
Ken8521_arctic ape00:00
MJEvansI know there's a list of proper names... Arctic Ape I could buy as being a valid combination from that list.00:00
MJEvansZebra may be on the list too, but not the other word.  Maybe Zainy (sp) or something...00:00
bjsniderthere are no apes in the arctic00:01
MJEvansSo what00:01
Ken8521_i don't think they plan the names very far in advance00:01
MJEvansWelly ship one up on a boat00:01
virtualdunless you count humans as apes00:01
Ken8521_they've not come up w/ a name for 11.04 yet00:01
Spreadsheet_So it would be n00:01
Spreadsheet_Nauseous Narwhal anyone?00:02
MJEvansZany Zebra00:02
MJEvansZen Zebu00:02
bjsnideri hope they name a release after steve monkey boy ballmer00:03
MJEvansZesty Zebrafish00:03
MJEvansIt's not monkey00:03
MJEvansMavrick Meerkat according to the page00:03
Ken8521_it's maverick meerkat00:03
virtualdbjsnider: would that be the crazy chimp release?00:04
MJEvansfreenode/#ubuntu+1(+Ccfntz #ubuntu-unregged) << Does this mean I can stay in here?00:04
Ken8521_virtuald, lol00:04
Ken8521_that's a ways off00:04
Ken8521_for N, im going to propse Nifty Newt00:04
bjsnidervirtuald, yeah they could use ballmer's picture for it00:05
h4writerwow, 10.04 is realy nice :D00:05
* virtuald plays developers.wav00:05
Ken8521_Nefarious Nightingale00:05
MJEvansKen8521_: that sounds like some kind of Spy's codename00:05
MJEvans(In other words, awesome)00:06
Ken8521_MJEvans, lol, which one?00:06
h4writerone huge thing: restarting and shutting down doesn't work ?!00:06
MJEvans< Ken8521_> Nefarious Nightingale < MJEvans> Ken8521_: that sounds like some kind of Spy's codename (In other words, awesome)00:06
LinuxGuy2009h4writer: Are you asking or stating?00:06
Ken8521_h4writer, there's been some folks w/ issues on that...00:06
h4writerLinuxGuy2009, stating00:06
h4writerit doesn't work here00:06
Ken8521_MJEvans, i kinda like Nifty Newt00:07
LinuxGuy2009h4writer: Im sure by the time 10.04.1 comes out it will run like a raped ape. ;)00:07
MJEvansh4writer: What sort of install profile do you have?  Any new/(or really old)/odd hardware?  Any unusual partition layouts or network mounts?00:08
h4writerMJEvans, I'm using a Aspire 5920G. Nothing that special. I have dual boot with windows, so linux is on second partition sda5 or something00:09
Guest5117does anyone know how to install enlightenment in Lucid?00:10
h4writerbut I'll try updating first, maybe there is already a fix :D00:10
ZykoticK9Guest5117, "sudo apt-get install e16" perhaps?  or are you looking for e17? -- haven't used enlightenment myself in years, and never on Ubuntu00:11
Guest5117ZykoticK9, couldnt find package00:11
yofel!info e1600:11
ubottue16 (source: e16): the Enlightenment Window Manager DR16. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-3.1 (lucid), package size 391 kB, installed size 892 kB00:11
MJEvansh4writer: I too have an Acer Aspire laptop running it.  My issue relates to having multiple _crypt partitions that I need unlocked in the initrd/initramfs, including swap...00:12
yofele17 is only available in debian sid as version 0.16.999.063-100:12
westinghousei disabled swarp00:12
snowveilanyone know how poulsbo support (if any) is in 10.04?00:12
bjsnidersnowveil, no support except vesa00:13
Guest5117yofel, what does that mean?00:14
yofelGuest5117: not  available in lucid00:14
yofelGuest5117: (e17) e16 is there00:14
Ken8521_MJEvans, i've got an acer aspire, and things are working great here00:14
snowveilshame :-/00:14
chadiguys, upgrade or clean install of lucid?00:17
chadii have /home on a separate partition00:18
Ken8521_chadi, whichever you want... we've all heard "Upgrades gone Wrong" stories... so just do whatever you want00:21
crimsunchadi: clean tends to have fewer residual issues for fairly obvious reasons ;-)00:21
chadii'll go clean00:21
chadibut I have a question though00:21
chadihow to I tell the installer to use my old /home ? I've never done that before; is it straightforward?00:22
Ken8521_never done that either00:22
