
* Typos_King checks his version00:07
patarok_could somebody tell me where the devices have gone in amarok prefs?00:08
patarok_please i want to mount my mp3-player/memstick thingy in amarok...00:08
Typos_King... I do have 2.2 ehhe00:10
Typos_Kingsooo, what are you looking for?00:10
RDS101source fraud00:23
Typos_Kingusing your iPhone in amarok as mounted device..  can't say00:24
patarok_using some other device can you say?00:26
Typos_KingI have an mp3 player however is not an ipod or iphone... and it mounts well and I can use it anywhere00:28
don_jrYesterday I installed kubuntu 9.10.  I allowed it to update.  I had no sound at all.  I installed pulseaudio and got system sounds only, no mp3 player or web sound.found a thread that said to remove alsa and pulseaudio and install oss isntead.  now I have no sound at all, and after re-installing alsa and pulseaudio the my pci card is not showing in the audio list under system config>multimedia.  Any suggestions will be most welcomed.00:28
James147!sound | don_jr00:29
ubottudon_jr: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:29
James147!mp3 | don_jr00:29
ubottudon_jr: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:29
Typos_Kingdon_jr:  are you sure your sliders in kmix are up?00:31
Typos_Kingdon_jr:   specially Master and PCM, bear in mind that some apps volume controls move those sliders around too00:31
don_jrTypos_King yes we checked all of that earlier before the removal of pulse audio. as of right now my audio device isn't even showing up in multimedia00:31
Typos_KingI've found that 'audacious' player uses the PCM slider from the volume control, so00:32
don_jrTypos_King yeah we checked them pretty thuroughly before and durring playback attempts.00:32
Typos_Kingdon_jr:   can you play .ogg or .wav?00:32
Typos_Kingyou may just be missing codecs00:32
don_jrwon't play anything at all right now, not even system sounds are back now00:33
James147don_jr: have you rebooted since you reinstalled pulseaudio?00:33
don_jrJames147 yes, twice00:33
Typos_Kingdon_jr:    how are you testing for audio?00:33
don_jrTypos_King in multimedia clicking the test button on the appropriate device use to produce sound and the startup and shutdown sounds were there.  other testing was going to youtube and/or pandora to see if web sound was there00:34
don_jrtried playing an audio cd with no luck, and mp3's with amarok also no luck00:34
don_jras of right now, my audio device is listed in lspci but not showing in multimedia like it use to00:34
Typos_Kingdon_jr:    ac97?00:35
James147don_jr: try checking "show advanced devices" in multimedia, see if anything else appears00:36
don_jrJames147 nothing shows up when I click that.00:36
don_jrTypos_King what is ac97?00:36
Typos_Kingbuilt-in audio standard00:37
don_jrI might just have to re-install from scratch again to at least get system sounds back...00:37
don_jrTypos_King my onboard doesn't work at all, the plugs are bad or something, lspci shows this 02:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] PCI Multi-Channel Audio Controller (rev 01)00:37
Typos_Kingok.. is a pci soundcard00:38
don_jrthere are some issues with this card and alsa, and probably pulsaudio as well.  But at least before I could get system sounds, now I get nothing00:38
Typos_Kingwell.. not quite00:38
Typos_Kingthat's just the hardware info, but anyway00:38
James147don_jr:  you could try delteing or renaming ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc    not sure what it will do though00:38
don_jrI'm lost, might just re-install and start from scratch again, at least I'll have some sound...can work on the other problems again after...any other suggestions before I take this step?00:41
don_jrAlrighty then, be back in an hour or so lol00:42
James147don_jr: it your going down the reinstall route then to get mp3 to work install "kubuntu-restricted-extras" (i think its still called that) also if you dont ahve sound in flash thats a problem with flash not your sound00:42
James147don_jr: think most ppl get flash to work by purging it and installing it directly from adobe00:42
don_jrJames147 I had restricted-extra's installed earlier as well and still no mp3 or wav playback, but I'll definitely get it installed along with pulseaudio right from the get go.00:42
don_jralright might give that a shot then, though I'll need some instruction on purging it.00:43
James147don_jr: to purge "sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-installer"00:43
don_jralrighty, I'll give that a shot, thanks00:44
Typos_Kingdon_jr:   sounds like ... the drivers aren't loading00:44
Typos_Kingyeah, the restricted will do I'd think00:45
James147Typos_King: hes gone00:45
Typos_Kingyeah, so I noticed ^_^00:45
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dominicdinada I am using ubuntu 9.10 and decided to give the kubuntu-desktop a try so when i opened up kubuntus kde all of a sudden my ndiswrapper does not work for my bcm4306 which worked in ubuntu01:20
dominicdinadaso when I look for the interfaces i do not have access to the wlan0-2 interfaces nor my ndiswrappers it is as if they have disappeared ??? any suggestions ?01:21
Typos_Kingwhy do you need that?01:34
Typos_Kingdominicdinada:    what.... wireless card doyou have?   a broadcomm chipset?01:34
heinkel_111how can I discover network settings using kubuntu?01:41
heinkel_111i am struggling to configure a new router for wireless01:41
heinkel_111my connection works fine when I use a ethernet directly to the modem01:42
heinkel_111but I have trouble configuring the router so I am able to connect to the internet01:42
heinkel_111I would like to look up the right settings when on the normal ethernet connection not using the router and configure the router correctly01:43
heinkel_111I googled for a few hours but have serious trouble finding the answers I need :-(01:43
Typos_KingI'd rather recommend a different network manager frontend, btw, but usually if your router is broadcasting, knetworkmanager will show it01:44
Typos_Kinganyhow, that said, I use network-manager-gnome, works better IMO than knetworkmanager01:45
heinkel_111my router is not configured correctly, that is the problem ...01:45
skierpageI've located a document in my terminal.  How do I open it with its default application from the terminal?  (Kubuntu 9.10)01:47
Typos_Kingskierpage:   depends on the document extension, but usually Dolphin will open it for you by just clicking the file01:47
skierpageTypos_King Thanks, but re-read what I asked.  I want the command line that does what Dolphin (and all that .desktop and defaults and whatever) does.01:48
Typos_Kingheinkel_111:    I'd run a cat5 to have it setup firstly then, from a cat5 your router will usually be accessible through your web browser at or so01:49
Typos_Kingheinkel_111:   and you can configure it from there01:49
skierpage`dolphin /path/to/myfile.ext` works, but now I've got an instance of Dolphin I don't want.01:50
* heinkel_111 googles cat5 :-)01:50
Typos_Kingcat5, a NIC cable :P01:50
Typos_Kingmeaning, run a network cable to your router01:50
skierpageOn Mac OS X, "The `open` command opens a file (or a directory or URL), just as if you had double-clicked the file's icon."01:51
heinkel_111Typos_King: ahhh - got it, and I know how to configure the router (I have done it several times before) it is just that my ISP does not supply configuration information openly for some reason01:52
skierpagekfmclient sounds promising, but demands a URL, it rejects `kfmclient /path/to/myfile.ext`01:52
Typos_Kingskierpage:     that's specific to the file really, the extension that is, what happens, macOSX as well as most OS, have a MIME setting for each, and thus they have 'handlers' for when you click it, on a terminal, you have to enter the 'handlers' yourself01:52
heinkel_111Typos_King: so I dont know what to put in the configuration, specially the  DNS related parts01:53
heinkel_111however, since my computer is able to get this right (automatically) when not using the router I should be able to read the information from my computer, somewhere....01:54
heinkel_111and then type it into my routerconfigs afterwards01:54
heinkel_111that is my problemsolving plan...01:54
Typos_Kingheinkel_111:   from the router all you need is wireless broadcasting ON and maybe a WEP key if any needed, and your wireless adapter will pick it up01:55
skierpageTypos_King  You are mistaken or confused.  Dolphin figures out that stuff for me, as does Mac OS X `open` command, as does the Windows Start > Run command.  I just need the command line equivalent in KDE/Kubuntu/Ubuntu.01:56
heinkel_111Typos_King: I am afraid you are not understanding what I am asking about, the wireless connection is not the problem01:57
heinkel_111Typos_King: my problem is how to find all dns related information needed to configure the router01:57
skierpageTypos_King though I appreciate your labors!  :-) <301:58
apersonbah, I really would like to try kubuntu-netbook, but the installer's buttons are outside of my screen :/01:59
skierpageskierpage Quit harassing the unpaid help and use `kfmclient exec /path/to/myfile.txt`01:59
Typos_Kingskierpage:    how do you  know it does?02:00
Typos_Kingwhere is your information coming from?02:00
Typos_Kingall OS have MIME settings, and thus is how they handle things02:01
skierpageskierpage & Typos_King You are awesome!  Thanks for all your help!  Wish it was easier.02:01
Typos_Kingthere are no psychic mind-reading file managers02:01
Typos_Kingsadly to tell you02:01
