
Edith_IdleOne - What is the translation's priority ?02:27
IdleOneone minutew on phone :)02:28
IdleOneEdith_: right now I think priority would be blogging about the World play day contest02:46
Edith_Actually, I'm working on FormulaireDeConsentement. Is it ok ?02:49
IdleOneperfect :)02:49
IdleOneI was about to mention that02:49
IdleOneakgraner: ping02:51
akgranerIdleOne, pong02:52
IdleOneakgraner: how do we go about translating the consentment form?02:53
IdleOneerr model release waiver that is02:53
IdleOneEdith_ is translating that page right now.02:53
akgranerwhat do you mean by "go about"02:54
akgranernot sure I understand how translating this is different from the other pages02:54
IdleOnewell providing a translated release waiver in pdf format02:55
akgranerif you want to send me a the doc file02:55
akgraneror when it's finished I can just grab it off the wiki02:56
IdleOneok.  good idea02:56
Edith_IdleOne: I send a first copy, but I was unable to see a preview.03:33
Edith_I kept a file with the text.03:34
IdleOnelooks good03:39
Edith_I'll look tomorrow, when I'll be rested ;)03:40
Edith_bye !03:40
IdleOneerr I can't seem to edit her draft :/03:53
dholbachgood morning08:10
=== althara_ is now known as althara
Dragzard#join Ubuntu22:55
valoriemost clients can do /j #ubuntu23:03
macovalorie: they made it ;-)23:03
DragzardI know, I forgot the slash.23:03

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