
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:07
n2diymy printer was working,  but now it isn't?02:49
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
UbuntuBoyhttp://techbytes4.wordpress.com/2010/04/27/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-2-days-left-and-what-to-expect/, really good article on Lucid, I recommend subscribing to this blog.05:47
=== samsa2fsrr is now known as samsa
Moemorning guys08:34
MoeI have a question as to why Xubuntu doesn't include /etc/xdg in XDG_CONFIG_DIRS like the "regular" Ubuntu does08:35
MoeI'm having trouble using the ubuntuone-client package because it cannot find the default configuration08:35
TheSheepMoe: we don't know, you can file a ticket and ask, or just correct it in your installation in /etc/environment08:39
MoeI just ment to drop by and ask before I bother anyone with a ticket filing08:40
MoeAfter all there might be a valid reason not to include said directory08:40
MoeTheSheep: Is there any magic required to get it to accept changes to /etc/environment?08:42
MoeI just added the relevant path and it didn't get picked up as it seems08:43
_dabHello there. Can you advice me how to get drives list in Places, such as in Ubuntu have?08:43
TheSheepMoe: yes, that gets read when you log in08:46
TheSheep_dab: it should just work08:47
Moehm, yeah .. I figured that .. however, I did logout and back in again and it didn't get picked up08:47
MoeI also restarted the machine to no avail08:47
TheSheepMoe: can you pastebin your /etc/environment and the output of 'export' command?08:47
MoeThere you go08:48
TheSheepMoe: it looks like it's being set later, maybe by gdm or the xfce4-session :/08:50
MoeMost likely08:50
TheSheepMoe: you can try putting it in your ~/.profile08:50
MoeWill do!08:50
Moehaha .. no, not even now08:51
MoeThat's the strangest thing08:52
George_EWould xubuntu run on a 200 MHz CPU with 160 mb of ram?08:52
MoeTheSheep: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60xdg_path-on-session is setting that path as well .. I wonder if it gets priority over anything08:53
knomeGeorge_E, would run, but not that quickly.08:53
TheSheepGeorge_E: it would, albeit very slow, perhaps unusably so08:53
MoeGeorge_E: I wonder recommend running any gui at all on 200Mhz08:53
TheSheepGeorge_E: get more ram if possible08:53
* Moe rubs sleepy eyes08:53
TheSheepGeorge_E: and look for a lighter distro, like maybe dsl08:53
TheSheepMoe: probably08:53
TheSheepMoe: why not change it there then?08:54
George_EI tried Ubuntu but it froze when starting gnome.08:54
George_EWhy DSL?08:54
TheSheepGeorge_E: it's lightweight08:54
George_EHow so?08:54
MoeTheSheep: hm, I sort of didn't want to mess with dpkg-tracked files08:54
TheSheepI see08:55
TheSheepI guess /etc/environment is also tracked08:55
Moewell, I guess I'll give it a try08:55
* Moe creates a backup copy just in case08:56
* George_E wishes everyone remembered to do that...08:56
MoeJudging from the file it seems like Xubuntu is resetting the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS environment variable somewhere08:57
MoeWhich is not done on "regular" installations08:57
MoeI shall investigate ..08:58
TheSheepthere are two kind of people: those who make backups and those who will be making backups09:00
Moe(for a couple of days)09:02
MoeI always tend to come along people that are seduced into making backups a couple of times after a "disaster"09:02
MoeBut after a short while it's back to being careless again09:02
TheSheepthe thing I like best is "I don't want to waste space, so I will do a little cleanup before backup" :)09:05
TheSheepfamous last words09:06
mr_pouitMoe: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/xubuntu-default-settings/trunk/annotate/head%3A/usr/share/xubuntu/session.sh09:06
mr_pouitMoe: the xubuntu session is launched with that09:06
mr_pouitand it doesn't include /etc/xdg because libxfce4util includes it anyway09:07
Moemr_pouit: Okay, I see that now .. however, how do we tell Python applications to use /etc/xdg as well? I'm having issues with ubuntuone-preferences not finding it's default configuration files09:08
mr_pouitmpf, then yeah, session.sh should also append /etc/xdg =]09:11
MoeBut that's the right place to look at09:13
Moemr_pouit: Why aren't you reusing the environment variables? Ala XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu:/etc/xdg" ?09:15
MoeUhm, actually09:16
MoeI ment to write XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS:/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu"09:17
MoeOr do some testing before that09:17
