
asace.g. how many alternative locations are managed by gnash etc. ;)00:00
asacanyway ... out.00:00
asacwe can talk more on this if you need info00:00
bdrungthe alternative system is not pretty (too many symlinks)00:01
bdrungasac: what do you think about a helper tool for installing the plugins?00:01
asacnice to have imo00:03
asacits kinda painful to ensure that all the plugins have all the right install/alternative locations00:04
asacand it would also allow us to deviate locations from debian more easily (if that ever would be needed)00:04
asacbdrung: the alternative system is bad as it doesnt allow user choice ;)00:04
asacespecially for a non-admin centric ubuntu approach00:05
asacwe could have a new alternative system that also allows users to do that in $HOME/bin ;)00:05
bdrungasac: i have a plan: let's change the install location back to /usr/share/ubufox (one line SRU) and work on a helper script for maverick to ease the plugin installation (not SRU-able)00:06
asacyou think thats going to fly?00:06
asacsounds good if someone excepts that ;)00:06
asacaccept ... man i am typomaniac00:06
DASPRiDnini plushies!00:06
bdrungasac: who needs to accept what?00:07
asacbdrung: SRU team ;)00:07
asacneeds to buy into a fh shuffle ;)00:08
asacbut i guess they will00:08
asachopefully noone has picked the new location up yet and changed their packages etc ;)00:08
asacfilesystem hierarchy00:08
asace.g. like me who just created one that relies on the new location :-P00:08
bdrungthat show that we need the helper script00:09
asacbdrung: well. this time its not a plugin, but a preference ;)00:11
asacdefaults/preferences is also a potential hook dir00:11
asacbut i think we can ignore that00:11
asacmaybe we should rethink the concept of where what prefs are shipped00:11
asacand make all prefs from all firefox apps and extensions go into the same directory or directory tree00:11
asacso yeah. lets SRU this00:12
asaci will open a bug for you or maybe we should ruse the plugin alternative wizar doesnt work bug00:12
asacwhich i thought was just the db i wanted to update today/tomorrow00:13
bdrungasac: here is the proposed diff: http://pastebin.com/YJftRztX00:31
micahgchrisccoulson: so, do you just want to drop it then?00:35
micahgbdrung: didn't we discuss something for plugins similar to install-xpi?00:36
bdrungmicahg: yes00:36
bdrungbug #516350 filed by you :)00:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516350 in mozilla-devscripts "provide plugin build/install assistance" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51635000:38
* micahg agrees alternatives should die00:39
asacccheney: chrisccoulson: whats the status on epiphany? ;)00:41
asacwas the ball dropped again after we last talked?00:41
chrisccoulsonasac - i'm working on that now00:42
micahgasac: after I apply chrisccoulson's fontconfig fix, and upload to firefox-stable hardy and it builds, firefox 3.6 should be good to backport00:42
asacmicahg: great.00:43
asacmicahg: is the porting table on xulrunner-list up-to-date?00:44
asacchrisccoulson: ok cool. what approach are you taking?00:44
micahgasac: the insecure one is, I'm getting back to that tonight00:44
bdrungasac: bug #516350 - i am not familiar with plugins. if you draft a way how a plugin should be installed, i can write a tool for it.00:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516350 in mozilla-devscripts "provide plugin build/install assistance" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51635000:45
micahgasac: BTW, seamonkey doesn't qualify for USNs, right, so would we use -security PPA for it?00:45
asacmicahg: we use the -security PPA for it and try to gather testing. why not ;)00:45
asacbut yeah. no USNs because its universe00:45
asacthough security team review/push is needed00:45
bdrungmicahg: btw, xul-plugin is the wrong name (see debian-devel ML)00:46
micahgasac: k, because they're targeting next week for 2.0.5, which I don't get since it's before 3.6.4 and 3.5.1000:46
asacmicahg: i would think its probably late one minor cycle00:46
chrisccoulsonasac - for the GtkEntry, we need to take the approach of copying the classes over (GtkEntry, GtkEntryBuffer and GtkEntryCompletion), but I can also remove some of the things that have already been copied over, by taking the approach of reverting some of the changes that pull in the new dependencies00:47
asacso equiv of 5.9 ... or are they saying the release .10 xulrunner?00:47
micahgasac: equiv of .1000:47
chrisccoulsoneg, we pull in part of GtkStatusIcon because epiphany has been ported to non-deprecated API, but there's no need to do that in hardy00:47
asacchrisccoulson: very good ;)00:47
micahgasac: I'll check with them as that seems weird, the past few releases have been at the same time00:47
