
vistakilleri still have problem with suspend00:00
vistakillerany idea?00:00
vistakillersuspend is not working00:00
fatumI remember awhile back being able to open an FTP location from the gnome File Browser?  How do you do this?00:00
addchild314yofel, Its probably not worth it, but it just bugs me that it is the only thing thats not graphically awesome00:00
SuN__ext4 file system is stable and you may want to enjoy a new axis Ubuntu 10:0400:01
Jake2|cflwick94: you set up irc using 'mail and chat accounts'00:01
wick94Jake2|cfl cool00:01
yofelvistakiller: erm... that tutorial a) uses deprecated settings b) is rather complicated00:01
wick94might try it00:01
vistakillerfatum the most nice programme for that work is filllezilla00:01
SuN__Why upgrade from 9.10 and 10.04, and it then reboot and ask it bootlodera long black screen monitor is off and restarts and then tried a recovery and there is also support please ...00:01
wick94brb guys00:01
vistakillerit works for me00:01
vistakillernow i have a nice boot screen :)00:01
vistakillerand with wright resolution :)00:01
vistakilleri will translate and to greek to post it to ubuntu-gr forum00:02
fatumvistakiller:  I've used File Zilla before, however I can bookmark an ftp location and edit the files directly in gedit, which is nice.00:02
yofelyou could have just set the resolution with GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=... that works too, without uveafb and whatever on the kernel line00:02
fatumI forgot how to explore an ftp location in the File Browser, however.00:02
vistakillerfatum every time i try to connect to ftp server with file manager i have several problems00:02
SuN__please support00:02
vistakillerfilezilla is very stable for that work00:03
fatumIt worked pretty nice before, I was able to do most basic actions.  I'm unable to directly edit FTP files in gedit while using File Zilla however.00:03
vistakillerthe post say that we need uveafb because the other is not working00:03
yofelvistakiller: vga16fb is used by default and works fine here00:04
vistakillerwith nvidia driver?00:04
yofelI have00:04
wick94eremite guess wht happened?00:05
vistakilleri have 285gtx i see that in some nvidia cards was working00:05
yofelin my /etc/default/grub and it works fine with my nvidia 250GTS00:05
eremitewick94: no.  Just tell me.00:05
yofelit takes a while to show up though00:05
vistakilleri have to remove it then uveafb00:05
wick94eremite i installed pidgin and removed empathy and now there's no 'chat' button, lol00:05
yofelas I don't have the FRAMEBUFFER=y setting00:05
yofelI heard that it slows down boot00:06
MrDowntempoI have USB speakers. When I turn my volume all the way up in ubuntu, the speakers go all the way up. When I go down 1 click, the speakers go down like 50% and they are nigh inaudible one click lower. So even though my volumn bar is 80% full my speakers get turned all the way off. I've used another set of USB speakers and I get the same results.00:06
=== Ken8521_ is now known as Ken8521
vistakilleris much better the boot now00:06
vistakillerwith the other i have and one cifs error message00:06
eremitewick94: what :chat button" are you talking about?  Just launch the app from teh menu.00:06
yofelwell, I personally don't care if I ever see the boot splash, as long as the boot is as fast as possible00:06
wick94eremite yeah00:06
vistakilleri like to just work fine yofel00:07
ZykoticK9eremite, memenu is what wick94 referring to i believe00:07
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot00:07
vistakilleri dont care about nice boot or anything else00:07
vistakillerbut i dont like to see a crap screen00:07
eremiteZykoticK9: what is memenu?00:07
vistakillernow i have to fix suspend00:07
vistakillerfrom alpha 3 is not working00:07
yofelyeah, at least they made the kubuntu splash not look as bad now with low res, but I like to have good res ttys00:07
GerritI have problems getting my screen resolution right in ubuntu 10.04 (BenQ G2420HD with ATI Radeon HD 3450 showing 1024x768 instead of 1920x1080). In order to try to solve it, I wanted to boot into recovery mode and try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org' from there in order to get at least a xorg.conf file (that I don't have and don't get if I run this in normal mode), but now I cannot get into grub at all. I hold down the left shift and/or the ...00:09
Gerrit... right shift at boot, but I don't get into grub.00:09
GerritHow do I get my screen resolution right? How do I get into grub? I already tried to set the screen resolution by hand using some documents on the ubuntu wiki, but this resulted in a black screen.00:09
duffydackGerrit, using free driver or the ati driver00:10
vistakillerand i thing for suspend problem again is nvidia driver00:10
Gerritduffydack: So far the free driver00:10
ZykoticK9SuN__, you can use "/msg ubottu !whatyourlookingfor" to get the factoids privately00:10
Gerritduffydack: I'm new to KDE 4 and can't really find my way to the propietry driver yet. Maybe the free driver is very limited and I would need the propietry driver, but I would prefer to use the free driver.00:11
SuN__!fsck super block00:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:11
vistakilleri see that many have problems with suspend with nvidia binary driver00:11
SuN__fsck super block help ?00:11
Gerritduffydack: I'm using kubuntu 10.04, I should maybe say00:12
eremiteGerrit: please read this.  I hope it helps.  http://chvnx.com/post/280205781/change-screen-resolution-in-linux-ubuntu00:12
Gerriteremite: I will check00:12
chorseGerrit: use the free drivers then, they are fine for basic 3d even00:12
Gerritchorse: they should support higher resolutions than 1024x768, right?00:12
eremiteGerrit: they should support the highest resolution yoru monitor supports00:12
chorseGerrit: yes of course00:13
eremiteGerrit: I need to hack with xrandr so that my 22' monitor isnt 600x80000:13
Gerriteremite: I tried something like htat and I got a black screen00:15
Gerritwith xrandr and gtf00:15
aweomshey, i've been having issues trying to noscirpt plugin for firefox working.00:15
eremiteGerrit: then the resolution you added was not native to your screen.00:15
aweomsit 'installs' but does not show up after.00:15
Gerriteremite: I probably had the wrong frame rate, the BenQ "manual" does not mention this, how do I find it out?00:16
eremiteaweoms: doenload it from Mozilla.org and then restart FF.  Then go into your ad-ons and adjust to your liking00:16
GerritI used instructions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution btw00:16
aweomstried taht00:17
eremiteGerrit: that site I linked you to, about half way down the page, has instructions on how to write your own xrandr script to fix resolutions.00:17
GerritIs it possible that a DVI/VGA-adapter is changing things?00:17
eremiteI use 59.9 as a frame rate, always00:17
Gerrit(not a ubuntu question sorry)00:17
aweomsbut looking in the .mozilla folder i don't see the files for the addon00:17
eremiteaweoms: ASK MOZILLA.00:18
yofelaweoms: how did you install it?00:18
aweomsnormal method, through firefox from mozilla.org00:18
aweomsi am thinking it might have to do with permission on the folder00:20
aweomsbut i could be wrong00:20
aweomswhat should the permission on /home/username supposed to be like?00:21
aweomsanyone have an example?00:21
eremitex+  **00:21
GerritYay! It works!00:22
GerritI must have done something wrong on the last try00:22
Gerritbecause I don't see what I did differently.00:22
eremiteGerrit: what did you do?00:22
progre55awesome, 1 day left =)00:22
Gerriteremite: Well, I followed instructions that I thought were identical to the ones I followed two hours ago00:22
eremiteLink me.00:22
aweomsprogre55, well, i think its the folder00:22
Gerriteremite: But there are some slight differences, that was before I installed kubuntu (was running from LiveCD)00:22
linthow do i install jave ibn ubuntu 1.04?00:23
aweomsdrwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev00:23
Gerriteremite: two hours ago: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:23
aweomsthe folder is a serperate partition, and ntfs00:23
Gerriteremite: now: (your link) http://chvnx.com/post/280205781/change-screen-resolution-in-linux-ubuntu00:23
aweomsi am trying to make it seamless between ubuntu and windows 700:23
eremiteGerrit: My link worked?00:23
progre55aweoms: huh?00:24
progre55aweoms: what folder? )00:24
Gerriteremite: The difference was probably that I didn't know what number to use for the refresh-rate00:24
eremiteGerrit: ah, yeah, that can be a problem.00:24
Gerriteremite: Well, it worked now that I used 59.90 instead of 60.00, the manual for my monitor does not seem to tell me what number to use there00:24
aweomsprogre55, /home/rama, but the folder is a ntfs mount point00:24
eremiteNo problem. Just remember that that's not a permafix.  You shoudl write a bash script and each time you log in set teh script to automatically execute.00:25
yofelaweoms: you are part of the plugdev group?00:25
aweomsyofel, yes00:26
yofelhm, this should be fine then, as you have write permissions there then00:26
Gerritpity though that it took time, I had the impression that autodetection was quite far, I can do this but this is not very beginner-friendly/noob-friendly. Well, not the OSS developers fault I'm sure.00:27
vistakillerwhy in this version nvida binary driver is so crap?00:27
eremiteGerrit: its teh fault of the devs.  For sure.  Works fine with other OS' for me.  Windows and Mac work fine with this monitor.  Linux?  Not so much.00:27
vistakillerwe have problems with plymouth00:27
aweomsNope you cannot put "/home" on an NTFS partition because of permissions issues. NTFS does not have unix-like ownership and permission systems.00:27
vistakillerwe have problems with suspend00:28
aweomsquote from the forums00:28
yofelvistakiller: suspend never quite worked wtih nvidia here, and plymouth issues aren't really nvidia related, it's just how plymouth works00:28
vistakillersuspend was work fine two one year+ now00:29
yofelcan't test suspend right now as I changed something in the bios and now suspend doesn't even try to do anything00:29
vistakillerbefore two years i have problems only00:29
Gerriteremite: I thought it would be the fault of the manufacturers that provide buggy interfaces?00:29
vistakillersame here yofel00:29
vistakillerit even tryu to do something...00:29
lintis it possible to to play yahoo games in ubuntu 10,04?00:30
eremiteGerrit: why woudl it work with other OS' but not Linux if it was a manufactoring problem?  I cannot see the line of logic in that statement.00:31
eremiteGerrit: as long as the proper drivers are installed it should work.00:31
eremiteIt doesnt, though./00:31
nmobixI have the problem that when I resume after suspend, the virtual terminals (CTRL+ALT+F[1...6]) are unreadable. How do I reset them to their original state. I have a HP dv5000, with an ATI X200M card?00:33
bryanri have a problem00:35
bryanrthe VLC player is recording terrible videos00:35
bryanrhow to fix?00:35
ZykoticK9lint, seems to be working in my Chromium, Firefox and Firefox (wined version) -- testing with penguin-diner-2 game00:35
Gerriteremite: because the manufacturer might write its own working driver for Windows, but not disclose how it works00:38
Gerritanyway, I'm off to bed, goodnight00:38
JediMasterbryanr, record something better?00:46
DaijoubuAny idea why the MLT installation was built without the "motion_est" filter which enables image stabilization? And where and how can i report this to the person who built the package, and how can this be fixed?00:47
rabidweezlehey all, thought I was downloading the new LTS RC and I ended up somehow getting karmic, is there a way I can update to lucid?00:50
rabidweezlethe update manager isn't showing it00:51
jrib!upgrade | rabidweezle00:51
ubotturabidweezle: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:51
rabidweezlethanks muchly jrib00:52
DaijoubuAny idea why the MLT installation was built without the "motion_est" filter which enables image stabilization? And where and how can i report this to the person who built the package, and how can this be fixed?00:53
Daijoubuhere is the filters list that the package came with http://pastebin.com/6nR5DGEN00:55
checheDaijoubu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mlt/0.5.4-100:57
Daijoubucheche thank you00:58
MrDowntempois it possible to manually control a laptop's fan speed?01:05
aciculaMrDowntempo: sometimes yeah01:05
MrDowntempoacicula, where should I look?01:05
aciculafancontrol and lm-sensors would be a start, some laptops needs addtional mods01:06
hanasakiin lucid where are the sun java packages?01:06
aciculahanasaki: enable partner repo01:06
ZykoticK9hanasaki, add the partner repo01:06
hanasakiah thanks.. why were they moved?01:06
MrDowntempoacicula, don't those just report temps and speeds? not control them?01:07
hanasakiNo candidate version found for sun-java6-jdk01:08
hanasakiits not in the partner01:08
luis_does anybody in here use preyproject.org01:09
hanasakiin lucid where are the sun java packages?  with the partner repo enabled it says "No candidate version found for sun-java6-jdk01:09
aciculaMrDowntempo: fancontrol controls, lm-sensors just reports,but if it doesnt report the rpm you cant control the rpm either01:10
aciculahanasaki: enable partner repo01:10
hanasakiacicula:  I have enabled it01:10
hanasakideb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu karmic partner01:10
hanasakioops wrong system01:10
aciculatry lucid01:10
hanasakibingo! howd I miss that one.  thanks folks01:11
mininessieis there anyway to make transmission download torrents faster01:13
aciculamininessie: making sure DHT is enabled and reachable can help01:15
Ian_Corneany problems with lucid in a vm?01:20
mininessieacicula, dht ???01:21
jetoleHey guys. From what I am looking at, it looks like pacemaker doesn't have the choice between heartbeat or openais in lucid. Does anyone know if this is true and if it is does anyone know which one it decided to use (heartbeat or openais?)01:24
ZykoticK9Ian_Corne, I've seen several people mention problems with mouse/keyboard not working in VMWare.  VirtualBox PUEL having graphics issue with guest additions.  VirtualBox OSE with Lucid as host/guest working well here.01:36
luis_any screen brightness problem fixes for lenovou350, the one from 9.10 does not work01:41
araujoluis_, screen brightness problem as in ... the fn keys don't work??01:41
chillindaveDoes anyone know how to completely wipe the MBR?  I installed 10.04 earlier and tried to then install Windows 7 to dual boot, but I never can get to Windows 7.  I formatted the HDD then tried installing Windows 7 first, then was going to do 10.04, but it goes to a boot rescue prompt every time no matter how many ways I try to restore the windows boot loader.01:42
araujoluis_, wait, you need to add something to your xorg.conf01:42
chillindaveSo I was wondering if it's possible to completely wipe the MBR and go from there.01:42
araujoluis_, add in the 'Section "Device"', the following line:01:43
araujoOption "RegistryDwords"  "EnableBrightnessControl=1"01:43
araujorestart X and that should make the trick01:43
luis_where is section device located01:44
luis_cool another luis01:44
araujoluis_, it should be in your xorg.conf01:45
luis_ where do i find xorg.conf01:47
araujoin /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:47
ZykoticK9luis_, /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- if it's not there you need to generate one -- see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file01:48
juan__hey someone hving continues disconnections using b43 open driver01:48
juan__on bcm 4312 rev0101:48
juan__on lucid lynx01:49
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/01:49
juan__so for what is this channel01:50
jbuncherIs anyone else having trouble printing from the embedded okular in kile in lucid?01:51
juan__can someone answer me please01:51
IdleOnejuan__: patience :)01:52
gsp2009hello all.01:56
gsp2009anyone know of an app that will quickly allow me to turn off dual monitors... if I want to play a game in fullscreen, it spans both.01:57
ZykoticK9gsp2009, nvidia-settings if you have nvidia01:57
gsp2009ZykoticK9: I do.. but I always have to restart after making the change01:58
ZykoticK9gsp2009, you shouldn't have to restart to disable a monitor - just switch from Twinview to not... forgot option - i've done this plenty on Lucid without having to restart01:58
gsp2009ZykoticK9: ok... I will try it... brb01:59
Zelozeloshow do i add a volume control icon to a panel?01:59
gsp2009ZykoticK9: there is no way to apply the change... it seems as though it has to be written to xorg02:00
MTughanDoes the Ubuntu Lucid LiveCD image support extracting straight to a USB drive then booting? Or does it require a CD?02:00
gsp2009ZykoticK9: durr... drain bamage... sorry... I got it.02:01
ZykoticK9gsp2009, nvidia-settings - X Server Display Configuration -- highlight one monitor, change resolution to Off.  No need to save changes etc.02:01
jbuncherMTughan, use unetbootin or the usb boot disk creator to put the iso onto the usb drive02:01
gsp2009ZykoticK9: didn't see the placement of the apply button02:01
juan__hey i am using a hp mini 1000 1030nr and my battery marker is showing as if it was plugged to the cord  , when it is runnning form the battery02:01
juan__how can i fix it02:01
luis_sudo X-configure command not found02:01
gsp2009ZykoticK9: thanks... works great02:01
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.02:02
ZykoticK9gsp2009, glad to help02:02
MTughanjbuncher: I'm helping someone else in an OS X channel who wants to put Ubuntu (no word on version though) onto a USB drive. One solution given was to just dd it onto the drive, but that won't work.02:02
yofelluis_: it's either 'sudo X -configure' (notice the space) or write it from scratch02:03
* gsp2009 is loving lucid02:03
nerdy_kidnmobix thats normal02:03
Zelozelosactually, i have the indicator applet, i want to remove the mail icon that is with it, how do i do this?02:03
jbuncherMTughan, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick  There are Mac instructions there.02:03
nerdy_kidmy swap is getting used to early -- i still have 2gbs of ram available.  how to change this?  thanks02:04
luis_"X (space)-configure"02:04
MTughanjbuncher: Thanks.02:05
jbunchernerdy_kid, You are either being bit by an xorg bug, or you need to adjust vm.swappiness  I forget where it's located, just google "vm.swappiness" and you should find it02:05
yofelnerdy_kid: are you sure you don't have some process using too much ram? I manage with 2gb and no swap here02:06
djbeenie_has anyone had any major issues with 10.4?02:06
yofelnerdy_kid, jbuncher: and it's either /proc/sys/vm/swappiness or vm.swappiness for sysctl02:07
nerdy_kidyofel  jbuncher thanks :) Xorg is going a little high (157mb) but everythings normal -- I left winXP in a VM running for a while (several hours) so i guess thats why02:07
git__When is the party?02:07
yofelgit__: #ubuntu-release-party02:07
johnjohn101is it ok to upgrade 9.10 tonight or tomorrow night or should I wait?02:08
juan__battery / wifi / and software fail02:08
git__thanks yofel02:08
nerdy_kidyofel /proc/sys/vm/swappiness is 60, what is a good value to set it too?02:09
yofelnerdy_kid: and see 'man proc' for an explenation on what swappiness does02:09
Zelozelosahaa now i remember, never mind its sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages02:09
nerdy_kidyofel ahh thanks nvm my last question then02:09
yofelnerdy_kid: 60 is usually a good default value, 0 means: don't swap unless really no ram is left02:09
johnjohn101is swapiness a new feature?02:11
nerdy_kidjohnjohn101 i dont think so02:11
yofeljohnjohn101: no, it's been there for quite a while02:11
yofeljohnjohn101: but if you don't have a good reason to change it then don't02:11
johnjohn101seems like this is the first I've heard of it02:12
nerdy_kidyofel jbuncher thanks for your help guys :)02:12
yofel_yes, as usually you have no reason to even think about it's existance (in case you didn't get the message)02:13
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
johnjohn101i've been using 10.04 for so long i'm ready for 10.10...02:14
juan__hey i am using a hp mini 1000 1030nr and my battery marker is showing as if it was plugged to the cord  , when it is runnning form the battery02:14
juan__can someone at least answet02:14
juan__change name gendo02:15
yofeljohnjohn101: don't worry, maverick alpha1 is due june 3rd :P02:15
johnjohn101yofel.  Any thing interesting coming in 10.10.  9.10 was great. 10.04 is much better.02:16
juan__ipod touch suport02:16
lucitukde 4.502:17
johnjohn101what's that mean? ipod touch support?02:17
johnjohn101gnome 3.0?02:17
nerdy_kidjohnjohn101 ARGB transparency in 10.10 i think.  Aero look :)02:18
yofelwell, there's http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/336 and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/10.10/Brainstorm02:18
juan__at least in many unofficial they are saying it as if they were certain02:18
nerdy_kidlucitu that should be sick02:18
juan__hey if a update from 9.10 will my kernel updadate to .32 also02:18
yofelnerdy_kid: hey, kde 4.4 is great here :P02:19
johnjohn101i wasn't keen on kde 4.4.  switched over to gnome.  like that much better02:19
nerdy_kidyofel yeah same here, but that just means 4.5 will be even better :)  maybe nepomuk will be usable lol02:19
yofelI switched from gnome to kde when 4.3 was released, I don't like gnome ayatana-editon that ubuntu uses now02:20
lucitunerdy_kid: u mean slick?02:20
nerdy_kidlucitu yeah and that :)02:21
yofelwell, nepomuk seems to work somehow here, I don't use it much tough and I had to disable strigi as it was too resource hungry02:21
Am4noI like'm both. I choose gnome or kde based on my mood02:21
Cajun_Lan_ManHello All.  Could anyone help me figure out why Ubuntu 10.04 locks up during install?02:21
nerdy_kidyofel strigi at least need help -- always get double results searching for stuff and some of the files dont even exist02:22
Cajun_Lan_ManDetails: Machine is a Dell Inspiron 9300. Video card is an nVidia 6800 Go (which I suspect as the culprit)02:22
jribhow do I get the gdm in lucid to see my ~/.xsession?  Currently, I am only offered failsafe GNOME, GNOME, and xterm for my session options at the gdm screen even though I have created a ~/.xsession02:22
nerdy_kidCajun_Lan_Man have you tried booting the install in safe graphics mode?02:23
Cajun_Lan_Mannerdy_kid, I have not.  I will try that.  Also, let me add this.  It freezes at the point where you have "UBUNTU" with the 5 dots below it.  While nothing seems to work, if I press the power button, it does a soft shutdown.02:24
nerdy_kidCajun_Lan_Man yeah def try the safe gfx mode, and also remove "splash" from the kernel params02:25
nerdy_kidCajun_Lan_Man can get to the kernel params by first selecting safe graphics mode, then hitting the right/left arrow keys.  that will give focus to the boot params02:25
Cajun_Lan_Mannerdy_kid, will do.  If the safe gfx mode works, what do I do after the install is done? Am I trapped in "safe mode"?02:25
nerdy_kidCajun_Lan_Man no after the install you would want to remove the noveou driver (the new FOSS nvidia driver) and replace it with nvidia's02:26
jbuncherIs anyone else having trouble printing from the embedded okular in kile in lucid?02:26
Cajun_Lan_Mannerdy_kid, can I do that from the hardware drivers option under system in the GUI?02:27
nerdy_kidCajun_Lan_Man that would be sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-nouveau02:27
nerdy_kidCajun_Lan_Man then you should be able to install the nvidia drivers from under hardware drivers02:27
nerdy_kidCajun_Lan_Man hope that helps :)02:28
Cajun_Lan_Manit sure does.  I appreciate the help!02:28
nerdy_kidCajun_Lan_Man no prob :)02:28
jbunchernerdy_kid, Cajun_Lan_Man you *really* shouldn't have to purge the nvidia driver02:29
nerdy_kidjbuncher yeah i know but just in case, might as well.  not going to hurt anything02:29
johnjohn101is it going to difficult to remove nouveau and install nvdia when i go live?02:30
Cajun_Lan_Manjbuncher, any other suggestions to try while I'm at it?02:31
Cajun_Lan_Manjbuncher, or are you just suggesting I do safe gfx then install "old" nVidia drivers?02:32
jbuncherCajun_Lan_Man, What do you mean by old?  Should just be able to install the regular proprietary drivers.02:33
trismjrib: check out the comments in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/398300 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/475090 they seem to offer workarounds02:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 398300 in gdm "The new gdm doesn't give an option to run /etc/X11/Xsession" [Low,Triaged]02:36
Cajun_Lan_Manjbuncher, Thanks for the info.  I appreciate it.02:37
Dr_WillisHmm...  allready starting the talk about 10.10 it seems in the blog-o-sphere. :)02:49
Dr_WillisUbuntu 10.10 Netbook to get ‘global menu’ panel02:50
PiciDr_Willis: This channel is for Lucid disucssion, please take the discussion to #ubuntu+202:50
PiciDr_Willis: (just kidding :P)02:50
Dr_WillisWhens the release date for 10.10! :)02:51
Dr_Williswhat time? what exact second!02:51
moderndayzerorandom question but has anyone put all of the "nes,snes,n64,psx,gb.gba etc...." on lucid yet?02:51
Dr_Willismoderndayzero:  i tried the gsnesx the other day02:51
Dr_Willisit was very very SLOW for some reason on the 64bit box.02:51
yofelyou know there's no time, but here's the schedule anyway :P https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule02:52
Random832moderndayzero: the what?02:52
johnjohn10110.10 must be out in october, right??02:52
Dr_Willisjohnjohn101:  thats the schedule.02:52
Random832you mean just the emulators , right?02:52
moderndayzerohmmm any clue on the slow down?02:52
Dr_Willismoderndayzero:  Nope. Not looked into it. not tried it on the 32bit box yet either.02:52
* Random832 thought lucid had all the packages previous versions did unless any were specifically removed02:52
Dr_Willisit did not seem to be a compiz issue. and I did have the nvidia drivers properly installed.02:52
Jordan_Uw00t, how long has mupen64-plus been included in the default repositories?02:53
PiciSince karmic02:54
moderndayzeroyea all that worked out of the box which was awsome but im  moving all of my games to this laptop now that ive changed to 10.4 but wanted some insite on the emus before i get started02:54
Dr_WillisJordan_U:  they added those last relse i think. they put in a few differnt emus i recall.02:54
Dr_Willis'emulators' a must have tool.. :)02:54
wastreli installed 10.04 on a computer today02:55
wastrelusing a cd02:55
Dr_Willismoderndayzero:  i had no issues on the old release/versions on 64bit. but i no longer have the old release installed so cant test it out to double chedk.02:56
Dr_WillisI will test it out later on the netbook - but thats 32bit I think02:57
Dr_Willismoderndayzero:  i may not be able to test it for a few days.  Im always in here or in #ubuntu -  Im suprised they are not working better (snes9x)  also for your own tests.. try them out under  some other window manager.02:58
Dr_Willismoderndayzero:  i proberly got that many and more.  of which i actually play like 20 :)02:59
Dr_WillisIve not tested out mame yet in 10.04, or the other emus. just tried 2 games in snes9x02:59
Dr_Willismoderndayzero:  try wine and the other emus and see. Ive rarely needede to  - unless i liked the interface better.02:59
Dr_Williswork time for me. Bye all03:00
jribtrism: thanks03:00
johnjohn101if I have 32 bit ubuntu, can I use update manager to upgrade to 64 bit?03:01
johnjohn101is it time to head to 64 bit?03:05
Zelozeloshow do i get a window i moved out of the viewing area, occasionally ill grab a window and "throw" it off screen?03:05
Zelozelosi cant see the window at all03:05
Zelozelosusually ill just close it on docky, but i ws lookin for a way to move it back onto the screen03:06
bjsniderjohnjohn101, are you asking for permission?03:06
johnjohn101i guess 32 bit will be supported for a while?03:06
yofeljohnjohn101: it certainly will, especially as most of the atom cpus until recently are all 32bit03:07
bjsniderif you are on a modern desktop or laptop you should be on amd64 by now03:15
mininessieno way03:16
johnjohn101bjsnider: I think i'm going to wait until my next machine when it has six cores and 12 GB memory just to browse the web03:17
edugonchHello I have a proble un my toshiba p500 with the headphones, when When headphones are plugged in, the speaker does not get muted automatically03:22
Odd-rationaleedugonch: what sound card do you have?03:23
Odd-rationaleedugonch: pastebin the output of: lspci | grep Audio03:26
bjsniderjohnjohn101, how about 64 cores and 470GB of ram just to use a console?03:29
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
Odd-rationaleedugonch: i think the new kernel is not correctly detecting your sound card (had the same issue). we need to manually specify the model03:31
DanaGinteresting... my usb sound card is even weirder than I thought it was...03:31
DanaGIt goes from 0.00 to 0.14dB in steps of 0.01dB. Or so it claims.03:31
Odd-rationaleedugonch: open /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base as root with a text editor03:31
DanaGactually, it's alsa-base.conf03:31
Odd-rationaleyeah, sorry03:31
edugonchyes, alsa-base.conf03:32
Odd-rationaleat the end of the file try adding: options snd-hda-intel model=toshiba03:32
Odd-rationalesave the file and restart your sound system.03:32
edugonchok, will restart now03:33
gokulopen office in karmic showed "sun java" when starting..... but now it says "open office ORACLE" why is that so ????????03:36
Odd-rationaleoracle bought sun03:37
yofelgokul: oracle bought sun03:37
Odd-rationale(where have you been?!)03:37
edugonchHi again, did not work :(03:37
Odd-rationaleedugonch: hmm. can you pastebin the output of aplay -l03:37
gokulyofel, means that oracle bought the entire sun company !! ?03:40
Odd-rationaleedugonch: that output seems a bit odd...03:42
Odd-rationaleedugonch: what is the output of: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec03:42
edugonchThat's all the putput03:42
bjsnidergokul, yes, oracle bought the entire sun company03:42
edugonchCodec: Conexant ID 506703:43
bjsnideroracle was much bigger than sun to begin with03:43
DanaG  * Some idiot thought it'd be a good idea if device mapper didn't respond to "add" events, like those during boot.  Take their change out back and shoot it in the head.  LP: #561390.03:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561390 in lvm2 "LVM - /var failed to mount during boot" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56139003:43
DanaGnice changelog.03:43
bjsniderpithiest changelog ever03:44
gokulbjsnider, thanks  for replying03:44
mininessiewalter kronkite03:44
DanaGthat's a word I don't use often.03:46
Odd-rationaleedugonch: some searching seems like model=dell-vostro might work03:46
edugonchok, i'll try03:46
DanaG 1.brief, forceful, and  meaningful in expression; full of vigor, substance, or meaning; terse;  forcible: a pithy observation.03:46
Odd-rationaleedugonch: you can find a whole list of options to try here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104356803:46
edugonchthanks :D03:46
Odd-rationaleedugonch: it took me a while to find the right one for my card03:46
Odd-rationaleedugonch: but, sorry, i must need to go now. let me know if you manage to solve your problem.03:47
edugonchI have a lot  of free time this night ;)03:47
edugonchDon't worry, you help me a lot with this information03:47
pcrovweird problem. on my laptop (hp pavilion 9700) when I press the hard-button to turn off the touchpad i lose keyboard input and menus stop responding until i killall gnome-panel03:48
hyperstreamHey guys, im using Ubuntu Lucid 10.4 (Alpha One), im going to be reinstalling with the latest Lucid release. How do i backup my Virtual Machines i have at current(Windows XP x2) so hey work exactly the same way on the new install (Should i backup all of my files on my XP VB's ?)03:54
DanaGhyperstream: why bother reinstalling?03:54
hyperstreamCant upgrade properly, and would prefer a fresh install(Like he new Lucid)03:55
hyperstreamWhats the date today in america? 27th or 28th? Wouldnt i be better off waiting until 29th for final release?03:56
bjsniderit's night in america03:56
DanaGTue Apr 27 19:56:33 PDT 201003:56
hyperstreamCool, So another 2 days and ill just grab the final release :)03:57
hyperstreamWould anyone happen to know how to go about 'keeping' my virtualboxes i currently have, im hoping by just keeping the harddisk images (xvd file or something along those lines)03:58
hyperstreamOh nevermind i have an answer :)03:58
bjsniderclean installing again sn't necessary unless you've got bad formatting or something like that03:58
hyperstreamWell when i try and upgrade i get errors about only partial upgrade is possible and so forth03:59
bjsnideropen a console. do sudo aptitude update, and then sudo aptitude safe-upgrade04:01
hyperstreamIll give it a shot now04:02
hyperstreamWish me luck04:02
bjsniderluck has absolutely nothing to do with it04:02
hyperstreamWell in my experience something is bound to break and prevent me from using it. Although i tend to try and resolve the issue(s) still seems like a days task :)04:03
hyperstreambjsnider, thanks bud04:03
leohartxdoes anybody here have the download of the final version ?04:17
leohartx does anybody here have the download link of the final version ?04:17
ZykoticK9!outyet > leohartx04:19
ubottuleohartx, please see my private message04:19
Sichvotdoes anyone know how to create a multi-session remote desktop server for 10.04?04:20
Blue11howdy tex04:22
gokulIf i use all tray to tray any window, the background of the icon is not proper.... in karmic, only the logo appeared, but now with white background..... is it possible to change this to karmic style ?04:23
gokulBiggFREE, Hi !!04:24
BiggFREEHi gokul04:24
arandgokul: either change the theme, or remake the icon with alpha, I think..04:24
BiggFREEI am just reading04:25
RegressLessCamorama is looking for my webcam at /dev/video0, but not finding it. I have an ASUS laptop with built-in webcam. Can someone help me find it and fix the problem?04:25
BiggFREEBuilt-in Webcam are not the best :(04:26
BiggFREEAlways problematic04:26
gokularand, sorry, it is already filed in launchpad04:26
gokularand, sorry04:26
gokularand, https://bugs.launchpad.net/alltray/+bug/54585204:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 545852 in alltray "Alltray 0.69 Icons have wrong backgrounds in Lucid Beta1" [Low,Confirmed]04:27
RegressLessWell it worked fine in Windows... just sayin'04:27
RegressLesscan someone help me locate and identify my built-in webcam?04:28
arandgokul: Ah :) Well, still if you have some time and know, I guess a fixed icon would be welcome ;)04:28
intangirim trying to setup RAID and LVMs over 2gigs and it complains about being over some sector limit04:29
intangirpartition length exceeds the loop-partition-table-imposed maximum of 429496729504:29
intangirbut i read linux volumes can go upto 8 TB04:30
intangiroops i mean im trying to make one over 2 TB04:30
Blue11intangir: i know nothing of raids but I don't think it's that much04:30
Blue11intangir: it might be filesystem dependent - what file structure are you using?04:31
intangiri didnt even define a file structure yet04:32
intangiri didnt even actually define the partition yet04:32
intangirjust the free space that wouldve been available its giving me this error04:32
