
fatumI remember awhile back being able to open an FTP location from the gnome File Browser?  How do you do this?00:00
sebsebsebplum: anyway I suggest  clean installing from a 10.04 CD, however  download servers will be packed at the begining and so rather slow,  downloading ISO on Saturday though will probably be alright00:00
nnybsmith093: http://www.networkclue.com/hardware/network/switches-vs-hubs.aspx00:00
molqris there urxvt-tabbed in hardy heron?00:00
sebsebsebplum: and good to check your ISO once you have it00:00
Typos_KingGerrit:    nope, am afraid, it used to do that for me too, when there was only 1 entry to boot from, [nothing to choose about], now I have more entries, and it does show with my 30secs timeout00:00
sebsebseb!md5sum > plum00:00
ubottuplum, please see my private message00:00
ywgxlook here00:00
plumsebsebseb: not sure... i was in here earlier today with other issues from grub though. the thing is, i'm installing ubuntu to a removable harddrive, so grub would search for it and would not boot up if i didn't have the harddrive plugged in. so i just went to the snow leopard bootloader00:00
nnytime to run, see ya00:00
tdlmwe're using libvirt here and for some reason, one of the domains fires up but wont ping at all. this just started happening this morning. anyone know why or where i might get help diagnosing this issue?00:01
sebsebseb!grub > plum00:01
ubottuplum, please see my private message00:01
sebsebseb!grub2 | plum00:01
ubottuplum: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:01
GerritTypos_King: Now I try to change the resolution and see what happens, brb00:01
ywgxhere have japanese?00:02
sebsebsebplum: if that was a clean install of 9.10, you will have Grub 200:02
ywgxgrub 1.9800:02
plumsebsebseb: probably... it still didn't work though when i didn't have the other harddrive removed00:02
aj00200Can anyone give me some advice on installing tortoise HG. It says "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: mercurial (>= 1.4)", but I have a newer version. Downloading an older version of mercurial doesn't work either00:02
plumi need to be able to use my computer without that harddrive too though00:02
Typos_Kingplum:     what you can do on that is, save Grub to the external device MBR, and yes, it won't boot cuz it's looking for its /boot/grub files to boot with, and in your case it was on the HD mbr, while its files where on the external, thus the error00:02
plumTypos_King: i did try that... i installed ubuntu on /dev/sdb, but grub to /dev/sda00:03
plumit still would not boot up without that harddrive00:03
Typos_Kingplum:    saving grub to the external device will load it 'when booting from usb' device00:03
sebsebseb!usb | plum00:03
ubottuplum: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:03
plumTypos_King: my secondary harddrive is not USB though. it fits into my optical drive in a little compartment, directly to the computer00:04
plumweird situation i know00:04
Typos_Kingplum:     sudo grub-install /dev/sdb;    will stick it to the 'sdb' MBR, and thus will bring it up when the usb is being booted from, then it'll find its files and all00:05
=== Ken8521_ is now known as Ken8521
Gerritgrub still doesn't show :(00:06
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot00:06
Gerritshould I be asking in ubuntu+1? this is 10.0400:06
PiciGerrit: Yes.00:06
Typos_Kingplum:   even so, the 'grub error', comes up for having the grub loaded on the HD mbr and its files elsewhere00:06
dlowHey, im dyin here. i just got a GeForce GT240 Graphics card and I cant find an appropriate driver. anyone know what I should do?00:06
dlowIts a 1GB DDR300:07
beermanaudio question00:07
dlowaudio and visual00:07
beermanin enemy territory my sound goes through the headset and not the speakers like i want it to00:07
plumTypos_King: why does ubuntu install the files elsewhere then? shouildn't it install the files to wherever mbr you installed grub to in the first place?00:07
dlowyea, unless you buy the graphics card after you got linux and you want to run it thru hdmi and dont wanna reinstall ubuntu00:08
dlowthats my issue and it kinda sucks00:08
rolsworthis there any way to change the default im program and get the same functions with the mail icon?00:08
Typos_Kingplum:   nope, the boot loader you get when you boot a machine, is the one loaded in the MBR of the 1st internal/fixed HD in the machine, regardless of how many there are, slaves or else, and partitions in them00:08
aciculadlow: you cant activate the nvidia driver via hardware drivers ?00:09
Typos_Kingplum:   that's the boot loader you get upon boot from a machine, its files can be anywhere00:09
plumwell i'm gonna go change ubuntu to ext3 then and see how that works out00:09
plumthanks for the help though guys00:09
ywgxfirefox how use irc?00:10
Typos_Kingywgx:  install chatzilla I guess00:11
ywgxthank you00:11
aweomsquestion: for the past 30min i have been trying to install noscirpt on ubuntu lucid RC for firefox and no good00:11
sebsebseb!lucid | aweoms00:11
ubottuaweoms: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party00:11
delpassionHey hey00:11
Typos_Kingnoscript? hehe00:11
Typos_Kingawaoms:  what's that addon for?00:12
aciculadisables javascript00:12
GeekSquidaweoms: Lucid is not out yet, support in #ubuntu+100:12
Typos_Kingdisables js.heheh, good luck with that00:12
aciculawell it lets your selectively disable javascript00:12
aj00200aweoms: through addons.mozilla.org?00:12
aciculaTypos_King: actually it is pretty awesome00:12
Typos_Kingaweoms:     you can disable css/java/cookies/flash   why not do the whole shabang? why just js?00:13
aweomsit is.00:13
aciculaTypos_King: there'd be a lot less malware floating around if people had their javascript off by default ;)00:13
delpassionI'm curious , anyone out there know a good way to spice up the visual effects in 9.1 more so then just setting it to extra?00:13
aj00200aweoms: just use the normal version, not the RC. Addons ofter break in RC's and betas...00:13
Azelphurdelpassion: install simple ccsm from the software center, it adds an extra option00:13
aciculadelpassion: err yeah there is a compiz plugin settings/manager thing/tool00:13
Typos_Kingacicula:   ahhh, such a myth and superstition, being a js coder myself, that's like saying 'wear a face mask and you won't get the flu'00:14
delpassionthx :D00:14
Ben64_LappyI messed with my partitions last night, increased root partiton, deleted /boot, moved /boot onto the root partition, and now i get grub error 22... how to fix?00:14
MrDowntempoI have USB speakers. When I turn my volume all the way up in ubuntu, the speakers go all the way up. When I go down 1 click, the speakers go down like 50% and they are nigh inaudible one click lower. So even though my volumn bar is 80% full my speakers get turned all the way off. I've used another set of USB speakers and I get the same results.00:14
aweomsi could but i'd rather have noscript cause it takes care of all that plus allowes me to have certian site to be https always00:15
ywgx我要去上课了,数据结构(I will class ,Data Structure in C ++)00:15
aj00200aweoms: I mean, use a stable Firefox build, not RC.00:15
ywgxsoftware college Northeastern University(china)00:16
aweomsisn't firefox 3.6.3 stable on linux? or are you saying use stable ubuntu00:16
Pici!zh | ywgx00:16
ubottuywgx: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk00:16
sebsebsebaweoms: later Firefox will be in  Ubuntu 10.04 releaed this Thursday00:17
Typos_Kingaweoms:    eithe way, I'd advise against it, is overrated and overhyped, btw, if you run Lynx that'll set you up I guess, as much as if you don't want car accidents, don't drive a car, but hey00:17
aciculaTypos_King: nearly all browser based or pdf vulns were exploitable either via js or by massaging the memory layout via js. admittedly you could use any programming language to do that00:17
Alcoreverybody get the last 3 updates?00:18
theJKHAnybody here use the Acer Aspire One netbook with Ubuntu?00:18
W43372I just reinstalled wallpaper-tray and now I can't find it from the 'add to panel' menu.00:20
aj00200Can anyone give me some advice on installing tortoise HG. It says "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: mercurial (>= 1.4)", but I have a newer version. Downloading an older version of mercurial doesn't work either00:21
aciculaaj00200: what ubuntu version are you using?00:21
dhartHey, I have some blog content at http://www.kzenpragmaticist.org/search/label/Ubuntu that I think is worthy of inclusion on http://fridge.ubuntu.com/ - who should I ask about this?00:21
aweomswhat should the permission on /home/username supposed to be like?00:22
aciculaaj00200: how are you installing toroise?00:22
Typos_Kingacicula:    sure, sooooo, how do you 'work' that out?   uninstall all browsers? remove all parsers? I mean, car accidents are part of driving, if don't want them I drop the car I guess, however that also drops my commuting too, soo is a trade off, like anything, I'm willing to acknowledge rather than criminalize00:23
tsimpsondhart: send an email to news@ubuntu.com00:23
dharttsimpson: cool thanks I'll do that00:23
aj00200acicula: I've used the installers off of http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/all/tortoisehg/download00:23
aj00200Acicula: and from source on the last version of Ubuntu00:23
aciculaaj00200: well you need to get the dependency from somewhere seems ubuntu 9.10 only goes up to 1.3.100:24
aj00200acicula: you mean for mercurial or tortoise.00:25
W43372I just reinstalled wallpaper-tray and now I can't find it from the 'add to panel' menu.00:26
aj00200acicula: ok. I just got the version of mercurial with apt-get. So how do I get tortoise to work with the older version00:26
aciculaaj00200: well you could force it , but the lib may be just to old00:27
aciculaim sure dpkg has an ignore dependencies and install anyway flag00:27
eurythmiaI'm running karmic on my laptop, and I have the laptop plugged in, and plugged in to an external monitor. I would like to close the lid on my laptop, but the power saving features don't offer me the option of "doing nothing" when I close the lid on my laptop, the next best solution is "blank screen," but that blanks the external monitor as well ... any ideas?00:28
aj00200aciculd: well, where would I find a version to work with 1.3?00:28
Typos_Kingacicula:    dpkg  usually installs anyway usually, with a warning about the dependency and that no configuration was set00:29
Typos_Kingaj00200:    that doesn't mean the app will work without it00:30
haavarosHi! My USB mouse has jitter lag. How do I establish whether its USB lag, or the mouse dying?00:30
aciculaaj00200: well if there is a version that works with 1.3.1 the tortoise website would be a start, or maybe look if they package the app for ubuntu specifically?00:30
aj00200acicula: ok. I'll check and see if I can find that. Hopefully...00:30
midgetspyi have a ubuntu 8.04 system that hasn't been touched since it was installed. what're the chances apt-get upgrade does something bad?00:32
aciculamidgetspy: midgetspy wait a few days so you can upgrade to the next lts00:33
jribmidgetspy: slim to none00:33
aciculaoh nvm, upgrade doesnt touch distribution level00:33
midgetspyacicula: it should just upgrade the packages within 8.04, right?00:34
node357hi, I logged in today and my volume control is gone, but i still have sound. I tried to re-add the volume control but it's not longer on the list, wihch i guess means gnome thinks its still there... what can I do?00:34
aciculamidgetspy: correct00:34
aciculamidgetspy: you need to do-release-upgrade or update-manager-d(GUI) to update to a new release00:35
jribnode357: what ubuntu version?00:35
node3579.10 i think00:35
jrib!version | node35700:35
ubottunode357: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »00:35
node357jrib, it says Ubuntu 9.1000:36
node357thank for that command, didn't know about it00:36
aciculaTypos_King: the idea about noscript is to only selectively disable javascript, i have it on for my standard sites, but off for google, ad pushers etc00:37
ZykoticK9midgetspy, if you wait until after Thursday you can upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 directly00:38
eurythmiahm ... i've got i tfigured out ... it envolved using gconf-editor to change the settings for power-manager-gnome, because the "nothing" option isn't available in the gui.00:38
node357jrib, I was here yesterday asking how to get rid of pulse audio because it was making loud distorted noises... I uninstaled the pulse audio packages.. did that ruin the volume mixer, too?00:39
sebsebsebmidgetspy: 8.04  will be better than 10.04 in certain ways,  also apparantly a new LTS isn't that stable untill at least a point release.  8.04 will run out of support on the desktop April next year00:39
plumwow, that worked better than i expected00:39
ZykoticK9node357, if you're missing the volume control from the panel - this is normal if you've removed Pulse00:39
eurythmiaspeaking of which ... food for thought here, isn't the way gnome configuration is done exactly one of the problems that's wrong with windows? If an obscure option isn't available in a gui, you have to go hack around in some central "registry" of configuration options?00:40
plumi found out where there is an option to create a /boot and used a partition on /dev/sda for it. now i can boot up fine without my sdb00:40
node357ZykoticK9, so I can have distorted sound or no volume mixer :(00:40
ZykoticK9node357, just the built in Gnome panel mixer is affected00:40
midgetspysebsebseb: it's a server which is longer, correct?00:40
jribeurythmia: no. It's the applications responsibility to expose configuration options to the user.  gconf is more than just a place with hidden settings00:40
aciculaeurythmia: well the amount of configuration options far exceeds the amount of checkboxes that can be put on the screen00:41
aguitelsebsebseb, think about the next LTS is based in debian sid (unstable release)00:41
node357okay, thanks jrib and ZykoticK9 .. I will find another mixer to use00:41
sebsebsebmidgetspy: yes the server version's of a LTS release get five years of support00:41
sebsebseb!lts | midgetspy00:42
ubottumidgetspy: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)00:42
eurythmiajrib, that doesn't disagree with what I said ... except for the part about gconf-editor being more ... how is it more (not trolling, just curious)00:42
eurythmiaacicula, I do agree ... but drop-down menus shouldn't exclude options ;)00:42
jribeurythmia: but gnome configuration is done through apps in the menus :/00:42
SoLiTuDeHow to let apache2 reconfigure itself to its default values and rebuild its default files?00:42
node357now my shortcut keys for volume up/down don't work either00:43
savidHi, my network-manager applet is confused.  when my hardware wireless switch is turned ON,  the "wireless networks" box is grayed out.  When I turn my hardware wireless switch OFF, the wireless networks box is enabled and checked, but can't find any networks.  What gives?00:43
eurythmiajrib, gnome-power-manager is one of them, but the gui lacks options, and hence, gconf-editor is required.00:43
aciculaSoLiTuDe: remove with --purge and reinstall?00:43
jribSoLiTuDe: purge the package responsible for whatever file it is you want to reinstall00:43
jribeurythmia: right, that means work needs to be done on gnome-power-manager to expose them to the user00:43
SoLiTuDeMmm oki thx.00:43
SoLiTuDeOne more question, does it reconfigure /etc/apache2 too ?00:44
kennyGnight folks!00:44
jribSoLiTuDe: what is "it" in your sentence?00:45
kennyGI did choose to hide my main top menu. I wonder ho do I show it back?00:45
eurythmiajrib, this is true ... unfortunately, it's an option that was there before, so this is a regression ... also related to bug 390816, which apprently there is no intent to fix at the moment :/00:45
dominicdinadaI have a question00:46
eurythmia!ask | dominicdinada00:46
ubottudominicdinada: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:46
kennyGcould someone help me on that please?00:47
eurythmia!ask | kennyG00:48
ubottukennyG: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:48
kennyGI did choose to hide my main top menu. I wonder ho do I show it back?00:48
rabidweezleUmm, I downloaded lucid lynx rc I *thought*, I set to 64 bit download and I get/install karmic...00:49
kennyGeurythmia, got it ?00:49
eurythmiakennyG, one approach is to do "rm -rf ~/.gnome2" then log out and back in ... but that's rather heavy handed ... it will remove *all* of your gnome, and gnome application settings.00:49
rabidweezleis there a way I can update to lucid?00:49
jribrabidweezle: #ubuntu+1 for lucid support00:49
eurythmiarabidweezle, google it.00:49
ZykoticK9!panels | kennyG00:49
ubottukennyG: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:49
jribeurythmia: try not to do that, just point them in the right direction at least00:50
kennyGHow do I open Teminal without main menu?00:50
eurythmiaZykoticK9, did not know about that ... looks much better.00:50
jribkennyG: double click on /usr/bin/gnome-terminal in nautilus I guess.  Or alt-f2, gnome-terminal00:50
eurythmiajrib, sorry, I know that the answer is available on the wiki ... a simple google search ... I'll keep +1 in mind for next time.00:50
kennyGok, I will try that right now. Thank you guys!00:51
eurythmiajrib, I was on the Alt-F2 ... guess you type faster than me ;)00:51
madohello everyone ... i assume at least some of you folks know the game "gtkatlantic" ? ... i wanted to know the following thing ... i saw it on a website ... and the source-code can be downloaded there too ... can you tell me what i have to do to compile it for two different windows-machines?00:53
sebsebseb!windows | mado00:54
ubottumado: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:54
madosebsebseb: that's a "windows"-issue?00:54
sebsebsebmado: if you want to install a program on Windows,  sure00:55
dhart tsimpson: my message to news@ubuntu.com bounced...00:55
madoi thought compiling and source-code relate to linux :)00:55
madosebsebseb: i see *nods*00:55
eurythmiamado, if you want to be *really* technical, it's a toolchain issue ... you need to learn how to use one ... but it is definitely more of a "windows" problem thant a linux one.00:55
tsimpsondhart: sorry news@lists.ubuntu.com00:55
madoeurythmia: i see ... ok ... but i will stay in here too to ask you something about ubuntu soon too :)00:56
Danakhey guys, odd question but can anyone help me with Windows 7? :D00:56
eurythmiamado, they would be better able to help you set up and use the toolchain to compile the game, and the appropriate libs.00:56
eurythmiaDanak, if it's not about wubi, no.00:56
madoand what do i have to do to compile it for a computer running ubuntu? eurythmia sebsebseb00:57
sebsebseb!compile | mado00:57
ubottumado: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:57
tsimpsondhart: actually it's not even that :p00:58
tsimpsondhart: ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com00:58
madook ... thank you sebsebseb ... i'll have a look at it a bit later ... if i run into some problems i'll have to ask in here again00:59
sebsebsebmado: ok np00:59
madosebsebseb: it's because i'm all new to all this :)00:59
eurythmiamado, well, welcome ... hopefully we'll have you up to speed soon ;)01:00
nawkIt appears the two Window Managers (default Metacity, and Compiz) are working whenever they feel like01:00
merlin2049erhey , how do i figure out if i've got the 32 or 64 bit os installed?01:00
sebsebsebmado: That's what I thought01:00
nawkmerlin2049er, uname -a01:01
soreaunawk: If you set to normal or extra then relogin, does the settings stick? If not, you might have a permissions issue in ~/.gconf*01:01
ZykoticK9merlin2049er, uname -m is a little easier01:01
ray_has any one used wubi?01:01
soreau! hi | ray_01:01
ubotturay_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:01
soreau! wubi | ray_01:01
ubotturay_: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:01
madowhat do you mean eurythmia ?01:01
ray_soreau have you used it i know what it is01:01
merlin2049eranyone using teamviewer for ubuntu01:02
ray_and dose it work on windows 701:02
nawksoreau, the symptom is that on my first login, after bootup, the mouse keys, windows, and some keyboard features fail to respond as if the Window Manger is dead01:02
eurythmiamado, just a little joking around ... partially ... getting *really* into linux takes some time and some effort, but hopefully, with some help and some aptitude, it won't take you long to get comfortable with things.01:02
ZykoticK9ray_, i don't use WUBI, if it doesn't work on Win7 you could use VirtualBox instead.  But a native install is better then both of these options.01:03
nawksoreau: the problem seem to go away after I relogin01:03
eurythmiatee-hee ... aptitude.01:03
ray_zy o ok01:03
nawksoreau: i.e., restart /etc/init.d/*dm01:03
feloni really like devede for replacing convertxtodvd for windows, i think it acualy does a better job creating images, then burn it with brasero. does a job job01:04
madowell eurythmia ... i have used ubuntu already a bit ... and i do like it ... i just hope the new version runs better than the old one01:04
=== ShazbotMcBusy is now known as shazbotmcnasty
eurythmiamado, from what I've seen, it's nice. I'm looking forward to the release so that I can install an LTS release on my laptop.01:04
eurythmiawith gnome2-globalmenu and docky, ubuntu is great :)01:05
nawksoreau: I have a feeling you could help me out.  I was in xorg just now, and they couldn't help me with this.  another related oddity I want to share is that, whenever I come back from a screen-saver session, "visual effort" falls back to "None" mode01:05
eurythmia... not to mention the 25" monitor ... it makes my eyes bleed with pleasure.01:05
luis_anybody in here have issues with the preyproject software and ubuntu not being able to get verified01:06
felonwiithon also for linux for managing wii WBFS formated flash drives and HDDs, works wonderful01:06
=== slide23 is now known as slide
=== rgreening__ is now known as rgreening
nawksoreau: can you elaborate on the permission issue with ~/gconf*01:07
hajmolamy GTK themes don't change the window colors when I try switching themes? It's stuck on dark?01:07
Alcormerlin2049er Do a sudo lshw and look at second line from top...01:07
madoeurythmia: well ... i haven't seen the new version yet but the thing is ... i only have this laptop here ... and i had some problems with e.g. starting ubuntu 9.10 ... but i can't tell you now about those ... it's a bit to much at the moment ...01:07
felonpoint being ive found excellent alternatives for my windows applications.01:08
luis_does anybody in here have their preyproject.org software running in their machine01:08
eurythmiamado, ah, yeah ... I adopted 9.10 during the beta phase ... there were, of course, plenty of growing pains, but most things are now worked out.01:09
madoalso this er ... start up problems because of e.g. slower hard disks and some stuff like that?01:09
Daughainmado: I have 9.10 both 32 and 64 bit, and have yet to have a problem I didnt cause.=)01:10
hajmolaanyone know why my GTK themes don't change? The window decoration changes but not the actual windows...01:10
nawksoreau: can you elaborate on the permission issue with ~/gconf*01:11
rolsworthhow do you disable password after resume sleep01:12
nawkDoes anyone know about a GDM/Window Manager issue caused by permission with ~/gconf*?01:12
=== TannerF is now known as TannerF-hw
lois[pac]there is a directory named "~" inside my ~/ which keeps reappearing even after I delete it01:13
rolsworthhow do you disable password after resume sleep01:13
lois[pac]I can delete it by dragging it to the trash via nautilus, but it keeps coming back01:14
lois[pac]I'm using nautilus-elementary01:14
eurythmia!patience > rolsworth01:14
ubotturolsworth, please see my private message01:14
lois[pac]anyone have pointers?  I'm having a hard time searching for stuff that has "~" on google01:15
dominicdinada!ask I am using ubuntu 9.10 and decided to give the kubuntu-desktop a try01:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:15
eurythmialois[pac], 0xfeac8872, 0x800d23c, 0xdddd87ff ...01:15
dominicdinada!ask question01:15
dominicdinadaI have a question?01:16
aciculadominicdinada: just ask01:16
* eurythmia facepalms01:16
Hillshum!ask | dominicdinada01:16
ubottudominicdinada: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:16
eurythmiaHillshum, that's what confused him/her/it in the first place ... they assumed that !ask was how you asked a question.01:16
dominicdinada I am using ubuntu 9.10 and decided to give the kubuntu-desktop a try so when i opened up kubuntus kde all of a sudden my ndiswrapper does not work for my bcm4306 which worked in ubuntu01:17
puffHm, should /var/log/cupsd be -rw-r-----?01:17
Matsonfor some reason, after following the disrections, apache is still not gziping content01:17
MatsonI have mod_deflate01:17
Matsonit has a load and a conf link01:17
Matsonbut its still not working01:18
dominicdinadaso when I look for the interfaces i do not have access to the wlan0-2 interfaces nor my ndiswrappers01:18
aciculapuff: directories need to be +x to be readable01:18
Matsonany suggestions on how to debug this?01:18
aciculapuff: well to be traversable01:18
eurythmiaacicula, are you *sure* ?01:18
Daughaindominicdinada: #kubuntu might help you more.01:18
aciculaeurythmia: chmod -x /tmp and try running an ls01:19
eurythmiaacicula, on it :)01:19
dominicdinadaok now at the same token when i login to the ubuntu gnome desktop it also killed my wlan interfaces as well01:19
eurythmiaacicula, is it okay if I paste you 3 lines of output in a pm?01:20
bsmith093how do i reset or recover my private key passphrase01:20
eurythmiait looks like youre *sort of* right.01:20
eurythmiamight be a bug in ls01:21
aciculaeurythmia: now run ls foo/301:21
aciculaerr foo/201:21
brucenot familiar w/ xchat. how can i tell if people are actually logged onto a channel if there's no typing going on? i logged into irc.freenode.net/tryton and there are users listed, but no one's typing or answering my questions...01:21
bsmith093i have the keypair i just  can't for the life of me remember the password to access it to be able to decyrpt or encrypt or sign things01:21
eurythmiaahh ... interesting. That is definitely not the behaviour I would have expected ... I wonder if it does that on my qnx box ...01:21
Bodsdabruce: only by querying individual users idle times afaik01:21
* eurythmia makes a note to try that in qnx when he gets to work in the morning.01:22
ennuiwhats the nickserv command to have my nickname password emailed to the email address associated with it?01:22
wyclif_I need help, I can't boot a lappy I just installed Karmic on. I have access to the grub prompt, but not much else.  I've read the grub documentation and also the "can't boot" thread on ubuntuforums, anybody?01:22
lois[pac]bruce, "as far as i know"01:22
Bodsdabruce: sorry, as far as I know01:22
dominicdinadaennu /nickserv help01:22
brucethx. that makes sense.01:22
Bodsdaennui: I dont know myself, but the guys in #freenode would be able to help01:23
bruceis there anyone here that knows anything about a program called Tryton?01:23
wyclif_The error I get when trying to boot is "error: no such device" then what appears to be a UDMI string01:23
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Alcorpuff u still here?01:23
dominicdinadahmmm no one in kubuntu is answering :(01:24
brucehmm. guess not. thx for your help, tho.01:24
root_what's up?01:25
Scunizidominicdinada: what's the question I'll try to answer01:25
IdleOnedominicdinada: be patient01:25
Alcordo servers still split?01:25
eurythmia!root > root_01:25
jef91Howdy all, I have samba setup on two of my computers running 9.10 and when I share a folder on one system the second cannot see it - both of them are connected to the same network. Any suggestions?01:25
ubotturoot_, please see my private message01:25
BodsdaAlcor: yes01:25
IdleOneAlcor: yes, not as often as they used to but yes01:25
root_starting to learn ethical hacking for my college course01:25
Scunizidominicdinada: I'm running kubuntu 9.10 now01:26
eurythmiaroot_, oops ... wrong message ... sorry ... it's a bad idea to be root on irc.01:26
IdleOne!ot | root_01:26
ubotturoot_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:26
dominicdinada I am using ubuntu 9.10 and decided to give the kubuntu-desktop a try so when i opened up kubuntus kde all of a sudden my ndiswrapper does not work for my bcm4306 which worked in ubuntu01:26
dominicdinadaso when I look for the interfaces i do not have access to the wlan0-2 interfaces nor my ndiswrappers01:26
dominicdinadaok now at the same token when i login to the ubuntu gnome desktop it also killed my wlan interfaces as well01:26
Alcorpuff you still here?01:26
root_how do I learn about more about Back Track 4?01:26
dominicdinadaremote-exploit.org ?/??01:26
IdleOneroot_: /join #backtrack-linux01:26
dominicdinadaoh lol01:27
SvendJollyHi guys. Does anyone have any experience with activating the optical output (SPDIF) on my soundcard? Im a linux greenie. Please msg me, and i will tell you more about my problem01:27
IdleOneroot_: I suspect you will be told about running irc as root01:27
BodsdaIdleOne: or shown :)01:27
dominicdinadaI tried bt4 but was not very impressed with it myself01:27
root_I'm a Windows to Linux refugee01:28
Bodsdaroot_: unless you have a support question relating to Ubuntu, can you take refuge in the offtopic channel please01:28
Scunizidominicdinada: so you've got both ubuntu and kubuntu installed and you switch between them on boot.. when you do that it typically asks or there's a place to "tick" that says something to the effect of "run kubuntu with a gtk backend (or gnome) or something to that effect".. if that's the case try running either with the matching backend and see what happens.01:28
root_still learning how to do that @ Bodsda01:28
AlcorI am not going to Windows 7, no matter what Bill says...01:28
IdleOneroot_: /join #ubuntu-offtopic01:29
BodsdaAlcor: please take offtopic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic01:29
dominicdinadaScunizi: ok next boot i will give it a try but the last line of my statement said now when I log into Gnome the wifi is killed as well01:30
Scunizidominicdinada: you're probably also still using network manager.. I found issues with it on kubuntu and occationally on ubuntu.. I switched to WiCD.. much easier to deal with wireless.01:31
Bodsdadominicdinada: heh, I had something like that, I stupidly did - apt-get remove network-manager; apt-get install wicd wicd-client01:31
AlcorCan u use a wifi dongle to gain entrance into your linux box from another terminal?01:31
ScuniziBodsda: I think that if you just intsall wicd apt automatically removes network manager01:32
BodsdaScunizi: yeah it does... I wasnt thinking though :)01:32
nawkhi soreau01:32
dominicdinadaYes it sucks Bodsda when I first loaded 9.10 My built in wifi wasnt working and removed it by accident.01:32
Scunizidominicdinada: you might also look at your resolv.conf..  network manager may have changed it for the worse.. or possibly it got changed when switching to kubuntu..01:33
Bodsdadominicdinada: well, all my issues were self-inflicted, but I feel your frustration01:33
dominicdinadaScunizi: I will take a look01:33
dominicdinadaActually if I recently dumped wine would that have any effect seening as though I had my bcm4306 installed through ndiswrapper to begin with ?01:34
Scunizidominicdinada: there's another networking file that now takes over some of what resolv.conf use to.. unfortuantely I"ve forgotten what it's called :/01:34
rustyknightnite all  .  convo  well too  techy for me,  but  cheers  anyway.01:34
antonio_hey all...01:35
bsmith093wil reimporting my backed up private key reset its password01:35
antonio_Hey Losha: have some ?'s about that cat commnd01:35
joneslee85is it true that Lucid is coming 2moro?01:35
steve__does anyone here normalize/adjust gain on their mp3's? What program should I use??01:35
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Scunizidominicdinada: if ndiswrapper uses wine then yes that's a possibility most likely01:36
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party01:36
evilbugsteve__: don't normalize01:36
AlcorCan u use a wifi dongle to gain entrance into your ubuntu linux box from another terminal?01:36
steve__evilbug: why not?01:36
evilbugsteve__: normalizing adds digital noise which is not a big deal when working with hd audio files but with a compressed format such as mp3 is quite destructive.01:37
dominicdinadaScunizi: my resolv.conf looks ok...01:37
evilbugsteve__: unless you don't really care about quality too much.01:37
Scunizidominicdinada: the other file is called /etc/networks/interfaces and should contain "auto lo" and the next line "iface lo inet loopback"01:37
evilbugmy ubuntu won't boot anymore. i'm running xubuntu 9.10 with the latest generic kernel. what happens is at initial boot i now get a list of all of the installed kernels but none of them are bootable nor do they load the cmd line in recovery mode. how can i fix this?01:37
steve__evilbug: thanks a lot, I very much DO care about the quality :)01:37
dominicdinadaOh ya, Let me check that I just grabbed the wine package again01:37
Scunizidominicdinada: there's also this how-to to possibly get you back up and running.. http://linuxers.org/howto/how-install-drivers-bcm43xx-chipset-based-wireless-cards-ubuntu01:38
evilbugsteve__: sure. just turn up the volume OR use your media player to adjust gain so that every track is at a consistent level.01:38
ubnuntu_giantHello.  I am missing my C library man pages.  How do I get them installed/found?01:38
steve__evilbug: I think that your grub settings are broken, you may need to boot a live CD, mount your directory, and find out the information required for grub01:38
antonio_so guys (and gals) I'm trying to use the cat command to join 3 files (xaa, xab, xac) via cat xaa xab xac Antonio.vdi01:39
Scunizidominicdinada: gotta run for a while.. good luck01:39
evilbugsteve__: care to run me through that a little bit?01:39
dominicdinadaScunizi: no offence but that post was more problematic than it was helpful. You would almost thing the broadcom driver library would be built into distro's considering how common they once were01:39
steve__evilbug: Ya my problem is that I burned a CD and 2 albums are lower volume than the rest.01:39
antonio_when I do this, a ton of "gibberish" gets outputed on the term screen for like 10 seconds, and then it closes down01:39
dominicdinadaScunizi: Thanks01:39
Bodsdaantonio_: cat xaa > Antonio.vdi; cat xab >> Antonio.vdi; cat xac >> Antonio.vdi?01:40
g-ramanyone know what the status of 10.4 is?  is the server edition of the RC fairly stable?01:40
antonio_is that how to do it?01:40
antonio_Bodsda: is that the correct format?01:40
IdleOneBodsda: the >> appends to end of file?01:40
ZykoticK9IdleOne, >> appends yes01:40
metrixafter upgrading from Karmic to Lucid via apt-get dist-upgrade, my system leaves me at a shell telling me something about my uuid does not exist. any ideas on how to work around this?01:40
Bodsdaantonio_: it will work - one > creates a new file with the output, two > (>>) appends to a file01:40
steve__evilbug: Boot your live CD first.  After this you will want to mount your drive... now it's hard for me to tell you what partition is your boot partition since its different system to system.  What I normally do is make a directory for each result of: ls /dev/sd* (you will be mounting partitions... such as /dev/sda1. /dev/sda2. /dev/sdb1. etc)01:40
aciculag-ram: would you like the magic 8 ball or the tarot prediction01:40
wyclif_Hi all, need help. Can't boot a lappy I just installed Karmic on. I have access to the grub prompt, but not much else. I've read the grub docs and also the "can't boot" thread on ubuntuforums, anybody?01:40
BodsdaIdleOne: yeah01:40
evilbugsteve__: in that case there's nothing you can do. usually disc making apps ask you if you'd like to normalize volume at burn but once the disc is made...01:41
IdleOneZykoticK9: Bodsda thanks :) good to know01:41
BodsdaIdleOne: no worries :)01:41
g-ramacicula: I suppose I'll wait then p01:41
wyclif_the error I get when trying to boot is "error: no such device", then what appears to be a UDMI string01:41
aciculag-ram: release is tomorrow i think?01:41
g-ramit is01:41
IdleOne!lucid > g-ram01:41
ubottug-ram, please see my private message01:41
ZykoticK9acicula, g-ram Thursday actually01:41
BodsdaZykoticK9: which is tomorrow, for some of us01:42
g-ramidleone -- thanks01:42
g-rambut if it's not stable today and the release is tomorrow01:42
g-ramwill it be stable tomorrow?01:42
aciculaZykoticK9: thats tomorrow for me ;)01:42
ZykoticK9Bodsda, it's probably 48 hours away from now then01:42
IdleOneBodsda: you people from the future scare me :P01:42
steve__evilbug: after you mount it, your kernels will be in /boot (or just in one of the partitions you've mounted... you may have a separate boot partition).  They will appear as vmlinuz-2.x.xx-xx-generic or something similar01:43
evilbugsteve__: does it matter if i boot up with a x64 disc? [my system is 32]01:43
steve__evilbug: make sure these are consistent with your grub config located in /boot/grub/menu.lst01:43
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aciculag-ram: well yeah tomorrow were two days further then yesterday, lots of patching time :P01:43
steve__evilbug: it does not matter01:43
ZykoticK9evilbug, 64bit will probably not boot on a 32bit system01:43
BodsdaZykoticK9: no! 22 hours and 16 minutes, actually :)01:43
BodsdaIdleOne: we get all the new releases first :), but we age quicker01:43
ZykoticK9Bodsda, more then that for sure, but your right about it being less the 4801:44
wyclif_Hi all, need help. Can't boot a lappy I installed Karmic on. I have access to the grub prompt, but not much else. I've read the grub docs and also the "cant' boot" thread on ubuntuforums, anybody?01:44
Guest71449How can I determine what fonts are available on my system?>01:44
aciculawyclif_: what does it say on bootup01:44
BodsdaZykoticK9: no, its 01:4401:44
metrixguest: xlsfonts01:44
wyclif_the error I et when trying to boot is "error: no such device", then what appears to be a UDMI string01:44
wyclif_acicula: "error: no such device"01:44
IdleOneQuestions about Lucid release date/time can be answer with !isitout . Please do not abuse the factoid :)01:45
aciculawyclif_: any custom install options used?01:45
wyclif_acicula: when I use the live CD I can use everything, even install software. Audio and video work fine.  I just can't boot. Argh.01:45
wyclif_acicula: no custom options at all, also nothing else on the partition...it's just a straight-up, full partition install...totally default01:46
evilbugZykoticK9: but if i boot up a 8.10 disc although i use 9.10 does it matter? 8.10 is the only x32 i have and the system i installed is 32.01:46
spongebobEvening All :)01:46
nawkDoes anyone know about a GDM/Window Manager issue caused by permission with ~/gconf*?01:47
wyclif_acicula: I have access to the grub prompt but I think I need to edit something to get it to boot, correct?01:47
spongebobWith LFTP, does anyone know how I can get the final transfer speed to show on the command as apposed to the text log?01:47
ZykoticK9evilbug, what are you trying to do with the LiveCD?01:47
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aciculawyclif_: well i would guess its looking on the wrong device to boot01:47
evilbugZykoticK9: my 9.10 system won't boot up anymore so apparently i need to use a livecd to fix the boot.01:48
aciculawyclif_: how have you installed ubuntu?01:48
wyclif_acicula: true. but how do I tell it via the grub prompt what to do?01:48
ZykoticK9evilbug, did you fresh install 9.10?01:48
wyclif_acicula: via a Live CD01:48
nawkthe issue being the Window Manager behaving as if it was dead01:48
evilbugZykoticK9: yes.01:48
ZykoticK9evilbug, to fix Grub2 issues you need a 9.10 CD!01:48
kushalonea quick question... how do I make a flash drive bootable under Ubuntu 9.10 so that I can create a Windows installer in it?01:49
lois[pac]there is a directory named "~" inside my ~/ which keeps reappearing even after I delete it. I'm using nautilus-elementary if that makes a difference... I'm having a hard time searching for "~" stuff in google so any suggestions so any suggestions would be hugely appreciated01:49
evilbugZykoticK9: ok. so does it matter if i use x64?01:49
nawke.g. no mouse-key response, inability to focus, select, resize a window, etc01:49
wyclif_acicula: some time ago I had Jaunty running on this same laptop, no problems01:49
ZykoticK9evilbug, try it - but boot will fail01:49
evilbugZykoticK9: i'm running a c2d but installed x32 ubuntu.01:49
ZykoticK9evilbug, c2d?01:49
aciculawyclif_: well you can edit the grub boot line to point to the right disk, but since its a laptop with nothing else theres not much choice01:49
evilbugZykoticK9: core 2 duo.01:49
wyclif_acicula: thanks, how do I do that?01:50
aciculawyclif_: just type e when in the grub men i think, think it lists possible commands at the bottom of the menu01:50
wyclif_acicula: when I look at the threads on the forums, everybody seems to be dual-booting and has issues with that, but I'm not doing that01:50
ZykoticK9evilbug, which is 64bit --- hummm, i'm really not sure if 64bit LiveCD for Grub2 rescue will cause problems.  Good luck man.01:50
MamboKinghi all01:51
wyclif_acicula: yeah, I tried that. What I'm wondering is where to go from there.01:51
wyclif_acicula: that's actually where I'm stuck01:51
evilbugZykoticK9: oh no, it's actually an upgrade from 9.04 and grub is on 1.97 beta 4.01:51
poi77Hi! I have a bootable usb stick. Can I easily create a bootable iso from it?01:52
ZykoticK9evilbug, 1.97 = Grub201:52
IdleOne!usb | poi7701:52
ubottupoi77: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:52
evilbugZykoticK9: cool. nevermind... meh i'll make another disc.01:52
MamboKingI have a bash script that I'd like to run at startup as root, I tried adding #!/bin/bash to the top of it and then calling it from rc.local using /bin/bash /path/to/myscript.sh but the script requires that i run it as root and I think that's where its failing.  its perms are 75501:52
ZykoticK9evilbug, are you sure it's not 0.97?01:53
felonneed a good algabra equation solver ... any suggestions ?01:53
evilbugZykoticK9: i'm looking at the version number right now.01:53
ZykoticK9evilbug, ok - then ya it's grub201:53
wyclif_acicula: I press "e" then I get thrown back to the grub menu...also...at the top of the screen I'm told I'm running grub 1.xx, but I thought it should be grub201:53
aciculawyclif_: did you upgrade from 9.04 or fresh install?01:53
MamboKingand if I use sudo /bin/bash /path/to/myscript.sh it requires interactive keyboard input01:53
poi77IdleOne: My question is going the opposite way: someone gave me a bootable USB stick and I need to redistribute it as an iso. Is this possible?01:53
wyclif_acicula: fresh install. no upgrade01:53
ZykoticK9wyclif_, 1.97?01:54
Typos_KingMamboKing:    I assume you have the wrong owner in the file, check with -> ls -l;  and change it to root -> chown root   FILE01:54
wyclif_ZykoticK9: that's correct!01:54
ZykoticK9wyclif_, that's Grub201:54
IdleOnepoi77: I am not sure but I guess you can copy the iso on the usb01:54
wyclif_ZykoticK9: ah, thanks for clarifying that.01:54
poi77IdleOne: Sorry if it's not clear. I have a bootable usb. Now I need to create a new iso for that same image. I don't have an iso already. Is it possible?01:55
MamboKingTypos_King: root is the owner, should it be something else if its to be run from  rc.local?01:55
wyclif_acicula: so I *am* running Grub201:55
lois[pac]poi77, it should work the same way as if you were ripping a CD/DVD.  see http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6509.html01:55
antonio_I LOVE UBUNTU!01:55
coriantonio_: no escribas todo en mayusculas, va contra las normas. La proxima vez seras expulsado.01:55
aciculawyclif_: dunno, all i can think of is trying a grub recovery via the rescue cd01:56
IdleOnepoi77: I am not sure I can help but I think it is possible yes01:56
Typos_KingMamboKing:    no..... is odd it's asking for root permission01:56
ZykoticK9poi77, i'd highly recommend you download an ISO rather then trying to create one from the USB.  You could try to cat the contents of the USB to an iso file, then md5 sum to see if it's correct - but I'm guessing it won't be.01:56
wyclif_acicula: that's what I've been trying to do. What am I supposed to enter in the CLI after I press "e"01:56
rolsworthwhy do some application not show up in installed software so i can uninstall them01:56
MamboKingTypos_King: the script uses device-mapper (dmsetup) to creat copy on write images from an image delta01:57
rolsworthinstalled opera no sign of it to uninstall01:57
poi77ZykoticK9: Thanks for the point, but the contents of the usb have been modified and so I can't start from the blank iso01:57
wyclif_acicula: like you said before, I really thought it was simply a matter of telling Grub what device to boot from01:57
MamboKingusing /dev/loop and /dev/mapper require root access01:57
aciculawyclif_: well it should find it on its own during install01:57
sambagirlhi has anyone installed googlewave server here?01:57
ringerrolsworth, that depends on how you installed it01:57
ZykoticK9poi77, i highly doubt it will work, BUT  "cat /dev/to/USB > image.iso"01:58
aciculaso running update-grub2 should find and add your kernels01:58
HariharakadanIs there any way to recover a corrupted partition table? I was resizing some partitions. 1 NTFS 1 Unallocated 1 Extended with a combination of Disk Utility and Gparted in a attempt to merge the unallocated data with my extended. Now it just spits out "Failed operation" in Disk Utility and none of my partitions are to be found in Gparted.01:58
antonio_cori: no hablo espanol - much un poquito01:58
Typos_Kingpoi77:   .iso AFAIK have a different geometric mappings for CDs, they're not usb images, so, I don't think it'll work to burn it to an optical drive, you can always distribute it as a bootable usb though :)01:58
rolsworththat mattters? weird. i downloaded it from the opera website01:58
lois[pac]rolsworth, try sudo apt-get remove opera ?01:58
wyclif_acicula: it didn't. still getting "error: no such device 6c5a6a32-3152-4a61-9924-57ad6af44"01:58
rolsworththere is nothign that lists installed apps without having to do commands01:58
poi77Typos_King: So you're saying that the following link won't work: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6509.html01:59
Typos_Kingrolsworth:     opera is just 1 .deb file, and it does show for me in the kde menus after installation01:59
MamboKingantonio_: I think cori's a bot and just chose to reply to you in spanish because your nick is a popular spanish name01:59
sambagirlis Seveas working tonite?01:59
aciculawyclif_: you get that when you run update-grub in a rescue console?01:59
Typos_Kingrolsworth:     they have several .deb for several distributions, may be you download the wrong one, who knows01:59
MamboKingantonio_: she just said to not type in caps or you would be booted01:59
aciculawyclif_: the number  is the uuid for your disk02:00
rolsworthshow where? what are you talking about02:00
wyclif_acicula: no, how do I do that?02:00
KurzweilI hope this isn't super basic.. but any ideas why wireless networking is hit or miss on boot? Sometimes it works fine, sometimes it gets stuck on configuring interface.02:00
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wyclif_acicula: rescue console? pls explain!~02:00
rolsworthi don't think you even know what the question was02:00
wyclif_acicula: Yes, the UUID.02:00
rolsworthi installed opera now i want to get rid of it. how do i uninstall it without having to use sudo commands02:00
walberthey folks, if i download the release candidate, will it update itself to the final 10.4 once it is released, or is the only upgrade path a reinstall?02:00
aciculawyclif_: under Recovery Using the Ubuntu Alternate/Install CD it explains how to boot in rescue mode02:00
rolsworthsurely ubuntu has something for this02:01
aciculawyclif_: and then run sudo update-grub202:01
wyclif_acicula: do I need the Alternate CD, can I use the regular Live CDE for that?02:01
lois[pac]rolsworth, are you looking in synaptic package manager?02:01
ZykoticK9walbert, no update is fine -- see !final in #ubuntu+102:01
evilbugZykoticK9: so actually i have access to a cmd line here. initramfs. what can i do from here?02:01
aciculawyclif_: livecd should work i think02:02
ZykoticK9!grub2 > evilbug02:02
ubottuevilbug, please see my private message02:02
wyclif_acicula: will try it now in Terminal02:02
rolsworthlet me check that02:02
lois[pac]rolsworth, try typing "opera" in the Quick Search box in synaptic.  does it list anything relevant?02:02
walbertwhen is 10.4 going to be out, anyway? that 4's really starting to ripen02:02
KurzweilI hope this isn't super basic.. but any ideas why wireless networking is hit or miss on boot? Sometimes it works fine, sometimes it gets stuck on configuring interface.02:02
IdleOne!isitout | walbert02:03
ubottuwalbert: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:03
ianwizardwalbert: day after tomorrow02:03
evilbugZykoticK9: thank you.02:03
ZykoticK9evilbug, glad to help02:03
wyclif_acicula: "command not found"02:04
Typos_Kingrolsworth:     opera is not in the repositories, you have to download it from http://www.opera.com/download/02:04
MamboKinganyone know how to run a bash script as root from rc.local or anyother place to have it run when the system boots?02:04
wyclif_acicula: sudo apt-get install grub2   ???02:05
aciculaacura: no it should already be installed02:05
lois[pac]rolsworth, also try sorting it by package name if the list is huge (which I think it is for opera)02:05
ianwizardI know this is the wrong place to be asking, but this room is usually filled with smart people :P .02:05
ianwizardI was watching Enemy of the State yesterday, and they used one of those "things" that acts like a hotel key card, and brute forces the code on the door.  I was wondering what those are called, so I could google how they work, I've been trying through out the day with no luck.  Anybody know what to call one of those things?02:05
IdleOnerolsworth: the way Synaptic works is that it manages the .deb packages in the repositories. If you installed an app by compiling it Synaptic does not know.02:05
lois[pac]IdleOne, but if he installed with a .deb it should show up, right?02:06
wyclif_acicula: thanks a lot for the advice, will poke around and see if I can fix it02:06
rolsworthso basically there is nothing with a gui to unnstall it then02:06
aciculawyclif_: can you try booting with the livecd and at the boot prompt select recovery or recover a broken system ? did you get the option to slect a root device during boot?02:06
ringerrolsworth, as I said - it depends on how you installed it02:07
rolsworthdeb file from opera.com02:07
IdleOnelois[pac]: I think it might yeah02:07
xanguarolsworth: open synaptic and search it02:07
Typos_Kingrolsworth:     sudo dpkg -P opera;     simple02:07
rolsworththere is nothing that says anything about opera in that program02:08
walbertianwizard:  (i'd hope) you'd call it an imaginary plot element... according to wikipedia, magnetic strip cards have something on the order of 360 bits per inch; that's a lot of brute forcing for something that's meant to read at the speed of a human wrist02:08
ringerrolsworth, I just googled the words 'ubuntu uninstall opera' and guess what popped up?02:09
satisfiedguy43can someone help me with monodevelop on ubuntu 9.102:09
lois[pac]rolsworth, easiest if you just go with Typos_King's command. in any case you have to type in your password, not much easier through the GUI :-/02:09
rolsworthdude i am not trying to install opera02:09
ianwizardwalbert: I've seen people hook up their Ipods and open it with a pre recorded. keycode.02:09
Typos_Kingrolsworth:     sudo dpkg -P opera;     is to Purge, or remove in ful02:09
rolsworthok just wanted to see if there was a simple way to uninstall stuff without goign to that terminal02:09
walbertianwizard: prerecorded and brute-force are two different things :p02:10
Typos_Kingrolsworth:     either way, if it's installed it'll show under -> dpkg -l | grep -i opera02:10
lois[pac]rolsworth, go forth and rock that terminal! :D02:10
satisfiedguy43what's a good c# package for ubuntu?  monodevelop is the only one?02:10
ianwizardwalbert: I know, but still, it SHOULD be possible.  It's just a matter of figuring out how...02:10
ringerTypos_King, I think rolsworth only likes gui - seems he doesn't like to use the terminal02:10
rolsworthi kind of find havng to use a terminal in 2010 to do basic stuff to be a bit lame02:11
cretsiahhello, could some1 tell me why this command isnt allowed "sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/old-interfaces"02:11
rolsworthyou don't hear anyone using dos in win anymore02:11
britany_oklaI need to copy a dvd in vob format to avi or something else other than vob its highschool basketball games for scholarship no copywrite02:11
johnyOI have a internal card reader that I need to remount because of the "remove device safely option"  what command do I use to remount it02:11
britany_oklacan you recommend some software02:11
walbertianwizard: for a 2.5" card you're talking 8.4 * 10^270 possible combinations...  that's over 3 times as many ... atoms... exist.02:12
britany_oklaanyone who can help me would be appreciated02:13
vernrcould anyone please tell me how to turn off "strict checking" in openssh?02:13
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powertool08vernr: There is probably a setting in /etc/ssh/sshd_config02:14
walbertor hell, i said that wrong, that's over a gogol times as many atoms exist... it's over a gogol gogol times02:14
bloodrockbritany_okla, might try the avconvert scripts for nautilus02:14
britany_oklabloodrock will it work with vob files02:15
snowhouseMy friends Ubuntu software center will let im browse programs but there is not a button for downloading any reason for that?02:15
bloodrockbritany_okla,  i think so02:15
xanguasnowhouse: there is an 'install' button02:18
snowhousehe doesnt have one02:18
johnyOsnowhouse, can he use synaptic?02:18
dominicdinadaBack with a few more questions02:18
snowhousehe doesnt have it..02:18
ringersnowhouse, perhaps he doesn't have permission. Try system > administration > Users & groups02:18
snowhousehe just installed02:18
johnyOsnowhouse, it comes with ubuntu02:19
britany_oklabloodrock can i message u02:19
snowhousehes using the admin account, he installed it off a live cd02:19
=== patrick is now known as Guest39421
snowhouseoh i dunno if he can then02:19
Guest39421is there a host file in ubuntu like in windows?02:19
funkyHatShould the syntax in this example work generally, or is it something specific to the ubuntu-mozilla-daily ppa? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Pinning%20the%20ubuntu-mozilla-daily%20PPA02:20
bloodrockbritany_okla, looking up if it will convert vob02:20
dominicdinadaWhat other programs for disk management does ubuntu have... I notice the package manager and janitor..... but my hard drive space is eroding away and never returning02:20
SvendJollyi have just installed Kmix. How do i run it?02:20
snowhousewhere is it/what is it under02:20
funkyHatSpecifically the Pin: release o=LP-PPA-[ppname] bit02:20
xulidomicinada: Pampliset02:20
[-jon-]what encryption is used for passwords in the shadow file? straight md5?02:20
magic_ninjahow do i tell if a dvd/cdrw drive is detected02:20
magic_ninjaits detected in bios but doesn't seem readable by any OS02:20
xulidomicinada: Palimpsest rather.02:21
magic_ninjai wanted to try with linux02:21
ringersnowhouse, reply to users by name - e.g. start your message with rin then press tab, that puts my name in for you02:21
funkyHat[-jon-]: by default sha51202:21
dominicdinadaxuli: Does it search for unlinked files etc?02:21
dxcwhy not have a try02:21
[-jon-]funkyHat: are you sure? o_O that seems odd02:21
johnyOsnowhouse, system/administration/synaptic package manager02:21
funkyHat[-jon-]: if you have an old password (i.e. have upgraded for a few releases) it might be md5 or sha25602:21
funkyHat[-jon-]: why is that odd?02:21
britany_oklai found avidemux02:21
[-jon-]oh, if it accepts multiple formats02:21
[-jon-]because I thought it would have been something oldr02:21
bloodrockbritany_okla,  ok it will convert vob via ffmpeg02:21
britany_oklabloodrock i found avidemux02:21
magic_ninjahow do i see if the dvdrw drive is being detected by OS02:21
magic_ninjai need a command that will give me an output/error02:21
funkyHat[-jon-]: the bit between the first $$s tells you what type of hash it is. $6$ means sha51202:22
xulidominicdinada: I don't think so. It shows serial number, status, self-tests results. etc.02:22
[-jon-]ah, it is02:22
johnyOnobody up on the internal card readers?02:22
dominicdinadaoh :(02:22
bloodrockbritany_okla, that prob do it too since most all converters use ffmpeg02:23
dxcIs there any one here Chinese ?02:23
dominicdinadaBut nothing to clean the drive up ?02:23
britany_oklaI am new to ubuntu so easier is probably better bloodrock02:24
funkyHat!cn > dxc (Please see the private message from ubottu)02:24
britany_oklathankyou bloodrock02:24
antonio_the virtualbox channel is quite quiet now, anyone have much exp with vbox?02:25
johnyOmagic I believe sudo lshw02:25
johnyOmagic to see errors dmesg|less02:25
ringermagic_ninja, look in /dev/disk/by-id  does that help?02:26
FireCrotchantonio_: do you have a specific question that we can help you with?02:26
magic_ninjajohny0 alright i'll check02:26
magic_ninjai'm on a usb instance02:26
johnyOantonio_ I have a little experience02:26
magic_ninjaso the cdrom is showing the usb stick02:26
domo10.04 release02:27
antonio_firecrotch: well for some reason I can't get audio working in vbox puel - I had audio working a few days ago..then ubuntu 8.04 crashed...so I backed up files and my .vdi file, reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 and then vbox..and I got the machine up and running...02:27
sebsebseb!lucid | domo02:27
magic_ninjaringer, cat or just that?02:27
ubottudomo: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:27
antonio_Only problem is I can't get any sound - I've used all of the audio drivers in the settings in vbox - alsa, pulse, and oss02:27
ringercd /dev/disk/by-id       ls02:27
johnyOantonio, sorry thats beyond my limited experience02:29
bloodrockantonio_, did you try installing audio drivers in windows??02:29
nicor_93que tal?02:29
berefeiraun poco borracho, but other than that, dandy ;)02:29
antonio_bloodrock: lemme try that02:29
nicor_93Jajaja muy bien02:30
nicor_93hey antonio02:30
antonio_johny0: can I pm you?02:30
antonio_hey nicor02:30
nicor_93en que te puedo ayudar?/ what can i help you with?02:30
dominicdinadawow does ubuntu mirror every single file i copy to a new location and keep a copy somewhere for me02:30
johnyOantonio, I haven't used sound through vbox so I doubt I'd be much help02:31
nicor_93well, how are you?02:31
magic_ninjathis drive won't read in windows or linux02:31
magic_ninjacheck the sata cable then i'll know its bad02:32
nicor_93Oh, that sucks02:32
magic_ninjanot mine02:32
magic_ninjafor a customer02:32
magic_ninjai just coudlnt' remember the command02:32
dxcGoodbye ,everyone!02:32
mickster04evenin all02:32
Guest39421is anyone familiar with HFS+ file systems and ubuntu?02:32
nicor_93well i think that's a no...02:33
Jordan_U!anyone | Guest3942102:33
ubottuGuest39421: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:33
linux_is_my_heroanyone know how to install the flash plugin for firefox?02:34
nicor_93flash.. i think it can be done with ailurus02:34
nicor_93let me check02:34
linux_is_my_herogreat :-)02:35
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:35
nicor_93Or you can do that. too02:35
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: or  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer02:35
dominicdinadain the software center there is a package02:35
dominicdinadaor that02:35
Guest39421I have my music collection from my mac on a bootable backup/clone on a HFS+ partition of an exteral drive. I want to copy the entire folder of music to Ubuntu but I cannot. I have tried gksudo nautilus and still no joy. the error message I get is:The folder "Music" cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it.02:35
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juan__can someone helo me02:36
nicor_93hi juan02:36
sebsebseb!ask | juan__02:36
ubottujuan__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:36
dominicdinadai think there is an HFSexplorer package from sourceforge.net02:36
claybustrI thought that my router was blocking everything but one port for ssh. I was running xhost + because its all local traffic. Or so I thought. A little while earlier someone got control of my desktop (it said so) and they started looking for files to let themselves back in.  If I enable remote desktop, it appears from the dialog to expose my external address, which 1) I don't want, and 2) don't see how w/ my nat box only forwarding o02:36
claybustrne port.02:36
juan__my battery indocator on gnome shows baterry always full how can i fix it02:37
* claybustr waits for the portscan flood after asking such a question in a linux channel.02:37
Jordan_UGuest39421: Can you see any files / directories on the filesystem?02:37
linux_is_my_heroouststanding...thanks for your help eevryone have a good night :-02:37
Squidy_at_Homehello.. do you know if there is a kde version of the ubuntu one client?02:37
sebsebseblois[pac]: ok np02:37
sebsebsebto late already gone02:38
wolfwalker_primeWell the newest Ubuntu is coming up and that means a lot of installing and downloading for me.  Is there any way to download the packages for the programs I want, save them to a disk and use that disk as the source for the rest of the installs?02:38
Jordan_Uclaybustr: You sure you weren'02:38
W43372I just tried using wallpaper-tray and desktop drapes and they both fail and crash when I restart.02:38
juan__and has anyone tested b43 driver without continues disconetions on lucid lynx?02:38
sebsebsebSquidy_at_Home: there isn't, but you can run Ubuntu One inside KDE02:38
claybustrweren't what?02:38
Jordan_Uclaybustr: ... weren't just compromized through ssh? Do you have a strong password / key?02:38
wolfwalker_primeBecause I have a slow connection and it gets really, really old waiting for all the updates and programs I want installed to download every time.02:38
nicor_93wolfwalker_prime: isnt' there an app called aptoncd?02:38
lois[pac]there is a directory named "~" inside my ~/ which keeps reappearing even after I delete it. I'm using nautilus-elementary if that makes a difference... I'm having a hard time googling for "~" so any suggestions would be hugely appreciated02:39
dominicdinadaGuest39421: http://www.beingmanan.com/wp/2008/07/accessing-ext3-ntfs-hfs-via-windows-ubuntu-os-x/    take a look02:39
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline02:39
puffwolfwalker_prime: What you want is absolutely doable, yeah.02:39
nicor_93yeah it's pretty nice!02:39
juan__and has anyone tested b43 driver without continues disconetions on lucid lynx?02:39
claybustrstrong key, reasonable password and the key shouldn't have gotten out02:39
claybustrbut yeah that does make more sense - that or a wifi leach, but that's a 63digit WPA2 password02:40
Squidy_at_Homesebsebseb: ok.. a kde version would be nice.. :-(02:40
claybustrI know someone was trying the wifi net a few weeks ago.02:40
iflemajuan__ all test indicate avoid braodcom if ya can then they might sort their shit out........02:40
sebsebsebSquidy_at_Home: it's not likely to happen any time soon, if ever02:40
Guest39421How can I get my panels to be semi transparent?02:40
sebsebsebSquidy_at_Home: Canonical don't care that much about Kubuntu02:41
juan__sure but i have an hp mini so that aint an option02:41
dominicdinadaGuest39421: Did you check the Synaptic package manager search for HFS and 3 items pop right up02:41
W43372guest394321 right click panel>properties>background02:41
jrcarr2Canonical don't care about Kubuntu people!02:41
juan__bios is locked to this wifi card02:42
Jordan_UGuest39421: dominicdinada: You don't need to install any additional software to read hfs+ in Ubuntu.02:42
iflemajuan__ STA driver.... install bcmwl-kernel-source and activate under hardware drivers02:42
Guest39421Jordan_U, but apparently copying from = write?02:42
sebsebsebSquidy_at_Home: jrcarr2  Only two of the Kubuntu devs are from Canonical  or something like that, with the rest from the community02:42
juan__i am using that driver but cant use aircrack or kismet with sta02:42
Jordan_UGuest39421: No.02:42
Squidy_at_Homesebsebseb: I recognize about that, saddly02:42
juan__it can inject under sta02:42
Guest39421Jordan_U, I cannot copy from HFS+02:43
W43372I just tried using wallpaper-tray and desktop drapes and they both fail and crash when I restart.02:43
n2diyMy printer was working, but now it isn't talking to Ubuntu?02:43
nicor_93hey does anyone recomend kazehakase as a browser?02:43
Oceanusmy ubuntu keeps freezing at start up is there any way that i can reinstall it without losing my data ?02:43
Guest39421nicor_93, nope02:43
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD02:43
Jordan_UGuest39421: If you answer my question I might be able to help you, I cannot help you without that information though.02:44
sebsebsebSquidy_at_Home:   quite a lot of other distros that are good that run KDE,  plus  there's Dropbox  similar to Ubuntu One, but cross platform02:44
nicor_93why not? guest?02:44
donowanany way to undo a cp command?02:44
n2diyOceanus: do you have a /home directory?02:44
dominicdinadaGuest39421: hfsplus02:44
dominicdinadaTools to access HFS+ formatted volumes + hfsutils02:44
dominicdinadaTools for reading and writing Macintosh volumes02:44
Guest39421Jordan_U, what was your question? Im sorry02:44
n2diyOceanus: then reinstall, and let that directory alone.02:44
Jordan_UGuest39421: Can you see any files / directories on the filesystem?02:44
nicor_93i mean, my flock has just bursted into flames... and i have no browser...02:44
W43372I just tried using wallpaper-tray and desktop drapes and they both fail and crash when I restart.02:45
Jordan_Udominicdinada: You don't need to install any additional software to read hfs+ in Ubuntu.02:45
n2diyhowdy partner02:45
nicor_93it doestn matter i just reinstalled but... it made me realize02:45
Guest39421Jordan_U, yes-I can see them, I need to copy a directory off02:45
hiexpoevening all02:45
Oceanusjust reinstall like it was the first time?02:45
Squidy_at_Homesebsebseb: ok dude.. thx02:45
nicor_93well people02:45
hiexpoIdleOne,  - evening at ya02:45
nicor_93i'm goin02:45
Guest39421nicor_93, just grab FF from software center02:45
nicor_93gotta school tomorrow02:45
sebsebsebSquidy_at_Home: however ever since using   Ubuntu I guess or soon after woulds,  so that's second release in 2005,  I have been mixing Gnome and KDE apps here and there,  and i'll do this with another distro as well.  I don't really understand  why certain people have a right thing, about running apps from the other desktop envirionment in their choosen one.  I am not sure if that's you, but it might be.02:45
n2diyOceanus: yes, but, but, don't touch the /home directory.02:45
jrcarr2I used to love KDE.... it was a lot better than gnome back when I started with linux in 02/0302:46
Jordan_UGuest39421: Ok, do you know the mount point? If not, can you run "mount" in a terminal and pastebin the output?02:46
Oceanusok ty very much :)02:46
jrcarr2now KDE is pretty lame compared to gnome02:46
Oceanusnight nicor02:46
sebsebsebjrcarr2: depends on the distro02:46
hiexpojrcarr2, its all in personal pref but yes i also am a gnome guy02:46
n2diyMy printer was working, but now it isn't talking to Ubuntu?02:46
sebsebsebjrcarr2: shame KDE  3 is dieing02:47
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IdleOneevening hiexpo :)02:47
aj00200I messed up the Software Center and it returns errors every time I try to install anything saying that it needs to install software from unauthenticated soruces02:48
Guest39421Jordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/423686/02:48
W43372I just tried using wallpaper-tray and desktop drapes and they both fail and crash when I restart.02:50
