
mewshiI'm trying to get 10.04 to link with Ubuntu One, but I can't find the "add this computer" button mentioned in the instructions.15:17
mewshiwrong channel15:17
starcraftmanmewshi: heh, u1 troubles too, join the club. Grumble.15:19
mewshiAh that's not good :\15:20
starcraftmanmewshi: I know, you in the ubuntuone dev channel getting support?15:20
mewshithere's a support channel just for ubuntu one?15:21
starcraftmanmewshi: well not exactly support, there is the dev channel.15:21
starcraftmanmewshi: darn I lost it, ask duanedesign he knows. Back to cpp for me.15:23
mewshistarcraftman, what problems are you having?15:38
starcraftmanmewshi: just plain ain't working, will try fixing it later. It could possibly be dependency thing, I'll boot gnome to verify.15:39
newz2000hi sommer, I'm the ubuntu webmaster and wondered if you've been active with the server docs regarding lucid's release15:52
newz2000Specifically technical documentation15:52
newz2000When you have a free moment, would you give me a ping?15:52
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mewshibrianherman, pong23:57
mewshiPendulum, fancy seeing you here ^-^23:58

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