
asacScottK: hi. i think micah already talked to you that this was coming :) ... seamonkey 2 is in the queue and chrisccoulson confirmd that its working properly etc. so should be fine.01:06
ScottKasac: Yes.  We've discussed.  What about lightning?04:06
micahgScottK: chrisccoulson will talk to pitti about it in the morning04:09
ScottKBy the time I wake up tomorrow it'll likely be later than I'm comfortable accepting it, so don't wait on me.04:10
micahgScottK: we're not uploading for lightning, so either it'll be a binary drop or a source+binary drop04:12
ScottKOK, but IIRC the binary removal requires a publisher run which needs an upload to stimulate it, so don't wait too long.04:13
micahgScottK: ok, I'll check with pitti before I go to sleep than and let chrisccoulson make the final decision04:13
ScottKThey can always sync clamav-data again if they need something to upload.04:14
micahgScottK: I have a universe package that could use a fix :)04:14
ScottKTonight I'm still reviewing/accepting.04:15
micahgmediatomb currently has the JS part disabled and someone attached a partial fix04:15
ScottKIf stuff is uploaded I'll review it, but that sounds to me like a good SRU candidate.04:15
micahgScottK: yeah, I was going to leave it for SRU, but if you need an upload :)04:16
ScottKDon't, yet.04:16
micahgScottK: k, I don't have upload rights anyways ;)04:16
ScottKI've still got one I'm holding back for slangasek in case of emergency.04:16
micahgScottK: k, sounds good, thanks04:16
ajmitchScottK: I assume most things should be held for SRU now?04:25
ScottKajmitch: I'll still take FTBFS and things that it's important to get in.04:26
ScottKBut it won't be much longer.04:26
micahgScottK: a sparc FTBFS on seamonkey isn't a big deal is it? (we'll be updating in about 2 weeks)04:31
ScottKmicahg: No.  Sparc is pretty broken these days.04:31
ScottKFixing it is preferred, but it would be stunning if there were any sparc seamonkey users.04:32
micahgScottK: it's a just a disable flag to fix, but since it's pretty broke anyways, I figure we can wait till 2.0.504:32
ScottKThat's fine.04:33
micahgScottK: how much longer will you be up?04:35
ScottKDepends on how my headache does.04:36
ScottKAn hour or two, probably04:36
micahgScottK: sorry to hear that, I might try for firegpg FTBFS04:36
slangasekstgraber: the grub2 issue has been triaged off to release notes, no respins for it - it's straightforward to fix in SRU05:38
ScottKslangasek: I'm done reviewing stuff and headed to bed.  I didn't yet call a halt to people uploading Universe FTBFS fixes, so please tell them when it's time to stop.  I still left you anjsp if you need something.05:50
ScottKI assume it'll be too late in the morning to for me to accept stuff, so I'll leave it to you to review or not.05:50
micahgthanks for firegpg ScottK, I'm trying one more FTBFS05:54
pittiGood morning05:55
slangasekScottK: well, the mail sent out at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-April/000705.html said we would cut off universe packages at April 26, so anything else is going to be only if I'm twiddling my thumbs :)05:55
* slangasek waves to pitti05:55
ScottKmicahg: I'm heading to bed, so it'll be up to one of the other release team members to approve if they have time.05:55
micahgslangasek: should I not bother with this other FTBFS than?05:55
ScottKslangasek: OK.05:55
micahgScottK: k, feel better05:56
slangasekmicahg: you can - I just can't promise that *I* will have time to review and accept it05:56
micahgpitti: chrisccoulson will be chatting with you later, but I figured that I'd prime the pump so to speak, WRT lightning-sunbird, we're not sure if we should drop some of the binaries that wouldn't be updated with an SRU or to drop the whole package05:57
micahgslangasek: nevermind, the FTBFS is too much for me at this hour06:00
pittimicahg: if the current one is unsupportable, then we should perhaps drop the entire package? I remember a discussion about updating it to 2.0?06:04
micahgpitti: well, the problem with that one is that upstream is only continuing development of a piece of it06:17
slangasekev, cjwatson: bug #570843 is odd, not sure why this would be turning up so late when we know lucid has already been tested in networked-but-not-really environments before now06:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570843 in ubiquity "[Lucid Lynx RC] Install hangs on a LAN-connected (but no internet) workstation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57084306:18
pittimicahg: I'm not a big fan of just removing some binaries of a source; I don't remember a precedent for this, and don't know what could go wrong in soyuz for that06:22
