
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell Eastern Edition?00:00
TheMusoRAOF should be around, but is not.00:00
rickspencer3probably connectivity issues00:00
robert_ancellrickspencer3, sure00:01
rickspencer3so the meeting is short00:01
rickspencer31. do ISO testing00:01
rickspencer32. get SRUs ready00:01
rickspencer3for #2 you should be working closely with pitti00:01
rickspencer33. register your attendance for UDS00:01
rickspencer34. your blueprints should be registered00:01
rickspencer3start working on summaries00:01
* TheMuso has done 3 and 4.00:01
rickspencer3we'll get them registered next week00:01
rickspencer3thanks TheMuso00:02
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell how is the release looking to you guys?00:02
rickspencer3anything make you think we may need a respin or such?00:02
TheMusoFine from an audio standpoint.00:02
robert_ancellseems stable to me now00:02
rickspencer3hey robert_ancell, can I ask you a totally unrelated question?00:03
rickspencer3if I wanted to get a list in Python of attached video devices ...00:03
rickspencer3like "/dev/video0" - "/dev/video64"00:04
rickspencer3how might I go about that?00:04
robert_ancelldoes the api you used for the webcam not do that?00:04
robert_ancellshort answer: I don't know of a v4l api in Python00:04
rickspencer3pygame has their own c class00:04
rickspencer3which basically loops through all the possible names and sees if there is something there00:04
robert_ancellquick and dirty :)00:05
rickspencer3I'll poke at v4l and v4l200:05
rickspencer3right, I don't mind if the library I use does that, I just don't want to do it myself ;)00:05
RAOFGood morning all, *again*00:06
TheMusoHey RAOF.00:06
RAOFI wasn't expecting to start the day with a little impromptu network debugging.00:06
TheMusoheh we thought that might have been the issue.00:07
RAOFSorry about that.00:07
rickspencer3hi RAOF00:07
rickspencer3here's the meeting again00:07
rickspencer3 1. do ISO testing00:07
rickspencer3 2. get SRUs ready00:07
rickspencer3 for #2 you should be working closely with pitti00:07
rickspencer3 3. register your attendance for UDS00:07
rickspencer3 4. your blueprints should be registered00:07
rickspencer3 start working on summaries00:07
RAOFOk.  And by “summaries” here, we mean the wiki page associated to the blueprint, right?00:08
rickspencer3RAOF, no00:08
rickspencer3those are "specs"00:08
rickspencer3hold on00:08
rickspencer3let me get you guys a tad more00:08
rickspencer3here's all of our accepted blueprints so far:00:09
rickspencer3go to one, and click on "change details"00:10
rickspencer3there is a summary section00:10
rickspencer3put in everything there that you think is needed for a good discussion00:10
rickspencer3if you don't see one on the list, let me know and we'll fix that00:10
RAOFAnd that's all the meeting? :)00:13
rickspencer3RAOF, yes00:14
rickspencer3RAOF, if you are unsure of what to be working on ...00:14
rickspencer3test test test00:15
jcastrois anyone aware of any grave bugs for audio CD burning on lucid?00:24
rickspencer3jcastro, what's the bug #?00:25
jcastroI don't know, but I just spent an hour trying to burn a CD on my fiancee's computer00:25
rickspencer3can you tell me what you tried so I can try to repro it?00:25
jcastroand it goes through the process, but ejects the CD, says there was an error, but the log from brasero doesn't explain much00:25
jcastroyeah, make an audio project00:26
jcastroadd an mp3, and then burn to CD. It then transcodes it, then makes some file in /tmp that it tries to burn to CD00:26
jcastrolet me get the log00:26
Nafaijcastro: does it work if you burn to .iso?00:26
Nafaithat might narrow it down if it is "interact with hardware issue" or not00:27
rickspencer3just 1 mp3?00:27
TheMusoAudio CDs cannot be made into an iso00:27
Nafaioh doh00:27
TheMusoYou can make them into cd files with a .toc file via cdrdao, but thats all.00:27
jcastrois all the log says00:27
jcastrorickspencer3, yes, just one mp300:27
rickspencer3just click "burn"?00:28
rickspencer3it's creating an image ?00:28
NafaiI don't have a burner in this laptop or I would try it out too00:28
rickspencer3jcastro, I must have done it wrong00:28
rickspencer3it really didn't seem to work for me00:30
jcastroalso, I found out that if you don't have the right gstreamer plugins installed it gives you an ugly error00:30
jcastrosimilar to this: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+question/9626900:30
jcastrobut that's a seperate problem00:31
jcastrorickspencer3, burning didn't work for you or reproducing the problem didn't work for you?00:31
TheMusoHrm what tool does it use to create the audio CD? The only program that can create an audio cd image is cdrdao.00:31
rickspencer3jcastro, I think I didn't create an audio project00:32
rickspencer3it transcoded, now says "Burning Audio CD" and "starting to record"00:32
NafaiTheMuso: It looks like "wodim" creates audio projects00:32
TheMusoNafai: Right, still can't do audio cd images though.00:32
rickspencer3jcastro, is this what happened to you?00:32
jcastrorickspencer3, right, for me after that it just ejected and gave me an error00:32
jcastroand then there's a button to export the log00:32
rickspencer3it says writing track 100:33
NafaiTheMuso: Ah, images00:33
rickspencer3jcastro, did you get this far?00:33
jcastrois it actually burning yet? Like the light on in the drive?00:34
rickspencer3sounds like it00:34
jcastroI never got to that point, it transcoded, wrote to a file, and then ejected.00:34
jcastroit's like it tried but gave up, and the next time I put the CD in it thinks X amount of minutes are taken up00:35
jcastroso it's like, allocating the space or something but nothing gets burned on there00:35
rickspencer3it says it was succesful00:35
NafaiTheMuso: It looks like cdrdao is a suggests for brasero00:36
TheMusoNafai: ah ok00:36
rickspencer3jcastro, worked for me00:36
TheMusoNafai: its probably a generic string that is displayed regardless of media type00:36
* rickspencer3 rocks out to mow.00:36
NafaiTheMuso: Probably00:36
rickspencer3jcastro, could you please log a bug asap?00:37
rickspencer3let's have pitti take a look tomorrow00:37
rickspencer3could you assign to canonical-desktop-team00:37
rickspencer3and make it High?00:37
rickspencer3actually, the band is "moe."00:39
rickspencer3for the record00:39
jcastrorickspencer3, dinner and then I'll investigate further00:45
rickspencer3thx jcastro00:45
jcastrorickspencer3, aha! I screencasted it. Just need to wait for the atom cpu on it to encode.00:57
jcastroMy solution to every problem now is to recordmydesktop!00:57
RAOFWe could do with more of those for X bugs!01:00
jcastroRAOF, but if X doesn't work how do I record?01:05
jcastroflipcam time in that case I suppose01:05
RAOFjcastro: It wouldn't be for “X doesn't work” bugs; it'd be for “$THING doesn't look right” bugs.  Graphical corruption and the like.01:05
RAOF“X doesn't work” *generally* has reasonable logs.01:06
brycehRAOF, yeah if the bug reporter thinks to include them ;-)01:41
rickspencer3RAOF, any chance you can take a crack at jcastro's bug?01:53
rickspencer3the cd burning one?01:53
RAOFThe only CD burner I have available is on the Mac next to me, which is still running OS X.01:53
RAOFHm.  On the other hand, ISO testing, and I *did* say that I'd install Ubuntu for Sam…01:54