asacchrisccoulson: have you checked whether pulling in GtkEntry ... etc. will close the loop?00:48
asacor are you reverting parts of that?00:48
chrisccoulsonasac - and, i think there's a few other things like that (such as gtk_show_url, which also requires us to pull in some gdk bits too)00:48
bdrungare you guys aware of this poll: http://www.doodle.com/guafbbhipwskzr8a00:48
chrisccoulsonasac - i will find out next time i try to build it (tomorrow hopefully)00:49
asacbdrung: maybe that should be a UDS mini spec or something ;)00:49
micahgchrisccoulson: someone provided most of a patch for mediatomb, should we do one more upload for js support or SRU?00:49
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm not sure, i've not reviewed it yet00:49
bdrungasac: the poll? isn't that a little bit overkill?00:49
micahgchrisccoulson: I didn't test it either yet00:50
asacbdrung: plugin install for devsripts ;)00:50
bdrungasac: aha. yes, +1 for UDS00:50
micahgasac: is the mozilla version picker worth a UDS spec?00:50
asacchrisccoulson: i really think what ccheney did should have been really close. some cleanup is good, but we should finally get it to a "tesable" state00:51
asacchrisccoulson: who knows what copy bugs were introduced ;)00:51
chrisccoulsonasac - it was in a buildable state, but very crashy ;)00:51
asacmicahg: what is a mozilla version picker?00:51
asacchrisccoulson: yes. hopefully because of the GtkEntry thing00:51
micahgasac: remember we discussed a tool to select and enable PPAs depending on whether someone wanted daily/beta/stable00:51
asacchrisccoulson: did you see other crashes too ;)?00:52
asaci was only shown that Entry crash ;)00:52
chrisccoulsonasac - i saw 2 different crashes as soon as i started using it00:52
chrisccoulsonone was the GtkEntry crash, and i also saw an unhandled X error too00:52
asacugh. ok00:54
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, I'll keep trying tonight to get seamonkey approved00:55
chrisccoulsonmicahg - thanks00:55
micahgasac: in queue00:55
asacyou should get it in now ... its really getting super late00:55
chrisccoulsonasac - i uploaded it earlier in the day, but nobody has approved it yet00:56
micahgasac: I've already pinged people on the release team, but will keep trying as I see them this eveninig00:56
asacchrisccoulson: at this time you need to actively go and beg ;)00:56
asacat least thats the only way you know they will take a serious look00:56
asacmicahg: scottk is gone?00:57
asacthats bad ;)00:57
asacwhoelse is from release team for universe?00:57
micahgasac: anyone on the team?00:58
asacwell. some tend to do more universe than others. at least in the past00:58
micahgasac: k, I'll try the Chicago connection ;)00:58
asacmicahg: was there a bug i was supposed to comment on? or was that just lightning?01:00
micahgasac: just lightning I think01:00
asacmicahg: what is the testing status of that package? chrisccoulson confirmed? you confirmed? did you test mail etc.?01:02
micahgasac: which seamonkey, I tested the browser, that mail loaded, I guess I should have tested a little better01:02
micahgasac: had a few others test as well01:03
asacchrisccoulson: did you do more testing?01:03
chrisccoulsonasac - i tested that i could send mail too01:03
asacok i pinged scottk directly01:06
asacin -release01:06
asache said he will be off for 9h which was 5h ago or something01:06
* asac off01:06
* micahg has been waiting in there for someone all day :)01:06
micahgchrisccoulson: did you want to file the drop bug for sunbird?01:08
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i will just talk to pitti in the morning, and will see how to go about it then01:08
micahgchrisccoulson: k, thanks01:09
skierpageYo, any update on updating the thunderbird-3.1 packages in the PPA?  TB 3.1 beta has been out since March 10, PPA stuck at 2009-12-21.02:13
ccheneyasac: sorry i was gone to dinner earlier, but it appears chrisccoulson filled you in better than i would have been able to anyway :)02:48
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micahgchrisccoulson: firegpg has 155 installs for popcon in debian and 35 in Ubuntu for both xul-ext-firegpg and firegpg, should we drop this too?  I'm getting the FTBFS for xul192 fixed if you decide yes, it does need to be compiled05:20
micahgchrisccoulson: nevermind, I guess we should keep it and the FTBFS is getting fixed anyways05:24
micahg!apport > ddecator07:48
ddecatormicahg: didn't do anything...07:49
micahgddecator: wanted to give you the wiki page for apport as it's now disabled, so if you want a crash report, you should have people enable it one time07:50
