
JontheEchidnahe's not surpassed the difficulty of a certain usr yet, though00:02
apacheloggerRiddell: akonadi seems to start just fine in a vbox00:08
RiddellI'm jelous00:09
apacheloggerRiddell: do the startup issues persist even with a new home?00:09
apacheloggerulysses: I really cant reproduce bug 571084 is it still valid?00:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571084 in kdenetwork "Settings->Configure shows a blank window with nothing in it, and causes Kopete to hang." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57108400:11
Riddellapachelogger: yes does here00:11
apacheloggerRiddell: can you try wiht a new kdepimlibs00:12
apacheloggerjust bump the timeout in the patch I added00:12
apacheloggerto 5 minutes or something00:12
apacheloggermaybe it helps00:12
* apachelogger finds 5 minutes incredibly high from a debugging POV though00:12
apacheloggerif we bump it that high we might as well make the whole dialog disappear00:13
apacheloggerit might seem a bit out of context after 5 minutes :)00:13
* apachelogger waves the coc goodbye in bug 307462 :S00:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307462 in ruby1.8 "ruby is slow because of --enable-pthreads" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30746200:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, when assigning a bug to me, you really want to subscribe me, otherwise the mail will not end up in my high-prio filter00:29
CIA-6[kde-l10n-common] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100428233339-zcw85u8m9z4ep3o7 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu700:33
CIA-6[kde-l10n-common] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100428233402-x48gn1kvya3aqm0j * debian/ (build-l10n.sh changelog) Map ptbr to appropriate Ubuntu code pt instead of br (LP: #561873)00:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561873 in kde-l10n-br "language-pack-kde-br (breton) is incorrectly linked to kde-l10n-ptbr (portuguese brazil)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56187300:34
apacheloggeroh my00:42
apacheloggerkubotu: time00:42
kubotuapachelogger: Europe - Vienna - Thu Apr 29 01:43 CEST00:42
* apachelogger needs to get up at 700:43
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JontheEchidnaapachelogger: kk00:57
* JontheEchidna wonders why there ever would need to be a "gint" type...01:23
claydohany good example to demonstrate "GNOME app systray integration" for the release notes? I need something to grab a pic of01:39
* claydoh has a distinct lack of gnome here01:39
claydohhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/LucidLynx/Final/Kubuntu need to spruce up the LTS blurb somehow01:45
claydohJontheEchidna: thanks, I will sacrifice my kde/qt purity on this box For The Cause01:46
JontheEchidnaYou are a true hero.01:46
claydohew that came off a bit creepy01:46
* JontheEchidna sheds a single tear01:46
claydohheck I don't even have gimp on this laptop (yet)01:47
lontraif i installed the 10.04 rc and upgrade ... is there a reason to reinstall when 10.04 is released tomorrow?01:51
claydohlontra: no, I don't think so01:52
claydohI 'm not, in any case :)01:52
lontrai am very excited about the lts ... that means i won't have to reinstall or upgrade for 3 yrs!01:53
claydohluckily you can get new kde without really upgrading the underpinnings as well :)01:55
claydohas new versions are released01:55
lontrayeah i don't really care too much about a newer kde ... i just want something stable ... i've even thought about red hat because i want stability so much01:57
lontrabut anyways i am happy with kubuntu01:58
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* ryanakca grins at the confusion accidently dragging a Kopete contact to the wrong meta-contact can cause, especially when you're using Facebook chat in Kopete and all the JIDs are uXXXXXXXX@chat.facebook.com :P02:37
ryanakcaRiddell: Do you need me at all website whise tomorrow morning?02:37
txwikingerhi ryanakca02:55
ryanakcaHi txwikinger02:55
jjessedownloaded the daily from yesterday and when i go to start it up on virtualbox gett the following error: "Logging in ubuntu... Warning: Cannon OPen ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session: Activation of org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit timed out03:07
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jjessetrying to mark it as failed on the iso tracker but dont know what package to put my bug against03:11
crimsunjjesse: see /var/log/user.log; what process owns the message?03:12
jjessecat /var/log/user.log is empty03:13
crimsunok, then syslog?03:13
jjessehrmm grepping for that error message?03:14
jjesseok found it03:16