pittimicahg: so I'd actually prefer an upload which properly drops those packages, or just remove it completely if it doesn't break (too many) rdepends06:22
micahgpitti: k, then we'll probably remove then chrisccoulson can confirm in a few hours06:22
kirklandslangasek: got your response on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/etherboot/+bug/570870 ... what about motu-sru ... still the same?06:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 570870 in etherboot "pxe boot doesn't work with kvm" [Low,In progress]06:53
kirklandslangasek: or is that merged with ubuntu-sru too?06:53
pittioh, how was the sparc kde issue sorted out? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt lost all its vpn stuff06:53
pittiI approved/promoted the texinfo-doc-nonfree MIR, so that'll be gone soon, too06:54
pittikirkland: it's just ubuntu-sru now06:54
kirklandpitti: thanks06:55
slangasekpitti: per-arch binary removal :/  the kde failure has mysql-dfsg-5.1 at its root, and doesn't seem tractable - cjwatson gave it a try yesterday07:20
slangasekKDE is entirely uninstallable on sparc right now anyway, so I didn't feel bad about doing the binary removal07:21
pittislangasek: ah, ok; I thought as much, thanks for confirming07:21
pittithe sparc users will be furious!07:21
pitti. o O { both of them! } *cough*07:22
evslangasek: fingers crossed that he was using the RC and not a daily09:06
evit sounds like it might be bug 567749, which we fixed post-RC09:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567749 in ubiquity "Broken packages during oem-config" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56774909:06
everm, nevermind.  He wasn't using oem-config.09:06
evtrying to reproduce now09:12
araRiddell, around?10:05
Riddellara: hola10:26
Riddellara: grub always says "Ubuntu" to answer your question from yesterday10:27
araRiddell, ok, thanks. Another one :)10:27
araKubuntu Netbook, when installed in English I get "Konqueror" "KMail" "System Settings" and "Home" in Bookmarks10:28
arabut, when installed in Spanish, I only get the first three items10:28
ara(not Home)10:28
Riddellthat'll be a beastie10:30
* ogra sees the headlines already "No home for that spanish in ubuntu !!!"10:31
asacScottK: i dont think he has time to do it ... but in case: killing sunbird and just keeping lighting is ok from my pov10:34
asacnot perfect, but better than killing it completely.10:34
Riddellara: it's patch kubuntu_105_netbook_favourites.diff which adds that, although I think that patch is upstream now.  file a bug on kdebase-workspace anyway10:38
araRiddell, ok, will do, thanks10:40
slangasekcjwatson: bug #56759211:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567592 in plymouth "rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/urandom/random-seed': Read-only file system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56759211:04
smoserlool, ttx , cjwatson , ttx tells me of mountall issue ?11:10
cjwatsonlool and I have been trying to run the UEC image under kvm (alone, not via eucalyptus)11:10
cjwatsonI understand this isn't the usual path, so I don't think there's any cause for panic if your usual tests are passing11:11
cjwatsonhowever it did show up an issue or two in plymouth11:11
ttxsmoser: we were wondering if those could be the source of some of the racy behavior of the images under uec11:11
smoseris there backscroll i should read?11:12
cjwatsonspecifically attaching to the session fails if you don't have an initramfs, and if you're then also running the details plugin then plymouth crashes11:12
ttxsmoser: no, the discussion was live so far :)11:12
smoserok. so you have modified /etc/fstab in the image ?11:13
smoserit has hard coded /dev/sda1 as root filesystem11:13
smosernever mind that.11:14
cjwatson-append "root=/dev/sda"11:14
cjwatsondidn't touch /etc/fstab11:14
smoseryeah, but mountall still gets all upset on /etc/fstab11:14
smoserwhen /dev/sda1 is never going to appear11:14
smoserso filesystems event is never going to fire (... i think ... this is memory of a while ago)11:15
cjwatsonsmoser: I understand that the setup I have is going to break for other reasons :)11:16
cjwatsonso I don't think it's a UEC blocker of any kind11:16
cjwatsonsmoser: but having run into this problem I've been trying to assess what its impact would be outside UEC11:16
cjwatsonat the moment, I think that the answer is that server boots with no initramfs and without the 'splash' argument are broken11:17
smoserbroken how ?11:17
smoserbecause instances boot that way both on ec2 and uec11:17
smoseroh. if youre running the details plugin. i see. which (i guesss?) is not running in our instances by default.11:19
smosercjwatson, ^^11:19
cjwatsondetails plugin happens if you boot without 'splash'11:20