rickspencer3RAOF, are you about to sacrifice the happiness of your marriage to test jcastro's bug?02:09
RAOFShe *has* been asking me to install Ubuntu, and it's the RC of an LTS release… what could *possibly* go wrong? :)02:11
rickspencer3this sounds like some bad news02:12
rickspencer3gotsa split for a while02:12
* RAOF wonders whether high usb activity will bring down his wireless again.03:19
TheMusoRAOF: Either that sounds like drivers that get affected by CPU usage, or you are using USB wireless. :p03:22
RAOFiwlwifi seems to be high CPU usage affected.03:23
RAOFActually, the music dropped out for a while, too, so maybe it was interrupts being delayed.03:24
RAOFOr maybe it was a perfect storm of memory pressure, cpu usage, and interrupts :)03:24
RAOFThe osx partition editor is surprisingly bad at telling you what's happening :(04:52
Keybukit's OS X04:54
KeybukOS X has PerilSensitiveKit between the system and the user04:55
RAOFIt normally seems a bit better at telling you what's happening than “modifying partition map” with an unprogress-throbber for 30 minutes.04:56
RAOFOperation: test burning audio cd may have to wait.04:56
TheMusoI would be happier if Disk Utility in OSX allowed one to see the EFI partition, even with enabling an advanced mode. A partition editor not showing partitions that are on the disk is bad IMO.05:01
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
pittiGood morning05:53
pittirickspencer3: still there?05:54
rickspencer3hi pitti05:58
rickspencer3getting ready for bed05:58
pittirickspencer3: oh, I read scrollback and you had a question how to figure out video devices in Python05:59
rickspencer3pitti, yeah!05:59
pittirickspencer3: but I guess it's not that urgent :)05:59
rickspencer3I looked at udevadm05:59
rickspencer3but it kicked my ass05:59
rickspencer3I want to enumerate the video cameras/web cams connected to a computer06:00
rickspencer3pitti, thoughts?06:00
pittirickspencer3: two approaches06:00
pitti1) rely on sane udev rules06:00
pittithen you can just enumerate /dev/v4l/by-id/*06:01
pitti2) use python-gudev06:01
rickspencer3I saw that in the in /dev/v4l06:01
pittithen you can enumerate all devices and check for the "video" subsystem06:01
rickspencer3python-gudev sounds promising06:02
pittithat's the C API (but the Python API matches that 1:1)06:02
pittirickspencer3: please note that python-gudev is still fairly new06:02
pittii. e. it might not exist on other distros at all, and Ubuntu only has it since lucid06:03
rickspencer3pitti, for #1, are you suggesting I basically ls /dev/v4l/by-id06:03
rickspencer3<pitti> i. e. it might not exist on other distros at all, and Ubuntu only has it since lucid06:03
rickspencer3not a problem, I'm making a quidget, so it can just depend on that06:03
pittirickspencer3: #1> yes (but with listdir())06:03
rickspencer3right, I meant in a python way06:04
pittirickspencer3: the nice thing about python-gudev is that you get trivial hotplug support06:04
rickspencer3pitti, you mean l can connect to an event?06:04
rickspencer3get notified when a new device is added?06:04
pittiright, or removed06:05
pitticlient.connect("uevent", on_uevent)06:05
pittidef on_uevent(client, action, device):06:05
pittidevice -> http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/gudev/GUdevDevice.html object06:06
rickspencer3oh nice06:06
pittii. e. device.get_devtype(), device.get_device_file(), etc.06:06
rickspencer3so the quidget can do set_state_gst.NULL) or whatever if something gets pulled out06:06
pittirickspencer3: and for coldplug you use client.query_by_subsystem("video")06:06
rickspencer3very nice06:06
rickspencer3I presume it has nicely formatted vendor and device descriptor strings?06:07
pittigudev itself is already great, and with the python wrapping it's a piece of cake06:07
pittirickspencer3: depends on the hardware, of course :)06:07
rickspencer3right, of course06:07
rickspencer3I was thinking of adding something like06:07
rickspencer3which makes a list of video devices06:08
rickspencer3seems either not necessary, or easy to create with pygudev06:08
* pitti suggests to index by subsystem06:08
pittibut that's a static array again and you lose hotplug06:09
rickspencer3pitti, right06:09
rickspencer3well, it just be convenience, and maybe not necessary06:09
rickspencer3if pugdev is all one-liners anyway, then there is nothing to gain by adding on abstraction06:10
pittirickspencer3: you might add a wrapper which hides the python-gudev API, of course06:10
rickspencer3thanks pitti, this is perfect!06:10
rickspencer3pitti, right06:10
rickspencer3accept I don't like to replace one-liners with other one-liners06:10
rickspencer3if it's not significantly easier, why bother?06:11
pittilike an existing_hw_array = quickly.hardware(['usb', 'video'], hotplug_handler)06:11
pittibut it's not that much easier, yes06:11
pittiand in the hotplug_handler you need to deal with the GUdevDevice object again anyway06:11
rickspencer3pitti, up a bit early?06:12
rickspencer3did you see jcastro was having some trouble burning an audio CD06:12
pittirickspencer3: I got up at 6:30 all week already :)06:12
rickspencer3I thought you want to take a look06:12
pittirickspencer3: my wife gets up at 6 and goes to bed at 22:30, so I do, too06:12
pittirickspencer3: yeah, I saw that we earned a brasero bug06:12
rickspencer3I am on your wife's schedule06:13
rickspencer3pitti, well, I had him assign to the desktop team ;)06:13
* pitti was going to wave the "unsupported!" flag until I saw that it was coming from you06:13
rickspencer3braesero is unsupported?06:13
rickspencer3or burning mp3 is?06:13
pittirickspencer3: it's universe06:13
pittiand we know it has deficiencies06:13
rickspencer3I thought it was installed by default06:13
rickspencer3silly me06:13
pittirhythmbox! rhythmbox! rhythmbox!06:13
rickspencer3in any case, I thought you would want to rule out something to do with the CDs themselves06:14
pittijcastro: oh, ugh; who let that in..06:14
rickspencer3a bit too late for a demotion I suppose ;)06:14
pittiok, then the truth is in the middle06:14
rickspencer3jcastro, did you try RB?06:14
pittisupported, but not our default06:14
RAOFWe'd want at least one image burner in main, right?06:14
pittiargh, sorry guys, I'm totally confused06:15
pittibrasero != banshee06:15
rickspencer3yes indeed06:15
jcastroI knew someone was going to do that!06:15
rickspencer3that does resolve to False06:15
pittisorry jcastro :)06:15
jcastropitti, banshee just calls brasero, but I tested it standalone as well06:15
jcastropitti, it's ok, I am used to the banshee persecution06:15
rickspencer3jcastro, did you try RB?06:15
jcastroI will try it now06:16
NafaiI know I'm up too late when the European brigade is already up06:17
rickspencer3Nafai, seriously06:18
rickspencer3though pitti may be as productive, he is not quite a brigade06:18
Nafaiheh :)06:18
kenvandinehey guys06:18
rickspencer3hey kenvandine06:18
rickspencer3we're all up a bit late :P06:18
rickspencer3pitti was tutoring me in some sweet Python APIs06:19
rickspencer3quickly.widgets.WebCamBox ftw06:19
rickspencer3next will be quickly.widgets.MediaPlayer06:19
* kenvandine has been cleaning up bug reports and dupes... 06:19
* rickspencer3 is learning gstreamer06:19
rickspencer3kenvandine, yeah, I saw06:19
Nafairickspencer3: nice APIs?06:19
RAOFI like gstreamer.06:20
rickspencer3Nafai, yeah, I was struggling to find a reliable method of getting an enumeration of attached devices06:20
