
JanCjeeves: looks like the dovecot init script fails somehow, and the pre-removal scripts don't handle that too well...00:19
jeevesJanC, any ideas on how to "kill it"?00:19
JanCjeeves, first of all, I think this is worth a bug report (if there isn't one already?)00:31
JanCand these scripts are located in /var/lib/dpkg/info/ -- the hackish way to solve this is to comment out the lines that cause the error...  ;)00:33
JanCor remove the -e option00:34
JanCsee http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/25100:35
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hggdhkirkland: Walrus seems fine, but memory usage on the CLC is quite high01:15
brianhermanDoes anyone know how to do a remote backup using rsync?01:16
brianhermanI have this xenserver with root access and would like to do rsync01:16
brianhermanUbuntu 9.0401:16
vraabrianherman http://troy.jdmz.net/rsync/index.html01:27
brianhermanvraa thanks02:39
brianhermanrsync is complicated02:39
brianhermani thought you can do it one line02:39
twbrsync is simple.  unison is complicated.02:40
vraarsync you can do in 1 line02:41
vraarsync -avz /source /destination02:41
vraabrianherman rsync is fantastic02:41
brianhermani know its fantastic02:42
brianhermani just dont know how to use it02:42
brianhermanthanks for your help02:42
twbGenerally you ought to have trailing slashes.02:42
brianhermani need to study for finals before i study rsync02:42
twbrsync tends to screw you over if you expect rsync x y to be the same as rsync x/ y/.02:42
vraawell yah, there is a note about trailing slashes, make sure you use them lol, i once did rsync /source /directory/ on accident, should've been /source/ /directory/02:44
* handheldCar lurves rsync and has been using it for a year.02:52
handheldCarincluding some restores02:53
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brianhermanso when you have this rsync setup it works great03:06
handheldCaryep, every week it will zip my new files onto the external hard drive and delete the extraneous ones.03:08
twbI trust your use of "zip" in that sentence doesn't refer to zip(1).03:09
handheldCaryes, it does not03:09
twbGood, carry on03:10
twbIncidentally, <generic plug for rsnapshot here>03:10
rbdyckI installed Ubuntu Sever 9.10, and now it does boot fine if I boot from the install CD then select the menu option to boot from first hard drive. But it doesn't boot without the CD. It has a motherboard LSI SCSI adapter, and an Adaptec card for the tape drive. When the CD isn't there, Adaptec BIOS says "No SCSI boot device found" and "SCSI BIOS not installed". I set BIOS to enable the primary SCSI adapter and set logical drive 003:12
rbdyckIf I enter "root=/dev/sda1" it says "Cound not find kernal image". If I just press Enter is Loads /vmlinuz and does list devices sda and sdb, but ends with "VFS: Cannot open root device "SR0" or unknown-block(11,0)". Why is it forcing to the CD-ROM?03:29
rbdyckOk, here is an easier question. When I installed Ubuntu server 9.10, I selected the option to use the entire disk. I created partitions sda1 and it automatically created sda5 as a swap partition. Why does sda2 appear in /dev?03:32
twbBecause you're using the bootloader on the CD03:32
twbsda2 appears because you're using DOS disk labels, and you need a primary partition reserved to refer to extended partitions.03:32
rbdyckAh. It does that when no media is in the CD-ROM drive.03:32
twbOK, then it's because your bootloader is misconfigured.03:32
rbdyckOk, how do I fix that? I have set every setting I can find in BIOS menues. There are several menus for this server: System Setup, primary SCSI, Adaptec SCSI. How do I tell it not to boot from Adaptec? While typing this I entered System Setup and turned secondary SCSI off. Earlier I found primary SCSI was set off so I set it on. None of that made any difference.03:38
twbYou have actual SCSI?  Or SAS?03:41
rbdyckActual SCSI03:42
rbdyckold PowerEdge 4300 server, with dual processors, Pentium III @ 500MHz. 50-pin hot-swap SCSI drawers.03:44
twbSo this system has an n-way adaptec scsi card, where your boot disk(s) live.  Does it also have an onboard controller?03:44
rbdyckSorry, working on 2 servers, starting to get them confused. This one has a PERC controller card in a PCI slot that is connected to the hard drive back plane, and an motherboard SCSI controller that is connected to the CD-ROM. Yup, old SCSI CD-ROM.03:50
rbdyckI think the "integtrated device" primary SCSI is the SCSI narrow connected to the CD-ROM, the secondary SCSI is a 68-pin SCSI connector on the back. I don't have any external SCSI devices so can disable that channel. The hard drives use the PowerEdge Raid Controller (PERC) card.04:09
lWizardlhow easy/hard is it to setup a fully valid web server on Ubuntu 9.04 ? using apache for the hhtpd, php, mysql, dns server, mail, etc04:11
rbdyckBoot sequence in system setup has the options for diskette first, or hard drive only. There isn't CD option, but it does boot from the CD if a disk is present.04:11
rbdyckI haven't tried. I had tried to install CRUX until I got stuck with a panic trap caused by a spurious ACK. I finally gave up and decided to install Ubuntu because members of the local UNIX users group know it. I was able to download and install Ubuntu server in one day. I simply chose the latest version.04:13
rbdyckIf Ubuntu 9.05 is as easy to install as 9.10, then it should be easy. I don't have any user data on it yet, so can reformat/reinstall if necessary.04:14
persiaThere was no 9.05.04:16
persiaBut yeah, it ought be trivial with 9.04 :)04:16
rbdyckOk, 9.0404:16
Jeeves_Mossis there a way to batch repair video files with VLC and have VLC savethe repaired files?04:17
lWizardlwell my issue for ubuntu was last time i tried, I was able to access the sites buy using the internal networking addresses, but no one outside the network could view the sites04:17
Jeeves_MosslWizardl, are you saying that the hosted apache site is available on the internal IP and not the external?04:18