hiexpoaj00200, how'd ya manage that02:50
Jordan_UGuest39421: Ok, I assume that "backup" is the drive that has the music (rather than "MyBook")?02:51
aj00200hiexpo, I think by adding a software source02:51
hiexpoaj00200, do you remember exactly what ya did02:52
aj00200I'll get it quick02:52
n2diymy printer was working, but now Ubuntu doesn't see it?02:52
WetWired_ALUGOk, does anyone know how to change the main menu icon in karmic? It's driving me up the wall02:53
Guest39421Jordan_U, you would be correct. it is two partitions.02:53
=== Onyx is now known as Guest88873
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91002:53
W43372Can someone help me solve a problem with wallpaper-tray?02:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:54
=== billy_ is now known as darksider
WetWired_ALUGOk, does anyone know how to change the main menu icon in karmic? It's driving me up the wall.02:54
NanashiI installed Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic in PlayOnLinux using legitimate discs. When I try to play, I get the escuROM emulator confliction error. I don't have any sort of virtualisation running. Anyone here who can help?02:54
=== flaco is now known as flacom
hiexpoWetWired_ALUG, its in themes02:54
Dr_WillisNanashi:  with game copy protection - ive often had to use no-cd-cracks for some games in wine.02:55
aj00200hiexpo: Ok, I cant ind it. Something involving ppa and debian squeeze on the commandline02:55
WetWired_ALUGhiexpo: where in themes?02:55
Dr_WillisNanashi:  or check the wine app database for any other tips on that exact game.02:55
donowanno way to undo a cp command?02:55
powertool08donowan: It made a copy, just rm $file the copy you don't want.02:56
Jordan_UGuest39421: Ok, try running this command to copy the "Music" folder to your desktop "sudo cp -r /media/backup/Music/ ~/Desktop/" If it works you will need to do an additional step to make the files be owned by your user rather than root.02:56
loruxhello, i have a problem with ubuntu 9.10: impossible to install grub2 in a logig partition02:56
NanashiDr_Willis: KotOR won't normally run under Wine and WineHQ offers no help.02:56
Dr_WillisNanashi:  then you are going to have to boot to windows I guess.02:56
Jordan_Ulorux: Why are you trying to install grub2 to a logical partition?02:56
donowanpowertool08: no, i have confused source and destination. i have overwritten new files with old ones.02:56
hiexpoNeT_DeMoN, ok right click on desktop >change desktop wall paper > theme > custimize02:57
NanashiDr_Willis: I'm actually doing this because my window partition went out in a blaze of glory and viruses.02:57
phaniHi ... I have wine installed on Hardy and i stored office 2007 on my desktop...Could someone know how to install it office on wine..02:57
powertool08donowan: Ah... what filesystem? ext3?02:57
W43372Can someone help me solve a problem with wallpaper-tray?02:57
Guest39421Jordan_U, no such file or dir02:57
Jordan_Udonowan: Did you happen to have any of the new files open in an application before the cp?02:58
xangua!winehq > phani02:58
ubottuphani, please see my private message02:58
xanguawhy don't use openoffice phani¿02:58
n2diymy printer was working, but now Ubuntu doesn't see it?02:58
loruxJordan_u: I have multiple distributions, I prefer install grub in a logical partition: for me it's more facil02:58
donowanJordan_U: i know, that would have helped, at least those opened files. But unfortunately, not.02:58
hiexpoaj00200, oh geez i don't know what ya did so i am of no help hopefully someone will pick it up keep asking and good luck02:58
Jordan_UGuest39421: Ok, what is the path to the Music directory within your "backup" partition?02:58
W43372Can someone help me solve a problem with wallpaper-tray?02:59
aj00200ok, hopefully someone can help02:59
Guest39421Jordan_U, how do I do it with the space? sudo cp -r /media/backup/Users/PatrickGleason 1/Music/ ~/Desktop/02:59
powertool08donowan: Good luck... :/ I'd ask in #linux too.02:59
Jordan_Ulorux: If you are loading grub from grub it's better to use "multiboot (hdx,y)/boot/grub/core.img" than to try to install it to a partition, logical or otherwise02:59
Schmittysomeone has loaded a sinister loadable kernel module onto my system03:00
FraxtilIs there any reason why my X server would be running on tty1 instead of tty7? (Ctrl+Alt+F7 is blank, ''+F1 is X)03:00
loruxJordan_U: thanks, I try that03:00
Jordan_Ulorux: You're welcome.03:00
erichammondIs the new font designed for Ubuntu Lucid available for download?03:01
macoerichammond: its not even finished03:01
macoerichammond: it has, afaik: u, b, n, t, k03:01
erichammondmaco: Thanks.  Perhaps it would have my letters... ah03:01
Guest39421erichammond, looks like NeoTech03:01
macoerichammond: we just got the k for kubuntu like 2 weeks ago03:01
Jordan_Umaco: Not even 'x' or 'ed'?03:01
macoJordan_U: im not sure if those are done yet03:02
macoJordan_U: i know the xubuntu team has a logo, but they may have made up their own thing "for now". im pretty sure kubuntu was the first derivative to get its letter03:02
erichammondGuest39421: I'll check out NeoTech, thanks.03:02
rbdyckWhat is the channel for Ubuntu server? Thanks03:02
macorbdyck: #ubuntu-server03:02
Guest39421erichammond, i dont think it is, but its similar. Neotech is heavier I believe03:03
erichammondoops, guess I should have asked in #ubuntu+1 (almost there :) )03:03
Jordan_UGuest39421: (in case you missed it) what is the path to the Music directory within your "backup" partition?03:05
mickster04anyone need help?03:06
ennui*valorie: why did you choose kubuntu over ubuntu?03:06
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
hiexpoennui, must like kde03:07
Guest39421Jordan_U, (in case YOU missed it lol) how do I do it with the space? sudo cp -r /media/backup/Users/PatrickGleason 1/Music/ ~/Desktop/ i got it copying by draggin the destinations into terminal and using sudo cp -r (recursive?) and it is now copying. When it is done, do I just need to chown it to somebody?03:07
ennuihiexpo: oh so it is mostly for the desktop enviornment?03:07
Jordan_UGuest39421: Wow, you even highlighted me. Sorry about that :)03:07
hiexpoennui, yes03:08
Guest39421Jordan_U, dont be sorry. This is free tech support! lol and im learning so win win03:08
W43372Can someone help me solve a problem with wallpaper-tray?03:08
b00b** hi..  old dos dude, here. -- I'd like to make a couple of macros or scripts to make some shortened commands.  (ie: 'tar xvf [var]' --> 'untar [var]')  what are the different ways I could go about this?? -thx03:09
=== carlos is now known as Guest51370
Jordan_UGuest39421: Yes, you need to "sudo chown -R you:you ~/Desktop/Music" but be verry carefull to get the correct directory, chown -R can be bad if used on the wrong directories03:09
hiexpoW43372, be specific about your question please you are more likely to get a faster responce and help03:09
Guest39421Jordan_U, what do I use for you:you?03:10
Jordan_UGuest39421: Your short user name, which you can find by running "whoami".03:10
pat5starGuest39421: I haven't been following the whole convo, but if you want to cp a filename that contains a space you can just escape it like so: cp -r /path/to/my/file\ with\ space.txt /destination/03:10
rolsworthanyone know how to get the netbook remix desktop after installing ubuntu? cannot find how to any where03:10
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu03:11
W43372hiexpo I installed wallpaper-tray and it worked just fine, until I restarted and then it crashed and I couldn't get it working again. So I removed it and decided to try desktop drapes, I had the same problem when I restarted.03:11
Guest39421pat5star, so i can just leave the space in then?03:11
shayneany one here know about WindowsXPUnderQemu03:11
xanguarolsworth: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix03:11
mickster04rolsworth: i think its just a package u can install03:11
mickster04rolsworth: like xangua said03:11
pat5starGuest39421: yes03:11
Guest39421anyone rocking transparent panels in gnome?03:11
Guest39421pat5star, thanks!03:11
pat5starb00b: look into alias03:12
hololightshayne: I use virtualbox to run windows most of the time03:12
b00b?? how can a make a shortened command, ie: 'untar file' instead of 'tar xvf file' ??03:12
hololightshayne: easy setup03:12
switch10_b00b: .bash_aliases03:12
b00bI knew I'd seen it somewhere ..03:12
b00bthanks both of ya03:12
pat5starGuest39421: yw03:13
shaynehololight: is that able to run world of warcraft?03:13
pat5starb00b: np, alias is great for what you want to do. Add as many as you want to ~/.bash_aliases03:13
switch10_b00b: alias untar='tar -xvf'03:14
hololightshayne: doubtful, as would qemu.... but wine runs wow well for me (at least in the past03:14
hololightshayne: there is very little to no support for 3d in any of the virtualization products right now03:15
hololightalthough there is a bit of opengl (which wow supports... or did) in at least virutalbox03:15
shaynehololight: i tried wine and it installed wine itself but evrytime i tried to install wow it wouldnt work, just lock up the installtion all the time, something with the graphics. i researched it and i can run wow using qemu03:15
ConcreteRosei have found the murderers who were financing murder plots03:16
Guest39421ConcreteRose, on Ubuntu IRC?!?!03:16
hololightshayne: i never installed wow in wine... just copied (or ran in place) from where it was installed in windows.03:16
ConcreteRoseThey are on cnn.com and on this network.03:16
W43372I installed wallpaper-tray and it worked just fine, until I restarted and then it crashed and I couldn't get it working again. So I removed it and decided to try desktop drapes, I had the same problem when I restarted.03:16
^paradox^i know this isnt the place to ask, but im in the middle of something and cant google for it. is there gimp channel so i can get some advice on its features?03:16
Guest39421how do I set statuses? "Looks around nervously"03:17
shaynedid that work good?03:17
Guest39421W43372, #gimp03:17
powertool08^paradox^: Did you try #gimp?03:17
shaynehololight: did that work good?03:17
hololightshayne: yeah, wine doesn't care03:17
ConcreteRosethe finance of the banks militaries, etc03:17
Odd-rationale^paradox^: go to #gimp @ irc.gimp.org03:18
Guest39421whoops ^paradox^ yeah #gimp03:18
^paradox^it's not on freenode eh?03:18
Odd-rationale^paradox^: they are on a different channel03:18
hololightshayne: for a while i ran it in opengl mode... then at some point something changed and directx (default) ran bvetter03:18
b00b?? I really feel like [places - search for files] isn't finding files that DO exist .. I set 'look in folder' to 'filesystem'  .. any ideas?03:18
^paradox^ok ill try it ty03:18
shaynehololight: maybe ill try installing it to a protable hardrive on a windows computer then coppying it to ubuntu03:19
hololightshayne: For the most part, you couldn't tell the difference between running it native and running it in wine03:19
^paradox^Odd-rationale: gimpnet is the network?03:19
hololightshayne: I had it on a second partition, but its the same idea.... remember its over 8 gigs03:19
Odd-rationale^paradox^: the website says irc.gimp.org03:20
peanutpanhelp!  problems with growisofs!  need to blank a dvd-rw!  but brasero won't work!  tried "growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=/dev/zero", but once this has completed about 99.9% it will give up and claim that there's an error.  i'm "super-duper" sure that there's nothing wrong with either the dvd-rw or the drive (other than being relatively cheap.  how to work around this problem?03:20
hiexpoConcreteRose, wheres it at on cnn?03:20
_|-hi guys03:20
Odd-rationale^paradox^: although, iirc, gimpnet may be an alias for the same network.03:20
hololightshayne: there are a few howto's (one in the community docs) that show some options to set03:20
ConcreteRoseThat man with his water glasses, its an undercover code of betrayal03:20
edugonchHello I have a proble un my toshiba p500 with the headphones, when When headphones are plugged in, the speaker does not get muted automatically03:20
edugonchI use ubuntu 10.0403:21
evilbugsteve__: hey, still around?03:21
Guest39421Jordan_U, magnificent! thanks so much!03:21
shaynehololight: well i dont have a windows partition on any of my computers but my mom has it on her computer03:21
^paradox^Odd-rationale: yeh i see it in edit. why they have a whole network?03:21
Guest39421poll! is rythmbox where its at?03:21
Odd-rationale^paradox^: most of the #gnome channels are there as well...03:21
Jordan_UGuest39421: You're welcome.03:21
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:21
wolfwalker_primeedugonch, type /join #ubuntu+103:21
^paradox^Odd-rationale: ah i see. well thnx03:22
hololightshayne: just copy the current wow directory to something and drop it in your home folder, or anywhere03:22
Odd-rationale^paradox^: np03:22
steve__evilbug: yes, im in class03:23
wolfwalker_primepeanutpan, have you tried with another program?  k3b perhaps?03:23
evilbugmy xubuntu 9.10 will not load anymore. it boots fine and it seems to be loading right until it's supposed to get to the login screen. at the point the screen goes black and nothing loads. how can this be fixed?03:23
_|-does ubuntu only support open licensed software like debian?03:23
PenolI got E: The package zensched needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. <------- i got that all the time, how to remove?03:23
mickster04_|-: that didnt make sense03:23
Guest39421evilbug, have you tried recovery mode?03:23
hololightdepends on what you mean by support03:23
darckCara quem ai e fam de jogos online q pode ajudar a configurar um?03:24
W43372I installed wallpaper-tray and it worked just fine, until I restarted and then it crashed and I couldn't get it working again. So I removed it and decided to try desktop drapes, I had the same problem when I restarted.03:24
_|-by support i mean in the main package repos03:24
hiexpoPenol, how'd you install it?03:24
ConcreteRoseXBC, 10103:24
Penolhiexpo: with dpkg -i nameOFthepackage.deb03:24
hiexpo!es | darck03:24
ubottudarck: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:24
evilbugGuest39421: yes, i did try reinstalling grub but not anything more.03:24
mickster04_|-: i still dont get you, try again in one sentence03:25
IdleOne!br | darck03:25
ubottudarck: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:25
hololightI believe thare are non gpl'd packages in the main repos... but i'm not sure03:25
ConcreteRoseSHI 90803:25
mickster04how do u get the gloobus preview to work03:25
Guest39421evilbug, well if you get to a login screen grub should be fine afaik03:25
Guest39421evilbug, in recovery mode does it do the same thing?03:25
peanutpanwolfwalker_prime: i have not tried k3b.  it has all kinds of peculiar software dependencies so that i'd rather not have to deal with it if possible.  surely, if a program like k3b can get the job done, then there must be a more elegant solution as well?03:25
Pici_|-: In 'main' no, but in the other repositories provided by Ubuntu, there might be.  See http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/components for more information03:25
_|-Pici: thanks03:26
hololightI stand corrected03:26
evilbugGuest39421: it doesn't get to a login screen, that's the thing. screen goes black right when login should show up.03:26
Penolhiexpo: how to fix?03:26
ConcreteRosefix, test03:26
hiexpoPenol, ok than its in your synaptic under obsolete go there and do a reinstall03:26
Guest39421evilbug, ah i see-even in recovery mode?03:26
Penolhiexpo: its a server03:26
digilinkhello... I'm running Xubuntu 10.04 RC1, is there an easy way to enable VNC access to it remotely? Seems like I remember Ubuntu having a built-in tool to facilitate this... without having to do much manual configuration?03:26
hiexpoPenol, oh03:27
evilbugGuest39421: oh, my bad. no, in recovery mode it logs me in as initramfs saying it can't boot /.03:27
hololightPici: I guess it would also depend on weather you want to split hairs... the restricted sources come default in the main ubuntu.... again, splitting hairs03:27
wolfwalker_primepeanutpan, elegance is not the issue.  Getting the job done is the objective, and k3b has always worked well for me.  Hence the recommendation.  Couldn't hurt to try.03:27
Picihololight: hence why I provided the link for more information :)03:27
sebsebseb!lucid | digilink03:27
Guest39421digilink, there is "remote desktop" in ubuntu, set it as a startup program, open port 5900 on your router, and remember your ip or get a dyndns account03:27
ubottudigilink: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:27
poi77Hi! I have a usb disk that is mounted. How can I tell its /dev/ address?03:28
ConcreteRoseWhere can i get a new memory?03:28
Penolhiexpo: everytime i try to install a package, E: The package zpoll needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. shows up and dont let me install irssi for example.03:28
Guest39421digilink, i dont know if that is present in xubuntu, but i think its called verneir or something in synaptic, anyone ?03:28
evilbugGuest39421: what could be wrong?03:28
wolfwalker_primepoi77, I cheat:  I use gparted and look at what it calls it. :D03:28
Guest39421evilbug, have you been able to get to a terminal? can you run a sudo fsck on it?03:29
hololightpoi77: type 'mount' into terminal and look at which dev is mounted as which03:29
digilinkGuest39421 thanks... yep there's no remote desktop options in Xubuntu, at least none that I can see...03:29
poi77Thanks all03:29
Guest39421digilink, theres like an actual name for the thing. grrr thats gonna drive me bonkers03:29
hcookhey guys. working with thinkfinger on lucid...sudo/gksudo/gnome-screensaver are all working now. but i'm still unable to swipe to login. i ran the pam setup script, and i've looked over the /etc/pam.d files and they look good to me...anybody know what i might be missing?03:29
peanutpanwolfwalker_prime: well, if you insist, i will give k3b a go.03:29
Guest39421digilink, you can install it, if i can remember what its called. WHAT IS DEFAULT VNC THING CALLED IN UBUNTU lol03:30
evilbugGuest39421: i can load up my hdd via a livecd. run "rescue a broken system".03:30
hololightpeanutpan: having not payed attention to the conversation at all..... i have always used k3b and like it as being quite easy to use03:30
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX03:30
Guest39421evilbug, i have never done that. does it just run an fsck?03:30
steve__anyone know if you need a special touchpad to use 2 finger scrolling?03:31
evilbugGuest39421: one sec.03:31
digilinkGuest39421 found it, Vino03:31
digilinkthanks for the pointer ;)03:31
Guest39421steve__, not sure. works on MBP 4,1 and dellmini9 *shrug*03:31
hcookone document said to go to system->administration->login window, then to the local tab, and set a bunch of things...but i don't have "login window" at all...i've got "login screen" but it doesn't have any tabs or any of the options mentioned in the doc03:31
Guest39421digilink, that sounds right. are you using a dynamic ip?03:31
steve__Guest39421: Mine is greyed out...03:32
digilinknope LAN only03:32
evilbugsteve__: dual finger scroll works on my mac. on pcs though i've only seen scrolling on the side of the touchpad.03:32
hcookhas stuff like 'Themed with face browser' and 'Selected Only' and choose 'Human List' moved to some other configuration screen?03:32
IdleOneConcreteRose: can you please stop posting non-sensical and offtopic comments. It adds to the scroll and is not helpful.03:32
Guest39421steve__, are there prop. drivers available for your touchpad?03:32
ConcreteRoseOh really?03:32
ConcreteRosewho said i was talking to you03:32
steve__Guest39421: im not sure, how can I tell?03:32
Guest39421ConcreteRose, !offtopic03:32
Myrttihcook: since karmic ubuntu has shipped with a new gdm and so many of the tutorials don't apply anymore03:33
steve__Guest39421: nvm proprietary, got it.  ill check03:33
IdleOneConcreteRose: you weren't. I am asking you to stop.03:33
ConcreteRoseI was talking to somebody else03:33
ConcreteRoseStop stalking me03:33
Guest39421steve__, system>administrator>hardware drivers i believe03:33
IdleOne!who | ConcreteRose03:33
ubottuConcreteRose: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:33
evilbugGuest39421: so what am i looking for by running fsck?03:33
dave___So I've got a data partition that is named Data how can I change it to 'data'?03:33
peanutpanhololight: thanks for the opinion.  i just kind of feel skeptical, i mean, if k3b was a clearly superior program, then why wouldn't ubuntu use it by default?  instead, the 'brasero' program simply doesn't work in a decent amount of situations03:33
Guest39421evilbug, are you familiar with chkdsk on windows? same idea03:33
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:33
ConcreteRoseIm not in psychiatry, this is a free internet zone.03:33
hololightpeanutpan: likely since k3b is qt based, not gtk03:34
evilbugGuest39421: gotcha. [haven't used windows in a while]03:34
MyrttiConcreteRose: in fact, this is not a free internet zone and the topic is restricted to Ubuntu support only03:34
IdleOneConcreteRose: as a matter of fact it isn't. you are bound by the Freenode guidelines. and also the Ubuntu guidelines when in Ubuntu irc channels03:34
ConcreteRoseReally so what you wanna do? So what?03:34
voss749peanut, songbird would be the dominant program if they could work through the darn bugs03:35
Guest39421evilbug, or "repair disk" on OSX03:35
hololightIsn't there an op that can handle this?03:35
steve__Guest39421: no there are none for it03:35
ConcreteRoseWhy dont you go shut your mouth for your sixworthpenny ass brain.03:35
un214cold tip: don't get ops mad at you03:35
evilbugGuest39421: yeah, got that :) thank you. it actually found a few things that are off and so they're being fixed now.03:35
hiexpoMyrtti,  - ban him or what ever they are03:36
Guest39421evilbug, hopefully that will be all it needs!03:36
Guest39421Myrtti, +1 for kicking Concrete Rose03:36
voss749things that Ubuntu needs that it doesnt have . An easy to use desktop publishing program that doubles as web page making03:36
Myrttimoving on03:36
=== Administrator_ is now known as test1
evilbugGuest39421: hopefully. it did this all of a sudden. updates have been installed for quite a while so nothing should be acting up.03:37
b00bthank you all for being cool.  I'm out for the night.  peace03:37
Guest39421evilbug, sometimes it just needs an fsck every once in a while. how healthy is the HDD?03:37
dave___what's the keystroke to quit man?03:37
hololightdave: q03:37
evilbugGuest39421: it said .2% contiguous files.03:37
Guest39421voss749, like Publisher?03:37
Guest39421voss749, Adobe InDesign can make web pages, but you dont want to use it lol. I think desktop publishing and web page creation are seperate for good reason03:38
voss749guest, yep publisher is one of the few microsoft programs I find darn useful.03:38
evilbugGuest39421: no, it didn't fix the issue. does the same thing.03:39
Guest39421evilbug, did you try your live cd and "rescue" (use with caution cause i have no idea what that does)03:39
KeshavHello. I am two internet connections. One using Wifi, and another using USB. I want to monitor the amount of download I do from each of the connections for which I need to know the name of the ethernet port. For Wifi it is eth1. Can you help me find the name for the USB connection?03:39
voss749Guest39421, but publisher is very good for basic web creation and basic desktop publishing. The openoffice people dont seem to understand that03:39
evilbugGuest39421: that's what i just did.03:39
Guest39421voss749, not for making webpages I hope03:39
voss749Yes I do sometimes use it to make simple web pages03:40
Guest39421voss749, sorry to hear that lol03:40
voss749Its webpages work fine with firefox03:40
Guest39421voss749, i bet they validate real nice too.03:40
mickster04how to get wireless working thru terminal, can someone point me to a good guide or guide me themselves?03:41
pat5starKeshav: ifconfig03:41
voss749Guest39421, who cares about validation. You look at the webpage in IE, firefox, safari, and opera if it looks fine its good enough03:41
evilbugGuest39421: when i try to mount / in recovery mode i get an error "cannot read /etc/fstab: No such file or directory"03:41
Guest39421voss749, and that is why people shouldnt use frontpage lol03:43
poi77How can I tell who owns a file03:43
Guest39421evilbug, is the drive old and ratty?03:44
voss749guest39421, If you have tested your page in IE, firefox, Safari and Opera youve govered about 99% of users, Iphone users can suck it ;-)03:44
Guest39421poi77, right click-properties03:44
evilbugGuest39421: no, it's a new laptop. bought a couple of months ago.03:44
mickster04poi77: ls -a (may be a diferent -)03:44
mickster04poi77: yeah mine is in terminal03:44
Guest39421voss749, not just iPhone, people using assitive devices, web crawlers, etc03:44
hololightpoi77: on cli, ls -l shows permissions and ownership in the directory listing03:45
poi77How can I figure out what groups I am a member of?03:45
Picipoi77: type groupes on a terminal03:46
Guest39421poi77, ask the cool kids at school. theyll tell ya03:46
Picipoi77: sorry, 'groups', keyboard lag03:46
voss749guest39421, If its that important then maybe an opensource version of publisher that complied would be good.03:46
KeshavI want to monitor the usage of my internet connection. To monitor Wifi, I use the port eth1. Can someone help me find the equivalent for my USB connection?03:46
Guest39421voss749, no, publisher is the problem, not the solution lol03:46
poi77Thanks for your help03:46
voss749guest39421, Im not recoding my webpage for effin lynx users ;-)03:46
poi77How can I add my user to a group?03:46
hololightpoi77: also users/groups in admin while in gnome03:47
mN-Jackwat is up?03:47
Guest39421voss749, if you use publisher you dont code a thing haha03:47
thiemsterhi all03:47
mickster04how to get wireless working thru terminal, can someone point me to a good guide or guide me themselves?03:47
evilbugGuest39421: any clues?03:47
un214useradd / groupadd?03:47
hololightmickster04: wpa or wep?03:47
poi77Is it safe to add myself to the 'disk' group?03:47
thiemstermickster04: http://blog.tplus1.com/index.php/2008/06/13/how-to-connect-to-a-wireless-network-from-the-ubuntu-command-line/03:48
Keshav I want to monitor the usage of my internet connection. To monitor Wifi, I use the port eth1. Can someone help me find the equivalent for my USB connection?03:48
Guest39421evilbug, it sounds like a hdd issue to me. but I know less about ubuntu than many others here. ask around, or test your hdd. do you happen to have SpinRite 6?03:48
Guest39421evilbug, best damn HDD utility ever created.03:48
voss749guest39421, true but I consider desktop publishing and web publishing the same thing just on different types of paper. HTML coding is the same to me as asking me to cue the plates on my printing press.03:48
monPrinter works on ubuntu?03:48
un214poi77: well if you want to make it easy on trojans (not that sudo doesn't anyway)03:48
hiexpoKeshav, whatapp u using to moitor03:48
evilbugGuest39421: i do not have that.03:48
Keshavhiexpo, vnstat03:48
Keshavvnstat -i eth1 gives the usage for Wifi (for me) if I am not mistaken03:49
Guest39421evilbug, sorry, I dont know of any good free alternatives :/03:49
Keshavhiexpo, I also have a USB connection and I want to monitor that03:49
poi77un214: what do you mean?03:49
monQueria saber se qualquer impressora é compativél com o ubuntu03:50
evilbugGuest39421: alright. thanks.03:50
monI wonder if any printer is compatible with ubuntu ?03:50
Guest39421evilbug, is getting a blank screen where the login screen should be in Xubuntu! can anyone help him? He has already ran fsck03:50
Guest39421mon, yes. lots are03:50
hololightmon: many are, i have used a few HP's without problems03:50
thiemstermon: http://www.openprinting.org/printers03:50
un214poi77: adding yourself to the disk group isn't going to harm anything ; however a well designed trojan might notice and get extra access to your harddrive03:50
Guest39421voss749, thats just silly. lol two completely different animals03:50
hiexpoKeshav, one sec my daughter just got home so i gotta talk to her03:51
voss749guest39421, Word processors before GUI used to have all sorts of character codes , noone uses character codes anymore why shouldnt treat webpages the same.03:51
Keshavhiexpo, okay. ill wait03:51
infomomoWhat is a nice text editor to use when doing bash scripts (colors and auto indentations) ?03:51
nsadminemacs, vim, many many many others03:51
thiemsterinfomomo: vim if you have the time and patience to learn it03:51
infomomothiemster: nsadmin; i would like colors03:52
nsadminnano is tiny and featureless03:52
infomomonsadmin: a GUI03:52
Guest39421voss749, web pages arew dynamic, they are user interfaces and experiences. Print is static.03:52
monhololight, I use Epson Stylus TX115 just call that automatically recognizes?03:52
nsadminwell you might get that, might not03:52
infomomojedit ?03:52
evilbuginfomomo: there's always gedit.03:52
hiexpoKeshav, http://www.humdi.net/vnstat/03:52
nsadminperhaps a good thing is to look at packages.ubuntu.com and browse the list03:52
voss749guest39421, a web page is a publication , it is what the author intends it to be. Web pages are often static until they are updated03:53
Keshavhiexpo, does vnstat give the total usage?03:53
nsadminI'm not going to go back and forth with you "try this one" "I don't like it, give me another"03:53
foul_owlhow do you disable gnome upper right side pop ups?03:53
KeshavAs in, both USB + WiFi included, if Im connected to both03:53
hololightmon: couldn't say for an epson, dont remember ever using one.... I would look at the link posted above03:54
garmeHeya guys.03:54
Keshavhiexpo, As in, both USB + WiFi included, if Im connected to both03:54
xanguafoul_owl: uninstalling system notification osd03:54
hiexpoKeshav, i don't know i never used it i am a wireshark guy03:54
garmeI'm trying understand how is detection mechanism in ubuntu... can someone help me?03:54
Guest39421voss749, web pages dont need to be static. they arent just publications either. You can book plane ticket, buy stuff, download things, interact with people, etc03:54
thiemsterinfomomo: kate is good03:54
Keshavhiexpo, okay03:54
foul_owlxangua: in the system menu somewhere? or do i apt-get remove something?03:54
mickster04hololight: wpa203:55
infomomothiemster: i heard about Kate, i will try jEdit03:55
thiemsterfoul_owl: to apt-get remove, just open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get remove program" where program is what you want to remove03:55
nsadmingarme: can I help? dunno, maybe not. for those who can, tell what you mean precisely by "detection". detection of what?03:55
mickster04thiemster: thanks will try that now03:55
voss749Guest39421, Most people need all that stuff on their webpage03:55
voss749dont need03:55
foul_owli meant do i need to apt-get remove something to disable system notification osd03:55
thiemstermickster04: no problem. I'm pretty sure I used that guide a few months ago. If so, it worked really well03:55
garmensadmin, sorry. hardware detection03:55
nsadminok, cool, that would be the second syllable of what you want...03:56
hololightmon: if your still around... on the open printing site, all but 4 of the epson printers listed say they work well or 'mostly'03:56
thiemsterfoul_owl: no, use this http://www.killertechtips.com/2009/04/26/disable-notifications-in-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope/03:56
nsadminmaybe if you were specific informative concise complete...03:56
thiemsterfoul_owl it's for an outdated ubuntu, but I'm betting that it'll still work03:56
foul_owlawesome, thanks!03:56
thiemsterfoul_owl no problemo03:56
Guest39421voss749, that is silly. maybe in 1990 they didnt. Thats what the web has become.03:56
nsadminwhat does that spell... SICC!!03:57
hiexpoKeshav, wireshark tells all03:57
hololightmickster04: okay, follow the wpasupplicant tutorial.... if u said wep i could have helped in a line or two (but we all know wep is bad)03:57
=== zac is now known as Guest74840
hololightmickster04: it will require editing one conf file and running wpasupplicant03:58
dozlercan someone help me fix my webcam problem?03:58
Guest74840I think I might of gotten a magnet near my hdd lol, how do I manually start the maintence thing that occurs monthly03:58
voss749guest39421, When we want to teach a 9 year old how to make a webpage we use publisher. Never underestimate the value of simple, Print shop is living proof of thaty03:58
hiexpo!webcam | dozler03:58
ubottudozler: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:58
nsadmingarme: so maybe you can be specific informative concise complete about what you want, that would help03:59
thiemsterGuest74840: try running "run sudo fdisk -l". this will list the partitions on your hard drive. Then run "sudo fsck /dev/*" where * is each partition that you found using the previous command04:00
luis_hello everyone04:00
nsadminlike, ask your actual, complete question04:00
W43372Wallpaper-tray and desktop drapes crashed when I restarted my system and won't work anymore.04:00
gigawattis there a way to safely compile a program in a lower version of gcc?04:00
thiemsterluis_ hi04:00
thiemsterluis_ welcome04:00
hiexpoi just bought a new mouse today it is the best little wireless mouse for linux works great and easy04:00
garmensadmin, in the ubuntu installation program, it uses a hw detection program or just run udev+hal?04:00
Guest39421voss749, i have never heard of printshop lol04:00
un214install older ubuntu in chroot with debootstrap04:00
Guest74840Thiemster I have a question, isn't ubuntu supposed to mount the partitions automatically gnome won't start because it says read only04:01
un214that's bad04:01
luis_thiemster thanks04:01
hiexpochange permissions04:01
voss749guest39421, ask any mom with a club about printshop04:01
nsadmingarme: cool... so now, a word about why you're asking will help whoever would respond target his response more closely04:01
thiemsterGuest74840: You should actually run fsck /dev/whatever from a live cd because it is dangerous to run it if it's in use... and it would be in use if you are running the computer with it04:01
Guest74840Oh okay then that makes sense duh04:02
sp0spo:/media# mount /dev/sdk /media/portable/ -t fat3204:02
sp0spomount: unknown filesystem type 'fat32'04:02
un214If you need to fsck your root partation (the one df shows as /) it needs to be done with root mounted readonly, this means booting rescue04:02
nsadminperhaps... you're having problems with a specific device?04:02
un214sp0sp: it's -t msdos04:02
thiemsterGuest74840: so the easy way would be to just take the CD that you installed ubuntu with and use that to run the check04:03
nsadminor -t vfat04:03
un214yes that would be another easy way04:03
Guest39421voss749, learning web design with publisher is like... learning teaching drivers ed with a moped.04:03
sp0spovfat and msdos are the same, i guess huh04:03
evilbugapparently my /etc/fstab is gone. how, i don't know. how can i fix this?04:03
un214cat /etc/mtab > /etc/fstab04:04
garmensadmin, I'm looking a distro with a good hw dectection mechanism... so i'm trying understand how it is done in ubuntu.04:04
voss749guest39421, Yes but if Microsoft has mopeds and we dont....who benefits?04:04
Guest39421voss749, huh?04:04
thiemsterevilbug: try http://www.computing.net/answers/linux/missing-etcfstab-file/27205.html04:04
hiexpowhy do we help people with windows i don't know we arelinux and should not give any support to windows04:04
Hillshumvoss749: Do we have cars?04:05
un214thiemstr: out of date04:05
=== diego is now known as Guest37428
thiemsterun214: I know, but it still might help04:05
Guest39421hiexpo, who are you talking to?04:05
diyqiaoWe have cars and curs..aha04:06
Guest74840I know but I'm also having problems running xinit04:06
diyqiaoI need course now04:06
campeeso, does ubuntu 10 come out tomorrow?04:07
poi77Hi: How do I give my user permission to read and write a particular file. Note: I don't want a whole group to be able to do this04:07
thiemstercampee: no, ubuntu 10.04 comes out tomorrow04:07
IdleOne!isitout | campee04:07
ubottucampee: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party04:07
thiemstercampee: and by tomorrow, I mean thursday. but I don't know what time zone you're in04:07
hiexpoGuest39421, was just talking in general so many asking for windows support ya know i can;t make my game work etc over and over04:07
un214evilbug: checking my system, if you're still running (although since you noticed you're probably not) cat /etc/mtab | grep -v bind | grep ^/dev > /etc/fstab results in a bootable system again04:07
nsadminbeat the rush... install it or download it now04:08
Guest39421hiexpo, you mean under wine or something?04:08
campeethe rc?04:08
evilbugun214: i'm supposed to do what with that?04:08
hiexpoGuest39421, yes04:08
Guest39421hiexpo, is there a #wine? perhaps we could send them there?04:08
un214is your linux system still running?04:08
IdleOneGuest39421: #winehq04:09
nsadminif you do that, you'll have most of it if not all. then the released version will be easy and fast04:09
evilbugun214: here's something really cool. i'm using livecd to look into /etc and i see fstab right there...04:09
Guest39421IdleOne, good to know.04:09
un214evilbug: unfortunately taht /etc/fstab is for the livecd04:09
un214now we get the harder job04:09
evilbugun214: it says it's booted /dev/sda1 as /04:10
Guest39421nsadmin, 10.04 is rock steady for me so far. no problems. i upgraded from karmic too04:10
un214what does df say?04:10
evilbugun214: well i'm using an alternate disc with "fix a broken system".04:10
hiexpoGuest39421, unfortunately no or i would / you know before u start that that is not gonna work in linux so be prepared04:10
Guest39421hiexpo, huh?04:11
evilbugun214: df says "/dev/sda1 mounted on /"04:11
nerdis this a help channel for Ubuntu Ultimate??04:11
evilbugun214: so i am looking at my hdd.04:11
un214ok can you see your /home?04:11
Sichvotdoes anyone know how to activate a multi-session remote desktop server for 10.04?04:11
Guest39421is Penol spamming/phishing?04:11
un214(the contents of that is)04:12
PenolGuest35290: what?04:12
Guest39421nerd, what is ubuntu ULTIMATE. sounds AWESOME04:12
evilbugun214: indeed i can.04:12
thiemsternerd: no, this is just for ubuntu04:12
Pici!ultimate | Guest39421 nerd04:12
ubottuGuest39421 nerd: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition04:12
hiexpoGuest39421, you know that your game is not going to work before u install linux04:12
Guest39421hiexpo, oh lol. i see. yeah well im trying cs4 atm so weel see how that goes04:13
thiemsternerd: but I doubt there's much difference between ultimate and the regular one so all questions could probably be answered in this04:13
nerdI'm thinking of switching but can't get my iphone to sync...is there a solution??and whats the room name for UU??04:13
un214ok so the first line of /etc/fstab is "/dev/sda1 / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 104:13
un214assuming your / really is ext304:13
xanguanerd: no, there is not; only for official ubuntu04:13
un214file /dev/sda1 will tell you04:13
Guest39421nerd, I heard iPhones are synching with rythmbox atm. dont know for how long though. but you still need itunes to get updates04:14
Guest74840Is there a command that might be able to repair or roll back gnome automatically?04:14
glegHello!  I just recently did a clean install of 9.10, and it is generally working well.  Sometimes though it will only load the virtual terminal and await a login.  If I login I can start the gui with 'startx' but within minutes it will revert back to the standard login.  Any ideas why this might be happening?04:14
Guest74840Besides dpkg04:14
nerdI'm on 3.1.2 firmware and want update. I'm dual booting Android and iPhone OS ATM04:15
xanguagleg: what does that has to do with ubuntu¿04:15
Guest39421nerd, good one.04:15
Guest39421nerd, if you are dual booting your iPhone than you cant honestly be needing anyone here's help04:16
glegxangua: I feel like something is wrong if it isn't booting directly into the login screen.  No?04:16
IdleOne!ot | nerd04:16
ubottunerd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:16
xanguaaah sorry, didn't read; nerd in lucid you will be able to sync your ipod/iphone perceftly....2 more days to lucid release04:16
nerdThe wiki has the instructions, and it's minly terminal work, and it's easy04:16
gigawattI need to compile a program with an older version of gcc and running this command: "$ g++ -V 4.2.4 testbst.cpp" and i get this error g++: error trying to exec 'i486-linux-gnu-gcc-4.2.4': execvp: No such file or directory04:16
evilbugun214: i ran "nano /etc/fstab" and it says "/ was on /dev/sda1 during installation".04:17
domoGuest39421: not really..04:17
domothats cake now04:17
domogoogle it04:17
Captain_Johno_O god..this is foreign channel T_T04:17
un214evilbug: it sounds like your /etc/fstab is intact after all04:17
macoCaptain_John: huh?04:17
Jeeves_Mossis there a way to batch repair video files with VLC and have VLC savethe repaired files?04:17
Guest39421domo, since like today? I saw some youtube of it like 3 days ago and it was not released yet and only worked with 1st gen04:17
Captain_Johnmaco: just can't find russian channel about ubuntu =)04:18
domoa month or so04:18
nerdso when Lucis gets released, I can sync??04:18
Myrtti!ru | Captain_John04:18
ubottuCaptain_John: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:18
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party04:18
nerdis there a room for ubuntu ultimate??04:18
maco!ru | Captain_John04:19
ubottuCaptain_John: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:19
Evetis there a text-based torrent client?04:19
Jeeves_Mossnerd, Ubuntu Ultimate?04:19
thiemsterEvet: rtorrent04:19
wallshotdoes anybody here play Eve Online in wine on Karmic/Lucid with fglrx drivers?   I seem to always have whole computer freeze after getting through login and character selection, as it is chugging through the "Entering game as ..." after choosing a character.04:19
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition04:19
Guest39421is there a safe way to install other window managers without them fighting over boot splash and lgin screen? whenever i installed multiple environments in the past I could never get those parts to behave at all04:19
nerdim running Ubuntu Ultimate 2.5 now and love it..there a a million and one apps on here..Everythings pre installed04:19
Captain_Johnubottu: thk u =)04:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:19
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents04:20
Guest39421oh ubottu dont be so humble04:20
nerdhow is wine support for PS?04:20
nsadminGuest39421: if you're not specific then can't know the answer as to how safe "it" is04:20
evilbugun214: fun little issue, eh?04:20
IdleOnenerd: did you happen to read the info ubottu gave you about #ubuntu-offtopic?04:20
thiemsterGuest39421: just download them normally, and run them from a terminal (go to ctrl-alt-f1) and type in "xinit /usr/bin/* -- :1" where * is the environment you want to run04:20
nerdbut it pertains to Ubuntu04:20
wallshoti've started to suspect it's the radeon mobility hd3650 itself is crashing the system when loading into the 3d world04:20
un214evilbug: I don't know sounds like your issue is elsewhere04:21
Myrttinerd: Ubuntu Ultimate is not supported on this channel and as such is offtopic here04:21
wallshothappens on karmic 64, karmic 32, lucid 6404:21
Redtux777Any FTP/SSH users here? I'm trying to install Interspire on my new Ubuntu server. Got the server running, but I think I have the permissions wrong in /var/www/iem/ What CHMOD should the files, folders (admin, etc.), be?04:21
Guest39421nsadmin, thiemster how do I do that? I dont want any of the applications, just the environments, can I do that? Gnome is just so heavy on this poor old computer04:21
hiexpo!ot \ nerd04:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:21
thiemsterGuest39421: what environment do you want?04:22
hiexpo!ot \ nerd04:22
Redtux777In general, what should I CHMOD files, folders? They are in /var/www/iem/04:22
IdleOnehiexpo: | not \04:22
nerdhiexpo: I have no idea what you saying...lol04:22
hiexpoIdleOne,  - thanx04:22
Guest39421thiemster, i would like to be able to switch btw gnome, xfce, enlightenment, and the L one. lfce i think04:22
Guest39421thiemster, see which one is the snappiest/prettiest balance04:23
thiemsterGuest39421: it's lxde. Have you downloaded them yet with apt-get (or synaptic I suppose)04:23
thiemsterGuest39421: I happen to LOVE lxde04:23
UbuntuBoygood article on Lucid: http://techbytes4.wordpress.com/        I subscribed, really good blog!04:23
Mountainhello all!04:23
nerdhey Mounain04:23
Guest39421thiemster, i havent, im afraid to because in the past, they all take over each other and I get like 4 splash screens or thousands of KDE apps installed that I dont want04:24
=== saint_ is now known as Guest82197
Mountainthis is my first time on irc :)04:24
Guest39421Mountain, !hi04:24
UbuntuBoyirc is very useful for quick help04:24
=== Guest82197 is now known as Sa[i]nT
mickster04thiemster: the guide doesnt work for me:/ i get a no response:/ does this method allow for connections to the router wired as well as wireless04:24
Guest39421Mountain, start typing someones name and then press tab to speak diredtly to someone. wish I knew that when i started lol04:24
hiexpoIdleOne,  - have u seen avatar yet?04:24
sp0spoone needs to use -b for mv or cp when copying or moving across different file systems, right?04:24
mickster04thiemster: cos i am sshing into the device i am trying to set the wireless up on:/04:24
thiemsterGuest39421: run mickster04: i'm not sure really. I suck with network related stuff. you could try googling it04:25
nerdis there a GUID for SSh??04:25
thiemsterGuest39421: I think you just run "sudo apt-get install lxde"04:25
nerdor just terminal04:25
linuxwolf_and type /nick ,whatevernameUlike> to not be a guest####### lol04:25
Mountainguest like this you mean?04:25
thiemsterGuest39421: and then, in a terminal, run "xinit /usr/bin/startlxde -- :1" and then it will be available using ctrl-alt-f8. you can switch back to gnome with ctrl-alt-f704:26
Guest39421thiemster, I dont think I want to to that...I will never get my default apps/spalsh screen/login back.04:26
xanguathiemster: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop04:26
thiemsterGuest39421: yes you will. it'll work, trust me04:26
thiemsterxangua: for what?04:26
Guest39421thiemster, is there similar for E, xfce and maybe even KDE?04:27
thiemsterxangua: I never indicated that I wanted to install xubuntu-desktop......04:27
UbuntuBoyIs it easy to move the close & minimize buttons to the right  side of the screen on Lucid?04:27
xanguathiemster: for installing lxde desktop; not just lxde04:27
Guest39421UbuntuBoy, just go to appearance04:27
ZykoticK9UbuntuBoy, see !controls in #ubuntu+104:27
Guest39421xangua, whats the difference?04:27
thiemsterGuest39421:yes, try searching synaptic for these and then run them the same way. they probably won't need the "start" part of startlxde though04:27
xanguathiemster: aah sorry, then is lubuntu-desktop04:27
thiemsterxangua: yeah, I was wondering about that04:28
thiemsterxangua: but he said he only wanted the base... hence only "lxde"04:28
jrcarr2don't you love rooms full of people who are dead silent04:28
mickster04can anyone help me get wireless working through terminal, when i do sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "labla" - it doesn't change the ssid shown when i run sudo iwconfig wlan004:28
Guest39421jrcarr2, im pretty vocal04:28
jrcarr2Ubunturific, Qunicy?04:28
jrcarr2Ubunturific, Qunicy, IL?04:28
=== Mountain is now known as Mountain_Man
UbuntuBoythiemster: then sudo apt-get install lxde04:28
Mountain_Manthere that's better04:28
Redtux777When CHMODing, should files be 604 and folders be 705?04:29
Guest39421thiemster, can I make like a snapshot before I start that I can rollback to when I inevitable f*k everything up?04:29
thiemsterUbuntuBoy: uh... yes. that's what I just told Guest3942104:29
jrcarr2sigh... the svn channel is dead silent. Anyone here use svn? trying to find someway to auto-add and auto remove files when I commit04:29
un214Redtux777: what full for user, non for group, read for world?04:29
Ubunturificnope vegas...04:29
thiemsterGuest39421: Technically you could. but stop worrying, because I've done it a LOT (I've probably have 10 different desktop environments right now) and it hasn't messed up once04:29
Mountain_Mananyone do we have to stay on topic or could i ask questions on topics other than ubuntu?04:29
un214jrcrr2: I'll bet that intentionally doesn't exist04:29
Guest39421thiemster, im telling you man, four splash screens is just depressing.04:30
mickster04!ot | Mountain_Man:04:30
ubottuMountain_Man:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:30
thiemsterGuest39421: I'm just saying that for me, it hasn't installed.... any splash screens.04:30
Guest39421or like a Xubuntu splash screen that boots into Gnome with all KDE apps. its enough to make a grown man cry04:30
sp0spoif i have fat32, then i cannot have a file bigger than 2gb?04:30
jrcarr2is there a Fluxbuntu?04:30
mickster04sp0spo: yeah04:30
jrcarr2I prefer fluxbox04:30
thiemsterGuest39421: then again, I don't use gdm to start up. I just run "startx" from a command line04:30
rwwjrcarr2: used to be, but I believe it's defunct.04:30
ZykoticK9jrcarr2, there is but it's very out of date04:30
Redtux777un214, I am trying to install some mailing software. I can't get to the install screen, being told that I don't have the correct permissions. How can I, in PuTTY, do a CHMOD for files, then for folders?04:30
thiemsterGuest39421: but I'm pretty sure it'll work. if it messes up, just use "sudo apt-get remove lxde"04:30
Guest39421thiemster, that sir is why you dont have problems lol04:30
Mountain_Manubottu thank you , are you a bot, or just a clever name?04:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:31
mickster04Mountain_Man: lol04:31
Guest39421thiemster, ok. as soon as my wine complie is done i will try sudo apt-get install lxde04:31
thiemsterGuest39421: that... and because I run Arch Linux and not Ubuntu. I gave up using it when I felt it had gotten too bloated04:31
un214Redtux: well most software is installed as root04:31
rwwjrcarr2: You could just install a command-line version of Ubuntu using the Alternate CD and then add the xorg and fluxbox packages.04:31
Redtux777so far, I have    sudo chmod -R 705 /var/www/iem    But I'm getting everything. I only want to 705 the folders.04:31
Guest39421thiemster, then I REALLY shouldnt trust you lol04:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:31
thiemsterGuest39421: perhaps not. but it'll probably work04:32
thiemsterGuest39421: It's the same packages anyway, just a different official distro name04:32
Guest39421thiemster, can I install KDE without KDE applications? or is that retarded?04:32
thiemsterGuest39421 yes you can. I know of a way. let me look it up04:32
hiexpowhy u want kde?04:32
Mountain_Manmickster04 where could I go to ask questions about building my first pc?04:32
Guest39421hiexpo, i think its pretty04:33
mickster04Mountain_Man: google04:33
Redtux777un214, I'm told to go to: http://www.yoursite.com/iem/   When I do, I see this: http://pastebin.com/e6UyUYFK04:33
Guest39421hiexpo, honestly. lol04:33
ZykoticK9!google > mickster0404:33
ubottumickster04, please see my private message04:33
mickster04ZykoticK9: it was either that or offtopic him04:33
Guest39421hiexpo, im looking for a new environment cause gnome is too heavy for this old beast04:33
xanguaGuest39421: you want to install kde desktop without kde apps¿¿04:33
thiemsterGuest39421 try "sudo apt-get install kde-core"04:33
sp0spoyou cannot do a quick disconnect with ntfs, you have to umount it... but with fat32, you can right?04:34
un214ok it runs as webserver user04:34
xanguaGuest39421: well kde is not lighter than gnome04:34
hiexpoGuest39421, ok use kubuntu04:34
linux_is_my_heroanyone know how to install frostwire from the command line?04:34
Redtux777un214, any ideas?04:34
un214chmod <user><group><world> filename will fix the permissions but probably the install is wrong04:34
xangualinux_is_my_hero: i believe frostwire is not in the repositories04:34
ZykoticK9mickster04, it's just so rude to say "google it" - i realize the question is WAY offtopic for this channel, and difficult to reply too, but please don't use the "google it" :)04:34
un214anyway, read the manual04:34
mickster04linux_is_my_hero: sudo apt-get install frostwire?04:34
hiexpoinstall frostwire with a deb04:34
Guest39421xangua, hmm, scratch that then. does xfce or lxde have compiz?04:34
un214the instal should have done it for you04:34
linux_is_my_heromickster: already tried it04:34
linux_is_my_heromickster: if i know the exact url how can i install it from the terminal?04:35
thiemsterGuest39421: if you run compiz on a old/low-memory computer, it'll be very slow04:35
xanguaGuest39421: you can use compiz in xfce but you will need to use metacity or either emerald window decorators04:35
Guest39421xangua, same for lxde?04:35
mickster04linux_is_my_hero: just go to the website? download and install?04:35
mickster04can anyone help me get wireless working through terminal, when i do sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "labla" - it doesn't change the ssid shown when i run sudo iwconfig wlan004:36
Guest39421thiemster, dammit. i just want everything i guess.04:36
zy3g0i use Gnome-ART software..04:36
zy3g0its good..04:36
xanguaGuest39421: no idea, if you want something lighter why do you want compiz¿04:36
thiemsterGuest39421: probably. everyone seems to nowadays04:36
soreauGuest39421: He means gtk-window-decorator or emerald as a decorator and yes, compiz will work anywhere there's an X session with working graphics drivers04:36
linux_is_my_heromickster04: i was going for cool points, trying to do it without my web browser04:36
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.04:37
mickster04linux_is_my_hero: you can do a wget on the ,deb file and run the deb file from cli i think04:37
thiemsterlinux_is_my_hero: you can use "wget *" where * is the url04:37
soreauyou don't need a DE to run compiz and you can run compiz in most DE's (with the exception of gnome-shell)04:37
Guest39421xangua, i still want it to be cool, its not even THAT old. just not snappy. 2.2Ghz single core AMD, 1GB ram, nvidia something. like 128 dedicated i think. maybe less idk04:37
Guest39421soreau, thanks man04:37
linux_is_my_heromickster04: how about java? my frost wire won't run04:37
thiemsterGuest39421: I WISH I had that much ram. Only 512MB :'( but that should definitely be enough ram to run compiz04:37
linux_is_my_herolol i have 4 gb04:38
Guest39421thiemster, haha you are running lxde you said?04:38
mickster04linux_is_my_hero: sudo apt-get install?04:38
Mountain_Manmickster I have been there (google) for 2 days now, and  was hoping to converse about it with some one of experience. I was hoping for a channel sugesstion perhaps. thanks Zykotick for the consideration.04:38
thiemsterGuest39421: actually... I'm running awesome wm. BUT I really wouldn't recommend that for most people04:38
_pg_how can I get transparent panels in gnome 10.04?04:39
thiemsterGuest39421: but I used to run lxde and it was really REALLY fast on my oldish computer04:39
mickster04!ot | Mountain_Man04:39
ubottuMountain_Man: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:39
ZykoticK9Mountain_Man, actually you could try ##hardware04:39
Guest39421thiemster, why wouldnt you recommend awesome?04:39
=== Termana is now known as Guest2729
costre!lucid | _pg_04:39
ubottu_pg_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party04:39
xangua_pg_: have you tried to search it in the web¿04:39
_pg_costre: how can I get transparent panels in gnome.04:39
thiemsterGuest39421: I would recommend it, just not to most computer users. It gets a while to get used to, and most people don't seem to have the time (or don't want to have the time) to learn04:40
Mountain_Manzykotick9 thank you !04:40
thiemsterGuest39421: plus, as someone pointed out to me yesterday on this IRC channel, it looks like it's from the late 80s or early 90s04:40
_pg_xangua:  yes, i can get the middle to be transparent but not the sides, like apps, places, system etc04:40
airstrike_pg_: right click the panel, open properties, background, solid color, etc04:40
Guest39421thiemster, thats unfortunate04:40
airstrike_pg_: oh, i hear ya04:40
thiemsterGuest39421: which part? the not wanting to learn or the 80s/90s?04:40
ZykoticK9_pg_, it depends on the theme you are using04:40
thiemsterGuest39421: or perhaps both :)04:41
xangua_pg_: then you are looking for transparent menus, not panel04:41
Guest39421thiemster, the 80s/90s lol04:41
xanguasear that04:41
thiemsterGuest39421: well, not being around in the late 80s, I wouldn't really know personally. But I love the interface. It's able to be used with only a keyboard04:41
_pg_xangua: well i mean i want the entire thing to be transparent. from edge to edge if you will04:41
mickster04can anyone help me get wireless working through terminal, when i do sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "labla" - it doesn't change the ssid shown when i run sudo iwconfig wlan004:41
Guest39421thiemster, me neither, but ive seen the music videos and thats enough for me.04:41
thiemsterGuest39421: haha I get what you mean04:42
thiemsterbye everyone04:42
ZykoticK9_pg_, just don't use Ambiance or Radiance - and the whole panel will be transparent (other themes MAY be affected too)04:43
_pg_ZykoticK9: what is defualt in 10.04?04:43
ZykoticK9_pg_, yes04:43
ZykoticK9_pg_, ambiance or radiance04:43
sp0spohow come ubuntu does not see the partition of my usb drive? does it have to be marked as active for it to be mountable?04:43
linux_is_my_heroi have the java bin file but i dont know how to install it04:43
ZykoticK9_pg_, #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support!04:43
_pg_ZykoticK9: *facepalm*04:44
xangualinux_is_my_hero: you can install java from the repositories04:44
linux_is_my_heroxangua: sudo apt-get install java?04:44
mickster04linux_is_my_hero: do a tab-complete on it04:45
linux_is_my_herowhat packages do i need?04:45
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, sun-java6-plugin if you want the web plugin04:45
xangualinux_is_my_hero: if you want it for the browser install 'sun-java6-plugin' package04:45
linux_is_my_heroalright in eed java for the computer itself, so frostwire will actually work04:46
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, sun-java6-jre should work04:46
Mountain_ManHow do I get invited to a channel, I tried joining"#hardware" and was given " Cannot join #hardware (Channel is invite only).04:47
linux_is_my_heroso why doesnt my frostwire work?04:47
xanguahave you already installed java linux_is_my_hero¿04:47
ZykoticK9!register > Mountain_Man04:47
ubottuMountain_Man, please see my private message04:47
sp0spoi plug in my usb drive, and then a   /dev/sdk is in the /dev directory but  /dev/sdk1 is not there... the partition, i don't understand, how can i mount it if the partition is not listed?04:47
linux_is_my_heroxangua: I've installed java like you said but when i run frostwire sudo from the terminal it gives me there errors04:48
linux_is_my_herosudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts04:48
linux_is_my_heroYou need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com04:48
linux_is_my_herowhen i run "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" it says i already have the latest version04:48
ericdoes anyone know how to start bt4 in the GUI mode automaticly04:48
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=== Guest2729 is now known as Termana
polarskyu mean without startx?04:49
ennuii am having a hard time finding the beta version of a certain package with apt-get. is there a command to allow devel packages? or do i need to add a repo?04:49
Guest31136but automaticly04:49
polarskyadd it in xinitrc or inittab or sumthing04:49
linux_is_my_heroxangua: now i have the JRE bin file but i dont know how to install it :-(04:49
polarskyecho startx >> .bash_profile04:50
polarskyas root04:50
ubutomlinux_is_my_hero, you don'T install it, you have to execute it with the jre04:50
polarsky"startx" i mean04:50
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, frostwire just installed using the java from from repo for me04:50
linux_is_my_herozykotic9: I'm gunna undo everything ive done then tell me what you did to make it work :-)04:51
ZykoticK9!tab > linux_is_my_hero04:51
ubottulinux_is_my_hero, please see my private message04:51
=== Mountain_Man is now known as mountain
linux_is_my_herozykotic9: frostwire is gone so you're saying you did what now?04:52
skritehey all, i am wanting to move a file to another computer over network via scp.. i can't seem to find the option that allows me to compress on the fly to speed things up04:52
Travis-42how do I kill a process (google chrome) that won't die even with "kill -s 9" ?04:52
ZykoticK9!tab > linux_is_my_hero04:52
linux_is_my_heroZykoticK9: got it thanks :-)04:52
IdleOneTravis-42: killall chrome04:53
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, could you pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep sun-java"04:53
linux_is_my_heroii  sun-java6-bin                         6-15-1                                     Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture d04:53
linux_is_my_heroii  sun-java6-fonts                       6-15-1                                     Lucida TrueType fonts (from the Sun JRE)04:53
linux_is_my_heroii  sun-java6-jre                         6-15-1                                     Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture i04:53
linux_is_my_heroii  sun-java6-plugin                      6-15-1                                     The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 604:53
FloodBot1linux_is_my_hero: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:53
Travis-42IdleOne: that helped, down from 15 chrome processes, but still left with 5 chrome processes. any more ideas?04:53
ZykoticK9!paste > linux_is_my_hero04:53
ubottulinux_is_my_hero, please see my private message04:53
=== bossok is now known as epoh
linux_is_my_heroZykoticK9: I dont know how to use pastebin ive never had a need to use it04:53
James806I have a question about Ubuntu 8.04   When i start up the Linux box I have to press Ctrl D just to boot up to the system how can i fix this?????04:54
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, don't paste things into the channel04:54
=== mountain is now known as Mountain_Man
IdleOnetraveller: ps aux | grep chrome then sudo kill PID04:54
ubutomJames806, does it prompt you to run fsck manually?04:54
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, do you have the frostwire-4.20.6.i586.deb file somewhere?  In your Downloads folder perhaps?04:54
linux_is_my_herono but i can get it pretty quick04:55
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, download it then04:55
James806no not that i am aware of04:55
Travis-42IdleOne: yes, I've tried that, it doesn't work04:55
zeroseven0183James806: Try running e2fsck /dev/hda_04:55
patrick-1Hey, im running dapper drake with apache2 + php5 package in mod_php mode - is it possible to update the php installation to 5.3.2 by hand?04:55
linux_is_my_heroZykotick9: done04:55
IdleOneTravis-42: umm, log out and back in maybe.04:55
IdleOneTravis-42: not optimal I know04:56
Guest39421dekstop background change every x minutes, is there a best way to do this? A gui and runs under all (or most) desktop environments? I googled and found like a dozen different ways04:56
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, double click it from nautilus and enter your password when prompted04:56
Travis-42IdleOne: alright, I guess I'll have to do that, thanks04:56
explorealexi just installed ubuntu 9.10 on a compaq pressario notebook.. the wireless lan button is not functioning and so no internet connection.. what should i do?04:56
linux_is_my_heroZykoticK9: its installing right now04:57
justin_Hey, I am trying to fix my X server. I think it is a problem with my  onboard graphics card. I removed the old one because it is broke. I also can't connect to the internet. Can someone help me?04:57
Guest39421explorealex, plug it into ethernet and look for proprietary hardware wireless drivers04:57
linux_is_my_heroZykoticK9: and now it wont work. :-(04:57
Mountain_Manzykotick9 was it #ubuntu ot04:57
ZykoticK9Mountain_Man, ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic04:57
explorealex Guest39421: any apt-get command that might work?04:57
Mountain_Manzykotick thank you for all your help! :)04:58
ZykoticK9Mountain_Man, glad to help04:58
hdpbi have downloaded the source drivers for my audio card.  where should I untar them to before running "make install"?  Does it matter?04:58
Guest39421explorealex, not that smart. lol I get all my apt commands from ZykoticK904:58
polarskyyes hdpb04:58
nsadminman apt-get for apt-get commands of most kinds04:58
Guest39421any votes for drapes?04:58
polarskytar zxvf whatever.tar.gz04:58
James806thanks i will give that a try04:58
polarskycd whatever04:58
linux_is_my_heroexplorealex: connect via ethernet, then run system-->admin-->update manager, then when that's done, restart and open system-->admin-->hardware drivers and it should get your wifi drivers from the online repos04:58
Jeeves_Mosshdpb, I usally have a directory off of /home/ called "installers"04:58
patrick-1Okay, i simply want to understand how php interacts with aache when using mod_php so i can upgrade myseld04:58
polarskyand than make install04:58
patrick-1Hey, im running dapper drake with apache2 + php5 package in mod_php mode - is it possible to update the php installation to 5.3.2 by hand?04:58
polarskyits way easier just using apt tho04:58
explorealex linux_is_my_hero:thanks04:59
nsadminpatrick-1: #apache ##php04:59
Flannelpatrick-1: You could, yes.  But why would you want to?  Is there something keeping you from upgrading?04:59
explorealex Guest39421: thanks04:59
blistovUbuntu 10.04 daily (today's build).  I can't find any way to connect ubuntuone anymore.04:59
Jeeves_MossFlannel, hey man, long time!!04:59
patrick-1Flannel: there is no 5.3.2 package in ubuntu04:59
FlannelHowdy Jeeves_Moss04:59
blistovAnyone know where this has gone? I can get into preferences but it just says disconnected.04:59
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, what doesn't work?  Mine is working fine, no Java error message.04:59
macopatrick-1: i think Flannel wanted to know why you're still sticking with dapper04:59
Flannelpatrick-1: That's correct.  Is there something keeping you on Dapper?04:59
nsadminwhy do you need 5.3.2?05:00
patrick-1yes for now it is.05:00
Flannelpatrick-1: What is it?05:00
Guest39421does anyone know if drapes works under other DE besides Gnome?05:00
patrick-1my superior :)05:00
linux_is_my_heroZykotick9: lemme run it from the terminal and ill PM you the error message if you dont have any objections to that.05:00
patrick-1and the customer demands 5.3.205:00
linux_is_my_heromay i PM you?05:00
ZykoticK9blistov, #ubuntu+1 for Lucid think there is also a #ubuntuone channel05:00
patrick-1is there any way?05:00
James806are there any good training video's out there on the net were a newbie like myself could learn Linux?05:00
polarskygoogle is ur friend05:00
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, no PMs thanks.  Pastebin would be best05:00
Flannelpatrick-1: manual installation is the only way.  That version of PHP is in Lucid (which will be released in two days) and Hardy has
linux_is_my_herozykotick9: hwo do i use pastebin?05:01
nsadminvideo? maybe... there are tutorials and uni courses on unix/linux05:01
ZykoticK9!paste > linux_is_my_hero05:01
ubottulinux_is_my_hero, please see my private message05:01
Flannelpolarsky: Please don't treat "google" as an answer, thanks.05:01
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, go to the site, paste the content, then bring the link to the paste back here05:01
nsadminbut it can be an answer05:01