rickspencer3Google was not yielding the goods06:20
rickspencer3but pitti helped me out06:20
rickspencer3RAOF, gstreamer, I think I am going to like it06:20
rickspencer3but I had composing strings in a program06:20
rickspencer3it reminds me of the bad old days of writing SQL strings06:21
* rickspencer3 shudders06:21
rickspencer3how sad is it that we don't have a media player widget?06:22
rickspencer3I mean, c'mon!06:22
rickspencer3Nafai, we'll fix this in Maverick!06:22
RAOFI think you'll find it surprisingly easy to write a media player wigdet.06:23
rickspencer3RAOF, seems that way yes06:23
rickspencer3there appears to be some default "play this video" and "play this audio" functionality06:23
rickspencer3I think the bugs will be in the logic of the control buttons ;)06:24
jcastrook so rb doesn't work either06:24
jcastroright clicking and selecting "burn to cd" doesn't do anything06:24
jcastroI think it's supposed to invoke brasero right?06:24
jcastroI've checked that the plugin is installed06:24
jcastrothe package is installed but I don't see it in the plugins dialog in rb06:25
rickspencer3I presume pitti is looking at it06:25
rickspencer3I've got to go to sleep06:25
rickspencer3g'night all06:25
jcastropitti, ok going to bed, I'll check the bug in ~7 hours when I am back in case it's real. With my luck it's probably the whole username=jcastro conspiracy of unix.06:31
pittijcastro: I'll have a look at it06:31
kenvandinegood night all06:32
Nafaihrm, there might be conflicting UDS sessions I want to attend :)06:35
TheMusoNafai: Very hard to avoid unfortunately.06:35
Nafaiyeah, that's what it looks like06:35
pittihey Nafai07:26
pittibonjour baptistemm07:26
baptistemmbonjour pitti07:27
* pitti is off for about an hour for some running and breakfast07:27
didrocksgood morning08:12
RAOFMan, Lucid rocks on a MacBook 4,1 system.08:17
RAOFEven the broadcom wireless works once you enable the driver - no network required!08:19
lifelessRAOF: so, next up poulsbo?08:20
RAOFYeah.  Definitely. :/08:20
RAOFMore interestingly, there's a good chance that the h264 decoding hardware on my thinkpad (and, I believe, your thinkpad) will be working in Maverick.08:21
kklimondawhat thinkpads have h264 decoding hardware? what is it? nvidia gpu? ;)08:22
RAOFkklimonda: Got a 4th gen intel card?  You've got h264 decoding hardware.08:22
kklimondano, I have nvidia - the "lucky" g84 or g86 chipsed ;)08:23
kklimondachipset even08:23
RAOFOh - are those the ones which reliably died mere months out of warranty?08:23
RAOFWhen does your warranty end? :)08:24
kklimondain like 2 months08:24
kklimondabut don't worry, it's already the third main board!08:24
RAOFI guess you get to look forward to a… oh.08:24
kklimondaI've heard that three is a lucky number08:24
kklimondaor maybe that was 7..08:25
* pitti waves to didrocks, RAOF, lifeless and kklimonda08:25
pittididrocks: how are you today? head a bit clearer?08:25
RAOFYo, pitti!08:25
kklimondahey pitti08:25
pittithere are magnificient running trails here -- my wife picked a perfect part of the city08:26
pittiRAOF: how is X behaving today? :-)08:26
RAOFpitti: I'm unaware of any showstopping craziness :)08:27
lifelesshai pitti08:31
didrockshey pitti, yeah, I'm a little bit better, thanks! Still not perfectly rested, but I hope I will be fine again soon :)08:32
RAOFWow!  GRUB2 detects OSX and adds an option to its boot menu.  It doesn't seem to work, though :)08:36
kklimondaRAOF: does nomodeset work in 10.04 in all cases?08:38
RAOFkklimonda: It should, yes.08:39
RAOFkklimonda: The cases where it might *not* work are where you've got some remnant /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf files explicitly setting foo.modeset=1 lying around.08:41
* RAOF heads off to dinner.08:42
mvokklimonda: it does not work for me on intel (i830), I had to use i915.modeset=008:49
mvohey seb128, good morning. who feels responsible for compiz in your team?09:39
seb128hey mvo, nobody09:39
seb128you? ;-)09:39
mvoin *your team* :P09:39
mvohrm, there is a new upstream version out, a bit unfortunate that we did not even get git snapshots or cherry pick fixes09:40
mvoi upload to the compiz PPA, I guess there is little we can do09:40
seb128mvo, you can try robert_ancell but I guess he will deny interest in it09:42
seb128he's the closer of somebody who had a look to compiz in our team with didrocks09:43
seb128but I don't think either of them working with upstream or having real interest in it09:43
* didrocks nodes09:43
didrockssalut seb128 ;)09:43
seb128hey didrocks09:44
seb128didrocks, how do you feel today?09:44
didrocksseb128: clearly not in my best shape I can be, but a little bit better than yesterday evening, thanks :)09:44
didrocksI guess medicines are doing their work now09:45
didrocksand you?09:45
seb128I'm good thanks09:46
seb128brb session restart09:46
pittiwb seb12809:48
seb128pitti, hey again ;-)09:48
robert_ancellI hear nothing...09:49
pittihey robert_ancell, how are you?09:50
pittilate for you..09:50
seb128hey robert_ancell09:50
seb128robert_ancell, how are you?09:50
robert_ancellyeah, left the computer on, noticed seb128 talking about something I know nothing about...09:50
robert_ancelllooking forward to UDS!!09:50
seb128robert_ancell, we will try to get reasonable .1 updates as sru updates before UDS09:51
robert_ancellseb128, what's the policy - update to all .1s as long as they don't break anything? (which they shouldn't by definition)09:52
seb128robert_ancell, so if you want to work on some which are not done yet (check upload queue on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1 or vcs before) you are welcome09:52
seb128robert_ancell, right, as pitti put it yesterday some have bold changes, taking gdm as an example09:52
pittiseb128: this gdm change still gives me some trouble09:53
pittiit refers to bug 421292, which isn't actually fixed in .109:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421292 in gdm ""Login" button should be "Switch to" for already logged in users" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42129209:53
seb128pitti, which one is particular? the login screen behaviour change?09:54
robert_ancellhow does this upload queue work?  Are these already done by people and just need sponsoring?09:54
seb128robert_ancell, it's the same as normal upload, targetted to lucid-proposed and they don't go through09:54
seb128robert_ancell, ie things go in the queue rather than being accepted in an automatic way09:55
robert_ancellseb128, so, I should look at the queued items and sponsor?  Or add new items to the queue?09:55
seb128robert_ancell, which queue?09:57
seb128https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1 is what has been uploaded09:57
seb128those will be accepted if they are correct after lucid09:57
robert_ancellseb128, confused when you said "check upload queue".   You mean I should check there to see if it's already uploaded before packaging a .1.09:59
seb128yes to not duplicate work09:59
robert_ancellNeed to fix versions.py to look in this queue...09:59
seb128in normal time uploads get accepted and you see what has been updated easily09:59
seb128but it's less obvious when things are blocked for review in the queue09:59
chrisccoulsonhello everyone10:00
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:00
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?10:00
