
mwhudsonjelmer: still here?00:09
mwhudsonjelmer: anything to be wary of in upgrading to bzr-git and dulwich trunk tips?00:10
jelmermwhudson: hi00:12
jelmermwhudson: not really, other than making sure you upgrade both at the same time00:12
mwhudsonjelmer: cool, thanks00:17
mwhudsonjelmer: this should fix git imports over http, right?00:17
jelmermwhudson: I thought that was already working?00:21
mwhudsonjelmer: it broke again, it seems00:22
jelmermwhudson: what's the error?00:23
mwhudsonjelmer: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/57072800:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 570728 in launchpad-code "Importing git repo from http://git.participatoryculture.org/miro/ fails" [High,Triaged]00:23
mwhudsonjelmer: i'm sure i saw a commit along the lines of "fix access over http again"00:23
jelmermwhudson: ah, right - that's fixed indeed00:23
jelmerdulwich now can launchpad http test servers, we still need to take advantage of that in bzr-git00:24
* james_w suspects muscle memory00:25
jelmerlifeless: :-)00:26
jelmerI can no longer write launch without adding "pad" onto it00:26
pooliei find it very hard to type 'linus'00:27
mwhudsoni tried to type 'lp/core' earlier00:29
thumperpoolie: I'm sure it would be easier if it was your name :)00:31
pooliehi spiv01:58
spivHey poolie02:00
pooliehow about a brief chat?02:03
pooliein 5m maybe?02:03
lifelesslp:~leonardr/lazr.restfulclient/retry_on_502 will help us02:42
lifelessfor pqm02:42
spivHmm, one day left in PyCon Au CFP.03:06
lifelessit seems.... raid03:12
spivpoolie: take a look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/320119-exclude-ancestry/+merge/23394, it duplicates its make_branch_with_alternate_ancestries test helper03:19
spivpoolie: it'd be lovely if your testsubjects patch could provide a natural way to avoid that duplication03:20
spivpoolie: it might be too much to ask, or maybe the real issue is that bb.test_log and bt.test_log should have a more convenient way to share their helpers.  But it seemed topical :)03:21
poolieit's highly topical03:47
poolieand a good place to start03:47
poolieso istm you could just lift it into a function03:47
pooliei guess you'd need to pass the test case in to that function so that it can arrange for the cleanup to be called03:48
spivpoolie: right03:48
lifeless-> pick up car03:48
spivAnd note that they want to use the test case's get_transport too.03:49
mwhudson"hmm" http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/423710/04:04
xnoxjelmer, svn is such a weird beast =)04:12
* xnox officially hates file/revision properties in svn04:12
pooliespiv, oh, i liked your old doctest blog posts04:13
mwhudsoni think they are also his newest blog posts04:14
poolieyou should do more04:20
mwhudsonxnox: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dmitrij.ledkov/reactos-core/ddk is a slightly strange request04:36
mwhudsondo you really want to import a branch that just has the headers in it?04:36
xnoxmwhudson, i'm working on mingw-w64 projects which is a working crt04:36
xnoxto cross-compile to windows32 & windows6404:37
xnoxthey are importing those headers as an svn:external04:37
xnoxI'm currently successfully creating binutils, gcc, mingw-w64 debian packages using gcc-4.5, gcc-4.6, gcc-4.304:38
mwhudsonxnox: approved then04:38
xnoxmwhudson, to automate this further =) I really really would appreciate those headers imported04:38
xnoxmwhudson, as well as gcc branches =))))))) pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaase =)04:38
pooliejam, can you tell francis et al about the loggerhead fix?04:39
mwhudsonxnox: i don't see them in the pending review column04:39
mwhudsonxnox: give me some links?04:39
xnoxmwhudson, 1sec04:39
xnoxmwhudson, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+question/10854904:40
xnoxif possible as lp:gcc/4.504:40
mwhudsonxnox: can you request imports of these?04:40
jampoolie: forwarded04:41
xnoxmwhudson, done04:44
mwhudsonxnox: i think you'll need to ping doko to create the 4.4 and 4.5 project series04:45
xnoxmwhudson, ok =)04:49
xnoxmwhudson, thanks a lot =) and I promise I will work hard during my Ubuntu GSoC =)04:50
jbowtieJust pushed my first merge proposal.05:13
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pooliejbowtie: congratulations05:51
allquixoticSo what is the current status of http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/WindowsSymlinkSupport ?05:56
allquixoticSeems like some good ideas got thrown around but are any implemented?05:56
poolieallquixotic: i think the best option is the plugin06:03
poolienot sure, sorry06:03
a212901390231901meh, projects that want to be portable just shouldn't use 'em06:03
a212901390231901likewise filenames with backslashes in and other oddness06:04
allquixoticWell, I have two possible build methods in this project. The GNU Make based build does need symlinks to work right. The MS Visual Studio based build has the required path finagling in the project properties. I guess I can create the symlinks (which are pre-determined and can be referenced by relative path) at build-time with the Makefile, and remove them with clean.06:05
allquixoticThat way, anyone who does a clean before they commit (which they should always do) will rm the symlinks, and they won't get committed -- but if they're building with GNU Make, it will make the symlinks before building.06:05
allquixoticthen everybody's happy.06:05
a212901390231901sounds sensible to me.06:05
a212901390231901add the paths to .bzrignore to be on the safe side.06:08
allquixoticsounds like a good idea06:10
vilahi all07:02
* fullermd vilas wave.07:02
vilahey fullermd  ! :)07:03
a212901390231901pilote again this week07:03
vilaspiv: thks for the review !07:03
vilaa212901390231901: I should say that I really don't recognize your nick :)07:04
vilaspiv: for the record, they are not duplicated, there is a slight variation, but of course your point stands :)07:05
a212901390231901freenode was annoying me, everything's already registered and I'm not on frequently.07:05