jjessecrimsun: ubuntu kdm: 0[1604]: Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session: Actication of org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit timed out03:17
jjesseso ubuntu kdm ???03:17
msvAre testers still needed for kubuntu karmic->lucid upgrades?03:18
crimsunprobably isn't kdm, but you could start there03:18
jjessewonder if it is because i'm running it in a vm?03:18
jjessehrmm click ok and it goes through to a normal session03:20
crimsunpossibly; does name resolution work?03:20
jjesseyup, can do an nslookup of freedesktop.org, google.com etc03:21
jjessedont' get that error on kubuntu netbook03:24
ScottKI don't think there are any netbook/desktop differences that would affect that.03:25
jjessenope happens every time i boot in virtual box on the lucid desktop cd03:27
jjessestill have the problem where on the installing lagnugage packs i hit skip and the hwoe installer goes away03:37
shtylmanRiddell: did ya get my logo email?04:01
rbelemRiddell, http://media.rbelem.info/usershare.tar.gz04:17
rbelemRiddell, now using the kde api and added more methods04:17
* rbelem leaving04:18
ScottK44.8 kB/s.  Hooray for hotel internet.04:19
rgreening_JontheEchidna: cool. I'm down with that :) a new crew shirt. yay04:29
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shtylmanis it just me or is the countdown thing on kubuntu.org broken?05:17
JontheEchidnaheh, yeah. It's probably confused because it's release day in my time zone05:28
JontheEchidnaand probably yours05:28
ulyssesapachelogger: hm, after I removed and then installed Kopete, bug 571084 seems to be "disappeared"05:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571084 in kdenetwork "Settings->Configure shows a blank window with nothing in it, and causes Kopete to hang." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57108405:30
zoggyhey guys, i see that currently there is no kdevelop in lucid. is there anything i could do to assist in this happening because, as i kde lover and recent kdevelop convert (after trying so many editors and IDEs) i really think this app is looking crazy-hot-right-now and will do a lot for our kubunut cause09:07
zoggyhaha kubunut... that would be a cool slogan for a kubuntu fan t-shirt. i meant kubuntu though09:11
valorieand we could use the cashew09:12
zoggybrilliant! that should totally be on a shirt together!09:13
apacheloggeroh my09:41
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: The drum is rolling
Riddell~identica dent The drum is rolling09:52
kubotustatus updated09:52
Riddellnixternal: is the feedback applet ready for release?10:03
Riddellany bugs we want in the Known Issues of the Announcement?10:45
Riddellhttps://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release  for those with access11:00
RiddellUbuntu Desktop respinning for bug 570765  we are unaffected, release presumably delayed by some hours11:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57076511:07
apacheloggercan we please SRU the icon in the feedback widget11:25
apacheloggerit is ludicrous11:25
apacheloggerlooks like someone threw up11:25
sabdflapachelogger: you should see some of the feedback!11:28
apacheloggersabdfl: regarding the release or the icon? :)11:29
sabdfljust.... feedback from millions of people can contain some nasty bits :-)11:29
apacheloggeryeah, they always do :( fortunately the positive stuff outweighs the nasty bits :)11:31
sabdflvery much so. well done to you all for this release of Kubuntu11:43
Riddellthanks sabdfl, I'm very happy with making this a LTS release11:46
Riddellthe whole Kubuntu community have worked super hard11:46
sabdflyou've earned it11:46
amichairRiddell: in release bugs, u think it's important to mention Bug #557434? it causes ppl to become bamboozled and fail installation11:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557434 in ubiquity "[Kubuntu Lucid] GUI disappears when "Skip" is pressed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55743411:47
Riddellamichair: yes I'll add that11:47
JontheEchidnaGoood morning Kubuntu12:02
amichairhi JontheEchidna :-)12:03
RiddellJontheEchidna!  happy release day12:03
* amichair puts on his party hat12:07
ghostcubeyeah... kubuntu not affected by this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/57076512:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed]12:10
* ghostcube hugs his kubuntu12:11
ghostcubehappy release day folks... :)12:11
Riddellwho has some party music?12:13
amichairapachelogger, that's your cue :-P12:14
davmor2Riddell: ME12:15
davmor2Riddell: I'm just not sharing it :D12:15
apacheloggerno party music here12:25
apacheloggerunless you consider a lecture about semantic web party music ;)12:25
