
=== phillw is now known as phillw_away
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linkz0rlobinho (nome bunitinho :3 )04:20
linkz0rg'night all04:20
lobinhohey \o04:20
pedro3005hey dudes04:24
linkz0rpedro, i think i remember you04:25
pedro3005fala linkz0r04:27
linkz0rheheh é vc msm :p04:30
linkz0rnão tenho aparecido aki lol04:30
linkz0re aí, oq vc tem feito?04:31
lobinhoessa sala é brasileira? /perguntan00b04:31
pedro3005linkz0r, cara, melhorei um pouco em programação, ainda sou noob.. aprendi o basicão de C/C++04:32
linkz0rheh show :304:32
linkz0re eu em compensação n tenho feito qz nd :x04:33
lobinhoo que você chama de basicão? já viu classes, orientação a objetos?04:33
pedro3005basicão é até mais ou menos loops while e for04:33
lobinhoou isso04:33
linkz0rc aprendeu basicamente C então04:33
pedro3005mas eu comecei num C++04:34
pedro3005então acho que sei o quase nada dos dois04:34
linkz0rentão classes e structs, c jah viu?04:34
pedro3005structs eu vi um pouquinho04:34
pedro3005conheço classes por Python, onde eu sou um pouco melhor04:34
linkz0rhi Quietstorm04:40
PabloRubianeshey you two... please english! pedro3005 linkz0r if someone want to participate in the conversation ;-)04:40
linkz0rsorry PabloRubianes :<04:40
linkz0rbut i guess the conversation is over already haha04:40
pedro3005PabloRubianes, aw, the channel was dead..04:41
PabloRubianeslinkz0r: no problem04:41
PabloRubianespedro3005: It's ok... I tend to speak in spanish with diego, but it's better for all if we speak the same languaje04:42
lobinhowe can only speak the same language IF we talk at all lol04:43
PabloRubianesgood one :)04:44
pedro3005well, what's up, everyone?04:45
linkz0ri'm refusing to sleep even thought i should be already sleeping since some 2 hours ago :x04:46
linkz0rmaybe it's my time to go, it's really late now04:46
linkz0rhope to talk to you soon pedro04:47
linkz0rg'night everyone, i'm off!04:47
lobinho(00:47 here in Brazil, folks)04:47
lobinhobut nah, that's not thaaat late04:47
lobinhohey, where'd ya go?! D:04:47
pedro3005still here04:48
pedro3005though I _should_ be sleeping as well :P04:48
lobinholinkz0r? he left o.o04:48
pedro3005yeah, he did04:49
PabloRubianespedro3005: which city are u now?04:50
pedro3005PabloRubianes, Rio04:50
pedro3005lobinho, hey, where are you at?04:50
lobinhoRio too04:50
pedro3005cool.. which neighborhood?04:50
lobinhoas well as linkz0r, he's a classmate at a programming course04:51
pedro3005oh, cool. I'm in Cosme Velho, near Botafogo04:51
lobinhodo you know Nikkei, the japanese culture school? it's in Cosme Velho, I practice taiko there04:53
pedro3005don't know about it... where's it at? Rua Das Laranjeiras?04:54
lobinhonope, Rua Cosme Velho04:54
lobinhoabove the station to Cristo and the end bus stop04:54
pedro3005oh, I know04:55
pedro3005pretty close to my house04:55
pedro3005you know the bakery?04:56
lobinhohmm, I don't think so04:56
lobinhowhere is it?04:56
pedro3005in Rua Cosme Velho.. a little bit before Cristo station04:56
lobinhonear Sion?04:57
pedro3005yeah, a bit after Sion.. I live in the street between Sion and the bakery04:57
lobinhofound it at Google Maps05:00
pedro3005just don't rob me :305:00
lobinhoI'll try not to ;)05:00
pedro3005hey man, there's going to be a TEDx here05:02
lobinhoa what? ._.05:02
pedro3005lobinho, look http://www.tedxsudeste.com.br/2010/category/blog/05:02
pedro3005brb, going to the bathroom05:03
lobinhotake your time05:03
pedro3005lobinho, back05:08
pedro3005looked at it? It's a technology event05:08
lobinhoyup, I'm reading it05:09
lobinhobut the presentations are too short ._.05:09
pedro3005is it a free event? I can't find if you have to pay or what05:10
lobinhofrom what I read there, they usually have 1000 tickets, and they all are sold out a year before the event date D:05:11
pedro3005no, that's TED, on california05:12
pedro3005lobinho, oh well :/05:15
lobinhosorry, dude05:16
lobinhosorry, Pidgin crashed05:19