skierpageTypos_King  Google kicked out http://www.qtcentre.org/archive/index.php/t-2000.html "How to open a document with the default application?" and SkripT said `kfmclient exec <filename>` or `gnome-open <filename>`02:02
Typos_Kingtwo apps who look at the MIME settings before launching anything02:03
skierpageI spent 15 minutes trying out all the kde/open/init commands I could find.02:03
Typos_KingI can do all that without either02:03
skierpageTypos_King  http://www.qtcentre.org/archive/index.php/t-2000.html is the request for KRunner and/or Kickoff to autocomplete filenames (then open them in default app)  the way Start > Run does.02:06
skierpageCheers all, back to the terminal until I put more RAM in this sucker. ;-)02:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
don_jrJust installed kubuntu 9.10 and allowed it to update.  Installed pulseaudio, installed flashplayer from adobe site.  I have no sound on the web but I do have system startup and shutdown sounds.02:31
Squidy_at_Homehello.. is there a kubuntu version of ubuntu one client?02:32
don_jrI'm not sure what ubuntu one client is so I can't help mu8ch, sorry02:33
Squidy_at_Homedon_jr: https://one.ubuntu.com/02:34
lucitudon_jr: u r still having sound prob?02:34
don_jrI'll look up on it in a bit, trying to fix this sound02:34
don_jrlucitu yes, I ended up having to totally reinstall since the advice of one left me with no audio devices detected lol02:35
lucitudon_jr: tell me can your media player have sound?02:35
don_jrso frsh install, updated, installed pulseaudio, installed flash player from adobe site as suggested by one earlier, and no amarok won't even play a CD, but that reminds me to install kubuntu restricted something02:35
don_jrgotta find that again02:36
lucitudon_jr: i'm on lucid but my karmic is 4.4.202:36
lucitudon_jr: what's your kde version?02:36
don_jrhow do I update it, and will the DE(i.e. KDE or gnome) make that big of a difference?  I'm on 4.2.302:37
don_jrI think it was....forgot how to check02:37
lucitudon_jr: well not much..but in systemsettings-> multimedia..what card do u see?02:37
don_jrI see my proper card as the preferred device.  IC Ensemble ICE1724 (ICE1724)02:38
lucitudon_jr: if you select it and test..does it play anything?02:39
don_jrsound test works02:40
don_jrwhat is that called?  kubuntu-restricted-packages?02:40
lucitudon_jr: in the systray..can u check the spkr icon and click on mixer..tell me what channels are shown/muted?02:40
don_jrshows both my cards, the onboard(that doesn't work) and my proper pci card.02:41
don_jron the pci card I have master, front, surround, center, lfe, pcm, cd, headphone.  ALL are turned all the way up on both tabs just to be safe, still nothing02:41
lucitudon_jr: so u have 2 cards?  maybe it's confusing..did u disable in bios the onboard card?02:42
don_jrlucitu not in the bios, didn't think of that.  Though system sounds work fine.  I'll give that a shot.02:43
lucitudon_jr: in mine.. ihave to mute surround center lfe cd headphone to work02:43
don_jrahh alright, I'll give that a shot02:44
lucitudon_jr: ok..try it..bec apps maybe sending it to the wrong one02:44
don_jrAmarok won't even play a CD, I click the file and it won't even put it in the 'track playing' list02:44
lucitudon_jr: amarok can't play cd anymore02:45
don_jralright, when I open the cd directly through dolphin and click the little play button on the right, it does nothing there either.02:46
lucitudon_jr: you have to rip your cd tracks to mp3/ogg02:46
lucitudon_jr: not sure on karmic but there is a kde cd player02:46
lucitudon_jr: KsCd?02:47
don_jrI'll look for it in a few02:47
lucitudon_jr: u might have to reboot and disable in bios your onboard card?02:48
don_jryes going to try that next, waiting for the restricted extra's to finish installing02:48
lucitudon_jr: in kde pulseaudio is know to not play well02:49
lucitudon_jr: phonon, phonon-backend-xine is best02:50
lucitudon_jr: *known02:51
lucitudon_jr: the only pulseaudio i have installed is the libpulse*02:52
don_jrif I remove pulseaudio I lose all sound completely02:53
don_jrmy backend does say 'xine' though02:53
lucitudon_jr: ok..will keep it that way for now02:54
lucitudon_jr: can u paste the output of lsmod | grep snd02:55
lucitudon_jr: not here but in pastebin02:55
lucitudon_jr: www.paste.ubuntu.com02:56
don_jrlucitu http://paste.ubuntu.com/423693/02:59
don_jrsee anything of interest?03:06
lucitudon_jr: is the other card the intel?03:07
don_jrthe ice1724 is a pci card03:08
don_jrthe intel is the one that doesn't work properly, it's onboard, i havn't restarted to disable it yet.03:09
lucitudon_jr: the higher number for ice than the intel i think is giving it priority03:09
lucituthe ice1724 should have 103:10
don_jrthe ice card should have the priority.  It gives the system startup and shutdown sounds properly03:10
lucitudon_jr: just for testing..can you attach a speaker to the intel and see if youget sound out of it?03:11
don_jrif I mute and unmute the PCM I hear clicking from my speakers.03:11
don_jrthere are no ports in the back of the computer for sound other than the pci card, I"m not sure why that intel is showing there, unless it's only the PC speaker03:12
lucitudon_jr: i thought you have onboard sound card other than the pci card?03:13
don_jrI just crawled under my desk to double check,  there are no sound ports back there.  it just shows the intel as an onboard03:13
don_jrI should restart and disable that one, I've also installed the extras and the like, let me do that and see what happens, I'll be back in 2 mins or so03:14
lucitudon_jr: ok..dinner for me..brb in half an hour.03:15
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don_jrAlright I"m back, after disabling the onboard came back on and PCM was muted and master was too, and turned all the way down, I brought them back up, going to multimedia to test there03:22
don_jrsound works in testing,  trying to play cd now03:23
don_jrnothing from a wav file03:23
don_jrdamn this sound problem is friggin rediculous03:32
kaitossay, is there any way to export a pdf as a kword or opendocument, so i can fill it out and print it?03:33
lucitudon_jr: can u paste lsmod | grep snd again?03:36
lucitudon_jr: after disabling the other one03:38
lucitudon_jr: do u have the mixer open?03:41
lucitudon_jr: what channels aree shown?03:41
don_jrshows, master, front, surround, center, lfe, pcm, cd, headphones03:42
don_jrI have front, surround, center, lfe, and headphones muted03:42
lucitudon_jr: try unmuting front and max it03:43
don_jrno joy03:44
lucitudon_jr: hmm03:44
lucitucan u check if alsa-base is installed?03:45
don_jryes it's installed03:45
lucitutry unmuting center03:46
don_jrunmuted surround and it works great on yourtube now!!!!03:47
don_jrThank you so much for all your patience with this03:47
lucitudon_jr: good..cud hear you over here03:47
lucitudon_jr: if u enable backports you should have 4.4.203:49
don_jrhow do I do that?03:49
lucitudon_jr: hold on..i usually do on the term..let me check03:50
lucitudon_jr: do u use kpackagekit?03:50
don_jryeah I can do it in a terminal03:50
don_jrI can do that too, but I usually use console apt-get or aptitude to install stuff03:51
lucitudon_jr: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the lines that has backports03:52
lucitudon_jr: wait..go to kubuntu.org and see the instructions there03:52
lucitudon_jr: ok..enjoy your music..glad to be of help03:54
lucitudon_jr: lucid will be out in 2 days..you might want to try it as well.03:59
abonoraany body here !!!04:03
lucituabonora: shhh04:03
abonoraare you sleeping :)04:04
don_jrlucid, next distro version?04:04
abonoraitś my fist time using IRC04:04
lucitudon_jr: yes..04:04
abonorai just want to help devolping KDE and Open Source comunity04:04
abonoraiḿ from Egypt04:05
abonorai Can help in translation and Art work graphics04:05
abonoraif any one knows what should i do plz tell04:05
lucituabonora: nice and we thank you..look in kde.org where they are looking for contributors04:06
abonorai got this chat room link form http://www.kde.org/community/getinvolved04:06
abonoraplz gave me link or somthing to follow04:07
abonorathis is my first time04:07
vivek_don_jr:is your prob solved04:07
don_jryup, finally just about 5-10 mins ago, Lucitu and I got it04:08
vivek_don_jr:great.. what was the issue04:08
don_jrand it was so stupidly simple....had to disable the onboard in the bios....lol04:08
vivek_don_jr:lol most of the issues are so trivial.. we just are not able to realize04:09
lucitusound is  a trial and error bec of the many snd cards/drivers04:09
abonorai just want to help devolping KDE and Open Source comunity04:09
abonoraiḿ from Egypt04:09
abonorai Can help in translation and Art work graphics04:09
abonoraif any one knows what should i do plz tell04:09
FloodBotK1abonora: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:09
vivek_that is true... enjoy Kubuntu.. while we wait one more day04:09
lucituvivek_: why wait? you can get it now..while there is no waiting04:10
lucituabonora: try kubuntu.org04:11
abonorai did lucitu but there is no application form or something04:11
vivek_No lucitu: not the RC although it is the same as the one comin out tomo....i can wait for one more day04:12
abonorahere is the link but i don know what to do http://www.kde.org/community/getinvolved/04:12
lucituabonora: there is the kubuntu-dev mailing list..but it's kind of murky04:13
lucituabonora: i tried but got cold reception..not encouraging04:14
abonorai found this ===> http://l10n.kde.org/team-infos.php?teamcode=ar04:14
lucituabonora: in kde.org there sre those blogs that talks about contributing..the one by neomantra?04:14
