
James147saintly: ^^ alt+tab... or click them on the task bar...00:00
wllkmbllWhen I do the restart it says "restart: Unknown instance:"00:03
James147saintly: o wait, on the netbook edition :) there is no task bar but if you click the "Current application" widget (and have desktop effects enabled) all the applications should display them selves in a grid00:04
James147wllkmbll: did you run "sudo service network-manager restart" as one command? (that error sounds like you ran "sudo service restart" instead)00:06
wllkmbllYes, it was one command00:06
James147wllkmbll: sorry miss read the error, let me just find a comp with network-manager on it, one sec00:07
James147wllkmbll: hmm that command does work here... what happens if you replace restart with stop?00:09
wllkmbllIf this isn't the best way to do it let me know. I'm just trying to figure out an easy way to connect to networks.00:09
James147wllkmbll: (then start to start it again)00:09
wllkmbllStop gave me "stop: Unknown instance:"00:10
James147wllkmbll: if knetworkmanager works using thats the eisiest, but if it dosnt nm-applet usually is (not sure why  your having that error though)00:10
James147wllkmbll: hmm00:10
James147wllkmbll: did you have wicd installed before you installed nm-applet?00:10
wllkmblland start gave me "network-manager start/running, process 13532"00:10
James147wllkmbll: ahh thats better00:11
wllkmbllYes, I was using wicd before this00:11
James147wllkmbll: now try running nm-applet00:11
wllkmbllit asked for my keyring password then nothing happened00:11
wllkmbllnvm, my prompt changed to nm-applet at the top00:12
James147wllkmbll: ahh yes, restart dosnt seem to work if the service insnt running in the first place :S it should be now though so nm-applet should work00:12
wllkmbllSo now that I'm running nm-applet, what do I do to access my networks?00:12
James147wllkmbll: wired or wireless?00:12
wllkmbllwireless, although I'm pluged into a wired right now to figure this out00:13
James147wllkmbll: you should beable to click (maby right click) on the icon to get a list of networks (not very fimilar with nm-applet though)00:13
muesliwhat's the difference between kdewallpapers and kdebase-workspace-wallpapers?00:15
* dominicdinada bangs head on keyboard00:15
wllkmbllWhere is the icon?00:15
James147muesli: I think one contains extra wallpapers (immages) and the other contains wall paper effects (virus/globe/etc..)00:16
James147wllkmbll: should be in your system tray00:16
wllkmbllWhen I ran nm-applet it didn't open anything, it change the konsole to nm-applet instead of bash00:17
James147wllkmbll: hmm, possibally click the (<) arrow think in the systray..00:18
wllkmbllDo you mean the kickoff window?00:18
James147wllkmbll: no, the system tray (the thing on the pannel that contains the volume, an (i) and various other things)00:19
djusticewllkmbll: kde3? and systray. is a plasmoid. 'add widgets' (if you dont already have one) (bottom-right?)00:20
djusticewllkmbll: also, does knetworkmanager not work for you? consider filing a bugreport if not. please. :)00:20
wllkmbllOh, the cashew looking-thing, and I think I'm using kde3 I honestly don't know00:21
wllkmbllknetworkmanager doesn't work for me, how do I submit a bug report?00:21
James147wllkmbll: go to any kde application > Help > about kde... should try you which version your running00:21
djusticewllkmbll: bugs.kde.org :)00:22
wllkmbllI'm in KDE 4.3.200:22
djusticewllkmbll: also, you must add a 'system tray' plasmoid before you start nm-applet. killall -9 nm-applet first. to make sure no runaways are hidden.00:22
djusticewllkmbll: try to include anything useful at all about your connection/setup/drivers/etc in the bugreport.00:23
wllkmbllok, nm-applet worked now, thanks00:24
wllkmbllSorry, my internet was off for a second. I was switching from wired to wireless. Nm-applet is working, but when I close the konsole window I used to open it nm-applet closes too00:31
Typos_Kingright-click on the desktop > run command > 'nm-applet'00:32
Typos_Kingyou ran an app from a terminal session, it became a child process and when the parent goes, so does the child00:33
wllkmbllAwesome thanks! And I can set this to run on startup, right?00:33
djusticewllkmbll: 'nm-applet' or 'nm-applet &' ?00:33
djusticewllkmbll: systemsettings->advanced->autostart :)00:33
wllkmbll'nm-applet' what does the and do00:34
djusticewllkmbll: spawns it as a seperate process. so that konsole doesnt 'own' it anymore. :)00:34
wllkmbllOh... that makes sense00:34
djusticewllkmbll: you can run any command like that. to return to a prompt rather than watch the commands output.00:34
wllkmbllOk, kool. Can I run nm-applet without a system tray? I really don't like the clutter from it00:35
djusticewllkmbll: no. nm-applet is a systemtray icon. :/ i would figure out why knetworkmanager doesnt work if i were you... nm-applet is 1998 :P00:36
wllkmbllKnetworkmanager never gave me the option to connect00:37
djusticewllkmbll: you can configure what icons the system tray plasmoid shows though. right-click it's empty space, 'configure system tray' -> autohide00:37
djusticewllkmbll: weird stuff. 4.4?00:38
wllkmbllKnowing my luck I probably messed something up, lol00:38
djusticewllkmbll: hm. maybe it's been fixed in 4.4.00:39
djusticewllkmbll: rm .kde/share/apps/networkmanagement -r && rm .kde/share/config/networkmanagementrc00:39
djusticewllkmbll: that will reset any knetworkmanager settings/twiddlings you might have done.00:39
st_jimmy1990hey anybody know where can i upload the screenshots that can be access from anybody, i want to get some help form them00:40
djusticeer. .kde4 maybe. rather than .kde. i dunno. :P00:40
djusticest_jimmy1990: lolwut? imagebin.ca?00:40
wllkmbllSo how can I make a system tray show only 1 icon?00:44
GaduIn Dolphin: How can I arrange by rows and still have text beside icons?00:44
Typos_KingGadu:     use Details view :)00:46
Typos_Kingwllkmbll:    I think  apps that load in the tray, have a setting NOT to00:46
Typos_Kingnot sure if that helps00:47
djusticewllkmbll: dunno :) under the configuration dialog?00:47
djusticekde4-config --version00:47
djustice^ lol00:47
GaduTypos_King: Details view does it by columns rather than rows and also restricts to only 1 column00:47
djusticeGadu: rightclick the column header00:47
djusticeGadu: there is also a columnview... not sure what its for..00:48
wllkmbllOk, I installed plasma-widget-networkmanagement, can I use it instead of nm-applet?00:48
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djusticewllkmbll: :? maybe. never used it. i imagine it must work for some people.00:48
Typos_Kingwllkmbll:  sure00:49
Gadudjustice: the grid arrange option in dolphin settings for Icons view has arrange by column and arrange by row. I want the way row arranges things but I want the text beside the icon like column has it00:49
wllkmbllI installed the package through synaptic, but I have no clue how to open the widget, it doesn't show up when I click add widgets.00:49
djusticewllkmbll: kbuildsycoca4 && kquitapp plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop ... maybe00:50
Gaduisn't there an option or a configuration I can change somewhere that will allow me to have text beside icons?00:50
djusticeGadu: im not understanding you. :P the columnheader under details view doesnt have a context menu?00:50
djusticeGadu: when i click 'details', the filename/size/mod-date are beside the icon...00:50
wllkmbllThat just made the desktop restart00:51
djusticewllkmbll: try the add widgets box again00:51
djusticewllkmbll: it updates the plasmoid list00:51
Gadudjustice: that isn't what I want, I want row sorting (icons show up left to right row by row from the top down)00:51
wllkmbllNope, it wasn't there00:51
Gadudjustice: but I can't seem to get that sorting without text below the icons00:52
Gadudjustice: details view sorts by column rather than row00:52
djusticewllkmbll: :?? weirdness. log out and back in maybe?00:52
djusticeGadu: and what does columns view do?00:52
Gadudjustice: sorts by column (top to bottom) instead of left to right00:53
Gadudjustice: I'm very against compromising with things in linux. so far I can either have the text where I want OR the sorting I want with dolphin, and I want both of what I want. ( I know other file browsers can do it so dolphin either needs to or I need the next recommended file browser for Kubuntu)00:54
djusticeGadu: i dunno. :D maybe you should post your usecase on the kde forums? im not understanding the situation...00:54
wllkmblllogging off and back on didn't work either00:55
djusticeGadu: konqueror cant do it?00:55
Gadudjustice: would screenshots help?00:55
Gadudjustice: I'll check00:55
djusticeGadu: maybe..00:55
djusticewllkmbll: hm. i dunno then. :/00:56
Gadudjustice: konqueror does it exactly the same as dolphin (settings section for it is the same and everything)00:56
Typos_KingGadu:    what about the 'icons' view?00:59
Typos_Kingno good?00:59
djusticeGadu: icons view, with 'settings->configure dolphin->view modes->column' option. :)01:00
djusticeGadu: i guess is what you mean.. lol01:00
Typos_KingI think he wants Grid arrangement by rows01:01
Gadudjustice: I used icons view with view mode column but it sorts them up and down instead of left to right. but it does put the text beside icons01:01
GaduTypos_King: exactly01:01
Typos_KingGadu:    not for me, then again, in the Icons View section, you can set the Grid > Arrangement to Rows01:02
Typos_Kingfor me is sorting horizontally01:02
GaduTypos_King: with text beside icons?01:05
Gaduhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/1289516/DolphinRow.png here is Dolphin by Row but it has text below icons01:05
Gaduhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/1289516/DolphinColumn.png here is Dolphin by Column but it's sorting vertically01:06
Typos_KingGadu:   no with text underneath it01:06
Gaduhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/1289516/Nautilus.png this is nautilus demonstrating what I want it to do01:06
Gadunote that with Dolphin's (seemingly) only option to have text beside icons, it will always use a horizontal scrolling bar as it's sorting vertically instead of horizontally01:08
Typos_KingGadu:   not... in dolphin, you can always install Nautilus though :)01:10
Typos_KingI use Krusader myself, doesn't do that, but is dual-pane which I use :)01:10
Gaduisn't running a gnome application in kde inefficient?01:10
Gadutechnically I have nautilus installed already as I have both ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop installed01:11
Typos_Kingis just loads/installs the libs it needs, no the whole suite01:11
Gaduseems a shame that I have to use gnome's file browser on my kde desktop just because it's lacking a feature --_--01:13
Typos_Kingmind you that's just cosmetics01:13
Typos_KingI bet many folks don't use nautilus and use something like midnightcommander01:14
GaduI guess I'll post the limitation on the forum and see if there is an advanced fix or if it could be added later01:14
Typos_Kingsoooo, different strokes for different folks01:14
Gaduit only has 2 of 4 option combinations01:15
natural_hi there i need some help I'm new to ubuntu01:15
GaduI consider file browsers that can only use details view to have a limitation as well01:15
Typos_KingI'd not call it a limitation, that's like saying my Car has the limitation that it can't vaccum my rug, or mow my lawn, is just not a feature that's considered for what it does, I mean, I can't use an iPhone as a shaver and that's not a limitation01:15
natural_can some one pick me up01:16
GaduI consider it a limitation because you have the 2 options of sorting methods and the 2 options for text orientation but can't choose them separately01:16
DerHorst_natural_: Just state your question01:16
natural_cool thanks...01:16
Typos_Kingnatural_:    <natural_> can some one pick me up  <---- I'd not try that in San Francisco    ^_^01:17
natural_ i just tool an update and now the system wont reboot unless i select the third line01:17
Gaduall they'd have to do is separate that pull down menu into 2 and it'd no longer be limited in that way01:17
natural_the update said something about 9 beta?01:18
Typos_KingGadu:  many if not most file managers, including windows explorer, do not have such feature, that I can recall, does that mean they're all defficient?    the glass is eithe half-full or half-empty you know01:19
natural_ i'm running 9.1001:19
Typos_Kingnatural_:    any errors when trying to boot 'normaly'?01:19
natural_nope just saids cant load kernal when i press any key goes back to the listing i choose 9.1001:20
Typos_Kingneedless to say I don't use icon view, mainly details and in Krusader01:20
natural_this is at the post screen01:21
GaduTypos_King: no need to take it as an attack, your correct when you say that windows explorer does it the same as dolphin. I wouldn't call a file browsers inability to show file previews a limitation as that is a feature. but when 2 file browsers have the same 2 features but one isn't capable of intermixing them, that is a limitation. Take it as my opinion and nothing more if you disagree01:21
Typos_KingGadu:  2 file managers?    I've  used quite a few, the only I recall  having that as default was Nautilus, for all I know thus far is the ONLY one that has that feature, nothing wrong with it, but I gather the consensus doesn't lean towards that enough for many to implement it01:23
wllkmbllHey, does anyone here have experience with the NetworkManager Widget?01:25
GaduTypos_King: so you define limitation only when outnumbered and I define it without the need to be outnumbered. the definition of limitation makes no mention of it requiring outnumbering in either direction so I have no reason to believe my interpretation is incorrect.01:25
saintly_i got an error, telling me that there was a low graphics error.01:25
saintly_but nothing is wrong so far, everythings workin fine01:25
Typos_KingGadu:  indeed, thus the glass is either half-full or half-empty, you say is half-empty I say is half-full, I may add both are valid claims, one no any better than the other, someone else will say is half-way from where it needs to be, things are relative, no global01:27
Typos_Kingsaintly_:    mind over matter, if you don't mind it, it don't matter :)01:27
GaduTypos_King: so why voice against my choice of wording in the first place? if things are indeed relative01:28
lontrahi i just installed the 10.04 rc and i know that 10.04 will be released tomorrow ... is there any reason to reinstall 10.04 tomorrow rather than just apt-get upgrade'ing?01:28
Typos_KingGadu:     well, I'd not say is a 'limitation', my iPhone can't shave me, is that a limitation? is just a 'suggested feature that a market may find useful'01:29
Dragnslcrlontra- nope, just apply updates as usual01:30
lontraDragnslcr: ok thanks01:30
Typos_Kinglontra:   I'd just ge the .iso, mind you many folks are going to be downloading it, so.... I assume you may encounter slow dl speeds, thus you may be better off getting it on sunday or so01:30
GaduTypos_King: again I state that is a feature or function of the device and having it or not having it is not a limitation. when 2 features are present but incapable of being intermixed, I consider that a limitation01:30
Typos_KingGadu:    but the same can be said about the Li-ion battery in an iPhone, it has enough juice to power a built-in motor for a dismountable shaver, so it has a feature that's lacking 'addons', I'd not consider it a limitation01:32
GaduTypos_King: my phone has the internet and the ability to make calls, but it is limited from using both at the same time. that is a limitation.01:34
Typos_Kingyour intermixing needs and wants01:34
Typos_Kingyou're rather01:35
GaduTypos_King: as for your phone having enough power for a shaver, I'm sure you could wire it up to one in some form or another and get it to power it. the fact that your phone doesn't have an attachable one is not a limitation01:35
Gaduhow are needs and wants relevant to the definition of limitation?01:35
Typos_KingI have a phone, it has about 80 options/settings, I use for 2 things, make a call, answer a call, anything after that is not a limitation by overdone for my 'needs'01:36
Typos_Kingso, it can't go online or it can, or do text, or can't, it don't matter to me either, just cuz it may lack it I don't consider it a limitation01:37
GaduTypos_King: you accuse me repeatedly of calling the lack of a feature a limitation when I only call limiting conditions limitations. such has having a feature but only under a specific condition01:37
Typos_KingGadu:     under those semantics, everything has limitations01:38
Gaduthe fact that it can go online BUT NOT during a call is a limiting condition01:38
zusonce i've down loaded the lucid iso, what do i use to burn it to disc?01:38
Typos_Kingzus:   a cd burner :)01:38
Typos_Kingwith an empty disk in it01:38
GaduTypos_King: are you trying to say there are limitless things?01:39
zusTypos_King,  check, and check...01:39
Typos_KingGadu:   no, just that your semantics of 'limitation' is too broad01:39
BiggFREEI used Nero01:39
Typos_KingI have a limitation myself, I only have 2 arms, I wish I had 6, hell I know I can use them01:39
GaduTypos_King: my interpretation of the definition of limitation is literal and nothing more01:40
Typos_KingGadu:   relative you mean, no literal, limitation has a connotation of 'defficient'01:40
zustypos when i got 9.04 and 9.10 i still had windows wich is what i use d to burn the iso with irreader.exe01:41
Typos_Kingso, I'm defficient, cuz I don't have 4 legs and 6 arms01:41
GaduTypos_King: literal as in by the book, I am not required to abide by connotations when taking something literally01:41
Typos_Kingzus:   you can burn it in windows, sure01:41
zusTypos_King,  ..wich program with kubuntu should i use?01:42
Dragnslcrzus- k3b01:42
Dragnslcrzus- should be in KMenu -> Multimedia01:43
Typos_KingGadu:   by the book?   whose book? the oxford, webster, urban dictionary, I mean, meanings change per locale, soooo, 'doing a fag' in england isn't the same in san francisco, soooo01:43
GaduTypos_King: Dolphin is capable of having text beside icons but not when sorting horizontally. that is, by definition, a limiting condition.01:43
Typos_Kingzus: yeah, kubuntu has k3b01:43
yurimxpxmanI'm getting a buzzing sound and clipping when I record the soundcard output in audacity. Any suggestions?01:43
GaduTypos_King: a limitation is exactly that, a limiting condition.01:44
zusTypos_King,  never tried it, thanks...01:44
saintlyBack again.01:45
