
Riddellclaydoh: how did you start your i386 9.10 to 10.04 upgrade?00:24
rbelemhey Riddell00:34
rbelemRiddell, i start get my hands dirty today http://paste.ubuntu.com/423635/00:35
rbelemRiddell, i'm planning to finish tomorrow the kdenetwork/filesystem part00:36
Riddellrbelem: hypercool00:37
Riddellrbelem: does it work?00:38
rbelemRiddell, yep... i made a small test code00:39
rbelemRiddell, i will paste the other files00:39
rbelemRiddell, i think it is better to upload to somewhere00:44
rbelemRiddell, http://media.rbelem.info/usershare.tar.gz00:50
rbelemRiddell, i'm going home. In some minutes I'll be back00:54
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nixternalsilly box fell off my table and hit the power strip just right, shut down everything while I was gone :)02:55
claydohRiddell: I upgraded with update-manager-kde. I can also test upgrading from alternate cd if necessary, I have my karmic backup disk image I can restore03:26
ScottKJontheEchidna: I think before people get denied upload rights due to their experience matching a package set better than the generalist case, I think that ought to be true.04:03
ScottKHotel internet is fun.  My ISO download should be done in 11 hours.04:04
ScottKapachelogger: Congratulations on GSoC.05:20
ScottKGood thing they give you a month for community bonding.05:21
macoya know, just in case a few years(?) of it werent enough :P05:23
nixternalmake sure you all tweet #ubuntu tomorrow05:29
nixternalor today for you 2 nuckleheads in dc05:29
nixternalmight be heading out the way to work with ben collins on a project actually...though i have no clue wth he is these days05:29
nixternaljust know he is within a few hours of dc where there is probably lots of woods, a couple of banjos, and plenty of sheep05:30
crimsunstill in PA, I thought.05:31
nixternalthought he was in WV?05:31
crimsuncould be; I've only seen pa hostmasks05:31
nixternalspeaking of the devil who found me the opportunity to work with ben05:32
nixternaldid you do also work for curt or something? how do you know each other?05:32
nixternali hate that word05:32
crimsunwe know each other through anynet05:33
crimsunsmallish ircnet running on bc infrastructure, lots of Debian devs and users05:33
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apacheloggerScottK: you can never have enough community bonding ^^09:52
apacheloggeralso that time is perfect for thiking about the designs and stuff, so I can dive into coding in may09:53
apacheloggeror go on vacation ;)09:53
amichairJontheEchidna: I think the knh merge didn't go through for some reason (at least I don't see it on lp) :-(11:01
apacheloggerkubotu: np11:04
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Finnegan's Wake" by Dropkick Murphys [Do or Die, 1998] [http://open.spotify.com/track/0qrVpBm3o8eU0fFO54UXv7] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more11:04
* apachelogger thinks that kubotu could use an update11:04
apacheloggerakonadi is dead -.011:04
* apachelogger never saw akonadi eat the cpu11:08
apacheloggerRiddell: those files you sent me have some rather crude issue somewhere11:08
Riddellcrude issue?11:11
apacheloggerRiddell: a rather annoying one11:13
apacheloggermust be mysql ;)11:13
* apachelogger cant switch the modelview int he akonadi console without getting 100% cpu usage11:14
apacheloggereven if the selected resource is empty11:14
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gunsofbrixton_hi, I just installed kubuntu lucid in virtual box, seems like I can't manage to get the guest additions working, anyone else experiencing this?12:14
ulyssesYes, I've installed the sources of the kernel, but it didn't help12:21
JontheEchidnaamichair: yeah, forgot to push the changes to trunk. the good news is that it did make it to lucid a few weeks ago12:24
JontheEchidnahave to go to class now though, bbl12:25
gunsofbrixtonulysses: ah, I was indeed missing dkms, thought I had it. sorry, my bad12:29
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bulldog98neversfelde: yes I have time when to start?13:51
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amichairit's awfully quiet in here15:30
rbelemhey Riddell15:31
rbelemRiddell, what do you think about the code?15:32
Riddellrbelem: sorry bad week for code I'm doing final release testing15:32
Riddellamichair: we're all doing release testing (well I can hope)15:33
rbelemRiddell, np ;-)15:33
amichairsorry I didn't have more time for ubiquity bugs before release, been too busy :-(15:33