Flannelpatrick-1: Why is your boss insistent on Dapper?  Hardy is LTS as well, and Dapper is only supported for another 14 months.05:01
patrick-1Flannel: could you give me a quick ripdown on that to do? can i re-use the packaged apache?05:01
Flannelnsadmin: Not in this channel.05:01
Jeeves_MossJames806, the best way is to "pick a project", break down the steps required to acomplish it, then run with it05:02
polarsky@Flannel, ok05:02
patrick-1Flannel: For now I dont care why he does. It will come back to haunt him at some time :D im just the peon doing the work :)05:02
nsadminwell if they;'re not paying me then I may suggest it. As soon as the check arrives in my email is the moment that someone can tell me how I support05:02
linux_is_my_heroZykotick9: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/423730/05:02
Flannelpatrick-1: Yeah, you just have to swap out php and libapache2-mod-php5.  You can't backport the packages from Lucid, because that'd require you to backport apache as well (Lucid uses apache2.2, Dapper uses apache2)05:03
justin_Hey, I am trying to fix my X server. I think it is a problem with my  onboard graphics card. I removed the old one because it is broke. I also can't connect to the internet. Can someone help me?05:03
Flannelnsadmin: No, I will remove you from this channel if you refer someone to google as an answer to a question other than "what is a good search engine"05:03
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, remove sudo!  this is very bad - ONLY use gksu for graphic apps - and NEVER run filesharing as root05:03
patrick-1Flannel: okay, I found this howto: http://dan.drydog.com/apache2php.html but i seem to be missing axps ..05:03
Flannelnsadmin: This channel has guidelines that we expect you to follow, if you don't wish to follow them, you're welcome to spend your time elsewhere.05:03
gokulJames806, why dont you try the ubuntu manual ?? (But its still in its child stage)05:04
James806i do have to admit it Linux is allot better then windows05:04
linux_is_my_herozykotick9: alright will do :-D05:04
nsadminwhen canonical cuts me a check, I'll work on their terms05:04
linux_is_my_herozykotick9: good thing it didn't launch05:04
h00k!lucid | _pg_05:04
ubottu_pg_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party05:04
linux_is_my_heroJames806: yeah, it is :-)05:04
h00kwoah, by backscroll was broken.05:04
Flannelnsadmin: We are not canonical, we are volunteers.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:04
h00ksorry, _pg_05:04
Flannelpatrick-1: You'll want to ask ##php for this, since you're basically just going to be compiling it yourself05:05
nsadminwell you're supporting canonical who is selling a service05:05
James806are there any good books out for 9.04 or 10.405:05
patrick-1Flannel: compiling php ist the hard part. its compiling it right to work with the packaged apache.05:05
Flannelnsadmin: If you'd like to discuss this further, please feel free to bring it to #ubuntu-offtopic, or #ubuntu-ops.05:05
linux_is_my_heroJAmes806: youll learn more just using it05:05
Jeeves_MossJames806, the best way is to "pick a project", break down the steps required to acomplish it, then run with it05:05
rhlHi, can anyone here tell me about setting up a "man in the middle" for telnet, I want to log incoming telnet connections05:06
James806what kind of project can u pick?05:06
Jeeves_MossFlannel, was I that annoying when I started?05:06
patrick-1#php sent me to my distro channel :)05:06
linux_is_my_heroJAmes806: I installed ubuntu on a tablet pc05:06
fillayyHello, does anyone know anything about wireless internet?05:06
polarskyuse a tool like dsniff or ettercap05:06
Hillshumnsadmin: This channel belongs to Cannonical, and you are expected to abide by its terms while here05:06
polarskyfor mitm05:06
linux_is_my_herofillaay: lemme guess ur wifi doesnt work?05:06
FlannelHillshum: this channel does not belong to Canonical05:06
nsadminwhen canonical cuts me a check, I'll work on their terms05:06
rhldoes dsniff log telnet?05:07
linux_is_my_herofillayy: lemme guess ur wifi doesn't work?05:07
fillayyNope, my wifi is fine, I wanted help with mobile broadband and how to get my wireless networks back on my menu bar thing.05:07
polarskycheck out their page05:07
justin_Hey, I am trying to fix my X server. I think it is a problem with my  onboard graphics card. I removed the old one because it is broke. I also can't connect to the internet. Can someone help me?05:07
=== zachary is now known as Guest89570
HillshumFlannel: Maybe Freenode, but I think my point stands05:08
patrick-1Flannel: Any chance in getting a hint on how to build php so that it works with the current apache package in dapper?05:08
Flannelpatrick-1: That page looked pretty good.  What dependency were you missing?05:08
patrick-1Flannel: cant find axps :)05:08
linux_is_my_herofillayy: i dont know i tried removing mine to add it again with you but i dont know how u got rid of it in the first place05:08
Avaszis there any way to get configuration editor to its default?05:08
linux_is_my_herofillayy: howd u get rid of it?05:09
patrick-1Flannel: And what paths to choose to it will run with apache05:09
fillayyright click and remove from pannel.05:09
James806thanks everyone for your help and suggestions05:09
linux_is_my_heroJAmes806: welcome to linux, good luck :-)05:09
ennuisome images in my interface show up with the red 'no' sign instead of displaying the picture05:09
Flannel!compile | patrick-105:09
ubottupatrick-1: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:09
linux_is_my_hero!java | linux_is_my_hero05:10
ubottulinux_is_my_hero, please see my private message05:10
patrick-1Flannel: Are you telling me to recompile apache?05:10
Flannelpatrick-1: That page might help, with build-dep and stuff05:10
Avasz!configuration editor05:10
Flannelpatrick-1: No, I'm telling you to compile php and the php module for apache05:10
Jeeves_MossFlannel, 'night.  Fiance is calling.05:10
linux_is_my_hero!wireless | fillayy05:10
ubottufillayy: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:10
FlannelBye Jeeves_Moss05:10
linux_is_my_herofillayy: gotta get my charger, ttyl05:10
justin_The command dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg isn't helping me. X server isn't working. I have on board video.05:11
fillayyDoes anyone know how to get my wireless networks back onto GNOME Panel?05:12
leagrispatrick-1, just a guess, if I'd really needed a custom version of PHP I would download the packaged php source apt-get source then dig inside it and customize it including version then build and install my custom packaged php. Using the existing framework of an existing package source will help you keep it in good shape with other packaged applications and it will be easier to upgrade or replace.05:12
Scunizijustin_: what kind of card is it?05:13
skraghey guys, does 9.10 install some sort of default firewall? im trying to host a doom server and I cant get it to contact the master server, i can ping out and internet browse05:13
patrick-1leagris: mhh, but they have already been compiled.05:13
patrick-1would be useful to see how they were compiled05:14
macoskrag: there is a firewall but it is not configured05:14
Scuniziskrag: if it uses port 80 your ISP might be blocking it.05:14
macoskrag: ports are all open but with no services listening til you install and start 'em05:14
fillayyDoes anyone know how to get my wireless networks back onto GNOME Panel?05:14
renegaiddoes ubuntu have a search for program feature. hate scrolling through menus. That's old school05:14
justin_S3 Unichrome Pro, it is what comes with those tiny VIA motherboards.05:14
Scunizijustin_: arg.. it's sort of supported in the kernel.. but they are a pain.. what's the issue? bad resolution?05:15
goddardI am having some issues getting some files to work properly after setting up my ubuntu server what are the proper settings to allow a php file to read another file05:15
justin_Scunizi, also, my internet isn't working. I did a modprobe to get the drivers working, did a iwlist scan to find the network, and assigned it with iwconfig, but the internet simply won't work.05:15
skragmaco: yeah i ahve my router all set up with the ports open,05:15
fillayyDoes anyone know how to get my wireless networks back onto GNOME Panel?05:15
gmonnieI'm trying to change my login screen on 9.10, can any tell me how, or where i can find a how to thing?05:15
justin_Scunizi, nothing happens. It is a black screen when X is booted.05:16
macoskrag: no im saying thats how ubuntu is by default. all open. but um are you NAT'd by chance?05:16
macoskrag: since you mentioned having a router? have you remembered to forward the ports on it?05:16
skragmaco: yeah the ports are forewarded, how do i find out in im NAT'd?05:16
macoskrag: if you get a 192.168 instead of a real outside ip you're NAT'd. but thats what port forwarding is to get around05:17
Scunizijustin_: that's a different issue.. possibly related to network manager.. personally I use wicd for control.. seems much more stable..  As for the video it almost sounds like it's overscanning.. will ctrl+alt+F2 give you a terminal prompt?05:17
skragmaco: yeah i get a 192.168 IP its weird because i can run the server and query it from outside, but the query program is telling me that outgoing connections could be blocked05:18
Scunizijustin_: when you boot do you see the grub menu? if so use the rescue kernel to attempt fixing the video.05:18
gmonnieanybody know how to change the login screen on 9.1005:18
justin_Yeah, I can get to grub.05:18
justin_I did.05:18
justin_"xfix" does nothing.05:18
ciphercan you do a virus scan on windows from ubuntu with a wubi install?05:19
justin_All I can do is get to the command line.05:19
macoskrag: if outsiders can reach it you should be ok05:19
polarskyand u can pick up sum gdm themes05:19
polarskyon gnome look05:19
ZykoticK9gmonnie, changing the GDM login theme is non-trival in 9.10+ right now - you can try Epidermis https://launchpad.net/epidermis or gdm2setup https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup - i haven't had any luck with either myself, hope your luck is better05:19
epohgnome <305:19
eric__how do u update firefox in bt405:19
patrick-1Flannel: okay, whatever. ill rebuild apache2 also...05:19
polarskyoh hello epoh05:19
Scunizijustin_: well.. from the command line you have the ability to diagnose and fix things.. however this one is a bit beyond me.. hopefully someone will pick up the thread and guide you through it.05:19
renegaiddoes ubuntu have a search for program feature. hate scrolling through menus. That's old school05:19
epohhello polarsky05:20
polarskyheh grub205:20
eric__no its old05:20
Scunizirenegaid: kubutu does.. :)  it's pretty nice05:20
polarskynearly no documentation with grub205:20
evilbugmy system won't load login and so i can't enter at all. i get an error saying /etc/fstab can't be found but it is where it's supposed to be. the uuid in fstab and /dev/disk/by-uuid is different. i'm on xubuntu 9.10, what can i do?05:20
ZykoticK9!backtrack | eric__05:20
polarskyhow did /etc/fstab get deleted?05:20
ubottueric__: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)05:20
justin_Hey, I am trying to fix my X server. I think it is a problem with my  onboard graphics card. I removed the old one because it is broke. I also can't connect to the internet. Can someone help me?05:21
cipherDoes anyone know if you can run a virus scan on windows from ubuntu on a wubi install?05:21
eric__so no one knows how to update ubuntu05:21
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evilbugpolarsky: it didn't get deleted. apparently it can't be found but i checked and it's where it's supposed to be.05:21
r00t__What was your question?05:21
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skragmaco: i wish it were that simple, i cant seem to figure out whats blocking my server from gettin out if theres no software firewall on my end and my router is set up right05:21
polarskyu may have a backup file05:21
Scunizijustin_: just a quick thought.... did you turn on the onboard graphics in the bios after removing the old card?05:21
eric__i need to know hot to update ubuntu05:21
DaemonLeeeric__, goto terminal.05:21
DaemonLeetype in sudo apt-get upgrade05:21
epohah, ubuntu.05:21
macoskrag: dont you only have to worry about things getting in?05:21
polarskycp /etc/fstab.bak /etc/fstab05:22
polarskyas root of course.05:22
eric__what now05:22
DaemonLeeCongratulations. You updated.05:22
goddardwhat are the right cmod settings for web serving files on apache?05:22
AgentXCan 10.04 RC be upgrade to the final release when it is released? (apt-get upgrade)?05:22
DaemonLeeUnless you want the new version of Ubuntu.05:22
skragmaco: unfortuntaly no, my server has to comunicate with the master server so other players can see it on the server list05:22
polarskywell eric_05:22
evilbugpolarsky: one sec.05:22
polarskyjust restart05:22
Scunizieric__: to do it completely type .... sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ... dist-upgrade will *not* take you to the next release.05:22
ZykoticK9AgentX, yes see !final in #ubuntu+105:22
polarskyi men evilbug05:22
wasutton3does anyone know if i can have a mounted fat32 partition in ubuntu also mounted as a disk to a vbox guest at the same time?05:22
FloodBot1polarsky: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:22
AgentXZykoticK9: tanks05:23
DaemonLeeScunizi, Did Eric want to upgrade to the new distro?05:23
Scuniziwasutton3: no.. but you can via samba05:23
polarskyu can use clamav05:23
polarskyto scan /host05:23
ScuniziDaemonLee: read my post again.. dist-upgrade *doesn't* take you to the next release05:23
evilbugpolarsky: there's no backup.05:23
DaemonLeeScunizi, I know. I thought he just wanted to do a normal update.05:24
polarskyls /etc | grep fstab05:24
polarskywell hope.05:24
ScuniziDaemonLee: that is a full normal update05:24
Juzzyls /etc/*fstab*05:24
DaemonLeeScunizi, I'm aware. I didn't know that he wanted to do a Distro Upgrade.05:24
wasutton3Scunizi: i would except the guest is osx, and its kinda cranky with the networking05:24
ScuniziDaemonLee: again.. it's not a distro upgrade......05:24
evilbugpolarsky: i ran cp but there is no fstab.bak05:24
cipheryes polarsky?05:24
polarskyoh there is one more way05:25
polarskysudo blkid05:25
DaemonLeeScunizi, I know that. I didn't know that he wanted to do a distro upgrade.05:25
evilbugpolarsky: talking to me?05:25
polarsky@cipher, all ur windows files are located in /host in wubi05:25
polarskyu can use clamav to scan it05:25
justin_How do I get internet working from the command line?05:26
polarsky@evilbug, use ur livedisc05:26
polarskyand copy the fstab file from there05:26
evilbugpolarsky: ok. apparently fstab is hosting the correct uuid for root.05:26
goddardI am trying to figure out the best CHMOD values for severing PHP files on an Apache webserver05:26
ScuniziDaemonLee: ok.. let's clarify this.. dist-upgrade does not do a distro upgrade.. it *WILL* upgrade package to the next version if they are available for the release that he's using.. If he's on 9.10 he'll stay on 9.10 but stuff like OpenOffice might get the next version.05:26
skragwhat is another way to run stuff besides "./"??05:27
cipherpolarsky:ok,great because I have a NASTY virus that took over admin priviliges and basically locked me out of windows. thank you05:27
Juzzyskrag: PATH=. and then just type it out05:27
Juzzyor /full/path/to/file05:27
Juzzyor if its a script: bash blah.sh05:27
polarskythan use output from blkid05:27
polarskythe UID part05:27
polarskyand make the changes to the fstab file05:27
skragjuzzy thanks05:28
epohpolarsky, pm05:28
justin_How do I get internet working from the command line?05:28
Juzzyjustin_: setup /etc/network/interfaces05:28
evilbugpolarsky: my fstab has the correct uuid but the system somehow can't see it.05:29
evilbugpolarsky: could it be an xserver issue?05:29
ennuifor some reason my screen resolution is diffrent on my log in screen05:29
zhangchunleihow to uninstall win2-7 Pack in ubuntu 10.04 Rc05:29
polarskyuse iwlist05:29
evilbugpolarsky: what happens is that i boot, select my kernel, boot splash comes on for a while, and then black screen instead of login.05:29
polarsky@evilbug, has that happened?05:30
cyclopsehow to install kde4 ?05:30
evilbugpolarsky: yes. that's what my problem is. started today for no reason.05:30
zhangchunleihow to uninstall win2-7 Pack in ubuntu 10.04 Rc05:30
polarskyand the fstab is missing05:30
polarskywell did u attempt making new one?05:31
polarskyvia livecd05:31
polarskydid u edit the fstab file and make it correspond with output from blkid?05:31
evilbugpolarsky: no. i looked and the fstab is there. now i'll try copying the one from the livecd onto my hdd.05:31
UbuntuBoygreat article on the new Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid: http://techbytes4.wordpress.com/ Good blog, I recommend subscribing.05:31
justin_How do I get internet working from the command line?05:31
evilbugpolarsky: my fstab displays everything correctly.05:31
polarskyremember to sudo blkid05:31
polarskyand make sure the uids match05:31
FlannelUbuntuBoy: Please don't advertise here, thanks05:31
cyclopseapt-get install kde4 , so not works05:31
polarskyget kubuntu05:31
Flannelzhangchunlei: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, thanks.05:31
xanguacyclopse: try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:32
zhangchunleiFlannel, thanks05:32
cyclopsexangua, wow it worked05:32
justin_How do I get internet working from the command line?05:33
polarskyjustin_ read05:33
evilbugpolarsky: that did the trick. thank you very very much.05:33
YC\Is it going to be possible to upgrade directly from 8.10 to 10.04?05:33
polarskyur welcome evilbug05:34
polarsky@justin_ make sure u check ur interface first05:34
polarskywith ifconfig05:34
polarskytho most ppl are on eth005:34
polarskyu might be on eth105:34
polarskyjust check.05:34
justin_Thank you, polarsky. I got it working. Didn't know the last step.05:36
justin_dhclient and all.05:36
polarskyur welcome mate. :)05:37
FlannelYC\: No, 8.04 to 10.04, or 9.10 to 10.04.  From 8.10 you have to go 8.10 > 9.04 > 9.10 > 10.0405:37
evilbugpolarsky: thanks again for your help.05:38
voss749YC, sure install ubuntu 10.04 CD, click install and click format hard drive :)05:38
YC\Heh. Thanks. :)05:38
roshanjameshello! I am a ubuntu-newbie: I cant get notify-send to work. I have libnotify-bin version 0.4.5 and notify-osd 0.9.25 (I am on Karmic Kaola 9.10). When I type in `notify-send "test" "test"` nothing shows up. There are no error messages also.05:38
voss749YC, unless you have a superfast internet connection the sanest way to do it is back up all your personal documents and install 10.04 as a clean install.05:39
polarskythx, glad to help05:39
roshanjamesSorry (notify-osd version 0.9.24 not 25).05:39
YC\Yeah, does seem like it, huh? :)05:39
YC\Thanks for your help, folks.05:40
voss749YC, on the other hand if you can always do an AFK upgrade, upgrade-rinse-lather-repeat 4 times :)05:41
justin__Now I have the internet back on this computer.05:42
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justin__All I need is help getting the Xserver working.05:42
DoyleQ: When copying something from a program then closing the program before pasting it, the copied text isn't available to be pasted. Is there a setting to change this?05:42
justin__Yes, polarsky?05:42
polarskyur in x05:42
justin__polarsky: No I am not. I am connecting to this place via the program irssi from the command line.05:42
xanguaDoyle: if you use gnome try Parcellite05:43
Doylexangua: thanks05:44
polarskylol u mean /exec -o ssh05:44
roshanjamesAny suggestions about my notify-send issue? Anyone?05:44
polarskyor u got internet up, so u can use irssi05:44
patrick_I want to install multiple desktop environments, but I dont want any of my defualt apps to get messed up and I dont want my splash screen to get messed up either, or my login manager. How can i do this? I would like lxde, xfce, and Enlightenment05:44
polarskywell patrick, u can installem, but to use em05:44
polarskychange session type05:44
polarskywhen ur at gdm05:45
polarskylike i can choose between gnome, flux, and openbox05:45
patrick_polarsky, in the past they are all fighting over splash screen and login manager, at one point I had a xubuntu splash screen, a kde login manager and a gnome boot. all in one go.05:45
roshanjamesI cant get notify-send to work: I have libnotify-bin version 0.4.5 and notify-osd 0.9.24 (I am on Karmic Kaola 9.10). When I type in `notify-send "test" "test"` nothing shows up. There are no error messages also.05:45
patrick_polarsky, do I need to get a "core" version? or a "lite" version or something?05:46
polarskysrry ive never had thoseissues turn up before05:47
Shamounwhat is a good calendar app that will sync both ways with google calendar?05:47
polarskyso, dont kno what to tell ya bro.05:47
patrick_polarsky, which things do you install for synaptic?05:47
scuniziShamoun: sunbird/thunderbird = lightening .. or kalendar a kde app05:47
polarskywell actually05:47
polarskyim not using ubuntu05:47
* polarsky uses sabayon05:47
Shamouni never liked sunbird05:48
polarskyi had openbox and flux05:48
patrick_polarsky, ah.05:48
polarskyand they never gave me trouble05:48
Shamouni guess i could try kalendar05:48
scuniziShamoun: you'd be better off with sunbird on gnome.. kalendar will pull in tons of libs and maybe not enough to sync with google05:48
patrick_so do I want lxde, lxde-common, or lxde-core?05:49
polarskykalender will force u to install kde dependancies05:49
Shamounscunizi, hmm, good to know thanks05:49
polarskyi think apt-get install lxde05:49
scuniziShamoun: if you're running kubuntu (kde) then that would be the answer.05:49
polarskyshould do the trick05:49
patrick_same for xfce?05:50
patrick_and E?05:50
polarskynot sure.05:51
Shamounhmm, well i am still running windows 7. i am trying to figure out whether i want to do ubuntu / kubuntu on this system05:51
polarskylxde is nice and lightweight tho05:51
polarskyShamoun theres nobig difference between ubuntu and kubuntu05:51
skragdo you have to do something special to open up ports above the 10000 range in 9.10?05:51
scuniziShamoun: install virtualbox from virtualbox.org and run them both in a virtual machine to see.05:51
polarskypick one or theother if u like gnome or kde or vice versa05:52
polarskyu must however, be root to listen to ports lower than 102405:53
polarskyor i mean, bind to05:53
polarskywhatever lol.05:53
fillayyDoes anyone know how I can get my Network Manager back onto my Panel/05:53
polarskyright click05:54
polarskyadd to panel05:54
fillayyIts not there :(05:54
geirhafillayy: network-manager resides in the notification area, so you've likely removed that somehow05:54
fillayygeirha, how do I get it back?05:54
geirha!panels | fillayy05:55
ubottufillayy: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:55
geirhafillayy: Or right click, add to panel, notification area05:55
fillayysweet dude, thanks geirha05:55
cLuCk-cLuUkhello everyone.. awfully quiet in here05:57
scunizithe calm before the storm05:57
polarskywell said.05:57
cLuCk-cLuUkseems like the new release doesn't have much enthusiasm..05:58
* scunizi knows the pattern.. alls quiet toward the beginning of the next release.. most questions are technical and a little more advanced.. after a release questions are much more basic05:59
scunizicLuCk-cLuUk: lots.. but it's all being discussed in #ubuntu+105:59
polarskyi didnt like the new color scheme06:00
fatboy-ubuntu-rei'm having trouble mounting my windows partition on ubuntu remix 9.1006:00
mellisanyone know anything about apt-cacher-ng06:00
fatboy-ubuntu-rehow do i mount?06:00
polarskypress the icon of the mountable media06:00
polarskyshould be on ur lower toolbar06:01
polarskyand press mount06:01
polarskyu can also change settings to add automounting06:01
fatboy-ubuntu-rei can mount anything else, just not the windows partition06:01
polarskyinstall ntfs-config06:02
polarskythan go to system > administration > ntfs configuration tool06:02
alkisgfatboy-ubuntu-re: try this command from a terminal, and see if it produces any error output. Replace sda1 with your windows partition number: sudo udisks --mount /dev/sda106:03
alkisgAh sorry that's lucid06:03
polarskythe link i just posted06:03
polarskyis for lucid06:03
polarskyshould work anyhow tho06:03
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polarskygotta run, night folks.06:05
gantrixxhas anyone had any luck getting 9.10 to run on a Dell Studio 15 (one of the newer ones with the intel wifi chips)?06:09
AlcorCan you wifi into a usb dongle to get to ubuntu?06:09
bazhangAlcor, please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic06:11
theadminbazhang: He did ask a question06:11
the_fileI am trying to combine the applications, system, and places menus into one but can't figure it out!06:13
Kasm279whats the game that its a 2D platform shooter with the players looking like kirby06:14
Kasm279the title was german i think06:14
scuniziKasm279: padman?06:14
h00kthe_file: there is an applet called Gnome Menu that you can add06:14
alkisgKasm279: teeworlds?06:14
Kasm279thanks you alkisg06:14
Kasm279i couldn't remember tha name and i dont have an ubuntu machine ATM06:15
Kasm279anyway, later06:15
AlcorI guess game questions are more "on-topic" than the tech question I asked...06:17
scuniziAlcor: the one you asked before didn't make much sense06:17
AlcorI guess I should have asked if the usb port was bi-directional in ubuntu...06:18
scuniziAlcor: yes.. and a usb wifi dongle will typically work for connections if it's the right chipset06:19
greezmunkeyAlcor: I used a linksys usb600n for a long time on this machine, worked great.06:20
Alcorscunizi How do you know which chipset to use?  Is there a list?06:21
h00kthe_file: right click on your panel up top, click Add to Panel, find the Gnome Menu (not the custom Gnome menubar) ad add that06:21
gh0ghnushello, i don't understand this command: arunsb@laptop:/tmp/initrd-src$ gzip -dc  /tmp/initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic  | cpio -id can any one help me? why we use -c to extract initrd image? is any other command or switch?06:21
DaughainAnyone familiar with synching Android to Ubuntu via wifi?06:21
Alcorgreezmunkey thx Greez06:21
TravelerHi, Quick question I have a laptop running ubuntu its a bit laggy with only 512mb I was wondering if I purchased 1gb more would I see a decent increase in speed? Also my laptop currently is using 533mhz the extra ram is 667mhz which is compatable with my laptop will these two be compatible with each other?06:22
scuniziAlcor: not sure about a list.. greezmunkey gave one suggestion.. you might also check in ##linux or #hardware.. but #hardware is more OS neutral06:22
Alcorscunizi thx06:23
greezmunkeyscunizi: I hade to compile the driver though, not an easy option, took three tries to get it stable! After that though...nice.06:23
scuniziTraveler: for best performance and to reduce "problems" you should match type and speed of ram06:23
scunizigreezmunkey: I've used a netgear.. with no issue.. but I can't remember the model06:23
Bohemianhow do i make this symlink? The workaround is to make symlink 'ctools/delegator/plugins/tasks/i18ntaxonomy.pages.inc' to member:file 'i18n/i18ntaxonomy/i18ntaxonomy.pages.inc'.06:23
Bohemianis that ln -s ctools/delegator/plugins/tasks/i18ntaxonomy.pages.inc i18n/i18ntaxonomy/i18ntaxonomy.pages.inc ?06:23
h00kBohemian: that appears right. Maybe check the manpage for 'ln'06:24
h00kBohemian: I'l quite tired, so maybe doublecheck the manpage06:24
Loshagh0ghnus: gzip -dc uncompresses to stdout which means the results get fed to cpio which extracts (-i) and creates directories (-d) as needed...06:25
Travelerscunizi, that was my initial thought but the shop is out of stock.06:25
azlonhow can i block a user on irc in pidgin?06:26
scuniziTraveler: then get 2.. of the same type that's available and sell the old one..06:26
greezmunkeyTraveler: it's worth the wait to get it right. 1GB of ddr2 is about 20-25 dollars right now. put as much as you can in you LT, and make it compatible speed/size, otherwise you're inviting trouble.06:26
scuniziazlon: pidgin is a good IM client but not a good IRC client.. you might switch to xchat or irssi06:27
Travelergreezmunkey, if only it was $20-25 for laptop sodimm were looking at like $40 here in australia06:28
azlonscunizi: dude, you're still here? you were here when i went to sleep last night, now its 8:30 am and you're still here...06:28
greezmunkeyTraveler: Ah, exchange rates - be happy you're not in Grece right now...06:28
scuniziazlon: it's 10:28 pm here. last night I couldn't sleep so stayed up till 2am.. 'bout ready to go to bed06:29
greezmunkeyscunizi: PST as am I06:29
gh0ghnusLosha: thanks, is it possible to do this work without using cpio or first use gzip and then use cpio (without pipe). gzip says unknown suffix if you remove second part and i can't find how to do this.06:29
scunizigreezmunkey: yepper.. so.cal.06:29
azlonugh, i miss PST...06:29
Travelerwell i think i might go with scunizi idea and just get the faster and ditch the old one if they don't work togeather06:30
azlonscunizi: im from sac originally06:30
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scuniziazlon: my old home town.. antioch06:30
greezmunkeyI agree, with scunizi, worked 12 hrs today... Good night all!06:30
azlonno kidding, i am from placerville06:30
Loshagh0ghnus: try:  gzip -dc < /tmp/initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic | cpio -id   (I added a '<' sign)06:31
scuniziNight all!06:31
=== ubuntu is now known as teknon
azlonoh yeah, tomorrow is the big day... 10.0406:33
azlonis it smart to upgrade immediately or should i wait a couple weeks for bugs to be worked out?06:33
mosnoazlon, depends how critical the system is06:34
azlonlol, ok so i will wait06:34
mosnoazlon, and what redundancy you have available06:34
mosnoazlon, :-)06:34
Loshaazlon: wait until it stabilizes. A month or so...06:34
mosnoazlon, if it is critical, you should have a tested backup/restore procedure anyway06:34
azlonmosno: by no means is this system critical, but i dont want to put up with the hassle06:34
mosnoazlon, then what Losha said sounds reasonable06:35
gh0ghnusLosh: thanks. why we can't remove second part? (cpio -i) . thanks anyway.06:36
justin_I  need help configuring my xserver. I have a VIA onboard video chip and nothing I do is working.06:37
rickfisherI need some help with a stubborn 9.10 that won't boot. Tried Super Grub .9799 and won't boot. Dual booting Win 7 and worked fine for a while. what file do you need to see to help me?06:37
gh0ghnusLosha: thanks. why we can't remove second part? (cpio -i) . thanks anyway.06:37
chillindaveWhat's the trick to access grub in 10.04?  It skips it and I can't access my other OS.06:37
macochillindave: shift?06:37
Loshagh0ghnus: you can, but the whole point is to decompress (gzip) then unpack (cpio). What use is just decompressing it?06:38
chillindavemaco, Alright.  I'm having a difficult time fixing the Windows boot.  So far nothing I've tried works.... I'll see where that gets me.06:38
xTheGoat121xIt's not really a huge issue but I've noticed that on my Atheros card, my wireless cuts out at random intervals06:39
rickfisherchillindave have you tried Super Grub disk? Have you run Windoze repair?06:41
dxcwhat's the time now ?06:41
rickfisherHammer time?06:41
jotalltime to get ill?06:41
dxcYour time06:42
rickfishertime keeps on slipping06:42
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rickfisherHow do I quote someones name before responding to them?06:42
macorickfisher: start typing their name and hit tab06:42
znxtchDoes anyone know if IPod classic will work with Ubuntu Lucid?  I've asked in #Ubuntu+1 but the room is dead.  I want to buy an IPOD classic today since I cant get my touch working I just wanted to check first.06:42
rickfisherAny help on Boot issues?06:42
chillindaverickfisher, Super Grub disk?  Yes to the second one, it doesn't work.06:42
justin_I  need help configuring my xserver. I have a VIA onboard video chip and nothing I do is working.06:42
chillindaveIt skips the grub menu at boot and goes straight into the desktop.06:43
h00kznxtch: yes06:43
rickfishermaco, I see06:43
dxcHow to get grub update06:43
rickfishermaco, Great!06:43
h00kznxtch: although, even if it is dead, it's still the proper place ;)06:43
rickfisherdxc, what grub do you have?06:43
znxtchwell my mission is time senstive06:44
znxtchi have a widow of oppurtunity to get the classic06:44
Loshah00k: why is it dead? I'd have thought it would be bubbling on the eve of a release....06:44
znxtchso im desperate06:44
rickfisherchillindave, does it boot into win or Ubuntu?06:44
h00kLosha: I don't know, there isn't a ton of activity at the moment, perhaps people are sleeping06:44
justin_I  need help configuring my xserver. I have a VIA onboard video chip and nothing I do is working.06:44
chillindaverickfisher, Ubuntu06:44
Loshah00k: all working on deadlines maybe...06:45
rickfisherchillindave, Did you try to hit the shift key when booting?06:46
chillindaverickfisher, Yeap, still goes straight into Ubuntu desktop.06:46
chillindaverickfisher, Every other version prior to 10.04 always gave me the grub menu.06:46
CircuitBugi am using a webcam for which i cant get proper support online.....lsusb returns :0c45:62b3 Microdia PC Camera with Microphone (SN9C202 + OV9655)06:47
CircuitBugcan someone please help06:48
rickfisherchillindave, yea somehow the time got set to zero instead of 15 sec.06:48
chillindaverickfisher, In /etc/default/grub ?06:48
dxcI want to give up windows ,but I can't work without the software such as AutoCAD06:48
rickfisherchillindave, I added startup manager from synaptic and solved that problem06:48
gh0ghnusLosha: i want use just gzip. if you use file command on initrd, it says this is a gzip archive. but if you use gzip, it says unknown command. i used this one for example: gzip -d -S "" initrd... only -c can help, because printing in stdout and then using cpio.06:48
justin_I  need help configuring my xserver. I have a VIA onboard video chip and nothing I do is working.06:49
chillindaverickfisher, Alright, I'll give that a try.06:49
rickfisherjustin what ubuntu are you using?06:49
gh0ghnusLosha: "it says unknown suffix" sorry06:49
frankie_hello i am trying to install flash on ubuntu 10.04 neeed help!06:50
rickfisherchillindave, I have dual monitors and I need to fight Nvidia to set them up now so I might be off line for a few minutes06:50
dxcMaybe I need to have a rest06:50
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party06:50
chillindaverickfisher, Alright, thank you.06:50
CircuitBugis any one using a mirodia webcam.....06:50
dxcThanks ,rickfisher !06:51
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mmicaHi all ;]06:51
rickfisherfrankie_, go to Sytem then down to Administration then down to Hardware Drivers06:51
CircuitBugis any one using a mirodia webcam.....06:52
hndmmica: hi :)06:52
sp0spobeep is for the system speaker is there somethign that is similar to the beep at boot?06:52
frankie_thanks it works06:53
mmicasp0soo: yep06:53
sp0spowhat is it called?06:53
rickfisherfrankie_, you are welcome06:54
CircuitBugis any one using a mirodia webcam.....06:54
Loshagh0ghnus: actually, on my local system, -c doesn't work, and I have to do: gzip -d < /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-26-generic | cpio -id06:54
frankie_:) !06:54
mmicasp0spo: differently,.. most an issue06:54
CircuitBugi am using a webcam for which i cant get proper support online.....lsusb returns :0c45:62b3 Microdia PC Camera with Microphone (SN9C202 + OV9655)06:55
CircuitBugcan someone please help06:55
sp0spowhen i reboot my computer the motherboard beeps... that is not the pc speaker of my computer.. what is that? the mb speaker?06:56
hndsp0spo: the inbuilt speaker...06:56
dean[w]Suggestions for a decent twitter client? I've given up using Tweetdeck on linux. Too many problems06:57
mmicasp0spo: but also an information about an issue.. graphics card?06:57
CircuitBugsp0spo: it probably the speaker in your mother board....to turn it off just go to your bios settings and desable it06:57
sp0spocircuitbug, i want to be able for it to beep when i have a task complete... the regular beep/would only work if my monitor is turned to pc rather than video game system display06:58
bryanrthis is the last day before 10.0406:58
CircuitBugso whats the problem?06:59
gh0ghnusLosha: that's it. i think you pressed tab and tab completion dosen't work. but if you type the whole name and  press enter it's work fine.06:59
mmicasp0spo: it's a laptop/pc?06:59
sp0spowhat device is the motherbaord or internal speaker anyways?07:00
mmicasp0spo: motherboard07:01
sp0spowhat /dev/ deice?07:01
justin_My xserver still doesn't work.07:02
justin_I need some serious help.07:02
JumboJellyfishyour xserver?07:02
JumboJellyfishis that, like, the guy who sells you ecstasy?07:03
justin_My machine is an old Everex PC, with those cheap VIA motherboards that are tiny. It comes with an onboard video that works with Linux out the box, but I had upgraded to a different card awhile back, and it broke, and now I can't switch back.07:03
Kazehi just need some advise should I use x64 for AMD PC ? I already have intsalled i386 so any easy way to change kernel ?07:03
sp0spoi want to make my motherboard beep from ubutnu, how do i do this07:03
LoshaJumboJellyfish: less comedy, more support, please07:03
chillindaverickfisher, Fixed it finally using this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130274307:04
=== Guest83433 is now known as plustax]
chillindaveI wish I had found that about 5 hours ago.....07:04
CircuitBugis any one using a mirodia webcam.....07:04
justin_I also can't seem to use the program "screen" from the console, which prevents me from using irssi and elinks at the same time.07:04
mmicasp0spo: check this card.. or the card is good inserted07:04
Flanneljustin_: What error/message/whatever does it give you?07:04
plustax]I am having an issue getting my webcam to work with tinychat and other web based flash applications. Can anyone help me? Also, in stickam the chats themselves look very glitchy to me and my cam doesnt work sometimes. Tinychat doesnt work at all.07:05
justin_Flannel: none. It simply hangs when loading the xserver.07:05
plustax]Anyone help me out?07:05
rwwjustin_: umm. screen doesn't use the xserver o.O07:05
Flanneljustin_: Xserver? screen?07:05
justin_rww: I have no idea why screen isn't working from the console. It is less important to me than getting the xserver running. It is just limiting me further as I can use multiple consoles to do other things like surf the web with elinks at the same time, looking for a solution.07:06
justin_*as I can't07:06
ActionParsnipYo yo yo07:06
plustax]I am having an issue getting my webcam to work with tinychat and other web based flash applications. Can anyone help me? Also, in stickam the chats themselves look very glitchy to me and my cam doesnt work sometimes. Tinychat doesnt work at all.07:06
Flanneljustin_: ctrl-alt-f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6 (that's ctrl-alt-f#) can all be used simultaneously07:06
nerdI have no sound when I play audio...got it for video, but no audio07:06
bazhangplustax], please don't repeat so quickly07:06
Flanneljustin_: As a stop gap, of course.  I wouldn't actually consider doing that for prolonged periods ;)07:07
ActionParsnipPlustax]: does it work in cheese?07:07
justin_Flannel: Thanks for the tip.07:07
Loshajustin_: usually when changing from onboard to card and vice versa there are bios settings you need to change. I assume you've done that?07:07
justin_Losha: no, I have not.07:07
ActionParsnipNerd: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras07:07
Loshajustin_: that's the first thing to look at, then...07:07
nerdcrap...no..forgot to07:07
ActionParsnipNerd: d'oh ;)07:07
justin_Losha: How do I get the BIOS again?07:08
nerddidnt think i had to since i had video playback07:08
mosnojustin_, screwdriver, repeated stabbing motion07:08
ActionParsnipNerd: it installs a tonne of other codecs. Dead handy07:08
CircuitBugis any one using a mirodia webcam.....07:08
nerdi know..just forgot to do it07:08
Loshajustin_: it varies from mobo to mobo. Sometimes its the del key, sometimes its a function key. Try del first...07:08
justin_Losha: Ok, I will be back.07:09
nerddownloading now07:09
nerdit will play...but theres no sound..will this fix it???07:09
igor47anyone know anything about running a Xen Dom0 on lucid?07:09
ActionParsnipCircuitbug: the webcam model is moot. Run: lsusb ,one line will identify the chip used and you can websearch for the 8 character hex id07:09
KazeIs there any easy way to convert to x64 for AMDs and is it wort it ?07:09
Loshamosno: less comedy, more support, please07:09
ActionParsnipNerd: should do07:10
igor47can't find any docs. does one still need to copy a kernel from debian?07:10
nerdyea..How do i get my webcam to work..It's a Logitech07:10
ActionParsnip!lucid | igor4707:10
ubottuigor47: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party07:10
mr_digglesholy crap.  ubuntu fail.   dkms is not only undocumented by ubuntu, but generally (google) undocumented.  what a wonderful thing to force users to use.07:10
mosnoLosha, tough crowd?07:10
nerdk...lets try to play these again07:10
LoshaActionParsnip: after tomorrow I suppose we won't be able to push them off to #ubuntu+1 ?07:10
ActionParsnipNerd: the make and model is fairly moot. Run: lsusb ,you can then websearch for the 8 character hex id07:11
Loshamosno: support first, then comedy is all I'm asking for...07:11
nerdand still no sound07:11
mosnoLosha, just tried to load the channel guidelines: "Can't connect securely because the SSL protocol has been disabled" -- awesome!07:11
ActionParsnipLosha: as soon as its officially released its all here and #ubuntu+1 will die off07:11
mosnoLosha, but point taken.07:11
ActionParsnipNerd: in all players?07:11
Kabzhi everyone07:12
nerdbut video playes and i have sound07:12
nerdbut not with music07:12
thrillERboyHi how to see list of network cards installed on a system?07:12
ActionParsnipNerd: then its gonna take some websearching dude. Sorry. Maybe someone else can contribute. Suprised mplayer failed, its the daddy :07:12
ActionParsnipThrillerboy: sudo lshw -C network07:12
thrillERboythanks ActionParsnip07:13
nerdits a pci soundcard..not onboard07:13
CircuitBuglsusb returns :0c45:62b3 Microdia PC Camera with Microphone (SN9C202 + OV9655)07:13
ywgxhere have girl?07:13
nerdk...now sound in video is gone07:13
KabzHi do you know a good FPS like counter strike on linux ?07:13
ywgxhere have good girl?07:13
bazhangywgx, wrong channel07:13
ActionParsnipCircuitbug: ok go find guides for: 0c45:62b3 ubuntu07:13
CircuitBugi have searched every where....there is a group on google for it but the driver doesnt work for me07:13
bazhangywgx, please stop07:13
ActionParsnipKabz: urban terror07:14
KabzI tried it but it's not very good07:14
ActionParsnipKabz: grab the beergarden installer for an easy life07:14
sp0spois there a way to do dual audio output.. one through my tv speakers/hdmi audio and also my pc speakers?07:14
LoshaKabz: everyone's a critic...07:14
ennuican someone suggest something fo rme to plug into the command line to scan for open ports?07:14
ActionParsnipKabz: penumbra is a scary fps07:15
ActionParsnipEnnui: nmap07:15
ywgxwhat are you talk?07:15
ywgxtell me07:15
the_fileIs there any way to make the cursor larger in ubuntu, I can't figure it out.07:15
DaughainAnyone familiar with synching Android to Ubuntu via wifi?07:15
bazhangywgx, ubuntu support07:15
Loshaywgx: computer support *only*....07:15
bazhangywgx, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic07:15
KabzActionParsnip I had a look , very good ;)07:15
mr_digglesholy crap.   seriously.  compile my own kernel just for this wireless card.  yay thx ubutnu.  you rox my socks off.  F THAT07:15
ark3qqqthe_file: Do you mean the mouse pointer?07:15
ActionParsnipDaughain: there is an sshfs client on android you can copy to you system with07:16
ActionParsnipKabz: the demo is free but its worth the cash07:16
ActionParsnipMr_diggles: you'll probably find you need to compile the driver, not the kernel07:16
the_filecan't figure out how to make mouse pointer bigger in ubuntu!07:17
DaughainActionParsnip: Can you give me a link?07:17
PaperBoyhi are svn git and yasm needed to rebuild ffmpeg07:17
ActionParsnipDaughain: its called andftp07:17
PaperBoyany one know?07:17
KazeIs there any real benefit in using x64 for AMDs rather than 386 ? how to convert the kernel to x64 currently it's generic07:17
Kazeanyone ?07:18
ark3qqqthe_file: Take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111988207:18
ActionParsnipThe_file: look under appearence, or mouse in preferences07:18
justin_Nothing in BIOS seemed to have anything to do with anything, Flannel.07:18
LoshaPaperBoy: I don't recall. Are you sure you need to rebuild. There are repo versions that do most everything...07:18
ActionParsnipKaze: you will need to reinstall dude, 64bit can help with audo and video encoding greatly07:18
Loshajustin_: you got into the bios then?07:18
justin_Losha: Yes, nothing to do there.07:19
Loshaywgx: international....07:19
ActionParsnipYwgx: do you have a support question?07:19
ywgxi have07:19
Loshajustin_: no option to enable/disable onboard video?07:19
PaperBoyLosha im sure..  someone is guiding me through it07:19
justin_Losha: no.07:19
PaperBoyjust wanna make sure those packages are safe07:19
KazeThanks actionParsnip07:19
ywgxI want install freebsd07:19
sp0spodoes ubuntu use palse audio or alsa?07:19
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bazhangywgx, #freebsd07:19
ActionParsnipYwgx: *bsd isn't supported here07:19
ennuiactionparsnip: do i run nmap <my ip>  ?07:19
LoshaPaperBoy: if they come from the official repos, they are as safe as it gets07:19
justin_Losha: onboard video has to be working right now, no? It has to be a problem with the xserver.07:19
ActionParsnipEnnui: read the manpage or online, there are a lot of options but there are nice guides online07:20
KabzDo you know Can I download linux games ?07:20
ywgxfreebsd  good or bad?07:20
SinanthielIs ubuntu heavily command based like other linux operating systems?07:20
bazhangywgx, thats offtopic here please stop07:20
KabzDo you know where Can I download linux games ?07:20
ActionParsnipYwgx: its good but not discussed or supported here07:20
Loshajustin_: you said earlier it worked with a version of linux. Which version?07:20
ActionParsnip!games | kabz07:20
ubottukabz: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php07:20
LoshaSinanthiel: there are guis for most things in Ubuntu, but not quite everything....07:21
justin_Losha: 7.10 I believe. Everex put a modified version of on there initially, but I just put standard Ubuntu on it. The onboard video does work with Linux, as I have used it before.07:21
ActionParsnipKabz: if you had an MSX back in the day I recommend you get F1-Spirit its awesome07:21
Kabz<ubottu> thx07:21
SinanthielI want to learn linux, but I want something easy to start with.07:21
ywgxi will tomorrow install  freebsd  and ubuntu 10.04  in  my notepad07:21
ActionParsnipJustin_: gutsy is dead dude. I miss the gibbon07:22
friendforallSinanthiel, fine07:22
KazeForgive me ops mods but these questions are from more like bots than ppl they seem so false is this a joke ?07:22
Loshajustin_: I misunderstood you. I though you said the onboard video once worked with linux. Are you saying onboard has *never* worked with *any* linux version07:22
SinanthielIs ubuntu ideal for beginners?07:22
friendforallSinanthiel, i can help you (if you help me)07:22
thrillERboyHi how to stop eth0. I get the error <interface up or not permission: Operation not permitted>07:22
friendforallSinanthiel, yes07:22
justin_thrillERboy: sudo ifconfig down eth007:23
ActionParsnipKaze: ubottu just makes our lives easier, you can imagine a lot of folks ask the same stuff so we can make her say stuff07:23
thrillERboythanks justin_07:23
rafaelsoaresbrSinanthiel, one of the most07:23
Sinanthielfriendforall> how can I help you?07:23
LoshaSinanthiel: ubuntu is ok for beginners. Linux mint is possibly even better. Or perhaps SuSe, or Mandriva. Lots of choices...07:23
plustax]my cam does indeed work with cheese07:24
plustax]im upgrading to lucid lynx07:24
ActionParsnipPlustax]: cool07:24
SinanthielThanks guys..Now I have to chose... :)07:24
plustax]should that fix some things?07:24
justin_Losha: How am I going to fix this? dprk-reconfigure xserver-xorg just askes me questions about my keyboard...07:24
ActionParsnipSinanthiel: try a few, they all have advantages and disadvantages07:24
justin_Sinanthiel: just choose Ubuntu. It has the broadest range of support, which is the most important thing for newbies.07:24
friendforallSinanthiel, It is simple . I need DVD of a OS which you need to send to me07:24
Loshajustin_: you can start by answering my question above...07:24
ActionParsnipPlustax]: maybe and maybe not. Try a livecd to test ;)07:25
rafaelsoaresbrLosha, do you use any rolling release linux?07:25
thrillERboyjustin_, I get this <eth0: Unknown host>07:25
ranjanhi all...which is the best filesystem for a 1.5 TB portable storage07:25
justin_Losha: I thought I did. In any case, I can't scroll up in irssi, or if I can't, I dont know how to.07:25
Sinanthielfriendforall> no thanks... I can get help elsewhere.07:25
ActionParsnipJustin_: page up/down07:25
frankniehow do i install flying toasters07:25
justin_thrillERboy: type ifconfig and see if you see what you want to stop.07:25
azloni have a software raid 5 running. every time i reboot it resyncs (takes about 1800 hours). how can i find out why it keeps resyncing?07:25
azlon1800 minutes... my bad07:25
Losharafaelsoaresbr: I run Ubuntu 8.04. In a couple of months, if 10.04 looks ok, I will upgrade to it...07:25
thrillERboyranjan depends on which OS you use. NTFS is good for swapping b/w windows and Ubuntu07:26
friendforallSinanthiel, if you want then i will give you 5 dollar for cost07:26
justin_Losha: No. This onboard video works with Linux. I believe it works with the openchrome drivers.07:26
ranjanthrillERboy, i just want use it with linux07:26
SinanthielIs ubuntu free to download?07:26
AddisonGreetings gentlemen!  :)07:26
ActionParsnipSinanthiel: absolutely07:26
ranjanSinanthiel, yes07:26
bazhangfriendforall, what are you talking about07:26
ActionParsnipSinanthiel: linux by nature is free and open07:26
Loshajustin_: sorry, never heard of them. Time to start googling I expect...07:26
ranjanSinanthiel, to download,share ,modify,redistribute07:26
LoshaSinanthiel: www.ubuntu.com. Plenty of information there...07:27
sp0spoinit.d replaces modprobe?07:27
sp0spowhat replaces modprobe?07:27
justin_I need some serious help getting the openchrome drivers to work with my VIA onboard video chip (I think it is S3 Unichrome Pro). Can anyone possibly help me out with this? I have no Xserver.07:27
friendforallbazhang, i need OS which i can not download for my connection speed. For this reason i need some help from some one who can send me the DVD copy07:28
ActionParsnipsp0spo; modprobe won't be replaced. Its needed to load and unload modules07:28
rafaelsoaresbrSinanthiel, ubuntu is easy to install, and there's lots of guys that can help you here07:28
ranjanWhat about GFS07:28
ActionParsnipJustin_: sounds like you'll need an xorg.conf07:28
bazhangfriendforall, this is not the place to ask; try a local lug or contact shipit.com07:28
SinanthielWell, I'm on my nintendo ds and can't browse the internet.That's why I'm asking questions07:28
AddisonHey guys.  I'm trying to extract a stupid file to a stupid ext2 partition on my stupid memory card but I'm getting permission denied errors of unhappiness.  Could someone lend a hand on this?07:28
bazhang!shipit > friendforall07:28
ubottufriendforall, please see my private message07:28
rickfisherfriendforall, Ubuntu will mail you a DVD07:28
Loshasp0spo: I still have modprobe (8.04). It's there in 9.10...07:29
ActionParsnipFriedforall: get a local buddy to make you a disk07:29
justin_ActionParsnip: I can't seem to find anything googling that will help. I am at my wits end, I have no clue how to fix this.07:29
rickfisherjustin_, what is open chrome?07:29
ActionParsnipJustin_: search for: openchrome xorg.conf endsection ,should be ok07:29
justin_rickfisher: Openchrome is the video drivers that run VIA onboard video.07:29
ActionParsnipRickfisher: low power and low performance07:30
rickfisherActionParsnip, can you help him?07:30
Loshajustin_: I found this on google: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome07:30
ActionParsnipRickfisher: hopefully my recommended search will work07:31
justin_Losha: So did I. That document did not help me at all.07:31
nerdis i have a tarball, whats the easiest way to install the driver or software??07:31
ennuican canyone make a suggestion on a mini laptop that would run ubuntu?07:31
justin_ennui: I would buy an ASUS and put eeebuntu on it.07:31
ActionParsnipEnnui: acer aspire one z-something worked 100% ootb, even webcam07:32
=== Yum is now known as Yum-aWay
justin_ennui: An ASUS EEEPC 900 or something similar.07:32
Loshajustin_: did you work through the 'manual install' section?07:32
* Yum-aWay is Away, Reason: ( ZzZzZz ) | Since: ( Wednesday, April 28, 2010. 03:24:26 ) Xlack v2.107:32
bazhangYum-aWay, disable that script07:32
SinanthielI have an ASUS laptop that died just this last week... :(07:32
justin_Losha: no, I did not. I already have the openchrome drivers, it just seems I can't configure my xserver to actually use them in any fashion.07:32
ark3qqqCan anyone suggest (the hardware for) a small laptop (but not a netbook) that can run Linux well? What sort of discrete graphics, primarily.07:33
Kazecan I get rid of compizconfig without having any ill effects on OS ?07:33
SinanthielAnd it's 3 months past warranty07:33
bazhangKaze, of course07:33
CircuitBugis any one using a mirodia webcam.....07:33
AddisonI really could you a walk through or a web site or anything else on how to extract that file to an ext2 partition on my memory card if anyone is kind enough to respond.07:33
Loshajustin_: try the edits suggested in section 3 of that doc...07:33
nerdFailed to connect stream: To Large<----I get this while trying to  play ANYTHING07:34
sp0spodo any of you use two audio output devicdes at the same time?07:34
justin_Losha: I do not know how to open that document and remain connected to IRC from the command line.07:34
AddisonCrap.  Stupid typos.  I should have come here another time when I'm not having a beer.  :)07:34
SinanthielMmmmm beer07:34
justin_Losha: ctrl-alt-f2 bring me to a blinking dot that does nothing.07:34
rickfisherjustin_ I hate video on Ubuntu! Always a pain with my Dual screen desktop.07:34
Loshajustin_: tricky. Can you background the irc program temporarily using ctrl-Z and the fg command?07:35
AddisonActually, it's more like a keg of beer and a snorkel.  *lol*07:35
justin_Losha: I do not have access to a command prompt inside of irssi.07:35
friendforallubottu, Can you see my pm please?07:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:35
SinanthielI love brown hazelnut nectar beer by Rogue breweries07:35
justin_Ok, I am gonna try surfing the web in elinks for a solution.07:36
Loshajustin_: then you need to write whatever is needed down on a piece of paper using a pencil. Sometimes the old methods really do work best...07:36
AddisonOkay.  Last time posting this request.  If not, I'll find a better IRC channel, like #nethack to help me out.  *lol*07:36
friendforallubottu, Can you see my pm please?07:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:36
bazhangfriendforall, yes she saw it.07:37
ThreetimesI have problems compiling flightgear from svn on Ubuntu 9.04: http://pastebin.com/xrevsUzy07:38
nerdgot sound...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:38
Raging_Mac_UserMorning dears. :307:40
Raging_Mac_UserLol. D:07:42
rautamiekkaSince I am running Ubuntu Server (9.10 x64) and the "/boot/grub/menu.lst" doesn't exist when I'd need to alter the boot parameters, am I supposed to create the file myself or will I always have to bring up the GRUB boot menu to edit them ?07:42
geirharautamiekka: You likely have grub2; you edit files in /etc/grub.d/ instead.07:43
Threetimes!grub2 | rautamiekka07:44
ubotturautamiekka: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub207:44
rautamiekkageirha: Now that you mention it, yes I do have GRUB2. I'll check up that folder once I get home. Thanks :)07:44
rautamiekkaAnd thanks for Threetimes for the link07:44
=== Flamey_ is now known as Flamey
ennuiis there a difference between a 'netbook' and a 'mini laptop'?07:45
Lame_Hashello Mac users :D07:45
Raging_Mac_UserTroll! D:07:45
Threetimesennui: it's all marketing and funny names. just look at the actual hardware inside :D07:45
Raging_Mac_UserI quite enjoy the funny names. :307:46
ark3qqqennui: I'm not sure what you're looking for, but I want something more powerful than an Atom CPU and Intel GPU.07:46
ark3qqqennui: In my mind, that makes what I want _not_ a netbook.07:46
DrakonslayorHey guys, i want something like limewire except better cause limewire shits me... got any names for me?07:47
Threetimestorrents (transmissionbt)?07:48
Raging_Mac_UserThat's nothing like Limewire.07:48
Drakonslayoryeah love torrents... just not as easy to get music on them is all07:48
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o07:48
Drakonslayoroops sorry07:49
Threetimestorrents and other p2p-netrworks can be used for legal purposes, like spreading ubuntu :D07:49
Drakonslayorindeed they can... good thinking07:49
ThreetimesJust for the record: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt07:50
Drakonslayorhaha... now now, don't be a smartass :P07:51
ark3qqqI assume Flannel was referring to the bit about obtaining music...07:51
ThreetimesFree music does exist...07:52
ark3qqqPerhaps I should let Flannel speak for Flannel.07:53
bazhanglets take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please07:53
ThreetimesI have problems compiling flightgear from svn on Ubuntu 9.04: http://pastebin.com/xrevsUzy07:53
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ark3qqqThreetimes: Perhaps a dumb question, but do you have SimGear installed?07:54
ThreetimesDo I need to install it prior to running the script? The script won't do that for me?07:55
IledenHi! I upgraded to Karmic, and otherwise ok, but when compiz is on my desktop is completely black (not even icons showing). How to fix/troubleshoot this?07:55
=== derpderp is now known as PigFlu
ark3qqqThreetimes: Right, you must install it first. The script is looking for a particular header file.07:55
ThreetimesOkay, I'll try that07:56
ark3qqqThreetimes: Take a look at the last few "checking" lines in your paste.07:56
ThreetimesOk, what version should I install, I want flightgear 2, do I need simgear 2? Simgear 1 is in the repos...07:57
DJ_HaMsTai need an image viewer close or similar to Windows Image viewer in ubuntu.07:57
DJ_HaMsTaone that i can use the shortcut keys to navigate though the image folders07:57
ark3qqqDJ_HaMsTa: qiv is pretty good. pqiv, also.07:58
IledenDJ_HaMsTa: I'07:58
IledenDJ_HaMsTa: I'm not familiar with Windows Image viewers, but gthumb and gqview are some image viewers with rather good features. More akin to Irfanview I'd assume, if you're familiar with that.07:59
fehrphi all, 10.4 is cool... but... where do I go from here? :)08:00
ark3qqqGentoo? :P08:00
fehrpWhat is the gnome-pdf-annotation tool? In KDE I used to use okular, which rocked08:00
uofm49426Quick question08:00
ennuiark3qqq: what type of processor would you prefer? and could you find it in a laptop with a 10 inch screen?08:00
Threetimes!ask | uofm49426:08:00
ubottuuofm49426:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:00
ark3qqqennui: I'd be fine with a CULV or ULV intel chip, whatever they're called, but I'd prefer something like an i5. Problem with that, unfortunately, is then I'm stuck with an Intel graphics chip too.08:01
uofm49426you know the add/remove program in ubuntu/debian/xfce/ etc what is that programs command name08:02
DJ_HaMsTauofm49426,  apt-get remove ?08:03
arnaudmuhiziHi all, don't know whether this is the right place to ask this but I'm failing to have my tap interfaces being assigned IP addresses dynamically08:03
IledenDJ_HaMsTa: nope, he means the graphical interface08:03
uofm49426no it didnt install im trying lubuntu08:04
icerootuofm49426: synaptic08:04
ark3qqqennui: Oh, I missed half your question. I don't want anything smaller than 11 inches anyhow. I think the Alienware M11 (or something like that) is as small as I'd want to go.08:04
uofm49426not synptic its not part of it08:04
Azoffany kernel/lirc devs arround that can check this issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/57070008:04
Iledenuofm49426: I think you might mean software-center08:04
uofm49426i think so08:05
Iledenuofm49426: only there doesn't seem to be a packacge with that name... hmm...08:05
Iledenbut that's the command-line anyhow08:06
ennuiark3qqq: do you want to power for gaming? or video playing/processing?08:06
DJ_HaMsTalulbuntu lol08:06
uofm49426i want a all lxde desktop08:07
ark3qqqennui: Gaming would be nice; for me that means dual-boot. More importantly I want to experiment with OpenCL (or equivalent) for financial applications. That's why I want decent CPU and discrete GPU.08:07
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Iledenuofm49426: interesting. I hadn't heard of lubuntu before. What's the main advantage?08:07
uofm49426it like xfce but faster ligther yet08:08
Iledenuofm49426: sounds good. What are the main disadvantages?08:08
mauzilhi all08:09
uofm49426less crap taking up memory08:09
fehrpWhat is the gnome-pdf-annotation tool? In KDE I used to use  okular, which rocked08:10
Iledenuofm49426: that's not a disadvantage :)08:10
uofm49426i just hope the ati driver got better08:10
uofm49426i only have a xpress 120008:10
uofm49426anyone know of a good better program then reconstructer08:11
uofm49426so i can make my own lxde live img08:12
rickfisherDoes anyone know if there were changes in Nvidia xserver in 10.4? I asked on Ubuntu+1 but no answers08:13
uofm49426on 8.10 intrepid because ati 9.3 still better the one being worked on08:14
beerskijAnybody using the latest Spotify under Ubuntu/wine ?08:14
Iledenbeerskij: yes08:15
beerskijIleden, could you connect to your Facebook account through it?08:15
Iledenbeerskij: or, well, what's the latest?08:15
Iledenbeerskij: connect to facebook??08:15
beerskijIleden, it came out yesterday. incorporates social networking features08:16
uofm49426how long will it take for wrapper ati driver to be as good as one from ati08:16
Iledenbeerskij: oh? shouldn't spotify autoupdate?08:16
beerskijIleden, yeah but it usually tka08:16
beerskij..takes a while to roll out to all users08:16
icerootuofm49426: noone knows08:17
Iledenbeerskij: hm, does the socmed incorporation work for only premium customers? I'm a non-paying user.08:17
beerskijIleden, the idea is that you'll get a friends list to share playlists etc, using Facebook. However, I cant connect and I'm told it "uses an Internet Explorer component", which is why connecting using Wine doesnt work. what im looking for is adding some kind of IE support08:18
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beerskijIleden, should be for all i believe. check the homepage (im a premium user)08:18
plouffewhere are the logs?08:18
rww!logs | plouffe08:19
uofm49426wish i would have got a cheap laptop with intel gma then ati08:19
ubottuplouffe: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/08:19
Iledenbeerskij: whoooooa?? play local files?! now it get's real interesting!08:19
beerskijIleden, sure does :)08:19
plouffenvm, I found them. /var/logs08:19
Iledenhm, maybe not the best channel for Spotify chat tho :)08:19
beerskijIleden, true. do you know of any official chan? or maybe there is a Wine channel..08:20
uofm49426i will never buy amd or ati laptops ever again08:20
Iledenbeerskij: i'll try it with wine and let you know.08:20
beerskijIleden, thank you!08:21
IledenI have encountered a known bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/421334) - should I proceed to help the community somehow?08:22
overmacht!seen DrWillis08:22
ubottuI have no seen command08:22
rickfisherI haz cheesburger!08:23
uofm49426software-center good idea thankyou ILeden08:23
FlannelIleden: click the icon next to "Does this bug affect you?" at the top08:23
rwwIleden: the bug you linked is a duplicate. You should be paying attention to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/444139 instead08:23
uofm49426works great08:24
uofm49426need my fret on fire couldnt find it in syp08:24
Iledenrww: thanks. I really should learn to use launchpad someday...08:25
rwwuofm49426: the package name is "fretsonfire", it's in the universe repository08:25
Iledenuofm49426: yuo're welcome :)08:26
luis__hello everybody08:26
viruswelcome humanity08:27
uofm49426and other things it nice just being able to type fret and it all come up08:27
uofm49426or super finding suppertux08:28
uofm49426or super finding supertux08:28
uofm49426now ill see if the ati driver can handle xbmc next08:29
uofm49426or boxee08:30
beerskijIleden, if you're running into the same problem, i found something that MIGHT work: winetricks adding ie7 support08:31
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:31
Iledenbeerskij: How do I know if it's updated? I tried installing the new version but no difference...08:31
beerskijIleden, i got past the login but  now i seem stuck trying to recieve information, it's just loading08:31
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PigFluwhat is mode -j?08:32
beerskijIleden, it looks a lot different. I first uninstalled the old spotify, then simply ran the new installer with Wine (had to make the new file executable first)08:32
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Iledenbeerskij: hmm, i'll try uninstall/install instead of reinstall...08:34
Kriss3dMorning everyone. I got a question: will the new 10.04 ubuntu be upgradable from 9.10 ?08:35
DJonesKriss3d: Yes it will08:36
IledenKriss3d: I think all sequential Ubuntu releases will be upgradeable.08:36
rwwKriss3d: yes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades after release08:36
ShapeShifter499what is cautious-launcher? its a new thing that poped up when I went to d-load itunes 9 in attempt to get it working in wine08:37
Kriss3dwell i mean. i helped my otherwise all MAC fanboy uncle get a pc laptop and install 9.10 koala.. he likes it so far.. so i can somhow upgrade that to 10.04 without him having to reinstall the whole enchilada ?08:37
Iledenbeerskij: nope, ain't upgradin for me. :( Oh well, have to wait untill it gets rolled for my account then I guess.08:37
beerskijIleden, that's weird :S08:37
Kriss3dlooks like a floodbot08:38
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:38
rickfisherwow we are back to 142708:38
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Shambatwhat is the fastest and easiest way to crack WEP in ubuntu? I am using it to show my boss how terrible it is :)08:38
rickfisherWEP can't be cracked08:39
Kriss3drickfisher,  really ? what centry do you live in ?08:39
Kriss3dShambat,  tell your boss it can be done in 2-3 minutes.08:40
Kriss3dif there is a client on surfing youtube or somthing08:40
Kriss3djust tell him to look up wep crack on google.08:40
ShambatKriss3d: yes ... but I want to show him .... most effective08:40
Kriss3dShambat,  aircrack-ng08:40
ShambatKriss3d: is there some guide I can use for that?08:40
rickfisherOk I am feeling real stupid tonight so plz help me through this. Did Sudo nvidia-xconfig and I get this. Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".08:40
rickfisherBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'08:40
rickfisherNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'08:40
rickfisher 08:40
rwwShambat: aircrack-ng would be one that can do it, but I've never used it and don't know how to08:40
nubuntuhi all08:41
Shambatrww: ok thx08:41
Iledenbeerskij: well, I maybe they just want to control the speed users get the new release, to prevent any huge "new version killed spotify for all users" mistakes08:41
Kriss3dthere are nice guides on the official aircrack-ng site08:41
rickfisherShambat, we won't help you break the law. That's why wep can't be cracked08:41
