
jdongMTecknology / imbrandon : Sorry just got back from dinner....00:00
jdonguphack is a really really old project by now and probably not useful00:00
jdongit was from before the days of /etc/init/ and is likely not useful at all these days00:00
ajmitchwritten for upstart < 0.3.x?00:01
jdongajmitch: it was an automatic turn-init.d-into-upstart-jobs hack :)00:01
jdongyay crack :)00:01
ajmitchsounds tricky to get the event stuff right00:01
ajmitchI expect such things from you00:01
jdonghey it was properly labeled as crack!00:02
MTecknologyjdong: I need to run for a little bit - probably about an hour - you going to be around then?00:02
ajmitchsort of like 2to3 for python conversion? a useful place to start, but not to be relied upon?00:02
jdongajmitch: it generated a bootorder similar to http://jdong.mit.edu/~jdong/upstart-dep.png00:02
jdongajmitch: it was a good starting point but I do expect things to break and require a bit of manual  tuning00:03
jdongbut back in the days, it took the gruntwork out of upstartify-ing00:03
ajmitchhow were these dependencies worked out?00:03
jdongMTecknology: yeah I'll likely be around.00:03
jdongajmitch: some were quirk rules and others were parsing init file headers.00:03
MTecknologyjdong: what's your opinion about trying to get all the other init.d scripts to upstart scripts?00:12
MTecknologyjdong: if you want to maybe teach imbrandon and me about it too, I'm sure we'd be happy to work on it and maybe get the rest changed and remove the sysv-rc, initscripts, and sysv-utils dependendies from upstart for 10.10 :)00:14
MTecknologyimbrandon: would you want to try to do that?00:15
jdongMTecknology: I'm afraid I wouldn't be the best person for that. While I'm familiar with Upstart itself, I'm not terribly familiar with Keybuk's new event definitions in /etc/init, and when *he* would like things to be starting up, etc.00:16
jdongMTecknology: Upstart itself is like a programming language, the good engineering practices/conventions are not defined by the tool00:16
jdongMTecknology: so, if  you want to flag down Keybuk in #ubuntu-devel and cc/ping me, I'd be glad to hear his input too00:16
micahgnhandler: ping00:58
nhandlermicahg: pong00:58
micahgnhandler: can you approve unapproved uploads?00:59
nhandlermicahg: I can approve it, but you will need an archive admin to still process it01:00
micahgnhandler: well, seamonkey is in unapproved, already has FFe, do I just need archive admin?01:00
nhandlermicahg: Wasn't ScottK waiting for asac (or someone else on the mozzilateam) to provide feedback or something?01:03
micahgnhandler: I think that was for lightning-sunbird01:04
nhandlerAh, might have been.01:04
nhandlerHave a link to the bug for seamonkey?01:04
micahgbug 46186401:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461864 in seamonkey "[FFe] Update Seamonkey to 2.0.x" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46186401:04
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nhandlermicahg: Ah, slangasek looked at it. Just wait for him to process it then01:12
persiacarstenh: You might find `what-patch` from ubuntu-dev-tools handy :)01:12
micahgnhandler: k, I'll wait for him or ScottK01:13
* imbrandon yawns02:10
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ScottKmicahg: Accepted.04:08
micahgScottK: thanks04:08
micahgScottK: one of my goals is to update all the mozilla packages early in maverick so all branches are ready to go for all potential versions of mozilla software so we no longer have this last minute thing04:10
* ajmitch likes the idea of not having stuff done at the last minute04:12
* ScottK too04:12
* micahg three :)04:12
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carstenhpersia: what--patch sounds like a good idea :) though i'm not impressed, it detects 3.0 (quilt) as quilt without mentioning 3.0 and detects an unused patches directory (like cron uses) as unknown04:26
persiaYou could fix it :)04:26
carstenhthere are more important bugs i could fix ;)04:27
micahganyone around to sponsor an FTBFS?04:55
micahgajmitch: around?05:08