Riddellhow does this read for release? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades/Kubuntu15:34
tsimpsonlooks good15:37
amichairRiddell: "Upgrade to 10.04 LTS with an alternate CD start with:" doesn't sound like a correct sentence15:39
tsimpsonthe " start with:" could be removed15:40
amichairRiddell: "if this is not working" -> "if this doesn't work"15:40
amichair"press the return button" -> "press return" or "press the return key"15:41
amichairRiddell: excellent screenshots15:42
amichairRiddell: it might be wise to put the "upgrade from hardy is not supported" note at the top, before ppl start15:44
amichairRiddell: the top section is missing a 1) section number (only the alternative section has it)15:46
amichairgreat walk-through other than that :-)15:47
amichairJontheEchidna: not sure what u mean by lucid without trunk, but I trust you've got it covered :-)15:48
JontheEchidnaamichair: as in, I uploaded your fixes to lucid a few weeks ago, but didn't push the commits to trunk15:49
JontheEchidnabzr trunki15:49
amichairJontheEchidna: isn't lucid based on trunk?15:49
amichairdon't all changes first go to trunk?15:49
JontheEchidnaI just uploaded the package to lucid without pushing the changes to bzr15:50
amichairoh, as in manually on ur machine?15:50
JontheEchidnaeventually all packages have to be manually uploaded15:50
amichairok, I think I get it :-)15:50
JontheEchidnaand then hopefully the developer will at the same time push the changes to bzr15:51
JontheEchidnaunless they forget <.<15:51
amichairthough publishing something without the code in repositories sounds to me like trouble :-)15:52
amichairJontheEchidna: anyway, thanks - I'm taking it of my todo list ;-)15:52
JontheEchidnayeah, it's a bad idea to not keep the two in sync. totally my fault for forgetting15:53
JontheEchidnaguess I'm just too used to svn where committing also pushes...15:53
shtylmanthe chromi kwin deco is pretty great15:54
JontheEchidnaI found chromi a bit buggy the last time I used it15:55
JontheEchidnabut the concept is neat15:57
* JontheEchidna tries it again15:57
JontheEchidnayeah, still is a bit buggy: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopup1445-jpg.jpg15:59
nixternalwtf is up with your vista loving theme there bud?16:00
JontheEchidnathat's the preview's fault16:01
nixternalyeah right16:01
JontheEchidnaas you can see, the actual decoration is chrome lovin'16:01
nixternalI don't have no decoration called 'chromi' that looks like vista :p16:01
nixternaljeesh, talking just like a chicagoan there16:01
nixternali don't have no....16:01
JontheEchidnaI found a power adapter yesterday that will let my computer use that fancy Flemish electricity :316:03
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Guest84236Hi there16:31
Guest84236When I right click on a folder in dolphin , and select properties and sharing tab ,16:32
Guest84236it shows you need to authorized to share folders16:32
Guest84236when I click the configure file sharing it gets my root password16:33
Guest84236but it does nothing !16:33
Guest84236what's wrong?16:33
ulyssesGuest84236: Support on #kubuntu, this channel is for the developers. Anyway, have you installed the following packages: kdenetwork-filesharing, samba, nfs-common?16:34
Guest84236ulysses: doing nothing wothout a prompt is not a bug?16:35
Guest84236ulysses: and the developers are not here to try improve the quality?16:35
ulysseslast time I've seen a blinking underscore without prompt I have to bring my laptop to the service16:37
ulyssesGuest84236: The developers are here to discuss the development, not to support the users16:39
RiddellGuest84236: there's a known upstream problem.  it needs rewriting and rbelem is working on that16:39
Guest84236Riddell: thanks16:40
rbelemRiddell, do you know how to add the kde api to the assistant?16:43
JontheEchidnathere's a copy of the kde 4.5 docs for the assistant: http://mts.ms/kde45.qch16:45
JontheEchidnashould be ok as long as you pay attention to the "since KDE 4.x" entries to tell which version of KDE the member was introduced in16:45
Riddellapachelogger: do you have the beastie number for akonadi startup issue?  we should get it into release notes16:48
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I think it's bug 564263, though apachelogger should confirm16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564263 in akonadi ""No resource agents found" error when starting for the first time" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56426316:49