Kriss3drickfisher,  well breaking wep isnt illegal.. not if you got the permission from the network owner08:42
rickfisherKriss3d, I'm just goofing this guy.08:42
Kriss3dah ok.. didnt see that comming08:42
Iledenbeerskij: i wish buying would also work with the new version - I can't click on the "agree to terms" button. would make quite a bit of sense they would fix that :)08:42
Iledenbeerskij: then again, wine isn't really their priority :)08:43
fehrphas anyone working desktop widgets in ubuntu?08:43
beerskijIleden, exactly. I guess any linus issues is disregarded by the Spotify team since there's no official support for i08:43
LunksHi, I'd like to get some information about ACL on Linux. I know I have to use 'acl' on the file systems I want to use it, but that's about it. Can anyone get me some further information/link/anything?08:44
rickfisherstuck on nvidia still08:45
Kriss3dBtw.. Have anyone had any experiences with trying to access a MS access 2003 MDB file ? It seems that installing MS office 2003 and run it in wine isnt capable of opening a mdb file.. but OO cant open those files either08:45
George_E1 more day 'till 10.04!08:47
fehrpGeorge_E: you can already download it08:47
fehrpI did, it's cool :)08:48
George_EThe production ISO?08:48
Kriss3dIm hoping for the GEM issue being fixed08:49
Kriss3dthat graphic error is quite bad so hopfully it gets fixed fast08:50
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rickfisherWOW everything is fixed in this new 10.4 release! Amazing.08:51
rickfisherNVIDIA X driver. what to do?08:51
icerootrickfisher: #ubuntu+108:51
Zta-at-workWill Ubuntu 10.04 have Firefox 3.6?  It's not mentioned in the overview.08:51
icerootZta-at-work: #ubuntu+108:51
hauxI just reinstalled Ubuntu and and updated 10.04. The volume icon is gone from the top bar... and I can't for the life of me figure out why or how to bring that back08:52
iceroothaux: #ubuntu+108:52
hauxWhat is this channel for?08:52
iceroothaux: for 10.0408:52
iceroothaux: #ubuntu+1 = 10.04  this channel for all stable-releases08:52
Walrus23hello there08:53
nexus6__well i want to buy a new computer for my ubuntu08:53
Ytaewswehn can 10.0408:54
nexus6__and i dont know if i shall buy the new amd 6 core or and intel 4 core...08:54
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Kriss3dpersonally id go for a intell type08:54
nexus6__and why?08:54
Kriss3dbut thats just me i guess08:54
Kriss3djust had better experiences with intel08:55
nexus6__so you already had bad expirience with AMD ?08:55
Kriss3dwell i see the AMD better suitable for gaming really08:55
Kriss3dand AMD has more heat issues08:56
itiliousis there something special i need to do to ubuntu to get my keyboard's num pad to work as numbers?08:56
uofm49426and the own ati and ati can suck it08:56
YtaewsWehn can 10.04?08:56
edvinasHi, I have been using ubuntu (karmic) the last week and it has been working fine until recently when i tried to boot up. Right after the boot screen (with logo) I get a black screen and nothing happens... Can anybody help?08:56
itiliousbecause mine isnt working and i dont think have yet08:57
uofm49426and they own ati and ati can suck it08:57
icerootitilious: press the num-key08:57
itiliousiceroot, done08:57
itilioussame result08:57
icerootYtaews: #ubuntu+108:57
uofm49426can you fine amd with nvidia in a laptop anymore08:58
rickfisheredvinas, just tap any key and you will see the real problem08:58
LordDragonhey all08:58
Walrus23grumble grumble08:58
Walrus23this laptop's wireless is just shocking08:58
LordDragonim having issues booting with the latest kernel08:58
edvinasrickfisher: the only keys that have any effect is ctrl+atl+del. No effect with any other combination I tried.08:58
LordDragoni used the ubuntu's "update manager"08:58
LordDragonit installed everything08:58
Kriss3dIll take Nvidia over ATI any day.. plus you get some nice features with Nvidia.. such as assisted GPU power usable for.. well.. network use08:58
rickfisherOMG 10.4 just fixed my marriage!08:59
Walrus23i'll brb on a more stable machine to ask my question08:59
LordDragonbut when i select .20 in the grub menu it says "you must load a kernel first" or some where thing like that08:59
LordDragonwhere = weird08:59
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LordDragondid something go wrong in the update process?08:59
LordDragonis there a way to manually reinstall the latest kernel ?09:00
edvinasrickfisher: I am thinking it has something to do with my graphics, its an intel 950gm. Is there anything i can do to diagnose it?09:00
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rickfisheredvinas, do you speak German?09:02
edvinasjust a little :)09:02
rickfisheredvinas, what language do Austrians speak?09:03
edvinasmoved to austria a couple months ago09:03
edvinasGerman, but I am from South Africa09:03
rickfisheredvinas, OK just noisy09:03
lucid_lynxhi all. what is tje release time of Lucid? and timezone?09:04
nexus6__austria is "ein sehr schönes land"09:04
rickfisheredvinas, So back to Ubuntu09:04
uofm49426hey anyone know how to stop this ata3 not ready  on ubuntu09:04
rickfishernexus6__, Icecreamland?09:04
lucid_lynxrelease time of Lucid? and timezone?09:04
rickfisherI am currently Lucid09:04
edvinasrickfisher, i havnt been able to find much online, seem to be quite stuck09:04
edvinasi wish i new more about linux09:05
rickfisheredvinas, Have you touched any keys while the screen is black?09:05
rickfisheredvinas, you can tap SHIFT to get a menu while booting09:05
LordDragonhow can i unsinstall a kernel and reinstall it?09:06
edvinasrickfisher, I tried random keys but after the bootscreen logo everything seems to stop, the hd light goes off too09:06
rickfisheredvinas, But I find that when my Ubuntu is borked up I get a seemingly blank screen but when I touch a key it shows me error messages.09:06
edvinasrickfisher, i can restart and give it a try, not sure if i tried shit09:06
uofm49426(ata 3.00 drdy err) ata 3 not ready reset  how to stop this09:06
rickfisheredvinas, laptop right?09:07
edvinasyes, an old acer09:07
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rickfisheredvinas, We will wait for you to reboot09:07
edvinasgreat, thank you. brb09:08
rickfisherOk everybody HIDE!09:08
rickfisherheheeh jajaja09:08
icerootrickfisher: you have a support-question?09:08
rickfishersoooo no one will help me with Nvidia09:08
rickfishericeroot, been asking the same one for 6 hours09:09
icerootrickfisher: hm, cant find a detailed question with error-messages and so on09:09
nmvictorhow do i redirect both error messages and standard messaged to /dev/null?09:10
Walrus23that's more like it09:10
Walrus23stupid laptop09:10
Walrus23anyway, i wanted to know why KDE hasnt loaded the networking drivers (or much at all) while GDE works fine?09:11
icerootnmvictor: foo > /dev/null 2>&109:11
nmvictorwas it something like 1>&2/dev/null, i lost09:11
Walrus23as i said earlier i let it restart before it had finished installing stuff09:12
nmvictoriceroot: ooh, thanks09:12
Walrus23should i just count my losses and rebuild or is this salvageable?09:12
nexus6__is there a irc channel for computer hardware?09:13
rickfisherHow do you restart x server?09:13
icerootnexus6__: ##hardware09:13
icerootrickfisher: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:14
Younderhi all09:14
nexus6__i need to be invited to join hardware ?!09:15
icerootnexus6__: i guess #freenode will help you09:15
geekphreakhello all09:15
edvinasrickfisher: I am back, but no luck. I literally tried every key on the keyboard. The only thing that has any effect is ctrl+alt+del. If i press the caps lock key the light for it does not change.09:16
andrukanybody know if nmcli is coming to lucid?09:17
Walrus23lol @ nexus6__ would i be of any help (i am a BCIS undergraduate, i may be knowledgeable) what's your question?09:17
geekphreakedvinas: what are you trying?09:18
edvinasgeekphreak: for a reason unknown, after the bootscreen logo my screen goes black and the laptop becomes unresponsive.09:19
alessandro_ciao a tutti non riesco a far funzionare la scheda audio in xubuntu09:19
DJones!it | alessandro_09:20
ubottualessandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:20
geekphreakalessandro_: spanish?09:20
geekphreakoh ok09:20
IledenHmm, lucid will apparently be released tomorrow, but is there some specific time that release will happen?09:20
geekphreakedvinas: what about in resuce mode?09:20
edvinasgeekphreak: everythin was working fine yesterday, then i rebooted into winxp (dual boot) and now i get this screen.09:20
alessandro_my audio card don 't work on xubuntu09:20
Ileden(just curious :) )09:20
edvinasthat works fine and i get into terminal (?) but i know very little about using rescue mode.09:21
edvinasgeekphreak: if you have any suggestions I will give it a shot.09:21
geekphreakedvinas: i would run disable some services i dont need in startup, prob. run fsck09:22
BVHJWEwaldemar !!09:22
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edvinasOkay, so i just startup into rescue mode and run fsck?09:22
geekphreakdo you have any servers running edvinas ? sshd , apache, sendmail and alll?09:23
geekphreakedvinas: also can you try 1 more thing for me?09:24
edvinasgeekphreak: No servers yet, only a few apps through apt-get. I installed wine 1.1.7 yesterday. Could that have anything to do with it?09:24
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geekphreakedvinas: before you run fsck, when you are in rescue mode type startx, see if   you get gui running,09:25
edvinasgeekphreak: okay, will try that quick. Thanks so much for your help. brb.09:26
geekphreakedvinas: ifnot reboot system sudo apt-get install rcconf , disable wine in rcconf , if you seee it, run fsck , reboot and cross your fingers09:26
geekphreakno worries09:26
edvinasgeekphreak: okay, thanks again. will let you know how it went.09:26
BVHJWEim so horny09:30
geekphreakBVHJWE: this is  a ubuntu support room , you are in wrong room !09:31
stevecamgeekphreak, ubuntu makes me so horny09:34
itiliouswhy does the computer janitor in karmic say that my vbox installation needs to be removed as junk?09:35
Oerbe carefull with janitor ..09:35
BVHJWEim so horny09:36
itiliousi see that now, i dont think ill ever be using that09:36
BVHJWEi am a big tited hot girl09:36
Iledenitilious: soudns like an opinion ;)09:36
itiliousor any time soon lol09:36
BVHJWE18 years old09:36
itiliousis there any other way to to clean out my wine installation?09:36
BVHJWEis here someone to fuck?09:36
DJonesBVHJWE: This is a support room for Ubuntu, its not a general chatroom09:36
DJones!ops | BVHJWE09:36
ubottuBVHJWE: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!09:36
geekphreakitilious: purge?09:36
itiliousi used it to "install" itunes and all it did was mess up even my ubuntu system further09:37
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geekphreakitilious: you want to uninstall wine?09:37
itiliousgeekphreak, do i purge wine specifically or is there a "system" purge i can do to clean out files i hope are just real junk installation/uninstallations09:37
itiliousgeekphreak, yes, i already checked off the wine entrys in synnaptic manager and checked for complete removal09:38
geekphreakitilious: afaik there is nothing like system purge, i would just purge wine installation09:38
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:38
itiliousgeekphreak, but wine is still under my list of programs09:38
geekphreakitilious: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine09:38
geekphreakor synaptic as you want it :)09:38
itiliousit ran the uninstallation in snaptic but its still there as well as after i ran the purge command09:39
Manfred-itilious: do you mean there is an empty entry of wine in your menu ?09:39
itiliousno, its still there as well as the two apps i installed09:39
itiliousutorrent 2.0.1 and itunes09:40
Nataniel_PLdoes anybody know where google chrome has its files on ubutnu?09:40
itiliousitunes is what completely screwed things up, i even have like 15 entrys in my program list in ubuntu for wine09:40
JoshuaLNataniel_PL, ~/.config/google-chrome09:40
Iledenitilious: if ~/.wine/ is where wine stores most of the stuff I think. I would guess purge removes that too, but you might want to check that too.09:41
nmvictori am writing a script to install nagios, i pasted it [just the written part] in http://paste2.org/get/797840, executng the script echos the message " [26: illegal number:", anyhelp please?09:42
Nataniel_PLactually i'm trying to backup my session (tabs) so i could reinstall system, but i can't find files it was backupes to...09:45
itilioushow can i uninstall a program that shows uninstalled in the software manager?09:46
Walrus23nmvictor nagios is easy enough to install by hand, why bother with scripts in the first place?09:46
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geekphreakitilious: wine still there?09:46
Walrus23itilious how did this appliocation install?09:46
itiliousits not checked off in the synaptic manager either, or anything close to wine09:46
itiliousthrough the software center09:47
Walrus23try: sudo apt-get purge wine09:47
itilious"ubuntu software center" but i remeved it with the synaptic manager for complete removal09:47
stevecam1 more day :-D09:47
Walrus23try this itilious: sudo apt-get purge wine09:47
edvinasgeekphreak: I can't seem to run startx/fsck from recovery mode. Do I need to go into another shell cus I dont see the commands help. Sorry if I am being obtuse, not very good at the whole terminal thing yet.09:48
nmvictorstevecam: to ubuntu right?09:48
itiliousWalrus23, ran it and its still in the programs list09:48
geekphreakedvinas: startx did not work too?09:48
clemyeatsitilious: maybe it's just the menus that are still there?09:48
clemyeatsitilious: wine can add menu items to your home dir....09:48
edvinasgeekphreak: No, it says command not found.09:48
clemyeatsitilious: which menu do you use?09:48
stevecamitilious, are you trying to remove the program that was installed in wine or wine itself?09:48
nmvictorstevecam: to Lucid right?09:49
geekphreakedvinas: huh really, ?? did you uninstall anything?09:49
itiliousbut when i try to set torrent files to permanently associate to another client other than utorrent i dont even see my other target choice09:49
stevecamnmvictor, yes09:49
itiliousstevecam, both09:49
itiliousI see TONS of "a wine application" listings in the program list menu for file association09:49
stevecamitilious, well, dont forget that there are files in your home directory in a folder called .wine09:49
itiliousstevecam, i manually deleted them09:50
clemyeatsitilious: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine; rm -rf ~/.wine09:50
dugger5688Sometimes it takes awhile for the wine to clear out of the menu09:50
edvinasgeekphreak: I noticed I get some errors in recovery mode when somethign similiar to 'trying to mount from disk'is run.09:50
dugger5688That too, I came back after a few hours last time I removed wine and they were magically gone.09:51
nmvictorstevecam: I can wait to see Lucid, I can just smell goog things though its not out yet, its gonna rock like jaunty, I liked jaunty more than karmic,i have never known why09:51
clemyeatsitilious: for the menus, "find ~ | grep .desktop" will give you a list of personal menu items09:51
stevecamitilious, but i see the problem, this looks like it was done by a program that is not related to the installer, you are going to have to do this by hand09:51
nmvictori am writing a script to install nagios, i pasted it [just the written part] in http://paste2.org/get/797840, executng the script echos the message " [26: illegal number:", anyhelp please?09:51
geekphreakedvinas: full message would be nice , did you uninstall anything or run an update or system crashed anything?09:51
stevecamnmvictor, i didnt notice much of a difference with the last upgrade09:51
stevecamexcept that firefox 3.5 was terrible09:52
nmvictorstevecam: i only moved to it because the kernel version in jaunty was just too backwards09:52
dugger5688stevecam: lol09:53
stevecamand try reporting problems with 3.5 in firefox, they like to pretend that they dont exist09:53
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stevecam"its not slower, its much faster"09:54
edvinasgeekphreak: No, it was a normal shutdown. But the error showing (and its long one) 'Failed to read block at offset 10583' and ÉXT4-fs (sda6): error loading journal'.09:54
stevecam"i find it crashes less"09:54
itiliousstevecam, so i just manually delete the .desktop files the are associated with wine and i'm good?09:54
geekphreakedvinas: yup thats error alright09:55
edvinasgeekphreak: I can retype more of it, which parts are useful to you?09:55
itiliousclemyeats, thanks for the command :)09:55
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clemyeatsitilious: you're welcome.09:55
edvinasgeekphreak: Okay, progress at least. Any chance of recovering?09:55
stevecamitilious, i don't know, i would help you out with this but i have to leave in 5 minutes09:55
stevecambut i can see why removing wine wouldnt help09:56
clemyeatsitilious: I usually explain commands when I give them.. I don't like throwing them at people like that, but this channel is extremely busy ;)09:56
EugeneKayBlindingly annoying question everybody has been asking(and will be for a bit yet) - what is the exact time for the "General Availability" of 10.04?09:56
geekphreakedvinas: i would boot the system with live cd at this time , and run  fsck if possible09:56
geekphreakedvinas: any important data on drive?09:56
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noobikHello :)09:57
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edvinasgeekphreak: Okay, will try that. Not really much important stuff. This has happened to me beofre (twice) and I just did a reinstall both times. But reinstalling the os twice a week is a bit much so figured I would try fixing it.09:58
edvinasgeekphreak: gonna try the livecd and fsck idea.09:58
geekphreakedvinas: fixing is a good idea, you learn something :)09:58
noobiki have one question but dont know if i can ask here.... ive been searching google but no solid results atm...09:58
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noobikim trying to check my ATI temperature over SSH but it's always giving my this error09:59
itiliousclemyeats, i'm breaking it down right now cuz it completely fixed what I've been frustrated with09:59
noobikERROR - X needs to be running to perform ATI Overdrive(TM) commands09:59
itiliousi learned my lesson, dont even try to emulate windows, just break free :)09:59
noobikis there a way to solve this?09:59
itiliousthanks for your help everyone10:00
clemyeatsitilious: ok, let me know if you want help with understanding it.10:00
geekphreakitilious: good luck buddy :)10:00
edvinasgeekphreak: Apart from this 'issue' i am really loving ubuntu. Working on my websites and having virtual envs with a proper terminal is awesome...10:00
geekphreakedvinas: its a rock solid system , secure fast :)10:00
geekphreakitilious:  why did you want itunes on ubuntu, its such a slow application!!10:02
edvinasgeekphreak: livecd is doing its thing. thanks for taking your time to help me out. its highly appreciated.10:02
geekphreakedvinas: no worries good luck mate10:03
ray_Hello, I have some knowledge about configuring bind, but I have a special question. I know about SplitDNS but exactly this is my problem. I have domain.local in our lan and domain.com for the internet. Now I need to resolve xxx.domain.com inside the lan to an internal IP, on the Internet it needs to resolve to an extrenal IP. The problem is that I have no controll over the external DNS Server, so I can not setup a split dns easily because I10:05
ray_would have to monitor the external DNS and that's not easy as I also do not have transfer capabilietes. Is there a way to tell bind to be authoritiv for xxx.domain.com only? Or can I tell bind to be authoritive for domain.com, but only answer xxx.domain.com directly and let him forward questions regarding the other hosts to the real dns server?10:05
vernr!hi | maja8710:05
ubottumaja87: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:05
itiliousgeekphreak, it def is i'm using banshee so far and i love it compared to itunes10:05
noobikhelp anyone?10:06
wildbat!ask | noobik10:07
ubottunoobik: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:07
noobikwildbat -> i have already made the question but if u didn't get it i'll ask again10:09
ray_hrm, am I in the ubuntu server channel?10:10
wildbat"If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)"10:10
geekphreakray_: i think it is #ubuntu-server10:10
ray_ah, sorry guys, wrong channel10:10
wildbatnoobik, try google a bit while waiting10:10
lxsysweb!hi | man810:11
ubottuman8: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:11
noobikwildbat : oh u mean't that part... i've been searching google but no successful results came up... that's why i came here10:11
geekphreakedvinas: how is it coming?10:13
maja87can i talk with 10.04 developers?10:13
wildbatnoobik, hmm may be you can try a 'sensors' from repos~ see it that can read th card temp ~ not sure thou10:14
noobikalready tried... it only readed the MB temp, CPU temp, and the volts...10:15
kosharihow do you enable plymouth10:15
wildbatnoobik, :< /comfort ~10:16
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wildbat!lucid | maja8710:16
ubottumaja87: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party10:16
geekphreakkoshari: you can use rcconf    to enable plymouth >> sudo apt-gt install rcconf , then sudo rcconf10:16
maja87wildbat: thx10:17
geekphreakkoshari: you can also do sudo serivce plymouth start10:17
kosharigeekphreak it says its running but there are no animations at boot?10:18
twiztidcan someone help with some video streaming issues ive been having?10:19
mmicahey ;]10:19
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Kabzhi I've a problem to mount an iso10:21
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KabzCan someone help me ?10:21
geekphreakKabz: as in?10:21
betamineKabz: mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /path/to/mount/point10:21
twiztidspecifically firefox, and even swiftfox (amd semperon build) laggs with video streaming and because ive flawlessly installed karmic on two seperate pc's im wondering what my setup is failing at?10:22
KabzThx <betamine>10:22
FourDollarsHi All.10:23
FourDollars$ LANG=C sudo apt-file update10:23
FourDollarsW: Don't know how to handle https: Bad file descriptor10:23
FourDollarson karmic10:23
FourDollarsBut 'apt-transport-https' has be installed.10:23
FloodBot4FourDollars: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:23
FourDollarsDoes anyone know how to solve this?10:24
lxsyswebI'm having issues with my ATI radeon Xpress 1150 (renames 200 series) in the form of drivers. Meh system's a bit of a mess, and I don't quite understand the way the ATI drivers work, and fglrx and all the other stuff. Anybody able to help?10:26
zvacetlxsysweb:di you tried to install driver from system>admin>softwaresources10:26
supasteriim in south africa. any ideas on exactly what time lucid will be available for download?10:27
lxsyswebzvacet: I don't quite understand, isn't that the repository configuration?10:27
zvacetlxsysweb:  sorry it is system>admin>hardware drivers10:27
overmachtsupasteri; wait for 1 day.10:28
lxsyswebzvacet: yeah, doesn't show up there at all, only the wireless drivers.10:28
zvacetlxsysweb: see if https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI can help you10:29
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lxsyswebzvacet: ok thanks, i'll take a look10:29
supasteriany news on gma500 support with lucid?10:31
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Sjimmiesupasteri: #ubuntu+110:33
geekphreakedvinas: still there?10:34
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jakemillswhy is it so hard to dd an iso to boot from on a usb? i used "dd if=/place/file.iso of=/dev/sdb" and the thing won't boot. any ideas as to why not?10:40
wijnandCould anyone tell me how I can put entries from the Places menu (specifically, a bookmark for a smb server) on the Desktop?10:42
jakemillswijnand, you should just be able to click and drag it onto the desktop10:44
wijnandjakemills: I tried that10:44
betaminejakemills: I think you need to install syslinux on the usb first10:44
wijnandit says "File doesn't exist", jakemills10:45
betaminejakemills: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Putting_installation_media_on_a_USB_key#Old_Method_from_ISO.2C_deprecated10:45
red2kicwijnand: Right-click on the Desktop. Create Launcher. Type: Location and Command: "sftp://<user>@<ip>/"10:46
red2kicwijnand: Meh. Just change sftp with your smb path.10:46
geekphreakred2kic: hello sir10:47
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wijnandred2kic: ahh thanks, let's try that!10:47
red2kicgeekphreak: muhaha! hello sir too.10:47
wijnandred2kic: thanks that did the trick!10:48
red2kicjakemills: You did this in root or you append sudo for dd?10:48
red2kicwijnand: Great. :)10:48
ercanican I boot ubuntu from usb stick ?10:49
twiztidcould someone pleas help me with some video streaming issues ive been having?10:49
red2kicercani: Yes.10:49
ercaniit will be pc specific ? or can run in various pc ?10:50
red2kic!usb | ercani10:50
ubottuercani: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:50
geekphreakercani: anny10:50
ercanihow will recognize different drivers if I boot from different pc ?10:50
tapioDid they change the default search engine back from yahoo to google again?10:50
rwwtapio: yes10:51
red2kicercani: ANY (exempting PC incapable of booting from removable drive)10:51
geekphreaktapio: though it was still yahoo10:51
rwwgeekphreak: no10:51
geekphreakrww: thank you :p10:52
twiztidany suggestions for choppy video streaming in firefox AND even swiftfox built for my Semperon? compiz is flawless but cant watch simple online video?10:52
tapioWhy did they change it back to google? Because users didn't like yahoo ?10:52
ercaniif I install ubuntu to my usb stick and use it in my laptop then if I move usb to dekstop then it will recognize drivers (audio,graphic) automatically ?10:54
red2kicercani: Don't enable any hardware drivers in Hardware Drivers (I think).10:54
boumahey, could i discuss what filesystem might  be appropriate for me for a moment ?10:54
twiztidhello? does anyone have any suggestions on why viseo streaming is so choppy?10:54
ubuntu-usrhi all10:55
geekphreakercani: best option try it and see :d10:55
tapiotwiztid: Flash?10:55
boumaim formating a new 1TB, and im wondering, is ext4 totally safe and sussed out these days?10:55
red2kicercani: That's the idea. Just try it. (Don't enable drivers). :)10:55
ercanired2kic: because I want to make dual boot with windows and ubuntu in a usb stick. I want to install visual studio in xp side10:55
twiztidtapio: adobe 1010:55
red2kicbouma: I use ext4 on my 2TB. Seems fine to me.10:55
ercanired2kic:  alsa will work ? I need at least sound driver10:55
geekphreakercani: win/ lin on usb dual boot hmmmmm?10:56
red2kicercani: Experiment. I can't answer for everything.10:56
ubuntu-usri have olways give password when my ubuntu is shutdown. i wan't do it. what i should do?10:56
geekphreakercani: stay with one, that is ubuntu :10:56
ubuntu-usrsorry olways=always10:57
red2kic!sudo | ubuntu-usr10:57
ubottuubuntu-usr: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:57
ercanigeekphreak: I think firstly I need to install windows to usb as g: or f: drive then ubuntu10:58
red2kicubuntu-usr: You want "sudo visudo" -- You're looking to append /sbin/halt and /sbin/shutdown to your username.10:58
ghassenhelp please10:59
geekphreakercani: afaik windows is pc specific, wont work on other system, you will run into bsod problems10:59
ghasseni have to figure out which process is using port 8080 on my machine so i can stop it10:59
ercanigeekphreak: I see, thanks..11:00
boumacould anyone tell me if btrfs is stable enough to use for my new 1TB11:00
bazhangbouma, no11:00
boumai mean can i easily get btrfs support in my kernel11:00
boumawith ubuntu11:00
phaniHi.. I have hardy 8.0.4 . When i login to the machine all toolbars and taskbar freezes.. Could you please let me know any suggestions ...11:00
ghasseni have to figure out which process is using port 8080 on my machine so i can stop it11:00
bazhangbouma, will this be shared with a windows computer by the way11:00
ghasseni have to figure out which process is using port 8080 on my machine so i can stop it11:01
boumabazhang: i couldnt care less about windos, and will find a way to connect if i need to11:01
boumabazhang: why  ?11:01
ghasseni have to figure out which process is using port 8080 on my machine so i can stop it11:01
red2kicghassen: Please don't spam every 30s.11:01
bazhangbouma, no file sharing via the 1TB drive then?11:01
boumabazhang: what do you mean?11:01
boumabazhang: what has windos got to do with file sharing ?11:02
SwanerPleas, what time will be 10.4 availible? At 0:00? Or later? Thanks.11:02
red2kicghassen: "sudo lsof -itcp:8080"  but you left. :P11:02
bazhangbouma, ie the drive will only connect to linux machines11:02
bazhangSwaner, not known11:02
geekphreakbazhang: howdy11:02
bazhanggeekphreak, hi11:03
boumabazhang: i can network it with samba, if it was ext2/3(/4?) or reiser3 i could read it find from windows.. so you shouldnt give advice about that, cause you are wrong11:03
boumabazhang: there are IFS drivers for xp for those filesystems and also apps like e2fsexplorer that allow you to transfer files easily11:03
boumabazhang: i am not going to use FAT64 or some wack like ntfs, just cause microsoft refuses to make it easy to access other better filesystems... and i dont need to11:04
bazhangbouma, ext4 is fine. btrfs is not yet so11:04
boumabazhang: i could stick a ext3 drive in a xp machine and have no problem transfering files either using vmware and samba locally, or e2fsexplorer11:05
boumabazhang: and have done11:05
boumabazhang: have you used btrfs ?11:05
geekphreakbouma: dont think ther ext4 drivers for windows yet11:05
linda_pls where can i get packet tracer for linux11:06
icerootlinda_: sudo apt-get install tcpdump11:07
boumageekphreak: well fair enough, using extents with ext4 might not work with e2fsexplorer, but could still use the vmware trick11:07
boumageekphreak: but as i said i care not for windos11:07
geekphreakbouma:  :)11:07
boumageekphreak: i can network if i need to11:07
geekphreakalways true11:07
boumaserously i use ifort/mkl, matlab licenced, and mathematica licensed under 64 bit linux and they are aresome11:08
linda_does it work like packet tracer11:08
geekphreakpacket tracer from linksys?11:08
linda_cos i did it said i have the latest version11:08
linda_and it is a gui application11:09
boumaand the IT dept mandated windows partition has been shrunk to its minimum of 16gig and the last time it booted was to run the government tax pack exe (australia has a nice gov proggy but win only and didnt want to risk wine)11:09
geekphreaklinda_: basically you wana log packets in gui mode yes?11:09
DJ_HaMsTashe wants cisco packet tracer11:10
DJ_HaMsTaGNS3 might be similar to the cisco packet tracer11:10
linda_packet tracer is used to design and learn how to configure switches and routers11:10
geekphreaklinksys / cisco same thing lol11:10
linda_in cisco11:10
geekphreakwell nearly same hehe11:10
linda_that is ideas11:10
linda_it is a simlutor11:10
linda_u get me11:10
DJ_HaMsTagns3 is a very popular emulator11:11
linda_gns3 is a simulator while packet tracer is an emulator11:11
linda_or rather the other way round11:11
geekphreaklinda_: if application is nice, and is avaliable in linux , buy it :)11:11
linda_someone in dis channel gave me once11:12
linda_but i formated11:12
geekphreaklinda_: good luck :p11:13
linda_why you tell me good luck huh?11:14
boumageekphreak: i wonder, now that mballoc and extents is ported to ext3 if they will work with the windos ext2 hackware ?11:14
linda_i dont think i need it11:14
DJ_HaMsTalinda_,  bad luck11:14
linda_just being a kiddo11:14
* KoluCCi gone to smoke11:15
geekphreakbouma: prob.11:15
geekphreakbouma: i am running ext4   for sometime, had no problems yet   yet11:16
geekphreakedvinas: how did it go good/bad/ugly?11:17
DelphiWorldhi all11:18
DelphiWorldis it pocible one ethernet nic to have 2 IP?11:18
DelphiWorldor how do i configure a subinterface?11:18
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DelphiWorldFloodBot1: chanserv is flooding11:21
rwwDelphiWorld: no it isn't11:21
NatanielPLHi guys, I've messed up a bit and I got some serious problem with my partytions ^^11:22
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geekphreakNatanielPL: try asking, if someone an they will help11:22
NatanielPL've tried to install windows and after that kubuntu, but after installing windows kubuntu partytioning was a bit wears so I've opened gparted in livecd ubuntu and it showes all disk unformatted, but when i start installed windows it shows all ntfs partytions11:23
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:24
linda_hello i can i share my internet on my ubuntu desktop to the workstation via my switch11:24
lxsyswebwhat was that?? was that a netsplit?? i'm confused now11:25
m0RrElinda_: do you have 2 ethernet ports?11:25
red2kiclxsysweb: Yes. That was a netsplit.11:25
linda_yea on my destop11:25
* Ken8521 never gets caught in netsplits for some reason.11:26
linda_which is suppose to act as the router11:26
lxsyswebred2kic: is that like the northern lights of the internet?11:26
m0RrElinda_: you can try to use firestarter11:26
linda_cant use iptable11:27
linda_wud prefer that11:27
linda_cos the network manager is not stable11:27
s3r3n1t7linda_, try to keep the replies on a single line. Because of the netsplit a lot of people are reconnecting.11:28
NatanielPLI wanted to install windows and after that kubuntu, but after installing windows kubuntu partytioning was a bit weared (didn't show any partytions) so I've opened gparted in livecd ubuntu (livecd of gparted doesn't work on my PC) and it also showed whole disk unformatted, but when i start installed windows it shows all ntfs partytions so I believe that this partytions (ntfs and ext4) are still there, but why nor kubuntu installing, nor ub11:28
linda_<s3r3n1t7> so11:29
geekphreakNatanielPL: is terminal open ?11:31
clp75Hi people11:31
geekphreakNatanielPL: can you pastebin sudo cfdisk11:31
rumpe1NatanielPL, perhaphs wrong device?11:31
clp75who can help me?I have a panasonic printer KX-MC6020 and I cannot find a compatible driver. Any suggestion??11:32
idrissdevhello , is there any good tut for configuring ubunto to turn it into a server11:32
idrissdevdedicated server11:33
geekphreakidrissdev:  there is a ubuntu-server version , download/install it11:33
StHaidrissdev, Download the latest version of Ubuntu Server 9.1011:33
ennuidoes anyone know how to change the gdm resolution? i'm not sure where the config file would be11:33
StHain the install options you can select webserver if'm not mistaken11:33
lxsyswebidrissdev: I think you can select LAMP under tasksel.11:34
NatanielPLand i remember that windows instalation where showing some error some time, but suddenly it stopped...11:34
idrissdevcause ubunto server can't run on my computer x8611:35
clp75looks like that noone knows how help me with ubuntu driver for Panasonic KX-MC6020??11:35
StHaidrissdev, should be able to run fine...11:35
twiztidcan someone please help me with choppy video streaming in web browsers?11:35
lxsyswebidrissdev: it can, you need to select a 32bit version.11:35
idrissdevno i already tried to install it11:35
idrissdevi have the officiel cd11:36
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StHaidrissdev, what bit version is that?11:36
lxsyswebidrissdev: you need a 32 bit version11:36
geekphreakNatanielPL: did you pastebin sudo cfdisk ?11:37
StHayep. just download the 32bit version11:37
idrissdevcan i download it11:37
lxsyswebidrissdev: yup11:37
idrissdevthanks i will do11:37
twiztidive tried countless workarounds and am here on last resorts...11:37
idrissdevsee you ;) thaks11:37
NatanielPLgeekphreak I'd have to start some livecd, wait, i think i'll first try chkdsk from windows console11:38
linda_does it mean that ubuntu 10.04 rc will not be the same the ubuntu .10.0411:38
airtonixclp75, printing and linux is still in the last century. it depends entirely on manufacturers providing proper specs for creation of drivers or just the drivers themselves.... hopefully some smart cookie will developer something like ndiswrapper for printer drivers sometime.11:38
airtonixlinda_, #ubuntu+111:38
clp75ooo so..bad news...:S thank you..11:39
clp75I found a driver-like that looks like to work on redhat11:39
airtonixclp75, unless of course your printer is exposed over a network via samba...then it gets much easier.11:39
boumaalso does anyone know of a linux filesystem that supports file history, it would be interesting to have a filesystem that i use to software development that keeps old versions of files, instead of doing it manually11:39
clp75samba looks like to not recognize the printer host11:39
boumai've heard of such things, eg elephantfs, but can anyone recommend one ?11:40
airtonixbouma, none yet. i use git instead.11:40
clp75git?...what is git??11:40
boumaairtonix: git? how do you use that, can you mount it, like through a userspace fs11:40
airtonixbouma, no.11:40
boumaairtonix: so you manually commit, etc11:41
rumpe1clp75, version control system11:41
clp75ah ... git is not for the printer...11:41
clp75 ;)11:41
airtonixbouma, yes.11:41
boumaairtonix: but is there a nice dragon-drop proggy that lets you access it and manage logarithmic history etc11:41
airtonixbouma, there is talk of a new FileSystem with revision qualities.11:41
dudefacecouple more days, is everyone excited?11:41
clp75ok..thanks people..see you later..11:41
airtonixbouma, not for git yet. theres rabbitcvs plugins for nautilus and thunar though.11:42
airtonixbouma, rabbit svn or cvs i think, can't remember11:42
twiztidwould KMS fix choppy video playback in firefox and swiftfox both using adobe flash player 10 with Ipv6 off and pipelining on and max requests increased?11:42
boumaairtonix: so what appart from chronological appearance date, what are the distinguishing differences between cvs, svn, git .. etc ?11:43
geekphreakcya folks, have a good one :d11:43
elisa87what is the best version of ubuntu?11:43
boumaelisa87: 10.0411:43
boumaelisa87: :P11:43
hyperstreamHow can i make a NTFS partition accessable by my user?11:43
airtonixbouma, i cant be to sure but my favourite aspect of git over the other two is how it doesn't pollute every single directory with hidden folders and files.11:43
boumaelisa87: what computer will you install it on ?11:43
geekphreakbouma: good luck man11:44
elisa87sony sr gyb 59011:44
AzoffIf anyone else plans to use or uses ubuntu 10.04 as a base for xbmc on an ASRock ION 330HT family or some other manufacture with a "Nuvoton 677x" IR reciver, please post on this bug to get a working driver: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/57070011:44
boumageekphreak: cheers, thanks11:44
boumageekphreak: still havent mkfs'ed,, im thinking of ext411:44
boumadamn i hate that when you reply and they log off just before you hit enter11:44
boumaah well11:44
boumait would be nice if the server could save a one liner, and replay it when they log in. .. ah well, KISS i guess11:45
DeaConlet it go man11:45
boumale bonge, its french for bonge, bonge on man11:45
unimatrix9twiztid : i dont know wich version of ubuntu you are using? but here is some reading on the topic : http://blog.nachtarbeiter.net/2009/08/19/choppy-flash-video-in-full-screen-mode-on-ubuntu/11:45
* unimatrix9 off to have an meal11:46
dudefacehyoersteam : should be automatic unless it didnt unmount properly from windows11:46
shift_Hello, I followed the instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing under "Ubuntu 9.10 Method" to set up ICS. However when I try to ping any hostname it says it's unknown, but if I try to ping an actual ip address, it works. How can I get the dns thing to work without digging around in config files?11:47
dudefaceshift: has it had time to broadcast the hostname?11:48
shift_dudeface, yup11:48
dudefaceshift : thats me tapped out11:49
shift_lol, ok.11:49
shift_ok, I unplugged the cable, plugged it back in and it works.11:52
dudefacegood stuff11:52
shift_pointless actions with no logic behind them until everything works.... ftw.11:52
dudefacei still got to try 10.04, is it much better?11:53
alessandro_chi mi consiglia un bel gioco di corse in macchina?11:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:53
Walrus23alessandro_ parlare in inglese per favore?11:54
Walrus23<< knows very little italian11:54
dudefacei can kind of understand, i know spannish11:55
Walrus23lol i think it's one of the romance languages anyhow... this room aint about languages11:55
coflywhat can I do here? who can tell me?11:56
shift_cofly, what do yo mean? O_o11:56
coflyCan I ask some question?11:57
dudefacealessandro : l'IBM fa le buone macchine11:57
shift_cofly, 'course... but don't ask if you can ask.11:57
dudefaceshift is pro at fixing stuff11:57
Walrus23<< hates IBM11:57
dudefacei like em more than dell11:58
=== c-s-b_n900 is now known as C-S-B-N900
Walrus23laptop is the most useless piece of ... i have ever had11:58
dudefaceibm or hp are decent11:58
shift_it's true... I fixed a whole network by unplugging a cable, then putting it back.11:58
coflyI cannot use ibus on my PC11:58
Walrus23Toshiba are the best laptops while HP make reasonable desktops11:58
dudefaceibus, you need to install mac osx11:58
lxsyswebhp suck at laptops in my opinion11:58
Walrus23never had a problem with toshiba, this is my first non toshiba laptop and it is crap11:59
coflymy PC is Lenovo11:59
C-S-B-N900ive seen alot of hp laptops irepairably die.11:59
Walrus23lenovo == IBM11:59
dudefacei like hp, they make laptops with decent batter life11:59
C-S-B-N900motherboard just dead11:59
Walrus23C-S-B-N900 << have 5 of them under my desk11:59
Walrus23at work11:59
Walrus23all with fried motherboards11:59
coflymake install successfully,but it can't work12:00
dudefacei have an macbook pro, but i never bother recommending them12:00
lxsysweball the HP's i've ever seen have bad motherboards, mine is on it's way out, speakers have died, dvd+r broke and battery doen't report info any more. motherboard apparently has bad trances12:00
Walrus23i want a pro 15''12:00
shift_cofly, I don't know what ibus is, but.... http://code.google.com/p/ibus/ http://code.google.com/p/ibus/wiki/Ubuntu12:00
coflydudeface,where are you from,?12:00
C-S-B-N900Walrus23: it's awful imo, a hdd i could understand but the motherboard is a showstopper.12:00
dudefacenew zealand12:00
dudefacewhere are you from?12:00
Walrus23<< i'm in Auckland12:01
dudefaceim in tauranga12:01
dudefacewell, mount maunganui12:01
coflyI'm from Xi'an,China.nice to meet you12:01
rwwubottu: ot12:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:01
dudefacei like china12:01
coflythank you12:01
dudefacelooks nice, will visit one day12:01
C-S-B-N900Walrus23: i was in auckland beginning of the year.12:01
Walrus23it's a nice place if you dont mind the regular sirens etc.12:01
coflyI like new zealand, too12:02
shift_cofly, I just got back from Xi'ian a couple of months ago.... riding a bike on the city walls was pretty cool.12:02
dudefaceits nz and australia internet time right now, dont be so supprised nzers are on12:02
Walrus23nobody is asking for support atm rww12:02
coflyIt's nice and clean12:02
Walrus23when they ask we'll answer12:02
linardsI have very VERY !!! VERY !!! urgen and kind need for support on Lucid12:03
C-S-B-N900I want to be in Oz or NZ now.12:03
C-S-B-N900linards: whats up?12:03
linardsits regardind missing sound issue after upgrade from Karmic12:03
coflyshift? are you from China?12:03
dudefaceis the sound card showing?12:03
dudefaceill find the command12:03
rwwWalrus23: That doesn't matter. If you want to talk about off-topic stuff, please do it in #ubuntu-offtopic.12:03
linardsNothing helps for me.12:04
icerootlinards: #ubuntu+112:04
dudefacedont blame him, i started the off-topic chat12:04
shift_cofly, nuh, I am an aussie, but wanted to travel china a bit... so I did. Anyway, people don't look too kindly on offtopic stuff, so I'll shut up.12:04
Walrus23rofl i've never liked officious types...12:04
Ari_LazarusHi guys. I recently tried out Truecrypt, and made a virtual drive file on my usb stick. After a while, I decided I did not need the file any longer and got rid of it as per Truecrypt instructions (mount file, remove insides, unmount file, delete file). However, the 3GB of space I set aside for the file did not get recovered by the USB drive. What's going on?12:04
C-S-B-N900Ari_Lazarus: format the drive.12:05
Ari_LazarusI'm hoping it wouldn't have to come to that.12:05
C-S-B-N900Ari_Lazarus: delete partition table12:05
* Walrus23 pokes dudeface and nudges him to join the offtopic channel12:05
=== Suzaku-San is now known as Tendency
yeryryif it was a file and not a partition.. deleting the file should do it?12:05
Ari_Lazarus*should* being the operative word.12:06
TendencyCan anyone help me connect to my WLAN?  Ubuntu wont show it, but it will show others.12:06
Walrus23Tendency how close are you to your router?12:06
shift_Tendency, perhaps you're too far from it? maybe it's a hidden access point?12:06
TendencyWalrus23, rather close.  It works fine in Windows.12:06
lxsyswebAri_Lazarus: just an idea, is the file moved into .Trash-1000 or similar on the usb drive?12:06
C-S-B-N900Tendency: move further away?12:07
yeryrylook in the partition table to see if there's still a partition for it?12:07
Walrus23C-S-B-N900 has the general idea12:07
TendencyMove further from the router?12:07
Ari_LazarusNo, I can't say it is. It's empty12:07
C-S-B-N900Tendency: does it show with iwlist scan?12:07
shift_Ari_Lazarus, yeah, lxsysweb has a point... make sure you can see hidden files and folders and see where it went.... you can also use a program like xdiskusage to see what's using up the space.12:07
Ari_LazarusHow would I look in the partition table?12:07
TendencyI'm gussing I just type iwlist scan in the terminal?12:08
Walrus23Tendency in windows on the machine in question, download a program called inSSIDer and check your wireless isnt mixed in with the other wireless networks, if it is it may help to change the channel on your router12:08
TendencyKk thanks12:09
Tendencyiwlist scan just says "wlan0 No scan results"12:09
Walrus23Tendency are you on that machine now?12:09
TendencyThe Ubuntu one?12:09
TendencyVista laptop12:09
Walrus23oh ok12:09
Walrus23give that inSSIDer a try12:10
Walrus23it is freeware12:10
Walrus23i've had similar problems with my laptop but i've narrowed it down to hardware12:10
raynoAnybody here prepared to assist me with a small little samba question regarding permission inheritance?12:10
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest76881
miguel000I installed xubuntu on my laptop, but now i get the blue screen of death everythime I try to login into my windows 712:13
miguel000any idea if grub might mess up something?12:14
miguel000and.. where is the main grub config file in ubuntu?12:14
lanoxxhi can anyone tell me what the files in /etc/event.d/ are needed for, i heard they are obsolete now, since all the scripts are in /etc/init, is that correct? can i delete /etc/event.d?12:14
theadminmiguel000: /etc/default/grub in Karmic and higher, /boot/grub/menu.lst in Jaunty and lower12:15
miguel000ah I was searching for the menu.lst, didn't know it changed, thank you12:15
theadminlanoxx: Better not touch it, they are kept for backwards compatibility or something12:15
lxsyswebhas to go... byes.12:15
lanoxxtheadmin, in the release notes there was written something about manually migrating some of them12:16
SammyTheSnakeIs there a way to upgrade a 32 bit ubuntu install to a 64-bit one? Or do I have to re-install?12:17
theadminSammyTheSnake: No, you have to reinstall12:17
=== dk is now known as davidk01
SammyTheSnaketheadmin: I suspected as such. it's a shame, but hardly the kind of thing I'd *expect* to be able to do ;-)12:18
theadminSammyTheSnake: Uh, Ubuntu install process is extremely simple12:18
theadminSammyTheSnake: Or I must be misunderstanding12:19
Ari_LazarusI tried upgrading to Karmic Koala from Jaunty once. Got some kind of major hard disk failure.12:19
theadminHow do I make the cache thingy forget my password? That is, when I use sudo it stores it to a while12:20
Ari_LazarusStuck with Jaunty ever since :p12:20
SammyTheSnaketheadmin: it's not so much the install as the configuration of my various applications etc. Some of that can be done by just copying the /etc/ directory and the various ~/.myapp/ directories, but it's still a faff :-(12:20
jribtheadmin: sudo -k  is sufficient12:20
theadminjrib: -k? hm... Didn't know that option12:20
miguel000for some reason grubs labels my windows 7 backup partition that came with the notebook as Windows Vista (loader), so maybe there is also something wrong with the windows 7 loader : it says: insmod ntfs, chainloader 9112:20
jribtheadmin: you want to do this only this once right?  Not have it forget sooner everytime?12:21
theadminjrib: Nah just for now12:21
miguel000the 30_os-prober seems to be responsible for the 2 entries12:21
alkisgWhat do blue background colors in `ls` mean? http://imagebin.org/9479312:21
theadminalkisg: According to what I'm seeing, disk image12:22
matakshow to remove the other kernel in my grub list.. everytime i boot i have 4 kernels which im not using it anymore..  how to remove them totally?12:22
alkisgtheadmin: "disk image"? what does that mean?12:22
theadminalkisg: Well, like ISO12:23
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.12:23
lalalolhow come i can't access the awn prefs?12:23
theadminmataks: dpkg -l | grep 'linux-image', find the unneeded packages and sudo apt-get purge em12:23
ip-routei'm using 9.10 and if i'm print an pdf this error: stopped12:24
ip-route"/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed"12:24
alkisgtheadmin: erm, other .iso's don't have this color, so I'm guessing it's a file-system property...12:24
ip-routehow solve this?12:24
theadminalkisg: Oh... hm, maybe.12:24
theadminmataks: Perform the same for 'linux-headers'12:24
ip-routehow solve this?12:25
matakstheadmin, i have 5 linux image. . what's the command to purge them?12:25
lamefunIt's tomorrow? :D12:25
StHaHas anyone experienced the startup/boottime from 10.04?12:25
=== DaZ^ is now known as DaZ
theadminStHa: Like 5 seconds12:25
StHaon what system?12:25
Dr_WillisStHa:  around 30 sec here on my 3 machines12:25
StHa@ theadmin12:25
NatanielPLHi, I got problem, windows installer while making ntfs partytions fucked up my ext partytions and nor gparted, nor kubuntu installer can't see them, but cfdisk see all my partytions, but shows * after those broken, what should I do?12:26
theadminStHa: 512 MB RAM and... well, it's ten year old12:26
StHaDr_Willis, about the same as my laptop with 9.10 :)12:26
StHatheadmin, sounds quite nice :)12:26
Dr_WillisMy Grub menu delay setting is longer then my boot times.12:26
rwwNatanielPL: watch your language, please12:26
thul_hmm, puritian ubuntu :-D12:27
thul_how fun is that12:27
theadminDr_Willis: Mine is twice longer :D (I mean, delay is 10 sec)12:27
StHaSounds quite nice :). Will be looking forward for the actual release12:28
NatanielPLrww sorry, just have no other words for what windows is doing with my PC O.o12:28
theadminStHa: Tommorow :)12:28
zleapNatanielPL, i have windows in a virtual box,12:28
StHaNice one. will be installing it as a virtual instance on my server12:28
StHavmware esxi12:29
zleapwell i don't really have any usefor windows12:29
theadminzleap: Why keep it then?12:29
zleapapart from keeping the drafts out of holes in the wall12:29
zleaptheadmin, i installed it to see if could get it working12:29
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:30
theadminubottu: lucid | dios_mio12:30
ubottudios_mio: please see above12:30
ip-route"/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed" how solve this on cups?12:30
miguel000is it possbile that something is missing in the windows 7 (loader) entry provided by grubs 30_os-prober. ? I dont see anything like makeactive for instance?12:30
AlcaDose it come out ?12:30
theadminAlca: huh12:30
=== bullgard_ is now known as bullgard4
theadminmiguel000: Try doing a "sudo update-grub", dunno12:31
IdleOne!isitout | Alca12:31
ubottuAlca: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:31
nexus6__omg i just found a security hole for over 200k sites...12:31
AlcaI'm wait the LTS12:31
alexandrepas disponible12:31
miguel000theadmin, ok12:31
Alca1 day to go :-)12:31
IdleOne!fr | alexandre12:32
ubottualexandre: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois12:32
IdleOnealexandre: svp soyez poli12:32
zleapwill the ubuntu manual be released at the same time as 10.04 in final format12:32
theadminzleap: yes12:32
alexandrevafé chilé12:32
zleapas its in LaTeX, i may look in to contributing,12:33
alexandrevafer chiler anoulle12:33
theadminalexandre: please stop.12:33
IdleOnealexandre: English only here please12:33
alexandrevafer chiler adoulle12:33
alexandrevafer chiler adoulle12:33
theadminIdleOne: thanks :)12:34
sebsebsebzleap: yes12:34
sebsebsebzleap: np12:35
zleapwell i am using LyX so anything witten in that should be moveable to pure latex, for inclusion12:35
sebsebseb!manual | zleap12:36
sebsebsebzleap: thought there woudn't be a factoid, anyway if you're interested in contributing #ubuntu-manual12:36
=== michiel is now known as Dr-Ubuntu
zleapsebsebseb, i wrote a commadn reference thing for the joe text editor ages ago, recently updated it,  so its on my website at http://www.zleap.net/portfolio.php12:37
zleapif its the sort of thing your looking for12:37
sebsebsebzleap: plus that channel links to the wiki and such in the topic12:37
NabooHey, does anybody here know how to update a program without upgrading ubuntu?12:37
Naboolike I want a newer version which only lucid lynx has....12:38
iceroot!backports | Naboo12:38
ubottuNaboo: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:38
sebsebsebzleap: Uh I haven't contributed to the manual, got someone interested in it though that did,  also manual stuff is really off topic in here.  By the way that manual is from the Ubuntu Community not Canonical.  Some people think it's from Canonical, but that's wrong.12:39
Naboooh okey, I'm checking it out now....12:39
Kabiigonhey doeany one know about wubii12:39
=== No_one_at_all is now known as skreeminweezle
iceroot!wubi | Kabiigon12:40
ubottuKabiigon: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.12:40
Kabiigoniceroot, i know what what wubu is i am having a issue with wubi and windows 712:40
matakshow to upgrade to version 10.4?12:43
=== mike is now known as Guest24564
Pici!lucid | mataks12:44
ubottumataks: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:44
Dr-Ubuntualt + f2 and type update-manager -d12:44
PiciDr-Ubuntu: Please do not suggest that without adding that lucid is not released and not supported until the 29th.12:44
=== skreeminweezle is now known as No_one_at_all
patrikHi, something is eating up all my memory. I have an ION 330 system and I suspect it is the proprietary nvidia driver but cannot tell for sure. I have 2GB of ram and after a couple of days it's all used and the system gets really slow. Any ideas what could be the problem?12:45
richthegeekpatrik: check your ~/.xsession-errors file12:46
richthegeekpatrik: that's giving me issues at the moment, as it's growing very rapidly and being constantly opened and closed by the system12:46
Taevhey has there been any official word from Ubuntu as to how long they'll support Ubuntu 8.10 LTS?12:46
PiciTaev: 8.10 was not an LTS release.  It is supported until April 30th 2010.12:47
richthegeekTaev: 10.04 is the new LTS isn't it?12:47
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)12:47
Taevhow do i find out which version ubuntu my install is?12:47
Taevi think its 8.10 Im just not sure12:48
richthegeekTaev: yes it is (ubuntu home page) and so 8.04 was the last one and will become unsupported soon after 11.04 is realsed12:48
Taevgusty gibbon maybe?12:48
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »12:48
Dr_WillisTaev:  lsb_release -a12:48
arcskywhen comes the release of ubntu 10.04 ?12:48
Piciarcsky: Tomorrow, await the release in #ubuntu-release-party !12:48
TaevUbuntu Hardy12:48
Kabiigonhas anyone got wubi working12:48
miguel000does makactive not work in grub anymore???12:48
Taevso when will it stopped being supported?12:48
Pici!Hardy | Taev12:49
ubottuTaev: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.12:49
PiciTaev: er, that had less information that I thought it did.12:49
patrikrichthegeek, it reports some evolution problems and a couple of glib problems. The thing is that the memory must be allocated in kernel space since no process is using any significant amount of memory.12:49
Dr-Ubuntu!Hardy | Dr-Ubuntu12:49
ubottuDr-Ubuntu, please see my private message12:49
PiciTaev: It is supported until 2011 on the desktop and 2013 for server.12:49
TaevIm hesitant to upgrade, the last time I did it, it hosed my system. My server has my web server, and a MySQL Databases I can't loose12:49
Taeveven one days downtime hurts12:49
sebsebsebTaev: April next year for 8.0412:50
richthegeekpatrik: report on Launchpad? easiest way to get deep-level experts to help12:50
arcskyare there any features in ubuntu 10.04 or its just new purple color ?12:50
sebsebsebTaev: 8.04 is better than 10.04 in certain ways :)12:50
richthegeekTaev: back it up more!12:50
Taevis Adept's auto upgrade feature anygood?12:50
Piciarcsky: Lucid discussion is in #ubuntu+112:50
sebsebsebTaev: you have untill April 2011 with it being supported on desktoip12:50
Picisebsebseb: I just said that.12:50
revilodrawhi, i'd like wicd as a backup network manager when n-etwork-manager isnt playing nicely at uni. but i definitely dont want to delete network-manager (again). any ideas12:50
sebsebsebPici: well you said 2011, not April, but yes pretty much12:51
richthegeekPici: I said it first!12:51
richthegeekPici: like it matters...12:51
Picirichthegeek: :O12:51
okidokiaSimple question, what desktop do you use on your Ubuntu distribution ? Gnome ? KDE ? Other ?12:51
TaevI prefer KDE on 8.0.412:51
richthegeekrichthegeek: Taev: yes it is (ubuntu home page) and so 8.04 was the last one and will become unsupported soon after 11.04 is realsed12:51
TaevI couldn't stand the new version of KDE412:51
sebsebsebTaev: oh right you like KDE 3?12:51
richthegeekokidokia: Gnome, ofc12:51
NabooHey again, I searched through the list of supported packages in the backports and I didn't find what I was looking for...  I only wanted to update transmission so that it can use magnet links, is there some other way???12:52
soreaumy ubuntu locked up, so I rebooted it and now it doesnt want to boot and when it does, it hard locks during the startup sound. no compiz, tried vesa driver, apparently its something else12:52
okidokiaI was searching for a lighter desktop than Gnome, but I can't find anything interesting12:52
sebsebsebTaev: yeah KDE 3 is pretty nice, sadly though it's on the verge of not being supported by upstream,  well  I guess it isn't now.  Anyway  it's fine to use KDE 3 in Ubuntu 8.04,  whilst still supported by security updates.12:53
richthegeekokidokia: XCFE is the only alternative - you can make Gnome lighter easily enough though12:53
luckymuraliHi to all12:53
daniskamiokidokia: Xfce or LXDE12:53
okidokiarichthegeek> Is there any light version package of Gnome ?12:53
luckymuraliI have a directory which consists of five text files12:54
usr13sebsebseb: I agree, KDE-3.5 is nice12:54
richthegeekokidokia: I think there are some distros aimed specifically at that, not sure the name though12:54
sebsebsebrichthegeek: okidokia   Uh  no there are loads of alternatives to Gnome and KDE,  XFCE is one of them sure, but there is also LXDE which is apparnatly more light waight than XFCE.  There's also Fluxbox and IceVM and loads of window managers for more generaly more experienced users, but newbies can use them as well.12:54
luckymuralihow can I zip individual files from that directory witha single command??12:54
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors12:54
richthegeeksebsebseb: yes there are tons of WMs out there, but I tend to categorise them into "toy" and "real"12:55
usr13luckymurali: zip12:55
sebsebsebusr13: yeah, but RIP KDE basicalley, well it's dieing12:55
sebsebsebusr13: (KDE 3 that is)12:55
jribluckymurali: you really mean zip?  Not gzip?  And you want them all in a single archive or in five separate ones?12:55
Kabiigonsebsebseb, you dont like kde412:55
okidokiarichthegeek> I'm gonna search for desktop derived from Gnome, thanks for your advices ;)12:55
luckymuraliI need five seperate ones12:55
jribluckymurali: use a for loop12:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:56
sebsebsebKabiigon: not much no,  I can use it though as of KDE 4.3, without just going back to Gnome soon after :)  also like before i'll run some KDE apps inside Gnome.  anyway this is off topic12:56
luckymuraliwhich one does more compression - zip or gzip??12:56
usr13luckymurali: zip file-name.zip file1 file2 file312:56
usr13luckymurali: will put them into one file12:57
luckymuraliusr13, I need seperate zip files for individual files12:57
jribluckymurali: try both and see, gzip has options for the level of compression too.  Though if your main concern is compression, not speed, you should checkout bzip212:57
Kabiigonsebsebseb, i am having a bcdedit.exe issue with wubi any idesa12:57
usr13luckymurali: zip file1.zip file1 ; zip file1.zip  file2 ; zip file3.zip file312:57
sebsebsebKabiigon: no, but Wubi can go wrong on people, it can be ok for trying, but in general it's best to avoide it,  espeasily you want an install of Ubuntu that you want to be used for quite a long while.12:58
luckymuraliusr13, no single command??12:58
jribluckymurali: the single command is to use a for loop...12:58
sebsebsebKabiigon: doesn't take much to set up a proper partitioned installed12:58
Kabiigoni know i guess im just lazy12:58
fjollesitting here waiting for the ubuntu 10.04 LTS, does anyone know what timezone they're running after and what time they plan on releasing eventually?12:58
sebsebseb!isitout | fjolle12:59
ubottufjolle: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:59
fjolleor can i install release candidate and perform update without having to reinstall12:59
Ari_LazarusTomorrow whee!12:59
fjolledidn't know there was a channel12:59
luckymuralijrib, wher can i get example fro that??12:59
FloodBot4fjolle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:59
jribfjolle: #ubuntu+1 for lucid questions (but yes to your second question)12:59
jribluckymurali: for x in *; do echo $x; done12:59
sebsebsebfjolle: np, loads of fan boys and girls are looking forward to it :D12:59
fjolleheheh :d12:59
Ari_LazarusLucid Lynx sounds about a million times cooler than Karmic Koala so... :313:00
alkisgWhat does the blue background color in `ls` mean? http://imagebin.org/9479313:02
Dr_Willisalkisg:  check 'ls -l' output and see what colors go with what permissions/filetypes is what i normally do13:03
luckymuralijrib, thanks13:03
luckymuraliusr13, thanks13:03
alkisgDr_Willis: I did that but I can't find any difference between those particular files (generated by the grub-rescue-pc package) and any other files...13:04
phaniHi.. Could someone tell me how to install a package in verbose mode on 8.04 ?13:04
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icerootphani: set -x  and then use apt-get :)13:04
sebsebsebiceroot: set -x meaning?13:04
phaniiceroot: thank you and let me give a try13:05
Dr_Willisalkisg:  could be due to the extension.13:05
jribalkisg: enjoy http://paste.ubuntu.com/423940/13:05
icerootsebsebseb: setting the bash in debug-modus13:05
alkisgDr_Willis: I also tried that... :(13:05
usr13alkisg: Go to a directory where there is more variety and try it13:05
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icerootsebsebseb: set +x is setting the bash normal again13:05
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jribalkisg: that's the default set on debian anyway13:05
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ne1what is internal compiler error?13:05
phaniicerott: is this is the right command :  sudo set-x apt-get install mysql-server-5.0 ?13:05
phani 13:05
alkisgjrib, thanks, looking...13:05
=== yukiseaside_ is now known as yukiseaside
usr13alkisg: ... where there are files and subdirectories etc.13:05
sebsebsebiceroot: I am not exacty sure what you mean, but ok13:06
el_maestroi need help whit ip static, i installed ubuntu 9.10 server, modified the /etc/network/interfaces file and this this look now that it's, but the ip change at 5 min13:06
el_maestro# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system13:06
el_maestro# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).13:06
el_maestro# The loopback network interface13:06
el_maestroauto lo13:06
el_maestroiface lo inet loopback13:06
FloodBot4el_maestro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:06
icerootsebsebseb: type "set -x" on bash, then type "echo "hello world"13:06
alkisgusr13: I cannot find any other "blue background" files anywhere... maybe it's sparse files or something equally weird13:06
Dr_Willisalkisg:  my .iso files are  yellow here. :) actially all video files are in yellow it seems.13:06
phaniiceroot: is this is the right command :  sudo set-x apt-get install mysql-server-5.0 ?13:07
usr13alkisg: Color schemes are particular to system setups and is customizable to your liking.13:07
alkisgusr13: that's the default lucid installation13:07
icerootphani: no but why you need debug-infos?13:07
* alkisg looks for hardlinks...13:07
jribalkisg: yeah, 3 for each of those files :)13:07
Trickshi guys is there anyway for creating links on in my home dir that allow me to quickly navigae to folders on my server?13:07
Dr_Willisalkisg:  seems like some sort of 'this is a video type file' setting makingit print in that color13:08
Trickswould softlinks work for this?13:08
usr13alkisg: I use hardy13:08
alkisgDr_Willis: I don't think it's based on the file-type ... maybe those are hard links13:08
TricksI mean navigate using command line not gui13:08
ne1el_maestro, whats your problem?13:08
phaniiceroot: so when i install i get error dpkg status 01 error.. So, I want to know where it exactly fails13:08
Dr_Willisalkisg:  from what i recall reading in some hardkore books. a Hardlink is identical to the original file.13:08
Dr_Willisalkisg:  im not sure how you can even tell which one is the original.13:09
icerootphani: set -x; sudo apt-get install mysql-server;set +x13:09
dancalloI have a dell inspiron b130 laptop whose wireless card is not recognized in Ubuntu 9.10. Any help?13:09
Dr_Willisalkisg:  make a few test files and try it out :)13:09
wildbatTricks, you have the server sharepoint mounted?13:09
Pici!floodbots > el_maestro13:09
ubottuel_maestro, please see my private message13:09
alkisgDr_Willis: if I run "cp that-special-file.iso a-new-file.iso", the color is lost on the second one13:09
alkisgDr_Willis: so I'm pretty sure the color doesn't match the file type13:09
ThraulWith the new release about what time will it be released on the 29th April? Being in Australia I am not sure of the time difference :)13:09
jribalkisg: because you copied the file to a different place on your hard drive.  You can think of hard links as pointing to the same place on your hard drive13:10
icerootThraul: #ubuntu+113:10
Thraulok thanks13:10
alkisgjrib, right, thanks, I'm now looking for a way to verify it (some command that displays hard links)13:10
reisi_is server 10.04 LTS going to be released at the same time with other versions?13:10
phaniiceroot:  i get error while installing it  " invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed " do you know what might be the reason ?13:10
Dr_Willisi have blue 'soft links' shown here :)13:10
Dr_Willisbut thats a dir.13:10
jribalkisg: ls -l did.  That's what the "3" is in your output13:10
dancalloCan anyone assist with a dell inspiron b130 laptop wirelss not recognized in Ubuntu 9.10?13:10
alkisgjrib, ah, thank you13:11
jribalkisg: try ls -i and you will likely see those files all have the same inode13:11
meowbuntuhi anhyone here used unetbootin to install to a hdd13:12