robert_ancellpitti, are you travelling already?10:00
pittirobert_ancell: -ish; I went to Munich last weekend, and will go to Belgium on Saturday, for visiting some friends of mine10:00
seb128robert_ancell, chrisccoulson said he would do gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-control-center10:00
pittirobert_ancell: on Wednesday I'll go from Leuven to La Hulpe (just an one-hour local train ride)10:00
chrisccoulsonhey pitti10:00
seb128robert_ancell, didrocks will do empathy once I ask him, he already did a SRU with the previous update10:00
pittihey chrisccoulson10:01
seb128robert_ancell, for others just check the vcs to see if they are done or not tomorrow ;-)10:01
seb128I will do a bunch today10:01
robert_ancellseb128, cool.  Depending on if my OEM queue has filled up I will look at what I can do10:01
chrisccoulsonpitti - it's not too late for you to do a couple of last-minute removals from the archive is it?10:01
pittichrisccoulson: no, removals are fine10:01
pittilightning-sunbird? :-)10:01
robert_ancellpitti, oh, I'm training to UDS as well - what is the best way to get to the venue?10:01
pittirobert_ancell: they said there would be a shuttle bus from the La Hulpe train station to the hotel10:02
pittiI don't know any more, I'm afraid10:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, lightning-sunbird is one of them10:02
chrisccoulsonalong with stumbleupon and livehttpheaders10:02
pittichrisccoulson: can you please assign the removal bugs to me, or subscribe me?10:02
robert_ancellpitti, thanks10:03
seb128robert_ancell, when do you fly to Europe btw?10:04
robert_ancellmonday evening10:04
seb128next week?10:04
robert_ancellyes, I'm going a few days earlier for a friends wedding in the Netherlans10:05
seb128oh, nice10:05
seb128some fun in Europe and getting ride of the jetlag before UDS10:05
seb128enjoy ;-)10:05
robert_ancellyeah, I'll be all ready to go :)_10:06
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, done (bug 571134)10:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571134 in stumbleupon "Please remove source and binaries from archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57113410:06
robert_ancelloh, who is looking after Network Manager at the moment?10:07
seb128robert_ancell, nice from you to ask that question... ;-)10:07
pittirobert_ancell: chrisccoulson in theory10:07
seb128robert_ancell, what pitti said, he ruined my joke :p10:07
chrisccoulsonyes, me, sort of, but i spend all my time on mozilla atm ;)10:07
robert_ancelloh, don't look at me.  I tried to get my head around NM for OEM and was not successful.10:08
seb128robert_ancell, don't worry you will get compiz back10:08
seb128robert_ancell, I think if you are looking for somebody who knows is way around it try asac he's probably your best bet10:08
seb128is -> his10:08
* robert_ancell opens desktop-maverick-replace-compiz-with-metacity-and-forget-it-ever-existed10:09
pittirobert_ancell: mutter!10:10
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell, what are you trying to find out about NM. i can try and help, but can't promise ;)10:10
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell, you're looking forward to maintaining compiz again?10:10
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robert_ancellchrisccoulson: no, I've stopped working on it.  We were trying to get the system connections working by default (i.e. without user interaction) so it ran faster but I couldn't get it to save them with all the secret information10:11
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell, so, you were trying to get the connection manager to save as system connections by default?10:12
robert_ancellchrisccoulson: have you looked at connman?  The architecture seemed better after a quick inspection10:12
pittihm, for wpa that works fine here10:12
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, yes10:12
robert_ancellpitti, automatically?10:13
chrisccoulsonand by "without user interaction" you mean without checking the box in the connection manager to make it a system connection?10:13
pittirobert_ancell: well, I clicked "use system-wide" (or so), and on the next boot it's working without anyone having to log in10:13
pittirobert_ancell: nothing in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ for you?10:14
robert_ancellpitti, yeah, what it does it copy the connection from gconf to the system, delete the gconf setting, disconnect, automatically reconnect using the system setting.10:14
robert_ancellpitti, so the issues were: if you followed that method it would reconnect the first time you used it.  I tried redirecting the gconf settings to system settings but the API is different.  And the secret info gets deleted so when you need it to save it is gone already10:15
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, essentially you want to get rid of gconf entirely and store everything as a system setting always10:16
* pitti tends to agree10:16
chrisccoulsonthe only issue with that is the secrets are currently stored in plaintext10:16
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, and in a multi-user system not all settings should be shared10:17
pittichrisccoulson: right, it should be a root:root 600 file10:17
robert_ancellNM seems to have a bad bridge between system and user settings - you should be able to migrate them at any time10:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - i think it is, but that doesn't stop me from reading the files in it ;)10:18
pittichrisccoulson: ?10:18
robert_ancellI remember connman being proposed at other UDSs - who pushed that back then?10:18
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell, yeah, i don't like how the system and user settings work at the moment. it sucks for user switching not being able to have more than one session provide user settings10:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - i could just boot a live CD and read the contents ;)10:19
pittichrisccoulson: I could just go to the router, connect to it with ethernet, and change the password10:20
pittiphysical access -> you lose either way10:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - true10:21
pittibut wpa passphrases are a relatively weak secret, compared to e. g. ssh keys or your web shop passwords10:21
pittiif I have access to a computer with WPA, I don't even need to know the passphrase to abuse the network10:22
pittichrisccoulson: shall I remove all the lightning-extension-locale-$LANG and sunbird-locale-$LANG packages, too?10:25
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, those should go too10:26
pittichrisccoulson: all gone10:29
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent, thanks10:29
asacrobert_ancell: need anything? ;)10:33
robert_ancellasac, heh, I've moved on.  I never really "got" the architecture though.  I needs an A0 diagram I think..10:34
asacrobert_ancell: ah; so this was about whether you want to take care of NM ;)?10:36
robert_ancelloh, no.  That is seb128 just being mean10:36
* asac didnt get the context ... just saw his nick being highlighted10:36
seb128asac, robert_ancell was asking who is maintain it nowadays since he had issues, and I pointed you as not the current maintainer but probably the best person knowing his way around the code right now there10:39
seb128asac, issues as issues doing oem changes, not user issues10:39