lWizardlthat was what happened last time I tried to setup a linux server04:19
lWizardlexample 192.168.x.13 would bring the site up fine04:19
Jeeves_Mosslol.  what is your network setup like?04:19
lWizardlbut going to the domain.tld would fail04:19
lWizardlmodem -> router -> servers04:19
Jeeves_Mossok, I'm assumming you're behind a NATed firewall?04:20
Jeeves_Mossport forwarding setup on the router?  or the server in question is in the DMZ?04:20
lWizardlLinusys router converted to openwrt04:20
rgreeninglisten setting incorrect on server?04:21
Jeeves_Mossok, and you set up port forwarding?04:21
lWizardlyup ports forwarded for the server ports like 80, etc04:21
Jeeves_Mossie. wan -> modem -> openWRT -> internal IP:port -> server?04:21
Jeeves_Mossyour DNS is pointing to the right IP?04:22
lWizardlyeah I even tried to use zoneedit for the dns server04:22
lWizardland yes your example would be correct04:22
Jeeves_Mosswhat is your domain and IP?04:22
lWizardlthe server isn't set back up so that wouldn't work now if i was to give that04:23
Jeeves_Mosswell, you'll have to have something to test before I can help.04:24
lWizardlyeah thats why i was asking about how hard is it to properly setup a fully working valid server04:24
Jeeves_Mossmost of the time, it's just something stupid.  if you don't have zoneedit setup for *.domain.tld, then if you only have domain.tld in there, and you try www.domain.tld, it'll fail04:24
lWizardlok so make sure its *.mydomain.blah not jus mydomain.blah04:27
lWizardlthat might have been part of the issue04:27
Jeeves_Mossyep.  otherwise, it'll only point that DNS reccord for domain.tld to your IP and ignore everything eles04:28
lWizardlthe other issue i had before at one time was if you went to my site's mydomain.blah page it would sometimes bring up the router login page04:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #571057 in openldap (main) "slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5 corrupts olcDatabase={-1}frontend.ldif with duplicate olcAccess lines (again)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57105704:31
Jeeves_Mosssounds like your router has the remote admin page open to the WAN.  might want to get that locked down.04:32
rbdycktwb left, and he was the only person answering my questions. Ok my SCSI controller looks like it can't boot, even with a boot device identified. Could someone tell me how to produce a boot CD that automatically boots from the first hard drive?04:33
Jeeves_Mossotherwise, if there is a bug in the OpenWRT package, and they can hit your WebInterface (you should NEVER had ANYTHING on the router open to the outside world, always port forward into something internal, then backtrack)04:33
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, is it an HP DL380?04:33
rbdyckNo, Dell PowerEdge 4300/50004:34
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, just as much of a pain in the ass.  it's a bastardized Adaptec controller card04:34
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, what's the setup?  is there just the one RAID set?  is there a current OS on it?04:35
rbdyckYea, integrated motherboard Adaptec with 2 channels, but the RAID that controls all hard drives is a separate card.04:36
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, it's still running through the Adaptec card.  You'll have FUN with that one!  Is there an OS on there that you're trying to save, or a fresh install?04:37
rbdyckMotherboard Adaptec has SCSI narrow with only one device: the CD-ROM drive. The other motherboard channel is SCSI Ultra2 connected to the back of the server, not used. It has a PERC (PowerEdge Raid Controller) card plugged into a PCI slot. That card is connected to the hard drive backplane.04:37
rbdyckFresh install. I reformatted and installed a fresh copy of the latest Ubuntu server: 9.1004:38
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, ok, and what are you trying to do with it?04:38
rbdyckTrying to set up a web server. Expecting heavy attacks on the web sites once everything is up, so want a secure server. Will host multiple web sites. LAMP04:39
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, the ONLY way I found to make it work (eventhough the install "looks" to work, it'll NEVER boot to the proper RAID set off of the live CD).04:39
rbdyckI also want it to be highly reliable, so attempting to make use of all redundant features. I set up the first two drives in a mirror set (RAID 1) for the OS, and all other drives in a RAID 5 set for data.04:41
Jeeves_Mosshow reliable do you need the LAMP data?04:42
rbdyckOk, if it will never boot from RAID, then can I burn a boot CD that will immediately boot from the first hard drive? The Ubuntu install CD has a menu option that will boot from the first hard drive.04:42
Jeeves_Mosshow reliable do you need the LAMP data?04:42
rbdyckI want the web sites to stay up. Expecting competition to attempt to sabotage, would like to prevent that.04:43
Jeeves_Mosstotal fail over would be the OS on RAID 1, and the LAMP data on RAID 10.  Do ALL of the RAID through hardware.04:44
twbOr all the RAID through md.04:44
Jeeves_Mossthen, boot from the Ubuntu MINI-CD. do the install, then build the LAMP server from the installer04:44
rbdyckI'm not familiar with RAID 10. I thought RAID 6 is new.04:44
Jeeves_Mosstwb, RAID through MD?  LOL, are you NUTZ?  that's a HUGE CPU hit!04:45
rbdyckHi twb? Nice to see you again.04:45
twbI'm a sysadmin, not a ricer.04:45
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, RAID 10 is just mirriored stripe sets.  speed and reliability.  sucks a lot of physical disks though04:45
twbOr a DBA.04:45
Jeeves_Mosstwb, I'm a POOR sysadmin.  I'm expected to make stuff do things it was never designed to do for a non profit04:46
twbWith hardware raid you always need to buy an extra card so you can get the data off it.04:46
scarmd does fine with todays powerful cpu's04:46