cjwatsonmy suspicion is that you just don't notice problems because you're running headless :)11:20
ttxthere are some scary messages appearing on the get-console-output, nevertheless11:21
cjwatsoncertainly to some extent I'm only seeing this because mountall needs to ask questions due to other bugs11:21
cjwatsonsmoser: and FWIW the problem I'm debugging here is the same segfault you reported in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/567592/comments/3, so I do not believe that you are not seeing it at all :-)11:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 567592 in plymouth "rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/urandom/random-seed': Read-only file system" [Undecided,New]11:21
smoserah. i see.11:21
smoseryes, we dont see stuff lke "starting"11:22
smoseror "started"11:22
cjwatsonah, though to be fair you were triaging hggdh's bug11:22
smoseri can point you at ec2 logs if you're interested.11:22
cjwatsonstarting/started are only meaningful terms in conjunction with a job name11:22
cjwatsonnot really, laser-focusing on this bug :-)11:22
cjwatsonI don't want to get sucked into debugging ec2 in general11:22
smoserok. so yeah, i would say that we're in trouble if plymouth wants to promt the user for information on uec/ec2.11:23
slangasekwe would be anyway11:24
slangasekthat's not a bug in plymouth, that's a failure to boot the UEC image correctly11:24
cjwatsonright, but leaving UEC aside, a server boot without initramfs looks like it'll fail if it needs to prompt11:25
* slangasek nods11:25
cjwatsonright now, I'm trying to figure out why it's prompting for /tmp11:25
slangasekas far as release noting, this should probably be tacked onto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Changes%20in%20boot-time%20output%20on%20Ubuntu%20Server11:26
smoseran initramfs-less install outside of ec2/euc instances is not really something that is supported.11:27
smoserright? already it means the user is using a custom kernel11:27
cjwatsonmy understanding from Keybuk is that that is false11:27
cjwatsonit's not a default Ubuntu installation, sure, but it's not an uncommon thing for people to want to do and it's something we want to support11:27
smoserwhich, obviously should be supported, but if they're rolling their own kernel then they can just roll it with an initramfs.11:27
cjwatsonin the sense of "make not hideously fail", not in the sense of "accept paid support calls"11:28
ttxcjwatson: ok11:28
ttxso we are in agreement that this precise issue doesn't change anything fro UEC users11:28
ttxthough supporting no-initramfs + no-splash would be good to have.11:29
ttx(for server generally)11:29
smoserfwiw, it was a pain to get "no-initramfs" working in ec2/uec.11:30
smoserwe ran into several bumps in the road causing that feature to wobble back and forth11:30
cjwatsonI realise that11:31
cjwatsonthe server in general is simpler though11:31
loolsorry was in a call11:37
smoseri dont necissarily think that the server is a simpler case.  ec2/uec has the "single set of hardware" simple-ness.  ie, console is serial, network driver is X... its all known and explicitly supported.11:44
ttxslangasek: should I add bug 557429 to the release notes targets ?11:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557429 in mdadm "array with conflicting changes is assembled with data corruption/silent loss" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55742911:44
cjwatsonsmoser: *shrug* by simpler I was referring to the fact that it doesn't tend to have a set of complicated and delicate upstart jobs.  anyway, it's something we should make work, and in most cases it is not that hard.  I don't think it's release-critical or anything.11:46
cjwatsonthat is, simpler in userspace.11:46
smoserfwiw, i do hope on maverick, what you were attempting (booting in "stock kvm") will be much better supported and ideally "just work"11:50
cjwatsonwell what I'm trying to do here is to contribute to that, not just complain! :-)11:51
ograslangasek, are all your rebuilds done already ? seems ports -server is still old11:52
slangasekogra: I'll do ports builds shortly11:54
ograi still have a netinst running so no hurry11:55
slangasekttx: 557429> eh? already has a release notes task ):11:55
ttxslangasek: I missed it. I guess I need another massage11:56
ttxsorry for the noise11:56
smosercjwatson, yeah, i didn't think you were just complaining. was just saying, i hope that in maverick this test , your running of the instance would have worked better than it did.  (ie, wouldnh't have failed to get to 'filesystems' event)13:11
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
cjwatsonsmoser: what specifically is planned for maverick in this regard?13:20