Moemr_pouit: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60xdg_path-on-session got added in December .. and it does exactly what you are doing .. but it fails if XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is set prior to X being launched09:18
mr_pouitMoe: then, please file a bug against xubuntu-default-settings if this line should be removed from the script09:45
MoeYes, will do09:45
mr_pouitI don't really remember why I put it09:45
Moemr_pouit: I don't get why you're setting those two variables anyway09:45
MoeXDG_CONFIG_DIRS is set by 60xdg_path-to-session and XDG_DATA_DIRS is set inside startxfce409:45
mr_pouitthere was probably a reason when I did this, but I can't remember :p09:46
MoeAwesome :D09:46
Moemr_pouit: Xubuntu Default Settings does not use Launchpad for bug tracking.09:47
MoeSo .. that's that09:47
mr_pouitfile it against the ubuntu package09:48
mr_pouitit's the same09:48
MoeOn it09:50
Moemr_pouit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/57113310:05
mr_pouitMoe: nope, xdg_data_dirs isn't set to the value we want by startxfce410:08
MoeOkay, that's unfortunate .. yet, the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS issue remains10:08
bigbrovarI guess I am looking to move my companies client systems to Xubuntu. I just wanted to know if Xubuntu is also part of canonical's LTS offering?10:10
MoeIt is I believe10:10
mr_pouitit is (kind of): base packages that are in main will be supported by canonical, but xfce packages aren't10:11
bigbrovarI would have easily inferred that naturally they should. But there made a big splash about LTS support coming to Kubuntu Lucid but nothing was said about Xubuntu10:11
bigbrovarmr_pouit: ok but at least the repo wont be closed after 18 months?10:12
MoeOf course not10:12
bigbrovarI can live with that then10:14
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jarnosHow did you report bugs concerning the installer again?10:40
jarnosAsked in #ubuntu+1, too.10:43
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jarnoscody-somerville: How do you  report bugs concerning the installer of xubuntu?11:11
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p0aHello I want to write a CD what kind of software do I need for this12:00
p0anice, I have it already12:00
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:01
p0awhat about reading a CD? shouldn't it do that automatically?12:02
p0aI entered the CD and in /media I'm searching the cdrom and cdrom0 directories but they're empty12:02
TheSheepmaybe the cd is empty?12:03
TheSheepor contains music12:03
TheSheepwhat would you want to read from an audio cd?12:03
TheSheepthere are no files on it12:03
p0athe audio tracks12:03
Sysitry with exaile12:04
TheSheepyou can play them with your favorite music player, or rip them to files with some cd ripper12:04
TheSheepfor backup purposes, of course12:04
TheSheepI think soundjuicer is nice for that12:04
p0aNo, not really. I'm not doing this illegally anyhow - these are my friends tracks12:05
p0asoundjuicer huh ok12:05
TheSheepthere is nothing illegal in ripping a cd12:05
TheSheepbut I'm not a lawyer12:05
p0aWhere's soundjuicer in? synaptic nor apt-get find it12:06
TheSheepsound-juicer, sorry12:06
p0adon't worry :P12:06
TheSheepit's not worry, it's basic courtesy12:07
p0awhen I hit extract in sound-juicer the program exits12:10
p0aany idea why this would be?12:10
TheSheeptry starting it from console and seeing if it prints something12:10
p0ayes it does, a bunch of glib messages12:11
p0asorry, I think they're gtk messages actually. I'm not sure12:11
p0ait was too good to be true12:12
TheSheepdoesn't matter, any one of them looks like a fatal error explaining why it crashed?12:12
p0aSomething about some assertions that failed12:13
p0anone looks more critical than others12:13
TheSheepthose are probably warnings12:13
TheSheepcan you pastebin the whole thing?12:13
p0aWell then it's a bug because it says "segmentation fault" after that12:13
TheSheepah, segmentation fault sounds like the thing12:13
TheSheepand yes, it's a bug12:13
TheSheepcongratulations on finding it :)12:14
p0aActually, I don't get those messages at all. I just noticed these messages are printed at start12:14
p0aI only get "segmentation fault" when I hit extract12:14
p0aany alternatives?12:14
ubottuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar12:14
p0aAnything I can use as an alternative to sound juicer?12:15
TheSheepsee 'other software' on that page12:15
p0aI wanted to get ABCDE but there's no downloads on that page :/12:16
TheSheepmaybe it's bug 16353412:16