apacheloggerwhich i do not, FYI12:25
amichairapachelogger: it's like a lullaby, putting you gently to sleep...12:27
davmor2amichair: no it'll be like a sledghammer knocking you out12:29
dpmhi Riddell, did you get my ping yesterday re: the language packs comparison output and if you wanted a Kubuntu and translations roundtable at UDS?12:32
Riddelldpm: oh aye.  yes we should probably do that12:33
dpmRiddell, sure, do you want to schedule it on the desktop track or shall I do it on the community track?12:35
Riddelldpm: you go ahead, gives us more variety :)12:35
dpmha! :)12:36
* dpm puts on blueprints hat12:36
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kshadeslayerapachelogger: ping13:24
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apacheloggerkshadeslayer: pong13:33
kshadeslayerapachelogger: i need to ask something about packaging13:35
kshadeslayerapachelogger: suppose i package a new git version of a package,do i need to upload a new .orig.tar.gz too>13:35
kshadeslayerfor eg: package a is updated from 1.0+gitdate-0ubuntu1~ppa1 to 1.0+gitdate+1-0ubuntu1~ppa1 , do i need to package a new app_1.0+gitdate+1.orig.tar.gz ?13:37
jussiNightrose: ping13:39
Nightrosehi jussi13:40
Nightrose(i might vanish - got a meeting with my advisor scheduled)13:41
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dpmRiddell, ok, I've created the roundtable BP ready for scheduling at https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-m-kubuntu-translations-roundtable I've subscribed you already. Everyone else interested, feel free to subscribe or add topics to the whiteboard as well!13:42
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shadeslayerhey who handles the transmission package?14:17
shadeslayeryou might want to look at bug 57170214:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571702 in transmission "transmission amd64 bit package missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57170214:22
shadeslayerbye :)14:24
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shtylmanrelease delayed... sadness16:19
txwikingerhow long?16:20
shtylmanno idea16:20
ofirksad :(16:20
txwikingerbecause of the grub issue?16:20
jjesseis there an official announcement?16:21
shtylmanno.. because of some windowxp installer issue I think16:21
shtylmandon't think so16:21
jjesseprobablly should be16:21
shtylmanhopefully not delayed too long16:21
txwikingerwell.. I considered that a grub issue :D16:22
* txwikinger wonders if the drummer should have a break16:29
Tm_Ttxwikinger: nah, keep the roll on until the release happens16:29
txwikingerpoor drummer16:29
Tm_Tno peeing breaks either!16:30
nixternalRiddell: yes, final survey questionnaire is complete and ready for use...just tested the widget and it is working for me16:30
amichairis sun-java6-jre supposed to exist in lucid?16:38
shtylmanamichair: yes, it does16:38
shtylmanenable the partner repo iirc16:39
amichairshtylman: is that a new repo? never used it before16:40
shtylmanno, its not new16:40
shtylmanits in your sources.list16:40
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amichairshtylman: yeah, need to enable it. I meant in karmic I never needed it for such packages16:41
amichairshtylman: that did it - thanks :-)16:43
amichairshtylman: sorry I didn't have more time for more ubiquity bugs before release :-(16:45
Riddellamichair: plenty of time before the Maverick release :)16:45
amichairRiddell: true :-)16:46
Tonio_Riddell: I've noticed I can't see any usb printer in systemsettins16:47
Tonio_Riddell: works with localhost:63116:47
Tonio_Riddell: do I mis something, any daemon or so ?16:47
Tonio_Riddell: or is that known issue ?16:47
RiddellTonio_: not known16:50
Tonio_Riddell: kk, probably broken system16:51
Tonio_Riddell: I think it is time for a real new installation16:51
Riddellworks for me, I see "Local Printers" and "Deskjet 3840" in the tree16:52
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shtylmanamichair: no worries, you helped out alot by taking care of the ones you did16:58
amichairshtylman: I was aiming higher :-)16:59
amichairI'm actually a bit bugged by kubuntu quality (no pun intended)17:00
amichairmaybe we can try puting some focus on this alongside new features and brainstorms?17:00
shtylmanamichair: yes, part of the focus for installer at uds will be to see how and where we can do more automated testing17:02
shtylmanI have been trying to see what is available17:02
shtylmanand what people currently use17:02
shtylmanbut the two main qt testing products are not open source17:02
shtylmanbut we may have friends willing to give us liceses for our use17:02
amichairI'm not sure testing is the bottleneck. There are many known or easy to come by issues, just not enough manpower/priority to fix them17:03
