
tonyyarussoh00k: Yeah, my schedule's been a mess too.  I know there's going to be one in the Twin Cities in mid-late May, and that's okay too if you need more time.00:04
tonyyarussoalso @ Takyoji - late is fine00:09
h00ktonyyarusso: alright, I'll watch the mailing list00:57
jenkinbrtonyyarusso, not on my end, I've been insanely busy with RL, working 72+ hours a week, so I've barely had time to spend on the computer x.x04:17
=== rlaager1 is now known as rlaager
chinotoanybody know where I can get a sticker like this (http://images1.cafepress.com/product/147820891v5_480x480_Front.jpg) locally or under 4.82 including shipping (I have a temporary visa card)18:33
chinotoI would get a ubuntu sticker, but if I were to switch distro then it wouldn't make sense18:34
MTecknologytonyyarusso: hi20:30
MTecknologySo.. Are you guys going to be bumping up to the new theme?20:30
MTecknologyI can't remove the old branch because your changes are stacked on top of it. :P20:31
MTecknologyIf you want to keep using it that's fine but I did make a new branch that it would be better stacked against.20:31
MTecknologyIt's not a big deal, I marked it as abandoned so if you want to keep stacked on it that's perfectly fine. I was just curious what your plans were.20:34
tonyyarussoMTecknology: lol..um, I suppose I'll have to look into that.  Where can we see a demo of the new theme?22:45
MTecknologytonyyarusso: staging.profarius.com23:21

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