intangirand if i do partition it it gives the same error04:32
Blue11i am not the raid guy -- I use ext4 and have no problems on a 1 t/b usb backup drive is all I know.04:33
RegressLesscan someone help me find my webcam?04:33
BiggFREEHow do I update my boot loader ?04:33
bullgard4What package includes the Linux kernel documentation?04:33
gokulBiggFREE, sudo update-grub04:34
RegressLesslots of questions, not a lot of answers :(04:34
BiggFREEty gokul04:34
Blue11RegressLess: it it a usb cam?04:34
bullgard4BiggFREE: Please do not replace interpunction with the Enter key.04:35
RegressLessBlue11: there's a chance it may be usb internally, but it's really built in. I guess it's supposed to be at /dev/video0, but is not there.04:35
Blue11RegressLess: let me get my netbook04:36
RegressLessIt's an ASUS, but not a netbook.04:36
Blue11RegressLess: yeah but my netbook has a cam I never use it but I can see what it says04:37
Blue11yeah /dev/video004:40
Zelozelosanyone know why wine wont install paint shop pro? when i start the setup it starts and does somethin then just quits04:50
Zelozelosits almost like the msi isnt working04:50
Zelozelosit always installed just fine before i reinstalled everything04:52
gokulwhat will happen if i install from aptoncd debs of karmic into my lucid RC ??04:56
rwwgokul: bad things that aren't supported or recommended by us04:56
gokulrww, i am going to try :-P .. i dont have a super fast internet to reinstall them ..... :P i dont care if it does harm as i am ready to reistall lucid :D04:59
rwwgokul: alright. Just be aware that if you break it, you get to keep both pieces and don't get to ask for support with it here or in #ubutnu05:00
gokulrww, no, i will re install lucid RC without asking in here or there :P05:01
rwwgokul: Alright. That said, good luck :)05:01
pwnguinis there a way to indicate to mountall that a particular FS depends on the network?05:02
pwnguinmy sshfs mountpoint is tanking the init process =/05:03
pwnguinits unusally slow in ere05:04
johnjohn101is it ok to move from 9.10 to 10.04 or should I wait until this weekend?05:05
pwnguinjohnjohn101: theres always a risk, even after this weekend05:05
pwnguinhow important is the system to you?05:05
gokuljohnjohn101, i moved yesterday itself! can't wait till tomo05:05
pwnguinif this is your only computer or a million dollar website server, maybe hold back ;)05:06
gokulpwnguin, ;-) nice reply :P05:08
pwnguinfwiw, _netdev is the option to list in fstab to indicate sshfs is a network mount05:09
renegaidi installed netbook remix and i cannot enable compiz effects05:20
renegaidwhen i install the desktop version i can enable it05:21
soreaurenegaid: Pastebin the output of 'compiz &' fro your terminal to pastebin.org05:21
crdlbdoesn't UNR use a special window manager?05:21
ZykoticK9renegaid, it's called Netbook Edition now - but I can't enable it on NBE either (i'm running on an old EEE 701) - it works fine in virtualbox though?05:21
renegaidi don't understand but i find the netbook edition to be much slower than the desktop05:22
renegaidbut i like the way it is layed out in the netbook edition. just that it is really slow05:23
soreaurenegaid: What gpu is it?05:23
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.05:24
ZykoticK9renegaid, soreau - *facepalm* -- "compiz" is not currently installed...05:24
renegaidi have the latest version05:26
ZykoticK9renegaid, the !final wasn't directed at you BTW05:26
johnjohn101starting distro update.05:32
zhangchunleihow to uninstall win 2-7Pack in ubuntu 10.04RC05:33
ZykoticK9zhangchunlei, what is "win 2-7Pack"?05:33
eremiteI find that upgrading instead of installing fresh always screws up my work flow, and is seemingly more prone to bugs and conflicts with software alredy installed.05:33
zhangchunleiZykoticK9, one theme05:33
ZykoticK9zhangchunlei, ahhh - good luck.05:34
zhangchunleiZykoticK9, i want to delete it05:34
MblackwellSorry if I seem a bit off. I'm posting from text messages. Buddy of mine can't boot. Last messages are ureadahead terminating with status 5, udevd failing to create queue file, and udev terminating with status 1, respawing, then terminating with status 205:34
eremiteWhy woudl anyone want Windows themes on an Ubuntu machone? *shudders*05:34
ZykoticK9zhangchunlei, did you install it using apt/synaptic/ubuntu-software-center?05:34
Mblackwellhe'd just upgraded, and done a reboot05:35
zhangchunleiZykoticK9, no , i download05:35
Mblackwellhe can't get a console without a live cd, and he's already chrooted the partitions05:35
ZykoticK9zhangchunlei, do you have the link?05:35
Mblackwelland checked against the repository list05:35
Mblackwell(as well as reinstalled udev, plymouth, different stock kernels, etc)05:36
MblackwellAnyone have a thought?05:36
zhangchunleiZykoticK9, the link 0f win2-7 Pack?05:36
ZykoticK9zhangchunlei, i found it05:36
ZykoticK9zhangchunlei, I'd suggest you post on the win2-7 forum page at http://win7pack.47.forumer.com/ -- good luck.05:39
zhangchunleiZykoticK9, thank you05:39
johnjohn101so when is 10.04.1 going to be released?05:42
renegaidi wonder why chrome isn't in software center05:43
ZykoticK9johnjohn101, aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?  The release schedule only goes up to Final not past.05:43
ZykoticK9renegaid, chromium is, and after a bug i filed - searching for chrome should bring it up05:44
renegaidi already installed it from chrome website05:44
ZykoticK9renegaid, chrome is not open source, chromium the development version of chrome is OS05:45
zhangchunleibut i use chrome05:46
ZykoticK9renegaid, as an FYI the new features appear in chromium before they appear in chrome05:46
eremiterenegaid: Chrome is still in beta, I assume that's why.05:46
renegaidwell there was a an ubuntu package on chrome website already installed05:46
johnjohn101zykotick9:  looks like july 29th05:46
eremiteThey may also not have the rights to distribute Chrome.05:46
ZykoticK9johnjohn101, where did you see that?05:47
eremiteZykoticK9: releases are always planned ahead of time, I believe.05:47
ZykoticK9eremite, yes but 10.04.1 is?05:47
johnjohn101for some reason it's on that calendar05:48
ZykoticK9johnjohn101, that's the 10.10 schedule05:48
johnjohn101look at july 29th05:48
ZykoticK9johnjohn101, eremite - MY BAD05:48
johnjohn101i heard rumor that this was the last ubuntu that may have compiz05:49
Zelozelosif anyone is interested, i fig'd out what was going on with wine/psp, heres what to do if you too have the issue with an installer starting then stopping suddenly, apparently it was erroring-out, i found what the error was by opening a terminal, navigating to the location of the install file, typing "wine start setup.exe" (replace setup.exe w the setup filename you need)05:49
ZykoticK9johnjohn101, only rumour at this point - will Gnome3 be ready is the question05:49
Zelozelosit turns out it wasnt finding the temp folder where it was looking for it ;)05:49
eremitejohnjohn101: It woudnt eb much of a loss if compiz wasnt available by default.05:50
Zelozelosso i just made the folder in the right place and walla-now psp installed05:50
johnjohn101eremite:  i NEED wobbly windows and the SNOW effect05:50
eremiteAnd fire"?05:50
eremiteSeriously, water effetcs like rain drops and fire arwe useless.  Bloat.05:51
johnjohn101no girlfriend thinks it's too creepy05:51
Zelozeloshope that helps someone05:51
ZykoticK9in UNE in VirtualBox I get little circle indicators (on the icons in the main menu) when programs are open -- but on my native install on my EEE I don't -- any ideas?05:51
eremitejohnjohn101: you may want to rephrase that, using punctuation./05:51
johnjohn101girlfriend thinks fire effects is too creepy05:51
eremiteIts useless.05:52
eremiteThere is absolutely NO use for it.05:52
johnjohn101she says that about me as well05:52
eremiteJoin the club, mate.  Women are meant to hate their men.05:52
eremiteIts only natural.05:52
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.05:52
johnjohn101ok ok05:53
eremitebazhang: it was on topic, it was about compiz.  If ONE sentence OT is too much, you're need to fix your priorities.05:53
rwweremite: Your comment is sexist and inappropriate for this channel, never mind #ubuntu-offtopic.05:55
rwwor #ubuntu-offtopic, never mind this channel. Or something.05:55
eremiterww: sexist?  Get bent, it was a joke. Stop crying and grow up.05:56
bazhang!attitude > eremite05:56
ubottueremite, please see my private message05:56
Zelozelosjeez people ease the hell up will ya05:56
eremiteFuck this, its no womnder everyone thinks the ops in here are a joke.  You're a laughing stoke of linux IRC.  Have fun with your dictatorship.05:57
johnjohn101so after i install the upgrade, will it keep my nvidia configuation or will it try to substitue nouveau?05:59
macojohnjohn101: nouveau is a replacement for the open source nv driver. the proprietary nvidia driver is still around06:00
bazhangjohnjohn101, you'll need to reset via hardware drivers, the initial boot will be in low resolution06:00
johnjohn101can I just leave the update running, i'm headed to bed, do I need to do anything else?06:02
bazhanga reboot at the end; it will prompt you near the end informing you that certain packages are no longer supported, so it will hang there until you acknowledge06:03
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
intangirim installing lucid and its been stuck at 'preparing linux-headers-... (etc)' for a LOOONG time, also my caps lock and scroll lock are flashing on and off...06:06
intangirdid it crash?06:06
intangirim using the server installer06:07
ZykoticK9intangir, caps/scroll flashing is usually a bad sign06:07
bazhangintangir, fresh install or upgrade06:07
bullgard4'~$ uname -a; Linux T43 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux.' Is the kernel 2.6.32 to stay in Lucid final release?06:08
x3464"To the left, to the left, moved my damn controls with no box to the left."06:08
intangirits a frsh install.. i restarted it..06:09
ZykoticK9bullgard4, 2.6.32 will be final kernel yes - chosen as several distros will use it for long term support releases06:09
intangirthis is a brand new computer, im running the ram test06:09
intangirit got to 90% before crapping out06:09
ZykoticK9!controls > x346406:09
ubottux3464, please see my private message06:09
bullgard4ZykoticK9: Thank you very much for your help.06:10
greezmunkeyinit: ureadahead-other main process (2732) terminated with status 4 - in bug reports even for 9.10, What is this?06:18
cowbudIs there a palce where I can read about the build farm and how it is setup etc?06:20
chillindaveCan the minimal install be ran from a USB stick?  I'm not seeing were it says it and I can't get the Startup Disk creator to accept that ISO.06:25
GSF1200Sok.. this is killing me. What is needed for screen output in relation to the kernel? My screens shut off when I kill X, and all I can do is ctrl alt delete to reboot. I would try ssh, but im also troubleshooting a bug with dhclient..06:26
blue102is ten.4 out yet06:36
znxtchDoes Lucid support IPod classics?06:36
znxtchI see it has limited IPod touch support but I can get any music on my IPod touch so I guess I'm going to go buy an IPod classic.06:37
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
almoxarifeI see that next door 'lucid' is still being considered 'not stable', it's a bit close to release for that aint it?06:52
kblinhi folks06:53
rwwalmoxarife: It's "not stable" in the sense that we tell users not to install development versions of Ubuntu, and it's still technically a development version. In practise, it's fine (for me, at least) at this point.06:54
almoxariferww: seems stable here too, does nautilus still crash with the 'actions' plugin?06:55
rwwalmoxarife: dunno, I'm on KDE right now06:55
almoxarifeI guess I can find out06:56
hyperstreamWhen doing a safe-upgrade, (ive been prompted about a /etc/default/grub, asking me to keep mine or use package maintainers version (Im guessing this one here < ), or to view differences.07:00
hyperstreamI have Windows 7 Dual booted(came with laptop Yet to have use it..) which should i choose?07:00
bazhanggrub2 ie the newer one07:01
hyperstreamThanks.(I had alpha one, upgrading to the RC now :) )07:03
hyperstreamBut  i should always choose package maintainers version yeah? (i dont see why not)07:03
bazhangthat's what I always do07:03
hyperstreamThanks bud.07:04
RPG-MasterHey, is the release candidate basically perfect?07:08
Ken8521_no, no release is "basically perfect"07:08
RPG-MasterLike, nothings will be different from it and the final version?07:08
hyperstreambazhang, http://www.pastebin.org/187608 <- You wouldnt happen to know how to resolve this? i think 'heartbeat' is a required thing for Ubuntu07:08
hyperstreamRPG-Master, just do a upgrade when final version is out07:09
Ken8521_RPG-Master, no, there *could* still be changes, thats why it's called a *candidate*07:09
Ken8521_however, at this point, drastic changes are unlikely07:09
intangirwell my install got all the way to preparing linux-headers again and apparently has died.07:09
intangirits been stuck at 90%.. again. for about 5 minutes07:09
bazhanghyperstream, heartbeat is optional according the the bot's info07:10
hyperstreambazhang,  ill remove it in that case, thanks will let you know how i get on.07:10
hyperstream[: 367: missing ] <-- it says this at the top of the sudo aptitude safe-upgrade07:11
intangirit recovered ;) finally woot07:11
perscitusIs Lucid still on schedule?07:20
perscitusthen ill install RC and update it07:21
Ken8521_that should be fine... it seems fairly stable, but it is an rc07:21
perscitusSaves me time from the massive download rush07:21
Ken8521_there's some folks who've had issues "upgrading" so make sure you're backed up07:22
perscitusHow long does it take to build a cd?07:22
Ken8521_not long.. including downloading and burning, i wouldn't think more than 30min.07:22
bullgard4perscitus: I beg your pardon? What do you mean by "building" a CD?07:22
perscitusbut you got kubuntu, ubuntu, xubuntu, netbook of first two. All have to be made before noon 29th07:23
rwwthe release isn't scheduled down to the hour, it's not necessarily "noon" (noon where, anyway?)07:23
perscitus oh wait. before midnight. oops07:23
rwwand they also need to be QA tested, not built07:23
rwwjust built **07:23
perscitusThen they have to sync the mirrors07:23
bullgard4What does "ec2" stand for in the name of the DEB program package 'linux-ec2-doc'?07:25
rwwbullgard4: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ( http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/ )07:26
perscitusLucid has to sync with at least 92 mirrors before release.07:26
rwwperscitus: a lot of that syncing is done ahead of time, though, so the servers actually only have to pull any last minute changes.07:27
rwwwhich speeds things up immensely07:27
perscitusrww,   know how i figured out 92?07:27
rwwno, and I'm not convinced it gets synced to all mirrors before release, anyway07:28
perscitusrww,   The metalink.07:28
DM|Anyone else's touchpad's edge scrolling still not working in latest build?07:28
bullgard4rww: http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/: "EC2 is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers." Do I need this as an Ubuntu user, no developer?07:29
rwwbullgard4: no07:29
bullgard4rww: Thank you for your help.07:29
perscitusrww,   Can mirrors build isos ?07:29
rwwI would guess that they only actually care about syncing to the ones in http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview#Download07:29
rwwperscitus: no. they get built centrally and then the .iso gets distributed out07:30
perscitusrww,   Exactly. So  Mirrors have to be sync if the iso changes. And since RC has memory leak bug, it will07:31
kblinhey folks, is it somehoe possible to buid a setup with an encrypted LVM for the system and swap, while leaving a data partition outside of the crypto disk?07:31
rwwperscitus: Do you know about zsync?07:31
kblinif I do manual setup of the partitions the way I want, I can't setup the boot loader07:32
perscitusrww,   i know enough07:33
rwwperscitus: non-final ISOs get uploaded to the mirrors. If something like the memory leak bug gets fixed after that, the mirrors just either zsync or do something like zsync (I forget which) the fixed iso, which would be largely the same, and thus the sync wouldn't be that slow.07:34
perscitusrww,   or rsync?07:35
rwwperscitus: yeah, I forget which they actually use07:36
Heliwrthe xorg memory leak has been fixed in the repositories for several days now, I don't think it would be the source of any delays07:36
perscitusrww,   All the known issue bugs are fixed released.07:36
rwwI said zsync because that's what's recommended if random people want to do something similar to go from RC to final or whatever07:37
perscitusI am deciding where to upgrade or new install07:37
bullgard4Synaptic: "libplymouth --  graphical boot animation and logger." What does it log?07:38
perscitusrww,   Should i upgrade or new install Lucid?07:38
rwwperscitus: no idea. I don't have much data, so I reinstall often to test new stuff, so I don't really ever upgrade.07:39
perscitusrww,   All I know is allot changed. HAL is no more for one. xorg changed07:39
perscitusrww,   I got RC copied to flash drive though07:41
Ken8521_perscitus, i know some people were reporting issues upgrading, but i think most of that is resolved(note, i think)07:41
intangirif you lazily set the swap to be way too freaking big.. a new step i didnt notice before becomes quiiiiiiite long.. the part where it wipes the swap space for security reasons..07:44
perscitusV is coming on soon so  thats my install time07:44
intangirits taken about 30 minutes now.. i just tossed all the extra space i didnt need yet to swap.. 50 gigs07:44
perscitusrww,   The DVD ISOs have April 27th timestampe07:49
perscitusintangir,  Did you use flash drive instead of a blank cd?07:52
perscitusYou can buy 1gb flash drive on ebay for $2-4 . And you can use it over and over for Ubuntu 6 month release cycle07:53
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Ken8521_perscitus, thats assuming your machine boots usb07:55
perscitusMost modern machines do07:55
Ken8521_perscitus, well a lot of people don't put linux on modern machines07:55
perscitusby modern, i mean within last 5 years07:56
kblinthen you won't have much fun with a bloated Gnome/KDE install ;)07:56
kblinat least if your system is old enough to not boot from usb :)07:56
Ken8521_perscitus, my pc is 4yrs old, and doesn't boot usb, and it runs gnome just fine07:56
perscitusoff the shelf pc?07:57
Ken8521_hell no07:57
Ken8521_but all the stuff was new when i bough tit07:57
perscitusOff the self pcs should add 1-2 years to the age07:58
kblinKen8521_: it's my impression that ubuntu is aimed at the average user, so expect things to break if you're asking for more07:58
perscitusKen8521_,   i built my machine.07:58
Ken8521_kblin, what do ou mean?.. i didn't suggest otherwise.07:59
Ken8521_perscitus, i've not bought an off the shelf pc, in probably 12-15yrs07:59
Ken8521_last one i bought was a 400mhz Compaq07:59
kblinKen8521_: well, the average user likely has an off the shelf pc, that likely is reasonably modern08:00
perscitusKen8521_,   my last off the shelf was peoplepc ibm08:00
perscitusKen8521_,   500mhz :P08:00
perscitusKen8521_,   But i got dell mini 10v08:00
Ken8521_perscitus, well, laptops don't really count, the hardware to build a laptop isn't available to the average user, or i'd do it... i've obviously bought my laptops/netbooks08:01
perscitusKen8521_,   I would rather build a laptop08:01
perscitusKen8521_,   its possible now but it costs more since you need to buy parts off ebay and piece one together08:01
perscitustime to install Lucid08:02
rickfisherHello all08:08
rickfisherNeed some help on setting up Nvidia for dual screen.08:08
kblinwhy does grub install just fine if I use the guided partitioning, but fails to install if I tweak the partitioning to be just the way I want it08:10
Jordan_Ukblin: Any error message when it fails? Can you just choose not to install grub in ubiquity and use grub-install yourself?08:11
kblinJordan_U: it's complaining that it can't map the logical volume my system root is sitting on08:12
kblinJordan_U: if I run grub-update in the installer shell (chrooted to /target), I'm getting the same error08:13
kblinJordan_U: it's telling me I need to specify the --modules, but I didn't find any documentation on what modules are available08:14
rickfisherHow to configure nvidia for dual screen?08:14
kblinrickfisher: nvidia-settings doesn't work?08:14
Jordan_Ukblin: I think you are experiencing this bug: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=54243508:14
ubottuDebian bug 542435 in grub-common "grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /. (LVM2)" [Important,Open]08:15
Jordan_Ukblin: If so, you may be able work around it by rebooting as it seems the "fix" is in the initramfs (though I've only skimmed the bug report)08:16
Jordan_Ukblin: i.e. Install Ubuntu choosing not to install grub then reboot into a liveCD and install grub: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide08:18
kblinJordan_U: I'll try that, thanks08:19
rickfisherkblin, No I get this message. You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.08:19
kblinrickfisher: then you'll have to install the nvidia driver first08:20
kblinrickfisher: there should be a tool called "restricted driver manager" that allows you to do that, iirc08:21
Jordan_Ukblin: You're welcome, if rebooting solves it do you mind commenting on that bug report that the work around in the initramfs isn't enough when installing?08:21
bullgard4Synaptic: "libplymouth --  graphical boot animation and logger." What does it log?08:21
kblinJordan_U: I'm not sure the debian installer is affected08:22
Jordan_Ukblin: Actually, since that's a debian bug report you should only comment on it if you can reproduce the problem in debian. Let me see if there is a corrosponding Ubuntu bug.08:22
mvobullgard4: boot messages08:22
rickfisherkblin, I will try reinstalling driver. Does Ctrl ALT Backspace restart xserver?08:22
Jordan_Ukblin: Are you using the LiveCD installer? Because IIRC that doesn't support installing to LVM.08:23
pcrovspeaking of nvidida-settings, why does it blow out my monitor profile when i open it?08:23
bullgard4mvo: And where does it write them?08:23
rickfisherFreakin Nvidia!08:23
Lazy^Is Lucid going to be released today ? =)08:23
kblinJordan_U: I'm using the alternate cd, which is using the debian installer, I just mean I'm not sure the debian version of the debian installer is still affected08:24
Lazy^ahh tomorrow =)08:24
bullgard4Lazy^: No.08:24
MossoI decided to try 10.4, for my wireless device, I enter a passcode, which I know is correct, Ubuntu will attempt to connect for a few minutes then ask for the passcode again... and again, any ideas what to try from here?08:24
kblinJordan_U: and I don't have a spare system around to try that08:24
Lazy^bullgard4: tomorrow right ?08:24
rwwLazy^: Lucid will probably come out sometime during the period where it is the 29th somewhere on the planet08:24
Jeeves_Usually around the time that the US wakes up08:25
overmachtJEEBsv; 28.04.2010 15:28pm here. it's mean I'm first?08:27
Jeeves_overmacht: ?08:31
bullgard4Synaptic: "libplymouth --  graphical boot animation and logger." What does it log where?08:32
BUGabundo_remoteping-pong, Moon-Sun \o/08:34
ShapeShifter499what is cautious-launcher? its a new thing that poped up when I went to d-load itunes 9 in attempt to get it working in wine08:34
acusterHey all, in lucid the postgresql startup script is still supposed to be in /etc/init.d/, right?08:36
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Zta-at-workWill 10.04 have Firefox 3.6?08:53
rww!info firefox08:53
hauxI just reinstalled Ubuntu and and updated 10.04. The volume icon is gone from the top bar... and I can't for the life of me figure out why or how to bring that back08:53
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.3+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 10579 kB, installed size 28656 kB08:53
rwwZta-at-work: ^^^ yes08:53
haux*updated to 10.04, I meant08:53
Zta-at-workrww, thanks08:54
hauxAny ideas?08:54
overmachthauk; http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:56
overmachthaux; http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:57
hauxI'm not asking about upgrading.08:57
acusterhauk, it's now part of the mail notification icon08:58
acusterfor some reason they are mixed08:58
hauxI don't have a mail notification icon08:58
acusterso you can either add that mixed thing or add the separate applet08:58
acusterhmm, the separate applet probably needs to be started by hand (i.e. it's not in the "Add to panel" dialog)09:00
hauxAny ideas how to do that? Or where I can get an applet for the volume?09:00
acusterrun that09:01
acuster(into the background, of course)09:01
ahoxHi, I have some problems with the xorg/kdm and the rescue kernel. For once, once kdm starts it does not accept any input (mouse/keyboard) and when I start it in rescue mode it just restarts on the 2.6.32 kernels. Is this a known problem?09:03
ahoxAnd more important for me, how do I fix it?09:04
ahoxactually, using an old 2.6.30 kernel at least the rescue system boots09:04
acusterDo the postgresql startup scripts still live in /etc/init.d/ ?09:04
hauxacuster, I'm not very proficient in linux commands. How would I format a script to run gnome-volume-control-applet, ^Z, bg09:06
acusterhauk, no need for a script09:08
acusterapplets will be reloaded into your panel on next login09:08
hauxSounds good. Thank you :]09:08
acusterso you merely need to run it (from the command line or alt-F2)09:08
acusterand it will be re-loaded next time.09:08
bryanrI have a decent amount of gigabytes on my windows 7. when i boot my computer i can pick ubuntu or win7. i am wondering how i can whipe out my windows 7 to free up all its gigabytes?09:08
acusterbryanr: you can wipe out the partition pretty easily with the Admin > disk utility application09:09
bryanrto be precise there is 105 gb09:10
bryanris that safe acuster?09:10
acusterbut that will give you a separate partition rather than add it to your current ubuntu partition09:10
acusterbryanr, no, messing with the disk is NEVER safe09:10
bryanri want to erase the windows 7 and all of its files09:10
hauxThis is irrelevant to Ubuntu, but can someone recommend a good Torrent program for Gnome? KTorrent wants to install 300+ MB of KDE stuff and that seems a bit excessive.09:10
acusterhaux ?transmission?09:11
acustershould be installed by default in lucid09:11
bryanri mean i don't care about the files installed on my win709:11
ahoxactually, it only works on an 2.6.28 kernel. Any ideas why it would reboot right away on a .32 one?09:11
hauxI don't think I liked it the first time I used it, but I'll try it again09:11
acusterbryanr, it seems you will have to learn a bit about how disks and partitions work; it's a pain but we all have to go through it09:12
acusterbryanr, wiping the files is easy, reusing the space demands some understanding. Probably, you currently have at least 2 partitions (you can get a list with 'sudo fdisk -l')09:13
acusterbryanr, how you choose to end up using that space depends on how you will use your computer09:13
bryanracuster, i installed ubuntu myself but i think i found out how to format the ntfs09:13
acusterbryanr, right, there's all sorts of hard things to understand like what a master boot record is, what an 'extended' partition is, all totally un-interesting but worth knowing if you are going to be using computers seriously (such as having a dual boot machine)09:15
* alvin is going to upgrade a karmic machine with a single volume on mdadm RAID1 *shudder*09:15
bryanracuster, to be clear, in the time it takes to resize my partition to use that newly freed up space, what is the risk that something will go around? we are talking adding 100 new gigabytes theoretically09:16
acusterbryanr, if you are sure that you want to use only ubuntu, best bet might be to re-install from scratch and wipe everything.09:16
acusterbryanr, the re-partitioning tools have gotten quite good, the probably of failure is not huge, but the cost of failure is loosing everything, so ... it's a risky operation, always has been, always will be.09:16
pcrovso to avoid losing everything you're suggesting he wipe everything out. good plan.09:17
Ken8521_acuster, while the risk of failure might be low, it still takes an enormous amount of time, especially when reclaiming a partition of that size... if it wre me, I'd back up the drive, blitz the whole drive, and reinstall09:18
Ken8521_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       09:18
Ken8521_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       09:18
Ken8521_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 09:18
Ken8521_holy crap09:18
Ken8521_sorry guys,don't know how that happened09:18
Ken8521_anyways, the point i made way above, still stands..lol09:19
bryanri am going to put my virtual machine of win7 on the network storage device09:19
Ken8521_i think i dozed off laying on the couch, and i must have had my thumb on the space bar09:19
Ken8521_bryanr, why?09:19
acusterKen8521_, don't tell *me* about it!09:20
acusterhelp bryanr if you feel like it09:20
bryanrjust in-case... that way if i do have to reinstall everything i can just install ubuntu, then drag and drop the win7 and run win7 within ubuntu09:20
Ken8521_you could back it up there, but i wouldn't runn it from there.. but i guess it all depends what you want to use your virtual machine for09:20
bryanrwell i don't mind moving it back to my ubuntu. i will afterall have 100 new gigs of space09:21
polymorphHi all. if I do update-manager -d (in 9.10) I can see the new 10.04 LTS release. is this the same as will be officially released tomorrow, or is it a release candidate?09:21
Ken8521_bryanr, what do you use your virtual machine for?09:21
Ken8521_polymorph, there could still be some changes between now and tomorrow... it's a release "candidate"09:21
bryanrTo develop stuff that needs windows mostly.  like the .net 4.0 or something09:22
Ken8521_but will there be anything drastic?  thati s highly unlikely09:22
bryanrmono isn't quite the same09:22
Ken8521_i see.09:22
bryanrmy dad would be upset if i didn't use win7 in some way09:22
Ken8521_tell him to get over it...lol09:22
Ken8521_or buy a zune, and sync your zune on it..lol09:23
bryanrhe did buy me the upgrade package. although i had xp at the time and was mislead to believe i could UPGRADE. so i had to use a vista key09:23
Ken8521_vista.. ugh09:23
bryanri ended up spending 90 bucks to get pro version of windows 709:23
alkisgThe contents (=images) of the grub-rescue-pc are missing! It was OK in Lucid alpha, it broke recently.09:23
bryanrand its most valuable feature my hardware couldn't support09:23
polymorphKen8521_, I was just curious - I'll probably wait a bit. Updates on release day are always painfully slow anyway!09:24
Ken8521_very true.09:24
bryanrone last question before i get going.. if things do go back, should i have a 9.10 karmic cd or a 10.04 cd from the start?09:25
Ken8521_bryanr, i would09:26
Ken8521_actually, i'd probably have one of each, if you've not extensively tested 10.04, but know 9.10 is stable on your system09:26
bryanri been running 10.04 for just today and no problems yet09:26
bryanrexcept the VLC recording software gives crap video09:26
Ken8521_well, only you can make that call, but i'd have something on standby that was stable, in case it went south.09:27
bryanrVLC is from the software center fy09:27
acusterIs the lucid server documentation published yet for review?09:27
acusterforget it, found it09:28
bryanrmy windows 7 install is almost 30 gigs09:31
bryanrthats not worth my time copying over to the network storage09:31
hauxOn startup after upgrading to 10.04, the following error popped up: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet". Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?09:32
hauxI selected yes. Any ideas what this may have been regarding?09:32
Ken8521_haux, looks like indicator applet failed for some reason.. try adding it back to your panel, see what happens09:33
bryanrFile system on device is busy..09:33
Ken8521_bryanr, it's gonna take forever to reclaim 100gigs.09:33
hauxoh! That was the thing with the volume control. haha, how convenient.09:34
bryanri just formatted the entire thing instantly09:34
bryanris it all really gone now...09:34
Ken8521_bryanr, if you formatted it, it doesn't take long at all, "resizing" to reclaim that 100gigs, would take forever09:34
acusterHow do I find which package provides a particular file, or which package should provide a particular file?09:35
bryanri am in a predicament then09:35
bryanri guess i reinstall everything..09:35
Ken8521_whats' the predicament?09:35
bryanri will run out of space soon09:35
bryanrbut i don't care to resize everytime i need a few more gigabytes09:35
bryanri have only like 30 left09:36
bryanrbut there is 100 potential more i could have09:36
Ken8521_bryanr, how big is your linux partition, vs the partition you just cleared?09:36
bryanrone sec09:36
bryanr105 GB for unknown and 84 gb for my ext309:37
bryanr11 gb for swap09:37
Ken8521_bryanr, the likelihood of you using 84gigs for Linux, is almost unthinkable.09:38
chandru_inI'm unable to get  my laptop's internal speakers working.  Output of aplay -l http://pastebin.com/fNiQQasQ.  When I install "linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic" the problem reverses and the external headphone stops working09:38
Ken8521_bryanr, here's how i have my system set up(especially if you're going to do a clean install)09:38
Ken8521_bryanr, and an 11gig swap is freaking ridiculous09:38
bryanri heard you add like as much swap as  twice your memory09:38
bryanri have 4 gigs of memory and so i just rounded up from 8 to 1009:39
Ken8521_bryanr, in theory, yes... but anything more than 4gigs, is ridiculous.09:39
bryanrand 1 more for good measure09:39
JoshuaLbryanr, only if you dont have enough memory09:39
Ken8521_bryanr, the chances of your machine using even 1gig of swap is slim09:39
Ken8521_you'd be fine w/ 2-3gigs...09:39
kpkchow do i prevent lucid to the lock the screen by itself ?09:39
bryanrso resize it to 3 gigs09:39
bryanrok i will do that now09:39
alvinSome bugs could fill swap pretty quick09:40
Ken8521_bryanr, if you're going to do a clean install, why not just do it then?09:40
* lapion 's system can be running for days with tvtime activity the whole time, occasionally using firefox as well, but then if I want to use the update-manager the system crashes.(hangcheck-crash) while updating or getting package information.09:40
alvinSo, some extra swap can come in handy09:40
Ken8521_kpkc, sys/pref/screensaver09:40
bryanrKen, so as you were saying, what is your setup like?09:40
kpkcKen8521_, thanks.09:41
bryanrin total i have 186 gb available and am in raid zero else it would be like 300 or something09:41
kpkcKen8521_, bye09:41
bryanrso you have an idea of my machine09:41
lapionof course I also get the crash on occasions when I am not using the update manager manually, I have never thought of checking if it started up autamatically09:41
chandru_inDoes anyone ehre use this model of sound card?09:41
Ken8521_bryanr, sorry... i have a 3gig swap, 30gig / and the rest of the drive is is just a big ntfs partition... on the ntfs partition, is where i keep all my music, movies, anything I want to "keep" from release to release... then when there's a new Ubuntu release, I just clean install it over the old one, and that big ntfs partition, never gets touched.09:42