pedro3005wb :)05:20
lobinhowell, gotta go05:26
lobinhonice to meet you :)05:26
pedro3005see you some other time :D05:26
lobinhomay the Force be with you \o05:27
znxtchI've decided to throw myself to the masses and let the people decide my fate.05:55
znxtchI have an 8gb IPod touch.   I recently converted to pure Ubuntu.  The IPod touch won't sync with Ubuntu and its jst too damn small.   Today I have the option of buying a bigger IPOD classic and selling off the IPod Touch.  What do the peope say?05:56
pedro3005If you dislike Touch's size, I guess you should get a different one05:58
ddecatorlibimobiledevice0 is on lucid and can communicate with the touch and iphone =) (or it's supposed to at least)05:58
znxtchi just read that a second ago05:58
znxtchim testing now05:58
znxtchholy shit05:59
znxtchbut who!05:59
znxtchlucid is works fine05:59
ddecatordoes it work?05:59
znxtchout of the box05:59
ddecatorgood =)05:59
znxtchno tweaking05:59
* znxtch will payall ddecator $20 for saving him $15005:59
ddecatorhaha, but if it's too small memory-wise for you, then it's your choice06:00
znxtchLet see if it will sync06:00
znxtchGot an error trying the first time, "error while getting p-2-p abus connection: The nam :1.310 was not provided y any .service files"06:00
znxtchI tried to drag and drop music using Rhythmbox06:02
pedro3005google that error06:02
znxtchi did06:03
znxtchsays it cant drag and drop06:03
znxtchbut offers no solution06:03
znxtchi'll look06:03
javatexanthis is probably a stupid question, but do any of the open source speech recognition programs actually type in an editor, like gedit or such?  I am looking on http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Speech-Recognition-HOWTO/software.html and http://voxforge.org/home06:05
javatexani see several for controling gnome, etc...but none seem to just show it speech to text in gedit....am I missing something?06:06
znxtchOkay "F" this.06:31
znxtchI'm trading in for a larger IPod classic.06:31
znxtchNot only can I switch back to listening to higher quality audio.  (I lower bitrate to increase amount of stored music)  I can stay sane and sync it with Ubuntu.06:31
znxtchBefore I go get it...06:31
znxtchAnyone in here had success syncing an IPod classic with Ubuntu?06:32
znxtchor do i have to dual boot with os x?06:32
znxtchbecause i dont want to dual boot06:32
znxtchim doing this whole screw the man thing06:32
znxtchill still buy his mp3 players06:32
arnaudmuhizihi all, I'm failing to have a dynamic IP address assigned to my tap interface08:11
=== phillw_away is now known as phillw
jvbnHello there. I have what I think may be a stupid question, but I am in doubt. I have been using the Beta versions of 10.04. When the final version is released, do I need to reinstall13:47
jvbnor can I just update13:47
zeroseven0183You can just update13:48
zeroseven0183But I prefer doing fresh install13:48
jvbnThat is using the Update Maganer?13:48
zeroseven0183still, you have the choice13:48
jvbnAh, OK, I think I also prefer a fresh install13:48
jvbnThanks very, very much for your help13:49
zeroseven0183If you do that, be sure you back up your data first :-)13:49
jvbnOK, yes, I will remember that. I think I have a little guide somewhere of how to back up everything and then do a fresh install. Will make sure I do that. Thanks a lot for reminding me. Have a good day!!13:50
zeroseven0183Sure. Same to you!13:51
jvbnBye for now!13:51
shahanI am back14:10
shahanInstalling KDE over GNOME14:11
shahannew experiment14:11
shahanlarge download14:11
shahanmay take 1 hour to finish14:12
zeroseven0183Hi shahan. Is it sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?14:13
shahanzeroseven0183: no14:14
shahanzeroseven0183: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/config-desktop/C/index.html14:14
shahanzeroseven0183: its for KDE https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/config-desktop/C/other-desktops.html#other-desktop-kde14:14