saintlyim NUTS about this os now01:45
Typos_KingGadu:   to you alone is a limitation, relatively, yes, I myself have no use for that feature, thus I use Krusader which  I like and doesn't have it, but doesn't matter, for me it may lack some features I may find useful, but for what is meant to do, is good01:45
Typos_KingGadu:    I have enough hip room for 2 more legs, yet I don't have them, I guess that fits your view of 'limitation', I'd also like to fly, wings or otherwise, can't though, soooooo I have limitations, or just 'lacking features which a market may find useful'01:47
saintlyTypo, ur a nutcase arent you.01:48
Typos_Kingnyet komrade01:48
GaduTypos_King: for something to be a limitation, it doesn't require to effect everyone by any means. you refuse to see a, by definition, limitation, simply because it doesn't effect you. the limitation on my phone for internet during calls doesn't effect me as I don't need or want that ability but it's there non-the-less and is still, by definition, a limitation01:48
Typos_KingGadu:   can your phone shave you?  is not there is it? tsk tsk tsk, limited again01:49
GaduTypos_King: again you bring up the same thing I've told you repeatedly, having and not having a feature is not a limitation... having a feature but not under a specific condition is a limitation01:50
Typos_Kinga pencil does what a fence doesn't, is just a relative view01:50
Typos_KingGadu:    but dolphin does have the feature, it just doesn't have one you 'wish you had', and I think it's so by design, after careful UI usage and market considerations01:51
GaduTypos_King: Dolphin has both features I want but isn't capable of using them both at the same time, there is a difference01:52
Typos_KingI mean, I use Krusader and does many things dolphin doesn't, I don't consider dolphin 'defficient' for that01:52
saintlyMy penguin lost his tie.01:52
lontrahow can i make firefox the default web browser?01:53
saintlyset it to default when it opens?01:54
Typos_KingGadu:   if you took a Wrench and meant to use a Plier, is not the fault of either your lack of foresight,  is almost like blaming 'anyone else' for things I wish, rather than acknowledging that each have a usefulness niche01:54
GaduTypos_King: you put words in my mouth and pretend I think things that I definitely do not. you need to drop the extra crap and just argue against the ONE and only ONE thing I've been arguing "if something has a feature but not under a specific condition, that is a limition" I DO NOT believe that something lacking a feature altogether is a limiation01:54
GaduTypos_King: I'm also not saying that Dolphin REQUIRES the ability I request of it01:55
saintlyfail in advanced logic.01:55
GaduTypos_King: a limitation is by no means a problem that requires fixing, I just wish this particular one wasn't there01:56
claydohthis is getting too OT folks01:56
saintlyWe can wish what we want but bud, pigs dont fly01:56
Gadusaintly: I haven't been arguing that my wish will come true, only my interpretation of the definition of limitation01:56
Typos_KingGadu:   that's a relative view though, which goes no farther than you, same as for me, I just acknowledge such, rather than try to  say 'things should accomodate to my predilections', instead I just work with what I have, dolphin doesn't have features I wish, I use krusader :)01:57
Typos_KingGadu:    wasn't?  how do you know is not so by design?01:57
Typos_Kingas much as it's so in Nautilus01:57
tsimpsonwe have a lovely quiet channel, it's called #kubuntu-offtopic01:57
tsimpsonyou should use it01:57
GaduTypos_King: again, not arguing that dolphin must have the ability to use both features I want at the same time, just arguing the definition of limitation "Limitation: a limiting condition"01:58
wllkmbllI am trying to install something from the knosole, but I need an additional library. How do I add it?01:58
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:58
Typos_Kingright, under that semantics everything has limitations01:59
Typos_Kingclaydoh:    dropped :)01:59
claydohTypos_King: thanks01:59
GaduTypos_King: are you saying there are limitless programs or objects?01:59
Gaduand yes, I'll drop it too claydoh...01:59
claydohwllkmbll: what missing lib, and what app01:59
claydohTypos_King: Gadu: don't have to drop, just take it to another room :)02:00
wllkmblland I'm trying to figure out aircrack-ng02:00
Gaduclaydoh: he and I have completely different definitions of limitation and it couldn't be solved even with days of conversation on the topic, I was just becoming frustrated with his putting words in my mouth02:02
wllkmbllGadu: You just scared away the guy who was helping me :|02:04
tsimpsonwllkmbll: did you try installing libssl-dev?02:06
wllkmbllI don't know how, lol, I'm new to linux02:06
Gaduwllkmbll: sudo aptitude install libssl-dev02:07
Gaduare you compiling from source or installing the binary package?02:07
Gaduwllkmbll: you should just have to type sudo aptitude install aircrack-ng02:07
wllkmbllSource, I think.02:07
wllkmbllOk, now that I think I installed it do you know how to use it? Does it have a GUI?02:09
tsimpsonit's command-line only iirc02:10
Gaduthat is an excellent guide on using it02:10
GaduI apologize if some of the info is out of date, but I don't know of a better guide =P02:11
wllkmbllI know so little about this stuff that anything you can give me is great02:11
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rafa_hello, good night03:07
rafa_the sound in my kubuntu stopped working inside the browsers03:08
rafa_but it still works outside it03:08
rafa_I tried chrome and firefox03:08
rafa_I get no sound from sites like youtube or dailymotion03:08
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saintlyim right with you rafa03:11
saintlymines cutting off too03:11
rafa_is this a common issue?03:13
saintlyit is for me03:13
rafa_it's weird cause it works fine in amarok03:14
rafa_loud and clear03:14
saintlyi dont have anything outside browser to test sound on tho03:14
saintlyamarok, let me try ther03:14
rafa_yea, give it a shot03:14
rafa_you can get songs from jamendo03:14
rafa_from within amarok03:14
rafa_in case you don't have any mp3s, or oggs03:15
saintlyim downloading the database now03:16
markjwhere is 10.04 full release03:17
kwtmKontact (or Kmail) keeps crashing with some complaint about the Akonadi server.  Is this something I should reinstall or something?  KDE4 is useless to me without Kmail.03:18
Daughainmarkj: Not released till tomorrow?03:18
markjits the 29th today03:18
rafa_saintly: so, did you test the sound?03:19
markjwould i need to do a full install if i am using 10.04 RC03:19
markjor would it be just a apt-get dist-update03:20
kwtmmarkj: Hey, are you using a pre-10.04, too?  Any problems with KMail?03:20
markjjust having a look now03:20
markjwhat issue do you have with kmail03:21
kwtmmarkj: It starts up ok, finds all my old folders from KDE3, and then just as I decide to look around, it says: "Akonadi server problem" and a big long message, then shuts down.03:21
* _thegeek0100_ 03:21
saintlyi just tested sound03:22
markji was having that issue with the beta03:22
saintlynothing works03:22
saintlyhmm reboot brb03:22
markjhave not tested if its resolved with this release03:23
kwtmGotta go, but thanks for the info, markj03:23
markjI may go ubuntu instead kubuntu03:23
markjfinding kde unstable in some part03:23
saintlywe have sound ;)03:29
saintlyim set up on an internet radio so ill know when it dies03:30
rafa_saintly: so, did you just restart?03:36
scriptxthis is my existing xorg.conf:  http://pastebin.com/9s7TdYk6  all i want is to be able to output video to the second device (tv) in full screen.  i was advised i need not set this device up as another screen, though I am unfamiliar with how else to set it up.  any ideas?03:36
rafa_saintly: you still there?03:39
rafa_can someone help me with the 'no sound in browser' issue?04:03
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kerncoI have a logitech m705 mouse which has a thumb button that I'd like to map to the kwin present windows function.  Anyone know how I would do this?  As far as I can tell my system doesn't even realize this button exists.04:31
rosco_ycan anyone tell me what I might do to restore my audio, which just "suddenly" disappeared?04:35
rosco_yMy system sounds work (i.e., the login sounds)04:35
rosco_ybut things like youtube and pandora are silent04:35
rosco_yand my sound recorder04:36
rosco_yeverything looks fine in alsamixer04:36
rosco_yand I've got the volume turned up04:36
kerncoIs PCM muted or turned down in the mixer?04:37
thegeek0100I had to install padevchooser to get my sound working04:37
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
kwtmWhat in [insert impolite word here] is Akonadi, and why does KDE4 hate me so much!????05:11
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jon_hey frenando\05:16
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jon_i need some help in trying to access a specific room and I am  new to this IRC client05:17
jon_can someone please help me figure this out?05:17
jon_can someonme please help me figure out how to fimd a specific room???05:22
snarkfishis it safe to use the fglrx driver now?05:27
ansongi was able to get one of my pc's audio working. but the same fix doesn't work on my laptop. can someone help me get audio working? KDE SC 4.4.2, Dell Latitude e650005:29
ansongok, is it possible to completely remove pulseaudio? would i need to replace it with anything?05:33
kwtmneed help. What is the reason for the error message "Akonadi control process not registered at D-Bus."?  Do I just type "sudo akonadi" to start it, or what?05:40
moromethegoodmorning all05:42
alakoook apparently 10.04 is published today05:55
alakooI'm running 9.04 64 and win7 32 on dual-boot, wonder if apt-get dist-upgrade will leave things working or whether I'll just be shooting myself in my leg05:56
moromethei`m running 10.0405:56
moromethebeta 205:56
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robinking623any one who has the random paste problem with middle mouse?06:12
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blackgrazcan i get support for kubuntu netbook remix here?06:33
kwtmHi!  I am switching to KDE4 and have a question.06:41
borncrusaderlooking forward to lucid..06:43
rwwkwtm: feel free to ask :)06:43
kwtmrww: Thanks! What is akonadi, and how can I make it stop making my KMail crash?06:44
rwwkwtm: It's the storage backend database thing in KDE. Do you have a bug report or error message or something for the crash?06:45
kwtmrww: Yes, it's in http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/w11EvAEc06:46
kwtmrww: It says something about Akonadi couldn't connect to the DBus or something.  So, this KMail thing is humming along nicely, able to retrieve email, etc. then suddenl BAM!  Akonadi is throwing a temper tantrum so KMail decides it can't live without Akonadi, and packs up and leaves.06:47
kwtmrww: I'm still looking for where to modify the KDE4 setting for "Make User Miserable".06:48
blackgrazim running kubuntu 9.10 and i wanna setup dual lcds i have one plugged into the onboard intel card06:48
blackgrazthe other is plugged into a nvitia card06:48
rwwkwtm: Looks like the actual errors start at line 286. I'm guessing there might be a problem with your /home/kwtm1/.local/share/akonadi/ directory, like incorrect permissions or something.06:50
kwtmrww: Will check.  Thx.06:50
kwtmrww: I think that's the key.  I symlinked it to an already existent KDE3 directory, so I'll create a new directory.06:54
kwtmrww: help!  What the heck is this? ""akonadiserver" crashed too often and will not be restarted!"06:57
kwtmDoes that mean akonadiserver has gotten too impatient with my bumbling and will no longer be nice to me?06:57
rwwpretty much. I haven't seen that message before :|06:57
kwtmFer crying out loud.  Do I need to reboot this thing, then?  I feel like I'm using Windows.06:58
rwwlog out and back in again? iono06:58
* rww isn't a KDE4 expert :(06:58
kwtmOkay, see you after the reboot.06:58
* kwtm hates kde406:58
kwtmKDE4 hates kwtm, too.06:58
dominicdinadawhat is the release party channel ?07:02
kwtmwell this is incredible --it still has "akonadi server crashed too often" --I think this is a failsafe loop that prevents akonadi from being restarted 100 times a second, for example.  Something's still wrong, rww.07:04
Torchkwtm: it is.07:04
kwtmIt's still showing that it can't create test file, so I'll check that.07:04
Torchkwtm: here's the troubleshooting guide if you haven't seen it: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting07:05
rwwI'm out of my element :(07:05
kwtmTorch: Apparently the guide does not cover my version of the hatred KDE4 has for me.07:12
kwtmTorch: It looks like Akonadi is not starting because MySQL is not starting.  It says it's missing a required config file.07:13
Torchkwtm: i think the guide has that.07:14
Torchkwtm: also, it's not a KDE4 problem. it's a kubuntu-misconfiguration.07:14
kwtmTorch: Yeah, I figured that.  I thought Kubuntu would be at least stable enough to use KMail.  Anyway, apparently I have to install the MySQL package,07:15
Torchkwtm: "DB error: 'Could not open required defaults file: /home/$username/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf" -- do you get this?07:15
kwtmTorch: Ah, yes, I was just coming to that --I had been searching for "could not create test file ....$hostname.lower-test"07:16
kwtmTorch: THANK YOU!  Akonadi is up and running!  You were right --it WAS Kubuntu and the way AppArmor was set up --who would have thunk..... :P07:18
Torchkwtm: we've all been through that when 4.4 came out... i just uninstalled apparmor, it's not very useful anyway07:19
kwtmThank you torch.  I guess I should get off my butt and file a bug report or something...07:20
Torchkwtm: not very useful if it's against karmic.07:20
Torchkwtm: and i do hope the kubuntu guys fixed the setup for lucid07:20
kwtmTorch: I'm using Lucid.07:21
Torchkwtm: ouch.07:21
kwtmYou know, I really really had high hopes for this Operation Timelord.  I really really hoped the LTS version of Kubuntu wouldn't suck.  I still hope it doesn't.  But ... man.07:22
Torchkwtm: well, the apparmor thing is annoying, but once you've fixed it, it's just gone.07:22
Torchkwtm: so nothing to worry much about.07:22
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kwtmYeah.... I actually have to configure two other systems with KDE4 (I've been dragged screaming and kicking from KDE3).   Anyway, thanks very much for the pointer.  I wouldn't have concentrated on that error message since a whole bunch of other error messages also appeared.07:23
Torchkwtm: there's no reason to scream and kick when using KDE407:24
Torchkwtm: it's _different_07:24
Torchkwtm: but it's also better than KDE3 in many, many ways.07:24
kwtmTorch: That's my complaint: it's *different*, and so all that time I invested in KDE3 is now kaput.  I wrote a billion scripts using DCOP which I now have to redo using DBUS.  And I can't even remember all the places I've used DCOP.07:24
Torchkwtm: agreed, if you've done things like that for kde3 it can be painful.07:25
kwtmTorch: I liked Linux because, unlike MS Win, it doesn't FORCE you to upgrade (HA HA Ha Ha ha ha)07:25
Torchkwtm: but dbus again is a lot better than dcop, so it's also worth it.07:25
kwtmI liked KDE because you can configure it any way you want (HA HA Ha Ha ha ha)07:25
Torchkwtm: backward compatibility isn't one of the stronger points of the linux ecosystem. that's in fact something where MS shines.07:26
kwtmTorch: I don't mind using DBUS.  I just mind having to switch over all of a sudden.  No DCOP->DBUS transition?  :P07:26
Torchkwtm: well, that dcop was going to be phased out was first decided i think in 2006 or so...07:26
kwtmTorch: Yeah, but using legacy Linux *is* one of its strong points.  I can put Linux on some 386 and it will run.  Unfortunately, it won't run in the same way as on the Centrino Duo.07:27
kwtmTorch: THat's why I'm switching over now, when I have a few weeks to transition.  I've put off this transition for a year (thank god --I never expected it to take this long).07:27
kwtmI've installed this thing for a week now and I have just started getting email. :P07:27
Torchkwtm: hmm, sounds bad.07:27
kwtmTorch: Part of it is I'm trying to ease the transition.  I had symlinked many KDE3 settings files, so I tried to use those for KDE4, and for the most part it worked.07:28
Torchkwtm: why do you do that?07:29
kwtmTorch: Because I believe in incremental change.  I still have KDE3 dualboot-installed on this box, so if I hose one installation, I get up and running with another.  So everything's symlinked to the data drive.  Also makes for easy backup.07:30
Torchkwtm: note that you can NOT use the same config for kde3 and kde407:30
Torchkwtm: it might look like it works, but it really won't07:30
Torchkwtm: many kde4 apps will silently convert the config files if they find them to be kde3 versions07:31
kwtmTorch: Oh, great.  Well, I have separate copies for the ones that are really precious.  I have a separate copy of my email (1.5G) just in case Kubuntu Luser's Lynx flops.  But hope this akonadi hurdle is passed and I can use it...07:32
Torchkwtm: if it turns out not to be usable it won't be due to KDE407:33
Torchkwtm: the really bad problems are with kernel and drivers, not the DE07:33
kwtmTorch: Yeah, I really got turned off with Kubuntu, but I don't want to abandon the Ubuntu ecosystem since it has the most critical mass (and also I invested a lot learning that ecosystem).07:36
kwtmOkay, KMail works.  I'll have to see if I can port my identities file over...07:37
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kwtmthank you again Torch.  Everything seems okay.  I have now gotten to the point where I probably *won't* need to dual boot back into KDE3 for at least 24 h , which is a milestone.  Anyway... the trek to KDE4 continues.07:47
Torchkwtm: yw. remember there's also #kde for truly kde-specific questions.07:49
kwtmDoes the KDE4 taskbar automatically switch to 2 rows if it's full enough?  Or do I have to set it?07:49
kwtmTorch: I tried there.  I heard the echo of my own voice.   It was so quiet there, you could hear the electrons scurrying around.07:49
Torchkwtm: it's normally not all that quiet.07:49
Torchkwtm: no, the panel does not resize itself.07:50
Torchkwtm: you have lots and lots of flexiblity with panels and widgets in plasma that you did not have in kde3. it takes time to set that up in a way that suits your workflow best.07:50