lapionKen8521_, ntfs partitions are not safe can get lost very easily09:43
Ken8521_lapion, been doing it that way for 5yrs, never a problem.09:43
bryanrthat gives me an idea then Ken. what if i just format my 98 gigs of free space to be a spare file system i drag and drop my programs on from now on?09:43
lapionKen8521_, furthermore ntfs uses fuse-fs, and is thereby very slooooowwwwww09:43
Ken8521_i just leave it as ntfs, because ntfs takes better advantage of space09:43
Ken8521_lapion, no its not, not at all actually.09:43
Ken8521_i run my movies, music, etc.. right from that partition.09:44
lapionKen8521_, o yes it does, I just recently changed over to ext4fs09:44
Ken8521_chandru_in, how does lspci identify that device?09:44
lapionKen8521_, or are you using ntfs from within the kernel ?09:45
acusterhas postgresql been converted to upstart in lucid?09:45
Ken8521_lapion, well, i had it ext3 and ext4 for quite some time, but switched it to ntfs for an unrelated reason, and i've noticed no performance problems at all.09:45
lapioncheck out the avarage load of the ntfs driver during copying09:46
Ken8521_bla bla.09:46
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Ken8521_lapion, i'm teling you i have no problem w/ it, and it works fine, if you don't like it or disagree w/ me, deal with it..09:46
Ken8521_ive used both(ext3/4 and ntfs) and they were equal09:46
chandru_inKen8521_: with the backport installed it is "Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)"09:47
lapionI don't disagree with you, I am just telling you what I recently found out......09:47
Ken8521_lapion, well, maybe youd id something wrong?09:47
Jeeves_ntfs had write support since last year, right?09:47
Ken8521_chandru_in, hmm, never heard of that one09:47
Jeeves_before it was only read-only?09:47
Ken8521_Jeeves_, longer than thta i think09:47
bryanrok i am going to do a full re-install09:47
chandru_inKen8521_: :(09:47
bryanrhm or maybe not09:47
lapionntfs has been writable for years09:47
Jeeves_On Windows, yes :)09:48
robin0800bryanr: wait till tomorrow09:48
lapionat least the kernel driver had write support..09:48
Ken8521_robin0800, well, he basically has a plastic box on his desk, so i don't think he wants to wait..lol09:48
bryanri am going to add an extra 20 gigs09:49
robin0800bryanr: well use a daily then09:49
bryanrwait um09:49
Ken8521_i think he has a cd09:49
bryanryeah i have a cd i can boot from09:49
bryanrdang these are tough decisions09:49
bryanri am going to get the 10.04 live cd09:50
robin0800bryanr: but if its old there will be a lot of updates09:50
Ken8521_bryanr, why are you stressing over this so much?09:50
Ken8521_just nuke the whole drive if thats what you want to do.09:50
bryanri am going to try resizing first09:50
robin0800bryanr: use todays daily09:50
Ken8521_trying to resize your partitioons, to reclaim 100gigs, is going to take a lot of time09:50
bryanr105 gigs it says actually09:51
bryanrbut yeah09:51
bryanrmaybe my computer will be fast at it09:51
bryanrgot a site i can go to to prove that09:52
lapionKen8521_, I have just confirmed the high load of the ntfs driver.. check the load of the mount.ntfs while copying files to/from ntfs drive09:52
Ken8521_lapion, i've just confirmed what you say is totally irrelevant09:52
alvinI see 'Setting up hal' during the upgrade. I thought hal was removed?09:53
BUGabundo_remote$ sudo ionice -c3 zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync09:53
BUGabundo_remoteI better start now. tomorrow will be impossible09:53
alvinMust be a fat internet pipe if you need ionice for a download :-)09:53
lapionKen8521_, please elaborate09:54
Ian_CorneBUGabundo_remote: that's why having a local public mirror helps :D09:54
alvin~$ aptitude why hal09:55
alvini   kubuntu-desktop Depends hal09:55
alvinThat explains09:55
BUGabundo_remoteIan_Corne: I have one... in my very own laptop09:55
alvinSo, the removal of hal is only for Ubuntu?09:55
BUGabundo_remoteIan_Corne: $ pastebinit zsyncu09:55
perscitusi just installed Lucid09:56
BUGabundo_remotealvin: when doing 4 zsyncs at once, on a laptop, where you are NX connected, I bet you need it!09:56
Ian_Cornedoes the live dvd install more?09:57
Ian_Corneor does it just hold more packages?09:57
BUGabundo_remotehas more packages09:57
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BUGabundo_remoteand installs more lang packs09:58
lapionadd lanbuage support09:58
perscitusDVD iso should have a bigger live cd10:00
alvinWell, the upgrade to Lucid (LVM on RAID1) actually succeeded. The boot process looks weird, and NFS pools aren't mounted by libvirt, but other than that, less trouble than I thought it would be.10:01
chandru_inCan someone tell me how to apply the diff given by HDAAnalyzer?10:05
bp0is the kernel ntfs driver being improved?10:05
perscitusMy biggest problem with Lucid thus far is nv driver didnt support my monitor10:06
perscitusIt never gave an option to use 1440x900 resolution. livecd too10:06
BUGabundo_remoteperscitus: what's your bug id for that?10:08
perscitusnot going to10:09
BUGabundo_remoteperscitus: ??10:11
perscitusIm not filing a bug10:12
WierdAARHello. I just installed lucid on a laptop, and everything works fine except in wont recognize external media (Flash, external HDD ect.) Volman for thunar (xfce) is installed, and should be working. When I type "fdisk -l" i don't get any output, not even for the HDD in the computer10:12
Ken8521perscitus, what is your nvidia device that doesn't support that resolution?10:12
alkisgWierdAAR: try `sudo fdisk -l`10:13
perscitusKen8521.->  i said NV10:13
perscitusKen8521.->  nv is the open source driver10:14
kosharihow do you enable plymouth?10:14
mvkim getting an error after upgrading to Lucid (64bit), when i start Xorg - about that it cannot load the fglrx driver for Xorg (i tried reinstalling fglrx, also from propriatary package)10:14
Ken8521perscitus, is nv the restricted driver, or the one you download from nvidia?.. cuz i'm using the one from the driver manager, and it supports all the way up to 1920x128010:14
WierdAARAhh.. I been using the debian root terminal to much (forgetting sudo).. Well.. I can find the new, but the automount feature still dosen't work10:14
mvkis this a known bug, incompatibility between Xorg / fglrx xorg driver? > is there a fix?10:15
perscitusKen8521.->  nv is open source driver.10:15
perscitusKen8521.->  not related to nvidia or ati10:15
Ken8521ok, well, why not use the nvidia driver?10:15
perscitusmvk.->  Driver is fine.10:15
mvkperscitus, under 64bit, you sure?10:16
perscitusKen8521.->  i dont have nvidia card :P10:16
Ken8521is it an nvidia chipset?10:16
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perscitusmvk.->  well, under 32bit its fine then10:16
mvkperscitus, so you are unsure10:16
perscitusmvk.->  Could be related to upgrading.10:17
perscitusKen8521.->  uh, I dont use nvidia10:17
maja87i need to talk with x-server developers10:17
mvkthen go #xorg10:18
perscitusKen8521.-> you get it yet?10:20
Ken8521perscitus, no.10:22
perscitusKen8521.-> I use Intel based motherbooard with Intel chipset and i have ATI card.10:24
Ken8521never heard of us9ing the nv driver w/ those two devices10:26
perscitusnv not related to nvidia10:28
mvkwhen i try to install fglrx, i get a broken package > broken package: flgrx-amdcccle10:28
mvkremoved this package + fglrx + amdcccle package, and from /var/cache as well10:29
maja87well i found a bug in the new ubuntu 10.0410:29
mvkbut it stays broken, like in this topic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146197610:29
perscitusI still cant stand the new theme. It looks like a child did the menu bar buttons.10:30
BUGabundo_remotemaja87: which is ?10:30
Ken8521perscitus, i think it looks great10:31
maja87BUGabundo_remote: in acer aspire touchpad driver, with laptop mode only. When laptop is in ac power mouse work well. but with battery when is touch the pad an move my finger in the pad the  cursor is jumping en opening rightclick menus10:31
lapionperscitus, I agree with Ken852110:32
mvkim getting a 'undefined symbol: DPMSEnable' dSwitch errror..10:32
mvkfailed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so10:32
BUGabundo_remotemaja87: file a bug: $ubuntu-bug gnome-power-manager10:32
perscitusit's ugly10:32
perscitusWindows 7 menu buttons look better10:33
perscituswndow buttons*10:33
lapionmvk, make sure you are running the correct kernel version10:34
maja87BUGabundo_remote: then i fonud an ther bug with nvidia gts 250 visual effekts can be hided after a start. For example the whether indicator on the taskbar can be doubled, so tehre is a double icon, but there is only 1 working icon, or a half icon, then restart and everything works well again10:35
WierdAAROk.. Has anybody any idea of why thunar wont automount my external media? I can mount via normal mount in terminal but I would like the automount to work10:36
maja87BUGabundo_remote: then i fonud an ther bug with nvidia gts 250 visual effekts can be hided after a start.10:36
maja87For example the whether indicator on the taskbar can be doubled, so tehre is a double icon, but there is only 1 working icon, or a half icon, then restart and everything works well again10:36
dreamonIm having 3 Acer notebook all with different Nvida graphic-card. All together are having problems with lucid nvidia-current driver.10:37
BUGabundo_remotemaja87: fresh isntall or upgrade?10:39
BUGabundo_remoteWierdAAR: not sure about thunar. with nautilus, its disabled in lucid. you need to change a gconf setting10:40
erghezii have a big problem, gdm cant run everytime:(10:40
ergheziwhen i run gdm command in terminal10:41
WierdAARBUGabundo_remote, I would guess thunar is pretty similar, any link to a guide or can you tell my what to change?10:41
erghezi** (dgm-binary:1588): WARNING **: couldn't connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory10:41
erghezii give above error10:41
maja87BUGabundo_remote: fresh install10:41
jarnosHow did you report bugs concerning the installer again? I got in desktop where I suppose I could use ubuntu-bug and provide some logs.10:42
BUGabundo_remoteWierdAAR: beats me... I only read about it once, in irc, via seb12810:42
BUGabundo_remoteerghezi: file a bug, $ubuntu-bug gdm10:42
WierdAARBUGabundo_remote, Well ok.. I will lurk thorgh google then10:42
BUGabundo_remotebut you are NOT supposed to run it like that!!!!10:43
BUGabundo_remoteWierdAAR: should be faster looking into gconf-editor10:43
mvklapion, 2.6.32-2110:43
mvkshould be ok (same as on my laptop..)10:43
mvklatest available lucid kernel10:43
BUGabundo_remotejarnos: the installer?10:43
BUGabundo_remotemvk $ uname -a Linux BluBUG 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:44
WierdAARBUGabundo_remote, I seems to be a conflict with the auto login feature.. Weird10:44
jarnosBUGabundo_remote: Yes, I was trying to install Xubuntu using the destkop cd, and the installation failed in partitioning.10:44
mvkBUGabundo_remote, that is yes ...10:45
BUGabundo_remotejarnos: talk to charlie, once he comes back10:45
mvksame as i got10:45
mvkbut ati driver fails to work under 64bit, so me is cry very loud ; )10:45
jarnosBUGabundo_remote: I am pretty sure this is not Xubuntu specific.10:45
mvkanyone here running lucid lynx with ati on 64bit?10:47
perscitusmvk.->  try fresh install?10:48
mvkperscitus, but i have a setup.... for development, and if i trow it away10:48
ergheziwhy plymouth dont work for me yet?10:49
mvkand try to find out, just to find out it doesnt work - im screwed, therefor asking >>> ANYONE running LUCID with ATI on 64bit here?10:49
lapionlast time I used the embedded ati card of my mainboard it worked fine.. unly higher resolutions ( greater then1280 ) had rpoblems10:52
mvkim using 485010:54
perscitusI found a bug11:09
bazhangnice work11:09
maja87what kind of bug?11:10
perscitusone of those unexpected11:10
perscitusdont expect people to do11:10
bazhangnvidia blue screen?11:10
red2kicToo many explorer.exe running?11:11
perscitusbazhang.->  Remove evolution using software center11:11
rwwwhat is buggy about this?11:11
perscitusbazhang.->  App menu item isnt removed.11:11
bazhangmplayer and vlc both display videos with a blue tint11:11
bazhangperhaps ubuntu-bug software-centre ?11:12
bazhangwhoops center11:12
rwwYou'd probably want to see if it's reproducible in another package manager first. If so, it would be filed against evolution instead.11:13
rwwapp menu icons generally are the fault of the program package, not the package manager11:13
perscitusbazhang.->  thats why im going to reinstall and remove via synaptics11:14
JohnFluxare there qt 4.7 packages for ubuntu?11:14
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WalzmynWhen you get a kernel upgrade, isn't the install supposed to keep only 3 entries in Grub, deleting any older entires?11:28
alvinAs far as I know, it keeps all entries. Could be changed of course.11:29
alvinWas there a netsplit?11:29
Walzmynalvin: so I need to just edit it myself?11:29
alvinedit grub? No11:29
alvinJust see what kernels you want to keep and uninstall the others11:30
alvinThe entries will be removed from grub11:30
Walzmynalvin: ah. OK11:30
robotti^I am sitting on wc on Hesburger in turku finland11:32
BUGabundo_remoterobotti^: TMI11:35
maxbAnyone know of any info concerning nvidia GPU hangs with "NVRM: Xid 13" in dmesg?11:35
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maxbAlso, how can I switch to an older nvidia series in lucid - jockey no longer offers that choice11:36
elzappIt is so great when stuff just works :-)11:47
starplexwhy is there a default apache installation in 10.4?11:48
gartralstarplex: i wasn't awear of a 10.4 >.>11:49
starplexthe lucid11:49
gartrallol, it's 10.04 ;)11:49
rumpe1starplex, 10.04 server?11:49
rumpe1i installed yesterday... no apache11:50
C-S-B-N900would it be wrong to assume that a fully updated 10.04 system is probably not that far from what we'll get tomorrow or is lts more vigerous?11:50
gartrali dont know why apache was installed, but i remember seeing it in 9.10 beta/rc so it might be that it's just installed by default to help aid webhosts11:50
rumpe1C-S-B-N900, no11:50
gartralrumpe1: answering a dual-part question with a single word is rather confusing >.>11:51
Ken8521C-S-B-N900, drastic changes at this point, are very unlikely, so the current RC, is probably very close to what will be released11:52
gartrali like the way 10.04 runs so far.. it's way more stable that jauty was11:52
rumpe1i like the purple11:53
perscitusI found a bug in lucid11:53
gartrali found several, only one real showstopper.. and that's lucid REFUSES to give my droid 7v 5.2a power >.< even when jaunty and windows both give correct power11:55
perscituskinda a bug11:57
c-s-b_n900just updating my production pc, dont want the great server rush tomorrow.11:57
alvinme too. Showstopper here are LVM snapshots on RAID1. I found nobody to confirm, so I'm now outfitting another server to test bug 56389511:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563895 in grub2 "Disk not found when booting mdadm RAID1 with snapshotted lvm volume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56389511:57
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gartralalvin: ubottu just confirmed it ;)11:58
alvinYou gotta love ubottu, but developers discriminate against him. He can't vote on Launchpad or confirm bugs11:59
* alvin reboots after creating a snapshot on brand new Lucid install12:00
* alvin 's server crashes at boot12:00
alvinok, I call that confirmed12:00
perscitusDid they turn of bug reporting in launchpad?12:00
alvinmost certainly not12:01
yofelauto-crash reporting is turned off, but that's all12:01
perscitusalvin.-> I found  minor bug.12:02
yofelperscitus: how about starting by telling us what the bug is?12:02
FlynsarmyAre all of the bugs out of hte RC yet or will it be shipping with a few?12:02
perscitusyofel.->  uh, Removing Evolution from Software doesnt remove app menu item.12:02
perscitusSoftware Center12:03
perscitusI know why12:03
yofelseems like you need to remove evolution-common for it to be gone12:03
perscitusyofel.->  exactly12:04
perscitusyofel.->  bad packaging12:04
alvinFlynsarmy: It's impossible to squash all the bugs12:04
perscitusFlynsarmy.->  its the 28th12:05
linardsI have very VERY !!! VERY !!! urgen and kind need for support on Lucid12:05
Flynsarmyalvin, I'll reword: Are all of the known bugs out of the RC  yet or will it be shipping with a few?12:05
Flynsarmyperscitus, yes it is12:05
linardsits regardind missing sound issue after upgrade from Karmic12:05
perscitusFlynsarmy.->  all the bugs arent removed from Karmic12:05
rumpe1Flynsarmy, they have to be in time so there will be known bugs left12:06
perscitusor Jaunty.12:06
perscitusFlynsarmy.->  how much about this.... All the known issue bugs are fixed.12:06
perscitusFlynsarmy.->  does that help?12:06
Flynsarmyperscitus, yes :) yes it does12:06
linardsAnybody ... please .. ?12:07
FlynsarmyI've got a weird issue where the first time i go into dual screen mode iwth nvidia proprietry it ignores primary screen setting. second time onwards it obeys. hoping that'll be fixed in next one. previous versions didn't even let you dual screen without x reset12:07
yofel!patience | linards12:08
ubottulinards: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.12:08
perscitusFlynsarmy.->  if you been to ubuntu.com. Looked at known issue bugs and clicked their links. launchpad would have stated each bug is Fixed Released.12:08
yofellinards: but we can try: did you check the pavucontrol settings?12:08
linardspavucontrol??? Whats that?12:08
yofellinards: the volume settings (that's the only name of them that I know)12:09
linardsregarding soun issue - I have checked all possible settings12:09
perscitusyofel.->  launchpad doesnt have report a bug link on homepage anymore12:09
linardsI have changed every damn thing12:09
linardsonly sound I can get in very low volume is form my Logitch EasyCall Desktop Speakerphone12:09
yofelperscitus: ubuntu-bug evolution (and you would have found that out if you had actually read the page it links to)12:09
linardsbut my sound card ( Audigy LS ) is silent as dead in ubuntu12:10
vistakillerone more time i have to question the ubuntu developer team why they have add plymouth to the distro12:10
vistakilleri think in one day we will spam with many plymouth problems12:10
ctwHi! I have an intel xenon x5550 processor and am unsure whether I should go for  the PC (Intel x86) desktop CD or the 64-bit PC12:10
ctwany advice?12:10
linardsGot more than 3 GB of RAM?12:11
linardsIf yes, then you could12:11
FlynsarmyFinal is 29th isn't it?12:11
perscitusyofel.->  huh? I searched.12:12
linardsHere, btw, is bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/558910 for my issue12:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 558910 in alsa-driver "No sound in Lucid Lynx Beta 2" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:13
perscitusyofel.->  Evolution doesnt do bug reporting on launchpad12:13
ctwlinards: thanks ... yes more than 3 GB12:13
yofelperscitus: a) you can't file bugs on http://launchpad.net you need to go to http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/12:13
ctwlinards: that means I need to go for the 64 to address all of it, right?12:14
linardsyeah. thats the one, ubottu12:14
yofelperscitus: want to file a bug about the ubuntu package, not about the application itself, so don't try to file it against the evolution project12:14
yofel*you want12:15
lanoxxhi can anyone tell me what the files in /etc/event.d/ are needed for, i heard they are obsolete now, since all the scripts are in /etc/init, is that correct? can i delete /etc/event.d?12:15
chechelinards: ubottu is a bot12:15
perscitusyofel.->  it's package bug so it's Ubuntu bug12:15
yofelperscitus: exactly12:15
linardshehe, well, i thought so, but - I am first time here ..12:15
linardscheche: hehe, well, i thought so, but - I am first time here ..12:15
perscitusyofel.->  or miore percisely, Lucid ubuntu12:16
yofellanoxx: plese don't, it's not used for services anymore, but there are still things left in it, please don't delete it12:16
yofelperscitus: doesn't matter, just file it with ubuntu-bug evolution12:17
linardsToo bad noone can guarantee that in Final this sound issue will be fixed12:17
linardsThe worst would be full reinstall of Lucid ..12:17
researcher1when will the final release become available?12:17
linards29th ;)12:17
yofelresearcher1: tomorrow (undefined time)12:17
researcher1great news.thanks12:18
perscitusyofel.->  ubuntu-bug doesnt exist12:18
lanoxxyofel, ok i see, another question, during my boot process i have one point where the system just hangs for about 5-9 seconds, is there a way to figure out what the system is doing at that point? through the logs maybe?12:18
chechelinards: take it easy. It does not mean that you will not find a work around your problem later on the next cicle12:18
yofelperscitus: did you run it from the alt+f2 run dialog or a terminal? it's a command, not an application12:18
yofel!bootchart | lanoxx12:19
ubottulanoxx: bootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot12:19
yofellanoxx: to turn it off just remove it again12:19
linardscheche - cmon man .... I am windows ( delphi ) programmer and i need music to relax after long work hours ../.12:19
linardscheche - cmon man .... I am windows ( delphi ) programmer and i need music to relax after long work hours ...12:19
lanoxxyofel, thats cool12:19
lanoxxyofel, thank you12:19
linardsespecially because now I plan to port few apps from Delphi to Lazarus12:19
lanoxxyofel, does bootchart produce a lot of overhead?12:19
perscitusyofel.->  never told me alt-f212:20
linardschche - maybe you can point to necessary command lines to fully wipe out and reinstall ALSA in Lucid?12:20
gartrallinards: apt-get purge alsa maybe?12:21
gartralthen apt-get install12:21
yofelperscitus: sorry, I'm an alpha tester and a bit used to people in this channel just knowing what I mean, habbit :P12:21
chechelinards: in ubuntu 8.04 I think that "options snd-hda-intel model=auto  " on /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base was needed to get it working.12:21
linardshm, what about dependecies?12:21
yofellanoxx: a bit yes, but not that noticable, if anything your login gets slightly slower when it starts processing the data12:22
yofellanoxx: in the end you'll get something like this: http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/bootchart/yofel-eee-lucid-20100427-1.png12:22
chechelinards: ? I am talking about a work around12:22
Lazy^How safe it's upgrade from karmic -> lucid ?12:23
linardscheche, i was asking it to gartral ;)12:23
linardscheche, I will try ... but weird ...12:23
lanoxxyofel, it also installed pybootchatgui, what is that used for?12:24
yofellanoxx: bootchart collects the data, pybootchartgui is used to render the graph12:24
lanoxxyofel, all right, i will try it12:24
perscitusyofel.->  bug 46568112:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 465681 in evolution "Menu item not removed by removing "evolution"" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46568112:25
Dr_WillisHmm. Yet another Plymouth update! :)12:25
linardsI do not even have any modprobe.d in / ...12:25
yofelperscitus: did you set it to new? if yes, can you set it to confirmed instead?12:26
perscitusyofel.->  ah yes i can12:27
perscitusyofel.->  cuz i did confirm it12:27
linardslinards@linards-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get purge alsa12:27
linards[sudo] password for linards:12:27
linardsReading package lists... Done12:27
linardsBuilding dependency tree12:27
linardsReading state information... Done12:27
linardsNote, selecting alsa-base instead of alsa12:27
linardsThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:12:27
linards  pwgen libfreebob0 libfont-freetype-perl python-pygoocanvas kdelibs4c2a12:27
linards  docvert libqimageblitz4 libboost-regex1.38.0 libpackagekit-glib2-1212:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:27
linards  python-beaker hplip-cups twolame fortunes-min libdesktop-agnostic-cfg-gconf12:27
linards  kdelibs-data libgoocanvas-common python-sqlalchemy libxmu-headers12:27
linards  libknotificationitem1 openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us liblualib50 libass312:27
linards  libservlet2.4-java gnumeric-common fortune-mod libexiv2-5 python-nose12:27
linards  gnumeric-doc libswt-gtk-3.4-java libsqlite0-dev libphp-pclzip12:27
linards  python-gtkspell libpackagekit-qt-12 ttf-lyx sdparm libx264-6712:28
linards  mysql-server-core-5.1 librecode0 jpegoptim libdesktop-agnostic-vfs-gio12:28
linards  python-celementtree fuseiso9660 fckeditor libcelt0 libfltk1.112:28
linards  libdesktop-agnostic-fdo-glib libavahi-qt3-1 python-sip4 libxmu-dev12:28
linards  openbsd-inetd libjline-java openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-au libwmf-bin12:28
linards  libffado1 libntlm0 libgoffice-0-8 python-packagekit libiso9660-512:28
linards  libiso9660-7 packagekit liblcms1-dev libxml++2.6-2 proftpd-basic rhino12:28
linards  libumlib0 librsvg2-bin mjpegtools akonadi-server packagekit-backend-apt12:28
linards  python-wnck resolvconf python-elementtree liblua50 libmng-dev12:28
linards  libswt-cairo-gtk-3.4-jni gstreamer0.10-gnonlin libsensors-dev libgoocanvas312:28
linards  optipng libgnomecups1.0-1 libswt-gtk-3.4-jni libgoffice-0-8-common12:28
linards  libswt-mozilla-gtk-3.4-jni12:28
linardsUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.12:28
linardsThe following packages will be REMOVED:12:28
linards  alsa-base* ubuntu-desktop*12:28
perscitusuh mute anyone?12:28
linards0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:28
linardsAfter this operation, 545kB disk space will be freed.12:28
gartraldevice collision! magic jack kills gnome instantly upon system startup! GDM and Gnome have both failed, sequcially one after the other (i tested by switching too kdm for startup) whole system freeze, either "ready" jingle (logon promt) and loading/welcome tune (actual logon)12:28
yofelperscitus: we don't have floodbot in here for some reason12:28
gartral!enter | linards12:28
ubottulinards: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:28
Dr_WillisMagicJack? that Phone Thing?12:29
rwwyofel: I believe each Floodbot can only be in control of one channel, so they'd need to start up additional instances to put them in #ubuntu+1 (and #ubuntu-offtopic, etc.), which is a pain, so they don't.12:29
perscitusyofel.-> Sebastien guy had bad response to that bug.12:29
gartralDr_Willis: that's correct, device plugged in at system load WILL freeze!12:30
Dr_Willisgartral:  interesting.  So you are not even trying to use it.. but hjaving it plugged in  causes the system to not boot?12:30
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yofelperscitus: well, not really, that *is* the exepcted resolution, it's just that it's now impossible to do that with SC12:31
linardsOk. So .... emm ... no advice or any updates to alsa / puylseaudio that may fix my and people issues with sound in Lucid for now?12:31
gartralDr_Willis: it boots, and when it get to, specifically, GDM it WILL crash, completly. if i boot in with KDM and then load gnome, with it still plugged in, the system WILL crash, unrecoverably.12:31
perscitusyofel.->  what do you mean12:32
yofelperscitus: well, from a maintainer side the resolution is to just remove evolution and -common, you don't exactly need to stick them together, but with sofware-center this should be revised12:33
Dr_Willisgartral:  interesting. Wife has one upstairs.. but im not going to wake her up to confirm the problem12:33
lanoxxyofel, ok i created it, but im not sure what to read from it12:33
perscitusyofel.->  well. not really. you can still remove evolution-common12:33
Dr_Willisgartral:  the thing is a combo device thats also part 'usb flash drive' i would suspect its perhaps trying to mount it wrongly.  Be interesdting to see if you can boot to the console, and try to mount it by hand12:34
perscitusyofel.->  in SC. Scroll down a bit if you search evolution-common12:34
gartralDr_Willis: intrestingly enough xdm/xfce kdm/kde and a custom roll of enlightenment ALL work fine.. but gdm/anything, or anything/gnome will fail hard12:34
perscitusyofel.->  but its not something a typical user would think to do.12:35
Dr_Willisgartral:  Hmm. that makes it even weirder. GDM loading icewm, or xfwm would crash eh.12:35
gartralDr_Willis: i can yes, both "drives" show up in /media/ at boot to console12:35
theadminI experienced a very weird problem yesterday, something "caught" my keyboard. I couldn't type anything, and pressing "S" resulted in opening that shutdown menu o_O12:35
gartralDr_Willis: i should say GDM period,12:35
lanoxxyofel, http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/3951/marslucid201004281.png, could you give me a hint, what it all means??12:35
Dr_Willisgartral:  yep sounds like a gdm issue. But what gdm would be doing.. ive no idea12:36
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:36
yofelperscitus: well, if I try to search for evolution-common here I end up blank12:36
yofellanoxx: looking12:36
lanoxxyofel, thanks12:36
perscitusyofel.->  Just have to redo the both packages. Remove removing menu item in common and put in the main one.12:36
MindVirusHello. My GDM theme is all fuckered. Could someone help?12:37
ActionParsnip!ohmy | MindVirus12:37
ubottuMindVirus: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.12:37
yofelperscitus: unlikely, -common is for architecture independent stuff, the menu item belongs to those12:37
MindVirusI apologize.12:37
perscitusyofel.->  or add dependency12:37
gartralDr_Willis: also, a minor linux bug as old as sand: dual eth interfaces on same lan causes issues, but doesnt in windows.. or mac os9/x or haiku/be.. in fact, the latter three see marked improvments in ping time while under high network load (like in games/download $ browsing)12:37
theadminMindVirus: GDM is unthemable in Lucid.12:38
ActionParsnipgartral: is that bug ~2 ;)12:38
MindVirustheadmin: That is not true; GDM just uses a GTK theme.12:38
perscitusyofel.->  Dependency would be beter eh12:38
theadminMindVirus: uuuh... oh.12:38
ActionParsnipMindVirus: theadmin: you can use epidermis to theme it, personally i wouldnt bother12:38
MindVirustheadmin: However the GTK theme my GDM uses is not what it should use.12:38
MindVirusIt looks all blocky and ugly.12:39
theadminActionParsnip: Dunno about epidermis, but me prefferes gdm2setup12:39
MindVirusI know this isn't the right theme because I have the right theme working on another computer.12:39
ActionParsnipMindVirus: its on the screen for at most 4 seconds12:39
MindVirusActionParsnip: It is not working correctly.12:39
aprilharehey. i upgraded my dual booting laptop to windows 7, and of course windows 7 wrote over my MBR. how do i restore grub2? was using lucid12:39
gartralActionParsnip: when a function expected to work out of the box in every OS on the "market" even OBSCURE ones,is missing in a "popular" distro like ubuntu, let alone linux as a whole, is missing.. yes.. i call that a BUG12:39
ActionParsnipMindVirus: log a bug then12:39
MindVirusActionParsnip: Plus I it irritates me every time I load up my computer.12:39
MindVirusActionParsnip: There's no recommended course of action to fix?12:40
ActionParsnipMindVirus: use autologin and you'll never see it :)12:40
gartraloops, i said is missin twice >.> need more coffeine12:40
theadminaprilhare: Boot into a livecd, sudo grub-install /dev/sda1 or something, mount sda1, chroot there and sudo update-grub12:40
Dr_Williswhat theme is it useing and how did you change it>12:40
MindVirusActionParsnip: I am autologging in but with a grace of 10 seconds.12:40
yofellanoxx: I'm not sure where it  hangs here either, the most time consuming process seems to be mysqld12:40
MindVirusDr_Willis: I didn't change it; it's using some unknown theme that's ugly.12:40
gartralDr_Willis: was that @ me?12:40
Dr_Willishttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/change-gdm-login-screen-background-in.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28Omg%21+Ubuntu%21%29 http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/change-gdm-login-screen-background-in.html12:40
theadminDr_Willis: That's one long link12:41
ActionParsniptheadmin: google does longer ones ;)12:41
Dr_Willisactually its 2 links :)12:41
MindVirusDr_Willis: To me?12:41
theadminActionParsnip: is.gd and tinyurl for help :)12:41
yofellanoxx: and you have a fsck run in there12:41
Dr_Willisgdm2setup  = change theme and wallpaper and other things in  gdm.12:41
MindVirusDr_Willis: I am definitely not talking about the background. The background's the only OK part.12:41
Dr_Willis'and other things'12:41
aprilharethanks theadmin - how do i confirm /dev/sda1?12:41
theadminaprilhare: "confirm"?12:42
ActionParsniptheadmin: absolutely, or click the link then copy the addy bar, saveshaving to copy googles extra guff they screw onto the link. its so lame12:42
lanoxxyofel, hmm, thats strange fsck should not run i guess12:42
theadminActionParsnip: I dunno, mehaz a is.gd addon for firefox which shortens current page url12:42
aprilharetheadmin, never mind :)12:42
lanoxxyofel, how about plymouth and mount.ntfs-3g, is that normal?12:43
aprilharerelease cd is what, a day away?12:43
ActionParsniptheadmin: i see, i dont use firefox anymore12:43
theadminActionParsnip: There is a bookmarklet too.12:43
theadminaprilhare: yeah12:44
yofellanoxx: plymouth yes, ntfs should only run if you have a ntfs mount in your fstab12:44
aprilharemight wait to download the release cd12:44
ActionParsniptheadmin: i just remember to not copy the link from the google hyperlink, jeeves doesn't do that by default so no issues there12:44
theadminActionParsnip: Something like that there: javascript:void(location.href='http://is.gd/create.php?longurl='+encodeURIComponent(location.href))12:45
lanoxxyofel, yes i do12:45
lanoxxyofel, im just wondering if the time it takes is normal12:45
yofellanoxx: ntfs is pretty slow, mine here isn't faster12:47
lanoxxyofel, ok thats good to know, so i need to figure out why mysql takes so much time and why fsck is running12:47
lanoxxlanoxx, my lucid takes almost 45 seconds from grub to login12:48
=== rye is now known as rye-buzz
LucidFoxMy Lucid installation often doesn't see USB drives when connected, doesn't even create /dev/sd* devices.12:49
LucidFoxAny ideas?12:49
LucidFoxdmesg output is this:12:49
LucidFox[10496.684029] usb 2-4: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 512:49
LucidFox[10496.896913] usb 2-4: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice12:49
theadminLucidFox: Why do you expect them to be /dev/sd? I mean, they are usb so they are likely to be /dev/usb0 or something12:50
Dr_Williserr. a usb flash drive is normally /dev/sd##12:50
theadminLucidFox: Does lsusb list em?12:50
theadminDr_Willis: oh. Well, my mistake12:50
LucidFoxWell, on my *other* Lucid machine, they are /dev/sd*12:50
arcskyare there any features in ubuntu 10.04 or its just new purple color ?12:51
Dr_WillisIve had issues with  usb flash drives not gettting automounted.. but never not 'seen' by dmesg/lsusb12:51
theadminarcsky: lol. It's simplier to use, is faster, there is the Me Menu thing, some stuff called "PiTiVi" (didn't even open that yet)12:51
gartralhow to i tell pulse that i want to clone output from main stereo too all availible outputs?12:51