shahanzeroseven0183:  "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" it may also work14:15
shahanzeroseven0183: you can check14:15
zeroseven0183You did the GUI version?14:15
zeroseven0183I have it once14:16
zeroseven0183But wanted to focus more on GNOME first14:16
zeroseven0183But I love to have an elegant desktop14:16
shahanzeroseven0183: yes .. mine procedure is a GUI process14:18
shahanzeroseven0183: wht is "elegant desktop"?14:19
zeroseven0183elegant, eyecandy :-)14:19
shahanzeroseven0183: :-)14:20
shahanzeroseven0183: what r u using now?14:20
shahanzeroseven0183: GNOME or KDE?14:20
zeroseven0183Ubuntu (GNOME)14:20
shahanzeroseven0183: on which version of UBUNTU?14:20
zeroseven0183But I have also Lubuntu running as VM14:21
shahanzeroseven0183: 9.10?14:21
zeroseven0183Tomorrow, 10.0414:21
shahanzeroseven0183: hmm14:21
zeroseven0183In just a matter of 24 hours or less, I'd be using 10.0414:21
shahanzeroseven0183:  you will go to 10.04?14:21
shahanzeroseven0183: hmm14:22
shahanzeroseven0183: I have a lot of software installed on my ubuntu 9.1014:22
zeroseven0183I'm still thinking if I will upgrade, but more or less I'll go fresh install.14:22
shahanzeroseven0183: I am not willing to convert it to 10.04 right now14:22
zeroseven0183You always have the freedom :-)14:23
shahanzeroseven0183: right14:23
shahanzeroseven0183:  but I will download the edition14:23
shahanzeroseven0183: where r u from?14:24
zeroseven0183The Philippines14:24
zeroseven0183How about you?14:24
zeroseven0183We're actually planning the release party and hold it on May 7.14:25
shahanzeroseven0183: from BANGALDESH14:25
shahanzeroseven0183: BANGLADESH14:25
zeroseven0183I think there are a lot of computer users, programmers, IT enthusiasts that are new to Ubuntu/Linux that will participate14:26
zeroseven0183I see14:26
shahanzeroseven0183: what do u do?14:26
zeroseven0183At work or at home?14:26
shahan*/msg zeroseven0183 home14:26
shahan*/msg zeroseven018314:27
shahanzeroseven0183: home14:27
shahanzeroseven0183: you?14:27
zeroseven0183I'm doing a lot of reading --- news, Ubuntu stuffs, answer questions in the forums14:28
zeroseven018310.04 Lucid Lynx is 1 day to go... can't wait14:35
LzrdKingeh, no big deal14:36
zeroseven0183Why? You're already using the beta/RC?14:36
LzrdKingno, karmnic and jaunty14:37
zeroseven0183I'm curious. Why it's no big deal for LzrdKing?14:37
LzrdKingits just an upgrade14:37
LzrdKingmaybe also because i just did a clean install of karmic; on my one laptop its a jaunty-> karmic upgrade which isn't the same14:38
LzrdKingso i just got a new os14:38
shahanits 7:38 Pm there14:39
shahanhow long I have to wait for this for 10.0414:39
shahanLzrdKing: yes....14:39
shahanLzrdKing: :)14:39
zeroseven0183sure it's just an upgrade14:40
zeroseven0183As long as everything you need is working14:40
zeroseven0183you really don't need to switch14:40
LzrdKingi mean, i'm going to download and seed lucid, and maybe even install it on my second partition, but eh, its just an OS14:41
LzrdKingeven if its the best os i've seen14:41
zeroseven0183I respect that. What do you do LzrdKing?14:42
zeroseven0183Yeah. What keeps you busy14:43
LzrdKingoh, i'm a web applicatin administrator14:47
LzrdKingbut we use centos at work14:47
zeroseven0183I see. CentOS is based on Red Hat, right?14:47
zeroseven0183I have to go now14:49
zeroseven0183I'll see you around next time14:50
LzrdKingsee ya14:50
mslovetteI have an issue with and IDE-SCSI device and an external USB HDD... it appears that on boot, if I dont have teh USB HDD configured in fstab (and powered up), it snatches the /dev assignment and mount for the IDE-SCSI raid unit.... any thoughts?15:03
mslovettehmm... must be too early... will bbl and ask again... ciao15:06
shahanneed help about installing KDE16:14
shahanfrom GNOME to KDE16:14
shahanexperienced help needed16:14
shahanany one here16:15
* phillw doesn't use kde16:15