kwtmTorch: Is there a good guide "intro to KDE4 for KDE3 users" that is NOT based on KDE v4.0.0alpha?07:52
zoggyhey, any idea why there is no kubuntu on lucid?07:53
Torchkwtm: i dunno, but probably not really.07:54
kwtmzoggy: There is kubuntu on lucid.  I'm using it.  Did I misunderstand you?07:59
zoggyoh dear sorry kwtm i meant why there is no kdevelop on lucid07:59
zoggymoron alert07:59
jony_could someone tell when it will be  available the final version of kubuntu 10.04?08:11
moetunesjony_: today some time - someone in #ubuntu+1 will know or it will be in the topic08:12
zoggyhi, is there anything i can do to help push kdevelop into 10.04?08:13
zoggy'cause it will seriously suck if it doesn't get in there08:13
zoggyit's been rocking lately - it makes anything else feel like kissing your sister08:14
RnFstRuckHrdI am tingling with anticipation? How long until I can upgrade?08:15
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moetunesRnFstRuckHrd: there's a hint about that in the channel topic08:16
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eristik|huginnanyone else procrastinating in the middle of the night?08:17
RnFstRuckHrdmoetunes - sorry, I did not realize that I have to hover over the topic bar in Quassel to see the entire topic. I hate to be that guy that asks dumb Qs :-S08:18
RnFstRuckHrderistik|huginn - I am :-p08:19
moetunesRnFstRuckHrd: everybody does at some stage :]08:19
RnFstRuckHrdlol - I thought I grew out of it. A sobering moment of getting on top of that learning curve always help though ;-)08:19
Torchzoggy: it's indeed strange that there seems to be no kevelop package for lucid.08:26
Torchzoggy: on the other hand, the "official" ubuntu packages of kdevelop for karmic were so horibly outdated you could not use them anway08:27
zoggyTorch: yes, those ones were pretty average, but the latest release is seriously one of my favourite things about kde08:27
moetunesmaybe kdevleop isn't under developement anymore?08:28
zoggyit's something i want to show off to other developers08:28
Torchmoetunes: oh, it sure is.08:28
Torchhttp://blogs.fsfe.org/drdanz/?tag=kdevelop -- here's where i get my karmic packages.08:28
zoggyi've tried so many editors and nothing comes close to their latest offering08:28
* Torch wouldn't be surprised if the guy also provides lucid packages soon-ish08:28
zoggyeclipse = butt slow, kate = great but bare bones, netbeans = more of the same klunky non-kde-integrated stuff, kdevelop = seamless, fast, smooth, fun to develop in.08:30
zoggyok, i believe i've made my point08:30
moetunesfor lucid08:31
zoggymoetunes: thanks, i'll use those for now08:31
zoggyre the fact that there's no kdevelop in lucid thus far, one of the guys on the kdevelop channel are saying "blame the kubuntu developers for not updating it". 1) is this correct? 2) how can we get past this and make sure we add kdevelop as i really believe it enhances our offering to the market?08:59
moetunesthere is #kubuntu-devel - they might have an answer zoggy09:00
zoggyaha! thanks moetunes09:05
moetuneshappy to help :]09:06
Squeakmornin' everyone09:14
SqueakI have a stupid question :)09:15
Squeakif I install the RC now, and then update later when the actual release has been made, i'll have the full version as if I waited for the release and installed that, correct?09:16
dimahello, everyone. Is it possible to join a jabber conference with kopete?09:16
moetunesSqueak: yep09:17
Squeakthankyou, just wanted to make sure :D09:17
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu presense needed in #ubuntu-release-party | Download Kubuntu 9.10: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu | KDE 4.3.5 in backports | KDE SC 4.4 in the Kubuntu Backports PPA: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.2 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidel
Riddelltopicdiff: Kubuntu presense needed in #ubuntu-release-party09:51
charutobom dia pessoal09:53
moetunesdid he just swear and leave? :]09:54
=== carlos is now known as Guest46490
artemioshey folks!10:15
artemiosHow can i disable that fucking touchpad tapping?10:15
artemiosanybody can help?10:16
moetuneswrong channel to swear in artemios ...10:17
eristik|huginnartemios- i taped a metrocard to it with cellotape10:18
eristik|huginnany plastic floppythin transit card will work10:18
eristik|huginnor like, an old student ID, laminated picture of your cat, whatever :)10:19
moetunesif you make a xorg.conf you can set it in there10:19
eristik|huginni think my hardware off state isn't supported. the kb key does nothing10:19
eristik|huginni've only edited xorg.conf in fbsd, also, so i'm wary of touching it :)10:20
SandGorgoni'm using this lightweight clipboard app called qlipper instead of klipper. How do I make sure qlipper starts on KDE startup ?10:20
eristik|huginnalready i've found that the zshrc file does not behave the same, though fstab basically does10:21
eristik|huginnartemios- trust me, a thin plastic card and a couple tape loops work great10:22
eristik|huginneasier than xorg.conf by far if you haven't ever edited it10:22
th3seaw0lfhi people...10:22
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tokoronaSo  I have another problem - the sound has stopped working entirely. Checking mplayer -ao oss/ -ao alsa returns nothing, and as far as I can tell from a look at alsamixer and the pulse audio control, nothing is muted.10:33
tokoronalspci shows the device and lsmod shows it10:34
tokorona*the module10:34
tokoronaWhat should I look at next?10:34
moetunesdoes   aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav   return anything10:36
moetunestokorona: ^^10:36
tokoronaIt just says playing (details)10:37
tokoronathen drops to prompt. No sound comes out10:37
moetunestry running   alsaconf10:37
tokoronacommand not found10:38
moetunesalsactl then10:39
tokoronaasks me to specify command10:39
moetunesor type in   alsa   and hit the tab button twice to check10:39
tokoronaalsa asks me to do something10:40
moetunesalsa tab tab ?10:40
tokoronaOh, sorry.10:40
tokoronaalsa /alsactl /alsamixer10:40
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tokoronaOKay, I'm an idiot10:43
tokoronaI found out what was wrong10:44
tokoronaI thought it might have been my headphones so I went to switch them out..10:44
moetunesohh what was it?10:44
tokorona.. and found it was unplugged.10:44
moetunesheh :]10:44
tokoronaplugged htem in and sudddendly aplay works again10:44
* tokorona checks to see if pulse does10:44
moetunesthere you go then - a hardware error not software :]10:44
tokoronaand mplayer -ao pulse works fine10:45
moetuneswell done10:45
tokoronasorry for bothering you about it10:45
moetunesI just naturally it was software - I learnt something10:45
moetunesnp :]10:46
=== nicholas is now known as Guest44777
Guest44777whens 10.04 coming out?10:51
moetunessometime today - there is #ubuntu-release party Guest4477710:52
calumayoomy laptop displays a purely dark screen after i close the lid... need to turn it off forcefully before it can be worked again on... mind to help me? thanks a million :)10:57
calumayoomoetunes: were you talking to me? i cant get it?11:00
moetunescalumayoo: I was looking for a link the bot would give - it doesn't have one for hibernation tho - sorry11:02
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins11:02
calumayoooh i get it11:02
calumayooim still hoping though that someone would help me with my problem11:04
moetunescalumayoo: some more info pls - kubuntu version and laptop model and amount of swap pls11:05
calumayookarmic koala 9.10 dell latitude d505 1.2 gig11:07
calumayoomy ram's just 51211:07
moetunesI don't do hibernation - maybe someone who does will speak up...11:08
calumayoooh, nvmd that... another question though... i want to know if my laptop is 64 bit or 32 bit... i searched the net which instructs me to use uname -a... this what comes out Linux calumayoo-laptop 2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 05:23:09 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux11:16
calumayoonvmd..found it..11:21
moetunescalumayoo: does   lsb_release    return anything?11:22
Vgei686 means 32bit11:31
moetunesthnx Vge11:33
calumayooyeah... but another blogsite said that this check was only for the kernel and no the cpu itself11:36
MamarokVge: what makes you think that?11:36
calumayooanyone knows a way to check this out?11:36
Mamarokcalumayoo: cat /proc/cpuinfo should tell you your CPU11:37
calumayoook thanks11:37
calumayooprocessor       : 011:39
calumayoovendor_id       : GenuineIntel11:39
calumayoocpu family      : 611:39
calumayoomodel           : 911:39
calumayoomodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1300MHz11:39
FloodBotK3calumayoo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:39
calumayoostepping        : 511:39
VgeMamarok: might be that my head is frozen, somehow my mind stated it would be so, i guess my memory faild me?11:39
calumayoomamarok: procesor: 0 , what it means?11:39
Vgefirst one if you have meny11:40
calumayoook... its 32....thanks.11:42
MamarokVge: i686 only tells you the processor family, not the bitrate11:43
VgeMamarok: are there processor familys that work on different bitrates?11:49
MamarokVge: well, yes the Celeron or the Pentium family, both have 32 or 64 bit processors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_microprocessors11:52
Mamarokand that is only for Intel chips11:52
VgeMamarok: good to know, thnx12:00
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu presence needed in #ubuntu-release-party | Download Kubuntu 9.10: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu | KDE 4.3.5 in backports | KDE SC 4.4 in the Kubuntu Backports PPA: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.2 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidel
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uikxxwhat time wel the ubuntu LTD come out ?12:35
moetunesisitout | uikxx12:36
moetunes!isitout | uikxx12:36
ubottuuikxx: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:36
uikxxrelease party ? usa time or what12:38
moetunesuikxx: there's no set hour usa time or utc12:39
uikxxyes it is12:39
uikxxor LA Time12:39
moetunesyes it is what?12:39
uikxxor NY time :)12:40
moetunesuikxx: type /j #ubuntu-release-party and ask there12:40
uikxxyes it time differences12:40
saintlygood morning12:53
Firekrackerbin ich da?12:56
Mamarok!de | Firekracker12:57
ubottuFirekracker: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:57
saintlymy sound wont play in amarok13:01
saintlynever used it before, maybe im doing somethin wrong?13:01
putt1cksound working elsewhere?13:01
putt1cklike for KDE sounds?13:01
shadeslayersaintly: ok have you tried setting all channels to high in kmix?13:02
saintlyShadeslayer: no i havet, how do i get to kmix?13:03
shadeslayersaintly: press alt+f2 and type kmix13:03
moetunesI remember seeing other folk with the same issue and it was a setting in amorok I don't remember which tho13:04
saintlyShadeslayer: all the sound is up in Kmix13:06
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shadeslayersaintly: do you have all the channels enabled?13:07
saintlyhow od i do that?13:07
shadeslayersaintly: and other apps output sound correctly?13:08
markithi, kubuntu 10.04, monitor 1920x1080, worked fine, then I updated the system for some days using a different monitor, now I've re-plugged the 1920x1080 but does not get the full resolution anymore, and randr -q does not show it either... any clue? A known bug? (I'm at work now and I can't test, but maybe I can find people here now that are not when I connect from home)13:08
saintlyforefox has sound13:08
shadeslayersaintly: settings > channels > drag all channels to the left column13:08
=== Guest25928 is now known as TnEt
||arifaXI want to sync quassel-irc config files. do you know, where all my settings exactly live? I checked quasselrc quasselcore.conf and quasselclient.conf I could not find eg. channel settings there13:09
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
saintlythere is no channels selection under settings?13:09
||arifaXsaintly: I speak of the files13:10
||arifaXI want to use Dropbox to sync my computers quassel-irc settings but not syncing the quassel-storage.sqlite13:10
Torch||arifaX: there is, i think, #quassel13:11
saintlyi speak of channels. MY sound in Amarok doesnt work.13:11
||arifaXsaintly: k understand13:11
shadeslayersaintly: click on the speaker icon > Mixer > Settings > Config. channels13:13
shadeslayer( speaker icon in systray )13:13
saintlyand i want all items selected ?13:14
shadeslayersaintly: yes13:15
=== shadeslayer is now known as kshadeslayer
saintlyshadeslayer: still no luck.13:19
saintlyfirefox still streams youtube fine.13:19
kshadeslayersaintly: which amarok and kubuntu version?13:20
saintlythe newest amarok, kubuntu netbook 9.1013:22
kshadeslayersaintly: hm.. well can you try playing the song via dragon? ( video player )13:23
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saintlyidk. im playing an internet ipodradio thru amarok right now, i cant figure out how to sync my13:24
kshadeslayersaintly: oh well thats easy,just right click on any song and click copy to > <Device name>13:25
kshadeslayerworks both ways,ipod to HD and vice versa13:25
kshadeslayersaintly: also you might want #amarok,they can help better13:25
saintlybut my ipod doesnt even show up in disk utility13:26
kshadeslayersaintly: its not in disk utility,it should show up in amarok too :)13:27
saintlywhere would i find it in amarok?13:30
kshadeslayersaintly: on the left...13:31
kshadeslayersaintly: i think its under collection13:31
kshadeslayeror local music...13:31
saintlylocal music, 0 tracks.13:32
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saintlyPlaying: <b>Recorder Suite In A Minor</b> by <b>Telemann</b> on <b>Mostly Classical - S K Y . F M - Listen and Relax, it&apos;s good for you! www.sky.fm</b> (0:00)13:38
kshadeslayersaintly: does your ipod show up there>13:38
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saintlyno it doesnt13:38
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kshadeslayer!ipod | saintly13:40
ubottusaintly: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:40
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saintlyso should i switch to amarok 2.3?13:48
shadeslayersaintly: you said you had the latest amarok13:51
saintlyi guess i was wrong, i just saw 2.3 online13:51
shadeslayersaintly: :)13:53
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pookitodudes, so at what time the kubuntu will be release to the public?13:54
pookitofor real, one more day13:54
pookitoI thought it was today13:54
pookitobut it is ok13:55
Landgraf_Chelwho haves screnshots new kubuntu?13:55
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shadeslayerLandgraf_Chel: its the same as karmic....13:56
shadeslayerapart from newer apps and stuff13:57
shadeslayerawesome systray though :)13:57
Landgraf_Cheland buttons? left side?13:57
Landgraf_Chelin windows?13:58
shadeslayerLandgraf_Chel: nope,kubuntu tries to be as vanilla kde as possible13:58
shadeslayeralthough i must admit gnome looks good,i can actually compare it to KDE now...13:58
shadeslayerthough KDE still wins :P13:58
putt1ckmy 87 year old aunt is already using Lucid :)14:05
calumayoois it out already?14:06
fso3hsbf5prateek: hehehe...14:06
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Landgraf_Chelwhat is good a download manager? kget don't provide to edit filepath14:09
Landgraf_Chelfor reload from letitbit i need edit filepath14:10
shadeslayerLandgraf_Chel: wget :P14:11
calumayoowhat do i do after i enter sudo apt-get update14:16
sergiusrfhi all14:16
sergiusrfwere u doing guys?14:17
Sbaragnauswaiting LL14:17
sergiusrfu country guys pls?14:17
sergiusrfbb )))14:18
sergiusrfwhu rus?14:21
Landgraf_Chelsergiusrf: i'm rus14:22
sergiusrfkak s tobou soedinitc9?14:22
Landgraf_Chelsm lichku14:23
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:24
amichairon lucid, "E: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate" - what's wrong?14:26
Benkinoobyhi there. what is the difference when i run "strigiclient" from commandline and when i run the strigi indexing with the nepomuk-taskbar-symbol? it seems that the one from commandline is much faster. but are both of them wiriting to the same index?14:27
calumayoowhen i installed linux mint on my laptop i made 4 partitions for /, swap, /home, /usr... i then switched to kubuntu and reformatted my swap and / only... i still have the remaining partitions but they seem to be not related anymore to my current os.. can i just reformat them?14:30
* marcus_ waves14:38
calumayooto me?14:42
amichaircalumayoo: if u have a question, just ask it, and hopefully someone here will be able to help14:44
calumayooyeah... ive been waiting for someone to help14:45
amichairit's a bit quiet here today...14:45
marcus_everyone's in #ubuntu-release-party. :P14:52
calumayooyeah amichair.... wish there's someone here to help :(14:52
marcus_What's up?14:53
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:56
changlehow to upgrade from 9.1014:57
jimmy51_is 10.04 not out yet?14:57
jimmy51_i thought today was the day...14:57
jimmy51_kubuntu.org's countdown says 1 day left.14:57
calumayoomarcus: just some simple problem... i think. :) can you help me?14:59
calumayoojimmy51: yeah i thought so... ive been waiting for the release. yesterday it said 1 day. today its still 1 day...15:00
marcus_calumayoo: Just call out the problem in future. :)15:01
f4b10_hi there15:03
calumayoohello :)15:03
f4b10_i'm having troubles trying to build pycrypto, someone can help me?15:03
BadMuppetreposerities have it15:04
marcus_What I would do (in order): sudo apt-get build-dep prcrypto15:05
marcus_sudo apt-get source --build pycrypto15:06
marcus_That will pull in the build dependancies of pycrypto and then pull the source and build it.15:06
f4b10_uhm, my problem is that i have kubuntu 9.10, with python 2.6, but my project uses python 2.515:06
f4b10_so i am trying to build pycrpypto from sources, but it gives to me some errors i dont understand15:07
marcus_I don't do much building myself, sorry.15:07
f4b10_first it wanted python 2.5 dev, i did install them ok15:08
f4b10_aaargh ok now it works: python 2.6 is the default version on ubuntu 9.10, i installed python 2.5 ok, but i did build pycrypto without addressing full python 2.5 path15:13
f4b10_thank you all15:13
new_bember_where the links?15:14
calumayoois it okay. to upgrade to kde 4.4 and use it in Kubuntu 9.10?15:16
Torchcalumayoo: yes15:16