Dr_Willisarcsky:  everything has been updated. Check teh various ubuntu news sites for 'whats new'  blogs.12:51
Kabiigontheadmin, hi12:51
LucidFoxDr_Willis> dmesg and lsusb see them, but not udev apparently12:51
theadminKabiigon: huh... hi12:51
Dr_WillisLucidFox:   what fileystem is it? is it just some flash drives? or all of them?12:52
LucidFoxFlash drives, so FAT12:52
Kabiigonwubi is giving me cant find C:\window\sysnative\bcdedit.exe any ideas12:52
Kabiigonon a fix12:52
Dr_Willisa flash drive can be ext2/3/4 others :) if yu format them as such. Heh12:52
perscitusubuntuforums is down12:52
Dr_WillisLucidFox:  i just tend to mount the problametic ones by hand.12:52
LucidFoxWell, it doesn't even see the drive itself, let alone partitions12:52
Kabiigonperscitus, i can access it12:53
gartralDr_Willis: why on EARTH would you dare format a flash disk with a journaling fs?!?12:53
LucidFoxThe problem isn't mounting, there aren't even any devices to mount12:53
perscitusKabiigon.->  sure its not cached12:53
theadmingartral: ext2 is not journaled ;)12:53
Dr_Willisgartral:  i have a 'full' normal install on a 4gb flash drive as a  'rescue' tool.12:53
Kabiigonperscitus, im sure12:53
Dr_WillisLucidFox:  you said lsusb saw them? dident you?12:53
theadminDr_Willis: He only mentioned dmesg12:54
indusis lynx release tomorrow?12:54
theadminindus: yes12:54
LucidFoxDr_Willis> lsusb and dmesg do show them, but the /dev/sd* files are not created12:54
lanoxxyofel, http://pastebin.com/rtDWNHG6, thats from daemon.log during boot time, any  idea why mysql tries an upgrade?12:55
theadminindus: sometime12:55
Dr_WillisLucidFox:  how about 'sudo fdisk -l' ?12:55
theadminubottu: isitout | indus12:55
ubottuindus: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:55
LucidFoxDr_Willis> It won't lose any data, I hope?12:55
Dr_WillisLucidFox:  -l = list12:55
perscituswhats alternative to vbeinfo in Lucid?12:55
LucidFoxDr_Willis> Only lists /dev/sda*, which is my HDD12:55
Dr_WillisLucidFox:  if the things are going bad.. you may be loseing data soon..  it almost sounds like a flakey usb drive.12:56
yofellanoxx: nope, I know pretty much nothing about how mysql works12:56
LucidFoxIt occurs with many USB drives, completely at random12:56
LucidFoxand they mount on other systems, both Windows and Ubuntu12:56
LucidFoxjust not this one12:56
LucidFoxused to work here in Karmic too12:56
Dr_WillisLucidFox:  that points to perhaps a bad usb port/cable/controller.12:56
theadminLucidFox: Sounds like a bug...12:56
Dr_WillisLucidFox:  or a bug.. test with a live cd perhaps?12:56
theadminLucidFox: I'd report it (ubuntu-bug udev)12:57
lanoxxyofel, no problem,and thanks a lot for your help12:57
LucidFoxHmm, I won't be able to access the Internet from a live CD since my Wi-Fi card uses ndiswrapper, but I'll try booting the RC12:58
alvinhmm, is it normal that /etc/fstab does not contain a line for /dev/scd0 in a fresh install? Can someone check this?12:58
LucidFoxand at least see if it mounts the USB drives12:59
theadminLucidFox: Well, you need to run ubuntu-bug from the system you wish to report bug about, it collects some info12:59
LucidFoxalvin> Do you need it? Mine doesn't, and the CD mounting is handled by whatever-lucid-uses-instead-of-HAL12:59
Dr_Willisalvin:  ive no entries for my cdrom drives in fstab12:59
theadminalvin: only sda1, sda2, sdb1, sdb2 here12:59
alvinNeed it? No, this is a headless command-line only server. I will not be using the CD. Just a question. This is something new! on upgrades, the line is there13:00
alvinSo, I should remove the line on upgrade?13:00
Dr_Williscomment it out if you want.. or not...13:01
alvin(btw, ubuntu-server still has hal if you use libvirt-bin. It depends on hal)13:01
alvinIt's not a question of want. Apparently something changed in the way cd's are mounted13:01
ryewill reappear in 30 minutes, sorry about that13:01
lanoxxyofel, one more question, how can i figure out why fsck is running?13:01
Dr_Willisalvin:  they get automounted normally by the various gnome services (or whatever service) if you are not using the desktop/gui you may want to keep that line so you can mount them from the cli easially13:02
alvinGood to know, but that means it was a mistake for the installer to not put it there for a server install13:03
gartralhow can i rerout audio through different ports of my 8 port full-duplex sound card?13:03
patdk-wkalvin, none of my systems list the cdrom in fstab, in lucid, or non-lucid13:03
yofellanoxx: not sure, it might just have been a routine check, or maybe ext3 just needs that long to recover the journal, not sure13:03
alvinHmm, weird. I'll take a look at other systems too.13:03
theadminMine never did, and i'z using it since interpid.13:04
perscitusHow do edit lines in grub2?13:04
=== yukiseaside_ is now known as yukiseaside
alvinAll my systems list it, except the fresh Lucid install13:04
yofelperscitus: which lines? kernel parameters?13:04
patdk-wkoh, my hardy system lists it :)13:04
alvinI'm talking about 24 machines13:04
patdk-wkbut my intrepid and karmic systems don't13:05
=== yukiseaside is now known as yukiseaside_
perscitusyofel.->  entries13:05
alvinsome Jaunty, some hardy. No intrepid. Some karmic. They all list /dev/scd0 in /etc/fstab13:05
=== yukiseaside_ is now known as yukiseaside
lanoxxyofel, do you know what resume and wait-for-root do?13:05
yofelperscitus: ok, and what do you want to edit about them?13:05
=== yukiseaside is now known as yukiseaside_
yofellanoxx: no13:05
=== yukiseaside_ is now known as yukiseaside
patdk-wkalvin, well I am talking about new installs13:05
patdk-wkif you upgraded hardty -> karmic, yes it's going list it13:06
alvinApparently it is not needed anymore. I'll insert a cd and see what happens13:06
patdk-wkthat isn't what it's for13:06
theadminWhich thing is responsible for the wallpaper showing? methinks it just crashed cause now I see that purple... stuff.13:06
patdk-wkit's so users can mount the cdrom, without becoming root13:06
perscitusyofel.-> Probably cant do it. I need to make Windows entry just say Windows 7.13:07
theadminnevermind, it's back o_O13:08
alvinpatdk-wk: but they can't. I just tried. Without the line, the cd is nowhere to be seen. Keep in mind that this is a server install13:08
alvinI can imaging gnome does something with it, but it's a server!13:09
ShapeShifter499Indicator Applet Session isn't working right, it has the power button symbol and its drop-down menu but it doesn't have my user name and its drop-down menu13:09
patdk-wkalvin, tried what?13:09
alvinYou need the line to easily mount13:09
alvinwell, I tried 'mount /dev/scd013:09
patdk-wkyou only need the line to mount as none-root13:09
yofelperscitus: not easily, the non-ubuntu entry names are created by /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober13:09
patdk-wkya well, that isn't a valid mount line, if a line isn't in fstab13:09
theadminShapeShifter499: The "Me" menu is separate from the shutdown menu13:09
alvinWell, yes. That's the point. Why was it removed13:09
patdk-wkI hate cdroms, and dont ever use them on servers13:10
ShapeShifter499theadmin: well I can't find it13:10
alvinThis makes no sense, even if you hate cdroms13:10
patdk-wkdunno why anyone would use a cdrom these days on a server at all13:10
yofelalvin: the line should be there, if the driver was present on install-time13:10
alvinto install software?13:10
patdk-wkwhy? servers shouldn't need a cdrom ever, after install13:10
perscitusyofel.->  i did it before but im to lazy to look for it13:10
alvinyofel: it is a fresh install from cd13:10
yofelodd then13:10
ThraulWith the new release about what time will it be released on the 29th April? I am in Australia and not sure of the time difference :)13:11
twiztidso will comipz-fusion, KMS, and flash coexist with ATI in lucid???13:11
theadminThraul: That is unknown13:11
Dr-Ubuntui use the cd rom player to hold my coffee cup while im banging the receptionist in the server room13:11
alvinThe line for /dev/fd0 is there13:11
theadminDr-Ubuntu: o_O13:11
Dr_WillisServers normally dont have Optical drives :)13:11
ShapeShifter499theadmin: how do I get it back?13:11
alvinWell, there you have a use13:11
janmalteis there anything to do for a simple k/ubuntu user to help ?13:12
theadminjanmalte: hm?13:12
red2kicThraul: It'll come when it'll come. If anything, you should take a nap all day tomorrow.13:12
alvinWhere are you people getting that nonsense? I admin a lot of servers, and they all (ok, except 2) have cdrom drives!13:12
theadminShapeShifter499: dunno13:12
Thraullol so it wont be released at 12 midnight Pacific Time 29th April lol13:12
patdk-wkalvin, I admin craploads of racks of servers, none of them have a cdrom13:13
gartralDr_Willis: every system i've ever manned, server or personal, unless it's a netbook/top it has a cd >.<13:13
red2kicThraul: Right. It could get released at 4pm in the afternoon.13:13
janmalteif i can i would help for the release tomorrow13:13
patdk-wkthis computer here doesn't have a cdrom, it's my workstation13:13
Dr_Willisgartral:   You are behind in the times! :013:13
patdk-wkall my servers are installed via pxe boot13:14
* Dr_Willis rips out optical drives to make moar room for 1+TB hard drives13:14
theadminMine doesn't have a CD drive, but that is connected via USB13:14
twiztidanyone that has ATI have any problems with compiz running AND web browser video streaming at the same time? if not, is KMS enabled or not?13:14
Thraulok so just keep watching the inbox for a release email then :D13:14
theadminThraul: Where'd that come from o_O13:15
ShapeShifter499g2g bye13:15
patdk-wkno updates today :(13:15
Thrauljoin the ubuntu-releases email list :) hehe13:15
patdk-wkThraul, isn't it suppost to be in line 24hours?13:16
twiztidany ATI/Lucid users in here?13:16
patdk-wkthat is awhile to wait13:16
theadmintwiztid: Yeah, me13:16
frxstremis the release candidate stable enough to upgrade today isntead of tomorrow?13:16
theadminfrxstrem: Check the RC page and decide for yourself13:16
janmaltefrxstrem: no :)13:16
twiztidnice, may i ask how well your firefox streams video?13:16
twiztidif you use ff13:17
theadmintwiztid: Well, depends on the site. Youtube is fine, vimeo is horrible.13:17
twiztidgotcha, and are you on the open source ati driver?13:17
Thraulyeah but when on the 29th will it be available that is the question....as I am a member of the ubuntu-announce mailing list I will get an email when it will be available for download....hehe13:18
theadmintwiztid: I'd guess so, didn't install any additional ones, it works outta teh box13:18
Dr_WillisThraul:  the servers will b4e so overloaded.. you wont get an email till next week13:18
Thrauldamn :) so I can't jump the gun then13:19
twiztidnice, you know if kms is on by default or did you have to add the modset=1 thang?13:19
theadmintwiztid: As for that, I have no idea who on earth kms even is13:19
theadminubottu: who | twiztid13:19
theadminahem, ubottu.13:19
tsimpsongive it time13:20
twiztidKernel Mode Setting, where its the kernels job to apply the video settings and NOT xorg13:20
theadmintwiztid: Oh, I guess i have that off.13:20
Dr_WillisYea. setting up apt-cacher-ng - is so handy when youa re going to update a lot of machines. :)  glad i rembered to do it this time!13:20
ubottutwiztid: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:20
RayJohnshaving a problem with an SATA controller... specifically the Silicon Image 311413:20
fromspacewhen will the final version get rlsd ?13:21
patdk-wkRayJohns, that is nice13:21
theadminfromspace: tommorow13:21
RayJohnsanyone have any ideas how to get it to boot13:21
twiztidtheadmin: cool cool, u runnin max effects and compiz?    _sry ubottu_ =P13:21
RayJohnsi'm using 10.04-RC13:21
fromspacewas wondering if anyone knows some mirrors where it got 'leaked' :D13:21
theadmintwiztid: due to fact that I have 512 MB ram, I have compiz off.13:21
RayJohnsit boots up, but ends up in the shell prompt13:21
RayJohnsso I'm assuming there is no module for sata_sil compiled into the standard kernel13:22
yofelthe most similiar thing to a leaked iso would be the daily build13:22
Grimdinis release tomorrow or friday?13:22
jribGrimdin: the 29th of april13:22
theadminGrimdin: tommorow. Why do people never read the topic?13:22
twiztidtheadmin: fair enough... thank you very much for your input! take care all13:23
Grimdinok, thx13:23
patdk-wkif I remember right, karmic came out at 2pm my time, so about 30hours from now13:23
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:23
theadminwhat the.13:23
theadminIt set update manager to that only LTS mode o_O13:23
rwwtheadmin: what did?13:24
theadminrww: I think it was the update and I just didn't notice it13:24
BUGabundo_remoteI wonder if it has any effect keep telling ppl to zsync a daily and then upgrade tom final release :|13:25
BUGabundo_remoteif anyone wants it, here is my cheat code  $ pastebinit zsyncu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423842/13:25
theadminBUGabundo_remote: What's the point, get the RC and keep up-to-date13:26
Dr_WillisBUGabundo_remote:  then what to do tomorrow? :) we all want to seed it 1000 times!13:26
BUGabundo_remoteDr_Willis: you can still seed it!13:26
BUGabundo_remotejust point the torrent to the file and let it re-hash it13:26
Dr_Williswill my isp complain at me using torrents in a LEGAL way. :)13:26
overmachtDr_Willis; nice13:27
theadminDr_Willis: heh :D I use torrents now and then both legally and illegally, nobody complains so far13:27
* Dr_Willis reports theadmin to the ASPCA :)13:27
* patdk-wk reports to his wife13:27
* theadmin wonders what on earth that even is13:27
Dr_Willisits freedom of speace! that makes it ok.13:28
Dr_Willis'ubuntu is free as in speech' :)13:28
* theadmin likes "Free as in freedom" better13:28
Dr_Willis'free as in sex'  :P13:28
Dr_Willisbut then i would never.. err... never mind.. :)13:28
Dr_WillisPlace bets on the top 10 questions after its relased for tomorrow.. :)13:29
fromspaceso if i install the RC now will it get updated to the final version?13:29
Dr_Willis#1  = how to move the buttons back to the left.13:29
Dr_Willisfromspace: 's question is ging to be FAQ #2 i bet.13:30
Dr_Willisfromspace:  yes. you will13:30
theadminfromspace: yeah13:30
fromspaceok thx13:30
rwwfactoids for both of these :)13:30
Dr_WillisYep. better get them ready13:30
RayJohnsis there a new release coming out tomorrow?13:30
rwwi forget #2;s, but #1 is !controls13:30
theadminDr_Willis: And what's the point in moving buttons back to the left o_O13:30
theadminubottu: controls | Let's check...13:30
ubottuLet's check...: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d613:30
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i am on the netbook edition here.  the X is n the middle :)13:31
rww!search up-to-date13:31
ubottuFound: already13:31
ubottuIf you are running a completely up-to-date 9.04RC, you are most likely running 9.04 release already13:31
Dr_Willisthe factoids need updating13:31
Dr_Willis!search RC13:31
ubottuFound: mirrorstatus, ddebs, xen, chrepo, kde docs, sources, roadnav, identify, sourceomatic, botabuse and 186 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=rc13:31
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:32
rwwthere we go13:32
An_Ony_Moosehow can I reinstall grub from a live CD?13:32
rww!no, already is <alias> final13:32
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:33
Dr_Willis!grub2 | An_Ony_Moose13:34
ubottuAn_Ony_Moose: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:34
theadminWhat's the difference between update and dist-upgrade anyway :/13:34
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.13:34
An_Ony_Moosetheadmin, update updates the package archive13:34
theadminrww: I see13:34
Dr_WillisOnes more hardcore :)13:34
theadminAn_Ony_Moose: err, upgrade13:34
RayJohnsdo any of you guys have experience with compiling in modules to the kernel ?13:34
Italian_Plumberupdate looks for updates and upgrade does them13:34
RayJohnsfor the boot image?13:34
gartralhow do i reload my PATH without relogging after editing .bashrc?13:35
yofelRayJohns: add those that you need to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and run 'sudo update-initramfs -u'13:35
theadmingartral: .bashrc requires just a terminal restart. You may, however, also issue "source .bashrc"13:35
Dr_Willisgartral:  source .bashrc      is one way13:35
Dr_Willis . = alias to 'source'   ->   . .bashrc13:35
yofelRayJohns: compiling in modules would require a image rebuild13:36
gartralbash: /home/gareth/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory13:36
RayJohnsyofel.. is there a config file where you sell it what suppor to include in the kernel?13:36
Dr_Willis sounds like you got some typos or did somthing wrong gartral13:36
RayJohnsI have only ever done this on freebsd13:36
gartral$PATH = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/gareth/bin:/home/gareth/android-sdk-linux_86:/home/gareth/android-ndk-r3"13:37
RayJohnsis there an image floating around with all the modules in it that i can just copy to the boot drive?13:37
theadmingartral: what the... that's not how you set PATH13:37
Dr_Willisgartral:  if you want to SET a variable you dont use $BAR13:37
Dr_WillisBAR = '100'13:37
theadmingartal: export PATH = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/gareth/bin:/home/gareth/android-sdk-linux_86:/home/gareth/android-ndk-r3"13:37
Dr_Willisnot $BAR = '100'13:37
theadminDr_Willis: don't forget export in this case too13:38
Dr_Willisexport is needed if you want the child processes..13:38
Dr_Willisso its not required.. but often used.13:38
jribyou also don't use spaces around the =13:38
theadminDr_Willis: Well, for instance for setting PS1 only export works13:38
yofelRayJohns: no, most of the ubuntu kernel is built in modules, add them to the initrd image if you need them before the filesystem is up, what is built in and what as modules is controlled by the kernel package configuration at build time13:38
gartralDr_Willis: bash: export: `/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/gareth/bin:/home/gareth/android-sdk-linux_86:/home/gareth/android-ndk-r3': not a valid identifier13:39
Dr_Willistheadmin:  PS1='prompt -->' works13:39
Dr_Willisgartral:  whats the exact line you are using to set the path?13:39
dreamonAfter Update to Lucid Firefox freezes system for about 15seconds. -> xsession-errors shows -> Firefox.PlacesItemSource "Firefox Places" encountered an error in UpdateItems: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object13:39
theadminDr_Willis: How about something like "[\t] \[\033[1;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[0m\]:\[\033[1;32m\]\w\[\033[0m\]$"? That ain't gonna work like that13:39
RayJohnsI'm using the ISO CD for 10.04-RC - it goes through the install when I boot from the CD.  is there some way to stop the auto install thing and go through an install where I can select support for that controller?13:39
gartralDr_Willis: export PATH = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/gareth/bin:/home/gareth/android-sdk-linux_86:/home/gareth/android-ndk-r3"13:40
OzFalconAfter adding an entry in fstab, I can't boot at ALL. (Server edition)13:40
ceuhigh availability on 2 ubuntu servers. Any advice? (pacemaker+heartbeat, pacemaker+corosync, ... ?)13:40
gartralDr_Willis: thats how theadmin has it13:40
Dr_WillisHmmm  this works -------->      PS1="[\t] \[\033[1;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[0m\]:\[\033[1;32m\]\w\[\033[0m\]$"13:40
rwwtheadmin: export PS1="that"13:40
jribRayJohns: you can select "try ubuntu" and then you'll have a shell to do whatever you want.  Is that enough?13:40
rwwtheadmin: is what I do, anyway13:40
jribOzFalcon: remove the entry?13:41
Dr_WillisYou Do want a export in your .bashrc of course.13:41
Dr_Willisbut for testng - you dont need one in the 'current shell'13:41
RayJohnsjrib: what do I use to produce a new boot image?13:41
OzFalconjrib, I can't even boot to a command line!13:41
gartralDr_Willis: are you talking too me?13:41
jribOzFalcon: use a live cd13:41
Dr_Willisgartral:  no spaces around the  = for starters13:41
jribRayJohns: I'm not sure what you are trying to do13:41
theadminrww: Yeah I know13:41
RayJohnsjrib - that makes two of us :-)  I'm trying to include support for an sata silicon image 3114 controller at boot time13:42
OzFalconjrib, I did get it to boot. But Im not sure it's sane.13:42
RayJohnsjrib - I think it's the sata_sil module13:42
jribOzFalcon: how? why?13:42
RayJohnsjrib - which maybe isn't native to the boot image that the installer installs ?13:42
BUGabundo_remotegartral: NDK?? really ?13:43
RayJohnsjust trying to figure out where to add that into the kernel and how to produce a new boot image13:43
RayJohnswith support for my sata controller13:43
OzFalconjrib, It was hung. So I hit alt-sysreq-scroll.lock and got some sysreq help.13:43
RayJohnsI think that's the problem ubuntu is having13:43
yofelRayJohns: you can't, but add the module to the initramfs, then it will be available at boot time too13:43
siriusnovaHow do I Absolutely PURGE Pulse Audio from my system13:43
theadminDr_Willis: Mine gives something similar to this here. If i don't use export I end up having that string instead. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2012912/Screenshot.png13:43
siriusnovaits such a buggy piece of crap13:43
siriusnovaits rediculous13:43
RayJohnsso I can't compile it in.. but i can have it recognized from a module at boot time13:44
jribOzFalcon: what is your question now?13:44
RayJohnsdoesn't the loader have to be able to find the boot image first?13:44
OzFalconjrib, I then hit alt-sysreq-I (Or something) to kill processes.13:44
BUGabundo_remotesiriusnova: do you have any specific problem with it? what's the bug id for iot ?13:44
yofelRayJohns: the only way to compile it in would be to build your own kernel, but that's not exactly supported in ubuntu13:44
BUGabundo_remotesiriusnova: in X/K/Ubuntu we work with Pulse, and lots of apps depend on it13:44
BUGabundo_remotepurging it is not recommened13:45
OzFalconjrib, Is alt-sysreq ever used? or did I just stumble on to some obscure part of the kernel?13:45
yofelRayJohns: well, if the loader can't fine the kernel image then compiling the module in won't help too13:45
siriusnovaBUGabundo_remote, - every app I use that needs sound has issues with it, dosbox skips, games in wine skip, vmware has issues with it, even zsnes doesnt work well with it and I hear screetches and blips13:45
Dr_WillisOzFalcon:  thats a 'feature'13:45
An_Ony_MooseI want to reinstall GRUB from a live CD of the 10.04 RC (yes, out of date). I've tried both reinstalling and reconfiguring grub-pc and using grub-install, but it gives me an error - it can't find a device for /boot/grub13:45
janmalteBUGabundo_remote: nearly none kde app is depended on pulse13:45
RayJohnsyofel - agreed13:46
Dr_WillisOzFalcon:  thers numerous alt-sysreq-KEYS that dodifferent things13:46
yofelRayJohns: and the initrd is available at the same time as the kernel image, so not much difference there13:46
theadminI think KDE uses ALSA13:46
janmalteafter having much trouble with pulse i also removed it from my kubuntu siriusnova13:46
BUGabundo_remotetheadmin: phone13:46
jribRayJohns: I don't really know enough raid to tell you how to do that, or more importantly, if there isn't a better way.  Did you take a look through the raid docs on the wiki?13:46
RayJohnsyofel - that's why I wanted to compile in support for the Sata controller and produce a new boot image13:46
siriusnovajanmalta - how did you do it?13:46
BUGabundo_remotesiriusnova: please check for open bugs, and file new ones13:46
OzFalconDr_Willis, yes. It saved my ass. alt-sysreq-scroll =  help13:46
BUGabundo_remotealso truy linux backport alsa package13:46
theadminWhat is ALSA anyway? "ALSA Linux Sound A..."... What's the final A for13:47
RayJohnsjrib - no, not yet.  But I'll check around some more.  I'm thinking maybe I will throw an IDE drive too boot from13:47
siriusnovaBUGabundo_remote, - I even am running the newest alsa straight from source13:47
BUGabundo_remotejanmalte: siriusnova: don't expect support if you do13:47
siriusnovai compiled it muself13:47
yofelRayJohns: yes, but you can't build the module in in the ubuntu way, if you need the module before the harddrive is mounted add it to the init ramdrive13:47
jribtheadmin: architecture13:47
theadminjrib: Oh thanks13:47
jrib!raid > RayJohns13:47
ubottuRayJohns, please see my private message13:47
siriusnovaand pulse audio still manages to screw it all up13:47
BUGabundo_remotesiriusnova: from source, may require quirks to kernel, which you don't have13:47
OzFalconoh dear.13:47
RayJohnsgot it, thanks13:47
jribRayJohns: you might also try the alternate cd, it usually has support for more stuff13:47
BUGabundo_remoteplease file a bug, and ping crimsun on it. you can idle in #ubuntu-audio-help13:48
BUGabundo_remotesiriusnova: ^^^^^13:48
RayJohnsjrib - okay.. good idea13:48
theadminubottu: raid > theadmin13:48
ubottutheadmin, please see my private message13:48
RayJohnsyofel - you are saying mount a ram drive at boot time?  Then load the module into that or something?  And then boot the sata drive?13:48
janmalteQuote: Note 4: Kubuntu users: Don't follow this guide - PulseAudio isn't used in your distribution.13:49
OzFalconLet me get this straight. I can crash any linux system by switching to a tty screen, and hitting alt-sysreq-C (C for crash!)13:49
theadminOzFalcon: yeah, why13:49
alvinI have to try that13:49
OzFalcongo on13:49
OzFalconIm not game to on my workstation.13:50
jribRayJohns: I assumed you are using raid and that was the issue, if not ignore the !raid stuff of course13:50
rwwI note sysrq stuff is disable-able13:50
yofelRayJohns: as the ubuntu kernel is as modular as it is it uses a ramdriver by default, you can add your onw modules to be included in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and then rebuild the initrd with 'sudo update-initramfs -u' - but I'm not sure how to do that from the installer13:50
RayJohnsit's actually not configured as a riad13:50
RayJohnsit's just an sata controller on the motherboard13:50
RayJohnsI'm just using it for faster throughput vs. IDE13:51
jribRayJohns: what's going wrong exactly?  The drives don't show up at all on the live cd?13:51
OzFalconso is it enabled in ubuntu desktop?13:51
OzFalconby defualt13:52
Dr_WillisOzFalcon:  most are i beliuve.13:52
RayJohnsjrib - I'm not 100% sure.. .if i boot into the "try it mode" it looks like it's mounted on the desktop13:52
jribOzFalcon: yes13:52
jribRayJohns: and the issue is that when you try to install, they don't show up there?13:52
RayJohnsbut when i try to boot from that drive, then it hoses and end up in the terminal window saying it can't find its boot image13:52
alvinWHoa. Where is that good for13:52
jribRayJohns: okay, so you were able to install fine?13:53
OzFalconhmmmm, cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq shows "1"13:53
RayJohnsjrib - the install goes fine... it sees the partition no problem and installs to it13:53
RayJohnsjrib: yes.. install is fine13:53
jribRayJohns: do you remember the exact error you get when you try to boot?13:53
RayJohnsjrib: when it goes to release the drives after the install.. then I get an i/o error13:53
RayJohnssomething about a process (starting with a c) can't release the drive or something13:53
=== DASPRiD_ is now known as DASPRiD
alvinCtrl+Alt+Backspace was disabled because people pressed it by accident (imagine that!). Does noone press alt-sysreq-C by accident?13:53
RayJohnsand then a bunch of i/o errors13:54
jribRayJohns: I see13:54
jribRayJohns: on the live cd can you chroot ok into the install?13:54
patdk-wkdoesn't alt-sysreq-c require kexec to be installed?13:54
OzFalconalvin, Yeah. pretty un sane13:54
Dr_Willisalvin:  i have to say ive never hit alt-sysreq-ANYTHING by accident13:54
RayJohnsnot sure what that means.. but I can try it later13:54
RayJohnswhat does chroot do?13:54
RayJohnscheck the root file system?13:54
RayJohnslike fsck ?13:54
alvinDr_Willis: neither have I ever hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace by accident, but apparently a lot of people do13:55
Dr_Willischanges root filesystem13:55
Dr_Willisalvin:  emac users can do that a lot from what i hear.13:55
jribRayJohns: basically you'll be "inside" the install13:55
alvinThat could explain it13:55
jribRayJohns: but if you say the install didn't finish successfully, that's what I would work on13:55
RayJohnswhen I boot the first time (after the install)... I end up in a file system in the terminal window.. but there is no /boot part13:56
ttyXis there any way to change the crazy button placing in the new lucid themes?13:56
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d613:56
jribRayJohns: does it say anything in the prompt?13:56
RayJohnsi can't remember... but i can issue limited commands13:56
RayJohnsI can see the file that points to the boot image it wants to load in /boot13:57
RayJohnsbut there is no /boot in the file system13:57
RayJohnsjust /etc and stuff like that13:57
jribRayJohns: you probably need to reinstall grub assuming that's the only thing that failed13:57
RayJohnsgrub is the loader for ubuntu ?13:58
ttyXthanks Dr_Willis13:58
dennisanyone have any idea when the flashplayer will be fixed in lucid ?13:58
OzFalconanyone get  hang on boot if drive in fstab is not available?13:58
RayJohnslike lilo right13:58
jrib!grub2 | RayJohns13:58
ubottuRayJohns: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:58
ttyXthat worked like a charm :)13:58
jribOzFalcon: if you don't have an fstab, things will probably fail, yes...13:58
underdevdennis: what problem are you having?13:59
underdevi occasionally get gui weirdness, but use pandora/lala all the time13:59
OzFalconjrib, I have an fstab. But the external drive entry makes the system hang (unrecoverable) on boot.13:59
alvinIsn't grub2 still in beta?14:00
Dr_Willisalvin:  not really.14:00
jribOzFalcon: because you don't have the drive connected I assume?14:00
red2kicalvin: Gmail was in beta stage for long long time.14:00
Dr_WillisGoogle's definition of 'beta' is not normal :)14:00
ttyXgrub2 is more like wip14:00
alvinYes, but gmail wasn't commercially supported at that time14:00
OzFalconjrib, yes.14:01
jribOzFalcon: why do you want an fstab entry for it?14:01
OzFalconjrib, Can only hit reset. To automount it.14:01
RayJohnsok guys... thanks for the help.  jrib, thanks!14:01
RayJohnsI'll fiddle around with it later14:01
RayJohnsand see if I have any luck14:01
Dr_WillisHmm. neat little thing i just saw on a blog ---> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/ubuntuforumsorg-start-page-extension.html14:02
alvinI see on their site that the developers of grub2 consider it beta. Canonical's credo should be: "To boldly support what nobody supported before"14:03
abhijainplz provide me best ubuntu 10.4 download link14:03
abhijaini m new user14:03
RayJohnsI'll leave you guys with a funny video :-)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4s3OVZJY2I0  ttyl14:03
Dr_Willis!daily | abhijain14:03
ubottuabhijain: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/14:03
abhijainand confused with beta alpha14:03
Dr_Willisabhijain:  install, update/upgrade.. You are using the latest...14:04
jribOzFalcon: pastebin your fstab14:04
Dr_Willisnothing tobe confused about at all14:04
abhijainno i m on fedora at this time14:04
Piciabhijain: If you are a new user you shouldnt be using the RC, but rather waiting for the final release.14:04
underdevDr_Willis: do they do that throughout a release?  So that you can just download a version with all the updates already updated?14:04
underdevDr_Willis: the dailies, i mean14:05
Dr_Willisunderdev:  thats how the package manager system basically works.. its a main feature of the system14:05
abhijainPici: final release when?14:05
Piciabhijain: tomorrow.14:05
Gh0stryd3rgood morning, how do you set the GAL server settings for IMAP in evolution for 10.0414:05
theadmingr. This thing freezed on me14:05
Dr_Willisdailies are automatically made i belive. if you are downloading the ISO now. may as well get a daily instead of a RC>14:05
Dr_Willisactually the RC and daily might be the same.14:05
alvinunderdev: only for the beta releases. Other (stable) releases do get bugfixes, but Ubuntu is not a 'rolling' distribution14:05
Dr_WillisI imagine this will be last day for any Dailies :)14:05
OzFalconjrib, no point. it's an issue with 10.414:06
theadminDr_Willis: Why? When Maverick will start rolling there will be dailies again14:06
underdevalvin: okay. Dr_Willis ty.  I was excited there for a minute :)14:06
jribOzFalcon: then why are you asking for support?14:06
Dr_Willistheadmin:  yes.. but that will be some time away14:06
Dr_Willis'for now'14:06
OzFalconjrib, posting fstab wont help.14:06
abhijainand from which linnk we can download14:06
jribOzFalcon: ok I guess...14:07
Dr_Willishttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ Pick the iso you want14:08
OzFalconjrib, The fstab entry is stock standard. uses Label= to locate the drive.14:09
irvalso, what time tomorrow do you figure it will be released?14:09
theadminirv: Speaking in crontab style, "* * *"14:09
jribirv: "when it's ready" is the usual response14:09
Dr_Willisirv:  at noon.. some where.. in the world . it wil be noon when its released...14:09
Picitheadmin: every minute?14:09
red2kicirv: Download it now to curb the hammertime latency?14:10
theadminPici: um... lol14:10
Dr_WillisIm allready updated and upgraded.. Im good for a week. :)14:10
coz_ buona giornata tutti.. bonne jounree tous les... good day all14:10
OzFalconjrib, here it is: "LABEL=WAD /mnt/WAD ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 2"14:11
linardshello again14:12
dennisanyone her know when bug with the flashplugin-nonfree (532542) will be solved14:13
jribbug 53254214:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532542 in flashplugin-nonfree "[lucid] flashplugin-installer doesn't work with Firefox 3.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53254214:13
Dr_WillisHmm.. It worked here.. i thoght14:13
theadminDr_Willis: Works here too :/14:13
jribdennis: as a workaround just drop the libflashplayer.so into your ~/.mozilla/plugins/14:14
dennisi segfaults here when i try and install the darn thing.14:14
jribOzFalcon: I thought that even if a particular mount failed you would still be able to boot.  You're saying this used to be the case but now in lucid you have to do a hard reboot, right?14:15
dennisit tells me that the installer package is not working and tries to solve the problem every apt command i give14:15
OzFalconjrib, YES!14:15
underdevi'm using flash on lucid x6414:15
OzFalconjrib, Exactly.14:15
dennisreally ?14:15
dennisis it fixed then ?14:15
underdevhave you upgraded?14:15
theadminI dunno, flash works here14:15
dennisi was using the newest daily as well as rc114:16
theadminx32/i386 architecture, though14:16
denniswith all updates14:16
dennisi type sudo  apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree as i should and it failed14:17
linardshm. Anybody has some suggestion for No sound in Lucid Lync bug jet? If I will not be able to resolve it, I will be forced to use darn WIndows again14:17
muszekhi... last week there was a news item (AFAIR on slashdot) about a serious memory leak in X.  Has it been taken care of?  I was thinking of upgrading to lucid before the Horde does :)14:17
linardshm. Anybody has some suggestion for No sound in Lucid Lync bug jet? If I will not be able to resolve it, I will be forced to use darn Windows again14:17