cjwatsonI'd expect most of the work to be essentially in the foundations arena, and to be bug-fixes13:20
slangaseksmoser: I see published-ec2-release.txt, which should tell me that you've pre-published these to EC2 for final release, yes?13:50
slangasekgreat, thanks!13:51
pittislangasek: did you accept linux lucid-proposed, or did I screw up with my langpack accept?14:33
slangasekpitti: that was me14:33
pittiok, thanks14:34
slangasekdid it specifically before asking you about langpacks :)14:34
pittiok, langpacks flushed14:34
pittihttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1 is useful again, yay!14:34
ScottKAnd queuediff too (it was timing out for me)14:34
doko_slangasek: llvm, clang and llvm-gcc-4.2 all in the queue. let me know if I have to reupload to -proposed =)14:57
slangasekdoko_: odds are better if you can get a member of the release team *other* than me to review it...15:02
* pitti reviews15:07
doko_slangasek: ok. thanks pitti15:07
pittidoko_: oh, clang looks easy :) 50 line diff15:09
doko_pitti: llvm has to go first, clang b-d on it15:09
doko_pitti: the b-d's are correctly set, so you could accept all at once after review15:13
pittidoko_: I'm though with all three; diffs are very small, nice15:13
doko_pitti: cool, thanks!15:13
* pitti reviews the other stragglers while he's at it15:13
doko_now a working jit for the powerpc jvm15:14
pittislangasek: ok, I accepted two more universe packages (simple FTBFS); for the remaining ones, xsane is on ubuntustudio and wine1.0 might take too long to build15:21
pittioh, and wine is on u-studio, too15:22
pittioops, that was 1.215:22
pittithe wine1.0 diff looks reasonable15:22
slangasekpitti: did you leave the one in there that ScottK was leaving in case we needed to provoke a publisher run?15:22
pittiI didn't see that, sorry15:23
slangasekno worries, just means we'll do it by hand if necessary :)15:23
pittiif we need one, I can find/fix another universe FTBFS15:23
pittisorry if one was deliberately held15:23
pittiwine1.0 would actually be suitable; takes 30 mins to build on i386/amd64, no other arches15:24
* slangasek nods15:24
ograthats a shame !15:24
* pitti needs to run now, about an hour15:24
* ogra wants wine on ARM !!!15:24
slangasekogra: talk to me in 4 months15:25
ograslangasek, lol ...15:25
slangasekmaybe I'll have something for you then15:25
ograslangasek, like the famous wince emu in wine on ARM ? *g*15:25
slangaseker, probably not that15:25
ograi doubt you can port it to arm15:26
ograbut who knows15:26
slangasekno, I'm not going to port it to arm15:26
lamontogra: I'd recommend a red wine for ARM.15:32
ograyummy ...15:32
* ogra has plenty boxes with rioja in the cellar... i should try that15:33
ograrioja with a bagel board :)15:34
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=== elBoto is now known as bjf
Riddellslangasek: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/akonadi/+bug/564263 should be release noted if you're collecting them16:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564263 in akonadi ""No resource agents found" error when starting for the first time" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:52
slangasekRiddell: got it - you can just add an ubuntu-release-notes task to bugs, fwiw16:54
ograso its possible to do an ubuntu-netbook install with netinst16:56
ograit only takes 6h !16:56
ogra(on omap)16:57
ograok, on to server image testing17:05
ograslangasek, ^^^ omap netinst is good17:06
slangasekcjwatson: can I get a second opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bug/546245 ?17:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546245 in ubuntu-release-notes "warn about using ubuntu with md raid (unreliable raid config)" [Undecided,New]17:41
ttxjjohansen: so should we have a release note about how crappy ext4 can be and suggesting the use of ext3 ?18:27
cjwatsonthere's already a release note task about the dpkg performance problems18:27
ttxyes, I'd say that's enough -- but jib and jjohansen were discussing a more generic warning18:28
jiboumansit's not just intsallation taking longer18:28
jiboumansit's actual service performance after installation18:28
cjwatsonhave we run our server tests with ext3?18:29
jjohansenttx: well yes we could do that18:29
jiboumanscjwatson: we know why ext4 is slower than ext3 and there's a benchmark available publicly that shows it18:29
cjwatsonI'm not sure that answers my question ...18:29
ttxjiboumans: I'd argue that you should choose your FS based on your workload, so unless ext3 beats ext4 on most scenarios, it's difficult to write that in release notes18:29
ttxcjwatson: the answer is no18:29
jjohansenI was talking to psurbi and she hasn't done anything more with it lately.  Its still basically the same cases18:29