calumayoohow do i do it?15:16
KottizenWhen does it come? :D15:21
mistryniteshis it out?15:21
KottizenNo :/15:21
marcus_Comes out when 1000 people join #ubuntu-release-party apparently.15:22
marcus_OK, I don't think so, but can't hurt :P15:22
Tm_Tmarcus_: that's false15:23
Kottizenmarcus_: thx15:23
amichairon lucid, apt-get says "E: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate" - what's wrong?15:30
TommyThaGunIs there a single way to change the look of KDE instead of changing one little aspect at a time?15:36
marcus_TommyThaGun: In short, no.15:39
marcus_TommyThaGun: There's lots of things you might want to change the appearance of.15:39
TommyThaGunthat's tough15:39
TommyThaGunright, ans I appreciate that, but it's tough to go through everything tweaking them to get it looking right15:39
TommyThaGunI would just like to have one starting point, like change it all to Abadadoo theme, then tweak it a bit to my preference15:40
marcus_TommyThaGun: Well, that starting point is probably System Settings --> Appearance --> Style.15:41
marcus_TommyThaGun: And if you don't like the colours, there's a bunch of colour themes in Appearance --> Colours.15:41
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Benkinoobyhi there. what is the difference when i run "strigiclient" from commandline and when i run the strigi indexing with the nepomuk-taskbar-symbol? it seems that the one from commandline is much faster. but are both of them wiriting to the same index? the one from commandline indicaes a indexfile size of 300 MB!!! see http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/5349/strigi.png15:56
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JuJuBeeWhen is 10.04 due out?  Thought it was yesterday...16:00
Squeaktoday sometime16:02
SqueakI have an odd question, if anyone can help16:03
BeteNoirehi, is there any particular reason kubuntu 9.04 does not mount usb memory automatically?16:03
Squeaki've just installed 10.04 RC on my work laptop, and i'm using an encrypted home directory16:03
Squeakis there any way I can change the UID of my account?16:03
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TorchSqueak: you're aware of how you'd do that without an encrypted home?16:07
SqueakTorch: yeah, it would be really easy16:08
Squeaki'd just change the UID in /etc/passwd and then recursively chown my home directory back to my ownership16:08
TorchSqueak: right.16:08
TorchSqueak: i have no idea how ubuntu implement an encrypted home, but if it's just mounted with pam_mount you could probably get away with the same procedure.16:09
Squeaki'll have a look into how they do it16:11
seeking_1004ok I just got here so would have missed any previous announcements16:19
seeking_1004Is Kubuntu 10.04 due out for download today or not?16:19
seeking_1004It is the 29th :/16:19
Piciseeking_1004, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party16:20
seeking_1004thanks Pici16:20
SqueakTorch: worked it out, cheers :)16:26
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sverrehello.. I have 70 torrents seeding in deluge.. I would like to transfer them all to ktorrent without having to add them one by one..16:37
Rahula59can somebody help me on codeblocks ?16:40
r0xzhi, when will you release the next version?16:49
calumayoowho of you here prefer aptitude than apt-get?16:49
florenceHello, Somebody knows whether 10.04 is out?16:49
florenceI - aptitude!16:50
Piciflorence, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party16:50
calumayooreally? is it better for you?16:50
florenceyes, aptitude - better. 10.04 - It's the 29th16:50
florencewaiting from a month16:50
r0xzflorence: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:51
florencewell, yeah I'm there16:51
florenceit says today16:51
calumayooyeah.. but no specific time...16:51
r0xzguess at the end of the day16:51
florenceand at the kubuntu.org still says one day, as yesterday16:52
r0xzyeah, but 1/2 day does not really makes it better i guess16:52
machine__its my first time sing kubuntu16:52
machine__hwo do you guys feel about it16:52
florencewhat time is it in your city, it's 17:50 here16:52
florencemachine__: It's great16:53
machine__ita 11.52pm here16:53
machine__florence:  thanks16:53
tokoronaW... urr, sorry, wrong button.16:53
machine__but im nto being able to connect to other servers16:53
r0xzin the Netherlands it' s 17:5316:53
florencesame zone, i'm in italy16:53
machine__im from bangladesh16:53
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties16:54
machine__i have a server of my own which im not being able to connect16:54
machine__can anyone help me regarding this16:54
zusim sure its been asked, but,...did the final release for lucid hit the sites yet? i see the rc still.16:54
florenceme too16:54
tokoronaThey're doing final QA testing now16:54
florence3 people asking16:54
r0xzzus: today, but i do not know when exactly16:55
florenceThey oughta release it, otherwise we're going to get them a high bandwidth bill for the IRC =)16:56
zusr0xz,  thanks.16:56
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
zusupdateing from rc to final shouldnt be that bad ould it?16:57
florencezus: better wait16:57
zusi did get pclinuxos 2010 last night, ill play with that then...16:58
zusi only know kubuntu and ubuntu, and mint....but i can make up my mind,, kde or gnome.16:59
florencezus: kde, GNOME lacks features16:59
florencezus: just compare Kate with gEdit16:59
florencezus: Or Dolphin with Nautilius17:00
zusonly been using since 9.10 released17:00
Squeakor Amarok with pretty much anything :D17:00
florencezus: KDE 4.4 will be even greater17:00
thegeek0100I like kde better however, gnome seems to be more stable.17:00
SqueakKDE's been really stable for me since 4.317:00
zusflorence, thats the thing, i seen videos of comparisons so i switched,17:00
Squeak4.0 was incredibly bad, but 4.3+ rock17:00
florencezus: switched to?17:01
florencezus: to GNOME or to KDE17:01
zusflorence, kde17:01
zusflorence, from gnome17:01
florencezus: Bravo!17:01
thegeek0100I am still in therapy from kde 4 experiences17:01
SqueakI quit KDE and went back to gnome for a while when 4.0 came out17:02
zusin fairness, i use ubuntu for the past five months been on kubuntu  a month.17:02
thegeek0100on 10.04 rc and if I switch to tty1 and back to 7 my system freezes and have to reboot. any ideas?17:02
florencethegeek0100: I'm new, I used f**king windows at the time, but I heard about KDE 4.0, how it crashed with 1.6 Ghz frequency =)17:03
florencezus: Ubuntu (newest) imitates MAC too much17:04
florenceby the way, anyone knows what actually is that attracting to GNOME? Still a mistery for me17:05
zusi have no problem with windows, except its slow...after an entire 6months with linux i noticed the speed difference17:05
florencezus: Oh, yes! It's speed made me make the switch with HIGHEST SPEED17:06
TheAncientGoatLucid live cd froze... Guess my "get the RC and save time" strategy was not so smart17:07
zusi've never seen a mac interface in person, aside from windows skins...but i really really like mints color scheme for helena mint 8.17:07
florenceNow, when I hear of Windows, I'm with Stallman: Either throw the windows out of the computer or throw the computer out the window17:07
florenceTheAncientGoat: Yes!17:07
avihayflorence: gnome stays it's own unevloved, unaspiering self, thats what attracting pepole to it17:07
JuJuBeeI could use some help... I cannot upgrade my laptop from 9.04 to 9.10 or 10.04. When I boot live cd for either, my mouse starts in the upper left corner. As soon as I start moving the mouse (USB connected mouse or trackpad) it jumps right back to the upper left corner. What do I do?17:08
zusflorence,  haha i have to put windows back on17:08
florencezus: Why?17:08
TheAncientGoatWe need a distro that has a red color scheme...17:08
florenceTheAncientGoat: There are a lot of red schemes for KDE17:09
TheAncientGoatThere are?17:09
TheAncientGoatBut no distro uses them as default :)17:09
florenceTheAncientGoat: Well, most distros keep up to more conservative designs (like a lot of gray) I personally like it ALL BLACK17:10
SqueakI'm partial to a grey and black theme17:11
Squeakmuch gentler on the eyes17:11
zusflorence,  music. lmms isnt quite working for me...17:11
TheAncientGoatflorence: In theory, I'd like that too17:11
florencezus: You switched an OS because of a media player plugin?!17:12
zusflorence,  no, i will be dual booting.17:13
florencezus: Well, that's relieving...17:13
zusflorence,  i havent found anything with linux to be better than ableton live and reason..17:13
zusflorence, my everyday copmuting will be kubuntu OR some KDE based distro17:14
florencezus: there's also Mandriva, openSUSE, PCLinuxOS...17:15
zusflorence, im actually interested in KDE (widgets) and the bug squad17:15
florencezus: But the majority is GNOME17:15
florencezus: I'm interested in KDE development, learning programming (C++)17:16
Squeakwell, that's just awesome17:16
Squeakwireless on 10.04 works flawlessly, first try17:16
zusflorence, i was refered to python for a 1st language17:16
florenceSqueak: I never had a problem on kubuntu (or linux generally), but on Windows it;s a pain (even the audio)17:16
SqueakUntil now, i'd never tried17:17
florencezus: 1. I'm interested specially in KDE, and Qt's native is C++17:17
Squeakmy home pc which has had linux on it for farking ages, is wired17:17
Squeaki've just replaced a dual boot windows/opensolaris install on my work lappy with Kubuntu17:17
florencezus: 2. C++ has HUGE code base and a lot of developers and tutorials17:18
Squeaknow, if I can get the bluetooth working, that will be truly impressive17:18
zusflorence,  so i should also learn c17:18
zusflorence,  so i should also learn c++?17:18
florencezus: which one?17:18
zusflorence, typo on the first oops17:18
florenceSqueak: Hoping for you, KBluetooth!17:19
florencezus: what do you know? depends17:19
zusflorence,  nothing beyond python interpretor and tutorials17:19
florencezus: Well, that isn't new - I was the same way for a lot of time17:20
Squeakdoesn't recognise the adaptor17:20
florencezus: Python isn't mature enough (in my humble oppinion)17:20
florenceSqueak: What a pitty!17:21
zusflorence,  i really like the look the old lookinglass was going for too bad they discontinued that project17:23
florencezus: ???17:23
zusone sec...17:24
florencezus: Found It!17:24
florencezus: In Wikipedia, god bless Jimmy Wales!17:25
florencezus: Well, I would like to kick that thing out of my desktop once per every dimension, after having seen the screenshot! (sorry!)17:25
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
florencezus: But it's Java, a whole desktop environment on virtual machine? Would be slower even than Windows, no?17:27
zusflorence,  that was the first video i seen for anything linux, i looked around and found  ubuntu, thats why i switched from windows to linux17:28
florencezus: please call it GNU/Linux17:28
florencezus: http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html17:29
zusflorence, since then i learned  ALOT17:29
florencezus: Linux is a kernel, which is only a small part of an OS17:29
florencezus: Since when?17:29
Tm_Tflorence: it can be called Linux here17:30
florenceTm_T: And where it can not?17:30
zusflorence,  9.04 but when i tried it the wesite had a counter that said 9 days till 9.1017:31
florencezus: bet you're installing 9.10 now, hours (I hope) before 10.04 Hehe17:31
zusflorence,  i have 9.10kde4.4.2 right now17:32
thegeek0100Its worth waiting for 10.0417:32
Ender207010.04 is late17:33
thegeek0100not that late.17:33
thegeek0100do you recall windows release dates come and go?17:34
florencezus: I only started with GNU/Linux from november 200917:35
florencezus: With Kubuntu 9.1017:35
florencezus: Actually, I chose it because of it's simularity to Windows, but later I saw GNOME was more similar with it's quick and dirty default apps like the file manager, text editor, calculator, etc...17:35
florenceschestowitz: Hey, are you the guy behind Techrights, previously BoycottNovell?17:35
zusflorence,  i still  think of my self a newbie..i still have alot of learning to to17:35
FloodBotK1florence: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:35
rosco_yEnder2070: when you're on the development team, one day is like five minutes when it is release time17:35
rosco_yMy take is that they are doing an incredible job17:35
florenceschestowitz: Hey, are you the guy behind Techrights, previously BoycottNovell?17:36
Tm_Tflorence: he is not here anymore17:39
florenceTm_T: oh17:39
florenceTm_T: I'm a big fan17:39
florenceTm_T: There was a problem with my connection, so I didn't notice17:40
florenceTm_T: Thanks17:40
zusflorence, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODE5Ng17:43
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zusflorence,  im going to guess my 6 to 10 weeks  is now going to be delayed for my "ship-it"17:44
florencezus: Hey, man! That's bad luck!17:44
zusthe delay for mail orders though shouldnt be noticeable.17:46
florencezus: Yeah, with snail mail!17:47
florencezus: But how could they find such a major bug so late?!17:47
thegeek0100it looks like kubuntu is posted.17:50
zusflorence,  i dont know, either its nothing to worry about for most endusers or its that big a deal  well see a final release in a day or two17:50
thegeek0100I don't see RC anywhere.17:50
florencezus: Ready!!!!17:51
florencethegeek0100: Love you man!17:51
florencezus: Well, a LOT of users run Ubuntu in dual boot with Windows17:51
=== jaideep is now known as jdk2588
zusflorence,  may i get a link for it please17:52
florencezus: Even More becaue now almost every laptop comes with Win17:52
florencezus: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/17:52
florencezus: thank thegeek0100 for that17:52
florencezus: He (or she) found it first!!!17:53
florencezus: You know which one you need?17:53
thegeek0100I just checked. Its he.17:53
zusflorence,  um, i i38617:53
zusthanks thegeek010017:54
florencezus: yep17:54
florencezus: the .iso is easiest17:54
bobywhen kubuntu 10.04 will be available for download17:54
bobyfinal ver17:54
florenceboby: NOW!!!17:54
florenceboby: Yes, http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/17:55
zusflorence, scroll to the bottom part?17:55
florenceboby: About a minute ago17:55
florencezus: Go Ahead: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/kubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso17:55
thegeek0100one seeder on the torrent17:56
thegeek0100gonna be awhile17:56
florenceEverybody, 10.04 is ready!17:56
meyermHa, great :-) - so, can you point me to an up-to-date HOWTO-make-bootable-USB-pendrive-out-of-iso? :-)17:56
bobylink you gave says 27.04?17:56
Sbaragnauscan you post the link to the torrent ?17:56
xrfanghow to install "restricted drivers" in kubuntu like in ubuntu?17:56
xrfangam using ati M200 and the driver is not stable17:56
thegeek0100only if you have hardware that needs it.17:57
bobywhy www.kubuntu.org says 1 DAY TO GO?17:57
Sbaragnausrofl sorry , i didn't scroll down enough .. lol17:57
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties17:57
zusflorence,   thanks!17:57
florencezus: You're welcome!17:58
bobythis is 2 days old!17:59
florenceboby: No, they wre RC17:59
florence*were RC18:00
florenceboby: (Release Candidate)18:00
florenceboby: Now it's final18:00
bobyware or are RC?18:00
florenceboby: were18:00
bobybut 27-04? is da date18:00
florenceboby: Yep, but there was a major bug18:00
florenceboby: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODE5Ng18:01
florenceThey haven't up-dated the main page, though18:01
bobyone more:18:01
muffin2I use kubuntu18:01
bobymain page18:01
bobyyou say18:01
muffin2I use kubuntu on virtualbox.18:01
bobywhy isn't update?18:02
muffin2Kubuntu on virtualbox can't recognize my usb drive.18:02
zusso this is  officially release?18:02
florenceboby: www.kubuntu.org18:02
muffin2Why is that?18:02
florenceboby: Not Yet18:02
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
GSF1200Show do I install a base kde desktop on Ubuntu? I have 10.04 rc installed..18:02
florenceboby: Well, they're not THAT fast18:02
florenceGSF1200S: Get Kubuntu it's stable now http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/18:03
GSF1200SNot looking for kubuntu desktop. Actually, does anyone here know if KDE now supports seperate X sessions for dual screens?18:03
bobyok tell me this: would be diference between this ver and one that should be relesed today?18:03
boby27-04 and 29-04?18:03
meyermIs there updated information for 10.04 how to create a bootable USB-pendrive from another non-ubuntu Linux?18:03
florenceGSF1200S: Kubuntu = Ubuntu + KDE18:03
GSF1200Sflorence: I know that haha.. been using ubuntu since edgy ;)18:03
muffin2Kubuntu 10.04 is not yet stable.18:04
GSF1200Si just dont know all of whats necessary for kde base atm.. im running Xubuntu18:04
florenceGSF1200S: Then why do you ask that?18:04
florencemuffin2: It is now18:04
bobymayerm: try unetbootin program18:04
muffin2florence : ???18:04
florencemuffin2: Yep, it doesn't say RC anymore18:05
muffin2florence : where is it?18:05
florencemuffin2: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/18:05
GSF1200Sflorence: because I would like to see if KDE 4.4 supports dual head before I install it18:05
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florenceschestowitz: schestowitz: Hey, are you the guy behind Techrights, previously BoycottNovell?18:05
meyermboby: OK, I'll just trt that :)18:05
TommyThaGunwhy is are my Touchpad setting inaccessible in System Settings? I'm trying to disable the tap feature... which I thought I had done before, now I can't because it looks like this: http://j.imagehost.org/view/0071/snapshot118:05
florenceGSF1200S: You can try Kubuntu LiveCD18:05
thegeek0100I am running a dual head ati on 10.04 rc18:06
muffin2florence : Is ubuntu 10.04 stable, too?18:06
ScuniziIs there a kde based PDF tool that will allow annotation of PDF's that will actually imbed and print if you want?  Ocular allows annotation but doesn't print what you add.18:06
florencemuffin2: checking18:06
TommyThaGunI'm been on 10.04 for about a month18:06
Sbaragnaushey the iso aren't updated, the torrent are!18:06
GSF1200Sflorence: liveCD will not work for dual screens- Lucid has a bug where I have no console if I kill X18:06
Sbaragnauslol tell that!18:06
bobyflorence is this equal: 27-04 and 29-04?18:07
thegeek0100got it the desk top spread across both monitors.18:07
florencebuby: Huh?18:07
florenceboby: Huh?18:07
Sbaragnausit seems like the ISO are the old ones!! the torrent are new files.18:08