lucituabonora: try their mailing list as mentioned04:18
abonorain fact iḿ Not expert in using mailing lists04:18
abonorado i use kmail for this ?04:19
lucituabonora: there is a link there to subscribe to it04:20
abonoraany way i will try to contact some of the linux lovers on my country mybe some one knows the way04:20
lucituabonora: http://lists.arabeyes.org/mailman/listinfo/doc/04:21
abonorathank you <<lucitu>>> so much04:22
lucituabonora: salam04:23
abonorawa alikom al salam wa rahmat allah04:23
mammalI have got a problem with my hidden wifi and kubuntu any idea to fix it?04:30
avihaydon't use KNetworkManager04:31
lucitumammal: just state your prob and someone can look at it and help04:32
Lars___Hi. My 64-bit Kubuntu 10.04 system use OSS for sound which presents a few problems. First problem is that Adobe Flashplayer plugin won't playback sound. I use the 64-bit version from Adobes pages.04:41
Lars___Second problem is that Wine (I need to run Spotify through it) will neither playback sound. I have tested all the servers on the sound tab in winecfg04:42
Lars___And the third problem is that most non-KDE applications (smplayer, vlc) had to be changed from default sound server to OSS for playback to work, but stops with errors on video files with multi channel AC3-streams04:45
calumayoogood morning04:46
Lars___Native KDE apps such as Dragon Player and Kaffeine is able to playback multi channel AC3, but downmixes to stereo PCM and does not throughput the original stream to my amplifyer. (Connected through optical IEC958)04:48
calumayooi have a problem with my wine...04:48
calumayoocant open c:\04:49
calumayooUnable to run the command specified. The file or folder file:///home/calumayoo/Documents/.wine/dosdevices/c: does not exist.04:49
Lars___calumayoo: The .wine-folder is normally directly in your home directory, not in the Documents directory. What application or command outputs that error?04:50
calumayooBrowse C:\ drive04:51
mammalSomething wrong goes on with kubuntu and my notebook when it is loading broadcom proprietary wifi driver. The whole system does not react at all. With ubuntu everything goes fine. Must I do something before start the loading?  I'm newbe with Linux!04:52
Lars___calumayoo: Is Browse a command or are you trying to browse the drive with Dolphin or Konqueror?04:53
calumayooi dont know.. i just click it from the wine part of the applications in the menu04:56
Lars___Hmm, I get the same04:57
calumayoowith linux mint it can be opened04:58
calumayooi wonder why04:58
Lars___calumayoo: Right click the Kicker-icon (The K-menu) and select «Application Launcher Settings»05:03
Lars___Expand «Wine» and select «Browse c: drive»05:03
Lars___Change command from «xdg-open .wine/dosdevices/c:» to «xdg-open ~/.wine/dosdevices/c:»05:04
Lars___Click «Save» and close the editor05:04
calumayooLars__:  there's nothing ot expand here05:06
calumayoounder the application launcher settings, i can only see General and Keyboard Shortcut05:06
Lars___calumayoo: I don't think you are in the correct editor05:07
calumayoodid you mean KDE Menu Editor05:07
calumayoookay ill do it05:07
Lars___Ah, right. I'm sorry, I read wrong when trying to backstep my actions05:07
calumayoowee! thanks..got it working now05:09
Lars___Yay, good05:09
calumayoowhat's the latest version of wine?05:10
calumayooi might want to update it05:10
calumayoohow do i update to 1.1.43 in the command line?05:13
calumayoothat's for wine05:13
calumayooplease help me05:21
UbuntuBoyhttp://techbytes4.wordpress.com/2010/04/27/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-2-days-left-and-what-to-expect/, really good article on Lucid, I recommend subscribing to this blog.05:47
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DaughainAnyone familiar with synching Android to Ubuntu via wifi?06:19
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calumayooi need some help06:49
Guest25677Don't ask yo ask, just ask!06:50
calumayooi dont know how to upgrade my wine to 1.1.4306:51
calumayooi have now wine 1.0106:51
Guest25677calumayoo: What's you *Ubuntu version?06:52
Heliwrthe wine ppa has the latest greatest https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa06:52
lucitucalumayoo: upgrade to 10.04 and you get 1.1.4206:54
calumayooi thought it wil be in two days time?06:54
calumayoookay ill try that06:54
Guest25677He can use what Heliwr suggested.. read from the link above Adding this PPA to your system06:55
Guest25677either way :)06:55
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calumayooi will not have internet for some time after this06:57
calumayoodo you recommend upgrading 10.04 even though its not completely released yet?06:58
lucitucalumayoo: not officially but iso are set to go imo..06:59
HeliwrI've been running 10.04 for a few weeks now, it is now pleasantly stable06:59
Heliwrif you're using intel graphics make sure you update xorg-server immediately, the RC still had a memory leak problem but it a fix is available now07:00
lucituit's always that way..unless a showstopper..in this case it's rebuilt but u can do zsync what u have07:01
vivek_hii guys I am facing this issue since today morning.. whenever I start/restart my system , I get till the screen where it shows kubuntu loading.. but then the screen asking for username/password just does not apear(all i get is a blank monitor). Then i have to switch off the system and turn it on again and then it works ..07:22
TheAncientGoatvivek_: I've had something similar happen to me07:27
vivek_TheAncientGoat: and how did you resolve it07:28
TheAncientGoatvivek_: Try hitting esc, if that doesn't work, swap to a tty (ctrl + alt + F1) and see if that works, and swap back to your xorg (crtl alt f7) if that doesn't work... Plug in a second monitor if you can07:28
TheAncientGoatplugging in a second monitor solved my issues07:29
vivek_TheAncientGoat: second monitor!!! well I have only one monitor with me... will a fresh new KUBUNU install solve it07:29
calumayooi have a problem07:30
e_t_vivek_: you could disable the boot splash. It might solve your problem, or at least show you what's going wrong.07:30
TheAncientGoatThat might do it. Although I'd reccomend you wait till Lucid comes out07:30
calumayooeverytime i close the lid... i get a balck screen and i cant work on it anymore07:31
ubottucalumayoo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:31
vivek_TheAncientGoat: anyway Lucid is out tomo.. i hope it is not a hardware isue or is it?07:31
TheAncientGoatvivek_: What gfx card do you have?07:31
calumayoovivek: youre back07:32
vivek_TheAncientGoat:No it is that which came built in with the system .. the intel one...I dont know its exact spec though07:32
vivek_Hi calumayoo: am having some prob with my system.. will solve it first :-).. how are you and how did the install go07:33
TheAncientGoatah, I have a nvid card and have a problem similar to that.. so it might not be a vid card issue07:33
calumayooit was okay..  i can play movies now07:33
vivek_hmmm but till yesterday night everything was great.. dont know what happened today morning TheAncient Goat: was there some update yesterday07:34
vivek_great calumayoo: have fun07:35
TheAncientGoatvivek_: Not that I can remember, but it was the same with me, the problems just appeared all of the sudden07:36
TheAncientGoatvivek_: Can you check something random quick, see if you set your time automatically07:37
vivek_TheAncientGoat: time automaticlly means?07:37
TheAncientGoatAs in from a network server07:38
TheAncientGoatYou can check it with alt f2 and type time07:38
vivek_TheAncientGoat: no it is not set to set automatically07:40
calumayoowhat's the subsitute for gedit?07:40
calumayoofor kubuntu?07:41
e_t_calumayoo: kate, or kwrite07:41
TheAncientGoatcalumayoo: Kate07:41
TheAncientGoatvivek_: Ah, k07:41
beltorakquick question; is there a reasoning behind the group names, roles, and numbers? One thing I see that is peculiar is that daemon is 1 and bin is 2, whereas my slackware systems have this the other way around07:44
beltorakdoes this have its roots in the sysV / BSD split?07:46
vivek_TheAncientGoat: Hi.. there were some security bug fixes which had come.. I upgraded them and now when I restart there are no problems... Thanks to you and to e_t:08:11
TheAncientGoatvivek_: Good to hear it's sorted now :)08:12
|eagles0513875|hey guys has anyone tried karmic in virtual box with 3d acceleration?08:12
vivek_TheAncientGoat: yes as you said .. automatically! god knows why it came in the first place08:12
paul_Can anybody help me with a very small but annoying problem?08:20
paul_i installed Kubuntu 10 RC cos i'm impetient08:20
paul_and after installing the video card the usplash screen is the wrong resolution08:20
paul_I just want to resize it but can't find any info on this08:21
rwwpaul_: 10.04 uses Plymouth, not usplash, and you'd probably have better luck in #ubuntu+108:21
paul_how can i resize it?08:22
paul_i found the file in the lib/plymouth folder, i suppose i can work on it from there, Thanks rww08:27
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:31
anirbanWhy HD 1080p MP4 video files playing on KDE like a 1fps ..08:59
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moetunesanirban: it might be the cpu, vid card or vid bard driver09:01
joysthis is joy09:05
anirban GLX Renderer GeForce 9400 GT/PCI/SSE2 GLX Version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 195.36.15 moetunes09:13
anirbanneed anything batter then that?09:13
moetunescpu and driver? - using nvidia propriety driver?09:14
anirbanmoetunes i play crysis on my pc at 23-25 fps09:16