linardsmuszek - yes - it is fixed ;)14:17
muszeklinards: ty14:17
underdevdennis: try uninstalling it and install the whole restricted extras?14:18
underdevthat's how i got mine14:18
underdevand it works14:18
jribmuszek: the release notes for the rc have a link to the bug report I believe.  It's marked "fix released"14:18
ZykoticK9muszek, it also only affected people using Open Source video drivers (not sure if you fall under that category)14:18
dennisno not yet.... what would that change ?14:18
ratcheerlizards: Does your system have more than one sound card?14:18
alvinDoesn't every release have sound issues? (I never have actually. Maybe because Kubuntu doesn't have pulseaudio?)14:18
underdevmuszek: yeah, its fixed.. thankfully14:18
Dr_Willisive rarely had sound issues in the last 4+ releases14:19
linardsAudigy LS ( SB570 ) / EASYcALL dESKTOP spEAKERPHONE / BUILT-IN ( DISABLED )14:19
muszekjrib, ZykoticK9, underdev: thanks14:19
linardsalvin, then you are lucky14:19
alvinlinards: I probably am. I hear a lot about sound issues14:19
ratcheerlinards: ALSA may be seeing the disabled card, first. That causes problems with everything downstream.14:20
bjsnideri think kubuntu does have pulseaudio14:20
alvinThen again, I'm mostly using Ubuntu as server OS. I'm more worried about boot problems than sound/graphics14:20
alvinbjsnider: no, it doesn't have pulseaudio by default14:20
linardsplease - more specific14:20
linardshow can I check if it is been disabled?14:21
ratcheerlinards: I will have to dig for a few minutes to find the specifics. BRB14:21
alvinThen again, pulseaudio IS an interesting concept14:21
underdevKISS has served me well w/ audio on linux- ac97 or whatnot, but i'm no audiophile14:21
underdevor dj14:22
theadminI mainly use my phone for music-listening stuff14:22
underdevagain lala/pandora work great for me14:22
linardsI need sound mainly because I am programmer on WIndows and currently tweaking some apps for WIne14:22
underdev9.10 & 10.0414:22
underdevlinards: i see14:22
underdevlinards: rock on, and thank you!14:22
theadminlinards: Wh--- might be a WINE sound problem then, no?14:22
linardsno man14:23
linardsWine is just and fornntend14:23
linardsprob is in backend14:23
underdevlinards: yeah, i've had to screw with wine to get sound working in warcraft & starcraft14:23
linardssomethong f**ks up ALSA14:23
Dr_WillisGot me a new brother HL 2170W printer. (on sale) and wow. it works very well  in linux. :) Cups/printerconfig tool finds it on the network and away i go :)14:23
linardsbecause when I open Multimedia Systems Selector14:23
Dr_Williswindows box's are still installing the drivers.. linux boxs  are printing.14:23
ratcheerlinards: Run cat /proc/asound/modules - which card is listed, first?14:24
linardsAudigy LS :)14:24
linardsone that does not work at all14:24
underdevDr_Willis: I always recommend Brother for linux, just works, great deals.  Got a high capacity toner cartridge for $18 on slickdeals for my 214014:24
coz_alcorn,  there you go14:24
alcorncoz_ :) Thanks14:24
alcornI am on Ubuntu 10.04. Anyone notice a very long bootup time. It could just be something wrong with my setup. If so I think it may be something to do with my graphics card as the Ubuntu loading screen when it does finally show up, is low resolution. Now once I get all loaded up, Ubuntu runs like greased lightning. Has anyone experience a very long loading time on 10.04 and knows how to fix it?14:24
ratcheerlinards: Ok, that is not your problem, then. Carry on.14:25
Dr_Willisunderdev:  yea. I been watching this one for months.. waiting to catch it on sale for $10014:25
pickettanyone know how i can install prograns in a live cd session?14:25
underdevgot my 2140 for $50 0tax free shipping14:25
linardsratcheet, then I can at least hope my problem wi8ll be investigated?14:25
theadminpickett: Same way you do it on a normal one14:25
coz_alcorn,   on my lucid system   it doesnt seem to have a very long boot time compare to karmic   so  not sure   .... which video card do you have ?14:25
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:25
Dr_Willispickett:  you can 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get isntall whatever'14:25
redanyone noticed Eclipse just "disappearing" in Lucid Lynx?14:25
linardsIf you nmeed any logs - I am ready to provide them ;)14:25
redI find it impossible to work :/14:25
redI shoot it up, meddle around a while and poof it just disappears14:26
ratcheerlinards: I have no idea.14:26
alcorncoz_ Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTX 768MB, running 173.14.22 Nvidia driver14:26
underdevalcorn: i had that happen to me once earlier.  Had to reinstall because i was monkeying with grub2, and it worked, so i don't know what the problem/solution was/is :)14:26
pickettwhen i try to install i get this error http://pastebin.com/RywT8AyF14:26
coz_alcorn,   mmm that's a fairly old driver version14:26
theadminred: Are you using the repository build? If so, report a bug with "ubuntu-bug package"14:26
coz_alcorn,  did you install the drive using hardware drivers?14:27
dennistried remove the ubuntu-restricted-extras... no resolv still the flashplayer failes to install14:27
linardsgrrrr ... :( .... this is nonsense ... when I upgraded to ALSA 1.22, i hoped that I will finally be able to use micrphone on my Audigy LS14:27
ratcheerlamefun: It means the current prod release +1, or the development release, which is 10.0414:27
linardsnow I cannot use card at all14:27
linards%$%$#%@#$%^%# ... :( ...14:27
underdevalcorn: w/ amd/ati video14:27
underdevalcorn: so whatever it is, it's not nvidia specific14:28
alcorncoz_ it's the one that ubuntu installs by default. I have no problem updating as I use linux all the time and consider myself to be a "Pro Newb" however this computer is going to my grandma and if I upload a newer driver then what ends up happening when she updates is I have to drive back home and reload the drivers from command for her... not fun.14:28
ratcheerlinards: How did you upgrade?14:28
BluesKajdennis, try flashplugin-nonfree, then reinstall kubuntu-restricted-extras14:28
linardsFirstly by Karmic -> Lucid Beta 214:28
coz_alcorn,  understood14:28
linardsthen, when I found out micrphone still did not work14:28
nullQuestion:  What's the default RSS feed reader in 10.04?14:28
linardsI used WebUpd8 PPA14:28
BluesKajor ubuntu restricte....14:28
dennisi tried that... i doesn't work either14:28
theadminnull: There is none14:28
linardsand after ... I think one specific update, sound suddenly vanquished14:29
nullSo what happens if I click on an rss feed?14:29
alcornI did all of the updates, and only after the updates did I start having long loading times14:29
theadminnull: Firefox can read them14:29
theadminnull: and that's what it uses14:29
underdevdennis: did you remove flashplugin-nonfree before you installed restricted?14:29
linardsalso noticable that in that time I was using computers tuner for my bass guitar14:29
linardsthrought WIne14:29
underdevand did you try using flash before trying to reinstall flash?14:29
ratcheerlinards: Do you have package linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.32-21-generic installed?14:30
alcornI think there may be some truth to the grub2 causing some kind of problem with my graphics card during boot. Perhaps if I deactive the driver, reboot then reactivate. Maybe during the upgrade of grub2 part of it did not get configed correctly. Perhaps Nvidia needs to reconfigure it. Your thoughts coz_?14:30
nullYes. It.  Can!  CAN CAN CAN14:30
nullBecause I cAN CAN CAN!14:30
theadminnull: lolwut14:30
coz_alcorn,  well first open hardware drivers  and tell what options are there14:30
linardsno, I have not.14:30
linardscurrent backport is 32-21.1114:31
linardsin synpatics14:31
Voffkohi 2 all14:31
theadminVoffko: Hello.14:31
coz_alcorn,  under hardware drivers there should be  a (version current) driver available under that  which is the 193.xx driver Ibelieve14:32
ratcheerlinards: I don't know if it will help you, but I had to install that package to get alsa 1.0.22..1 to work on my upgraded Karmic system.14:32
coz_alcorn,  if you install that  it will automatically update for her:)14:32
alcorncoz_ oh ya, that is part of my problem. I didn't realize in 10.04 that they changed the name of the latest driver. It used to be like 182 or something and I always look for that. When I didn't see it I installed the highest number. Didn't realize the renamed it to "version current" I am going to install that one and see what happens >.<14:32
linardsOh. I see. Well - thank you very much - at least for hope to not use WIndows for daily work .. ;)14:32
rmrfslashWill the Kubuntu devs release RC => Production packages before tomorrow so we RC-testers/bug-reporters don't get hammered by kiddies?14:33
VoffkoPlease tell me how you can change the computer name in 10,04?14:33
linardsOnly reason why I remeber of that damn OS is that I do manage network in office ... and play Demigod14:33
coz_alcorn,  yeah they did... and I do use the (version current) on my lucid box here :)14:33
alcorncoz_ gonna give that an install and reboot and hit you up again and let you know the results. Thanks for helping me catch my mistake.14:33
VoffkoIn a network of 10 computers of the same name "Ubuntu")14:33
coz_alcorn,  cool14:34
alcorncoz_ so, 193 huh? They finally moved passed 182. Nice14:34
Voffko how you can change the computer name in 10,04?14:34
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.14:34
coz_alcorn,  yeah :)  it is a better driver  so give it a whirl14:34
alcorncoz_ Ya on my Linux boxes I always use the latest drivers directly from Nvid. Just have to update them manually so I don't do that on other people I am migrating to Linux... would make for a VERY bad Linux experience for them >.<14:35
cjsAm I wrong, or is the installer wrong when it changes my requested hostname from an FQDN to just the first component?14:35
QQithis is 10.04 final release right?14:36
QQi3f5d201564e2cd24b75bf2843a6ba54a *ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso14:36
QQid173fe34de467a93d806ddfafc2d74a0 *ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso14:36
linardsratcheer, do I need Generic or Generic-PAE ?14:36
alcorncoz_ "Kernel update.... OMG NOW WINDOWS.... NO WINDOWS!!!! AH JUST TEXT!!! I hate this Linux, Call Derek, he screwed us over!" :( LoL, ya would be bad.14:36
ratcheerlinards: It depends on which kernel you have installed.14:37
alcorncoz_ ok, going to reboot. Be back in a few.14:37
linardsI have pae installed. So pae is the one i need, right?14:38
yofelQQi: that's the daily build from yesterday and propably the final yes14:38
tsimpsonno, there are no final builds14:39
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linardsAnyway - just installed. After reboot sound should be fine, right, ratcheer?14:39
yofeltsimpson: that's why I said probably or do they do an iso rebuild for the finals?14:40
tsimpsonISOs can be rebuilt at any time14:40
tsimpsonit's only final when it's announced14:40
ratcheerlinards: We can hope so. And yes, you need the pae one with the pae kernel.14:40
VotanAnyone running a mainline .34 rc5 kernel ?14:42
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yofelVotan: I tried it once, but suspend resulted in a kernel panic so I'm back in 3214:42
tehoweHey, is anyone having wireless problems with 10.04 RC? My wireless dies after a few minutes and the indicator light just flashes.14:42
Votanyofel mh, suspend works for me, but shut down jsut freezes while showing the splash, no harm done though, jsut have to presss the button, kinda annoying14:43
rohanany leaked mirrors out already?14:44
Picirohan: what?14:45
yofelrohan: as the isos aren't yet finisehd that's impossible, use a daily build if you can't wait14:45
rohanPici: for the final release i mean14:45
rohanyofel: ok, thanks.. and i am just curious, not impatient :) i always wait till official release to get the ISOs14:45
tsimpsonwatch www.ubuntu.com to see when it's announced (but don't keep reloading it over-and-over)14:46
alcorncoz_ It still has a very long boot time with the newer Nvidia driver. Any other suggestions? Perhaps I should make grub recheck everything and rewrite the boot file?14:48
ReckonAfternoon good ppl14:49
QQisome already leaked final release http://mirror1.ku.ac.th/lucid/14:49
alcornAnyone know how to get grub in 10.04 to recheck everything and rewrite the boot file?14:50
yofelQQi: nothing is final as long as it isn't officially released, the images can be changed at any time14:50
QQiyofel: i thank it will take long time for mirror sync14:51
coz_alcorn,   mmm I cant think of anything off hand.... what is the hardware configuration....I mean what type of processor etc??14:51
ReckonQQi: take care with leaked versions... they might have unwanted software included (spyware/malware)14:51
tsimpsonQQi: it's not final until it's announced, the ISOs can be changed any time between now and then14:51
QQiReckon: thanks i checked MD5SUM is same daily-build (no malware)14:52
alcorncoz_ AMD Dual Core 64bit processor, 2.8ghz. 2x 10k RPM Seagate HDD, 4Gb 800Mhz Corsair ram.14:53
rohanalcorn: sudo update-grub14:53
coz_alcorn,  ooo that wont be the issue then  ... mmm  not sure  ...but you may want to go to the #grub channel and ask14:54
alcornrohan, thanks. Wille try it14:54
Ken8521_alcorn, what issue are you having on that system/14:54
linardshi. Still no sound.14:55
alcorncoz_ just did a grub update. Gonna try a reboot in a sec. Ken8521_ my Ubuntu is booting up very slowly. When it does get to the loading screen, it is low resolution and when I load completely everything is back to normal and the system runs like greased lightning.14:56
ReckonQQi: was only an advice... sometimes ppl think they are getting legit software14:56
rohanalcorn: i think you may want to disable plymouth14:56
alcornrohan, oh? What is plymouth?14:56
Ken8521_that's a good thought14:56
mewshiI was just about to ask, what is plymouth?14:56
Reckonalcorn, a good tool is installing bootchart and check why is the system booting that slow14:57
coz_alcorn,   mmm   do a sudoa apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   and if that doesn work then yes   you may want to disable plymouth which is the boot scrren which is animated now14:57
Ken8521_plymouth is causing its fair share of issues.14:57
underdevplymouth.  lovely city.  great seafood.14:57
rohanalcorn: the stuff which displays splash on bootup14:57
underdevthe rock is quite underwelming though.  It's just a.. rock.14:58
Ken8521_only negative impact, would be no GUI bootup, you'd probably just get some running text on your screen14:58
alcornrohan, coz_ ok. I will give those a try. Kinda leary about the upgrade, never have good turn out's with using upgrade commands.14:58
Ken8521_alcorn, well, if you're using 10.04, you're using the beta/rc so you'll want to run upgrade and dist-upgrade, to keep the version you have current14:59
alcornReckon, I will keep that in mind. Thank you.14:59
coz_alcorn,  ok  but the dist-upgrade should not be an issue at this point  I do it daily.... however  if you want to uninstall plymouth just go to synaptic and search for plymouth  then  just remove the package plymouth   there's prbably a way to disable that withouth that fuss though14:59
alcornKen8521_ ok. Has ubuntu go better with their upgrading or is it still pretty much, your gonna have to wipe and do a fresh install?14:59
Ken8521_alcorn, i don't upgrade, i always clean install, but if you're staying w/ 10.04(ie, going 10.04 beta, to 10.04 rc), i had no issue w/ that15:00
coz_alcorn,  if you ugrade from one version to another   its generally a bad idea  but  a dist upgrade is not changing versioin15:00
alcorncoz_ "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."15:00
alcorncoz_ Ah, I see15:00
An_Ony_Moosewhen is the release?15:01
An_Ony_Mooseoh dang15:01
alcornYa, excited15:01
alcornLike it so far15:01
alcornWife loves it15:01
An_Ony_Mooseme too15:01
An_Ony_Moosewhat I like most is probably that spring is now available in the repos :D15:02
rumpe1are there any party-preparations yet? %)15:02
An_Ony_Mooseis it released at midnight GMT?15:02
alcornok, gonna uninstall Plymouth I guess and see how it does15:02
macoAn_Ony_Moose: at some point while it is 29 April in at least 1 timezone of earth15:02
An_Ony_Moosealcorn, check the repo :P15:02
alcornok I will but what is spring?15:02
z0rt|workthe season before summer15:03
An_Ony_MooseI said, check the repo15:03
Ken8521_was wondering that myself.15:03
Ken8521_!info spring15:03
ubottuspring (source: spring): a modern full-3D RTS game engine. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4673 kB, installed size 11720 kB15:03
An_Ony_Moosebut it's an  RTS engine15:03
An_Ony_Moosean EPIC one15:03
ratcheerlinards: I'm back. What happened?15:03
alcornalright alright, I am going15:03
linardsratcheer, maybe private chat?15:03
DASPRiDratcheer, end of the world15:03
linardsIts kinda mess here15:03
ratcheerlinards: Tell me how.15:03
z0rt|workdancing volcanoes15:05
Votannext ubuntu should be called Rising Ashes or Spitting Vulcano15:07
Ken8521_Votan, why would they call it that, that has nothing to do with "M"15:07
Votanoh, M, right, erm15:07
alvinMore Misery?15:07
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - See http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/336 for announcement - Developer summit: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS15:07
Ken8521_Maverick Meerkat15:08
Votank, 11.04 then15:08
VotanNN mh15:08
z0rt|worktalk to me goose15:08
Ken8521_"Requesting permission for fly by"15:08
VotanNasty Nymph ? Or Naughty Nymph15:09
inglorhey, how long should an upgrade from 9.10 take? I'm considering upgrading now to avoid the server load and then just updating from RC to the normal ver?15:09
z0rt|worknegative ghost rider the pattern is full15:09
Ken8521_inglor, right now, probably not to bad(although  i really dn't know) tomorrow, it could take quite some time as the servers will be very busy15:09
inglorwill start now :)15:09
inglorit's telling me I have to download 1984 MB :P15:10
z0rt|workif you have the beta installed all you need to do is update it15:10
inglorright :)15:10
crowIf i add udev rule for harddisk, and then add entry in fstab for that disk, xubuntu 10.4 rc cant mount file system and then i just comment these two line for hdds and system boot fine.. If i enable these line and manualy mount -a harddisk are mounted fine.. if i do reboot again cant mount filesystemm i think there is a but somewhere15:10
inglorhaha, that's awesme, 2 gigs of download are going to take 10 minutes :)15:11
Ken8521_z0rt|work, yeah, run apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade15:11
RissomI can select a connection in 10.4 and it'll constantly keep asking me for the key, it doesn't actually connect to the Internet at all, I know the key is correct, any help?15:12
Ken8521_i don't think 11.04 has been named yet, maybe it has htough15:12
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* enyc hops around impatiently ;-)15:16
yofelKen8521_: it has not, it will be named a while before 10.10 release15:17
mewshiI'm trying to get 10.04 to link with Ubuntu One, but I can't find the "add this computer" button mentioned in the instructions.15:17
Bunburyhello all15:18
VolkodavHow do I add gnome-applet-volume ?15:18
Bunburycould someone plz tell me how to manage running services in lucid lynx15:18
anodesniHi, Wubi (ubuntu 10.04 64/32 bit) is crashing under windows 7 64 bit, is there a fix?15:18
crowIf i add udev rule for harddisk, and then add entry in fstab for that disk, xubuntu 10.4 rc cant mount file system and then i just comment these two line for hdds and system boot fine.. If i enable these line and manualy mount -a harddisk are mounted fine.. if i do reboot again cant mount filesystemm i think there is a but somewhere /215:19
z0rt|workVolkodav: sudo apt-get install gnome-applet-volume ?15:19
crowdoes somehere have more knowelage with udev or should i report this at all...15:19
VolkodavE: Couldn't find package gnome-applet-volume15:19
dagny_ta1garthello, can anyone give me some feedback on flash performance in Lucid?15:19
Ken8521_Volkodav, i believe the sound applet is now part of indicator applet15:20
mewshican anyone help me with ubuntu one?  I can't find the "Add computer' button >.>15:20
VolkodavKen8521_: so howo i add it to the panel15:22
helosomehow i have 64MB free ram, with 1.1GB cached, but all of my swap is being used15:22
Ken8521_Volkodav, right click the panel, add to panel, add indicator applet15:22
Ken8521_it should be there though, unlessy ou removed it for some reason15:22
BUGabundo_remotehelo: memory leak?15:23
BUGabundo_remoteinstall atop15:23
BUGabundo_remoteand run sudo atop 215:24
charlie-tcamewshi, look in the account tab, "view the machines connected to this account" and see if it is already there15:24
BUGabundo_remotethen press 'm'15:24
BUGabundo_remotehey charlie-tca15:24
charlie-tcaHello, BUGabundo_remote15:24
BUGabundo_remotewth is IRCAnswersBot ???!15:24
heloi did, it doesn't flag any processes... just shows that my swap is low15:24
mewshicharlie-tca, it's not.  I already checked.15:24
BUGabundo_remotehelo: so why are you saying you don't have any mem free?15:24
BUGabundo_remoteif atop doesn't show any abnormal usage?15:25
charlie-tcamewshi, did it open the website page?15:25
heloatop shows that my swap is depleted, but it doesn't flag any process as using such a massive amount of memory... and i still have 1.1GB of cached used ram that should be used way before the swap fills up15:25
Bunburyum is there a service manager in lucid lynx15:26
BluesKajanodesni, wubi isn't designed to support beta OSes, so trying to run lucid in wubi is iffy and probly unstable ...if you want to run an ubuntu OS either run karmic in wubi or partition an ext4  for a proper installation15:26
helooh well, i'll just reboot15:26
anodesniBluesKaj: so I can install 9.10 wubi and then upgrade to 10.04??15:27
helowe'll see if it happens again tomorrow... i just did a dist-upgrade, so maybe some package was upgraded that affected something running15:27
helo(in a way that won't occur in the final release)15:27
ingloranodesni: why use wubi instead of a traditional dual boot?15:27
vishIRCAnswersBot: what is grub?15:27
tsimpsonit's a logging bot15:27
vishbleh , wastebot ;p15:27
BluesKajon a proper install yes , but it's not recommended in wubi, anodesni15:27
anodesniinglor: I don't want to change my partitions15:28
crowseems here noone care for stuff reported...15:28
anodesniinglor: I still use mandriva as my main os15:28
helocrow: irc is not the proper forum for reporting bugs15:28
BluesKajanodesni, why not change your partitions ?15:28
RissomI can select a connection in 10.4 and it'll constantly keep asking me for the key, it doesn't actually connect to the Internet at all, I know the key is correct, any help?15:28
ingloranodesni: if you already are dual booting adding a third OS is pretty simple15:28
anodesniBluesKaj: Because I like it the way it is now15:28
alvinis there an ubuntu-one client in Kubuntu now?15:29
crowhelo well this channel is created for that isnt it?15:29
BluesKajanodesni, then you'll have to live with what you have15:29
rohanRissom: which wifi card are you using?15:29
anodesniinglor: then I need to resize my home partition which is slow and my ruin my partitions15:29
cwillu_at_workcrow, in a terminal, type:  "ubuntu-bug <package-with-the-bug>"15:29
helocrow: this channel is created if you need help15:29
ingloranodesni: you need the same amount of free space anyway15:29
helo... "is created for when you need help"15:29
cwillu_at_workcrow, and for discussion about fixing bugs and such.  It's not useful to report them here unless you know exactly who you need to talk to, and why they want to hear about it first here rather than in the bug tracker15:30
crowhelo well yea i need help, cant boot system with udev++fstab entry..15:30
anodesniinglor: same as what?15:30
ingloranodesni: so if you have a space problem wubi is not the answer15:30
ingloranodesni: wubi uses as much HD space as partitioning your HD15:30
anodesniinglor: I have enough space on my windows partition15:30
cwillu_at_workcrow, File. A. Bug.  It won't get fixed unless you do15:30
ingloranodesni: so why not just resize that?15:30
redis the lucid lynx release tomorrow?15:31
anodesniinglor: it's slow and might kill windows15:31
crowcwillu_at_work i wanna check if thats bug at first place... of udev, or fstab, or just booting need more time to mount hdds in first place15:31
ingloranodesni: what do you mean it's slow?15:31
cwillu_at_workcrow, the best way to do that is to... file the bug.  :p15:31
anodesniinglor: last time i tried gparted, resizing was very slow (moving all this data)15:31
ingloranodesni: that's because NTFS is not handled well in gparted, the windows built in partitioning tool can resize a partition pretty fast15:32
cwillu_at_workcrow, if you assign it to the wrong package, that package's maintainer will help figure out which package it should be, and they'll probably have a very good idea about it15:32
Ken8521_resizing a partition is always a slow process, especially if there's a lot of data to move15:32
ingloranodesni: also, in no way it will kill windows15:32
Rissomrohan: Belkin N Wireless USB Adapter F5D8053ed.15:33
anodesniinglor: ok, but the problem is, I'll probably trow ubuntu away in a day or two15:33
cwillu_at_workKen8521_, it's the moving that's slow;  it can be extremely quick in fact if things work out15:33
crowcwillu_at_work ok i will check on other distribution if this work or not..15:33
ingloranodesni: and why is that? it is a very good operating system15:33
BluesKajanodesni, make sure you defrag the windows partition before resizing it15:33
cwillu_at_workcrow, eh?  No, just file the damn bug already :p15:33
crowcwillu_at_work because now it doesnt work and need fix or it15:33
anodesniinglor: the theme is too fat, it is slow compared to mandriva, but I llike how complete it is15:33
rohanRissom: check 'dmesg' if some obivous errors related to wlan are shown15:34
HillshumWill just installing all the updates from Beta 2 bring me current?15:34
intangirwhy can i 'su intangir' from root and see my encrypted file system if i never put in my password? doesnt that make the security utterly worthless? anyone can get root on a stolen computer15:34
Ken8521_anodesni, slow compared to mandriva?  mandriva is oen fo the slowest distros i've ever used, short of Linspire15:34
|rt|has anyone run into compiz not starting after upgrading...I worked around this by adding it to the list of startup apps but that's a hack15:34
intangirhell anyone can get root with a live CD15:34
ingloranodesni: it is very complete, you don't have to deal with it, as you obviously know themes are easily changed15:34
|rt|on a possible related note I had all kinds of issues with the upgrade related to fglrx15:34
anodesniinglor: I know, but I do like the ubuntu theme, but my laptop screen sucks (1366x768)15:34
ingloranodesni: a theme is no reason to choose an operating system, the gnome you're getting in mandriva is the same gnome you're getting in ubuntu15:35
cwillu_at_workintangir, what's the setup?  are you sure that the encrypted drive doesn't have a key for root as well?15:35
ingloranodesni: what is it about mandriva that you think is worse in ubuntu?15:35
cwillu_at_workHillshum, yes15:35
anodesniinglor: the application startup time and the fonts that don't have the right sizes on websites15:36
ingloranodesni: well, to be honest I haven't touched mandriva in about 3 years but I doubt ubuntu is significantly slower or faster15:37
anodesniinglor: it's a minor problem, so I'll probably try ubuntu later for a while in my continuous distro hopping15:37
ingloranodesni: and about the fonts, I never experienced incorrect font size in ubuntu15:37
anodesniinglor: mandriva feels very fast and for me the most important thing about an OS is how it feels.15:37
BluesKajanodesni, try kubuntu , you might like kde better15:37
intangircwillu_at_work: how do i tell how many keys an ecrypted mount has, its not a full drive its using that ecryptfs15:38
mewshicharlie-tca, yes, it opened the page15:38
anodesniBluesKaj: I used arch linux with kde for a couple of years, I do like it15:38
ingloranodesni: well, ubuntu feels fast to me, but like I said, I haven't worked with mandriva for about 3 years15:38
cwillu_at_workintangir, explain exactly what you did, and what you expected to see15:38
anodesniBluesKaj: at least it adjusts the theme size depending on your screen size15:39
ingloranodesni: funny to say, the reason I left mandriva is because it started feeling cloggy and slow as an operating system :P that, and I also dislike the fact they're trying to shove their commercial products at you15:39
anodesniinglor: was it 2007.0/1 when you left?15:40
BluesKaji prefer kde anodesni , but i do use some gtk apps as well , not a purist but do prefer the kde  "look"15:40
ingloranodesni, might have been makes sense... ubuntu is just so complete, it takes care of everything15:40
intangircwillu_at_work: i setup an ecryptfs to encrypt my files and it supposedly only mounts a 'view' of my unencrypted files when i log in with my password, making my files safe if my PC is stolen, so i logged out. then shelled in as root, and did 'su intangir' i never logged in with my password, root basically used priviledge to become my user, so it shouldnt have mounted my encrypted files since it is supposed to need my password.. yet15:40
ingloranodesni: I like how I only meddle with it when I feel like meddling15:40
anodesniinglor: that's its best point imo15:41
cwillu_at_workintangir, are you certain that the filesystem was unmounted?15:41
anodesniespecially for the LTS15:41
ingloranodesni: that and I can't stand how mandriva tries to shove products that cost money at you... it's like using a shareware OS... like running a trial version15:42
ingloranodesni: I never got that feeling using other OSs that have supported paid versions like open suse or fedora15:42
intangircwillu_at_work: ya, when i exit back to root it shows it hides it again. i tried rebooting to see if maybe somehow it had it cached somewhere? but it never came back online ;) its a new install... no idea whats wrong now im at work..15:42
anodesniinglor: how do they 'shove' it? I only have one icon on the desktop that says "upgrade to powerpack"15:43
cwillu_at_workintangir, does it show up in 'mount'?15:43
cwillu_at_workintangir, the only way to "hide" it is to unmount it, and close the luks block device15:43
intangircwillu_at_work: it shows up in 'df -h'15:43
ingloranodesni: in my book that's shoving :) it doesn't feel like a free OS... like I said maybe it improved since I last used it...15:43
cwillu_at_workintangir, so it's not unmounted15:43
intangircwillu_at_work: i dont think this uses luks at all.15:43
m_anishHi I am looking to install an older version of metacity (pre-lucid) into lucid-beta-2. How do I go about doing it. I have downloaded the required packages that need to be installed.15:44
anodesniinglor: that's something I don't really care about. For me it needs to be free as in free beer.15:44
intangircwillu_at_work: no i mean it shows up in df -h when its mounted, and not after i logged off my user15:44
intangirbut it mounts it without my pass15:44
intangirif i do 'su intangir'15:44
intangiranyway the damn machine wont reboot now so i guess i have bigger fish to fry...15:45
ingloranodesni: well, I wouldn't really call it free beer if you have to hear advertisments while you drink it... it just feels sneaky to me, with fedora or openSUSE you never get that sort of stuff15:45
cwillu_at_workintangir, sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda1 or whatever the device is15:45
anodesniinglor: what about ubuntu one: "Upgrade now, you'll get 50GB of storage!"15:46
z0rt|workdoes this 50GB of storage include ftp access15:47
ingloranodesni: that's paying for storage not software, even GMail has a paid plan for more storage :) paying for one is like paying for web-hosting, not paying for software... that said I don't use ubuntu one much15:47
ingloranodesni: I only use it to back-up my cell phone15:47
z0rt|worki should install ubuntu on my palm pre15:48
Rissomrohan: I just get this over and over and over again... http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/FstMQmF815:48
anodesniinglor: I don't think the difference between ubuntu and mandriva is that big15:48
intangircwillu_at_work: i dont think ecryptfs involves luks or cryptsetup at all, thats for encrypted volumes right?15:49
ingloranodesni: what benefits does mandriva have nowdays?15:49
cwillu_at_workintangir, that's right, my mistake;  intangir, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory might be useful;15:49
rohanRissom: can you post your complete dmesg output somewhere?15:49
bazhanginglor, anodesni please take mandriva chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please15:49
Rissomrohan: Give me 2 minutes.15:49
cwillu_at_workintangir, my money is still on operator error though :)15:49
bazhangthere is also #mandriva :)15:50
anodesniinglor: liberation fonts, i568 optimized, recent packages for e.g. firefox 3.6 etc15:50
anodesnibazhang: sorry that was my last mandriva statement15:51
bazhangthanks :)15:51
rohanRissom: and also the output of lscpi -v15:52
virus I have a question15:53
bazhangvirus, please ask15:53
cwillu_at_work I have an answer15:53
viruswhat time is launched ubuntu 10.04?15:54
bazhangvirus, not known15:54
rohanvirus: any time in 48hours from now15:54
bazhang!party > virus15:54
ubottuvirus, please see my private message15:54
crowcwillu_at_work reported...15:54
cwillu_at_workcrow, bug #?15:55
intangircwillu_at_work: my money is on ecrpytfs not being as secure as i thought. or caching15:55
intangircwillu_at_work: probably caching15:55
intangiri hope...15:55
cwillu_at_workintangir, that's not how filesystem caching works though15:55
crowcwillu_at_work Bug #57127715:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571277 in udev "Cant mount hdds on boot, and system boot in maintrance mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57127715:55
crowcwillu_at_work and this was msg General error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL_D will terminate this shell and reboot the system.15:57
cwillu_at_workintangir, my hunch is that you only have ~/Private encrypted, and that it is indeed encrypted properly;  an alternative theory is that you have other files written to that folder which you only see when the encrypted fs is unmounted (and thus showing through the original files at that location)15:57
cwillu_at_workcrow, where does by-me come from?15:58
cwillu_at_workoh, I see15:58
crowcwillu_at_work i posted in comment. while submiting bug these files was "reported" i was thinking it would be also submited15:59
nmobixguys anyone can tell me how to figure out which module my ethernet card is using???15:59
virusLonger be released until 7:00,my time si 6:00 Pm15:59
intangircwillu_at_work: i meant password cachine, also you can encrypt and entire home now16:00
intangirand i didnt set any of this up, i just selected it during the installer16:00
cwillu_at_workintangir, I know you _can_, but _are_ you :p16:00
cwillu_at_workpassword shouldn't be cached16:00
intangiri definately am16:00
virusso wait ubuntu whit my soul :))16:01
cwillu_at_workintangir, can you pastebin the output of "sudo mount; sudo ls -l ~/" with and without the encrypted folder mounted?16:01
