoying uuencode/uudecode issues with adding icons.05:19
persiaBut yeah, for a clean package with a good upstream relationship, there's no benefit.05:19
ScottKConceptually it's more complex and raises barriers to entry.05:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #562852 in likewise-open5 (universe) "Please remove likewise-open5 from lucid on all architectures" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56285205:41
twbScottK: I realize dh(1) and 3.0 (quilt) are unrelated; they're just both sexy :-)05:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #570533 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: podproces zainstalowany skrypt post-installation zwrócił kod błędu 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57053306:31
henkjanI just tried the Ubuntu self assesment on http://www.ubuntu.com/training/certificationcourses/server08:27
henkjanand scored 9 of 1008:27
henkjanand can't find what would be my wrong answer08:28
kklimondahmm.. same here..08:35
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stephankI have reprepo repository with slightly customized packages that I'd like to use on several of my server machines. Now I'm trying to figure out how to make those servers prefer my packages over ubuntu's, even if there's a newer version in ubuntu's repos. Is this something I'd do with apt preferences?10:01
twbYou probably want pinning10:02
twbIt's a major pain in the arse to get right.10:02
stephankWell, I have a theory that might work...10:04
stephankI'm building these packages myself, so maybe I can add an Origin field in the control file of each package I build, and then perhaps: “Pin: origin "something"”10:04
stephankwould that work?10:04
sorenstephank: Something like that, yes.10:11
sorenstephank: And you want the pin-priority to be > 990.10:12
sorenstephank: See the  apt_preferences(5) man page.10:12
ivoksthere are still some issues with upstart and bonding12:03
ivoksit starts network services before bonding12:03
* twb feels better about the relatively staid startpar(8).12:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #570636 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57063612:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #570655 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd 2.2.0-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57065512:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #570657 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57065712:56
rgreeningmorning kirkland. Updating servers now to see if the acpi fix works. Yer awesome btw :)13:02
kirklandrgreening: howdy; you applied that patch?13:02
cemckirkland: got the 2x750gb disks, installing right now13:03
kirklandcemc: cool, good to hear13:03
kirklandcemc: keep me posted13:03
rgreeningkirkland: not yet. did the package get published or is waiting in queue? Do you have a ppa with deb? If not, I can patch... and test easy enough13:03
ttxsmoser: ping13:03
kirklandrgreening: not published;  i just uploaded to lucid-proposed13:03
kirklandrgreening: it was rejected for release, pushed to SRU13:04
rgreeningok. cool.13:04
kirklandrgreening: it's a one-line patch, though13:04
kirklandrgreening: you don't even have to build the package13:04
kirklandrgreening: just patch the source file on the OS13:04
kirklandrgreening: /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh13:04
rgreeningkirkland: on another note, it seems I cannot create vm's using vmbuilder since upgrading to lucid13:04
kirkland-. /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs13:04
kirkland+[ -r /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs ] && . /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs13:04
ttxkirkland: we'll need you to cover the UEC tests in ISO testing on your local rig (from ISO), as I don't have my cloud with me here13:05
rgreeningkirkland: ok, I'll manually fix and test13:05
kirklandrgreening: talk to soren about vmbuilder13:05
kirklandttx: okay13:05
kirklandttx: candidates are hot?13:05
ttxkirkland: yes, the current ones are expected to be final now13:05
kirklandttx: i'll sync and test after breakfast13:05
ttxI can do KVM based testing for the rest, but for UEC and the cloud images on UEC, we'll need you13:06
rgreeningsoren: vmbuilder? any known issues? I'm getting "AttributeError: 'Libvirt' object has no attribute 'vm'" when attempting to build a vm13:06
persiaUEC images need a respin: don't bother testing yet (see -devel)13:06
ttxrgreening: bug 562189 ?13:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 562189 in vm-builder "AttributeError: 'Libvirt' object has no attribute 'vm'" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56218913:07
ttxpersia: they are not on the tracker anymore13:07
rgreeningthanks ttx. I'll review bug.13:07
ttxpersia: but the UEC tests can be run on the karmic image13:07
ttxand the lucid images can be tested separately13:07
kirklandttx: me, and hggdh, right ;-)13:07
ttxkirkland: how many local machines does hggdh have ?13:08
persiattx: OK.  Just wanted to make sure that slangasek's message from 10 minutes ago requesting a respin wasn't missed in creating extra testing.13:08
kirklandttx: none; lab machines13:08
ttxpersia: I'm currently one meter to the left of Steve :)13:08
persiaThen you're entirely informed :)13:09
ttxkirkland: then he can do the UEC image validation13:09
* persia feels a bit redundant when people have physical proximity13:09
ttxkirkland: we still need you to cover the UEC ISO tests13:09
kirklandttx: okay13:09
ttxat least the topology 1 ones13:09
ttxand if you have time the two optional topologies on amd6413:09
ttxkirkland: you can keep the optional ones for tomorrow, since they take quite some time when run from ISO13:11
* ttx should have taken his cloud with him, retrospectively13:12
rgreeningkirkland: ty ty ty ... acpi fix confirmed and working.13:14
stephanksoren: Thanks for the pointers. It appears to be working nicely. :)13:17
kirklandttx: okay13:18
* ttx covers random testing in KVM13:19
rgreeningkirkland: now that this work, If I perform a shutdown on the host server, will the guests be properly shutdown or do I need to manually issue shutdown to each vm (I dont recal reading anything on that)13:21
hggdhttx: not enough, one old i386, and two amd64 with 1G13:26
hggdhand my bloody laptop13:26
ttxhggdh: but you can test t13:28
ttxhggdh: but you can cover the UEC cloud images tset on the test rig13:28
ttxhggdh: when they will be made available13:28
hggdhttx: I can run them all in the rig, yes13:28
hggdhttx: certainly13:29
hggdhkirkland: BTW, just the daily, or daily+PPA?13:31
kirklandhggdh: just the current ISO13:33
kirklandhggdh: which is proposed for GA13:33
kirklandhggdh: the UEC tests on the ISO tracker13:34
cemckirkland: install complete, and it boots, no problems13:34
kirklandcemc: okay, well thanks for all your help13:34
kirklandcemc: i don't know what's wrong with my disks, my scenario13:34
cemckirkland: don't know either, maybe you can doo a step-by-step detailed list of what you're doing and I'll try again, if you want to13:35
astroboyI was searching for the ubuntu server debootstrap but I was unable to13:36
kirklandcemc: that's okay;  i need to focus on UEC today13:36
astroboymaybe I should install one of these: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/ and then change something afterwards?13:36
persiaastroboy: There's no difference in debootstrap especially for server.  Why do you want deboostrap?13:38
smoserttx, here now.13:38
astroboypersia: well I have to install it on a remote server13:38
* persia digs into kirkland's blog harder13:39
twbastroboy: is the remote host networked?  Do you have local waldoes?  Do you have KVM or serial over IP?13:41
ttxsmoser: no, just slangasek looking for you :)13:41
astroboypersia: so I should install the debootstrap for 9.10 and then pass some flag to debootstrap?13:41
* persia can't find it, unfortunately13:42
astroboytwb: I have a netboot with access to the disks, I did that many times with debian. I was only wondering where to get the server version.13:42