shahanphillw: hi16:16
shahanphillw: can u help me about it?16:16
shahanphillw: my download of KDE has been finished16:16
phillwshahan: I cannot, but these guyz can http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kdeww916:17
shahanphillw: I am using ubuntu 9.10 right now16:17
phillwshahan: follow that link :-)16:17
shahanphillw: after download a dialogue box has appear16:17
* phillw has never used kde16:17
shahanphillw: ok16:18
shahanphillw: tnx16:18
shahaninstallation finished.... of KDE16:23
shahanlet me logout16:23
shahanwill be back if any problem doesnt occours.... :p16:23
shahanwith a disgusting experience16:36
shahanKDE.... experience16:36
shahanthere my internet doesnt work16:37
shahandont know why16:37
shahangraphics is good16:37
shahanbut..... as it is not familiar with me..... I felt hasitate16:37
starcraftmanshahan: awww, kde ain't so bad, it's the pretty blue cousin of GNOME. Also, they still got button on the right.16:38
shahanstarcraftman: yes.. KDE environment is good16:38
starcraftmanshahan: what was net problem, wireless?16:39
shahanstarcraftman: but It will take a time to suit for me16:39
shahanstarcraftman: yes WIFI16:39
shahanstarcraftman: WiFi16:39
starcraftmanshahan: odd, uses same backend as GNOME network manager you know.16:39
starcraftmanshahan: you tried setting it up via the network plug in lower right tray?16:41
shahanstarcraftman: no16:42
starcraftmanshahan: well there we are :). ITs the white and green plug in corner. Ya right click or left and ya can set up a connection.16:42
shahanstarcraftman: giving u the link16:42
shahanstarcraftman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9143407&postcount=216:43
shahanstarcraftman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145784316:44
starcraftmanshahan: not sure I follow, your wanting to do that on kubuntu? Should work, just edit same files. no gedit, instead use kate.16:47
shahanstarcraftman: how to do that?16:49
shahanstarcraftman: how to enter on my HDD from KDE?16:50
shahanstarcraftman: I am not getting any drive there16:51
shahanstarcraftman: mine is NTFS16:51
starcraftmanshahan: I'm not sure I follow. You having trouble getting a console prompt? It's konsole on kde.16:51
shahanstarcraftman: tnx16:52
shahanstarcraftman: let me go to KDE again16:52
shahanwill be back soon16:52
starcraftmanshahan: np, should be able to work exactly the same.16:52
shahanstarcraftman: I have removed KDE17:07
shahanstarcraftman: it doesnt work17:07
starcraftmanshahan: no ? Ah well, as ya like.17:07
shahanGNOME is good17:08
shahanstarcraftman: easy to use17:08
starcraftmankde can be easy too, just gotta know how to use it. To each his own. I like shiny!17:08
shahanstarcraftman: yes... know17:10
shahanstarcraftman: but when I first come in GNOME ... I used it easily17:10
shahanstarcraftman: using the PC17:10
shahanstarcraftman: browsing my drives...17:10
shahanstarcraftman: playing song17:10
FrancisI'm having problems about my browser... can some1 please help me?17:14
FrancisI'll be back shortly17:16
Francisi have to restart computer becuase if I try to open my Firefox? it says: it's not responding or i have to restart17:16
shahanFrancis: :)17:16
Francisshahan: will you please help me? :s17:17
FrancisI'm just gonna have to restart first thought. I'll be back 2 mins17:17
shahanFrancis: whats ur problem17:17
shahanFrancis: ?17:17
Francisit's about my Internet browser17:17
shahanFrancis: ok17:17
Francisit always goes 'not responding'17:17
Francisill be back shortly17:18
Francishold on please, thanks17:18
Francisshahan: I'm back. I'm sorry about that17:28
shahanFrancis: ok...17:28
shahanFrancis: wats ur problem17:28
Francisok it's my firefox17:28
Francisit always go Not responding everytime17:28
Francisfor example.. If I go to youtube? it will go not responding17:29
Francisso i have to exit it and open a new tab, ya?17:29
shahanFrancis: is ur internet works?17:29