twbOtherwise in three years when the card dies, and you can't buy the same controller anymore, your data is gone forever04:46
rbdyckThe server has 6 hot-swap drawers. The drives aren't the largest, but plenty for a LAMP server. I configured 2 small drives in a mirror set (RAID 1) for the OS. And the other 6 drives in a RAID 5 configuration for web site data. That will be more than enough for the number of web sites I expect to host.04:46
Jeeves_Mossoh wait, no one does those anymore04:47
twbI dunno about running md RAID on a Pentium III, but it's load isn't even noticable with an x86-64 Celeron.04:47
Jeeves_Mosstwb, I've got 2 500Gb SATAs on a 3Ghz P4, and when it's writing, we're maxing out one of the cores04:48
rbdyckThis is an older server: 2 CPUs each Pentium III @ 500 MHz. 512MB of ECC SDRAM. The OS drives are 4.3GB, while the web data drives are 18.7 GB each. All hard drives are 10,000 rpm.04:48
rbdyckSorry, 8 drive drawers total.04:49
scarrbdyck, you use md on that just fine?04:49
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, if you want to pay for shipping from Toronto, I'll GIVE you a HP DL380G1 with dual 933 CPUs, and 380Mb of RAM (4 dive caddies as well)04:49
rbdyckI got the server free, and the drives relatively cheap. Don't have gobs of cash for the newest/latest everything.04:49
rbdyckWhat is "md"?04:50
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, it's Linux's software RAID04:50
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, if you want to pay for shipping from Toronto, I'll GIVE you a HP DL380G1 with dual 933 CPUs, and 380Mb of RAM (4 dive caddies as well)04:51
rbdyckI got a second server that I thought looked good: Xeon @ 1.8GHz. Turned out to have 1 CPU, 1 power supply, 2 SCSI controllers but neither is capable of RAID. And the power supply is so underpowered that I have to set staggered spin on the hard drives to avoid tripping the circuit breaker. At least it isn't a fuse. This one isn't nearly as robust.04:52
scarrbdyck, how do you set staggered spin?04:52
Jeeves_MossI did that with a rack of DL380G5s!  half the rack powered up, and it popped a 45amp breaker04:53
rbdyckIt's a jumper setting on the SCSI hard drive.04:53
Jeeves_Mossscar, or in the modern SCSI BIOSes, there is a setting to only bring up "x" drives @ a time04:53
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, so, yes, a mirror for the OS is good enoug with the rest RAID504:55
Jeeves_Moss<hears crickets in here>04:58
rbdyckOk, so my project for today is to get it to boot without a sysadmin being present to select the menu option. Is there simple software that I could burn to a boot CD that would just boot from the first hard drive? It would have to see the SCSI logical drives.05:00
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, make the RAID drives with the raid controller, then boot from the MINI-ISO05:01
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck,the mini-iso is a small footprint server install.  it has JUST enough to get the server off the ground, then it d-loads/builds everything it needs on the fly.  I find it's the best way to make some of the weird server hardware configs work.05:04
Jeeves_Mossrbdyck, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:04
Jeeves_Mossanyways all, my fiance is calling.  So it looks like it's bed time05:10
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uvirtbotNew bug: #571070 in elinks (universe) "Elinks no ECMAScript; should depend on either see or spidermonkey " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57107005:51
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kirklandhggdh: so no OOMs with the new PPA package?06:46
kirklandhggdh: just read your updates on the bug report ... this is sounding promising ;-)06:50
kirklandhggdh: i like what i see06:50
twbThat stinky ACPI powerbtn.sh bug still isn't fixed.06:51
kirklandtwb: it'll be sru'd06:51
kirklandtwb: it's already in the queue for lucid-updates06:55
kirklandtwb: well, lucid-proposed06:56
kirklandthen lucid-updates06:56
kirklandtwb: if this bug matters to you, have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/57045006:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 570450 in acpi "regression in /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh causes it to fail entirely on Ubuntu servers" [High,Fix committed]06:56
kirklandtwb: test the package when it lands in lucid-proposed, and add a note to the bug, saying that you tested it and it fixes the issue.06:56
twbkirkland: I didn't know lucid had even shipped yet :-P06:58
kirklandtwb: ships thursday07:02
smoserkirkland, what bug is "oom" referring to above ?07:02
twbkirkland: I filed the original ticket07:02
kirklandtwb: at this point, we've opened up the proposed/updates archive for updates/upgrades07:02
kirklandsmoser: Bug 56510107:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 565101 in eucalyptus "walrus reports java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56510107:03
kirklandtwb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/57045007:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 570450 in acpi "regression in /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh causes it to fail entirely on Ubuntu servers" [High,Fix committed]07:03
kirklandtwb: that's the one i'm talking about, sorry; i'm not familiar with yours07:03
* kirkland calls it a night07:04
twbkirkland: it's the same bug, the tickets obviously aren't linked07:04
kirklandtwb: what's your bug number?07:04
kirklandtwb: we can mark them duplicates07:04
twbLemme find it...07:04
twbHaha, mine is lower, so I was first.07:04
* twb struts07:05
kirklandbug 53943207:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 539432 in acpid "powerbtn.sh assumes acpi-support is installed. (dup-of: 529686)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53943207:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 529686 in acpid "Depressing power button does not shutdown computer" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52968607:05