twbAppendix C installs are a pain in the arse, and should be avoided where possible.  Preseeding, at least as far as the sshd udeb, is vastly preferable.13:42
smoserttx, ok. so there is a uec respin and then population of iso tracker with amis13:42
smoserand then presumably need that tested ?13:42
twbastroboy: the server version of what?13:42
astroboytwb: ubuntu-server13:42
persiaastroboy: Just use the netboot if you're comfortable with netboot.  You can choose the server tasks, and end up with a server.  It's all the same software.13:42
twbastroboy: ubuntu-server is always the server version.13:43
astroboyoh ok. I thought there was a ubuntu with specific server packages13:43
twbThe only differences between the server and alternate CDs are the preseed files and the debs in the local pool.13:44
astroboyso the the packages are exactly the same? aren't there something like gentoo profiles13:44
astroboymhm ok...13:44
ttxsmoser: yes, we'll need the EC2 image tested13:44
persiaEverything is exactly the same.13:44
twbAll variants of Ubuntu back onto the same package archive.13:44
persiatwb: "flavours"13:44
ttxsmoser: any chance you can run your magic script ?13:44
smoseryeah. i can do that.13:44
smoserand of course there will be no bugs13:44
astroboyyeah but usually I want bleeding edge on the desktop and stable software on the server, so I thought that the server version had different repos that installed more stable packages & compiled with different ./configure, something like that13:45
astroboye.g. gentoo13:45
persiaNope.  Everything is designed to be stable.13:45
twbGentoo doesn't belong on a server in the first place.13:45
astroboyok... thanks for the clarification13:45
persiaSome folks only upgrade their servers for LTSs though.13:45
persia(as LTSs are *more* stable)13:45
twbpersia: I do that for end user desktops, too.13:45
astroboyyeah I think I'll do that. 8.04 should be fine.13:46
twbI hear bad things about non-LTS releases, like "oops, did you want libpam-ldap to *work*?"13:46
twbastroboy: you should target 10.04 for a new deployment.13:46
astroboyand anyway, gentoo is not bad as a server :P13:46
persiaastroboy: Or try 10.04.  It releases in a couple days, so should be mostly good (or you might want to wait until ~june to have had the post-release bugfixes happen)13:47
astroboytwb: is nothing critical. I just want something that works and doesn't get too much cluttered13:47
astroboymhm ok....13:47
lil_cainDon't cannonical say you should wait till 10.4.1 to push into production?13:47
twbI have been handed gentoo servers to fix.  Gentoo on a server is Wrong.13:47
astroboyI know maybe it's not the right channel to ask13:47
Zidergentoo as server worked peachy for me for many years13:48
ivoksum... system-config-kickstart is broken13:48
twbAt least if you expect to maintain the server.13:48
Ziderbut it's running ubuntu server nowadays13:48
twbIf you adopt an OpenBSD-style "fire and forget" approach to deployment, I suppose it might work until the next CVE.13:48
twbWhich is usually when I get called in to un-bugger the box13:48
astroboybut would you suggest debian or ubuntu for a simple server (some stupid websites and proxying basically...)13:48
twbastroboy: yes.13:49
Ziderif you want STUPID websites, run it on windows ;)13:49
astroboytwb: yes to what :P?13:49
ttxsmoser: works for me13:49
twbastroboy: I would suggest Debian or Ubuntu for pretty much any server.13:49
ttxzul: please cover some regular ISO tests. My laptop is awfully slow at it*13:50
astroboytwb: no I meant "which between the two"13:50
twbastroboy: doesn't matter much unless you are into support contracts.13:50
zulttx: doing the i386 tests now13:50
astroboytwb: ok. then I guess I'll keep using debian13:50
astroboyI mean I wanted to try something new on a new server :P13:51
Zideras I understand it, ubuntu server has newer packages than debian13:51
twbastroboy: well if you already have a conclusion and just want to rationalize it...13:51
astroboytwb: yeah eheh13:51
twbZider: IMO the non-LTS release are about as flaky as testing.  By that view, they're not significantly older or newer.13:52
Zidertwb: I don't know what LTS is13:52
astroboyZider: I actually like old and working software in servers... if I really want something new I compile it13:52
twbZider: Then you probably shouldn't deploy servers :-P13:53
Ziderastroboy: I like new and security-fixed :P13:53
Zidertwb: it's just a home server I'm running13:53
twbZider: those are mutually exclusive13:53
twbnew features implies new bugs, including new security bugs.13:53
Ziderbut not as well known as old security bugs13:53
twbSecurity patches are backported to stable release.13:54
astroboyyeah exactly.. it's not like debian is going to keep unsecure software unsecure....13:54
_kettlehey. looking for pointers to info on how to build my own ec2 ami. or should I just use ubuntu's images and customize those?13:54
twbastroboy: not deliberately, anyway.  *cough* ssh-keygen *cough*.13:55
ttxzul: ok I'm on amd64 now, but trying to run two KVM tests in parallel slows down my laptop so badly I prefer to only run one at a time13:55
astroboytwb: ahaha yeah that was bad. seriously bad.13:55
twbttx: "slows down" as in the non-VM environment?13:55
ttxtwb: no13:55
twbttx: try nicing/ionicing the VMs?13:55
zulttx: you should get a macbook ;)13:55
twbOh, OK.  Never mind, then.13:55
ttxzul: I should get a SSD drive and 2 more Gb of mem13:56
twbzul: maybe when they go back to shipping a decent architecture...13:56
zulttx: that works as well13:56
astroboythe main difference is that on the desktop I want to assume the risk of choosing what to use13:56
astroboyon the server I trust the packagers more generally :P13:56
twb"choosing what to use" means using the package manager, not funroll-looping.13:57
astroboyno I meant using development versions of almost everything :P13:58
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persiaLet's not disparage other distributions: we can do better to just explain how to do things in Ubuntu.13:59
twbpersia: I'm not disparaging a distro, but a mindset :-/13:59
persiaastroboy: If you want the newest and sharpest (and don't mind getting cut once in a while), you can always run the Ubuntu development release whilst it's being constructed.13:59
ZiderI'm not dispawhatever anything, cause I don't know what it means ;)13:59
* persia tends to even upgrade non-critical servers come beta14:00
astroboypersia: I personally run archlinux on my desktop14:00
astroboyalso because it's annoying to have a system with so much stuff installed14:00
persiacan't help you with that, but we've a nice desktop offering as well :)14:00
twbYou can also roll your own debs from VCS snapshots for critical packages, which is what I do for codebases I contribute to upstream.14:00
astroboyand because of aur, mainly14:00
twbArch has zero Q/A, at least for Haskell packages.14:01
astroboyI know but for example I don't use a de14:01
astroboytwb: Q/A=question and answer?14:02
twbQuality assurance14:02
astroboyah ok14:02
astroboyyou are right14:02
astroboyexpecially on haskel-xft and company14:02
astroboythey broke down half of the time14:02
astroboybut anyway14:02
astroboyit's just that I choose what to install from the beginning14:03
zulah yes...ricers14:06
sorenrgreening: I'm working on a fix for that.14:09
_kettleis anyone running ubuntu on Amazon EC2? I tried the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EC2StartersGuide but "ec2-run-instances ami-2fc2e95b -k ec2-keypair" just fails with this error: Client.InvalidAMIID.NotFound: The AMI ID 'ami-2fc2e95b' does not exist14:11
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mugwort13could anyone kindly lead me in the right direction?  I am searching for some decent documentation on the stability (or possibly lack of stability) of the EXT4 fs.   I have been faithfully using JFS for years due to it never letting me down, but using JFS is a hassle so I am wanting to use another.  I have read many opinions stating people's dislike of EXT4, but want to find out more.14:23