ddecatormicahg: yah, i just realized that today when i had to get a crash report myself. i'm guessing you saw the bug where i asked them to check /var/crash? that was because the bug started happening while apport was still enabled, so i thought there might be a crash log leftover from then07:51
* micahg thinks he already gave you the apport crash text :)07:51
micahgddecator: yep07:51
ddecatormicahg: you did, but i don't know if it generated a report or not, so i didn't close it and use the canned response =)07:51
* ddecator thinks it probably did, but not sure07:51
micahgddecator: about bug 569679, can you confirm if it happens when you launch Ubuntu One from another menu, from the command line, or when launching firefox in general08:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569679 in firefox "firefox shows "close other session" on first startup" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56967908:06
ddecatormicahg: haven't tested it yet. i was going to do more testing tonight, but i don't have time so i'll do it tomorrow night.08:07
micahgddecator: k08:08
ddecatormicahg: i talked to someone who works with u1 a lot and he said it might be due to a change in the way u1 handles creating an account, so i need to see if that's potentially what's going on08:08
micahgddecator: yes, that's what I wanted to ascertain08:09
micahgthat warning comes up if there's an existing lock in the profile08:09
ddecatormicahg: yup, i plan on figuring that out tomorrow night08:09
micahgddecator: thanks08:09
ddecatormicahg: np =)08:10
BUGabundo_remoteping-pong, Moon-Sun \o/08:34
BUGabundo_remotefta no build of chromium ?08:34
micahgBUGabundo_remote: looks like they FTBFS08:37
BUGabundo_remotethought so micahg08:40
fta2BUGabundo_remote, i just fixed it09:00
fta2asac, which priority should i give to chromium for gnome-www-browser?09:01
* micahg recalls asac wanting to get rid of alternatives :)09:01
fta2bug 57110309:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571103 in chromium-browser "please integrate chromium-browser with the {gnome,x}-www-browser alternatives" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57110309:05
fta2i already have x- set to 4009:06
fta2but epiphany uses 85 and is preferred09:07
micahgfta2: I think konqueror is set for 100, firefox is 40, you can't really have an alternatives war09:08
* micahg recalls asac telling me this about a year ago09:08
* micahg is off to sleep, good night09:14
fta2good night :)09:14
chrisccoulsonyay, seamonkey is in \o/09:59
chrisccoulsonmicahg - thanks for fixinf firegpg too09:59
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fta2asac, now that chromium is in debian, i have no idea how i'm supposed to work. we'll get it from the auto-merge pretty soon, trashing all my efforts10:19
chrisccoulsonfta2 - can it not be blacklisted so that it doesn't auto-sync?10:31
chrisccoulsonis the ubuntu packaging quite different to debian then?10:32
asacfta2: hmm10:32
asacfta2: in the past we used for non-default browser a higher than for the default browser10:32
asacso if ffox is 50 ... use 6010:32
fta2chrisccoulson, the problem is the debian package is based on my work, but i have no idea how to proceed now? who will prepare the releases, who will push, where, using which version number10:35
asacfta2: so Derevko is our debian guy now ... he made a branch that we can upload to debian10:37
asacthen we initially sync and then only upload to debian10:37
asacso it syncs back (until import freeze tat is)10:37
asachowever, i dont know if it will work because of the coreutils | ... build depends10:37
asacbut we will see10:38
fta2well, his merge is still pending, and i just saw the ITP bug closed, so i'm lost10:38
asacfta2: huh?10:49
asacfta2: i think he maintains a .debian branch downstream from the main branch atm10:49
asaci think most stuff should be merged into our .head10:49
asacexcept the build depends i think10:49
asacits in ŃEW queue10:50
asacMaintainer: Debain Chromium Maintainers10:50
asacDerevko: ^^10:50
asactypo ;)10:50
fta2i think the dep is ok, it's coreutils >= 7.5 | ..10:50
fta2otoh, debhelper 7 is not10:51
asacfta2: yes. it works locally, but builders refuse10:51
asacto take the alternative10:51
asacfor some reason10:51
asacfta2: i think he stopped using that10:51
asacat least he dropped compat 710:51
asacin the last merge i saw10:51
asaci think https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~giuseppe-iuculano/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.iuculano is ment for merged into out package branch10:53
asacnot sure why he keeps compat 7 in the .debian branch10:53
asacDerevko: ?10:53
asaclets wait till he is back10:53
* asac has to run some errands10:53