TheSheepbug #16353412:16
TheSheepshouldn't ubottu link to it?12:17
p0agreat now I have to install SVN12:17
TheSheepp0a: did you try to enter the track names?12:17
p0aI don't know them anyway12:17
p0aI don't think there's names12:18
TheSheeptry putting anything12:18
p0a    *12:18
p0aHere is the backtrace. Some more comments on this: the problem seems to be with id3mux, using id3v2mux works without problems.12:18
p0a^^ what do you think about this12:18
TheSheepwhat's important is a workaround a few lines lower12:19
TheSheepwhich will let you do what you need12:19
p0anope, not really.12:22
p0aI'm installing another ripper. brb12:22
=== ubuntu is now known as wolfwalker-prime
wolfwalker-primeI'm certainly not ubuntu, just an end-user.14:00
wolfwalker-primeWell technology marches along and it seems it has marched right past my laptop - the older one anyway.  I'm considering switching to Xubuntu for my internet laptop.  Is there anything Ubuntu can do that Xubuntu still lacks?  I remember a few releases ago it still wouldn't automount my external hard drives/flash drives when Ubuntu would, but...14:03
psycho_oreosI'm pretty certain you'll find the only difference these days between ubutu and xubuntu is merely the frontend.. xubuntu and kubuntu literally share the same base as ubuntu.. all except for frontendn14:04
wolfwalker-primeThen what advantage remains in using Xubuntu?14:05
psycho_oreoswhen ubuntu did have support for automount, I'm sure either xfce didn't have that function incorporated or was using a different program for it (or they just didn't include it because it was meant to be lean and mean)14:05
psycho_oreosdifferent frontend and supposedly lighter on system specs14:05
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Pres-GasOkay, I am using the alt install of Xubu and have my /boot partition on /dev/sde1.  So, in the "Configuring grub-pc" window of the alt installer, should I point to /dev/sde or /dev/sde1?14:47
psycho_oreossingle boot?14:56
Pres-Gaspsycho_oreos, you must be asking me.  Yes, single boot, but the other drives are set up for software raid and the /boot is on sde as a result.15:11
psycho_oreosPres-Gas, yes I was asking you, I guess installing on the sde (mbr) shouldn't be of an issue15:12
Pres-GasYeah, psycho_oreos, I think I have a couple of small issues in play that together is just dorking up the install.15:17
psycho_oreosPres-Gas, no worries15:17
Sachse_SiechtumHello ...is it possbible to install Xubuntu and Linux mint and let them use the same /home folder?16:03
pteagueany idea why my box isn't mounting external mounts on boot up? since updating to koala i have to `sudo mount -a` any time i reboot16:22
charlie-tcaSachse_Siechtum, it is possible, but I don't think it is a good idea. Both store settings in /home/USER, and it will confuse them16:36
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, yeah I got the same answer in #ubuntu *g*16:36
TheSheepSachse_Siechtum: so you will keep asking until someone gives a different answer? :P16:40
SysiSachse_Siechtum: create separate /media, that propably does what you want16:42
Sachse_SiechtumSysi, you mean an extra /media partition?16:44
Sysior folder16:45
charlie-tcaWhy would a separate /media change where the user settings are stored?16:45
Sachse_Siechtumoh something else..when I install Linux Mint first and Xubuntu second on a different partition...will both be in the GRUB menu?16:46
charlie-tcayes, they should be16:46
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, well I just want 3 folders (video docs and music) used by both16:47
Sachse_Siechtummake 3 these 3 folders default on both16:47
charlie-tcaso create them on their own partition, which can be accessed by both distros16:48
pteaguemake sure the uid & gid match for both Linux Mint & Xubuntu18:01
TheSheepand same for the versions of any programs that may leave their config files in there18:02
Sachse_Siechtumuif gid?18:04
charlie-tcaSame user and user group18:04
Sachse_Siechtumand what about the grub? will both appear in grub after install?18:05
Sachse_Siechtumok :-)18:05
Sachse_SiechtumI might switch to mint completly because I really like the menu :-) just gonna find out how wine performance is...18:06
charlie-tcaheh, and I hated it18:06
charlie-tcaalso, they are about 6 months behind xubuntu, so Mint 8 Xfce is valid for about 12 months instead of 1818:07
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, why did you hate it?18:08
Sysiis there other difference that wallpaper and restricted extras?18:08
Sysiand maybe some codecs18:08