bobydownloadable version has been relesed on 27-04, right?18:08
boby2 days ago18:08
Sbaragnaus kubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso            27-Apr-2010 12:5018:08
Sbaragnaus kubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso           27-Apr-2010 12:4918:09
bobythat's what i'm talking about18:09
bobyit is not 29-0418:09
Sbaragnausi know, i'm telling at other people18:09
bobythat is not final, I think18:09
Scuniziboby: the iso's are being respun because of a bug with dual boot systems and grub..18:09
Sbaragnausi got confused too18:09
florenceMe too18:10
bobynow I don't understand anything18:10
lucituwhy rebuild when there's no change since?18:10
florenceBut the name was kubuntu-10.04-RC*****18:10
florenceand now there's no RC18:10
tsimpsonit's not released until it's announced on ubuntu.com18:10
bobyare they going to relese today anything?18:10
tsimpsonthere are no official ISOs/torrents until then18:10
tsimpsontoday, yes. but not yet18:11
Sbaragnausok , no torrents too.. ty18:11
Sbaragnausthat's more clear18:11
bobyI think that to18:11
florenceWhat a pitty!18:11
bobyI think next what they do after final relese is to say it on the main page18:12
zusflorence,  so this is the official final release?18:13
florencezus: Not sure at all anymore18:13
bobyI think tere will be big banner when it is final18:13
tsimpsonit's not released until it's announced on ubuntu.com18:13
tsimpsonthere are no official ISOs/torrents until then18:13
florencezus: Nobody released it officially in any way18:13
florenceAnd the one day remaining banner is still there18:14
zusflorence, im going to then qiut the DL...18:14
florencezus: Bye18:14
bobywhat means that picture?18:15
florencezus: oh, quit the download?18:15
bobyfinal will be tomorow?18:15
florenceboby: No, it was there yesterday, too18:15
florenceboby: Should be today18:15
bobydo you know when18:16
zusflorence,  yeah, limited room on my hdd, and i got the RC already,...i guess i can zsync later and waste another cd18:16
florenceboby: today, if they are not late18:16
zusflorence, i'd like to however get the torrent and seed,..as a torrent fan to help the communtiy18:17
florencezus: Better wait to have it officially released, no one is going to want to download it if it's an RC18:17
bobyok, can anybody tell for sure that the final is going to be TODAY?18:17
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Scuniziboby: no.. it might be.. but it might be tomorrow.18:18
ScuniziThe ISO'18:18
bobywell...shi* :(18:19
Scuniziboby: here's what I read http://www.linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2010042901535NWRLUB18:19
zusflorence,  well, if its in RC and no one wants to DL it, then it would be a faster DL way faster than when the  official..18:20
zusflorence, and if you can zsync the iso after final then its much faster18:20
florencezus: Yeah, but you said you don't have a lot of HDD18:20
zusflorence,  correct.18:21
florencezus: Sorry, I'm not acquainted with this procedure... Could you enlighten me? =)18:21
florencezus (zsync)18:21
zusflorence, i got the  rc on here now, one sec i got  it bookmarked18:21
zusflorence, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2009/10/29/use-zsync-to-update-existing-iso-images/18:22
florencezus: Thanks, it's always good to learn something new...18:24
=== patrick is now known as Guest54968
zusflorence,  your welcome, now i learned that from people who have not steered me wrong in  the 6 months i've use  ubuntu18:25
bobyok GRUB was problem18:25
florenceboby: Yes, that's true18:26
zusflorence,  but personally  im waiting for the final to zsync... perhaps they used it before and it works18:26
florencezus: Don't know18:27
TheAncientGoatGuys, if I update while in a live session, do those updates get applied when I install the os, or will I have to re-update?18:29
florenceTheAncientGoat: They don't18:30
boby[   ] kubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent   29-Apr-2010 17:24   28K  Desktop CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (BitTorrent download)18:30
boby5 minutes ago18:30
ryanni'm pretty sure it's RC118:31
zusTheAncientGoat,  if your using a live disc i think your not mounted so the updates wont be applied to a permanent disc18:31
bobyI dont think so18:32
Sbaragnauslol #ubuntu-release-party is a mess18:32
bobythere is no RC in the name18:32
JediMastercan anyone point me to the 10.04 LTS release ISO for kubuntu? Or does the schedule not quite co-incide with the main ubuntu release?18:33
TheAncientGoatDarnit :\18:33
JediMasteryes I know ubuntu.com sitll hasn't updated the main site yet18:33
maxagaz_my songs stop to be played after each song finishes in amarok, how to change this behaviour ?18:35
JediMasternm, found the kubuntu 10.04 iso on a mirror =)18:38
tothist_hy all18:38
thegeek0100maxagaz_ mine did to, after making the bad choice of installing gstreamer and setting as the prefered back end. which caused amarok to error when starting, I uninstalled gstreamer and set the back end backto xine. then it magicall started doing continuous play again.18:39
JediMasterif anyone is interested: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/lucid/18:39
ryannkubuntu still reads that it's a release candidate18:39
JediMasteras does ubuntu.com18:39
JediMasterit's released18:39
zusflorence, hey you still around?18:40
florencezus: yep18:40
vadi01_someone change the topic please18:40
vadi01_its to be download 10.0418:40
florencezus: But I'm confused18:40
maxagaz_thegeek0100: you mean that I should uninstall libgstreamer0.10-0 and libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 ?18:41
zusflorence,  me too lol18:41
maxagaz_thegeek0100: how to set the back end back to xine ?18:41
Landgraf_Cheli read that was found a bag, release be later18:41
florencezus: Let's speak of something else while waiting, you mind?18:41
bobythere is no more "coming soon" picture on ubuntu.com18:42
bobysomething smells bad here18:42
florencezus: Released18:42
florencezus: Officially18:42
zusflorence,  not at all... pm  me so not to flood the channle with offtopics?18:42
florencezus: how? new to irc18:43
rorkboby: it's allready there :)18:43
muffin2Ubuntu 10.04 LTS has been published.18:43
bobyon the main page?18:43
florencezus: quassel says: Network: Kubuntu IRC Channel: ???18:43
Zhenyaboby: yeah18:43
Zhenyaboby: actually no18:43
bobyI see it is not18:44
zusflorence,  oine sec18:44
rorkboby: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/lucid/18:44
bobyI know that18:44
bobywe were talking about it 20 minutes ago18:44
bobybut nothing on the main page18:44
Zhenyaguys i am a n00b but have a question. How does an update like this work for kubunutu. Do we (the users) wait for someone to port everything over or will this just update the backend for us through kpackage?18:45
jimmy51_rork: i got the torrent from that link but it's just stalled18:45
jimmy51_maybe ISO is the way to go?18:45
bobyserver is going to crash tonight18:45
FloodBotK1boby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:45
llutzdownloaded fine at 3.4MBit, time to seed18:46
rorkjimmy51_: I prefer the torrent, just wait until it picks up a couple of connections again18:46
florenceboby: yes18:46
zusflorence,  is there another window or tab18:46
bobyllutz: what did you download?18:47
llutzthe relevant isos18:47
vadi01_Riddell: pls change topic18:47
vadi01_we need to be updated :)18:48
bobyUBUNTU has been relesed18:48
bobyKUBUNTU TO18:48
llutzkubuntu too18:48
rorkjimmy51_: as long as you still see seeders and leechers it should be fine, you can try the ISO if you want to18:48
llutzso go, get your systems crashed18:48
jimmy51_rork:  it's showing 0 and 0.  i'll go ISO :)18:48
rorkjimmy51_: ok, if you've got the iso you can actually copy it over the part you've downloaded and still seed18:49
muffin2Which one is better between ubuntu and kubuntu 10.04 versions?18:50
bobymuffin it is diference between gnome and kde18:50
bobybetter is what you like more18:50
* Oxymoron loves the new feature when press ctr+alt+del <318:51
tek__tease! on the kubuntu site it says click download above to get 10.04, and on the actual download page it only lists 9.10 :(18:52
es5nhcHello all. On Kubuntu Karmic, I can see Lucid Lynx in kpackagekit, but when I press "Upgrade" it says that upgrade ended with error code -1. What could be the issue?18:54
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Download 9.10: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu | KDE 4.3.5 in backports | KDE SC 4.4: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.2 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines
markohi all18:57
markoIs the 10.04 release available at www.kubuntu.org free of grub2 bug noticed in RC release?18:58
tsimpsonwhich bug?18:58
rorkmarko: afaik not, but after you update it and restart it is18:58
tek__the main page shows 10.04 is available for download, however the download page still only has 9.10 listed18:58
markoyou can manually type the link :)18:59
marc-andretek__: actualize your page, i'm downloading 10.00418:59
markotsimpson, I was reffering to this one: http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-04-29-015-35-NW-RL-UB18:59
tek__actualize eh? ive refreshed with no luck18:59
marc-andretek__: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/10.04/release/18:59
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Download: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu | KDE SC 4.4: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.2 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Seed: (x86) http://bit.ly/aCu4C0 (AMD64) http://bit.ly/cCS4kR
tsimpsontorrent links in the topic19:00
tsimpsonmarko: yes fixed in the ISO19:01
markocool, on my way to DL it via torrent19:01
pookitoguys, I am having such a hard time finding kubuntu 10.04 torrent.  Can someone send me a link to the torrent?19:02
tek__2megs a sec from the server, thought it would be packed, nice19:02
tsimpsonpookito: it's in the topic19:02
tsimpsonsee the "Seed:" section19:02
tsimpsontype '/topic'19:03
crashevKubuntu 10.04 lts lucid lynx is out19:03
tsimpsonwithout quotes19:03
moderndayzeroquick question,when i open up synaptics i get this error "Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)" anyone know how to fix this?19:03
zusthe web site  only gives me the  9.10 download  haha19:04
pookitotsimpson: do you have the link for UNR as well?19:04
zusplease some one help me with a i386 link for kubuntu 10.419:04
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
tsimpsonpookito: try http://ubuntu.bitmind.hu/kubuntu/lucid/kubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent19:05
tsimpsonzus: see the topic, there are torrents19:05
tek__http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/10.04/release/ this was helpful for me19:06
pookitoThanks dude19:06
tsimpsoncdimage will soon grind to a halt19:06
tsimpsonas will releases.19:06
tek__im downloading 2megs a sec from there atm19:06
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Download: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu | KDE SC 4.4: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.2 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Torrent: (x86) http://bit.ly/aCu4C0 (AMD64) http://bit.ly/cCS4kR (Netbook) http://bit.ly/9PFkOD
zusTsimpson, i also on a desktop, wich topics19:07
tsimpsonboth the x86 and amd64 links are for desktop installs19:07
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== plassy is now known as plassy_cleaning
buckfastwhat is new in 10.04?19:16
moderndayzeroquick question,when i open up synaptics i get this error "Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)" anyone know how to fix this?19:16
rorkmoderndayzero: open /etc/apt/sources.list what's on that line?19:17
James147moderndayzero: can you pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list   :)19:17
bentkushey dudes19:18
bentkuswhats up with the torrents19:18
bentkussooo sloow19:18
FloodBotK1bentkus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
bentkusI want to seed but cant get downloading anything19:19
bentkusThat would be a little bit unefficient if i would pastebin my questino xD19:19
James147bentkus: probally because there arnt many seeds yet19:19
zuswhy does the site  when clicking on get kubuntu offer  9.10?19:20
bentkuscant understand why kubuntu is not as popular as gnome19:20
James147zus: my guess is that they are in the middle of updateing the site19:20
bentkusem ubuntu19:20
bentkusi mean gnome is like for stupid people19:20
bentkusit cant be that the bigger part of the world is stupid19:20
buckfasthave you guys upgraded yet?19:20
zushi James147  lol didnt think of it that way,...19:21
rorkbentkus: face it, it is19:21
zuspaitience  is not my strong suit19:21
bentkusare they already final versions?19:21
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bentkusuuu that upload hurts my hdd performance19:22
James147!pm | moderndayzero19:23
ubottumoderndayzero: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:23
bentkuslol xubuntu site is even down19:23
James147<moderndayzero> i use gksudo right ? to get to the source list19:23
James147kubuntu uses "kdesudo" instead of gksudo,19:23
nbndscan someone tell me how i can change the background/style of the taskbar?19:24
James147moderndayzero: "kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list" should open it19:24
James147nbnds: what version of kde?19:24
nbndsjames147: 4.4.219:25
buckfastnot much information on the site about what the upgrade features19:26
James147nbnds: System settings > Appearence > Style > Workspace ... selecte the style you like to click "get new themes" to download more19:26
James147buckfast: give it some time i think they are still updating the site19:26
moderndayzerocant kdesudo is noot installed19:27
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04 LTS: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release | KDE SC 4.4: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.2 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Torrent: (x86) http://bit.ly/aCu4C0 (AMD64) http://bit.ly/cCS4kR (Netbook) http://bit.ly/9PFkO
James147moderndayzero: are you using kde or gnome?19:27
nbndsjames147: ah, thanks, i would have searched for ages19:27
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04 LTS: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release | KDE SC 4.4: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.2 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Torrent: (x86) http://bit.ly/aCu4C0 (AMD64) http://bit.ly/cCS4kR (Netbook) http://bit.ly/9PFkOD
James147nbnds: I spend way to long looking at the config options :D19:28
James147moderndayzero: umm... what was the error again?19:30
moderndayzeroMalformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)19:31
James147moderndayzero: ok.... there is no line 54 :S ... you did copy the entire file? (just checking)19:31
moderndayzeroill check19:32
francisco_tHi, What is the difference between kubuntu CD and DVD?19:32
moderndayzerono that it19:33
James147francisco_t: the dvd has more packages on it so you can install more from the dvd (is intended for installiong on a computer with a slow connection to the internet)19:33
James147francisco_t: if the mechiene you are downloading the image on is the one your installing it on (or has the same connection speed) the dvd makes no sence :)19:34
James147moderndayzero: can you run "sudo aptitude update" and see if that works :)19:34
francisco_tok, thanks James14719:35
moderndayzeroill try again but i think i did that and it did nor19:35
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
moderndayzeronope all i get is this. http://paste.ubuntu.com/424758/19:37
James147moderndayzero: :S you could try adding a new line to the bottom of the file (a blank one) save and try it again19:38
moderndayzerojust add a space?19:39
James147moderndayzero: a blank line will do (just hit enter at the end of line 53)19:39
moderndayzeroit wont let me save19:40
James147moderndayzero: did you open it as root?19:40
moderndayzerooop no 1 sec19:41
=== sahne is now known as erererere
seicherlbobHi guys! I dont know if anybody else has mentioned this before, but the torrent links on the kubuntu download page still referre to version 9.1019:41
moderndayzerook its saved19:41
James147moderndayzero: try running "sudo aptitude update" again19:42
moderndayzerosame error19:42
James147seicherlbob: same here, my guess is they are in the middle of updating the site19:42
xcfdjI think there still one day left seicherlbob19:42
seicherlbobok. i just started my desktop and got the info that it's here.19:42
seicherlbobxcfdj: its already downloading19:42
ScuniziHow do I file a bug report against ktimetracker in Kontact?19:43
seicherlbobJames147: but the torrent files are acessible if you guess the path yourself ;)19:43
rork!bugs | Scunizi19:43
ubottuScunizi: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:43
xcfdji take it back ...19:43
xcfdjit IS out19:44
seicherlbobI hope they fixed some bugs since RC. My Kontact is crashing on startup, so i couldnt read mails anymore (on my laptop).19:44
zusanyone know  ktorrent? whats it mean under seeder 15(23)? whats the  23 mean19:45
James147moderndayzero: sorry not sure whats going on, the file looks fine to me but I might be missing somehitng :(19:45
seicherlbobzus: good question. I'd like to know that too.19:45
rafa_zus: you're connected to 15 of the 23 available peers19:45
James147zus: I think it means the number of seeds connected (total)19:45
moderndayzeroim running 10.4 if that matters19:45
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: whats your problem?19:46
James147moderndayzero: 10.04 :)19:46
zuswould that be 12 of (23) seeders that makes more sense? and  how can i connect to more?19:46
moderndayzerowhen i open up synaptics i get this error "Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)" anyone know how to fix this?19:46
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: can you pastebin19:47
seicherlbob... the file19:47
James147seicherlbob: ^^ but he has no line 54 and the rest of the file looks fine to me (http://paste.ubuntu.com/424749/)19:47
Sbaragnausin the kubuntu download page  the torrent download links are still of the 9.1019:47
seicherlbobSbaragnaus: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/simple/lucid/desktop/19:48
Sbaragnausi know19:48
seicherlbobSbaragnaus: I had the same "problem" ;)19:48
Sbaragnausi'm already dwling the torrent19:48
seicherlbobme 219:48
