
* Moe points at the topic00:02
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jdobrienBook our system is down01:20
jdobrienis there anyone here called ribee?01:20
duanedesigndoes anyone have any input concerning this error.  ubuntuone-preferences - ERROR - DesktopCouch replication API not found01:56
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CreativeChemistso I just signed up for ubuntuone and synced it to my machine but for some reason it refusses to connect02:42
CreativeChemistis it STILL under maintenance?02:42
duanedesignCreativeChemist: i think it might be02:43
CreativeChemistdang nabbit02:43
CreativeChemistwell if it works as described (whenever the heck maintenance is done) I shall be impressed02:44
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Chipacawe're back04:44
ChipacaCreativeChemist: duanedesign: we're back!04:44
Chipacaand the awesome has returned04:44
Chipacaaw, man, what was it I had to do to change this topic?04:45
Chipacaladies and gentlement, the man of the moment, mr storage sharding in person, jdobrien!04:45
jdobrienshhh ....he's sleeping04:46
Chipacaoops, sorry04:46
Chipacabuy him a beer keg when he comes up from his exhausted coma04:46
CreativeChemistsynchronizing in process04:46
CreativeChemistfirst time I've done this :)04:47
Chipacanow is a good time for it to be your first time :)04:47
CreativeChemistI just played around with stellarium for the first time.... beautiful04:48
CreativeChemistsoo much info04:48
joshuahooverChipaca: very true!04:48
CreativeChemistwhy now?04:50
pfibigerCreativeChemist: we just ended a downtime period where we made some significant architectural and hardware changes that should result in better performance for users04:51
CreativeChemisthmm cool :)04:51
=== Chipaca changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: https://one.ubuntu.com | http://identi.ca/ubuntuone | Known issues: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status | Say "honk" to get help for Ubuntu One. Please be patient.
CreativeChemistpfibiger,  you work on the project?04:52
beunoCreativeChemist, he's the operations manager04:52
beunobrave man04:52
CreativeChemistvery brave04:53
CreativeChemistlets see how long my first synch takes04:53
CreativeChemisthow long should a synch take? Tis less then 100 mb04:57
blistov10.04 daily (today)  how do i actually connect ubuntuone now?05:01
blistovThere doesn't seem to be any option in ubuntuone-prefs05:01
CreativeChemistunder devices I believe05:01
Chipacablistov: it should be connecting automatically on startup, if you have done the oauth dance05:02
ChipacaCreativeChemist: please tell us how long it takes :)05:02
blistovwhere oauth/05:02
CreativeChemistChipaca,  I shall announce it to world when its finally done05:02
blistovChipaca, whats the oauth dance :) ?05:02
blistovdoesn't automatically connect at startup.05:02
blistov3 new 10.04 installs today.05:03
ChipacaCreativeChemist: you can watch the progress of the current file with u1sdtool --current-transfers, and of the queue with --waiting-content05:03
ChipacaCreativeChemist: (on a terminal)05:03
Chipacablistov: well, the first time you start ubuntuone-preferences (or click on 'ubuntu one' in the me menu) you should be taken to a website to log in to the service05:04
blistovChipaca, yup.  I logged in and it did nothing.05:04
CreativeChemistChipaca,  current uploads 005:04
CreativeChemistuh oh05:04
Chipacablistov: heh, I think we have a bug where it doesnt' start syncing the first time05:05
Chipacablistov: you can either log out and back in, or do u1sdtool -c05:05
ChipacaCreativeChemist: what does u1sdtool -s say?05:05
joshuahooverblistov: you'll need to make sure you click on the "Devices" tab and then click the connect button there05:05
joshuahooverblistov: we just added some new setup instructions that better explain the process, would love to know if it makes any sense :) https://one.ubuntu.com/support/installation/05:06
Chipacaor that, the first time :)05:06
Chipacajoshuahoover: thanks05:06
CreativeChemistChipaca,  http://shorttext.com/km1jnw4iri05:06
joshuahooverblistov: and, yes, we're going to make it so you don't have to click the connect button after setting things up05:07
duanedesignyou guys burning the midnight oil tonight :)05:07
blistovHrm... hitting connect doesn't do anything either.05:07
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CreativeChemistChipaca,  I just hit disconnect then hit connect again... ermmm, its no longer connecting05:08
blistovI get the feeling if it screws up on the first try, you no longer get directed to the sso.05:09
blistovWhere does u1 keep its config/cache?05:09
duanedesignthere has been a weird bug that affects people on Lucid when trying to add computer to U105:10
ChipacaI think I should go to sleep05:10
duanedesignu1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login    then open Ubuntu One from the Me Menu and you should be prompted to add computer05:11
ChipacaCreativeChemist: good luck with that! sorry I can't be much more help right now05:11
duanedesignblistov: sounds like that may be what is happening to you.05:12
blistovhow can I reset all my u1 settings?05:24
blistovso how do I know now when ubuntuone is in sync?  the icon has a big green check on it, and no other signs of movement, but its not synced.05:44
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blistovhrm.. now its synced, but there's no status anywhere.  how do we know now  if u1 is synced?  (i want the icon back)05:49
duanedesignblistov: hello06:08
duanedesignblistov: are you using Karmic06:08
duanedesigni am not sure if Karmmic has it, but the newer versions of U1 have some options in u1sdtool06:10
duanedesignlike u1sdtool --waiting-content . You can check available options with: man u1sdtool06:11
elzappduanedesign: karmic has --current-transfers but none of the --waiting* options06:37
elzappbut if the last line of u1sdtool -s says IDLE, it *should* be synced06:39
duanedesignelzapp: does Karmic have the -s option for u1sdtool06:39
elzappI believe so, one moment, I'll check06:40
duanedesignfor some reason i thought it did not06:41
elzappNah... it doesn't06:42
duanedesignhere is the dbus command to get the same info on Karmic06:42
duanedesigndbus-send --session --print-reply  --dest=com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon --type=method_call /status com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Status.current_status06:42
elzappNow I remember that I made my own u1status script using python and dbus06:42
duanedesignelzapp: at one point rye made a script that outputs the current_status to notifications.06:45
elzappyep, that was what I did as well... if you by notifications mean org.freedesktop.Notifications06:47
elzappI got started working on the signals from syncdaemon as well, but never finished that06:48