amichair(and I meant in kubuntu as a whole, not just ubiquity)17:03
shtylmanbut manpower will always be the problem17:04
Riddellshtylman: have you tried finding out what was the one demoed at the canonical meeting?17:04
amichairhopefully not always ;-)17:04
shtylmanRiddell: no, I was gonna ask ev about it at UDS17:04
amichairmaybe another push of Timelord publicity? or something else to draw more devs?17:05
shtylmanRiddell: you should update the kubuntu artwork page logo, so anyone who wishes to use it will get the better one17:10
shtylmannot sure if I have the perms to update that myself17:10
Riddelllet me look17:12
Riddellshtylman: what's the difference?17:15
shtylmanRiddell: :)17:15
shtylmanRiddell: look at the pendant17:16
shtylmanclosely ...17:16
shtylmanit should be evident when you see a large version of the pendant side by side with the new one I sent you17:16
shtylmanthe installer slideshow is what led me to notice this17:16
Riddellshtylman: not really seeing any difference17:19
Riddellbut I'll trust you and put it on the wiki17:19
Riddellshtylman: do I need to update the .png?17:19
shtylmanRiddell: the center circle17:19
shtylmanin the old version it was lopsided and not a perfect circle17:19
shtylmanin the new one it should be a perfect circle...17:19
Riddellshtylman: you may need to show this to me at UDS :)17:20
shtylmanRiddell: do you still have a copy fo the old one?17:23
shtylmanI will make a side by side for ya :)17:23
Riddellshtylman: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/old-kubuntu-logo-lucid.svg17:24
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shtylmanRiddell: http://www.shtylman.com/stuff/pendant.png17:27
Riddellnixternal: for "Which ISO did you use for installation?" can you add i386 and amd64 DVD and 9.10 upgrade?17:28
Riddellshtylman: mm hmm, and which is which again?17:29
shtylmanRiddell: we need to work on your art skills17:29
shtylmanthe one on the left is the old17:29
shtylmansee how the center of the "circle of friends" is lopsided17:29
shtylmani.e. isn't a perfect circle17:29
Riddellmm, I think I might17:29
shtylmanand on the right, it is a perfect circle17:29
RiddellI need to go out to take my canoeing session in a bit, who has access to the web site to publish the announcement incase I miss the release?17:31
Riddellryanakca presumably still out17:32
Riddellshtylman: are you around for the next few hours?17:32
shtylmanRiddell: yea I am17:33
Riddellshtylman: do you have website access details?17:33
Riddellnixternal: might be nice if the survey used the new logo (low priority) https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuArtwork17:34
ofirkRiddell: I can publish it17:39
rgreeningshtylman: we'll need that updated in the kickoff logo too for the branding there.17:39
rgreeningso after release, we need to push an updated package with that17:39
Riddellah ofirk, didn't see you there17:39
rgreeningshtylman: I assume thew same would be in the plymouth theme17:40
rgreeninghmm. I wonder how the CD/DVD art will look17:41
Riddellgood question17:41
Riddelldesign guy asked me for the wallpaper a while back saying it would be based on that17:41
shtylmanrgreening: indeed17:42
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nixternalRiddell: new image in use for the survey17:52
mcasis it correct, that i only see old images on iso.qa for kubuntu?17:57
shtylmanwe are still using the old logo on the main page18:01
shtylmanwill that be updated?18:01
ofirkyes, when the new theme will be published18:02
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ofirk(I hope soon)18:02
ofirkit seems that the countdown doesn't have an image for when kubuntu is released...18:04
ofirkdo you know who did the images for the countdown?18:05
ofirkI wonder what font they used for "10.04 LTS"?18:05
ofirklol, just noticed that the image are placed in a folder called 10.10-countdown :) (http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/10.10-countdown/kubuntu_1.png)18:07
nookie^ofirk: i did18:13
ofirknookie^: they are very nice!18:14
nookie^ofirk: thank you18:14
ofirknookie^: what font do you used for the "10.04 LTS" string?18:14
nookie^hmm let me check18:15
ofirknookie^: thanks18:15
nookie^ofirk: i used Century Gothic18:16
ofirknookie^: thanks again :)18:17
amichairdo u guys do all the graphis with gimp?18:17
ofirknookie^: btw, do you think you have time to make one for when kubuntu is released?18:17
ofirkamichair: I do18:17
nookie^amichair: photoshop here18:18
ofirkdon't know of any other good software for linux18:18
ofirknookie^: on linux?18:18
nookie^ofirk: neee mac =)18:18
shtylmaninkscape for the win18:18
