
=== tootherminator is now known as facundobatista
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evonHow do I sync my online ubuntuone folder with the one i have on my computer?04:09
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elzappYay... it seems that my transfer queue is (slowly) decreasing06:42
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duanedesignerr, morning all :)09:33
ryeduanedesign, morning!09:36
kermiachello rye :)09:39
ryekermiac, i am nearly 20 minutes away from running ./oops-fighter.py and it will process all server-side bug reports and mark them as duplicates....09:40
ryeubottu, you are not helping, at all09:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:40
ryeyou are not helping nevertheless09:40
kermiacrye: duanedesign: is there a better workaround for the "STANDOFF state" bug than killing the login & syncdeamon processes?09:41
ryekermiac, unfortunately no, it stucks in that state09:41
kermiacrye: re oops script - that's awesome :)09:41
duanedesignrye and it gets stuck in that state because of a disruption in the connection?09:42
ryeduanedesign, well, because it did not get the notification that connection broke and it will happen more often now that the servers are crowded which is now being fixed by adding more server and making it super fast. I am waiting to become a victim of a new db layout to see how much fast that is..09:43
duanedesignthank you. Just making sure i understand it. :)09:46
kermiacshould "killall ubuntuone-login && killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon" be enough to temporarily get around the STANDOFF state? I feel like I might be missing another setep - I'm trying to put together another gm-scripts response09:46
duanedesignalso i have not had my coffe yet this morning, but this is not something i think i have seen before. bug 53327709:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533277 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu One FATAL ERROR, IndexError: list index out of range" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53327709:48
duanedesignkermiac: maybe, quit the client ?09:49
kermiacduanedesign: hmm... maybe "killall ubuntuone-login && killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon && killall ubuntuone-client-applet" ? This is for karmic where there is an applet09:51
ryegm-scripts response... why my gm scripts do not work with lp?..09:51
kermiacrye: I'm not sure mate, what's going wrong?09:52
ryekermiac, well, the monkey sits in firefox status bar, displays that lp scripts are loaded but they do not have any effect...09:53
kermiacrye: I had issues with greasmonkey & karmic... what about using the lp-improvements ff plugin? It's pretty much exactly the same as the greasemonkey scripts. I'm using that on my Karmic box09:55
kermiacrye: then just modify or add any responses as required09:56
kermiacnot ideal, but it's the workaround I use on my karmic box. Greasemonkey seems to work fine on my lucid machine though09:57
kermiacre STANDOFF state, should a reboot get it "unstuck" from the STANDOFF state, or would you need to kill the processes manually if it's stuck?10:01
kermiacsorry, just trying to make sure I've got my head around it properly & I haven't reproduced it locally10:02
kermiacrye: duanedesign ^^ ?10:04
duanedesigni think so. But from what ihave noticed the problem is usually caused by something else that causes it to keep happening10:04
duanedesignBut i have only worked with a couple people who have had this.10:05
ryekermiac, the problem is as follows - connection drops and syncdaemon switches to STANDOFF state waiting for the notification about closed connection to arrive (i.e. to retry), however that notification does not come because it is lost10:05
kermiacah, so that won't really help hehe thanks. I need to investigate the OP's issue further to get to the cause of the problem (i.e. why the connection was lost). Thanks for the explanation - it makes sense now10:06
ryekermiac, connection can be lost now due to server overload :(10:12
kermiacrye: yes, I've seen that mentioned in here :( is there any way to tell if the connection was lost due to overload?10:13
kermiacah, life calls.... bbs10:13
ryekermiac, well, it is more likely connection is lost due to overload if nothing else is specified in the bug report10:13
ryeperl knowledge interferes with basic python skills...10:13
popeyrye: i managed to get my notes to sync from ubuntu up to u1 in the end, which is great, but windows fails to sync10:19
duanedesignhmmm, i cant do a half smilie...10:20
duanedesignpopey: were you having an issue syncing your notes on Lucid?10:22
teknicorye, then you know what to do :-P10:22
duanedesignthis morning i cant seem to sync. Havent started to look into it yet.10:23
ryeduanedesign, can't sync couchdb or files?10:23
ryeduanedesign, hmm10:24
ryepopey, you just get server error, right?10:24
popeyduanedesign: i was but i have fixed it10:24
duanedesignyeah i got a 404  http://fpaste.org/OOsX/10:27
rye404.. grrrrrrrrrr10:29
rye404 means that token has expired, which is strange because they do not expire10:29
popeyah, i just cleared my sync settings and tried to re-set it up. Clicked the connect button and it says "Server not responding. Try again later"10:33
