
highvoltagehi everyone!11:08
stgraberhighvoltage: hi, do you have decent internet again ?11:11
highvoltagestgraber: decent might be a bit of a stretch, but it seems *way* better that it was earlier this week, it's actually pretty much usable11:11
highvoltagestgraber: we don't have a gobby/wiki page for release announcement yet do we?11:12
stgraberhighvoltage: can we try some skype (no video though ;)) ? there's a few things we should discuss11:12
stgraberhighvoltage: we have a gobby document but it's a simple copy/paste from 9.1011:12
* highvoltage starts up netbook11:12
stgraberhighvoltage: btw, if I believe gnome weather thingy, it's actually warmer here in Switzerland than in Cape Town ;)11:14
highvoltage24C here according to my gnome weather thingy :)11:14
highvoltage(which is actually a bit warmer than usual for this time of the year)11:15
stgraber25C here this morning ;)11:16
Telennsimple question... can anyone link me to a site where i can get a downloadable format of the ubuntu documention walkthrou's....13:14
sbalneavMorning all15:07
sbalneavhighvoltage: Hey, here in Canada yet?15:15
highvoltagesbalneav: heh, I've almost given up on that, I can't even get the canadian embassy to send me back my passport (with or without a visa)15:16
highvoltagesbalneav: which is a real bummer because I can't even apply for my belgian visa without my passport, so at this rate no uds for me15:17
sbalneavhighvoltage: How come it's taking them so long?!15:21
sbalneavHave you phoned them?15:21
sbalneavCrumb.  I'm trying to build a package, and pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy isn't being satisfied, but it gives no indication as to what's failing.15:23
highvoltagesbalneav: they don't accept phone calls. only posts and faxes. not sure what that says about Canadians :)15:23
sbalneavFriggin conservative government. :(15:24
sbalneav*I* didn't vote for the scoundrels.15:24
sbalneavWhere did you send it to?  I work for a provincial government agency, so I know some feds.  Tell me where you sent it to, I'll try and make some phone calls, find out who you're supposed to contact.15:26
highvoltagesbalneav: heh, thanks but it seems I'll just have to wait it out15:29
sbalneavAre you sure?  I certainly don't mind running this down for you.15:29
bencrisfordafternoon all, and happy release day!16:56
bencrisfordhighvoltage: hmm, are you an op?  because the channel still says "9.10 is released!"16:57
bencrisfordthe topic needs updating :)16:57
bencrisfordor does it?  what time is it actually officially released?  lucid I mean16:59
bencrisfordubuntu.com still says 9.1017:08
mhall119bencrisford: it'll be released when it's released17:15
bencrisfordmhall119: that makes sense :), but when will that be ;)17:15
mhall119sometime before the end of today17:16
ograbencrisford, go to #ubuntu-release-party and wait for it to come by :)17:26
bencrisfordogra: Ok :D, I might just do that17:27
bencrisfordthats one busy channel :/17:28
ogramany people are waiting :)17:29
ogra(over 1200 this time, new record for that channel)17:29
alkisgThey had to respin the CDs due to some grub bug, so it's going to delay a little: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODE5Ng17:30
bencrisfordwow :S17:34
bencrisfordare we [edubuntu] respinning?17:35
ograand stgraber is whirling to get them tested i think17:36
stgraberedubuntu as already been completely tested, we are just waiting for the announcement17:36
stgraber(though I'm doing some more tests)17:36
ograah i thought amd64 was still behind17:36
stgrabernope, fader did amd64, I'm just doing it as well to have more coverage17:36
* ogra is happy for no grub on ARM :)17:37
ograi had a relaxing day17:37
* stgraber is installing his first 10.04 production server at the moment, a nice LTSP server based on a Core i5 and 4GB of RAM, should be enough for 6 clients ;)17:38
bencrisfordstgraber: cool17:41
bencrisfordyou guys been busy today :D17:41
stgraberyeah, last busy day, then vacation until UDS ;)17:42
stgraber(well, technically I'm already on vacation, it's just that I'm probably even more busy this week than a regular work week ;))17:42
highvoltagebencrisford: 9.10 /is/ released :)17:44
bencrisfordhighvoltage: yeah :D, but I was thinking lucid had been released, didn't occur to me that it might be later in the day :P17:44
highvoltagehehe, yeah the version numbers go by so fast17:44
bencrisfordwhen I say to people who don't know about the version conventions, they assume its one up from 10.0317:45
bencrisfordso it doesnt sound as exciting as I try and make out to them17:45
bencrisfordhmm, that didnt sound right :P17:46
bencrisfordit doesnt sound as exciting as I try and make it sound17:46
bencrisforduntil I explain, obviously17:48
highvoltagebencrisford: :)17:49
* bencrisford should be preparing for his OW session next week :(17:49
bencrisfordI keep putting it off17:49
highvoltagestgraber: do we have the ubuntu font anywhere?17:50
stgraberhighvoltage: I don't think so17:50
stgraberhighvoltage: I only received the letters as svg files17:50