pittiseb128: gdm, gvfs, g-keyring done and waiting in -proposed10:39
pittiseb128: want me to do more?10:40
seb128pitti, I noticed, you rock, thanks10:40
seb128pitti, you are welcome to do so if you want yes but I don't want to keep you away from other things you have to do10:40
asacseb128: yeah thats ok.10:40
pittiseb128: I took a look at bug 475090, and would welcome an opinion from you wrt. comment 13/1410:41
seb128asac, how are you btw? sprinting in London?10:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475090 in gdm "Karmic, Lucid: /etc/gdm/Xsession fails to source ~/.xsessionrc or apply ~/.Xresources" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47509010:41
asacbut i am not triaging any bugs or hunting stuff down on my own ...10:41
pittiseb128: then I can go on with that one10:41
asacseb128: nope ... davidm went there - dont ask me why ;)?10:41
asaci dont care ... our team is well set for release :)10:42
seb128pitti, let me have a look10:42
seb128asac, ;-)10:42
seb128asac, great work this cycle btw!10:42
seb128as usual ;-)10:42
asaci couldnt get enough done. but thats the normal feeling unfortunately10:43
seb128pitti, ok, I think there are 2 issues there10:43
seb128pitti, I would add the Xresources parsing to gdm script10:43
seb128pitti, and I would move the xsession thing to an extra session entry "custom session"10:43
didrocksseb128: ok, I'm ready for updates now. If you have good suggestion for things to update :)10:44
seb128didrocks, empathy10:44
seb128didrocks, thanks10:45
pittiseb128: exactly my feeling; thanks10:46
seb128pitti, np, thank you for working on the issue ;-)10:46
seb128pitti, should I exclude the po from sru debdiffs?10:52
pittiseb128: as you wish10:52
pittibut certainly makes it easier to read10:52
seb128I don't care strongly either way10:53
seb128ok, doing it then10:53
cassidyempathy 2.30.1 is packaged in debian I think10:55
seb128cassidy, right but for sru updates we don't want to rebase on debian but limit changes to what is required10:55
seb128ie just the new version10:55
seb128no merge with debian nor packaging changes10:55
didrockspitti: do you want me to update bug #567277 for 2.30.1, posting a new debdiff or use another bug? (I have also to use -v2.30.0.1-0ubuntu3 so that bugs in are closed too)11:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567277 in empathy "[SRU lucid] update to " [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56727711:08
pittididrocks: updating this bug is fine, if 0.2. never actually got uploaded11:09
pittior, rather, accepted11:09
didrockspitti: I've uploaded it, but as I'll upload 2.30.1 today, rejecting it seems fine :)11:10
didrocksok, doing that, thanks :)11:10
pittididrocks: rejected; please untag in bzr11:10
didrockspitti: done11:11
james_w(note that if you pushed you will have to "bzr tag --delete -d lp:foo tag-name"11:12
james_wtags aren't versioned, so tag deletion doesn't propogate11:12
james_wtoday's bzr tip was brought to you by the colour brown and the number 311:12
didrocksjames_w: heh, thanks fot the tip of the day ;)11:13
james_wSalut didrocks11:13
* didrocks notes that down can be useful11:13
didrocksjames_w: hey, how are you? :)11:13
pittiseb128: how convenient; bug 475090  is already fixed in lucid :)11:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475090 in gdm "Karmic, Lucid: /etc/gdm/Xsession fails to apply ~/.Xresources" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47509011:15
seb128pitti, oh, nice ;-)11:15
seb128pitti, so we only have to add the extra desktop for the user session now11:16
pittihow could we live without Xresources!!11:16
* pitti sighs at arcane and ancient software11:16
pittiincidentally, I'm currently reading the Unix Hater's Handbook -- very amusing11:16
james_wdidrocks: good thanks, you?11:17
pittihey james_w, how are you?11:17
james_whi pitti11:17
james_wexcited! :-)11:17
pittifeeling lucid?11:17
james_wthat's one word for it11:18
didrocksjames_w: a little bit ill still. But it's getting a lot better than the beginning of the week, so it's some kind of "getting a strong immune system before UDS" ;)11:18
* pitti sighs at 16 "fix committed" tasks; can we plz open maverick?11:18
james_wdidrocks: you'll appreciate that in a couple of weeks :-)11:19
didrocksjames_w: heh, sure :-)11:20
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didrocksseb128: do not hesitate to ping me or point me to some page that we don't work on the same thing. I think you don't want all .1 to be as SRU, or should I just have a look at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= and assume I should upload every .1 GNOME tarball not in that list?11:36
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seb128didrocks, sorry I was at lunch12:39
didrocksno pb :)12:39
seb128didrocks, we don't want everything no, thing which have only translation updates are not worth uploads I think12:39
didrocksseb128: ok, so looking at the ftp (in a few minutes), and looking at the UNAPPROVED list to see what's aready uploaded and then, ping here. Let's use that workflow :)12:40
seb128didrocks, you can do anjuta next if you want12:41
didrocksseb128: thanks, will do that one so12:41
seb128didrocks, thanks12:41
seb128didrocks, if there is any other you want just mention it to get feedback in case12:42
didrocksseb128: sure12:42
seb128didrocks, things like cheese yelp evince should be in the to update list too12:43
seb128g-c-c and g-s-d are on chrisccoulson's list12:43
didrocksseb128: can do those this afternoon (yelp, cheese and evince), I guess12:43
chrisccoulsoni've done g-s-d now, just about to do g-c-c12:43
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks: thanks12:43
seb128I've a few on my list too (gedit gtksourceview libsoup)12:44
seb128then we can look to what remains to do12:44
seb128dpm, hey12:46
seb128dpm, the offline firefox startpage translation not being used is a ubufox known issue12:46
seb128dpm, I was reading those emails on the translators list12:46
seb128dpm, you can check with chrisccoulson about it I guess12:46
seb128we discussed it yesterday there12:46
chrisccoulsonyes, there are several issues with the offline start page that i'm looking at atm12:49
didrocksspeaking of translation, xsane is not translated anymore. I think that's due to main -> universe demotion putting this outside langpack, right? A rebuild should fix that?12:58
dpmdidrocks, I think so. The same with gobby, and it'd be worth checking others such as abiword13:02
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seb128didrocks, right, would be nice to do an upload today for those13:16
didrocksseb128: I'll try a rebuild there and then upload it as an SRU as well so13:17
didrocksseb128: do you still have your yelp branch? seems you forgot to push ubuntu213:17
seb128didrocks, no need of a sru for a no change upload to universe today I guess13:17
didrocksseb128: oh, ok, trying rebuild and upload it right away so13:18
seb128didrocks, hum, need to check that, changing computer and being back in a few minutes to tell you13:18
seb128didrocks, yes13:18
seb128didrocks, no sorry I didn't notice it was in a vcs and just did the update without it13:25
seb128it's not one of the source I change usually13:25
didrocksseb128: no pb. I integrate it13:25
didrocksshould we remove the xsane branch from #ubuntu-desktop? (it's already not up-to-date)13:26
