
highvoltagehi everyone18:23
bencrisfordhighvoltage: evening18:25
bencrisfordhighvoltage: at tonights meeting could we try and sort out UDS sessions18:25
stgraberyep, sounds good18:25
bencrisfordbecause if we do it soon, it will mean we can make the sessions more accessible to remote participants18:25
highvoltageyeah, I wish I could be around more today18:26
stgraberanyway, got to go now, will be back for the meeting18:26
bencrisfordthere should still be alot of sessions free18:26
highvoltageI'm on my 'good' connection now...18:26
bencrisfordhighvoltage: :)18:26
highvoltage19:23 -!- Irssi: Join to #edubuntu was synced in 53 secs18:26
highvoltageand that's how bad it is :/18:26
stgraberhighvoltage: argh, that sucks.18:26
bencrisford:/, and now you have no excuse to ignore my pings :P18:26
stgraberwe also need the website and release notes / technical overview and relesae announcement ready for tomorrow18:27
bencrisfordstgraber: that gonna be sorted via gobby doc?18:27
highvoltageI think we'll have to stay with our current website for now and update to the new one post-release18:27
bencrisfordthat sounds good, there is so much to do anyway18:27
highvoltagebandwidth into canonical is going to suck for the next few days and sorting out problems isn't going to be fun18:28
bencrisfordcreating marketing materials is gonna be tedious too...  gimp is fun for a couple of hours, but working with it for more can get tedious18:30
* bencrisford used tedious twice :/18:30
highvoltagegimp doesn't sound like the right tool for it anyway. scribus and inksapce are probably better fits?18:30
bencrisforddepends what the materials are18:31
bencrisfordI use gimp alot for the image-y stuff, and fit it together with scribus18:31
bencrisfordinkscape I don't feel confident enough in, but hopefully some inkscape wizards will appear out of no-where and we can produce some awesome stuff18:32
bencrisfordscribus can be buggy as well, so we'll see how it goes18:32
* mhall119 liked the ironic over-use of "tedious"18:33
bencrisfordmhall119: I like that word, it sounds funny ^^18:36
* bencrisford is afraid he could be talking rubbish (caffeine has run out)18:37
mhall119refill it18:37
highvoltagehmm... caffeine... now there's an idea18:38
bencrisfordmhall119: nah, I haven't been sleeping properly for like a week, and i'm starting to fall apart physically...  i'm depriving myself of caffeine in the hope that it will cure my insomnia18:38
bencrisfordI even bought some camomile tea (i'm really desperate for sleep atm)18:39
mhall119I stop drinking caffiene after noon so that I can sleep at night18:39
bencrisfordwell its lie 4.39pm here18:39
mhall119except a glass or two of iced tea18:39
mhall119but there's not much caffiene in that18:39
mhall119I drink rootbeer instead of coke or pepsi because it's naturally caffiene free18:40
* bencrisford looks at the empty cook bottle on his desk... woops18:40
mhall119say, is there a meeting today?18:41
bencrisfordthink so18:41
* mhall119 needs to get these on his calendar18:41
bencrisford1h20s time if I am not mistaken18:41
mhall119maybe I'll be able to attend some of this one18:42
bencrisfordI think evolution reminds me, but i'm pretty good at remembering things like that normally18:42
mhall119yeah, I just need to put it on my calendar18:42
mhall119I chat from my laptop at work, and work on my desktop, so I don't always pay attention18:42
bencrisfordphone calendar?18:46
bencrisfordI set one on there as well in case I fall asleep18:46
* bencrisford has an interesting looking book on his bed ( http://bit.ly/9eL3Oh ), which he might have a quick skim through before the meeting18:49
stgrabermeeting in two minutes19:58
alkisgLns, sbalneav, bencrisford > meeting20:02
Lnsthx alkisg20:02
bencrisfordalkisg: ty20:04
isforinsectsbencrisford: is the new edubuntu website up somewhere in test?  Or is there a git/bzr/etc repo I can clone?20:17
bencrisfordisforinsects: I think it was up somewhere as a test, but it might be in a repo somewhere as well, i'm not sure20:18
bencrisfordI can find you the url that I have for it20:18
bencrisfordnot the repo, but the design20:18
isforinsectswhy drupal?20:20
bencrisfordeasily editable..?  not sure20:20
bencrisfordhave an ask after the meeting when we retreat back here20:21
bencrisfordor during the meeting, but i'm not the guy to ask ;)20:22
highvoltagestgraber: you got distracted? :)21:10
stgraberslightly ;)21:10
vmlintuHi! I was asking earlier about the ldap/kerberos plans and I've been now checking what the server team is up-to. It looks like there'll be something happening on OpenLDAP schema/DIT setup level.21:19
stgraberhighvoltage: sent some kind of meeting notes to the mailing-list. I hope I didn't miss something important ...21:21
bencrisfordstgraber: just the teams blueprint stuff, but that was only me and highvoltage :P, and I don't think we're gonna work on it until after UDS21:22
vmlintuAlso Debian Edu is currently wondering what to do with LDAP/Kerberos, so I'm trying to figure out what is the right place to work on this..21:24
highvoltagevmlintu: that's a good question :)21:24
highvoltagevmlintu: I guess the short answer is as widely as possible21:25
vmlintuhighvoltage: do you see that this is something that interests edubuntu devs?21:31
bencrisfordstgraber: did you see the discussion on the teams blueprint?  we were thinking a post-UDS IRC session to seperate the lp teams into 3 groups, deletion-leavingalone-fixing and then acting on them appropriately21:34
highvoltagevmlintu: I can't speak for everyone but I personally see the value in it, unfortunately my LDAP knowledge is quite limited21:35
highvoltagevmlintu: but I am interested and can at least review/sponsor any packaging if required21:36
bencrisfordstgraber: sound okay to you?  because I think most people had been distracted away from #ubuntu-meeting by the time we got on to that, so it didnt really get discussed by many people..21:36
vmlintuhighvoltage: what interests me most is whether there are others working on this for Edubuntu as I want to avoid doing double work21:37
highvoltagevmlintu: yep, no risk of that!21:37
highvoltagevmlintu: I've been following your blog and the discussion on debian-edu, and we'll pretty much use any contribution ldap wise that you make to ubuntu21:37
vmlintuhighvoltage: we have also others working on this now, but we'd probably need someone to help with packaging and such21:38
highvoltagevmlintu: there are no other ldap plans currently here so there's not much risk of duplication21:38
vmlintuhighvoltage: ok, I'll then see what the server team is up-to and go forward with our current plans21:41
vmlintusometimes I wonder if our ltsp setups are just weird..21:42
bencrisfordnight everyone21:49

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