Hillshumchadi: Do you have room for a new as well as the old?00:22
Ken8521_i guess you could copy/paste the old one, over the new one00:22
chadiHillshum, not really, I allocated all the space00:22
yofelpretty much, you need to use manual partitioning, and set it to use the old home as /home and tell it not to format it00:23
jorgeanyone here have any idea why my sound would work on everything EXCEPT for all of my linux games???00:23
jorgeall videos, all youtube, all music, everything, just not games00:23
chadiyea, i hope it works, i'm gonna backup home anyway00:23
crimsunjorge: which specific games, i.e., which audio library is used?00:23
jorgefor instance abuse has no sound whatsoever00:24
jorgenor airstrike00:24
jorgeatomic tanks, bugsquish00:24
crimsunso, libsdl-based?00:24
jorgeyoure probably right, i am new to linux and ubuntu00:24
crimsunwhich of libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio, libsdl1.2debian-alsa, or libsdl1.2debian-all do you have installed?00:25
jorgehow can i check?00:25
jorgei am running a term now00:25
crimsundpkg -l libsdl1.2debian\*|grep ^ii00:25
jorgeii  libsdl1.2debian                      1.2.14-4ubuntu1                                 Simple DirectMedia Layer00:26
jorgeii  libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio           1.2.14-4ubuntu1                                 Simple DirectMedia Layer (with X11 and Pulse00:26
crimsunjorge: ok, can you get a verbose log, then? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log00:26
Hillshumchadi: I have room for two installs, so I can try a beta or something but go back if it breaks00:28
jorgeok i have tthe log crimsun00:29
chadiHillshum: sorry, saw your message after d/cing :P so do you use the same /home for both then?00:29
jorgewant me to email it to you or?00:30
Hillshumjorge: paste.ubuntu.com00:30
jorgecrimsun:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/424293/00:31
boxgvfs or something appears to be broken on my ubuntu, upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04. whenever i try to open an sftp:// or ftp:// location, anything other than a regular folder, i get "The specified location is not supported". And the only type in Connect to server... is "Custom Location". looks like i don't have protocol support? Worked before upgrade.00:32
jorgecrimsun: that was attempting to play abuse00:37
Random832has anyone else had problems with screen flashing after resuming suspend on an i915?00:37
lucas-arghow do i change plymouth theme?00:38
FGTrooperI loss the name of the chat of lucid party, can someone give me please ?!?00:40
Ken8521_!party > FGTrooper00:41
ubottuFGTrooper, please see my private message00:41
arandFGTrooper: #ubuntu-release-party ?00:41
FGTrooperThank ! ^_^00:41
LinuxGuy2009Oh boy, a party!00:41
crimsunjorge: can your pastebin your /proc/cpuinfo, please?00:42
Random832is there a way to like, kill RANDR dead? i'm convinced resolution switching is the cause of these screen flashing problems00:43
Random832i never switch resolutions so if i could just disable it entirely00:44
crimsunrandr is an extension; I'm unsure why you would want to "kill" it.00:44
jorgecrimsun: how do i gett hat again?00:44
crimsunjorge: cat /proc/cpuinfo |pastebinit00:45
jorgethank you.00:45
jorgecrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424299/00:46
pcrovspeaking of resolution - how can i change my virtual console resolution now with grub 2?00:46
samsonitehey all00:47
samsonitei have the age old question... fresh install of 10.4 or upgrade?00:48
dagny_ta1gartsamsonite: if you have /home on a seperate partition I say fresh install00:49
crimsunjorge: are you able to switch back to the desktop while abuse is running? If so, please first install pavucontrol, then start abuse, then switch back to the desktop, then see which device is being used for output.00:49
samsonitedagny_ta1gart yeah unfortunatly i didnt pretition that way00:50
samsonitedagny_ta1gart is it possible to partition the disk and move the mount point?00:50
