
* kamalm frowns -- here's a puzzler - I sent my patch to LKML and cc: achiang more than 2.5 hours ago but it hasn't appeared on LKML (archive or my subscription) - I received my bcc: copy and I think achiang received the cc: copy but why hasn't it hit LKML? been plenty of other traffic since then. :-(00:47
cndkamalm: lkml has a delay00:50
cndI don't know why exactly, but it's a multi-hour delay00:50
achiangkamalm: i got it twice, actually00:54
kamalmcnd: ah, okay then, that would explain it.  By looking at the "Date:" headers on other messages, it appeared to me that there was no "extra" delay - i'll keep waiting00:54
kamalmachiang: I actually did re-send it again, after thinking that my excessively long To: line might have been the problem I fixed that and re-sent.  (wasn't patient enough - oops).00:55
* cnd fears lkml too much to resend unless it's been over a day :)00:59
cndoh wait, kamalm, this is your acpi patch right?00:59
cnddid you send it to linux-acpi?01:00
kamalmhasn't arrived there either01:00
cndI don't think sending it to lkml is required as well01:00
cndare you subscribed to linux-acpi?01:00
kamalmDocumentation/SubmittingPatches said that you should also send to linux-kernel "unless you have a good reason not to"01:01
kamalmcnd: I think I'm not sub'd to linux-acpi01:01
cndkamalm: ahhh, I learn something new every day then :)01:02
kamalmlooks like LMKL might have a "greylist delay" thing going http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org/msg149954.html01:03
kamalmcnd: re: linux-acpi -- I'm not subscribed but watching its archive page for my post to appear.  I wonder if it accepts posts from non-subscribers.  I *am* subscribed to LKML01:06
achiangkamalm: it does. i'm on it. your mail hasn't hit the list yet01:06
achiangkamalm: i'd recommend going for a beer or a walk. :)01:07
achiangand speaking of beer... it's about that time. :)01:08
kamalmi suppose I should be on it too...  why not, just one more list, right?  yeah, I've decided that it's probably a greylist delay so I'll just wait till tomorrow :-)   beer sounds right.01:08
* JFo recommends Crown Royal Black if you haven't tried it yet :)01:13
cndJFo: is that whisky?01:17
JFocnd, yep01:17
cndsounds good to me, but all I've got here is some jim beam01:18
JFothat works too :-)01:18
* JFo goes off to refill his glass and watch a movie01:18
JFonight all01:18
cndat the rate I've been traveling though, I hardly need anything between my various trips01:19
cmugHi. Does 10.04 have a kernel that has DMA remapping option enabled ? It is essential for kvm device passthrough virtualization07:11
jk-cmug: do you know the CONFIG_ parameter?07:15
cmugjk-, CONFIG_DMAR07:18
jk-# CONFIG_DMAR is not set07:19
cmug:( Is that same for every available kernel image ?07:19
jk-this is the generic flavour though...07:19
cmugyeah, perhaps there should be a linux-image-virtualization or something ?07:19
jk-doesn't look to be enabled in -server07:23
cmug:( I guess it's not called Experimental for no reason. But AFAIK it is crucial for the device passthrough functionality 07:26
cmugand it's kind of a showstopper for me07:26
jk-not keen to build you own?07:27
cmugI like updates07:29
jk-everyone likes updates :)07:29
cmugMaybe somebody can create a PPA with the kernel with DMAR enabled07:30
cmugmaybe it already exists, don't know07:30
jk-i volunteer you to do that :D07:30
cmugI can do that if I knew how07:31
cmugNeed to investigate07:31
cmugbtw, is lucid released today (28th) ?07:31
cmugok, I was just hoping since it is still 27th in the west coast of USA :)07:33
dmarkeytoo late to request something for 10.04 i assume?08:11
jk-given that it's out tomorrow, probably yes :)08:12
dmarkeyaww :(08:15
dmarkeyi'll wait till 10.10 then08:16
ckingcsurbhi, so what's going wrong - I've not see this kind of problem before09:33
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng
* akgraner waves to apw - got a sec?11:25
apwakgraner, wassup11:25
akgranerOpen week :-D stuffs - see pm11:26
* JFo stretches out16:16
JFohi there cking :)16:18
ckingJFo, hiya16:20
akgranerJFo, Rikki can't test the patch til Friday 16:20
JFoakgraner, hmmm16:21
akgraneris this an issue for you all16:21
JFoI think they are wanting this to go into a day 0 update16:21
akgranershe is doing some livestreaming16:21
JFoand steve will need the confirmation before he releases it from proposed16:21
akgranerhmm let me call her16:21
JFodon't quote me as that is an interpretation16:22
akgranerJFo, nope she can't til Friday - they yanked out her HD and her machine is the what they are using for streaming16:25
apwthose changes should be in the kernel in the kernel pre-proposed PPA16:25