RAOFmicahg: To where?05:12
micahgnixternal: said he coudl too05:12
micahgbug 56140305:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561403 in firegpg "firegpg FTBFS with xulrunner-dev" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56140305:12
nixternalhe is buying me dinner though, and he doesn't know it yet05:12
nixternalwell, i guess he knows now05:12
nixternalwait a sec, firegpg? people still use that?05:13
micahgidk, web gmail users maybe05:13
nixternalseriously, i was looking for firegpg for chromium a couple of months back, and the dev on twitter asked me, "People still use firegpg?"05:13
* micahg doesn't use it, but it has arch specific components05:13
nixternalone of the actual firegpg devs asked me that :)05:14
nixternalthought it was funny, and ended my search for it at that time05:14
micahgmaybe we should drop it then :)05:14
micahgrecent popcon is 2866605:14
persiaOr point upstream at popcon, which may make it get attention05:15
micahg35 installs...05:15
* micahg wonders why we kept this...05:16
* micahg checks debian popcon05:18
* nixternal is building05:18
nixternalso it is to late05:18
micahg155 installs05:18
* micahg leaves a note for chrisccoulson05:18
ScottKKeep in mind that popcon substantially subsamples the actual user base and the distribution of package use by the people that pick to enable popcon may be different than the userbase as a whole.05:20
* micahg should probably enable popcon...05:20
* micahg wouldn't think regular users would be using firegpg anyways05:21
micahghow many regular users use GPG encryption?05:22
* persia knows bundles: mostly those involved in local politics in various places05:22
micahgnixternal: 50MB of deps for a small extension..05:25
jpdsHmm, popcorn.05:26
nixternalpopcorn does sound good05:26
nixternalbut i already carb loaded tonight, gotta wait now05:26
nixternalwth all the deps on that little bugger?05:30
micahgnixternal: xulrunner pulls in a lot of deps :)05:30
nixternaloh yeah05:30
nixternaltis another reason i hate moz**K@#J#@:05:31
* micahg wonders if he's part of the team supporting the packages most spurned by devs05:31
persiamicahg: No.  The packages most spurned by devs have no team.  You're part of the team that supports the second-most-spurned set of packages.05:33
micahgnixternal: where?05:33
nixternalmicahg: had to do it, i missed april fools day :p05:33
micahgI tried in a clean pbuilder05:33
nixternalmicahg: Successfully uploaded packages.05:37
micahgnixternal: thanks05:37
nixternalabout time i uploaded something for someone else :p05:37
micahgnixternal: do you want me to ping you when I need sponsoring?05:37
nixternalnope, unless of course money is involved05:38
nixternalif i am online, i will sponsor your garbage packages :p05:42
nixternalwe need to meet up for a drink or something soonish too05:43
nixternalor a release party :)05:43
micahgnixternal: k05:43
* micahg tries for one more05:47
nxvldon't do that, nixternal is a bad person05:56
nxvlhe loves Vista05:56
ubottuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Windows7 lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! <nixternal> I LOVE MIRC!!!05:56
nxvloh it has been updates05:57
nxvlnixternal: are you going to UDS?05:57
nixternalno pisco for me :(05:58
nixternalin the fall, i will make my way back to UDS...don't have the funds to do a european road trip right now :)05:59
nxvli will try to go to chigago with a bottle05:59
nixternalplus, I need to get my tickets taken care of, or get a job that requires me to travel so I can update my passport :D05:59
nixternaldamn chicago!!!05:59
nxvlso maverick +1?05:59
nixternalor you can always come up to chicago... we can get greg from Michigan who helped us drink that one bottle outside at Mt. View :)06:00
nxvli'm about to change my passport, it has no pages left!06:00
nixternalthat's to much traveling06:00
nxvli only have 6 more, and i bet that in europe i will use at least 2 more06:00
nxvlnixternal: well, i've visas too, so it's kinda cheating06:00
nxvl2 us and 4 europeans06:00