charlie-tcaI just didn't like the way the menu is laid out18:08
Sachse_Siechtumyeah its pretty similar to vista18:09
charlie-tcaMaybe that's why...18:09
Sachse_Siechtumhehe yeah18:09
pteagueno, not same user and user group... you need to make sure the user & user id match & the group & group id match... because if user1 is uid 1000 on 1 & uid 1001 on the other you'll be wondering why you can't modify files18:10
Sachse_SiechtumHopefully I'll get that ancient laptop tomorrow...18:10
Sachse_Siechtumpteague, I see18:10
AquinaI have the whole openoffice.org suit installed. I gnumeric a good addition to it or would I repeat myself?18:58
Sysipropably there isn't any addition18:59
knomeAquina, oo calc is better than gnumeric, imo19:00
Aquinathx for your opinion19:01
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AquinaWhat about Abiword. I always had it installed an never used it. I have to admit, that I'm quite satisfied with OO-writer. What do you think about that, kome?19:05
Sysiit's lighter and has all that i need19:05
charlie-tcaBoth Abiword and OO.o Writer do the same things, functionally19:19
charlie-tcaI use abiword, because it is faster to open19:20
=== schlaftier_ is now known as schlaftier
Pres-Gaspsycho_oreos, I think I figured out my situation.  I don't think the nouveau drivers support the video card I have (NVIDIA Quadro NVS 295), and I am finding out for sure.19:58
Pres-GasI thought it was grub since all I got was a blinking cursor after the bios and then the screen went to powersave19:58
TrueNheroxubuntu lightweight no more, please help us21:55
charlie-tcaTrueNhero: is there a question in that?21:56
TrueNherocharlie-tca, no really21:57
TrueNheroi feel my xubuntu too heavy, i dont know if the problem there in Xserver...21:58
TrueNherohow can i make it more light like before,21:58
TrueNherois the problem in daemons??21:59
charlie-tcaI don't know the problem, which makes it hard to say21:59
TrueNherohow can i kill some daemons?22:00
TrueNherolike smb22:00
knomecrawl through the dungeons, find a sword and strike!22:00
* knome hides22:00
* charlie-tca thinks that works for me22:01
charlie-tcaI look in system monitor and kill things there22:02
AquinaI reset the file permissions with chmod -R for a large directory structure (250000+ files) and added the eXecute-bit. Obviously that doesn't make sense for text files, images and thelike. Can someone tell me whether I'd write a short script to fix this or whether there's an alternative solution to the problem.22:11
AquinaAt least I want to avoid crawling through the hive by hand which would cost me hours, even days.22:11
TheSheepAquina: chmod -R a-x yourdir; chmod -R a+X yourdir22:21
AquinaThis qould affect all files though. The point is that there are files (in project directories for e.g.) that must reamain executable.22:22
TheSheepAquina: how do you recognize them?22:23
AquinaThe point is that I need more logic. I recognize them either by extension or by ELF I guess. So my question actually is...22:23
Aquina...can I solve it without writing a shellscript?22:24
TheSheepif you can do it by extension, then use find22:24
TheSheepto recognize them by content you'd use a shell script using the file command22:24
AquinaAnd file header ELF? more complex approach?22:25
TheSheep'file' command22:26
TheSheepthat's by content22:26
TheSheepyou could also get a list of files that should have x, fro example from a backup22:26
AquinaDo you also think a log of the audit-daemon whould help in case every action on the file system was logged?22:26
TheSheepif you can get the list of files that had x before, then sure22:27
Aquinabackups yes... but the changes were made long ago and it was not on top of my priorities. :-/22:27
AquinaOk, thanks TheSheep I think I can sole it now.22:27
TheSheepAquina: then you are risking that some new files will miss their x22:27
Aquinayes. I will probably also have to think about GID and UID and fileswhich are binaries but shoud (for other reasons) not be executable though.22:29
AquinaDid someone ever realize that making files executable can be a real security concern? *sigh*22:30
TheSheepAquina: I guess that's what the noexec flag in mount is for :)22:33
AquinaYes but sometimes you want to execute a laaaaaaaaarge file without moving it first. Nevertheless you're right in servers I'd user noexec for partitions.22:34
AquinaHey, TheSheep why'd you choose that nick?22:35
TheSheep --> #xubuntu-offtopic22:35
AquinaIs there a place whre umask is initially set (on system startup)?23:57

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