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chrisccoulsonasac - did you see my message yesterday about bug 531882?11:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531882 in ubufox "Default Home Page without style or images on offline mode" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53188211:50
idrissdevHey all , is it possible to transform a firefox extension to a website11:52
asacchrisccoulson: yes. hmm.11:52
asacchrisccoulson: that needs an SRU against the ubuntu-artwork package11:53
asacbasically the .css needs to get absolute paths11:53
chrisccoulsonasac - so, there are 2 issues with the offline page:11:53
asactoo bad this dropped off11:53
chrisccoulsonyes, the css needs to be called with an absolute path11:53
asacalso in th e.css11:53
asacthe image references etc.11:53
chrisccoulsonand we need a small ubufox change to allow it to load the css (it's currently blocked by firefox security policy, in the about handler)11:53
asaci think i even had a patch for that ... not sure why i didnt upload :/11:53
idrissdevplease  , is it possible to transform a firefox extension to a website11:53
asacmost likely i was blocking on someone from the doc team11:54
asacidrissdev: that feels like an odd request ;)11:54
asacnot sure how that would map11:54
asacyou can print the install.rdf ;)11:54
asacchrisccoulson: hmm. let me think. have to ru nout  quick and get coffee ;)11:55
chrisccoulsonasac - so, you can't think of any other way before i assign the bug to ubuntu-docs?11:55
chrisccoulsonok, no worries11:55
asaci know that i had it working ;)11:55
asaci remember having issues with security policy11:55
chrisccoulsonasac - the issue is that the flags for the protocol handler are URI_NORELATIVE and URI_DANGEROUS_TO_LOAD11:55
chrisccoulson(see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/nsIProtocolHandler)11:55
chrisccoulsonbut, ubufox can work around one of those flags, but the URI_NORELATIVE one will require a change to ubuntu-docs i think11:56
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micahgnikolam: sorry, we fixed a few more bugs before we released the package, do you want me to backport what we did for lucid to hardy in my PPA?15:56
nikolamSo you are saying that ppa is refreshed with new release?15:57
nikolamIt would be nice to test it on Hardy too15:58
nikolamI will wet it on lucid today and see how it goes.15:58
nikolamI wasnt already because seems like newer version of vbox hilled my 9.10 install with dependable addons, so would need to reinstall 9.1015:59
nikolamand to get 10.04 and test it too15:59
micahgnikolam: not yet, only if you want it16:00
nikolamfeel free to suggest testing steps for Sm. Think there is some page about that16:00
nikolamWould be great16:00
micahgI'll do it right now16:00
chrisccoulsonasac - how do we handle things which need rebuild due to xulrunner security updates? do we do everything through -security?16:03
chrisccoulsongjs needs rebuilding for
micahgchrisccoulson: does gjs need a rebuild every update?16:03
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it does. it has a rpath to find libmozjs16:03
micahgchrisccoulson: can we fix that in an SRU?16:04
micahgchrisccoulson: is rpath compile time directory binding?16:04
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chrisccoulsoni'm not sure how fixable that is really, remembering that gjs in only a library. it might be possible to fix it in applications using gjs, by having a wrapper script with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set16:04
chrisccoulsonthe only thing using it currently is gnome-shell16:05
chrisccoulsoni'm wondering if that might be the better way to do it16:05
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, I suggested a wrapper for gxine, do you think that's a good idea16:05
micahgchrisccoulson: I would say yes :)16:05
chrisccoulsonmicahg - if it works, yes ;)16:05
chrisccoulsonbut i don't care too much for gxine ;)16:05
micahgchrisccoulson: someone does though (It got set to high :) )16:06
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chrisccoulsonso, i'll look at doing a wrapper script in gnome-shell then and dropping the rpath in gjs16:06
micahgchrisccoulson: do you think a mozilla version picker (stable, daily, beta, latest stable) is worth discussion/possible session at UDS16:06
chrisccoulsonthen we'll just have to say "if you want to use gjs, you'll need to find libmozjs yourself"16:07
chrisccoulsonmicahg - possibly. did you have an implementation in mind at all (so i get an idea of what you'd want it to do)16:07
micahgchrisccoulson: this was discussed at the beginning of the lucid cycle but I don't think anyone had time, basically to use apt-pinning and the PPAs in a type of picker to determine which version of which mozilla app gets installed16:08