jiboumanscjwatson: we dont have numbers no18:30
jjohansenjiboumans: yes sort of, that isn't a great benchmark18:30
cjwatsonjiboumans: I wasn't asking for numbers18:30
cjwatsonjiboumans: I was asking for server validation with ext3, just as we're doing validation with ext418:30
cjwatsonanyway, I think "ext4 is slower than ext3" is too simplistic18:30
cjwatsonwe should have a release note, but it needs to be in slightly more depth than that18:30
jiboumanscjwatson: agreed18:31
jiboumansi'm not attached to any wording, but i want to make it clear you have ext4 by default and what that may mean18:31
cjwatsonfor example I recall the kernel team switching to ext4 in droves at one point upon realising that its unlink was much faster orsome such18:31
cjwatson*or some18:31
ttxA "pick your FS wisely" section warning on advantages/drawbacks of each ?18:32
cjwatson"File system selection" perhaps18:32
cjwatsonit could note that btrfs won't work yet :-)18:32
jiboumansi'm happy with our choice of default, but only if we point out why we picked it18:32
ttxWho would know the issue well enough to be able to draft that ?18:32
jiboumansi suggest 'data safety'18:33
cjwatsonthat sounds inappropriate?  it's not a safety issue18:33
jiboumanscjwatson: sorry, multitasking and not phrasing myself well18:33
cjwatsonI can draft some of it, as it relates to installation18:34
cjwatsonI'm not convinced that I can draft the whole thing well18:34
cjwatsonso perhaps I can tag-team on it with somebody else18:34
ttxI wouldn't phrase it "data safety or performance"18:35
ttxbut rather "performance on workload A vs. perf on workload B"18:35
ttxthat highlights the best practice of doing that perf test yourself before choosing18:36
ttxjjohansen: anyone in kernel that would know this issue particularly well that could help Colin ?18:37
cjwatsondo we have enough information to write a note like that at this point?18:37
jiboumansin short, disk reads/writes seem slower compared to 8.04 and whinging will happen if we dont disclose18:37
pittijiboumans: in dpkg, certainly not in general?18:37
cjwatsonI think that's too short.  I haven't seen evidence that actual disk read/write throughput is much slower.  Isn't the issue regarding write *barriers*, which is a slightly different matter?18:37
jiboumanspitti: in general according to the benchmarks we've seen18:38
jiboumansthis is what i refer to: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_lts_perf&num=218:38
cjwatson(poorly-explained phoronix benchmarks aren't evidence here)18:38
pittisubjectively my system feels not slower, rather a bit faster with ext418:38
jjohansenttx, cjwatson: it was csurbi who looked into it and did some benchmarking18:38
jiboumansother than that, anecdotal only18:38
pittiespecially with things like large rm -r, fsck, and reading of files18:38
jiboumans'we are not using ext4 as it doenst perform as well as X'18:38
jiboumanswhere X isn't necessarily ext318:38
cjwatsonI've read the article, I'm not entirely sure I believe it without more of a microbenchmark.  I'm aware of certain things that will be much slower in ext4 and static web pages weren't one of them.  Perhaps something to do with log file writes?18:39
pittiplease don't generalize from dpkg to overall behaviour?18:39
cjwatsonif apache is fsyncing its log file, that would explain it18:39
cjwatsonalthough it would be a bit odd!18:39
jjohansenjiboumans: right, well that doesn't even cover ext3 on the same OS version, a lot more than ext4 has changed18:39
jiboumanspitti: i'm not. this is from my friends & network in operations18:39
cjwatsonrelease notes really need to be evidence-based and not rumour-based18:40
jiboumanscjwatson: it's not a rumour18:40
jiboumans'we did the benchmarks and we picked X instead'18:40
cjwatsonwhere's the science in that phoronix article?18:40
cjwatsonwhere's the method?18:40
jjohansenright, the are cases where it doesn't perform as well, this is known18:41
jiboumansi dont have those numbers or specifics. the only thing public i can point at is that article18:41
jiboumansjjohansen: this is known to...?18:41
jiboumanseveryone upgrading from 8.04?18:41
cjwatsonwithout method, it's rumour18:41
jjohansenjiboumans: the developers18:41
cjwatsonwe know of certain things that aren't rumour18:41
cjwatsonwe should stick to those for the time being18:41
jjohansenthey have been working on stability and other issues first18:41
jiboumanscjwatson: again, not caring about the specifics here. i'm only addressing pitti who said 'only for dpkg, right?'18:41
jjohansenthey know there are some corner cases18:42
jiboumansjjohansen: i care about the people installing it and making sure they're not surprised, or that there's any FUD around our default18:42
