
fluxburnso I typically use Fedora so couple questions on Ubuntu Studio; So it is just setup out of the box, but I need to add repositories for 3rd party drivers right?00:06
rlameirowich drivers fluxburn ?00:08
rlameiroussually you can use restricted drivers00:08
fluxburnoh I found that ubuntu seems to auto find the drivers... easier then Fedora. Broadcom wireless, Nvidia graphics00:08
rlameirowireless, nvida ati etc without adding new repos00:08
rlameiroi use the broadcom driver00:09
rlameiroyou dont need to add repos00:09
fluxburnbut I read that the RT kernel and the propeirary video drivers sometimes don't play well together00:09
rlameirothey have a restricted repo for that00:09
rlameirowith broadcom i never had problems00:09
rlameiroi dont have nvida or ati to test00:09
rlameirobut i dont see complains00:10
rlameiroaltough the next ubuntustudio will release with a generic kernel or a preempt00:10
rlameirolater should come up a RT kernel on ubuntustudio team ppa00:11
holsteinvlada: i would think your safe to upgrade now00:20
holsteinoops, i gotta run...00:21
vladaholstein, thanx :)00:22
holsteintry 'sudo update-manager -d'00:22
fluxburncool info lameiro00:22
vladaholstein, hopefully I wont fiddle much with setting up my wacom tablet :| It worked brilliantly under 9.10...00:35
vladagone now... thanx again00:37
fluxburnSo out of the box, ubuntu studio 9.10 doesn't have support for a midi keyboard to drive virtual synths?00:51
SanGohanje poste, j'arrive pas à faire apparaître les rouages dans le cube histoire de tester, faut être en transparent mais j'ai la flemme de chercher partout, le transparent s'active pas et donc je vois pas les rouages..c'est ballot..;01:40
* wolfwalker_prime pokes his head in.02:46
holsteinbuy something, or get out wolfwalker_prime ;)02:46
wolfwalker_primeHow long after a distro release does ubuntustudio usually take for a new release?  To wit: how long before Ubuntu Studio 10.04?02:47
holsteinwolfwalker_prime: there are testing iso's availalble02:47
holsteinBUT the meta-packages for ubuntustudio are there02:48
holsteinSO in theory, at the same time02:48
wolfwalker_primeSo just install Ubuntu latest and install studio on top of it?02:48
holsteinim not sure if the final iso for ubuntustudio has to follow a schedule02:49
holsteinwolfwalker_prime: thats what i would do02:49
wolfwalker_primeHow do you change audio buffer size in Ubuntu?  I was wanting to download Ubuntu Studio because I figured it would already be low latency.02:50
wolfwalker_primeI've asked in #ubuntu several times how to change audio buffer size, no help yet.02:50
holsteinyou mean in JACK wolfwalker_prime ?02:51
wolfwalker_prime(And dmix has a (*@#&)$(*& large buffer)02:51
holsteincheck out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation02:51
wolfwalker_primeNo I wasn't even running Jack.  I was just fiddling with LMMS in Ubuntu.  Terrible latency for MIDI/VSTi playing though.02:52
holsteinthe /etc/security/limits.conf02:52
holsteinwolfwalker_prime: if your not running JACK02:52
holsteinyou shouldnt even be talking about latency in my opinion02:52
holsteinJACK just takes care of a lot of that BS02:52
holsteinwith a real time kernal and JACK02:53
holsteinyou can usually get pretty low latency02:53
holsteineven with internal soundcards02:53
wolfwalker_primeOh brave new world, that has such...  I'm coming from Windows, ASIO4all, Reaper (DAW) and VSTi.02:55
wolfwalker_primeSo Jack = ASIO4all?02:55
holsteinwolfwalker_prime: check out #opensourcemusicians02:55
holsteinnice podcast02:55
holsteinand community02:55
holsteinreally helped me get over a hardware hump at the beginning of my linux studio times02:56
wolfwalker_primeHmmm.  I just want something that will work, work well, without a lot of fiddling.  And I want it to read my mind, automatically make the music I'm thinking about, burn it to a dvd and sell it to stores.02:58
* wolfwalker_prime slaps himself back to reality.02:58
holsteinyou can have that02:58
holsteinkind of02:58
holsteinwhen i set up windows boxes now02:59
holsteini fiddle a LOT02:59
holsteintrying to download drivers02:59
holsteininstall them02:59
holsteinits rather fiddly02:59
holsteinBUT i can remember when i thought the opposite02:59
holsteinJACK and ardour are F'n awesome03:00
holsteinthe journey is well worth it03:00
holsteinin my opinion03:00
wolfwalker_primeAs I was saying... my primary interest is playing live music through my midi keyboard and computer.  Keyboard is M-audio keystation 88es, standard class-compliant MIDI-USB interface.  It worked seamlessly in regular ole Ubuntu with LMMS.03:01
holsteini got a cheaper Maudio03:01
holsteinand its plug and play too03:01
wolfwalker_primeJust the stupid latency, and nobody in #ubuntu seemed to even know what an audio or period buffer was.03:02
holsteinJACK and the RT kernel is your answer03:02
