
zniavregood morning07:51
vishkwwii: Bug #567942 , is simple , we just need to add the new logo in the 32px and 48px sizes08:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567942 in ubuntu-mono "Wrong ubuntu icon is used in item list" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56794208:51
kwwiivish: ahhh, right08:59
kwwiivish: hadn't seen that bug yet08:59
kwwiieasily fixable, but not for lucid anymore09:00
kwwiithorwil: ping?09:32
thorwilkwwii: pong09:39
kwwiidrum roll please13:23
kwwiiwe will be spreading this info the correct wiki pages, etc13:24
andreasnsweet, thanks!13:29
=== FLOZz_ is now known as FLOZz
kwwiivish: have you registered your nick with freenode?22:21
kwwiivish: I just tried to op you and it said you were not22:22
vishkwwii: yeah , i'm registered .. also using the ubuntu cloak22:22
* vish keeping fingers crossed.. trying new upstream kernel22:26
kwwiivish: hehe, my laptop simply died today22:50
kwwiitwo shopping days before two weeks of meetings (for me)22:50
kwwiivish: so "vish" is your registered nick?22:51
vishkwwii: yup22:51
kwwiinow it worked22:52
vishhehe :D22:52
kwwiiI guess the first thing to do is change the topic22:52
vishkwwii: i had probably just logged in when you tried earlier  ;)22:52
vishkwwii: did you notice the names of the pdf files? they are named *K*ubuntu22:53
vishrather the eps files22:54
=== kwwii changed the topic of #ubuntu-artwork to: Channel for the community artwork team | New Visual Identity Guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/VisualIdentity | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art
kwwiivish: nope, didnt't see that22:54
kwwiiwhich files22:54
vish kwwii the files in   :  UBUNTU_BRANDMARK_AW/ubuntu_brandmark/Files_for_print/22:55
kwwiiI do not see a K anywhere22:56
vishwhen you open the files .eps files the title bar will mention "Kubuntu_development_TM"22:56
kwwiiwhat are you opening it with?22:57
vishkwwii: when they open in evince22:57
kwwiiI have tried the document viewer and inkscape and I do not see that22:57
kwwiiwhere do you see it with evince22:57
vishlet me get the screenshot22:57
kwwiivish: I appreciate this info22:57
kwwiivish: as we need to fix it22:57
kwwiibut I cannot see it currently22:58
kwwiialso, my desktop runs jaunty with updates and my laptop died tonight22:58
kwwiiwhich really sucks22:58
kwwiiwe lost a lot of information tonight becuase of that22:59
vishkwwii: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot-1.png , notice the title bar22:59
vishevery file i tried is the same23:00
kwwiibtw, I sent the button svg to you..can you send the original back to me? I am afraid of losing it due to my disk failure23:00
vishsure thing23:00
kwwiivish: hrm, I cannot reproduce that on my machine23:01
kwwiibut again, I am not running lucid here23:02
kwwiiI cannot see any of that info in the metadata either23:02
vishmaybe some else on lucid can check it too23:02
kwwiican you check the metadata of the file you are viewing to see what it says23:02
kwwiiand check the filename23:02
kwwiiit should show the file name23:03
kwwiithe filename from the download is k*?23:03
vishkwwii: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot-Properties.png23:04
vish btw, it also mentions illustrator ;p23:05
kwwiithis seems like a funky effect of too much introspection23:05
kwwiiwhere did you right click to get this?23:05
vishjust sent you the buttons mail..23:12
kwwiiI will end up buying either a new hard drive for my laptop and losing all the date, at least for now, or buying a new laptop and losing the data as well23:12
kwwiihehe, cool23:12
kwwiigood thing I sent it out23:12
vishkwwii: see , its good to share ;p23:12
kwwiihehe, if things worked by my rules all of this would be open23:13
kwwiimy laptop is totally dead23:19
kwwiiand I really don't have the money to buy a new one23:19
knomekwwii, you have to ask mark for a new one.23:20
vishyeah.. the desktop team got new minis for testing , you should get a new laptop ;)23:21
kwwiiknome: lol, my contract states that I have to provide the computers I need23:21
knomeare you not paid? :P23:21
vishknome: could you open the branding files? and check what i was mentioning? the "Kubuntu..." thingie  ?23:22
kwwiivish: I did and cannot see it23:22
kwwiitell me which exact file you see it with23:22
kwwiiand which exact program and step you doing to reproduce it23:23
knomevish, what exactly should i check?23:23
kwwiiLOL, the 13th time I try my laptop boots23:23
knomekwwii, fail23:23
vishkwwii: almost all the files , all i did was to open the file in evince " UBUNTU_BRANDMARK_AW/ubuntu_brandmark/Files_for_print/ "23:23
kwwiishould I make a backup?23:24
vishknome: ^23:24