Hardwire03can someone help me00:51
dagny_ta1gartsamsonite: i think if you repartition the disk you will lose data.  you may be able to resize a partition00:52
Hardwire03Anyone know if Ubuntu 9.10 or 10.4 support ( Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio VARPAK 7.1 Channels 24-bit 96KHz PCI Express x1 Interface Sound Card )00:53
samsonitedagny_ta1gart yeah im thinking resize, add a partition, copy /home there, and then reinstall and use the new partition as the mount point00:53
samsonitefor /home00:53
jbuncherThis may be nit-picking, but please, it's 10.04, not 10.400:53
Pici10-4 good buddy00:53
crimsunHardwire03: not well. The driver is very crude currently because of lack of Free specs.00:53
jorgecrimsun switch back to the desktop? you mean minimise abuse?00:55
crimsunjorge: sure00:55
felonseriously tho00:55
jorgeyes i can do that00:55
felonwhen is 10.04 supose to come out00:55
crimsunHardwire03: also, please don't send me private queries; it tends to end up in my killfile.00:55
Pici!isitout > jorge00:55
ubottujorge, please see my private message00:55
bjsnidermore sound cards should be pci-x1. at least creative did that right00:55
felonin witch time zone does it release at00:55
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party00:56
Picifelon: all time-zones, at once.00:56
jorgeok i will install pavucontrol00:56
jorgepavucontrol is already the newest version.00:57
jorgeso what do i need to do?00:57
samsoniteugh i want to upgrade tomorrow but i dont want to deal with re-setting up everything00:58
jorgei just tried to run pavucontrol and got this error00:58
jorgeconnection failed: connection refused00:58
Volkodavyofel: I got a reply from Kingston on TRIM and why we did not see zeroes on that test00:58
fabiobikive upate to 10.0401:00
fabiobikand now its not working01:00
arandfabiobik: Define "not working"01:00
Volkodavhe said that the controller does not erase blocks right away - they utilize their garbage collector and then at some point TRIM is triggered01:00
crimsunjorge: remember to remove ~/.pulse/client.conf01:00
fabiobiknot appears the login screen01:00
crimsunjorge: it looks like you forgot to undo the changes ;-)01:00
fabiobikthe pc continue rebooting01:00
samsonitefabiobik use the live cd to recover your data01:01
samsoniteboot from the disk, then backup your data01:01
felonPici : ok then what time01:01
samsonitethen you can safely reinstall01:01
felonmidnight ?01:01
Picifelon: When its done01:01
fabiobikthe version installed after de upgrade is 9.1001:01
bjsniderVolkodav, you running ubuntu off an ssd?01:02
fabiobikthe version installed before de upgrade is 9.1001:02
yofelVolkodav: ah, that sould make a bit more sense indeed01:02
fabiobikso burn live cd and i have the option to recover?01:02
arandfabiobik: Do you get to the grub bootmenu?01:02
bjsniderVolkodav, does it have 4k sectors?01:02
fabiobikarand yes01:02
jorgeok i deleted it01:03
Volkodavbjsnider: you can allign it as you wish01:03
crimsunjorge: if it turns out that libsdl-based games are playing to the wrong device or the volume is set to zero, you can change that in pavucontrol. Also, try export PULSE_NO_SIMD=1 in your ~/.bashrc, logout and login.01:03
mikelifeguardWill Lucid still have the min/max/exit buttons at the left?01:03
felonits done already01:03
crimsunjorge: I need to catch a train01:03
felonyou just dont know it01:03
fabiobikarand yes the boot menu appears01:04
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
arandfabiobik: And if you select "recovery mode" there is it able to boot?01:04
fabiobikarand no still not bot the pc restart01:04
bjsniderVolkodav, how do you figure that?01:05
DasEimikelifeguard: yes, but can change it back01:05
fabiobikarand so to downgrade or not loose any personal data how to ?01:05
DasEi!buttons | mikelifeguard01:05
ubottumikelifeguard: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto01:05
DasEi..wrong trigger01:06
mikelifeguardnp, I can find it01:06
mikelifeguardI just thought it might not have been kept in the final release of an LTS01:06