elzappBy the way, why is there no status applet for u1 in lucid?06:50
duanedesignelzapp: here is the script. http://people.ubuntu.com/~duanedesign/U1/syncdaemon-monitor.py06:50
duanedesignelzapp: there is a lot of debate on the  getting rid of the applet06:51
elzappNice, he uses the signals :)06:52
elzappI can see why it's removed in the default setup, but I really think you should be able to enable it06:53
duanedesignelzapp: I am running that script. It looks like it might need to be updated a little06:55
duanedesigna couple of info fields dont seem to be showing up06:55
elzappwhich ones are you missing?06:56
duanedesignwhen i hit disconnect and its in 'Waiting' State only the description shows06:57
duanedesignim trying to get it to show me a few different states06:58
duanedesignis_error and is_online dont seem to be showing06:59
elzappIf they're false they'll display as empty07:00
duanedesignmaybe False prints nothing?07:00
duanedesignaha :)07:00
elzappand in waiting I guess it should be false07:00
duanedesignthanks. yep07:00
elzapphttp://elzapp.com/~base/syncdaemon-monitor.py should display it "correctly"07:03
duanedesignelzapp: nice! thank you.07:03
elzappI love python07:05
duanedesignme too07:05
elzappall that was needed was to add "or 'false'" to the parameter07:05
elzappfor the variable interpolation07:05
duanedesigni have been working on a 'package sync' application that uses U1 and CouchDB to sync your package list07:07
elzappBy the way, thumbs up to rye for readable code :)07:14
elzappduanedesign: does syncdaemon reconnect between each transfer for you too?07:28
duanedesignbetween each file?07:31
duanedesignelzapp: that is strange07:34
duanedesigndid you file a bug on this? I think i might of saw it. Or one on the same topic07:35
elzapp discussed this with someone on monday, they thought it was caused by the overloaded servers, but now... that problen should be solved, so this is something else07:39
elzappso, I haven't filed a bug on it yet07:40
elzappNow I'm extending rye's script to get a bit more info on what actually happens07:41
elzappIt doesn't seem to be related to the transfers, because it also does it in the middle of transfers07:48
elzappduanedesign: when rye's script says "uploaded file", it means "started upload of file"08:13
elzappSomeone asked yesterday what was calling current_status and current_downloads every five seconds... That would probably be Rhythmbox08:27
Moegood morning everyone08:30
* Moe decided to lurk around until rye arrives08:30
duanedesignmorning Moe08:38
MoeHello there08:38
elzappIs this still caused by overloaded servers or is it something else? http://elzapp.com/~base/u1reconnects.txt08:59
elzappHere is a better log: http://pastebin.com/Ps8hSQjH09:23
elzappI've hilighted some parts I think is relevant09:23
ryeelzapp, my sd is now doing server rescan and i will see whether it gets disconnected on upload. But the sync remained rather slow09:23
elzappMorning rye09:24
ryeelzapp, good morning!09:24
MoeHey rye09:26
ryeMoe, hi, i am d/l'ing xubuntu iso now :)09:26
Moerye: I got the root cause of the problem .. Xubuntu is setting a custom XDG_CONFIG_DIRS in /usr/share/xubuntu/xsession.sh09:26
MoeWhich overwrites anything done to that variable09:27
MoeNo idea .. I talked to Lionel already09:27
ryethat should break a lot of apps if they followed xdg standard...09:27
MoeHe answered back yet09:27
Moerye: Modified the session.sh now with some bash checking ..09:35
Moerye: http://pastie.org/93881709:35
MoeNow ubuntuone-preferences works again09:35
MoeThough, really, session.sh shouldn't mess with those variables at all09:36
MoeXDG_CONFIG_DIRS is set by 60xdg_path-on-session .. XDG_DATA_DIRS is set inside startxfce409:36
elzapprye: Do you think the log I pasted will be enough to debug the problem if I report it in lp?10:06
ryeelzapp, based on the server-side logs it keep loosing connection... i believe you can create the bug report with client-side logs and I will add some server-side info10:08
elzappWhere should I report it?10:09
Moerye: FYI, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/57113310:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 571133 in xubuntu-default-settings "session.sh should not set XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/XDG_DATA_DIRS" [Undecided,New]10:11
ryeelzapp, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+filebug10:12
MoeOw, sorry, I didn't know there'd be an announcement10:12
elzappthx, rye10:12
ryeMoe, ubottu is our friendly bot :)10:12
MoeFigures :)10:12
elzappThere, rye : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/57114210:21
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/571142)10:21
elzappmeh, ubottu, wrong project :p10:22
ryeelzapp, ubottu responds with such helpful message on private bug reports10:29
elzappYep I just wasn't aware that it was private. Now it's public... make it private again if it's necessary to keep your server logs private10:30
Moealright, the deed is done10:39
Moerye: Hope this gets resolved soon10:39
psypher246hello al, anyone here?10:47
ryepsypher246, yep10:54
psypher246hey rye, i have now upgraded to lucid and decided i just can't suffer the 2 days sync issue anymore so i have deltede everything everywhere and am starting from scratch and already nothing will sycn, pls assist if u can10:54
ryepsypher246, i am waiting for the server side guys to appear online - the sync currently is extremely bad10:55
psypher246oh so there arte issue right now?10:55
psypher246right now i cannot even connect my pc10:55
ryepsypher246, yes, the syncdaemon drops connection before it can do anything10:55
psypher246ok so i must try again tomorrow10:56
ryepsypher246, i can't give any official information regarding this but IMHO something is wrong with syndaemon <-> file storage . web ui works super fast10:57
psypher246ok, re the web ui, i have a suggestion, is launchpad the best place to make it?10:57
elzappI've managed to sync ruffly 100 files in 4 days (about 300mb)10:57
psypher246rye: the web ui requires some kind of visual notification when you click remove you have no idea if it's actually removing anything, took up to 5 minutes of clicking around to show the folder is now deleted11:04
ryepsypher246, hmmm11:09
ryepsypher246, are you talking about the new files ui w/o trees ?11:10
psypher246rye: a nice little progress bar would be great11:10
psypher246rye: no11:10
psypher246rye: i had my 2gb home folder there11:10
psypher246removed it11:10
psypher246yet it still stays there11:10
psypher246try remove again, still looks like it's there11:10
ryepsypher246, you removed it via the web ui, right?11:11
psypher246just some indication that the files are being removed would be great, especially with big folders11:11
ryepsypher246, ok, i see what you mean - once 'delete' request is issued there is no notification on what is currently happening11:12