kirklandtwb: thanks for the pointer; i have now linked all of these bugs together07:09
kirklandtwb: fix should be apt-get dist-upgrade fixable in a few days07:09
twbkirkland: in lucid-updates?07:10
kirklandtwb: yes;  it will sit in lucid-proposed for a few days until someone (hint, hint) can test that package and confirm in the bug report that it fixes the issue07:10
twbUrk, stupid live-helper07:11
twbOh, apparently security.ubuntu.com is actually valid after all07:11
twbAnyways, -updates is turned on, so I'll get it before my product ships, which is what I really care about07:12
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PC_Nerd101Hi, is lucid's RC stable enough for a production environment if upgraded to the full release after its available on friday?  I need it installed and configured by friday and I would prefer the extra day if it is stable.08:33
Jeeves_PC_Nerd101: It is for me08:35
Jeeves_We've got some machines running Lucid in production too08:35
PC_Nerd101Ahh wonderful, thankyou :) .    I have a mchine running alpha 2 which is stable but not "production" but of course RC and alpha2 arent the same  :)08:38
PC_Nerd101Thankyou :)08:38
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Eric^-ingen här ? :D09:26
twbdnsmasq question:09:31
twbHow do I provide a rootpath that  initramfs-tools' ipconfig will see?09:32
twbHm, dhcp-option=17,/opt/ltsp/i386 ?09:33
MONSTERWOPSYhi, i have a problem with UEC - Image store. Someone can help me ?09:55
ray_Hello, I have a problem with DNS, i am fairly knowledgable with bind, but need an idea on this: I manage domain.local in our lan environment. domain.com is managed externaly and I have no control over it, nor do I have domain xfer capabilities, so i do not know If they add new hosts or change anything. The point is I need now to resolve xxx.domain.com with an internal IP on the lan, but it should have it's proper extrenal IP on the in10:14
ray_ternet. As stated before, I can't really use SplitDNS because the outside server is out of my control. Is there a way to tell bind to be authoritive for xxx.domain.com only? ==10:14
ray_Or can I tell bind to be authoritive for domain.com, answer only xxx.domain.com directly and forward all other request to the real dns server?10:15
Jeeves_Afaik, you can't10:15
Jeeves_If it's authoritative for a domain, it will not forward requests10:15
_rubenray_: you could add a zone for xxx.domain.com10:16
Jeeves_Ah, yes10:16
Jeeves_That's possible10:16
ray_hmm, that was what I was thinking also, but do I have to take special care regarding the configuration? As i remember correctly you have after the SOA record NS information, and then the data records, how do I tell bind the IP for the zone itself?10:17
ray_just add an A record again for xxx.domain.com?10:18
ray_like: xxx.domain.com. IN A IP?10:19
Jeeves_ray_: No.10:19
Jeeves_Create a new zone, per hostname10:20
Eric^-Guys, what command do i write to open my program?10:20
Jeeves_Eric^-: That depends on the program you're trying to start :)10:21
Eric^-it's a ftp program10:21
ray_Jeeves_, sorry, I think I made myself not very clear, I know I have to create a new zone-file, but I have .... ah, forget it ... it's coming to me, the domain itself is treatable like any other host declaration inside the zone file ...10:21
Eric^-Jeeves_: Pure-ftp10:21
Jeeves_Eric^-: /etc/init.d/pure-ftdp restart ?10:26
Hatrixsomeone got LXC running? I always got error-messages trying to start a container, i am looking to an migration path from OpenVZ, as it's clearly not supported (officially) in ubuntu and I want to use lucid for my hosts ....10:35
swifthi guys.. wassup?10:44
swifthad a question on mrtg... how can I append(add) more graph to my index.html page of mrtg. I want to monitor another router in addition to the router I am already monitoring via mrtg10:45
Hatrixisn't mrtg like, stone-age? I use cactii for monitoring my devices ...10:46
swiftI want to try out mrtg10:49
swiftany idea how i can monitor many devices at once?10:50
swiftcoz, when I run indexmaker --output.... it replaces the old graphs(for the first router)10:50
Hatrixsorry, don't have much (any) knowledge of mrtg ...10:50
Hatrixbut if you want to take an advice from a stranger (not always the best thing to do) have a look on cacti ...10:51
smoserttx, ping11:09
smoserlool, ping11:09
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zorzarhey, i'm just playing around with a 10.04rc ec2 instance. i installed apache, started it and get a timeout when trying to connect to the public dns name of the instance. i enabled 80/tcp in ufw11:54
netritiousHi, if I install Lucid RC on my server today and apt-get upgrade after the official release, am I running RC or official release at that point? I wasn't certain and thought I would ask.11:59
_rubennetritious: official12:00
netritious_ruben: thank you12:00
netritiousone more question..is what is considered non-official (alpha, beta, RC) official release based on the kernel only or are there other factors?12:02
_rubenany package (kernel related or not) can expect to have bugs fixed between the various (pre-)releases12:03
_rubenin theory *all* packages would get upgraded between rc and final, tho in reality only a "small" subset of packages will change12:04
netritious_ruben: I assumed that's how it worked..thanks for the clarification12:05
_rubenoh .. s/would/could/ btw ;)12:16
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hggdhkirkland: No OOMs. I ran about 4,000 instances against it, and no OOM. mem usage on the Walrus still sounds high, but it survived13:25
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OzFalconis it ok to get an "fb0: unsupported mode requested" error?13:30
OzFalconWhen booting Ubuntu Server13:31
OzFalconServer 10.04 hangs when fstab external drive is turned off.13:32
OzFalconOr am I just unlucky?13:33
