
wgrantThat's probably not what you want.00:00
wgrantIt's a combination of other open source software of many licenses. I would use Other/Open Source and specify that.00:00
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=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha-afk
idnaris there some way I can use ~/.bazaar/locations.conf to save me from typing out a full branch URL when I'm branching a new branch?04:55
idnarie. I'd like to be able to do something along the lines of "cd .../Project; bzr branch test-code-refactoring-2244"04:56
thumperidnar: yes05:03
thumperhang on05:03
thumperidnar: what exactly do you want?05:03
idnarthumper: if I create a new branch locally, I can immediately do "bzr push" with no destination, because I've set push_location appropriately05:04
thumperI have that set up05:04
thumperis that the magic you want?05:04
idnarthumper: I'd like something similarly convenient for new remote branches that I would like to branch locally05:04
idnarsort of the revers of bzr push / push_location05:04
spivNot builtin, but there was a plugin along those lines.05:05
thumperno, don't know of anything05:05
thumperbest ask in05:05
idnaroh, oops, I actually meant to ask in #bzr originally05:05
idnarit's one window to the right05:05
spivWould let you define a prefix along the lines of the lp: prefix.05:05
spivI forget the name of it, though.05:05
lifelessspiv: bookmarks05:12
lifelessspiv: perhaps05:13
allquixoticHi, is it possible to assign a separate maintainer to two different branches of a private project? Trivial use case: programmers want to commit to lp:~my_team/dev/trunk and artists want to commit artwork to lp:~/art_team/dev/trunk, while both branches "belong" to the same commercial project so they pick up the private branch status.06:05
allquixotic(and it doesn't make sense in terms of business rules to give the artists write access to the code, in this example)06:05
mwhudsonallquixotic: sure, who can write to the branch is determined by the team ownership06:08
allquixoticmwhudson: How do I associate the second team with the project though?06:10
mwhudsonallquixotic: you don't have to06:10
allquixoticmwhudson: I made a new team and tried to create a branch for my private project using that team, and it said I'm not allowed to create branches there. only the "maintainer" team is.06:20
mwhudsonallquixotic: oh06:21
mwhudsonallquixotic: well if you create it as a personal branch, you'll be able to reassign the branch to the new team afterwards06:21
mwhudsoni think, anyway...06:21
mwhudsonthumper: ^^06:21
allquixoticI was experimenting with trying to reassign a branch like mwhudson said: I made an empty private branch owned by the team that maintains the commercial project. E.g. lp:~dev-team/myproject/test. Then I went to edit details and changed the branch owner to the newly created team that is not the maintainer. Then I got this oops! (Error ID: OOPS-1580O531)06:28
mwhudsonallquixotic: oops indeed06:28
mwhudsonallquixotic: i guess you can have both your programmer team and your art team being subteams of the "maintainer team"06:29
wgrantDoesn't it just need a branch privacy policy defined for the art team too?06:30
mwhudsonthat's one approach, but if you have people who are members of both teams, that can get very confusing06:30
allquixoticThe business rules that everyone has agreed upon is that the programmers can R/W all resources, but the art people can only R/W the artwork branch. So if the "maintainer" the project has to have R/W to everything in the project, that's fine.06:31
allquixoticI can of course make individuals a member of both teams if it isn't possible to give the development team R/W to the art team's branches.06:32
allquixoticit isn't a very huge team, so managing individual team memberships should be feasible.06:33
allquixoticmwhudson: So I'm blocked on this issue of team management as stated above. If I make the art team a subteam of the maintainer team, will that give the art team read-write access to the code branches too?07:04
mwhudsonallquixotic: yes07:06
allquixotichmm, that kind of defeats the purpose then...07:07
mwhudsonallquixotic: seriously, i think you want to have an overall company team, which would be the privacy team in the project policy07:07
mwhudsonallquixotic: and have art and developer subteams of that07:07