ofirknookie^: you are cheating ;)18:18
nookie^ofirk: hehe maybe but im used to work with photoshop18:19
ofirkshtylman: inkspace is for different porpuses than gimp, maybe more for logos, icons (?)18:19
nookie^ofirk: i will see if i can do a banner for the release18:21
nookie^btw when will kubuntu be released? today at what time?18:21
shtylmannookie^: who knows18:21
shtylmanofirk: I use inkscape for lots of things18:22
shtylmangranted I miss photoshop from way back in the day18:22
shtylmanbut I have gotten to like inkscape18:22
nookie^yeah inkscape is really good18:22
nookie^but there is nonthing compared to PS18:22
ofirkit can do image manipulations like gimp?18:22
nookie^guess not18:23
nookie^u mean in ps or inkscape?18:23
ofirkinkspace (photoshop is the master of image manipulations!)18:23
nookie^i guess u can not do image manipulations in inkscape18:24
rbelemhey Riddell, i stated to move the code to kdelibs/kio http://paste.ubuntu.com/424704/18:24
nookie^but im not 100%18:24
nixternalRiddell: updated survey to include DVD as well as upgrade18:24
ofirknookie^: do you work primarily on mac?18:25
nookie^ofirk: yeah all the time.. at work at home18:25
nookie^before it was win but that is gone finaly18:25
ofirknookie^: can mac be a full replacment for windows (leaving games)?18:27
nookie^ofirk: definitivly... u have everything an more18:28
nookie^if u dont play games then there is no point to have windows18:28
nookie^and if u need it u can dualboot18:28
ofirknookie^: does it have MS Office, for example? (I want to remove all windows mechines from the house)18:29
nookie^yeah it has18:29
nookie^ofirk: and new office 2011 is comming out soon18:29
nookie^u have everything as on windows except trojans, virus, malware etc =)18:30
txwikingerthe drum can stop rollong now18:30
ofirkshtylman: are you here?18:31
shtylmanofirk: always :)18:31
ofirkshtylman: was kubuntu released?18:31
shtylmanofirk: its close18:32
ofirkshtylman: the guys at ubuntu-release seems to be really happy :)18:32
shtylmanofirk: yes, they are probly finalizing things18:32
ulyssesCan somebody link me the Kubuntu announcement? I want to write the Hungarian version of it, and post to the ubuntu.hu :)18:32
shtylmanuntil the ubuntu page changes we wait18:32
ofirkulysses: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release18:34
ofirkbut it doesn't up yet18:34
ulyssesofirk: thank you18:35
ofirk_ulysses: it is up now :)18:49
nookie^Riddell: ping?18:51
shtylmannookie^: Riddell is out18:53
ulyssesofirk_: I see:)18:57
nookie^shtylman: oki... im making an release banner if someone wants to use it18:58
shtylmannookie^: sure... make it and see if riddel can include it... but I think it isn't easy to change the banner iirc18:59
nookie^shtylman: yeah i will see if it's possible19:00
ofirk_nookie^: do you mean a release banner for the countdown?19:01
nookie^ofirk_: just a sec.. im upload it19:04
nookie^shtylman: ofirk_: here u go19:04
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ofirk_where should it be placed?19:06
nookie^dont know19:06
nookie^anyone can use it if they want to19:06
nookie^did it just 4 fun19:06
ofirk_can you do one with the countdown dimensions?19:07
nookie^i will see19:07
ofirk_nookie^: how did you do the kubuntu circle bumpy like that?19:08
ofirk_nookie^: is it the shadow?19:09
nookie^yeah it´s shaddow19:10
nookie^just a sec... phone19:10
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* txwikinger turns the sound off due to too much drum rolling19:13
* neversfelde sends txwikinger to Bielefeld19:15
neversfeldeit is quiet there :)19:15
txwikingerneversfelde: why? no soccer team left?19:16
* txwikinger heads up north.. there are far quieter places than Bielefeld19:16
neversfeldetxwikinger: the city simply does not exist :)19:16
shtylmannookie^: looks good19:21
nookie^shtylman: thanx19:27
jjesseok so stupid me when i went to kubuntu.org and saw the click on the arrow button to download kubuntu tried to click on that button19:31
ofirk_are there updated links for the torrents?19:32
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neversfeldethe kubuntu counter failed19:41
nookie^neversfelde: how do u mean?19:43
neversfeldenookie^: well have a lookt at my blog www.neversfelde.de19:44
neversfeldeon the right side, same for others and the counter on kubuntu.org shows 1 day left19:44
nookie^neversfelde: yeah i never finished finaly released19:44
nookie^i only did untly 1 day left19:44
neversfeldemh :)19:44
neversfeldemcas: so we probably should remove it from kubuntu-de.org19:45
nookie^neversfelde: i have done this one now19:45
neversfeldenookie^: so it will never be finished?19:46
mcask neversfelde i'm on my way19:46
nookie^neversfelde: u can use the one i created one my blog?19:46