OzFalconServer 10.04 hangs while booting when external drive is turned off, But has entry in fstab.13:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #571208 in bacula (main) "Got "broken pipe" error on one of SQL modules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57120813:36
_rubenOzFalcon: hangs temporarily or refuses to continue completely?13:40
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Slideyive just upgraded from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04, but now my eucalyptus isnt working - i let it reset the configuration (put a new eucalyptus.conf into place), but when i run euca_conf --discover-nodes it looks as though its missing //var/lib/eucalyptus/services, and then exiting without finding/adding any nodes14:00
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OzFalcon_ruben, refuses to continue completely!14:04
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kirklandhggdh: rock!14:36
kirklandhggdh: alrighty, i'm going to get this eucalyptus uploaded to -proposed14:36
hggdhkirkland: nice ;-)14:36
kirklandhggdh: once it's been accepted into lucid-propose (will be a few days, probably next week), i'll need you to slam it one more time like that (overnight, perhaps)14:38
kirklandhggdh: of your 4000 instances, how many succeeded, and how many were affected by other bugs?14:39
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hggdhkirkland: (1) no prob; (2) the usual ~50% success, failures are a mix of metadata and routing14:39
kirklandhggdh: gotcha14:39
hggdhkirkland: BTW -- cjwatson seems to have resolved the issue with plymouth/mountall, we should consider it for SRU14:40
hggdhbug 56759214:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 567592 in plymouth "rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/urandom/random-seed': Read-only file system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56759214:40
kirklandhggdh: oh, sweet14:41
* hggdh is happy time is now available for other things :-)14:41
kirklandhggdh: great job testing this stuff, dude14:41
cjwatsonI *think* it's the same issue14:42
cjwatsonit may not be all of it14:42
cjwatsonit's part of it14:42
hggdhkirkland: thank you, but rather time-comsuming14:42
hggdhcjwatson: I agree, but at least we can hammer it, and check for new issues14:42
hggdhcjwatson: BTW, THANK YOU!14:42
kirklandhggdh: okay, so to SRU this puppy ....14:44
hggdhkirkland: will you check & mark done the tests in the blueprint?14:44
kirklandhggdh: yup14:44
kirklandhggdh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:45
mathiazttx: hey - bug 57105714:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 571057 in openldap "slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5 corrupts olcDatabase={-1}frontend.ldif with duplicate olcAccess lines (again)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57105714:47
mathiazttx: that will happen for systems that where upgraded from intrepid+jaunty to karmic to lucid14:47
sorenhggdh: You tried to run 4000 instances on Eucalyptus and got a 50% success rate?14:47
mathiazttx: upgrade from karmic and hardy won't be affected14:48
ttxmathiaz: right -- think it doesn't warrant a release note ?14:48
mathiazttx: It does14:48
mathiazttx: I'm writting it now14:48
ttxmathiaz: ok, then I'm in full agreement with you14:48
hggdhsoren: yes, this is about the current success rate on an all-distributed topology14:48
mathiazttx: I'm just confirming the impact of the bug14:49
mathiazttx: ie - only a small portion of the systems are impacted14:49
ttxmathiaz/kirkland: did you make any progress confirming or invalidating the RAID install thing kirkland ran into ?14:50
mathiazttx: I wasn't able to reproduce it14:50
kirklandttx: neither of us could validate14:50
kirklandttx: wasn't for lack of trying14:51
mathiazttx: so we've decided to lower the importance of the bug14:51
ttxkirkland: ack14:51
hggdhsoren: the test logs are at lp:~hggdh2/+junk/uec-qa14:51
sorenhggdh: "All distributed"? As opposed to what?14:52
ttxkirkland / hggdh: you can update the whiteboard at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-uec-testing to reflect that the RC is already done ?14:52
hggdhsoren: CLC+Walrus+CC+SC, NCs, or CLC+Walrus, CC+SC, NCs14:52
hggdhttx: I already did. Did I miss any?14:53
ttxhggdh: ah cool, I missed that14:53
ttxhggdh: I guess only [kirkland] * Sign off on RC candidate tests: TODO is left then14:53
hggdhttx: I did it this morning ;-)14:53
hggdhttx: ack14:54
sorenhggdh: Ah, ok.14:54
ttxmathiaz: please update server-lucid-puppet-uec-ec2-integration to reflect POSTPONED/TODO/DONE work items14:55
mathiazttx: done - all POSTPONED14:56
Slideyanyone able to run avahi-browse -rtv -a on a cluster node master for me and tell me if they can see the nodes (and what ver of ubuntu they're running) ?14:58
ttxmathiaz: heh, thanks !14:59
kirklandttx: k15:00
jiboumansserver team: get your blueprints registered asap15:00
jiboumansthis is *not* a drill15:00
zuldone and done15:01
rgreeningkirkland: hey. I was interested in getting tacacs+ back into the archives. It seems debian dropped them a while back, but I can not seem to locate the reason. Know of anything? http://www.shrubbery.net has the source package and it was updated in late 2009. So, it still seems somewhat active.15:02
smoserhggdh, were you going to add blueprint of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MaverickIdeaPool15:03
kirklandrgreening: no, sorry15:03
smoserfor " UEC Testing " or do i need to15:04
hggdhsmoser: I will do it15:04
hggdhsmoser: it will be a mix of QA and server15:04
rgreeningkirkland: know who on server team may be best contact to work with regarding this locing/auth daemon?15:04
kirklandrgreening: mathiaz perhaps?15:04
rgreeningcool. ty.15:05
rgreeningmathiaz: any suggestions? It may be nice to discuss at UDS? I have no issues in presenting and hosting a blueprint for it if theres interest or if it can be lumped in with another blueprint topic15:06
mathiazrgreening: what's the reason for being dropped from the Debian archive?15:07
rgreeningmathiaz: I can not seem to locate that (though to be honest, not sure where to look)15:08