vilahehe, it doesn't help to match with any other handle you can use though :)07:06
Peng_Yes, I doubt you'll have trouble getting that nick on other networks. Unless they have length limits.07:06
fullermdOh look, an opportunity to flex my numerological muscles...07:06
a212901390231901I'm one of the peripheral martins.07:07
Peng_Ooh, another Martin? If you get a job at Canonical, you'll have to change your real name too. :P07:07
* fullermd . o O ( No match for "PERIPHERALMARTINS.COM". )07:07
vilagz or von Gagern ?07:07
a212901390231901I just mashed the keyboard in frustration after trying about six other things, fullermd07:07
Peng_Oh hi. :D07:07
a212901390231901which, unsuprisingly, was taken.07:07
vilaa212901390231901: Hello Martin !!07:08
Peng_"Martin[gz] is not registered." :D07:08
* vila my first read was peripheral martians :)07:08
fullermdMakes sense.  You never see martians directly; it's always out of the corner of your shotglass.07:09
fullermdEye.  I meant 'eye'.07:09
spivvila: the interesting bits are duplicated :P07:12
vilaspiv: sure !07:12
spivvila: unless you mean there is slight variation between the comments and the code? ;)07:12
jbowtieI fixed lp:146780 on the wiki if anyone's interested in reviewing.07:12
vilaspiv: I indeed started by copy/pasting because I wrote the first test in the wrong place, realized there was a slightly different case to test and left the other one since it was good to have too07:13
vilaspiv: I'll make that clearer07:13
lifelesspoolie: http://www.flickr.com/photos/49692283@N07/4559422361/in/pool-canonical-offices07:21
vilalifeless: sounds like a good place for the November sprint :-P07:22
lifelesswon't be here in november07:22
lifelessits a rental for 4 months, time enough to find a longer term residency (e.g. a house to buy)07:22
fullermdHeck, there's one right up the road from me   ;>07:23
lifelessfullermd: in a country that won't fingerprint me and treat me like a criminal, just because I want to trave there?07:24
fullermdThat depends on whether you consider the state a separate country.  Opinions vary  ;p07:24
vilapoolie: by the way, feel free to upload the pictures you took in Strasbourg there :)07:24
pooliei like what you did with the exposure and motion blur :)07:25
lifelesspoolie: android phone - it doesn't do it justice07:25
lifelesspoolie: it was at 8am or so07:25
lifelesspoolie: if you want to bring your camera around to get a proper shot, you're welcome to do so!07:25
poolielifeless: so i fixed and repushed a branch that i think is already queued for merge07:57
pooliewhat happens now?07:57
lifelesspoolie: pqm unqueued it when it failed to merge07:58
lifelesspoolie: it put it back to 'approved', because we can't set 'failed to merge' yet [lp bug, I submitted a branch, thumper has half-reviewed it]07:58
lifelesspoolie: so you should requeue it in hydrazine07:58
jbowtieThat's 4 documentation bugs for today; was shooting for 5 but not going to happen. Hopefully someone will review, yes?08:02
poolieyes :)08:02
pooliethanks for the fixes08:02
pooliethe one with adding DISABLE_PLUGINS to the table, why was the diff so big?08:02
poolieyou had to rearrange the columns?08:02
fullermdOh, FIXES.  I was wondering how it could take that long to create 4 bugs   ;)08:02
jbowtiepoolie: Yes, the columns had to be resized.08:03
jbowtiefullermd: ha ha - don't worry, I'll be filing some this week about the blank areas/TODOs.08:04
lifelesswowsers thats a big package - texlive-latex-extra-doc08:08
bignoseis a recent GNOME expected to give ‘bzr-gtk’ errors like this:08:46
bignose  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/gtk/keyring.py", line 77, in get_credentials08:46
bignose    gnomekeyring.ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD, attrs)08:46
bignosebzr 2.1.1 on python 2.5.5 (Linux-2.6.32-3-powerpc64-ppc64-with-debian-squeeze-sid)08:46
bignoseDebian Squeeze is currently undergoing a GNOME transition, so I don't know if this is something already reported08:46
bignose(Launchpad pages don't load properly for me so can't check)08:47
lifelessok, this is entertaining: (changelog, larstiq) = find_changelog(tree, False) :)08:50
lifelessbignose: fixed, bug in bzr-gtk08:50
bialixheya bzr!08:53
Peng_Good morning. :D08:54
Peng_Three people with nicks that start with "bi" at once? Nice.08:54
idnarthey need to change it to "tri"08:55
idnaroh, actually there's four of them08:55
bialixPeng_: I see 408:56
bialixand 2 Peng08:56
bialixwhich peng is the right peng?08:57
tetsuo--does the bazaar explorer client for windows get compiled with msvc?09:00
a212901390231901it's not compiled.09:00
tetsuo--then what is it?09:01
Peng_bialix: I'm Peng's robot clone, but our consciousnesses are linked together, so it doesn't matter.09:01
tetsuo--"bzr.exe" explorer"09:01
a212901390231901pyqt can be compiled with either gcc or msvc09:01
Peng_bialix: If you need help with a move, I'm stronger, but Peng's better with stairs.09:01
tetsuo--a212901390231901: whatever the underlaying compiled thing is, it crashes like crazy09:02
a212901390231901that's just py2exe packing.09:02
bialixtetsuo--: what is your real question?09:02
bignoselifeless: thanks09:02
bialixtetsuo--: pastebin? bug report?09:02
tetsuo--dont have one right now09:02
a212901390231901do you mean crash-crash, because people have a bad habit of saying "crash" when they mean "exception thrown"09:02
Pengbialix: Jokes aside, I have two IRC clients open. Usually I use Peng but I'm thinking of switching to Peng_ again (and if I do, I'll eventually /nick it to Peng).09:03
tetsuo--both exceptions and crashes09:03
a212901390231901exceptions should be logged as bugs, real crashes are harder, but you can try and catch one in a debugger09:03
tetsuo--all related to bazaar reading or writing to the wrong section of memory09:03
a212901390231901okay, that does sound bad.09:03
a212901390231901this is with the standard release installer?09:04