Francisbut in my case, I couldn't open the internet browser coz it's not responding17:29
Francis0ya it's working17:30
shahanClear your cache. Edit --> preferences --> Advanced --> Network, Clear Now button.17:31
shahanClear your cache. Edit --> preferences --> Advanced --> Network, "Clear Now" button.17:31
Francisok hold on pls17:32
shahanFrancis: hope it will work17:33
Francisi can't see an advanced17:33
shahanClear your cache. Edit --> preferences --> Advanced --> Network, "Clear Now" button.17:34
shahanhave you gone to Clear your cache. Edit --> preferences17:34
Francisok im here in preferences17:34
Francisand i can't see advanced17:34
shahanthen upper left side Advanced17:34
Francisoh in content?17:34
shahanupper right side17:35
shahanthen click on Network Tab17:35
shahanthen "Clear Now"button17:35
Francisok i clicked clear now17:36
shahanFrancis: now hope you will go to youtube17:37
shahanFrancis: hope it will work17:37
Francisok let's see if it works17:38
Francishold on17:38
shahanFrancis: ok...17:40
shahanFrancis: inform me if it works17:40
Francisi guess its ok now17:41
Francisthanks for your help :p17:41
FrancisI'm just curious, what's a cache?17:41
Franciswhat does it do?17:43
shahanFrancis: welcome17:44
shahanFrancis: cache holds the data of sites....17:44
Francisoh I see17:45
shahanFrancis: may be there were some files which abstract your firefox to go to youtube17:45
Francismakese sense17:45
shahanFrancis: where r u frm?17:45
Francisbut im not good in english yet17:45
shahanFrancis: hmm17:46
shahanFrancis: why ? you speak french? :p17:46
Francisso sorry if u dont understand some of my worlds17:46
Francisno no lol17:46
shahanFrancis: what is "xd"?17:46
FrancisI'm from the Philippines so I speak a diff. language17:46
Francisxd is like XD17:46
Francisit's nothing17:46
shahanwhat does it mean?17:47
Francisit's an emoticon17:47
Francislike this17:47
shahanwhat do u do?17:47
Franciswhat do you mean17:47
shahanstudent or job?17:48
Francisstudent still17:48
Francishbu? where u from lol17:48
shahanclass/grade or school, college, university?17:48
shahani am from BANGLADESH17:48
Francisoh I see17:48
shahando u use TeamViewer?17:49
FrancisI don't17:49
Franciswhat's that shahan?17:49
shahanu can install it...17:49
shahanits a software which helps to get support remotely...17:50
LzrdKingwhats the pooint of TeamViewer? just use vnc17:50
LzrdKingand ssh if necessary17:50
Francisshahan: u mean if my pc has problems, it will automatically get fixed?17:51
shahanFrancis: no...17:51
shahanFrancis: :)17:51
shahanFrancis: if u install it.. then if u permit other, they can access ur pc to do any work remotely17:52
shahanFrancis: understand?17:52
shahanFrancis: you can install it from http://www.teamviewer.com/download/index.aspx#downloadAreaLinux\17:52
shahanFrancis: http://www.teamviewer.com/download/index.aspx#downloadAreaLinux17:52
Francisis that safe.. lol17:52
LzrdKingor you can just install vnc from the repos17:52
Francisthat they can go to my system >.<17:52
shahanFrancis: there are a lot of softwares...17:53
shahanFrancis: I like TeamViewer17:53
shahanFrancis: :)17:53
shahanFrancis: so... where do u study?17:53
Francisso they would know what Im doing if I install that?17:53
Franciswhy so curious :P17:53
hobgoblinshahan - is that not a paid app?17:53
shahanFrancis: school, college, university?17:53
Francishobgoblin: RS? lol17:54
shahanhobgoblin: no.. its free17:54
shahanhobgoblin: it has Linux, Windows, Mac version17:54
shahanhobgoblin: also for the "iPhone"17:54
hobgoblinI can see that - I can also see the prices17:55
LzrdKingFrancis: i'm assuming there would be some sort of access control17:55
shahanhobgoblin: it has professional version17:55
shahanhobgoblin: it will require money17:55
Francis-confused- I dont know much about Linux >.<17:55
shahanhobgoblin: but free editon can fullfill my necessity17:56
shahanFrancis: no body will get access... it u dont permit17:56