* mikelifeguard shrugdances01:06
arandfabiobik: Hmm, if you just need to get to the data on the disk, you can get a liveCD and boot from that, and you ahould be able to get to the data on the disk using that.01:07
fabiobikarand i want to restore01:07
fabiobikarand i want to put like before the upgrade01:07
fabiobikwithout looses01:08
Volkodavbjsnider: http://www.nuclex.org/blog/personal/80-aligning-an-ssd-on-linux%2201:08
fabiobikits possible to downgrade without loosing data?01:10
arand_fabiobik: Ubuntu does not support downgrades, your options are to try to fix the issue here with this version, or to backup your personal data and completely reinstall the old version. Basically01:10
fabiobikarand and how to fix my issue?01:11
fabiobikmedia error01:13
fabiobikautorealocate faild01:13
fabiobikand restart01:13
arand_fabiobik: I don't know, I'm afraid... When you choose the options from the boot menu, is the reboot instantaneous or does it start to boot the kernel and you see some messages before it reboots?01:13
arand_fabiobik: is "autorelocate failed" what you see when it fails to boot?01:14
fabiobiki see messages01:14
fabiobikarand its the last message i see. after that the pc restart automatic01:14
arand_fabiobik: Ok, that's at least something to go by with google..01:15
arand_fabiobik: Have you tried booting older versions of the kernel?01:15
fabiobikthe last one i see the ubuntu logo01:16
fabiobiki think is the most oldest01:16
fabiobikbut not the login screen01:17
lastelement0hey all, i'm having issues with my internet connection. i never get disconnected, but throughout downloading, it will just stop, and the download stalls. then randomly it will pick back up again. anyone know why?01:20
arand_fabiobik: Hmm, the reallocation error seems like read errors, which is _bad_ I would go with a liveCD and try to backup important data first of all.01:20
arand_fabiobik: Truth is, I'm clueless as to what the problem/solution is...01:21
AntigaI'm having an Issue with the fan on my laptop W7Sg Asus. It runs at a constant speed (slow) regardless of temp. sensors-detect/ pwmconfig are not doing the trick. Ideas?01:21
AntigaNothing in the acpi/fan folder either01:21
bob_kQuestion about 10.04 and Ruby and RubyGems:01:21
bob_k'gem list --local' produces an empty list, but 'sudo gem list --local' does not.  Why?01:22
=== arand_ is now known as arand
fabiobikarand this is very anoying situation01:23
lastelement0hey all, i'm having issues with my internet connection. i never get disconnected, but throughout downloading, it will just stop, and the download stalls. then randomly it will pick back up again. anyone know why?01:24
=== EugeneKay is now known as EugeneKaway
=== EugeneKaway is now known as EugeneKay
samsonitebob_k are you having gem issues after an upgrade or fresh install?01:26
bob_ksamsonite: Fresh install.01:26
bob_kAnd thank you for responding to me.  I've gotten no help from #ruby nor #rubyonrails today.01:27
samsonitebob_k honestly i dont have 10.04 yet so im not sure01:27
samsonitewhat version of ruby and what version gems?01:28
fabiobikdont doo the upgrade01:28
fabiobikthis upgrade sucks01:28
bob_kruby 1.8 (, and gems 1.3.601:28
fabiobikmy system not working. even i cant see the login screen01:28
samsonitefabiobik dude its not out yet01:28
samsonitefabiobik you must have done the beta or RC?01:29
fabiobikand now i cand downgrade01:29
=== EugeneKay is now known as EugeneKaway
samsonitebob_k hmm im really not sure01:30
samsonitethats what im running on my mac and its working as expected01:30
bob_ksamsonite: Well darnit... I've tried almost everything I can.  I'm not sure how to continue.01:31
switchgirlWarning: call to rand()01:33
switchgirlis a warning i get when i run vlc in terminal01:33
progre55is it out yet??01:34
progre55it's the 29th here =)01:34
yofel!outyet | progre5501:36
ubottuprogre55: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party01:36
progre55haha =) thanks01:36