nixternali loved it when i was in the navy...never needed a passport way back then :)06:00
nxvlbeing a civilian is much more fun06:01
nxvlbut i've a couple of friends who are officers in peruvian navy06:01
nxvlkinda kewl go to visit their ships06:02
nxvlbut they didn't let me fire torpedos :(06:02
nixternaloh, speaking of pisco, there is a new liquor store by my house, that has it...i couldn't remember the brand or which ones, yes ones plural there, we plowed through06:04
nxvli just hope is not the chilean poison :P06:04
nixternalguy said he could get me anything i wanted06:04
nxvldon't get absinth06:05
nxvlwe tried that in Prague, is HORRIBLE06:05
nixternali want the peruvian goodness?06:05
nxvlit's actually complete different liquor, but same name06:06
nxvlkinda complicated to explain06:06
nxvlbut chilean pisco is what you usually get around the world06:06
nixternalok...i will research some peruvian goodness and give him a list then06:06
nixternali need to take some to jcastro's wedding :)06:06
nxvli remember in berlin with dholbach we went to a bar that had pisco sour, and i said "i'm going to order a pisco sour and i bet i will get lemonade with chilean pisco"06:06
nxvland guess what did i got?06:07
nixternalprobably dog piss :D06:07
nxvlnixternal: queirolo is one of the most known brand of pisco06:07
nixternalcareful drinking with dholbach06:07
nxvlnixternal: actually i got what i was expecting: lemonade with chilean pisco06:07
nxvlbut it tasted like dog piss06:07
nixternalyeah, when in berlin, drink what they are drinking, otherwise you will get dog piss06:08
nixternalmy uncle lives there and he always warned me...don't ask for anything from anywhere else...06:08
nxvlwell, my first experience with pisco outside peru was worst06:11
nxvli was in boston with the MIT/GNU/neds crew in a bar near the harvard sqauare, grendels dean i think, and i asked a pisco sour, hoping to get something even close to one06:12
nxvland i got a lemonade with pisco06:12
nxvli didn't even try to ask where was that pisco from06:12
nixternalprobably ocean water :)06:12
nxvlyeah, maybe06:16
nxvlthat's why each time i see pisco sour in the list i order one06:16
nxvlto see if someone can give me a worst glass of dog piss06:16
nxvlkinda funny06:17
dholbachgood morning08:10
imbrandonmoins dholbach08:22
dholbachhey imbrandon08:25
imbrandonor should i say "baron" dholbach :)08:26
imbrandongotta admit that is kinda cool though08:26
dholbachimbrandon: somebody of my relatives actually dived into genealogy and found out that somebody of the Holbachs came from France, some time in 1700 or something - but I doubt we're in any way related to Monsieur d'Holbach ;-)08:27
hyperair15:31:41 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: neversfelde, yofel, duanedesign, dyfet, ssweeny, \sh, ScottK, dantalizing, rulus, jtimberman,  (+14 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)08:32
hyperairi guess so.08:32
pijuwhere are you now hyperair ?08:32
piju.sg or .my ?08:33
pijusend my regards to those chicks overthere08:33
hyperairwill do, if i see any08:34
pijuhyperair, are coming this june ?08:34
pijuto MOSC2010 ?08:34
pijuam i netsplitted ?08:36
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hyperairpiju: sorry, i was moving around09:31
hyperairpiju: yeah i probably will come09:32
pijuhyperair; great. meet you there09:32
hyperairpiju: yeah sure.09:32
pijuhyperair; maybe i will help for ham radio09:33
hyperairham radio?09:33
pijuhyperair; yes09:33
hyperairwhat's ham radio?09:35
persiahyperair: amateur radio09:49
RhondaI think I would need someone for testing bug #570609 for karmic. :)10:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570609 in karmic-backports "Please backport wesnoth-1.8 (1:1.8-3ubuntu1/universe)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57060910:02
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Rhondaslytherin! As if I would have summoned you!10:20