shahanFrancis: you can take a look http://www.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux.deb17:56
Francishold on pls ;)17:57
Francisoh i have to download17:57
shahanFrancis: yes...17:57
shahanFrancis: its about 18 MB17:57
Francisok im so confused about this thing17:57
Francisso they can access my files too?17:57
shahanFrancis: why? whats the problem?17:57
hobgoblinFrancis: I should take a look here before you start giving people access yo your machine - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081217:58
shahanany one can download the software from http://www.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux.deb17:59
shahanand absolutely you will give the permission to others if u belive him17:59
Francis2my pidgin went not responding18:00
shahanotherwise not18:00
shahangoing to take supper18:00
shahan10 mins18:00
shahanwill be back soon18:00
Francis2so shahan, you think this is safe?18:00
Francis2shahan:  ok i'll wait for you ;)18:00
Francis2eat well18:00
shahanFrancis2: there is nothing to be unsafe18:01
shahanFrancis2: I am using it for about 6 month18:01
shahanFrancis2: I got no security problem with it18:01
Francis2what specific things does it do?18:02
shahanso.... what class do u read?18:02
Francis2what class do I read? what do you mean18:02
shahanFrancis2: hahah18:02
Francis2shahan: lol18:02
shahanFrancis2: college, or university?18:02
Francis2oh well let me explain18:02
shahanFrancis2: ok.. explain18:03
Francis2I'm suppose to be 2nd year college if Im in the philippines ok18:03
shahanthat is u are in 14 years education life18:03
Francis2why so curious btw :D18:03
shahanFrancis2: right?18:03
LzrdKingFrancis2: its logmein or gotomypc for linux, but there are built-in ways to do this18:04
Francis2LzrdKing: u think it's safe?18:05
LzrdKingonly if you have a need for it18:05
LzrdKingit probably installs vnc with a wrapper around it anyway18:05
Francis2what does it do?18:06
Francis2like clear viruses or18:06
hobgoblingive people access to your computer = hence the link to the security post18:07
LzrdKingFrancis2: its logmein or gotomypc for linux18:07
LzrdKingthis is not a linux issue, its a computer issue18:08
starcraftmanshahan: trouble?18:49
shahanstarcraftman: yah18:50
shahanstarcraftman: I installed KDE on my UBUNTU 9.10 few hours ago to take a taste of KDE(I dont use it before)18:50
shahanthen after few minutes ago I removed it by sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop18:51
shahanbut its didnt remove18:51
starcraftmanshahan: how so?18:52
shahanstarcraftman: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop18:52
starcraftmanshahan: I meant in what way din't it remove? The package wouldn't uninstall?18:53
shahanstarcraftman: now when I run PC the KUBUNTU logo appears.... alll of the KDE software now installed on my PC... disgusting18:55
=== phillw is now known as phillw_away
starcraftmanshahan: well removing kubuntu desktop should work, you weren't logged into kde were ya?18:55
shahanstarcraftman: how can I remove it completely?18:55
shahanstarcraftman: now I am in GNOME18:56
LzrdKingexit X and do it from the cli18:56
starcraftmanAye, something must be preventing ya, maybe ya switched to kdm manager.18:57
ibuclawshahan,  kubuntu-desktop is the meta-package that installs all kubuntu packages18:57
ibuclawuninstalling it only removes the metapackage, not the software it depends on18:58
ibuclawI think psychocats still has the answer for you...18:59
ibuclawshahan, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome18:59
shahanibuclaw: tnx18:59
ibuclawno probs :)19:00
starcraftmanah hey ibuclaw, wanna poke in dev and see lil thing I talked with paultag about.19:01
starcraftmanif you aren't too busy, also. D'oh, I forgot that ><.19:01
ibuclawstarcraftman, maybe I am too busy...19:01
starcraftmanibuclaw: no worries, later then, kinda obscure gcc thing.19:03
shahanibuclaw: I installed it from https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/config-desktop/C/index.html19:04