popeythe url I have in there is https://one.ubuntu.com/notes10:33
elzappIs the musicstore down today?11:25
elzapp"Connecting you to the Ubuntu One Music Store..." when I'm proceeding to checkout11:25
ryeaquarius, ^11:39
aquariuselzapp, does it happen repeatedly, or has it just happened once?11:41
elzappI can only do it once, because when I return it still says the same. However, I've tried on two machines, and it's happened on both11:42
aquariuselzapp, we know there's a problem there, but we've never managed to replicate it to debug it. Are you able to spend a little time debugging?11:43
aquariuselzapp, ok. Quit Rhythmbox (make sure it's actually quit, not just minimized to the notification area), and then start a terminal (applications > accessories > terminal)11:44
aquarius(sorry if you already know this stuff; do say so if you do)11:44
aquariusand then start rhythmbox as: rhythmbox -D U111:44
aquariusthen try adding the song to your basket again and going to checkout, and tell me if you get the same problem.11:45
elzappDamn. Now it worked.11:45
ryeok, starting to auto-duplicate server-side bug reports11:47
aquariuselzapp, heh. You see our problem. We can't make it happen on demand, either, which makes it almost impossible to debug :(11:48
elzappI know very well that sort of problems11:53
elzappI'll attempt to do it on the other machine as well11:53
aquariusif you manage to get the error while you're running as rhythmbox -D U1, I would very much like to see the terminal output in a pastebin11:55
elzappaquarius: I have one question... does my music purchases use space off my quota?11:57
elzappNo dice on the other machine either11:58
aquariusyes. However, you can purchase music even if you are up to your quota limit; music purchases themselves avoid the quota.11:58
aquariusthanks for attempting to debug; if it happens again in the future, do please try again if you get the chance. I'd really like to nail this bug, I just can't find a way of making it happen.11:59
elzappBy the way, it was not in checkout, but when adding a release to the shopping cart12:02
elzappAntother question: can I control the "mountpoint" for syncronized folders?12:05
elzappSay, I have one machine with English language, and one with Norwegian language. On the english machine the music folder is Music, on the norwegian folder it's called "Musikk". Can I make the same folder on U1 syncronize to the correct location on each machine?12:06
elzappWithout symlinking Musikk to Music?12:07
elzappaquarius: I think I've spotted another bug in the music store...12:13
elzappSearch for "Tron"12:14
aquariuselzapp, the folder *does* synchronize to the same location on each machine.12:14
elzappI mean, search for "Joker", then select the release "Joker - Tron"12:14
aquariuselzapp, the library folder in Rhythmbox is ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/XXX, where XXX is a translation of "Purchased from Ubuntu One" in your language.12:15
elzappaquarius: Yes, I'll explain my question better in a moment12:15
elzappIn that release (Joker - Tron) there's two tracks12:16
elzappTron (Original Mix) and Tron (VIP mix)12:16
aquariuselzapp, ok, I can see those two tracks12:17
elzappThen when you buy the release, you'll notice that both is named Joker - Tron in the downloadlist.12:17
elzappAnd, in the end it seems that only one of them will be downloaded12:17
aquariuselzapp, ah, yep; files with the same name is a known bug which is being worked on.12:17
elzappSo, now I didn't get the track I actually wanted, since I bought the whole release :/12:18
aquariuselzapp, honest truth: it did not occur to me when I built the original download code that an album would have two songs with the same name, hence this bug :( We're working on it, though.12:18
elzappI see12:18
elzappYes, I would've thought that the mixname also was included in the filename12:19
aquariusas would we12:19
aquariusbut the metadata we get for the track does not include it. It is most vexing.12:19
elzapphow about the tracknumber then?12:19
aquariusso we're going to work around it, but it's quite fiddly. Sorry that you've been tripped up by this bug12:19
elzappI would've liked to have the tracknumber in the filename anyways12:20
aquariusso would the rest of us. The track number isn't in the metadata, though :(12:20
elzapplovely :p12:21
aquariuselzapp, welcome to my life ;)12:21
elzappI feel with you... I know very well how it is to integrate against incomplete and crappy API's12:21
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ryeaquarius, can we pre-fetch the song, look at its metadata first (which is in the file itself) and then start operating on the new data... or no tracknumber in e.g. mp3 metadata at all?12:23
elzappCome again when the apps you're developing against is produced by another team in your own company, and since you, beeing a collegue, are not a paying customer, and thus is in the back of the queue to get the bugs fixed12:24
aquariusrye, no, not without a complete and total rewrite of *everything*.12:24
elzappdo you have *anything* that's unique in the metadata?12:25
elzappI know musicstores like www.beatport.com is prefixing each trackname with a track-id12:26