psypher246rye: yes11:12
ryepsypher246, ok, this is definitely a subject for a bug report...11:12
psypher246oh ok, will log one then :)11:13
psypher246shame u guys must be busting hump to get stuff ready for tomorrow?11:13
ryepsypher246, well, the web site is all new and shiny11:15
psypher246rye: ye i see11:15
ryepsypher246, ok, now just waiting for the developers to appear... This interruption of the service will bring karmic client completely down (due to state errors) and Lucid ones will be pretty happy to reconnect...11:17
* rye is waiting...11:17
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psypher246rye: ok will retry11:24
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BookmanI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and my Ubuntuone does not seem to be syncing anymore.  Do I have to manually start it up every session?14:10
duanedesignBookman: which version are you running? 'apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client'14:13
Bookmanduanedesign, Installed: 1.1.3+r409-0ubuntu2~ppa1~karmic14:17
duanedesignBookman: files you place in your U1 folder are not syncing? This just started happening, meaning it worked before?14:20
BookmanYes, it used to work.14:21
duanedesignBookman: is Ubuntu One 'Connected' right now?14:22
duanedesignBookman: what does 'u1sdtool -s' say?14:25
Bookmanconnection: Not User With Network14:33
Bookmandescription: ready to connect14:33
Bookmanis_connected: False14:33
beunoBookman, try u1sdtool -c14:34
BookmanOk, now -s gives:14:35
BookmanState: AUTHENTICATE14:35
Bookmanconnection: With User With Network14:35
Bookmandescription: doing auth dance14:36
Bookmanis_connected: True14:36
BookmanSeems to be connected and working now.  Do I have to start it that way each session?14:37
beunono, I think it should auto-connect14:38
BookmanI'm still getting this though:14:39
Bookmanis_online: False14:39
beunoBookman, right, it takes a local and server rescan to be online14:40
BookmanAh, got you.  It is doing that now.14:41
jay-tmt-2I have 54 files in my web interface that are grayed-out and have a status of "uploading."  Several months ago I deleted these files from the folder that once contained them, yet Ubuntu One is still 'waiting' for them.  What can I do about this?14:47
beunojay-tmt-2, nothing for now. They will be cleaned up in our servers soon and should never happen again14:48
beunojdobrien and Chipaca know more about this14:48
jdobrienjay-tmt-2, we're going to clean those out14:49
jay-tmt-2Great, thanks beuno14:49
jay-tmt-2Thanks jdobrien14:49
Chipacajay-tmt-2: the only downside to you personally is that you can't upload a file called like that until we clean up14:49
jdobrienChipaca, why not?14:50
jdobrienChipaca, oh..I see14:50
Chipacajdobrien: or are we no longer honoring upload reservations at all?14:51
jdobrienChipaca, Im not familair with upload reservations14:51
jdobrienChipaca, we create an uploadjob in the api server for the file14:51
jdobrienChipaca, when it's done, the upload job 'commits' the content to the file14:52
jdobrienChipaca, which basically means it creates a contentblob and assigns it to the file14:52
Chipacajdobrien: can you do two upload jobs for the same filename at the same time?14:52
jdobrienChipaca, we have a bug for that :)14:53
jdobrienChipaca, oh same filename14:54
* jdobrien checks14:54
ChipacaI mean full path14:54
jdobriensame volume same directory same name14:54
Chipacabefore, you'd create an upload reservation, and that would lock the full path14:54
Chipacaon success, you'd push the file14:54
Chipacathat was made better, and so we no longer get stale files such as jay-tmt-2's14:55
jdobrienChipaca, 'was made better'?14:55
Chipacabut I thought the basic "you can't upload if there is a no-content file" still exists14:55
Chipacajdobrien: I'm a manager, what do I know? some magic ju ju programmering stuff14:55
jdobrienChipaca, you know more than me14:55
* Chipaca goes back to mannagering14:55
jdobrienyou can't whip out the 'what do I know, Im a manager' card willy nilly with me14:56
Chipacajdobrien: I believe making the thing atomic was a prerequisite of resumable uploads that got done14:58
Chipacajdobrien: but I don't know for sure14:58
jdobrienChipaca, make_file returns the old file if a file exists with the same name15:00
BramSmuldersHi there15:17
BramSmuldersI'm stuck with a Ubuntu One question and I hope any of you can help me out here15:18
BramSmuldersSome days back I decided to sync my ~/Documents folder with Ubuntu One. Since then, all sub folders and files started appearing on Ubuntu One, with files being marked as "uploading"15:19
BramSmuldersnothing happened from there... No files were actually being uploaded. I decided to stop syncing. I expected it would remove all files from Ubuntu One again, but it didn't15:20
BramSmuldersthey are all still there, and when I look at my local files in Nautilus, they are still marked as to be synced.15:20
ryeBramSmulders, there is an ongoing work at the moment now to make file sync faster15:20
BramSmuldersHi rye, thanks for trying to help me out here15:21
ryeBramSmulders, the queue processing is very slow at the moment, you say that you decided to stop syncing - how did you do that?15:21
BramSmuldersI right clicked my local ~/Documents folder and clicked "stop syncing" (or something like that)15:22
BramSmuldersIs there a way to easily "start from scratch?" I would like to just remove all files in ubuntu one, and mark everything on my pc as not being synced15:24
bachi verterok, yesterday i synced 14/20 songs but then had to suspend my computer for the evening.  the syncdaemon is still in WORKING_ON_BOTH15:28
verterokbac: ok, so, it's sloooow but working15:29
CardinalFangWow, Python interpretation is growing exponentially.  Jython, Iron, PyPy, Unladen.  Now I learn about Shedskin, a Python-to-C++ compiler looks interesting.  (Don't diff the two code blocks, here.) Some blog:  http://www.korokithakis.net/node/117  Actual Shedskin web:  http://code.google.com/p/shedskin/15:29
bacverterok: yeah.  too bad i left my laptop in my car overnight...15:29
verterokbac: check the output of u1sdtool --waiting-content or u1sdtool --waiting-metadata15:29
bacverterok: -wc shows 8 songs to sync15:30
verterokbac: so, it's ok? I mean those are the missing songs?15:32
bacverterok: it looks like it is listing some that have already synced.  perhaps not completely, though.15:33
bacverterok: i'll see what it looks like in a few hours15:33
BramSmuldersrye: are you there?15:33
verterokbac: hmm, probably...but it shouldn't leave partial files around15:33
verterokbac: ok, thanks for the update!15:33
ryeBramSmulders, yes, i am. Currently even ubsubscribing from folder syncing on Ubuntu One will be slow, so it needs to process all Metadata Queue first15:34