twbmugwort13: ext4 is some minor improvements, plus extents, tacked onto ext3.14:23
twbmugwort13: if you avoid extents, it's backwards compatible with ext3, so you shouldn't get any surprises there.  (But extents are on by default.)14:24
twbI suspect most of the annoyance is 1) people who got extentful ext4 before they were ready, and couldn't back out; or 2) XFS/JFS/btrfs/whatever weenies who value functionality/performance over stability.14:26
RoyKusing Btrfs in production is cool14:27
RoyKonly for the tough guys14:27
twbbtrfs isn't production-ready.14:27
RoyKI'm joking :)14:27
RoyKbut XFS/JFS is stable14:27
twbAs at a month ago, there were severe data loss problems with /var/lib/dpkg on btrfs.14:28
RoyKI'd say both are better tested than ext414:28
twbEr, and that's on Debian, so it'll probably take longer to sync to Ubuntu.14:28
RoyKdoesn't surprise me - nobody said Btrfs was stable14:28
twbRoyK: well, I worry that the noobs won't realize you were being sarcastic14:29
twbI wouldn't run XFS without a UPS, or in combination with any dm-based tech (including md RAID and LVM), though.14:29
RoyKgive Btrfs another year and it might catch up with early ZFS14:30
RoyKtwb: why?14:30
twbDue to XFS' tendency to eat data after an outage, and the maintainers' tendency to tell anyone without write barriers to FOAD14:30
twb(dm doesn't support write barriers.)14:31
twbI imagine the same applies to other post-ext filesystems, but I haven't actually had reports of it.14:31
RoyKI guess I'll keep my storage on ZFS until Btrfs shows signs of growing up14:32
twbbtrfs couldn't even delete subvols prior to .33 and btrfs-tools .19+414:32
RoyKI was looking at btrfs a year ago and last summer a post said raid[56] was in the works14:33
RoyKstill no cigar, though14:33
RoyKI ended up with opensolaris, which works14:33
mugwort13Basically, I am looking for peace of mind if I decide to move my company's server from JFS to EXT4.   Has anyone heard of any real disasters using it?  I simply like JFS because of my personal history of 0% data loss with it.  I am not married to JFS, I simply don't want to be risky.   EXT4 could possibly make my life easier since support is built in by default.14:34
RoyKif it's not a truckload of data, moving it should be trivial14:35
mugwort13No, a little less than 1T, not much at all yet, but in the next year it will increase alot because of new utilities we will be using.  But still, no more than like 4T total.14:36
* RoyK pats his 30TB opensolaris box14:37
Eladwhat is a good webmail client? I currently have postfix+dovecot installed.14:38
RoyKsquirrelmail is nice and lightweight14:38
twbRoyK: does ZFS do software RAID5 and RAID6 internally?14:38
EladRoyK, another question I have, is if I install it now do I run a high/low chance of messing up user's mailboxes?14:39
RoyKone, two or three parity 'stripes'14:39
twbOh, right.  RAIDZ, which "fixes" problems in RAID514:39
RoyKyes, it fixes the write hole14:39
twbForgive me if I'm a little suspicious of unilateral vendor fixes to standardized data structures.14:40
RoyKand with autosnapshotting running every 15 minutes, we don't lose so much user data either14:40
giskarduhm i got this question from aardvark...14:40
giskardI want to run an Ubuntu server on Amazon EC2, and I'm following the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EC2StartersGuide but when I try to start an instance I get an error "Client.InvalidAMIID.NotFound: The AMI ID 'ami-2fc2e95b' does not exist". How do I troubleshoot this?14:40
twbRoyK: I'd rather have Oleg's zypper fs :-)14:40
RoyKany idea if nfs4 is better supported in 10.04?14:40
Eladgiskard, you should see if that AMI is publically available14:41
twbA purely functional (i.e. stateless) filesystem14:41
RoyKtwb: url?14:41
twbRoyK: there's a paper on the web somewhere.14:41
Eladgiskard, do you have firefox+elastifox addon installed?14:41
RoyKI googled, but could't find anything14:41
twbRoyK: it's academia, not real-world14:41
twbRoyK: "zipperfs", not "zypperfs"14:42
twbRoyK: why NFS4 over CIFS?14:42
twbRoyK: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Zipper14:43
RoyKtwb: NFS4 over IPv4 :þ14:44
rgreeningsoren: cool. Thanks.14:47
giskardElad: checked through API14:48
giskard>> a.describe_images(:image_id => 'ami-2fc2e95b')14:48
giskardAWS::InvalidAMIIDNotFound: The AMI ID 'ami-2fc2e95b' does not exist14:48
giskardElad: if you want i can provide you the entire lists of ubuntu official images, but i think doc is wrong :)14:49
twbRoyK: huh?  CIFS works on IPv4.14:49
RoyKtwb: sure, but NFS4?14:50
RoyKnetwork file system version four14:50
twbMy question is: why do you care?14:50
twbWhy don't you just run CIFS?14:50
RoyKwhy should I run CIFS when NFS4 is far better?14:50
RoyKespecially on WANs14:50
twbIn what way is it better?14:50
RoyKlower latency14:50
RoyKway lower14:50
RoyKCIFS over WAN sucks hard14:51
twbHm, you've measured that?14:51
Eladgiskard, did you create that image?14:51
twbFair enough, I suppose14:51
RoyKtwb: it's fixed in SMB214:51
RoyKbut SMB2 on linux is some way off14:51
twbI've never cared much about NFSv4 because 1) it's not ready on Linux; and 2) even if it is, you generally have some scmuck running Windows or OS X.14:52
mean67is there a way to change the default message on a server14:52
mean67it just says "It Works"14:52
RoyKthat's your web page?14:52
twbmean67: you mean in Apache2?14:52
giskardElad: please read what i wrote  before :)14:53
* RoyK points mean67 to https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html14:53
Eladgiskard, I am asking because I did a search in the public images and can't find the ami: ami-2fc2e95b14:53
twb"Although [SMB2] is proprietary, its specification has been published [...]"14:53
twbHow can a published protocol be proprietary?14:54
Eladgiskard, so I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something14:54
RoyKstill, we're usually using nfs between unices14:54
RoyKit's easier14:54
persiamean67: Just edit the contents of /var/www to be different14:54
giskardElad: this is the point, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EC2StartersGuide14:54
twbRoyK: NFS3 is easier, NFSv4 not so much :-/14:54
twbOf course, NFS3 trusts root on every host, so it's not really useful for WANs (unless by WAN you mean VPN).14:55
RoyKtwb: I know - haven't tested with kerberos yet, though, we're waiting for the windoze sysadmin to install the AD server on the DMZ14:55
mean67is there a GUI for ubuntu server14:55
twbmean67: no.14:55
RoyKtwb: man exports14:55
RoyKtwb: it's no problem denying IPs14:56
mean67so its all done via command line14:56
RoyKbut yes, this is on a vpn14:56
twbRoyK: OK, but you're still trusting the IPs you whitelist.14:56
RoyKmean67: you can install the gui if you like14:56
RoyKtwb: not with kerberos auth14:56
twbI didn't think that worked with NFSv314:56
RoyKhm. possible14:56
RoyKtwb: still, you don't have to _root_ trust them (no_root_sqash)14:57
mean67so like sudo apt-get install ?14:57
twbRoyK: root can send requests as any user14:57
twbRoyK: with root_squash on, I can still sudo -u djk cat ~djk/.netrc14:57
mean67but what would it be that I am installing14:57
RoyKtwb: I didn't say it was very secure - and that was also parts of why I wanted NFSv414:57
mean67like whats it called14:58
Eladgiskard, looks like the doc lists a bunch of AMI's (not sure where the one you got is), if you goto "Getting the images" and then click on the link http://alestic.com/14:58
Eladgiskard, half way down that page are a bunch... let me see if I can find them in the publically available14:58
RoyKmean67: the difference between ubuntu server and desktop is not a whole lot. If you need (or want) a GUI, I'd recommend starting with the workstation setup14:58
RoyKless hassle14:58
giskardElad: i'm wrong, and i guess you too, the ami is available only in eu.14:58
giskardmy account is for us14:58
mean67yeah I have that14:59
twbRoyK: incidentally, Samba4 claims to have experimental SMB2 support.14:59