aquariuselzapp, it's not clear -- that's why this bug isn't fixed yet, because I need to be sure that the uniqueness is applicable to every track.12:26
elzappwhich is that track's ID in the catalogue12:26
aquariusAlso, I don't want to use the unique thing I do have (track ID) in the filename, because having files called 987654-Tron.mp3 would be really irritating.12:27
elzappheh, yeah, but that's how beatport does itr12:27
aquariusWhat I'll probably do is only use it for duplicates, so you'd get FirstTrack.mp3, DupeTrack (123456).mp3, and DupeTrack (234567).mp312:28
Treenaksthat sounds reasonableish12:28
aquariusbut that's a bit non-trivial to do, because you have to walk over the whole list first to see if you've got any duplicates, and then walk back over it again to allocate names, and you have to be careful that adding (trackid) doesn't make the name too long, and...etc, etc, etc. This is why this is not fixed yet.12:29
elzappyes... I would run my own rename-script on it anyway, and use the id3-tags12:29
aquariusI recommend that you don't rename purchased tracks, because if you do that the Music Store thinks that you don't have them any more...12:29
elzapptoo long filenames?12:29
aquariuselzapp, ya. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/56733912:30
elzappaquarius: thanks for the warning12:30
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/567339)12:30
aquariusah, is a private bug.12:30
elzappwhat would happen when the store thinks I don't have the file anymore?12:31
aquariusIt'll show it as "You've deleted or moved this file; click to download it again" in My Downloads12:35
aquariusso it's not a crisis or anything.12:35
elzappCan I use that to get the other track?12:35
aquariusI don't think so.12:36
aquariusbut I'd be interested in what happens if you try :)12:36
aquarius(I recommend taking a second copy of the mp3 you've got first, though)12:36
elzappI provoked the problem with the cart again12:37
elzappthere you go, aquarius12:39
aquariusrodrigo_, we have a replication of the "libu1 shows the error page when checking out" problem12:39
aquariusrodrigo_, http://pastebin.com/LuL1yPwS -- looks like calling the login D-Bus method failed12:39
* rodrigo_ looks12:39
aquariusrodrigo_, what might cause that? how do we fix it?12:39
aquariuselzapp, rodrigo_ is the expert on this part :)12:39
elzappI have an idea why this happens :)12:40
elzappYesterday, when I was debugging a file synchronization problem, I noticed that the client disconnects pretty often from the u1 filestorage12:41
elzappthen, each time that happens, it takes the DBus service down and up again12:41
elzappIf I then use the store at the same time, it can't access the dbus for syncdaemon12:42
rodrigo_well, from that log, dbus calls are failing, yes12:42
rodrigo_we don't deal correctly with dbus going down after having started the music store12:42
rodrigo_elzapp, if you restart rhythmbox, does it work, right?12:44
elzapprodrigo_: Probably, just a sec12:45
ryerodrigo_, hm, can we just follow dbus name change in rb plugin?..12:45
ryename owner change12:45
rodrigo_rye, yes, we can12:46
elzappI can fonfirm that12:47
elzappconfirm even12:47
elzappthat it works after restarting rhythmbox12:47
rodrigo_elzapp, if you file a bug, I can cook a fix quickly and, maybe, we can ask for an update to the lucid package, although not 100% sure we'll can12:50
elzappI'll file a bug then :)12:52
elzappWhat parts of the logfile do you need attached?12:52
elzappand where is U1s launchpad? (cuz I'm lazy)12:53
elzappOk, seems that I guessed right12:54
aquariusubuntu-bug libubuntuone-1.0-1 will file the bug for you12:55
elzappaquarius: according to this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/544596 a fix is committed for the filename conflict problem ... or?12:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 544596 in ubuntuone-servers "Songs not transferred from music store to U1 storage" [Critical,Fix committed]12:56
aquariuselzapp, the fix is committed but not yet rolled out12:57
elzappHm, wait a minute...12:59
ryecouchdb is down, pinged admins13:00
elzappIf you already have a bug on "libu1 shows the error page when checking out", shouldn't I justb attach my data to that one?13:00
rodrigo_elzapp, attach the log you pastebin'ed13:01
elzappbut I can't seem to find the bug13:02
ryecouchdb is up13:02
rodrigo_elzapp, file a new one, the other one was fixed, and the cause was different13:02
rodrigo_elzapp, the new bug is about not working ok with syncdaemon being killed13:03
aquariusyeah. There are about six ways that you can get the error page when you check out. This has made tracking down the problems be quite hard13:04
aquariusand every time we think we've finally fixed it it turns out there's another reason why it might fail ;)13:04
Treenaksaquarius: Time for "Your error id is musicstore-12345"-style errors? :)13:07
aquariusTreenaks, I have been thinking about that in some detail for maverick.13:09
aquariusAt the moment we swallow all errors up into one single error page, which gives you the option to reload because the most common error by miles is "you are not connected to the internet".13:10
aquariusBut I think we need something a little more detailed, and a Back button as well as reload.13:10