isolat3dsh33palkisg, blue = folders :/13:12
usr13alkisg:  http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl5_dir_colors.htm13:12
usr13tells a little...13:13
alkisgisolat3dsh33p, usr13, problem solved, it was "hard links"13:13
iurii installed sun virtual box on my ubuntu and the network has change from 192.168.1.X to 10.0.2.X and now i cant access the box13:13
iuridoes anyone already have this problem13:13
usr13meowbuntu: What?13:13
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  it can do a 'frugal' type install to a hard drive.  but thats not the same as using unetbootin to make a bootable flash drive then installing from the flash drive13:13
jan247hi guys, what time does ubuntu 10.04 launch? :)13:13
Timritgood morning. is there a way to lower the time that the notification bubbles are displayed?13:13
renegaidwhat version of flash does ubuntu restricted install? since installing ubuntu flash is a slide show13:13
rwwjan247: when it's done13:13
jan247rww: hehe, thanks13:13
dancalloNo help today?13:13
Thrauliuri, you will need to set the virtual box network card to bridged mode and select the network device to get a true IP from your network13:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:13
isolat3dsh33palkisg, congratz :)13:14
meowbuntuDr_Willis, sounds like puppy linux frugal install.13:14
alkisgcogratz go to jrib :)13:14
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:   similer name.. but vastly differnt in how it works i belive.,13:14
meowbuntureally then y same name then13:14
meowbuntuconfusing to everyone out there13:14
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  make up a better name and submit it13:14
MrGoodkathow can i get rid of the proxy settings on karmic? i set a network proxy via preferences but deactivated it already. but a lot of my applications are still trying to connect using the proxy13:15
Dr_WillisI dont reccomend using the feature in unetbootin  unless you read up on it - it proberly dosent do what you want. and you can also do a very similer thing now with grub2 and iso files.13:15
MrGoodkatfirefox, thunderbird, xchat work13:15
meowbuntufrugal installs in puppy linux allow you to put puppy on a hdd with an existing os on it and boot from both.13:15
meowbuntu^ Dr_Willis13:16
MrGoodkatbut axel or transmission dont work13:16
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  yes. I know what it does.  i was in #puppylinux for a very long time.13:16
usr13meowbuntu: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-a-xubuntu-9-10-flash-drive-using-the-cd/#more-260113:16
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  unetbootins is similer.. but not the same.13:16
meowbuntuusr13, pendrive linus is for windows operating system cant use that on ubuntu13:16
Dr_WillisUnetbootin version basically puts the live cd on the HD and makes it bootable from there. it does not make any sort of peristant save, or other  features.13:17
usr13meowbuntu: O13:17
meowbuntuDr_Willis, i want to know the differance really13:17
Dr_Willisand there ya got the diferance.13:17
iuriThraul, Thanks13:17
amigravein ubuntu 9.04, when I issued an ssh session in a terminal, an ssh agent was automatically triggered in order to ask the ssh key passphrase. This behavior is not happening in lucid. How can I restore this behavior ?13:17
meowbuntuusr13, read up that site most things use a windows os to do them. most not all13:18
usr13meowbuntu: Not the link I sent you13:18
meowbuntuah so its just the live cd on hdd not a install ok thanks Dr_Willis13:18
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Dr_Willisthats unetbootins definiution of a 'frugal install' i guess. go check teh unetbootins forums   perhaps.13:19
FloodBot4hallo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:19
RayJohnshaving a problem with Ubuntu 10.04-RC13:19
PiciRayJohns : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.13:20
fasta"Timer Applet is no longer being maintained. Thank you very much to everyone who has used Timer Applet! For any developers out there, please feel to use the source code from the Timer Applet Git repository for your own project. " Is there a replacement?13:20
RayJohnsI have a silicon Image 3114 SATA controller13:20
WXZis there a "reminder" program similar to tomboy notes (I'm using karmic here)13:22
tariniWXZ: i use sticky notes13:22
WXZcan it pop up and remind you @ a certain time13:22
WXZto check a certain note?13:22
tariniWXZ: i do not think so13:24
WXZalright, I'll keep googling and checking in here13:24
tarinii use it just for little and fast notes on my desktop13:24
AntigaMorning, Just made the switch over to Ubuntu and am encountering an issue with fan speed. I'm using an ASUS W7Sg. The fan speed is constant all the time at a medium/low setting, it never changes and never adjusts. I'm at my wits end, and have tried a number of things.13:25
=== pixel is now known as pixil
richthegeekAntiga: do you want it to be higher or lower?13:26
AntigaMuch Higher13:26
richthegeekAntiga: is your machine overheating?13:26
AntigaIt's fine as long as I don't do anything that maxes out the cores for a little bit.13:26
Antigaruns at 31/32 C and 45 ish for the GPU.13:26
richthegeekAntiga: right, so you've tried maxing them out and it still doesn't change?..13:26
thanasishello, i apt-get installed nut-usb, then removed it - afterwards i rebooted my computer and no usb devices (mouse/keyboard) work when x starts - however they work in recovery mode, what can be the problem?13:27
encarnak aseis13:27
richthegeekAntiga: those are very good temperatures for idle, tbf13:27
AntigaBut say install a program and it goes to 80C acros the board.13:27
sXs-by the way how I can see temperatures? lm-sensors does not find any sensors :S13:27
Guest53826Is there any reason why rssdler and rutorrent rss plugin have issues with the URL http://www.domain.com/download.php/545454/blah [xvid].torrent13:27
Guest53826That type of url?13:27
richthegeekAntiga: try running this in a terminal "echo level 7 > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan"13:27
AntigaRichthegeek no such file or directory13:28
Antigathere is nothing in my ibm/fan folder13:28
thanasiscan anyone help me?13:28
richthegeekah wait, you need to do something else first.13:28
abhijainneed easy and fast download ububtu10.4 link13:28
OzFalconAny problems with boot hanging and fstab?13:28
suigenerisI did something (I don't know what) and my mouse started highlighting each line on xchat as I moved mouse up and down. I can't click. any help?13:28
Timritgood morning. is there a way to lower the time that the notification bubbles are displayed?13:28
richthegeekantiga: (sorry about flood!) the first section of "using a stock kernel"13:28
poghas anybody tried unison over ftpfs? does this work reliably?  Is there a good ftp-sync tool? (have a few only-ftp webspaces, which I like use more efficent).13:29
HexLaTordoes the lucyd out ?13:29
abhijaineasy and fast download ubuntu 10.4 link13:29
HexLaTorfinal version13:29
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:29
richthegeekantiga: sorry I'm talking rubbish here! http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fan_Speed_Control might be a better starting point13:30
sipiorabhijain: ubuntu has a web page for just this sort of thing.13:30
AntigaLooking through it.13:30
suigenerisHexLaTor, on 29th13:30
HexLaTorsuigeneris, Ok13:30
AntigaWhat is odd as it doesn't seem to recognize my hardware or the fan at all13:30
suigenerisI did something (I don't know what) and my mouse started highlighting each line on xchat as I moved mouse up and down. I can't click. any help?13:30
Antigarunning sensors returns... Adapter: Virtual device13:31
Antigatemp1:      +108.0°C  (crit = +112.0°C)13:31
AntigaAdapter: ISA adapter13:31
AntigaCore 0:      +32.0°C  (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)13:31
FloodBot4Antiga: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
AntigaAdapter: ISA adapter13:31
richthegeekAntiga: try using pastie.org in future13:31
Antigayeah setting that up13:31
Antiganever used it before13:31
AzoffIf anyone else plans to use or uses ubuntu 10.04 as a base for xbmc on the ASRock ION 330HT family or some other manufacture with a "Nuvoton 677x" IR reciver, please post on this bug to get a working driver: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/57070013:32
Antigasensors returns... http://paste.ubuntu.com/423958/13:32
AntigaRunning Sensors-detect returns http://paste.ubuntu.com/423961/13:33
=== lysek_ is now known as lysek
kyubutsu!lucid > Azoff13:34
ubottuAzoff, please see my private message13:34
suigenerisI can't believe, moving the mouse on the touchpad fixed it,13:34
pogHexLaTor: there is the release canditate to download, I guess it can later easyly be updated.13:34
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richthegeekAntiga: that ArchWiki link from earlier is related13:35
HexLaTorpog, i'll wait the final version :D no need for more problems xD !13:35
Azoffkyubutsu: yes, I know13:35
WXZanyone know a good/simple reminder program13:35
pogHexLaTor: jep, i'll will be out soon.13:35
AntigaI've read both these pages, and still kinda stuck, what it's telling me to do basically is run a modprobe13:36
Antigato get my hardware set right13:36
Azoffkyubutsu: if you read the bug report, you would notice that this is a patch in the lirc package that breaks 3d party drivers.13:36
Antigaso running um13:36
sXs-hello! Can someone help me? It looks like I have a problem with RAID1 controller driver on Ubuntu13:36
OzFalconanyone have 10.04 hang on boot if missing drive from fstab?13:36
delemiAnyone having a problem with transmission since the last updates?13:36
HexLaTorpog, i use fedora & it's pretty good too13:36
=== nick9892 is now known as StuBb0rn
Azoffkyubutsu: I guess the devs want to get this kind of feedback *before* the actual release?13:37
ceuhigh availability with 2 ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Any advice?13:37
sXs-hello! Can someone help me? It looks like I have a problem with RAID1 controller driver on Ubuntu13:37
kyubutsumaybe so, Azoff , just *not* here13:37
ubuntu-usri've to restore partition where i've information about patition i bytes. does any linux partition tool allows me to recreate this partition in oryginal size?13:37
Azoffkyubutsu: well, where?13:37
richthegeekkyubutsu: try be more helpful.... #ubuntu-dev, #ubuntu+113:37
delemiI have tried to sudo kill command and killall command and pkill and it will not stop the process13:38
Azoffrichthegeek: I'll test the -dev13:38
GodricBrutushi all. why are all the fonts in openoffice.org bold like this? http://uppix.net/2/d/e/6b2a6dec70f12ea504775149e056d.png13:38
Piciceu : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.13:38
ceuPici: ok, thanks13:39
delemianyone know how to kill a process that wont stop13:39
uLinuxIs it possible to disable yellow popups on ubuntu?13:39
delemiI have tried pkill, killall and sudo kill13:40
sipiordelemi: have you tried appending a "-9" to any of those commands, to ensure that it sends a SIGKILL?13:41
sipiordelemi: probably a zombie. can you paste the relevant line from ps?13:41
kyubutsudelemi: use System>Administration>System monitor .. nice graphical interface which lists all running processes13:41
delemi1940 ?        00:58:56 transmission <defunct>13:42
kyubutsudefunct means its already dead13:42
delemibut it tells me it is still running13:42
richthegeeksipior: I was under the impression that kill sent 9 by default?13:42
sipiordelemi: yep. zombie :-)13:42
sipiorrichthegeek: no, it sends a SIGTERM, so the target can catch it.13:43
richthegeekdelemi: either a zombie or a daemon restarting it?13:43
okidokiadelemi> if your process has a GUI perhaps you can try to use xkill ?13:43
richthegeeksipior: ah, fair enough - our CompSci lecturer simplified it then13:43
unimatrix9hi there13:43
delemiAny ideas how to solve it? It keeps doing this since I ran out out of disk space yesterday13:43
delemiDone that manytimes13:44
richthegeekjust checking that you have turned it off and on again13:44
unimatrix9what , in your opinion is the best anti virus software for linux? ( besides Clam Av )13:44
sipiordelemi: zombie processes don't actually hurt anything13:44
richthegeekdelemi: try removing it from the init.d list?13:44
kyubutsu!antivirus > unimatrix913:44
ubottuunimatrix9, please see my private message13:44
unimatrix9okey thanks13:44
sXs-hi guys! http://paste.ubuntu.com/423960/ this is what I get in System-> Administration -> Log file viewer -> messages. I exactly can't remember, but about 15:02 Ubuntu crashed and it is not in first time. Last crash was 5 days ago. Can someone help me?13:44
delemiit won't let me open transmission, tells me it is already running13:45
* meowbuntu thinks unimatrix, and unimatrix9 are the same person 13:45
unimatrix9no they are not13:45
delemiI have completely unistalled and reinstalled transmission13:45
meowbuntuunimatrix9, you doont really need antivirus for any linux os atm13:45
richthegeekdelemi: ah, there was someone else in here about an hour back with an issue with Transmission13:45
unimatrix9unimatrix9 is an registered name for me...13:45
unimatrix9at nick server ...13:45
richthegeekdelemi: don't know what it was though, as I don't use or know anything about Transmission (I prefer Vuze but w/e)13:45
K1ng\how do i change pppd permission so i dont have to use sudo?13:46
unimatrix9i do need anti virus , for disinfecting windows systems and usb drives ...13:46
delemiThanks for all your input everyone.13:46
meowbuntuunimatrix9, the only reason anyone would want that is if you where recieving a file from another woindows user adn you wanted to pass it on to another windows user. the virus wil sit attached to the file not affecting any linux os but as soon as it gets on a windows os it will activate.13:46
Dr_Willisunimatrix9:  theres a few out for linux, clamav, and avg has a linux one also. may be others13:46
richthegeekdelemi: my point is that the latest update might have ballsed it so wait for an update to it before using13:47
delemithanks rickthegeek13:47
meowbuntuavg ha ha13:47
WXZanyone know a good simple reminder program13:47
unimatrix9okey, thank you for the info..13:47
dancalloCan anyone help with a Dell wireless issue on an Inspiron B130 laptop running in Ubuntu 9.10?13:47
meowbuntuunimatrix9, clamav or avast are good13:47
richthegeekdo you actually need an AV for linux?13:47
WXZjust pick a note + date/time13:47
unimatrix9avast for linux? ah13:48
WXZok, I'll check alarm clock delem13:48
Picirichthegeek: Not unless you're planning on serving files to Windows users and want to be proactive.13:48
=== justinjstark is now known as justinjstark_awa
delemiI have antivirus installed just because I dool boot13:48
elanstanU may need rootkit detectors13:48
WXZI think I'm going to have to write my own :s13:48
okidokiaWXZ> perhaps a post it ? :D13:48
richthegeekPici: righto... my machine has a billion back holes into it through my server so an AV is the least of my worries13:48
usr13WXZ: crontab13:48
WXZa post it?13:48
kyubutsudelemi: there is also a terminal program called top .. you might want to look into it, very useful for managing system resources13:48
delemiThanks kyubutsu13:49
meowbuntuunimatrix9, as linux ios harder to hack the viruses creators dont bother creating them for it. also untill linux becomes more widespread adn like windows adn mac then they wont. also there are many linux os out there and that makes it even harder for them to create a one virus for all linux13:49
meowbuntuios = os13:50
WXZcan I karma you usr13?13:50
usr13!crontab | WXZ13:50
ubottuWXZ: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm13:50
meowbuntuiso = os is13:50
meowbuntu^ unimatrix913:50
delemi 1940 delemi    20   0     0    0    0 Z  100  0.0  67:24.44 transmiss <defunct>13:50
usr13WXZ: I can give  you examples....13:50
dancalloCan someone help me?13:50
WXZexamples of?13:51
usr13WXZ: karma?13:51
delemiJust ran top and even though transmission is defunct it is taking 100% of CPU13:51
usr13crontab jobs13:51
WXZisn't there a karma system on ubuntu13:51
PiciWXZ: On Launchpad only.13:51
elanstanDelemi kill the process13:51
dennisanyone here able to tell me if the flashplugin-installer iisue has been fixed yet ?13:51
WXZnvm, forget it13:52
delemithat is the problem it won't kill13:52
kyubutsudelemi: press  k  on that terminal running top.. then enter the defunct process number and [enter]13:52
meowbuntuto burn a linux iso to cd what is best tao or sao13:52
Pici_bt: ?13:52
usr13WXZ: http://www.ntlug.org/BP-trryhend/CrontabJobsForDesktopUsers?action=view13:52
nmvictoris cheese the best their is for webcams in ubuntu?13:52
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  depends on your needs.13:52
elanstanUse.  Kill -9 "proc id no"13:52
erUSULmeowbuntu: dao ( disk at once ) ?13:52
kyubutsudelemi: when it asks what signal you want to use.. press 913:52
dancalloIs there any tech support out there today?13:53
samphippenwith desktop effects enabled what makes the title bar of the windows go transparent, how do I disable it?13:53
dennisdoes anyone have any idea about when the flashplayer installation problem will be solved in 10.04 ?13:53
unimatrix9let me point out that : when i run a mail server, i would need an anti virus scanner, because 90 % of my users have windows : second , usb flash drives that come from windows machines are infected, they need to be cleaned of all virus before they go back out in some one else his machine , third , i do not want to mail my friends any virus from someone else < beside these points , you are right, no need on an ubuntu desktop for any virus scanners...13:53
unimatrix9 and yes, its better they all would use ubuntu :)13:53
Picidennis : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.13:53
janmaltedancallo: just ask and see if anyone is answering13:53
Dr_Willissamphippen:  thats a compiz setting. install the 'ccsm' tool an tweak it all you want.13:53
Dr_Willis!ccsm | samphippen13:53
ubottusamphippen: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz13:53
dancalloI've asked three times and no one is responding13:53
samphippenDr_Willis, which setting do I use to disable the transparent window titles?13:53
Dr_Willisdancallo:  perhaps no one knows.13:53
Dr_Willissamphippen:  No idea.    you may want to ask in #compiz13:54
nmvictorDr_Willis:  I just need anything  more clearer and with high video quality.13:54
samphippenI did, they said "That is controlled by your decorator theme which is a separate process"13:54
dancalloany help on a dell inspiron b130 wireless issue in Ubuntu 9.10?13:54
delemidid that as well, signal 9.13:54
delemiKill PID 1940 with signal [15]: 913:54
delemi 1940 delemi    20   0     0    0    0 Z  100  0.0  71:02.01 transmiss <defunct>13:54
delemistill running at 100%13:54
delemiwhat a day13:55
janmaltedancallo: what is your problem13:55
janmalteyou have to describe it a bit13:55
janmaltegenaral saying some isn't working isn't enough to get help13:55
dancalloUbuntu 9.10 is not recognizing the wireless card in my laptop13:55
bazhangdancallo, what chipset13:55
dancallodon't know13:55
delemiIf i could close it I would just not use it, but it is likethis after every reboot13:56
usr13!wireless | dancallo13:56
ubottudancallo: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:56
BlackToW3xhey guys i ned some help plz plz ...how to us Grep to print comments line on a C language program (// & /* & */) plz⁾13:56
bazhangdancallo, lspci in the terminal paste.ubuntu.com with the output please13:56
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unimatrix9dancallo , does the light of the wireless blink?13:56
kyubutsudelemi: after 9 you need to confirm by pressing [enter]13:56
delemiI did kyubutsu13:57
qwe__Hi. I was playing around with graphic drivers and now I get "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode. .... (EE) No devices detected." How can I easily reinstall drivers (ati)? I've tried  to reinstall pretty much every package regarding to xorg and ati in synaptic.13:57
BlackToW3xhey guys i ned some help plz plz ...how to us Grep to print comments line on a C language program (// & /* & */) plz⁾13:57
PiciBlackToW3x: grep is for searching for data, can you clarify what you are asking?13:57
dancallobazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423972/13:58
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Dr_WillisBlackToW3x:  possible google hit -> http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&ved=0CAkQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fostermiller.org%2Ffindcomment.html&rct=j&q=grep+example+C+comments&ei=1zDYS53yPMP7lweeub2zBA&usg=AFQjCNGSQgl-Xo1dJn-ix5K3gR_labwmBQ&sig2=eK7DwcjRZuTC_sFbSPU65g13:58
dancallounimatrix: there is no light for the wireless.13:58
bazhangBroadcom Corporation BCM4318  dancallo13:58
dancallosounds right13:58
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:58
geekphreakDr_Willis: moo !!13:59
unimatrix9moo to you too13:59
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  Pew Pew Pew! :013:59
BlackToW3xi have a C program (test.c) and i want to use grep for looking line comments which have this sympbls(// /* */))13:59
dancallothanks ubottu13:59
Dr_WillisBlackToW3x:  yes. i just found an answer on google. and gave you the URL.13:59
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geekphreakDr_Willis: hope alls good from your side13:59
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Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  nailing down the shutters for preperation of release day :)14:00
IP-v6Hi. Could anyone recommend me some games ? I am terribly bored.  If there are FPS games, it would be great.14:00
DJones!games | IP-v614:00
ubottuIP-v6: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php14:00
GodricBrutusany reason why all the fonts in openoffice.org bold like this? http://uppix.net/2/d/e/6b2a6dec70f12ea504775149e056d.png14:00
geekphreakhi h00k mate14:00
BlackToW3xthnx guys a lot....thnk you very very much for the help14:00
BlackToW3xthnk you14:00
BlackToW3xthank you all14:00
dancalloI'll give the website a try. Thanks for the hellp14:01
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geekphreakDr_Willis: prob. there servers are on overload, i really had a  hardtime getting updates :(14:01
IP-v6thanks DJones,14:01
DJonesIP-v6: Your welcome, there's a few FPS listed, although I'm not in a position to recommend any specific ones14:02
Timritgood morning. is there a way to lower the time that the notification bubbles are displayed?14:02
Gh0stryd3rgood morning, how do you set the GAL server settings for IMAP for evolution email 10.0414:03
PiciGh0stryd3r : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.14:04
IP-v6DJones, there is filtering option on second link. I am looking : )14:04
IP-v6DJones, Thanks again14:04
richthegeekTimrit: probably an ms value in the gconf-editor14:05
Timritrichthegeek: any idea where? a quick search of gconf-editor revealed nothing.14:06
richthegeekgoogling now14:06
Timriti did some of that before joining.14:06
Younderis there a free version of miranda?14:07
vincent_when is the lucid coming?14:07
HexLaTorvincent_, 29 th14:07
bazhangvincent_, the 29th14:07
dudefacerelease candidate is pretty much it, will update anyway14:08
vernrI have a question about nicotine plus, is this the appropriate channel?14:08
Dr_Willisvernr:  smokeing is bad for you :)14:08
HexLaTordudeface, does the kernel still send the shutdown signal after ~10 hours ?14:08
dudefacewhy would it do taht14:09
vernrDr_Willis, lol14:09
HexLaTorcoz some guys front some problems such as that14:09
dudefacewell, by the time it gets to rc the beta testing should have ironed out stuff like that14:09
dudefaceguess you cant expect much from open source14:10
HexLaTori don't know if somebody else has this problem, but they say that the screen freeze after ~10 hours ...14:10
Younderwell ubuntu 10 is due this week (29'th)14:10
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties14:10
coz_ buona giornata tutti.. bonne jounree tous les... good day all14:10
HexLaTori don't know if someone else has reported that14:11
K1ng\Can someone help me?14:11
plaziaI (like a muppet) accidentally installed the 32-bit version of Ubuntu, is there a way I can do some sorta dist-upgrade or something to the 64-bit version or do I need to re-install from scratch?14:11
bazhangplazia, full reinstall14:11
usr13K1ng\: Don't know.  (we don't know your question yet)14:12
K1ng\Mouse scroll button is not working14:12
K1ng\scroll is working but the button14:12
plaziabazhang, thanks : )14:12
K1ng\why so many flood bot? :S14:12
usr13K1ng\: If you highlight text and then go to an editor and hit the scroll button, what happens?14:13
Cobweselhey guys, I'm trying to play urban terror on ubuntu 9.4 and the sound crashes out after like 2 minutes everytime.. any idea what would cause this? how to fix it?14:13
K1ng\usr13, in firefox14:13
K1ng\usr13, ok14:13
K1ng\usr13, nothing happen14:14
usr13K1ng\: Higlight text in the body of a page and then click the scroll button up in the google search bar, what happens?14:14
K1ng\usr13, its does nothing14:15
usr13K1ng\: Ok, you are right.  It's broken.14:15
K1ng\usr13, how to fix it?14:16
K1ng\its works in windows but ubuntu14:16
usr13K1ng\: You must have changed some settings.  We have no idea what you may have changed and therefore do not know how to change it back.14:17
K1ng\nope... this is fresh install14:17
vernrhello? I have a question about nicotine plus, is this the appropriate channel?14:17
usr13K1ng\: But you must realize that the middle mouse button does not have exactly the same function it does in MS Windows.14:18
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Dr_WillisRadically different function :)14:18
erUSULvernr: just ask14:18
usr13Dr_Willis: Was that for me?14:19
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Dr_Willisusr13:  yea. but i just saw the message scroll by too fast.. heh. dident see who said it.14:19
Dr_Willisusr13:  had to teach that  'differance' to some guys at work a few weeks ago.14:20
Dr_Willisusr13:  they were boggled that i could cut/paste so fast with just 1 hand. :)14:20
pawei have little prob14:20
kyubutsuvernr: you could just log in to nicotine and ask the users there ...14:21
usr13Dr_Willis: Well, K1ng\  is comparing middle mouse button functions to MS Windows and thinks something is broken.  I'm trying to explain but not sure if he actually has an issue or not.14:21
vernrkyubutsu, thanks14:21
Dr_Willisusr13:  :) yep. 'dosent work like in windows'  is not a 'bug' :) had to explain that to people befor also14:21
usr13Dr_Willis: Yes, I've explained that to a few people as well, and was hard to do unless you can actually be there in person and show it.14:22
alcornI am on Ubuntu 10.04. Anyone notice a very long bootup time. It could just be something wrong with my setup. If so I think it may be something to do with my graphics card as the Ubuntu loading screen when it does finally show up, is low resolution. Now once I get all loaded up, Ubuntu runs like greased lightning. Has anyone experience a very long loading time on 10.04 and knows how to fix it?14:22
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h00kmorning, Geekthras14:22
h00kah, geek isnt here14:22
robohi: i'm trying to mount an external ide hard drive connected to a usb device but i'm unable to. lsusb shows it attached, and dmesg shows it mounted as a scsi device on /dev/hdb. However fdisk -l doesn't show that /dev/hdb. Any suggestions to get this mounted so i can pull some stuff off it?14:22
coz_alcorn,   you may want to go to the  #ubuntu+1 channel for that14:22
h00kalcorn: please head to #ubuntu+1 for Lucid discussion14:22
alcornok thanks guys14:22
coz_alcorn,   #ubuntu+1  is the channel for development versions  at least until tomorrow:)14:23
LuckySMackim using wget to download part of a site. but my internet disconnected. is there a way to restart it without redownloading existing files? to resume from what i have?14:23
pickettanyone know how i can install programs in a live cd session?14:23
alcorncoz_ ah ok... is 10.04 being released tomorrow?14:23
h00kalcorn: yes14:23
K1ng\new version coming up?14:23
usr13pickett: same way14:23
coz_alcorn,  i believe so guy :)14:23
alcorncoz_ oh ok. Is 10.04 being released tomorrow?14:23
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:23
alcornoh sorry, repeate14:23
pickettE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)14:24
picketti keep getting that error code14:24
h00kpickett: pastebin the entire thing, we can take a look14:24
alcornjoin #ubuntu+114:24
pickettoh yeah im on lucid soz14:25
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=== AccidentalTroll is now known as No_one_at_all
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:25
geekphreakhi all14:26
geekphreaksorry got d/c14:27
mmicaHi everyone ;]14:27
usr13K1ng\: What version are you using?14:27
nullQuestion:  What's the default RSS feed reader in 10.04?14:27
h00k!lucid | null14:28
ubottunull: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:28
K1ng\usr13, current stable version14:28
coderscoredoes anyone bother with a software firewall for ubuntu here?14:29
geekphreakcoderscore: it already has one inbuilt into it14:29
usr13K1ng\: There are two lines,  LTS and what-ever-it-is-you-call-the-other.  For LTS users 8.04 is current version soon to be 10.04, (which is a 2 year cycle).14:29
coderscoregeekphreak: thanks14:29
geekphreakcoderscore:  no worries, google working with iptables :)14:30
souffledevhello #ubuntu!14:30
usr13K1ng\: I think current stable version is 9.1014:30
K1ng\usr13, how to see version?14:30
geekphreaksouffledev: hola14:30
K1ng\You are using Ubuntu 9.1014:30
K1ng\                - the Karmic Koala - released in October 2009 and supported until April 2011.14:30
coderscoresome in my local ubuntu channel insisted a router is sufficient, I'm under the conclusion that a software application is better for dynamic signature protection14:30
coderscoreIM exploits etc. ..14:30
usr13K1ng\: lsb_release -a14:30
souffledevdamn i've been looking for Ubuntu stickers all over the place :/14:31
souffledevgeekphreak, how goes?14:31
K1ng\usr13, i am using Karmic Koala14:31
usr13!lts | K1ng\14:31
ubottuK1ng\: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)14:31
geekphreakcoderscore: let me put it this way, it gives me more control :)14:32
souffledevgeekphreak, we know each other?14:32
coderscoregeekphreak: indeed14:32
geekphreakhuh what souffledev?14:32
K1ng\i am gonna download LUCID :D14:32
souffledevgeekphreak, nuhting14:32
K1ng\is it out yet?14:32
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:32
usr13K1ng\: People on the LTS line upgrade every 2 years.  People on the other one will upgrade about every 6 or 8 months or so... not sure what that schedule is but it's pretty fast.14:32
geekphreakK1ng\:  hold on dont download yet14:32
souffledevhaha in a week probably14:32
tehoweWhat happens when the next non-LTS release comes out for Lucid users?14:33
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geekphreakK1ng\: stable version coming out soon, get that man !!14:33
usr13K1ng\: You are actually just a little ahead on the LTS line.  The updates will do the trick, just stay where you are... it will be fine.14:34
Full-Frugalhi where is teh grub config list for ubuntu and whats it called14:34
geekphreakFull-Frugal: grub2?14:34
Full-Frugalthere is no menu.lst like i am used to14:34
h00kubottu: grub2 | Full-Frugal14:34
ubottuFull-Frugal: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:34
Full-Frugalubuntu9.10 grub14:34
Dr-Ubuntuim quite happy with 10.4, finally no more issues with my wireless driver and havent run into any errors yet14:34
* h00k ushers Lucid discussion to #ubuntu+114:35
geekphreakhi h00k :)14:35
LzrdKingDr-Ubuntu: time to upgrade then!14:35
h00kgeekphreak: greetings14:35
Dr-Ubuntui allready did :)14:35
K1ng\i used to had hardy14:35
jotallIs it possible with a Radeon, or any, card to use all three outputs, VGA/DVI/HDMI (DisplayPort?) at once for three monitors?14:36
moreiatehowe: Not sure what your question is? You have a choice, to LTS or not to LTS. When the next release comes out you can abandon LTS if you want it or you stick with Lucid until there's a new LTS release.14:36
K1ng\and hardy was much better than this one14:36
moreiatehowe: not sure if that answers your question, tho.14:36
usr13K1ng\: I still use hardy14:36
Full-Frugalh00k y not use !grub2 | nick nest time its a short cut for ubottu14:36
apparlekya bhai log kya chal ra....14:36
h00kFull-Frugal: I know that :)14:37
Full-Frugal!ubottu | h00k14:37
ubottuh00k: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:37
usr13K1ng\: On my main desktop system I use hardy that is....14:37
Full-Frugalahau: #ubuntu-es is not regestered14:37
K1ng\well i will use win for few days14:37
Dr-Ubuntuis there btw any known issues with dual boot grub vista and ubuntu 9? cuz i had several times my grub just wiped after i booted in and out windows without doing any changes. now i changed to ubuntu 10 and downgraded windows to xp it seems to run fine.14:37
tehowe@moreia: So new bits and pieces aren't added into Lucid from the Noxious Newt or whatever it happens to be... but I assume bugfixes for Lucid are released periodically?14:38
h00ktehowe: head to #ubuntu+1 for Lucid discussion, please14:38
geekphreakDr-Ubuntu: i have heard of some people complain about that14:38
moreiatehowe: exactly.14:38
usr13K1ng\: I have a couple other machines here that I do different things with, but for our main system, it is LTS and am not in a hurry to upgrade as it does all I expect and need.14:38
moreiah00k: I thought this was a fair place for questions like "how does LTS actually work?"14:39
Dr-Ubuntui blame vista :)14:39
jo_anyone get Ovation™ U760 by Novatel Wireless  to work on beta 10.04 hope it works on final...14:39
K1ng\hardy is less buggy :)14:39
tehowe@h00k: Ok cool... maybe they can help wit my intermittent wireless.14:39
K1ng\who knows about lucid :p14:39
K1ng\new version = new bugs14:39
h00kDr-Ubuntu: Grub2 is slightly larger than Grub, what happens is some Windows software will overwrite the MBR without checking to see if there is anything there.  Common things seem to be Backup Software, Security software, etc14:39
kyubutsumoreia: you should visit #ubuntu-offtopic for all other non-support related discussions14:39
geekphreakh00k: is there any way to avoid it?14:40
h00kgeekphreak: uninstall whatever software is doing it :(14:40
usr13K1ng\: Some of the stuff folks believe are bugs are just differences...14:40
brejeiro[xi]Does anyone know when will the new version of ubuntu server will be released?14:40
Dr-Ubuntucould be anti virus then geek?14:40
moreiatehowe: Soooo...sounds like you should take your questions to #ubuntu+114:41
jo_anyone get Ovation™ U760 by Novatel Wireless  to work on beta 10.04 hope it works on final...???14:41
geekphreakh00k: well thats the hard part !! , cause some people did not install any tools like that still had issues, dont know if its vista boot loader working overtime14:41
usr13K1ng\: Go back to 8.04 if you don't like it.14:41
geekphreak!lucid > brejeiro[xi]14:41
ubottubrejeiro[xi], please see my private message14:41
K1ng\usr13, i hate the upgrade..... its will upgrade everything14:41
usr13K1ng\: What?14:42
Pici!zh | cofly14:42
ubottucofly: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:42
geekphreakhi Pici14:42
K1ng\like 600mb download + 600 mb upgrade14:42
brejeiro[xi]ubottu: Thanks!14:42
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:42
Picigeekphreak: howdy14:42
rolsworthwhen i install ubuntu to netbook the flash video playback is really choppy but really smooth when i boot win. Is there something i need to do on ubuntu?14:42
h00kgeekphreak, Dr-Ubuntu: What I have seen issues with: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/48275714:42
geekphreakh00k:  thanks will check14:42
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Dr-Ubuntuthanks h00k ill check it out14:43
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usr13K1ng\: If you want stable, stick with stable release.14:43
h00kgeekphreak, Dr-Ubuntu: Specifically: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/482757/comments/1614:43
h00kand the next few comments14:43
geekphreakh00k: many of them are dell hell14:45
aybabtuim in grub how do i restart my computer from here?14:46
h00kaybabtu: ctrl+alt+del14:46
aybabtuim trying to get KDE working but I got a black screen so I tried to reconfiigure the x server14:46
Dr-Ubuntuah i deleted that vista hidden repair partiton while i was reinstalling the other day so that could of been it screwing things up i guess14:46
aybabtuh00k know anything about the KDE black screen issues?14:47
allganduhow to open ports for playing starcraft?14:47
geekphreakDr-Ubuntu: naaw that wont do it14:47
Manfred-Is there any way to see the remaining power with a cli ?14:47
h00kaybabtu: I do not, but perhaps the channel does14:47
tehoweOk, here's a pretty general question - is there a system hotkey to minimize all windows? Like START-d under that other OS? I see the little thing in the bottom left corner that you can mouse down to to click14:47
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geekphreakaybabtu: any error message?14:47
allgandugeekphreak, how to open ports in ubuntu to play on battle.net starcraft.. plz14:48
h00ktehowe: ctrl+alt+d14:48
lalalolWTF!!! suddenly i have no more sound!!!!!14:48
h00k!wtf | lalalol14:48
ubottulalalol: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:48
geekphreaktehowe:  ctrl+alt+d14:48
westerntehowe ctrl-d14:48
lalalolhelp plz14:49
geekphreakaybabtu: do you get any error message?14:49
lalalolit's urgent14:49
h00kubottu: tell lalalol about sound14:49
ubottulalalol, please see my private message14:49
richthegeeklalaol: curb swearing, this is a family channel, and everyone's issue is as urgent as all others... yeah I know, i'm annoying you with this.14:50
om26erh00k, ubottu got smart?14:50
h00kom26er: :)14:50
jotallSo families don't swear?14:50
lalalolh00k, al of a sudden my sound stopped14:51
geekphreakjotall:  please keep it clean :)14:51
tehowegeekphreak: ty14:51
h00kjotall: language is clean in Ubuntu channels :)14:51
jotallgeekphreak: Are families clean? ;)14:51
richthegeekjotall: of course they do, my mother swears like a trooper...14:51
geekphreakaybabtu:  are you there somewhere ?14:51
Urdajotall: you've obviously never seen my family14:51
geekphreaktehowe:  welcome14:51
eurythmiaI am currently on a Jaunty laptop. Last night I hooked up my laptop to my 1080p monitor at home, and set the resolution accordingly, ensureing (through the display manager) that my LVDS was off. When I left home this morning, I did not bother to switch the output back to LVDS, and instead just suspended my computer and brought it to work. Now when I log in to gnome, my LVDS is blank, and I can't get any output on an external monitor (there are no14:52
eurythmia(I am currently working off of tty01 because it's the only way I can actually *use* this computer at the moment)14:52
hoelk"Wtf" is supposed swearing?14:52
h00khoelk: Yes. Acronyms count as well.14:52
richthegeekhoelk: the F isn't "fridge"14:53
geekphreakeurythmia:  gui wont come up, any errors?14:53
FreeBSD-monsterHello,how i can enable freebsd emulation in ubuntu 9.10?14:53
hoelkWhat the family?14:53
* underdev ear's are burning. BURNING I SAY!14:53
eurythmiageekphreak: that is correct, no gui ... I don't see any output, and can't ewven switch over to a tty when that occurs, so I'm not sure about the errors.14:53
geekphreakFreeBSD-monster: never knew it had one , interesting14:53
jotallWhat do you do when there are popular packages with swearwords?14:53
richthegeekhoelk: exactly...14:53
richthegeekjotall: such as?14:53
sipiorFreeBSD-monster: you could always run freebsd in a vm i suppose. what exactly are you trying to emulate?14:54
richthegeekjotall: pm me if you are wary14:54
Full-Frugalok is it easy to chanload another grub menu to the ubuntu one14:54
jotallrichthegeek: Such as I don't know, but if there are and if there will be14:54
geekphreakeurythmia: can you try something for me , press alt+ right arrow key to move to next terminal then type startx , what throws up?14:54
sipiorjotall: i wouldn't worry about it.14:54
richthegeekjotall: I suppose GIMP almost counts except no-one uses it as an expletive so much as an insult14:54
jotallLike, what if GIMP had another name..14:54
FreeBSD-monstersipior:i wrote a RedTube Downloader in c++ on freebsd,instead installing compilers,i want to emulate it14:54
jotallBut if something had something as FUCK?14:55
h00kFreeBSD-monster: there is no "emulate freebsd'14:55
h00kjotall: Don't push the issue.14:55
FreeBSD-monsterlinux sucks14:55
bazhangjotall, please stop that14:55
FloodBot2FreeBSD-monster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:55
jotallh00k: It's a legitimate question.14:55
FreeBSD-monsterlinux really sucks14:55
bazhangjotall, do you have an actual support question?14:55
sipiorFreeBSD-monster: go away.14:55
FreeBSD-monstersipior:no u14:55
richthegeeklol, kick? seems a little harsh..14:56
sipiorhere i thought he had an interesting question...14:56
eurythmiageekphreak: hm ... stopping gdm and typing startx brings me to my regular desktop, as I would wish it to be ... I wonder if I can start gdm normally now and have that happen ...14:56
geekphreakeurythmia: ok desktop is up now, which is good , did you uninstall kdm ?14:57
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LuckySMack[droidUsing wget to download part of a site, say site.domain.com how can I make it ignore certain paths? Say site.domain.com/blah so it ignores everything past the blah path14:58
lalalolhelp needed immediately, my sound suddenly stopped, i tried everything14:58
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Dr-Ubuntuhave you tried rebooting? heh14:58
h00klalalol: try killing pulseaudio14:58
eurythmiageekphreak: yep ... now that it's up, things are the way they should be. I suspect it may have something to do with the the way gdm starts a session (with settings from the previous session) as opposed to the way startx starts the session (with the saved configuration).14:58
xomphallo, I've a Linode server running Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and would like to reduce it's footprint as I'm limited to HDD space as is. Are there any aspects of Ubuntu I can remove via the console that can maybe free up some disk space? Some unwanted applications or bloat by chance?14:58
lalalolh00k, i just rebooted14:58
geekphreakLuckySMack[droid: try httrack14:58
eurythmiabrb, I'm going to start xchat now ;)14:59
Full-Frugalnow about chainloadiong in grub 214:59
h00kFull-Frugal: I think that is covered in the grub2 wiki14:59
bloopletechxomp: X, gnome, kde?14:59
jotallHeh, so there is at least one package. "libacme-brainfuck-perl" I guess we can't talk about that one in here?14:59
bloopletechxomp: apt-get cache?14:59
geekphreakjotall: thate nough14:59
xompbloopletech, no DE's are used as it's headless, but they may be installed14:59
Full-Frugalyes sort of just wanting to know if it can be done from ubuntu to puppy on seperate hdd14:59
h00kjotall: Please be mature about the issue. Thanks.15:00
chun_Wonder if anyone can help - I seem to have lost my volume control from my tray - how can I get it back?15:00
jotallh00k: Please be mature about censorship and rules.15:00
geekphreakchun_: press alt+f2 >> type gnome-volume-control15:00
bloopletechxomp: Well uninstalling them will free some space up, as will clearing the apt-get cache (AFAIK)15:00
xompbloopletech, E: Invalid operation cache15:00
bloopletechxomp: It's not a direct command it's part of apt-get, ... you'll need to google it15:01
sipiorjotall: do you have anything interesting to ask about?15:01
eurythmiageekphreak, I don't know why I didn't think of trying startx directly ... but for now, I blame the morning ;)  ... thanks for the help.15:01
Pici!guidelines > jotall15:01
ubottujotall, please see my private message15:01
lalalolh00k, help plz15:01
h00kjotall: That is a language, mention of that language is fine. Using the words as curse words are not allowed. If you have other issues, please check the !guidelines and !codeofconduct15:01
LuckySMack[droidgeekphreak: install with apt? Httrack15:01
chun_geekphreak -- that opens "sounds preferences" but doesn't give me the volume icon back15:01
eurythmiabloopletech, it's actually "apt-get clean"15:02
h00klalalol: I'm not sure how to fix your issues, also please use the full words as English isn't everyone's native language and they may not understand.15:02
bloopletecheurythmia, ok thanks15:02
jotallh00k: So if I do have an issue with libacme-brainfuck-perl in 10.04 it shall not be brought up in this channel?15:02
eurythmiabloopletech, no problem :)15:02
h00kjotall: correct, you can take Lucid issues to #ubuntu+115:02
lalalolk h00k15:02
jotallh00k: Haha, well, 9.10, doesn't matter.15:02
eurythmiabloopletech, "apt-get clean all" will ensure that all the cache and downloaded packages are cleared out.15:03
bloopletecheurythmia, ah15:03
h00kjotall: That is fine, as it is a package. Do not use 'curse' words as curse words, however. If you have other questions, feel free to pm me15:03
xompbloopletech, /etc/apt/cache ?15:04
LucidGuyNeed to be able to run a script on all my my ubuntu boxes (40+).  How would you guys recommend.  I can throw together a script containing individual ssh commands but I would prefer to not have clients root password saved within the script.  I also would prefer to not put an ssh key on all clients to prevent the password prompt.  Any suggestions?15:04
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geekphreakLuckySMack[droid: yes you can apt-get it , there is gui version of it do a sudo apt-cache search httrack15:04
StHaHas anyone tried to install Ubuntu on a mobile phone :P?15:04
h00kubottu: mobile | StHa15:05
ubottuStHa: Learn more about Ubuntu Mobile at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded15:05
LuckySMack[droidYea thanks.glad there's a cli version too.thanks a bunch15:05
geekphreakLuckySMack[droid: no worries15:05
StHah00k, thanks :)15:05
fellipe_brasilhi friends. before doing apt-get install, how can I know prior the version of the software wich will be  installed?15:05
sipiorLucidGuy: have a look at "cssh"15:06
erUSUL!version | fellipe_brasil15:06
ubottufellipe_brasil: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »15:06
fellipe_brasilI am using ubuntu 8.04 server15:06
scuniziDoes the samba service start before a user logs in to the desktop?15:06
sipiorscunizi: should do, yes15:07
scunizisipior: that's what I thought.. I know it does on a server install. but a desktop install I can't seem to access after just hitting the power button15:08
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sipiorscunizi: you've logged in and verified that the service is running?15:10
sipiorscunizi: logged in remotely, i mean.15:10
scunizisipior: nope.. didn't think of that .. so I'm now in via ssh .. how do I find out if it's running? sudo service samba status?15:11
sipiorscunizi: that sounds right :-)15:12
h00kscunizi: yep15:12
sipiorscunizi: i don't think the sudo is necessary, though.15:12
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scunizisipior: yep that worked.. and it's running.  In Nautilus when in the Networking tab I see "windows network" but when I click on that... there's nothing when there should be 2 machines there.. one xp and one kubuntu.15:14
explorealexi installed ubuntu 9.10 on a compaq pressario laptop. now the wireless LAN button won't switch on.. what should i do?15:15
scuniziI've verified the network group my current machine is logged in as15:15
uLinuxHow can I disable yellow popups i.e. shortcut comments?15:15
uLinuxDo I need to remove all comments?15:15
kabalhi, how can i enter to command mode in vi??15:16
coz_uLinux,  I am not clear on what you mean... can you give an example I try here?15:16
moreiakabal: you mean ex mode?15:16
h00kkabal: esc15:16
Full-Frugalwheree does ubuntu install grub in mbr or root15:17
anodesniHi, Wubi (ubuntu 10.04 64/32 bit) is crashing under windows 7 64 bit, is there a fix?15:17
uLinuxcoz_ if i hove the mouse on a shortcut a yellow popup shows its name and/or comment15:17
h00kFull-Frugal: to the MBR15:17
h00kanodesni: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid Discussion :)15:18
ubuntui need to change grub options from ubuntu live cd, how can i do that?15:18
BluesKajFull-Frugal, is grub not showing up ?15:18
anodesnih00k: I could ask the same for 9.1015:18
h00kanodesni: is it crashing in 9.10?15:18
LucidGuysipior, will do .. looking into cssh15:18
anodesnih00k: from what I read from google15:18
coz_uLinux,  mm .. do you  mean within an applications menus?15:19
BluesKajanodesni, nope, wubi is supposed to support beta OSs15:19
uLinuxcoz_ in any shortcut..15:19
h00kanodesni: If you are having a problem with 10.04, please take it to #ubuntu+115:19
anodesnih00k: ok15:19
kabalok i press esc, and how can i quit and save?15:19
h00kkabal: :wq15:19
coz_uLinux,   then I am not sure  because I cannot reproduce that here ....sorry15:19
uLinuxcoz_ if you stay with mouse over firefox shortcut it shows a popup15:19
anodesnikabal: or :x15:19
uLinuxthose popups are annoying15:20
coz_uLinux,  ok let me try again15:20
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h00kkabal: press esc to enter command mode, then type :wq15:20
h00kkabal: you should see those 3 characters in the bottom left, then hit enter15:20
gurulenindear ubuntu user15:20
h00kkabal: w is for writw, q is for quit15:20
coz_uLinux,  no its not doing that here... I may have inadvertantly disabled that  but I know I didnt do it  voluntarily15:20
kabali pressed wq and it show at bottom "recording"15:20
uLinuxcoz_ maybe is it a compiz option?15:21
h00kkabal: you need the colon down there, too15:21
uLinux*is it?15:21
icerootkabal: sounds like vim, use   esc :wq15:21
coz_uLinux,  I dont think so but let me check15:21
rldowling03I am preparing to get ready for 10.04, and I have always wondered, should I be using 64 bit or 32 bit version? I have a 64 bit processor and have used 64 bit windows, just wondering if it is beneficial to use 64 bit version or just stick to 32 bit15:21
h00krldowling03: 64bit is the wave of the future!15:21
icerootrldowling03: depending on your ram but amd64 version is running fine15:21
anodesnirldowling03: how much RAM?15:22
geekphreakhello all15:22
rldowling03I have 4GB of ram running AMD dual core15:22
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h00kit doesn't depend on ram. there are other benefits, too.15:22
anodesnirldowling03: definitely 64bit15:22
soiconhi guys, my thunderbird 2.0 on Ubuntu receive email with wrong content, for example, emails sent from A to me have the content of the email which I received from B and I totally lost the email from A, so...what's my problem here, I really don't know what happened ? my mail box is around <300MB. Thanks15:22
coz_uLinux,   I dont see any  option .. specifically ... in ccsm for that  however i do recall ...last year...having to set that in one of the compiz plugins15:22
rldowling03okay, is there any issues I should be aware of with using 64 bit15:22
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anodesnirldowling03: not really unless you use zsnes15:23
uLinuxcoz_ it sucks there isnt any option for that..15:23
coz_uLinux,  is this karmic15:23
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uLinuxyes ubuntu karmic15:23
rldowling03thanks anodesni :)15:23
coz_uLinux, let me see of a way to disable tooltips15:24
geekphreaksoicon: imap service?15:24
soicongeekphreak: I am using POP315:25
alien260Hello, dose anyone know how to extend the top panel on dual screen with ubuntu?15:25
geekphreaksoicon:  does it look good in web interface ?15:25
soiconand all  the emails won't be kept on server after being downloaded15:25
geekphreaksoicon:  you have to enable option "leave message on server"15:25
coz_uLinux,   the older way of doing this in ccsm was top open the opacity brightness and saturation plugin and adding   (name=gnome-panel & type=tootip) and setting opcaity value to 015:26
coz_uLinux,  that may still be valid15:26
uLinuxcoz_  ok15:26
nmvictoris their a way to convert a scanned document to a normal typed document to be edited in open office?15:26
geekphreaksoicon: click edit >> account settings >> enable it there for your account15:26
soicongeekphreak: is it helpful ? I will try, I haven't try to login to the webmail yet15:27
coz_uLinux,  or open gconf editore  manuever to /apps/panel/global   and disable tooltips_enabled15:27
kabalvi is hard15:27
Bunburyhi is there a service manager in ubuntu?15:28
jbwivguys, I experience pretty regular system freezes. Hard freezes... magic sysrq won't even work. Turned off Compiz...the lockups happen much less frequently. Replaced video card, no dice. Replaced RAM, and it seemed to fix if for a few days, but after upgrading to Lucid, seems the lockups are back. Opened case, all fans are working properly. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Could it be the motherboard? Something with Linux itself?15:28
cipheranyone know the best way to do a virus scan on windows from ubuntu via wubi install,nasty virus wont let me do anything on win so im trying to fix it fromubuntu15:28
Hillshumkabal: But worth it if you do lots of text editing15:28
uLinuxcoz_ how do i open it15:28
geekphreakBunbury:  sudo apt-get install rcconf15:28
alien260kabal: use nano or pico then :P15:28
Bunburyah ty ty geek15:28
coz_uLinux,   open a terminal   type   gconf-editor15:28
coz_uLinux,   then   /apps/ panel / global   and in the right panel lookfor tootips_enabled15:28
geekphreaksoicon: chanes are mails will be ok there, prob. folder/profile got currupted thats the only thing i can think of, try to log into webmail option see everything is ok there15:29
Guest53826Hey, any real difference between x86 and AMD64 builds?15:29
geekphreakBunbury: welcome15:29
Guest53826I have 2GB ram, 2.2ghz dual 64 AMD CPU15:29
tsimpsonGuest35290: AMD64 runs only on 64bit processors, the x86 version runs on both15:29
uLinuxcoz_ tks a lot :)15:29
coz_Guest53826,  you mean in terms of speed ?15:29
uLinuxim gonna save that command15:29
coz_uLinux,   did that work for you?15:29
sipiorjbwiv: anything interesting get dumped in the system logs that corresponds to the time of the crashes?15:29
uLinuxyes coz_15:29
Bunburyk geek i have it installed how do I use it15:30
Guest53826coz_: Speed, reliability, resource usage etc15:30
nmvictorGuest53826: X86 is common, you hardly find AMD64, mostly X64 work for servers purposes15:30
alkisg_webWhile running `sudo rsync -av myhomedir mybackupdir`, rsync creates all hidden (starting with dot) directories with root as the owner, instead of alkisg. Isn't `-a` supposed to preserve dir ownership? What am I doing wrong?15:30
geekphreakBunbury: just run sudo rcconf , you can enable/disable services from it15:30
ratapoilwhat's the point of adding a deb-src to the repositories?15:30
tsimpsonq__: please don't version people15:30
coz_Guest53826,  well I have both 32 bit and amd 64 bit.... 64 bit is running lucid  and it is faster in booting and far less resource intensive howeve15:30
d7777777How can I get my current user default public key (openssh)?15:30
Bunburyah is there anything else with a better UI?15:30
coz_Guest53826,  however that may also be due to lucid as well :)15:30
q__sorry, but why?15:30
Guest53826coz_: So... Which to get? :s15:30
tsimpsonq__: because many people consider it rude to do so without asking15:31
BluesKajGuest53826, I run amd64 bit lucid on my desktop, it runs fine15:31
cipherwhats the best virus program to scan windows with from ubuntu via wubi15:31
geekphreakBunbury:  there is a gui version of rcconf >> you canc search for it, there are other option in synaptic too :)15:31
sipioralkisg_web: the permissions will be preserved, not the owner. you can fix that later with a "chown -R <username>"15:31
coz_Guest53826,  if you want you can install the 32 bit on a 64 bit system  I dont think you will notice much out of the ordinary15:31
gdbcoz_: 64 bit uses more memory as a matter of course.  I'm not sure what you mean by "less resource intensive."  64 binaries also take up more disk space.  I get booting faster, I get running faster, but 64 bit is more resource intensive (ie; your memory and disk resources).15:31
mrp10.04 today?15:31
Guest53826Ok cool thanks, I guess AMD6415:31
Pici!lucid | mrp15:31
ubottumrp: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:31
FloodBot3mrp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:31
mrpPici: ta15:31
alkisg_websipior: ugh, but what if I have 5 different owner in subdirs? Isn't there a tool that preserves owners?15:31
soicongeekphreak: thank you, let me try15:32
tsimpsonGuest53826: you only need the 64 bit version to fully utilize >4.2GB of RAM, otherwise the speed difference is negligible15:32
geekphreaksoicon:  welcome15:32
gurulenincan i set up authentication for cd-drive?15:32
Guest53826tsimpson: Hmmmm, thought it may be15:32
coz_gdb,   I will have to check again.. I didnt notice those things but i will check again thanks15:32
uLinuxcoz_ at least it disabled shortcut popups15:32
Guest53826tsimpson: But if I'm reinstalling anywya.. Meh?15:32
GlowballHi. I'm on an old pc with Intrepid... Just wondering what would happen if I delete these repositories and add Karmic's/Lucid's instead15:32
alien260Hello, dose anyone know how to extend the top panel on dual screen with ubuntu?15:32
geekphreakPici:  in old ubuntu wasnet there a service-admin command or something to manage services, did they take it off?15:33
Bunburyim looking for a ui like the windows service manager15:33
jbwivsipior: no, nothing of note15:33
Bunburystop, start, automaic, manual15:33
alkisg_websipior: thank you.15:33
coz_Glowball,  well you may run into issues you were not expecting.... I would suggest just a clean install of lucid after it's release15:33
sipioralkisg_web: you know, i just checked the man page, and -o (implied by -a) should preserve the owner. not sure why it wouldn't there. you're not moving these files onto another system?15:33
alkisg_websipior: I"m copying the files into another disk15:33
geekphreakBunbury: let me see if i can ccome up with something15:33
Picigeekphreak: There was, I don't know if it plays nice with upstart though.  The package is 'bum' though.15:33
uLinuxcoz_ but still there is some other yellow popups in time section, desktop button, trash shortcut15:34
geekphreakPici:  oh ok thanks15:34
Glowballcoz_: was already planning to do that :) So actually, I can try it, since it needs a reinstall anyway15:34
coz_Glowball,  there you go   I think you will be much happier with aclean install :)15:34
sipioralkisg_web: another thing to try: get a root prompt via sudo -i, and then try the rsync command again.15:34
gdbcoz_: The differences are very slight.  If you have the ability to do so, you can install the 64 and 32 bit versions of Ubuntu in side by side virtual machines (eg; Virtual Box) and do a comparison of both while running their respective default installs (using df, free, and other commands to look at resource usage).15:34
alkisg_websipior, thanks, trying...15:35
coz_uLinux,  then you could try the ccsm window rule under opacity brightness and saturation plugin15:35
Bunburyk geek15:35
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GlowballWill there be an Lubuntu iso available btw? There are iso's for the beta releases, but since it's not going to be a real derivative just yet...15:35
bazhangGlowball, not as of lucid no15:36
coz_gdb,  I may do that at some point  just to see the differences...however I do notice... on the 64 bit system which is a lesser system than I am runnong here... with a lesser video card...that it does tend to use fewer resources  particularly video resources  but I will test at some point anyway   thanks again :)15:36
guruleninwhen i copy large file (<1GB) to my 4 GB pen drive(USB2.0) its speed slowdown to 1 MB. some times hanging. but on windows copying speed is fast15:36
alkisg_websipior: nah, the same problem, rsync sets "root" as the owner of hidden dirs (while it keeps the owner of non-hidden dirs)15:36
coz_gdb,  but I am also attributing some of that to lucid as well15:36
GlowballI thought so. Damn. But if I download a beta cd and update everything... I will eventually have a full Lubuntu install, no?15:37
bazhangGlowball, lubuntu-desktop package15:37
geekphreakBunbury: try sysv-rc-conf15:37
Glowballbazhang: I know. But then it's cluttered with GNOME apps15:37
sipioralkisg_web: the contents of the directories are correct, though?15:37
bazhangGlowball, you could go with alternate or minimal installer15:38
alkisg_websipior: yes, I think so15:38
bazhangGlowball, minimal is around 10mb15:38
Traveler3hey, will they release at midnight in UK time or est?15:38
GlowballThe alternate installer... I have never actually looked at that. And I don't know about the minimal installer tbh, I'll have a look at that15:38
Azelphur!isitoutyet | Travel15:38
ubottuTravel: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:38
bazhangTraveler3, when its done no set time15:38
geekphreaksoicon: any luck?15:38
Bunburyty geek15:39
geekphreakBunbury: welcome, hope it works for you15:40
FlynsarmyI mounted an NTFS drive under my username however when apps such as PHP try to modify files on it they get permission denied. how can i fix this?15:40
sipioralkisg_web: could you try adding the --super option? also, you're rsyncing to a clean directory with each of these tests, right?15:40
alkisg_websipior: to a clean directory, yes, and thanks, trying...15:41
alkisg_websipior: nah, the same. I was wrong though; ALL the directories are created as owned by root, not just the hidden ones. The owner is only preserved for files, not for dirs.15:43
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sipioralkisg_web: bizarre. i've never seen that before. what type of filesystem are you copying from/to?15:44
depositoHi!   I need to make this work. http://pascalek.pers.pl/en/propage/samba4dosemu-introduction  Someone did it?15:44
alkisg_websipior: ext3 to ext315:44
depositoHi!   I need to make this work. http://pascalek.pers.pl/en/propage/samba4dosemu-introduction  Someone did it?  In ubuntu 9.10 Sorry15:45
alkisg_websipior: I think I had noticed that in previous Ubuntu versions, too (I'm currently using Lucid). Does this not happen for you?15:45
sipioralkisg_web: it does not, no15:45
alkisg_webOh. :(15:45
alkisg_websipior: sudo rsync -av --super source-dir dest-dir, right? I can't imagine what I'm doing wrong... :-/15:45
sipioralkisg_web: looks right to me.15:46
kojohelp problems with permissions15:46
FlynsarmyI mounted an NTFS drive under my username however when apps such as PHP try to modify files on it they get permission denied. how can i fix this?15:46
alkisg_webHmmm let me trying mounting the external disk manually, without udisk...15:46
jbwivguys, I experience pretty regular system freezes. Hard freezes... magic sysrq won't even work. Turned off Compiz...the lockups happen much less frequently. Replaced video card, no dice. Replaced RAM, and it seemed to fix if for a few days, but after upgrading to Lucid, seems the lockups are back. Opened case, all fans are working properly. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Could it be the motherboard? Something with Linux itself?15:47
sipioralkisg_web: is the directory you're copying into owned by root?15:47
m_anishHi I am looking to install an older version of metacity (pre-lucid) into lucid-beta-2. How do I go about doing it. I have downloaded the required packages that need to be installed.15:47
alkisg_websipior: yes, e.g. /home/username, but not the subdirs, they're owned by the user.15:48
geekphreakm_anish: dont think thats a good idea15:48
sipioralkisg_web: so, /home/<username> is not owned by <username>?15:48
alkisg_websipior: i.e. I'm trying to backup my "normal" home dir in an external disk. I'm logged on as another user while trying to do that.15:48
alkisg_websipior: no, /home/username is owned by root (as usual?)15:49
geekphreakFlynsarmy: is rw option enabled for that partition?15:49
sipioralkisg_web: no, that's not :-)15:49
Flynsarmygeekphreak, yep15:49
m_anishgeekphreak, I know, but i need to it15:49
Flynsarmygeekphreak, it's also things like php not being able to chmod15:49
geekphreakm_anish: its your system :)15:50
sipioralkisg_web: ls -ld /home/sipior :15:50
sipioralkisg_web: drwxr-xr-x 44 sipior sipior 4096 Apr 27 19:11 /home/sipior15:50
vadi01_how many more hours for ubuntu 10.04 to be out?15:50
alkisg_websipior: sorry you're right, yes it's owned by the user :D15:51
bazhangvadi01_, not known15:51
nmvictorwhen videos on youtude are loaded into firefox such that one can replay instantly, is their a folder in which they are cached, so that one can just cd to the directory and copy the video?15:51
bazhang!party > vadi01_15:51
ubottuvadi01_, please see my private message15:51
geekphreakbazhang: pm me that party message too :)15:52
bazhanggeekphreak, /msg ubottu party  :)15:52
SeismicMikeI have a coworker who's having trouble establishing a vpn connection using network-manager-vpnc.15:52
m_anishgeekphreak, :) yes it is. So how to do it ... if I remove the installed packages first, it will remove a ton of another installed packages... Is there any way I can only remove the packages in question and not the dependencies etc.15:52
geekphreakthank you :)15:52
sipioralkisg_web: a real head-scratcher. you might try specifying all the switches explicitly, instead of using -a. but i'm not too optimistic...15:53
SeismicMikeHe said he can't access both web resources and vpn resources15:53
FIQHi, when my session restored (using KDE), Plasma never started. In Konsole, i get this message:15:53
FIQQGraphicsGridLayout::itemAt: invalid index 215:53
alkisg_websipior: what puzzles me is that it works fine for you... which ubuntu version are you using?15:53
FIQQGraphicsGridLayout::itemAt: invalid index 215:53
FloodBot3FIQ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:53
FIQlike 40 times15:53
SeismicMikeI had him go to the routes setting and check the "Use this connection for only resources on its network", but that didn't seem to help15:53
sipioralkisg_web: 9.10. let me check again.15:53
FIQQGraphicsGridLayout::itemAt: invalid index 215:54
FIQQGraphicsGridLayout::itemAt: invalid index 215:54
FloodBot3FIQ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:54
sipioralkisg_web: yep, works just fine.15:54
FIQQGraphicsGridLayout::itemAt: invalid index 215:54
FIQQGraphicsGridLayout::itemAt: invalid index 215:55
FIQi never pasted that 3 times15:55
alkisg_websipior: thanks a lot. I'll give it a lot of tries and I'll also try with the 9.10 live cd, and if I can't make it work I'll file bug.15:55
geekphreakm_anish: are you using synaptic?15:56
sipioralkisg_web: hang on a moment, i was using a different rsync (i have a gentoo prefix installed at the moment as well). let me try with the real ubuntu rsync.15:56
m_anishgeekphreak, yes15:56
Sqldumpwho need Scanner SQl dumper new version with Get database15:57
Sqldumpwho need Scanner SQl dumper new version with Get database15:57
Sqldumpwho need Scanner SQl dumper new version with Get database15:57
FloodBot3Sqldump: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:57
geekphreakm_anish: you can try using cli option like dkpg, but like i sid at your own risk, high chances are it might break system15:57
sipioralkisg_web: nope, works there as well. this is version 3.0.6, protocol version 30, fyi.15:58
_pg_I am logged into my computer over ssh. how do I get a login screen to come up so i can vnc in?15:59
bazhangGuest12220, do you have a support question?15:59
nmobixguys anyone can tell me how to figure out which module my ethernet card is using???15:59
mickster04_pg_: unless u have xforwarding i dunno if you can?15:59
_pg_mickster04: can I do that over ssh?15:59
bazhangGuest12220, please take random chat to #ubuntu-offtopic16:00
m_anishgeekphreak, thanks ... I'll know where to go if it does ;) ... The newer version of metacity breaks another package "sugar-emulator-0.88".. Will file a bug report for it soon16:00
xrohi, i have a dell 1743 laptop... nearly all works fine... I don't have sound... I have ubuntu 9.10 64bits... what can i do?16:00
geekphreaknmobix: dont quote me on this but try lsmod :d16:00
mickster04_pg_: i think u can set it up16:00