Eladgiskard, mine too. I am able to see the ubuntu images listed on the alestic site though14:59
RoyKtwb: that's nice, but I still want NFS on my servers :)14:59
RoyKtwb: is samba 4 ready?15:00
twbHa ha.15:00
twb(Actually, I have no idea.)15:00
RoyK4.0.0 alpha11 / January 12, 2010; 3 months ago15:00
mean67well if I did not install a GUI what the best way for me to edit the /var/www file15:01
RoyKsome editor15:01
RoyKif you're a newbie, try nano15:01
* RoyK just uses vim15:01
twbRoyK: debian ships ~a8+git2010022715:01
mean67so would I just open the file on another machine and then reinsert it15:02
twbOn Ubuntu, "editor" or "sensible-editor" should start the system-wide default editor.15:02
stephankI noticed there's a lucid blueprint for LXC. It mentions that work to have vmbuilder support LXC is done. Is this work available somewhere? I'd like to give LXC a test drive. (Specifically interested in router virtualization.)15:03
twbstephank: libvirt implements its own lxc userland, separate from that of the lxc.sf.net implementation.15:03
twbSo I assume with a new enough libvirt, and whatever you put on top of libvirt, it'll Just Work.15:04
mean67like how would I edit it from with in server15:04
twbmean67: something like: sudoedit /var/www/index.html15:04
RoyKtwb: what's the official way to change the default editor?15:05
stephanktwb: That's good to know. But I was hoping the python-vm-builder tool could build ready-to-use VMs for LXC. At least, that's the impression I got from the blueprint.15:05
* RoyK wants vim with everything15:05
twbRoyK: update-alternatives15:05
twbRoyK: per user, you can set the VISUAL and/or EDITOR environment variables.15:05
RoyKEDITOR is set15:05
twbRoyK: I suggest you do not mess with system-wide settings without good reason.15:05
RoyKI just wondered about the 'ubuntu way'15:05
persiaRoyK: If you want to change host-wide, use update-alternatives to change editor15:05
RoyKtwb: it's a test box - it's made for messing with :D15:06
twbstephank: unfortunately I have no direct knowledge of libvirt, nor stuff sitting on top of it.15:06
* RoyK has been using linux for 15 years and is still learning15:06
persiaRoyK: `update-alternatives --display editor` will show you the current status.15:07
mean67ok I tried that and it came back with  sh: vim: not found15:07
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RoyKmean67: apt-get install vim && vimtutor15:08
RoyKmean67: or just use nano15:08
RoyKmean67: really, just use nano - vim is a bitch to learn15:09
EladRoyK, I just got done installing squirrelmail; any idea how I configure it to use my postfix+dovecot configuration15:09
RoyKbut it's probably the best editor in the world once you learn it15:09
mean67so if I use nano would I just install that15:10
twbElad: have you checked ubuntu-serverguide?15:10
mean67or is it already there15:10
RoyKElad: there's a configure script for that, and as twb , rtfm15:10
twbmean67: nano should already be installed, and it should be the default editor.15:10
EladI have never heard of ubunter-serverguide15:10
twbElad: apt-get install it, or read it online.  It should be linked from /topic -- unless that's still broken :-/15:10
Eladtwb, just looked it up - seems like it could be useful :D15:11
RoyKElad: http://kurl.no/4Ygc15:11
kirklandttx: why am i failing to find the UEC image tests in the ISO tracker?15:12
ttxkirkland: The lucid images are being generated. You should run the test with a karmic image15:13
kirklandttx: okay; i did that already; i was just going to test the lucid image too, before blowing away this cloud install15:13
kirklandttx: ETA on that image?15:13
kirklandttx: basic topo with 9.10 image passed, no bugs15:14
ttxkirkland: slangasek will rush the uec-images publication15:14
ttxkirkland: it's blocking on the EC2 publication right now15:14
ttxkirkland: should take a few min15:15
kirklandttx: okay; i'll move on to the other topo15:15
kirklandttx: and just run it on that one15:15
kirklandttx: topo shouldn't affect image validation15:15
ttxkirkland: note that  the way the iso tests are specified, topo1/i386 is more urgent than topo2/amd6415:16
ttxkirkland: ack15:16
SuperLagIf you want to install a later version of a package than what's in the repos, is doing it from source your only option?15:17
kirklandttx: ah, i should do that next then?15:17
ttxkirkland: yes, please15:17
SuperLagmysql 5.1.37 is the latest in the repos, and I have someone requiring a newer version.... but I don't want to hose the install15:17
ttxkirkland: what options do you use for kvm-based iso testing ? I suspect virtio ? what else would you recomment to speed things up ?15:18
ttxunfortunately I don't have sufficient ram on the laptop to run all off tmpfs15:18
kirklandttx: use testdrive!15:19
kirklandttx: it optimizes almost everything15:19
_rubenSuperLag: start with http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-update.en.html15:19
kirklandttx: you can also add -smp 2 (or however many cpu's you have)15:19
_rubenSuperLag: it explains how to create your own updated package15:19
ttxkirkland: ok, will try when the current sluggish one finishes15:20
kirklandttx: i use testdrive for ***all*** of my kvm based ISO testing15:20
kirklandttx: how many cpu's do you have?15:20
ttx(well, 2 cores)15:20
kirklandttx: sudo vi /etc/testdriverc, and add "-smp 2" to the end of KVM_ARGS15:21
kirklandttx: this will launch kvm with plenty of memory, virtio networking, disk, and 2 cpu's15:21
kirklandttx: that's about as fast as it'll go15:21
ttxok, thanks !15:21
ttxmathiaz_: o/15:25
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
mathiazttx: o//15:26
mathiazttx: how is it going?15:26
mathiazttx: anything critical showed up?15:26
ttxmathiaz: we'll need your mass-isotesting stuff15:26
ttxmathiaz: My own testing is going too slow15:26
mathiazttx: ok15:26
mathiazttx: what's the iso number?15:26
ttxmathiaz: nothing critical on the whiteboard yet15:26
mathiazttx: ie the date?15:26
ttxmathiaz: 2010042715:27
* mathiaz syncs the iso15:27
ttxmathiaz: also have a look at latest comments on bug 42325215:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 423252 in sudo "NSS using LDAP on Karmic breaks 'su' and 'sudo'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42325215:28
ttxand see if you confirm your release notes snippet15:29
RoyKI heard Ubuntu security fixes often lag back months after other distros - is this so?15:30
jdstrandRoyK: no15:30
ttxRoyK: heard that where ?15:30
RoyKperhaps some troll15:30
jdstrandwe have timely updates for supported packages (main and restricted)15:31
SuperLagSpamapS: welcome15:31
jdstrandRoyK: ^15:31
jdstrandRoyK: we also prioritize vulnerabilities based on severity15:31
jdstrandRoyK: so a local DoS is not nearly as important as a remote arbitrary code vulnerability15:32
jdstrandRoyK: we tend to group low priority updates together. this is common for all distros15:32
* RoyK wonders if he should upgrade his 8.04 machines soon or wait a year15:33
jdstrandRoyK: packages in universe/multiverse are community supported15:33
jdstrandsome better than others15:33
RoyKremote execution bugs are nasty - have there been a lot of those lately?15:34
jdstrandRoyK: if you are interested in particular vulnerabilites, please see: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/15:34
jdstrandRoyK: no. see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ for all published Ubuntu Security Notices15:34
RoyKI guess we'll be moving to landscape soon, so that even my Windows-addicted boss can update the ubuntu machines :)15:35
mean67so I got that to work, nano is a bit of a project I will say15:36
RoyKmean67: ROTFL15:36
RoyKmean67: install vim and look into that :)15:37
mean67is it far worse?15:38
ttxmathiaz: how did your RAID install tests on real iron go ?15:38
mathiazttx: no hardware available15:38
mathiazttx: I'll try again today15:38
* kirkland is interested to hear15:38
ttxmathiaz: all running cert tests ?15:38
mathiazttx: I didn't ask for certification hardware15:39
mathiazttx: there is a sprint going on right now in the office15:39