vishkwwii: definitely backup!23:24
knomelike, what's wrong with that?23:24
kwwiiman, i am soooooooo happy that it booted23:24
kwwiiamazed, really23:24
vishknome: do you see the files named as Kubuntu.. like this >  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot-1.png  in the title bar?23:25
knomelet me see23:25
knomei can't even load the files apparently23:26
knomeis there something wrong in my installation? :P23:27
vishxubuntu fail! ;p23:27
knomeno, evince fail23:27
knomejust says loading23:27
kwwiiknome: inkscape should be able to load it23:27
knomeoh, inkscape... :P23:27
kwwiibut maybe the problem is only with evince23:28
kwwiiI will test it once the backup is done :p23:28
vishwell , i noticed the problem in evince.. inkscape shows on metadata though23:29
vishgah! even the files in /UBUNTU_BRANDMARK_AW/ubuntu_brandmark/Files_for_web  are the same!  looks like all the .eps files are retaining the metadata somewhere which is read in evince23:30
kwwiithat sucks23:31
kwwiiI wonder which metadata it is23:31
kwwiiI cannot see anything in the SVG23:31
kwwiiwell, from inkscape that is23:31
vishyeah , inkscape is clean for me too23:31
kwwiiI guess I should look into the SVG itself23:31
kwwiitoo late here for that tonight thought23:32
kwwiivish, you should be in be23:32
vish ;)23:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 479674 in libspectre "evince 2.28.1 fails to render binary eps files on amd64" [Low,Confirmed]23:33
knomei think i have that...23:33
kwwiiknome: sounds reasonable23:34
kwwiivish: let's discuss this k* issue more tomorrow23:34
vishthe COF .eps files are named correctly23:34
vishkwwii: sure.. nite!23:34
knomereasonable, i don't think, explains why this happens, yes23:34
kwwiivish: even if you are staying up I have a family and have to sleep23:34
kwwiivish: do you have a family?23:35
knomeeven if i have family i'll stay up23:35
knomeoh wait..23:35
vishkwwii: lol , everyone has a family..23:35
kwwiibut you aren't really doing anything than talking23:35
vishnot of my own yet ;p23:35
knomekwwii means family as in horny wife23:35
* knome hides23:35
kwwiivish: sure, sorry for not explaining that right23:36
kwwiiknome: I want your horny wife23:36
kwwiihow is that?23:36
vishexplaining what. horny wife?23:36
knomekwwii, you should have your own.23:36
kwwiiknome: no worries, I do23:36
knomekwwii, good. i'm reliefed. if you didn't, you would have gone wayyyyy down the wrong road.23:37
kwwiivish: I really want to figure out these problems with the names/metadata23:37
kwwiivish: quite important that the ubuntu visuals don't say kubuntu23:37
knomea suggestion: make them say "xubuntu rocks!"23:38
knomevish, wrong syntax.23:38
knomevish, missing slash.23:38
kwwiimy laptop, while still working is copying 75.4gb of info to a backup disk. Let's hope it goes well23:39
knomeanyone happened to fix broken sparkplugs?23:40
kwwiinow I have an excuse to a) take half the day off to buy an SSD and b) speed up my computer :-)23:40
knomemine have some kind of contact failure23:41
kwwiiin addition I got the chance to save my files23:41
kwwiiwhat a deal23:41
* vish only heard of spark plugs in cars 23:42
kwwiiknome: I honestly beat the shit out of this laptop and poof it works again23:43
knomepretty nice comparing to their price.23:43
knomekwwii, :D23:43
knomekwwii, did you get a backup of the uds-jaunty group photo?23:44
kwwiiprobably a connector or something with the hard disk itself23:44
kwwiiknome: I have that on a backup of my old mac stuff for which I no longer have the software to export23:45
kwwiiknome: I know, _I can export it23:45
knomemaybe someday23:45
kwwiiask me in the year 300023:45
kwwiiI will honestly think about it soon23:45
kwwiithe problem is that the files were done on a mac which is out of served23:46
kwwiiand although I have them, I lost the directory info23:46
knomesounds like you need to do backups way more often...23:47
kwwiiso I need to search through thousands of files to find them without any idea of where they are23:47
kwwiiI have terabytes of backups23:47
kwwiijust in pictures23:47
kwwiithe problem is that with all I do by employer thinks it is my responsibility to make backups23:48
kwwiibut really, it is not my problem23:48
knomelately, my employer also thought i should make backups23:49
knomeoh wait, that's me23:49
kwwiiI do try to make backups23:49
knome(yeah, i lost some important files 2 days ago. fortunately i can get the backups from my client...)23:49
kwwiibut if something gets lost and they expect me to pay for the hardware and software when something gets lost it is not my problem23:50
kwwiitime for sleep23:50

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