seb128didrocks, yes13:26
didrocksok, doing some cleaning so13:26
seb128we need to clean a bit things staying there13:27
seb128+ discuss next cycle our workflow13:27
didrocksright. It seems we forgot updating the branch or push them too much… We should find a more natural way :)13:28
seb128well I was rather thinking about moving to canonical vcs location13:29
didrockswould make sense too13:29
pittithe full-source thing for gvfs works quite nicely, but I'm not sure how well it scales to other projects13:32
pittione important issue is that we'd lose all previous history13:33
pittibut I think that would be bearable13:33
pittiwe currently use bzr mostly as a means to do sponsoring and collaborative editing, not so often for digging out past changes13:34
pitti(and for that the old branches will stay aroud anyway)13:34
* pitti tests new gdm build, brb13:35
seb128pitti, right13:35
seb128I think most of the things we package are light enough to not be an issue to have full source vcs13:35
seb128and the vcs history we don't rely much on, and that issue will no go away with time quite the contrary13:36
chrisccoulsoni'd like to move to full source branches for gnome stuff too :)13:41
seb128we need to document the new workflow before starting doing changes though and agree on it13:43
mvoI think we should discuss it at uds some more, its going to make the branches much bigger13:47
mvothat is a nice feature of the current system, a checkout is really fast and because of debian/watches also very convinient13:47
seb128mvo, right, that's why we have been waiting to change until now14:00
seb128mvo, we need to discuss it anyway and maybe keep testing on some smalls source as pitti did on gvfs now14:00
pittiwell, we definitively know that we'll get a times-10 overhead on checkout14:01
seb128what does it win us?14:01
pittiafter all, those have the entire upstream history (which we are mostly not needing)14:01
pittithe win, AFAICS, is to have a shared workflow with other teams14:02
mvoI also find it convinient to just see "our" changes by default, but this is of course trivial to get14:02
pittifrankly I dont' see much else14:02
pittias long as we still keep messing with debian/patches and quilt push/update, etc., we are still ignoring the biggest potential of VCS14:02
seb128james_w said he would convince us14:03
seb128I'm still waiting to see what he has to offer though ;-)14:03
pittifull source with bzr loom is a really nice way of packaging14:03
seb128using source in bzr rocks for dx sources14:03
pittiI tried that with calibre back then, but if an unwitting person stumbles over it, they'll screw it up all over14:03
seb128you can merge a revision from trunk and do nothing on next version update14:03
seb128it just works14:04
pittiand the current imports aren't branches of upstream trunks, so you can't cherrypick14:04
pittithat's why I've been fairly resistent to dropping our current debian-only branches as well14:04
pittibut let's see what the next UDS will bring :)14:04
seb128I'm fairly happy with what we have now14:05
pittiamd64  3   2829 jobs (four days)14:06
* pitti pushes build score of his PPA a bit14:06
pittiseb128: do you have some time to look at bug 571021?14:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571021 in brasero "Eject's CD with error when trying to burn mp3" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57102114:14
pittiseb128: I'm happy to help you with guidance, etc, but I'm missing the hardware (CD burner) here :-(14:14
seb128pitti, yes, on my list of today, sorry I didn't comment on it yet14:14
pittiseb128: I'm happy to take a few more .1 updates14:14
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* pitti points out the shortage of "in progress" bugs on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~pitti/+assignedbugs?orderby=status now14:15
seb128pitti, speaking of which, http://download.gnome.org/sources/brasero/2.30/brasero-2.30.1.tar.gz ? ;-)14:15
pittiseb128: well, that'd be the one I'd specifically avoid, due to not being able to test :)14:15
seb128pitti, http://download.gnome.org/sources/vte/0.24/vte-0.24.1.tar.gz ?14:16
pittiseb128: consider it done14:16
seb128or not, I think mvo had build issu on 0.2414:16
pittiVersion: 1:0.23.5-0ubuntu114:16
pittivte (1:0.24.0-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low14:16
pittiheh, perhaps14:16
pittimvo: so you updated, but never uploaded? do you remember what the prob was?14:16
seb128pitti, I think build is failing in the udeb build14:17
seb128pitti, http://download.gnome.org/sources/totem/2.30/totem-2.30.1.tar.gz14:17
pittiseb128: ok, doing that one14:17
pittitotem (2.30.0git20100413-0ubuntu2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low14:18
pittilool: ^ you abandoned that one?14:18
pittilool: should I include your preinst fix into an SRU, or was it flawed?14:18
mvopitti: let me check14:19
mvopitti: I had build issues, but I may have a fix14:19
loolpitti: I thought it would get uploaded with the latest GNOME14:19
pittilool: the change looks sensible to me14:19
loolpitti: It was during some freeze or something14:19
loolpitti: it's not critical14:19
pittilool: and since it's ||true'd, also robust14:19
loolpitti: happy if you SRU it14:19
pittilool: ok, thanks14:20
loolIt's best to SRU it to be able to drop it in maverick14:20
loolpitti: thanks!14:20
rickspencer3good morning all14:29
pittihey rickspencer3, good morning14:30
mvopitti: now I remember, gnome bug #61446914:30
ubottuGnome bug 614469 in VteTerminal "Does no longer compile with -DX_DISPLAY_MISSING" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61446914:30
rickspencer3ArneGoetje, bryceh, ccheney, chrisccoulson, didrocks, kenvandine, Nafai, pitti, seb128 what's the word on the street?14:31
rickspencer3looks like users are having a good experience with 10.04 and are excited for tomorrow14:31
seb128rickspencer3, nothing to signal14:31
seb128things look good14:32
didrocksrickspencer3: seems safe ;)14:32
seb128we are mostly in SRU mode for .1 updates today14:32
rickspencer3seb128, ack14:32
pittiseb128: hm, totem requires gstreamer
kenvandinehey rickspencer314:48
rickspencer3hi kenvandine14:48
kenvandineworking on a couple gwibber fixes to SRU14:48
seb128pitti, http://git.gnome.org/browse/totem/log/?h=gnome-2-3014:50
seb128pitti, it seems artificial requirement to get a fix, I think we should downgrade14:51
seb128pitti, I don't see a commit between our snapshot and .1 depending on it14:51
seb128or making a difference14:51
didrocksfredp: you were talking about totem requiring new gstreamer yesterday, any input? ^14:52
fredpdidrocks: a new gstreamer went out last night.14:52
seb128pitti, right, but there is no queue2 change after our snapshot14:52
seb128pitti, so it will not be buggier than what we have now I think14:52
pittiseb128: we have a snapshot?14:52
pittiPackage: libgstreamer0.10-014:52
pittibVersion: 0.10.28-114:52
seb128pitti, git2010041314:53
pittiseb128: oh, you mean in totem14:53
seb128pitti, totem I mean14:53
pittiseb128: sure, I can just revert that dependency14:53
seb128pitti, ie I would downgrade the configure requirement change14:53
seb128didrocks, fredp: the new gstreamer is not a stable update though14:54
fredpseb128: how so?14:54
seb128fredp, look at the number of api additions? + new deprecation14:54
seb128fredp, or we don't have the same definition of a stable update14:55