cwillu_at_workintangir, you can use a private pastebin and pm me the link if you want16:01
spvenskohi, does anyone know the time of the 10.04 release? 12:00 AM EST? 12:00AM PST?16:02
cwillu_at_workspvensko, an hour later each time somebody asks16:02
Rissomrohan: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/SYx7MaKb16:02
nmobixguys anyone can tell me how to figure out which module my ethernet card is using???16:02
intangirya it cashes it somewhere16:02
intangircause now its not letting me in16:02
intangirit must cache the key somewhere when you log in for whatever reason..16:03
spvenskocwillu_at_work, in that case, "are we there yet?" "are we there yet?" "are we there yet?" :)16:03
intangirif i log in as me, then off (its unmounted) then su intangir from root, it somehow mounts and works.. even though i didnt reenter my pass16:03
cwillu_at_workintangir, might be that some process is still running with files open in that directory;  that would hold the mount open16:03
intangirbut if i log in as root only, and do su intangir, it DOESNT mount (which is what i would expect)16:03
AzoffI have noticed that the 3d party driver for Nuvoton 677x (released by ASRock in my case) breaks due to the lirc_dev-2.6.33.patch as reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/57070016:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570700 in lirc "lirc-modules-source-0.8.6-0ubuntu4: lirc_dev-2.6.33.patch breaks lirc-nct677x-src" [Undecided,New]16:04
Azoffas you can see in the report, I have tracked this down to the name change of the lock attribute in the struct lirc_buffer, but I can't tell *why* this breaks the source package from ASRock16:04
AzoffAFAIK, the compilation against lirc-modules-source should take care of this name change. There are no references to the lock attribute inside the source package, so it's not that trivial.16:04
Azoffany ideas are welcome.16:04
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cwillu_at_workcrow, and this still happens if you set the device paths in /etc/fstab to their normal names?16:04
NoReflexhello! do you know if the modesetting issue with nouveau has been resolved in the RC version of lynx? or a bug report link? AFAIK nvidia users had to add nouveau.modeset=0 as a kernel parameter before booting.16:04
cwillu_at_workcrow, i.e., _not_ /dev/disk/by-me/...16:05
virusWill be the difference between RC and Final?16:05
Azoffvirus: probably all the work done after the rc ;)16:05
Picier, yes.16:05
anodesnimaybe they've fixed wubi16:06
cwillu_at_workNoReflex, worked for me16:07
virusif not solve the problem, which I have. get back on mandriva16:08
NoReflexcwillu_at_work: you mean you have a NVIDIA card and it worked out of the box with modesetting? or you added nouveau.modeset=0...?16:08
cwillu_at_workNoReflex, worked out of the box16:08
NoReflexcwillu_at_work: interesting...which GPU do you have? mine's 8600M GT (notebook)16:08
cwillu_at_workcrow, still there?16:09
OxymoronHow do I get Nexus Personal WORK in any browser in *buntu? I need my freaking BankID NOW because I  need to tax declrate.16:09
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=== mzbot is now known as marienz
crowcwillu_at_work it work fine with device names16:10
cwillu_at_workcrow, what's the bug then?16:10
cwillu_at_workcrow, if you invent your own paths, you'll need to write your own udev rule to make them exist, right?16:11
cwillu_at_work"/dev/disk/by-me/" is your own invention16:11
cwillu_at_workUUID=fdaacc84-8a07-49d1-a7d3-5f0bba5b3cd1 /mnt/HDD-06 xfs relatime 0 2 should work fine, for instance16:11
crowcwillu_at_work yes but the rule in comments do that. and if I enable these fstab lines it wont boot: General error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL_D will terminate this shell and reboot the system.16:11
crowcwillu_at_work well if you wanna use udev and udev rules it doenst..16:12
cwillu_at_workcrow, but why are you using those rules? :p16:12
crowcwillu_at_work and whats wrong with them? 9.10 work fine with it16:12
crowcwillu_at_work boot with fstab entry disabled, uncomment them and do: sudo mount -a, does mount them just fine...16:14
Seldaekheya, any idea why ubuntu10.4 doesn't include the kernel 2.6.33 that has TRIM support? I mean if 10.4 is LTS, you'd think TRIM is kinda important for the long term, but I don't know what's the kernel update policy in between ubuntu releases?16:16
crowcwillu_at_work but maybe you are right, costum rules costum problems. but i think it should just work..16:16
cwillu_at_workSeldaek, because 2.6.33 causes other issues, it's not worth the risk16:16
cwillu_at_workSeldaek, nothing is stopping somebody from upgrading kernels if they need to16:16
Pici.33 was released too late in the release process to be viable for proper testing.16:17
cwillu_at_workcrow, I don't see the value of those rules in this case though;  you're just duplicating functionality that already exists (by-id/by-uuid/by-path(16:17
Seldaekcwillu_at_work: alright, but do you know if kernel upgrades come through between ubuntu releases or is the kernel only updated in releases?16:17
cwillu_at_workcrow, yes, it should work, but it's not something I would ever do :)16:17
Seldaekmeaning, is there any chance to get .33 throuhg ubuntu updates before 10.10 ?16:18
cwillu_at_workSeldaek, the kernel will get patches and fixes, but it won't get updated to newer kernel releases16:18
Seldaekok, so I'd have to update it manually16:18
cwillu_at_worksuch a thing would risk breaking thousands of machines at a time16:18
cwillu_at_workand we try to avoid doing that :p16:18
crowcwillu_at_work doesnt mean its not a bug or something like that. they are costum rules which should work, and are working within 9.1016:18
Seldaekright :p16:18
cwillu_at_workcrow, that's what I said16:19
rohanis there a linux-backports package for lucid?16:19
cwillu_at_workcrow, but from an administration stand point, you should prefer to use existing mechanisms if possible, because those are the approaches that get tested16:19
rohanbasically i want compat-wireless on lucid16:19
yofelrohan: no, but we have mainline build packages if you want to test them16:19
Seldaekis there any knowledge base about compatibility with dell machines?:)16:20
cwillu_at_workcrow, hmm;  try setting them to mount in /media instead of /mnt16:20
crowcwillu_at_work oh well then no play with it... :)16:20
cwillu_at_workcrow, you might be tricking mountall into thinking that they're actually a critical mount point rather than an optional one that can be mounted later in the boot16:20
crowcwillu_at_work and this way you know which disk is bad or failing... (have 14 of them)... this was just test of rc..16:21
cwillu_at_workcrow, there's already monitoring with prompts to do that though16:21
rohanyofel: thanks.. do you mean from the source package linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 ?16:21
crowcwillu_at_work still in my angel of view its a bug, because it works on 9.1016:22
cwillu_at_workcrow, your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired.  I already agreed that it was a bug.16:22
yofelrohan: no, those are drivers that were backported from .33 or .34 to the ubuntu .32 kernel16:22
yofelwhat I was talking about was http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/16:22
cwillu_at_workI'm just saying from a personal advice standpoint that it's a bug in behaviour that doesn't get a whole lot of testing16:23
rohanyofel: thanks, but i just wanted the backported modules.. i don't want to test a complete new kernel16:23
cwillu_at_workhence my yelling at you before to file the bug first :)16:23
Volkodavanybody knows of any other TRIM test except this ? http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-812509-highlight-ssd+trim.html16:23
crowcwillu_at_work thats why we are all testers :), and man like to play, and as this is home server doenst matter but i like it that way.16:23
rohanyofel: in any case, how does one use that ppa? is it possible to add it to sources.list like a normal ppa, or is that deliberately not possible?16:24
yofelVolkodav: not really, I tried trim here with 34-rc5 yesterday, but didn't manage to get it to work on ext416:24
cwillu_at_workrohan, no, it's deliberately set up to not work as a normal ppa16:24
yofelrohan: deliberately not possible16:24
Volkodavyofel: I tried too with the same kernel16:24
intangirhow do i setup an encrypted volume ontop of a raid16:24
Volkodavyofel: How dit you test though ?16:25
intangirwell.. ontop of anything..16:25
ensevenHi all! Is there a samba package for lucid with ctdb support?16:25
rohanthanks, cwillu_at_work , yofel16:26
cwillu_at_workcrow, try adding nobootwait to those lines in fstab16:26
yofelVolkodav: pretty much as described in the post, had to first get a newer firmware for my ssd though, but I didn't dare to try a manual trim with hdparm16:26
Volkodavyofel:  I think I will convert to btrfs16:26
crowcwillu_at_work ok but will first try to mount them to /media instead of /mnt16:26
VolkodavI do not want to touch hdparm neither16:26
alvinisn't '_netdev' the mount option that tells the system to wait for a network share?16:26
yofelalvin: it is16:27
Volkodavyofel: what version of hdparm to you have ?16:27
alvinand nobootwait is the opposite, right?16:27
alvinI can only find _netdev in man mount16:27
cwillu_at_workalvin, he doesn't want it to wait, he wants it to not drop to a recovery shell16:28
yofelVolkodav: I rebuilt hdparm 9.27-2 from debian as the ubuntu version doesn't have trim support, I reverted after my failed attempt though16:28
alvinThat happened automatically in the old days. I can't find 'nobootwait' in the man pages. Maybe stuf for a papercut.16:29
Dreamanmy ubuntu 10.0416:29
cwillu_at_workalvin, it's as yet undocumented I believe16:29
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cwillu_at_workalvin, and in the old days, there was equal and opposite breakage for other scenarios :)16:30
cwillu_at_workalvin, just checked the source, it's there :D16:32
alvinWell, there were things that were not possible or difficult then (like /boot and / on lvm), but I have never seen more mounts break than since the introduction of mountall/upstart/plymouth16:32
alvincwillu_at_work: cool. Just curious, can you find _netdev in the source?16:32
cwillu_at_workhandled elsewhere though16:33
alvinOh, good. Glad it still exists and I don't have to change my fstabs16:33
cwillu_at_workoh, there:  _netdev  triggers TAG_REMOTE if it's mounting /usr or /var, otherwise it triggers TAG_NOWAIT the same as nobootwait does16:34
alvinI noticed today that fresh lucid installs put 'nodev,noexec,nosuid' as options for proc. Before, that was 'defaults' (which is not the same, according to the manual)16:34
alvinthe same?16:35
alvinso, it's useless for /home16:35
cwillu_at_workno, /home doesn't come into play until later anyway16:35
cwillu_at_workyou can also specify "bootwait" to force it to wait regardless, but you don't want to do that for /home16:36
alvinThis is what man mount says: "used to prevent the system from attempting to mount these filesystems until the network has been enabled on the system"16:36
alvinI wanted it in karmic as a workaround for some bugs16:36
cwillu_at_workwhich, _netdev, or bootwait?16:37
alvinWell, _netdev actually. Because of the description. But it should have been bootwait according to what you just said16:37
RissomEh, just a heads up - thanks to rohan for helping me out <3.16:38
cwillu_at_workwhy was your boot relying on /home being mounted?16:38
alvinIt wasn't! mountall just halted the boot when NFS mounts where not found when the network wasn't up.16:39
An_Ony_Moosecan PiTiVi crop videos?16:39
crowcwillu_at_work with /media/* it works with these rules...16:39
cwillu_at_workalvin, okay, that could be, I'm not looking at karmic's code right now16:39
alvinIt was just sitting there. Each time, you had to use the recovery shell16:39
cwillu_at_workalvin, as currently written, nfs mounts get _netdev implicitely16:39
alvinOh, but those bugs are fixed in Lucid. They will remain unfixed for karmic.16:39
cwillu_at_work... okay?  :p16:40
alvinHmm, good to know. So, you don't have to specify it in fstab anymore16:40
cwillu_at_workalvin, and here I thought we were in #ubuntu+1 :p16:40
An_Ony_Mooseif not, is there a video editor that can?16:40
alvinWell, the documentation in Lucid is still an issue16:40
Volkodavyofel: any idea why is it not working ? What SSD do you have by the way16:40
cwillu_at_workalvin, well, that'll come in time;  one of the benefits of being able to read both bug reports and source code is that you can get away with less documentation :p16:41
yofelVolkodav: ocz vertex, and no, no idea why it isn't working, but I haven't looked into it much, I can wait until maverick alpha to test it16:42
joaopintoand the bad part is that you get more bug reports and support requests to read :)16:42
alvincwillu_at_work: So I've notived. Not entirely 'Linux for human beings' isn't it?16:42
cwillu_at_workalvin, there's not a whole lot of cases that you'd need to explicitly set those options anymore;  I'm pretty sure that's actually the reason why they're undocumented:  sop that they get bug reports rather than thousands of people simply working around it16:42
cwillu_at_workalvin, mount options aren't entirely "linux for human beings" in the first place16:43
cwillu_at_workfor most people, a documented mount option is not better than an undocumented one16:43
cwillu_at_works/not better/no better/16:43
alvinAgreed. The actual software made this more simple, but due to the many bugs it was necessary to read up on it. Karmic isn't unsupported, but will remain unfixed, and that's a pity.16:43
cwillu_at_workit's the lts that matters, really16:43
cwillu_at_workif you're on karmic, you're probably upgrading every 6 months anyway16:44
cwillu_at_workmost of my "fire and forget" users will be staying on lucid16:44
Volkodavyofel: what do you think will be in maverick that we can not get now ? supported kernel and supported FS ext416:44
alvinWell, no. Other bugs forced me to karmic. Now, some bugs force me to Lucid, and  hope I can stay there for a while.16:44
cwillu_at_worksee, that's a different approach to life :)16:44
cwillu_at_worker, that's the approach to life that I mean16:44
cwillu_at_workyou can fix bugs without upgrading generally, and I tend to get really grumpy when things that I fixed get broken by normal updates pushing out big fixes16:45
alvinWell, we'll see. Much has happened in regard to bug fixing in the last week. There's only one real showstopper left for me and I can live with that.16:45
cwillu_at_workwhich is that?16:45
alvinIt still has to be confirmed: bug 56389516:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563895 in grub2 "Disk not found when booting mdadm RAID1 with snapshotted lvm volume" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56389516:46
yofelVolkodav: well, I'm not sure, ask me again sometime next week, I'll look into this over the weekend (I usually idle around in #ubuntu)16:46
cwillu_at_workintangir, I'm sorry, I missed your pm until just now16:46
* alvin looks at the time and starts running (Quassel remains)16:47
Volkodavit's tough to idle in ubuntu lol too crowded - but I will16:47
virusubuntu is fake bitch,Debian si the best16:47
yofel!language | virus16:47
ubottuvirus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:47
Paddy_NIthere is a show stopper https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/50120716:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 501207 in brasero "sound-juicer, rhythmbox, nautilus crash at audio CD insertion" [Medium,Incomplete]16:47
cwillu_at_workintangir, can you give me the output of mount, not the output of df?16:48
cwillu_at_workdf doesn't tell me anything useful16:48
yofelPaddy_NI: all crashes are medium by default16:48
Paddy_NI"computer catches fire" medium,undecided16:48
cwillu_at_workalvin, is that using a separate /boot mount?16:48
cwillu_at_workPaddy_NI, wontfix: regular maintenance includes blowing out the cat hair once in a while16:49
Paddy_NIcwillu: but my computer is powered by cats16:49
cwillu_at_workalvin, people who expect grub to boot anything remotely odd get what they deserve when it breaks :p16:49
cwillu_at_workPaddy_NI, might I suggest a usb fan?16:50
sXs-is it channel about new ubuntu 10.04?16:50
cwillu_at_worksXs-, kinda sorta16:50
bazhangsXs-, yes16:50
cwillu_at_workbazhang, _kinda_ _sorta_16:51
bazhangsXs-, also #ubuntu-release-party16:51
sXs-and is here anybody from Canonical? or it is just like channel for discussion?16:51
cwillu_at_worksXs-, I'd expect some are, yes16:52
cwillu_at_worksXs-, you'll find you have more luck if you just ask your question :p16:52
eBryggisAnyone else having trouble opening System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers? Sympoms -> No error, no dialog, no reaction after click.16:52
crowcwillu_at_work should i write on bug report that it works under /media ?16:52
cwillu_at_workcrow, yes16:52
virusppl Debian is very good16:52
bazhang!ot > virus16:52
ubottuvirus, please see my private message16:53
cwillu_at_workcrow, I didn't see anything in mountall referring to /mnt or /media specifically, but that the behaviour is different is useful to know16:53
cwillu_at_workcrow, I'm not %100 sure of what debian policy is with regards to /mnt, but you should be aware that it isn't necessarily the same as /media16:53
cwillu_at_workcrow, i.e,. if your use of /mnt is non-standard, it might actually be a wontfix16:54
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crowcwillu_at_work well i will also use debian policy with regards to mount stuff...16:54
ringereBryggis, try to run /usr/bin/jockey-gtk from terminal16:55
cwillu_at_workcrow, yep;  I just mean to check what it says16:55
cwillu_at_workcrow, there's no references at all to /mnt or /media in mountall's source though, so I'm not sure where the difference comes from16:56
yofelactually, looking in the fhs would be better: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html16:56
sXs-At the moment I am using 9.10 and when npviewer.bin segfaults (not always, but sometimes) appears black screen and system does not respond at all. So I think Xserver crashes16:57
cwillu_at_workyofel, I meant with regards to why /media is behaving differently from /mnt at all16:57
cwillu_at_worksXs-, I believe we have out-of-process plugins backported into our firefox in 10.04, although I'm not 100% sure of that16:58
cwillu_at_workthat's basically an official means of doing what npviewer.bin does16:58
yofelhm, I think /mnt was for temporary mounts used by the administrator, /media was for removable drives16:58
cwillu_at_workyofel, this doesn't answer why one is actually behaving differently in fstab though :p16:59
crowcwillu_at_work now i tried to access a one third disk and got theses: http://paste.debian.net/71079/16:59
eBryggisringer: Ok, now I get an error. Quite long, starts with ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on :1.40/DeviceDriver:.....16:59
virusUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Daily Build17:00
virusis final?17:00
cwillu_at_workcrow, is that the whole dmesg trace? (everythinig at 411.*)17:00
cwillu_at_workcrow, I don't think it's related to this, more of a hardware fault or something17:00
ringereBryggis, put it on pastie.org and post a link to it here17:01
intangircwillu_at_work: its apparently caching the key, in something called kernel keyring?17:02
intangirso it doesnt need to reunwrap it cause it already has it17:02
intangiri guess im ok with that cause it apparently loses it if it goes down17:03
cwillu_at_workintangir, could be;  you haven't given me any of the information I've asked for though :p17:03
intangirso if someone steals it they wont be able to mount my stuff17:03
cwillu_at_workintangir, if that's the case, there'll be a way to force it to forget the key as well (required to defeat some attacks)17:03
intangircwillu_at_work: well that command shows a bunch of encrypted looking strings im not going to share ;) anyway i think im good, it still serves my purpose and i am pretty sure its working as intended17:04
intangirand ya i think there is a way with this command called 'keyctl'17:04
intangirbut i am not sure how yet17:04
cwillu_at_workanything less than full disk encryption with a kernel stored on removable media on your keychain is pointless on a pc :p17:04
cwillu_at_workintangir, it shouldn't, it should just show device names and uuids;  if it shows actual key material, that's a massive bug that _needs_ to be fixed17:04
cwillu_at_workman keyctl17:04
intangirwell i dont know what it means its just strings of jibberish17:05
crowcwillu_at_work no its seems its something else http://paste.debian.net/71082/17:05
eBryggisPosted in wrong channel earlier, sorry about that. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/MswNR1ah - Here is the error I am receiving running /usr/bin/jockey-gtk17:05
intangircwillu_at_work: i appreciate all the help but i think at this point it is working as intended for my purposes ;) so im onto the next thing17:05
intangircwillu_at_work: really do appreciate your help though17:06
amereservantHey, I've had both the mini install and upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 fail.17:06
amereservantAnyone want to investigate?17:07
cwillu_at_workamereservant, file a bug with more details17:08
joaopintoamereservant, you need to provide more details about "fail"17:08
cwillu_at_worklink the bug here after you've filed it17:08
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Well I'm not sure how to file the bug when Ubuntu won't load at all on the upgrade.  It locks up and times out at boot with an error message.17:09
PiciWhat error message?17:09
amereservantThe mini install gives me an error something like "Install halted, too many errors" when doing a very minimal install.17:10
amereservantPici: One sec, let me reboot and see.17:10
amereservantIn regards to the mini install, I exit aptitude after the error and finish the installation and it seems to be ok, but I'm not sure what all failed, so I don't know the implications of that error.17:11
cwillu_at_workalvin, still there?17:12
amereservantWhere do I need to file the update error at?  There's a lot I need to type since I can't copy/paste.17:12
cwillu_at_workalvin, re: lvm snapshots, what was your kernel line when you were booting into the snapshot?17:12
cwillu_at_workalvin, http://www.felipe-alfaro.org/blog/2009/05/16/lvm-snapshots-and-non-destructive-linux-upgrades/ implies that you need to specify root=/dev/root/<snapshot-name>17:13
amereservant*upgrade error I mean.17:13
* cwillu_at_work can hardly wait until btrfs obsoletes lvm :p17:13
funkyHatAny oen else's cursor do a crazy blinky flashy thing sometimes?17:14
funkyHatUsually just as I change focus by clicking on another window17:15
crowcwillu_at_work weird after restart and repeating same procedure no that error...17:15
cwillu_at_workcrow, failing harddrives are like that :p17:15
amereservantCan anyone link me to the correct place?17:16
crowcwillu_at_work nop i dont think so, 2x new hdd + 1x 4month hdd17:17
cwillu_at_workcrow, most drive failures are inside of 6 months of manufacture, or outside of 3 years17:18
cwillu_at_workinfant mortality rate is known to be high17:18
eagles0513875tomorrow is release day :)17:18
cwillu_at_worka raid with multiple drives all off the same manufacturing line is a disaster waiting to happen17:19
crowcwillu_at_work :)17:19
eBryggisI am having trouble loading "Hardware Drivers" dialog. Retrieves the following error running /usr/bin/jockey-gtk. Anyone else experiencing this? ( System 10.04 RC - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/MswNR1ah )17:19
helobtrfs isn't done yet?17:19
cwillu_at_workhelo, no, we still get new and exciting kernel panics on a daily basis :)17:20
cwillu_at_workI use it myself in a bunch of stuff, but that's because I'm both insane and have really good backups17:20
eagles0513875cwillu_at_work:  will those kernel panics postpone release tomorrow17:20
cwillu_at_workeagles0513875, why would they?17:20
marienzyou seem to be confused :P17:20
cwillu_at_workeagles0513875, btrfs isn't the standard filesystem yet17:21
eagles0513875ahhh its a filesystem17:21
marienzcwillu_at_work: I shall start referring people praising btrfs to you :P17:21
eagles0513875ok thought it was a program17:21
cwillu_at_workit'll probably be for the next lts release though17:21
cwillu_at_workmarienz, I'm one of those people :p17:21
* helo retreats into the familiar past of multi-filesystem ambivalence17:21
eagles0513875cwillu_at_work: what perks does it have over ext417:21
cwillu_at_workmarienz, you need to run 2.6.33 at a bare minimum for any sort of stability17:21
marienzcwillu_at_work: well, I shall recommend those claiming it makes sense for daily use to you17:21
marienzerr, "recommend" was the wrong word there17:22
helobtrfs does checksumming for every read/write/copy, afaik17:22
cwillu_at_workeagles0513875, checksumming, built-in duplication of metadata, copy-on-write instead of journalling, built in snapshotting, subvolumes, compression, raid, storage pools, etc17:22
cwillu_at_workeagles0513875, it's basically zfs for linux17:22
eagles0513875then why not use zfs which has been around for a while cwillu_at_work17:22
cwillu_at_workmarienz, I use it for daily use on one of my servers, as well as in embedding products that we sell :)17:22
heloyou sell products with btrfs? how do you keep good backups for your customers?17:23
cwillu_at_workeagles0513875, zfs isn't licence compatible, and is therefore only usable as fuse;  btrfs is also expected to surpass it in several ways17:23
eagles0513875cwillu: will that be replacing ext417:23
cwillu_at_workhelo, network backups17:23
cwillu_at_workeagles0513875, yes17:23
cwillu_at_workext4 is a stopgap17:23
heloyou weren't joking about being insane :)17:23
cwillu_at_workhelo, and did I mention that I'm insane? :D17:23
eagles0513875cwillu: why use something thats still not stable at all for a major distro such as the ubuntu line when it will only lead to problems and instabilites17:24
marienzext4 is an incremental improvement over ext3 that could be rolled out quickly with reasonable confidence it wouldn't eat lots of data (because the code it's directly based on is pretty stable), afaict.17:24
cwillu_at_workeagles0513875, eh?  we don't17:24
eagles0513875btrfs makes sense maybe in a server environment17:24
cwillu_at_workeagles0513875, ubuntu only uses btrfs if you force it to17:24
cwillu_at_workit doesn't even offer it as an install option17:24
marienzcwillu_at_work: does the livecd kernel even support it?17:25
cwillu_at_workthe kernel module is included, but that doesn't matter in the slightest17:25
alkisgWhere can I find linux-image-2.6.32-20-generic? I can't find it in packages.ubuntu.com nor in http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/...17:25
eagles0513875cwillu_at_work: cuz u mentioned it will be in next release17:25
cwillu_at_workeagles0513875, the next long-term release, and probably17:25
cwillu_at_workthat's in like 2 years :p17:25
eagles0513875cwillu_at_work: gotcha17:25
eagles0513875there was just a lil ambiguity you just cleared up17:25
cwillu_at_workI don't decide these things, I just predict them :)17:25
cwillu_at_workeagles0513875, I said lts17:25
cwillu_at_workhonestly, checksumming is a huge deal, even on the desktop17:26
cwillu_at_workit's already saved my ass a couple times17:26
eagles0513875ya hehe im understanding the purpose of it now as i have been studying it in the sense of networking but im sure concepts are the same17:26
charlie-tcaalkisg, you are downgrading the kernel?17:26
alkisgcharlie-tca: yes, because the current one won't boot with my intel 84517:26
cwillu_at_workthere's actually a network filesystem that's being built on top of it as well17:27
cwillu_at_work(btw, thank oracle for this :p)17:27
charlie-tcaalkisg: might ask in #ubuntu-kernel if there is a copy available17:28
* helo wonders if btrfs works well on a single-core machine17:28
heloseems like you'd really need an extra core to be doing the checksumming17:29
cwillu_at_workhelo, crc32 is insanely fast17:29
cwillu_at_workhelo, I use it on arm boards with no noticeable performance degredation17:29
cwillu_at_workyou don't have to checksum everything, even just checksumming metadata is a big win, but it's not like it's prohibitive to checksum everything17:30
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amereservanthttp://pastebin.com/iuWgEyYk  That's the error I get after upgrading from Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04.  I can't report it as a bug since I cannot get into Ubuntu.17:35
cwillu_at_workamereservant, how did you upgrade?17:36
cwillu_at_workand can you copy out the kernel line from grub?17:36
cwillu_at_workcat /proc/cmdline from that prompt should tell you actually17:37
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Errr, from inside of 9.10, I typed something (not sure now) and it then showed the option to upgrade to 10.04 in the update manager.17:37
cwillu_at_workamereservant, okay, so you didn't do anything too crazy there17:37
cwillu_at_workamereservant, there's an update log stored somewhere, I don't know where off hand though :(17:37
moderndayzeroquick question when i install my GBA emulator through PlayOnLinux it plays during the install 100% but after everyting is done and closed out, i try and open it through the shortcuts in my applications menu and my PlayOnLinux menu and nothing happens. any clue?17:37
cwillu_at_workamereservant, but for starters, from that recovery prompt, what does  cat /proc/cmdline tell you?17:38
amereservantcwillu_at_work: The output from that command was root=/dev/mapper/nvidia_deaaicbd1 ro quiet splash17:38
cwillu_at_workamereservant, what filesystem are you using?  anything odd or unusual about your install?17:38
cwillu_at_workalso, what's the output of "ls /dev/sd*"?17:39
amereservantcwillu_at_work: No, normal drive, dual-boot configuration with grub.17:39
amereservantcwillu_at_work: /dev/sdf /dev/sdd /dev/sdb5 /dev/sdb3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sda /dev/sde /dev/sdc /dev/sdb4 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdb17:41
uspenoklucid rc live cd shows error message on boot and goes to reboot17:41
uspenokwtf with ubuntu last relise17:41
uspenoki try to install it 3 times beta1, beta2 and rc and nothing17:41
cwillu_at_workamereservant, any of those look familiar? :p17:41
amereservantcwillu_at_work: I would be guessing, but I think /dev/sda would be my primary drive.  The others would likely be the media card reader slots and the extra hdd.17:42
Jake2|cflIs there any advantage after release to update&&upgrade vs. using the gui update in an installed RC?17:42
cwillu_at_workamereservant, there's no partition on sda though that I can see17:43
Dr_WillisJake2|cfl:  should be the same17:43
ojiihi everyone17:43
ojiiis it normal that i don't get a GRUB menu when I boot lucid?17:43
Dr_Willisojii:  if  ubuntu is the only OS. yes.17:43
cwillu_at_workojii, yes.  hold shift down to get the prompt17:43
Dr_Willisgrub hides the menu bu default17:43
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Well grub is still there and booting into Windows 7 works fine.17:43
ojiiah, good to know Dr_Willis, cwillu_at_work. I was getting a bit worried17:44
amereservantcwillu_at_work: It's when I select any of the Ubuntu 10.04 options from grub that it results in this.17:44
cwillu_at_workamereservant, it's got the wrong root device for some reason17:44
cwillu_at_workamereservant, does "df -h / " say anything interesting?17:45
cwillu_at_workor "df -h /root" ?17:45
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Invalid option 'h'17:46
emetso it's coming out today17:46
emetanyone have any idea when?17:46
cwillu_at_workemet, -> #ubuntu-release-party17:46
cwillu_at_workamereservant, try "df /"17:46
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Looking at that list from the ls command.... I think /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb1 would be my root drive.  that is two partitions, right?17:47
archai installed lucid17:47
archaand workspace switcher does nt work17:47
amereservant*output was Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on17:47
amereservantcwillu_at_work: ^^17:47
cwillu_at_workamereservant, /dev/sdb is the device itself, /dev/sdb1 is the first partition on it17:48
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Hmmm.  very strange.17:49
archahow do i get it work ?17:49
cwillu_at_workamereservant, in grub, try changing the kernel line's root to "root=/dev/sdb5"17:49
amereservantcwillu_at_work: My primary drive should have two partitions, one for windows, one for linux.17:49
archai installed lucid Rc.. workspace switcher does not work. how do i switch it on ?17:49
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Where do I look for how to edit in grub?17:50
cwillu_at_workamereservant, if that doesn't work, try root=/dev/sdb4, and so on17:50
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Ok.17:50
Dr_Willisarand:  you refering to the compiz feature?17:50
cwillu_at_workamereservant, instructions should be at the bottom of the screen when you boot;  edit the top entry, and go down the the line that says "kernel", find the part of it that says root=/dev/..., and change it as I described17:50
helowith the assumption of checksummed data on disk, it seems like there are a lot of superflous utilities and checks duplicating that effort...17:53
cwillu_at_workhelo, how do you mean?17:53
helocwillu_at_work: would it ever be important to sha1sum a file after copying it?17:54
cwillu_at_worksecurity checks still need to be performed;  crc32 is only effective at detecting accidental modifications17:54
heloso if i have a little utility that copies a file, and runs a checksum on it (which i do), that would be pretty useless17:54
cwillu_at_worknot necessarily17:55
heloso maybe not "lots" ;)17:55
cwillu_at_workrsync is still useful for instance17:55
cwillu_at_workchecksums are _very_ useful when data can just go bad on its own, and data _can_ go bad on its own17:55
helohmmmm yeah... so no checksumming on read?17:55
switchgirlhttp://userscripts.org/scripts/show/13650 this down for you?17:55
cwillu_at_workhelo, ?  checksums _are_ done on read :p17:56
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.517:56
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY17:56
cwillu_at_workhelo, consider a system which is only rarely rebooted:  how do you fsck that?17:57
amereservantcwillu_at_work: /dev/sdb1 did the trick.  If I can figure out how to get the Nvidia driver to work correctly, I'll be set!  Thanks for the help man.  As far as the mini install errors go, I can't see any issues on that machine from the errors, so I do not know what those were or the significance of them.17:58
cwillu_at_workamereservant, I'm guessing they're related to why grub didn't set things up correctly17:58
cwillu_at_workamereservant, you'll still have to sort that out, but at least you know how to boot by hand until you can fix it :)17:59
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Well actually, that was on a different box.17:59
cwillu_at_workwell, still :p17:59
cwillu_at_workre: nvidia, do _not_ install the package from nvidia's site17:59
cwillu_at_workshould be able to install it via the drivers control panel17:59