nicolas_  slt09:16
anirbanmoetunes hear the all i got CPU:       Single core Intel Pentium 4 (UP) cache 1024 KB flags (sse3 nx lm) clocked at 2666.584 MHz09:18
anirbanGraphics:  Card nVidia G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] X.Org 1.6.4 Res: 1360x768@52.0hz09:18
anirban           GLX Renderer GeForce 9400 GT/PCI/SSE2 GLX Version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 195.36.1509:18
anirbanMy system KDE x6409:19
anirbanIts realy looks nice09:19
moetunesanirban: seems that should be enough to play hd vid09:19
anirbanbut gettng low fps09:20
moetunesit might just be the mp4 codec that gives an issue?09:20
anirbanuseing vlc and amork but result same09:21
moetuneswhich vlc version?09:21
anirbanmoetunes broken codec?09:21
moetunesor poorly supported09:22
anirbanmay be ..i becouse i use sudo apt-get install vlc09:22
anirbanvlc install all the codec09:22
moetunesgot a non mp4 hd vid?09:23
anirbanruns fins mkv or avi09:23
anirbanlow res mp4 run well09:23
anirbannot want to say but in Windows i have no problem play HD09:24
anirbanhow about new kbuntu 1009:25
moetunesseems the hd mp4 has poor support with what you use - might have to use another player for it09:25
moetunesanirban: you can ask in #ubuntu+1 - I don't use 10.0409:26
anirbanmine is kbuntu 909:27
moetunesanirban> how about new kbuntu 10   moetunes> anirban: you can ask in #ubuntu+1 - I don't use 10.0409:29
anirbanThanks for the info09:30
moetunessorry I couldn't help more09:30
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damasфсем привет!10:05
damasможет кто подсказать новечку?10:05
mvki've upgraded my 64bit karmic installation to lucid, but my fglrx drivers are not working anymore, i tried to reinstall the propriatary once10:08
mvkbut no luck, is this a bug?10:08
mvki keep getting a Xorg error about chain loader 710:08
anirban loader 710:10
anirbanin grub select win 7 loder and use e to edit the line10:11
mvkanirban, please read that i wrote - its not a grub-chainloader error (i do actually know what chainloading is)10:11
mvkits a Xorg error, about the fglrx driver that it can not load the driver for it10:11
mvk(looks like incompatibility between Xorg and the fglrx xorg driver)?10:12
moetunesmvk:  you can ask in #ubuntu+1 they might know a fix10:13
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Yezualguien habla mi idioma11:10
rwwubottu: es | Yezu11:10
ubottuYezu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:10
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ahoxhi, there does not seem to be an intuitive way to shutdown/logout/etc the pc from the netbook shell.11:30
ahoxI know that I can type it into the run dialog, but IMHO there also should be a nice&easy graphical way to do the same thing. I kind of expect it in the Start activity11:31
ctwHi! If I install the intel x86 version (rather than the 64-bit PC), can I address more than 3 GB of ram?12:16
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gunsofbrixton_ahox: never used the netbook shell, but can't you just add the logout plasmoid to the desktop?12:17
ahoxgunsofbrixton: that's what I did now, I just think it would be nice if it is there by default.12:30
gunsofbrixtonok good point but probably not very effective to mention it on this channel, probably better to file a wish on launchpad12:32
ahoxctw, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/12:32
ctwahox: thanks -- is it better to just go with the 64 bit version then?12:33
Marko38hi hi12:43
KabiigonMarko38, have u had any experiance with wubi12:44
Marko38sorry, never heard of it; new to linux, was seeking advice myself12:44
Kabiigonwhats your problem12:44
Marko38need to remote desktop a friends pc, he's running windows xp12:45
Kabiigondoes he have rdp setup on his computer12:45
Kabiigonremote desktop enabled12:46
Marko38I believe so, but there could also be fire wall issues within his router12:47
Kabiigonuse the 30 day trial of webex12:47
Kabiigonit should be cross platform12:47
Marko38sweet, will look it up now...12:47
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VgeMarko38, if your running desperate, teamviewer with wine will work out of the box13:27
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Billysomeone like's ballbusting?13:41
naught101anyone noticed in lucid that controls at the bottom of the open office and gimp main windows aren't there?13:49
naught101eg. the zoom controls13:50
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baiguangcan you help me ?14:03
bazhangcould you ask a question?14:03
baiguangwhat's this?14:04
bazhangKubuntu support14:04
bazhang!cn | baiguang14:06
ubottubaiguang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:06
baiguangthank you!14:06
mathieuhow can one gets the channel list plz14:06
bazhangmathieu, /msg alis list *term*14:07
alvinIs there a method to restart krunner? It's not predicting commands anymore.14:08
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BluesKaj'Morning folks14:25
saintlyUbuntu netbook remix 9.10 ftw14:26
BluesKajsez  who14:26
saintlylol sez my Dell Inspiron Mini 101214:26
saintly lol14:27
saintlyany idea how to connect to another server?14:28
txwikinger!lol >saintly14:29
ubottusaintly, please see my private message14:29
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.14:29
BluesKajtxwikinger, i think we should share that message , so others get it as well.14:30
saintlywow a simple chuckle and you ppl fire up you keyboards on me14:30
txwikingerBluesKaj: fine14:30
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* bulldog98 hugs apachelogger for developing the KubuntuOne Client14:59
lalalolhey guys15:04
lalaloli need quick help, my sound suddenly started working15:05
islingtongood way to mock up a plasma theme?15:06
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moromethehy all15:38
q__nobody here.......15:53
Realmkeeper... wow... you are right!15:54
baaiocan type chinanise ?15:57
bazhang!cn | baaio15:57
ubottubaaio: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:57
RealmkeeperChinanise? Didn't know that was a language... must be something like Americanise. ;)15:58
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RealmkeeperWhat time will Kubuntu actually be released? (And, which time zone is that time?)16:16
bazhangRealmkeeper, not known16:17
bazhang!party | Realmkeeper16:17
ubottuRealmkeeper: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties16:17
Realmkeeperoh... Ubuntu has a party channel; didn't know what. :)16:18
bazhangyep :)16:20
Realmkeeperwould Kubuntu be as easy to use/setup as Mandriva? Might put in on my nephew's computer, as it's the first with the new kde version.16:23
bazhangRealmkeeper, should be16:26
bazhangRealmkeeper, just install kubuntu-restricted-extras as soon as you have it on16:26
* Realmkeeper goes and reads what "kubuntu-restricted-extras" will do16:28
bazhangRealmkeeper, all the codecs16:28
Realmkeeperbazhang: I asked, cause I know that the ubuntu's do not have things like YaST or Mandriva Control Center16:30
RealmkeeperSo, setting up things might be a little harder for him16:30
RealmkeeperThough, I've not used Kubuntu is a long while... so, maybe things have changed... and the package installer is a lot better?16:31
bazhangwell this is not an unbiased place to ask16:32
vbgunzWhen I print text documents from kate or katepart inside konqueror, the top of the document is cut off by about 2 lines. Anyone know whats going on?16:33
Realmkeeperbazhang: Okay, I'll wait for 10.04 and see, then. :D16:36
Realmkeeperbazhang: Thanks for the kubuntu-restricted-extras tip! Any other good tips for Kubuntu?16:38
bazhangRealmkeeper, not right now; just setting it up myself :)16:38
vbgunzI sort of figured it out. how can I permanently change the margins to my printer?16:42
vbgunzI dont see an option in printer settings and everytime I go to print, the margins reset16:44
vbgunzthere has got to be a way to keep the margins from resetting, how?16:44
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pucko-is there any reason there would ever be a .kde and/or .config in the / dir?17:36
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txwikingerpucko-: not really17:40
txwikingerwell.. if you set one of the users home directory to /17:40
vbgunzanybody use soundKonverter? it has no trouble converting mp3 to ogg *but* goddamnit if you try to convert ogg to mp3. I am pulling my hair out. what should be the easiest method to convert ogg to mp3?17:44
vbgunzmy whole library is in ogg format. I want to try transferring a few songs to another device that can only play mp3s. this is truly a headache17:44
apparlevbgunz: use mencoder or ffmpeg17:45
BluesKajvbgunz, make sure you set it up as ogg to mp3 in the options/settings17:47
vbgunzBluesKaj: I think I have, but I always get a 1.4kb mp3 file.17:48
vbgunzapparle: I believe the program is using ffmpeg17:48
apparlevbgunz: you can use either of them17:49
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BluesKajvbgunz, are these files from itunes/17:55
BluesKajor a commercial site , vbgunz17:55
saintlyanyone have any idea as to why half my downloads from the Software Center wont actually download?17:56
vbgunzBluesKaj: I converted my entire Windows library from years of use to ogg with no problem. I did this about 2 years ago. I never thought about converting anything back to anything other than ogg and now that I am trying to do it on a single file, I can't.17:58
BluesKajperhaps ffmpeg will do it as apparle says17:59
apparlevbgunz: try ffmpeg its simple18:00