akgranerShe wants to be a good bug reported - but the computer they were going to use for streaming never showed up yesterday16:25
jjohansencsurbhi: so basically server team was looking for an update on ext4 performance and I haven't followed if there has been anything new recently16:31
psurbhijjohansen, I havent done any benchmarks recently16:33
psurbhiand have not read anything on osnwes or phoronix report as well16:34
jjohansenpsurbhi: okay, so basically the same status as at the sprint16:34
jjohansenpsurbhi: it came up because of this http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_lts_perf&num=216:34
jjohansenlooks like phoronix, rerunning the same tests again a couple weeks ago16:35
psurbhiya, comparing 2.6.24 ext3 and 2.6.32 ext4 :O16:36
* JFo goes to have some lunch16:42
=== bjf is now known as elBoto
=== elBoto is now known as bjf
bjfelBoto list16:58
elBotobjf: Admin, Channel, Config, Misc, Owner, and User16:58
manjocan you hear me now ? 16:58
manjoogra, that worked16:58
bjfelBoto, ping17:20
JFoelBoto, Misc17:22
elBotoJFo: Error: "Misc" is not a valid command.17:22
JFoelBoto, Owner17:22
elBotoJFo: Error: "Owner" is not a valid command.17:22
bjfelBoto, help Misc17:24
elBotobjf: Error: There is no command "misc".17:24
bjfelBoto, list Misc17:24
elBotobjf: apropos, help, last, list, more, ping, source, tell, and version17:24
bjfelBoto, help ping17:25
elBotobjf: (ping takes no arguments) -- Checks to see if the bot is alive.17:25
manjoelBoto, whoami17:25
elBotomanjo: I don't recognize you.17:25
manjoelBoto, who's your daddy17:26
elBotomanjo: Error: "who's" is not a valid command.17:26
manjoah this bot is stupid 17:26
vanhoof... and what does he do 17:26
vanhoofwhat kind of bot is it, supybot?17:26
vanhoof elBoto [~supybot@pool-98-108-129-180.ptldor.fios.verizon.net]17:27
vanhoofguess so :)17:27
jussipgraner: ping17:27
JFojussi, he is in London, so he may be out for the night17:28
pgranerjussi: pong17:28
JFoor not :)17:28
pgranerJFo: nope I'm omnipresent17:28
jussipgraner: hi, may I pm?17:28
pgranerjussi: sure17:28
JFopgraner, hah!17:28
alkisgHi, where can I find linux-image-2.6.32-20-generic? I can't find it in packages.ubuntu.com nor in http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/... I think it's the last one that'll boot with my intel 845 graphics card.17:28
alkisg(-19 boots, -21 doesn't, and I never tried -20)17:29
JFoalkisg, I have been fortunate enough to never need to go back to an older kernel that I hadn't installed17:32
bjfvanhoof, was going to add a launchpad plugin to it17:32
JFobjf, any iodea where older kernels are located?17:32
alkisgJFo: I wish I was so lucky... :)17:32
JForead, older recent kernels?17:32
bjfJFo, nope, was asking you that yesterday :-)17:32
JFoalkisg, :)17:32
JFobjf, oh yeah :-)17:32
JFoapw, you still around?17:33
apwJFo, wassup17:33
JFoapw, where would one go to find 32.20 kernel now?17:33
JFobjf and I were wondering yesterday too17:33
apwjfo an old build you mean?17:33
JFoapw, yes please :)17:34
apwJFo, they are all in the launchpad librararian17:35
* JFo goes to look17:35
apwthen click on the version you want, and then the build arch you want17:36
apwand there are the .debs17:36
JFoah hah!17:36
JFothank you sir17:36
alkisgThank you both very much :)17:36
bjfJFo, that rocks!17:37
JFobjf, that does very much17:37
elBotobjf: Admin, Channel, Config, Misc, Owner, and User17:57
elBotoapw: Admin, Channel, Config, Misc, Owner, and User18:03
amitkbjf: use your powers and change topic :)18:06
bjfamitk, just tried and failed18:07
=== bjf changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ || Lucid Kernel Version: 2.6.32 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - May-17 - 17:00 UTC
Sarvattapw, sconklin: did "UBUNTU: SAUCE: KMS: cache the EDID information of the LVDS"  get dropped on purpose or was it just lost with the drm backport as well? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git;a=commit;h=c5155725948be57010c4a558a1b9c5ddefb864c318:15
apwSarvatt, hrm not sure ... i thought that was an upstream job, and should still be in18:21
apwSarvatt, i cannot see the expected messages in dmesg from it ... could you email me to remind me to look pls18:22
Sarvattsure thing, sorry I didn't bring it up directly earlier18:27
bguthroI'm attempting to debug a suspend-resume issue with a new Dell Inspiron i3 based machine using the following methods: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend but am running into a brick wall. Was hoping for some other pointers.20:06
bguthrobjf says manjo might be a good resource...if you're around20:07
manjobguthro, is the problem with suspend or resume ? 20:08