chrisccoulsonyeah, that could be quite cool16:09
micahgchrisccoulson: should a file a blueprint and mark you approver?16:09
chrisccoulsonyeah, can do. i'm not sure what my role is as approver just yet though, i'll have to speak to rick to find out ;)16:10
chrisccoulsoni'm wondering if other teams might find such a tool useful too16:10
chrisccoulsonperhaps something which isn't specific to just mozilla and could be extended16:11
chrisccoulsonmight be worth talking to mvo about that, in case something like that could be part of software-properties16:11
micahgchrisccoulson: seems like that would clutter software-properties, but maybe as an addon for it?16:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, possibly16:13
micahgchrisccoulson: there's already a session about making daily builds more prolific16:14
micahgchrisccoulson: should I discuss with the people of that blueprint if they think a global picker is a good idea?16:15
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that would be good to do16:16
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm hoping the remaining 3 FTBFS xul apps we can SRU after they're fixed for maverick16:19
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, should be fine. ftbfs applications are generally worth a SRU anyway16:21
chrisccoulsonwhich apps are they btw?16:22
micahgchrisccoulson: 2 perl libs and pacparser16:39
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, the debian maintainer of pacparser mailed me privately asking why we don't have libmozjs as a system library any more16:39
chrisccoulsontbh, we probably should forget pacparser, as nothing in the archive uses it anyway16:40
micahgchrisccoulson: I'd suggest referring to 28690616:40
micahgbug 28690616:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286906 in xulrunner "provide and support a top-level library package for libmozjs (Was: Unable to use libmozjs.so in an application, because of library path problem.)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28690616:40
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, i basically explained what is in that bug report16:40
chrisccoulsonmicahg - we should probably drop pacparser in maverick (it's getting a bit late in lucid to do that now)16:49
micahgchrisccoulson: I was going to ask you about that16:49
chrisccoulsonbut, if it doesn't build then the binaries will have already been removed anyway16:49
chrisccoulsonso, that situation should be ok16:49
chrisccoulsoni'll check if it was on slangasek's list of removed binaries16:49
* micahg checks LP16:50
chrisccoulsonhmmm, it's not on the list16:50
micahgchrisccoulson: no, I still see the binaries16:50
chrisccoulsoni suppose i should just check the archive16:50
chrisccoulsonok, we should remove them then16:50
micahgchrisccoulson: did you talk to pitti about lightning?16:50
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it's gone already :)16:51
micahgchrisccoulson: k, good,16:51
micahgchrisccoulson: I suggest we add some release notes about lightning16:51
chrisccoulsonif you think it's worth a release note, then feel free. do you know how to request a release note?16:52
micahgchrisccoulson: file a bug against the release notes project?16:53
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that's right16:53
chrisccoulsonor add a release-notes task to an already open bug report16:53
chrisccoulson(probably the one requesting the lightning update)16:53
micahgchrisccoulson: do people do that?16:54
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, i've done that in the past16:55
micahgchrisccoulson: k16:55
micahgchrisccoulson: done, requested a mention, do you need to ack?16:57
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, should I take the gxine bug for SRU?16:58
micahgnikolam: builders were hijacked for release, so it'll be a while before it gets built16:59
chrisccoulsonmicahg - no, i don't need to do anything on the bug for the release note16:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, we can do gxine as a SRU16:59
chrisccoulsonmicahg - bug 56877816:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568778 in pacparser "Please remove packparser binaries from lucid" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56877816:59
chrisccoulsonso, the binaries are gone17:00
chrisccoulsoni still think we should just drop it rather than fix it in a SRU. there's no point in us maintaining something using libmozjs when it's not used by anything else in the archive17:01
micahgchrisccoulson: k, good, wondering why doesn't show in publishing history17:01
chrisccoulsonah, that won't show in the publishing history if it's just the binaries17:01
micahgchrisccoulson: ah17:01