elzappUm... Isn't it possible to attach more than one file when reporting a bug?13:17
elzappthere we go https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libubuntuone/+bug/57067213:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 570672 in libubuntuone ""connecting..." page when adding tracks to the basket" [Undecided,New]13:20
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elzappaquarius: I renamed the Joker - Tron track.. Nothing has happened yet, though..13:58
aquariuselzapp, what happens if you go back to My Downloads?13:58
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elzappthe my downloads screen still shows 0% downloaded for one of the tracks, and "transferring to ubuntu one" for the other. Just as it did before13:59
aquariusOK, so renaming a duplicate song doesn't work :(13:59
aquariusslightly concerned that you're seeing 0% downloaded for a track which actually is downloaded, mind.13:59
elzappor to be exact "Tron - Joker14:00
elzappor to be exact "Transferring to your Ubuntu One storage" and "0MB downloaded" respectivelt14:01
elzappNo idea which is the one I got and which is the one I didn't get though...14:02
elzappboth listings is bad14:03
bachi verterok -- last week i turned on the debugging like you asked for the syncdaemon.  the sync still has not happened.14:09
elzappbac: turning on debugging won't make the problem go away by itself. It just makes it possible to find out why stuff doesn't work14:10
bacelzapp: yes.  i was alerting verterok that the debugging has been in place for a while and there should be plenty of data to look at now.14:11
bacelzapp: i just wasn't that verbose.  :)14:11
elzappaha, that makes more sense :)14:11
* bac passive aggressive this morning14:11
elzappbac: if you do "u1sdtool --current-transfers", does all transfers have bytes written/bytes read equal to deflated size?14:12
bacelzapp: no.  it shows 0, 0.  for some reason the syncdaemon is not recognizing there are files that need to be transfered.14:14
bacelzapp: verterok and i worked on debugging this issue quite a bit last week.14:15
elzappIs u1sdtool -s saying "connection: With User With Network"?14:15
verterokbac: hi14:16
verterokbac: refresh my memory, it was an issue with purchased music?14:16
bacverterok: yes.  a couple of albums got stuck due to issues on the server you resolved.  now one album has downloaded and the other shows up on the web files list but has not transfered locally.14:17
bacverterok: rhythmbox shows "transferring to your U1 storage"" for the affected files, though they are already transfered on the server.14:18
verterokbac: and you can download the affected files from the web?14:22
bacverterok: haven't tried14:22
verterokbac: please try it, and check if the file is "ok"14:24
bacverterok: yes, downloaded one file and it is playing now.14:24
verterokbac: is there a bug for this?14:25
verterokbac: please could you upload full debug logs to pastebin/devpad/chinstrap or to the bug?14:26
bacverterok: sure14:26
bacverterok: it's at http://people.canonical.com/~bac/syncdaemon.log.gz but looks pretty boring14:30
verterokbac: indeed, please: tar -cjf syncdaemon-logs.tar.bz2 ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log ;)14:31
facundobatistabac, sorry if you already told this: which song is "stuck"?14:32
bacfacundobatista: an entire album -- django reinhardt14:33
bacverterok: no, i never filed a bug.14:33
bacverterok: http://people.canonical.com/~bac/syncdaemon-logs.tar.bz214:34
bacfacundobatista: which is a little ironic...14:35
facundobatistaverterok, do you know who calls current_status every 5 seconds?14:35
verterokfacundobatista: no idea14:35
verterokbac: ok, nothing interesting in the logs...looks like the files were rotated and now most of the useful info is gone :(14:36
facundobatistabac, are you calling SyncDaemon's get current status every 5 seconds somehow?14:37
bacfacundobatista: no14:38
ryeverterok, there was a metadata upgrade issue with didrocks - see people.canonical.com:~didrocks/ubuntuone. http://paste.ubuntu.com/420938/14:44
verterokrye: yes14:44
ryeverterok, the location there is full of metadata, so if you are interested - feel free to grab14:44
verterokrye: looks like a partially upgraded metadata, e.g: syncdaemon was killed/terminated during metadata upgrade :(14:44
verterokrye: there is all the metadata from didrocks machine?14:45
ryeverterok, hm, he uploaded it as is, w/o archiving...14:46
CardinalFanglucio__, hihi!  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/desktopcouch/+bug/451809   You re-set to Confimed on 25 Jan.  Is that true?14:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 451809 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch applications throw 401 error" [High,Confirmed]14:46
verterokrye: ok, I'll check, thanks14:46
ryeverterok, thanks!14:46
lucio__CardinalFang, i really cant tell now.14:47
lucio__CardinalFang, it really looks like i did change to confirmed, but i did not comment (-1 on me)14:48
CardinalFanglucio__, do you mind terribly if I set it Incomplete?14:49
lucio__CardinalFang, not at all. i can re test if you tell me how14:49
CardinalFanglucio__, Well, if you use a desktop-couch--using app, and it crashes, then you have tested.  Gwibber is a good test.14:50