CyberKitsuneIs there any way to fix the Plymoth resolution/color depth issue yet?01:40
yofelCyberKitsune: proprietary driver?01:41
cwillu_at_workCyberKitsune, which one?01:42
=== EugeneKaway is now known as EugeneKay
CyberKitsuneThe one when you update to the nVidia Propietary driver, the color depth and screen res of plymouth reset to the lowest possible.01:43
cwillu_at_workCyberKitsune, plymouth support in nvidia's proprietary driver isn't much of a priority01:43
cwillu_at_workit's trickier than you might think01:43
CyberKitsuneis there an open source alt to the proprietary drivers that isn't half bad?01:43
cwillu_at_workCyberKitsune, yes, it's used by default if you don't have nvidia's driver installed01:44
cwillu_at_workno 3d acceleration yet though01:44
cwillu_at_workCyberKitsune, -> http://www.netsplit.com/2010/03/30/all-about-kernel-mode-setting/01:44
cwillu_at_worksubtitled: (or why your $500 nVidia card only displays in 16-colors)01:45
CyberKitsuneSo either pretty bootup or 3D acceleration01:46
fabiobikhow to solve my problem? when i try to boot from the lastest kernel the pc restart. if i try to boot from the oldest version i can see the ubuntu logo but not the login screen!01:46
cwillu_at_workCyberKitsune, well, you could probably hack usplash back in01:46
fabiobikive updated from 9.10 version01:46
BiggFREEHow disable the auto lock of the screen ?01:46
CyberKitsuneIt boots too fast anyway =V, who needs a splash at all really01:46
cwillu_at_workBiggFREE, which, when the screensaver kicks in?  it's under the screensaver settings01:46
BiggFREEOk I will check it.  ty01:47
arandfabiobik: Wht happens if you try to boot the recovery version of the old kernel?01:47
BiggFREEYes Every 30 seconds01:47
BiggFREEI need my password01:48
fabiobikarand let me see01:48
BiggFREEIt is not tick for locking01:51
BiggFREEIt is not the screesaver01:52
fabiobikarand the recovery version are saying something. i think is about the hard disk01:53
tangodown40hey guys, i have a small prob with power management01:53
=== cozziemoto is now known as coz_
arandfabiobik: It sounds more and more like hardware failiure, the harddisk having given up...01:54
digiforWhat time does Lucid get released?01:56
jpds!isitout | digifor01:57
ubottudigifor: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party01:57
digiforthanks jpds01:58
foxmulder881I am Linuxless until the release of 10.04. Hurry up already. How long to go?02:00
Pici!isitout | foxmulder88102:00
ubottufoxmulder881: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:00
roffeIf I've done a fresh install of Lucid, am I running Nouveau drivers or the blob? and how can I tell?02:01
Piciroffe: It should say in your xorg log which drivers you are currently using. Likely nouveau, if you haven't touched jockey.02:01
roffePici: ok, thanks. I can't find the xorg log. I tried /etc/X11/xorg.conf but there was no file02:02
Piciroffe: /var/log/Xorg.0.log (or similar)02:03
roffePici: Thanks. which line says what driver I'm running?02:04
Piciroffe: It should be listed in one of the LoadModule lines02:05
roffePici: Well, it mentions nouveau on several occasions, so I assume it's running it. And I can't enable "normal" or "extra" visual effects, so I assume that's due to nouveau02:07
Piciroffe: I'd guess, but I don't really have any experience with nouveu.02:08
milo4hello dose anyone know much about mysql server02:08
roffePici: ok, ATI? :)02:08
rmrfslashIs anyone else having issues w/ suspend-to-ram?02:08
Piciroffe: Yeah.  One computer using fglrx and the other using the open source driver.02:09
kevin009if we remove pulseaudio from 10.4, does the volume control break?02:09
rmrfslashin that it just does a screen lock?02:09
gaysquirrelhow do some people have 10.04 alrady>02:10
crdlbkevin009: the indicator applet one? I'd expect it to02:10
milo4there probly beta testers02:10
kevin009yeah i had to use a ppa to fix that in 9.10, so i guess i can't upgrade until that is worked around again02:11
milo4can someone help me with a small problem i have ran in to ?02:11