seb128there is 15 api addition in this update14:55
seb128quite some new code14:55
fredpcertainly gstreamer and gnome don't have the same definition; but this is how gstreamer releases are.14:56
chrisccoulsonseb128 - g-c-c and g-s-d are ready for sponsoring14:56
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks14:56
chrisccoulsonseb128 - g-s-d adds a preference for hiding the keyboard indicator now, but i'm not entirely satisfied with how it works though14:57
seb128fredp, well it's probably not what most distribution would take as a stable update either14:57
seb128fredp, not debian or ubuntu to start14:57
chrisccoulsonit's not listening for gconf changes14:57
chrisccoulsonso, it only updates when you add/remove a keyboard layout or restart your session14:57
seb128chrisccoulson: the change is a gconf key right? ie nothing users will notice out of dealing with it there14:57
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, that's right. there's no corresponding UI in g-c-c yet14:57
seb128chrisccoulson: it's fine enough, it let the option for technical people who care enough I guess14:57
seb128it seems a new feature and I don't think we should spend efforts on getting that to work dynamically in a stable serie14:58
chrisccoulsonyeah, no problem. that's all done then14:58
seb128but point it to svu he might be happy to improve the code14:59
chrisccoulsonso, i'll look at gnome-terminal now, unless that's blocked on vte14:59
seb128ok thanks14:59
pittimvo: nice, so 2.24.1 vte could actually work15:00
mvopitti: yeah15:01
mvopitti: let me try it15:01
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i can't get gwibber to start atm15:01
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - gwibber-service is crashing on startup at the moment. have you seen anything like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/424000/15:03
chrisccoulsoni noticed that gwibber stopped working for me yesterday, and doesn't start at all anymore :-/15:03
* kenvandine looks15:04
kenvandinethat is actually failing in python-couchdb... not even desktopcouch15:05
mvovte looks encouraging currently15:05
mvobut takes *ages* to build15:05
mvo*pff* now I get even more undefined symbols15:09
* mvo commits his latest changes to bzr15:10
pittimvo: thanks; seems we'll skip that for lucid-updates then :)15:12
* pitti hugs mvo15:12
mvoyeah :)15:12
mvoI can look at it at some point, but not today15:12
kenvandinechrisccoulson: can you go to ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html with a web browser?15:12
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, yeah, that still works ok15:12
kenvandinechrisccoulson: does this problem span reboots?15:14
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, yeah, it's not worked at all since yesterday, and i've rebooted a few times in between15:15
* kenvandine is confused why there is no desktopcouch code at all in that traceback15:15
kenvandinethat call is going through desktopcouch.records.server15:16
pittiseb128: totem done, too;15:16
* pitti -> off for an hour for supermarket and errands15:17
seb128ok, I'm done with updates too15:17
seb128looking to some bugs now15:17
seb128there is still a bunch of tarballs for those who want to do extra ones later15:17
kenvandinechrisccoulson: can you please file a bug and go ahead and assign it to me?15:17
seb128thanks chrisccoulson, didrocks, pitti15:17
* kenvandine has to leave in a couple minutes, will be gone for a couple hours15:17
seb128nice work, we did most of the updates today ;-)15:17
chrisccoulsonexcellent \o/15:17
kenvandinekids pre-school show and then taking him to lunch to celebrate his 5th birthday :)15:18
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, ok, will do. thanks15:18
chrisccoulsoni'll leave my profile and everything intact for now15:18
didrocksseb128: you're welcome. I'm finishing yelp and it should be ok :)15:18
kenvandinechrisccoulson: thx... appreciate it15:18
kenvandinechrisccoulson: i'll work on it this afternoon15:18
chrisccoulsoni was going to delete it and start again before i messaged you, but then i thought that might not be so helpful ;)15:18
seb128didrocks, you can do gedit after that if you still want to do one15:19
didrocksseb128: sure :)15:19
* kenvandine heads out, be back in 2-2.5 hours15:19
asacok i am still here ;)15:38
* ogra didnt know that one15:39
chrisccoulsonme neither15:39
didrocksok, gedit, cheese, evince, anjuta & empathy uploaded to -proposed with sru asked in bugs16:01
seb128didrocks, you rock16:01
didrocksxsane uploaded to lucid, hope that pitti can give it a look for people upgrading :)16:01
ograhe did16:01
seb128pitti, should we subscribe the ubuntu-sru team to each bug when several are fixed in an update?16:02
didrocksogra: nice play on words :)16:02
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seb128didrocks, want to do file-roller too?16:18
seb128didrocks, you can say no, it's just in case you are bored ;-)16:18
didrocksseb128: can do after a 10 minutes break :)16:18
seb128didrocks, no hurry, later, tomorrow, whenever you want!16:18
seb128didrocks, enjoy16:18
didrocksthanks ;)16:18
seb128you should take longer than 10 minutes of break too ;-)16:19
didrockswell, break is actually reading blog post, taking some medecines and answering to emails :-)16:19
didrocks(sru is too much paperwork with opening a bug, pushing a debdiff ;))16:20
seb128you don't need to open a bug if it closes an open bug16:22
seb128but for those updates that's not always the case ;-)16:22
didrocksseb128: yeah, it was only the case for one there16:23
didrocksall the other, I had to open a new one16:23
Nafaigood morning16:29
seb128hey Nafai16:30
didrockshey Nafai16:37
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seb128chrisccoulson, btw when you do a sru which close a bug no need to open a bug about the update too17:03
seb128chrisccoulson, i.e the g-s-d one you could have used the request to hide the layout indicator one17:04
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i realised that after i opened the bug17:04
chrisccoulsonsorry ;)17:04
seb128ok, I was just pointing it in case you didn't know17:04
seb128no worry ;-)17:04
seb128it's you who had the extra work17:04
seb128wb pitti17:08
pittididrocks: sorry, you uploaded to final, but xsane is on the ubuntustudio images; rejecting, needs to become an SRU17:10
didrockspitti: oh bad, ok, will do an sru so :/17:11
pittiseb128: preferably yes, but my sru-accept script does it as well, so for uploads which are already in the queue you don't need to17:11
pittiseb128: but please make sure that they have lucid tasks, etc, so that I don't need to do all that, too17:11
didrocksoh, we should had lucid tasks?17:12
seb128pitti, I copied what you did17:13
seb128pitti, subscribed ubuntu-sru, added tasks and added a comment saying which bug has the debdiff17:13
didrockswaow, never noticed that LP: #… was recognized as link in the terminal17:19
pittiit is?17:19
pittinot in mine17:20
Nafainot in mine either17:20
Nafaiwhere'd you get this special g-t package?17:20
pittiyou're holding back good stuff!17:20
didrocksI'm using terminator, let me see in gnome-terminal17:20
didrocksyeah, it's only in terminator apparently17:21
* didrocks can't live without splitting screen17:21
pittididrocks: it it able to save its configuration these days?17:21