cjwatsonjiboumans: do we care about the specifics for the release note, or not?18:42
jiboumanscjwatson: sure18:42
jiboumanspick any specifics you want to include18:42
cjwatsonyou're saying "disk reads/writes seem slower", and I'm saying that we should not be specific about the operations that are slower unless we have evidence18:42
cjwatsonI agree it isn't just dpkg; that's merely the situation where we have most immediate evidence18:43
jiboumanscjwatson: i think you're mixing up my conversation with you to point out my concerns with my suggested text for the release notes18:43
jjohansenjiboumans: understood18:43
cjwatsonI hadn't actually seen any suggested text yet :-)18:43
cjwatsonall I'm saying is that we shouldn't just say "it sucks, use ext3" on the basis of phoronix :-)18:44
jiboumanscjwatson: we violently agree18:44
cjwatsonjiboumans: ok, good :)18:46
cjwatsonI have a bit of a thing about phoronix I'm afraid - I've seen some pretty disgracefully bad things masquerading as science there (complete unawareness of statistical significance), so I tend to have a negative knee-jerk reaction to them18:47
jiboumanscjwatson: appreciated. it's unfortunately the only public thing i can point at =/18:48
cjwatsonI think it would be interesting to time ext4 with write barriers turned off, and possibly ext3 with write barriers turned on18:50
cjwatsonthe most recent hypothesis is that that's the specific property that changes dpkg's performance characteristics between ext3 and ext418:50
cjwatsonit would further be interesting to know what difference that makes to phoronix' benchmarks18:51
cjwatsonapache2 doesn't appear to be using fsync or fdatasync18:56
cjwatsonunless it's wrapped up in something outside the apache2 source18:57
cjwatsonah, separate library source18:57
cjwatsonstill not seeing any references from C code though18:58
cjwatsonso I think it would be a good idea to further analyse where the apache slowness is coming from18:59
cjwatsonis anyone able to take that on?18:59
cjwatsonI've started a benchmark run in kvm, with the aim of comparing installation time with and without write barriers19:05
cjwatsonkvm probably isn't a great benchmark for this but it's better than nothing19:05
jjohansencjwatson: I can kick it off on real hardware.  Which installer are you using?19:13
cjwatsonthere's nothing built-in to disable barriers - you'd have to edit /lib/partman/mount.d/70ext3 before starting the partitioner to get it to do that19:17
cjwatsonactually no, make that /lib/partman/fstab.d/ext319:18
cjwatsonand unless you can be bothered to preseed everything, probably best to just compare times of the base-installer and pkgsel segments from syslog19:19
jjohansenokay, I'll give it a run19:19
harmoneyFood time for Londoners.19:24
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loolRiddell: heya; is LP #564263 still present and worth a release note?  Would you have some sample text?21:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564263 in akonadi ""No resource agents found" error when starting for the first time" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56426321:54
Riddelllool: yes we'd like a release note for that22:04
Riddell"Akonadi startup is sometimes faulty preventing access to the addressbook and other resources, close and restart Kontact when this happens to work around"22:05
loolRiddell: thanks22:18
cjwatsonFWIW disabling write barriers shows no obvious improvement in kvm (and actually seems to disimprove the pkgsel stage, though it's possible my system was just a bit busier)22:21
loolcjwatson: At the ext4 or kvm backend level?22:27
loolScottK: release notes task for LP #290153 seems to have been opened a long time ago, and I understand that the scope of the problem is smaller now, since the systems actually boot albeit slowly; so I'm closing the task, but please reopen if it necessary22:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290153 in linux "Fails to find boot device in Intel D945Gnt" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29015322:28
cjwatsonlool: where I disabled write barriers?  I mounted the ext4 file system with barriers=022:47
cjwatsoner barrier=022:47
loolslangasek: LP #470776 still an issue in final?  cjwatson seemed to think it might be fixed now with the latest lucid packages22:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 470776 in mountall "retry remote devices when parent is ready after SIGUSR1" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47077622:53
loolslangasek: That is, the part which relates to the mount.nfs errors reaching the console22:53
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