mickster04_pg_: i dunno how tho16:00
nmobixgeekphreak, yea, but than How do i correlate16:00
geekphreakm_anish: good luck16:00
nmobixgeekphreak, couse there are many modules :)16:00
Vigo!sound | xro16:01
ubottuxro: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:01
_pg_I am logged into my computer over ssh. how do I get a login screen to come up so i can vnc in? I was told I need to set up xforwarding. Can someone advise me how to do this?16:01
L-----D_pg_, you mean X windows16:02
_pg_L-----D: I dont know what I mean, i just want to vnc in. lol16:02
sipior_pg_: have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC16:02
nmobixany1 can tell me how to pinpoint which specific module is my ethernet  card using??16:02
Full-Frugalhi just wanting to know is this grub config corect16:03
alkisg_websipior: weird, it also works for me in a test-case-directory that I created with 2 other dirs on it, but not with my home dir... Bah, this will need much debugging :) Thanks a lot man.16:03
aciculanmobix: dmesg16:03
Full-Frugaltitle Puppt Linux 431 full install in sdb2nroot (hd1,1) nkernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/devsdb2 pmedia=atahd nosmp16:03
sipioralkisg_web: no trouble, hope you sort it out.16:03
aciculanmobix: dmesg shows what devices are located and the drivers associated with it16:03
_pg_sipior: thanks! I will try there16:04
aciculasipior: probably mean /dev/sdb216:04
fennis there any way for me to trace a clearcase file to a build that includes it (or it'd decendant)16:05
sipioracicula: ?16:05
aciculaerr i meant Full-Frugal16:05
fennsorry, wrong window16:05
Bamboocha_davidhi friends16:05
Picifenn: Good, because I had no idea what you were asking.16:06
lalalolLong live Ubuntu! :)16:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:06
Nece228is there any xorg.conf options which can speed up nvidia proprietary driver?16:07
Sachse_SiechtumHello ...is it possbible to install (x)ubuntu and Linux mint and let them use the same /home folder?16:07
nmobixacicula, after doing dmesg|grep eth0 i get the following => http://paste.ubuntu.com/424037/16:07
geekphreakSachse_Siechtum: dont do that please :)16:08
m_anishgeekphreak, thanks a lot ... worked like a charm16:08
nmobixacicula, which one of the two is the kernel module used?16:08
geekphreakm_anish: welcome16:08
nmobixacicula, btw eth0 is my ethernet dev16:08
Sachse_Siechtumgeekphreak, why not? :-)16:08
Bunburyk ty for the help im out for now16:08
archaylSachse_Siechtum: configuration may differ on those 2 distro16:08
Sachse_Siechtumarchayl, I see .16:09
geekphreakSachse_Siechtum: will cause problems mate16:09
okidokiaSachse_Siechtum> Some configuration files are present into your home directory16:09
PiciSachse_Siechtum: You can definitely do that, but be wary that some dotfiles/configs may not be parsable in the versions that differ between releases.16:09
=== marienz is now known as mzbot
=== mzbot is now known as marienz
archaylSachse_Siechtum: they'll override each others configuration16:09
geekphreaktoo much hassel if you ask me, taking a chance imho16:10
geekphreaki wont recommend it :)16:10
okidokiaSachse_Siechtum> it's technically possible to do what you asked, but not a pretty choice :)16:10
Sachse_Siechtumarchayl, but maybe I can configure my picture/video/docs folders for both OS?16:10
Sachse_Siechtumor maybe 3 extra folders16:10
archaylSachse_Siechtum: create other mount point for that and share them16:10
Sachse_Siechtumjust tried the linux mint live cd and really liked it...16:11
aciculanmobix: type lsmod and see if theres a module with a similar name?16:11
soicongeekphreak: thk so much, it's exactly what you thought of, the profile is corrupted. And now, how could I get my profile be good again? (still keep my old email)16:11
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:11
archaylSachse_Siechtum: yeah, it's quite nice16:11
jbwivguys, I experience pretty regular system freezes. Hard freezes... magic sysrq won't even work. Turned off Compiz...the lockups happen much less frequently. Replaced video card, no dice. Replaced RAM, and it seemed to fix if for a few days, but after upgrading to Lucid, seems the lockups are back. Opened case, all fans are working properly. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Could it be the motherboard? Something with Linux itself?16:12
geekphreaksoicon:  you can create a new profile >> i think /usb/bin/thunderbird -ProfileManager16:12
aciculajbwiv: what kind of computer16:12
nmobixacicula, via_rhine              22212  016:12
nmobixmii                     5212  1 via_rhine16:12
wokkaI have a strange problem here.  Somehow or another, I installed a version of fontconfig-config that is higher than the karmic version.  It was probably through the mozilla-dev repository (which I removed), but now, when I attempt to downgrade, I'm blocked:  Observe paste.16:12
nmobixthis is lsmod16:12
virus Will be the difference between RC and Final?16:12
geekphreaksoicon: before you do that backup $HOME/.thunderbird :)16:12
aciculanmobix: looks like thats it then16:13
depositoI have a problem. I remove dosemu but the conf file were still there. So before reinstall i did...   rm -r etc/dosemu and all were erased. Now i did sudo apt-get install dosemu and the program is installa but the conf files werent created. How can i fix this?16:13
Limey_PacketRC Still has bugs, final usually doesn't.16:13
_pg_ugh i give up: x11vnc -safer -localhost -nopw -once -display :0, use sudo x11vnc -safer -localhost -nopw -once -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -display :0. fails16:13
Piotr_today I want to download  ubuntu 10.04, which 1 version should i download?  maybe daily-live ? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:13
_pg_Piotr_: i dont think it matters. just update after you install and youll have latest16:13
aciculaPiotr_: wait 24h to grab the final iso? otherwise rc is probably good16:13
nmobixacicula, u mean "mii" or "via_rhine"?16:14
nmobixacicula, sorry to bother you so much16:14
aciculanmobix: one is used by the other16:14
aciculanmobix: you need both modules16:14
aciculaif you modprobe via_rhine it will probably autoload mii16:14
Pici!lucid | Piotr_16:14
ubottuPiotr_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:14
aciculasince via_rhine depends on mii16:14
Sachse_Siechtumarchayl, yeah I think its the best linux for beginners because the menu is quite similar to vista16:14
nmobixacicula, so theoretically if i wanted to put my net card into the whitelist for suspend/hibernate, i'd have to put both of these modules in there???16:14
Travis-42Is there a way to configure the "places" menu so that it doesn't include certain drives automatically?16:14
aciculanmobix: well depends how they are loaded16:15
Piotr_ok thx for help16:15
aciculabut you need both mods loaded16:15
depositoI have a problem. I remove dosemu but the conf file were still there. So before reinstall i did...   rm -r etc/dosemu and all were erased. Now i did sudo apt-get install dosemu and the program is installa but the conf files werent created. How can i fix this?16:15
Seldaekhmm, any idea why ubuntu10.4 doesn't include the kernel 2.6.33 that has TRIM support? I mean if 10.4 is LTS, you'd think TRIM is kinda important for the long term, but I don't know what's the kernel update policy in between ubuntu releases?16:15
nmobixacicula, care to elaborate a bit more on that?16:15
PiciSeldaek : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.16:15
jbwivacicula, it's a home-built one16:15
aciculanmobix: insmod doesnt load the dependency16:15
jbwivacicula, asus motherboard, dual quad core xeons, 12 gb ram16:16
aciculajbwiv: what kind of psu(brand model wattage) and what hardware16:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:16
aciculanmobix: so if it uses insmod you need to load mii and then via_rhine, if you modprobe it autoloads the dependency16:16
geekphreaksoicon: are you there , i got an idea :)16:16
jbwivacicula, 500W OCZ ps, Asus Z8NA-D6 board16:17
essialDoes anyone know the exact UTC time that 10.04 is going to be released tomorrow?16:17
aciculajbwiv: what gpu?16:17
soicongeekphreak: yes, iam here16:17
essialer GMT16:17
jbwivacicula, we built 12 of them, all running ubuntu. As far as I know, I'm the only one experiening lockups16:17
nmobixacicula, how do i check which way it loads?16:17
aciculanmobix: i dont know that16:17
jbwivacicula, GeForce 9800 GT16:17
aciculajust try listing both mods16:17
geekphreaksoicon:  there is 1 more thing you can do, on current install install add on to backup emails >> , when new profile is created you can import them back :) . i think theres a addon for it :)16:17
jbwivacicula, the only difference between mine and the others is that I have a Netgear WG311T wireless adapter installed16:18
aciculajbwiv: well its not an exceptionally heavy psu for that config but it should be enough16:18
jbwivacicula, would you think a bad motherboard is a possibility?16:19
jbwivacicula, for what it's worth, it's much more stable with Compiz disabled for some reason16:19
aciculaits possible yeh16:19
soicongeekphreak: oh yes, I'll do as you say,  thank you geekphreak!16:19
essialjbwiv: try scanning with the ultimate boot cd16:19
jbwivacicula, which is why I tried replacing the Gfx card, but the problem persisted16:19
essialtesting memory, hardive, and maybe a cpu burnin test16:19
jbwivessial, scanning what exactly?16:19
erkan^24.00 essial16:19
jbwivessial, I have tested the ram with memtest86, everything looked good16:20
jbwivI've also used cpuburn to burn the cpus, nothing out of the ordinary16:20
essialare all the components new?16:20
aciculajbwiv: if you load it heavily without a gui can you make it crash?16:20
jbwivessial, yes, all components are new16:20
aciculajbwiv: if it has an igp can you try using that and remove the gpu/wireless16:20
jbwivacicula, I haven't tried that. igp?16:20
essialwhen it hard locks do you check the cpu temp?16:20
aciculajbwiv: integrated graphics card on the motherboard16:20
soreaujbwiv: Does it happen on a live cd?16:20
essialI've seen CPUs with improper amounts of thermal paste do that16:20
jbwivessial, no, lmsensors doesn't support my board16:21
essial(too much or too little)16:21
essialNot even in BIOS?16:21
jbwivsoreau, I haven't seen it happen, can't guarantee tho16:21
aciculathat seems odd for a dual cpu board16:21
mickster04is it possible to safely install ubuntu desktop ontp of ubuntu server?16:21
essialMaybe physically touch it then and see if it's excessively hot16:21
jbwivessial, I will check it next time in the bios16:21
ensevenHi all! Is there a samba package for ubuntu with ctdb support?16:21
soreaujbwiv: If it doesn't happen in a live session, it's likely a reinstall will fix it16:21
jbwivsoreau, I've tried two re-installs ;-)16:21
depositoI have a problem. I remove dosemu but the conf file were still there. So before reinstall i did...   rm -r etc/dosemu and all were erased. Now i did sudo apt-get install dosemu and the program is installa but the conf files werent created. How can i fix this?16:21
ninjaihas anyone here ever used foremost to recover lost data?16:21
soreau! samba | enseven16:21
ubottuenseven: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:22
essialcpu heat will lock a system quick16:22
jbwivacicula, seems odd that lmsensors doesn't support it? yes, I was sad16:22
essialthe only other thing is to unplug all uneeded periphials16:22
VigoTravis-42: Did or are you using AutoFS?16:22
essialand pci cards and usb devices and such16:22
jbwivcan anyone recommend a good way to read cpu temps without lm-sensors?16:22
soreaujbwiv: Maybe it's getting hot and failing? or some hw component is going out16:22
essialrule out as much as possible16:22
essialALSO a bad power supply can do it you know16:22
Genk1can I setup in in series two different bridge with 2 ethernet card in each one ?16:22
essialyou could try connecting a power uspply from one of the known good machines16:22
jbwivessial, didn't realize that. I'll have to try that. first, i need to make it repeatable reliably16:23
essialpower supplies are REALLY important, never buy cheap ones :)16:23
jbwivis there a program out there that will load cpu and gpu at the same time?16:23
essialjbwiv: vista16:23
jbwivessial, this wasn't a cheapy. Supposedly very good16:23
jbwivessial, lol16:23
Travis-42Vigo: no, not using autofs (at least, not on purpose). There are just a couple of "system" drives (e.g. for backup) that I don't really want to take up places space in the dialogs16:23
VigoTravis-42: This may help:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs16:24
essialjbwiv: also are all 12 machines the same specs?16:24
Travis-42Vigo: ok thanks, I'll read about it16:24
essial(same parts)16:24
wokkaI have a strange problem here.  Somehow or another, I installed a version of fontconfig-config that is higher than the karmic version.  It was probably through the mozilla-dev repository (which I removed), but now, when I attempt to downgrade, it wants to remove my entire system: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/QMn3jhMg16:24
essialyou have to be very careful ordering ram when you get a motherboard16:24
hashed_mickster04:  you can install a GUI on top of Ubuntu server, but it think it would slow it down significantly.16:24
jbwivessial, yes, exactly the same specs, except for the wireless card16:25
hashed_mickster04: here's something on that for 9.04:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-gui-in-ubuntu-server.html16:25
essialjbwiv: then my guess, in order is: CPU getting too hot, power supply, bad motherboard16:25
mickster04hashed_: would it be better to installdesktop and add apache etc to it?16:25
sporedihow to i check all process running at the time16:25
jbwivessial, ok, I'll try to figure out a way to read the cpu temps16:25
jbwivessial, thx16:25
essial(i run a computer repair shop :p)16:25
essialMan I guess I'm going to bed early tonight, I want to grab 10.04 the SECOND it comes out16:26
geekphreaksporedi: top?16:26
VigoTravis-42: It could also be an fstab configuration, :> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab16:26
hashed_mickster04:  it depends on how you use it.  If you are planning to have a general-use desktop with a Lamp server, I would suggest using Desktop and adding the Lamp components in.16:27
sporedisorry i mean all files and deamns16:27
essialmickster04: I installed ubuntu server on my proliant, then added gnome package on top16:28
essialbut only because i run gnome in vnc sessions16:28
essialthe actual physical monitor is text :p16:28
hashed_I am very happy with the Server edition myself, but I use it as a production server.16:28
reindI'm trying to backup a large HD to a USB drive using NTFS-3G. Most of the files have copied over, but now when I try to perform a new write op I get "Operation not supported". Tried a couple of different boxes with the same result. Any ideas?16:28
essialdirty fs?16:28
essialscandisk :D16:28
essialwhat does syslog say when it is mounted16:29
vihi all)16:29
viand when an update will be 10.4?16:29
lkjhhi all i got a little probleme on my pc16:29
lkjhthere is no sound on my system16:29
benkevanoh noes.. tomorrows is 10.04 rewease.. ohs noes16:29
lkjhhow to solve it ?16:29
soreaureind: What operation isn't supported? ntfs doesn't support some features that ext file systems do so this warning can be ignored in most cases16:29
h00kubottu: tell lkjh about sound16:29
ubottulkjh, please see my private message16:29
GodricBrutusAnybody here find it weird that the menu items and what not, in openoffice.org are all bold? http://uppix.net/d/4/6/3baf49a46abb659628c9587211abb.png ? anything i can do about that?16:29
reindsoreau: mkdir, cp, any write op16:30
hashed_GodricBrutus: MS Office and wine?  hehe, j/k16:30
zen933klkjh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544916:30
vithank you16:30
soreaureind: Do the operations still succeed despite the message?16:30
GodricBrutushashed_, nah, openoffice is fine for me. minor annoyance16:30
h00kGodricBrutus: your screenshot had nothing to do with your question and is not appropriate for this channel.16:31
hashed_I still use MS Office just because I can't stand OpenOffice :\16:31
xroVigo, i tried the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting but it still doesn't work...  the input works but not the output...  can u give me some hints?16:32
depositoHow could i do a clean installation of dosemu?16:32
reindsoreau: they don't succeed. Here's syslog's output: http://pastebin.com/jF2miaxS16:32
sXs-hi guys! can npviewer.bin segfault crash Xserver? (sometimes appears black screen and system does not respond at all)16:32
necrogamiI've got a box running Karmic (and when i try to do apt-get install php5-cli or php5-cgi i get this error) php5-cli: Depends php-common (=5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6) but 5.2.10.dsfg.1-2ubuntu6.4 is to be installed16:33
necrogamihow can i solve this issue?16:33
stodorovicis there a way to see what file or version of kernel module is contained inside a specific package before installing?16:34
Vigoxro: Looking now,,,16:34
alkisg_websipior: hehe it turns out that the problem with rsync was... that I didn't wait long enough :) I was copying 100 Gb, and I was looking at the dirs owner while it was still copying. So I guess it set the owner at a later point, because now that it's finished everything is ok :)16:34
webBuilder#join /jav16:34
mark1does anyone know how i can change the permissions of a ntfs folder ?16:35
comentatorhey can someone tell me how i can restore the permissions in /var16:35
sXs-stodorovic, read installation notes before installation16:35
soreaureind: Not sure. how are you mounting it?16:35
reindntfs-3g /dev/sdX1 /media/usb (sometimes with -o force)16:35
ricklerreHey guys, for the last two weeks or so I've been able to get no response at all from keyserver.ubuntu.com, it keeps bringing up warnings on my system.  I can ping it no problem.  anybody have any idea what's causing this or how to fix it?16:35
sXs-hi guys! can npviewer.bin segfault crash Xserver? (sometimes appears black screen and system does not respond at all)16:36
reindsoreau: I can write to it fine in Windows btw16:36
stodorovicsXs-: yes npviewer probably can segfault X. it's that Flash stuff, yes>?16:36
soreaureind: maybe you need to run some file system check16:36
stodorovicsXs-: not sure how to get release notes with apt-get.... surely it wont have a file list....16:37
Vigoxro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1043568&highlight=sound+dell+laptop <:> maybe that one will help.16:37
h00kstodorovic,sXs-:I really don't think it can crash x.16:37
sXs-stodorovic: yes, I recognized that X crashesh when in Firefox is opened pages with flash16:37
reindsoreau: I'm thinking of just formatting it as ext3 and being done with it =)16:37
stodorovich00k: well.. I have had Firefox crash X. And I;ve also had my own Qt application crash X (there was a bug in Xorg)16:38
viby what program it is possible to connect PDA&16:38
xroVigo, i get a blank page...16:38
sXs-h00k: check the first line in log http://paste.ubuntu.com/423960/ after that X crashed16:38
h00kstodorovic: okay :)16:38
necrogamiI've got a box running Karmic (and when i try to do apt-get install php5-cli or php5-cgi i get this error) php5-cli: Depends php-common (=5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6) but 5.2.10.dsfg.1-2ubuntu6.4 is to be installed How can i solve this issue?16:38
Vigoxro: One moment....16:39
stodorovicXorg seems pretty buggy :( I should devote my free time to fix bugs there (since I am a C/C++ coder)16:39
thiemsternecrogami: try running "sudo apt-get install php5-cli php-common"16:39
sXs-<h00k>, <stodorovic> but is this bux fixable?16:39
h00ksXs-: it says npviewr.bin crashed itself, but doesn't necessarily say it crashed x16:39
thiemsternecrogami: because sometimes when you run both at once it works. at least for me16:39
Vigoxro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1043568&highlight=sound+dell+laptop16:39
necrogamithiemster: php5-common is already the newest16:40
h00ksXs-: the next few lines happened seconds later and says a problem with dmraid16:40
thiemsternecrogami: oh, I thought it just wasn't installed yet and they depended upon each other. not really sure how to help then. sorry16:40
Vigoxro: That one is from 2009, is it applicable to your machine?16:40
mathias_Hi. Anyone who is into Clonezilla server edition? I have some issues with mine. When I start the server, and choose whether I want to save or restore image, the clients ARE able to PXE-boot, but during the initial phase, they come up with a "Let the original init take place" error. I have re-run CloneZilla configuration and downloaded a few missing packs related to Clonezilla, but that work either. Any ideas?16:40
necrogamithiemster: the box has modphp installed for apache .. (i didn't install it now i need php5-cli)16:41
xroVigo, i'll try it16:41
sXs-<h00k> nevermind, it is running w/o problems.16:41
thiemsternecrogami: you could download the packages from packages.ubuntu.com and install them and all of their dependencies with dpkg16:41
viwhether you play in AION on UBUNTU? pleas16:41
xroVigo, i'll reboot... thanks for your help16:42
stodorovichmm so many people /joining and /parting here....16:42
bazhangstodorovic, which irc client16:42
abhinavdoes anybody have any ideas for the release party?16:43
sXs-<h00k><stodorovic> but anyway every time my Ubuntu 9.10 crashes I see in log "npviewer.bin segfault" as last line before system reboot16:43
bazhang!party > abhinav16:43
ubottuabhinav, please see my private message16:43
stodorovicbazhang: irssi :)16:43
bazhang!quietirssi | stodorovic16:44
ubottustodorovic: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS16:44
jepes28hi, I have an 8400 GS and nonfree driver installed, suddenly I have low resolution (640x480), already tried reinstalling NVIDIA driver but it didnt work (work around had work before). any suggestions?16:44
stodorovicbazhang: thanks. I wasnt complaining. just commenting on the high activity in this channel16:46
bazhangstodorovic, okay :)16:46
nefastHelllo everyone.16:47
zen933kHow do I quiet xchat?16:47
necrogamithiemster: fixed it ... karmic-security repository wasn't in sources.list16:47
nefastI have this iso [ubuntu-10.04-rc-desktop-i386.iso] at the moment and I only have one cd left.16:47
geekphreakzen933k:  /quit i think16:47
zen933kgeekphreak: Thanks :P16:48
nefastShould I download a newer iso, or just burn this one?16:48
sXs-<nefast> just wait for 1 day16:48
geekphreaknefast: i would wait for few days , stable version coming out soon16:48
geekphreaknefast:  got a pen drive?16:48
nefastBut that requires patience.16:48
sXs-<nefast>it looks like it will come tomorrow16:48
nefastgeekphreak: Ah, yes. I am typing this from a permanent USB install16:49
nefastBut that, alas, is my only drive.16:49
CaptainTreknefast: the stable version of 10.04 is released tomorrow.  You can stick 10.04's ISO onto a USB drive (2GB should work), you can get one for around $12 USD16:49
SolarisBoyi can't wait until tomorrow16:49
* SolarisBoy wiggling16:49
geekphreaknefast:  ok :)16:49
Pici!party > SolarisBoy16:49
ubottuSolarisBoy, please see my private message16:49
Promiti'm having some trouble with the ubuntu netbook remix, it's not cooperating with a logitech cordless desktop set16:49
Promitit sees the receiver during boot as mouse and keyboard but nothing works16:50
SolarisBoywhat do you keep that on standby?16:50
SingAlonghi all16:50
SingAlongI got this error when I connected a Haier CE100 wireless usb modem "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 32: mount: special device /dev/sr0 does not exist". Any way to solve this problem?16:51
nefastI might have another pendrive laying around16:51
zen933kSingAlong: needs Drivers?16:51
cameron_linuxyay! i got mIRC on ubuntu :D16:52
cameron_linuxwine ftw!16:52
geekphreaknefast: will pm you my postal address ;)16:52
geekphreaknefast: just kidding :d16:52
thiemstercameron_linux but there are so many good linux IRC clients! like xchat16:53
nefastgeekphreak: I have to find it first. Which might be a problem :p16:53
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geekphreaknefast: well then do, whatcha waiting for boy :p16:53
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fananilets ubuntu release party16:54
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties16:54
fanani1 hour ago ubuntu releasae16:54
fananii like u16:55
FloodBot3fanani: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:55
PedrolitoI have installed a beta of 10.04 last week.  If I keep upgrading, will I have the same version as the final version, or will I need to install the full version when it's out?16:55
bazhangPedrolito, yes16:55
nefastUpdating should be fine.16:55
bazhangjust keep updating16:55
nefastYou can never go wrong with a clean install, though16:56
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Pedrolitook, thanks16:56
Pedrolitothat new version is fantastic by the way16:56
tarzeaui hate the window control buttons left, and the scrollbar right16:57
tarzeauthey belong together at whatever place, left or right, i don't care, but together16:57
Or1onHow can I use vim-gnome with gnomes clipboard16:57
Pedrolitoyou'll get used to it I supposed16:57
tarzeauPedrolito: no way, i'll reconfigure it for myself16:57
PedrolitoI mean "I suppose"16:57
Pedrolitoit felt weird the first 2 days, but I'm fine with it now16:57
tarzeauPedrolito: the point is the scrollbar should be left too, if the controls are16:58
Picitarzeau, Pedrolito: This channel is still for support, can we move this to #ubuntu-release-partyy ?16:58
tarzeauPedrolito: it's a nextstep thing, the thing that apple/mac os x bought16:58
Picior #ubuntu-offtopic16:58
PedrolitoPici, ok sure16:58
SingAlongdoing wvdialconf doesnt detect my Haier CE100 wireless modem16:59
=== BedMan_ is now known as BedMan
eBryggisringer: Thanks, forgot about that. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/MswNR1ah - Here is the error I am receiving running /usr/bin/jockey-gtk17:04
handjobHi. How can i check the read / write speed of my usb disk (from command line)?17:04
EdgEyDoes anyone know if there is some sort of hardware accelerated media player for ATi cards ?17:04
EdgEyI get choppy playback in high action scenes if I play 1080p bluray or x264 videos17:05
EdgEyusing VLC now17:05
meowbuntuhi how can i check hdd infomation in terminal17:05
fananihi all , nice to meet u17:05
fananii'm a new user of ubuntu17:05
handjobmeowbuntu, lshw i assume17:05
BedManfanani: good for you :-)17:05
_blackwater_edgey vlc has capabilities to enlist hardware acceleration of your ati card if the driver allows it.17:06
Maxtor_111can anyone help ! how to send mail through command line interface..(ubuntu 9.10)17:06
mickster04Maxtor_111: does sendmail work :P17:06
BedManMaxtor_111: mailx -s "subject here" < file17:06
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handjobmeowbuntu, but if you want things like free space then "df".17:07
meowbuntuhandjob, no i want stuff like /dev/sda etc17:07
EdgEy_blackwater_ is there something I have to enable?17:07
meowbuntufdisk -l gace nothing but i have 2 hdd17:07
handjobmeowbuntu, sudo blkid.17:08
EdgEyI have a decent system, HD4950 1GB, Q6600, 6gb ram, and still getting blocky/choppy playback whenever there's high action17:08
Picimeowbuntu: you need to use sudo with that command.17:08
EdgEyLike fast panning or an explosion in 1080p movies17:08
geekphreakmeowbuntu: hdparm??17:08
handjobMaxtor_111, there are mail clients like alpine - they are text based,but ther ARE more leet ways of doing this.17:08
geekphreakmeowbuntu: what are you actually trying to find?17:09
fehrphi all17:09
fehrpif I have a configure file called configure.ac and not configure as usual, how do I install that thing?17:09
handjobHow to check usb disk r/w speed in terminal?17:09
blackxoredhi guys, I was wondering, some time back in time I did, hpow do you manage to connect a user to your shell with only view access while you're typing commands on it???17:10
geekphreakhandjob:  you wana see the speed at file  is transfering to it?17:10
meowbuntugeekphreak, i found it i am trying to do somethig but i need a break so see you all next time17:10
meowbuntuby everyone17:10
handjobgeekphreak, Yes.17:10
_blackwater_edgey by default vlc should provide accelerated streams but the device driver has everything to do in how that works.17:11
geekphreakhandjob:  this is not exactly what ya looking for , but you can try mc, when you copy with it, it shows speed :d17:11
brad[]Hi folks. Anyone here using preload?17:11
Maxtor_111handjob : i have installed alpine, but getting error, while send mail.17:11
fehrpHow do I install a package that comes with a "configure.ac" file instead of a "configure" file? I thought autoconf, but that only gives me errors about undefined macros17:11
kongovewhen can I get 10.04? tomorrow ?17:12
EdgEy_blackwater_, hmm, do you know if there is any multi-threaded h.264 codec I can get somewhere maybe then? I don't think I even need hardware accel, just it's only using one core anyway17:12
jjrI can't make my printer work :(17:12
handjobMaxtor_111, Most of text based email clients are hard to setup. Try mutt maybe.17:12
Pici!isitout > kongove17:12
ubottukongove, please see my private message17:12
sipiorfehrp: does autoreconf work for you?17:12
Maxtor_111handjob : i will give a try...17:12
jjrI've an Epson EPL 5700 laser printer and Ubuntu doesn't seem to like her17:12
jjr(ubuntu karmic)17:13
jjrI've looked on google but didn't find any satisfying help17:13
geekphreakhandjob:  there is 1 more thing you can do :d17:13
_blackwater_edgey i'm not convinced that the performance is delimited within the player or video processor.  which driver are you using for your ati card?17:13
handjobgeekphreak, Yes?17:13
jjrAnyone kindly disposed to try to help me?17:14
geekphreakhandjob: date +%T ; mv /somefile /someplace ; date +%T >> then do that maths :d17:14
fehrphas anyone in here used adesklets successfully?17:14
handjobgeekphreak, Haha good one. Not very elegant but gets the job done. <317:15
EdgEy_blackwater_, I'm not sure, do I need to install proprietary drivers seperately?17:15
todaywhat time does Ubuntu Lucid Release?17:15
CaptainTrekjjr: not all printers have drivers, did you try Epson's website, or just try plugging the thing into the syste,?17:15
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:15
geekphreakhandjob:  ;)17:15
Maxtor_111handjob : installed mutt (error : sendmail: account default not found: no configuration file)17:15
_blackwater_you absolutely must install the factory provided drivers, the xorg drivers are c**p17:15
jjrCaptainTrek, it's plugged. I didn't find drivers on Epson's site (there were some for the 5700L but not for the 5700)17:16
todaythanks CaptainTrek, i want to know what GMT time?17:16
CaptainTrektoday: go to #ubuntu-release-party and READ THE TOPIC, it says all17:16
handjobMaxtor_111, It's not just sudo apt-get intall You have to read A LOT to setup these type of client corectly. You are entering the world of pain. Belive me i used alpine and mutt some time ago and came back to tb.17:17
todaythanks a lot17:17
mr_pincAnyone know the difference between http://mediatemple.net/webhosting/ve/ and http://mediatemple.net/webhosting/dv/?17:18
_blackwater_edgey what is the first line output of   less /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep GLX   (all case sens)17:18
Maxtor_111handjob : i think its worth it..keeping on trying.17:18
stodorovicHi. Custom-compiled vanilla kernel without initrd/initramfs on Ubuntu - possible or not?17:20
EdgEy_blackwater_, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/J88FiSah17:20
iMaThhi all17:20
damogarhello. How can I change the name of a menu entry in grub2?17:20
CaptainTrek!hi | iMaTh17:20
ubottuiMaTh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:20
handjobMaxtor_111, I bet it is. Once You figure it out You can make a lot of things regular e mail clients won't do. I am too lazy for this. Good luck.17:20
stodorovicLast time I tried (a few years ago), it broke bits of usplash and other udev things, but could still boot.17:20
iMaThdamogar, not in menu.lst ?17:20
aciculastodorovic: you can do without initrd, but why would you want to17:20
stodorovicbazhang: what was that irssi ignore command again? :)17:21
aciculaits there to provide amienity's during the boot process17:21
geekphreak!grub2 > damogar17:21
ubottudamogar, please see my private message17:21
damogariMaTh: grub 217:21
iMaThdamogar, ho, sorry :s17:21
stodorovicacicula: well to get rid of all that annoying crap that gets put in initrd's :) I like my kernels self-compiled. I know my hardware dammit :)17:21
outoftimeis there something along the lines of `source` that also echoes the commands themselves to stdout?17:21
woltercan I make nautilus opaque again?17:21
stodorovicit's partly to test if I can do a kernel update on a 8.10 box17:22
aciculastodorovic: well it will cause more work then whatever aggrevation it saves, and it wont make your computer go faster17:22
damogarubottu: ok, but I still don't know how to change it17:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:22
cbovardIf I install a package for php (sudo apt-get install php5-xmlrpc) will this mess up my current php install?17:22
_blackwater_edgey eww yeah go get the proprietary driver.17:22
EdgEy_blackwater_, I assumed so, thanks17:23
icerootcbovard: no17:23
aciculacbovard: its an addon package for php517:23
geekphreakdamogar: you trying to make windows default?17:23
damogargeekphreak: that was for you xD17:23
stodorovicacicula: it might be very marginally faster. but that's not why I want to do that17:23
damogargeekphreak: No, i'm trying to change the name and seems that is an automated process17:23
aciculastodorovic: just apt-get install <kernel-image> will update the kernel17:23
cbovardthank you very much!17:23
geekphreakname of what damogar?17:24
damogargeekphreak: 10_linux use the output of lsb_release -i -s17:24
damogargeekphreak: the entry name17:24
geekphreakdamogar: /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:24
damogargeekphreak: its not editable17:24
stodorovicacicula: no it won't :] The latest is linux-image-2.6.27-17-generic and I *need* 2.6.29 at least. I might even have to try different versions and perhaps git-bisect kernel sources till I get the wifi working.17:25
marshalldoes anybody know where i could get an SVG of the new logo/17:26
iMaThdamogar, use vi and you save with :wq!17:26
marshalliMaTh: why the '!'?17:26
damogariMaTh but if I use update-grub2 that entry is replaced17:26
iMaThdamogar, exactly17:27
iMaThmarshall, use the ! to force to write and save17:27
cobra-the-jokertoday is the big day ...isnt it ?17:27
iMaThmarshall, use the ! to force to write and quit, sorry17:27
marshallwhen would you need to use force?17:27
iMaThmarshall, when damogar edit the file grub.cfg17:28
=== coffee is now known as Guest70767
=== Guest70767 is now known as whatllllll
geekphreakdamogar: when working with grub files, always make a backup17:29
iMaThgeekphreak, good idea17:29
sinuxcobra-the-joker, y do you say 2 day is the big day?17:29
=== whatllllll is now known as coffeez
cobra-the-jokersinux , change is coming ^_^17:30
linda__am downloading the latest ubuntu17:30
sinuxoh you mean the 10.0417:30
cobra-the-joker:D ..yep17:30
sinuxyes I'm waiting for it17:30
linda__but it is rc17:30
linda__what does it mean17:30
coffeezhow to suppress those joining and disconnecting message?17:30
sinuxI'm still waiting without sleeping17:31
sinuxto get my hands on it17:31
geekphreakcoffeez:  which client?17:31
iMaThsinux, you are very mad :D17:31
cobra-the-jokerlinda__ , the final released it going to be released17:31
linda__what does rc mean ?17:31
coffeezi'm new to xchat-gnome17:31
cobra-the-jokerlinuda__ , today !!17:31
iMaThcoffeez, so, welcome :D17:31
sinuxgeekphreak, yes I know17:31
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sinuxI'm absolutely mad about the change17:32
geekphreakcoffeez:  in xchat there is an option , i think right click freenode, you will see it17:32
sinuxhi coffeez17:32
iMaThsinux, do you think that the new release was very different ?17:32
coffeezgeekphreak: cool, thx17:32
aatifhI have upgraded my machine from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 a day before yesterday. Seems like modem manager doesn't work.17:33
geekphreakcoffeez: welcome17:33
coffeezhi sinux17:33
cobra-the-jokeriMaTh , its LTS17:33
aatifhHave anybody faced the similar problem?17:33
iMaThcobra-the-joker, for ubuntu server too ?17:33
uLinuxWhen I delete a file from my pendrive (NTFS) a .trash file is created. Why?17:33
BedManlinda__: rc means release candidate17:33
cobra-the-jokeriMaTh , i dont know ...but i think yes17:33
=== coffee_ is now known as coffeez
geekphreakuLinux: temp. location for file17:33
coffeezinteresting, xchat crashed..17:34
cobra-the-jokerthey are moving in parralel ...right ?17:34
linda__so it can pass for main release too17:34
sinuxiMaTh, Well I did'nt followed from the betas but I think it'll be good release17:34
iMaThcobra-the-joker, if so, then it's a good news17:34
iMaThsinux, ok17:34
cobra-the-jokerbut i consider myself ubuntu as a desktop OS17:34
geekphreakcoffeez:  crashed?17:35
coffeezgeez... again17:35
iMaThtommorow, i get ubuntu server 10.4 for a school projet17:35
geekphreakcoffeez:  get pidgin :d17:35
sinuxYes I've used so many but from the bigging ubuntu was the best for me17:35
iMaThi must use a real time OS, and i think that ubuntu server with real time patch it's a nice choice17:36
jjrhey guys I need to knpow the uri of one of my parallel ports, how can I do that?17:36
* stodorovic wonders if 10.04 will be released with the x leak...17:36
iMaThwhat do you think ?17:36
sinuxIt has every thing from the newbie to the IT geek17:36
sinuxiMaTh, Yes I do agree with you17:36
iMaThsinux, thx :)17:37
sinuxI use ubuntu server as my gateway17:37
cobra-the-jokeri liked fedora at first ...the only distro that i got my ADSL USB Modem working17:37
linda__it even supports ipod out of the box17:37
cobra-the-jokerbut when i got the ethernet ..i gave 8.04 a shot17:37
sinuxno one in my company managed to crack it yet :-)17:37
coffeezgeekphreak: how to speak to a person? I have to type in your nickname to do that?17:37
cobra-the-jokerstill fedora is my best personal prefrence17:37
geekphreakcoffeez:  type geek , press tab , first few letters then tab :d17:38
cobra-the-jokerGuest35290 , eww ti fedora ?17:38
cobra-the-jokerto *17:38
iMaThsinux, there 3 years, i didn't use ubuntu server, it's was psychologic, but when i trying it ...^^17:38
cobra-the-jokerwell ..every thing just work with me in fedora ...thats all17:38
coffeezgeekphreak: ok, got it. tnx17:38
sinuxcobra-the-joker, it seems like you're kind of bleeding edge person to like fedora17:38
geekphreakcoffeez:  welcome17:38
cobra-the-jokersomeHow ...i like a featurefull distro17:39
sinuxiMaTh, server version is very stable and easy to handle don't worry we're here to help if any thing goes wrong17:39
Maxtor_111anyone using mutt or configured...please help me to do. it.17:39
greggomanois it me, or does gnome-commander not have tabs?17:39
mslovetteGOd morning to all... I have an issue with a USB HDD and an internal ide-scsi raid cluster... it appears that, on boot and if the usb drive is lect powered up (with no fstab entry), it snatches the /dev assignment and then mounts to the wrong point... any thoughts?17:40
sinuxgrggomano, you mean to say the terminal right17:40
dunasI can't find the 'add computer to account' option in Ubuntu One, either on the webpage or in the client, running 10.04 nightly from last night. Any advice? The installation instructions don't tell me where the option should be.17:41
greggomanosinux: no, gnome commander - file manager. Krusader has tab possibilites if i need more than just 2 folders open...17:41
iMaThsinux, i think, it boot so fast :D17:41
greggomanobut krusader's too bloated for my taste/needs17:41
bensi've got serious memory/swap issues with Ubuntu since 9.10.  I have 4GB ram (3.2GB free, 3.2GB cache/buffer) and 4GB swap (0M free) .  According to everything I check, the memory is not in use.17:41
sinuxgreggomano, ah17:42
bensWhy is the kernel swapping if no applications are using memory?17:42
sinuxiMaTh, the booting speed improvement one of canonicals goals17:42
iMaThbens, your swap was empty ?17:42
iMaThsinux, good :)17:43
bushbabyI'm running apache on my ubuntu server and accessing localhost or the ip from the server is fine, however, when accessing it from another remote box i get variable connections with timeouts, and now it has failed to open at all. Can anyone give me a pointer as to where i may correct this? [Ubuntu 9.10]17:43
mark1does anyone know how to find out the exact model of your graphics card ?17:43
bensiMaTh, no. swap is full.  The system never stops swapping. Eventually I have to swapoff to clear it out, which does NOT result in my  memory being filled with 4GB of stuff.17:43
bensOnce I swapoff, and swap back on, performance is great again.17:44
bensI blamed it on VMware at first, so I gave up VMware and went KVM instead, but its started again.17:44
iMaThbens, strange :s i have no ideas sorry :s17:44
mosh_join ubuntu-es17:44
Maxtor_111anyone using mutt or configured if before...please help me to do it.17:44
linda__try virtual box17:44
dunasAny idea why I can't add this computer to the Ubuntu One account?17:45
laborvoce esta bem17:45
bensdunas, cause u1 is all borked right now :)17:46
geekphreak!es | labor17:46
ubottulabor: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:46
=== trogdor_ is now known as trogdor
bensdunas, create a new user account, log in with it, and connect u1.  Should bring you to ubuntuone SSO to sign in.17:46
CheticIs there a fairly easy way to disable right-clicks?17:46
bensdunas, I had the same problem with last nights build.17:46
linda__dunas sorry have u ever used it before now17:46
depositoif i want to install virtualbox, i only have to choose virtualbox-ose from synaptic?17:46
dunasbens, I see, so making a new account should fix it?17:47
sinuxbens, I think you have too much of swap allocated what is your ubuntu structure is it x86 or x86_6417:47
Bezerk-BRHi all!17:47
linda__you could download it from their site "sun" cos it supports usb17:47
depositolinda__, thats for me?17:47
geekphreaklinda__: use the person name, when talking to them, avoid confusion thank you17:48
mslovetteI have an issue with a USB HDD and an internal ide-scsi raid cluster... it appears that, on boot and if the usb drive is left powered up (with no fstab entry), the USB drive snatches the /dev assignment from the RAID and then mounts to the wrong point... any thoughts?17:48
linda__deposito yes17:48
sinuxgreggomano, nautilus have the tab function you want17:48
linda__any short keys for that17:48
depositolinda__, ok.. im looking at www.virtualbox.org thanks!17:48
geekphreaklinda__:  type first few letter of person name, press tab key17:49
depositolinda__, like that :D17:49
sinuxmslovette, try to post it on forum you might get good response17:49
linda__geekphreak, ok17:49
geekphreaklinda__:  thank you mam17:49
linda__geekphreak, thank you17:49
sinuxlinda__, r u new to IRC17:50
bushbabyI'm running Apache on my Ubuntu server and accessing localhost or the IP from the server is fine, however, when accessing it from another remote box I get variable connections with time-outs, and now it has failed to open at all. Can anyone give me a pointer as to where I may correct this? [Ubuntu 9.10] Anyone?17:50
linda__deposito, you welcome17:50
depositolinda__, :D17:50
=== JumboJellyfish is now known as Noose215
geekphreakbushbaby: i would check if ip is correct and perm. is ok17:51
bensdunas, I deleted my account only because i couldn't figure out where u1 was storing configs.17:51
=== Noose215 is now known as SpaceTime420
geekphreakbushbaby: will check port number too , make sure its using default 80 :)17:51
bensdunas, i recreated a new account and tried to connect again and it worked.  the first time I tried and it failed, i think it was because SSO failed on the first try, and you don't get another chance.17:51
bushbabygeekphreak, yes. ip is correct and permenant. Port is also correct.17:52
dunasbens, aha. I had to recover my password, that might've broken its sequence somehow.17:52
benssinux, Doesn't matter how much swap I allocate.  I've tried using less, to no avail.  x86 and x86_64.17:52
geekphreakbushbaby:  permisson set ok , readable?17:52
bushbabygeekphreak, It was working well a few hours ago..17:52
dunasTried it back when 9.10 was new and decided to wait.17:52
bensdunas, yup, its a bug, but i don't think anyone has reported it yet.17:52
bensnot good one day before release.17:52
geekphreakbushbaby: stupid question, is apache running :)17:52
JodaZhow do i disable font bluring ?17:53
dunasbens, seems more like a bug in U1 than a bug in 10.04, though. Hopefully they'll get it hammered out by tonight- might be they're already aware.17:53
dunasAt least the software center looks nice and works fairly well17:54
bensdunas, I already talked to them about it last night.  They hadn't heard about it.17:54
bensI'm letting them know again that others have reproduced.17:54
bushbabygeekphreak, yes, i've reset it and checked a few times..17:54
dunasAlright, good to know then. I'll go ahead and delete/remake.17:54
dunasThanks for your help. :)17:54
bushbabygeekphreak, it's strange, i havne't changed any settings to my knowledge.. it's just, stopped.17:54
geekphreakbushbaby: you get connection timeout ?17:55
bushbabygeekphreak, yes17:55
geekphreakcan you post exact message bushbaby?17:55
depositoi want to install some dos in my virtualbox running on ubuntu 9.10. Is ms-dos free? The best option is freedos ?17:55
bushbabygeekphreak, the exact message in firefox? (using firefox to connect)17:55
geekphreakyes bushbaby , that would be nice17:55
maruenhey ow17:56
Dr_WillisFreedos is free and quite good.17:57
Dr_Willisbetter then msdos in a great many ways17:57
JodaZhow do i disable font bluring ?17:57
dunaswait, MS DOS what17:57
Dr_Willisdeposito:  why do you need dos on virtualbox anyway? There is the dosbox and dosemu emulators17:57
bushbabygeekphreak, "The Connection has timed out The server at #my ip(correct i checked with ifconfig)# is taking too long to respond. The site could be temporarily unavailable. Try again in a few moments. etc etc (Other suggestions like network settings and firewalls (both ok))17:57
* geekphreak does'nt get idea of people using dos emulator, with bash around which is way more powerfull 17:58
_blackwater_* some things just work better without windoze.17:58
geekphreakbushbaby: hope you are not using internal ip , you have to use external ip17:58
bensdunas, let me know if recreating your account works.17:59
ubu_userdeposito, I'd recommend trying DosBox over trying to run MS-DOS in VBox (though it's possible)17:59
bushbabygeekphreak, yes i'm using external ip.17:59
dunasbens, will do, was waiting to launch firefox until the restricted packages installed17:59
geekphreakbushbaby: port 80 open in router?17:59
geekphreakbushbaby:  port forwarding and all that good stuff18:00
linda_geekphreak, which of the ssh server did u install18:00
bushbabygeekphreak, yes. It was working before so i wouldn't have thought it would have changed?18:00
geekphreakbushbaby: hmm true , did you do anything update , uninstall anything ?18:01
linda_opensshor lsdssh18:01
depositoubu_user, thanks... im trying to use dosemu but i have problems using shared folders :s ... do you know if with dosbox i can use it?  i tried to do this http://pascalek.pers.pl/en/propage/samba4dosemu-introduction without any luck18:01
geekphreaklinda_: i dont use ssh servers18:01
linda_so do u connect remotely18:01
bushbabygeekphreak, i tried setting up an ftp server on the same system using proftpd. and them removed it I can't think of anything else?18:01
geekphreaknaaw that uses a different por bushbaby18:02
Dr_Willisdeposito:  why are you doing this anyway? dosbox can access local linux dirs. so you could mount a share to a linux directory, then let dosbox access that18:02
ubu_userdeposito, i've never played with dosemu before, so no help on that front.  Shared folders?  not entirely sure what you mean, but dosbox with proper configuration can certainly use your linux directories.  Good luck.18:02
geekphreakbushbaby: can i pm you?18:02
Maxtor_111anyone using mutt or configured it before...please help me to do it.18:03
stodorovicMaxtor_111: dont ask to ask. just ask18:03
bushbabygeekphreak, yes, though i'm quite new to irc so not sure how it works.. heh..18:03
mmicahi all18:04
dunasbens, how did you delete the account?18:04
depositoDr_Willis, im not trying to play. I need it to work. I have one pc with XP acting as a server. Sharing some folder and all the clients access to it. (right now all with xp). Im trying to migrate to ubuntu. i cant mount the shared unit but i cant use it from dosemu. The program at my work runs in dos18:05
depositoubu_user, because i need a program that is in a remote machine :D .. thanks anyway!18:05
alekseyесть кто?18:05
ubu_userdeposito, so long as your samba shares are mounted on your file system somewhere, dosbox could access them.18:06
uLinuxaleksey english pls18:06
Dr_Willisdeposito:  you sould in therory be able to  have dosbox  access the 'share mounted to a directory' as a drive letter.18:06
etsorbme8! lucid support18:06
Dr_Willisdeposito:  theres also dosbox for windows. You could be sure the program will work in there first.18:06
LjL!ru | aleksey18:06
ubottualeksey: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:06
dotnettedhey all - my ubuntu 9.1 bootup is very slow due to the following errors repeating 5+ times: "ata5: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)" / "ata5: device not ready (errno=-16), forcing hardreset"18:06
Pici!lucid | etsorbme818:06
ubottuetsorbme8: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:06
dotnettedanyone know what ata5 may be or how to find out?18:07
bensdunas, lots of ways to do it.18:07
epvcan i directly update ubuntu from 9.04 to 10.06?18:07
bensdunas, easiest is to just create a new account through system-administration-usersandgroups18:07
depositoDr_Willis, i cant do it right now.. there are in use. But the guys from this "software" says that they have this program working in ubuntu with dosemu :S18:07
ubu_userepv, no18:07
epvcan i directly update ubuntu from 9.04 to 10.0418:07
Piciepv: no18:08
sinuxepv, yes and the verson is 10.0418:08
ubu_userepv, ask in #ubuntu+118:08
sabi m using ubuntu 10.04;tomorrow it will going to release its stable version,can any one please tell me how can i make my beta version to stable one?18:08
Pici!final > sab18:08
ubottusab, please see my private message18:08
dunasbens, Oh, I thought you meant create a new U1 account18:08
mark1does anyone know how i can find out the exact model of my graphics card ?18:08
ubu_usersab, just update -- see !final as Pici just sent you18:08
bensdunas, actually, try this.18:08
Picisab: Further 10.04 discussion in #ubuntu+1 please18:08
depositoubu_user, yes maybe i have to try with dosbox, with dosemu i always have an invalid argument F:18:08
bensdunas, close u1-preferences, then open a terminal and killall -9 ubuntuone-login18:09
bensdunas, then start u1-preferences again andsee if it prompts you to login to SSO again.18:09
dunasbens, massive success18:11
dunasFirefox autologged me in, and it immediately asked me if I wanted to authenticate the computer.18:11
daumhey guys - i'm having trouble with ssh it seems to be started but i can't connect , netstat -an shows it as tcp 0 0 myip:22* listen18:11
dunasIt's kind of a messy workaround for users who don't like the terminal, though.18:11
dotnettedIf anyone has a minute please take a look at http://pastebin.com/iX8ghSm0 (dmesg log w/ highlights) - Ubuntu takes a long time to boot because of a repeating "ata5: link is slow to respond" - anyone have any suggestions? thanks18:12
dunasbens, but yes, that worked perfectly. Thanks for your help.18:12
smikany application which allow me to send receive SMS from my mobile using the AT commands18:12
smiksome kind of phone manager18:12
_blackwater_duam what's the error message on the connecting host18:12
nickaugustHey I'm trying to apt-get update and I get this error: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FC66403D8670A035 .... but theres not laucnhpad addresses in my sources file.. any idea hwo to fix?18:13
gladiatordid anyone tell people at skype that their software doesnt work well with 10.04?18:14
Picigladiator : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.18:14
gladiatorwell it does work.. but the text on the menus is not visible due to the new color scheme18:14
gladiatorPici: ok sorry. forgot that18:15
FFF666hi, is there a spanish-ubuntu channel?18:15
PiciFFF666: #ubuntu-es18:15
FFF666thanks -- gracias18:15
ubu_usernickaugust, see http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1052014.html or http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=18322 good luck man18:16
daumcan someone help me figure out why my ssh doens't seem to be working on my box...18:16
_blackwater_daum I just asked you the question, what's the error your getting on the connecting host?18:16
gladiatordaum: whats the problem?18:16
linda_daum, did you install the server18:16
daum_blackwater_, oh sorry didn't see, it just sits there timed out18:16
daumlinda_, yes, gladiator - can't connect to the server it just sits there (no connect refused or anything)18:17
_blackwater_server is running if tcp 0 0 myip:22* listen18:17
_blackwater_daum also check and see if you can ping the target host from the station you're trying to ssh18:17
daum_blackwater_, yep i can ping18:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:18
_blackwater_daum what's the ssh client your using to connect and on what os?18:18
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com18:18
bensdunas, no problem.18:18
daum_blackwater_, hm nmap doesn't show the port as open though, i'm just using a terminal from my main linux box18:18
FirstSgtI am looking for linux software similar to logmein, that will maintain a persistant outbound connection from our offices to our webservers.  once logging in, commands can be sent to the linux box at the office requesting a connection.  Similar to a hacker's reverse bind connect.  But I need a secure way to do this, as logmein does not support linux, and we are unable to port-forward at our offices.  Using ubuntu helena18:19
daum_blackwater_, one seci  think ther eis an ip conflict sec18:19
_blackwater_daum get on the box with the ssh server running, drop to console, and ssh to the ip of the localbox, so ssh yourusername@yourlocalip.com18:19
LzrdKingFirstSgt: vnc over reverse ssh tunnel18:20
_blackwater_daum o ok18:20
LzrdKingyou can port forward18:20
daum_blackwater_, i think there is an ipconflict just noticed the ports that are registering as open are all for a windows machien on the same block18:20
FirstSgtI can't port forward18:20
LzrdKingFirstSgt: you can, just use an unused port18:20
_blackwater_daum yeh that might be a problem, otherwise if the netstat says 22 is opened then you should be good to go.18:20
BedManFirstSgt: ssh tunneling isn't port forwarding until it gets to its destinations...18:20
LzrdKingFirstSgt: i've heard some good things about TeamViewer18:20
daumyeah _blackwater_ guy just goes "oh yah my bad"18:21
ubutomnice nmobix , pastebinit sounds cool :)18:21
FirstSgtWe are in shared office buildings... network admin wont allow18:21
linda_LzrdKing, teamviewer is nice18:21
LzrdKingi've never used teamviewr, just vnc over ssh tunnels18:21
BedManFirstSgt: the network admins will see a ssh connection on 22... that's it. they don't see the ports18:22
smiksome kind of phone manager18:22
smikany application which allow me to send receive SMS from my mobile using the AT commands. Some kind of phone manager18:22
LzrdKingFirstSgt: ahhh, he won't allow it; doesn't mean you can't do it18:22
nmobixubutom, ;)18:22
FirstSgtlol... firewall wont allow inbound connections of any type unless requested18:22
LzrdKingno admin would ALLOW ssh tunnels through their firewall18:22
FirstSgtteamviewer looks cool18:22
CheticIs there a way to disable right-clicks?18:22
LzrdKingFirstSgt: thats the point of the tunnel, it IS requested18:23
jribChetic: why?18:23
BedManFirstSgt: so initiate the ssh connection from inside, then use the forwarded port on localhost to localhost on the other side...18:23
unixabgGreetings, is there a way to convert a CentOS system to Ubuntu remotely?18:23
BedManFirstSgt: it's bloody magic :)18:23
Cheticjrib, throwing a party and don't want to let anyone use anything but the music player (they love to sabotage)18:23
Green_WaxJUST ONE MORE DAY!18:23
geekphreakunixabg: huh?18:23
LzrdKingbedman, it is some voodoo, yes18:23
BedManunixabg: not likely18:24
geekphreakGreen_Wax: no caps please18:24
LjLGreen_Wax: party in #ubuntu-release-party please, but not here18:24
BedManLzrdKing: nod... ssh tunnels are the shiznit18:24
Green_Waxmy bad18:24
unixabggeekphreak and BedMan, thanks for the response.18:24
linda_what is unixabg18:24
LzrdKingBedMan: especially when used with autossh18:24
jribChetic: I have two suggestions: 1) just use the guest session (when you logout all changes are lost) or 2) read the admin guide about locking down gnome (there are 2 documents, read them both) at library.gnome.org18:24
geekphreakunixabg: np mate18:24
unixabglinda_, my userid18:24
dotnettedI have to type ra0 to auto in /etc/network/interfaces I have to ifdown/ifup ra0 after boot to get it working - why might this be? (all wpa2 settings are also specified in /etc/network/interfaces)18:25
FirstSgtI can write code if I need to, bash / php... we do have servers outside the firewall in chiago as well.18:25
dotnettederr **"If I put ra0 in /etc/netw....."18:25
FirstSgtLzrdKing, BedMan: How would I tell the server (behind the firewall) where to initiate the connection to?18:26
dotnettedI've tried adding "pre-up sleep 20" - no change18:26
Cheticjrib, about the guest session, exactly all changes? like browser bookmarks, filesystem, application settings etc18:26
jribChetic: yeah, everythingg18:27
BedManFirstSgt: look to the man pages for ssh, they will help.  it seems confusing at first, admittedly, but try a few things18:27
FirstSgtim familiar with reverse bind shells... running nc listening on whatever port on the client side.  but how would I do that via VPN or VNC?18:27
geekphreakunixabg: can i ask you something, why do you wana do that?18:27
LzrdKingFirstSgt: you'd need a box you could ssh to directly; indeed thats all logmein and teamviewer provide, that middle box on the internet, not behind a firewall18:27
BedManFirstSgt: the same way you would login to the remote box in chicago...18:27
FirstSgtBedMan: It seems as though I would have to run a 1 min cron to check a web server for which ip to connect to.18:27
Cheticjrib, did not know that! thanks!18:27
uLinuxIf I disable windows notifications with this command - http://pastebin.com/MX288izK - can I undo it later?18:27
FirstSgtBedMan: the server in chiago I control the firewall to.  and I allow ssh connections via no-auth / and public key18:28
unixabggeekphreak, I have a unit in a colo rack that I do not want centos on and I want to move it to either Debian or Ubuntu.18:28
jribChetic: that's probably the easiest way, just make sure guest has read access to your music library18:28
fananihI all , ubuntu when ubuntu 10.05 release ? do u know certainty18:28
FirstSgtBedMan: so it accepts the connections.18:28
FirstSgtBedMan: the office one does not accept connections.18:28
ubu_user!isitout | fanani18:28
ubottufanani: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:28
LzrdKingFirstSgt: your IP changed every minute or something?18:28
geekphreakunixabg: starting from scratch would be a good idea, you can import emails and all that later , much less hassel18:28
_blackwater_FirstSgt 'tunnelling' implies use of ipsec encryption, if that protocal is disallowed through the firewalled interfaces then your tunnelled connection to the admin controlled office wouldn't work.18:28
BedManFirstSgt: see PM18:28
FirstSgtLzrdKing: no.  it never changes at the office.18:28
FirstSgtBedMan: ok18:29
unixabggeekphreak, I am thinking if I could setup to reboot and launch an automated install I can pass the ip information on boot param.18:29
fananibut in ubuntu site , a reade as available soon18:29
dreykhi guys whats up18:29
LzrdKingFirstSgt: why would you need cron to check a webserver for the ip?18:29
fananiis the release is tomowrow ?18:29
iMaThfanani, yes :)18:29
geekphreakLzrdKing:  prob. dynamic ip updating ?18:30
fananiok , thank imath .... n womorow we willl party18:30
dreykanyone here who has experience with chinese scim?18:30
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest88083
LzrdKinggeekphreak: he said its static18:30
geekphreakLzrdKing: oh my bad, i apologize18:31
fatehi my brother in os18:31
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.18:31
dreykis this the support channel?18:31
Picidreyk: Yes.18:31
fateprivet perni18:31
fatei devushki18:32
dreykanyone can help me with how to use scim?18:32
FirstSgtLzrdKing: the servers at the office accept no incoming connections, but the outside IP is static18:32
LzrdKingFirstSgt: can you ssh to any computer that is accessable on the internet?18:32
psycho_oreosdreyk, in what way?18:32
dreykim trying to use chinese input via scim18:33
FirstSgtLzrdKing: yes.  our production web server has ssh via public key on different port18:33
dreykbut i dont know how to switch to that language18:33
psycho_oreosusing pinyin I suppose?18:33
maekI attached a SATA disk to USB via a sata to usb converter cable and I Get this "sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sdd" in dmesg but fdisk -l doesnt show /dev/sdd. any idea what I can I do to get info about the disk/mount it? mount /dev/sdd doesn't work. thanks.18:33
LzrdKingFirstSgt: so ssh there, and use the -L or -R options to forward ports18:33
Guest88083hi all: error in pdns-recursor. when using apt-get, aptitude, synaptic. how-to remove it?18:33
psycho_oreosdreyk, have you got SCIM icon on your screen?18:34
Guest88083can't remove it by using standart options18:34
dreykno how does that look like?18:34
geekphreakmaek try changing usb port18:35
psycho_oreosdreyk, yup, could also look like a keyboard and/or a small square icon with SC on top and IM on bottom in that small square icon18:35
geekphreakmaek: just checking if port is ok18:35
FirstSgtso, if this computer is my ubuntu server, then open an ssh connection to web server (with -L or -R).... and I can just "resume session" somehow ?18:35
Guest88083invoke-rc.d: initscript pdns-recursor, action "start" failed.18:35
dreykthere is only a keyboard symbol in my panel18:35
dreyknothing at the bottom18:35
BjarnovikusEveryone ready for 10.04? (A)18:36
psycho_oreosdreyk, try clicking on it and see if you get a square box with the words scim18:36
psycho_oreos!lucid > Bjarnovikus18:36
ubottuBjarnovikus, please see my private message18:36
LzrdKingFirstSgt: you'd ssh to the port you're forwarding18:36
maekgeekphreak: nice. thanks that did it18:36
geekphreakmaek: no worries18:36
dreyknothing, only when i right click on it i can do some configuring18:36
skrite_hey all18:36
_blackwater_!hi | skrite_18:37
ubottuskrite_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:37
psycho_oreosdreyk, hmm but that's the scim configuration window?18:37
FirstSgtLzrdKing: do you konw of a good guide or a good term to google for?18:37
LzrdKingFirstSgt: google for vnc over ssh18:38
modi'm looking for a an alternative to Songbird that at least as useful and just as pretty (now that the morons as Mozilla arent support LInux platforms anymore)18:38
dreyki guess so18:38
modany suggestions?18:38
FirstSgtLzrdKing: thanks18:38
FirstSgtLzrdKing: thanks for your time too18:38
psycho_oreosdreyk, if you can get into the scim configurations through that keyboard icon, you should see a new window popping up with big words clearly indicating SCIM18:39
LzrdKingFirstSgt: if you want cli access, install screen abd use on the server you want to access18:39
JodaZhow do i get sharp fonts on ubuntu ??!18:39
LzrdKinginstall and use screen*18:39
dreykyeah im in there18:39
ubu_usermod, i wish i knew of one - i dropped songbird like a stone on the announcement they're dropping support for Linux - I'm using Rhythmbox right now, but it really isn't as cool/neat18:39
geekphreakwhats song bird for?18:40
xompwhat time tomorrow is ubuntu 10 coming? :)18:40
maekgeekphreak: itunes ish. music18:40
psycho_oreos!lucid > xomp18:40
ubottuxomp, please see my private message18:40
geekphreakoh ok thanks meak18:40
psycho_oreosdreyk, ok first go into GTK (under Panel)18:40
dreykyeah im in18:40
ubu_userxomp, the time of release is never known18:41
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:41
psycho_oreosdreyk, no under the Show: option click on always, so that you should get that fancy square icon and hit apply18:41
dreyki got show: always and everything ticked except for the bottom line18:41
=== private is now known as superkoklo
Jeeves_Mosshow can I solve this APT issue?  http://pastebin.com/xKaQpeRV18:42
jbwivis there something I have to do to make an applet show up in the list of available applets after I install them? I installed the sensors-applet, but it doesn't show up in the list of available applets I can install to the panel18:42
psycho_oreosdreyk, hmm you'll probably need to restart scim for it to take effect18:42
Guest53826Yo! 10.4 released tomorrow ? :D18:42
psycho_oreos!lucid > Guest5382618:42
ubottuGuest53826, please see my private message18:42
dreykwell i already had that on "always"18:42
theuroscan someone tell me how i can setup menu like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX6UEt632c4 ??  ..bottom menu18:42
dreykhow do i restart scim btw?18:42
_tsolox_with regards to active/passive ftp connection between a client & server, an active-ftp client using 'high-port' connects to server port21. The server responds back data via the 'high port'. Question: Is this 'high port' the value that the server detected upon client's initial connection? Or is it further negotiated, and this means it could have a different value, from what the client uses during initial contact to the server.18:43
geekphreakgoodnight folks18:43
psycho_oreosdreyk, not sure I personally use the command line way, via pkill18:43
maekis there a terminal command to eject a usb disk?18:43
stodorovicDoes ubuntu not have Duke Nukem 3D?18:43
WXZcan the terminal do like anything?18:43
_tsolox_maek: umount18:43
WXZlike open a file18:43
BedMan_tsolox_: the high port is determined on the system that initiated the connection, and is not defined.18:44
WXZor run an executable18:44
Guest53826WXZ: It can do everything :/18:44
dreykin the terminal?18:44
psycho_oreosmaek, yes eject <device>18:44
psycho_oreosdreyk, yup, I'm a bit old fashioned18:44
WXZalright guest5322618:44
maek_tsolox_, psycho_oreos : thanks18:44
WXZso it can like open a ~certain~ note from tomboy notes?18:44
psycho_oreosdreyk, there might be a way to do it through the GUI but I wouldn't know personally18:44
psycho_oreosmaek, no worries, if that fails you might need sudo18:44
Manfred-WXZ: yep, you can even watch videos in the terminal18:44
dreykhaha, im sorry but i dont know how to use that command18:44
WXZhold on a second, I"m going to go cry18:45
dreykim pretty new to everything i guess, switched to linux few days ago18:45
psycho_oreosdreyk, well in terminal, what I'd do is "sudo pkill scim-launcher"18:45
_tsolox_BedMan: how does the client tell the server of this high port value?18:45
theuroscan someone tell me how i can setup menu like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX6UEt632c4 ??  ..bottom menu18:45
dreykok did that18:46
JodaZhuh, where has the hotkey to restart X (ctrl alt backspace) gone ?!18:46
BedMan_tsolox_: its part of the connection protocol with TCP18:46
arandtheuros: Avant window navigator18:46
BedMan_tsolox_: take a look at your netstat -an sometime18:46
LzrdKingJodaZ: yeah, i've tried control-alt-backspace myself several times, it no work no more18:46
psycho_oreosdreyk, now do "sudo scim-launcher &"18:47
Manfred-JodaZ: it's now something like Ctrl+PrntScr+K18:47
uLinuxIf I disable windows notifications with this command - http://pastebin.com/MX288izK - can I undo it later?18:47