apacheloggerthough the title does not really fit16:49
apacheloggerit is more like s/for the first time/at random times/g16:49
JontheEchidna"Akonadi fails because mysql is a poopy pile"16:50
apacheloggerthat one16:50
apacheloggerindeed it looks like I always get the dialog when akonadi/mysql did not terminate properly16:50
* apachelogger will try to hunt down all occurances as soon as he finished planning a TA test and distributed some knowledge16:51
dpmhi Riddell, you asked me a couple of days ago for the output of the comparison between the upstream and downstream language packs, here it is: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/424073/ . It is the same thing I sent you last time (comparison of the 'es' langpack), but this time I haven't filtered out the different types of messages. The interesting bits are the ERROR messages, which are the ones that affect all languages. Most of them are about particular stri17:32
dpmngs in the upstream language pack, but missing in the Ubuntu one, but I still haven't figured out why (genuine bug, patch modifying strings, import error?)17:32
dpmRiddell, also tell me if you want to have a Kubuntu translations roundtable at UDS, and we can either put it on the desktop or community tracks. If you want it on the desktop track, feel free to just subscribe me to it then17:35
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debfxclaydoh: could you add to the release notes that one needs to install kmozillahelper to get the kde integration for firefox (except when using the firefox installer)?18:42
valgaavit would be also awesome if kmozillahelper worked with thunderbird/seamonkey :) ... I've already filled out a bug on that19:11
neversfeldewhere are the release notes?19:12
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danttiJontheEchidna: that print-manager stuff is giving me more work than i thought it would... :P20:04
JontheEchidnadantti: my side-project is too20:05
danttimaking it use threads was a nightmare..20:05
JontheEchidnawho knew making a Qt/C++ libapt implementation/wrapper would be hard to get correct?20:05
danttiyesterday I thought I had found a solution..20:06
JontheEchidnathreading makes me cry20:06
danttiJontheEchidna: yeah,,, libapt is a bit of a pain..20:06
danttihave you looked into aptcc code?20:06
JontheEchidnadantti: yeah, it's been helpful20:06
danttithat might help you a bit..20:06
danttinow I realized that I need to change the libqcups to be async instead of using some crazy eventLoops.. hopefully this will solve the problems..20:07
JontheEchidnaWould you happen to know if there is a way to update a package cache without throwing it away and making a new one? (e.g. after a cache update)20:07
danttiJontheEchidna: well afair I always re read the cache, but it's quite fast on the second time..20:08
danttiopening it, reading all it's packages, sorting and unique takes less than one second in aptcc20:09
danttiwhat takes more time is DBus20:09
JontheEchidnayeah, dbus is annoyingly slow20:09
danttiby opening I mean the second time..20:10
davmor2Hey guys you should fix the ublog so that posts from it don't say from the web but from ublog instead, free advert for KDE20:10
JontheEchidnaMy implementation has the Backend making a QList of QApt::Packages. Each package in the cache has an associated QApt::Package that can be used to grab information about the package (name, version, etc)20:11
JontheEchidnaBut when I update the package cache, all of the QApt::Packages become invalid :(20:12
danttiJontheEchidna: one thing that took me lots of time to undestand (and I still don't know it very well now) is why there is so many kinds of caches in apt..20:12
JontheEchidnawhat I want to know is why they needed so many goddamn iterators20:13
danttiJontheEchidna: I see well, I think or you should lock apt like synaptic does, and reload the cache when you reaload it or make the packagekit way, meaning that you do searches instead of having the real db20:14
danttiyes that too20:14
JontheEchidnamainly my problem is that the apps that are using my library (a shaman backend and a test app I built) seem to like to try to access the QApt::Packages before the cache done being rebuilt20:15
JontheEchidnaand then it crashes :(20:15
danttihmm i see20:16
danttiJontheEchidna: does shaman use policykit?20:19
JontheEchidnadantti: My library does: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/20:19