bguthroResume: Things seem to go down fine...but never come back. I always have to cold boot.20:08
manjobguthro, what graphics card do you have ? 20:08
manjoare you able to ssh to the box ? 20:08
bguthrono. completely dead. The backlight doesn't even light up. The power light goes from pulsing, to solid...and I get a blip of the HDD, but then it is just stuck20:09
bguthroI've tried adding modules to the list to unload in /usr/lib/pm-utils/defaults - but no dice, so far20:10
bguthroI've also reproduced this on an i5 (also an inspiron)20:10
bguthrographics card is the integrated i3 chip20:11
bguthroit uses the i915 driver, though20:11
manjobguthro, have you tried using PM_DEBUG & PM_TRACE ? 20:11
bguthroI tried the echo 1 > /sys/power/pm_trace - Is there more I can try?20:12
manjobguthro, the instruction are in linux-2.6/Documentation/power/s2ram.txt20:12
bguthroI'll take a look, thanks20:13
manjobguthro, also looks at basic-pm-debugging.txt20:13
manjobguthro, its hard to remote help debug suspend/resume issues without real hw in front 20:14
manjobguthro, if you can try that then we can figure out the offending module / device 20:15
manjobguthro, also try with nokms20:15
bguthrowill i915 still boot? I've had issues with that in the past...20:15
bguthrobut I'll give it a shot20:16
manjobguthro, ie nomodeset20:16
bguthroI guess I tried with i915.modeset=020:16
manjobguthro, All drivers: nomodeset - this will disable the kernel modesetting feature 20:18
bguthrothe only hash matches I got was against "tty tty57" - attempting with nomodeset now, but X doesn't seem too happy. I'm not getting any graphics20:23
bguthroplymouth came up (somewhat garbled) - and then it became unresponsive.20:24
bguthroyeah...even booting without "splash" - X fails to come up properly.20:26
bguthrounfortunately, this machine has no serial line, and no dock...so I can't even see if a trace is coming out or not.20:26
manjobguthro, what model of dell is it ? 20:39
bguthrotesting all modes in /sys/power/pm_test succeed, but when I echo none to it, the system does not come back. According to the documentation, this suggests that it is in the invocation of the platform firmware20:39
bguthroIt is an Inspiron 143420:40
bguthrosorry 146420:40
manjobguthro, my dell contact is offline, I will check with him to see if there is a bios update for this 20:40
bguthroalso seen on a 176420:40
manjoor firmware 20:40
* manjo makes of note of the dell models 20:41
bguthroI updated the Bios today to the latest posted on the site.20:41
bguthroI did not check for firmware20:41
manjobguthro, I will check on these models.. 20:42
bguthrothank you20:42
manjoto see if they have any recommendations20:42
manjobguthro, pm me your email 20:43
achiangbguthro: that sounds a lot like what kamalm was working on.20:49
achiangbguthro: which kernel?20:49
achiangbguthro: any chance you could try an upstream kernel? and pass acpi_sleep=sci_force_enable on the kernel cmdline?20:52
kamalmbguthro, achiang: the acpi_sleep=sci_force_enable feature looks like it was applied to Lucid http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git;a=summary (see the Zhang Rui change) but I'm not sure where one would get a binary .deb which includes it.20:59
bguthroI'm not opposed to rebuilding myself. Should I just clone the git tree?21:00
achiangbguthro: this will be much easier: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-rc5-lucid/21:01
kamalmah yes, look at all those tasty kernels in .../mainline :-)  thanks achaing21:02
bguthrowill give it a try after filing the launchpad bug for manjo21:02
achiangbguthro: which bug is that? a bug for this s/r problem?21:03
manjoachiang, he is filing now 21:03
achiangwon't it just be dup'ed to whatever bug kamalm fixed with his recent patch that adds dell machines to the quirk list?21:04
achiangmanjo: ^^21:04
achiangkamalm: what was the LP bug for your dell fix?21:04
manjoachiang, yes if its the same bug21:05
kamalmachiang: nope -- my patch specifically adds 3 different "Dell Studio" models -- no effect on other models21:05
ubot3Malone bug 553498 in linux "Dell Studio 1558 (Arrandale) hangs on resume from suspend" [Medium,Fix committed] 21:05
manjokamalm, that looks diff 21:05
manjolets wait for bguthro to finish filing his bug :) 21:05
bguthrogrrr...got all the way through, and it failed.21:08
bguthroI'll start over...21:08
bguthroFWIW: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/57142221:18
ubot3Malone bug 571422 in linux "[LUCID] suspend/resume issue on Dell Inspiron 1464/1564/1764" [Undecided,New] 21:18
manjokamalm, achiang we track degu on ^^ #bug21:20
* manjo typing impaired 21:21