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Alright.  i think it is still using the same one from 9.10.  But anyways, why the upgrade goofed up my grub, I dunno.  Just glad it isn't significant. I was just going to re-install a fresh copy, but I'd rather test to see if it's a bug or just a minor flaw which it appeared to be the latter.18:01
archai installed lucid Rc.. workspace switcher does not work. how do i switch it on ?18:02
archa it does not even appear18:02
amereservantI don't mind taking the extra time trying to fix it since bugs don't get fixed by just re-installing it.  And not everyone has that option.18:02
cwillu_at_workamereservant, yep;  probably file a bug against grub.  May not get fixed right away, but at least somebody stands a chance of finding it from a search, etc18:03
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:04
amereservantcwillu_at_work: yeah,  not a bad idea.  I  thought about just posting it in the Ubuntu forums with the steps & instructions you gave me to fix it.18:04
cwillu_at_workugh, don't do that18:04
cwillu_at_workposting in ubuntuforums doesn't get these things fixed, it just helps people break their computers more :p18:04
amereservantcwillu_at_work: LOL, ok.  Well i wasn't completely sure if it should be filed as a bug or if it's just a very rare issue.18:05
cwillu_at_workamereservant, doesn't matter if it's rare, doesn't matter if it's decided that it won't get fixed;  it only matters that it's reported so that these decisions can be made :)18:05
mewshican someone help me get ubuntu one working on my desktop?18:07
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Gotcha.  Curious question.... do you know about what size the install for 10.04 is?  Oh, btw, how do I made my changes to grub stick?18:07
cwillu_at_workamereservant, that's what I was talking about before :p18:08
cwillu_at_workamereservant, /etc/grub/* and /etc/default/grub* are the relevant places to look18:08
cwillu_at_workinstalled size, I'm not sure offhand18:08
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Oh, gotcha.  yeah, I was curious about the size thing because I'm wondering if the mini install is worth the trouble or not.  It comes out to about 2.1GB with a bare minimum install.18:09
epv can i directly update ubuntu from 9.04 to 10.0418:09
ubu_userepv, you'd need to update to 9.10 then to 10.0418:09
cwillu_at_workepv, there's ugly ways, but they're unsupported and likely to utterly break everything18:10
cwillu_at_workepv, only direct upgrade that is supported is from 8.04 -> 10.04 (lts to lts)18:10
Picior 9.10 to 10.0418:10
mewshianyone know how to link a computer to Ubuntu One right now?18:10
ubu_usercwillu_at_work, isn't 9.10 also supported.  Ahh, Pici to the rescue18:10
cwillu_at_worksorry, I thought that was obvious :p18:11
epvcan I do it in one shot? ie update 9.10 and immediatly to 10.04?18:11
cwillu_at_workthe only upgrade skipping releases that is supported :p18:11
sinuxepv, go here to see more http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview#Upgrading%20from%20Ubuntu%209.10%20or%20Ubuntu%208.04%20LTS18:11
helois 8.04 newer than lenny?18:13
heloahh, looksl ike lenny is from feb '09... so maybe it's safe to say that ubuntu LTS is newer than debian stable maybe half the time18:14
* helo adds a few more maybes18:14
cwillu_at_workmaybe you shouldn't18:15
moderndayzeroquick question when i install my GBA emulator through PlayOnLinux it plays during the install 100% but after everyting is done and closed out, i try and open it through the shortcuts in my applications menu and my PlayOnLinux menu and nothing happens. any clue?18:15
ubu_usermoderndayzero, there are several native GBA emulators in Linux, why not try one of them instead of using an MS version?  Good luck man.18:17
moderndayzeroany personal prefrences?18:17
* helo prefers the real thing18:17
ubu_usermoderndayzero, i believe mednafen (or similar named) works ok18:18
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Very strange.  Grub doesn't exist in /etc/grub/* and /etc/default/grub* so I did sudo find / -name grub and it came up with /usr/sbin/grub /usr/lib/grub /usr/share/grub /boot/grub.18:18
moderndayzerook because ive tried other emus linux based for nes snes sega etc and most have issues but i used the windiws ones through PoL and they worked fine. but i will try thankyou18:19
epvdoes 10.04 has gnome 3?18:19
dunasIs the ATI driver that restricted hardware is picking up safe to install yet, or should I wait?18:19
ubu_userepv, no - still Gnome218:19
epvcan I install gnome 3 in 10.04?18:20
cwillu_at_workamereservant, /etc/grub.d18:20
Dr_Willisis gnome-3 actually out yet? or are you refering to the 2.??? whatever it is called18:20
cwillu_at_workamereservant, odd;18:20
jbroomelucid RC server install, both i386 and amd64 fail at different points when installing to ESX.  Packages not found on the iso, or grub install failed.  ISOs check out as ok with MD5sum18:20
amereservantcwillu_at_work: It seems that my grub is in /boot/grub/menu.lst file.18:21
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dunasgnome 3 is pretty interesting but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it so far. I'll probably wind up using it for a bit closer to its official release, I guess18:21
cwillu_at_workamereservant, that file isn't supposed to be edited by you;18:21
jbroomeDidn't see anything in the release notes, or scanning the irc log for today.  known issue?18:21
cwillu_at_workamereservant, you can change it, but your changes will be clobbered the next time a kernel is updated18:21
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Ohhh.  How is it suppose to be edited?18:21
ubu_userdunas, gnome-shell took me a day to get used too (i really didn't like it initially), but once I got the hang of it, it's interesting18:21
dunasI appreciate what they're trying to do with it, I'm just not sure how well it'll work in practice.18:22
Dr_Willisis gnome shell finally installable? :)18:22
ubu_userdunas, gnome-shell if VERY similar to UNE interface18:22
ubu_userDr_Willis, yes - a dependency that took FOREVER was fixed a little while ago18:23
cwillu_at_workamereservant, /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/ files18:23
Dr_Willisubu_user:  :) right on schedule.. heh18:23
dunasubu_user, sorry, I don't know what you mean by UNE interface D:18:24
* ubu_user is really ZykoticK9 at another location BTW18:24
MariachiACHello. i've tried booting the current lucid image. I'm on an amd machine amd athalon3400+ with 1 gig of ram. It has a sis video card which is at 128 megs. Ubuntu 9.10 boots however. What seems to be the problem?18:24
Dr_Willisnetbook interface. is really nice in many ways.. slightly annoying in others.18:24
ubu_userdunas, Ubuntu Network Edition (previously Remix)18:24
dunasOh, oh! Okay.18:24
om26erwhat is the name of the network manager of KDE (default)18:24
dunasYeah, now that you mention it I can see the resemblance.18:24
om26ermake that kubuntu18:25
dunasAre the ATI propietary drivers safe to install on 10.04 nightly, or is it still not updated?18:25
c0vertdunas: i use them18:27
amereservantcwillu_at_work: /etc/default/grub doesn't exist.  /etc/grub.d/ are all script files.18:27
cwillu_at_workamereservant, you've got a borked install :)18:27
theadminCan someone explain? It was running all slooooooooooooooow, and after fsck it got to normal speed. What could that be?18:28
cwillu_at_workamereservant, /etc/grub.d are the script files which are used to generated that file in /boot/grub;  they _should_ detect everything correctly, but you can modify them to your needs as well18:28
amereservantcwillu_at_work: Ahhh, gotcha.18:28
westinghousewhats the release date of 10.4?18:28
theadminwestinghouse: 29.04.201018:29
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:29
lucituAn_Ony_Moose: update-grub18:29
westinghousewhat time? pacific standard time?18:29
jribwestinghouse: "when it is ready"18:29
theadminIf it'd be out this channel would be dedicated to 10.1018:29
ubu_userwestinghouse, the exact time is not know, and won't be18:29
theadminwestinghouse: GMT, I think18:29
dunas11:59 PM 10/29/10 PST18:30
lucituwestinghouse: it's out though not officialy18:30
Picilucitu: No, its not.18:30
westinghouseyeah i think its out18:30
lucitujust get the rc iso and then zsynch later18:30
dunasOn a serious note the nightly is rock solid and I'm eagerly hoping the official update comes through clean tomorrow.18:31
cwillu_at_workwestinghouse, it's 10.04, not 10.4 (10.10 will be newer than 10.04, which is why the numbering matters :p)18:31
westinghouseyeah solid as a  rock, but i ask myself why samba 3.5 isnt on the release18:31
lucituPici: release iso are in testing18:32
westinghousecause it uses smb 2.0 that performs much better compared to smb 118:32
Picilucitu: That doesn't mean that they're released.18:32
theadminI dunno, the RC is pretty stable18:32
lucituPici: i said not officially18:33
FishsceneSamba 3.5 may not have been included in this release for many reasons.. be it stability, doesn't feel quite ready, etc..18:33
lucituPici: i bet u the release wud be timestamped 4/2718:33
EdgEyAnyone else having problems with fglrx on 10.04?18:33
theadminThey did include tha GRUB 2 on Karmic , alas I can't say it's ready even by now18:33
EdgEyedgey@blackbox:~$ fglrxinfo18:33
EdgEySegmentation fault18:33
FishsceneKarmic wasn't an LTS release.18:34
FishsceneLTS (Long-Term Support) focuses on stability.18:34
theadminFishscene: I know. What I'm saying is that Karmic (and therefore Lucid), includes something which is imho far not ready18:34
Piciwestinghouse: samba 3.5 isn't even in debian unstable, only experimental.  Thats not really something we would include on an LTS release.18:35
theadminPici: oh... that's how it is. I see.18:35
Picitheadmin: grub1 is deprecated.18:35
theadminPici: At least it made sense where is what with first one18:35
cwillu_at_worktheadmin, that's because old grub can't boot ext418:36
theadmincwillu_at_work: Don't lie to me. I used ext4 on jaunty, and that has GRUB 118:36
cwillu_at_worktheadmin, until you have a kernel update that uses extents18:37
westinghousei use btrfs, because i'm mad18:37
PiciRight, grub1 doesn't support booting off of a ext4 drive that has extents enabled?18:37
EdgEynoone else having problems with fglrx?18:38
westinghousethe gorgs doesnt support the fraggles yes18:38
cwillu_at_worktheadmin, grub 1 can't boot every ext4 filesystem, which means it can't boot ext4.  It can only boot ext4 if that ext4 fs could be mounted as ext318:38
EdgEyi have no hardware accel at all now18:38
PiciEdgEy: What video chipset are you using?18:38
westinghousetseng et400018:38
EdgEyPici, HD495018:39
lucituwhat is the insmod ext2 for in GRUB2?18:39
cwillu_at_worklucitu, grub2 is module based, so that it can be extended with new filesystems and features18:40
* cwillu_at_work pokes at theadmin with a pointy stick :p18:40
PiciEdgEy: Did this ever work for you in Lucid, or is this your first install?18:41
EdgEyPici, i have been using the default driver until now18:41
EdgEyno problems but someone recommended I use fglrx for hardware accel on h.26418:42
ownerWhat time does the Lucid coming ?18:42
EdgEysince I can't watch some high bitrate videos18:42
theadmin...GRAH WHY DOES NO ONE EVER READ THE TOPIC. owner: April 29th, exact time unknown18:42
ubu_userowner, the time of release varies and isn't know before hand18:43
ownerthank you18:43
James_Evening all18:43
bmungermy kubuntu plymouth theme looks terrible, when will that be fixed?18:44
James_Has anyone noticed these bugs, one being when first connecting to a wireless ap the mouse freezes? I had this in beta and rc. another one when a screensaver is enabled and you then activate the computer again it doesnt focus on the password box but if you type your password in anyway and hit return it lets you back to the desktop.18:45
PiciEdgEy: I'm looking, but at first glance it appears that fglrx doesn't support the HD49xx chipset18:45
ubu_userbmunger, are you using Nvidia Proprietary driver?  it defaults to 640x48018:45
bmungerubu_user: yes18:45
ubu_userbmunger, it's possible to increase the resolution using framebuffer but probably isn't worth the effort18:45
bmungerubu_user: thats terrible that something so obviously wrong is going to be in a lts release18:46
ubu_userbmunger, blame Nvidia for that one18:46
bmungerubu_user: im sure canonical could have worked around it18:46
ubu_userbmunger, for most of Lucid's development nvidia-proprietary driver users only had text-plymouth, the fact we have GUI at all is wonderful18:47
jbwivguys, I'm trying to add a new gnome panel to one of my desktops (I use twinview). I can create it, but it's locked...can't be dragged. This is in Lucid Beta. Is there a setting in gconf I should be looking for?18:47
bmungerubu_user: but nvidia is the most popular gpu manufacturer, a lot of people are going to notice this18:48
ubu_userbmunger, then complain to Nvidia to get KMS (< or similar) into their binary drivers18:49
ubu_userbmunger, if you use Nouveau Plymouth looks great!18:49
PiciEdgEy: Accoring to both this link: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Hardware#RADEON_HD and the PDF release notes that ATI releases with the fglrx driver, the 49xx chipset is not support :(18:49
EdgEyPici, gah it's actually the 4870 anyway18:49
EdgEythinking of another build I did18:49
EdgEythe 4870 uses r700 chipset from what I can find and should be supported18:50
bmungerubu_user: well ok thanks for at least confirming the issue18:50
PiciEdgEy: Oh. Then it should be supported...18:52
jbwivcan anyone recommend a good lm-sensors output display UI for Lucid?18:53
jbwivguys, I'm trying to add a new gnome panel to one of my desktops (I use twinview). I can create it, but it's locked...can't be dragged. This is in Lucid Beta. Is there a setting in gconf I should be looking for?18:57
EdgEyPici, i mean, i think it's more than it just not being supported, I shouldn't get a segfault :/18:57
Vigojbwiv: I thought this was RC1 or better now.18:58
jbwivVigo, yes, you're right18:59
jbwivI'm on the latest though18:59
jbwivapt-get upgrade shows no new packages18:59
Daijoubuis ffmpeg for Lucid build with VDPAU?18:59
jbwivyet, I can't drag a panel18:59
Vigojbwiv: I did see a Lubuntu Beta 3 , apt-get upgrade and apt-get update?18:59
cwillu_at_workjbwiv, alt-drag18:59
ubu_userDaijoubu, VDPAU is only a playback option, not an encoding option18:59
jbwivcwillu_at_work, alt-drag does nothing for me19:00
cwillu_at_workon the panel?  weird19:00
ubu_userDaijoubu, VDPAU is also only for Nvidia cards19:00
Daijoubuubu_user, well here it says that mlt requires ffmpeg built with vdpau so that it can use vdpau for x.264 decoding http://www.mltframework.org/twiki/bin/view/MLT/19:00
amereservantbug 57136419:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571364 in grub "Ubuntu 10.04 won't boot after upgrade from inside 9.10 - wrong drive configured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57136419:00
jbwivcwillu_at_work, yep, on the panel19:00
jbwivdoes nothing19:00
amereservantcwillu_at_work: ^^19:00
Daijoubuubu_user, i'm just trying to figure out if it's enabled in lucid o-o19:01
cwillu_at_workamereservant, \o/19:01
amereservantGot it filed.  ;)19:01
cwillu_at_workjbwiv, well, you can right-click and adjust it from properties, but you really should be able to alt-drag it around19:01
amereservantNow they can find someone to blame, probably me.19:01
ubu_userDaijoubu, ffmpeg in Lucid does NOT support the default audio (AAC) codec for MP4 files BTW - no idea what the ffmpeg+vdpau is talking about19:02
ROBOd_hello everyone19:02
jbwivcwillu_at_work, changing the Orientation doesn't seem to work either19:02
ROBOd_where can i read documentation about the new init.d/skeleton?19:02
jbwivit switches the orientation when the panel is (far left of screen), but doesn't move it properly19:02
Daijoubuubu_user, true o_o that's why i'm using the medibuntu one so i can edit my h.264 with aac videos without any problems :p19:02
ROBOd_where can i see what i can put in the header of my scripts?19:02
jbwivin other words, it changes it from vertical to horizontal when I select bottom, but it doesn't *move* it to the bottom19:02
cwillu_at_workjbwiv, hmm, something else is wrong then19:03
cwillu_at_workI don't have a lucid machine in front of me to test with though :(19:03
jbwivcwillu_at_work, this was not a fresh install. I did upgrade, but I blew away the .gconf* directories before logging in so it should be clean19:03
ubu_userDaijoubu, ffmpeg is in medibuntu?  as that is where the problem/issue lies19:03
jbwivcan anyone else here running lucid see if you can create a new gnome panel and then drag it around?19:03
Daijoubuubu_user, you hate nvidia card users and people who want to accelerate their decoding with vdpau or something ?!19:04
ubu_userjbwiv, can't confirm right now - but when i was running dual-monitors on Lucid I was certainly able to add panels and move them around19:04
cwillu_at_workjbwiv, try making a new user19:04
jbwivcwillu_at_work, ok19:04
ubu_userDaijoubu, not at all - i'm one of those users!19:05
cwillu_at_workjbwiv, might be a permissions issue on one of the folders or some such19:05
jbwivbe back in a minute19:05
cwillu_at_workjbwiv, I gotta run, boss needs something :)19:05
ubu_userDaijoubu, i have my mplayer setup to use vdpau19:05
Daijoubuubu_user, i'm trying to find out if it's possible to encode h.264 videos using vdpau as it will make my encoding not to lost 6h for a clip but 1h19:06
ubu_userDaijoubu, sorry man, i was totally unaware the VDPAU could be used for encoding as well as decoding.  I have no idea, best of luck man.19:07
Daijoubuubu_user, i'm not use also o-o but under windows PowerDirector has an option to enable GPU acceleration exactly for x.264 encoding and i was wondering why this is not present in linux o-o19:08
C-S-Bhas anyone got icedtea working in chromium? It worked in karmic19:12
yofelC-S-B: it doesn't show in about:plugins?19:14
C-S-Bive copied and symlinked from firefox as well19:14
C-S-Bno luck19:15
C-S-Bjust reinstalling ubuntu-restricted-extras19:15
yofelthat won't help, the plugin is in icedtea6-plugin19:15
C-S-BI know, its part of ubuntu-restricted-extras as well isnt it?19:16
mapuGood afternoon- am trying to upgrade to 10.4 from 9.10 using 'do-release-upgrade -d' and keep getting WARNING: Failed to read mirror file and server overloaded19:16
yofelu-r-e just pulls in icedtea6-plugin19:16
yofelit doesn't provide any files by itself19:16
C-S-Bi know its not a proper pack, but im desperate19:16
yofelmapu: tried a different mirror?19:16
C-S-Bany other ideas?19:16
yofelC-S-B: let me first install icedtea here first, I'm using sun usually19:17
mapuI tried 2- perhaps I need to try another- same mirror worked on my laptop19:17
jbuncherCan anyone help me figure out how to change the keybindings in Okular?  I want to change the inverse search keybinding from "Shift + click" to "middle click"19:18
switchgirldacebook mozzilla fail....19:19
switchgirlcan't update status etc19:19
topyliswitchgirl, you're on ubuntu, you never have to go to the website! :)19:20
DShepherdanyone know where the plymouth configuration files are kept?19:20
bricasI've just upgraded from 9.10 -- does anyone have a how-to for moving my postgres 8.3 data to 8.4?19:20
switchgirlgwibber doesnt work19:21
bjsniderDaijoubu, it is not possible to use vdpau to encode. only to decode19:21
ubu_userbjsnider, thanks :)19:21
yofeljbuncher: I'm not sure what you mean, what does inverse search do?19:21
C-S-Byofel, im just so confused, it worked before upgrade.19:22
Daijoububjsnider, thank you o-o so if i want x.264 gpu accelerated encoding where can i turn to?19:22
bjsniderDaijoubu, nowhere that i know of19:23
agronholm_bricas, there's a tool specifically for that19:23
switchgirlalso the status update box isn't there19:23
agronholm_bricas, pg_upgradecluster19:23
bjsnideri only know that stephen warren answered this question in the nvforums awhile ago19:23
jbuncheryofel, sorry, I should have provided more info.  When writing a latex document, you can make the dvi file (the file you view in okular) indexed so that you can "inverse search" and okular will then open up the text editor to the line that you clicked on for editing.19:23
mapuyofel - I've tried 3 different mirrors now.19:23
bricasagronholm_: ah-ha. i'll check that out. thank you!19:23
mapuinterestingly- I get: Unable to read mirror file19:24
mapuand I also get the server overloaded error19:24
topyliswitchgirl, the service is probably crashing again, like it tends to. kill gwibber-service and start gwibber again :(19:24
jbuncherswitchgirl, what trouble are you having with gwibber?  It works for me using a tiwtter account.19:24
AntigaI'm having an issue with my fan working properly. It seems like the kernal isn't recognizing my hardware for some reason. Running Sensors-detect/ gwncontrol doesn't fix the problem. Also /proc/acpi/fan has nothing in it. Asus W7Sg Laptop.19:24
mapuI am able to install and update pakcages however19:24
yofelC-S-B: ok, give me a few more minutes to investigate this, the sun plugin shows up, icedtea not19:24
isolat3dsh33phey guys, there's no ati catalyst control center for radeon in ubuntu 10.04?19:25
amereservantCan a mini install be done from the full install disk?  It cannot detect my network hardware and I'm not sure how to solve that in the mini install.19:25
switchgirlSignal "gwibber-service" not known.19:25
switchgirlsara@sara-desktop:~$ sudo kill -l gwibber-service19:25
C-S-Byofel, the sun plugin shows up in chromium?19:25
yofelC-S-B: it does here19:25
C-S-Byofel, well id be happy with that, but I had no luck.19:26
topyliswitchgirl, just 'killall gwibber-service' should do19:26
=== EdgEy_ is now known as EdgEy
mickepMy creative usb speakers (model N400) works only randomly, say about 1/10 of the times I connect them. Filing a bug, what package should I point this to?19:28
EdgEyIs there some sort of help channel for restricted drivers? I have been struggling with this fglrx problem for hours now19:28
ubu_userC-S-B, this is how I got Sun Java working on 64 bit Chromium http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/java19:28
bricasagronholm_: hrmm, it says my 8.3 cluster isn't running -- and running /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 start does nothing (doesn't even print anything!)19:30
yofelI don't get how chromium looks for plugins... I removed the sun plugin from the alternatives selection but it still finds the plugin .so directly...19:31
agronholm_bricas, I've only used it once and I don't remember how it went back then19:31
agronholm_I upgraded from 8.2 to 8.3 then19:31
BluesKajisolat3dsh33p, no there isn't afaik19:32
isolat3dsh33p BluesKaj, so how to edit settings for radeon?19:32
James_BluesKaj, isolat3dsh33p - I have the catalyst control center?19:33
BluesKajisolat3dsh33p, dunno yet , I'm still looking as well.19:33
James_Has anyone noticed these bugs, one being when first connecting to a wireless ap the mouse freezes? I had this in beta and rc. another one when a screensaver is enabled and you then activate the computer again it doesnt focus on the password box but if you type your password in anyway and hit return it lets you back to the desktop.19:33
ratcheeryofel: I don't exactly understand it, either. Last week, I installed a Java upgrade, removed the link to old plugin, added link to new one. It still used the old one until I deleted the old Java version. Then, it used the new one with no further changes. Weird.19:34
bricasagronholm_: dang. looks like 8.3 isn't even really installed...19:35
isolat3dsh33pJames_, I'm not sure what your hardware is, but radeon driver is installed with ubuntu 10.04. So you don't need to install propriety driver.19:35
BluesKajJames_, i haven't tried to install the center since there appear to be no options for my onboard x200m in the forums19:35
James_isolat3dsh33p, I used the proprietary driver19:35
ratcheeryofel: That was with Firefox, but I imagine it is a similar thing.19:35
bricasagronholm_: hrmm, maybe i can remove 8.4 and re-installed 8.3 somehow?19:36
agronholm_8.4 and 8.3 can be installed concurrently19:36
yofelratcheer: I know a bit about how firefox works, but now I'm confused as chromiums seems to work differently19:36
chaoslynxhas anyone an idea how to resolve this bug: http://www.mail-archive.com/desktop-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg412495.html?19:37
yofelbug 56292419:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562924 in fakeroot "fakeroot is not able to delete some files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56292419:37
ratcheeryofel: Ok, I just thought your problem seemed very similar.19:37
isolat3dsh33pJames_, i'm using the built in driver for radeon. No ati catalyst :(19:37
BluesKajI was running a nvidia pci card but installed it in our media pc as another source for the tv19:37
bricasagronholm_: "Package postgresql-8.3 has no available version, but exists in the database."19:38
James_isolat3dsh33p, ahh19:38
=== schlaftier_ is now known as schlaftier
chaoslynxi am trying to create a package of vpnc with openssl enabled, for some reason fakeroot chokes (the bug report is not mine but I have the same problem)19:38
yofelchaoslynx: maybe ask in #ubuntu-packaging, you'll find more testers there19:39
chaoslynxyofel: k19:39
agronholm_bricas, sorry, can't really help you there...19:39
agronholm_I only have them concurrently installed on hardy19:39
James_isolat3dsh33p, If i dont install the non free driver then my fans stay on all the time and kill my battery19:40
isolat3dsh33pJames_, wow, so far I haven't notice such behavior. O_O19:41
gorgonzolahello peoples. got two bugs, and i want to know how to proceed...19:41
C-S-Bubu_user, tried those instructions, no luck.19:41
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gorgonzolathe first one is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/55494819:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554948 in kdebase-workspace "Display settings change defaults to keep, not revert" [High,Fix released]19:41
BluesKaj!bug | gorgonzola19:42
ubottugorgonzola: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:42
gorgonzolait says it was fixed, but i'm still seeing the incorrect behaviour. should i reopen that one, or open a new one?19:42
gorgonzolaBluesKaj; thanks, but my question is more bureacratic then technical... :)19:42
BluesKajgorgonzola, hehe gotcha :)19:43
gorgonzolaso... do i reopen that one?19:44
BluesKajbbl, late lunch19:44
ubu_userC-S-B, don't know then, good luck.  Did you adapt them if you're using 32bit?19:44
C-S-Bubu_user, Im 64bit19:44
ubu_userC-S-B, good luck then.19:45
MattercoI am installing 10.04 on an new Intel Mac Mini. The install has been taking over an hour. The last 45 minutes has been on the purple haze screen with the mouse cursor only. The cursor oscillates between a pointer and the spinning icon. Is this to be expected? Or is the installation hung?19:46
C-S-Byofel, I have sun java working in chromium19:48
dunasWhat's the best way to go about fixing the click-not-registering problem in Flash?19:48
amereservantAnyone else having any issues with the full 64-bit install iso image?19:49
jribamereservant: rc worked for me19:49
amereservantI get "Invalid or corrupt kernel image"19:49
jribamereservant: did you check the md5sum?19:49
isolat3dsh33pamereservant, the LiveCD image?19:49
amereservanthmmm.  nope.19:49
CT1Hi. I have an nvidia card with 2 monitors connected as separate x displays.  nvidia say "hardware accelerated OpenGL cannot span the two X screens".  How does this work? 1st come 1st served? or disabled completely?19:49
amereservantisolat3dsh33p, ^^19:49
amereservantI was going to use the mini.iso, but it's missing my ethernet drivers.19:50
bricasagronholm_: just d/l'ed debs from launchpad. worked okay. phew. :)19:50
amereservantAnd I'm not finding anything on how to find them.19:50
isolat3dsh33pamereservant, I have problem creating bootable USB flash for ubuntu 10.04 rc :(19:50
isolat3dsh33pso i used alpha installer and do all the upgrades from there19:50
amereservantisolat3dsh33p, I didn't have any trouble with that.... the CD is my issue.19:51
amereservantI'll try again.19:51
CT1or is there a way to see which screen is using hardware accelerated opengl?19:51
Dr-Ubuntuwant me to burn a cd for you?19:51
Dr-Ubuntuyou can come to holland to collect it19:51
amereservantHehe, sure thing.  Be right there.19:51
isolat3dsh33pamereservant, I was running out of CD, so I never really tried installing it in CD :D19:52
amereservantLet me poop a few grand to travel there, find a baby-sitter, and I'll be right over.19:52
MattercoHow do you know if the installation is hung?19:52
MattercoI have been on the purple haze screen for an hour.19:52
amereservantisolat3dsh33p, Well it won't run from CD either.19:52
jribMatterco: it's hung...19:53
isolat3dsh33pamereservant, but you manage to burn it?19:53
Dr-Ubuntuwhen i tried upgrading ubuntu the first time to 10.4 my keyboard and mouse crashed during the install but it kept running but i couldnt answer the last question for grub and finish the upgrade and had to reinstall QQ19:53
amereservantYeah, I'll try dling another image and this time check the md5checksum19:53
amereservantIt could be bad.19:53
CT1How can I see if hardware accelerated opengl is being used, and on which screen?19:54
Dr-Ubuntui can see it in system - nvidia settings19:54
apparlewhen is lucid coming out?19:54
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CT1Dr-Ubuntu: Which part of nvidia settings? That frame buffer business?19:57
Dr-Ubuntuyea seems to me its working then if you get that19:59
muzyIs there a Release Time?20:01
muzylike 12:00 GMT?20:01
muzyor so20:01
muzyohh no party :(20:01
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party20:01
CT1Dr-Ubuntu: I have X Screen 0 and X Screen 1 sections.  How can I see which one is using hardware acceleration (unless I've misunderstood "hardware accelerated OpenGL cannot span the two X screens" from nvidia site.20:01
jmworxAnyone knows whether Lucid properly supports the Arrandale integrated GPU?20:02
vamadirwhere ubunut lucid?\20:04
FishsceneJust around the corner. But you might scare it away by asking =(20:04
tsimpsonit's not a place, it's a state of being20:04
vamadirwhat clock in ubuntu web page? grinvich?20:06
UTFany of u guys experienced your laptop getting really hot when running lucid? Docky tends to disappear too without any errors - i have to run it once in a while for it to appear. Sometimes alt+tab doesn't work either...20:06
UTFi still love lucid tho... lol20:08
UTFamazing how far they come each time they launch a new release20:08
frankie_why am i being told not to use ubuntu 10.0420:08
muzyI use xubuntu :)20:08
helothis is a LTS release, so they'll have plenty of time to fix all of the problems ;)20:08
Artemis3Does anyone has gallery2 installed?20:08
vamadiraAAAAAAAAAAAAA now i using lucid beta 220:09
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:09
UTFfrankie_, no idea bro... but if you are about to install i would recommend u to wait untill tomorrow where the final release is ready :)20:10
melvinHello. i have a little weird problem after upgrading to 10.04. nm-applet doesn't communicate with gnome-keyring-daemon anymore. it works by creating a new profile. but i don't want to do this. what change on the profile is needed? ssh-add works20:10
frankie_UTF like final final release? relatively safe to use?20:10
Pres-GasI have an nvidia quadro nvs 295 card that is not supported in nouveau at the moment, is there a way to have the 10.04 installer force the nv drivers or do I need to blacklist nouveau?20:10
UTFfrankie_, the stable release yes20:11
UTFfrankie_, the current release still has a few bugs left20:11
frankie_UTF thank you, i will wait until tommrorow :o)20:11
frankie_i played with it on live cd and loved most of it :)20:11
UTFfrankie_, no problem bro :)20:11
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DeadmanIncJSim very much looking forward to 10.0420:11
UTFfrankie_, yah i lub it too... felt the exact same way with the last release lol20:12
intangirwhen lucid releases will we be able to upgrade to it from rc1 like normal?20:12
bjsniderPres-Gas, the nv driver won't support it either20:12
charlie-tca!final | intangir20:12
ubottuintangir: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:12
Pres-Gasbjsnider, I just installed 9.10 to test and it works20:13
UTFany knows if they fixed the memory leak issue yet? i wonder if thats why my puter acts up at times20:14
DeadmanIncJSi never have a problem w/my laptop20:15
bjsniderPres-Gas, are you sure it didn't pick vesa? i assume you want to use the blob, right?20:15
FishsceneUTF: Up until a couple of days ago, my computer would lag a lot and access the HD a lot. But now it seems fine.20:15
UTFFishscene, cool thanks for the heads up bro :)20:15
melvinFishscene, my lap works this way  too20:16
Pres-Gasbjsnider, The live cd of 10.04 works, but then the video dies after reboot to the fresh OS.  Display goes to low power mode after grub.20:18
FishsceneYea, that was the same with my 4-year-old laptop with 512MB of RAM. But the performance is now on-par with XP or better. :) I like showing off this laptop to coworkers and stuff.20:18
Pres-GasVery strange20:18
bjsniderPres-Gas, you don't have dual graphics chips do you?20:18
Pres-GasI did, bjsnider but then removed one of the cards...still the same.20:19
bjsniderwhat was the other card?20:19
Pres-GasThey both were the same20:20
bjsnideryou had two...20:20
bjsniderthat's pretty ridiculous20:20
bjsnideri mean come on20:20
Pres-Gasbjsnider, that is not helpful, is it?20:20
bjsniderPres-Gas, if you can get to a text prompt you can install the blob using jockey-text. try the kernel safe mode option in grub. you can see it if you press and hold shift right after the bios screen20:22
heloahhh... we are supposed to type apt-get update in a _console_... why did i never know this?20:23
coz_helo,  not sure :)   yep  sudo apt-ge20:23
coz_helo,   sudo apt-get update20:24
heloi just kept typing it at the "host login: " and it would ask for a password?!20:24
shodan45what time will 10.04 be released?20:24
shodan45ubuntu.com just says 1 day20:25
heloshodan45: they just announced they would not release it for another week if another person in here asked that question :(20:25
yofelhelo: wrong channel20:25
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party20:25
heloyofel: nothing on-topic to really discuss in here anyways :)20:25
heloshoudln't it be +s? the topic really says it all20:26
kamara_36Hi ! I can not copy the adress from nautilus  (like on previous versions). can someone helps me ?20:26
switchgirlumm lil help?20:26
helonot much of a party then i suppose heh20:26
switchgirlwhat does "# Add domains which you want to force to an IP address here. # The example below send any host in doubleclick.net to a local # webserver. #address=/doubleclick.net/" mean?20:26
yofelhelo: this channel exists until lucid is out, which isn't the case yet, after that the channel will be invide only until ~ uds-m20:26
yofelswitchgirl: related to what?20:27
switchgirlyofel, $ sudo gedit /etc/dnsmasq.conf20:27
shodan45and I assume when it's out, that includes the server version?20:27
yofelshodan45: out means out for all versions20:28
shodan45yofel: thanks20:28
bjsniderswitchgirl, it means you don't want to look for that domain on the web, but on your own network instead20:28