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: did you ever change the file?19:48
James147Sbaragnaus: I think they are just taking some time to update the site19:48
ratdogintalled latest KDE i cannot get to my login screen19:48
moderndayzerowell im not sure19:48
=== plassy_cleaning is now known as plassy_shopping
Sbaragnausi'm only saying that until it will not be updated a lot of people will flood the http server19:49
James147seicherlbob: I told him to add a new line (blank) but it made no difference19:49
Sbaragnausand another lot of people will download the old one lol19:49
rafa_is it worth it to upgrade my kubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04?19:49
moderndayzeroim new to linux as is so i may have.19:49
rafa_should I have any complications?19:49
moderndayzeroi was getting all my emus on here so i can play my games and thats when i had a problem19:50
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: try to enter an empty line at the end (with sudo nano /etc/...)19:50
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: so it worked before?19:50
James147rafa_: there is always the possibillity of something going wrong, but its not normally that high. I suggest backing up your data and upgrading (its usually best to keep uptodate)19:50
rafa_James147: thanks19:51
rafa_I'll do that19:51
ratdogintalled latest KDE 4.4.2 karmic, i cannot get to my login screen19:51
James147rafa_: you might want to wait a few days as alot of ppl will be downloading it now19:51
rafa_James147: ok19:51
James147rafa_: so downloads might be slow and any problems with the upgrade will be revieled19:51
seicherlbobrafa_: or if you are unsure, wait a coulpe of days and check some blogs or forums if anyone complains.19:51
ratdogi upgraded to the latest KDE 4.4.2 im using karmic, i cannot get to my login screen..?19:51
rafa_James147: seicherlbob: yea, I'm better of waiting19:52
seicherlbobrafa_: ;)19:52
moderndayzeroand i did the empty line and got the same error19:52
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: still on the same line?19:52
vivek_ratdog: cant get to the login screeen.. please elabaorate.. i had a similar prob.. could help you19:52
ratdogvivek_ it boots i can login in to plain text Linux but no GUI19:53
=== xcfdj is now known as Se7en
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: it may sound weird, but delete the last line (#53) and type it again manually (no copy/paste). maybe some metacharacter breaks it.19:53
James147ratdog: loginto the the terminal and try "sudo service kdm start"19:54
ratdogim not in terminal thnx19:54
yofelmoderndayzero: odd, the sources.list that you pasted was yours?19:54
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: or just comment it out (put a # at the beginning). Then try to apt-get update.19:54
yofelmoderndayzero: do you have any files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?19:55
seicherlbobyofel: good point.19:55
moderndayzero3 of them19:55
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: can you pastebin them too?19:56
moderndayzerook 1 sec19:56
ratdogk, i go give it a whorl19:56
seicherlbobJames147: I think he didnt get it right19:57
James147seicherlbob: :S19:57
mhofmannis anybody from the "official" kubuntu team here?19:58
moderndayzerohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/424771/ is the 1st file in list.d folder19:58
gullfoxguten abend19:58
seicherlbobJames147: oh, i need to practise my english: "give it a whorl"="give it a try" - my mistake19:58
gullfoxhm german ?19:58
mhofmanngullfox: guten abend!19:59
James147seicherlbob: so do i :D19:59
gullfoxes scheint hir ein engl. irc zu sein19:59
seicherlbobgullfox: ja, aber geh bitte nach #kubuntu-de19:59
moderndayzero1nd file http://paste.ubuntu.com/424773/19:59
rork!de /] gullfox20:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:00
rork!de  | gullfox20:00
ubottugullfox: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:00
gullfoxdabke für die weitern infos20:00
moderndayzeroand the 3rd file http://paste.ubuntu.com/424775/20:01
mhofmannJFYI: the bittorrent-links on http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download still point to torrents for karmic. someone might want to change this...20:01
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: i didnt get the 2nd20:01
moderndayzero2nd file http://paste.ubuntu.com/424773/20:02
moderndayzeroi tried the # but didnot work20:02
yofelmoderndayzero: you have a file twice?20:02
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: that was the first again... the other one ;)20:02
thegeek0100OK wish me luck I ready to do a clean install on kubuntu lucid final.20:02
James147thegeek0100: Good luck :)20:03
seicherlbobthegeek0100: I'm with you. good luck20:03
moderndayzero1st  http://paste.ubuntu.com/424771/20:05
moderndayzero2nd  http://paste.ubuntu.com/424773/20:05
moderndayzero3rd  http://paste.ubuntu.com/424775/20:05
James147moderndayzero: what are they called?20:06
moderndayzerothe names of them are where who posted the paste should be20:06
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: 424773/ and 424771/ are identical?20:07
moderndayzerothe cairo one has 2 files 1 of them .list and the other is .list.save20:07
James147moderndayzero: cairo-dock-team-ppa-lucid  cairo-dock-team-ppa-lucid.list   and lucid-partner  ??20:08
=== Se7en is now known as Se7en-AFK
moderndayzerothose 320:08
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: move the files out of that directory and try again. if one of them cracks apt, this should work20:08
moderndayzeroi moved them all to my desktop and deleted the ones in that folder and still a no go20:09
moderndayzerobah worse comes to worse i could just install for the 7th time again :!20:10
moderndayzeroit happened while i was getting a psx EMU20:10
moderndayzeroor should say after20:10
James147moderndayzero:  :S  if you do choose to reinstall i suggest createing 2 partitions, one fore / and one for /home   so if you neeed to reinstall again you can keep all your user settings20:11
tek__gl all, off to install20:12
thhtmy kubuntu splash screen is ugly(only 16 colours), is this the default setting?20:13
moderndayzerowell ii guess ill reinstall then20:13
rorkmoderndayzero: I'm wondering what others think but20:13
moderndayzerogot me20:14
rorkmoderndayzero: could you try `sudo dpkg-reconfigure apt` this should reset your sources.list20:14
thhti would change settings myself, just dont know where to start :(20:15
James147thht: you can try other splash screens (system settings > appearnce > splash screen) not sure what to do if they all do taht though20:15
thhtJames147: i will look into it20:16
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thhtJames147: no thats the kde splash i mean the kubuntu startup splash(boot-splash)20:17
James147moderndayzero: if you going to reinstall anyway you could attempt some more distructive commands first :)  (always fun to see what happens on systems that are going to be wiped)20:17
James147moderndayzero: would back up your data first20:17
seicherlbobJames147: hehe20:17
moderndayzeroit is all on dvd-rs20:17
moderndayzerothere isnt anything on the laptop20:17
=== Se7en-AFK is now known as Se7en
thhtJames147: if i use the ubuntu-splash(boot-splash :) ) everything looks fine colourwise, not so with kubuntu20:18
DaughainANyone have any problems with the 10.04 upgr?ade20:18
James147moderndayzero: try "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*" (to make sure they are no longer in there)20:18
moderndayzeroi was going to have it all set up befor i sent all my isos and roms over20:18
James147thht: you can try to download some more splash screen and see if they work, you might find one you like more :)20:18
moderndayzerorm: cannot remove `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/': Is a directory20:19
James147moderndayzero: dont forget the *20:19
James147moderndayzero: * will patch all files and folders inside the directory and not delete the directory its self20:19
James147moderndayzero: o well :) probally empty then20:19
James147moderndayzero:  ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d  sould conferm that20:20
moderndayzerook i put those files back in that folder20:20
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d20:20
seicherlbobsorry James14720:21
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
* James147 wonders what happens if you rm -r /etc/apt/* ... he goes off to try it :) (dont try it if you dont want your system to break)20:22
* James147 gets lots of W: Unable to read /etc/apt/sources.list - FileExists (2: No such file or directory) :D20:22
James147seicherlbob: after running sudo aptitude update that is :)20:23
James147heh, runnig dpkg-reconfigure apt onle brought back trusted.gpg20:24
seicherlbobJames147: You get my personal "Dont try this at home" award20:24
moderndayzeroso i should go and reinstall now?20:24
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: sometimes its easier to reinstall than to fix it...20:24
James147moderndayzero: if you want, but I would take this time to learn more about the linux system as it wont matter if you break anything :)20:24
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: dont you have any USB devices to backup some data?20:24
moderndayzerook  then and thankyou.20:24
James147moderndayzero: (always after backups of course)20:25
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: If you are new to linux, you should do what James147 said.20:25
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moderndayzeroyes i do but its not enough to back up over 40,000+ games lol20:25
moderndayzeroi need to get an external20:25
seicherlbobmoderndayzero: Atari? Amiga? DOS?20:25
moderndayzeroall of the consoles20:26
seicherlbobhehe, nice20:26
* James147 cant find the comman to regenerate /etc/apt/sources.list20:28
seicherlbobJames147: didnt you make a backup?20:28
James147seicherlbob: nop :D  going to wipe and install lucid over the next few days so i have time to break this system as much as possible20:29
James147seicherlbob: would still be nice to know if there is a way to regenerate sources.list though20:30
seicherlbobJames147: try http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/20:30
James147seicherlbob: was hoping for a local method :S but o well20:31
James147seicherlbob: heh, think kpackagekit might be doing it :S20:32
seicherlboboh... really?20:32
James147seicherlbob: well, i reenabled the sources in it and clicked ok... now it seems to be stuck on downloading additional packages 0% :S20:33
seicherlbobwell, i dont like kpackagekid that much20:33
seicherlbobi preferred adept20:34
seicherlbobwas more solid to me20:34
James147seicherlbob: well it recreated it with 2 lines :S20:34
seicherlbobJames147: ok... not that much20:34
billybobbigdonghow large should my root and /home partitin be if working with say a 160 gig drive? (first time installing this way)20:35
James147seicherlbob: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424793/  :S20:35
James147billybobbigdong: i tend to go for 10gig (with a seprate /home) only recently filled it though so now i think i would go for 15-20gig20:36
seicherlbobbillybobbigdong: you could make it 50:50 - but it depends on what you are doing. more personal files (bigger /home) or more applications and stuff (bigger /)20:36
billybobbigdongi see20:36
James147seicherlbob: although applications dont tend to take up 'that' much, i have lots of development libarays, alll of kde games and serval other stuff and barly scrape 10gig for /20:37
seicherlbobJames147: well, you could put some stuff at /var like temporary virtual machines... I now have a 400GB drive, so i put 100G for /, 200 for home and left 100 unpartitioned for whatever may come20:38
billybobbigdongi download large files many at a time, (usenet) and i typically do that in the /home/Downloads folder .. wonder if i should stick to a solid partition or relocate the downloads folder and make a smaller home partition20:38
James147seicherlbob: you can also have a seperate patition for /var if you put lots of things in there20:38
seicherlbobJames147: as i said, i depends on personal preference, what you want to do with the computer and what your experiences told you.20:38
seicherlbobJames147: but you need space to put it somewhere ;)20:39
billybobbigdonghow helpful is the /home partition, ive never installed this way or experienced its benefit20:39
Tm_Tbillybobbigdong: 20 GiB / and rest for home? adjust as your likings from there20:40
James147billybobbigdong: I find it invaluble for reinstalling my system as it dosnt have to be wiped so i keep all my settings/data20:40
Tm_Tbillybobbigdong: oh, and you like to have some swap too20:40
seicherlbobbillybobbigdong: if you have a separate /home you can reinstall the whole system and have your files and settings back20:40
billybobbigdonghaha yes, planned on swap20:40
James147billybobbigdong: i have taken to swap files now, so i can change their size if i want to easaly :)20:41
* seicherlbob needs more seeder for lucid desktop-amd6420:41
* James147 is currently on 45% for lucid 64 but will seed for a few days after20:42
* seicherlbob is on 51 %, planning to seed a bit aswell20:42
seicherlbobhas anyone tried the beta and RC?20:43
James147seicherlbob: i have on my netbook, seemed fine on them20:43
robinking623i have lost my power manager icon on the taskbar, so how can i get it back?20:45
seicherlbobJames147: on both, the Networkmanager stopped working after some uses ("unmanaged"), on Beta i lost the laptops keyboard and mouse (USB was working), and the RC crashes (freeze, only mouse cursor reacts) and Kontact didnt start anymore (SegFault).20:45
jimmy51_when i click to upgrade to Lucid, i get an error 127 from the package manager.  whats' that mean?20:45
seicherlbobjimmy51_: maybe this helps: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3108676.020:47
James147robinking623: right click on the panel > [panel options >] add widgets -- find the battery widget and drag it back20:47
James147robinking623: or (on kde 4.4.x) right click systray > system tray settings > Plasma widgets -- check battery monitor  (this will make it appear in the system tray rather then the panel)20:49
robinking623James147: really, i thought that is not the power mananger......20:49
robinking623James147: shame on me......20:49
James147robinking623: its the only "power" related widget I know of :)20:49
OxymoronWhich of this backup systems is best regarding to you guys and girls? Back in time, rdiff-backup, luckybackup, Konserve or grsync?20:50
skierpageTwice now zsync http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.04/kubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso has ended with  'Bad line - not a zsync file? "" '.  Anyone else seeing this?  Where can I report it?20:50
James147Oxymoron: depends on what you need :)20:51
OxymoronJames147: I need a good freaking backup system that works on the fly and always backup my system with crontab and rsync automaticly.20:51
billybobbigdongext4 for both root and home?20:51
OxymoronJames147: Nice GUI as well :) If you have tip of another backup system, please give me the name of it ;)20:52
robinking623James147: thx a lot20:53
robinking623Oxymoron: luckybackup20:53
skierpagemd5sum reports a different checksum than in MD5SUMS, so the zsync error is not a false alarm.20:53
robinking623Oxymoron: or synkron20:53
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=== hubuntu is now known as hth5656
Oxymoronrobinking623: Last time I used luckybackup if I removed one file in my backup folder it re-added it again? :D LOL on that xD20:54
billybobbigdongjoy 10.04 installed just dissappeared while creating my partitions20:54
skierpageIf no one here uses zsync, is there an IRC channel for admins of releases.ubuntu.com ?20:54
Oxymoronrobinking623: Hmm synkron? :)20:54
James147Oxymoron: do you mean you removed the file from the directoy you where backing up, or your backedup directoy?20:55
robinking623Oxymoron: yes, but i have to say, the autor forgot to give a thread to the gui. that means, if you start the action, the gui will lost his function. and then you have to wait for a 2 or 3 minutes.20:56
OxymoronJames147: My directory I have backed up xD THat freaking annoying, I dont want the backup app to restore deleted files directly after I remove them :D20:56
* seicherlbob is on 98 % and excited!20:57
Oxymoronrobinking623: Lol that sucks :D I think back in time is the best one ;)20:57
robinking623Oxymoron: but synkron is really powerful tools just like goodsync under windows20:57
* Oxymoron is going into reboot into liveCD todo a clean isntall of his desktop :)20:57
* James147 is only 66.8% :(20:57
billybobbigdongsorry for the newb questions .. my root partition should be ext4 primary and my /home etc primary or logical?20:57
robinking623billybobbigdong: i use primary20:58
billybobbigdongfor /home partition?20:58
James147billybobbigdong: dosnt really matter between primaray or logical if your not going to have more then 4 partition you need a logical partition if you need more the 4 partitions20:58
robinking623billybobbigdong: also20:58
seicherlbobskierpage: just finished via torrents and mine is fine20:59
saintlyhey hey HEY20:59
James147billybobbigdong: and ext4 'should' be fine, i havent had any problems with it so far, but ext3 is alot more mature20:59
billybobbigdongi see, thank you all21:00
robinking623James147: have you ever suffered the problem with usb disk?21:00
skierpageseicherlbob , Good to know, so the .iso is OK but the .zsync file probably is corrupt.21:00
seicherlbobskierpage: possibly. i dont know zsync21:00
skierpageI mentioned this .zsync problem in #ubuntu-website, no response yet.  I guess I'll file a bug.21:01
robinking623James147: i try to remove it, but it tells me i can not remove it, because other program is running it21:01
James147billybobbigdong: for your information: logical partitions are only used to extend the number of disk partitions past 4 (you can only have 4 primarary partions)21:01
mvkis lts released?!?!?! is it is it?21:02
James147robinking623: what problems with usb? (i tend to use fat for usb because of dam windows not liking ext and i aint using ntfs on them)21:02
skierpageseicherlbob  FYI the idea of zsync is if you already have a local file that's "close" to the new one (e.g. you rename your release candidate .iso to final), then zsync will only download the changed parts.21:02
seicherlbobmvk: .... yes! oh - wait - sure? yes!21:02