tetsuo--they would be easy to work-around with 2 simple switches in msvc, or at least reveal their location more exactly09:04
tetsuo--standard release installer09:04
a212901390231901well, one thing to try is to reproduce on trunk bzr with seperate plugins09:04
a212901390231901then you can compile qt/sip/pyqt however you like09:05
bialixtetsuo--: I'm not sure how the official installer built it's c-extensions. I've heard there is preffered gcc09:05
a212901390231901it's a bit of a fag but doable.09:05
tetsuo--i dont compile myself though :(09:05
bialixtetsuo--: please, provide a bug report09:06
a212901390231901alexander, do both sip and qt have prebuilt binaries?09:06
tetsuo--it would be nice if the bazaar installer for windows (and all the stuff in it) passed the windows logo test09:06
bialixa212901390231901: нуы09:06
bialixa212901390231901: нуы09:06
bialixa212901390231901: yes09:06
tetsuo--it has very strict guidelines on memory leaks etc...09:06
bialixa212901390231901: are you Martin gz?09:06
bialixnice nick09:06
tetsuo--and if you have a certificate you can log into winqual and download all the crashdumps windows generated for bzr09:06
a212901390231901I can point you at various things to install seperately to see if you still get memory errors.09:07
bialixa212901390231901: we're using official distrib from riverbank as I know09:07
tetsuo--them maybe the problem is upstrea09:07
bialixtetsuo--: which version of bzr?09:07
a212901390231901yeah, or with some library interaction on your system, it's a little hard to tell without a detailed report09:08
tetsuo--current version? 2.2 or something09:08
tetsuo--i cannot run it right now to make it crash again09:08
tetsuo--i think pyqt is under heavy refactoring right now09:09
a212901390231901do log something next time it happens.09:09
Peng_Tracebacks will still be around in .bzr.log even if you can't run it now.09:10
tetsuo--where does bzr store that on windows?09:10
bialixtetsuo--: I think 2.2 is a bit broken09:11
bialixtetsuo--: location of .bzr.log can be seen in the output of `bzr version`09:11
tetsuo--bad behaviour there09:12
tetsuo--just as i thought09:15
tetsuo--since windows catches the errors there is nothing in the log09:16
tetsuo--i have the same problem with my project, windows catches 9 out of 10 errors and doesn't generate logable error for me09:17
tetsuo--so all those crashes get uploaded to winqual, and you need a windows logo cert to get them09:18
bialixtetsuo--: what is your system?09:18
bialixI think you'd better downgrade bzr to 2.1.109:19
tetsuo--windows 7 x6409:19
tetsuo--i will do that09:19
* bialix is not sure bzr installer provides 64 bit version09:19
tetsuo--it doesnt09:20
tetsuo--luckily on windows that does not matter09:20
bialixis it possible you have 32-bit related problems?09:20
tetsuo--the problem is simple, somewhere in bzr is a buffer overflow that causes a read or write to executable memory, or outside of its memory bubble09:21
tetsuo--windows 7 x64 catches such things very early09:21
tetsuo--and chances are very high that the compiler is already warning about that09:22
tetsuo--whats wierder, should python an qt have a garbage collector etc..?09:23
bialixwell, I can try to provide you compiler log for bzr trunk and py 2.5 and msvc 200309:23
bialixtetsuo--: yes, they have gc09:24
tetsuo--then they should catch any errors/leaks in the python and qt script09:24
bialixbut 2.6 is most likely compiled against py 2.609:24
tetsuo--and that means its python or qt itself that is being leaky09:24
bialixtetsuo--: can you send your question to bzr ML (or bzr-windows ML), and ask about compiler configuration?09:25
tetsuo--make sense or not?09:25
bialixtetsuo--: I don't think so09:25
a212901390231901can do ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(2) to force a bonafide crash rather than getting the "report to microsoft..." thing, but still need a tool to look at the stack09:25
tetsuo--a212901390231901:  that wont do anything if you dont have the pdb09:25
tetsuo--debug symbols database for that exact compile09:26
tetsuo--i dont use email, but i'll consider making a launchpad account and reporting a bug/feature request to pass the windows logo test09:27
tetsuo--it has testing software that does both dynamic and static code analysis to find these kinds of problems09:28
tetsuo--(but in vs2003 it really sucks)09:29
tetsuo--preferably one would compile with vs2010 ultimate and add the following switch /analyse09:30
tetsuo--oh and /w409:30
bialixtetsuo--: you can use gmane or nabble to use bzr ML09:31
a212901390231901I bet that'd be one annoying log to comb through for things the size of python and qt09:32
tetsuo--a212901390231901:  it would but almost all of the warnings would be valid09:33
tetsuo--and especially things like python and qt should be nearly warning free09:33
tetsuo--so much depends on them09:33
tetsuo--obviously fixing a warning generated by a windows compiler helps the other platforms too09:34
tetsuo--but linux has even better tools available09:36
tetsuo--combined the software could be stable as a rock09:36
idnarthe odds are high that the problem is in a python extension module, not python itself09:37
idnarit could be in the qt bindings, for example, or in qt itself09:37
a212901390231901having to remember /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS isn't all that helpful09:39
tetsuo--i would have guessed that would still be protected by the garbage collector09:39
idnartetsuo--: garbage collectors don't protect against any kind of buffer overflow09:40
idnarthey're just a way to manage memory allocation09:40
idnaran extension module is just regular C code, so there's nothing stopping you from trashing your process's memory, although pure-python code won't (or shouldn't) be able to do that09:41
a212901390231901anyway, I'm Alexander is right, downgrading should be fine, there have been a couple of issues with the 2.2 prereleases that are likely shallow09:42
tetsuo--ideal swichtes for msvc are /gl /gs /safeseh /dynamicbase /nxcompat /o2 /w4 /analyse /GA /Arch:sse09:43