pittiit was pretty neat when I looked at it back then, but I greatly missed the possibility to configure the splitting/geometry on the CLI, or save its state17:22
james_wyes, since lucid17:22
didrockspitti: yeah, last version can17:22
didrocksbut there is some new bugs like not being able to move the current tab if you split your terminal17:23
seb128bah, brasero is a piece of crap it seems17:24
ograquick ! change the seeds and include k3b :)17:25
pittiseb128: it gets worse with every test you do?17:27
seb128pitti, I didn't do much test, I put a dvd rw in it to do testing17:28
seb128it didn't list the disk an as option17:28
seb128I found a "clear disk" menu item which I figured I would use to have the disk clear and listed17:28
seb128it tooks a few second and say "disk cleaned" and now I've no disk listed at all and a growisofs still running after closing brasero17:29
seb128and now gvfs doesn't list either the CD driver or the blank DVD when I put it in the drive17:31
seb128udisks --dump see it though17:31
seb128Showing information for /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sr017:32
seb128  has media:                   1 (detected at mer. 28 avril 2010 18:30:22 CEST)17:32
seb128ok, let me grab another media, I will open a bug about those issues later17:32
seb128ok, same story on an another disk17:39
seb128the thing doesn't like blank dvdrw disks17:39
seb128ok, time to get ready for sport and dinner17:41
seb128I will debug brasero with a CD later and talk with pitti tomorrow about the dvd-rw being ignored by gvfs etc17:41
pittiseb128: hm, last time I wrote a dvd-r, I think17:42
* Nafai tries out terminator17:52
* pitti -> dinner17:55
didrocksI really think that the mess in the panel will generate a lot of bugs. I don't have many clue on how that should be debugged (ex: bug #570664)17:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570664 in indicator-applet "Unable to Logout / Shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57066417:56
Sarvatti get something similar every 10 boots or so, except all indicator-applets are doubled and indicator-applet-session isn't shown at all18:02
chrisccoulsonSarvatt - that's a known issue with gnome-panel18:02
didrocksseb128: not sure we want update file-roller, the only fix is "Fixed build error when dbus is not available.". Do we have dbus in our buildd as the previous version was built correctly?18:04
didrockschrisccoulson: did you have the time to have a look there btw? do you know where the rendering issue is and why the indicator or the notification area triggers it?18:05
chrisccoulsondidrocks - not yet, but it's not just the notification area and indicator18:06
chrisccoulsoni've seen it in all applets now18:06
didrockschrisccoulson: oh really? I just had that in those area. that's weird we didn't have that previously as gnome-panel shouldn't have changed a lot recently18:07
didrocksso, can we blame vuntz|aw1y when he will be back from holidays? ;)18:07
chrisccoulsondidrocks - it's been an issue since karmic, but it seems to have become worse this cycle18:07
didrockschrisccoulson: I'll talk about that with him if you're sure it's in gnome-panel18:08
Sarvattyeah I've seen it with the drawer and go-home applet too in the past few months now that you mention it, those just only doubled like that once or twice18:08
chrisccoulsondidrocks, Sarvatt - bug 43944818:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439448 in gnome-panel "visual corruption affecting several panel applets" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43944818:09
didrockschrisccoulson: thanks, I'll point this to him18:10
* didrocks dups the other bug18:11
chrisccoulsondidrocks - here's a good example - http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/Selection_001.png ;)18:12
chrisccoulsonthe clock applet is messed up there18:12
chrisccoulsonand here is the hamster-applet - http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/Selection_002.png18:12
chrisccoulsonbut i see it mostly with the indicator and notification area18:12
didrockschrisccoulson: not sure if it's based on "dynamic size" applet or not18:13
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
didrockswhich can also screw the others one18:13
* Nafai lunches18:30
kenvandinechrisccoulson, can you add some log files to that bug18:43
kenvandine  ~/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.*.118:43
kenvandinethe current theory is that perhaps something is causing spidermonkey to crash18:43
kenvandinechrisccoulson, and do you by chance have test versions of anything that could potentially break spidermonkey installed?18:45
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i have xulrunner from the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA, which is going to become the first security update in a couple of weeks18:46
kenvandinei should have that too18:46
* kenvandine verifies18:46
kenvandineoh... no, i did before i re-installed18:46
kenvandinecouchdb uses xulrunner stuff to execute it's views18:47
kenvandine libmozjs.so18:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's a bit of a pain ;)18:48
chrisccoulsonright, i've added some log files to the bug18:48
chrisccoulsonoh, actually, i'm not running the xulrunner security update18:50
chrisccoulsoni had to downgrade it when i was testing gjs18:50
kenvandinei wonder if there is any problems having gjs stuff installed18:52
kenvandinei can't imagine it could break spidermonkey18:52
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i bet i know what is causing it ;)18:54
chrisccoulsoni'm running a debug build of xulrunner for something else18:54
chrisccoulsoni bet if i install the non-debug version it starts working again ;)18:55
chrisccoulsonlet me try18:55
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - that works now18:59
chrisccoulsonso it was my fault ;)18:59
kenvandineok... thx18:59
kenvandinefragile i guess18:59
chrisccoulsonsorry for wasting your time ;)18:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, it is pretty fragile18:59
kenvandineno worries, better to investigate than not to19:01
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks: one of the bugs state that the corruption with indicators and applet happens only under compiz19:51
chrisccoulsonheh, i can quite believe that19:52
seb128didrocks, what about the uri in dnd bug fixed in .1.1 for file-roller? what version did you check?19:52
baptistemm_«build starts in 16 hours »...yummy20:30
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Nafaigoing to grab a snack than brb20:33
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didrocksseb128: oh, I check, 2.30.1, didn't see, will do tomorrow morning :)22:00
didrocks(yeah, I shouldn't reconnect ;))22:00
seb128didrocks, no you shouldn't ;-)22:00
didrocksseb128: well, I had to push something on my server, so while uploading, triaging bugs, fixing a Quickly one, and then, reconnect on IRC was the bad decisions I took :p22:01
didrockswell, really going this time. It will be less to do for tomorrow morning22:06
didrocksseb128: good night, see you tomorrow :)22:06
seb128'night didrocks22:06
=== MacSlow|gym is now known as MacSlow
TheMusoGood morning.23:04
NafaiHey TheMuso23:05
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
RAOFMorning all.23:54
RAOFAgain with the network!23:55

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