kamalmbguthro: the symptoms do sound the same -- the acpi_sleep=sci_force_enable sounds like a good thing to try here.21:21
bguthrowith .32 or the .34 referenced above?21:22
achiangkamalm: manjo: btw, i had a conversation with lenb on #acpi this am ; intel are aware of these crappy BIOSes coming out21:22
achiangnot sure what action they plan on taking right now21:22
achiangmaybe forceful beating about the head and shoulders with a cluebat21:22
manjowell dell says they do a good job of testing bios etc before they release machines ... 21:23
mjg59Well, everyone's signed off on the generic fix other than Len21:23
manjoI guess they test only with windows21:23
achiangmanjo: i have some great property in florida i'd like to sell you too. ;)21:23
manjoachiang, how many acres do you have ? 21:23
kamalmmjg59: the generic fix being to just force sci_enable on all the time?21:23
manjoI am not intersted in 4221:24
achiangmanjo: as many as you'd like. ;)21:24
mjg59kamalm: No, to do the register write if the system fails to set it itself21:24
vishhi.. I'm trying to use mainline kernel , but  why is there no *all.deb for this kernel?  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.32.11-lucid/21:24
mjg59So, in order, follow the spec, do something that's mildly against spec, do something that wildly violates the spec21:25
bguthroOK, so .34 from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-rc5-lucid/linux-image-2.6.34-020634rc5-generic_2.6.34-020634rc5_amd64.deb and the acpi_sleep=sci_force_enable flag seems to do the trick21:28
manjobguthro, cool... can you throw that info in the bug ? 21:28
manjoachiang, so this bad bios that vendors are aware of ? 21:29
bguthrokamalm: Is this a generic flag in the .32 kernel - or is this only accepted upstream? (ie - can I Cherry-pick it for a build)21:29
achiangmanjo: according to irc scuttlebutt, yes21:29
achiangmaybe not dell, but lenovo are aware21:29
manjobguthro, might be good to put that info in the bug ... I pointed jerone at it ... he will follow up with dell 21:30
bguthromanjo: bug updated21:31
kamalmbguthro: as far as I know, the fix has been applied upstream -- we cherry-picked it from kernel.org (I think).21:31
vishfolks, according to the map it seems 2.6.32-21.32is mainline , but it doesnt have the *all.deb package.. how do i test with the mainline version then? [was asked to check for a bug]21:33
vishnot there for >  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.32.11-lucid/21:33
achiangmanjo: still trying to understand this statement: " we track degu on ^^ #bug"21:34
achiangmanjo: are you telling me to join a channel?21:34
bguthrokamalm: Same acpi_sleep=sci_force_enable added to 2.6.32-21-generic to no effect. Did this get cherry picked after this binary was built for us.archive.ubuntu.com?21:37
manjoachiang, my fingers did not follow my brain on that one 21:37
kamalmbguthro: looking21:38
achiangmanjo: ok, just trying to make sure you're not asking me to take some action of some sort. :)21:39
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
manjoheh 21:39
manjoachiang, now don't make me the action man :)21:40
kamalmbguthro: per http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git;a=shortlog the acpi_sleep= feature was added 5 days ago and so first appears in 2.6.32-22.21:40
kamalmbguthro: I'm afraid I don't know how that relates to binaries on us.archive.ubuntu.com.21:41
bguthrokamalm: sounds like I'm one digit off.21:42
* kamalm has recovered from momentary power loss here21:45
manjohughhalf, around22:50
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
arandIs Bug #547182 correctly targeted towards linux (since it happens on nouveau but not on nvidia-blob)?23:37
ubot3Malone bug 547182 in linux "Startup displays video artifacts from earlier 9.10 session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54718223:37
arandCould I at this point comfortably mark it as confirmed or should I look for more confirmation?23:37
arandIf previous is true, should it be sent upstream?23:38
arandFinally, since it does display clear data from the previous session, is this to be considered as a security issue? (And is it a bug in Karmic rather, that doesn't clear the video buffer properly?)23:39
manjoarand, do you have a dual boot setup ? 23:40
arandmanjo: ubuntu kk & ll yes (and 3xWindows)23:43
manjoarand, does that commit you posted on the bug link fix the issue ? 23:45
arandmanjo: Ah, no. That's the version (and from what I know the specific commit) of the upstream kernel I tested, and confirmed that the issue is still present, on.23:46
arandI'll clarify that in a comment...23:46

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