shahannot working http://paste.ubuntu.com/424129/19:06
shahanibuclaw: not working http://paste.ubuntu.com/424129/19:06
shahanit says E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop19:07
shahangoing to sleep19:09
shahanwill be back tomorrow19:09
ibuclawshahan, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:11
ibuclawshahan, then try it again. ;)19:11
starcraftmanshahan: or simply remove kubuntu-desktop from the uninstall line.19:11
ibuclawapt-get is rather pedantic if you specify a package that isn't installed19:11
ibuclawstarcraftman, or instead use aptitude rather than apt-get ;)19:11
shahanibuclaw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424136/19:12
ibuclawoh really now...19:13
shahanibuclaw: yes19:13
ibuclawshahan, http://paste.ubuntu.com/424138/19:14
shahanibuclaw: will it remove my VLC?19:17
shahanibuclaw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424142/19:18
shahanibuclaw: its removing...19:18
shahanibuclaw: I am afraid..... will it remove my VLC or oher important19:19
ibuclawshahan, you'll have to reinstall those packages, no biggie19:19
shahanibuclaw: ohhhh19:19
shahanibuclaw: shit19:19
ibuclawshahan, I said no biggie ;)19:19
shahanibuclaw: why didnt u tell me before19:20
ibuclawall packages affected are named in that pastebin.19:20
shahanibuclaw: ohhhh19:20
shahanibuclaw: however.... is there any .deb file of VLC?19:20
ibuclawshahan, just say once it is done19:21
shahanibuclaw: it finished19:21
ibuclawsudo apt-get install gnomebaker gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad libofa0 mysql-server-5.1 skype vlc vlc-nox wine19:21
shahanibuclaw: will it download them from internet?19:21
ibuclawshahan, yes, would that be a problem ?19:22
shahanibuclaw: my speed is so slow!!!19:22
ibuclawshahan, well be thankful that packages are compressed well then =)19:22
shahanibuclaw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424144/19:23
ibuclawah, ok - done an upgrade recently shahan ?19:24
shahanibuclaw: yes19:24
shahanabout 1 hour ago19:24
ibuclawthat explain it =)19:25
shahanwhat to do now?19:25
shahanibuclaw: ?19:25
ibuclawshahan, just omit the gstreamer package from the install list19:25
ibuclawsudo apt-get install gnomebaker libofa0 mysql-server-5.1 skype vlc vlc-nox wine19:25
ibuclawshahan, actually... chances am you only want skype, vlc + wine19:26
ibuclaw(unless you use mysql-server)19:26
ibuclawshahan:  sudo apt-get install skype vlc wine19:26
shahanibuclaw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424149/19:27
ibuclawshahan:  sudo apt-get install skype vlc wine # :)19:27
shahanfrom line 319:27
shahanibuclaw: nothing is working http://paste.ubuntu.com/424150/19:28
shahanibuclaw: :(19:28
shahanibuclaw: what can I do now?19:29
shahanibuclaw: you lauging?19:30
shahanibuclaw: laughing?19:30
ibuclawomit skype, if you use that - will have to download it again.19:31
shahanibuclaw: however...19:36
shahanI will download ubuntu 10.04 tomorrow19:37
shahanibuclaw: forget it...19:37
shahanibuclaw: :) waitting for a new ubuntu LTS edition19:37
shahanibuclaw: going to sleep19:37
shahanibuclaw: GOOD NIGHT19:37
ibuclawshahan, heh, night.19:37
=== phillw_away is now known as phillw
LzrdKingwhen will the lucid iso be available?21:02
swoodyLzrdKing: should be out tomorrow, join #ubuntu-release-party to stay up to date :)21:06
LzrdKingyeah i'm there21:06
LzrdKingi just want to seed it on BT21:06
swoodygotcha :)21:06
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody
swoodyheya paultag :)23:26
canozan_can anyone help me recover my partitions which exist but seem as unallocated with gparted?23:39
lobinhohave you tried a LiveCD? not sure if it would work23:40
canozan_i can boot in ubuntu, but i have problems booting in windows 7, which was installed in the partition which has been changed by size23:42