mwhudsonand have the developer team be a subteam of the art team too, if they should be able to write to the art team branch07:08
allquixoticmwhudson: Following that pattern, the art team won't be able to write to the branches owned by the developer team?07:08
mwhudsonallquixotic: correct07:09
allquixoticI'll try that.07:09
mwhudsonallquixotic: but the company team will be subscribed to all branches you push, which will mean they can see the branches07:09
allquixoticmwhudson: So the one person owning the company team will be able to see all the subteams' branches... that's fine07:10
allquixoticAs long as I don't add individuals to the top-level team, members of the two subteams won't be able to see one another's branches, is how I understand it07:11
mwhudsoni thought you wanted everyone to see everyone elses branches?07:11
allquixoticoh -- you mean anyone who's a member of any subteam of the top-level team will have (at least) read-only access to all branches/07:12
mwhudsonallquixotic: yes07:12
allquixoticthat is actually not a problem07:12
allquixoticI think this will work. :)07:12
allquixoticmwhudson: To set up a proper "subteam", do I just set the team owner of a new team to be the top-level team?07:14
mwhudsonallquixotic: no07:14
mwhudsonyou just invite/add the team like you would any other user07:15
mwhudsonallquixotic: teams are people in launchpad07:15
allquixoticmwhudson: Yep, this is working! Thanks again for your help. :)07:18
mwhudsonallquixotic: np07:19
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=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
nigelbabuwhen I'm exposing bugs via api, anyway not to count duplicates (like when 2 tasks in same bug)13:27
=== salgado changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: salgado | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
chrisccoulsonbug 13661 keeps having mails bounced back from a user (again)13:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 13661 in synaptic "get proxy config from gnome configuration" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1366113:41
chrisccoulsonthis users account keeps doing that, can you not just remove it?13:41
kshadeslayerhey is the new administer archive feature uploaded to edge?13:45
salgadobigjools, ^13:47
kshadeslayerah yes.. bigjools :)13:47
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salgadochrisccoulson, done13:48
chrisccoulsonsalgado, thanks13:48
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bigjoolsshadeslayer: are you talking about deletion13:59
shadeslayerbigjools: yeah13:59
bigjoolsshadeslayer: I missed the edge rollout today so it'll be available tomorrow at ~0800 UTC14:01
shadeslayerbigjools: ok :)14:05
shadeslayerno problem :P14:05
=== oubiwann is now known as Wooster_
=== Wooster_ is now known as oubiwann
nigelbabusalgado: something wrong with edge?15:43
nigelbabuquery via api giving me erros15:43
nigelbabuhttplib2.ServerNotFoundError: Unable to find the server at api.edge.launchpad.net15:43
salgadonigelbabu, that's a DNS error, but I can connect just fine to api.edge.lp.net15:44
nigelbabusomething only at my end?15:44
salgadomay be a problem with your ISP's DNS server; hopefully temporary15:44
nigelbabuajmitch had the same problem on ubuntuwire servers15:45
nigelbabuhe was running it for me there initially15:45
wgrantTheir DNS is completely unrelated, except for being also hosted in London,.15:45
nigelbabuwgrant: so where is the problem?15:46
nigelbabumine or lp?15:46
wgrantnigelbabu: Probably yours.15:46
nigelbabuwgrant: how come I'm getting the same error he hit on ubuntuwire then (the dns won't be related at all)15:46
wgrantnigelbabu: It's working fine for me.15:47
nigelbabuhitting api.edge.launchpad.net on my browser gives me Request is missing an OAuth consumer key.15:47
wgrantThat's normal.15:47
nigelbabuwhich means dns is resolving?15:47
nigelbabuwgrant: what do you make of http://paste.ubuntu.com/424641/ ?15:48
wgrantnigelbabu: dig api.edge.launchpad.net15:49
nigelbabuwgrant: erm dig?15:50
wgrantnigelbabu: dig15:50
nigelbabuwgrant: git answer15:51
wgrantnigelbabu: dig @ns1.canonical.com api.edge.launchpad.net15:54
nigelbabuwgrant: got answer again.  Want a pastebin?15:55
wgrantnigelbabu: Please.15:56
wgrantnigelbabu: So, there's nothing wrong on Canonical's end.15:57