JontheEchidnavia polkit-qt-120:19
danttiright, in that case it will be nice if we create a libdebconf-qt20:20
danttiwhich I plan to use in kpk and that you would need too20:20
JontheEchidnaDoes anybody know if clearing a QList deletes all the objects within the list?20:31
danttiJontheEchidna: afair no if they are pointers20:32
JontheEchidnamakes sense20:33
danttii remember to have a foreach loop in kpk to delete them20:33
JontheEchidnaha, there's a crash fixed20:35
JontheEchidnaI forgot to clear the list after deleting all the QApt::Package pointers in it20:35
JontheEchidnaso the first 1,200 pointers in the list were all null...20:36
JontheEchidnawhoa, that was to root of *all* my problems!20:37
JontheEchidnadantti: Thanks for all your help. You got me thinking in the right direction20:38
JontheEchidnaalso I was emitting the "done updating cache" signal after the fetching was done, but before I called the function to rebuild the cache20:39
JontheEchidnanext up: trying to find why installing/removing multiple packages at once only installs/removes the first in the list :(20:43
danttiJontheEchidna: glad that I helped.. :) if you have more questions poke me20:43
JontheEchidnaCommunicating between the libqapt backend and the libqapt worker for installing/removing things is not fun.20:44
JontheEchidnaI have to get a list of all changed packages, note what needs to be done to them, send it over dbus to the worker, have the worker duplicate things on its end, and then commit the changes20:44
danttiJontheEchidna: do you use DBus for that?20:44
danttiJontheEchidna: the only problem with DBus for that an packagekit is when your update DBus... the ui stops working (don't know if in ubuntu dbus is also restarted)20:45
JontheEchidnagotta go now, have to leave early to go home20:46
JontheEchidnasorry to run in the middle of a conversation20:46
danttidon't be20:46
apacheloggerthe octobus is now ready for boarding, please keep your passport and boarding card ready21:00
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JontheEchidnafigures kdevelop 4.4.0 tarballs appear on ktown one day before final release :(21:28
JontheEchidnargreening_: looks like you and me are crew buddies for friday21:36
JontheEchidnaUDS Crew buddies, that is21:36
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Riddellkdevelop and koffice are both generally badly timed for our cycle21:42
neversfeldeis someone working on koffice?21:45
Riddellwhich one?21:46
neversfeldewasn't rc tagged a few days ago?21:46
neversfeldeI might be wrong21:46
Riddell2.1.91 is in https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta21:47
Riddellthat's the newest on ktown21:47
Riddellclaydoh: have you do anything on a release announcement?21:48
Riddellmy plan is to take the RC one and put that onto kubuntu.org updated for final but you may be more prepared21:49
claydohRiddell: I have a bare one started, getting ready to work in it in a few21:55
claydohRiddell: basically i was going to do similar, but hopefully jazz up the lts bit :)21:56
claydohRiddell: anything in particular you don't want missed in the notes? or highlighted?22:05
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claydohdebfx: gotcha on the kmozillahelper22:06
Riddellclaydoh: mostly just the long term support message22:08
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txwikingerwhat is the matter with usplash? It should be installable on lucid, shouLdn't it?23:18
Riddelltxwikinger: we don't use usplash in lucid23:19
txwikingerbut it is still used isn't it?23:19
txwikingernot for kubuntu, but for other packages?23:19
RiddellI refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave a moment ago23:20
macodoesnt plymouth replace it?23:20
txwikingerhmm.. I have to find why it is still in my depends... I have taken it out of the seeds23:20
txwikingerAnyway..who called it plymouth?23:23
* txwikinger thinks that sounds far too English :D23:23
RiddellI suspect it's named after one of the US Plymouths23:24
txwikingerthe car?23:25
txwikingerI thought it does not exist anymore23:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: this neuromancer is a difficult customer it seems23:56
* txwikinger is frustrated about 12 hour wait in building time23:56
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: which bug? (Though I agree)23:58
apacheloggerhe jsut keeps reopening :P23:59

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