ryeBramSmulders, u1sdtool --waiting-meta will show you what it is processing15:35
BramSmuldersrye: thanks, let me try that out15:35
BramSmuldersrye: that's quite a list of files being unlinked indeed... I'll leave my computer on overnight for it to process everything in the queue15:37
ryeBramSmulders, unlinked?15:37
ryeBramSmulders, have you removed any files/folders from local machine or web interface?15:37
BramSmuldersrye: yeah, that's what it says... it shouldn't do that?15:37
BramSmuldersyeah, some on my local machine15:38
ryeBramSmulders, could you please check that the filenames that it needs to delete actually corespond to what you have removed?15:38
BramSmuldersrye: it just shows guids15:39
BramSmuldersrye: every line is formatted as Unlink(share_id=<GUID>, node_id=<GUID>)15:40
ryeBramSmulders, is there DeleteVolume along these lines?15:40
BramSmuldersrye: no, that doesn't appear in the u1sdtool output15:40
ryeBramSmulders, just in case, could you please create a backup of the directory?15:41
BramSmuldersrye: I have quite a recent one, but I will indeed make a new one15:41
ryeBramSmulders, just to be on a safe side15:41
BramSmuldersrye: done... it was just about 750MB, but I have it backed up now15:42
ryeBramSmulders, ok, could you please check what does u1sdtool --list-folders say?15:43
BramSmuldersrye: it says "id=b086b6e8-5686-44a2-91fa-9854add3ad02 subscribed=True path=/home/bram/Documents"15:43
ryeBramSmulders, ok, so it has not actually removed that. ok. You can unsubscribe the folder locally, - first disconnect syncdaemon - u1sdtool --disconnect15:45
ryeBramSmulders, then u1sdtool --unsubscribe-folder=b086b6e8-5686-44a2-91fa-9854add3ad0215:45
ryeBramSmulders, then see how u1sdtool --list-folders changed15:45
BramSmuldersrye: it now gives me: id=b086b6e8-5686-44a2-91fa-9854add3ad02 subscribed= path=/home/bram/Documents15:46
BramSmuldersrye: so i guess that worked15:46
ryeBramSmulders, now try to connect syncdaemon - u1sdtool --connect15:46
BramSmuldersrye: done15:47
ryeBramSmulders, you can check syncdaemon status via u1sdtool --status btw15:47
BramSmuldersrye: ok, i'll give you the output of that:15:48
BramSmuldersState: SERVER_RESCAN     connection: With User With Network     description: doing server rescan     is_connected: True     is_error: False     is_online: False     queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH15:48
ryeBramSmulders, ok, it rescans the server now, which may take long time now15:48
BramSmuldersrye: ok, i'll give it some time now... i guess the best thing to do now is to wait, right? i'll check once in a while what the status is, and what is listed in the --waiting-metadata output15:49
ryeBramSmulders, yes, we will need to wait. I am following the internal conversation about the speed of the service so I believe i will adjust the subject once I feel it has improved15:50
BramSmuldersrye: thanks for your help, i guess i will just disconnect from the channel now... it would otherwise be distracting me from work i'm afraid ;) if anything else pops up i'll get you informed. thanks once again15:54
ibboTI think I'm suffering from bug #551755 as I have similar symptoms, but I thought I'd check here as I'm not sure15:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551755 in ubuntuone-servers "some of my songs still haven't downloaded" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55175515:58
ibboTI recently bought an album from the Rhythmbox UbuntuOne music store, and only 4 out of 10 tracks were successful the remaining 6 say "There was a problem completing the download. Try downloading again." but the link to download again does nothing15:59
duanedesignibboT: are the songs in your cloud storage. You can test this by going to  http://one.ubuntu.com/files  and look under User Defined Folders > Purchased from Ubuntu One16:05
ibboTduanedesign: the 4 that said they downloaded are there, the 6 which have the error message are not16:07
duanedesignrye: honk16:10
ryeduanedesign, honk16:13
duanedesignrye: mr ibboT purchased some songs and they are not showing up in his /Purchased\ from\ Ubuntu\ One folder16:14
duanedesignthats is the Purchased folder online16:15
ryeduanedesign, i'd redirect this to aquarius since this is most likely 7d <-> ubuntuone issue16:15
ryeaquarius, ^ - "<ibboT> I recently bought an album from the Rhythmbox UbuntuOne music store, and only 4 out of 10 tracks were successful the remaining 6 say "There was a problem completing the download. Try downloading again." but the link to download again does nothing"16:16
duanedesignrye: ahh. ok i had not seen him today so I was unsure if he was 'in the house' :)16:16
aquariusibboT, we're working on that at the moment; the retry link will start working soon. Sorry about that.16:17
ibboTaquarius: ok thanks16:18
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TechnovikingI have a computer that has not finished sync to U1 and it have been over a week, is that normal (for 600MB of data?)17:27
elzappTechnoviking: the syncing is pretty bad currently17:32
elzappTechnoviking: what version of Ubuntu are you running?17:32
ChipacaTechnoviking: elzapp: the servers that talk to the desktop client are having issues right now17:32
ChipacaTechnoviking: elzapp: that should be fixed later today :)17:32
TechnovikingUbuntu 10.0417:33
ChipacaTechnoviking: we did a major revamp yesterday to fix the 'hard' issues that were making it slow all over the place17:33
ChipacaTechnoviking: now we're being able to find isolated pockets of slow17:33
elzappChipaca: are you referring to the bug I reported this morning? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/57114217:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571142 in ubuntuone-servers "syncdaemon looses connection" [Undecided,New]17:33
elzappTechnoviking: In 10.04 the syncdaemon looses the connection between each filetransfer, and reconnects, that takes a while, so the syncing is really slow. On 9.10 it simply stops17:35
Chipacaelzapp: yes, that is one of the symptoms17:38
elzappI'm looking forward to the fix :)17:38
ryeChipaca, how about me posting the notification about the maintenance that is being performed now?17:46
infrasoundsHow do i get my music into the ubuntu one music store?17:52
elzappinfrasounds: one moment17:54
bensHey guys, has anyone heard of the issue where SSO fails (for any reason) on the first attempt to connect U1, and then you aren't given another opportunity to attempt to connect again?17:55
bensCouple others noticed it today.17:55
ryebens, "fails" with what message?17:56
Chipacasill 3g modem POS17:57
bensrye, can be anything.  Get your password wrong the first try, close firefox before SSO, ... anything.17:57
Chipacawhere were we?17:57
bensIf the first attempt at SSO fails, you're hooped.17:57