BluesKajvbgunz, altho you can batch convert with soundkonverter if you can configure it to do mp3 from ogg..dunno why it won't work tho18:01
saintlyanyone able to assist a linux/ubuntu/kubuntu noob18:01
TheAncientGoatsaintly: Thats why we're here, ask your question18:02
saintlywhats the difference between UNR and Kubuntu 9.1018:03
vbgunzsoundKonverter easily converts from mp3 to ogg *but* trying to do the opposite (ogg to mp3) is hell. This is a KDE 3 program so it's probably just outdated for this kind of job18:03
saintlyi have UNR, but im liking what i see of kubuntu via youtube.18:04
saintlyfyi im doing this all on a net book.18:04
saintlyany suggestions?18:05
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saintlywell epic fail for asking a question18:09
rorkgo for the rebound!18:09
apparlevbgunz: so finally got it working ?18:10
saintlyok lets try this again18:12
saintlyKubuntu 9,10 (the newest version, correct?) what are the system requirements?18:12
apparlesaintly: no wait for a day18:13
apparlesaintly: 10.04 is coming out tomorrow18:13
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu18:13
saintlyok so i should wait for 10.04... alright so im on a netbook, will there be an issue getting it tomorrow?18:14
vbgunzapparle: I think I know what is happening. I don't think I have the right codecs. my entire library conversion was done more than 2 years ago. back then, I must have had the right codecs. im looking into it now and it appears I might be looking into medibuntu for this18:17
apparlejust install medibuntu repo and update18:19
vbgunzapparle: yeah. I am trying to find the apt-key for medibuntu. it looks like I have to install the key from the repo itself.18:20
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BluesKajvbgunz, soundkonverter default  puts the converted file into a folder "unknownalbum" in the soundkonverter folder in /home/user ...have you checked there ?18:21
BluesKajvbgunz, I just converted an ogg file to mp3 with no probs , so you may be missing some codecs etc18:23
vbgunzBluesKaj: I changed it. But, trying to convert an ogg file from the command line using ffmpeg, it says basically the codec is unsupported18:23
vbgunzBluesKaj: yeah I can play mp3s though, I thought that was all that mattered18:23
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saintlyif i switch to kubuntu now, what will i be missing when 10.4 comes out18:32
saintlyand im discussing the netbook version18:32
Torchsaintly: bugs. problems. headaches.18:33
Torchsaintly: in other words, it's a perfectly fine idea to install 9.10 today and use it for a couple of weeks while everyone else plays beta-tester for 10.04. then install 10.04 once the worst bugs have been fixed.18:34
saintlywell ill be back after installlation if Kubuntu is done18:36
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gorgonzolahello. i want to report a bug against the display module ni system settings. anyone knows the name of the pakcage?19:17
BluesKajgorgonzola, just use the title "system settings/display" if you're reporting it on launchpad.19:30
gorgonzolaBluesKaj ok. already found the bug though. it says it was fixed in a ubuntu9, but it's still present in ubuntu14...19:31
gorgonzolaits this one, btwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eMkth8FWno19:32
gorgonzoladamn. that's not a bug. nevermind19:32
BluesKajgorgonzola, you should report that on kubuntu 10.04 ?19:33
gorgonzolaok, this is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/55494819:33
gorgonzolai'm on kubuntu lucid beta, should i reopen that one now, should i wait till tomorrow, or should i open a new one?19:33
BluesKajgorgonzola, come on over to #ubuntu+1 and ask there, it's the lucid chat19:40
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bommelhallo, wo bekomme ich sun-java6-jre in lucid her für JDownloader ?19:44
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bommelist es grundsätzlich möglich von RC zur LTS Version zu upgraden ?19:48
bommeloder geschieht das eh onehin automatisch ?19:49
apparlehow much time for lucid?19:54
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Guest49724hi guys :)19:54
Guest49724just wanted to ask if the freenx server for lucid is on the way?19:55
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rafaI'm trying to figure out a way not to have to run 'kbuildsycoca4' every time before I need to run my Kdevelop, which was compiled from SVN20:01
rafacan someone help me out?20:01
vbgunzapparle: BluesKaj: I got it. I enabled the medibuntu repos and installed the following extra codecs for soundKonverter "aacgain aften faac flake lame sox twolame libavcodec-unstripped-52" I am not sure why, but I had to reboot, restarting X wouldn't work. Anyhow, I can convert my oggs to mp3 now. I think I honestly only needed libavcodec-unstripped-52 for the mp3s20:11
saintlyok ppl20:28
saintlyis there ANY WAY to switch from Ubuntu to Kubuntu? without a windows pc?\20:29
saintlyi have no windows and i want me Kubuntu Netbook 9.1020:30
apparlesaintly: but where did you get the idea that you need windows for switching from ubuntu to kubuntu?20:35
apparlesaintly: for switching you don't need windows at all20:35
saintlyhelp me ou then, how do i do this??20:36
saintlyi want Kubuntu Netbook 9.1020:36
rorksaintly: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-netbook20:37
saintlyRork: its that easy?20:38
rorksaintly: yes, after that logout and switch to KDE20:38
saintlyokay how do i do that?20:38
rorksaintly: you're on ubuntu with gnome as window manager now?20:39
saintlyI have UNR20:39
saintlyi dk what its setup as im a noob :/20:39
saintly*ubuntu Netbook Remix*20:40
rorksaintly: does it look like this: http://microteknologias.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/ubuntu-netbook-remix-3.jpg or this: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/SqUqYMuM79I/AAAAAAAACoc/t2owOvVEEUQ/jde22_thumb%5B10%5D.jpg20:41
saintlylike the first, but theres only one column, on the left. nothing on the right20:42
saintlyim a widget freak, i would love it to look like the second, but darker color.20:43
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rorksaintly: ok, in the startmenu there should be a program called Terminal start that and a commandline interface should start up. On the commandline type "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-netbook" that will install all the packages you need. As an alternative you can install kubuntu-netbook trough Synaptic or some other package manager.20:45
saintlyterminal sounds easier, brb when im thru installing20:45
saintlynow it wont conflict with other packages will it?20:45
rorkyou can stay here while you install :)20:45
saintlyi know lol, but im minimizing20:46
rorksaintly: no it shouldn't20:46
saintlyooh verbose20:47
rorksaintly: yes, enjoy the characters scrolling by ;)20:48
saintlyhaha yeah lol. i jail broke my iphone and i set it to verbose start up too. its awesome.20:49
saintly11 min left till complete20:49
apparleGuys please suggest a channel where I could get help regarding programming20:55
Tm_Tapparle: #<language or environment>20:56
djusticeapparle: #kde #kde-devel #qt #c++ #python #perl etc etc :)20:56
saintlyno idea im an apple iPod/Phone/Pad techie20:57
apparleTm_T: I need help to access the parallel port at very high speed... it doesn't matter what would like to choose...... I choose depending on that20:57
saintlyRork: you still here?20:59
rorksaintly: yes20:59
saintlyok it says:20:59
saintlychoose between gdm and kdm21:00
rorksaintly: kdm that's kubuntu's login manager21:00
wllkmbllCan someone help me figure out how to have my computer auto login to KDE?21:01
Zorael^2I had a crash in KVpnc which produced the following kcrash:http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/424193/. There doesn't seem to be any kvpnc-dbg package to install debugging symbols, but the kcrash doesn't seem to suggest any unknown symbols either. (No question marks)21:02
rorkwllkmbll: System Settings > Advanced > Login Manager > Convenience21:03
Zorael^2Should I just continue with the bug reporting anyway?21:03
wllkmbllrork: I have that checked off, but when I log in it still brings me to the login screen21:03
saintlyAfter my packet is done, i restart, correct?21:04
rorksaintly: logout, in the login screen there will be a button "Choose session" or something, click it and select KDE, then login and you'll be on kubuntu :)21:05
wllkmbllI think when I installed KDE I didn't tell it to have KDE run the login screen. I don't know if that has anything to do with my problem.21:07
saintlyplasma widgets ftw21:08
rorkwllkmbll: you could install kdm and try again then21:09
wllkmbllrork: Would I lose all the things I had already set up, like my themes?21:09
GerritHow do I use the output of a program to be shown at the desktop? In particular, I use 'worldclock' and would like its output on my desktop (I had this in an earlier version of Kubuntu)21:10
rorkwllkmbll: no, it just changes the login manager from the one you had to kdm, it doesn't effect KDE otherwise21:10
tst_Gerrit: with superkaramba? (just guessing)21:10
wllkmbllrork: Ok, thank you, I will try that21:10
tst_which is the app that controls kde session switching?21:11
Gerrittst_: Hmm, in KDE 3.5 I could just select kworldclock in "backgrounds"21:11
GerritIsn't Plasma highly flexible and capable of many things?21:11
Tm_Tsure it is21:12
Tm_Tthere's marble wallpaper plugin21:13
wllkmbllI have kdm installed, I just don't know how to make it the default login manager.21:13
Tm_Twllkmbll: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" in konsole21:13