Rhondaslytherin: bug #570609 needs some testing and I was told that you would be the best candidate for it. ;)10:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570609 in karmic-backports "Please backport wesnoth-1.8 (1:1.8-3ubuntu1/universe)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57060910:21
slytherinRhonda: I will surely do it over weekend. For last few days my internet connection is busy updating ISO images.10:21
Rhonda… and I am having strange issues with my chroot right now. Starting wesnoth right ahead from there doesn't work. Starting a terminal works. Starting wesnoth _inside_ that started terminal works too.  %-/10:22
RhondaI simply don't get it. %-/10:22
slytherinRhonda: I have two karmic installation (i386, powerpc). I can test on any of them depending on package availability.10:22
RhondaThen I'll make my i386 build available to you, as long as you trust me and my build environment.10:23
slytherinRhonda: Sure. I will ping you over weekend.10:28
Rhondaslytherin: http://deb.at/~rhonda/waste/2010-04-28-8qhGx9OOjbk/ - though not signed, if that bothers you. I don't have my key around.11:03
slytherinRhonda: No it doesn't bother me. :-)11:03
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RhondaOh, ScottK is also a backporter. ;)11:46
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zgregso... release is imminent?11:58
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slytherinzgreg: Is there any reason to believe otherwise?12:07
* hyperair points at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule12:12
zgregno :)12:14
azopLucid launch detected.12:18
suji11sladen: hi12:27
callum1geser: Hi posted the patch for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu/+bug/538223. Was wondering about getting a mentor to learn how to do things properly and more complicated bugs. Is this something I can apply for?12:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 538223 in app-install-data-ubuntu "typo in gwhere (yourS CDs)" [Undecided,New]12:40
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Breaking_PittHello I don't know if I can ask this here...13:38
Breaking_PittI'm creating some debian/ubuntu packages for my source code info tools13:38
Breaking_Pittand i'm getting this error debian-files-list-in-source13:38
callum1Breaking_Pitt: which command are you running when you receive this error?13:40
Breaking_Pittone moment, i'll pase it here13:41
RhondaBreaking_Pitt: See lintian -i output for an extended explenation. And I think this isn't really the best channel to ask these questions - though don't know which others are prefered to be used for basic packaging issues. :)13:41
Breaking_Pittthat's great if you don't know... :)13:41
Breaking_Pittlintian -iI bicho_0.0.1-1_i386.changes13:42
RhondaThen you should have the extended description already which gives you hints on what to do.13:42
Rhonda"The clean rule for the package should remove this file." sounds pretty clear to me.13:42
Breaking_PittI'm completely newbie!13:43
Breaking_Pittthis is my first attempt13:43
RhondaActually, when you use debhelper in your rules file, dh_clean (or similar) should get rid of debian/files13:44
Breaking_Pittmy rules file only contains13:44
Breaking_Pitt dh $@13:44
Breaking_Pittthis line13:44
RhondaThat should do that, then. %: in the line before, I expect.13:44
Breaking_Pittlet me see i think soo13:45
Breaking_Pitt        dh $@13:45
Breaking_Pittthis is exactly what my rules file contains13:45
azeemBreaking_Pitt: is debian/files included in the .orig.tar.gz?13:45
azeemor the .tar.gz13:46
Breaking_Pittlet me see13:46
Breaking_Pittyes azeem13:46
azeemthat'd be it13:46
azeemit gets removed by dh_clean, but dpkg-source ignores deletions in order to create the .diff.g13:47
persiaYou may want to explicity add it to debian/clean or just ignore the warning.  Check your build log carefully.13:47
azeemBreaking_Pitt: or fix your upstream tarball, if you have control over it13:47
Breaking_PittI'm totally newbie that's the reason why I'm here asking for help13:48
Breaking_PittI have read a lot of manuals13:48
Breaking_Pittbut I have some problems13:48
Breaking_Pitti'm trying to build a package from python source code13:48