elzappinfrasounds: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ Answer 15 under Music Store17:57
Chipacabens: on any computer?17:57
bensYou can then restart u1 and hit connect all you want, but you'll never be prompted for SSO again.17:57
ryebens, hm, i am regularly misspelling my password in sso, so nothing wrong noticed so far17:57
bensChipaca, on any computer I've tried.17:58
bensrye, try just closing FF then?17:58
bensI've done it three times now, and just ran into a couple others with the same problem.17:58
ryebens, hmm... you mean when you hit connect - or run ubuntuone-preferences then browser is opened but when it is closed, no subsequent windows are opened when clicking connect17:58
Chipacabens: is this during the same login session? does logging out let you retry?17:59
ryeChipaca, hm, ubuntuone-login switched to web server mode and stays in that mode forever?..17:59
bensrye, correct.17:59
bensChipaca, logging out or rebooting does not result in another SSO attempt.18:00
Chipacarye: that's what I'm guessing18:00
Chipacabens: killing ubuntuone-login ?18:00
bensThe only way I found to get promted again, was to delete and recreate my user/homedir and try again.18:00
bensChipaca, killing doesn't work either.18:00
Chipacathen it's not a bug, it's gremlins18:00
bensI couldn't find where u1 stores its configs so I just wiped out my home dir and started again.18:00
bensChipaca, I don't really care as I've got it working for myself.  Figured I'd let you guys know that lots of others are affected as well.18:01
bensThe last guy I talked to had the same problem because he didn't know his password, so he changed it and tried connecting u1 again, but wasn't prompted for auth.18:02
bensSeems a bit scary to me that there's no way to force re-auth.18:02
Chipacabens: lucid?18:02
infrasoundshi is there any support for double glazed windows my mate frank said it should work18:02
bensChipaca, Lucid.18:02
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Chipacabens: can you reproduce it again so we step through the different things?18:03
ryebens, hm... killing ubuntuone-login should make subsequent auth requests to be running with re-started ubuntuone-login via dbus autostart18:03
dobeydouble glazed windows?18:03
dobeylike for your house?18:03
infrasoundsyes very high quality18:03
bensChipaca, sure.  I just started u1-prefs for the first time on a new beta1 install.  SSO came up in FF, and i just closed it.18:04
Chipacabens: knowing how the auth is triggered, I'm finding it hard to swallow that things are exactly as you've figured them to be. This doesn't mean there isn't an issue... and I'd love to be able to figure it out.18:04
bens10.04 beta118:04
Chipacathat's rather old, but ok18:04
ryeChipaca, testing this now18:04
benssame problem with nightly .18:04
bensas of yesterday.18:04
elzapprye: maybe syncdaemon, that is providing the dbus interfaces dies when it fails to use the existing sso-data, so that ubuntuone-login is unable to communicate with syncdaemon?18:04
Chipacarye: thanks18:05
bensAnywho, I'm killing ubuntuone-login and tryin again.18:05
dobeyrye: ubuntuone-login isn't even supposed to stay running very long18:05
dobeyrye: if it is, there's some weird issue with it being so18:05
Chipacabens: ok. and now?18:05
bensClosed u1-prefs, killed ubuntuone-login,...18:05
bensgrr. and its working under beta118:05
benshang on.18:06
bensPositive this didn't work on my nightly build last night.18:06
bensNope, you guys are right.  Its working.  I'll test again on my nightly when I get home.18:08
ryeChipaca, yes, if browser is closed before auth completed then ubuntuone-login does not react on syncdaemon connect/restart18:10
Chipacabens: thanks. The critical bit should be killing ubuntuone-login18:11
bensrye, but killing ubuntuone-login does work (at least on beta1)18:11
bensChipaca, Yup.18:11
Chipacabens: if you think you did, maybe it was stuck and didn't go away with a mere kill?18:11
bensChipaca, I don't think I've ever used anything but -9 :)18:11
bensWhen applications go sideways, its business time.18:12
bensso how do we see if things are syncing now?18:12
Chipacabens: it's dbus activation doing the starting, so if it thinks the service is running it won't start a second one18:12
bensChipaca, makes sense.18:13
Chipacabens: depends ... u1sdtool -s is my favorite for that18:13
bensChipaca, any plans for putting the sync tray icon back?18:13
Chipacabens: no, but probably a notifications whatsit18:14
Chipacamessaging menu?18:14
Chipacasomething like that18:14
ChipacaI'm in a maze of twisted little attention grabbers, all alike18:14
elzappbens: I use this "command" to check the status of u1: watch "(u1sdtool --waiting-metadata|wc -l && u1sdtool --waiting-content|wc -l && u1sdtool --current-transfers && u1sdtool -s)"18:14
ryekillall ubuntuone-login works...18:14
ryeelzapp, i did something like http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/syncdaemon-monitor.py18:14
ryeelzapp, but that is more like for debugging rather than user-friendliness18:15
elzapprye: Yeah. I know, I've used your script18:15
elzapp...and improved it a little bit http://elzapp.com/~base/syncdaemon-monitor.py18:15
Chipacayou could use u1sdinfo :)18:15
Chipacayes, 1 sec plz18:17
Chipacagah my internet connection is a source of infinite pain18:17
mewshiI'm having trouble getting ubuntu one to link with my computer (Running 10.04).  Any ideas?18:18
elzappChipaca: I'll tell you about pain.... this laptop shuts down everytime it gets hot... and it gets hot everytime ubuntuone checksums files18:19
bensmewshi, lemme guess, you closed FF during SSO auth?18:19
mewshibens, no18:19
bensmewshi, wait, whats it doing?18:19
mewshiit won't let me add this computer18:19
bensmewshi, failing with... errors? or just not doing anything?18:20
mewshiOk, now it's working O.o18:20
Chipacaelzapp: u1info: http://ubuntuone.com/p/1IK/18:21
Chipacaelzapp: healthy amounts of ha-ha needed18:21
Chipacaelzapp: especially if you've never seen the ok/cancel strip of reference18:22
elzappChipaca: huh?18:23
elzappChipaca: that was some sexy GTK ....18:25
Chipacaare your eyes still working?18:25
elzappwell... they're burning18:25
bensShould throw in some animated gifs in there.18:26
mewshiwhy is it taking so long to sync up?18:26
bensmewshi, I'm noticing its taking a million years as well.  I'm not actually sure its syncing...18:27
benshrm. nope its not.18:27
mewshiHow to fix?18:27
elzappmewshi: bens: it's reconnecting all the time18:27
elzappit's a server problem18:27
elzappthey're working on it18:27
bensThat'd explain why I lost all my files yesterday then?18:27
elzappa fix is ETA later today18:28
elzappbens: I don't think that's related18:28
bensI put a bunch of rather important documents in u1, it said it was synced, I reinstalled my system and stupidly didn't check the web interface.18:28