neversfeldenookie^: the counter is also on kubuntu.org with a "Get this counter" link, so it should also be removed19:46
neversfeldethanks mcas19:47
nookie^neversfelde: im not responsable for the kubuntu.org page19:47
nookie^otherwise i would remove it19:47
neversfeldenookie^: I know, I only wonder why it was publised there, if it was never finished19:48
ofirk_neversfelde: the updated code for the counter can be found here: http://www.kubuntu.org/countdown19:48
ofirk_(I updated it today)19:48
nookie^well i can try to make official one released19:48
nookie^which u can put there instead of 1 day left19:49
neversfeldeofirk_: it says 1 day left?19:49
ofirk_neversfelde: yes, but nookie^is working on that19:49
ofirk_nookie^: Riddell needs to update the image, he is the only one who has access to it19:50
nookie^ofirk_: ahh yeah.. do u have access to the webpage19:50
nookie^so u can update it?19:50
nookie^damn u're right19:50
nookie^people has used his link19:50
amichairmaybe we should let the drummer retire for the evening?19:51
ofirk_yeah, he done a good job :)19:51
* txwikinger is saying this for ages19:56
ofirk_txwikinger: so what should be instead of the drummer?19:57
txwikingerPut up the important links19:57
txwikingerlike the kubuntu torrent19:58
txwikingerdownload pages19:58
ofirk_txwikinger: what is the kubuntu torrent link?19:58
txwikingerno idea.. do we have one?19:59
txwikingerif not we maybe should19:59
txwikingerthanks persia :)19:59
ofirk_persia: thanks!19:59
persiaAnd that's all the ones I found.20:00
neversfeldethese links should also be added to http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download20:05
neversfeldeand replace the karmic ones20:05
=== ofirk_ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 10.04 is out! | Download it while it is still hot | http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download | Torrents: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#kubuntu-bittorrents
neversfeldeI have access I think, but I do not want to break anything, because I am not sure what is planned20:05
ofirk_neversfelde: I already updated them20:05
nookie^ofirk_: neversfelde: http://imagebin.ca/img/X8m8Dxa2.png20:06
neversfeldeso there is no release announcement for Lucid?20:07
neversfeldenookie^: great20:07
ofirk_what's left to do is to wake up Riddell :)20:08
nookie^yeah true =)20:08
macohe's not asleep, he's canoeing20:08
persiaNow that's confidence in the quality of the release!20:09
neversfeldeso again, don't we have a release announcement except for this incredible big image on k.org?20:19
nookie^such a huge release but no activity at all20:20
nookie^where is marketing ?20:20
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maconeversfelde: yes, Riddell wrote one and told ofirk_ to hit the publish button when its time20:24
maco<Riddell> I need to go out to take my canoeing session in a bit, who has access to the web site to publish the announcement incase I miss the release?20:24
maco<ofirk> Riddell: I can publish it20:24
neversfeldeofirk_: ?20:24
neversfeldeI'll have a look20:24
ofirk_shtylman published the release announcement: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release20:26
nookie^ofirk_: link that HUGE image to that link20:28
nookie^on main page20:29
Tm_Tnookie^: in the mirror, I guess20:29
nookie^Tm_T: ?20:29
ofirk_yeah, I am trying to figure out why the latest news section wasn't updated too20:29
ofirk_oh, finally!20:49
Riddellwhat did I miss?20:59
rbelemhey Riddell, i stated to move the code to kdelibs/kio http://paste.ubuntu.com/424704/20:59
ofirk_Riddell: shtylman published the release notes, but it won't appear on the left sidebar21:00
ofirk_Riddell: it was published as a page so I deleted it and published it again as a story21:00
shtylmanI have no idea why it doesn't appear21:00
ofirk_I have no idea too21:00
Riddellit'll need to be as a story21:00
Riddelllooks sorted now anyway21:01
ofirk_throught the admin frontend it is there, but when you logout it disappears21:02
ofirk_I check more than twice that all fields are the same as the once for the other news items21:02
Riddellofirk_: I see it21:03
neversfeldeI must admit, that I do not like the way kubuntu.org looks. http://www.kubuntu-de.org is much cleaner, although it is very simple. But I guess that is a matter of taste.21:06
nookie^neversfelde: i agree with u =/21:06
Riddellwe have a new theme coming21:07
Riddellshould have been up for the release but the sysadmins are too busy21:07
Riddellofirk_ can show you21:07
ofirk_I don't see it21:07
neversfeldeofirk_: I would like to see a preview :)21:08
ofirk_neversfelde: of what?21:09
Riddellofirk_: must be something cached21:09