wgrantAnd your local DNS server is returning SERVFAIL.15:58
nigelbabuwhat? where?15:58
wgrantLine 3 of your first paste.15:59
wgrantEr, line 4.15:59
nigelbabuNow its NOERROR16:00
nigelbabuah, its flickering between servfail and noerror16:00
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
mvohi, I accidently subscribed someone to https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-m-upgrade-and-install-testing (user ~ara, displayed as   mprasodjo). is there a way to unsubscribe the user again?16:43
mvoI don't want him to get mails just because I looked up the wrong name16:43
intellectronicamvo: sorry, there isn't, but they can unsubscribe themselves16:44
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ftad'oh!   amd64  3   2935 jobs (five days)18:01
pijuhow can i delete my PPA ?18:03
bigjoolspiju: wait until tomorrow and there's a beta test of PPA deletion coming on edge18:04
pijubigjools; i want to delete my PPA at launchpad account18:04
pijumy pkg is broken18:04
bigjoolsfta: yeah,all the DC machines get commandeered to push CDs out18:04
bigjoolspiju: patience18:04
pijubigjools; tq18:04
=== IsItOutYet is now known as itsNOTout
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
maxboh, *that's* what they're doing18:14
maxbpiju: Why would you want to delete your entire archive just because a package in it was broken? That makes no sense.18:16
pijuthe pkg is obsolete18:17
maxbSo delete the package, not the entire PPA18:17
pijumy entire PPA only have 1 pkg18:18
maxbFrom the root page of the PPA, click on "View package details" (top right), and then "Delete packages" (top right)18:19
pijumaxb; how can i delete the pkg folder ?18:20
maxbExplain what you mean by "pkg folder"18:20
pijuall PPA names18:21
maxbI don't understand18:21
pijudelete packages is only deleting the pkg18:21
maxbso what?18:21
pijui want to delete to url to the pkg18:21
maxbPaste this url18:22
pijumy archieve18:22
pijusorry archive18:22
maxbWhy do you care?18:23
pijuyes i do18:23
thopiekarhi I'm new in bzr and get this message when pushing my code to my "branch".. http://pastebin.com/1LR1RkJt18:24
* thopiekar has just used svn before18:24
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salgadothopiekar, have you registered your ssh key in Launchpad?18:29
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thopiekaralso worked with ppa's that's why I needed the ssh key..18:37
thopiekarhere I want to push https://code.launchpad.net/~thopiekar/mopedix/trunk and my profile https://launchpad.net/~thopiekar18:37
salgadothopiekar, have you done a 'bzr launchpad-login'?18:38
maxbthopiekar: You do not need an SSH key to work with PPAs. You need a GPG key for that. They're quite different.18:38
maxbeugh, edge is sloooow18:38
thopiekarmaxb: hmm I'll check my profile18:39
maxbright, you do have a ssh key there.18:39
maxbRun "sh thopiekar@bazaar.launchpad.net" - it should print "No shells on this server" - if it doesn't, your basic ssh communication isn't working18:40
thopiekargot the ssh key also here on my pc18:40
maxbsorry, that's "ssh thopiekar@bazaar.launchpad.net"18:40
thopiekarthopiekar@thopiekar-ubuntu:~/Projekte/mopedix$ ssh thopiekar@bazaar.launchpad.net -> Permission denied (publickey).18:41
maxbRight, so we have eliminated bzr as part of the problem18:41
thopiekarmaxb: what about the message on page https://code.launchpad.net/~thopiekar : lp:mopedix -> This branch has not been pushed to yet.18:43
maxbthopiekar: None of the keys visible in your "Passworter und Verschlusselung" are the same as the key you have registered in your launchpad profile18:46
=== LucidIsOut is now known as Ursinha
l3onHi all, did bzr stop to work?18:52
l3onah no sorry, it's just damed slow!18:52
thopiekarmaxb: huch. ok so the problem is that I need to update my ssh key?18:52
thopiekarl3on: what?18:52
maxbthopiekar: Correct. You need to have a ssh private key locally corresponding to a public key registered on your launchpad profile18:55
thopiekarmaxb: thank you for helping me18:55
Tigeliaargh,  "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. "19:07
persiaThis is likely to be a semi-persistent issue for the next several hours, due to increased load.19:07
atarixlethat's what me broght here19:07
tsimpsonjust think of it as a release day holiday19:08
atarixlewhat the hell in a "BadAtom" Error? does anyone know?19:11