ttxmathiaz: ah15:39
mathiazttx: so a lot of the hardware is used for the sprint15:39
RoyKmean67: it's far better, but the learning curve is rather steep15:39
kirklandttx: installs seem somewhat slower today15:40
persiaThere's talk in several places about kvm being slow: seems some folks don't have an auto-loaded driver.  Does that affect you?15:40
mean67is there a command to see the version of apache I am running15:41
RoyKapache2 -V15:42
ttxpersia: you mean kvm module not being loaded ? or something else ?15:43
ttxkirkland: under kvm ?15:44
hggdhpersia: I have seen the kvm modules not loaded while testing UEC, but have been unable to zero in the issue15:44
persiattx: precisely.15:45
kirklandttx: what's the question?15:45
ttx<kirkland> ttx: installs seem somewhat slower today15:45
ttx<ttx> kirkland: under kvm ?15:45
kirklandttx: oh, no, both hardware and kvm15:45
persiahggdh: I've not encountered it: just seen reports of slowness in various places, and in one manually loading the module fixed it.15:45
kirklandttx: i can usually do a UEC install in under 10 minutes per machine15:45
kirklandttx: it's taking a lot longer than that today15:45
kirklandttx: i did those 2 UEC machine installs at the Texas Linux Fest on Beta2 in ~25 minutes, from the same USB stick15:46
ttxkirkland: slower download for the extra files, due to busy mirror ?15:46
kirklandttx: hmm, not sure15:46
kirklandttx: i'll test one from netboot after my ISO testing is done15:47
kirklandttx: to benchmark it15:47
mathiazttx: kirkland: for the RAID test I guess I need a system with at least two disks?15:47
kirklandpersia: hggdh: i've seen the kvm modules not loading from time to time, looks like an upstart issue to me15:47
ttxkirkland: right, you can also download beta2 again and compare15:47
kirklandpersia: hggdh: i haven't zero'd in either15:47
ttxmathiaz: that would help, yes15:47
hggdhkirkland: that's my feeling also15:47
persiakirkland: Indeed, I think it's some sort of race, although since I've not encountered it personally, I've no idea what might cause it.15:47
mathiazttx: what should I exactly test?15:48
kirklandpersia: hggdh: but it's not isolated to kvm's init;  when that happens, i also noticed that screen's init and nfs-kernel-server's init's didn't run either15:48
ttxmathiaz: see with kirkland fro details, but I think it's just doing a basic RAID setup15:48
kirklandpersia: hggdh: I can say this definitively ....  keybuk asked me to run with --verbose on the kernel command line, and I have ***not*** seen the issue since i started running with that15:48
kirklandmathiaz: one partition, all disk on /, ext415:48
mathiazkirkland: and using virtualizaion is not enough - we need to test it on real hardware?15:49
kirklandmathiaz: about as basic as it gets;  works fine in kvm; and several people in the community have tested it on real hardware, with success15:49
kirklandmathiaz: i have a 2-disk system here with a pair of 500GB SATA disks, and 10.04 RAID1 install fails to boot after install *every* time15:50
ttxkirkland: could you also run the basic "encrypted LVM" tests as well ? Mathiaz's test don't cover that one, and it's much faster to run on real hw than under kvm15:51
kirklandttx: i'm testing that now15:51
kirklandttx: see that testcase is "started"15:51
ttxkirkland: you should hit 56681815:51
ttxbug 56681815:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 566818 in plymouth "Ubuntu Server Encrypted LVM password prompt: every character typed repeats the prompt" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56681815:51
kirklandttx: okay15:52
ttxbut otherwise RC was ok for me15:52
* ttx runs the smallest test: minimal image on KVM :)15:52
hggdhkirkland: so it sounds like a timing issue on upstart. I have also seen screen not correctly initialising (missing /var/run/screen)15:54
kirklandhggdh: yeah, same bug, i think15:54
kirklandhggdh: i only see it on my quad core machine, fwiw15:54
kirklandhggdh: you?15:54
cjsSomeone here was talking about some Ubuntu server boot problems?15:54
hggdhkirkland: on the UEC test rig (8/16-core machines)15:55
kirklandhggdh: hmm, interesting, maybe an smp race15:55
* kirkland goes file a "please slow down the boot process" spec :-)15:56
RoyKhggdh: 8/16 core?15:56
hggdhRoyK: 8- and 16-core machines15:57
hggdhnot a half-core one ;-)15:57
RoyKare there 16-core CPUs out there yet?15:58
* RoyK hasn't noticed15:58
kirklandprobably 4 quad cores15:58
smoserhggdh, i've seen that also (/var/run/screen missing)15:58
hggdhRoyK: all you need is a series of quad-cores15:58
hggdhsmoser: on a multi-core machine?15:58
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kirklandsmoser: that can only happen if /etc/init.d/screen-cleanup hasn't run15:59
RoyKhggdh: we might get a new quad opteron box soon - 4x12 cores :D15:59
smoseri think that i saw it on a cleanly shutdown and booted system15:59
hggdhRoyK: heh. I would like to have one, but I am not sure my air-conditioning would be able to handle the thermal part15:59
kirklandsmoser: was it a particularly fast one?16:00
kirklandsmoser: ie, quad core, or some such?16:00
smoseri dont have particularly fast hardware :)16:00
kirklandsmoser: okay, good point of comparison16:00
kirklandsmoser: when that happened, did you notice if any other init or init.d scripts didn't run?16:00
RoyKhggdh: box comes with 512GB RAM - should be sufficient to replace most of our servers :D16:00
astroboyI am trying to install lucid with debootstrap16:01
astroboywhen I try to install grub (grub-install /dev/sda)16:01
smoserkirkland, i dont know that for sure.16:02
kirklandsmoser: next time you see it, can you take note?16:02
kirklandsmoser: i notice that qemu-kvm hasn't been started either (when that happens)16:02
astroboyI get: Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.16:03
smoserkirkland, one of the cloud-init bugs certainly appears to me to be a "job didn't get run" bug16:03
kirklandsmoser: interesting...16:03
smoserbug 565018 is the one that your hardware seems to hit and mine is extremely rare16:04
astroboyactually sda is there but it seems to have a permissions issue16:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 565018 in cloud-init "instance is not reachable via ssh" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56501816:04
astroboybrw-rw---- 1 root disk      8,   0 Apr 27 14:38 sda16:04
smoserthat was what i was trying to get you to recreate with some debugging on16:04
hggdhsmoser: I get it quite frequently16:05
smoserhggdh, you dont hit that one necessarily16:06
smoserin the one you hit, the ssh keys don't get written to the console16:06
smoseryou're hitting simple "meta data service is not available" bugs16:06
smoserwhich, as far as I can tell, in all my tests, it eventually *does* come up16:07
cjsAstroboy, what's your partition configuration?16:07
smoserbut our tests are going to have to be adjusted to say "well it may not be up now, but it may come up sometime"16:07
smoserie, wait longer16:07
astroboycjs: solved, cp /proc/mounts /etc/mtab... I don't know why this issue doesn't show up with debian.16:08
hggdhsmoser: we can change it easily (only two places in the script)16:09
smoserhggdh, cloud-init has to be modified to wait longer for the data service aslo16:09
hggdhsmoser: I get both16:09
smoserit gives up to early16:10
smoserits really strange, but the MD seems to come up in < 10 seconds, or > 3 minutes16:10
smoserin my tests.16:10
smosernothing in between16:10
sjefen6Is there any major risks by running "update-manager -d" this close to release, and is that the right thing to do on ubuntu-server (-d is for desktop, or something)?16:10
hggdhsmoser: this is indeed weird16:10
smosersjefen6, -d is for devel16:12
smosersince its not yet released, lucid is devel16:12
RoyKsjefen6: do-release-upgrade -d will take you to 10.04 beta16:14
RoyKbut keep in mind it's a beta (or RC)16:14
sjefen6and updating from beta to release will be just the regular "apt-get upgrade"?16:16
RoyKdist-upgrade would be the best16:16