persiaalternate amd64 has a strangely low number of torrent seeds (specifically, I see 1 vs. >10 for all the other Kubuntu isos), if anyone has some extra bandwidth.21:09
neversfeldeofirk_: the new theme21:09
ofirk_here it is: http://violetech.org/kubuntu-website-screenshot-homepage2.png21:09
neversfeldeofirk_: thanks21:10
ofirk_Riddell:  I cleared the cache and tried from three different browsers and it is still not there21:11
ofirk_Riddell: I see it now!21:12
ofirk_Riddell: what did you do?21:12
Riddellofirk_: I think it's behind multiple proxies and they don't update at the same time21:14
nookie^could someone maybe upload default kde 4.4 wallpaper somewhere?21:22
amichairis it just me or is the homepage really slow to load?21:24
shtylmannookie^: you can get it from the kde svn21:26
ryanakcaRiddell: I'm back21:27
nookie^shtylman: yeah i know... problem is it will take me ages to find it there =)) thought someone had it already somewhere =)21:27
Riddellryanakca: you missed all the fun :)21:27
ryanakcaRiddell: (in reply to "presumably still out")21:27
ryanakcaYeah. Hurray for school! :)21:27
amichairdunno if it'll help, but perhaps the big image on the homepage can be saved as indexed palette instead of rgb - can save 150K21:28
shtylmannookie^: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase/workspace/wallpapers/Ethais/contents/images/21:37
nookie^shtylman: thank you!!! :)21:38
ofirk_neversfelde: what do you think about the new theme?21:46
neversfeldeofirk_: nice, although I do n ot understand, why news are not on the front page. Dynamic content should be on top21:47
amichairofirk_: when is ur new design going live?21:49
ofirk_neversfelde: the front page is more for the avarage user, which wants to see download links, general info, etc.21:50
ofirk_neversfelde: news as their place under /news21:50
ofirk_amichair: hopefully, next week21:50
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shtylmanneversfelde: the decision to make news less visible was made 2 UDSs ago iirc21:50
amichairofirk_: cool21:50
shtylmanthe goal was to focus more on marketing21:50
neversfeldeofirk_, shtylman: I know this argument, and I cannot agree, but this is again matter of taste :)21:51
shtylmanneversfelde: fair enough :)21:51
neversfeldeI have some links about community building somewhere, they are quite interesting and they all recommend to put dynamic content on the front page21:51
neversfeldeI think neverendingo from KDE forum gave them to me, I will search21:52
ofirk_neversfelde: you are right, for a community website this is the correct way of doing it21:52
neversfeldeofirk_: and kubuntu.org is no community website?21:52
amichairneversfelde: if u have links available, it would be interesting to read21:52
neversfeldeamichair: I do not have my passowrds available at the moment, I will post them here tomorrow, if I can find them21:53
amichairneversfelde: that would be great, thanks!21:54
ofirk_neversfelde: kubuntu.org is a website for marketing kubuntu21:54
ofirk_neversfelde: the wiki and the forums are more like community websites21:54
neversfeldeofirk_: mhh, it is a website which has at least a support section and whole community will first go to kubuntu.org to get their infos21:55
neversfeldeofirk_: and News about Kubuntu is a huge part of marketing, so I think they should be placed more prominent21:56
ofirk_neversfelde: most of the news are about new packages in PPAs or new software versions which really don't interest the avarage user21:56
ofirk_neversfelde: it does interest me and you21:57
ofirk_neversfelde: but we are devs (at least you :))21:57
neversfeldeofirk_: really? So we package only for advanced users? No, every advanced user knows where to look for new packages, the average user needs the info21:57
ofirk_neversfelde: the avarage user don't know a thing about packages21:58
ryanakcaneversfelde: But I don't think we want "average users" testing unstable packages.21:58
ofirk_neversfelde: he only wants to work on a stable and good looking OS21:58
claydohbut the user clamor for it, to be honest21:58
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claydohkde users seem to prefer using latest fresh stuff21:59
ryanakcaIf that unstable package happens from our PPA happens to wreck the "average user"'s system, they don't know how to fix it...21:59
ryanakcas/happens.*PPA/from our PPA/21:59
ofirk_claydoh: again, kde users are considered above avarage21:59
claydohI wouldn't say that is 100% true22:00
claydohbut it mostly is :)22:00
ofirk_claydoh: do you know someone which has nothing to do with computers?22:00
claydohor more willing to try things22:01