Breaking_Pittdo you know any other place where I can take a look at?13:48
azeema look at what?13:48
Breaking_Pittfor more info13:49
azeemabout what?13:50
Breaking_Pittpython source code packaging13:50
persiaBreaking_Pitt: For 90% of software, there's almost no special packaging.  The key is to pick Python software that uses distutils properly.13:52
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callum1hopefully a simple question...How do I add a recommended dependency to a binary package? ie where would I add this?14:36
sorencallum1: debian/control14:45
callum1soren: ah see it now. I added it to build depends rather than depends >.< . is there a difference between a recommended depends and an actual depends?14:48
sorencallum1: Yes.14:53
sorencallum1: Dependencies are listed on a Depends: line. Recommended packages are listed on a Recommends: line.14:53
callum1soren: thats great thanks for your help :)14:53
Ciemonall, I'm trying to find where the .desktop file is within a pacakge (before it's installed)15:12
CiemonHaving no luck.15:13
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persiaCiemon: How do you mean?  With what tools are you trying to extract?  Or do you mean at source build time?15:15
Ciemonat build15:15
persiaOh, could be anywhere, really.15:15
persiaI've seen it in ./, ./src/, ./docs:/, ./data/, etc.15:16
Ciemonjust working on a bug15:16
Ciemonyou have 5 mins spare?15:16
persiaJust ask questions.  If someone has the answer, they will answer.  May or may not be me.15:16
Ciemonok :)15:16
carstenhCiemon: maybe this helps: find . -iname '*desktop*'15:18
Ciemonthe readme in extr-xdg-menus suggests simply add a line with: "Categories=HamRadio" to the .desktop file belonging to the package15:18
CiemonHowever, I've just seen a package that has a /debian/menu file detailing the info needed15:19
Ciemonso.. is it .desktop or /debian/menu ?15:19
persiaShould be "Categories=Network;HamRadio;" or "Categories=Audio;HamRadio;" according to http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html15:19
persiaYes :)15:20
persia.desktop works for XDG-compliant menu systems.  debian/menu works for debian-menu compliant menu systems.  The xdg-menu package will give access to the debian-menu system for xdg-menu compliant implementations.15:21
Ciemonheh, was that yes to .desktop or /debian/menu?15:21
Ciemonok, got it.. thanks15:21
persiaMost of the major menuing systems in use in Ubuntu are XDG-complaint, but some are not.  Best practice is to include *both*.15:21
persiaThat makes it very unlikely that the item will not appear in a user menu, regardless of which menu system the user has selected.15:22
freeflyingpersia: have some mins for talk?15:23
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gesercallum1: there is/was a MOTU mentoring program, but I don't know its status. When you are stuck when fixing a bug, simply ask here and someone who can help you will (hopefully) answer.17:13
RoAkSoAxcallum1, we are reorganizing the Mentoring Program. We will announce it soon17:14
ari-tczewgeser: do I wrote okay about handle my application? 1st MOTU, 2nd if MOTU rejected then UUC request membership17:16
geserari-tczew: looks good (and since I'll chair the next meeting I know about it now too)17:18
marshallhey masters17:23
marshallhow can i get my hands on an svg of the new logo?17:23
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micahg\sh: ping17:58
callum1RoAkSoAx / geser: thanks I will keep doing what I can in the meantime and will ask here about the mentoring at a later stage.18:24
fabrice_spHi. Any releas member to check bug 568619? I know it's a bit late20:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568619 in gorm.app "FFe: Sync gorm.app 1.2.10-1 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56861920:41
imbrandonis there a such thing that would be the equiv of "pxe boot + public internet" ?22:22
imbrandonother than say a mini-iso netinstall, more like a true pxe22:23

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