RoyKas in "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"16:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #570727 in samba (main) "package system-config-samba 1.2.63-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57072716:20
ttxkirkland, hggdh uec images posted on uec-image.u.c16:28
ttxsmoser: EC2 images posted, please do EC2 testing magic16:31
smoseryeah, already started16:31
* ttx hugs smoser16:31
hggdhttx: cool, just in time :-)16:36
jdstrandttx: hey. in looking at http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ServerWhole, two things occurred to me: a) we use LVM as the default in the installer, but all but the two LVM test cases use 'Guided - use entire disk' and b) we should probably have an ecryptfs test case, since it is so prominent in the installer. fyi... my two cents and all that jazz16:41
ttxjdstrand: thanks ! Should be put on hggdh long list of testcase improvements16:42
ttxjdstrand: any chance you could run RAID install tests on the current candidate ? We're looking for additional feedback16:42
jdstrandttx: yeah, it is in my list16:43
ttxjdstrand: cool, thanks16:43
jdstrandttx: np :)16:43
cjsttx: I have feedback. I can't boot! :-)16:43
axisys_any idea why I get only "It Works!" page here instead of index.html ?16:43
hggdhttx, jdstrand duly noted, will be updated for next cycle16:44
jdstrandhggdh: cool, thanks! :)16:44
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jdstrandttx: is there anything in particular you want me to test with the raid1 test?16:47
jdstrandttx: I was planning to just do the test case as given, and expect to hit the bug I reported a couple of isos ago16:47
jdstrandttx: actually, I think I know what I'll do-- I'll create 1 big partition and create 1 raid device, with 2 partitions inside, and then I'll do another with 2 raid devices, each with one partition16:50
cjsjdstrand: How do you create a single RAID device with two partitions inside? Is this md?16:51
jdstrandcjs: for each disk, create a partition that is the whole disk. then create a raid1 device, then partition it. won't that work?16:53
sbeattiecjs: yes, this is md.16:53
cjsjdstrand: At least when using the installer, it won't let me put a label inside an md. It insists that e.g., /dev/md0 be a filesystem, and won't let me create a /dev/md0a, /dev/md0b, or anything like that.16:55
Lukas_Sdoes anyone know how to recover emails in jaunty with dovecot?17:01
RoyKLukas_S: as long as the emails are stored, they should be in the maildir17:05
ivokscan preseeding be included in kickstart file?17:05
Lukas_SRoyK I receive them via POP do you think they still exist or are they gone with the wind?17:06
RoyKif the pop client deleted them, you're in bad luck17:06
RoyKunless you have a backup, that is17:06
mathiazivoks: yes17:06
Lukas_Sis there a backup by default?17:06
mathiazivoks: there is a specific command to do so in kickseed (ubuntu's implementation of kickstart)17:07
mathiazivoks: I'm not sure how to do this though17:07
mathiazivoks: and whether it has been well-tested17:07
RoyKLukas_S: heh - no17:08
RoyKLukas_S: making backups is something a (good) sysadmin does17:08
Lukas_SThank you RoyK17:08
Lukas_SIs there a good program to assist with this?17:09
vraaLukas_S - you can easily write a bash script to run from cron, that's what i did using tar and rsync17:09
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vraathat way you can whip something up in a few lines, or go extravagant and put in lots of detail17:09
mean67is there a way for me to upload a password page to the website I am working on17:10
Lukas_SThats a good idea vraa17:10
RoyKLukas_S: rsync -a /source/dir /dest/dir/on/another/medium17:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #570802 in chkrootkit (main) "spurious echo causes extra mail when running from cron" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57080217:11
RoyKLukas_S: your lost email is probably on the disk, but it'll take some time to recover it - in most cases not worth it17:11
Lukas_SThank you RoyK and vraa17:14
axisys_anyone here can help w/ my apache2 virtualhost ?17:16
axisys_i am getting this ..17:16
vraaaxisys_ want to try pastebin your apache.conf ?17:16
vraaor httpd.conf, whatever u have used for settings17:16
axisys_[Tue Apr 27 12:13:34 2010] [error] Init: Multiple RSA server certificates not allowed17:17
axisys_vraa: let me repaste :-)17:17
RoyKvraa: sites-enabled/somesite?17:17
smoserttx, testing the 20100427.1 build.17:17
vraayeah that's it RoyK17:17
smoserthere is at least one new failure that i'd not seen before.17:17
axisys_vraa: http://pastie.org/private/uoq7oom5dqkllamjazgfa17:18
axisys_i asked the debian guys .. they suggested to talk to you guys17:18
jdstrandcjs: seems you are right-- I thought you could do that...17:19
jdstrandwell, it makes my testing easier :)17:19
vraado you have files in /etc/apache2/ssl ? http://www.tc.umn.edu/~brams006/selfsign_ubuntu.html17:20
cjsjdstrand: For a fun RAID1 test, create two: md0 128 MB /boot ext4 and md1 "the rest" LVM with root and swap in that LVM.17:20
cjsThat's the configuration that isn't working for me right now, though it appears as if it may be a BIOS issue or something like that for me.17:20
axisys_vraa: asking me?17:21
cjsOh, don't forget to do a 1MB biosgrub partition on each disk as well.17:21
vraayeah for your multipel rsa server certificates not allowed issue17:23
axisys_vraa: i dont have a dir called /etc/apache2/ssl17:23
cjsOk, here's a fun little problem with a 10.04 install that appears to have gotten a bit borked.17:25
vraaaxisys_ do you have a sites-available/ssl file like in that tutorial?17:25
vraahttp://beginlinux.com/blog/2009/01/ssl-on-ubuntu-810-apache2/  <-- you followed something like this ya?17:26
cjsIt boots, but all I see on the screen is "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2" (twice), /dev/mapper/iambic-iambic-root: clean ...", "/dev/md0: clean, ..." (the md0 is/boot). And then it just sits there. None of the other VTs have anything on them, and none respond to key presses. Ctrl-alt-del does print some rc shutdown messages and reboot the system, however. What's up?17:27
axisys_vraa: i was following this17:27
axisys_vraa: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/httpd.html17:27
vraadid you read the section on certificates? you gererated and obtained it properly?17:29
vraahow many certs do you have in the /etc/ssl/certs dir?17:29
axisys_vraa: 28717:29
vraalol wait maybe i asked the wrong question17:30
axisys_vraa: :-)17:30
vraayou put 443 in your apache2/ports.conf ?17:31
axisys_vraa: it is there by default .. never touched it17:32
vraasorry axisys_ i dont know :(17:35
axisys_vraa: thanks..17:39
jdstrandttx: fyi, I've identified my tests for raid1, but it will take me a while to complete them17:41
jdstrandttx: (I've started)17:42
jdstrandand I updated the test case in the qa tracker17:42
jdstrandthat didn't come out right17:42
jdstrandI updated my test results in the qa tracker17:42
ivoksmathiaz: yes, i've tried, but it seems it's not working17:56
ivoksmathiaz: or, i'm doing something wrong :)17:56
mean67is there a way to access the server I set up via another machine18:09
ivoksduring installation?18:09
mean67well I want to change server settings and such frrom another machine18:10
mean67like a xp box18:10
ivoksif you installed ssh server on it, putty18:10
mean67apache2 is on it18:11
astroboyI am having some problem to set up a simple auth in apache18:13
astroboyI have this in httpd.conf: http://pastebin.com/jD9GrEX418:13
astroboybut it doesn't work, I am not asked for auth18:13
ttxhggdh: how is it going on the UEC images side ?18:14
hggdhttx: the usual. I have just finished topo2, and now I am starting topo1 (the simple)18:15
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hggdhttx: ~59% success, known bugs18:15
ivoksmean67: apache is web service18:16
ivoksmean67: you can't administer server via web18:16
ivoksmean67: unless you install ebox or something like that18:16
ttxhggdh: any chance you could run the tests as described on the tracker ? Single instance + userdata tests ?18:16