LzrdKingcontrol-alt-delete doesn't restart from inside X either18:47
psycho_oreosdreyk, you should have scim icon by now if not try logging out and log back in18:47
LzrdKingManfred-: can you very that?18:47
dreykok wait a minute18:47
Manfred-LzrdKing: sure, sec'18:47
arandJodaZ: replaced with alt+sysreq+k18:48
stodorovicif you run Fluxbox, you better not press ctrl-alt-del - it will kill your x session :)18:48
dreykit says:          scim-launcher: command not found18:48
LzrdKingstodorovic: openbox does not18:48
psycho_oreosstodorovic, you can rebind the keys for that... check under ~/.fluxbox/keys18:48
JodaZlol, i just got flooded with save screenshot thingys18:48
LzrdKingarand: why the change, and can the sequence be changed?18:48
ownerWhere is sources file located? I mean the file, where I can add/del new software links18:48
psycho_oreosdreyk, but you executed that pkill command and it didn't fail?18:49
JodaZand omfg, they aint grouped in the taskbar so i need to close them one by one18:49
stodorovicarand: but that's the magic sysrq keys...18:49
_tsolox_BedMan: how about for "passive ftp" wherein it's the client that ask for data..and not the server pushing data back to the client?18:49
JodaZwhere is sysreg anyways ?18:49
dominicdinadaIs anybody running broadcom 4306 drivers?18:49
psycho_oreosowner: /etc/apt/source.list iirc18:49
arandLzrdKing: It was considered to easy to hit by mistake18:49
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, not I, why?18:49
dreyki was asked for pw but no errors18:49
LzrdKingarand: how can it be changed?18:49
arandJodaZ: Commonly the same or close to printscrn18:50
JodaZyeah, worked now18:50
JodaZhow do i change screen resolution ?18:50
psycho_oreosdreyk, try "which scim-launcher"18:50
dominicdinadapsycho_oreos: I am having alot of problems since yesterday18:50
arandLzrdKing: In keyboard properties - advanced, it can be re-enabled18:50
mkhanyisiHow do I change the theme of the login screen?18:50
arandLzrdKing: *keyboard layout18:50
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, of what sort?18:50
WXZhey in ubuntu, when I do a bunch of actions18:50
dreyktried. nothing happened18:50
WXZlike open windows and such18:51
WXZcan I see the corresponding terminal commands?18:51
dominicdinadaI had everything working before yesterday and then yesterday I added Kubuntu-desktop and removed wine and all of a sudden it killed my built in wifi18:51
WXZa sort of similar thing happened to me dominic18:51
psycho_oreosWXZ, you can't, not unless if its a script instead of a program18:51
LzrdKingarand: i'm not using gnome, is it in an X config file somewhere?18:51
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, meaning you have no wifi connection and that you can't scan for networks?18:52
psycho_oreosLzrdKing, there's no xorg config file by default, its all autoprobed..18:52
dominicdinadaI readded wine but after adding the drivers the interfaces are still not showing up, not only are they not showing up they are reserved... so the other 3 external wifi devices i have start at wlan3-4-518:52
dreykno ideas?18:52
arand!dontzap | LzrdKing18:52
ubottuLzrdKing: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap18:52
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, sounds like you're missing b43-fwcutter iirc its a tool you need to cut the firmwares out... because they are proprietary18:53
LzrdKingarand: thanks!18:53
Slartdominicdinada: that is defined in one of the udev rules I think.. check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules18:53
dominicdinadaAnd don't send me to that USELESS post on the broadcom drivers I did that 2 the T on 6 distro's and it never worked I added the winblows drivers and it worked like a charm18:53
dominicdinadaok i will check18:53
psycho_oreosdreyk, try logging out and logging back in (on the xorg session) I'm trying to look for that scim-launcher's actual location18:53
dotnettedafter booting & logging in wireless interface ra0 is "up" but not using any of the wpa vars in /etc/network/interfaces (ie. wpa-ssid/wpa-psk...) - If I do 'ifdown ra0' then 'ifup ra0' everything connects perfectly - any ideas?18:54
Slartdominicdinada: I think that every time ubuntu finds a new network device it adds it to that file and increments the number.. same thing with wired network cards18:54
dreykok thank you so far. brb18:54
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, well in that case you'll need ndiswrapper and of course the driver disc or the windows ndis drivers for that broadcom18:54
dominicdinadai have ndiswrapper18:54
pbmarcano_this may be over asked but does anyone know the release date of 10.04LTS?18:55
psycho_oreosSlart, its to do with udev rules, you can modify that, I have had that happening and I commented all these incremented other irrelevant wireless interfaces out18:55
Pici!lucid > pbmarcano_18:55
ubottupbmarcano_, please see my private message18:55
paddypbmarcano_ tommorow18:55
dominicdinadathe drivers say they are installed but "Unable to see if network hardware is present" everytime i load ndiswrapper18:55
uLinuxIf I disable windows notifications with this command - http://pastebin.com/MX288izK - can I undo it later?18:55
Slartpbmarcano_: ask in #ubuntu+1, there might be a release party channel somewhere as well18:55
LzrdKingalt-sysrw-k is a pain to hit, since the k is in between the other keys and they are so far apart; you almost need 3 hands for it18:55
PiciSlart: #ubuntu-release-party , its in the !lucid factoid now18:55
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, can you pastebin (not paste) your dmesg output?18:56
Slartpsycho_oreos: yes.. or you can remove them.. ubuntu will happily add them to that file again18:56
stodorovicLzrdKing: I sometimes use my nose :)18:56
{g}Hey People! On this machine here (Ubuntu 8.04) the Update Manager keeps popping up and wants to intall an irssi update. But then comes up with a 404 not found error messages. Any ideas about this?18:56
SlartPici: ah, thanks18:56
stodorovic{g}: probably the repo address has moved or is not supported anymore18:56
psycho_oreosSlart, true, which will be a problem for me if and when that comes around again :), probably just setup persistent rules :)18:56
Slartpbmarcano_: the release party channel is #ubuntu-release-party  .. they probably have a counter up or something18:56
{g}stodorovic: ubuntu 8.04 is not supported anymore?18:56
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.18:57
dreykim back18:57
dreykso where do i launch scim again?18:57
stodorovic{g}: how would I know... i hate using ubuntu :(18:57
psycho_oreosdreyk, did you get the scim box?18:57
{g}stodorovic: why?18:57
dreykno there is no box and no keyboard icon in the panel either18:57
Pici{g}: Which repository are you trying to fetch the package from?18:57
Slart{g}: I think it's still supported.. 5 years? or 3 years? have you checked the ubuntu site? there is a diagram somewhere with the ed-of-life dates for each version18:57
stodorovic{g}: because there are too many things here that seem to restrict software development on it.18:57
armence_hey all18:57
armence_Is there a way to check my harddrive?18:57
armence_I'm hearing a whistling noise sometimes and I just want to make sure it's not the hdd18:58
psycho_oreosdreyk, hmm :/ try "sudo /usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-launcher"18:58
Slartarmence_: there a disk utility.. in system, administration I think18:58
stodorovicarmence_: take out the hard drive, and look at it for dust and finger marks?18:58
sp0spoif i copy a hard link  does the full size of the file get copied or just a link to the location?18:58
WXZanyone know how to launch a tomboy note from terminal?18:58
armence_stodorovic, That's also a good idea18:58
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, use pastebin please :)18:58
{g}Pici: W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/irssi/irssi_0.8.12-3ubuntu3.2_i386.deb 404 Not Found18:58
Slartarmence_: then there's fsck to check the filesystem.. that doesn't really check the harddrive though18:59
dominicdinadadont know pastebin lol18:59
{g}Pici: thats the error the update manager shows.18:59
psycho_oreos!pastebin | dominicdinada18:59
ubottudominicdinada: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:59
thevishyis Lucid official?18:59
{g}Slart: if its not supported anymore, why would ubuntu send a "hey, update irssi" message to my machine?18:59
psycho_oreos!lucid > thevishy18:59
ubottuthevishy, please see my private message18:59
Pici{g}: issue an apt-get update, it looks like that package was superceded by a newer version.18:59
{g}stodorovic: for example what? cant you just type "vim mystuff" and code whatever you want?19:00
dreykit says "starting scim..."  but nothings happening19:00
{g}Pici: ok19:00
Slart{g}: once a version goes past its end-of-life it doesn't recieve updates any more.. afaik.. if you've added 3rd party repositories those might still update though19:00
dreykLoading simple Config module ...19:00
Slart{g}: are you sure 8.04 support is over?19:00
dreykCreating backend ...19:00
dreykLoading socket FrontEnd module ...19:00
dreykStarting SCIM ...19:00
stodorovic{g}: you are forced to use initrd for example :) and so so so so many -devel packages you need to pull. And it's also quite unstable in my experience.19:00
FloodBot3dreyk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:00
psycho_oreosdreyk, and is there an icon?19:01
PiciSlart: 8.04 is still supported for another year for desktop packages.19:01
stodorovic{g}: the fact that you *have* to specify an absolute version number when installing if there are more targets19:01
dreykno icon on desktop, no icon on panel :(19:01
psycho_oreosdreyk, sounds like there is a possibility the settings has been changed somewhere19:02
stodorovic{g}: oh... and the fact that Ubuntu does not seem to have (working) ClanBomber package, nor an existing Duke Nukem 3D ;)19:02
ales_thi, how does ubuntu deal with fan speed control? today I installed debian testing, and while in ubuntu the speed scaling has always worked perfectly, in debian all my fans run at full speed19:02
dreykwhich settings? can i redo them anyway?19:02
psycho_oreosdreyk, pastebin (not paste) your "ps -A| grep scim" output19:02
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Picidreyk: Have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM ?19:03
Slart{g}: here's the chart I was talking about.. seems 8.04 is supported until middle of 2011 http://www.ubuntu.com/products/ubuntu/release-cycle19:03
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=== usser_ is now known as usser
PiciSlart: Someone else said it wasn't supported, not {g}19:03
dominicdinadalucid for kubuntu is out tomorrow by the way19:03
{g}stodorovic: i really dont know anything about desktop coding. i do everything web based these days. what would you like to code?19:03
dominicdinada10.4 ls19:03
Pici!ot | stodorovic {g}19:03
ubottustodorovic {g}: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:03
Pici!party > dominicdinada19:03
ubottudominicdinada, please see my private message19:03
stodorovic{g}: in any case, the file you want to update (irssi) is not in that directory, but the directory is accessible. maybe someone made a typo in the package name, or didn't mirror it to that address?19:03
SlartPici: hmm.. I think I need some more coffee  =)19:03
dominicdinadapsycho_oreos: did you get my pastebin19:04
Picistodorovic: That package was superceded by a newer version, {g} probably needs to update his package lists.  see https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/irssi/+publishinghistory19:04
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, yeah just finished checking it and it seems to be an issue with the ndis driver (most likely)19:04
dreykyour command does nothing. theres no output19:05
mark1does anyone know how to share a ntfs harddrive with write permissions ?19:05
dominicdinadaOk should I remove the driver ?19:05
stodorovicPici: yeah I just saw there is .14 on there instead of .1219:05
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, either that or maybe you need to check to see if the kernel can see the card (via lspci -nn) and if not, you might need to append acpi=off at boot19:06
psycho_oreosdreyk, you typed that in another terminal?19:06
{g}stodorovic: trying apt-get update; apt-get upgrade now19:06
stodorovicCustom-compiled vanilla kernel without initrd/initramfs on Ubuntu and fully booting, not going via any Ubuntu build process / dpkg / etc - possible or not?19:06
psycho_oreosmark1, over network?19:06
{g}stodorovic: seems to have worked!19:07
dominicdinadapsycho_oreos: 02:02.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4320] (rev 03)19:07
stodorovic{g}: good :)19:07
dreykno in the same one19:07
{g}stodorovic: thanks!19:07
erUSULstodorovic: no; will fail to boot without initramfs becouse the root fs is indicated via uuid19:07
dominicdinada it is seeing the wireless device19:07
dreyk12058 ?        00:00:00 scim-launcher19:07
dreyk12062 ?        00:00:00 scim-helper-man19:07
dreyk12063 ?        00:00:00 scim-panel-gtk19:07
dreyk12065 ?        00:00:00 scim-launcher19:07
dreyk12482 ?        00:00:00 scim-launcher19:07
FloodBot3dreyk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:07
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, ok so it sees it, might be a hardware switch that turns the device on or off and its set to off19:07
dreykoh im sorry19:07
stodorovicerUSUL: I've had non-initrd kernels boot and mount the correct filessystems by UUID with no problems.19:08
stodorovicgranted, it was on Slackware19:08
selofiholas! el canal español porfavor?19:08
erUSULstodorovic: dunno last time i tried it failed19:08
ubu_user!es | selofi19:08
ubottuselofi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:08
{g}I sometimes lose my wireless connection and then i have no idea to get it back. Is there a command line tool that is doing what the nm-applet is doing? I would like to play around with that next time. I really hat gui stuff.19:08
C-S-Bhas anyone got java plugin working in chromium? Worked before upgrading to lucid19:08
psycho_oreosdreyk, err ok, well it seems like its running, in fact 3 sessions of scim-launcher, I think there was an issue with my pkill command I suggested, and yeah the third one was where you executed it manually19:08
dominicdinadaan Interrupt ? this card is internal but this model of laptop has a wifi button which now that you mention it is not lit up. It used to be but when I press it nothing happens19:08
dominicdinadapsycho_oreos: an Interrupt ? this card is internal but this model of laptop has a wifi button which now that you mention it is not lit up. It used to be but when I press it nothing happens19:09
_blackwater_{g tail -f /var/log/syslog19:09
stodorovicerUSUL: I only ask because the last time I tried I had to rip out a ton of files out of the initrd and into the rootfs, otherwise it could not boot - it's as if Ubuntu has messed up the Linux boot process19:09
dreykbut how come i dont see the panel at all?19:09
_blackwater_in a console screen of course19:09
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, yeah its possible I mean its not easy to debug ndis errors, afterall with windows drivers, you're dealing with binary blob19:10
erUSULstodorovic: afaik is pretty standar; the same as debian's19:10
psycho_oreosdreyk, its very possible that the session has not been killed cleanly (scim-launcher), hang on let me try something myself19:10
stodorovicerUSUL: I think some might disagree about it being standard ;)19:10
{g}_blackwater_: i meant some tool like "connect-wlan <ip_of_router>" that displays something like "trying to connect. succes. trying to login. failed. error message: wrong password" or something. the nm-applet just dies without any message.19:10
dreykthank you so much19:10
erUSULstodorovic: :)19:11
dominicdinadawell it should be somewhat easy because everything was 100% fine until i added Kubuntu-desktop and removed wine. I since re-added wine but no luck! So that was when everything caused a problem19:11
dominicdinadaif it helps the laptop is a hp zv510019:11
_blackwater_{g syslog provides the telemetry you're looking for, does it not?19:11
stodorovicerUSUL: I am tempted to try it on my laptop - I sorta need to do some tests on a laptop at work tomorrow so it could be useful to know just how painful it would be19:11
{g}_blackwater_: maybe. i will try it next time. thank you!19:11
sp0spoif i copy a hard link  does the full size of the file get copied or just a link to the location?19:12
erUSULstodorovic: why do you want to avoid initramfs ?19:12
_blackwater_{g} wpasupplicant uses syslog for connection status.19:12
ussersp0spo: full size19:12
Picisp0spo: I would expect the full file to be copied. /me checks19:12
psycho_oreosdreyk, you there?19:13
stodorovicerUSUL: I dont like it. Plus I don't want to step on ubuntu's toes since it will probably overwrite all bootup settings when it gets an upgrade19:13
erUSULstodorovic: i do ; make ; make install ; make modules_install ; mkinitrmfs -o ... ; sudo update-grub19:13
{g}sp0spo: you mean with the "cp somefile"? that will copy the file. there really is no difference between a "hardlink" and a "file" every file is a hardlink.19:13
erUSULstodorovic: it allways works (tm)19:13
mark1psycho_oreos, yea19:13
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psycho_oreosdominicdinada, I'm presuming because of the deps were interweaved, so when you removed kubuntu-desktop, it may have removed alot of deps, even at those not really related (like very remotely)19:13
psycho_oreosmark1, wrong person, lol what was your issue? I somewhat lost track19:14
dominicdinadaSorry to correct you I removed WINE... and added Kubuntu-Desktop19:14
stodorovicerUSUL: thanks- i'll take a look in a minute - on pjhone now19:14
Ar|stote|isAnyone has tried ubuntu with the Asus EEE t101mt ?19:14
dreykim here19:14
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, well I'm not sure, the configs somewhere or something is messed up.. and what's wrong with using b43 anyway?19:15
mark1psycho_oreos, haha thats so funny how your response made applied to my question, nah if you busy its chilled19:15
mapuGood afternoon- am trying to upgrade to 10.4 from 9.10 using 'do-release-upgrade -d' and keep getting WARNING: Failed to read mirror file and server overloade19:15
Picimapu : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.19:15
psycho_oreosdreyk, ok do you have a terminal running with that scim-launcher? if not, don't run it19:15
dominicdinadait has never worked I spent months trying each and every TUT that I found regarding using the b43 cutter19:15
dreyki only have that terminal open where i got the output from19:16
cage_raphelHello Everyone..19:16
oslosalut all19:16
dominicdinadaNever Ever Ever Ever worked I finally wiped the distro and added the drivers19:16
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, though I'm sure its generally a case with rfkill if something is not making that card work with b43, as with ndiswrapper I have no clue :)19:16
cage_rapheli am using Ubuntu 9.1 and my menu.lst  file is empty..19:17
mark1does anyone know how to share a ntfs harddrive over the network with write permissions ?? :)19:17
cage_raphelpls help!19:17
dreykso shall i close that window or not?19:17
CaptainTrekmark1: samba?19:17
Ar|stote|isis there anyone from italy here?19:18
dominicdinadaSigh Well if you have any solid ideas to get it working beside all the damn useless time wasting tutorial pages I am game I have 5 driver packages and tried eachone seperatly over time with no avail19:18
psycho_oreosdreyk, ok, do this (without quotes) "for i in `ps -A| grep scim| awk '{FS=" "; print $1}'`; do kill $i; done"19:18
mark1CaptainTrek, i have samba and i am able ot share it but for some reason i cant take off the read only restriction19:18
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, well I don't have exactly that chipset but I never had an issue getting b43 to work (I have one broadcom chipset on a pcmcia card, bcm4318)19:19
dominicdinadaFollowed Tutorial pages sometimes 20 pages deep trouble shooting each of other users encounters :P19:19
dreykbash: kill: (12482) - Operation not permitted19:19
dominicdinadaisnt your driver package the same one as mine ?19:19
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, yeah its an issue with broadcrap honestly, their conceited bunch and hence the drivers were reverse engineered do that they work on linux, but of course not always a perfect solution19:20
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, I'd say so, dunno which distro you have running19:20
_pg_ssh/vnc is hard guys19:20
dominicdinadaif what you say is true and what i am seeing that now i notice my hardware button on the laptop is off but when I press it nothing happens how do i go about bypassing and turning the button on via conf19:20
psycho_oreosdreyk, hmm hang on19:21
psycho_oreosdreyk, ok, do this (without quotes) "for i in `ps -A| grep scim| awk '{FS=" "; print $1}'`; do sudo kill $i; done"19:21
=== krafty_ is now known as krafty
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, ahh I'm using 9.04, which shouldn't be too much of a difference either way19:21
dreyk1 2dreyk@dreyk-laptop:~$ ps -A| grep scim 12482 ?        00:00:00 scim-launcher19:22
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, well normally the laptop button would light up if its bios controlled, but it sounds like its software/kernel controlled.. meaning its on the OS level not the hardware level19:22
dreykthis time theres only one scim launcher left19:22
dominicdinadaBroadcrap or not Broadcom was one the most popular wifi chipsets/ cards when WIFI first started out. WHY all Distros dont package the drivers, is Assanine19:22
_pg_are there any easy guides /docs to ssh and vnc and all that stuff? I am pretty lost on the whole thing19:23
psycho_oreosok "sudo kill 12482"19:23
dreykwas that for me?19:23
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, in fact broadcom never was popular, never was never is.. Intersil was the actual popular one till they got bought out by conexant19:23
dreykpsycho_oreas, that command for me?19:23
psycho_oreosdreyk, yes that sudo kill command19:23
dreyk ok done. no more scim launcher19:24
Travelerwhat hour is going 10.04 is going to be released?19:24
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, and the drivers were included as of >=2.6.26 via mac80211 framework and now integrated into kernel.. however the firmware is still proprietary part of broadcom19:25
psycho_oreos!lucid > Traveler19:25
ubottuTraveler, please see my private message19:25
dominicdinadafrom what i remember from the advent of wireless networking Broadcom was most popular maybe not in the *nix community but I have about 15 different cards which the majority use boradcom19:25
psycho_oreosdreyk, ok "/usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-launcher &"19:25
t3mp3stHi all; I'm trying to add a printer by connecting it directly to my laptop's ethernet port. I'm not sure how to proceed from there; any advice?19:25
=== boss is now known as weebles
Travelerwhat hour is going 10.04 is going to be released?19:26
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, probably they're cheap that's why they're commonly used, sure popular because they're everywhere but their support is shoddy, there was never once a driver written for linux initially and now even with their wl, it supports less than a handful of broadcom chipsets19:26
psycho_oreos!lucid > Traveler19:27
psycho_oreosstop asking the same questions19:27
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party19:27
=== EdgEy_ is now known as EdgEy
psycho_oreosdreyk, do you get any icons?19:28
Dr-UbuntuWhat would be the best and easiest tool to make a good image of your linux partition preferable including mbr?19:28
dreykit says starting but still no icon19:28
Rudd-ODr-Ubuntu: if you want to make an image, dd.  if you want the files, rsync19:28
dreyklauncher is running19:28
psycho_oreosDr-Ubuntu, partimage19:28
amereservantCan a mini install be done from the full install cd?  The mini install disk is missing the necessary drivers for my network card, so it won't work.19:28
m0RrEamereservant: no, i've tried19:29
psycho_oreosdreyk, very weird, I've just tested that on mine and it worked, instead of the icon for scim I get the keyboard19:29
m0RrEamereservant: if you however get it to work in some random way, plz tell me. :P19:29
FirstSgtOk, I followed the instructions here: http://www.howtoforge.com/reverse-ssh-tunneling and it works.  How do I do vpn over the ssh reversed?19:29
amereservantm0RrE, Dang.  I was afraid of that.  I have no idea how to find the driver it needs to make the mini install work.19:29
dreykyeah i dont even get the keyboard icon on my panel19:30
dominicdinadapsycho_oreos: ok well how do I go about working on my hardware buttons assuming that is the problem then19:30
dreykits really weird its making me crazy19:30
FirstSgtI have ubuntu server with no desktop env.  is there a way to copy/paste?19:31
FirstSgtI know screen has a "copy mode"19:31
=== weebles is now known as weeblio
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, I wouldn't worry about that honestly, that could very well be something to do with led_cfg which is part of linux kernel and you'd need programming knowledge.. I'd get b43 working first and then if all goes well you get that led light to work, otherwise its not of a big deal19:32
usserFirstSgt: ssh server + remoting into the box through gui19:32
dreyki dont want to give up on linux just because of that ... :(19:32
dominicdinadathe b43 cutter is already installed grrrrrrrr19:32
=== marcspitz is now known as MarcSpitz
psycho_oreosdreyk, looking through the scim help files, here are some pointers: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InputMethods/SCIM/Setup and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM19:33
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, check under /lib/firmware/ to see if there's a directory called b43, if so, check in there to see if there's files ending with .fw19:34
dreykalright ill try my best, thank you for your help. apreciate that19:34
ctizzhello I need help wth uhuntu 9.10. what irc client can be install on ubuntu 9.10?19:34
dreykhave a good day19:34
ScuniziFirstSgt: hilight the text you want to copy.. move to the location you want to place it and either middle mouse click or right+left click at the same time19:35
psycho_oreosdreyk: it shouldn't be of an issue with that config...19:35
psycho_oreosahh he left :/19:35
WXZI use pidgin19:35
ctizzpidgin can be install on unbuntu?19:35
psycho_oreosctizz, any linux compatible irc client can be installed19:35
ctizzlet me download19:35
=== Cain is now known as Guest44809
konradnie potrafie po angielsku19:35
bhuvictizz: you can use xchat or pidgin19:35
dominicdinadain the b43 dir there is about 20 fw files19:35
psycho_oreos!pl | konrad19:35
ubottukonrad: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:35
ctizzI download xchat already19:35
ctizzbut not know how to install19:36
ctizzit is not easy like installing on windows19:36
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, ok so that's good, that's the main part down, its now a matter of making sure ndiswrapper is not loaded and loading b4319:36
Scunizictizz: Pidgin for IM and xchat for IRC.. let the programs do best what they were designed for.19:36
h00kctizz: go to Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center and you can install from there19:36
dominicdinadaok ?19:36
ctizzoh nice thanks19:36
bhuvictizz: you dont have to download from the web just install it from the software center in ubuntu19:36
ctizzlet me try19:36
dominicdinadaCtizz: also get the debain package manager it makes installing some packages alot easier19:37
ctizzoh it has a built in?19:37
hjklshi there19:37
hjklsi can't boot on pc19:37
Scunizictizz: or in a terminal... sudo apt-get install pidgin xchat ... and it will install both19:37
hjklsi got grub problem19:37
hjklshow to solve it19:37
brontosaurusrexctizz: you dont need to download anything most of the time (through brwoser i mean), use one of the software centers19:37
hjklsnow i m from the live cd19:37
DelphiWorldhi dears19:37
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, lsmod| grep ndiswrapper19:37
Scunizi!grub2 > hjkls19:37
ubottuhjkls, please see my private message19:37
DelphiWorldplease how do i add a default route?19:37
DelphiWorldi have eth0 and eth0:119:38
psycho_oreosDelphiWorld, route add default gw <ip>19:38
=== oliveira is now known as sf_oliveira
WXZok, I've figured out how to run tomboy from terminal19:38
=== schlaftier_ is now known as schlaftier
WXZbut how would I open a certain note from terminal19:38
dominicdinadadiabolical@diabolical:/lib/firmware/b43$ lsmod|grep ndiswrapper19:38
dominicdinadandiswrapper           185532  019:38
WXZor atleast how would I find out how to open a certain note (it's not on google)19:38
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper19:38
parisHi folks, I have installed Skype and it says "P2P connect failed' What I should do?19:39
gmatthow do i figure out if i am using opengl?19:39
DelphiWorldpsycho_oreos: but no dev?19:39
ctizzthanks for telling me the steps :)19:39
ctizzI will be here for help again :) when I have problem19:39
DelphiWorldpsycho_oreos: also please please and aguin please PM me the command because there is a lot of trafic in channel here19:39
=== dabomb69 is now known as Chazz
* DelphiWorld using a screen reader19:39
ctizzthanks so much19:39
pijuQST: calling all ham radio operator to join us at #ubuntu-hams19:39
psycho_oreosDelphiWorld, it doesn't go through dev, it goes through IP for that command, there might be ways to go through dev but I wouldn't know off my head19:39
dominicdinadadiabolical@diabolical:/lib/firmware/b43$ sudo modprobe -r nidwrapper19:39
dominicdinadaWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.19:39
dominicdinadaFATAL: Module nidwrapper not found.19:39
Scunizipiju: cool19:39
pijuScunizi; we do have a launchpad19:40
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, you mistyped and you can safely ignore that .conf warning19:40
aciculadominicdinada: ndis19:40
brontosaurusrexWXZ: tomboy --open-note pipes19:40
stodorovicjust one launchpad?19:40
FirstSgtI really want to know how to send out a vpn connection... I have my ssh reverse bind working, i just need reverse vpn19:40
brontosaurusrexWXZ: where 'pipes' is a note name19:40
brontosaurusrexWXZ: also 'man tomboy' may give you some clues19:41
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
aciculaFirstSgt: host a vpn server and have a vpn client connect to it?19:41
WXZin google?19:41
dominicdinadaok I got that taken care of19:41
gmattwhat is the terminal command to see if i am using opengl?19:41
brontosaurusrexWXZ: in terminal19:41
WXZi see19:41
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, sudo modprobe b4319:41
EdgEyIs there any multi-threaded h.264 codec I can install? I've just installed fglrx to try and get x264 to playback more smoothly and it hasn't helped, checked the driver is actually running etc19:42
aciculaEdgEy: dont think so19:42
EdgEyVLC only uses 1 core19:42
=== shadenzo is now known as gayFotter
WXZcan I use the man command19:42
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, now I'll need you to pastebin me again your dmesg output19:42
WXZfor most applications?19:42
aciculayou can do hardware accelerated decoding, but not sure if it works with ati, and probably only works with mplayer?19:42
brontosaurusrexgmatt: i use inxi -G19:43
dominicdinadanow all of a sudden my Wireless hardware button has its light on19:43
h00kWXZ: yep19:43
MattercoI am installing 10.04 on an new Intel Mac Mini. The install has been taking over an hour. The last 45 minutes has been on the purple haze screen with the mouse cursor only. The cursor oscillates between a pointer and the spinning icon. Is this to be expected? Or is the installation hung?19:43
psycho_oreosWXZ, yes it'll just call up manual pages if it exists19:43
=== gayFotter is now known as shadenzo
WXZthis is useful19:43
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, I'd consider that a bonus :P anyway the important part is to get b43 working19:43
psycho_oreos!lucid > Matterco19:44
ubottuMatterco, please see my private message19:44
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, so again :) needing dmesg output into pastebin or at least the last 30 lines19:44
FirstSgthere is my problem.  first sentense in the abstract: http://www.freshpatents.com/-dt20091203ptan20090300721.php19:44
=== shadenzo is now known as Satana
AndorinI can reformat a Seagate portable hard drive from its default file system to ext3 with gparted and it will work fine, right?19:45
aciculaEdgEy: actually seems mplayer/ffmpeg should use more cores19:45
FirstSgtI've got the reverse shell to work19:45
dominicdinadayes just got it19:45
=== Satana is now known as Guest59236
=== Guest59236 is now known as shadenzo
EdgEyacicula I am reading there is a fork of ffmpeg that is multithreaded but I might need to compile it19:46
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, you should now be able to scan networks, it loaded the firmware without errors, but is being interrupted most likely by a process called network manager19:46
aciculaEdgEy: may be possible19:46
chadiwhen exactly is the release tomorrow? what timezone are you based on?19:46
EdgEygoing to look into that, atm I can't play high bitrate videos smoothly on my system and it's hardly underpowered19:46
antivirtelhello all, is that any calculator, what can calculate days between 2 defined dates ? Win7 has this part, is it possible on ubuntu19:46
aciculaEdgEy: since H.264 is not a free encoding system,19:46
psycho_oreos!lucid > chadi19:47
ubottuchadi, please see my private message19:47
chadipsycho_oreos thank you19:47
amereservantAnyone else having any issues with the full 64-bit install iso image?19:47
psycho_oreoschadi, np19:47
amereservantI get "Invalid or corrupt kernel image"19:48
jribamereservant: what version of ubuntu is this?19:48
jribamereservant: #ubuntu+1 for lucid support19:48
amereservantWoops, wrong channel.19:48
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: how can you tell its only using one core?19:50
EdgEybrontosaurusrex, using top or system monitor19:50
psycho_oreosvia top I suppose19:50
EdgEyit pegs one core at 100% and the others are at 5%19:50
AcEPreSawTop is good19:50
EdgEyand stutters in high action scenes19:50
AcEPreSawhelo room19:50
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: let me try with smplayer gui thingy....19:50
AcEPreSawHeloo Room"!!"!"!"19:51
EdgEyI'll try smplayer first, since it seems that's what i'd need to use ffmpeg-mt19:51
EdgEyWas previously using VLC19:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:51
LoRezAcEPreSaw: don't do that.19:52
AcEPreSawcna chat  here19:52
dominicdinadapsycho_oreos: ok another problem I took somebodies advice trying the Wicd network package and I didnt like it so removed it and reinstalled the default gnome manager but I also installed the gnome network manager framework also and I am not getting the screen to configure or scan networks I do however see the option to connect to a hidden network. Shall I reboot ?19:52
Azelphur!ot | AcePres19:53
ubottuAcePres: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:53
aciculaits an ubuntu support channel, you can chat in ubuntu-offtopic or defocus19:53
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, no need to reboot, try right clicking on network manager icon and then click on enable wireless19:53
dominicdinadaIt is enabled under the checkbox19:54
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brontosaurusrexEdgEy: http://imagebin.ca/view/o1p4jf.html <- i doubt i have multithreaded version of mplayer thought, unless this is the deault nowadays19:55
EdgEybrontosaurusrex, I just installed smplayer and that varies, it swaps between cores, but it still doesn't use more than 100%19:55
mark1anyone have knowledge about sharing harddrives on ubuntu ?19:55
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, sounds like there's definitely another process interfering, check the last few lines of dmesg along with the paste that you sent me last in regards to b43 and see if the same message still appears on the last line (i.e. no new log entries)19:56
CuBrA-will ubuntu satanic edition be updated with the new release ?19:56
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: my vlc also seems to use both cores, so ....19:56
aguitel_i like ubuntu drakula edition19:57
EdgEybrontosaurusrex, well, do you have a high bitrate video to try?19:57
h00kCuBrA-: that isn't a supported variant, you will have to check with their support19:57
EdgEyI can play 720p fine19:57
dominicdinadashall i paste the 7 or so lines in private to you psycho?19:57
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, I'd much prefer you to use pastebin for that instead of pasting into the query window.. but no, that's not what I want19:57
EdgEyI have a 15mbit 1080p video that just struggles on every high movement scene and caps one core19:57
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: its 1280x720, 24p19:57
dominicdinadaI ran iwconfig long before i got the dmesg ill pastebin it19:57
vamadirwhere  is ubuntu lucid19:57
Slartmark1: sharing hard drives? not just files?19:58
h00k!lucid | vam19:58
ubottuvam: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party19:58
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, no I want you to compare the difference of the last 7 lines of what you've pasted to me in regards to that dmesg output you sent last and the current status of your dmesg19:58
h00k!lucid | vamadir ^19:58
ubottuvamadir ^: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party19:58
isangafthey, can someone tell me how to disable the XServer in Ubuntu 9.10?19:58
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, no need for that19:58
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: i didnt bother with full hd, since i dont have a monitor on this machine to go that high19:58
dominicdinadaok it appears to be the same19:58
EdgEybrontosaurusrex, ah :/19:58
=== steal is now known as alienazioe
dominicdinadalink is still not ready19:58
=== alienazioe is now known as alienazione
mark1Slart, well i suppose or files it doesnt really matter19:58
muzywhen is the 10.4 release?19:59
EdgEybrontosaurusrex, lol, there's an option in settings19:59
EdgEyThreads for decoding19:59
muzyor what is the time ;)19:59
Flare-Laptop!lucid | muzy19:59
ubottumuzy: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party19:59
isangafthey, can someone tell me how to disable the XServer in Ubuntu 9.10? GDM's not in the rcX.d directories and it still starts automatically19:59
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: in vlc or smplayer?19:59
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, hmm there's definitely some other process interfering it, pastebin (not paste) your ps -A output19:59
vamadirwhere  is ubuntu 10??19:59
muzywell Flare-Laptop i know it is today19:59
psycho_oreos!lucid > vamadir19:59
Slartmark1: there are lots of options.. you can use nfs (easiest with other linux boxes, has some security concerns) or samba to talk to windows computers19:59
ubottuvamadir, please see my private message19:59
muzyI just woner about the time zone19:59
psycho_oreos!repeat | vamadir19:59
ubottuvamadir: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:59
Flare-Laptopmuzy: wrong, its not. its tomorrow19:59
muzyFlare-Laptop: depends where you are20:00
aciculatoday is already tomorrow depending on where you are20:00
Flare-Laptopmuzy: GMT says tomorrow20:00
psycho_oreosmuzy #ubuntu+1 for ALL 10.04 discussions thanks20:00
vamadirbut nw is 2920:00
vamadirbut now is 2920:00
vamadirbut now is 2920:00
muzyokay psycho_oreos20:00
mark1Slart, yea im busy using samba and i can share the harddrive, but for some reason i cant share it with write permissions20:00
psycho_oreosvamadir, it WILL be released WHEN its ready20:00
EdgEybrontosaurusrex, what system monitor are you using there? looks like top but more readable20:00
antivirtelis there any calculator, what can calculate days between 2 defined dates ? Win7 has this part, is it possible on ubuntu ?20:00
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: htop20:00
ubutom2her is 28th :P20:00
h00k!lucid | everyone, this channel is not yet for Lucid discussion20:01
ubottueveryone, this channel is not yet for Lucid discussion: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party20:01
Oerantivirtel, OO-calc ?20:01
Slartmark1: that's just a configuration thing.. or a permissions thing..I can't help you with specifics but make sure you've got the actual permissions on the files setup properly.. as well as the connection permissions in samba.. both need to allow writing or it won't work20:01
Slart!samba | mark120:01
ubottumark1: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:02
lalalolcan nautilus show GiB instead of GB?20:02
josh_kcan anyone recommend a tutorial on the new launcher system (e.g. stop/start/restart)?20:02
vamadirwhat clock in ubuntu web page?20:02
EdgEybrontosaurusrex, strange, I've set it to use 4 threads and htop still only shows one, sigh, i'll fiddle with it a bit more20:02
josh_kI'm getting fails and unsure where/how it's logging anything20:02
vamadirwhat clock in ubuntu web page? grinvich?20:02
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/20:02
antivirtelOer... different, is there any date built-in calculator program, or only this method ?20:02
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: i think smplayer will use system mplayer, so maybe update/replace that one, remember smplayer is only a gui20:03
aciculai just use service foobar {stop,start,restart}20:03
josh_kacicula: and when it just hangs20:03
josh_kwhat do you do?20:03
h00kvamadir: it will be out when they release it. nobody knows.20:03
aciculacheck syslog20:03
josh_kI'm not seeing jack in the service logs or syslog20:03
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, do you have aother wireless card?20:03
EdgEybrontosaurusrex, did you do anything special or just install mplayer and smplayer?20:03
Slartvamadir: I don't think they will wait until the clock passes twelve and then release it.. just wait 3 hours.. check their website.. wait 3 more hours.. check again.. repeat until released20:03
josh_kit's supposed to go into syslog?20:03
dominicdinadanot connected or internally20:03
AndorinI can reformat a Seagate portable hard drive from its default file system to ext3 with gparted and it will work fine, right?20:03
aciculadepends on the script you are starting20:03
mark1Slart, thanks, but its kinda a trouble shooting problem, cause i know what to do its just not working, and i have a feeling cause its a ntfs hard drive, i just dont know how to fix it20:03
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, ok and you're using wired I presume right?20:03
dominicdinadaBut I have 4 others that I have used before20:03
h00kvamadir: /join #ubuntu+120:03
Slartvamadir: or go to #ubuntu-release-party.. there you can join other people asking each other the same question20:04
dominicdinadaCorrect right now I am Wired20:04
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: i dont recally really, i did mess with compiling ffmpeg once or twice, so i'am not really sure in what state things are20:04
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, as long as you don't have more than one wireless card hooked up right now and that you're connected through wireless (via another card)20:04
josh_kacicula: specifically mysql20:04
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: mplayer returns 'MPlayer UNKNOWN-4.4.1 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team'20:04
josh_k(which also isn't getting anything in its logfiles)20:04
EdgEybrontosaurusrex meh i'm just going to follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 and hope it works20:05
dominicdinadaNo I am connected via ethernet. No other wireless cards connect besides the internal wireless which is the broadcom 430620:05
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, I think the process wpa_supplicant is the culprit, running in background and possibly preventing network manager to work20:05
Slartvamadir: I'm not sure if ntfs and samba needs something special to work.. sorry20:05
EdgEyI have no issue with most videos, just bitrate over 8-10mbit or so and my system chokes with lots of motion20:05
dominicdinadaHow do I fix the problem. No networks i use has wpa20:05
josh_kawesomely the word "logfile" is not in the wiki20:05
dominicdinadaof course I could kill the process but it will still be a problem later on20:06
josh_kor mysql20:06
icerootjosh_k: /var/log/daemon.log20:06
brontosaurusrexEdgEy: your best bet is to use/find some dvxa method, but this will only work for some files, or install some other OS, which can use coreavc or similarly fast software decoders20:06
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, well if its a problem later on I suppose you can remove the program but its probably not ideal20:07
dominicdinadathe winbind could also be the problem20:07
Slartsorry vamadir, wrong nick20:07
Slartmark1: I'm not sure if ntfs and samba needs something special to work.. sorry20:07
icerootjosh_k: and if you have problems starting mysql run "mysql --help" and search for debug/verbos and start it in that mode by calling mysql -v  or mysql-d (have a look at the help)20:07
psycho_oreosI think winbind runs on a higher networking level but for the time being I suspect wpa_supplicant is the main culprit into not making network manager to work20:08
josh_kiceroot: that's a good idea, thx20:08
vamadir<Slart> its ok20:08
melvinHello. i have a little weird problem after upgrading to 10.04. nm-applet doesn't communicate with gnome-keyring-daemon anymore. it works by creating a new profile. but i don't want to do this. what change on the profile is needed? ssh-add works20:08
h00k!lucid | melvin20:08
ubottumelvin: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party20:08
Slartmelvin: ask in #ubuntu+120:08
dominicdinadablah i sudo kill 1135 (wpa-supplicant) now it shows networks but when i get to the screen to enter password i enter the password and the connect button never changes from being greyed out20:09
Pres-GasI have an nvidia quadro nvs 295 card that is not supported in nouveau at the moment, is there a way to have the 10.04 installer force the nv drivers or do I need to blacklist nouveau?20:09
icerootPres-Gas: #ubuntu+120:09
vamadiraAAAAAAAAAAAAA now i using lucid beta 220:09
icerootvamadir: #ubuntu+120:09
Pres-GasThanks, iceroot20:10
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, hmm check to see if wpa_supplicant is running again20:10
DeadmanIncJShi guys20:10
melvin@h00k ok20:10
dominicdinadayes it is running again PID 308920:10
DeadmanIncJScan't wait for tomorrow... 10.04! :D20:11
icerootDeadmanIncJS: #ubuntu+120:11
DeadmanIncJSwhat is that20:11
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties20:11
dominicdinada 3089 ?        00:00:00 wpa_supplicant20:11
DeadmanIncJSoh ok20:11
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, ok pastebin your "pstree -p" output20:11
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, hmm crap, it could be either an unclean process kill from before or somehow its setup differently, the whole process is re-init by init itself (somewhat bad news)20:14
dominicdinadaLet me reboot I will be right back20:14
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, there are dirty hacks that I have which you can try20:15
MookyMooI saw somebody on the bus today with an Ubuntu Hat. Made me smile alot!20:15
dominicdinadayes please send them to me ?20:15
mikcHi, let me explain my problem. Lots of of programs installed on ubuntu 9.10 on my machine just won't start, yelling libXXXXX.so.X : Invalid ELF header, where XXXXX is pciaccess in the case of Xorg, magic in the case of the command file, and sigc in the case of aptitude. Ideas?20:15
barberanmikc: virus20:16
dominicdinadaAlso I just checked my startup and even though i removed the Wcid packages they seem to still be installed20:16
parisBig thanks folks, I was able to figure out.20:16
mikcbarberan: why?20:16
dominicdinadaat least in the Startup20:16
Slartmikc: plain ubuntu install? no extra repositories? hard drive ok?20:16
icerootmikc: of course its not a virus20:16
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, "cd && pkill {dhclient,wpa_supplicant} && mv -v `which wpa_supplicant` $PWD"20:16
dominicdinadaok I will give that a go in a moment20:16
psycho_oreosdominicdinada, its most likely because you were connected using wireless and so the package wasn't removed cleanly I suspect20:17
Slartbarberan: virus? just as a one word diagnose? not even a name for the virus?20:17
mikcplain install, maybe wine repo, on a USB flash drive, up to date (updated yesterday)20:17
dominicdinadalet me run janitor/reboot20:17
dominicdinadai will be right back20:17
mikcbehind a firewall, and I use it not often20:17
Slartmikc: hmm.. the wine repository should be ok.. what version of ubuntu?20:17
mikcSlart: 9.1020:17
mikcSlart: I'm lucky, irssi starts ;-)20:18
Sayag_Samuelhello :) when will 10.04 will be out ? it's spouse to be today ?!20:18
psycho_oreos!lucid > Sayag_Samuel20:18
ubottuSayag_Samuel, please see my private message20:18
Slartmikc: I don't know of any software process that causes those errors.. I would start checking the hardware.. drives/memory etc20:19
mikcIn case, I tried reinstalling the offendinf pacjages20:19
SlartSayag_Samuel: ask in #ubuntu-release-part20:19
mikcJust the same errors20:19
ownermikc: see hardware20:19
mikcSlart: My gentoo works perfectly20:19
psycho_oreostalk about off topic20:19
Slartmikc: what does "sudo apt-get update" return? can you pastebin?20:19
mikcSlart: howto pastebin in console?20:20
mikcSlart: I am up to date20:20
arand/usr/lib/libmagic.so.1 is part of package libmagic1... I would guess that reinstalling a bunch _might_ make it better...20:20
Slartmikc: oh.. you can install pastebinit ;)20:20
psycho_oreos!pastebinit | mike20:20
ubottumike: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:20
Slartmikc: nevermind.. I'm just joking..20:20
Slartmikc: does apt-get work at all? or it fails as well?20:21
mikcapt-get works (happily)20:21
arandmikc: eqiuvalently for the packages libsigc++-2.0-0c2a and libpciaccess020:21
Slartmikc: oh.. then sudp apt-get install pastebinit   should do it20:21
chopinhey folks ... what -time- will 10.04 be available?  i assume it's not 0:00 GMT20:21
Slartchopin: ask in #ubuntu-release-party20:22
chopinSlart: thanks20:22
mikcSlart: yes, I am tryin to figure out how it works20:22
usr13chopin: We do not know20:22
Slartmikc: you run some command     blabla bla bla -blala | pastebinit    and it will give you an url..20:22
arandmikc: Unfortunately, pastebinit doesn't work with current pastebin.com, you need to specify -b other pastebin20:22
jimmy51_the "Virtual Machine Host" listed in the ubuntu server install..... what VM tech is that?  VirtualBox?20:22
mikcSlart: well, other idea,  what are you looking for in the update ?20:23
Slartmikc: what urls it's checking20:23
psycho_oreosjimmy51_, most likely vbox20:23
Slartmikc: just to see if it's the normal repos.. or if there is anything weird in that list20:24
mikcSlart: fr.archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com20:24
mikcSlart: I compiled wine myselft20:24
Parsii've HP dv6-2190 notebook, can i install ubuntu on it? HP support says we don't warranty if you install linux20:25
Slartmikc: hmm.. those shouldn't be a problem20:25
Travis-42Is there any way to get xvidcap to stay on the workspace that it's running in, rather than follow me when I switch workspaces?20:25
mikcSlart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/42417720:26
mikcSlart: got it ;-)20:26
jimmy51_psycho_oreos: thanks20:26
psycho_oreosParsi, you can, you just won't get support from HP, and if their technicians find out you're running linux you'll probably void our warranty20:26
psycho_oreosjimmy51_, np20:27
arandmikc: I would try: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall libmagic1 libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libpciaccess0" At least for those particular missing libs.20:27
Slartmikc: you're running from some recovery shell at the moment, no?20:27
psycho_oreosParsi, s/our/their20:27
djbeenie_hey guys, my sound just quit working, it looks like my snd models are still up20:27
mikcarand: already done apt-get remove libxxxxxx && apt-get install libxxxxx20:27
Parsipsycho_oreos: they said you'll got into problem for recovery20:27
coz_djbeenie_,  what where you doing w20:27
mikcSlart: I am in consolen, Xorg won't start20:28
coz_djbeenie_,   what were you doing when it stopped?20:28
djbeenie_coz_ not sure just now noticed20:28
coz_mikc,  how are you trying to start it?20:28
djbeenie_possibly vmware running20:28
mikcSlart: even no framebuffer, coz NVIDIA prop drivers instralled20:28
psycho_oreosParsi, huh? you meant you'll go into problem if you go into recovery? what the software recovery?20:28
coz_djbeenie_,  mm maybe restart x and see if it comes back20:28
arandmikc: And still persist claiming that the lib doesn't exist? hmm...20:28
djbeenie_coz_ i can try that20:28
Parsipsycho_oreos: HP recovery20:29
AndorinI can reformat a Seagate portable hard drive from its default file system to ext3 with gparted and it will work fine, right?20:29
ActionParsnipYo yo yo20:29
Slartmikc: hmm.. not really sure what to try then.. can't say I've even heard of these kind of problems before20:29
SlartAndorin: yes20:29
mikccoz_: /etc/init.d/gdm start, or, Xorg -retro , or startx -- :1 all will fail bc of the messed up libs20:29
invernizziquestion: is the plymouth problem with nvidia proprietary drivers solved? Is there a clear set of steps to follow? Thanks20:29
ActionParsnipAndorin: sure, it will sdestroy the data on the partition20:29
SlartAndorin: you'll loose their included tools though.. not that it's any loss but still20:29
Parsipsycho_oreos: now i've 3 partitions on my hdd, two of them are for HP20:29
mikcSlart: so I  should go for a reinstall... great.20:29
psycho_oreosParsi, yeah assuming its software recovery, if there's issues there you can still I suppose somewhat rest it back to normal20:29
* Andorin nods20:29
arand!lucid | invernizzi20:30
ubottuinvernizzi: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party20:30
ActionParsnipInvrnizzi: works fine here20:30
coz_mikc,   try  a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   see if anything needs installed20:30
psycho_oreosParsi, s/rest/reset20:30
AndorinThe drive came as ntfs and for some reason gparted has a problem reading it, so it can't partition the drive or anything. Not cool.20:30
incorrecti am using the libvirt plugin and its great, just one problem i have more vm's than i do memory of cpu, is there a way to limit how many nodes hudson will bring up at once?20:30
arandmikc: If you check for the files /usr/lib/libsigc-2.0.so.0 /usr/lib/libpciaccess.so.0 /usr/lib/libmagic.so.1  do they exist?20:30
mikccoz_: nothing more20:30
Travis-42is there a screencapturing/screencasting utility that will record video from a workspace that is not currently visible (i.e. from workspace 1 when I switch to workspace 2)?20:31
coz_Andorin,  you could  burn  Dban and write zeros to that drive   I bet it can be partitioned after that20:31
Slartmikc: well.. if I was having problems running basic software I would start considering which takes more time.. finding out what the problem is or just reinstalling =/20:31
AndorinAlso, is it at all possible to partition a USB device, install the files necessary to run an Ubuntu live environment to one of the partitions, and boot from that?20:31
kimi_21Why there is no Jdownloader on Ubuntu add/remove ?20:31
coz_mikc,   mmmm   I am not sure then unless you know how to use aptitude to recover but I am not sure how to effectively do that20:31
jiffe1so I'm trying to figure something out, I have 2 ubuntu machines with pure-ftpd running through xinetd and using pam, I'm trying to auth a user found in the local passwd file, it works on one but not the other, both machines have the pam.d/pure-ftpd pointing at pam_ldap.so so I'm not sure how this is working at all20:31
quarkuphey is it true that the new version will be released today?20:31
ActionParsnipAndorin: coz: or use dd if=/dev/zero ;)20:31
mikcarand: YES! and I can remove them with the package manager and put them back, and the errors are just _the same_20:31
SlartAndorin: what kind of hard drive is it?20:31
Slartquarkup: ask in #ubuntu-release-party20:31
mikccoz_: I cant use aptitude it misses a lib20:31
coz_Andorin,   you should be able to partition a flash drive yes20:32
AndorinSlart: Seagate 500GB portable hard drive.20:32
coz_mikc,   oh man20:32
SlartAndorin: odd that gparted doesn't see it..20:32
Andorincoz_: I know that USB media can be partitioned, but I wonder whether it's possible to boot a live environment from a partition.20:32
AndorinSlart: gparted sees it, but it can't read it correctly and therefore can't really modify it (new partitions, etc).20:32
coz_Andorin,  mm  good question   ... I would assume the bootable part of the drive should be seen first20:32
arandmikc: That is indeed very strange... Well I don't have much more suggestions then...20:32
quarkupSlart: thanks20:32
ActionParsnipAndorin: does. : dmesg | tail -n 20 ,show a kerennel reaction if you plug it out then in?20:32
mikccoz_: Andorin it is what I am currently dooing20:33
coz_mikc,   is this a fresh install??20:33
ActionParsnipAndorin: and does: sudo parted -l ,show the partition?20:33
AndorinActionParsnip: Yes to both questions.20:34
EzequielI have an Asus EEE 1005HAH and when i cant seem to fix the isue with the multi touch synaptics pad20:34
aaron01I'm trying to familiarize myself with the new upstart stuff. One problem I'm having is trying to debug some mysql stuff .. but using "start mysql" and such doesn't seem to log anything anywhere... any ideas?20:34
mikccoz_: a month, I use it once a week, and updated it yesterday20:34
mikccoz_: and today it does not work anymore20:35
dominicdinadaoh no Now i have no wireless network20:35
ActionParsnipAndorin: cool, then you can use sudo mk2fs.ext3 or whatever to format it in cli.20:35
coz_mikc,   mm  then I am puzzled...what you could do is visit the ##linux channel to see if anyone has better suggestions20:35
AndorinActionParsnip: Right, thanks. (After I'm done backing everything up.)20:35
jimmy51_does ubuntu server play nicely as a HyperV client?20:36
funflo512i have a problem after a low level hard drive formating20:36
mikcIf the filesystem was screwed up, the errors would appear in the dmesg20:36
kimi_21Why there is no Jdownloader on Ubuntu add/remove ?20:36
Slartkimi_21: perhaps noone has packaged it for ubuntu20:36
ActionParsnipKimi_21: ask in #motu20:36
karol_hello people20:36
mikcand reinstalling packages would help20:36
kimi_21#motu ?20:37
ActionParsnipKimi_21: there may be a ppa20:37
switchgirli'm using dnsmasq if i change listen-address= to listen-address= would it cache google public dns ?20:37
ActionParsnip!motu | kim_2120:37
ubottukim_21: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU20:37
dominicdinadapsycho_oreos: now I have no wireless networks :(20:38
ActionParsnipSwitchgirl: not sure but just add to your dns list in network manager etc and you will use localhost first then cache the reply from the google dns.20:38
funflo512does anybody know how to recognize a low level formatted partition on Ubuntu 9.10 ?20:38
psyk3dhow many minutes to go for lucid???20:38
djbeenie_can you restart x and not loose my windows open?20:38
coz_funflo512,  it should be picked up as a blank drive20:38
guntbertdjbeenie_: no20:38
jribdjbeenie_: no, not really.  But if you really want to muck around, take a look at xpra20:39
ActionParsnipPyk3d: about 24 hours worth and its discussed in #ubuntu+120:39
coz_funflo512,  with which utility did you format this with?20:39
Slartfunflo512: low level formatting? I didn't think that existed any more..20:39
funflo512i used20:39
Guest35290cron schedules absolutely, how do I relatively schedule jobs? Like every 2 minutes, instead of ever 4:20AM?20:39
funflo512dd -if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=G20:39
jribGuest35290: cron does that...20:39
jrib!cron > Guest3529020:39
ubottuGuest35290, please see my private message20:39
ActionParsnipGuest35290: cron does that too20:40
SlartGuest35290: something like */7 * * *    will run it every 7 minutes, all hours, all days and so on20:40
coz_funflo512,  ok so you wrote zeros to the drive.... I prefer to use  Dban  which you hav20:40
mikcfunflo512: Use fdisk to put a partition table on your drive20:40
SlartGuest35290: check man crontab for more examples20:40
coz_ funflo512  which you have to burn to cd20:40
jribSlart: man 5 crontab I guess20:40
coz_funflo512,  much more effective in my opinion20:40
dominicdinadaOk can anybody help me with my wireless network psycho_oreos was helping but he seems to be afk20:40
coz_funflo512,   after which the drive should be recognized as a blank drive20:40
jribdominicdinada: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)20:40
kimi_21System monitor and Conky shows that Ubuntu has available 1 GB space for swap. But i had no set a swap space on installation ? Can you help me about it ?20:40
ActionParsnipFunflo512: there's also the ultimate boot cd which can invert each bit 7 times and is suitable for the MoD20:40
Ezequielhas anyone fixed the Issue with the Synaptics Multitouchpad on an Asus EEE PC 1005HA20:41
Slartjrib: indeed.. ( I had to look it up )  =)20:41
funflo512i low formatted because some sectors were broken20:41
Guest35290Slart, why do you have the / ?20:41
ActionParsnipEzequiel: maybe you need the i8086.rest boot option (not sure if its exactly that but something similar)20:41
ActionParsnipFunflo512: lowlever format doesn't always fix stuff. I'd grab a new drive20:42
dominicdinadaok i am using a Broadcom 4306 and recently we removed my ndiswrapper and got it to detect the driver but it appeared that wpa_supplicant was causing problems so i rebooted and now It does not find any wireless devices20:42
plaziawhat's the canonical method for installing flash these days in ubuntu? do you let the browser (firefox) handle it? or use the apt and packaging system?20:42
dominicdinadaI have bwcutter and b43 installed20:42
Azelphurplazia: either, firefox launches the packaging system20:42
SlartGuest35290: */5 means any number evenly dividable by 5 ... if you use */5 for the minute field you get something that runs every 5 minutes20:42
plaziaAzelphur, sweet :)20:42
Guest35290Slart, thanks.20:43
SlartGuest35290: if you open a terminal and write    man 5 crontab    you'll see some examples and explanations20:43
SlartGuest35290: here's a webpage with the same info http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?crontab+520:44
ksx4system@dominicdinata: ?20:45
zougdominicdinada: what went wrong with ndisw?20:47
dominicdinadasorry doorbell20:48
dominicdinadaok i am using a Broadcom 4306 and recently we removed my ndiswrapper and got it to detect the driver but it appeared that wpa_supplicant was causing problems so i rebooted and now It does not find any wireless devices20:48
dominicdinadaI have bwcutter and b43 installed20:48
Guest17924Hi. I have a question20:50
zougdominicdinada: what went wrong with ndisw?20:50
Danacrinewhats your ?20:51
=== Haraken_ is now known as Haraken
Guest17924When I fast user switch my screen goes black20:51
dominicdinadato start over I removed wine, and installed kubuntu-desktop and when I did so my wireless went down, so I reinstalled wine, But it still will not reconize my wireless card psycho_oreos and I got it to detect my wireless card but something was causing errors... i rebooted and now my wireless is not reconized again via iwconfig/ifconfig also the hardware button seems to be off again and I am not able to press it to tur20:51
dominicdinadan it on20:51
Danacrine<Guest17924> did you restart? does that help20:51
=== justinjstark_awa is now known as justinjstark
Guest17924Yes I did20:52
Danacrineokay... give me sec20:52
t3mp3sthi everyone; I need a little help -- I'm trying to connect my printer directly via my network card. Is this possible? I don't have a USB cable and my printer has built in ethernet20:52
Guest17924Oh no that did not help20:52
Guest17924All sessions are reset20:52
t3mp3sti.e., [printer NIC] <--- cable --> [laptop NIC]20:52
Scorpiohi room20:54
ScorpioI need some helps with this problem I put some extentions on my desktop and don't know how to get them off20:54
frankie_why does ubuntu come with empathy now instead of pidgin?20:55
ubutom2t3mp3st, be sure to use a crossover cable20:56
mick__coz_: I found out what happend to my libs. They are just full of zeroes. I hexdump'ed them and saw that. The files are here, the right size, but full of zeroes.20:56
=== crosswire is now known as trojans
t3mp3stubutom2: the only way that sort of connection can work is with a crossover? ah... i was worried about that20:56
coz_mick__,  oooo20:56
ubutom2t3mp3st, yeah, if you dont go through a router it won't work20:56
jimmy51_can i install KDE on top of ubuntu server without bringing in all the stuff i don't want on a server (amarok, ktorrent, blah blah) ?20:56
ScorpioHow do i get public, videos and downloads off my desktop20:56
t3mp3stubutom2: great -- thanks!20:56
mick__coz_: the package manager just installs crap in my libs.20:57
ubutom2t3mp3st, np20:57
^Alitahi to all20:57
flacosteanyone can explain why hitting lowercaSe 'S' or lowercaSe 'M' openS up the 'Shutdown'/'EMail' MenuS?20:57
Danacrine<Guest17924> it just did it to me too20:57
coz_mick__,  ooo  well the last alternaiv20:57
Danacrinei had to restart20:57
coz_mick__,  last alternative is a reinstall :(20:57
^Alitaanyine knows how i can recover the wireless connection?20:57
mick__coz_: my filesystem is in good shape, e2fsck tells me it is ok20:57
^Alitai've installed ndisvrapper, and deinstalled20:58
coz_^Alita,  I do not   I am a dunce with networking issues20:58
coz_mick__,   then I am puzzled... I will have to back off and let someone a bit more knowledgeable take of this one :)20:58
mdresfbonsoir tout le monde20:58
=== root is now known as Guest41052
mdresfc'est mon premier irc!20:59
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois20:59
mdresfthank you!20:59
ScorpioI accidently made downloads folder pictures and a bunch of other folders icons and when i move them I have to go where ever i put them to access them how do i restore my desktop20:59
randomuser_Hello, I am new to Ubuntu and would like to know how to create a youtube video that is only text words that change with music behind it, can anyone please help or point me to a good tutorial?21:00
LzrdKingScorpio: move them back21:02
Scorpioi can't like everthing that was in the places tab is now on my desktop21:02
mick__coz_: Was ext4 still experimental when the 9.10 liveCD was released?21:02
Scorpioand idk how to put it back21:02
oarion7does anyone know what TIME ubuntu 10.04 is going up for download?21:03
coz_mick__,  not sure it was exactly experimental as newly implimented  but its possible21:03
mark1does anyone know how to unmount a drive21:03
xanguaoarion7: no21:03
mick__coz_: maybe good old ext3 is at least reliable21:03
Scorpioon the Top of the screen where it says Apps/Places/System tabs21:03
coz_mark1,  umount21:03
pure_hatemark1,  umount /dev/sda121:03
randomuser_mark1, right click the drive then goto un-mount?21:03
Scorpioright click it and choose unmount21:03
mark1i need to un mount it with sudo, apperantly i dont have permission21:04
randomuser_mark1, it is probuly easier from the GUI21:04
pure_hatemark1, yes you must be root to mount/unmount drives21:04
aaronWhen it becomes morning in North America 10.04 will be released21:04
coz_mark1,  yes sudo umount  etc etc21:04
mick__in fact, to me, 3 solutions : hardware screwed, fielsystem screwed, or kernel writing nothing to filesystem...21:04
coz_mick__,  mm those sound more like 3  possible problems not solutions :)21:05
mick__coz_: I'll reinstall with EXT3, but there is a problem I can't really ignore...21:05