tetsuo--fast and secure at the cost of a slightly larger binary09:43
tetsuo--the arch could be higher or lower depending on the lowest supported target09:43
tetsuo--yeah im going to downgrade, but that wont fix the problems upstream09:44
tetsuo--ill try to get some more crashes and report that before downgrading09:45
* tetsuo-- is afk09:45
bignoseLaunchpad bug pages simply hang for me.10:12
bignoselifeless: can you tell me the URL of the bug report for the ‘bzr-gtk’ bug I reported earlier in here?10:12
avuIs it somehow possible to clone an svn repository with bzr of which I can only access a certain subdirectory, not the repository root? meaning I only have read rights on /repos/root/foo. when I try a normal bzr branch svn+https://user:pass@server/repos/root/foo, I get an error because bzr tries PROPFIND on /repos/root10:39
awilkinsavu, I'm not sure that's possible because of the way that bzr-svn works10:54
avuawilkins, bummer. Thanks for the info.10:57
cbzit seems to me that you end up getting into situations where rebase is unavoidable when using bzr-svn11:01
jelmeravu: no, that's not possible at the moment - there's an open bug report about it11:02
jelmercbz: why?11:02
cbzSo say i've merged my local feature branch back to my local trunk, but the svn repository at that point has additional commits in it11:03
avujelmer, ah, good, I'll subscribe to that, thanks11:03
cbzi can't see what i can do short of uncommmitting my change, rebasing the trunk and then remerging it - which is what rebase would try and do anyway - albeit with less metadata available11:04
avujelmer, hm, I have problems finding the right bug on launchpad, could you point me to the right direction?11:10
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cbzjelmet, do my comments make sense?12:24
jelmercbz: which ones?12:31
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cbz"it seems to me that you end up getting into situations where rebase is unavoidable when using bzr-svn"12:48
cbz11:04 <cbz> i can't see what i can do short of uncommmitting my change, rebasing the trunk and then remerging it - which is what rebase would try and do anyway - albeit with less metadata available12:48
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abranchesI created a branch with a bzr pull on the server in directori DIR1. But what I wanted was to create it in DIR1/DIR2. How Can I delete the branch in DIR1, so that I can create the branch in DIR1/DIR2 afterwards.15:19
spivWhy not just move it directly?  mv DIR1/the-branch DIR1/DIR215:20
abranchesspiv, I don't have ssh access to the server. But maybe I can ask someone...15:29
Peng_sftp can rename, can't it?15:31
Peng_s/, can't it/./15:31
Peng_Heck, you could even do it using Bazaar's VFS with hitchhiker.15:31
cbz jelmer^15:32
abranchesPeng, what commands would you do exactly? I'm not sure about sftp, I'll look at it. Thanks.15:33
jelmercbz: Perhaps you're looking for the push_merged_revisions setting?15:34
cbzpossibly - but whats the alternative solution? unmerge my changes and pull and try to commit before someone else commits to the svn repo?15:34
jelmercbz: setting push_merged_revisions15:46
Andrei|2Hi guys. I've developped a bzr plugin for Visual Studio, anyone wants to try it?15:51
=== IslandUsurper is now known as IslandUsurperAFK
bialixAndrei|2: yes15:59
Andrei|2here: http://aigenta.com/downloads/beta/UnifiedSCC_Setup.1.1.beta2.msi16:00
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bialixwhich one Visual Studio version supported?16:05
bialixAndrei|2: ^16:05
Andrei|2all up to 200816:05
bialixI'd suggest to announce your plugin in bzr ML or bzr-windows ML, or both16:06
bialixAndrei|2: and 2003?16:06
Andrei|2yes, 2003 too. not sure if it works very well, though16:07
Andrei|2what's ML?16:07
Peng_mailing list16:08
bialixML = mailing list16:08
Andrei|2ok. is there any wiki to publish links for bzr tools?16:09
bialixyes, wiki.bazaar.canonical.com16:10
bialixone sec16:11
bialixAndrei|2: http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/3rdPartyTools16:11
bialixAndrei|2: have an error while trying to add project under version control16:12
Andrei|2what it says?16:12
bialixyes, I've pushed Test connection button16:13
bialixtried again, and without Test it works16:14
bialixAndrei|2: check-in works strange. it commits all files except proj.sln and proj.vssscc, but those files added to version control16:16
Andrei|2it doesn't show these files in commit window?16:18
bialixproj.vssscc is not shown16:19
bialixproj.sln shown in the pending checkins window16:20
Andrei|2*.vssscc is service file, disregard it16:21
bialixalso I don't have menu item "View History"16:21
bialixotherwise it looks good16:22
Andrei|2it's managed by VS.. seek it on the source control toolbar16:22
bialixI will try it with more recent VS later16:24
cody-somervillejelmer, When will that support get landed?16:42
cody-somervillejelmer, and how many other imports are broken now?16:43
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=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado-lunch
rephormatWhy am I getting a cannot build extension error "bzrlib._chk_map_pyx" when using python setup.py install on bzr 2.1.0?16:56
Peng_Um...got libzlib-dev?16:58
rephormatI always forget that one16:59
a212901390231901bug 566923 would resolve this FAQ, hint hint.16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566923 in bzr "Remove zlib double-dependency" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56692316:59
rephormatoh great.16:59
a212901390231901you did ask the same thing just the other day though ;)16:59
rephormatthats good that I'm not the only one frustrated with it16:59
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
rephormata212901390231901: Yeah I know. This is on a new system. I'm horrible at remembering things like that.17:00
rephormata212901390231901: to my defense I did check the documentation17:00
bialixa212901390231901: are your patch approved or blocked?17:02