elzappbens: but it /could/ be related to the upgrades yesterday....18:28
Chipacabens: ouch :(18:29
elzappyes, that seems about right18:29
bensI get the feeling it didn't even try to sync.  That was on a 9.04 machine.18:29
bensChipaca, yup.  Be another 5-10 hours on the phone tracking down numbers again :)18:29
elzappThen you're right, bens18:29
bensOh wel.18:29
elzapp9.10 will just hang when it stumbles in the problem that makes the 10.04 u1 reconnect18:29
* dobey smacks chipaca's typing hands18:30
ChipacaI can send you a ton of numbers if that's all they were :-p18:30
Chipacadobey: what did I do? :(18:30
dobeybase64 encoded glade file embedded in a string in a python script? bad!18:30
Chipacabase64 zipped glade file18:31
dobeyoh right, zipped!18:31
Chipacathat's one thing that will be harder to do in py3k18:31
Chipacaas they now frown on abusing codecs for that :)18:31
dobeyyou should have byte-compiled the python and compressed it too18:31
mewshiit's syncing18:32
Chipacadobey: that sounds like work18:32
mewshijust VERY VERY VERY slowly18:32
Chipacamewshi: yes. And you'll get disconnected, and reconnect, and server rescan, and sync a bit18:32
Chipacamewshi: we're working on it18:32
mewshialright, thank you :)  This will be very useful for my document writing :318:33
bensIs no one working on a u1 app for android?18:33
bensI haven't heard anything.18:33
dobeybens: it's a GSoC project18:33
Chipacabens: there is a notes html5 app (with offline mode, aquarius?) that works on android18:34
Chipacabens: if it's document writing, maybe that works :)18:34
aquariusChipaca, not yet there isn't18:35
aquariusit's got offline mode, but it doesn't work fully yet, and it's not available to anyone :)18:35
aquariusbens, there is a GSoC project to build a native Android app, being done by mkarnicki18:35
Chipacabens: I think it ignores formatting and is ugly and stuff, but I'm sure if I {emb,h}arrass him enough it'll be working RSN18:35
* Chipaca grins innocently18:35
aquariusI plan to have the notes thing done fairly soon after lucid release18:36
bensI should probably learn a useful language and just start doing some of this stuff myself.18:36
elzapparen't python available for android?18:37
benselzapp, I havne't looked into it.18:37
bensThough I'm sorta right at the beginning of learning python.18:37
bensJust haven't had time to really delve into it.18:37
mkarnickibens: \^ ^/18:38
bensI'm sure it could be made available either way, but most of the android devices have some amount of dalvik processing hardware to take advantage of.18:38
elzappI haven't checked, because I don't want to know, the Android-envy would kill me18:38
Chipacaelzapp: python is afaik in some kind of a jail and can't really reach out. Or maybe that is on another of these open/closed platforms.18:39
aquariuselzapp, no, it isn't.18:39
aquariusyou can't make a standalone app with Python18:39
aquariusyou can install the Android Scripting Environment18:39
mkarnickibens: that is right. every app runs in it's own dalvik vm18:39
aquariuswhich lets you write Python scripits18:39
aquariusbut those scripts can't present any sensible UI18:39
aquariusand you can't bundle a script into an apk18:39
bensmkarnicki, but do most of the devices have dalvik hardware?18:39
aquariusso it's not suitable for end users.18:39
bensie: a single function dalvik processsor, or  a dalvik ext in the cpu?18:39
dobeyandroid is a lot like an iphone18:40
mkarnickibens: i guess only those that need such optimisations.. i'm not really sure.18:40
elzappIf/when I get an Android phone I guess I'd live with Java (Dalvik)18:40
dobeyelzapp: get a Prē :)18:41
bensI couldn't imagine using a closed oS on my phone.18:41
dobeybuy webos. more peopl eneed to buy webos phones18:41
elzappOr an Nokia N90018:41
bensHell I was running Linux on my htc apache, at the expense of barely being able to make calls :)18:41
popeyi have files in my web u1 folder but they dont seem to be syncing down to either of my computers..18:41
* popey says "honk"18:41
mkarnickibens: haha, +fav18:41
aquariuselzapp, yeah. There are non-Java things you can do on Android and still get native apps -- http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/04/11/Other-Android-Languages has some links.18:41
popeyu1sdtool says "doing server rescan" after I -q and -c it18:42
elzappaquarius: Actually I'm quite happy to use Java as long as it is a recent java version (not 2.4 like j2me)18:42
dobeyjava is a bit of an overstatment of what android is exactly18:43
dobeyit's not quite java18:43
elzappdobey: it's java in the same sense as GWT is java18:43
mkarnickiit's far from it. the app layer is full of java aps, the core is C libraries and linux kernel18:43
mkarnickibens: how long have you run a non-closed source OS on your phone :) ?18:44
mkarnickibens: because in my case just 1 year ago I was still using sony ericsson18:44
dobeyelzapp: GWT isn't java either, but yes :)18:45
bensmkarnicki, hrm.. about 4 or 5 years I think?18:45
elzapppopey: there is issues with syncing. they're working on it. "doing server rescan" means that it is deciding what files to sync18:45
ryeelzapp, i have motorola a1200 which is a linux based phone... but the whole gui and telecom parts are closed sourced. After the sources were "obtained" from motorola via questionable paths it turned out that that's just old phone system tied to PDA cpu with a duct tape..18:45
popeyelzapp: thanks18:45
bensI had to give up my apache for a year for work, but convinced my employer to throw out my BB and get me some android boxes.18:45
mkarnickibens: wow.. lucky you!18:45
bensBuuut, now I'm stuck with a Rogers Dream G1.  Worst combination ever.18:46
elzappdobey: hence the comparation18:46
bensLong story short, Rogers has suck Android in Canada for the most part, by insisting on everyone using a hacked to crap Rogers build that never works.  If they find out you use anything else, they disconnect your service without notice.  I've been fighting them for about a year now.  I may have finally won.18:47
mkarnickibens: I've got htc hero, I'm pretty happy with it. but can't wait for 2.1 with Sense, it should be out already here in Poland..18:47
bensmkarnicki, I'm waiting for some Tegra2 powered devices. I've given up on everyone else now.18:47
mkarnickiuu :/18:47
bensI want Notion Ink to make my next phone :)18:48
mkarnickibens: you know more about cell phones then me. I'm not really proficient in that area ;d18:48
elzappI've been contemplating buying a Nexus one.. but I guess with the latest Google deals that's out of the question18:48
popeyelzapp: it's not on processing queues, i guess that means it's gonna start syncing files soon?18:48
bensmkarnicki, I don't know a lot.  Mostly just general info about Android, and a bit about GSM in general.  I've learned a lot this year while fighting with Rogers.18:49