mathiazrgreening: I'd search the Debian bug database to find the archive removal request15:09
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rgreeningmathiaz: ok. let me do some digging...15:09
rgreeningmathiaz: According to this... http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=474985 it's dead upstream (as of 2008).15:14
uvirtbotDebian bug 474985 in ftp.debian.org "RM: tac-plus -- RoM; dead upstream, unmaintained" [Normal,Open]15:14
mathiazrgreening: ok - I'd try to get it included in Debian again if upstream started to be active again15:15
rgreeningActually, looks like the original package was the "cisco" one and not the forked one from shrubbery (reading the bug report).15:16
mathiazrgreening: then it would be a new package15:17
mcaskirkland: ping15:17
mathiazrgreening: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages15:17
mathiazrgreening: ^^ outlines how to get new packages in Ubuntu15:17
rgreeningmathiaz: seems so. I'll start looking at packaging it under ubuntu to get it working. Then follow the guide to get it in. ty15:17
mathiazrgreening: np :)15:18
rgreeningmathiaz: btw: I have already emailed upstream for this package. Verify any known issues and how well supported it will be going forward.15:18
kirklandmcas: pong15:18
mcashi kirkland i have a short question about testdrive15:19
kirklandmcas: i'm tied up right now, but go ahead and ask15:19
mcasis there a reason why there are no links to kubuntu or xubuntu dvds?15:19
rgreeningmcas: ++ :)15:19
mcasi could create a bug report on testdrive and give you the correct lines for the etc-file15:20
rgreeningkirkland would need to update testdrive to have images cached by distro in the cache dir. otherwise, adding appropriate info to the config works15:20
rgreeningfor me anyway...15:21
mcasyes but i think this could be helpfull for some iso testers15:21
kirklandmcas: my GSoC student will be working on that this summer15:21
mcasah ok thx kirkland15:21
kirklandmcas: the main problem is the way in which these are named in cdimage.ubuntu.com;  they're all have the same base file name15:22
kirklandmcas: so the rsync wouldn't work properly15:22
Slideyafter an upgrade of 9.10 -> 10.04 the euca_conf --discover-nodes flag doesnt work - it looks like avahi-daemon isnt returning hte correct info. it does look as that the register-nodes *is* working though15:22
kirklandmcas: but we'll try to get it fixed15:22
kirklandSlidey: it's auto-magical now15:22
Slideyaccording to euca_conf source its still using avahi-browse |grep node15:23
mcasthx i haven't seen this yet15:23
Slideyand they arent returning anything with that15:23
prashant8Enter text here...hi15:25
prashant8i have a problem or grub error after taking the uodates15:25
prashant8 can anybudy solve it15:25
prashant8 please15:25
prashant8hey anybudy is there15:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:27
prashant8after rebooting it gives f=grub error15:28
alvinnothing more?15:28
prashant8 sorry15:28
prashant8 sh grub>15:29
alvinnot something like "disk error"?15:29
prashant8no disk erro15:29
prashant8i solve it but15:30
alvinIs the update you talk about Lucid? In that case, better go to #ubuntu+115:30
prashant8are not lucid15:30
prashant8 ubuntu 9.1015:30
prashant8but after restart it give same error15:31
prashant8reply me15:32
prashant8 please15:32
prashant8 wht can i do for solving the problem15:32
alvinYou will need to give more information about your specific setup.15:32
prashant8 i have vista in one of the drive i put the ubuntu i go to ubuntu it asking for update i update it asking for reboot i reboot the pc then it gives GMU GRUB version 1.87''beta4  ( Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions. )  sh:grub> _15:35
prashant8that error15:35
prashant8i done it by     sh:grub> set root=(loop0) sh:grub>linux /boot/vmlinuz-2-2.6.31-14-generic root=/dev/sda5 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro      sh:grub> initrd /boot/initrd.img--2.6.31-14-generic      sh:grub> boot15:37
prashant8after that it is running15:38
prashant8 and start it15:38
prashant8then i gop to terminal and type the command sudo update-grub15:38
prashant8it working15:38
prashant8 but when i restart my laptop then it again give same error that GMU GRUB version 1.87''beta4  ( Minimal BASH-like line editingis supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions. )15:40
prashant8tell me what can i do15:40
prashant8 now15:40
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:40
prashant8are tumachya iecha bhok15:42
prashant8 me kay eth zakamarayalka basaloy ka15:42
prashant8 i ghala tumachi15:42
prashant8 are yet nahi tar sanagana mag15:42
prashant8 amhi punekar15:42
prashant8are ghost freeman solve my problem15:42
prashant8 ya15:42
Slideywhen i run euca-bundle-image (which is called by uec-publish-tarball) im getting an invalid cert error - the cert is the one downloaded using euca_conf --get-credentials and *looks* ok15:45
RoAkSoAxkirkland, howdy!! any news on the testdrive blueprint you proposed ?15:48
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sorry, no15:48
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i gotta work on blueprints15:48
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ok :)15:50
RoAkSoAxkirkland, so I should just wait till they get reviewed and approved correct?15:55
kirklandRoAkSoAx: please get your modularization changes tested and proposed for merging15:55
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i'd like to get that merged and in *before* UDS, ideally15:56
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i don't see much value in having a modularization session at UDS15:56
kirklandRoAkSoAx: at UDS, let's focus on the interface15:56
kirklandRoAkSoAx: get a whiteboard, draw up the story boards, interface, etc.15:56
kirklandRoAkSoAx: get input from the QA team, if and how they'd like to use TestDrive more15:56
kirklandRoAkSoAx: we'll take good notes and design the interface based on the feedback15:57