mvkit is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wohooooooooooooooooooooooo! oh yeah!!!!21:02
* robinking623 then i have "device to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL"21:02
billybobbigdongsecond time the installer has told me "The ext4 file system creating in partition #1 of ...... failed may be my raid .,. the dots it lists my raid control and stripe021:03
robinking623James147: device to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HA21:03
* mvk dances trough channel :D21:03
James147robinking623: not had that, but i dont have an ext4 usb stick :S21:04
* James147 is tempted to make one to test it...21:04
robinking623James147: i am using ntfs too21:05
James147robinking623: im not ^^ i use fat32 for usbs :S dont like ntfs21:05
seicherlbobJames147: remember what happend when you last thought about "trying" something... like 10 minutes ago or so21:05
James147seicherlbob:  :D apt seems fine now21:06
James147seicherlbob: anyway, this test is much less dangrous.... i only have the risk of accdently formatting my data partition and losing all my coursework :D21:06
robinking623James147: that is the same problem like me. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39300221:06
seicherlbobJames147: well if thats all... go for it!21:07
robinking623James147: so every time i have to sudo umount21:07
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James147robinking623: thats why i try to avoid ntfs on linux :S they dont play well21:08
seicherlbobJames147: but if you have to cooperate with a dualboot windows, its better than FAT21:08
robinking623James147: hmm.....21:08
robinking623James147: i have to use ntfs for my gf. she is running windows 721:08
James147seicherlbob: yeah, but for usbdrives i dont find it matters too much21:09
James147seicherlbob: and for internals i dont tend to unmount them :S21:09
seicherlbobJames147: oh. right. we are still talking about usb drives. right. I would use FAT than, because it works everywhere21:09
James147seicherlbob: external hdd are the only problem21:09
seicherlbobJames147: unmount? why not? ;D21:10
James147seicherlbob: if its a data partition then there isnt much point in unmounting it, if its not then there isnt much point in mounting it :)21:10
pinheiro__Riddell:  congrats one the marketing material logo and everything21:10
pinheiro__I like it alot21:10
pinheiro__consistent KDE meets Ubuntu21:11
bommelhello, small question: is it possible to transform my RC Version into the final LTS version? (by adding sources?)21:11
James147robinking623: but anyway, i am affraid i do not know a way for it to behave nicly sorry :(21:11
James147bommel: yes, jsut upgrade21:11
robinking623James147: but my usb disk is already fat3221:11
James147robinking623: then there is no problem :S21:12
robinking623James147: thx any way21:12
robinking623James147: no. i can not umount though the gui21:12
James147robinking623: or are you having issues with fat not unbmounting?21:12
James147robinking623: sorry, i assumed it was ntfs :S21:12
* seicherlbob is off for installation21:12
robinking623James147: i dont think so, because i have no this problem under kde 4.321:12
robinking623James147: after i used kde 4.4, it happened21:13
James147robinking623: i have no problems with mounting fat and unmounting it in kde :S21:13
bommelwill my system become slower when adding the official ubuntu-desktop package?21:13
robinking623James147: so maybe i have to reinstall it...21:14
robinking623James147: upgrade brings always some problems21:14
James147robinking623: not sure... might help, might not21:14
Riddellthanks pinheiro__21:14
James147robinking623: if your still on karmic then i would suggest a clean install for lucid21:14
robinking623James147: i have already used lucid for 3 days21:15
robinking623James147: XD21:15
=== seicherlbob is now known as seicherlbob-inst
robinking623James147: I can wait for it, i need kde 4.4 to set my stupid middle mouse wheel21:15
James147bommel: souldnt become too much slower on a faster system i dont think you will notice any difference21:15
robinking623James147: it makes always random paste21:16
James147robinking623: kde 4.4 was on karmic throughthe backports :)21:16
robinking623James147: right21:16
James147robinking623: I would suggest trying a livecd before a fresh install then21:16
bommelok thank you21:17
James147robinking623: if it dosnt work in the live cd i dont think a fresh install would help21:17
robinking623James147: ok, nice idea, i will make a live usb21:17
turbopiratehi, are there any built in programs that can give me some basic info about the pc? ram, processor, etc?21:17
robinking623James147: thx21:17
robinking623turbopirate: lshw21:17
turbopirateon kubuntu 9.121:18
turbopiraterobinking623: thanks man!21:18
robinking623turbopirate: you re welcome21:19
James147turbopirate: not sure about a gui application to do it (although i think kde-apps.org has one but you might need to compile it)21:19
turbopirateJames147: gui isn't needed, just needed the raw info on this computer, as it's a recycled laptop i have no idea what's running on :P21:19
James147turbopirate: :) free will give you info about ram  lspci  about pci cards   lshw about lots of things21:20
James147turbopirate: o and lsusb  about usb :)21:21
turbopirateJames147: thanks :)21:21
James147turbopirate: lscpu   and you can look in /proc for other information :)21:21
turbopiratelol it's got 313 mb ram and 700 mhz processor21:22
turbopiratenot exactly state-of-the-art21:22
ubuntu___Why isnt Konversation default instead of Quassel? :S21:22
turbopiratewait what21:22
seicherlbob-instturbopirate: makes a great router/firewall and even a litte webserver21:22
James147turbopirate: heh, i think it beats my phone :)21:22
seicherlbob-instturbopirate: maybe you make it a mp3 streaming client21:23
turbopirateseicherlbob-inst: already got an ever older computer set up as webserver xD21:23
seicherlbob-instlol, ok21:23
turbopiratei've actually ordered a SmartQ 521:23
turbopiratewhich is a little ubuntu tablet21:23
* ubuntu___ really loves the NEW installer for *buntu, new font, logo and soon everything looks amazing. Now its just grub grub-gfx thing :P21:23
=== ubuntu___ is now known as Oxymoron
turbopirateand it's got a 700 mhz processor underclocked to 667 mhz for battery, so it's basically more powerful than this piece of poo21:24
* Oxymoron really loves the NEW installer for *buntu, new font, logo and soon everything looks amazing. Now its just grub grub-gfx thing :P21:24
bigbrovarsup peeple .. I have to say kubuntu lucid is a solid release keeping it pure kde googness.. although I have to say there arent much diff between RC and final release since i got very few updates today21:25
bigbrovarinfact non at all21:25
bigbrovardoes anyone run kubuntu on HP Envy am thinking of getting it as my new laptop and i would like to know if it has any compatibility issues with linux kubuntu in particular21:26
James147bigbrovar: i wouldnt excpet there to be 'that' big a difference since there should only be a few bugfixes as it is a release candidate....21:26
turbopirate*-memory - size: 320MiB - capacity: 1GiB21:26
James147turbopirate: running what>?21:27
turbopirate1 gb is the max i can have on this?21:27
turbopiratekubuntu 9.121:27
James147turbopirate: i mean what command21:27
seicherlbob-insthe guys, can i update from 9.04 directly to 10.4?21:27
bigbrovarJames147: yeah tot as much.. although its an anti climax to think I have been using Lucid for like a week now hehe21:28
Tm_Tseicherlbob-inst: no, that's not supported21:28
bigbrovarseicherlbob-inst: you should, as 9.04 is still supported. although I have never upgraded before in close to 3 years of using linux ..21:28
seicherlbob-instTm_T: thanks21:29
James147seicherlbob-inst: i think you should be able to upgrade to 9.10 then to 10.04 though21:29
bigbrovarTm_T: really? I tot jaunty is still supported.. oh he would have to upgrade to 9.10 then 10.0421:29
Tm_Tbigbrovar: Jaunty is supported, yes, but upgrade from it to Lucid is not21:30
seicherlbob-instJames147: actually its not me, it was someone at #kubuntu-de21:30
seicherlbob-instbut thanks anyway!!21:30
bigbrovarTm_T: yeah I figured that just now21:31
* ||arifaX loves lucic on his acer aspire 1810t21:32
pattycakezhello, I've already asked this question, but I'm still skeptical, I updated my system from 9.10 to the 10.04 rc before today, when I checked my updates for today, the manager said that my system was up-to-date.  Is my system really up to date, or am I still using the rc?21:32
Tm_Tpattycakez: it's uptodate21:33
pattycakezalright, thanks, I just thought that this would imply that the rc is the actual release version21:34
James147pattycakez: if you upgraded to lucid (alpha beta rc or anyhting) and your system is uptodate your are on the latest version21:34
pucko-how is this firefox integration supposed to work in lucid? I still don't have the kde file dialogs after upgrading.21:34
James147pattycakez: it probally means there arnt many changes from your rc version to the final21:34
pattycakezthank you james14721:34
pucko-oh, I just read the release announcement. got it.21:36
James147well kubuntu.org has updated to include 10.04 :)21:38
oxymoronJames147: :)21:43
oxymoronJames147: Seriously, I love *buntu now. NOW it finally works PERFECT and plymouth actually work smoothly with my nvidia card and boot fast as hell, must have been under 10 seconds21:43
thegeek0100yippy! clean install and booted back up.21:44
James147oxymoron: it have been getting better all the time :) pity my boot time on my netbook is still in about 30secs :(21:44
* oxymoron love love love love Kubuntu and the video output bug solved finally and more things as well :P21:44
oxymoronJames147: Yes, but now its finally usable in full time and Winblows and Apple hardjobs can really go to hell and kiss each others ass :D21:45
James147oxymoron: and on my desktop it takes about 10secs from button press till i hear the "beep"... dosnt really give kubuntu a fair chance for a fast boot :S21:45
oxymoronJames147: I was running Lucid stable for some minutes ago but didnt work well, so I did clean install as I did last time and then all things work. That thing need to be solved, when you dist-upgrade from like Karmic to Lucid, packages breakes and things bug.21:46
James147oxymoron: dont tend to do dist upgrades i usually jsut wipe :)21:47
oxymoronJames147: Yeah, I will wipe the shit off next time. One bad thing, I choosed my home folder on another partition but fstab didnt add it for me :S21:48
James147oxymoron: wierd, it ahs always done it for me (i always use manual partitions though)21:51
oxymoronJames147: I always use manual as well, I choosed /home on /sda2 and / on /sdc2, I didnt format /sda2 though. Seems like it has to be formatted to be added to fstab :P Well I can add it myself, not that hard :P21:52
buckfastwhat exactly is 'moodbar' in amarok?21:52
James147oxymoron: it should need to be formatted, i never format my /home and its always been added21:52
James147oxymoron: not sure why it did that with you :S21:53
buckfastthe seekbar in amarok is always the same, no matter if i have it enabled or disabled21:53
James147buckfast: I think it attempts to give a "mood" to each song depending on the song and you can select a type of mood you wish to listen to (or at least thats what I thyink it should do but i havnt tryed it yet)21:54
oxymoronJames147: Yes really weird I must say, I should have formatted it I think :P Then I wonder why on earth my NTFS volumes isnt added to fstab but is mounted anyway? :S21:56
James147oxymoron: :S only reason i can think the ntfs isnt in fstab and is mounted is that you clicked on it in dolphin or the device manager21:57
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oxymoronJames147: On the installation process or after it? :P21:58
James147oxymoron: after21:58
James147oxymoron: i would think : boot-ntfs unmounted --- clicked on it in dolphin-dolphin mounted it... but thats onyl a guess21:59
oxymoronJames147: I have clicked on them in Dolphin yes, but they werent added anyway :P22:00
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oxymoron"No valid partition found on disk"? :S Eh why on earth does Partitionmanager says that? :S I even have the disk mounted succesfully on my system :D22:17
James147oxymoron: unmount the disk :)22:17
oxymoronJames147: Why so? :S22:18
James147oxymoron: you should try to reformat mounted filesystems22:18
James147oxymoron: so my guess would be that partitionmanager is guarding agienst that22:18
oxymoronJames147: I will NOT reformat them, they are newly formatted.22:18
billybobbigdongdo i need the alternate install disk to do software raid?22:18
James147oxymoron: then why do you need partition manager?22:19
oxymoronJames147: No partitionmanager found the other partitions that is mounted. It says invalid partition table on ONE of them, but the table is NOT invalid.22:19
oxymoronJames147: Well, I use it to check some things on my drives sometimes.22:19
James147oxymoron: hmm22:19
lovrehi all22:20
billybobbigdongdo i need the alternate install disk to do software raid?22:20
James147oxymoron: not sure, you could try fdisk and see what that says (commanlind partitioner)22:20
lovrei have made some changes to /etc/modules, can i reload this without restarting the computer?22:20
oxymoronJames147: Fdisk and which options?22:21
James147oxymoron: sudo fdisk /dev/sdXX    then press p to print the partition talbes22:22
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James147oxymoron: sorry, /dev/sdX  (not XX)  replacing x with teh disk drive letter22:22
James147oxymoron: you can press q to quit without making any changes22:23
oxymoronJames147: It says, partiions in table isnt in order wtf? :S22:23
James147oxymoron: :S no clue22:23
James147oxymoron: i would think somehitngs wrong with your aprtitions, i suggest backing up the data thats on them :S22:24
oxymoronJames147: It says partition one overlap partition 3 :O And then I ONLY have one single partition on it xD22:24
James147oxymoron: O_o  somehting is wrong there22:25
James147oxymoron: again i suggest a backup of the data, then if it where me i would refomat the drive22:25
oxymoronJames147: I dont have enough store to backup that drive, its 500 GB and used all of it :D And yes something is wrong with sectors with start and end. How to fix it? :S22:25
technodenbowhaven't been on an IRC server in years. What'd I miss?22:26
James147oxymoron: backup anything important then :) anything you cant afford to lose as anything you do to try to fix it has the change of breaking somehting22:26
James147technodenbow: years worth of support ^^22:27
James147technodenbow: :D22:27
dominicdinadaI need help with the b43 fwcutter it is not allowing me to apt-get install22:28
James147oxymoron: you can try running fsck (not on a mounted filesystem)  (look up the man page before running it)22:28
oxymoronJames147: I cant backup it that fast, and most things I cant afford to loose, like all seasons of Macgyver and Prison Break :D In other partition programs like partition magic on Hirens Boot CD it doesnt show errors. I think I would have to boot from Hirens CD again and analyse and fix table to make partitions go good again :P22:28
James147oxymoron: I still suggest backup as much of the critical data as you can :)22:30
oxymoronJames147: "fsck: fsck.ntfs: Not found fsck: Error 2 when fsck.ntfs runned for /dev/sdb1"22:30
James147oxymoron: bah, ntfs... best to fix it in windows22:31
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oxymoronJames147: I only have ntfs because if I want to access the data in Windows I dont need to install complex protocols to access data :P22:32
oxymoronJames147: Linux have better support for ntfs then Windows have for ext :P22:33
James147oxymoron: thats ok, its just better to try to fix it from inwindows then22:33
oxymoronJames147: Yes, Hirens Boot CD have partition magic and Windows XP Mini so I can fix it there :P22:33
James147oxymoron: i dont trust the ntfs tolls in linux that much yet :)22:33
James147tools ^^22:33
oxymoronJames147: Neither do I :P I dont trust partition tools yet either, but soon partition manager for KDE rocks and is going more stable and faster.22:35
oxymoronI just miss more settings, features for grub and editing and copying whole partitions between each other and then a freaking preloader :P22:36
diabolicalWhere is the software and package manager in kubuntu I switched to k from ubuntu with the update22:43
James147diabolical: its called "kpackagekit"22:43
diabolicalWhen I run it I only see the update portion :/22:44
zusis everyone enjoying the 10.4 release?22:44
James147zus: 10.04  is nice :)22:44
zusJames147,  i just finished burnning my disc from the torrent.22:45
alessandro_zus: Hey, still there22:45
alessandro_zus: I'm alessandro  (florence)22:45
zusalessandro_,  yes i am here but for a few minutes yet22:45
alessandro_zus: what a zombie!22:46
James147diabolical: there should be three tabs down the side... unless its running in upgrade mode (usually because you clicked the update icon from systray) try closing it and opening kpackagekit form the menu22:46
zusalessandro_, according to k3b i have my live disc,..sooo22:46
zuslets have a look...ill see you all in a while22:47
James147diabolical: or close it and Alt+F2 > type: kpackagekit <enter>22:47
alessandro_zus: lucky, still downloading22:47
diabolicalOk I reloaded it now22:47
zusalessandro_, this was the torrent file you linked me22:47
diabolicalIt opens up and nothing is listed maybe I need to grab the Ubu software package22:48
James147diabolical: nothing is listed by default, type the program name to search or selecte one of the catigories22:48
zusdiabolical,  nothing will be listed, not like in ubuntu where there is a list22:48
zusdiabolical,  you have to type in the name of the program and its program and libraries will show up22:49
James147diabolical: there is little point in loading the entire list on start up as it can take a little bit of time and 99% of the time the user dosnt need the whole list :S22:49
diabolicalJust not liking that nothing is loading up22:49
James147diabolical: if you know the program search for it, otherwise you can filter the results by catigory22:49
zusJames147,  lol you type faster than i...22:49
James147zus: yeah but i also cant spell22:49
diabolicalSearched for Xampp, Blue Fish, And Ubuntu and no results22:50
zusdiabolical,  me either i felt lost and i didint even know what program i wanted by name...imagine me asking for help in here22:50