chrisccoulsonall that has happened is the binaries were just deleted from the archive17:01
micahgchrisccoulson: I can still get the binaries for LP17:02
chrisccoulsonoh, that's probably expected17:02
chrisccoulsonbut they aren't available in the archive any more17:02
ftaanyone working with couchdb here?17:17
ftalike with large volume of data17:18
ftarickspencer3, ^^ (iirc, you played with it, right?)17:19
rickspencer3fta, yes17:20
ftarickspencer3, how efficient is it?17:21
rickspencer3fta, depends on what you use it for17:22
rickspencer3and how17:22
rickspencer3couchdb is pretty quick once you've run a query a once17:22
rickspencer3so long as you store it17:22
ftai have ~1TB of data, and i need fast access17:22
rickspencer3if you craft a good query and run it17:22
ftaso you're saying the 1st query is slow?17:23
rickspencer3the first time it runs will take a looong time17:23
rickspencer3because it will run the map function on each record and build a b-tree as it goes17:23
rickspencer3after that, it should be faster17:23
rickspencer3but I don't know if it will meet your perf. requirements17:23
ftamy data is something like data[foo][bar][time] = { k1: v1, .... , k15: v15 }17:25
ftai know foo/bar and a range of time, and a subset of keys (like {k1, k3, k7})17:25
ftathen i can reduce a bit based on time slots, or summing by foo/bar17:26
ftai have ~2k inserts per minute17:28
ftarickspencer3, ^^17:29
rickspencer3fta, well, I would try it on a subset of the data17:29
rickspencer3I don't know what you are trying to pull out, but if you can get a good map/reduce going, it could be quite efficient17:30
ftaok, thanks, i will experiment with it17:40
Derevkofta: asac: I forgot to revert the debhelper compat 7 commit, done and resubmitted the proposal to merge18:00
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pkramerruizAnyone there?18:45
pkramerruizMy name is Patrick18:45
pkramerruizI write from Spain18:46
pkramerruizI wanted to ask if anyone might explain me,  how I can make .deb packages from mozilla's xpi's for my launchpad repo18:46
nikolampkramerruiz, I am not very skilled myself18:55
nikolambut you might take a look at this18:55
nikolamIts about making .xpi for enigmail for 64-bit seamonkey for Ubuntu18:56
nikolamIf you make it, post it there , btw ;)18:56
pkramerruizOMG! Many many thanks Nikolam18:56
asacpkramerruiz: talk to bdrung when he is back about how to make packages out of .xpi files18:58
nikolamthat might be interesting for enigmail, too, yes18:58
pkramerruizasac, thanks!18:59
pkramerruizI write to you in german18:59
pkramerruizat 19:0918:59
asacpkramerruiz: no time to answer ;) ... bdrung is better to answer that19:05
asac_pkramerruiz: we prefer not to communicate in public19:07
asac_err in private19:07
asac_unless its about secrets19:07
asac_pkramerruiz: read http://wiki.debian.org/mozilla-devscripts19:08
asac_to get started19:08
pkramerruizmany thanks19:08
micahgpkramerruiz: does the eingmail build not work for Seamonkey in lucid?20:17
pkramerruiz@micahg: why are you asking me that? Who said that I would make an package for enigmail? I will create continuously the packages for all the addons I use in my firefox.20:20
micahgpkramerruiz: I thought I saw it being discussed in the backlog20:20
micahgah, I misread, sorry20:21
pkramerruizBut I thougt this will only take me 5min (once I learnet it) from my free time. But nhandler said to me that this takes much more than 5min20:21
pkramerruizand that's disgusting me a lot20:21
micahgpkramerruiz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training/Logs/2010-04-2220:22
cwillu_at_workwho should I talk to if I can crash karmic's firefox consistently but slightly indeterministically with a webworker thread?20:22
pkramerruizI thougt with http://wiki.debian.org/mozilla-devscripts it takes no more than a few minutes. But nhandler redirects me to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete and http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ .Beacuse he means that I will need all this for the other files of the package20:23
micahgpkramerruiz: yes, well, the extension install part is easy, the rest of the package might take a little bit20:23
pkramerruizhow much "little bit"?20:25
micahgpkramerruiz: idk, haven't tried, take a look at the link I gave you20:25
micahgpkramerruiz: bdrung would be the person to ask as he's done it before20:25
pkramerruizbut I dont wanna make a new package!20:27
pkramerruizI only want to upload the new realease of an existing xpi package20:27
micahgpkramerruiz: is there a watch file?20:28
pkramerruizI only want to regulary download the xpi from addons.mozilla.org and upload añthing to my repo20:29
pkramerruizso that I can install these addons from the terminal/synaptic20:29