gaysquirrelshould I upgrade when it is released02:11
gaysquirrelor fresh install?02:11
crdlbkevin009: indicator-sound has a hard dependency on pulseaudio02:12
gaysquirrelits on my main work terminal so I would RATHER upgrade, but i need stability02:12
kevin009the one i typically use is the volume control applet02:12
crdlbwell, lucid uses the new indicator one by default02:13
virtualdrmrfslash: suspend issues are very hardware specific. file a bug (run ubuntu-bug linux)02:14
rmrfslashyeah, I did that02:14
rmrfslashactually, that reminds me I need to collect all kinds of friggin data02:14
rmrfslashgot an automated message02:15
virtualdwhat's the bug number?02:15
virtualdor link02:15
rmrfslash"run this, run that, run this thing, run that thing, download and install the mainline kernel and try it... etc"02:15
rmrfslashlemme grab it02:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569624 in linux "pm-suspend does nothing" [Undecided,Incomplete]02:16
virtualdyes that's debugging, the only way to solve these bugs02:16
* meowbuntu reverts from ubuntu 9.10 back to ubuntu 8.0 lts its easier and works better on my os 02:16
meowbuntufor older machines ubuntu should look at keeping ubuntu 8.0 lts supported officially forever02:16
woodyjlwwill I be able to download 10.04 after midnight tonight?  I am so pleased with 10.04 I want to try it on my desktop now02:16
GSF1200Sdoes anyone know when 10.04 is going to be released (time approx)? Im trying to get the ISOs right away so I can seed them02:17
GSF1200SI already have it installed..02:17
meowbuntu8.0 os more stable on my p4 with 768 mb ram02:17
rmrfslashI don't seem to even have a swap partition.02:18
AntigaHaving an issue with 10.4 recognizing my fan, sensors-detect isn't yielding anything. Fan stays at a constant/slow speed that is not sufficient. acpi/fan etc nothing in that folder. Looking at modprobe stuff? really lost? somewhat new to ubuntu. Any help would be wonderful!02:18
gaysquirrel9.10 is pretty damn stable on this celeron with 768 megs02:19
gaysquirrelcompiz, too02:19
virtualdrmrfslash: where are you looking?02:19
rmrfslashdf -k02:19
meowbuntugaysquirrel, every computer is different02:19
GSF1200SAntiga: had a similar issue- I recommend downloading the lm-sensors source from their webpage02:19
virtualdrmrfslash: swap is not a file system and therefore does not show02:19
virtualdrmrfslash: the free commanand shows it02:20
rmrfslashI need to check the dize of my swap partition02:20
AntigaGSF: lm-sensors runs sensors-detect?02:20
woodyjlwGSF1200S,  you already have it installed?  the alpha ver ? or the final?02:20
rmrfslashapparently I have 11 GB of swap02:21
rmrfslashI think I have 4 GB of physical mem02:21
GSF1200Swoodyjlw: apologies for the confusion- I installed the release candidate and have kept it up to date. It is not a "stable version" yet, but its working fine and im not gonna reinstall02:22
virtualdthe auto partitioning option is a little greedy02:22
GSF1200Sim just gonna update in a few days02:22
virtualdswitchgirl: STOP! Hammertime!02:22
vernrwill fluxbuntu come out as a subdistro with this?02:22
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.02:22
GSF1200SI think its safe to say that downloading updates will be a bad idea for the next few days02:22
vernrwhat is hammer time?02:23
virtualdswitchgirl: stop! collaborate and listen..yadda yadda02:23
woodyjlwGSF1200S,  oh thats cool I am running the same and it is great! this is best performing linux I have had on this 64 bit laptop but I want to try the final as soon as it becomes available lol....like a kid in the candy store :)02:23
vernrwill fluxbuntu come out as a subdistro with this?02:24
vernrit only takes up less than 170 mb02:25
GSF1200Swoodyjlw: :) I here you.. If you can maybe on a second computer, try to seed the install ISO's (bittorrent) because the mirrors are going to be slammed and slow.. Torrent will be the best way to get the ISO's02:25
GSF1200Sthats what im trying to do02:25