a212901390231901vila wanted john to look at the more complicated one again17:03
=== IslandUsurperAFK is now known as IslandUsurper
a212901390231901which would be a good thing, I'm not super-keen on pyrex17:03
bialixI can look at pyrex17:03
rephormatalright after running python setup.py install it compiled and installed to /usr/loca/bin17:03
rephormatbut its the wrong version still17:04
rephormatstupid Suse17:04
a212901390231901bialix: https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/remove_zlib_double_dependency_pyapi/+merge/23711#review-diff17:05
rephormatstupid pathing17:06
a212901390231901I've eyeballed the C it produces and it seems reasonable-ish17:06
a212901390231901one more favour alexander, do you have a russian copy of windows or an english language one?17:07
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bialixa212901390231901: both17:15
a212901390231901okay, if you do `os.rename("something_non_existant", "whatever")` on the russian windows, python 2.5 or later, can you paste me the exception it prints?17:16
bialixa212901390231901: I'm usually checks the generated C file as well ;-)17:17
bialixa212901390231901: you want russian text?17:17
a212901390231901and the exact bytes, ideally.17:17
a212901390231901so catch and repr17:17
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a212901390231901repr(e.strerror) that is.17:19
bialixthere will be russian text in cp125117:20
a212901390231901that's what I'm hoping.17:21
a212901390231901I read through the python source to confirm that's what'll happen, I just want a live example for code review17:21
jelmercody-somerville: hi17:23
bialixa212901390231901: on Windows 2000 there is no text at all, and my russian windows xp at home17:23
jelmercody-somerville: I'm not sure how many other branches are broken, it's probably best to talk to the code team about that.17:23
bialixa212901390231901: I'll do this later17:24
bialixbut I can confirm this behavior17:24
bialixsometimes it's very annoying17:24
bialixa212901390231901: re your pyrex: why you're using PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask?17:27
a212901390231901the crc32 function returned a boxed python integer, that may be -2**31..2**31-1 or 0..2**3217:30
a212901390231901(changed in some python version I forget)17:31
a212901390231901this is why the python version does & 0xFFFFFFFF to get a positive value, but has the side effect of upcasting to a long17:31
bialixa212901390231901: re crc32(<object>bit) -- I feel explicit cast to object is not strictly required here17:31
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a212901390231901PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask boinks it into a plain unsigned value, which solves the issue17:32
a212901390231901^that's an annoying refcounting thing I couldn't find another way of doing17:32
a212901390231901we get a borrowed reference when we get the value, so that goes in a PyObject* to avoid overhead when it's used in later contexts that don't need to addref17:33
a212901390231901but calling the function with that as a param means we need put it in a tuple, which means we need to addref it17:33
a212901390231901which apparently pyrex spells by casting to 'object'17:34
bialixI feel this code looks worse than plain C17:35
bialixI hope jam will find the time to look on it17:35
* bialix going to home to his russian windows17:36
a212901390231901yeah, I'm not mad about pyrex/cython as an idea, but john wrote a good post a while back about how much time he reckon it'd saved him with... static tuple I think?... and he's got a lot more experience with it than me17:36
a212901390231901so perhaps it's possible to learn to love the ugly.17:37
dashcython is pretty great when you need to write as much or more python-api interacting code as C stuff17:37
Peng_StaticTuple is not Pyrex.17:37
Peng_Err, wait.17:37
Peng_Right. StaticTuple is straight C.17:38
bialixdash: but bzr using pyrex, not cython17:38
Peng_bialix: But they're pretty close.17:38
dashbialix: Ah, pity.17:38
Peng_bialix: Cython is a fork of Pyrex.17:38
bialixPeng_: yes, I *know*17:38
bialixjam several times said he'd better using cython...17:39
bialixcython has some very nice features17:39
Peng_Worse, bzr has a few hacks to make certain versions of Pyrex happy.17:40
allquixoticHow efficiently does bzr handle version-controlled binary files that only change slightly between revisions? Is it somewhere on the order of RTpatch or bsdiff, or is it a carte blanche "the file is different so let's store a separate copy"?17:59
xnoxallquixotic, not that well as far as I know18:01
xnoxallquixotic, for example this branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/xulrunner-1.9.1/lucid18:01
LeoNerdStoring binary files in a DVCS is of limited utility anyway18:01
LeoNerdHalf the point is the ability to branch, make changes, merge18:01
xnoxwell lp:ubuntu/xulrunner-1.9.118:02
LeoNerdYou can't merge changes to opaque binary files and haev any hope in hell of not breaking it18:02
xnoxhas 16 revisions of xulrunner tarball. The branch is huge I never managed to clone it =)18:02
dashLeoNerd: sure, but some people only pay attention to the other half of the point of a VCS :)18:02
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xnoxon merge conflicts you will get "this.binary or that.binary" and you will have to merge it yourself =) using whatever program edits those binaries18:03
allquixoticxnox: I see.. so if I choose to simply replace the old binary with the new one, it will literally store an entire copy of the new one, even if the two have very slight differences?18:04
xnoxLeoNerd, you can import & export tarballs efficiently if you are using bzr-builddeb plugin. But that's only if you have mostly text-base src tarballs. You can import/export tarballs using that18:04
* xnox got the nicks wrong again18:05
xnoxallquixotic, ^^^ where I "talked" to LeoNerd18:05
LeoNerdAh. :) That makes more sense now18:06