micahgpkramerruiz: well, you either have to create or update an existing package to do that20:29
pkramerruizbut I wont read 1000 manual pages, to only make this!20:30
micahgpkramerruiz: why not just use firefox's facility to install?20:30
pkramerruizwhat do you mean with firefox facillity to install?20:30
micahgpkramerruiz: firefox can maintain and update the addons and they're self contained, why do you want to use synaptic?20:31
pkramerruizbecause its posible that I reinstall my system or not?20:32
micahgpkramerruiz: have you considered mozilla weave20:32
pkramerruizand I have an text file with programs like tomboy and rythmbox ... to purge on fisrt run and another with the programs I like to install20:32
pkramerruizLike heikki said to me: it requires some work but this kind of policies make debian so high quality distribution20:33
micahgpkramerruiz: if it's for others, I can understand, if it's just for you, why not make it easy on yourself20:34
micahgpkramerruiz: if you create an add-on collection on addons.mozilla.org, you can reinstall all your addons in one shot20:35
pkramerruizokay, wait until I read what mozilla wave is20:35
pkramerruizI dont know this until now20:35
micahgpkramerruiz: weave is basically an automated encrypted profile backup20:35
pkramerruizand what good is that for me?20:36
pkramerruizI cant install all these from the terminal or the synaptic, or can I?20:36
micahgpkramerruiz: once you set that up on a new system, everything is back the way you had it20:36
micahgpkramerruiz: well, I think we could consider packaging weave20:37
pkramerruiz"once you set that up on a new system" set what up?20:37
micahgpkramerruiz: bug 246808 if you want to subscribe20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246808 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Mozilla Weave extension for Firefox" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24680820:38
micahgpkramerruiz: weave20:38
pkramerruizyou mean: If I once set up wave on my running system, if I reinstall or want to have my personalized firefox on another machine I can have it?20:39
micahgpkramerruiz: correct20:39
pkramerruizcan you explain how it works and how to set it up? Becasue I really cant imagine that!20:40
micahgpkramerruiz: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Labs/Weave20:41
pkramerruizyou shoul know I have many many sources list for firefox on my sources.list20:41
pkramerruizand nearly every day I update it20:41
micahgpkramerruiz: well, weave handles your profile and what you install through firefox20:42
pkramerruizso, sometimes a message comes up, saying that an addon is no longer supported20:42
micahgpkramerruiz: ah, that's usually on major version upgrades and is less likely if you're using versions from addons.mozilla.org20:43
pkramerruizand what is if I set it up with my 3.6.5pre and on the new system I have 3.5?? or 3.7?20:43
micahgpkramerruiz: 3.6.5pre is the daily build of the next minor release of 3.6 (3.6.4 is in the mozilla security PPA)20:44
pkramerruizyes and then?20:45
micahgpkramerruiz: then what?20:45
* micahg is missing something20:45
pkramerruizwhat do you  want me to say?20:46
pkramerruizmicahg, do you want to see my sources.list? http://www.zumodrive.com/share/4ZuNYTU3Yj20:47
pkramerruizgot to: Related to Web Browser's20:49
micahgpkramerruiz: I don't suggest using this as it's a staging/testing PPA and stuff could be broken: http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/ffox35/ubuntu20:49
pkramerruizso, you can see I have 4 sorces for my firefox on karmic20:50
pkramerruizwhat I am currently running20:50
pkramerruizand I want to say micahg, that I dont have your ppa, because you only packaged up to firefox-3.020:53
pkramerruizso far I can see20:53
micahgpkramerruiz: my mozilla PPAs are for testing20:53
pkramerruizThis PPA contains patches that  I'm testing for Mozilla Products. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK These are test builds for patches and not guaranteed to be stable. These are not recommended for production use.20:54
pkramerruizdindnt you see how much experimental ppa's I have??20:54
micahgI try to warn people :)20:54
pkramerruizLaughing out loud20:54
* micahg forgot the original question20:55
DASPRiDmicahg, try the alternative question21:15
pkramerruizLaughing out loud21:15
ftaasac, list of bugs holding M5 as stable for linux: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/list?can=2&q=os:linux+mstone:521:53
ddecatormicahg: looks like it's a problem with u1. if i let the preferences sit open, then firefox eventually launches and brings me to the u1 sign-in site21:56
micahgddecator: can you move to ubuntuone-client-gnome21:58
ddecatormicahg: unless it's related to the fact that -no-remote doesn't work?21:58