highvoltageok, perhaps someone on -devel will have it17:50
bencrisfordhighvoltage: thats another thing I was going to mention.  the banner on the edubuntu homepage - says 9.10, at some point we will need a 10.04 one17:51
bencrisfordI opened it up in gimp, and then realised that I didn't have the font :P17:51
highvoltagebencrisford: I'm busy with that as we speak :)17:52
highvoltagebencrisford: except that I'm dropping the banner entirely and replacing it with an image for the content page17:52
bencrisfordhighvoltage: ok :)17:52
bencrisfordI was going to suggest that if we did have a banner, save the xcf somewhere dl'able to make it easily editable in future17:53
bencrisfordbut if we're dropping it, no need :)17:53
highvoltagebencrisford: the whole site will be dropped soon anyway :)17:55
highvoltage(in favour of hedgemadge's fork)17:56
bencrisfordwoo :D17:57
* bencrisford needs food :(17:57
* bencrisford searches for biscuits17:57
highvoltagestgraber: eek, we don't have release notes yet do we?18:17
stgraberhighvoltage: we don't have any edubuntu-specific release notes so we should just link to ubuntu's18:18
highvoltagestgraber: righto18:19
highvoltagebencrisford: I ended up aborting my idea for a big picture since that theme can't do what I want it to do18:22
stgraberhighvoltage: you can flip the switch18:26
stgraber(that means Edubuntu 10.04 is now officialy release ;))18:26
highvoltageswitch flipped18:26
highvoltagecongratulations and thanks to everyone!!!18:26
stgraberhighvoltage: access denied18:27
stgraberhighvoltage: on /news/10.04-release18:27
highvoltageah yes I see there was one switch that wasn't flipped :)18:28
stgraberand another weekend without internet for the UK ;)18:29
highvoltagehie hie :)18:30
highvoltagestgraber: I'm just going to add a small section under "More Information" that explains that we're working on a new website that will be available soon with updated content18:32
stgraberhighvoltage: ok, sounds good18:32
alkisgCongrats everyone, I think it's the best edubuntu release so far18:32
highvoltageit's certainly been my most active one :)18:34
* alkisg will try to get more involved in the next lts, after his phd :)18:35
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bencrisfordD= I missed the switch flipping!18:48
bencrisfordhighvoltage: stgraber: hmm, I am getting a db error from edubuntu.org18:50
highvoltagebencrisford: I guess mysql just crashed18:51
bencrisforddont worry!  working now!18:51
highvoltageheh ok18:51
bencrisfordhighvoltage: yeah :D the mysql error was "Too many connections" according to drupal18:51
bencrisfordI guess our server isnt used to being so popular!18:51
mhall119yay for popularity18:53
mhall119need to start using memcache18:53
highvoltagebencrisford: that's the same server that runs markshuttleworth.com, the ubuntu fridge, and a bunch of other sites. at least if it goes down it's important enough to get back up real soon :)18:54
stgraberMark's blog seems to be dead as well ;)18:55
bencrisfordstgraber: works for me, but no images18:55
bencrisfordanyway, were in Lucid!  congratz everyone :)18:58
* bencrisford cracks open champagne and shares celebratory ice cream18:58
sbalneavHuzzah for us19:00
highvoltagebencrisford: \o/19:04
bencrisfordwow, the kalzium molecular editor actually rocks :D19:26
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* bencrisford whilst trying to explain ubuntu to friends has resorted to telling them there is a little penguin in your computer that is called the kernel21:13
highvoltagebencrisford: heh when you get to the level where you have to explain what a kernel is, then you've gotten too far :)21:26
bencrisfordhighvoltage: lol, well the penguin thing shut them up :P21:27
bencrisfordright now i'm trying to find a recipe for cookies or something so I can have some ubuntu or tux cookies to give people21:28
bencrisfordpeople might listen to my ramblings about linux a little more if I had food for them21:28
bencrisfordalthough I try not to ramble21:28
bencrisfordnormally I just link people to the u.c release pages nowadays, and I seem to get a better response21:29
bencrisfordhttp://blog.josephhall.com/uploaded_images/DSC00379-tn.jpg - thats the sort of thing I was thinking :P, but it looks kind of hard...  I might just cut some shapes in a slice of toast or something21:31
highvoltagebencrisford: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/30021:35
bencrisfordhighvoltage: haha cool! that edubuntu one is awesome!21:38
bencrisfordhmm, circle of friends sandwich sounds realistic, but not sure what it would be :P21:45
bencrisfordrealistic as in my culinary skills *might* just allow me to pull it off21:45
mhall119highvoltage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mhall119#Baking%20Ubuntu21:46
bencrisfordwow, I didn't realise this stuff was so popular21:46
mhall119my wife got the idea from someone else's posting21:46
mhall119I think akgraner sent it to her21:46
bencrisfordhmm, I could get like a load of candy and melt it into shape with a blowtorch21:48

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