blackxoredwhat's wrong with launchpad.net??19:29
blackxorednetwork load?19:29
beunoblackxored, yes, Lucid was released19:29
beunogazillion of hits all over the place19:29
blackxoredbeuno, you're kidding me, hehehe yeah I know, but is launchpad hosted on the same server that www19:30
blackxoredI couldn't tell why there is so much launchpad load19:30
* blackxored hopes isn't people mass-reporting bugs19:30
beunoblackxored, no, but Launchpad is used for many things, so the number of visits increases dramatically19:31
beunoand they do share datacenter19:31
blackxoredbeuno, interesting19:31
beunolets just say it's a non-trivial amount of traffice  :)19:31
blackxoredok, I'll skip contributing to the ubuntu-manual for when the server is a little bit more responsive19:31
beunoblackxored, yeah, I'd say give it until tomorrow for things to calm down19:32
blackxoredbeuno, truly real ;) hehehe19:33
ahasenackbeuno: so the "internal server error" that is back is now because of the release?19:33
beunoahasenack, that would be my guess, but I'd talk to a losa about it19:34
blackxoredI'm already on lucid through updates, I think I'll wait till monday for getting isos19:34
CyberManall hi! there`s some problems with LaunchPad! Error 50019:39
beunoCyberMan, yes, it's currently under very heavy load19:39
CyberManneed to reseave CD with LTS)19:40
CyberMannow cannot cange password19:48
vadi2Are there any issues with vault.canonical.com being authorized with launchpad?19:59
vadi2For the last few days I've been trying to re-download a software order from the canonical store and it keeps giving me a blank page on the authorization.19:59
beunovadi2, yes, we're working on some log-in issues20:00
beunosorry about that20:00
beunoshould be more stable in a little while20:00
lysilaunchpad login failed: internal server error 50020:03
vadi2lysi: server overloaded20:03
zigo-_-Year, tried 8 times until I could login!20:03
lysivadi2: thanks20:04
lysibtw. noscript error console output during login procedure: login.launchpad.net : potentially vulnerable to CVE-2009-355520:05
ubottuThe TLS protocol, and the SSL protocol 3.0 and possibly earlier, as used in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, mod_ssl in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.14 and earlier, OpenSSL before 0.9.8l, GnuTLS 2.8.5 and earlier, Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.12.4 and earlier, multiple Cisco products, and other products, does not properly associate renegotiation handshakes with an existing connection, which allows man-in-the-middle attacke20:05
ubottuThe TLS protocol, and the SSL protocol 3.0 and possibly earlier, as used in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, mod_ssl in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.14 and earlier, OpenSSL before 0.9.8l, GnuTLS 2.8.5 and earlier, Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.12.4 and earlier, multiple Cisco products, and other products, does not properly associate renegotiation handshakes with an existing connection, which allows man-in-the-middle attacke20:06
lysiLaunchpad Login Service says: There's no page with this address in the Launchpad Login Service service. Check that you entered the address correctly and try again. (Error ID: 1580roseapple67)20:15
lysiCVE-2009-3555 also for answers.launchpad.net and launchpadlibrarian.net20:23
ubottuThe TLS protocol, and the SSL protocol 3.0 and possibly earlier, as used in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, mod_ssl in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.14 and earlier, OpenSSL before 0.9.8l, GnuTLS 2.8.5 and earlier, Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.12.4 and earlier, multiple Cisco products, and other products, does not properly associate renegotiation handshakes with an existing connection, which allows man-in-the-middle attacke20:23
=== piju is now known as piju[QRX]
ringeram having problems logging in to launchpad - anyone else? Or is it just me?20:38
beunoringer, yes, the servers are under heavy load20:38
ringerbeuno, hmm I wonder why ;)20:39
beunoringer, no idea, completely unexpected20:40
ringerbeuno, nothing to do with the launch of 10.04 then?20:41
beunoringer, I'm kidding, of course it's due to 10.04  :)20:41
ringerbeuno, sorry - it's hard to tell on irc when people are being dead straight or not20:42