James147diabolical: you also need to refresh the lists (can do that on the upgrade tab)22:50
James147^^ s/upgrade/software updates tab/22:50
diabolicalI believe I did so already22:51
rafa_hello =)22:51
diabolicalFirst thing to install is the Ubuntu package and software managers22:51
zusdiabolical,  are you using kubuntu now?22:51
diabolicalbecause if i dont know Exactly what I want... I like browsing 20 Editors descriptions to read and check for ratings22:52
James147diabolical: "bluefish" gets a hit for me (not "Blue Fish"22:52
James147diabolical: you can also chnage the filter from "filter by name" to "filter by discription"22:53
zusdiabolical,  same  here  i was so lost with out the list...22:53
diabolicalI have refreshed it 5 times I also made sure that the CD is unchecked blah :P what are the 2 packages for the ubuntu package manager and software center22:54
James147diabolical: heh, and if you click on a different catigory then select "all packages" again it seems to load the list22:54
zusdiabolical,  this is  for  KARMIC. i dont know if there is a lucid one yet,...but http://kubuntuguide.org/Karmic22:55
oxymoronJames147: Hey btw now I cant activate desktop effects, it only says check settings i X config settings? :S22:55
diabolicalThank you22:55
zusdiabolical,  i've been using kubuntu karmic 9.10 for a month now.22:56
James147oxymoron: whats the exact error message and what graphics card do you have?22:56
James147zus: then i take it you are liking it so far :)22:57
diabolicalzus I had karmic for quite sometime and I decided I wanted to try Kub and already I have done so as They have said many times and I cant even get one search to turn up a package22:57
diabolicalHey I got a result finally "text" turned up 4322:58
zusJames147,  yes i love it i got the ubuntu lucid in 10 minutes but waited 4 hours for kubuntu torrent22:58
diabolicalzus: the website took me like 13 mins to download22:58
diabolicalnot enough people are seeding lucid yet i guess22:59
James147diabolical: by the way, kpackagekit search through the package name in a bit of a dumb way :( soy uo need to know part the the package name22:59
zusdiabolical,  i  got the torrent link before the site updated for me, but i was seeding  untill now22:59
oxymoronJames147: Failed activating desktop effects, goes back to default values. Control your X-settings and then check more advanced modes like built type.22:59
oxymoronJames147: I cant translate fully because I got error message in sweden :D And I have nVidia grpahic card 7950 GT22:59
James147oxymoron: have you enabled the nivida drivers?23:00
diabolicalRight james but I like the ubuntu package, software managers because if I want say a PHP editor I type in php and get 20 results and ratings23:00
zusJames147,  i gave a list of the repositories but it was from karmic,...anything on lucid? or will i just install the same repositiories from medibuntu23:00
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James147diabolical: you can always install it if you want to23:01
oxymoronJames147: Aha lol, I have not activated nvidia proprietary drivers yet. I forgot I had a clean isntall for a moment :D23:01
diabolicalI am starting to figure out at least why I am not getting results but trying to find out why is the problem23:01
James147oxymoron:  :D23:01
James147diabolical: kpackagekit dose need some work on it to make it easier, but for now you can either install the other package managment software you like or just get useto kpackagekit (or use aptitude :D)23:02
oxymoronJames147: Thanks though :) I feel like a n00b sometimes even if I have used Kubuntu since7.10 :D23:03
zusdiabolical, if you used ubuntu and installed kubuntu desktop, then log out log in with gnome and write down your names of what you want then log back into kubuntu and search again,,..23:04
James147diabolical: remember that it searchs for packagenames :) so spaces in the search box will result in no results (or at least i think)23:04
diabolicalWhat category would the ubuntu package resourse's be in  ? Gnome desktop ?23:04
James147oxymoron: think i have been using it since 7.04 or 10... but I have borken my system many times learning how to use it :D23:04
diabolical* Package Manager resourses23:04
zusJames147, i find that to be true, at least case sensitive either23:04
zusim out..23:05
James147diabolical: probally, isent it called "synaptic"?23:05
diabolicalyes thats synaptic but then the other one also23:05
James147diabolical: dont know gnome very well sorry :p23:05
yofeloh, hey oxymoron, long time no see :P23:07
diabolicalI will ask in the ubuntu channel23:07
* James147 thinks its aobut time to install lucid.... and do his coursework23:08
kde185I'm having some trouble installing kubuntu netbook 10.04 on my eee 1000, the  installer hangs at 47% when it's scanning the ssd's right before going to the disk setup screen.  Anyone know if this is a common problem?23:08
yofeldiabolical: the main ubuntu package manager now is the Ubuntu Software Center, just search for it in krunner or Kmenu if you had gnome installed too23:09
oxymoronyofel: Hi, thanks :)23:09
diabolicalNo I got rid of Gnome with the 10.4 update but dont like the package manager/software tools23:09
oxymoronyofel: My video problem solved now finally :D23:09
yofelgood to hear :)23:10
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James147*cough*10.04*cough*  :D23:10
oxymoronyofel: Or not solved I just did a clean install and all things works, mor things were solved and a HELL lot of more stable and nice features disovered.23:10
diabolicali know it is 10.04 but 10.4 sounds better or maybe 00423:10
oxymoronyofel: Now attention interaction thing in Cairo dock finally works for instance <323:11
yofelI never used cairo dock so I have no idea what you're talking about :P23:11
diabolicalYikes Synaptic needs 67 other packages with it lmao23:11
James147kde185: umm, i would suggest checking the disk for defects (can do that from the menu when you boot the live cd)23:11
James147diabolical: yeah, it will be pulling in gnome dependencies23:12
kde185James147: alright I'll give that a go and maybe try and enable some debug flags if I can23:12
oxymoronyofel: Its hard to explain but its been an issue long time ago which did so I missed IM-messages on Kopete, Kmess and so on before.23:12
ubuntu___James147: are you there?23:15
oxymoronyofel: FInally plymouth works as I want it as well and boot time as amazingly fast now :P23:15
James147ubuntu___: I am23:15
ubuntu___James147: im in live disc on quassel, its so wired looking..this is zus23:16
James147ubuntu___: define "wired looking"23:17
oxymoronyofel: The resolution and color depth wasnt working before as it should and gfxpayload did that my fan goes high noise dB :D23:17
ubuntu___James147: for one, am i in the kubuntu channel?...23:17
* James147 looks around...23:17
James147ubuntu___: i think so :)23:17
ubuntu___James147:  ok then, brb.. i use  x chat so quassel is odd, for me...23:18
diabolicalok got the package manager and software center installed :P23:18
yofeloxymoron: well, plymouth needs KMS for proper resoultion and color depth, so it will only work out of the box with nouveau, you need gfxpayload with the proprietary driver23:19
oxymoronyofel: Now its not that annoying "_" char blinking before plymouth, now it goes fast and smooth into plymouth in like 5 seconds and then autologin and sweet KDE4 boot and then on desktop <3 The only thing that doesnt look nice yet is grub2, it need gfxboot soon :P23:19
ubuntu___it kinda looks the same as before...i was hopeing to be shocked and amaze.23:20
oxymoronyofel: Yes, I have KSM, used nouveau and added gfxpayload before but still wouldnt work :P But then you know I had other problems as well :P23:20
oxymoronyofel: All my problems disappared when I did clean isntall :P23:20
James147ubuntu___: where you using kde4.4.x before? if so then its not going to look much different23:20
diabolicalDoes anyone have apache2 mysql and php installed on kub ?23:21
yofelyeah, well it didn't work with my intel card too a few days ago, rebooted today and it looked fine again :)23:21
ubuntu___James147:  yea you walked me though the  update && upgrade to 4.4.2 before23:21
oxymorondiabolical: Yes?23:21
James147diabolical: have them on my server (running ubuntu server)23:21
James147ubuntu___: i cant remember that far back :D i barly remember what i was doing 10 mins ago23:21
diabolicaloxymoron: Not the lampp right ? When I get the default packages does it include any libraries like common ones ?23:22
diabolicalI used to use lampp but if the other packages come with a good standard library i might go that route23:22
oxymoronyofel: It didnt work for me today. I will never upgrade from one version of the distro to another, I had problem from 8.04 => 8.10, 9.10 => 10.04 and so on when did dist-upgrade. You always need to do clean isntall to migrate good :P That will need to be worked out in future releases of *buntu I would say.23:22
ubuntu___James147:  i get it ...duh! so familiarity is good...then.9.10 with 4.4.2 isnt much different than, 10.4 kde4.4.2?23:23
oxymorondiabolical: I usually install all packages manually, not with lampp and that kind of meta packages :P23:23
James147ubuntu___: kde wont be much different, but other packages might be23:23
yofeloxymoron: well, you're right there, I can't be very objective there as I always upgrade to the alpha and then reinstall at some point because it's unrecoverably broken :P23:24
ubuntu___i didint stray too far from default packages....23:24
diabolicalok :( Just dont want to always have to download one of the 500 packages 1 by one each time I am working on a project to see that I don't have a certain lib installed23:24
James147ubuntu___: they will have changed other things, you might find a faster boot time for example, diffent splash screens but kde will largly be unchanged23:24
ubuntu___James147:  alright, thanks so my world isnt shaken too much. upward and onward...23:25
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ubuntu___going to install, this for a main os, i want to look at what pclinuxos is about as well23:26
James147ubuntu___: but inable 3-4 mounths kde 4.5 will be released (if they have done what they usually do, need to check on the kde release schedual at some point)23:26
ubuntu___James147:  you said faster boot times,  do i still have to make a 128MB boot partition23:27
James147ubuntu___: you dont 'need' a /boot paritiion (dont think it would make much difference to boot time though)  | (unless you have an lvm setup then you might need a /boot partition)23:28
peteykquick kubuntu 10.04 question: when I switch to different desktops, how do I get it so that the minimized windows from desktop 1 will not show up on other desktops?23:29
James147ubuntu___: I tend to ahve a 15-20gig parition for /   and the rest of the space for /home   (and a swap file on one of the partitions)23:29
peteykin other words, I have Firefox and Thunderbird open on desktop 1, and when I switch to desktop 2 I would like to have a blank task manager23:29
peteyknevermind guys I found it23:30
ubuntu___James147:  lvm? but i  need to add windows/kubuntu/"various os"23:30
James147peteyk: in the task bar? right click the taskbar > task bar settings > somehting to do wiht only shoing windows form current desktop23:30
oxymoronyofel: Yes, I usually also upgrade first to alpha, then go with beta on updates bu automaticly, then rc and then stable. Thats quite boring because there is only minor feature adds every time you upgrade to next development step in the cycle :D So when stable release is realaesd you get dissapointed mostly :D But when I did clean install that got changed now with 10.04, seriously it looks absolutely amazing and installer is23:30
oxymoronreally nicecly done.23:30
James147ubuntu___: lvm... logical volume manager (if you dont know then you wont ahve it)23:30
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dominicdinadaIs there any good frontend for apache/sendmail ?23:31
ubuntu___James147:  agree. verywell then see you as zus  on the other side of the install.23:31
moderndayzerodoes anyone know if there is a channel for Emulator support. or if anyone has a moment to help me out23:31
yofelmoderndayzero: we won't know if we can't help you if we don't know your problem, so fire away23:32
moderndayzerowell earlier i had issues while trying to get emulators working fully on 10.4 with no such luck23:33
moderndayzeroemulators for NES ,SNES ,GBA ,N64 ,PSX ,PCSX2, Dolphin etc.....23:34
moderndayzeroim new to linux and i tried my windows versions through Playonlinux and only a set few work.23:35
moderndayzeroi also tried the linux versions but with alot of sound and/or lag issues23:35
diabolicalHow do I make it so that damn kwallet doesnt keep popping up for auto wlan?23:35
yofelwell, at least for snes9x and visualboyadvance we have them in the repos23:36
moderndayzerovba lags23:36
moderndayzeroand sound is choppy23:36
moderndayzeroand snes9x runs great but for some reason i cant config my usb controller " assign the buttons" in the emulator23:37
James147diabolical: you can store network keys in a planne text file from the network magers settings23:37
James147diabolical: Right click knetworkmanager > Manage connections > Other > connection secrets > ...23:39
oxymoronyofel: "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 && vlc" How do I make that export thing go global in like bashrc?23:39
diabolicalI will try now23:39
oxymoronyofel: Because I got same problem again when I installed Cairo dock and started it in OpenGL mode xD23:41
diabolicalWelcome back James14723:41
James147diabolical: ty, on my netbook now installing 10.04 on my desktop :D23:41
reagleBRKLNJust upgraded a kubuntu machine to Lucid, but during boot it gets stuck at "checking battery state", I can do stuff in a console, but can't get a normal X/KDE boot.23:42
Blues-Manhi all23:42
yofeloxymoron: if you don't mind starting apps from the terminal just add it to .bashrc, I'm not sure what the best option for a system wide setting would be (/etc/profile maybe)23:42
Blues-Mando you know any kde related  issue about karmic -> lucid upgrading? i'm afraid..23:42
diabolicalNice I do notice the kde desktop is more cpu intensive than gnome I need to shut down some unwanted daemons23:43
* diabolical has an old hp zv5000 1gig ram laptop i run ubuntu on 23:43
James147diabolical: nepomuk is a resouce killer atm :)23:43
oxymoronyofel: Well I dont want to start them from terminal I want to open video files in Dolphin and then just start video :P And HOW to add it to bashrc, not sure that only export will work :P23:43
diabolicalwhat is nepomuk for ?23:43
Blues-Mananyone here upgraded from karmic?23:44
James147diabolical: it indexes your files to allow for fast serching as well as allows you to tag files and folders23:44
diabolicalhaha I don't need that so I am searching through the settings to find the start up settings23:45
* James147 is slightly shocked to see both screens working on the live usb O_o23:45
James147diabolical: nepomuk is in System settings > advanced tab > nepomuk23:45
diabolicalcorrect i just came accross that setting23:46
* James147 dosent like mirroed screens23:46
diabolicalkded is also a resourse hog23:46
smokealotnot for me i got 10gigs of ram!23:47
* James147 glares at smokealot23:48
yofeloxymoron: what I would try: right klick on the Kmenu -> open menu editor23:48
diabolicalwell Like i said before this is an old hp zv5000 2.8ghz 1gig ram and 10gig hard drive i ressurected and run kubuntu on23:48
smokealoti was joking (:23:48
Ellhound`Laptopkubuntu install fail :x23:48
Ellhound`Laptophad to manually install grub23:48
oxymoronyofel: Oh no, that will be ugly :D23:48
Ellhound`Laptopon 10.423:48
yofeloxymoron: not that much23:49
yofeloxymoron: go to multimedia->dragon player and replace the command field with 'XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 dragon %u' save the configuration and see if it helps when you try to open the file from dolphin23:49
muffin2Hi guys23:50
muffin2After I log out on kubuntu, KDM won't start again.23:50
muffin2What happened?23:50
muffin2I just see a black screen.23:50
muffin2I have to press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to log on as a root.23:50
moderndayzeroyofel so any ideas?23:50
yofelmoderndayzero: not really, the only thing I ever tried was visualboyadvance, where I ended up compiling the upstream source which wasn't as laggy23:52
moderndayzeroi have no clue on how to go about doing that23:52
yofelme neither as that was quite some time ago23:52
moderndayzeroany idea on where to go to get help?23:53
reagleBRKLNmy kde packages didn't go well, installing kdm gets me beyond battery state23:53
reagleBRKLNwhich meta package installs all of the important KDE stuff in lucid?23:53
yofelreagleBRKLN: kubuntu-desktop should take care of that23:54
RnFstRuckHrdHello all - is there any word on when we can get at the server version?23:54
James147wow, the nv drivers are working alot better now :d i can now use a live usb without unpluging one of my monitors23:54
yofelJames147: nv? you're using karmic?23:54
James147yofel: upgrading to lucid, running a live usb atm23:55
yofelJames147: lucid dropped nv, we're using nouveau now23:55
James147yofel: forgot to unplug my monitor (again) and was suprised to see it not screw up :D23:55
yofelyeah, that was a know nv issue for a long time :/23:56
James147hmm, to delete ~/.kde  or not.....23:56
* James147 has alot more hdd then he thourght23:56
muffin2Does anybody know why kdm won't restart after I log out on kubuntu?23:57
diabolicalOk system is still a little slower :/23:57
diabolicalwhat did you modify ?23:57
muffin2After logout, there is no KDM but a blank screen.23:57
yofelmuffin2: does starting kdm again from tty start it?23:57
muffin2yofel : I don't have to type it23:57
James147muffin2: what version of kubuntu?23:57
muffin2I downloaded it hours ago23:58
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muffin2It's a stable version.23:58
benkevanbest thing to do after you install kubuntu .. is disable nepomuk HAHA23:58
yofelbenkevan: not really, just disabling strigi is enough here23:58
James147O-o have 3 updates on my live usb... for the installer :S23:58
muffin2Why does kubuntu have this kind of problem?23:59
muffin2Should I install OpenSUSE or Mandriva for KDE?23:59
yofelJames147: when did you fetch the iso?23:59
James147yofel: today23:59
yofelJames147: erm, today as in after the release was announced?23:59

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