virtualdvernr: it's something from an mc hammer song "you can't touch this"02:25
vernrwhy is she talking about it in a support channel?02:25
GSF1200Sworks great here as well, except my monitors shut off if X isnt loaded. Seems like a framebuffer issue, but nothing ive tried fixes it- prolly due in large part to my nvidia card..02:26
woodyjlwGSF1200S,  yes I will use torrent and seed it for as long as I can. was just hoping I could find it tonight before it gets real late02:26
vernrno one wants to talk about fluxbuntu02:27
GSF1200Syeah, me too.. im not sleeping until its released and im seeding ;)02:27
GSF1200Sso the earlier it comes out, the more sleep I get02:27
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GSF1200Svernr: fluxbuntu is pretty nice- I run it in virtual, although admittedly im still using 9.04.. need to upgrade02:28
westinghousefluxbuntu is the bttf version?02:28
vernrGSF1200S, could you tell me where i can find network manager and the system notification area in fluxbuntu?02:30
tonyyarussoum, how do I disable the login sound?  (without disabling sounds once I'm all logged in and ready to go)02:30
djbeeniehas anyone used vmware workstation in 10.4 yet?02:30
trismtonyyarusso: the sound before or after login?02:30
tonyyarussotrism: uh, during, although I suppose it's what you mean by after.  While the desktop is loading, not at GDM.02:31
trismtonyyarusso: well, the sound before is System/Administration/Login Screen, the sound after is System/Preferences/Startup Applications, Gnome login sound02:31
coachjif i have 10.4 beta 1 installed will updating bring the install up to the 10.4 LTS?02:31
GSF1200Svernr: no, im sorry I cant.. I dont have a network manager- it just connects via CLI to ethernet which is how an OS gets inet from the host on a virtual machine. Do you have network manager installed? try typing nm-applet in a terminal and see what it says02:31
tonyyarussotrism: Startup Applications eh?  Yeah, never would have thought to look there.02:31
tonyyarussotrism: Thanks a million - now I can stop getting awkward stares in class.02:32
trismtonyyarusso: yeah, spent a while searching for it the other day02:32
woodyjlwthe open source ati driver for my laptop is MUCH! better on 10.04  now and I can see much better 3d support and my suspend and wake work perfect.   ati 200m on all other ubuntu ver. would lock the keyboard and mouse on wake most of the time and I have had the test ver of 10.04 for a month now and it has not done it once on me. only prob is my blue-tooth will not reconnect to mouse from wake or restart and I have to make it visible02:32
woodyjlw every time.02:32
GSF1200Svernr: if not, you can install network manager, ensure the panel you are running has a systray (which fluxbuntu does by default) and run nm-applet in a terminal. you can create a script to launch nm-applet on fluxbox's start, which will make this automatic02:33
vernrGSF1200S, it starts gnome network manager. is there a way to run it without leaving a terminal window open?02:33
GSF1200Svernr: yes, use "Run Command" in the flux menu and type nm-applet there02:35
GSF1200SCLOSE the terminal first02:35
GSF1200SAs I said, to make this automatic, you can create a script and have it autoload at fluxbox startup02:35
GSF1200Sits very easy to make such a script: #!/bin/bash     as the first line,  nm-applet        as the second line, save, make executable, and then link to the script02:36
woodyjlwanyone know the best torrent site to find 10.04 when it dose come out?02:37
alex87woodyjlw, i think the torrent is available from ubuntu.com02:38
woodyjlwalex87,  ok thanks :)02:39
td123so, when is lynx coming out?02:41
arand!outyet | td12302:42
ubottutd123: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:42
alex87what time is it over in the US?02:43
td123alex87: 20:44 central02:44
alex87ah, so it should be out in the next 27 hours or so?02:44
td123hopefully :P02:44
gaysquirrel27 hours!02:44
td123although I personally don't use ubuntu :P02:44
alex87td123, haha, then why are you here?02:46