swoodycanozan_: so you are trying to access your Win7 partition from an installed version of Ubuntu?23:43
lobinhobut can you see Windows's address in Grub?23:43
phillwcanozan_: how did you resize your win partition ?23:44
canozan_<swoody> no, i can access to my win7 partition, but when i try to boot into win7, it just reboots everytime23:45
swoodycanozan_: do you get any errors? Does it show any part of the Windows boot screen, or just reboots straight from Grub?23:45
canozan_<phillw> i did it by accident, i just run partition magic, it gave me an error, i said fix it, and booom, windows is down23:46
canozan_<swoddy> it shows me "windows starting" screen, and then freezes and reboots23:46
lobinhocanozan_: with a LiveCD (anyone knows if the partition managers exists in Ubuntu without it?), can you see the partitions with all their details? I mean the colored bars and stuff23:46
swoodycanozan_: this sounds like it may be an issue with Windows boot.ini file. You should be able to find this in your C: directory. Make sure the boot # listed there is correct, and if that doesn't help at all, try repairing the boot files from the Win7 disc23:47
canozan_<lobinho> i can see them from ubuntu, mount them, but not all of them. with gparted, all my entire disk seems to be unallocated, but when i use the terminal, i see the partitions23:47
lobinhowow, that's weird o.o'23:48
phillwcanozan_: you can always put the win MBR back on, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101470823:48
canozan_partition magic changed the starting and ending values of some paritions23:48
swoodycanozan_: I would also make sure you have ntfsprogs and ntfs-3g installed in Ubuntu, these are tools that will allow Ubuntu to see and mount NTFS (Windows) partitions23:48
Vantraxmeans your MBR is likely corrupted/partition table23:48
canozan_and now my 196GB win7 partition is just 33GB and i think windows cannot reach to some system files in order to boot23:49
phillwthat should quiten down win, but if you have vista or win7 and you have inadvertantly moved the block boundaries, you could be in real trouble.23:49
canozan_so i think i have to change these values manually23:49
lobinhobut how? do you have a backup of Grub?23:50
canozan_i dont think so23:51
canozan_i tried to see my terminal output history, but it wasn't saved23:51
canozan_i have a conflict between two partitions, one ends apter the other one starts23:51
phillwcanozan_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoResizeWindowsPartitions  has some information on what happens if the round to cylinders occurs, it's part way down the page23:52
phillwIf you use GParted Partition Editor in the Ubuntu Live CD be careful. You should remember to remove the check mark in the 'round to cylinders' checkbox , 23:52
lobinhohave you considered formatting the Windows partition? I don't mean that's the solution, but it's all I got... sorry23:52
canozan_<lobinho> i consider this as the last opprtunutiy, but thanks anyway23:52
phillwcanozan_:  it gets all mixed up and disjointed. Sometimes it can fix itself automatically but other times it requires repairs from the Windows Installation Disc23:53
phillwcanozan_: in the 1st instance, i'd put the win MBR back on as per  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101470823:53
canozan_<phillw> windows could not repair itself from the installation disk23:53
phillwcanozan_: can you access the partition via ubuntu ?23:54
latenitehow do I search for a word in evolution email inbox? I am lookng for an email that has "word" in its body23:54
canozan_<phillw> yes, i can acess it but it used to be 196 GB, and now is 33GB, so i'm not sure if i can access to all data23:57
phillwcanozan_: depends on how much data you had on there, win takes a fair bit for the operating system.23:58
canozan_<phillw> i had something like 30GB, but when all of these happened, i was defragmanting my partition23:59

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