neversfelderyanakca: why not? We need every bug report and I think 80 % of them are reported by average users. I really think we should not treat our users like a child and gave them the infos they need and want.22:01
claydohmy wife, my boss, a number of employees22:01
ofirk_claydoh: take one of them and install him kubuntu22:01
ofirk_claydoh: and see how he uses it22:02
amichairclaydoh: all of the above should likely not try to install an alpha release or beta packages... they probably just want a stable system so they can get their work done22:02
ofirk_claydoh: I bet he will browse the internet, read email, play music and videos22:02
neversfeldeit is not a good idea to announce beta packages, but why should the average user not test a point release from updates ppa. A warning that the packages in this ppa are not as good as in the official archive should be enough22:02
ofirk_but don't install any packages22:02
neversfeldeor better not so much tested22:02
claydohneversfelde: +1 clearly labeled warnings are necessary22:03
ofirk_the average user is a person who?22:03
claydohperhaps the average *kubuntu* user, whoever that is :)22:04
amichairruns windows? :-P22:04
neversfeldeit is inconsistent either not show important infos to the average user, but on the other hand announce Amarok beta122:04
ofirk_imprtant info like what? (security announchments?)22:05
neversfeldeI think we should put the news on the front page as we did before and be a little bit more careful about what we announce22:06
* claydoh really should be working at work :(22:06
neversfeldeofirk_: important info for me is "KDE 4.4.3 packages available for Lucid"22:06
neversfeldewe could always show a warning that the packages are "only" in a ppa22:07
ofirk_neversfelde: this is for you, but what about the "dumb users"?22:07
ofirk_those who really don't care about PPAs and stuff (like Windows users)22:08
neversfeldeofirk_: no it is not for me, I usualy know, when there are packages in the update ppa :)22:08
amichairanother option might be to make the news small font on the side, rather than the old site whose homepage was entirely made of huge news items. That way only those who care will look at at.22:08
neversfeldeofirk_: well, they will never read the messages and never add the ppas and never update22:08
neversfeldeevery interested user should have the option to find what he's looking for22:09
ofirk_neversfelde: exactly. if we want users like those to move to kubuntu, we need to market ourselves differently22:09
neversfeldeprobably not the best time and place to discuss it22:10
ofirk_intersted users are a couple of levels above the average user (or win user)22:10
neversfeldeno, an average user can be an interested user22:10
neversfeldeand he should be22:10
neversfeldeand I really think that most users are interested22:11
neversfeldethey would not use Kubuntu, if they are not22:11
ofirk_neversfelde: you have a point22:12
ofirk_the news page is still a good place for intersted users22:13
ofirk_but the frontpage is another story22:14
ofirk_ look at kde.org22:14
ofirk_to my personal taste it is overcrowded22:14
neversfeldea good compromise would be great :)22:14
ofirk_and I consider myself an average kde user22:14
neversfeldeI think the "User of the day" is much less interesting then KDE 4.4.322:15
ofirk_it should be replaced by something else (forgot with what)22:16
neversfeldeofirk_: I am looking forward to the relaunch and probably we could discuss this again after it happened22:17
ofirk_neversfelde: sounds great22:18
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nookie^ofirk_: there?22:57
ofirk_nookie^: yep22:57
nookie^i have a homepage22:57
nookie^i mean a mock or idea22:57
ofirk_nookie^: ok, lets see22:57
nookie^just a sec22:58
nookie^ofirk_: here u go22:59
ulyssesnookie^: that's awesome22:59
nookie^ulysses: thanx22:59
ofirk_nookie^: looks good22:59
ofirk_nookie^:  I like the top background23:00
nookie^ofirk_: yeah it's quite okej since i did it in short period23:00
nookie^ahh that one yeah23:00
nookie^it's look nice23:00
ofirk_I think the button strip is over styled23:01
ofirk_it feels heavy23:01
nookie^that could be true yeah23:02
nookie^but my idea was to give focus on those 4 things23:02
nookie^since they were important23:02
ofirk_yeah, that sounds right23:03
ofirk_I guess they are things which can be further tuned23:04
nookie^i agree there23:04
ofirk_(I mean in the new theme...)23:04
nookie^but also here23:04
ofirk_yes :)23:04
nookie^things could be improved endlessly =)23:04
ofirk_that's true also :o23:05
ofirk_oops, wrong smiley23:05
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nookie^time to get some sleep. night ofirk_23:15
ofirk_good night23:15

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