ttx(and mark them done if they pass ?)18:16
hggdhttx: I do not see an userdata test there18:18
hggdhttx: but yes, I am marking them as I go thru. the separate topology has been marked nad the preseeded one18:19
hggdhttx: should I still mark the known bugs in the tracker?18:20
zulttx: i386 is hunkey dory18:21
ttxhggdh: sure. test passed, but with known issues if you scale it18:22
ttxso it's in the "passed with bugs" category18:22
hggdhttx: ack18:24
hggdhwill add tehm in18:24
ivokscjwatson: should %packages work in kickstart?18:25
cjwatsonivoks: ought to ...18:26
ivokscjwatson: and tasks should be @task?18:26
cjwatson@ task18:26
ivoksthat doesn't work18:27
cjwatsonthough I think I made @task work too, even though it isn't the official syntax18:27
cjwatsonbug please18:27
ivoksi was just confirming that i'm not doing something stupid :)18:27
jcastrocjwatson: you fixed @blah to work18:31
cjwatsonjcastro: yes; that doesn't change the fact that the official syntax is @ task :-)18:32
jcastroyeah, my main issue is I didn't know the whitespace was significant18:32
jcastroall we need now is @ ppa:blah to work. :)18:32
modHi all, I'm setting up some slave dns configuration and for some reason the slave is unable to write the temporary file used for gathering the xfer'd data from the master18:32
modnamed is running as 'bind', /etc/bind is owned as root.bind, and its 177518:33
modApr 27 10:29:00 jyg named[15412]: dumping master file: /etc/bind/tmp-1PdFYCOqiW: open: permission denied18:33
modand ... Apr 27 10:29:00 jyg kernel: [3029569.585466] type=1503 audit(1272389340.784:41): operation="mknod" pid=15413 parent=1 profile="/usr/sbin/named" requested_mask="w::" denied_mask="w::" fsuid=114 ouid=114 name="/etc/bind/tmp-1PdFYCOqiW"18:33
modIs there some selinux-like permission I need to tweak?18:34
qman__mod, ubuntu uses apparmor profiles18:53
ivokscjwatson: kickstart %packages was a false alarm... sorry about that19:00
antares79hello everyone. does anyone have tips for improving the performance of kvm disk IO? i only get ~35 MByte/s from the VM, on the host I get about 100 MByte/sec, using virtio and an LVM volume as storage19:08
ivoks_antares79: are you using virtio?19:11
ivoks_i just noticed you are :)19:12
RoAkSoAxjiboumans, ping19:29
jiboumansRoAkSoAx: on a call-pong19:30
mean67so what do I need other then my ubuntu server to set up an interal web site19:30
RoAkSoAxjiboumans, quick question. Is Cloud loadbalancing idea for Maverick session, is loadbalancing of the actual servers or loadbalancing in running instances?19:30
RoAkSoAxjiboumans, i.e. loadbalancing of webservers running on the cloud19:35
hggdhkirkland: heh. You were fast, man ;-)19:46
cjsmod: /etc/apparmor.d/... needs to be tweaked, most likely. That always bites me.19:50
cjsantares79: Are you giving KVM a raw partition?19:51
jdstrandmod: see /usr/share/doc/bind9/README.Debian.gz for where bind9 expects the slave zones to go19:52
jdstrandmod: basically, /var/lib/bind919:52
jdstrandthe apparmor profile should work with the documented file locations19:53
jdstrandif you insist on /etc/bind9, then you need to update the profile19:53
RyanPI have some servers with dual power supplies, each connected to a different APC UPS. Is there any way to have apcupsd do something sensible with this setup?19:55
cjsRyanP: doesn't it make sense just to monitor one, since if you lose power presumably both PSUs go on battery anyway?19:57
cjsYou're not covered if you have a single-PSU failure, it happens to be on the UPS you're monitoring, and the other has a shorter battery life, but still....19:59
RyanPcjs: You're probably right, but I was just wondering if there was an easy way to do it.20:00
cjwatsonivoks: mkay, cool20:05
cjsRyanP: The easy way is to monitor just the one that has the shorter battery life. To do it truly right, you'd actually need to combine information from both UPSes and both PSUs so that you know you're not relying on a UPS feeding a failed PSU.20:05
Italian_PlumberI have a number of directories contiaining zips. http://pastebin.com/TEU8iPBp ... From the parent, I want to unzip all of them.  "unzip \*/\*.zip" doesn't work.  Any ideas?20:18
_rubensomething like (untested): find -name \*.zip -exec unzip {} \;20:19
Ziderfind . -iname "*.zip" -exec unzip {} \;20:19
Italian_Plumberokay, find -name \*.zip -exec unzip {} \; works ... thanks!20:28
Italian_Plumberhow would I get it to put the uzipped files in the child directory from which the zip file came?20:29
tsimpsonfor zipfile in $(find . -name '*.zip'); do cd $(dirname "$zipfile"); unzip "$zipfile"; cd -; done20:31
Italian_Plumber:) wow20:32
tsimpsonfor-loops are useful things20:32
Italian_Plumberunfortunately that does not work...20:32
mathiazzul: hi!20:32
mathiazzul: do you have some time to go through some of the remaining i386 test cases?20:33
zulmathiaz: bonjour20:33
zulmathiaz: sure20:33
tsimpsonItalian_Plumber: ah right20:33
mathiazzul: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/413420:33
mathiazzul: raid1 and crypted lvm haven't seen any tests up to now20:33
tsimpsonItalian_Plumber: try, for zipfile in $(find . -name '*.zip'); do cd $(dirname "$zipfile"); unzip $(basename "$zipfile"); cd -; done20:34
zulmathiaz: i dont have the spare  hardware for crypted raid20:34
tsimpsondirname extracts the directory, basename extracts the last component (file name)20:34
mathiazzul: you mean you don't have a system with two hd?20:34
zulmathiaz:pretty much20:34
mathiazzul: AFAICT the lvm crypted test case only requires one hard drive20:35
zullemme poke around though20:35
cjsSo what's the simplest way to create and install a new KVM based on a raw disk partition rather than a file?20:35
mathiazzul: or you can use a virtual machine for the crypted lvm test case20:35
zulmathiaz: thats what I was thinking of doing20:36
Italian_PlumberThanks tsimpson!  That seems to have worked.20:36
Italian_PlumberYou rock.... so much that I blindly trust your command lines. :)20:36
mathiazzul: seems like a good plan to me20:36
Italian_Plumberwill that work recursively?20:37
tsimpsonyeah, it just processes all the entries returned from find, which is recursive by default20:38
tsimpsonbtw, if there are any spaces you may want to wrap those $(...) sections in quotes20:38
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tsimpsonie: for zipfile in $(find . -name '*.zip'); do cd "$(dirname "$zipfile")"; unzip "$(basename "$zipfile")"; cd -; done20:38
mathiazsmoser: is anyone testing ami-7f97c63a ?20:38
mathiazsmoser: IIUC both ami-594d672d and ami-5f4d672b are currently being tested20:39
tsimpsonItalian_Plumber: or: find . -iname '*.zip'| while read zipfile; do cd "$(dirname "$zipfile")"; file "$(basename "$zipfile")"; cd -; done20:40
tsimpsonLinux: a million ways to do the same thing :)20:40
Italian_Plumberspaces, in my command line, or in the pathnames?20:44
tsimpsonin the path or file names20:45
tsimpsonthe last command I posted works with spaces in either20:45
Italian_Plumberhmm.. yup there are some spaces20:46
TeTeThas anybody ever installed two UEC in the same subnet with Lucid?20:46
mathiazTeTeT: what do you mean exactly?20:46
mathiazTeTeT: what's the issue you're seeing?20:46
TeTeTmathiaz: come to yoho :)20:46
Italian_Plumber...and it did skip them.20:46
Jeeves_mathiaz: I'll try to do the Server RAID1 Install in virtualbox. Is that good enough?20:48
Italian_PlumberI'll run it again, but I'll have to incorporate the "skip if file already exists" in uznip20:49
tsimpsonit shouldn't matter to much, it'll just extract the same files to the same places20:50
Italian_Plumber"unzip:  cannot find or open Kerry, Kerry.zip or Kerry.ZIP."20:50
mean67what would I need to set up an internal web site at home20:52
mean67I have the server already going20:52
Jeeves_mean67: Apache ?20:53
mean67thats on there20:53
Jeeves_It depends what you want to run on you're website?20:53
tsimpsonapache, a domain name pointing to you IP, port forwarding if you are behind a firewall/router20:53