RoAkSoAxkirkland, Yes, UDS session only on the Interface design and features. I'll work this week on the modularization and i'll try to have it done by the end of this week.15:57
RoAkSoAxand wlll get input from QA, as well as contact desktop/design team for participation on the session15:58
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zulttx: i combined the vscan and zafara in the server-maverick-new-stacks spec16:40
ttxzul:  ok16:41
ttxupdating pool16:41
nimrod10`has anyone one of you tried a x86 os on a six core amd before ? I'm wondering if the os version is the cause of me not seeing all 12 cores and only 616:42
ttxzul: please update pool to fix typos16:42
ttxand add ref to that spec16:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #571323 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57132317:11
mathiazzul: are you still editing the MaverickIdeaPool wiki page?17:34
zulmathiaz: lemme check17:35
TeTeTif the meta data service on the cc is not started, any chance to start it?17:35
zulmathiaz: no17:35
TeTeTthe error for the failed metadataservice on the cc is here:http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/424078/17:37
paltI'm having some problems setting up openldap with TLS18:00
paltWhen I try to start the service 'slapd -h "ldap:// ldaps://' -d 1 I get the following error18:00
paltTLS: could not set cipher list TLS_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA.18:00
paltAnyone has any idea what is wrong?18:01
maekI attached a sata drive to a server on USB via a sata to usb converter cable. dmesg shows "sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sdd" but fdisk -l doesnt list /dev/sdd. any idea what I can do to investigate this disk?18:27
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hggdhwhen will we have the final image? Still more UEC stress to go through then...18:32
RoyKmaek: strange - it usually lists it - try cat /proc/partitions18:39
maekRoyK: it was my usb port. I moved it and it worked fine. thanks.18:40
Jeeves_Mosshow can I solve this apt issue?  http://pastebin.com/xKaQpeRV18:40
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Jeeves_Mosshow can I solve this apt issue?  http://pastebin.com/xKaQpeRV18:41
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RoyKJeeves_Moss: backup dovecot config and data, apt-get remove --purge dovecot, apt-get install .....18:44
Jeeves_MossRoyK,  lol, tried that.  same error18:46
RoyKJeeves_Moss: create the dir/files it reports missing and try again :)18:49
RoyKdpkg doesn't like missing stuff even with --purge18:49
RoyKjust create dummy files18:49
RoyKtouch asdf will suffice18:49
Jeeves_MossRoyK,  well, it's totally broken my APT system!  arrgghhh18:49
RoyKmkdir /var/run/dovecot18:50
RoyKand try again18:50
Jeeves_Moss<evil grin>  I think I may have killed it by removing /var/lib/dovecot18:50
Jeeves_Mosswhat's the command to search if a package is installed?18:51
RoyKdpkg -l18:52
Jeeves_MossYES!!!  it's gone!!!18:53
Jeeves_Mossnext up.  do you know of a good/working howto to get v-hosted e-mail setup?  (ie. postfix, postfixadmin, dovecot, etc)18:54
maekif I have an mdadm raid device md0. and I remove the drives that comprise md0 and boot my computer will that "break" my md0 raid?18:55
maekor should I be able to just put the disks back and reboot and be ok?18:55
Jeeves_Mossmaek,  lol, ummmmm, be VERRY careful!  how is the RAID setup?18:55
RoyKJeeves_Moss: have you checked https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html ?18:55
maekJeeves_Moss: its a mirror18:55
maekdisk 1 is OS disk 2 and 3 are in mdadm mirror18:56
RoyKmaek: if you've carefully configured grub, it should work well18:56
RoyKif not booting from the mirror, it should work well18:56
maekRoyK: grub cares not for these disks.18:56
maekok, thanks18:56
Jeeves_Mossthat's true.  it depends on where the grub is18:56
maekgrub is on the boot disk18:56
maekand boot disk has nothing to do with md018:57
Jeeves_MossRoyK, yes, I've looked @ that, but I need something that's SIMPLE to work with.  I don't feel like doing tech support calls all the time for adding e-mail addresses.  This is why I asked about postfixadmin18:57
* RoyK just uses zimbra :)18:58
rgreeningmathiaz: hmm... seems like someone has made a tacacs+ package in debian (yay). Now I just need it in Lucid... It's in squeeze and sid, so we'll get it automatically for Maverick http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/t/tacacs+/tacacs+_4.0.4.19-6/changelog18:58
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RoyKZimbra is not included in ubuntu, and probably won't be in a while, and works best on a dedicated machine (or VM)18:59
RoyKit's open source, but contains enough integrated stuff to hardly work on a normal system18:59
TeTeTmathiaz: hi, do we support booting from EBS yet in UEC?19:00
mathiazkirkland: ^^?19:00
WALoeIIIebs boot++19:00
TeTeTmathiaz: thks19:00
rgreeningmathiaz: not sure how I missed it the first zillion times I searched for it... oh well.19:02
mathiazrgreening: good - turns out there is even *less* work to be done19:03
cn1109can I ask a question about filtering with squid?19:04
rgreeningmathiaz: So, I should be able to request a sync for Lucid? Yes?19:05
mathiazrgreening: heu - no19:05
mathiazrgreening: lucid is about to be released in one day19:05
mathiazrgreening: it's *way* too late to sync anything to lucid19:06
mathiazrgreening: it should lend if maverick19:06
mathiazrgreening: in the meantime you can build it in a PPA for lucid19:07
rgreeningso, I guess I'll throw up a PPA for it for now...19:07
rgreeningyou read my mind19:07
RoyKTeTeT: wtf is ebs?19:07
rgreeningor I yours19:07
rgreeningty mathiaz19:07
TeTeTRoyK: elastic block storage, a term in UEC (Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud)19:08
* RoyK still sticks with ZFS for large volumes19:09
Eric^-Hey guys19:22
Eric^-I'm trying to change a setting but it's not possible to save it19:22