coz_mick__,  ok ...it will be interesting to see the difference for you21:05
mark1ok new problem so apperently its actually samba that mounted it so i dont know how to umount it ? anyone know ?21:06
sh4d3sl4y3r_ETA for Ubuntu 10.04 anyone?21:06
mick__I tried 2 different ubuntu kernels,21:06
jribsh4d3sl4y3r_: tomorrow21:06
coz_sh4d3sl4y3r_,  in about 1440 minutes21:06
xomphow would I setup ubuntu to auto start certain commands when it restarts? example I have a game server and to run the game server I have to use the command "./srcds_run -game tf etc" can I put this command somewhere and it gets ran at startup?21:06
Slart!services | xomp21:06
mick__I tried 2 different ubuntu kernels,21:06
Slart!boot | xomp21:07
ubottuxomp: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:07
pure_hatemark1, same umount /path/to/sambashare21:07
mark1pure_hate, thanks ill try21:07
OmegaPhil1Does anyone know how to enforce an 'ontopness' policy with GNOME?21:07
a[C]would anyone be able to help me with my lvm setup, im trying to bring up an lv on a raid 5 array i transferred form another machine21:07
OmegaPhil1I.e. have the File Operations dialog always ontop without manually making it so etc?21:07
mick__coz_: thanks21:08
jribOmegaPhil1: use devilspie21:08
=== OmegaPhil1 is now known as OmegaPhil
Slartxomp: hmm.. there used to be a factoid about how to start things when you login21:08
a[C]i can see the lv in lvdisplay, and the associated vg anfd pv in vgdisplayer and pvdisplay, but the lv has a status of 'suspended'21:08
jrib!devilspie | OmegaPhil21:08
ubottuOmegaPhil: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie21:08
OmegaPhilSweet, I'll check that out, cheers21:08
xompSlart, do I add ./srcds_run etc.. in my /etc/rc.local ?21:08
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot21:08
Slartah, there it is21:08
Slartxomp: that will start it when the machine boots up.. before you've logged in21:09
xompSlart, sorry but I don't use any DE at all21:09
mark1pure_hate, for some reason i cant21:09
mark1i dont know what21:09
xompSlart, I use a Ubuntu Linode21:09
doktoreashello everybody21:09
BlackdesignAm I right when I think the new Ubuntu has the close, max and minimize buttons on the left by default?21:09
LzrdKingxomp: everyone will assume you not only use a DE but that it is gnome21:09
bastid_raZorxomp: you would add the full path of your script to rc.local21:09
Blackdesignor do the screenshots betray?21:09
Slartxomp: well.. I guess you can use .bashrc then or something similar21:09
bastid_raZor!boot | maybe what you're looking for21:09
ubottumaybe what you're looking for: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:09
mark1pure_hate, please can you tell me how i would umount the drive called media 150021:09
xompLzrdKing, thanks, that's why I just told him :)21:10
pure_hateumount -t cifs -a21:10
pure_hatemark1, try that ^^21:10
xompbastid_raZor, ok thanks21:10
pure_hateThat will unmount all samba shares21:10
a[C]can anyone help me?21:10
mark1pure_hate, nope didnt work21:10
pure_hatemark1, where in the filesyatem is it mounted?21:11
mark1pure_hate, i can find it in media, so i tried sudo umount -f -a but i feel like that was a bad idea .. lol21:12
dominicdinadaWhat is the memory max that a netboot will allow with ubuntu i understand windows has impossed a 2gb limit but does this effect all other distros/ubuntu/os x installs?21:12
pure_hatemark1, so it would be like "sudo umount -f /media/1500"21:12
jimmy51_man this is painful.  i've installed ubuntu server under hyperV and it is so stinking slow.  each console update repaints the whole screen line by line.  it takes about 2 secs per screen!21:13
Oerdominicdinada, check the manufacturor, an ION motherbord can handle 4 gb, intel 2 gb21:13
Slartdominicdinada: is there a special memory limit just because you're booting off a network?21:13
mark1pure_hate, it says no such file or directory, i think there is a problem with me media file cause 2 of my hard drives show up in there but im pretty sure they arent mounted, it doesnt make sense21:14
dominicdinadano I am looking into getting a new pc (mini) and wondered if ubuntu can handle 4gb or if since Microsoft impossed the restriction all makers had it21:14
pure_hatemark1, you are not giving me the complete file path and the name of the device so its pretty much impossible to give you the right commands21:14
aaronSorry wrong channe;21:14
mark1pure_hate and they are both empty21:14
mark1pure_hate, sorry im new to linux trying to get used to everything, dont really always know what you're asking for21:15
pure_hatemark1, pastebin ls -la /media21:15
mark1pure_hate, apperently pastebin command is not found21:16
suboneim trying to transfer an iso file from my ubuntu desktop to my laptop through a wlan but its really slow using ssh:// with nautilus... is there a faster yet not hugely complex way to do this?21:16
xanguadominicdinada: you mean a netbook¿¿ are there any that uses a 64bits procesor¿21:16
pure_hatemark1, I mean copy the output of "ls -la /media" to http://pastebin.com/21:16
Slartdominicdinada: if we're talking about a regular desktop install 32bit systems handle 4Gb of memory.. minus some for hardware mapping etc.. 64bit handles more than you'll ever be able to get your hands on today =)21:16
dominicdinadano a netbook mini Slart :P21:16
aRecordManHi! everybody!21:17
inglorhey, I need help in changing the way my cursor looks , I installed KDE as an alternative and since my cursor changed to the KDE one even in gnome except when I click on gtk+ apps, this is very odd21:17
usmanIt is already april 29 in my country, how many hours left for the release21:17
Promitso when is 10.04 stable coming out, anyone know?21:17
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party21:17
therealpxcsupposed to be tomorrow, wasn't it?21:17
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party21:17
aRecordMananybody can helpme, I have a little problem with my 3 sounds cards and a script to make record sound21:17
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mark1pure_hate what must i call it and things ?21:18
Promiti'm guessing that the netbook remix will take longer?21:18
mattkimeAtWorkI'm running ubuntu 9.10 via usb flash drive on my HP Mini 311. Ethernet fails to work. Anyone know what my options are to fix it?21:18
_pg_mattkimeAtWork: look for proprietary drivers!21:19
aRecordManIm working with ubuntu 9.04 and its works fine21:19
usmanIt is already april 29 in my country, how many hours left for the release of lucid lynx 10.0421:19
mattkimeAtWorkI need internet connectivity to do anything else for the machine21:19
mattkimeAtWorkaRecordMan - 9.04 and the HP Mini 311?21:19
sandkingi read that by default all ports should be open in ubuntu?21:19
sandkingis there a way to check if it's really open/21:20
sandking[specific port]21:20
zytrikmattkimeAtWork: what about wifi?21:20
pure_hatesandking, netstat21:20
ubutom2usman, as i got it, it'sAmoan time, which seems to be south africa, which isn't in your timezone.21:20
aRecordManyeap... what chipset do you have in? .... Im from Argentina, and may be they integrate differents chips21:20
mattkimeAtWorkaRecordMan: I'm not certain, how can i find out?21:21
djbeenie_does anyone know how to restart my sound card?21:21
aRecordManrestart ALSA21:21
mattkimeAtWork_pg_: how do i look for the drivers without ethernet??21:21
xompbastid_raZor, can I include a .sh file in that rc.local file for startup?21:21
usmanubutom2, what is samoan time now.21:22
AndorinGiven the choice between formatting between ext3 and ext4, is there a better choice?21:22
ubutom2ok, my geographic skills suck ;)21:22
aRecordManas sudo do.... alsa reload21:22
ubutom2usman, its 09:21 am there on April 28th21:22
aRecordManext4 it works fine if you have a desktop machine21:22
aRecordManif you want a server... i recommend ext321:22
sandkingpure_hate: how to use netstat to check specific port?21:23
aRecordManmore stable21:23
AndorinRight, thanks.21:23
pure_hatesandking, netstat -an | grep 8021:23
pure_hatesandking, to list all ports that are listning: netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED | awk '{print $5}' | awk -F: '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{ printf("%s\t%s\t",$2,$1) ; for (i = 0; i < $1; i++) {printf("*")}; print "" }'21:24
sandkingpure_hate: oh, so i need port 30304 open and i see that it isn't - how can i open it? i didn't set up any firewall after default install21:24
g3wnAnyone have the problem with 10.04 (desktop) not installing grub?21:24
aRecordManwho can tell me about an app to make some record (line-in) by time... I mean, I need record about 36 hours continus, but I need cutting this about 1 hs21:24
pure_hatesandking, Start whatever service needs that post to run21:24
Slart!lucid | g3wn21:25
ubottug3wn: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party21:25
Mepingoi have a problem configuring mutt...!21:25
Travis-42I've been experiencing random hardware lockups the last several weeks. What log file might give me some clues about what's wrong?21:25
SlartTravis-42: in my experience lockups doesn't make it to the logfiles.. have you checked cooling? memory?21:25
jbuncherg3wn, I upgraded from a karmic install, and it has worked so far, but that likely doesn't help you.21:25
g3wnjbrouhard: nah...21:26
sandkingpure_hate: so when something will be using it it'll be shown as open?21:26
pure_hatesandking, yeah. Like the mysql port would not be listning unless the service is started21:27
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Travis-42Slart: I suspect that it's video card related, but not sure. There is plenty of cooling. memory is fine. maybe I'll go ask in a hardware forum21:27
SlartTravis-42: I'm not saying it can't be a software problem.. but I would start looking at the hardware21:27
Guest35290why isn't */2 * * * * /home/ldlework/dev/webdesk/statusdaemon/run.py  running every two minutes?21:28
Travis-42ok thanks Slart.21:28
=== aRecordMan is now known as Alvaros
Guest35290Is there somewhere where cronjob errors are printed?21:28
SlartGuest35290: what makes you so sure it isn't running? it looks correct to me21:28
pure_hateGuest35290, not unless you specify the errors to output to a log file21:28
Alvarosanybody knows how can I make continuos record from line-in and cutting this fila about 60 minutes21:29
g3wnjbrouhard: I'm kinda afraid to install grub2 as I read it's kinda weird when installing... I have xp right now for my audio DAW and running MLPPP to acess the net, so I'm concerned to try and isntall grub2 and then not be able to access the net if something goes wrong21:29
zougGuest35290: yes, syslog and your mail21:29
zougGuest35290: give a +x to your py21:30
pure_hateGuest35290, Add this to the cron command " 2> /var/log/cron.errorlog "21:30
Jake2|cflwhat JVM pkg name should I get for lucid?21:30
Guest35290zoug, ooops!21:31
Guest35290pure_hate, I can't believe I forgot about piping.21:31
pure_hateGuest35290, Its good practice to pipe all cron commands to /dev/null anyway21:32
Mepingohow to remove unwanted files such as failed to install etc..Anyone21:32
pure_hateMepingo, rm21:32
Jake2|cflwhat JVM pkg name should I get for lucid?21:33
* dominicdinada is bashing his head on his laptop21:33
SlartJake2|cfl: ask in #ubuntu+121:34
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* dominicdinada wonders if there is DOS drivers for Wireless nic's and Usb drivers 21:34
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Slartdominicdinada: check the freedos website.. if it exists I guess those guys would know about it21:35
jimtahudominicdinada: whats up?21:35
dominicdinadaI was being Facious cause Windows sucks Ubuntu is sometimes assenine and well ://21:36
frxstremwhy does the VNC server in Ubuntu say that it is only accessible from within the local network, when it is actually accessible outside it too?21:36
usmandoes ubuntu support official drivers of broadcom wlan minicard ( in dell laptop), i am presently using the propritory21:36
pure_hatefrxstrem, the port would still have to be forwarded at the router/firewall so techniclly what it says is correct21:37
jimtahuusman: Yeah, I'm using the propiatary also, but it works fine21:37
dominicdinadaWireless networking ( psycho_oreos ) was helping and we got somewhere but then someone else was helping and well I appricate it but the "help" was a mere suggestion to switch to wicd when the problem lies that something is hooking my power button on my laptop for the wireless network card21:38
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frxstrempure_hate: no, it isn't - first of all, I connected to my router (internally) with my iPod touch's VNC client and it worked, which indicates that it is actually forwarding the port, and secondly I used an online port checking tool which said that the port 5900 (VNC port) is opened and accessible from outside the network21:39
dominicdinadaThat and I am going to need to find a program that flushes the entire systems cachef it  because my disk space is always erroading away and I can never reclaim any o21:39
pure_hatefrxstrem, Thats not possibel, if the port isnt forwarded at the router the NAT has now way of knowing whic pc to send the vnc connection to21:40
mark1can someone help me please, i have 2 harddrives in me /media folder, that think they are mounted but they are in fact not mounted, they are confused, how do i get rid of them ?21:40
=== Sony is now known as Guest52289
Alvarosumount all21:40
stealhow can i see hard disk model and vendor??? I hope that I can see it in /proc but i can't find it21:40
Alvarosand mount one by one21:41
jimtahumark1: see if you have extra stuff in fstab21:41
frxstrempure_hate: well, I'm saying that it's forwarding the port, and that the VNC server just doesn't tell me (it says that it's not)21:41
mark1jimtahu will do thanks21:41
usmanwhich is faster solid state or rotating ones hard drives21:41
pure_hatesteal, hdparm -I /dev/sda21:42
a[C]please, can anyone help me with my lvm issue?21:42
mark1jimtahu. i did have extra stuff in fstab, but its gone now and the harddrives havent :(:(21:42
Slartusman: depends.. ssds have better seek time, regular hard drives have better transfer speed I think21:42
jimtahumark1: see what the out put of mount says the drives are21:43
Slartsteal: you might want to check the disk utility in system, administration as well.. it shows s.m.a.r.t info.. I think those things are available in there somewhere21:43
mark1jimtahu, sorry im new to this , what do you mean bu the output of the mount21:43
macman_can i rm -r /tmp/ * since i don't use anything in there ?21:43
Slartmacman_: I would avoid the space after /tmp/21:44
usmanSlart, if transfer speed sucks then ssd's  are not worth it21:44
icerootmacman_: no21:44
jimtahumark1: try unmounting booth hds21:44
pure_hatesteal, you can check your write speed like this: [root@tools ~]# hdparm -t /dev/sda21:44
pure_hate Timing buffered disk reads:  384 MB in  3.01 seconds = 127.70 MB/sec21:44
icerootmacman_: 1. that will kill your cwd, second it may kill the running processes21:44
mark1jimtahu, i tried to unmount them and i get this error :DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.NotFound: The given mount was not found21:45
usmancoz, i was thinking ssd had high transfer speeed21:45
dominicdinadaWhat program-process would be hooking or controlling my hardware keys21:45
Slartusman: ok, suit yourself.. I don't agree21:45
Mepingomutt? how to install and configure..Anyone21:45
stealslacker_nl, smart info not avaiable :-(21:45
jimtahumark1: rebooting might be a good idea21:45
mark1let me try , lol21:45
mark1jimtahu, thanks21:45
pure_hateMepingo, http://wiki.mutt.org/?MuttGuide/Setup21:45
essialHow many more hours before 10.04?21:46
jimtahumark1: no prob21:46
_pg_essial: im so excited21:46
essiali'm seriously  going nuts here21:46
usman_pg_about what21:46
_pg_10.04 I guess lol even though I already have it running.21:46
essialusman: 10.04..21:46
essialI'm on 9.10 right now, ever tried 10.04, wanted to wait until official release21:47
usmanessail, me too21:47
k0d3g3arusman, me 321:47
CaptainTreki'm watiting for 10.04 to release to upgrade from 9.0421:47
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party21:47
_pg_essial: usman is it really going to change alot in the next 10 hours?21:47
essialI haven't been this excited since the release of zelda 64 :p21:47
dominicdinadazelda 64 lol21:48
mark1so it didnt work21:48
usmanessail, 2 hourse 10 minutes left21:48
usmansorry 20 mins21:48
erkan^zelda ? the legend of zelda, dominicdinada ? (:21:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:48
dominicdinadaSlart I asked a question 3 times :(21:48
jimtahumark1: open a term and type mount21:49
Slartdominicdinada: so?21:49
essialseirously, 2 hours from now?21:49
essialAwesome, that's exactly when I get home :D21:49
dominicdinadaI am waiting for a reply21:49
usmanI think i just got warned by ubottu21:49
myk_robinsonis there a dependency required for Brasero to burn audio cds?21:49
mark1jimtahu, so i just deleted them from the media folder and they gone, lol, i dont know if it was a good idea but they gone so im happy , thanks for the help dude21:50
Slartdominicdinada: this channel is for support stuff only.. other topics and regular chat is best kept in #ubuntu-offtopic.. regardless of how many times you've asked a questions or what you're waiting for21:50
oikmyk_robinson, very likely... I don't know which tho...21:50
jimtahumark1: your wellcome, good luck21:50
dominicdinadaWhat program-process would be hooking or controlling my hardware keys21:50
jiffe1I don't suppose edquota can be used fully command-line to edit a user's quota like it can on bsd eh?21:50
usmanlet's keep the discussion for when it is released21:51
woodyjlwI deleted my lower panel on ubuntu a few weeks ago and I also dropped to one workspace and now I put my lower panel back and added the workspace back to 4 but I can not switch between them and they all show as workspace 121:51
Alcorthere is no #ubuntu-offtopic21:51
SlartAlcor: yes there is21:51
Mepingopure_hate : something much more simpler..(new ubuntu user) mutt configuration?21:51
Alcorill look again21:51
pure_hateMepingo, why do you want to use mutt anyway?21:52
laftiHi! Does anybody have a Creative Labs XMOD wireless?21:52
usmanAlcor, why don't you check again21:52
pure_hateIf you need a command line mail client alpine is much easier21:52
StephenWinsI'd like help getting rid of this empty "drive" folder on my /media/ and also every time I plug in my 1TB external usb hard drive, it makes another folder for it in /media/, and it's making problems for me, look at the picture.21:52
mark1damnit i forgot the name of the thing thats making my network work, does anyone know what its called, its the thing that makes you able to network with windows21:53
aj00200Hi. My problem is that every time I try to download something form the Ubuntu Software Center, I get the following error: "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." How do I fix this?21:53
usserStephenWins: look at the udev rules21:53
Scunizimark1: samba21:53
SlartStephenWins: what happens if you disconnect the drive and remove the folders it has created by hand.. use rmdir in a terminal..21:53
woodyjlwhow do I get back to 4 workspace so I can use desktop cube?21:53
mark1Scunizi, thanks21:53
StephenWinsI can't send pictures?21:53
xompcan a .sh script be added to rc.local?21:53
mark1!samba | mark21:53
ubottumark: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:53
StephenWinsrmdir in terminal, ok, thanks.21:53
xanguaaj00200: what are you trying to install¿21:53
xompI need to have it start on reboot21:53
Slart!ccsm | woodyjlw21:53
ubottuwoodyjlw: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:53
pure_hatexomp, yes21:53
StephenWinsis usser a bot?21:53
aj00200xangua: This happens with everything21:54
usserxomp: most definetely, thats why rc.local is there21:54
usserStephenWins: no im not21:54
usserxomp: dont forget to make it executable21:54
xomppure_hate, I put  ./root/launch.sh in my rc.local but it isn't working21:54
usserxomp: /etc/rc.local?21:54
aj00200xangua: otherwise I can also get: "This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Futhermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.", but nothing will install21:54
Mepingopure_hate : my friends are talking about it, i would like to give a try. (as they would not tell how)21:54
StephenWinswhat rule did I break, usser, I sent a picture?21:54
bastid_raZorxomp: why the . ?21:54
xompusser, yeah21:54
dominicdinadayou need to use tinypic lawl21:54
usserStephenWins: i didnt say anything? :)21:55
SlartStephenWins: udev rules.. it's not channel rules.. it's configuration settings for hardware21:55
StephenWins<usser> StephenWins: look at the udev rules21:55
pure_hateMepingo, okay but you realize its a temrinal based mail client and its not that easy to use21:55
usserxomp: how do you know its not working21:55
StephenWinslol, maybe you tabbed wrong or something21:55
jiffe1hmm, are there any command line utilities for editing user quotas that don't require going into an editor?21:55
StephenWinsOo, ok lolol21:55
wraundSomeone please help me with my networking, I am an experienced linux user but this wireless card simply does not want to behave :(21:55
usserStephenWins: oh sorry man :) udev is the thing responsible for naming and mounting devices21:55
SlartStephenWins: in /etc/udev/rules.d you have text files with info on lots of hardware.. for example network names, which interface becomes eth0 and eth1 and so on21:55
usserStephenWins: among other things21:55
xompbastid_raZor, It tells me I need to use that  or I could use bash example.sh21:56
linxehwraund: you might need to be more specific21:56
wcgary83hi all! does anyone know the command line argument to guarantee firefox opens in a new window instead of a new tab?21:56
Alcorubuntu is having technical difficulties and says to join #ubuntu21:56
StephenWinsusser, it told me permission denied, how do I change my udev rules?21:56
wraundlinxeh, well I plug the wireless card in, have all the correct network settings, and I know the router is okay because my other wireless devices run fine, but it simply will not connect :(21:56
bastid_raZorxomp: /path/to/bash /path/to/script ...would be the proper way to add it in rc.local21:56
oikwcgary83, firefox --new-window21:56
SlartAlcor: works for me.. and for about 200 other people21:56
wcgary83thanks oik!21:56
StephenWinspermission denied when I rmdir /media/FreeAgent or something like that21:56
usserStephenWins: permission denied when removing folder?21:57
xompbastid_raZor, ok thanks :)21:57
mkhanyisimy firefox browser cannot display PDF files anymore!21:57
Alcorwhat name r u using?21:57
usserStephenWins: anything you change outside of your /home needs sudo21:57
linxehwraund: and no nasties in var/log/messages / dmesg ?21:57
linxehwraund: all firmwares needed are loaded ?21:57
SlartAlcor: might be something specific for the irc-server you're on21:57
StephenWinsrmdir: failed to remove `/media/FreeAgent Drive': Permission denied21:57
Alcorim on ubuntu server21:57
StephenWinssudo rmdir /media/Free...?21:57
usserxomp: or add shebang as first line of the script is #!/bin/bash21:57
wraundlinxeh, my humblest apologies xD I just restarted the laptop after having done all my work and it seems to be fine now, a reboot was all that was needed, sorry for wasting your time :$21:58
usserStephenWins: yep21:58
_pg_anyone know of a good ssh/vnc guide for invalids like me?21:58
linxehwraund: no worries :)21:58
oikStephenWins, make sure you unmount it first21:58
SlartAlcor: you're using      holmes.freenode.net [London, UK]21:58
Mepingopure_hate : its really good for sending short messages, instead of open the browser..etc..you know.21:58
linxehwraund: fwiw, I find that network manager breaks quite often, and restarting the daemon fixes things21:58
StephenWinsalright, I unmounted a few, like drive and FreeAgent Drive (without the _ and ___ and ____)21:59
pure_hateMepingo, If you only need to send mail just use sendmail on the command line21:59
mkhanyisimy firefox browser cannot display PDF files anymore! please help21:59
woodyjlwhow do you add more than one workspace to ubuntu?21:59
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
aj00200mkhanyisi: you will need to reinstall the PDF plugin21:59
oikmkhanyisi, did you use Adobe Reader?21:59
Mepingopure_hate : i will try that.21:59
StephenWinswhen I try to unmount them, oik, it says "umount: /media/FreeAgent Drive_ is not in the fstab (and you are not root)"21:59
StephenWinsthat's by right-clicking and then left-clicking "unmount"21:59
aj00200mkhanyisi: Or ask in #firefox at irc.mozilla.org22:00
laftisorry, I was offline. So, was there someone who owns a Creative Xmod wireless?22:00
StephenWinsthere's no reason for them to be busy22:00
zougpure_hate: should i use sendmail with msmtp? im having problems with mutt not sending mails..22:00
StephenWinsthere's 3 empty FreeAgent Drive_ and __ blah blah blah, they're like ghosts22:00
oikStephenWins, sudo umount /media/...22:01
mkhanyisioik, aj00200 yes I am using acrobat22:01
mkhanyisiaj00200, ok22:01
oikStephenWins, try unmounting all of them22:01
Doctehhey is it "is it out" time yet?22:01
pure_hatezoug, mutt is only a mail client you still have to have a MTA and stuff set up like sendmail or postfix22:01
oikStephenWins, if all of those succeed, delete them22:01
Slart!isitout | Docteh22:01
ubottuDocteh: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party22:01
OerStephenWins, start terminal and type: gksudo nautilus22:01
Oerthen you can22:01
Alcorhmmm how did i get to holmes?22:01
nucciohi :)22:01
melkorI'm looking for a sound/video recorder, my laptop has a mic and a webcam.22:01
xomp!hi | nuccio22:01
ubottunuccio: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:01
DoctehSlart: thx22:01
oikmelkor, try cheese22:02
AndorinApparently parted can't create ntfs file systems. Is there a partition manager that can?22:02
melkordoes cheese do sound?22:02
aj00200My problem is that every time I try to download anything form the Ubuntu Software Center, I get the following error: "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." How do I fix this?22:02
oikmelkor, I don't remember, but it should22:02
Andorinmelkor: Not that I knwo of.22:02
Andorinknow of*22:02
SlartAlcor: freenode has several servers.. your irc-client is probably setup to pick one at random22:02
nicor_93has anyone tested the new nathive?22:02
zougpure_hate: i use fetchmail, msmtp and openssl with mutt. it works while retrieving mail, but i cant send mail. google replies with a beautiful:The IP you're using to send mail is not authorized to 550-5.7.1 send email directly to our servers. Please use the SMTP relay at your 550-5.7.1 service provider instead22:03
nucciothose who have fb?22:03
mkhanyisiAndorin, GParted can22:03
AlcorSlart the network list says im on freenode22:03
nicor_93fb is facebook?22:03
pure_hatezoug, thats becasue whatever IP you are sending from does not have reverse DNS set up22:03
nicor_93i do22:03
bastid_raZorAlcor: issue a /whois Alcor and it will tell you all kinds of info22:03
Andorinmkhanyisi: Apparently it can't, as when I go to create a new partition, ntfs is grayed out under the filesystem options.22:03
SlartAlcor: yes.. and the freenode network consists of many servers22:03
StephenWinsoik: when I try to do it using gksudo nautilus, when I right-click and unmount, just nothing happens, with all of them22:04
nuccioand your name22:04
AlcorSlart the server says i was forwarded to another channel22:04
nicor_93nicolas rossini22:04
zougpure_hate: the problem is i dont want to send mail with a from add of "user@host" but with a from address of mygmail@gmail.com22:04
milianreyspek spanish?22:04
StephenWinsand when I do sudo umount /media/Free... it just tries and tries and doesn't stop (on terminal)22:04
oiknuccio, pvt for chatter22:04
SlartAlcor: here's a list of servers for the freenode network http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml22:04
nicor_93yo hablo español22:04
StephenWinsI don't get an error message, or nothing22:04
Andorinnicor_93: Why are you giving personal information out to a stranger?22:04
usserzoug: there's a way to change outgoing address22:04
mneptok!es | milianrey22:04
ubottumilianrey: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:04
coldfiredoes anyone know when exactly will 10.4 get released 12 am EST tonight?22:04
nicor_93he asked... sorry...22:04
nuccioah ok22:04
nucciono problem22:04
Kin`Awaybuonasera a tutti22:04
oikStephenWins, which Ubuntu are you on?22:05
Andorinmkhanyisi: Furthermore, I ran man parted and it says it only detects ntfs.22:05
StephenWins10.4, is it some strange bug?22:05
zougusser: i tried to change all the confs of mutt and msmtp but to no  use.22:05
SlartAlcor: it might just be that the server you're on is doing something weird.. or it might be something else.. I could join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel without any problems though.. it might be a registration problem as well22:05
Slart!register | Alcor22:05
ubottuAlcor: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode22:05
oikStephenWins, shouldn't... try eject or safely remove22:05
zougusser: how can i change it?22:05
StephenWinsthat doesn't work22:05
SlartAlcor: some channels require that you're registered to cut back on spam and such22:05
novatocomo istalo el aircrack-n22:05
pure_hatezoug, http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/   That tool will let you spoof email from any address22:05
laftiHi! My Nokia mobile phone is not recognized as MP3 player in 9.10 and 10.04 anymore. In 9.04 everything went fine. Is there some sort of database where I can add my mobile?22:05
Mepingopure_hate : how to un-install and re-install sendmail, i think something went bad during installation.22:05
oikStephenWins, if you open those folders, do you see the drive's FS?22:06
berefeirado you have to use email when registering?22:06
mkhanyisiAndorin, I opened GParted version 0.4.5 it is ABLE to create an ntfs filesystem, I am not sure about parted22:06
StephenWinswhat's FS? there's no files in them22:06
StephenWinsin any of them22:06
Slartberefeira: only if you want to be able to retrieve your password, I think22:06
oikStephenWins, FS = File System22:06
milianreyi tried to changed22:06
StephenWinsnothing in them22:06
milianreythe confs22:06
berefeiraah, thanks22:06
oikStephenWins, okay... is the drive empty?22:06
nucciowho likes rap music?22:07
mkhanyisiStephenWins, you want to umount?22:07
mkhanyisinuccio, offtopic22:07
mneptok!offtopic | nuccio22:07
ubottunuccio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:07
Andorinmkhanyisi: I don't know what you're doing, then, because I go to create an ntfs file system and ntfs is grayed out.22:07
StephenWinswhat happens is, when I have it plugged in for a few hours, listening to music, etc., it unmounts itself or something (by itself) and the I plug it back in22:07
StephenWinsthis is the first time that it's started doing this multiple folder thing though22:07
StephenWinssometimes I get really bad luck and my pc recognizes the external usb drive as a usb1, and not usb2, and I have to restart to fix it22:08
SlartAndorin: tried installing the ntfstools package? I think gparted wants that before it will touch ntfs partitions22:08
nucciosomeone who speaks Italian here?22:08
AndorinSlart: k22:08
mneptok!it | nuccio22:08
GeekSquid!it |nuccio22:08
ubottunuccio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:08
SlartAndorin: it might be called ntfs-utils or ntfstools or something lik that.. I don't quite remember22:08
mkhanyisiAndorin, I just made a dry run, and GParted was ready, did you use the commandline parted of the GUI GParted?22:08
zougpure_hate: wow, thanks that was what i wanted! and it also has TLS!22:08
usserAndorin: ntfsprogs22:09
AndorinSlart: ntfsprogs, perhaps?22:09
Slart!info ntfsprogs | Andorin22:09
ubottuAndorin: ntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 280 kB, installed size 728 kB22:09
SlartAndorin: yes, that's the one22:09
aj00200Hi. My problem is that every time I try to download anything form the Ubuntu Software Center, I get the following error: "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." How do I fix this?22:09
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:09
nucciohi geekquid22:09
pure_hatezoug, np, we use that as penetration testers to send fake emails all the time22:09
nuccioyou speak italian?22:09
Slart!it | nuccio22:10
ubottunuccio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:10
AndorinSlart: Yep, I can now create ntfs partitions. Thank you!22:10
SlartAndorin: you're welcome22:10
Typos_Kingnuccio:    canal parlare inglese22:10
nucciowoow kaos22:11
mneptoknuccio: you will not be told about offtopicness or Italian again. this is the *English* Ubuntu *support* channel.22:11
mkhanyisiStephenWins, when the system things the removeable drive is still mounted while it is unplugged, next time you plug that removeable device again (while the system is still under that confusion), you will have another folder that differs from the first by a number and sometimes with an underscore at the end22:11
StephenWinswhen I'm away from my computer for a few minutes, my screen turns black and asks for me to login every time, how do I set up my Ubuntu to where I don't have to login every time?22:11
mkhanyisiStephenWins, thinks22:11
pure_hatewow, hanging in this channel is like a full time job :-)22:11
mkhanyisiStephenWins, that should be battery settings22:12
StephenWinsmkhanyisi, yeah, it does an underscore22:12
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StephenWinsI think I looked there and didn't find anything, I'll try again22:12
sergi_hour in spain 10.04?22:12
zougpure_hate: but that would introduce spams..22:13
jpdssergi_: #ubuntu+1.22:13
Slartsergi_: ask in #ubuntu-release-party22:13
Typos_Kingsergi_   thereabouts, around 10:13pm really22:13
cliffDo VGA projectors/monitors work well with ubuntu? I'm having trouble getting them to work and have a presentation 2morrow can any1 help??22:13
StephenWinsmkhanyisi, system -> preferences -> power management?22:13
sergi_00:00 not posible?22:13
=== tek is now known as Teknical
Slartsergi_: I don't think anyone actually knows.. come back tomorrow22:13
mkhanyisiStephenWins, ALT+F2 then type gnome-power-preferences22:14
StephenWinsmkhanyisi, yeah, I don't see the "ask for password" or "go on standby" or any of that, it's not there22:14
mkhanyisiStephenWins, I thought you want to disable sleeping altogether22:15
StephenWinsI have 3 tabs, but they're all about closing lid standby and stuff22:15
StephenWinsyeah, all my settings are not sleep22:15
StephenWinsI never let my pc sleep or shut down or restart22:15
StephenWinsbut for some reason22:15
StephenWinswhen I'm off the pc for like 5 minutes+22:15
StephenWinsit'll ask for my password when I move the mouse22:15
mkhanyisiStephenWins, under On Ac Power there is a "Display" section22:16
StephenWinsput display to sleep when inactive for: never22:16
StephenWinsdisplay brightness : 100%22:16
zougpure_hate: it seems that for anonymous messages you still need a smtp relay from the isp, right? its not possbile with dynamic ips i guess..22:16
mkhanyisiStephenWins, Remember this has implication on your battery life22:16
pure_hatezoug, correct but there are free mail relays out there22:16
zougpure_hate: like?22:17
mkhanyisiStephenWins, I mean if your laptop does not sleep and is always 100% bright (esp On Battery)22:17
=== ricardo is now known as leiria_bis
mkhanyisiStephenWins, I dont think  its a problem for On AC Power mode22:18
StephenWinsI'm nearly always always plugged in22:18
mkhanyisiHi jorge22:18
StephenWinsit's strange, but thanks, you tried your best. :p22:18
jorgedoes anyone here know how to change the ubuntu icon next to applications into the old gnome foot?22:18
StephenWinsI wonder why I can't fix it :(22:18
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
jorgei am using the new ubuntu, lucid22:18
moreiajorge: try #ubuntu+122:19
Bodsdajorge: not sure about new releases, but it used to be a particular picture in your theme, I think it was called 'start-here'22:19
moreiaStephenWins: actually ... you're frustrated at logout timing or screen saving?22:19
plumhow can i get yahoo free mail working from thunderbird?22:20
naxahi! i have 10.04 on an external usb hdd what i use in several computers. I would like if ubuntu could mount the partitions of the internal hdds automatically in a directory in /mnt named after the ntfslabel of the partition, or the partition ("sdb1") if it's not ntfs. i would like this to happen automatically, not only when triggered by nautilus. is there such a tool?22:20
moreiaPlum: does Yahoo support pop or imap?22:20
StephenWinslogout timing I guess22:20
Bodsdaplum: you should be able to pull mail without an issue - but to push mail you will need something like Ypops! I have never gotten it working22:20
plumBodsda: yeah i just tried today, it didn't work for me either22:21
StephenWinsah, I think I know what you mean22:21
StephenWinslet me take a look at screensaver pref22:21
plummoreia: it's both but they want you to pay for push to anything other than webmail22:21
Bodsdaplum: that was the reason I switched to gmail :)22:21
Typos_Kingmoreia:    I don't think the free accounts do either, they don't provide any server to access using a mail client, it has to be done through their web interface22:21
plumwhich sucks btw. i hate their layout and stationary stuff22:21
plumBodsda: gmail doesn't have push either iirc22:21
Axilus_Does anyone have any recommendations on an RSS reader that I sync in between my PC, Laptop, and android phone?22:22
Bodsdaplum: yes it does - I have it working like a charm22:22
plumwell i use my yahoo and gmail for different purposes22:22
cliff I'm having trouble getting VGA projectors to work in ubuntu 9.10 can any1 help??22:22
moreiastephenwins: I've got Gnome-do set up, so I don't know where to find it without that, but in Power Management Preferences I've got "Put computer to sleep when inactive for: Never"22:22
plumso switching completely to one or the other wouldn't help me22:22
Axilus_Hmm, I'm not a big fan of google reader22:22
StephenWinsthanks, I think I fixed it22:23
moreiastephenwins: I missed the earlier support thread -- sounded like someone was helping you, so I apologize if you already tweaked those settings.22:23
Bodsdamoreia: there is an important lesson behind your last sentence22:23
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:23
moreiaBodsda: and it is?22:24
dancalloanyone know exactly when Canonical Ltd is going to release 10.04 LTS tomorrow?22:24
allencountdown for lucid lynx?22:24
Slartdancallo: nope.. you can ask in #ubuntu-release-party if someone there knows22:24
allenhow long is it?22:24
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party22:24
dancallothanks, I'll do that.22:24
Bodsdamoreia: letting graphical apps handle your life leave you up ..... creek when they arent there to hold your hand anymore22:25
allengimp is no longer in i heard22:25
Slartallen: not in the default install, no.. but it's there in the repos22:25
* Typos_King wonders if they have confetti at #ubuntu-release-party, or at least tea and cookies22:25
BodsdaTypos_King: i would be insulted if there were no cookies22:26
allenyep, ubuntu's great. good n8 mates22:26
StephenWinsallen, you mean, by default?22:26
=== crosswire is now known as trojans
noah_hey, I'm using ubuntu 10.04 RC, and I don't have the nice plymouth bootloader when I start up, but I do when I turn it off. Anyone else having this problem?22:27
Slartnoah_: ask in #ubuntu+122:27
dfgaswhat flash and java plugins do you use in firefox?22:27
noah_thanks, I'll do that22:28
Oerflahs nonfree and java 622:28
noah_dfgas: I just install restricted-extras22:29
dfgashmmm, maybe my problem is that i am using 64bit ubuntu22:29
Oeravailable tru restricted extra's indeed22:29
dfgasbut i know videos don't work sometimes22:29
xanguadfgas: you need to download flash por 64 bits from adobe's web22:30
dfgasin 10.4 i think i saw it on apt22:30
=== brianherman_ is now known as brianherman
dfgasxangua, do you use it?22:30
xanguadfgas: no, i use 32 bits22:30
dfgasi will try 64 bit then22:31
dfgasthank you22:31
dfgasOer, sun java 6?22:32
Oeris there any other java ?22:32
dfgasi thought there was another one22:32
mah2223hi guys- after accidentally installing some unofficial updates/patches, i get 'Mount of root filesystem failed.' !!22:32
mah2223any ideas??22:32
dfgask well i will try then22:33
albackerdo you think apt-get dist-upgrade works well?22:33
dfgasmay reinstall just to have fresh install22:33
liliana__ey how are you22:33
albackerdfgas, i know that's why i'm asking.. :)22:33
albackerand btw is lucid out yet?22:34
Cheticwhere/how do I change the default appearance settings for a guest session? (wanna impress people at a party on friday with ubuntu)22:34
Alcorubuntu-offtopic has +r set = must be registered22:34
sp0spohdparm works with my western digital drives to change the acustic , but I cannot change the acustic on my seagate drives, anyone know any more insight on this?22:34
mah2223hi guys- after accidentally installing some unofficial updates/patches, i get 'Mount of root filesystem failed.' !! any ideas??22:34
mah2223please help! i need my ubuntu back so i can continue working for finals! anyone there??22:36
Alcormah2223 reload?22:36
mah2223hey thank you alcor22:36
mah2223what do you mean by that??22:36
daftykinsmah2223: got a livecd?22:36
mah2223i have a netbook so i would have to use external drive- is that the only way?22:37
mah2223what would i do after booting live22:37
Alcormah2223 reload your system - anything that was changed after the updates could still be there if you removed the update...22:37
Alcormah2223 do u have a list of the updates u applied?22:38
Typos_Kingmah2223:   I'd say do a disk check   ->   sudo e2fsck -c /dev/INSTALLPARTITION;22:39
daftykinsmah2223: do you have a separate /home ?22:39
mah2223no, is there any way for me to get that for you?22:39
mah2223im not sure what you mean by separate /home22:39
mah2223and you mean do a disk check after booting live?22:39
Capt_Blackwoodwhat channel is the party on?22:39
Chetichow do I change the default appearance settings for a guest session?22:40
alessandro_come faccio a sostituire xubuntu con ubuntu?22:43
LjL!it | alessandro_22:43
k-hyogaalessandro, questo è il canale internazionale, prova su #ubuntu-it22:43
ubottualessandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:43
daftykinsmah2223: is your /home partition separate from / (root) ?22:45
felonhow do i get a process to start on boot up. if my system happins to go down for any reason22:46
zzypothow to i killa  process in ubuntu22:47
erUSULzzypot: pkill processname22:47
Slart!boot | felon22:47
ubottufelon: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:47
paddyi have this strange problem where every bittorrent client i install hangs and becomes a zombie22:47
zzypotmy ubuntu login screen froze22:47
zzypotwhat is going on22:47
paddyzzypot kill -9 PID22:47
zzypotpaddy my screen froze22:47
zzypotwhat is going on22:47
paddyzzypot restart22:48
kwtmHow can I find out what the Ubuntu Firefox updates are for my Lucid?  Is it on the Ubuntu website somewhere?22:48
zzypotidid power down22:48
zzypoton my laptop shows blinking lights22:48
daftykinskwtm: aptitude changelog <package>22:48
zzypotand it looks like something is locked22:48
paddyzzypot scratch that ctrl+alt+F!22:48
kwtmdaftykins: Thanks.  WIll try.22:48
paddyzzypot scratch that ctrl+alt+F122:48
erUSULzzypot: maybe a kernel panic22:48
zzypotstill not working22:49
Typos_Kingkwtm:   if you have ff installed, it does all that automatically, or you can do it manually I think, under Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Updates22:49
paddyzzypotwhat happens when you do ctrl+alt+F122:49
zzypoti just did a power down22:50
paddyzzypot turn it on22:50
felonim talking bout a simple bg process on boot up22:51
kwtmTypos_King: Not sure what you mean.  I have used firefox a few times and it did not automatically describe to me what sort of modifications Ubuntu had added to Firefox.  All it said was that these modifications existed.22:51
feloni want it to automaticly start22:51
kwtmBtw I love the scrolling on the laptop touchpad with two fingers!  Much better than the old way.22:51
Typos_Kingkwtm:   under Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Updates, has a Show History button :|22:51
benkevancan anyone here help me with setting up certificate authentication to wireless? the whole process including exporting the private keys from Active Directory?22:52
Typos_Kingkwtm:   meh, I still prefer a mouse over the touchpad anytime :P22:52
Slartfelon: what's wrong with the "To add your own startup scripts, use..." from what ubottu said?22:52
=== DSC[School] is now known as DaveySC
kwtmTypos_King: Mine has no Show History button under Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Updates.  (Oh, and I like the mouse, too, when I'm not sitting in a cramped airplane.)22:53
kwtmTypos_King: (but at least tapping on the mousepad doesn't accidently result in a "click" any more)22:53
felonso use " bum " to auto start a bg process on boot up ?22:53
paddyi have installed two bittorrent clients and they both die the same way22:53
jiffe1in freebsd I was able to use edquota to change quotas on a range of user ids, is that possible with the quota system in linux?22:53
Typos_Kingkwtm:  no Show Update History?   I have 3.5.5.... it does, either way, I don't think the updates are provided by the ubuntu repositories anyway, those are provided by mozilla's22:55
Typos_Kingkwtm:   you can always get the new one from mozilla's site, it's just one .bz2 archive, you unzip and run, no install needed22:55
kwtmTypos_King: I have 3.6.3.  Under Tools > Add-ons, it shows (among the other firefox extensions) Ubuntu FIrefox Modifications 0.9rc222:56
Chetichow do I change the default appearance settings for a guest session?22:56
zentahello all22:56
DragzardHello Zenta.22:56
artemioshello folks!22:57
Typos_Kingkwtm:  ... ahe.... I see.... well. I installed mine from mozilla's site :|22:57
KaOSoFtWhat's the best TeX distribution for Linux? I know MiKTeX, but it only works on Windows.22:58
artemiosi've installed ubuntu just now. But how can i install KDE plasma desktop?22:58
xanguaartemios: do you installed ubuntu or Kubuntu¿22:58
artemiosxangua, ubuntu22:58
aj00200My problem is that every time I try to download anything form the Ubuntu Software Center, I get the following error: "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." How do I fix this?22:59
jzacshanyone have success with the syncML (missing link) tool and a blackberry? -- http://www.estamos.de/projects/SyncML/   --- i've fiddled without, but not seriously22:59
zentai installed redhat and ubuntu form long time and i work fine but something is happen that i cant see the reboot choise of redhat, and ubuntu only i found windows so i cant login again to any of them after i installed ubuntu inside windows i made recovery i found rehat and ubuntu but i cant see them when computer is started23:00
cdw32I need to create a usb image can anyone suggest a program?23:00
jzacshcdw32: what exactly do you need to do?23:01
ScuniziHow do you "ls" just directories?23:01
erUSULScunizi: ls */23:01
Alcorls -ld?23:01
jzacshScunizi: `man ls` shows -d option23:01
cdw32jzacsh: i need to install 9.10 as an iso image23:01
macoScunizi: ls -F | grep /$23:01
ScunizierUSUL: sort of.. didn't want to see what was in each directory individually..23:01
erUSULScunizi: this  "ls -d */"23:01
jzacshcdw32: try unetbootin23:02
* maco adds "-d" to mental list of cool things23:02
ScuniziTA DA!  erUSUL you get the gold star .. that last one worked..23:02
cdw32jzacsh: is it a simple download23:02
felontoday is not my day23:02
* erUSUL makes room for his new gold star23:02
zentaany body understood my Q ?23:02
artemiosFolks, how can i install KDE plasma desktop?23:03
xanguaartemios: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:03
Chetichow do I change the default appearance settings for a guest session?23:03
cdw32jzacsh: i downloaded that a little but ago and it wont let me run the program23:03
Scunizimaco: your's worked too with a totally different view on the terminal then erUSUL 's suggestion.  thanks23:03
jzacshcdw32: what won't let you run it?23:03
jzacshso, anyone try the syncML tool?23:04
erUSULScunizi: the colors do not work when ls is piped23:04
zentahello again23:04
cdw32jzacsh: when i click on the icon on the desktop it says there is no application for this file type23:04
artemiosxangua, ok. Is it last version of KDE plasma desktop?23:04
ScunizierUSUL: true.. however the are "nice" red colored "/" at the end of each directory.. not sure what that means though.23:05
jzacshcdw32: which operating system are you using, to try and run it?23:05
xanguaartemios: depends the version of ubuntu you are using23:05
erUSULScunizi: yu have color enabled in grep by default?23:05
ScunizierUSUL: looks like it (kubuntu)23:05
artemiosxangua, 9.10 is my version23:05
erUSUL_pHI_: #ubuntu+123:12
Capt_BlackwoodHow do you make a desktop wallpaper slideshow23:12
erUSULdominicdinada: « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter && sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 »23:12
erUSULdominicdinada: while connected to internet23:13
aj00200My problem is that every time I try to download anything form the Ubuntu Software Center, I get the following error: "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." How do I fix this?23:13
jzacshdominicdinada: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:13
Sabre-Edgehey anyone knows at what time the official release will be released?23:13
canozanhello, i want to see the history of my terminal, but not only the commands history, also what was printed when i used that command. Do you have any idea? is it possible?23:13
jzacshdominicdinada: in my opinion, with broadcom & ubuntu, you've got a pita23:13
jzacshdominicdinada: i've done it though, and had no problems, and i've done it and experience problems. so, its worth a try23:13
erUSULcanozan: you have to use script at the begin of the "session" you want to record23:13
Typos_KingSabre-Edge:   sometime before friday, just wait till friday and you'll find it :P23:13
jzacshdominicdinada: pain*23:14
Sabre-Edgehehe thanks ause hre where i live its past midight and the counter says it will be available soon23:14
Guest53826Which counter?23:15
erUSULdominicdinada: « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter && sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 » while connected to internet qnd the card should work23:15
dominicdinadaand I am sorry i asked for an expert I have spent months trouble shooting and following all of those howtos and none worked up until 2 days ago I have used ndiswrapper and windows drivers but i uninstalled wine and installed kubuntu-desktop and it killed my broadcom drivers :/23:15
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party23:15
Sabre-Edgethe one on the ubuntu webpage23:15
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ... is there is a big difference between ubuntu and ubuntuStudio ... or just tools ?23:15
jzacshdominicdinada: the first thing I would try is the driver that "detect hardware" comes with -- if that's not too great, then try what erUSUL just suggested23:15
Sabre-Edgehere its already 29th23:15
CaptainTrekon your time23:15
canozannotice <erUSUL> <so it is not recorded automaticly and there is no way that i can see what was printed on my terminal yesterday?>23:15
zentasoooo no body know my Q ???23:15
Guest53826zenta: 4223:15
CaptainTrekworst case is 11:59 PM UTC-1023:15
fabio_im instaling the  beta release23:16
Typos_KingSabre-Edge:   what?   you took a plane over the behring strait? :P23:16
erUSULcanozan: right23:16
Sabre-EdgeI'm from Malta23:16
zentayes Guest5382623:16
erUSULcanozan: the commands you typed are recorded; the output is not23:16
dominicdinadai had gotten things to a somewhat working point.............. but then rebooted and now back to nothing it seems something is controlling my hardware keys to power up the internal wireless niv23:16
h4fhow do I move my /boot folder to my new /boot partition ?23:16
canozannotice <erUSUL> <thank you, although this is not good news for me :)>23:17
cdw32jzacsh: hey im back23:17
erUSULh4f: sudo cp -aR /boot/ /new/boot/ ?23:17
=== artemios is now known as Artemios
jzacshcdw32: worked, with synaptic?23:17
Aggelosshould i stay awake to receive ubuntu 10 LTS ?23:17
h4ferUSUL: yeap but will it boot after ?23:17
fabio_anyone here use the new beta?23:17
Typos_KingSabre-Edge:   ubuntu releases are meant to be scheduled about 6months you know, if you want the latest and newest, you will need a time-machine, otherwise, nevermind what version when, 10.04, 11 whatever, just get it whenever it 's out, it will be in less than 48hrs, so23:17
erUSULcanozan: you do not need the notice just the nick is enough :)23:17
jzacshAggelos: no23:17
cdw32jzacsh: synaptic does not show it as a package23:18
h4ferUSUL:  I need to change boot partition from / to /boot23:18
erUSULh4f: moving boot paritions around does not make ubuntu boot faster23:18
jzacshcdw32: it could be a third party peice of software23:18
canozan<erUSUL> <oh i am new here, thanks again>23:18
zentano body know my Q ??23:18
h4ferUSUL:  yeap I know. that's not what I want23:18
erUSULcanozan: no problem23:18
Sabre-EdgeI know but i've kinda been waiting for it23:18
macoAggelos: if the last few releases are any indication, got about 24h to go23:18
jzacshcdw32: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Third-Party%20Software%20Tab23:18
kiallhumms ... wondering what this is mirroring claims to be 10.04 ;) http://mirror1.ku.ac.th/lucid/ .. (someone linked... I'm not searching for a leak!)23:18
zentahello Sabre-Edge23:19
jiffe1in freebsd I was able to use edquota to change quotas on a range of user ids, is that possible with the quota system in linux?23:19
kwtmHow come when I "sudo apt-get upgrade", it says the following have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic (among many others).23:19
tolecnalkiall: never trust anything that isn't from an official repository23:19
kwtmIsn't "linux-generic", like, the kernel update?23:19
cdw32jzacsh: i dont know if this means anything, but now i cant get my flash drive to mount23:20
kialltolecnal, of course! thats why I was asking where it could be mirroring from23:20
Aggelos i see ! thanks guys ! keep up the good work!23:20
ux2hello. when will be lucid lynx out?23:20
Hillshumkwtm: Those packages depend on packages that aren't installed. apt-get upgrade will never install new packages23:20
Hillshum!isitoutyet | ux223:20
jzacshcdw32: i'm not sure how that's related23:20
ubottuux2: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party23:20
erUSULkwtm: maybe you have the proposed repo enabled ?23:20
jzacshcdw32: you didn't mention any problems with your flash drive. you only mentioned problems getting unetbootin to launch23:20
kwtmHillshum: Oh, I see!  So if I wanted them installed, I'd say "apt-get install linux-generic" and it would auto-install the dependencies?23:20
Hillshumkwtm: Yup23:20
Hillshumor use apt-get dist-upgrade23:21
jzacshcdw32: anyway, i have to go. stick to this (these pages can't have more information than I do) -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick23:22
cdw32jzacsh: those pages are what got me into this23:22
felonhow do i find out how many users are loggin in23:22
linnouifelon: use the "who" command23:23
josh_kfelon: w23:23
zentafelon just write who23:23
linnouihi, is there an ubuntu kernel with grsecurity patches ?23:24
zentafelon: also u can use " w" will give u more detail23:24
Scunizisebsebseb: ping .. you around?23:25
sebsebsebScunizi: yes23:25
Scunizisebsebseb: can I PM?23:25
sebsebsebScunizi: of course23:26
erUSULlinnoui: no23:26
=== edwin is now known as Guest96298
Scunizisebsebseb: window should be open now.23:27
kwtmIsn't Lucid out today?  Apr 29>23:27
kwtmApr29?, I mean?23:28
macman_hi all .. i know a lot of you guys have windows via vmware / wine or something .. what is the prefered method of install windows in ubuntu .. i need it for an application23:28
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casacomo se crea una distribucion casera23:28
canozani need help with my hard drives partitions, everything is messed up and i cannot boot into my windows 7 partition23:29
linnouimacman_: you can use virtualbox23:29
ShexNiviskwtm: be pacient : )23:29
kwtmShexNivis: Oh, I'm just asking out of curiosity.  I'm already using Lucid. :)23:29
canozanit was 196 GB and now it seems to be 30 GB, also gparted shows my entire harddisk as unallocated23:29
meowbuntui am having issues setting up grub/grub2 any experts here23:31
erUSUL!es | casa23:31
ubottucasa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:31
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:32
ShexNivismeowbuntu: #grub23:32
meowbuntuah thanks ShexNivis23:32
ShexNivisno problem23:32
=== Mountain is now known as Mountian_Man
zentaubottu: i asked many Q but no body answer why ?23:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:33
=== Mountian_Man is now known as Mountain_Man
zentaall , why no body answerd my Q ?23:33
MrPocketsLets say I've got Ubuntu on a PC with 2 nics. One is plugged into the network. I also have a PC with no way to get an uplink in this location23:34
ShexNiviszenta: whats your question?23:34
mpuserSo, what time tomorrow will 10.04 be released?23:34
MrPocketsIf i connect the other nic to this PC with no connectivity,  can I bridge the connections to get network traffic through the Ubuntu box to the othe rPC?23:34
zentashexnivis: thanks i will write now23:34
ShexNivismpuser: I dont think they announced a time for it23:34
canozancan anyone help me recover my partitions which exist but seem as unallocated with gparted?23:35
bitbombI can barely contain myself over the 10.04 releaswe23:35
ZykoticK9mpuser, the "time" is never known, only the date23:35
bitbombrelease even23:35
zentai have 2 linux installed but i can found the choise when the computer is boot only found windows23:35
felon"top" terminal command, i like it lots of info23:35
MrPocketscannonball, not really23:35
* BlackBishop googles for 10.04 rtm iso23:35
MrPocketsWhat happened?23:35
zentaShexNivis: got my Q ?23:36
felonis it out yet ?23:36
bitbombfelon: Tomorrow23:36
ShexNiviszenta do you get a grub menu when you turn your computer on or does it go straight to windows?23:36
BlackBishopwill there be any more changes to the iso besides what's already in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ ?23:36
zentayes go staright to windows23:36
mpuserZykoticK9: what time zone is the date in?23:36
mpuserbitbomb: it's already tomorrow in Japan23:37
ShexNiviszenta: which one you installed first? linux or windows?23:37
canozancan anyone help me recover my partitions which exist but seem as unallocated with gparted?23:37
ZykoticK9mpuser, doesn't really matter - they have until the 29th somewhere in the world, and it's consider on-time23:37
vernris there anywhere I can find out what all the various background processes are in ubuntu so I can cut down overhead a little?23:37
ffixcollectorThis is my first time using IRC, can anyone give me a few pointers?23:37
zentaShexNivis: windows.23:37
ramenfan123will 10.0 be availble at midnight for each timezone?23:38
bitbombmpuser: when it's april 29th or later worldwide23:38
ZykoticK9ramenfan123, no - just sometime on the 29th23:38
bitbombmpuser: better? :)23:38
mpuserbitbomb: no, I'm disappoint23:38
bitbombmpuser: I wish I could help you. I'm sorry you're disappointed.23:38
ShexNiviszenta: Did they grub stopped worked or never worked at all?23:38
bitbombmpuser: It wouldn't come out at the stroke of midnight or anything anyway23:38
bitbombmpuser: Trust me, I'll be checking all day, I can't wait.23:39
vernris there anywhere I can find out what all the various background processes in ubuntu are so I can cut down overhead a little?23:39
mpuserbitbomb: it's a joke (meme - google it if curioous)23:39
vi_help me23:39
canozancan anyone help me recover my partitions which exist but seem as unallocated with gparted?23:39
bitbombmpuser: I got that it was a joke, but I totally missed the meme!23:39
ShexNiviszenta: the grub*23:39
bitbombmpuser: haha23:39
zentaShexNivis: but after i installed ubuntu inside windows i found it in grub so i select it and i did recovery mode i found all old linux and i can run it just when i go to recovery mode23:39
zougcanozan: sudo apt-get install testdisk  and then man testdisk.23:40
hypetechAnybody know what would cause my Ubuntu 9.10 to not show the login prompt on the login screen all of a sudden anymore? :( The background is still there23:40
aj00200My problem is that every time I try to download anything form the Ubuntu Software Center, I get the following error: "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." How do I fix this?23:40
miguel000hello , Im in xubuntu live and try to fix my grub! however i get : grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /.23:40
felonyes bitbomb one day23:40
miguel000what does this grub error mean?23:41
ShexNiviszenta: maybe this can help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows23:41
zentaShexNivis: but if i unstall ubuntu form inside windows i cant enter again, and the old linux its installed in deffrint partation23:41
rkayanyone know when exactly the 10.04 release will go live? is it at 00:00 UTC?23:41
=== bitbomb is now known as bitbomb-afk
mincevvAnybody has a clue when 10.04 will be available?23:41
bitbomb-afkchill w/you cats later23:41
LjL!isitout | rkat23:41
ubotturkat: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party23:41
macorkay, mincevv : at some point while it is 29 April in at least one timezone on Planet Earth23:42
rkaythanks ubottu23:42
zentaShexNivis: ok i will see thanks and sorry for distrib23:42
vi_pleas help me, ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_6423:42
ShexNivisaj00200: you can either authentiticate them or remove then if you dont use23:42
mincevvmaco: :( will travel to other planet23:42
aj00200ShexNivis: the strange thing is that this happens to every package. How do I authenticate them?23:42
macomincevv: one that spins fast enough for that not to be 49 hours?23:43
ShexNivismiguel000:  what command you used before that out23:43
ShexNivismiguel000:  what command you used before that output*23:43
mincevvmaco: right... small one so I can outrun it's rotation23:44
miguel000ShexNivis, sudo update-grub23:44
vi_help me i lost on the linux a-a-a-a-a23:44
Sudo22Anyone know if it's possible to log the access to a file?? like which user open or modify a specific file23:45
ShexNivismiguel000: what grub you trying to recover? 1 or 2?23:45
aj00200ShexNivis: the strange thing is that this happens to every package. How do I authenticate them?23:45
miguel000ShexNivis, the xubuntu I have comes with grub223:45
benkevancan anyone here help me with setting up certificate authentication to wireless? the whole process including exporting the private keys from Active Directory?23:45
vi_you hear me?23:46
reallycoolI'm sorry for probably being the 50th or so person to ask this, but when does 10.4 release?23:46
miguel000and sorry, the command was: sudo update-grub223:46
ShexNivisaj00200: check your sources and try to find out wich one is not authenticate23:46
Typos_King!outyet | really_not_cool23:46
ubottureally_not_cool: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party23:46
benkevancan anyone here help me with setting up certificate authentication to wireless? the whole process including exporting the private keys from Active Directory?23:46
kimmovi_: Everybody hears you :)23:46
miguel000ShexNivis, update-grub223:47
benkevanI keep getting: access point 'accesspoint' has security, but secrets are required.23:47
vi_thank you))23:47
ShexNivismiguel000: sorry cant be of much help, last time I did that was on the legancy grub ; /23:48
aj00200vi_ what do you need help with?23:48
ervisanyone download U 10.4 ?23:48
miguel000ShexNivis, alllrighty thx23:48
dominicdinadawhat the Fawk is this winbindd and why does it still persist when i removed ndiswrapper and wine and all of the drivers :(23:49
ShexNivismiguel000: you following the howto from help.ubuntu...?23:49
benkevanYes.. I have.. and Yes.. I installed it.. and Yes I'm using it23:49
benkevanand yes it seems stable23:49
vi_how it is sorry that I understand English not very much((((. yes me need help)23:49
ervisim on main page but not see the link23:49
benkevanervis: Not officially released until tomorrow23:49
aj00200vi_: Just ask your question. Saying that you need help doesn't let us help you.23:49
vi_for me a problem is with setting of drivers23:50
ervisbenkevan, in my country is 29 :)23:50
aj00200vi_: drivers for what?23:50
dominicdinada29th in the western world23:50
vi_ati 955023:50
benkevanwhat dominicdinada said23:51
aj00200ShexNivis: I think it is more the lack of a authentication key. How do I get the normals ones back?23:51
dominicdinadawestern hemisphere23:51
miguel000ShexNivis,  thx anyway23:51
firemonkeydebian has mucho better support for ati drivers23:51
firemonkeydon't know why23:51
jo_i wonder if ati will work better with wine???23:51
aj00200vi_: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx23:51
Typos_Kingthe western hemisphere?   one may note alaska doesn't have the same time as germany23:51
ShexNivisaj00200: you dont need to authenticate the original repository sources just the ones you add from 3rd parties23:52
xompguys, how would I update my version of PHP? I currently run PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.10 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Jan  6 2010 22:01:14)23:52
aj00200ShexNivis: I'm not installing anything from 3ed parties.23:52
dominicdinadahmmm when i start killing processes is there any i should watch out for ?23:52
kimmovi_: There is most likely a channel where you can get support in your own language. Example, if you are russian, try #ubuntu-ru23:53
ShexNivisaj00200: you sure you don't have anything on your sources.list or sources.d?23:53
cartmaniushello something?23:53
xomp!hi | cartmanius23:54
ubottucartmanius: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:54
aj00200Shex: well, the only thing I have changed with this is adding the Debian Squeeze PPA, which is now disabled. Some things seems to be working better, but a lot of things still wont install.23:54
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cartmaniussomething speak spanish23:54
xomp!es | cartmanius23:54
ubottucartmanius: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:54
BlackBishop2am 29th here .. no 10.04 yet ..23:55
cartmaniusgracias xomp23:55
vi_i download driver  ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64 ,but he gives out an error "<kimmo> vi_: There is most likely a channel where you can get support in your own language. Example, if you are russian, try #ubuntu-ru"23:55
xompcartmanius, de notta :P23:55
vi_I tested all codes23:56
funflo5120:56 AM here23:56
funflo512still no 10.0423:56
dominicdinada29th in the western world23:57
alien260hello, dose anyone know how to change a theme in irssi client23:57
dominicdinadawestern hemisphere23:57
felonwill 10.04 be in iso form tomorrow when its released ?23:57
funflo512I'm in France23:57
felonI'm in space23:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:57
vi_one question not on the topic this Americans speak on this chat))))))))))))))))))))?23:57
DrabzzI'm in cyberspace23:57
* dominicdinada clock reads 6pm april 28th here23:57
felon7 here23:58
dominicdinadalol felon23:58
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.23:58
dancallodfgas: Adobe Flash 9 and SunJava 6jre23:58
lukian123when 10.4 final will be available for download?23:58
dominicdinada29th in the western world23:59
uLinuxWhen the new ubuntu version will be available?23:59
dominicdinada29th in the western world23:59
theGmanHello, new to ubuntu...in Fedora/RHEL (and others) I can do rpm -q <pkg name> to see if something is intalled...is there something similar in ubuntu?23:59
dagon_western world?23:59
dagon_does Sweden count as a part of that?23:59
ervisyou must wait about 6 hours23:59
h00kfelon: please watch the langauge, obfuscated swearing is still swearing.23:59

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