
dholbachgood morning08:10
Hardikdholbach, Morning :)08:13
dholbachhey Hardik08:14
dholbachhexmode: heya - did you have a chance to have a look at the php packages already?09:28
hexmodedholbach: not yet, but only 'cause I've been forgetting13:54
hexmodeI've a server emergenecy ATM, but after that ...13:54
txwikingerMorning dholbach14:03
dholbachhexmode: shall I send you a mail about it?14:05
dholbachhi txwikinger14:05
hexmodedholbach: nah, I've got the info.  And I've been thinking about it.  just busy.14:22
dholbachok :)14:22
Dooglassmy DVD player ain't working15:12
hexmodedholbach: akismet fixed.  (when did they change the required params on me?) now, going to look at the packages15:52
* hexmode searchs pkg-php-maint archives for discussion about civiccrm15:54
hexmodedholbach: when you get a chance, I've got some questions16:08
dholbachhexmode: sure16:12
hexmodeI have just downloaded CiviCRM, so this could be a stupid question: are all those packages included in the tarball?16:18
hexmodedholbach: ok, so "yes" is the answer16:19
hexmodenext q: how do I tell what is the code specific to civicrm16:20
dholbachand civicrm packaging is not there yet16:20
dholbachthere's still some stuff that needs work16:20
dholbachthere's a packages/ directory I think16:20
dholbachor something it's called16:20
dholbachit has a list of external stuff16:21
hexmodeyess, I see that16:21
hexmodebut I don't see anything that looks like it says "THIS is the directory/file you're looking for" :)16:21
hexmodegoing to read the install directions see if there is a clue16:22
hexmodeah, the stuff under /drupal is what I"m looking for16:24
dholbachhexmode: but all the pear packages should be fine to go16:27

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