Eric^-Either when i try w! or qw!19:22
Eric^-It's closed for writing ..19:22
cemcEric^-: what setting? which file? do you have permission to change it?19:23
Eric^-oh, fuck i might have forgot to write sudo before opening it! let me try that first19:24
cemcEric^-: read-only filesystem? :)19:24
RoyKlol @ Eric^-19:25
cemcEric^-: if you don't want to edit it again from the beginning (say you changed a lot of things), you can always :w /tmp/foo19:25
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Eric^-It worked to write sudo before ;P sorry for me i'm a noob.19:26
Gol023good evening19:27
Gol023i have set up a server and have installed webmin which is working well, but when i try to open a php page i'm asked if i would like to save it rather than firefox displaying it... can anyone help please?19:30
chewbrancahey what kind of hardware is required to setup ubuntu enterprise cloud and eucalyptus with a handful of vms? do you need later hardware with builtin virtualization support?19:39
chewbrancaI found a server recycle center in town and I'm looking to pick up a dual xeon 64 bit, but its not the newer versions that have builtin virtualization19:40
chewbrancawould that work?19:40
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kirklandmathiaz, TeTeT: no, not that I know of20:38
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Jeeves_Mosswhat do I have wrong with this config?  I keep getting a 404.  http://pastebin.com/HC3xJw1Q20:47
guntbertJeeves_Moss: whats in the logs?20:49
Jeeves_Mossguntbert, nothing worthwhile!20:49
Jeeves_Mossone sec....  <hangs head in shame>20:50
guntbertJeeves_Moss: a 404 is usually to be found in error.log too  -- along with the directory it tries to read20:50
Jeeves_Mosslol,  hence the hanging head in shame20:51
guntbertJeeves_Moss: :)20:52
guntbertI read that only after my statement :)20:52
RoAkSoAxkirkland, what should I do with the license headers for the modularization?? Add myself?20:52
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sure ;-)20:53
kirklandRoAkSoAx: make sure any new code is licensed GPLv3 (and only v3)20:53
kirklandRoAkSoAx: but if you're making significant changes, then yes, please add your name ;-)20:53
Jeeves_Mossguntbert, nope, that didn't work.  it's like apache is totally ignoring the requests20:53
RoAkSoAxkirkland, I'm keeping same license and well modularization is a significant change :)20:54
Jeeves_Mossguntbert, @ least I got ampache to work!20:55
guntbertJeeves_Moss: try it from the local machine - either use w3m localhost or even telnet localhost 8020:55
incorrecthi, i was wondering, is there a way to clean up old kernels that aren't needed any more? i've been using tweak-ubuntu on my desktop, i just noticed my server is getting very cluttered20:58
guntbertincorrect: you can remove them with aptitude or apt-get20:59
Jeeves_Mossguntbert, it's not that big of a deal just yet.  it's just roundcube.20:59
guntbertJeeves_Moss: ok  -- what is roundcube?20:59
incorrectguntbert, i was really after a house keeping instruction, but sure i can remove them manually20:59
AlexC_morning Earthlings21:00
AlexC_I've not got a Ubuntu install around, however could someone please pastebin the output of 'php -m' please?21:00
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guntbertincorrect: as far as I know grub2 has nothing like a "janitor"21:01
incorrectoh well nevermind21:01
AlexC_incorrect: excellent, thanks very much :)21:05
incorrectnp AlexC_21:05
AlexC_incorrect: actually, just to confirm - have you installed any modules? More specically, any to do with zip and zlib?21:05
incorrectfrom dpkg -l  |grep php21:06
AlexC_excellent that's great21:07
JonOomphGreetings everyone!  I have a postfix question.  I am trying to setup a custom bounce template. Is it possible to use the "Original Subject" as a variable in the template?21:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #571415 in vtun (universe) "vtund server denies connections because /var/lock/vtund directory doesn't exist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57141521:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #571416 in chkrootkit (main) "chkutmp failure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57141621:16
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uvirtbotNew bug: #571424 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57142421:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #570468 in php-apc (universe) "apache2 crashed with SIGSEGV in zend_hash_graceful_reverse_destroy()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57046821:42
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tgalalI need to setup a  Huwaii USB modem for use on Ubuntu Server..22:24
tgalalubuntu server 9.1022:24
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akincerI installed OTRS and after working through the dependency fail witht he perl dev module and getting email working, I'm getting this error getting email every 10 minutes22:41
akincerERROR: No such file or directory: /usr/share/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ZZZAuto.pm22:42
akincerany clues?22:42
akincerrunning 10.04 RC22:42
akincerI checked and there is actually that exact "file" there as a link22:43
zorzaris there an estimate when the 10.04 torrents will be released?22:56
lifeless14 hours or so23:00
zorzarlifeless: ok thx23:01
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RootChaosanyone knows when is the next LTS release based on 9.x ?23:57
RootChaoswe have around 160 production servers running on 8.04LTS, but doesnt support many of the new hardware coming out...23:58
InsyteRootChaos: There will not be a 9.x LTS.  The next LTS is 10.04 and it's due by the end of this month.23:58
RootChaoscan't wait...23:59
InsyteRootChaos: Then don't.  You can play with pre-release versions now.23:59
RootChaosthanx anyways23:59
InsyteOnly bugfixes to go.23:59
RootChaoswe have only a few 9.x servers at the moment23:59

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