lucio__im not touching gwibber, sorry, any other candidates?14:50
ryei got my own "server" couchdb...14:52
ryenow i need to make it timeout14:53
facundobatistabac, the logs are rotated and we lost the info because of this: #57072414:54
facundobatistabac, please, restart the syncdaemon, so, it will start again, let it go to IDLE, and we can check those logs14:55
facundobatistabac, and avoid staying in the Downloads page of Rhythmbox, to avoid that bug14:55
CardinalFanglucio__, Hah.  'ps x |grep desktopcouc[h]' and if service isn't running , then just run  /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service from the terminal.14:56
bacfacundobatista: ok14:57
facundobatistabac, thanks14:57
lucio__CardinalFang, hitting "We seem to be running already, or can't publish our zeroconf advert." now. my isp has a .local domain14:59
verterokCardinalFang, lucio: I filed a similar bug regarding desktopcouch-pair or a related app15:03
ryebug #50660115:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506601 in ubuntuone-client "Pairing and replication does not work if Avahi is down (dup-of: 504282)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50660115:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 504282 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch should not require Avahi" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50428215:04
ryelucio__, are you running a linux router?15:05
verterokrye: bug #56406815:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564068 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch-pair crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56406815:05
lucio__rye, yes. i was hpoing somehow i could come across the knowledge i imagine you are about to share with me.15:06
ryelucio__, if you are running dnsmasq then you can make local to be really local -     --local=/domain/                Never forward queries to specified domains.15:07
ryeI have --local=/local/ in the config, or option 'local' '/local/' in config 'dnsmasq' in OpenWRT config15:08
ryeheeeey, my blogspot template removed blogspot thingie on top...15:09
lucio__rye, cool, added the --local thing into the text box, dc wont start with the same message, maybe stuff needs to be rebooted15:10
bacfacundobatista, verterok: http://people.canonical.com/~bac/syncdaemon.log15:10
ryelucio__, dnsmasq needs to be restarted, right15:10
lucio__rye, tomato said it was restarting, but that did not help, ill try rebooting everything later today15:11
ryelucio__, it should read --local=/local/ for it to work15:12
lucio__it does15:12
lucio__rye: i dont have dns in my local network anymore :) i need to run, ill play with this later15:13
CardinalFanglucio__, thanks.15:14
ryeif --local is supported in your dnsmasql config...15:14
greg-gquick (stupid) question: In lucid, does the UbuntuOne client create an indicator applet or similar so I can A) visualy see the status and B) start/stop U1?15:36
greg-g(iow: I don't have one, but this FAQ refers to one: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/778 or at least something like it in step 10)15:37
duanedesigngreg-g: in Lucid the applet has been replaced by Ubuntu One Preferences. Found in the Me Menu or System > Preferences > Ubuntu One15:39
greg-gduanedesign: ah, gotcha.15:40
verterokbac: hi, I'm working on a script to dump the metadata of your syncdaemon in order to diagnose what might be the problem15:40
greg-gduanedesign: thanks.15:40
ryeWe'll be down for a little over an hour starting at 1700 UTC today (http://bit.ly/9k343s) to improve your sync performance15:44
=== rye changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: https://one.ubuntu.com | Planned outage: 1700 UTC April 27 2010 ( http://bit.ly/9k343s ) | Known issues: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status | Say "honk" to get help for Ubuntu One. Please be patient | Ping beuno for phone contacts syncing
ryehm, timezone.. hm15:45
verterokbac: here is the script: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/423403/15:46
verterokbac: save it as dump_metadata.py and run: python dump_metadata.py ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon > syncdaemon-md.dump15:47
bacverterok: will do15:47
mandelping teknico15:57
teknicomandel, pong15:58
mandelteknico, what is the "extended_address" field for?15:59
mandelteknico, cause you updated the wiki, right?15:59
teknicomandel, yes, I did16:00
facundobatistabac, thanks, verterok will work with you to ask for more data, and we'll analyze it together later16:00
bacthanks facundobatista16:00
teknicomandel, it's for whatever address information does not fit on the first address line16:00
teknicomandel, the changes comes from this discussion: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-users/msg00555.html16:01
verterokfacundobatista: I missed to add UDF support to the script :/ working on it ATM16:01
facundobatistaverterok, ok16:01
teknicomandel, does that change create problems to you (or who knows, maybe new opportunities ;-) )?16:02
mandelteknico, no problem at all, I'm very open to this changes16:03
mandelteknico, I'll just update my code16:04