elzapppopey: It's gonna start, sync one file, disconnect, reconnect, scan server  etc.... sync another file, disconnect.18:49
mkarnickibens: at least that was the adventage, huh?18:49
elzapppopey: provided you're running 10.0418:50
bens(they started diverting all my calls because I wouldn't run their build.  I called 911, got diverted to rogers, pretended to die, threatened to sue, and got my account unstuck :)18:50
elzapppopey: if you're on 9.10 it will sync one file, and then die18:50
elzappbens: yay! I'm happy no phonecompany in Norway acts like that...18:52
benselzapp, Canada/US/England are all horrible.18:52
bensEveryone here is too stupid to realize how bad they're being screwed.18:52
elzappbens: That's probably because they don't know anyone that has been living outside Canada/US/England18:53
mkarnickibens: that story was scary. hope you won't have any more problems, but I can see they where pain in the a*s.18:54
popeyelzapp: 10.0418:54
ryeelzapp,  iPhones are not "officially" sold in Ukraine because no telecom here is actually selling any phones. People usually buy unlocked phones from official retailers w/o any way that telecom can alter firmware or control the phone content... Apple did not like that :)18:54
elzappbens: Though, I didn't think England was as bad18:54
bensAnd because we all have heaps of money, we just accept being ripped off.18:54
elzapprye: that's the way it usually works here in Norway too18:54
elzapprye: the iPhone beeing the exception18:55
elzapprye: Though, you can get an iPhone without a contract too in Norway18:55
benselzapp, England is much better from what I've heard, but still not great.18:55
elzapprye: but that's insanely expensive. It's actually better to break the contracts, then you'll get out for about two thirds of the full price18:56
mkarnickii've gotta go for know, see you later guys.18:57
elzappincluding the price you paid for it18:57
elzappBut, who'd want an iPhone anyways?18:57
dobeyi'd want an iphone if it wasn't awful and huge18:58
dobeybut the Prē is so much better18:58
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elzappI've never touched, or even seen, a palm pre18:58
bensIn Canada, the people officially control the radio, but the govt. actually handles the sale of frequencies, and they auction them.. which means only 2 companies can afford to lease any frequencies.18:58
dobeyelzapp: the touchscreen has meaning on webos :)18:59
elzappbens: In norway we have 3 companies, and a shitload of smaller companies that use those three companies' radio18:59
dobeyelzapp: same in the US, except s/3/4/19:01
benselzapp, thats the same here.  Its such a scam.  If I could get ahold of a range to use, I could run a much faster SP, for less than a 20th the price everyone else is charging.19:01
bensbut as it stands, two or three big SP's have a government enforced monopoly.. which the people should be pissed about....19:01
elzappdobey: Touchscreen is actually one of the things that's holding me back... I want to be able to disable the keylock, switch song in the mp3-player, enable the keylock again while I'm working out without looking at the device19:01
elzappbens: one of the companies are actually owned by the government19:02
dobeyelzapp: sounds like something a bluetooth headset should have (media control buttons on the outside of the earpiece)19:02
dobeybut i don't use my phone for an mp3 player, i use my mp3 player for an mp3 player19:03
elzappdobey: yeah, but the sound in A2DP headsets sucks19:04
elzappdobey: as big as phones are now, I don't want to carry around an additional device19:04
benselzapp, A2DP has two output frequencies.19:04
benselzapp, I run A2DP from my handset to my competition truck stereo.  Sounds great.19:05
dobeyof course, my iphod shuffle is super tiny too19:05
elzappdobey: hehe, well for a while phones got smaller and smaller, now they seems to get bigger and bigger for more screen realestate19:06
benselzapp, you can actually set this on your ubuntu box if you have bluetooth.  Should be an option for bt audio quality.19:06
elzappbens: that isn't comparable to headsets19:06
benselzapp, Depends on how far you want to take it.19:07
bensOn my truck stereo, you can't tell the difference between wired and bt.19:07
elzappbens: the problem is probably not with the bluetooth itself, but with the headsets19:07
benselzapp, ... oh.... I guess.  I just bought a $12 off dealextreme and it's been great.19:08
bensare you talking about phone specific headsets?19:08
elzappbens: brand? name?19:08
elzappbens: I've tried a few in stores, never bought one, they claimed to have good sound, but actually they were pretty bad. Not unberarable, but bad19:09
bensThey're great for the price.  There are only two frequencies supported by A2DP AFAIK.19:09
dobeyelzapp: eh, my phone isn't too big19:09
bensThis headset supports both.19:09
dobeyelzapp: the Prē is actually a good phone size19:10
elzappdobey: Yeah, after what I've seen I'd agree19:10
bensThe clip breaks real easily, and the range ain't great, but i've used mine for over a year of running 60 blocks every second day, rain or shine or blizzard :)19:10
elzappbens: heh, that looks like a shuffle19:10
benselzapp, little bit lighter than a shuffle .19:10
benseither way, can't go wrong for $12.19:10
elzappbens: oooo... great... I can use any headset with it :D19:11
bens?  It IS a headset.19:11
bensoh yea.19:11
bensjust plug in your headphones.19:11
elzappbens: that changes everything :)19:11
bensoooh ic what you're talking about now.19:11
bensYea, this is the best bt headset I've found.  Even has media controls.19:11
bensBuy two though.  The clips are garbage and will break and you'll have to make a necklace out of it.19:12
bensOh, and it charges over usb.19:12
elzappNow, does dealextreame ship to Norway=19:12
bensThey ship world wide AFAIK.19:12
bensorders are usually received within 15 days.19:12
bensThough I've had orders that took 6 months due to supplier stock.19:13
bensFree shipping too :)19:13
bensman, who hasn't heard of DX :) ?19:13
elzappIf And I'll get two for under 200NOK, which means that there is no taxes on it to Norway :D19:13
elzappbens: I've heard of it, I've just never used it19:14
bensThey're fuckers, and they'll try to screw you occasionally, but overall I'm really happy with them.19:14
bensI buy tonnes of high output leds and flashlights from them.19:15
bensie: single led 230Lumen 1W torches.19:15
bensor 1300 Lumen single leds for $5.19:15
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elzappThere... two BT receivers ordered19:22
elzappthanks, bens19:22
kklimondathis is going to be funny question but who has written recently a blog about ubuntu one server infrastructure? ;)19:23
dobeykklimonda: bkuhn? ;)19:23
kklimondano, it was a canonical employee, a guy who leads the team afair..19:24