allquixoticxnox: Let's just take a hypothetical case of a very complex set of images that are encoded in a simple enough format that changing only a few pixels makes minimal binary diffs between them. "Other VCSes" (such as Mercurial, also a DVCS) can very efficiently handle that diff just like sophisticated binary patch tools that exist outside of the VCS world. Is there a particular reason why bzr can't do that, or is it just18:07
allquixotic unimplemented?18:07
allquixoticI mean, you could easily say "don't do that", but that's really a cop-out. The benefits of having the files version-tracked are enormous on their own. It's a nightmare having "myimg-20090821.png" "myimg-2009-0830.png" and so on and so on. VCS makes that easy on purpose.18:08
xnoxallquixotic,  I'm not experienced enough bzr developer to tell you.18:08
xnoxallquixotic, but I believe you can mark files to be treated as text18:08
xnoxand then bzr should repack, diff them as usual18:09
xnoxi wonder if it does it anyway18:09
xnoxlet me browse through source to see any hints18:09
allquixoticI might try it for fun. I'll commit a 1 MB .png, hex edit it, change one 0 to a 1, commit again, and if it uploads 1 MB again then I'll just have to keep binary files outside of bzr18:10
xnoxallquixotic, after first commit and after second commit run $ bzr pack18:13
xnoxand delete files in .bzr/repository/obsolete_packs/*18:13
xnoxor just ignore obsolete_packs dir when looking at the size of the repository18:14
allquixoticxnox: if I do those two steps in my local branch before I push (not using a bound branch), will all that extraneous data not get uploaded to the server? :)18:14
xnoxallquixotic, obsolete_packs/* are not uploaded18:14
allquixoticoh cool18:15
allquixoticso does it automatically pack before it pushes, then?18:15
xnoxit packs on logarithmic scale with respect to commits/pulls18:15
xnoxso sometimes you end up doing commit and it spawns a repack18:16
xnoxMe is committing ubuntu.iso to a bzr branch18:17
xnoxand I will do $ echo "1" >> iso18:17
xnoxto test this =)18:17
allquixoticif the repack has some algorithm for handling packing of binary files, I'm happy... even if it isn't as efficient as rtpatch or bsdiff, if it's something other than store two nearly-identical files in full, I'm happy :)18:17
allquixoticThanks for investigating that, xnox :)18:18
allquixoticI'm having another unrelated puzzler at the moment; I may need to ask this on #launchpad, but didn't get a reply there in ~30 mins so I'll repost here.18:19
allquixoticA colleague is trying to do an Update operation on a launchpad bzr branch in my private (commercial) branch. He's on Windows XP running bzr 2.1.1 standalone. The error: "-> bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.TooManyConcurrentRequests: The medium 'SmartSSHClientMedium(bzr+ssh://my_user@bazaar.launchpad.net/)' has reached its concurrent request limit. Be sure to finish_writing and finish_reading on the currently open request." Any18:19
allquixotic insight?18:19
xnoxallquixotic, what do you mean "update operation"18:22
xnox$ bzr upgrade18:22
xnox$ bzr update18:22
allquixoticxnox: the "Update" button in bzr explorer, on a bound branch18:23
allquixoticpretty sure that's bzr update18:23
xnoxallquixotic, i hope (my_user) is a masked username and sshkeys are installed correctly on his machine18:24
allquixoticmy_user is not his actual launchpad id :)18:24
xnoxapart from that. he can try to use bzr+http:// url18:25
allquixotiche did call launchpad-login with the right username, and has his ssh keys set up18:25
allquixoticoh, http won't work, because it's a private branch18:25
xnoxthat way it's not gonna use ssh and should be still fast18:25
allquixoticif unauthenticated http works then it's not private18:25
allquixoticwhich would be a big deal18:25
xnoxallquixotic, =))))))))) well I have nothing to do with commercial launchpad offerings18:26
xnoxsorry =)18:26
* xnox is doing only open-source stuff =)18:26
allquixoticit seems that many of the Canonical folks who work on launchpad are in Australia or NZ, because i was able to get hold of them at 5 am GMT-5, but i tried just a few minutes ago and they're probably asleep ;)18:26
xnoxallquixotic, as far as I know there are some folks in NZ and some folks in Vancouver Canada18:27
allquixoticoh well, I will walk my colleague through the steps to check out the branch from scratch and see if that works18:28
xnoxthe Vancouver side is running 24h support.... last time I heard18:28
allquixoticgood news is he doesn't have any uncommitted changes, or any local commits queued up18:28
allquixoticso he can just pull a fresh copy18:29
allquixoticer, branch, rather... bzr branch18:29
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bialixa212901390231901: ping18:49
bialixit seems python 2.5.4 broke WindowsErrors + non-ascii texts18:51
bialixC:\work\Bazaar\plugins\qbzr>python -c "import os; os.unlink('lib')"18:55
bialixTraceback (most recent call last):18:55
bialix  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>18:55
bialixWindowsError: [Error 5] : 'lib'18:55
bialixa212901390231901: as you can see there is stripped non-ascii characters and only ascii file name left18:55
a212901390231901ew, that's ugly.18:55
bialixin previous versions of python 2.5.x there *was* russian text, I swear18:56
a212901390231901I take it the console is a different codepage from the ACP used for error messages?18:56
bialixno, chcp has no effect18:56
a212901390231901okay, so some kind of bad bug fix attempt maybe, wonder if I can track it down.18:57
bialixa212901390231901: I found something19:10
bialixa212901390231901: http://pastebin.com/9QFeWf4j19:12
bialixthe russian text said: "unable to create file,"19:12
a212901390231901ha. but... str(e) strips?19:12
a212901390231901what about e.strerror?19:12
bialixempty s well19:13
bialixempty as well19:13
a212901390231901okay, that narrows the search19:13
a212901390231901hmph, will have to come back to this later19:43