Tm_Tthen choose kdm when it ask which one to use21:14
wllkmbllTm_T: Thank you, I am loging off and trying it now.21:15
GerritTm_T: I'm trying to find how to use that (I'm new to KDE4)21:15
=== Zorael^2 is now known as Zorael
demismhow can I regenerate my kde-menu? and how can I add applications to daisy?21:20
wllkmbllTm_T: It worked, thank you.21:22
wllkmbllI have another question; how can I change to appearence of the login screen?21:23
jbuncherCan someone help me change the keybinding to open up the source editor from within okular?  It doesn't seem to be listed in the okular "configure shortcuts" menu.21:23
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
Tm_T!away | dendro-afk21:24
ubottudendro-afk: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»21:24
rorkwllkmbll: System Settings > Appearance > Splash Screen21:25
Tm_Trork: that's not login screen though21:26
rorkwllkmbll: sorry, that's not it21:26
Tm_Twllkmbll: systemsettings -> advanced tab -> login screen21:26
wllkmbllTm_T: Do you mean login manager?21:26
Tm_Tthat, yes21:27
saintlythis is AWESOME21:30
saintlyi have a several questions now tho lol. u still here Rork?21:30
lucitudemism: why re-gen kde-menu? a drastic one is to delete ~/.kde and re-start X21:31
rorksaintly: I'm still here, but others might be able to answer your questions as well (or even better ;)21:31
saintlylol true21:31
saintlywell is there a way to change my back ground now?21:31
rorksaintly: I hardly have any experience with widgets for example21:31
wllkmbllIn System Settings > Desktop > Desktop Effects > All Effects is there a way to get more effects?21:32
lucitusaintly: right click desktop and desktop activity settings21:32
rorksaintly: do you mean the wallpaper? Rightclick the desktop > configure Desktop. Also in System settings there's a lot you can configure browse around there21:32
djusticewllkmbll: make some. :) or wait. maybe sum on kde-look.org too...21:32
wllkmblldjustice: I would, but I'm still amazed I haven't messed something up and killed my computer. I killed my windows partition already.21:34
_nik_hi, does anybody know how to remove the blue aura of the active window in kubuntu 10.04?21:36
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
jbuncherdoes anyone know where the okular devs hang out?21:38
lucitujbuncher: #kde? #okular? just guessing21:41
saintlyright clicking it doesnt work21:48
saintlyits Kubuntu Netbook21:49
saintlyany idea? i really want a diff wallpaper21:49
saintlyim stuck :/21:54
_nik_Do you have the toolbox in the right upper corner?21:54
seawolfhi,can't open    software-properties-kde in    kpackagekit   http://paste.ubuntu.com/424222/21:55
saintlymy "status bar" is on top, and in the uper right there is time, search, lock/turn off computer.21:56
saintlyit dont look like anything im seein on youtube. :S21:56
dagon_hey guys21:59
dagon_I'm having a problem with a VPN connection in Karmic21:59
dagon_I've put in all the information right and it only says "Activating"21:59
saintlyalrighty. i looked up my wallpaper issue. Can anyone tell me what the "plasma" icon looks like22:02
saintlythats a big ten four.22:04
saintlyi got it, it looks awesome22:04
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
Torchjbuncher: why do you want do know?22:06
=== tek is now known as Teknical
Teknicalwill kubuntu 10.04 be avail for download come midnight?22:14
Teknicalor .. "somewheres" midnight i should say..22:14
Typos_Kingahemm  why?    can't download it in the afternoon?22:15
Teknical... it comes out on the 29th, 28th here .. hence the question22:16
Tm_TTeknical: midnight in some region, sure22:16
Teknicalaye thx, will watch for it22:16
Tm_TTeknical: or in the other words, no, don't expect it to be released in some particular time22:17
Typos_KingTeknical:   is 28th here too, so give it a few hours, either way, one day won't kill you anyhow, and you can in the meantime catch up on your movie watching :P22:17
Teknicalbleh ive been wanting to re'os for a few days, but being so close to release ive been waiting .. im not patient :)22:17
saintlyanndddd back again22:18
Typos_KingTeknical:  being impatient is not exactly what I'd call a good feature :{22:18
saintlynew question, how can i delete widgets?22:19
Typos_Kingwhat if the moon is late a few mins?   what about the sun?   what are you planning to do? hurry them up? what if they don't listen?22:19
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
saintlythen you cry silently in a hole somewhere, Typo.22:20
Typos_Kingyou just need to get a few dvds to watch in the meantime :P, tomorrow will come, no any sooner than it has before, and without your help on its own, worry about today, today, worry about tomorrow , tomorrow22:23
saintlywell said, mon capitane22:24
Torchsaintly: delete widgets?22:24
Typos_KingI don't think I've ever added any myself... sooo22:24
apparlehey guys is there a shorcut to navigate through tabs?22:27
saintlyis there a way to do it?22:27
Typos_Kingapparle:   tabs where?   usually Ctrl-tab forward or ctrl-shift-tab for backwards22:28
saintlyi got the facebook app and i need it gone22:28
saintlyalright , who here knows some about widgets?22:29
apparleTypos_King: the tabbing feature in lucid22:29
apparleTypos_King: where you can tab various different application together22:30
Typos_King.. I guess I dunno it, since I'm not running it22:30
apparleTypos_King: very nice featue..... wait for a day22:30
Typos_Kingis that in kubuntu? or ubuntu?22:31
Torchapparle: shift+left and +right in konsole, alt+left and +right in most of the other KDE apps22:32
Torchapparle: ah, you mean kwin.22:32
saintlyannnyyy widget ppl?22:33
fortunevHi all. My khelpcenter has been missing files since Jaunty. I'm at Lucid, now. How do I install missing khelpcenter files?22:33
apparleTorch: no I am talking about the tabbing feature in which you can tab different application windows like okular and firefox22:33
apparleits new in KDE4.422:34
Torchapparle: yeah, i run kde 4.4 longer than you are, i guess.22:34
TommyThaGunI have a question, is there is reason I am unable to access my screen resolution settings in KDE?22:34
Torchapparle: i don't know of a kwin shortcut for that, though22:35
TorchTommyThaGun: nvidia?22:35
apparleTorch: the I don't know.... but Alt+Right Left and Shift+Right left don't work22:35
TommyThaGunTorch, no, I'm on in intel based chipset22:36
saintlynoobish question... is there any tabbing in Kubuntu netbook? i just switched from UNR and i liked that set up, anything like it?22:36
saintlyDid everyone die?22:40
fortunevI was thinking the same thing. Just you and I I guess22:40
saintlyso quiet.22:40
fortunevI think marcel is alive!\\22:40
fortunevmarcel: you living?22:41
Typos_Kingsaintly:    I don't run 4.4  so, :)22:41
saintlymaybe theres an elite group of mac snipers and assassins...22:41
fortunevI got an 'm' from marcel I think that means YES22:41
Torchsaintly: your question doesn't make any sense to me.22:41
saintlyhave you run the Ubuntu Netbook remix, or seen it yet typo?22:42
Typos_KingI'd expect it to be no any different than else :)22:42
Typos_Kingjust different hardware, is all22:42
saintlywell at the top, when you run more than one application it shows it in the bar.22:42
saintlyand you can switch back and forth easily, similar to windows22:43
Typos_Kingin the 'title' bar?  I have a taskbar, and that works well for me22:43
Typos_Kingsimilar to win32?   hehe, not sure on that22:43
saintlybut i havent seen that in Kubuntu yet, just a spat that says "1 application running" or something22:43
Typos_KingI've switched windows quite often using the quick-switch, alt-tab, on either and works well :)22:44
saintlyalt tab?22:44
Typos_Kingwin32/macOSX/*nix all do it22:44
saintlyAHAHA it works thats exactly what i need ty22:44
Typos_Kingthat has worked since ever :|, on by far any window manager22:45
Typos_KingI mean, I've used it since way back in kernel 2.4 too :P22:45
saintlyi didnt know it worked on this os tho, didnt even think to try22:45
saintlyi just got ubuntu yesterday22:45
Torchsaintly: like, on KDE 0.9. ;-)22:46
Typos_Kingalt-tab forward, alt-shift-tab backward22:46
fortunevsaintly: what were you using before?22:46
saintlylol furtunev, ive run android, windows 7, vista and xp22:46
saintlyand im a ipad/phone/touch hacker ;)22:47
fortunevIs there a way to install missing help files for my khelpcenter?22:48
saintlymaybe just reinstall it all?22:48
Torchfortunev: what ARE you missing? some apps don't have any.22:49
saintlywidgets help isnt in mine, for example22:49
fortunevI see the apps listed, but when I click on them it says 'Not Found'.22:49
* saintly scratches chin.22:50
fortunevwould purging and reinstalling work you think?22:50
Torchfortunev: not even system -> dolphin?22:50
saintlyabsolutely. but if it doesnt its because there simply are no help files.22:50
fortunevAmarok is one for example that is listed, butsays the index.html file is not found22:51
Torchfortunev: that's because there isn't a handbook for it22:51
fortunevsaintly: That makes sense, but it would be poor planning to list an app in a help app, that has no help22:52
Torchfortunev: still, that's the way it is.22:52
saintlylol well said.22:52
fortunevI guess I could wget the online version..22:52
fortunev...I'm only guessing theres an online version22:53
saintlyubuntu does have EVERYTHING help online. forums are out there too.22:54
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saintlyyoud think they would sync online archives with help center tho.22:54
zushow do i install a partition manager on karmic? kubuntu?22:54
zusnothing is showing up in kpackagemanager22:55