mean67well I am think ing just for start just somethign static20:53
mean67and I think I am just going to use the IP and not give it a name20:54
mean67so I thought that i would need something to make the site and then uplaod it20:55
tsimpsonthen just apache and point your browser to http://localhost/20:55
mathiazJeeves_: yes - that would be helpful20:55
mean67or am I way off20:55
Italian_Plumbertsimpson: so if I wanted to add "-n" to that command it would be "for zipfile in $(find . -name '*.zip'); do cd "$(dirname "$zipfile")"; unzip -n "$(basename "$zipfile")"; cd -; done"?20:55
tsimpsonItalian_Plumber: yes, but use the while... one instead or it'll still blow up on spaces20:56
tsimpsonfind . -iname '*.zip'| while read zipfile; do cd "$(dirname "$zipfile")"; unzip -n "$(basename "$zipfile")"; cd -; done20:56
tsimpsonthe while... one reads a line, rather than a "word"20:57
Italian_Plumberok it seems to be working20:57
Italian_Plumbertsimpson: thanks again!21:03
tsimpsonno problem :)21:03
Italian_Plumbersomeday I'll be able to bang out command lines like that. :)21:03
zulmathiaz: i did the crypt one. ill do the raid one when i get back tonight21:12
Italian_Plumberwow those unzips are beating up my poor little box. :)21:14
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Italian_Plumber load average: 3.23, 3.19, 2.5421:16
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hggdhkirkland: right now running topo3, when it is done I will test the fix21:29
hggdhon topo221:29
Jeeves_Pff. I could do with virtualization support in my cpu :)21:33
kirklandhggdh: thanks21:34
kirklandhggdh: you da man21:34
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Italian_Plumbermind if I throw another one in there?21:37
Italian_PlumberI have a directory with 28,000  files.  I'd like to create directories and divide the files up and move them into those directories.  Say, create 280 directories and move files 1-100 into directory 001, and move 101-200 into directory 2.21:39
Jeeves_Italian_Plumber: ls | while read file; do c1=`echo $file | cut -c1`; c2=`echo $file | cut -c2`; mkdir -p $c1/$c2 && mv $file $c1/$c2/$file; done21:40
Jeeves_or something like that21:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #570936 in bind9 (main) "permission denied on /var/run/named/named.stats" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57093621:41
Italian_Plumberwill that do all 280 directories?21:44
sorenItalian_Plumber1: I'll take a file called qwerty and move it into q/w, so it becomes q/w/qwerty.21:58
sorenItalian_Plumber1: Well.. Mostly.21:58
sorenIf the files all have safe names.21:59
Jeeves_soren: That is the assumption indeed :022:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #570944 in samba (main) "passwd : gives "Authentication token manipulation error"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57094422:01
HypnozWhile doing a dist-upgrade, my /boot hit 99% and caused the dist-upgrade to "fail" at the end. Anyone know how I can make dist-upgrade finish?22:08
Hypnozgot it22:08
mathiazhggdh: hey22:33
mathiazhggdh: which uec images are you using to conduct the testing?22:33
mathiazhggdh: what I'm looking at is http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/414322:34
mathiazhggdh: and http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/414422:34
mathiazhggdh: IIUC these tests cover running uec images on a UEC setup22:34
smoser20100427.1 is the candidate22:39
mathiazsmoser: right22:39
mathiazsmoser: so the test is to spin the instance on a UEC22:39
hggdhmathiaz: 20100427.122:45
mathiazhggdh: does that mean that some of the test cases above are actually already covered?22:46
hggdhmore correctly, 20100427.1 for UEC, 20100427 for the base install22:46
hggdhmathiaz: let me look at them22:46
hggdhmathiaz: indeed. I marked 4143 as passed22:47
hggdhmathiaz: 4144 is still to be done, and I can do it22:48
Jeeves_mathiaz: /me--22:48
Jeeves_Did the qa-test, but I'm stupid22:48
mathiazhggdh: great - I guess you have access to a working UEC setup?22:49
hggdhmathiaz: the lab's, yes22:49
Jeeves_I used the normal iso (from releases), not the one from cdimage22:49
hggdhmathiaz: right now setting it up for the OutOfMemory fix22:49
mathiazhggdh: right - could you test the UEC images first?22:49
Jeeves_I'll do better next time :)22:49
mathiazhggdh: the outofmemory fix is targeted for an SRU22:49
hggdhmathiaz: it is installing right now22:50
mathiazhggdh: where as the UEC images are targeted for Release22:50
hggdhso no can do. As soon as it is installed, I will run the userdata22:50
mathiazhggdh: excellent - seems like a good plan to me!22:50
hggdhmathiaz: the base install is the *same*, I would just add the fixes22:50
hggdhso no risk there. I just get it done before dpkg -i the fixes22:51
Jeeves_Anyway, off to bed22:51
mathiazhggdh: cool - thanks for squeezing these in your testing plans22:52
hggdhmathiaz: no prob, and they do take time to set up & run, so adding them in makes no difference ;-)22:54
jeeveshow can I fix this pooched install of Dovecot?  sudo apt-get --purge remove dovecot*22:58
jeevesReading package lists... Done22:58
jeevesBuilding dependency tree22:58
jeevesReading state information... Done22:58
jeevesNote, selecting dovecot-dev for regex 'dovecot*'22:58
jeevesNote, selecting dovecot-imapd for regex 'dovecot*'22:58
jeevesNote, selecting dovecot-pop3d for regex 'dovecot*'22:58
jeevesNote, selecting dovecot for regex 'dovecot*'22:58
jeevesNote, selecting dovecot-common for regex 'dovecot*'22:58
jeevesThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:22:58
jeeves  intltool-debian po-debconf gettext expect tcl8.422:58
jeevesUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.22:58
jeevesThe following packages will be REMOVED:22:58
jeeves  dovecot-common* dovecot-imapd* dovecot-pop3d*22:58
jeeves0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 3 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:58
jeeves3 not fully installed or removed.22:58
jeevesAfter this operation, 5849kB disk space will be freed.22:58
jeevesDo you want to continue [Y/n]? y22:58
jeeves(Reading database ... 70906 files and directories currently installed.)22:58
jeevesRemoving dovecot-pop3d ...22:58
jeevesinvoke-rc.d: initscript dovecot, action "stop" failed.22:58
jeevesdpkg: error processing dovecot-pop3d (--purge):22:58
jeeves subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 122:58
jeevesinvoke-rc.d: initscript dovecot, action "restart" failed.22:58
jeevesdpkg: error while cleaning up:22:58
jeeves subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 122:59
jeevesRemoving dovecot-imapd ...22:59
jeevesinvoke-rc.d: initscript dovecot, action "stop" failed.22:59
jeevesdpkg: error processing dovecot-imapd (--purge):22:59
jeeves subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 122:59
jeevesRemoving dovecot-common ...22:59
jeevesinvoke-rc.d: initscript dovecot, action "stop" failed.22:59
jeevesdpkg: error processing dovecot-common (--purge):22:59
jeeves subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 122:59
jeevesErrors were encountered while processing:22:59
jeeves dovecot-pop3d22:59
jeeves dovecot-imapd22:59
jeeves dovecot-common22:59
jeevesE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:59
jeevessorry, flood22:59
RoAkSoAx!paste | jeeves23:03
ubottujeeves: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:03
jeevesRoAkSoAx, thanks.  I relized I didn't have the pastebin link on my clipboard just as I posted it.  if you see, the last line is the poastebin link23:03
RoAkSoAxjeeves, oh sorry then :) i just so the flood23:04
jeevesRoAkSoAx, no worries.  I would have jumped on someone for the same thing.23:06
jeevesany ideas on this mess?23:06
RoAkSoAxjeeves, no im sorry but you could always file a bug or search to see if there's a bug already filled23:06
jeevesRoAkSoAx, no worries23:07
jeevesanyone want to take a shot @ this one?  http://pastebin.com/ScraKdfM23:46
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez

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