bendjmy bzr-svn plugin works fine @ branch/pull of source from svn repos.  afaict, however, it does NOT get the svn:externals svn:ignores info, or more importantly, convert then to bzr-speak.19:58
bendjCAN it?19:58
NfNitLoopbendj:  I'd answer you, but you left. :p20:38
masmullinhello I have a (hopefully basic) bzr merge problem.  Is there anyone here who might be able to give me a hand?20:41
dashquite likely :)20:41
masmullinOk here goes there are two development branches that I have loaded onto lauchpad (~masmullin/scintilla-cocoa/makefilework and ~masmullin/scintilla-cocoa/mousewheel)20:43
masmullinboth have the same parent, which is at revision 3320:43
masmullinI have made 2 commits to each branch, so they are both at revision 3520:44
masmullinwhen I do the following command "bzr branch lp:~masmullin/scintilla-cocoa/mousewheel && cd mousewheel && bzr merge lp:~masmullin/scintilla-cocoa/makefilework" bzr responds to me saying "Nothing to do"20:45
masmullinI want to get the changes from the makefilework branch into the mousewheel branch20:45
masmullinany ideas?20:45
masmullinany URLs that describe what I want (I've been searching but haven't found the info I need)20:46
dashmasmullin: Hm20:48
dashmasmullin: try doing 'bzr missing' instead of 'bzr merge'20:48
dashthat'll tell you about differences between the branches20:48
masmullinit tells me that I have "2 extra revision(s)" and gives me the commit messages from the mousewheel branch20:49
masmullinit does not tell me anything about the makefilework branch20:49
dashmasmullin: ok20:50
dashso what bzr thinks is going on is that all the revisions in makefilework are already in your current branch20:51
masmullin:( unfortunately this is not true.20:51
dashmasmullin: looking at the log on code.launchpad.net your results are a little surprising20:52
masmullinI should point out that the mousewheel branch is "newer" (time-wise) than the makefilework branch20:52
masmullindash: have I run into an unknown bug, or am I using the tool incorrectly?20:57
dashmasmullin: i'm stumped. but i am not an expert :)20:59
masmullindash: stumped too... looks like I should file a report21:00
IslandUsurpermasmullin, bzr qlog says that mousewheel has already merged in the two commits from makefilework21:03
IslandUsurperin revno 3421:03
masmullinislandusurper: via manual inspection i can tell that this is incorrect21:03
mkanatmasmullin: If bzr says that it's happened, then there was probably some human error along the way.21:03
maxbmasmullin: You have unfortunately made an error when creating the mousewheel branch, and recorded a merge which did not actually occur in the history21:04
masmullinhow do I ifix this?21:04
mkanatmasmullin: If it's the most recent commit, you can uncommit it.21:05
mkanatmasmullin: Did you do "bzr revert ." after merging, or something?21:05
maxbIdeally? Create a new branch from the existing trunk, port your existing changes to the new branch, and throw away the old mousewheel branch21:05
masmullinmkanat: not to my knowledge21:05
masmullinmaxh: I can do that... the changes made were small21:05
mkanatmasmullin: Note that if anybody else has pulled from your branch, uncomitting is bad.21:05
maxbA very important thing to understand is that "bzr revert" and "bzr revert ." have significantly different effects on the history21:06
maxbmasmullin: Do you have the bzr-rewrite extension installed?21:09
lifelessyeah, I regret that subtle distinction21:10
lifelessthinking we should make it a flag21:10
masmullini dont know... I installed the 2.1.1 for mac and accepted all the plugins that came with that... I have no other plugins installed21:10
masmullinno worries though... Im 75% done rewriting the change manually21:10
mkanatlifeless: Yeah, a flag would be way better.21:10
maxbIf so, you can rebuild your changes without the bad history by branching r33 of trunk, and then using 'bzr replay -r34..35 mousewheel'21:10
mkanatlifeless: I didn't even know about "." until you told me. Maybe --keep-merges.21:11
mkanatlifeless: Or --remember-merges to make it the opposite of --forget-merges.21:11
maxbA flag would make sense - going to a pristine tree but keeping pending-merges is a highly specialized operation21:12
maxb--keep-merges somehow feels more explanatory to me21:12
mkanatmaxb: Me too.21:12
masmullinalright I got it working nicely now... sorry to take up your time, thank you for the help21:21
kkaeferhow is the lp: alias integrated/defined in bazaar?21:44
Peng_kkaefer: It's somewhere in bzrlib.plugins.launchpad, using Bazaar's directory service feature.21:49
lifelessvila: still around ?22:03
lifelessor jam: ?22:03
jamlifeless: I'm around22:04
rephormatWhat is the best way to use launchpad as a central repository?22:04
lifelessthis should unblock yours and spivs patches that are targeted to 2.022:04
rephormatMeaning I do my developing on one machine (bzr push lp:project) and then get the updated source from launchpad on the production machine?22:04
lifelessrephormat: bzr22:04
lifelessrephormat: oh sure, or push directly, or whatever your preference is.22:05
jamlifeless: well, if it gets things working, approve22:05
lifelessjam: care to clicky clicky it ? :P22:05
jamlifeless: already done22:05
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rephormatlifeless: lets say I have successfully pushed to launchpad, but want to update the sources on my production machine from launchpad?22:05
rephormathow would I do that?22:05
lifelessrephormat: bzr pull, or bzr update, depending on whether you did 'bzr branch' or 'bzr checkout' on the production machine22:06
rephormatlifeless: I did bzr branch.. should I have done bzr checkout?22:06
lifelessrephormat: if you did bzr branch, then use 'bzr pull' to update the sources on your production machine.22:07
rephormatlifeless: Well #$% I thought I tried that already.22:07
rephormatlifeless: THANKS! So what is the difference between branch and checkout?22:07
lifelessrephormat: in a checkout, commits go to the 'master' branch (as do pull, push, uncommit); when the master branch has new work on it use 'update' to get that work to be present locally.22:09