Torchzus: apt-get install partitionmanager22:56
fortunevsaintly: ...I'm trying to come up with a sensable excuse for kubuntu not to sync these up.22:56
Torchzus: from a shell22:56
Torchzus: as root, of course ;-)22:56
kwtmHi!  How do I stop the taskbar from grouping similarly named apps together, in KDE4?  Just migrated from KDE3.22:56
zusToraToraTora,  yes please22:56
Torchkwtm: in the task manager settings, select "do not group" under "grouping"22:58
zusTorch,  i need to install windows on this 40 gig drive then i can reinstall tomorrow with a fresh lucid22:58
Torchzus: right. what's the problem?22:58
Typos_Kingusually right-clicking on the 'taskbar' on an empty area gives you the taskbar settings, and it's there22:58
zusTorch,  just putting in my wiondows cd alone wont reformat my HDD22:59
kwtmTorch: Thanks for info.  I'm guessing you mean "taskbar", but I don't find the22:59
apparles there a kubuntu sticker with the latest kubuntu branding22:59
Torchzus: install partitionmanager in kubuntu. resize the kubuntu partition. create a windows partition. install windows.22:59
kwtmTorch: Thanks for info.  I'm guessing you mean "taskbar", but I don't find the "grouping" option to select.  This is under K > System Settings > Desktop effects, yes?22:59
Typos_Kingzus:   I think there's a kdepartitionmanager22:59
Torchkwtm: no22:59
TorchTypos_King: it's called partitionmanager22:59
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Typos_King... I see23:00
Torchkwtm: unlock widgets. click on the yellowish thingy at the far right of your panel. right click on the task manager. select settings23:00
zusTorch, Typos_King  thanks ill try that.... sudo apt-get install kdepartitionmanager?23:00
Torchzus: no23:00
Torchzus: sudo apt-get install partitionmanager23:00
Torchzus: then you'll find it in your menu23:01
Torchzus: of course you could also use a GUI to install packages, but they usually don't work that well and i don't know what kubuntu is currently using (that changes randomly)23:01
kwtmTorch: I clicked on yellow "cashew" on R of panel (NOT the one on upper right desktop).  It says "screen height", "lock widgets", "more settings" etc but not task manager.  I tried "more settings" but still no task manager.  Did I click the wrong thing?23:02
Torchkwtm: no, that was correct23:02
zusTorch,  ill be able to delete the entire partition kubuntu is on then right?23:02
Torchkwtm: at that point you can right click on the task manager and get the settings option from the context menu23:02
Torchzus: no. it will be in use.23:02
Torchzus: as long as a partition is in use you cannot delete it23:03
kwtmTorch: Oh, I see: the menu I get when R-clicking on task manager changes after I click on the panel cashew.  Will try.23:03
Torchkwtm: that's the idea ;-)23:03
Torchzus: what do you want to do? remove kubuntu? or install window in addition to it?23:03
zusTorch,  both,  i need windows back on (unfortunately) and  i want to do a clean install tomorrow with 10.4 (dual boot)23:04
kwtmTorch: Wow!  COnfusing, but powerful.  Would be nice if this were all under system settings, but I'll be satisfied with actually being able to use KDE4 after so long with KDE3.  I hear KDE4 doesn't even do multi-key shortcuts any more. :(23:05
Torchkwtm: don't believe anything you hear about kde4. it works wonderfully for me and many others.23:05
zusim using kde4.4.2 currently23:05
kwtmTorch: I was hoping you'd say that!  How do you get multi-key shortcuts in KDE4?  Those are my lifeblood (you run out of keys so quickly when confined to single-key!)23:06
zusTorch,  kvtm lol by windows i mean xp pre service packs even23:12
kwtmTorch: Well, voodoo advice based on experience.  So, in a way, yes: after many many tries, it works.  Not sure why it works, so I'll attribute it to the sun-god or something. :)23:12
ctwTorch: thanks!23:12
Torchkwtm: if you know what you're doing, it's a hassle, but it's managable.23:12
kwtmzus: Well, I just reinstalled (from "recovery partition") a WinXP with no service packs.  Before that, all Win2k (the only copy of Windows I have that  didn't come repinstalled)23:12
Torchkwtm: recovery partitions are an entirely different matter, though.23:13
kwtmTorch: Agree, but it is a risk.  Depends on zus' situation, I guess.  If tomorrow no time to install Linux after WIndows, then ok to install Linux today first.23:13
Torchanyway, gotta sleep. good night.23:14
zusTorch,  thanks and  good night to you as well23:14
zuskvtm at the moment the linux os for me is for fun and learning and an interest with bugs, how ever  there are a few things i need windows back on for a few jobs23:17
wllkmbllIs there a better wirless manager for KDE than wicd?23:18
kwtmzus: yeah. I know what you mean.  I switched in 2002 but recently found that I had to go back to Windows for a few things.  Good thing my wife let me use her old WinXP laptop.  (We both hate her new Vista laptop)23:18
kwtmwllkmbll: I don't suppose KNetworkManager fits the bill?23:18
wllkmbllI think I tried that... I'm new to KDE and I'm having a lot of trouble with the internet23:19
Typos_Kingwllkmbll:    I use NetworkManager, and works decent, I don't use knetworkmanage frontend, I use network-manager-gnome, which works better IMO23:19
zuskwtm,  i never had an issue with windows and recently switched to linux when 9.10 released...., only problem is i have no time ti wait on windows its SO slow after 5 months in linux.23:19
wllkmbllTypos_King: How do you use that in KDE?23:20
Typos_KingI installed it, and run it :), easy23:20
Typos_KingI don't use kwin though, but that's about it, you just need to run it23:20
Typos_KingI could have it as autostart, but no need for it23:20
wllkmbllTypos_King: So now that I installed it what do I do? (I fail at linux in general so far)23:22
Typos_Kingrun nm-applet, it'll load to the tray, left-click it, choose a connection :)23:22
James147wllkmbll: quit knetworkmanager (run in terminal: kquitapp knetworkmanager) then run "nm-applet"23:23
zuskwtm,  i think i have an idea?  torch said if a partition is in use it cant be deleted, but is i use my 9.04 partition from my back up drive to delete the 9.10 partion from my  primary drive  can that work?23:23
James147wllkmbll: if you find it dosn't auto load when you login you can add nm-applet to System settings -> Advanced -> Autostart23:24
wllkmbllI can't find nm-applet23:24
Typos_Kingthat means it didn't install then :)23:25
kwtmzus: ?? Are you fiddling with partitions while you're using the computer?  I always do it by booting from CD.  Make sure you're not hibernated, but actually shut down (else the partition manager may wipe your hibernated state) and then reboot from CD.23:25
James147zus: the best way to delete a partition that is 'in use' is to use a live cd23:25
kwtmzus: Also, what I did was just install Kubuntu (that's your goal, right?) and say "use partition 8" (or whichever partition your 9.10 is on) and it will set it up for you.  You might not even need to reformat.23:26
sebi`Hi, I've tried to install KDE3 in ubuntu karmic, using the gude at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Karmic (note that I actually only need kate from the repository, since i'm running GNOME) - everything works, except kate, which crashes with a segmentation fault. :( message copypasta'd from kcrash: http://codepad.org/HOThEnnJ (text copied from #kde)23:26
zuskwtm,  i think i got it,  i hope this works, if all else fails tomorrow cant get here fast enought23:26
kwtmWhat's happening tomorrow?23:26
sebi`the binary at /usr/bin/kate is symlinked to /opt/kde3/bin/kate23:26
zuskwtm,  lucid lynx23:27
kwtmzus: ?? Lucid Lynx is here today.  Apr 29, no?23:27
zusthe web site says  1 more day23:27
zuskwtm,  its wensday 28 here23:27
zuskwtm,  lol its the 29th some where i  guess23:28
Typos_Kingis 28th here :P23:28
James147it will be sometime soon, remember its going to be released on the 29th in one time zone :) so the actual date can vary23:28
kwtmLucid is not released for your time zone because your time zone is not the 29th yet??23:28
James147and its been 1day for most of teh day :)23:28
Typos_Kingzus:  over the behring strait for that matter23:28
kwtmCan't you get it from another time zone?23:29
Typos_Kingand if you can fly or sail over the strait, that doesn't change the timing from where it's released :P23:29
James147kwtm: no, i mean it will be realeaed on the 29 in one time zone and be availble to all nomatter what your local time is23:29
kwtmJames147: Ah.  Clearly it is not my time zone.  I guess Canonical is North America based?23:29
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties23:29
James147kwtm: so it could be 28th or the 30th depending on how early they release it and where you live23:29
zuscoudlt  you  use a proxy and use a uk server?23:30
kwtmOh, wait, GMT is still a bit behind...23:30
Typos_King!isoutyet | txwikinger23:30
James147kwtm: my guess would be america23:30
Typos_King!outyet | txwikinger23:30
ubottutxwikinger: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party23:30
sebi`anyone? please? :/23:30
Typos_Kingsebi:  I don't think you can23:31
Typos_Kingsebi:    unless you use 8.x or 7.1, which comes with 3.5.823:31
wllkmbllI'm still trying to figure out this network thing. I just downloaded the NetworkManager in synaptic, but I can't figure out how to run it.23:31
James147sebi`: kde3 isent really supported in karmic, any reason you cant use kde4?23:31
kwtmsebi`: Can't you see we're busy talking about time zones??? Just kidding.  I used KDE3 before.  Let me see if I can help you.23:31