teknicomandel, that's good, however we'll have to track them more closely, we're going to have more and more user data impacted16:05
mandelteknico, I was thinking about that kind of things lately, but I think is better to talk about it in UDS. application_annotations would have been a good way to solve it, but since there is no many other desktopapp working with the data is not a problem16:07
mandelteknico, right now I'm focused on releasing a mono(thinking about tagging photos in f-spot with U1 contacts) lib to access desktopcouch to enable more apps so I'm on stand by right now in the address book16:08
teknicomandel, I see16:08
teknicomandel, application_annotations is useful to keep each app data from interfering with each other16:08
teknicomandel, but it's not going to prevent having to change the common part of the contacts definition, once in a while16:09
mandelteknico, indeed, but in this case I think that something with a name2 is an app extra data. But evo is the big guy here, so the rest can adapt16:10
autarchtracks from the u1 music store are transferring very slowly, and I was referred to this channel for help16:44
autarchthe tracks are _finally_ starting to come through now16:44
autarchbut it is very slow16:45
autarchanything I can investigate?16:45
ryeautarch, we are now working to improve the filesyncing speed , there will be a service outage starting from 1700 UTC that will speed things up16:47
autarchso nothing I can do locally?16:47
ryewell, the service outage is required to reconfigure the syncing service16:48
autarchsounds good16:50
jay-tmt-2I was having trouble with Ubuntu One file syncing, so I deleted a bunch of the files that were in my ~/Ubuntu\ One folder.  Now, in the web interface, those files are are all listed in gray text with the status "Uploading."  How can I remove them?17:02
ryejay-tmt-2, currently filesync is extremely slow, so the changes you have made (i.e. removed the files) might not be picked up by the server, there is an ongoing work to make the service faster so i'd suggest to wait for 3 hours (the reconfiguration should happen at 1700 UTC) before trying to recover the state17:04
jay-tmt-2Thanks rye; this has been going on for almost a week though.  Has filesync been slow for that long?17:05
ryejay-tmt-2, i'd rather say it was in this state during last month17:06
jay-tmt-2Ok, thanks again.  I'll just wait it out.  Also, how can I tell which of the several registered computers I'm currently working at?17:08
easter_eggI need some help with ubuntu one and evolution17:13
easter_eggI been install the evolution-couchdb17:14
easter_eggwhen I open evolution17:14
easter_eggnone dialog appears17:14
rodrigo_none dialog appears?17:15
easter_eggrodrigo_, none17:15
easter_eggI can add17:15
easter_eggin the contacts place17:15
easter_eggbut Ubuntu One contacts appears empty17:15
rodrigo_appear empty where?17:16
easter_eggan this isn't empty17:16
easter_eggsomething like this should be happen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials/Contacts17:17
easter_eggbut none to to Allow access appears17:18
easter_eggand when I try to add Ubuntu One in contacts place of evolution, it appears inoperative17:19
easter_eggrodrigo_,  explained better?17:19
rodrigo_no, sorry, still don't understand what the problem is17:20
easter_eggrodrigo_, whell17:20
rodrigo_you shouldn't be adding Ubuntu One in contacts place, it's done automatically17:20
rodrigo_don't you already have a 'Ubuntu One' addressbook on the evolution left tree?17:20
easter_eggrobtaylor, no... I don't have17:20
easter_eggI need to install the evolution-couchdb17:20
rodrigo_yes, you need to, have you restarted evolution after doing so?17:21
easter_eggand its suppose to do all automatically17:21
easter_eggyes.. I restartated17:21
rodrigo_run on a terminal -> evolution --force-shutdown and restart evolution again17:21
easter_eggohh! XD17:22
easter_eggits work ;P17:23
easter_eggthe evolution-data-server and the evolution-alarm-notify were still connected.17:23
easter_eggrodrigo_, thanks and sorry by the stupid mistake xD17:23
rodrigo_yeah. np, if running,. it doesn't get the new backends17:24
easter_eggyes, that's correct17:25
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milanbvhi! is it a known bug that the "More" link for files doesn't unroll (on the website)?21:29
jay-tmt-2milanbv: the server is undergoing some maintenance right now.  Check here for updates: http://identi.ca/ubuntuone21:35
milanbvOK, thanks21:36
jay-tmt-2No problem :)21:36
milanbvthough I think it was also failing, but differently, a few days ago21:36
jay-tmt-2Hopefully whatever caused it to fail then will be addressed by this update.21:36
milanbvU1 is starting to be very nice, just need to fix a few annoying bugs (non-ASCII filenames...) :-)21:37
ryejay-tmt-2, milanbv the "More" links were disabled deliberately for the time being21:38
ryemilanbv, as per failing in a different way - that's interesting21:38
milanbvlet's see21:38
ryemilanbv, non-ascii filenames are not supported, i.e. they will not be uploaded and the warning will be issued to the log21:38
ryemilanbv, erm21:38
milanbvyeah, but that's pretty annoying for a LTS21:38
ryemilanbv, no, non-utf8 filenames are not supported21:38
milanbvyou guys are only English speakers, aren't you? ;-)21:39