rephormatso with a branch I can do development locally and then push to the centralized location?22:10
lifelessrephormat: in a branch, commits/pull/push to this/uncommit affect just the branch, use pull to get new work from some other branch into this branch, or merge + commit if you have been making independent changes.22:10
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rephormatI would use branch to do "development/feature requests" and prbably checkout for bug fixes on the main branch?!!22:11
rephormatsweet fancy moses!22:12
dashanybody seen this before with bzr-svn? http://paste.ubuntu.com/424235/22:25
lifelessnot I22:26
jelmerdash: there's an open bug report about it23:26
dashjelmer: great23:32
dashjelmer: i managed to work around it by branching from before my last merge, pulling from svn, then pulling from that into my working branch23:32
bendjReading @ jelmer's bzr-svn docs (http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/ForeignBranches/Subversion),  I note: "'svn:ignore' is not imported.", and a reference to a spec (https://launchpad.net/bzr/+spec/new-ignore-rules) that says "completed" as of 2007, per mbp.  Unclear whether just the spec was completed, or the feature was ...23:37
bendjDoes bzr-svn support import of svn:ignores?  I _do_ know that bzr-externals handles the svn:externals piece of the equation ...23:38
TresEquisbendj: the feature isn't in place23:38
bendjTresEquis: double RATS!23:38
bendjI am trying sooooo hard to not have to use svn ....23:39
bendjwithout monkeying about, anyway :-/23:39
jelmerbendj: no, neither ignores nor externals are imported at the moment - mainly because there's no good thing to map them to in bazaar23:40
TresEquisbendj: you can work around that one via a script23:40
TresEquisjelmer: couldn't bzr just generate a .bzrigonre file?23:40
TresEquisbzr-svn, I mean23:40
TresEquisI understand that the externals fix isn't pretty23:41
jelmerTresEquis: that breaks with roundtripping, since we'd need a way to convert .bzrignore to svn:ignore as well23:41
jelmerTresEquis: there isn't a fix :-)23:41
TresEquisheh, I just check the .bzrignore file into svn ;)23:42
bendjjelmer Arg. I'd though svn:externals was supported -- but digging around, then, still seems this is relevant: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/463275/do-you-have-a-clever-hack-to-work-around-svnexternals-not-being-supported-in-bzr23:42
bendj( bendj considerds sticking head in sand until a solution arrives ... )23:43
jelmerbendj: yes, that's still accurate.23:43
TresEquisthe nested-tree bit is still stalled23:44
bendjjelmer: thanks for the info, not necessarily for the news.  <rant> sick of being told "just use subversion.  it's a 'real' rcs" </rant>23:44
jelmerTresEquis: yeah, unfortunately :-/23:44
jelmerbendj: sorry, can't really help with that. nested trees are a nontrivial project to take on23:45
TresEquisI get away with (manually) mapping externals onto unrelated checkouts23:46
bendjWho can we "light a fire under" for nested-tree?  Anyone in particular?  mbp?  Perhaps a community-bucket bribe isreq'd?23:46
TresEquiswhich I then tell the paretn to ignore23:46
bendjTresEquis: Understood.  For serious adoption, though, gotta have ways to deal with existing 'legacy' (== svn,cvs) project code bases.23:47
bendj. /me waves the bzr cheerleading-flag (miniature, souvenir version ...)23:47
TresEquisI understand the need23:49
jelmerbendj: yeah, mbp is probably the best person to talk to.23:50
TresEquisI've just decided that using bzr to boost my own productivity when working with big SVN repositories is worth the hassle, and the workarounds23:50
bendjTresEquis: When you say 'manually mapping', do you mean script-based?  ala, extract the svn:{ignores,externals} then have a script do the mapping?  or do you mean by-hand?23:50
bendjseen mbp23:51
bendjhrmph.  duzznt work ....23:51
bendjrubs lamp.  nada.23:51
bendjaha! whois ...23:51
bendjgrr.  different mbp ...23:52
TresEquisbendj: I do it by hand, mostly23:52
TresEquishave a directory full of the "common" externals23:52
TresEquiswhich I use for symlinks when making a new bzr branch23:52
bendjTresEquis: k.  sure, workable. messy ....23:52
xnoxTresEquis, well as long as you are not doing "svn-import for everyone" i did this23:54
xnox$ bzr branch svn://external.server/bla/trunk path/to/where/external/should/be23:54
xnox$ bzr join path/to/where/external/should/be23:55
xnox$ bzr ci23:55
xnoxNow you have diverged from both svn's23:55
xnoxbut you can do23:55
xnox$ bzr merge :parent23:55
xnoxto get updates from svn23:55
xnox$ bzr merge svn://external.server/bla/trunk23:55
xnoxto get updates in the extern subdit23:55
xnoxto get updates in the extern subdir23:55
xnoxBut *actually* commiting23:56
TresEquisI didn't know about bzr join23:56
xnoxback to svn23:56
xnoxis tricky cause you need to have pristine import somewhere else which you push to from this joined beast23:56
TresEquisI usually keep a pristine SVN import around anyway23:57
xnoxTresEquis, join & split is the smallest bit of NestedTrees that landed23:57
TresEquisso I would do your dance inside a branch from that23:57
xnoxit allows you to join & split branches. But once you join it's in your history23:57
xnoxso when you eg $ bzr up -r-10023:57
xnoxyour "joined" external is not there23:57
bendjxnox: interesting.  in the current case, i'm ONLY interested in svn co -- from a parent project -- and I never plan on committing BACK to the parent.23:58
xnoxwell then you are fine =)23:58
TresEquisbendj: you should use 'bzr branch svn+ssh://whatever' then23:58
TresEquisor do you plan to use 'bzr up' inside your checkout?23:58
xnoxThen I would even join the external at the commit the external was actually introduced and merge it with the current tip23:59
xnoxthat way you can use the point revision of the joined tree to revert it independently of the mainline23:59

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