txwikingersebi`: I think kate is expecting KDE423:32
James147wllkmbll: install "network-manager-gnome"   to get nm-applet23:32
Typos_Kingwllkmbll:   nm-applet; IF it installed23:32
sebi`James147: well, I just can't stand the new Kate, and I want the old kde3 kate back :P23:32
Typos_Kingkate?   what the?23:32
Typos_Kingsebi`:    just get Geany23:32
Typos_Kingfar smaller and quicker23:32
James147sebi`: what dont you like about it? I dont find it `that` bad... :S23:32
sebi`txwikinger: are you sure? since I've installed a port, I wouldn't think of any reason for kate to expect kde4 :/23:32
txwikingerkwtm: please take the timezone discussions to the party channel23:32
sebi`compared to the old kate, kde4 is a complete mess23:33
kwtmsebi`: I see that you are using KDE3 kate, so James147 and txwikinger may not be giving fully accurate info.  I used KDE3 on my Karmic.23:33
sebi`kwtm: okay23:33
wllkmbllnetwork-manager-gnome is installed, I just don't know how to run the applet. Do I do it in Konsole?23:33
* txwikinger does not have a karmic at his hand atm to check23:33
Typos_Kingsebi`:    just get Geany, no biggie -> http://lucavolino.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/immagine1.png23:33
kwtmsebi`: I don't have my Karmic KDE3 setup here with me (it's at home; I'm on laptop) but I can SSH in to home if need be.  I just may need to leave IRC all of a sudden without warning.  Anyway, let's see...23:33
James147wllkmbll: in konsole or press Alt+F2  and type "nm-applet" then press enter23:34
zusthanks everyone for the help suggestions and advice.23:34
kwtmsebi`: Your crash report seems to suggest that Kate-KDE3 is trying to use a KDE4 library?  (on first glance... not sure).  Do you have the entire KDE3 base installed?23:34
sebi`Typos_King: I've used geany before- it okayish, but it feels more like an IDE, than an actual editor23:34
kwtmTypos_King: Are you trying to suggest sebi` use a different software as an alternative to Kate?23:34
sebi`yes, the whole kde3 base, I've just installed kubuntu-desktop-kde3, and it installed everything right to /opt/kde323:35
Typos_Kingsebi`:    and gedit, SciTE, jedit, there's a heapload of editors, nothing wrong with the IDE part either, you can run it as a simple editor, doesn't really have much of an IDE per se anyway23:35
kwtmsebi`: Okay... I've had weird problems with ktorrent randomly starting up either ktorrent-kde3 or ktorrent-kde4, so... do you also have kde4 installed, or no?23:35
kwtmLet me ssh home and see what command I'm using for kate23:36
wllkmbllIt said "** (nm-applet:11731): WARNING **: <WARN>  request_name(): Could not acquire the session service as it is already taken.  Return: 3"23:36
sebi`kwtm: well yes, I do, as I've tried out kde4-kate once23:36
Typos_Kingkwtm:    what's so special about kate?  I have it, I don't use it, I use to, no as much really, isn't bad, isn't great, many editors can do the same things anyway23:36
James147wllkmbll: you need to kill knetwork amnager before you run nm-applet23:36
sebi`kate is awesome in is very own way23:37
Typos_Kingwllkmbll:    yeah, that means another manager is using, knetworkmanage namely23:37
kwtmsorry, I really have a gripe against people who are asked "can you help me with ABC?" and they answer "why are you using ABC?  You should use DEF instead."23:37
wllkmbllCan you tell me the command to do so?23:37
Typos_Kingsebi`:   geany is awesome, and for the size, is even better :P23:37
kwtmCan you imagine a travel agent (or airline web site) and you say, "I want to buy a plane ticket to Chicago" and it says "Why are you going to CHicago?  You should go to London instead."23:37
Typos_Kingnuts, installing a whole suite just for 1 sole editor23:38
sebi`Typos_King: sorry, but I think I agree kwtm, as much as I appreciate your help, it's not really helping ATM23:38
James147wllkmbll: "kquitapp knetworkmanager"23:38
kwtmLet's just concentrate on helping sebi` use the software he's used to, ok?  Linux is about freedom of choice.23:38
wllkmbllIt gave me an error "<unknown program name>(11732)/: "Application knetworkmanager could not be found using service org.kde.knetworkmanager and path /MainApplication.""23:39
kwtmsebi`: Okay, I'm looking at my kate-kde3, and this is weird --file size is 5420 bytes, so it must be relying on the KParts to do the job.23:39
James147kwtm: I know, just sometimes ppl choise a hard path when the feature they want isready availble... this isnt really one of those cases though but I tend to ask just incase :)23:39
RnFstRuckHrdSorry in advance if this is a dumb question - but id there anyway I can find out what time Kubuntu 10.04 will be released tomorrow?23:39
Typos_Kingkwtm:    kate is the embedded deault editor for the KDE suite, so, is shipped with it, you can't quite switch around segments of the suite versions, due to dependencies discrepancies23:39
sebi`kwtm: okay, but what does that mean? :/23:39
kwtmTypos_King: I understand your general concept, but like sebi`, I have actually installed Kate-KDE3 and Kate-KDE4 at the same time and it works.  So I'll see if I can reproduce this for sebi`23:40
Typos_Kingkwtm:  alrite23:40
Typos_Kingmuch to do about nothing -- shakespeare23:41
kwtmsebi`: Can you do "md5sum /opt/kde3/bin/kate" please?23:41
kwtmAnd, question to everyone: how can I use the cmd line to see what version of KDE I'm running?  (I'm SSH'd into home and want to make sure I'm on Karmic, not Jaunty)23:41
sebi`kwtm: af740d2c4d420cb1bb131b38a665815d  /opt/kde3/bin/kate23:41
Typos_Kings/to do/ado/23:41
kwtmsebi`: I have a different md5sum.  Wonder why.  Is your filesize 5420, too?  (Do "ls -l /opt/kde3/bin/kate")23:42
wllkmbllOk, so I can't run 'nm-applet' because of the error, but 'knetworkmanager' isn't running either.23:42
James147kwtm: I would say "kde-config --version" but it just said im running 3.5.10 which i am clearly not :S23:42
sebi`kwtm: no, it's 547623:43
James147kwtm: although kde4-config --version reported it right23:43
sebi`no idea what's going on23:43
kwtmsebi`: Okay, it may just be we have different versions, but... your filesize is also 5.4kB, which means it's using the main KDE3 libraries (supposed to).   Hmmm... not sure if removing KDE4 (leaving only KDE3) is an option.  I suspect KDE3-on-Kubuntu is buggy and has trouble coexisting.23:44
kwtmJames147: Interesting: "kde-config --help" shows TWO cmd-line arguments "--version" which are for different purposes.  Wonder which one wins when you just say "--version"?23:45
sebi`kwtm: unfortunately, yes :(23:45
sebi`i'll try to remove KDE4 first23:45
kwtmsebi`: At this point I'm afraid that's all I can do realistically to help you, except to add that I use Kate-KDE3 successfully on my Kubuntu Kohabiting KDE3-and-4, so there's hope.23:46
kwtmThen sometime later we can all have this big argument about whether geany is better than vim and all that. :)23:46
James147kwtm: since i got version for kde qt and kde-config im gona say both :)23:46
sebi`kwtm: well, kde3-kate used to work well, it started to crash just about a day ago23:46
sebi`but I have no idea what could be the reason for the sudden crash, as I didn't install anything remotely kde-related the past few days23:47
kwtmsebi`: You think it's a regression (like a backport got screwed up or something)?  Maybe you can ask for help about reverting to older package versions, but I'm not good at that.23:47
sebi`i wouldn't think it's a regression, I didn't perform a update the past days23:47
kwtmsebi`: I suspect an auto-update.  So, in summary, I would: apt-get remove kde4 or whatever the command is, and if that doesn't work, check out "apt-get pin dontupgrademykde3packages" or whatever it is.23:48
Typos_King<spam>  http://xkcd.com/378/ </spam>23:48
sebi`yeah, okay23:48
kwtmsebi`: Oh, you don't have automatic updates?  Then you might have used some other package that activated a KDE4 lib that overwrote something,.23:48
sebi`kwtm: possibly, but yes, I don't have automatic updates activated23:49
kwtmWups gotta go.  Okay, more fun with KDE4 later. :P  (I'm transitioning to KDE4, myself.  Slightly painful.)23:50
saintlyso i was goin thru themes on Kubuntu Netbook 9.1023:53
saintlyand umm23:53
saintlyall my categories, internet, system,23:53
saintlyall of that dissappeared23:53
saintlywhatd i do?23:53
saintlyanyone home?23:55
James147saintly: did you change the desktop to "Desktop" view (right click desktop -> Activity (Desktop?) settings -> Activity > "Type:"23:55
James147saintly: the type you want is search and launce i think23:55
James147launch ^^23:55
saintlywhat? lol23:55
James147saintly: what version of kde are you using?23:56
saintly4.4 i think23:56
saintlyi just got it today23:56
James147saintly: (any kde program -> help -> about kde)23:56
saintlyok what now?23:56
wllkmbllEverytime I try and do something to my network manager it always says I have another network manager running. How can I close all running network managers?23:58
saintlyokay i got ya james thanks23:58
James147saintly: if it is kde 4.4.x then  |  right click an empty part of the desktop > Click "Desktop activity settings" > Switch to the "Activity" tab > See what "Type" is selected, change to "search and launch" to get the categories back on the desktop23:58
saintlyjust did that, everythings back now23:58
saintly:D ty!23:58
James147wllkmbll: "killall knetworkmanager; killall nm-applet; sudo service network-manager restart" << the last part is to make sure networkmanager isnt miss behaving23:59
saintlyone more quick question, how do ya change apps again? i know theres alt tab23:59

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