ryemilanbv, could you please describe what exactly is "not supported" regarding non-ascii21:39
milanbvI don't mean non-UTF8, I really mean non-ASCII21:39
milanbvcf. bug 55716021:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557160 in ubuntuone-client "Can't sync folders with non-ASCII names (valid UTF-8)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55716021:39
* rye subscribes21:40
milanbvnot really confirmed, though21:40
milanbvI've not been able to find somebody who would explain the trace21:40
ryemilanbv, well, i found a related UDF error (thanks!), but as per e.g. cyrullic folders sync - that works for sure21:42
ryemilanbv, will file it once the servers are brought up21:43
ryemilanbv, ah, that's _about_ UDF21:44
ryemilanbv, i believe this is easy to fix and will most likely go to SRU - stable release update. Adding this to my todo list (i am not really a developer, but i occasionally patch things that do not work)...21:45
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milanbvrye: cool, thanks!21:48
milanbvthat will really help21:48
milanbv(for now, I have renamed the dir to be ASCII, and I'm using a symlink for my work)21:49
ryethere is a "# XXX Unicode boundary?" comment there...21:51
milanbvpeople should really avoid leaving those comments ;-)21:53
ryemilanbv, no, there is an util that searches for such types of comments. If everything is great, this is one line change, but need servers back up to test. Stay tuned. I am assigning this bug to myself since I am extremely interested in having full non-latin1 support21:55
=== rye changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: https://one.ubuntu.com | Files sync service in under maintenance at the moment - http://identi.ca/ubuntuone | Known issues: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status | Say "honk" to get help for Ubuntu One. Please be patient | Ping beuno for phone contacts syncing
MoeHey guys22:50
MoeI'm having trouble running the Ubuntu One Preferences on Xubuntu Lucid (updated a few minutes ago)22:51
MoeAny help or pointers would be greatly appreciated22:51
MoeOh, uhm22:52
Moehonk ?22:52
* Moe chuckles22:53
ryeMoe, hi22:53
MoeGuess honking on IRC does help at times22:53
ryeMoe, currently file sync is under maintenance so it won't work, but your traceback is weird22:53
Moerye: I know, I couldn't figure it out as well22:53
MoeMy Python isn't exactly prime (I'm more of a C/perl type of guy)22:54
MoeBut I couldn't find anything about it in Launchpad or the wiki22:54
ryeMoe, could you please pastebin your /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf and ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf ?22:54
MoeSo I stopped by to ask for help22:54
dobeylooks like it's not finding your config file22:54
MoeSure, sec22:54
dobeythe former is probably not there22:54
joshuahooverMoe: do you have a ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf file?22:54
Moehttp://pastie.org/938171 < /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf22:56
Moehttp://pastie.org/938173 < .config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf22:57
Moejoshuahoover: They're both present22:57
dobeyMoe: apt-get remove python-ubuntuone-client, rm both those files, and then apt-get install ubuntuone-client-gnome22:58
joshuahooverMoe: try adding this to the syncdaemon.conf file22:58
joshuahooverlog_level = DEBUG22:58
dobeyjoshuahoover: no22:58
dobeyjoshuahoover: there is a LOT missing22:58
joshuahooverdobey: ah, ok22:58
dobeydo what i said instead :)22:58
MoeOn it22:59
joshuahooverMoe: yeah, do what dobey tells you to do ;)22:59
* Moe obeys22:59
dobeysince it looks like the one in /etc/ got overwritten with the wrong data22:59
dobeyand was probably therefore not replaced on update22:59
dobeyMoe: if after that, it still doens't work, please file a bug23:00
dobeyi have to go get away from the computer now. later :)23:00
MoeSec, reinstalling23:00
MoeI suppose there's no ETA on the current maintenance, right?23:01
dobeyit shouldn't be long23:01
MoeAlright, it finished reinstalling23:02
MoeHowever, now there are no configuration files whatsoever23:02
MoeSo I have to run anything besides ubuntuone-preferences first?23:02
MoeThat's a shame really then ..23:03
MoeThe error message stayed exactly the same23:03
MoeDo note I'm running this on Xubuntu .. not on a "regular" installation23:03
dobeyand what is in /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf now?23:04
MoeIf that makes for any difference23:04
MoeNothing, it's gone23:04
Moe(You told me to remove it earlier)23:04
dobeywhat files are in /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/ ?23:04
Moe(And it hasn't come back since)23:04
ryedobey, residual config, removed config do not reappear23:04
MoeNothing but a single directory23:04
dobeyrye: huh?23:04
ryeMoe, try apt-get --purge remove python-ubuntuone-client now23:04
ryeMoe, and reinstall it23:04
dobeyoh, right --purge might do better i guess23:05
dobeythat seems like a bug in dpkg23:05
dobeyif the file doesn't exist, it should put it there23:05
ryedobey, no, if config is removed then dpkg honors that - it was not it who removed the file23:05
ryedobey, it was the mighty root23:05
MoeOkay, running23:06
Moe(The reinstall)23:06