micahgddecator: is it passing -no-remote?21:59
ddecatormicahg: not sure, just a thought21:59
ddecatormicahg: let me find out21:59
micahgfta: is chromium-daily supposed to have dropped 1.7MB?22:02
ftamicahg, eh?22:04
micahgfta: install size22:04
ftawhich one?22:04
micahgfrom 5.0.389.0 to 5.0.391.0 it's dropping 1737kb install size22:05
ftahmm; the deb is sure smaller22:07
fta-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12492296 2010-04-27 06:56 /var/cache/apt/archives/chromium-browser_5.0.389.0~svn20100427r45661-0ubuntu1~ucd1_i386.deb22:07
fta-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11687112 2010-04-28 13:10 /var/cache/apt/archives/chromium-browser_5.0.391.0~svn20100428r45775-0ubuntu1~ucd2_i386.deb22:07
ftanope, same files22:09
micahgfta: did they add soemthing to the install?22:09
micahgfta: k, just thought I'd mention it to you22:10
ddecatormicahg: i guess it uses xdg-open, which i'm not familiar with22:12
fta-rwxr-xr-x root/root  38001392 2010-04-27 06:34 ./usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser22:13
fta-rwxr-xr-x root/root  34978544 2010-04-28 12:46 ./usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser22:13
ftamicahg, ^^ that's why22:13
fta38MB -> 35MB22:14
kaushalI have Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100408 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.6.322:16
kaushalit crashes intermittently22:16
kaushalhow do i fix the issue ?22:16
kaushalchecking in again for my query ?22:26
micahga >30MB binary?22:33
micahgfta: ^^^ that would explain why it's so fast22:33
ftastatic libs22:34
ftaupstream says shared build is slower, redhat/fedora disagrees22:35
ftai've experimented a bit but decided to stick with upstream's choice on that22:36
micahgkaushal: idk, can you get a backtrace?22:36
ftaok, i'm off, bye22:36
micahgfta: night22:36
ddecatormicahg: we think we figured out the issue.22:51
micahgddecator: k22:51
ddecatormicahg: when u1 opens for the first time, it opens FF so the user can create an account. however, when u1 launches firefox, there is a delay long enough that someone can easily launch FF themselves (either to browse the web, by clicking Manage Account, or w/e) but then the two conflict (usually the u1 launch wins because it was initiated first). it's easy for it to happen on the first run, but not sure there is a way to prevent it cons22:53
micahgddecator: so it is a U1 issue22:54
ddecatormicahg: depends how you look at it, but yes22:54
micahgddecator: I look at it as whether or not I have to fix it ;)22:55
ddecatormicahg: then no, at this point there is nothing for you to fix =p22:55
micahgddecator: I would suggest moving the bug to ubuntuone-client and put all this in tehre22:56
ddecatormicahg: unless you want to make FF launch fast enough that there is no time to open it again while it loads ;)22:56
micahgddecator: wait for 3.7 :)22:56
ddecatormicahg: heh, i'm using it right now. still starts up slow for me at this point..22:57
micahgddecator: they have a few things in the pipeline to improve start time22:57
ddecatormicahg: good to hear =)22:57
kaushalmicahg: sorry was away23:33
kaushalhow do i get a backtrace ?23:33
kaushalis the 3.6.3 version a stable release on Ubuntu 9.04 ?23:37
BUGabundo(2010-04-28 23:41:25) EddieRingle: honestly, Chromium needs to support mp4 playback23:42
BUGabundofta: ^^^^23:42
micahgkaushal: yes23:43
micahg!backtrace > kaushal23:43
ubottukaushal, please see my private message23:43
rbzanyone have any suggestions for cross-packaging ff-3.6.4 for armel? or do you all just build them on armel hosts?23:44
micahgrbz: there should be a build in the security PPA23:45
micahgrbz: we build on armel hosts for archive releases23:46
rbzI can currently cross build standalone mozilla-1.9.2 trees; but packing it your way cleaning is... well major voodoo :)23:46
rbzI have additional changes on top of 1.9.223:47
micahgrbz: you can throw patches in debian/patches23:47
rbzright; my thought too23:47
micahgrbz: just make sure you disable the official branding23:47
micahgif it's published23:47
rbzbut currently not doing builds on device; only cross23:48
micahgrbz: anything upstream would be interested in?23:48
rbzthinking maybe best path would to just get a netbook23:48
rbzeventually quite possible23:48
rbzmaybe first to the moz tree23:48
rbz*netbook arm of course :)23:48
micahgrbz: well, all patches go to trunk first23:49
rbzbut to confirm my original question; the armel builds ppa/release etc are done on armel hosts right? never cross?23:52
micahgrbz: correct23:53
micahgrbz: AFAIK, all archive builds are native23:53
rbzthat what I thought... thx for the confirmation23:54

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