wolfwalker_primeWell I would have gone cheaper if I could, but I have to have all 88.03:02
wolfwalker_primeDoes the latest LTS have a realtime kernel?03:02
holsteingive http://en.flossmanuals.net/Ardour/StartJackUbuntu03:03
holsteina look03:03
holsteinwolfwalker_prime: it doesnt come with the RT kernel03:03
holsteinyou can sudo aprt-get install linux-rt03:03
holsteinand then you have to make sure grub lets you boot into it03:04
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:04
holsteinhow new to linux are you?03:05
holsteinyou can always run uname -a03:05
wolfwalker_primeI thought you had to build a new kernel...03:05
holsteinand that will let you know what kernel your running03:05
holsteinsometimes the grub menus go by so fast03:05
holsteinits hard to tell if you did it right03:06
holsteinyou can just install it like a package03:06
holsteinwolfwalker_prime: i would try JACK first03:06
wolfwalker_primeI've been using ubuntu for quite some time, years.  I'm a basic end-user though.  I don't go pasting any script I can find on the forums in a wild hope it will solve my problem, but I don't know many commands in CLI.03:06
holsteinwitht he generic kernel03:06
holsteinthat might do it03:06
holsteinTHEN if your not getting the latency you want03:06
holsteinyou can install the RT kernel03:06
wolfwalker_primeHow active is Ubuntu Studio these days?  Is it still alive as a working project, going forward?03:07
wolfwalker_primeAnd what DAWS are there (besides aforementioned LMMS) that will use VSTi?  I already have my instruments picked out y'see.03:08
holsteini havent tried it myself03:09
holsteinbut, i know its a possibility03:09
wolfwalker_primeI hardly can hope my RealGuitar will work in Linux... :\03:10
wolfwalker_primeBy the way etc/security/limits.conf doesn't have anything about audio.03:12
holsteinlimits.conf has to do with priority settings03:13
holsteinfor low latency03:13
holsteinthat link03:13
wolfwalker_primeBeen reading that03:14
wolfwalker_primeWeeeeeeell... it's time I was a-headin for my beddin.  Thanks for the tips holstein.03:44
* wolfwalker_prime buys a stein for holstein, tips his hat and saunters out the door.03:45
holsteinwolfwalker_prime: :)03:45
nerdubuntu ultimate talk permitted here???04:42
=== ShadeS_ is now known as ShadeS
vladahi holstein21:58
_pg_hey does anyone know if 10.04 update is a ok for x64 users ?21:59
_pg_can anyone report sucess?22:00
rlameiro_pg_: well i tested the iso, they work22:00
vlada_pg_, amd64 here and working great22:00
vladathere are still some interesting quirks here and there, but those are purely cosmetic22:02
_pg_did anyone upgrade from 9.10? I am nervous about the RT kernel, heard some were having issues22:02
vlada_pg_, me. yesterday22:02
_pg_vlada: so how is that going?22:03
vladagreat! kernel is still at 2.6.31, and that is what I don't understand (it's a bit outdated)22:04
vladaother then that it's great22:04
vladawell, there is ugly boot screen for us, proprietary nvidia driver users22:05
_pg_vlada: so did you just sudo update-manager -d?22:05
vladabut nothing alarming; especially given very fast boot time... ;)22:05
vlada_pg_, basically yes22:06
vladaprepare to answer a few questions during upgrade. "During" being the key word22:07
_pg_vlada: Im so afraid! lol. Did you have to do anything special with the kernel? or did it just choose the safe one by default?22:07
vladaI've left it downloading updates over the night and was surprised with window that asks questions in the morning22:08
vlada_pg_, no intervention on kernel, no22:08
_pg_vlada: I did the same thing on my other box. lol running regular ubuntu. expected it to finish the 2 hrs overnight and in the morning it has 1:45 left lol22:09
vladanot really user friendly ( as in - expected), but at lesat it's harmless22:10
_pg_vlada: agreed. I will do the update tonight!22:12
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ... is there is a big difference between ubuntu and ubuntuStudio ... or just tools ?23:13
mudflycobra-the-joker: It is mostly the default package selection, but there is a real time kernel also included23:23
cobra-the-jokermudfly , pardon me ...whats a real time kernel ?23:24
mudflycobra-the-joker: provides low latency to audio and video for real time recording23:25
cobra-the-jokerhmmm ...nice23:25
mudflywhen you record layers on top of previously recorded audio it allows you to not have to compensate (at least as much) for hardware lag23:26
mudflyrather kernel priority lag23:26
holsteincobra-the-joker: also, you can install the real-time kernel to regular vanilla ubuntu too23:28
holsteinsudo apt-get install linux-rt23:28
holsteinif your not in a situation where you are having issues, or needing lower latency23:29
holsteini wouldnt worry about it23:29

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