dobeyi don't understand what you just said23:06
dobeybut anyway, i have to go :)23:06
MoeYeah, I'm sorry23:06
MoeOkay, now I have all the necessary files as it seems23:06
Moeubuntuone-preferences still tanks23:07
MoeMakes me a sad panda23:07
ryeMoe, ok, now we just need to wait until maintenance is done... and it is waaay night here...23:07
ryeMoe, hm23:07
ryeMoe, what's apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client ?23:08
MoeI do have a syncdaemon.conf in /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/ now23:08
MoeBut none in .config/ubuntuone23:08
ryeMoe, .config/ubuntuone are created by preferences23:09
MoeThat's the output you just requested23:09
MoeSorry for the German23:09
ryeMoe, apt-cache policy python-ubuntuone-client ?23:10
ryeMoe, and could you please re-paste  /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf now?23:10
Moehttp://pastie.org/938196 < output23:11
MoeConfiguration coming23:11
Moehttp://pastie.org/938198 < syncdaemon.conf23:12
ryeMoe, is there anything ubuntuone-related running - ps auxw | grep [u]buntuone23:12
Moemoe       1651  0.2  3.8  40284 19408 ?        SLl  Apr27   0:06 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon23:13
MoeSuppose that could be the bummer, right?23:13
ryeMoe, it can be though i not yet understand why23:13
ryecould you please kill it?23:13
MoeDid so via u1sdtool -q23:14
MoeStill no go on ubuntuone-preferences :(23:14
ryewhat does ubuntuone-preference respond with?23:15
MoeThe exact same error as before23:15
MoeShall I paste it again?23:15
MoeIt does look pretty much the same23:15
ryeMoe, i am a bit more puzzled now23:16
ryeMoe, are you sure that's the same machine?23:16
MoeDon't look at me .. I'm probably you-puzzled + 123:16
ryeMoe, could you please try killing syncdaemon completely , w/o u1sdtool23:17
MoeUhm sure .. but there is no daemon running according to ps aux23:17
* Moe checks to make sure23:18
ryeTraceback (most recent call last):23:19
rye  File "/usr/bin/ubuntuone-preferences", line 801, in files_check_toggled23:19
rye    self.__music_check_toggled(self.music_check)23:19
ryeAttributeError: 'UbuntuOneDialog' object has no attribute '_UbuntuOneDialog__music_check_toggled'23:19
MoeOkay, scratch my earlier assumption .. there actually way one daemon still running23:19
MoeHowever, ubuntuone-preferences still isn't a go23:20
Moerye: I don't suppose your wow is related to my issue (just making sure)?23:20
ryeMoe, no, it is something different that actually makes [ ]  File sync checkbox a bit bad...23:21
ryeMoe, so you run ubuntuone-preferences and it fails again?23:22
MoeLet me cycle that machine23:22
MoeYes, indeed23:22
ryebut howw???23:23
MoeWaiting for the boot process to settle23:23
MoeAlright, it's up again23:24
MoeArg, no go23:24
MoeJust a quick check .. I'm running Python 2.623:25
MoeIt's supposed to work with that, right?23:25
ryeMoe, python -c 'import xdg.BaseDirectory; print xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_config_dirs'23:26
ryeMoe, what does that ^ print?23:26
Moemoe@moe-laptop:~$ python -c 'import xdg.BaseDirectory; print xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_config_dirs'23:27
Moe['/home/moe/.config', '/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu']23:27
ryeMoe, aaaha!23:27
ryeMoe, it does not read the config because it does not have to read that23:27
MoeThe ubuntuone directory is missing23:27
rye['/home/rtg/.config', '/etc/xdg/xdg-gnome', '/etc/xdg']23:27
ryethat's what I have23:27
MoeI see23:27
ryeok, at least this is now not that scary23:27
MoeI wonder why I'm missing the /etc/xdg part23:28
ryeMoe, echo $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS23:28
MoeJust this: /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu23:28
* ajmitch wonders why xubuntu has to be different there23:29
MoeSomehow it dawns on me this might be a Xubuntu error23:29
* Moe wonders along with ajmitch 23:29
rye# readd default if was empty23:31
rye  if [ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" ]; then23:31
rye  fi23:31
ryesomething is broken23:33
Moehm, yeah23:34
ryeMoe, ok, quick solution is to have export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg:$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS somewhere before preferences/syncdaemon startup23:34
ryebut i will look into this tomorrow, addint TODO item23:34
MoeAwesome, thank you23:34
ryeMoe, what's your lp username, so that I could subscribe you to the bug report?23:34
* rye will d/l xubuntu and see what's wrong...23:35
MoeGiven that syncing isn't working right now I might as well wait for you to fix it23:35
Moerye: moe@xfce.org is my launchpad login23:35
Moemheiber should be the right user credentials23:35
ryeMoe, ok, found you23:36
ryeok, so far i am disconnecting since it is 01:38 here23:38
MoeSo I actually hit a bug23:38
ryeMoe, yes, but with xubuntu, not ubuntuone23:38
MoeRight, thank you so much for your help and consideration23:38
MoeSleep well23:38
ryeso good night all!23:39
BookmanMy ubuntuone is still not syncing on my 10.04 or 9.10 machines....not sure what is wrong.  Do I have to start it up manually every login?23:55
BookmanOh, I guess it is down.23:56

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