kamara_36Ubuntu also use swap (1 gb ) . but i don't create a swap space on installation. conky and system monitors show that there is a swap space . (this problem was also on 9.1 on my computer)20:29
switchgirli want to block it / ban it entirly20:29
frankie_why does ubuntu come with empathy instead of pidgin?20:29
bjsniderswitchgirl, you should use your router or opendns settings for that20:29
switchgirlbjsnider, * DanaG (~DanaG@pcp057520pcs.wireless.calpoly.edu) has joined #ubuntu+120:30
rizzuhWhen's Lynx coming exactly?20:30
charlie-tcaswitchgirl: it means you will blanks or missing site instead of advertising or anything else from doubleclick.com20:30
switchgirlTHAT'S what i meant to post20:30
helodoesn't local dns caching occur automatically?20:31
DanaGdnsmasq... also good for blocking stupidity like this:20:31
bjsniderswitchgirl, if you uncomment that line, that domain will result in a blank page, since it's your localhost address20:31
invernizzi question: is the plymouth problem with nvidia proprietary drivers solved? Is there a clear set of steps to follow? Thanks20:31
bjsniderinvernizzi, what plymouth problem?20:32
DanaGer, wait, that's not there anymore.20:32
yofelDanaG: this looks so odd in chromium :D20:32
switchgirlinvernizzi, that where it wont work 100 miles around the area of Plymouth UK?20:32
invernizzibjsnider,  i can't get to the graphical plymouth, just the textual one20:32
DanaGoh, they fixed it to spoof firefox.20:32
Wickedif i install the rc tonight...when its officially released tomorrow i can just aptitude update and be on release?20:32
invernizziswitchgirl: no, text only plymouth with nvidia drivers: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/how-to-get-plymouth-working-with-nvidia.html20:33
guntbertWicked: yes, but you probably won't notice any difference :)20:33
Wickedright on20:33
Wickedthanks :)20:34
frankie_will it be possible to upgrade from lts to whatever comes afterwards?20:34
DanaGbogus-nxdomain for-the-win.20:34
switchgirlinvernizzi, i was trying irony20:34
invernizzifrankie_, yes, no problem20:34
arandfrankie_: of course20:34
yofelDanaG: oh, yeah, in firefox I get the IE error, in chromium I get a safari error20:34
charlie-tcafrankie_: yes, you could upgrade to maverick in 6 months20:34
DanaGI have text-only boot even with ati open-source drivers.20:34
frankie_ok just making sure :)20:34
invernizziswitchgirl, my irony sensor is off for the night :-)20:35
DanaGI have a serial console, and thus plymouth thinks I couldn't POSSIBLY want a splash screen on the local graphical console.20:35
frankie_who chooses the names for ubuntu20:35
coz_frankie_,   mark shuttleworth20:36
switchgirlif i change listen-address= to listen-address= would it cache google public dns ?20:36
|Quartz|Hello. Is it possible to use virtualbox-ose on 10.04, because I can't get/make module vboxdrv ?20:36
guntbert|Quartz|: did you install dkms?20:37
yofel|Quartz|: do you have the kernel headers installed? the modules build fine here20:37
|Quartz|yes and yes20:37
charlie-tca|Quartz|: you can add it using Synaptic Package Manager, even.20:38
|Quartz|Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)20:38
ckwAbout what time might Lucid be released via Bittorrent?  I have a server available I would like to donate to the swarm20:38
|Quartz|Please install the virtualbox-ose-dkms package and execute 'modprobe vboxdrv' as root.20:38
yofel|Quartz|: installed virtualbox-ose-dkms?20:38
charlie-tcackw: there is no time set20:38
ckwAh, thanks20:38
|Quartz|yes, installed20:38
AzoffI have noticed that the 3d party driver for Nuvoton 677x (released by ASRock in my case) breaks due to the lirc_dev-2.6.33.patch as reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/57070020:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570700 in lirc "lirc-modules-source-0.8.6-0ubuntu4: lirc_dev-2.6.33.patch breaks lirc-nct677x-src" [Undecided,New]20:39
Azoffany ideas?20:39
psyk3dhow many minutes for the release???20:40
psyk3doh man20:41
coz_psyk3d,   I was going to say 1440  but hey20:41
psyk3di broke my karmic a few days back20:42
psyk3dworking on win720:42
psyk3deagerly wain to shift back20:42
gellmarhi to everybody! If I update all packages every day, should it be necessary for me to perform a clean install?20:42
gellmarin a release day20:42
kamara_36can someone see as text the adress (i mean can you copy the adress of directory from nautilus ? ) ?20:42
|Quartz|found "insmod /lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic/updates/dkms/vboxdrv.ko"20:42
psyk3dsudo update-manager -d should do the trick20:42
charlie-tca!final > gellmar20:43
ubottugellmar, please see my private message20:43
psyk3d@ gellmar :sudo update-manager -d should do the trick20:43
charlie-tcapsyk3d: no, it won't. If you are already on lucid, that will result in nothing happening20:43
bjsnider|Quartz|, did the rubyripper issue get fixed or what?20:44
psyk3di meant if upgrading from 9.1020:44
gellmarpsyk3d: I do apt-get upgrade :)20:44
|Quartz|yesterday I give you a method, but it doesn't work with some disk20:44
gellmarbut dunno if dist-upgrade will be smth different if I use 10.04 from alpha220:45
|Quartz|concerning the naming of the tracks. For the rest, the method is fine: the velocity of the whole processing is as fast as on 9.1020:46
gellmarhmmm... tried dist-upgrade and it downloads 211mb while upgrade loads only 30mb20:46
gellmarit really makes a difference20:46
gellmarBTW, does anybody know a way to get rid of debs installed in apt cache?20:48
coz_gellmar,  try sudo apt-g20:48
nullis it in yet?20:48
gellmarapt-get autoclean removes not many of them20:48
coz_gellmar,  try sudo apt-get autoremove  or sudo apt-get autoclean20:48
maxbautoclean is the one which deals with the cache, autoremove is something entirely different20:49
gellmarcoz_: I do sudo apt-get --purge autoremove && sudo apt-get --purge clean && sudo apt-get --purge autoclean20:49
maxbAlthough, gellmar, your question is a bit confused, debs are not 'installed' in the cache20:49
gellmarmaxb: they are actually lying there20:50
gellmareating my hdd space20:50
Jake2|cflif already on lucid RC, I've seen so many recommendation of how-to-get-the-final, I don't know what's right20:50
gellmarwhile I have inet connection20:50
maxbgellmar: --purge is quite thoroughly irrelevant for clean and autoclean20:50
coz_gellmar,  oh   well manually go in and delete them if you like20:50
charlie-tca!final | Jake2|cfl20:50
ubottuJake2|cfl: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:50
maxbgellmar: and running autoclean after clean is pointless too20:50
gellmarcoz_: when I delete them I start having issues with dpkg20:51
Jake2|cflabout that--and again after release??20:51
charlie-tcaJake2|cfl: you do not need to reinstall if you have been using lucid. It updates to final20:51
gellmarthat's why I am asking about the SAFER way20:51
coz_gellmar,  ok  ...let me ask...why do you want to remove them?20:51
maxbgellmar: What are you actually deleting? 'apt-get clean' will delete all the the cached debs20:51
gellmarcoz_: I have a 6.3Gb partition20:51
gellmarand 3.3Gb is used by that debs20:51
coz_gellmar,  oh  understood20:52
charlie-tcaJake2|cfl: after release, use update-manager, or any other method of choice to stay up to date20:52
Jake2|cflcharlie-tca: it updates to final using WHAT techniques--I have been told many approaches. will follow ubutu above.20:52
apparleGuys suggest me group where i can get good help regarding programming... accessing various port of computer20:52
charlie-tcaJake2|cfl:  If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:52
charlie-tca<maxb> gellmar: and running autoclean after clean is pointless too20:52
gellmarcoz_: or I even thought of moving /var/apt to other partition making a symbolic link20:53
Jake2|cflcharlie-tca: yeah, that's what ubotu just said too.20:53
coz_gellmar,  I have not tried that but it soulds  plausible :)20:53
gellmarcoz_: some users have their /var mounted on separate partiton20:53
markithi, I've a 1900x1080 monitor I tested and worked fine. Recently I plugged it again but kubuntu seems not to recognize it at full resolution anymore :( any tip? Is it possible to specify resolution without having to set the entire xorg.conf? what can have been broken?20:53
GerritIs there a lucid-backports? I want to install kworldclock, found it in http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-backports/amd64/kworldclock but its not available at http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic-backports/amd64/kworldclock and I don't see any lucid-backports. How do I install this package?20:54
gellmarGerrit: download it manually and dpkg it :)20:54
maxbGerrit: There is no distribution newer than lucid yet, so by definition there can not be any backports to it yet20:54
Gerritmarkit: I had the exact same problem. I followed instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:55
Gerritmarkit: oh, I misunderstand what 'backports' means then20:55
Gerritgellmar: will try20:55
gellmarGerrit: as far I use LXDE not gnome I am quite far from that python installers so bash one-liner is best for me now20:56
gellmarso I can give u a cmd:20:57
gellmarsudo dpkg -i /tmp/deb/deb20:57
markitGerrit: I mean, worked "out of the box", I returned the monitor, in those days I've updated kubuntu 10.04, now I've decided to acquire it (same model, even if not exact the same monitor I returned), and it does not get the full res20:57
gellmarnot deb/deb :)20:57
Gerritgellmar: I'm actually on KDE but that's okay.20:57
Gerritmarkit: I had the same surprise yesterday. I didn't get my 1900x1080 to work out of the box, unfortunately.20:57
maxbGerrit: The reason you cannot find a newer kworldclock package is because it seems to have been dropped in the KDE 3 to 4 transition20:58
markitGerrit: so you also had this working, and was broken by an update? ati board?20:58
roothelp me !20:58
=== root is now known as Guest41052
Guest41052nit: ureadahead-other main process (710) terminated with status 420:59
maxbThat error is harmless. Ignore it.20:59
Guest41052init: ureadahead-other main process (705) terminated with status 420:59
Guest41052init: ureadahead-other main process (710) terminated with status 420:59
Guest41052now fixed ?20:59
patdk-wkbut status 4 isn't an error20:59
patdk-wkit's a notification20:59
patdk-wkand the program that reports that to you shouldn't be20:59
Guest41052patdk-wk,  ????21:00
myk_robinsonhey, for some reason Brasero wont burn anything. Any ideas of what to check? Worked fine in Karmic21:00
Guest41052/dev/sdb1: Superblock last mount time is in the future.21:01
Guest41052        (by less than a day, probably due to the hardware clock being incorrectly set)  FIXED.21:01
Guest41052/dev/sdb1: clean, 322856/655776 files, 2565379/2622603 blocks21:01
Gerritmarkit: No. I bought a new computer and a new monitor at the same time.21:02
markitGerrit: I'm not able to make work that tips in that link, do you have some time to help me? i.e. S-video is "cannot find output S-video" and things like that21:04
Vilinyhello guys21:04
Vilinyim having some hardcore problems here21:04
Vilinyi installed the rc on my laptop and chose it to use the whole of my second HD (of 2 total in the asus g50vt laptop)21:05
Vilinynext boot it went straight to lucid lynx21:05
Vilinyno grub to choose with so i did a grub-install /dev/sda121:05
Vilinynow my laptop won't get past bios last stage or something21:05
Gerritmarkit: It depends on your physical output21:06
Vilinyim baffled how this could have destroyed my laptop on this level21:06
Vilinyi managed to flash to same bios and then older bios version but the exact problem remains21:06
charlie-tcaViliny: grub just did not update correctly, originally. The old OS is still there21:06
Vilinyanyone have the faintest clue what happened here?21:06
Gerritmarkit: for me, 'xrandr' showed one line DVI-0 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm21:06
Vilinycharlie-tca: my laptop won't boot anthing now21:06
markitok, I tried with VGA-0 but I got21:07
markit"X error of failed request: badmatch (invalid parameter attribute)"21:07
charlie-tcaViliny: That is something wrong when you installed grub on top of grub. I don't know how to fix that. what was on the other drive is still there, though.21:07
Gerritmarkit: I did not get that error, I don't know21:07
Vilinyyes i know the hard drives are okay but my computer is effed up charlie-tca - it won't boot a usb-stick, it won't boot a cdrom or anything... wether my files are intact is trivial at this point21:08
charlie-tcaViliny: tried power off completely and restarting?21:09
Vilinycharlie-tca: really?21:09
Vilinyno i managed to flash my bios 2 times without powering off the computer21:09
doktoreashello everybody21:09
||arifaXcharlie-tca: also pull out the battery once21:10
doktoreasdoes Ubuntu Lucid support GMA 500 video card?21:10
charlie-tcaViliny: good luck then21:10
Vilinybattery was pulled out and everything is tried and tested - im just wondering if grub can really mess with the bios21:10
jbuncherCan anyone help me figure out how to change the keybindings in Okular?  I want to change the inverse search keybinding from "Shift + click" to "middle click"21:11
coz_jbuncher,  I am not too familair with kde and the locations of the keybinding however I know it is under system settings21:13
Paddy_NIHey where would I get the new ubuntu font?21:19
vishwhy does is there no *all.deb for this kernel?  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.32.11-lucid/21:21
jbunchercoz_ I can't seem to find this particular keybinding.21:21
demismhow can I regenerate my kde-menu? and how can I add applications to the daisy widget?21:22
dagny_ta1garthello folks, how is flash working for you in Lucid?21:23
Paddy_NIdagny_ta1gart: mines makes sandwiches21:23
Paddy_NII am yet to get it to do the garden21:24
dagny_ta1gartPaddy_NI: then it seems installing is a good idea!21:24
Paddy_NIdagny_ta1gart: yes.. although it aint toilet trained yet :(21:24
melvinHello. i have a little weird problem after upgrading to 10.04. nm-applet doesn't communicate with gnome-keyring-daemon anymore. it works by creating a new profile. but i don't want to do this. what change on the profile is needed? ssh-add works21:25
Jake2|cflI did sudo apt-get update and dist-upgrade...scroll by said get openoffice.org-java-common (did) and a JVM.  What pkg for JVM?21:26
usmanhow many hours left for the release of lucid lynx stable version21:26
jpdsusman: Who knows.21:27
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
patdk-wkusman, 36+21:27
usmanpatdk-wk, wow but the date is april 29 ain't it?21:28
patdk-wkyes, but everytime someone asks, cause they well know it's the 29th21:28
patdk-wkthe devs have to stop working on it and answer the question of when21:28
patdk-wkso it gets pushed back alittle more :)21:29
gsp2009hello folks.. anyone know how to set up separate wallpapers on dual monitors (nvidia)21:29
usmanpatdk-wk, sorry if the devs are disturben :)21:30
TecnoBratI seem to remember this exact same thing happen with karmic ....21:31
usmanDoes lucid lynx officially support drivers for broadcom wlan mini card (in dell laptop), coz i have been using proprietory drivers up until now21:33
crdlbgsp2009: afaik, you need to make one large wallpaper21:33
gsp2009crdlb: so if I want both the be different, just GIMP together with the seam in the middle?21:34
amereservantCan anyone help with Nvidia X server settings > Enable Xinerama?  I have dual-monitors with my primary on the right and the secondary on the left, which is configured as a Separate X screen and using Xinerama.  The problem is I cannot move my mouse pointer to the screen on the left.  Just downloaded and installed 10.04.21:36
gsp2009amereservant: you enable TwinView?21:37
amereservantgsp2009, No, I'm using Seperate X screen since I want it to extend the primary screen.21:38
amereservantTwinView would defeat the purpose of dual monitors.21:38
amereservantI don't need one for each eye.21:38
amereservantNow I will state this....21:38
||arifaXamereservant: a tipp. try to get your screen set on the command line with xrandr before trying the gui-tools. they mess up everything21:39
gsp2009amereservant: ok then. Have fun with that.21:39
amereservantIt DID work fine before I re-located the second screen from "right-of-main" to "left-of-main".21:40
uspenoklucid rc, last update, monitor offs on sturt up. Any tips ? (nomodest doesn't work)21:40
Jake2|cflwhat JVM pkg name should I get for lucid?21:41
coz_gsp2009,  is this gnome or kde?21:42
amereservant||arifaX, I get the error RandR extension missing.21:42
gsp2009coz_: gnome21:42
amereservantI'll try the other driver since there's two for my Nvidia 8800GT21:43
coz_gsp2009,  mm  unless you use separate xscreens and not twinview   then you will have to created a wallpaper in gimp by stitching two papers together21:43
gsp2009coz_: ok thanks... my second monitor is extended with twinview.21:43
_Quartz_Is there an implementation of RSA SecurID Token on Linux?21:43
coz_gsp2009,  same here   and I generally just get widescreen papers so it stretches  but  hold I have a site for wallpapers that are already separated hold on21:44
amereservantI've got both (version 173) and (version current)[Recommended], which the second one is what I'm currently using.21:44
gsp2009coz_: I will just see if I can create an image. Ok cool. thanks.21:44
myk_robinsonI installed the RC a few days ago, and since then have been unable to burn audio cds. Any ideas?21:44
coz_gsp2009,  you will find many here   http://www.mandolux.com/  just keep  hitting the "previous"  button above to see them21:45
||arifaXhow can I reload KDE menu without logging off?21:45
amereservantI've battled with this issue for three versions now and hoped it'd finally be resolved in 10.04.....21:45
gsp2009coz_: perfect.. thanks!21:45
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.21:47
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party21:47
gsp2009coz_: so you just gimp a right and left together then span?21:48
coz_gsp2009,  ah well I was thinking you take the left secitoin of one wallpper and the right seciton of another  and stitch them together   ...to do that you would have to create an empty  image i21:49
coz_gsp2009,  in gimp  then copy and paste each side into that new image  and move them to touch in center21:49
gsp2009coz_: :) nice21:50
coz_gsp2009,  I have dont this in the past...its not difficult...just painstaking sometimes to get the images cemtered and aligned properly21:50
gsp2009coz_: working on one now... 3840x120021:51
coz_gsp2009,  what I would is create on and save it but dont close out of gimp until you test it to see if in fact it is aligned properly21:51
amereservantHere's my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file if someone is willing to take a look: http://pastebin.com/uytqwSX921:51
M0DCM-DaveAny news about the Poulsbo problem?21:52
bjsniderM0DCM-Dave, what problem would that be?21:55
GerritHi. On a nearly fresh Ubuntu 10.04 I get a dependency error when trying to install vim-latexsuite: 'texlive-binaries depends on tex-common (>= 2.00); however: Package tex-common is not configured yet.'. Is this a bug or not?21:55
Spreadsheet_You need to configure latex-common21:56
M0DCM-DaveWhen will Canonical fix the Poulsbo/GMA500 for us Netbook users21:56
bjsnidercanonical doesn't write graphics drivers21:56
gsp2009coz_: worked like a charm. I love having dual monitors. I have spanned the wallpaper across. Thanks for your help.21:57
M0DCM-DaveBut they implemented Xorg 1.7 that doesn't support the GMA50021:57
bp0canonical doesnt write ...21:58
jpdsbp0: There's this thing called Launchpad.21:58
M0DCM-DaveI understand that, but before they implemented Xorg 1.7 Poulsbo worked21:58
perscitusDoes ggrub support 1440x900?21:59
GerritSpreadsheet_: How?21:59
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
M0DCM-Dave10.04 runs as slow as a dog on the GM500 out of the box21:59
perscitusM0DCM-Dave.-> What do you expect on a netbook22:00
M0DCM-Davewell, UNR 10.04 is as slow22:01
bjsniderM0DCM-Dave, you need to be addressing poulsbo questions to the intel corporation. it is their purview22:02
M0DCM-Daveand I did22:02
bjsniderwhat did they say?22:02
M0DCM-Davethey told me to go to my Distro22:02
gsp2009perscitus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=670508&postcount=222:03
bjsniderinteresting, interesting...22:03
perscitusgsp2009.->  grub222:03
M0DCM-DaveI thought you'd find it as interesting as I did22:03
haytjesHow is the policy of RC in ubuntu? Is it like in FF? Like the last RC becomes the new version. So everything in the RC is like the real release. Only thing that stops it from being THE release is maybe a bug that should get fixed?22:03
haytjesOr does the RC contain some clear indications it is an RC22:04
haytjeslike artwork or so22:04
M0DCM-DaveCan you see my frustration?22:04
gsp2009perscitus: right. http://harrison3001.blogspot.com/2009/09/grub-2-graphical-boot-tips-to-set.html22:04
M0DCM-Daveand other Netbook users22:04
crdlbhaytjes: well, that is the definition of a release candidate :)22:04
crdlbhaytjes: afaik, there is no artwork or lsb_release difference, but there have been updates since the RC22:05
gsp2009perscitus: GRUB_GFXMODE=1440x900x32 maybe?22:06
bjsniderM0DCM-Dave, you might have to use an old distro, or, gasp..use an operating system made by microsoft22:06
perscitusgsp2009.->  vbeinfo doesnt show it22:06
M0DCM-Daveand the thousands of other GM500 netbook users?22:06
haytjescrdlb: ah ty. Could be ubuntu thought different about RC. Glad they don't :D22:06
coldfiredoes anyone know when exactly will 10.4 get released 12 am EST tonight?22:07
M0DCM-Davethe bugs have been reported, but nothing as been done22:07
bjsniderM0DCM-Dave, they're in the same boat. does vesa not even work?22:07
M0DCM-Davethats terrible22:07
M0DCM-Daveno compiz or anything22:07
TrewasM0DCM-Dave: nothing can be done, because intel does not want to fix the poulsbo driver or even release the specs22:07
intangiri setup a nfs share to share m yhome directory to another machine, i managed to mount the share on the other machine, but my Private directory isnt mounted on the client side, (but it is on the server side)22:08
charlie-tcacoldfire: there is no definite time on any release22:08
M0DCM-Daveyet Mandriva have it working out of the box in the latest RC22:08
dougbi don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but i'm having a problem that might be hard to duplicate...22:08
bjsniderM0DCM-Dave, how did they manage that?22:09
coldfirecharie-tca: ok thanks22:09
M0DCM-Davethey are using Xorg 1.6.322:09
M0DCM-Daveand not 1.722:09
bjsnideri figured22:09
lucas-arg1will we have more updates until final release?22:10
M0DCM-DaveI'll never go back to Billy "Bob" Gates cronies, so I'll stick with 9.10 till April next year and then throw my 30yrs of computer experience and the netbook in the bin22:11
amereservantHow can I see what is in my gdm log files before sending them with a bug report?22:11
M0DCM-Davehow about Backporting the Poulsbo drivers that are currently being used to 10.04?22:14
_buckwhat's the time for the big event?22:16
crdlbM0DCM-Dave: you mean the poulsbo driver in 9.10?22:16
M0DCM-Davewould it be possible?22:16
crdlbM0DCM-Dave: first of all, that's not what backport means, and second, it doesn't support lucid's X server22:17
bjsniderit is not compatible with the new kernels22:17
M0DCM-Daveyou mean the latest Xorg?22:17
jorgedoes anyone here know how to change the ubuntu icon next to applications into the old gnome foot? on the new ubuntu lucid?22:19
NinoScriptWhat will happen with this channel tomorrow?22:20
crdlbhmm, it looks like mandriva actually has poulsbo working on xserver 1.722:20
crdlbNinoScript: it will be closed for a while22:20
M0DCM-Daveif Mandriva have Xserver 1.7 on Poulsbo working, why haven't Canonical?22:21
NinoScriptcrdlb, and #ubuntu+2 will move here?22:21
crdlbNinoScript: #ubuntu+2?22:22
NinoScriptcrdlb, I've always wondered what happens there, it is an "invite-only" channel :P22:23
crdlbnothing at all :)22:23
AlcorHow do you get to ubuntu-offtopic from here22:24
dougbwhile playing super tux kart or extreme tux racer, the volume controls begin to act erratic22:24
NinoScriptAlcor, you write /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:26
jribAlcor: /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:26
NinoScriptAlcor, or in most irc clients, just click here: #ubuntu-offtopic22:26
Alcorwhen i do that it takes me to #ubuntu=regged22:26
Alcorsry ubuntu-unregged22:28
Alcori cant type either22:28
crdlb!register | Alcor22:29
noah_ hey, I'm using ubuntu 10.04 RC, and I don't have the nice plymouth bootloader when I start up, but I do when I turn it off. Anyone else having this problem?22:29
ubottuAlcor: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode22:29
=== brianherman_ is now known as brianherman
bjsnidercrdlb, what kernel is mandriva using?22:30
AlcorI take it you dont have to be registered here?22:30
crdlbbjsnider: I have no idea22:30
apparlewhat is the shorcut for tabbing in KDE422:30
Alcorer thx for all the info22:31
crdlbAlcor: correct; #ubuntu-offtopic has set +r22:31
Alcorthat makes sense22:32
noah_apparle: I think it's alt-tab, but it depends on what effect you're using.22:32
apparlenoah_: no I am talking about the tabbing feature in which you can tab different application windows like okular and firefox22:34
StrangeCharmwhen is 10.4 coming out; it's almost 10.5?22:43
Spreadsheet_Every time you ask, the release date is pushed back 1 hour22:44
charlie-tcaStrangeCharm: so they have two days yet, right?22:45
jribStrangeCharm: it's 10.04, not 10.4 :)22:45
uspenokmonitor offs on start up, nomodesr doesn't work, nvidia 9600gt, tips ?22:47
StrangeCharmjrib, there are only 12 months, so i don't think that there'll be much confusion?22:49
StrangeCharmcharlie-tca, right, that's what worries me22:49
jribStrangeCharm: well you want 10.10 to be a version higher than 10.0422:49
jribStrangeCharm: it's scheduled for release on the 29th...22:49
switchgirlgwibber doesn't work http://paste.ubuntu.com/424244/22:51
BUGabundoswitchgirl: WFM :)22:51
BUGabundoswitchgirl:  $ pkill gwibber22:52
BUGabundogwibber-service -o -d22:52
brianhermanONE MORE DAY22:52
BUGabundoand on a new tab gwibber --debug22:52
brianhermani am so excited22:52
brianhermanits like xmas22:52
StrangeCharmjrib, i appreciate your point, but, in this context, i think that it's not a huge problem. so 9am tomorrow, then i should worry?22:52
=== DSC[School] is now known as DaveySC
jribStrangeCharm: at midnight tomorrow in the last place it is midnight in the world you should worry I guess22:52
brianhermananybody want to help write a booklet in the ubuntu-doc team?22:52
switchgirl** Message: secret service operation failed: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gwibber/accounts.py", line 184, in on_edit_account_save   self.get_account_data()22:54
brianhermanwill 10.04 have xen support again?22:54
switchgirlthis was AFTER i killed and restarted it22:54
switchgirlbrianherman, yes if you make it22:55
brianhermanif you become my gf22:55
brianhermanill make it22:55
brianhermanwell your probably a guy anyway22:55
jpdsbrianherman: Probably not.22:55
brianhermanyou can be my guy friend22:55
switchgirlever heard of a LEABIAN?22:55
brianhermanleabian is that a country?22:55
brianhermanschweet lesbians throw great parties22:55
switchgirl*spelling fail22:55
brianhermanya lesbians are awesome they have the best parties22:56
brianhermanThey bring all their friends and trade naughty things and kiss each other22:56
brianhermanand free beer22:56
BUGabundoguys, behave22:56
BUGabundothis is a family channel22:57
BUGabundoswitchgirl: humm can you pastebin it please22:57
brianhermanwe should goto ubuntu-offtopic22:57
brianhermansorry bugabundo22:57
brianhermanM U_U M22:57
Spreadsheet_Even in offtopic, it's o4o22:57
switchgirlgwibber doesn't work http://paste.ubuntu.com/424244/22:57
Spreadsheet_There's no where for this kind of talk! >:)22:57
BUGabundoswitchgirl: apt-cache policy gwibber22:57
BUGabundozubuntz: come one!!!22:58
brianhermanDo you like switches switch girl?22:58
BUGabundodo we really need to start kicking ppl ?22:58
BUGabundo!OT | brianherman22:58
zubuntzSuccessful troll is successful.22:58
ubottubrianherman: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.22:58
switchgirlgwibber:  Installed:  Candidate:  Version table: *** 0        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status22:58
BUGabundoconsider your selfs warned, ok ?22:58
brianhermanUh I got a question about 10.04 what is the status of kvm?22:59
BUGabundoswitchgirl: install and make use of pastebinit22:59
brianhermanIs it like super easy now to use kvm?22:59
BUGabundoswitchgirl: I need the pastebin of gwibber-services -d -o22:59
switchgirl:~$ gwibber-service -o -d Found gwibber-service already running, exiting23:00
BUGabundoswitchgirl: pkill it23:00
brianhermanWhat is gwibber?23:02
macobrianherman: twitter/identica/facebook/flickr/etc client23:02
macoi think its how the me menu works23:02
macoBUGabundo: thats in "etc"23:02
brianhermanoh cool23:02
switchgirlBUGabundo, :)23:04
_pHI_is it out? is it out? ;)23:12
BUGabundo_pHI_: stop trolling23:13
_pHI_BUGabundo: whatever23:13
rww_pHI_: #ubuntu-release-party :)23:13
h4fhow do I move my current /boot folder to my new /boot partition ?23:14
drbobbwhat's the difference between debootstrap and cdebootstrap?23:14
Guest53826Once it comes, I'm going to fix this mess of a installation I have :/23:14
Guest53826Hurry the heck up!23:14
_pHI_i just wish they had trim support in the kernel for us SSD users23:14
BUGabundo_pHI_: it won't23:15
_pHI_BUGabundo: i find that sad23:15
BUGabundonobody cared enough to file an wishbug23:15
rwwdrbobb: cdebootstrap is written in C, I think the other one is shellscripts or something23:16
OxymoronUhm, is all Ubuntu servers down? :D I cant get anything to work on my desktop anymore, not even Kopete :P23:16
_pHI_BUGabundo: maybe because it's such an obviously needed feature23:16
BUGabundoits not in .3223:16
rwwit's really not obvious23:16
BUGabundoso its not included by default23:16
drbobbrww: but functionally, they're equivalent?23:16
rwwdrbobb: looks like it23:16
_pHI_BUGabundo: they do have some .33 backports in there (DRM)23:17
BUGabundonobody cared enough to file an wishbug23:18
BUGabundo!coc | _pHI_23:19
ubottu_pHI_: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .23:19
_pHI_BUGabundo: thanks23:19
rwwIf you don't ask, you don't get, and it makes no sense to complain that you don't get. The developers are not all-knowing, cannot anticipate every user need.23:20
bjsniderwell, i am23:20
_pHI_rww: where do i file a request for a .33 trim backport? i'll do it right now23:20
drbobboh, there's also a multistrap - seems even better23:21
rww_pHI_: it's purely a kernel thing, right?23:21
_pHI_rww: yes23:21
rww_pHI_: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug?no-redirect23:21
rwwAlright, I gtg. I'm sure the other people in here can help with that better than me anyway :)23:22
BUGabundo_pHI_: $ ubuntu-bug linux23:26
_pHI_just submitted one23:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571476 in linux "Trim support missing from Ubuntu's 10.04 kernel" [Undecided,New]23:26
JetPackTuxedoWas hibernate removed from 10.04?23:27
BUGabundoJetPackTuxedo: no23:27
JetPackTuxedoBUGabundo, It isn't in my menu with suspend, restart, shutdown, and logoff23:29
BUGabundoI have it23:29
BUGabundowhat GPU and drivers?23:29
JetPackTuxedoand the newest ones23:29
BUGabundoblob? or NV23:29
JetPackTuxedoI can have the number in a minute23:30
BUGabundobjsnider: can you help him ?23:30
pcrovJetPackTuxedo: is your swap partition as least as big as your ram?23:30
BUGabundooh rigt23:30
BUGabundoforgot that23:30
JetPackTuxedoI forgot to set up swapspace23:30
JetPackTuxedothat explains it23:30
JetPackTuxedothanks guys23:30
BUGabundogood luck23:30
bjsnidernv is just a temporary solution until you install the blob23:30
bjsnidernv is just a temporary solution until you install the blob23:31
bjsniderdo not use nv as your nvidia driver23:31
JetPackTuxedowhat's wrong with the nvidia drivers?23:31
bjsnideruse nouveau or the bob23:32
JetPackTuxedonouveau doesn't have 3D acceleration23:32
JetPackTuxedounless they added it since I tried it23:32
bjsniderneither does nv23:32
BUGabundoJetPackTuxedo: there's an experimental version of nouveau with 3D support23:33
BUGabundoin the xedgers PPA23:33
JetPackTuxedoI'll check it out23:33
JetPackTuxedoyou guys rock ^.^23:34
JetPackTuxedoBUGabundo, even experimental is better. NVidia is slow. Nouveau ran great when I had it, but I couldn't run compiz, so I left it.23:34
BUGabundonvidia blob is fast here23:36
BUGabundofaster then nouveau23:36
bjornis kde trying to drive users away?  i tried to install lucid, but kmail is completely non-functional, with some akonadi issue23:46
brianhermanhow to i update the time in ubuntu from the command line in 10.04 i am getting errors with time23:46
MJEvansI have a sort of odd question.   I'll be attending a Lanch Party for Ubuntu Lucid Thrs night.  I want to download anything I can early so that I just need to grab a little bit to have a complete CD image.  Will there be a jigdo download for the final image that I can use an RC image for?23:48
ZykoticK9bjsnider, BUGabundo crimsun h00k IdleOne rww yofel (everyone I forgot to mention) - before this channel closes, I just wanted to say "Thank you all" for sharing your knowledge and experience with Ubuntu over the past few months in this channel.  I have learned a great deal from #ubuntu+1 over this time, and have enjoyed becoming more involved with the Ubuntu community.  Prior to Lucid I didn't even have a LaunchPad account.  Thank you all!23:49
MJEvansZykoticK9: it doesn't close though.  It'll stick around for Ubuntu MM whatever that is.23:49
yofelit closes for a few weeks (until uds usually)23:50
yofelZykoticK9: thanks, and thanks for all the time you spent here too, hope to see you again :)23:50
BUGabundowe all too ZykoticK923:51
BUGabundoNOW STOP THE SPAM :)23:51
BUGabundoyofel: no. until toolchain23:51
BUGabundoyou would cut my wrists if it was until UDS23:51
yofelwell, I only followed the pre-alpha discussion since lucid, and I remember the channel opening somewhere around uds-l so I might be wrong23:52
BUGabundoI've been doing +1 from start for a few cycles23:55
BUGabundomaybe 7.1023:55
BUGabundo7.04 I was in alpha223:55
BUGabundo6.10 beta23:55
westinghouseit takes a lot of time to update23:55
yofelme too, but for intrepid I was here since beta, jaunty alpha3, karmic alpha1, and lucid pre-alpha, but 6 months are a long time so my memory might fail me23:56
h00kZykoticK9: I'm all teary-eyed23:56
* BUGabundo tries to match codenames to versions23:57
yofelthey're correctly sorted :P23:57
BUGabundoyofel: for lucid I was here since day two... november 2th23:57
BUGabundokarmic come out on the 29th23:57
westinghousea petaflop of files23:58
Ken8521_6.06=dapper, 6.10=edgy, 7.04=feisty, 7.10=gutsy,8.04=hardy,8.10-intrepid,9.04=jaunty,9.10=karmic,10.04=lucid23:58
yofelreally? I got redirected to #ubuntu until uds, maybe you're on the invite list? (ubuntu member only maybe?)23:58
bjsniderKen8521_, what about breezy and warty?23:58
westinghousewhat follows after zoophilic zebra?23:58
Ken8521_bjsnider, those don't count.. ubuntu sucked back then23:59
westinghouseaarkward aard?23:59
yofelarctic ara23:59
Ken8521_what makes you think it will be zoophilic zebra?23:59
yofelwait, that doesn't exist...23:59

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