mkarnickikklimond: statik wrote one i think19:28
mkarnickior aquarius, cant recall now. im in a tram.19:28
kklimondamkarnicki: thanks, statik it was :)19:29
kklimondastatik: your posts don't show up on the ubuntu planet btw19:29
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infrasoundssupport for double glazed windows?21:04
infrasoundsany beta drivers21:04
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gillewondering where to go to provide a little feedback on ubuntuone22:06
ddecatorquick question: when setting up a new account using the option in the MeMenu, does u1 use 'firefox -no-remote' to open up the login page?22:06
ryeddecator, it uses xdg-open which uses whatever is configured in gnome or other environments22:08
ddecatorrye: hm, thanks. right now there is a conflict where it can't open of firefox is already opened, trying to figure out the cause22:08
ryeddecator, are you running 2 displays?22:09
beunogille, the mailing list is probably the best place22:09
ddecatorrye: no. on fresh installs, if a person goes to the MeMenu, goes to Ubuntu One, enters a password (not sure why this is needed if the login page comes up anyway?), the preferences are shown and after a while firefox opens with the login page, but if firefox is running already then u1 tries to use it and it conflicts. i'm guessing it should open a new instance or open a new tab, but either way it's not working right (bug 569679)22:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569679 in firefox "firefox shows "close other session" on first startup" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56967922:12
ryeddecator, i believe i know what happens22:14
ddecatorrye: that'd be very useful =)22:14
ryeddecator, when ubuntuone-preferences is opened it signals syncdaemon (the sync service) to start. Syncdaemon in turn connects to ubuntuone server then checks whether it has required credentials by contacting ubuntuone-login service. That service finds nothing in user keyring and launches the browser.22:15
dobeyrye: that's not entirely accurate22:16
ryeBUT since the turnaround is extremely slow now, it is possible that you can get "manage my account" opened during the time when firefox is initializes...22:16
dobeyrye: ubuntuone-preferences doen't tell syncdaemon to connect unless you push the button to do so22:16
dobeyrye: it does however, require a log-in to be able to get the account info from the server22:16
dobeyrye: so it will start the login process itself22:17
ddecatordobey: do you know how it calls firefox?22:17
ryeddecator, xdg-open $url22:17
dobeyddecator: ubuntuone-login just runs xdg-open, so however your system is configured to run firefox by defualt for opening urls, is how it gets called22:17
ddecatordobey rye: alright, thanks22:18
dobeyddecator: it may be that there is a weird issue in firefox that you are hitting, as well22:18
ryeddecator, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-client/trunk/annotate/head%3A/ubuntuone/oauthdesktop/auth.py#L26622:18
ddecatordobey: well i know 'firefox -no-remote' doesn't work properly so that might be the issue..22:18
ddecatorrye: perfect, thanks22:18
dobeyddecator: run gnome-default-applications-properties and see what it's configured to run22:19
ddecatordobey: alright, let me get the live session up..22:20
gillebeuno: can't figure out the mailing list address... well, the issue I wanted to raise is the 'Add this computer' button - it simply wouldn't show up, no matter what, until I rebooted my computer22:22
ddecatordobey: hm, "Open link with web browser default" but i need to figure out what that default is..22:23
dobeyddecator: that's just whether to pass --new-window, --new-tab, or nothing22:25
dobeyddecator: and firefox doesn't have any UI to change it to --no-remote22:25
ddecatordobey: odd, i wonder why it doesn't use --new-tab...or if it does and it's not working22:25
dobeyddecator: what does it say in "Command:" ?22:25
ddecatordobey: firefox %s22:26
dobeyddecator: and if firefox is open, what happens when you just run "firefox https://one.ubuntu.com/" from a terminal?22:26
ThomasBerendshi, is it possible to run UbuntuOne on my own server? so that i have my files on my own server?22:27
ddecatordobey: opens in a new tab22:28
dobeyddecator: and if you run ubuntuone-preferences from a terminal, while firefox is already open?22:29
ddecatordobey: that time it opened a tab. i'm seeing what happens if i open firefox after opening the preferences but before it can launch firefox itself22:34
ddecatordobey: alright, so the first time it's run, if firefox was already open, then it creates a new tab. but, if firefox is opened after the preferences window comes up, but before u1 launches firefox, then you get the error, but firefox still opens the ubuntuone page (maybe that's the one that wins out?), but then doing it later times, if firefox is launched after the preferences window comes up, but "Manage Account" is clicked before firefox fully22:46
ddecatorso, it seems like it's just a matter of the timing22:47
dobeyddecator: ok, so it's a race between you running firefox and ubuntuone running firefox i guess22:48
dobeywhich is sort of a silly thing22:48
dobeyi've only ever seen that be an issue if firefox is in the process of closing, and you try to run it again too quickly22:49
dobeybut perhaps it can happen at start-up too22:49
ddecatorlooks that way. on repeat attempts, it's something you have to try to do. but, on the first run, because it takes so long for u1 to open firefox (a couple of minutes on my live session), then it is really easy for someone to open firefox while it's working, even if they just click "Manage Account" because they don't realize u1 is already going to launch FF (which is what the reporter did)22:49
dobeyfirefox isn't exacty speedy :(22:50
ddecatorit's getting better =p22:50
dobeyand unfortunately, i don't think there's anything we can do about firefox conflicting like that22:50
ryedobey, can happen on startup - firefox does not start to listen on remote messages until it is fully initialized but it creates lock file for the profile pretty close to startup22:52
bensi gotta ask.  why is firefox even in the picture?22:53
benswhy not just build the authentication option into the u1-prefs?22:53
gilleJust saw in the FAQ that ubuntu one synchronizes *all* databases in couchdb! is this really correct???22:53
ddecatoris there a way that an account could be created without having to launch FF? i.e. from within the preferences?22:55
dobeybens: because it's not simply authentication that we have to do, and doing everything was too complex to get done in the lucid cycle23:00
dobeybens: but the goal is that we will be getting rid of the "open a web vm to authenticate" piece23:00
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