beunoringer, yeah, apologies about that20:43
ringerbeuno, while you're here, and I can't log on to ubuntu forums, do you have a script to right-click in Nautilus to open a terminal in that folder?20:45
lysiWhen I read the status header one might get the impression that lp is under heavy construction period. ;-) http://identi.ca/launchpadstatus20:46
beunoringer, I do not20:46
ringerbeu, ok - bit of a longshot wasn't it20:47
ringerbeuno, hmm - could have sworn I typed b then e then u then TAB20:48
yadudocHi, Would someone know if bug tags are in use ? This is in relation to this Junior task bug --> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots/+bug/40740220:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407402 in ubuntu-bots "[Bugtracker] ubottu does not recognise bugs with nicknames" [Wishlist,Triaged]20:48
lysiringer: install extension nautilus-open-terminal20:49
ringerlysi, thanks - will now have to look up how to install extensions in N - linux is all good fun, eh?20:50
JanCringer: tehre is a package20:52
lysiringer: install via Synaptic, search for the package name: nautilus-open-terminal20:53
JanCjust install it and restart nautilus20:53
ringerok thanks guys20:53
JanCrestart might require you to kill it (log out & back in works too of course)20:53
lysiringer: http://library.gnome.org/users/user-guide/stable/gosnautilus-440.html.en20:54
ringerinstalling it now20:55
ringerJanC, lysi installed it but 'open in terminal' is only available through the file menu and not right-click. is that correct?21:01
JanCringer: where do you right-click?21:02
ringerJanC, ona file in a folder - ah - maybe I need to right clcik on the folder21:03
JanCit's not there when you right-click a file21:03
JanCfolder or free space21:03
JanCyou can't open a file in a terminal  ;)21:03
ringerJanC, yeah - just found that out. Thanks.21:03
ringerand in doing all this, I just realised I missed an ebay item I was watching!21:04
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mkanatBefore I go searching--where in the Launchpad code is the duplicate-detection algorithm that's used when filing a bug?21:36
mwhudsonmkanat: it's in postgres, mostly21:38
mkanatmwhudson: It's PL/SQL or something?21:38
mwhudsonmkanat: it's a postgres full text search extension21:38
mkanatmwhudson: Ahhh. Could I see it somewhere?21:38
mwhudson(may not be an extension any more, actually)21:38
mwhudsonmkanat: probably, you know about as much as me now21:38
mkanatmwhudson: Hahaha, okay.21:39
mkanatmwhudson: I want to implement the same thing generically in Bugzilla.21:39
mwhudsonmkanat: well, it's pretty much the same algorithm as used for bug searcing21:39
TresEquismhudson:  just uses the proposed summary as the search query?21:40
mkanatmwhudson: Oh, so perhaps I could just OR all the terms together and do a fulltext search and take the relevance.21:41
zebastian_how can i dl lubuntu lynx?21:42
jpdszebastian_: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download21:43
zebastian_L ubuntu21:44
=== salgado changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
tsimpsonzebastian_: ask in #lubuntu22:01
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JoshTriplettIs this an appropriate place to report spam in launchpad?22:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 266436 in mailman "deceptive listinfo "to post a message..."" [Medium,New]22:25
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bbordwell_I need to file a bug against launchpad, most of the bugs that have been reported in the last day or so are showing up twice for no reason on this page: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-datecreated&field.status%3Alist=New&field.importance%3Alist=Undecided&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.component=1&field.component=2&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=o22:31
bbordwell_how do I go about doing this?22:32
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bbordwellsorry my internet connections is not working very well, if anyone answered me could you please resend?22:38
TresEquisbbordwell: you need to use bit.ly or something for that URL22:55
TresEquisbut you can report launchpad bugs using launchpad:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad22:56

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