meowbuntuhi all when does official support frun out for ubuntu 8.0 lts i cnt find any info02:47
meowbuntutd123, then y come here02:47
td123because I like to check out what ubuntu comes out with :)02:50
td123curiousity is all02:50
coachjwill an updated 10.4 beta 1 by current with the 10.4 LTS coming tomorrow?02:50
td123coachj: just do a fresh install02:50
arandtd123: It's social networking galore this release, imo.02:50
arand!final | coachj02:51
ubottucoachj: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.02:51
TerminXsure, why not, it's not like a reinstall is going to give you packages that aren't in the repositories02:51
Loshameowbuntu: 8.04 lts desktop should be supported until April 201102:51
lastelement0hey all, i'm having issues with my internet connection. i never get disconnected, but throughout downloading, it will just stop, and the download stalls. then randomly it will pick back up again. anyone know why?02:51
jacobuntuit's that time of year again02:52
arandtd123 coachj: If there are no problems, a fresh install is kind of pointless...02:52
coachjok thks02:52
rmrfslashAll right, I just added a bunch of stuff to my bug report02:52
jacobuntuim on beta 2 still how do i upgrade to RC02:52
TerminXlucid was finally what murdered my 8 year old install though (had installed debian in 2002 and switched to ubuntu via dist-upgrade when things were first forked)02:52
jacobuntuor do i not do that02:52
rmrfslashhopefully this can be solved. too bad too because everything was working great under 9.1002:52
jacobuntuMy OCD won't let me just upgrade, I fresh install baby02:52
rmrfslashnow all of a sudden suspend is done broked02:52
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.02:53
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.02:53
gaysquirreljacobuntu, im contemplationg02:53
gaysquirreli dopnt know if i wanna go through the hassel of a fresh install02:53
gaysquirreli have my dev stuff set up the way i want02:53
Loshameowbuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-8.04-lts-desktop "....those who prefer longer deployment cycles can stay with Ubuntu 8.04 for three years before moving to the next LTS release...."02:53
NonpythonUbuntu is freezing on boot with 5 red orbs.02:54
jacobuntu(meowbuntu quit)02:54
MagicFabI am sharing my Ubuntu Manual copy here, if anyone cares: http://ubuntuone.com/p/1Jh/02:55
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arandMagicFab: Um, diff from official release?02:55
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90402:56
coachjMagicFab: nice thks02:56
MagicFabarand, no, but the official release is getting hammered - no torrent in sight02:57
arandMagicFab: Ah, true that.02:57
johanbrHi. Does anyone else have broken sound with the -21 kernel? (in particular, on an HP laptop)02:59
johanbr-19 works fine02:59
crimsunjohanbr: you should know better ;-)  Where's your debugging info?02:59
johanbrcrimsun, :) unfortunately I don't have that readily available atm03:00
johanbrit's my girlfriend's laptop... just thought I'd ask if anyone else had seen the problem03:00
lastelement0hey all, i'm having issues with my internet connection. i never get disconnected, but throughout downloading, it will just stop, and the download stalls. then randomly it will pick back up again. anyone know why?03:01
arandNonpython: try to boot with the kernel option   nomodeset03:01
johanbrlastelement0, wired or wireless connection? and which network card?03:01
lastelement0johanbr: wired RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 01)03:02
pcrovjohanbr: sound is working fine on my hp laptop with -2103:02
Nonpythonhow do I do that? (I am not a n00b, and in fact have made my own distro in the past, ubuntu's new boot thing is fracking weird)03:02
crimsunjohanbr: without that info, you're really shooting in the dark.03:02
FFForeverAnyone else having an issue browsing the network location?03:03
eurythmiaI used add-apt-repository to add the gnome2-globalmenu/ppa, but it installed with the Lucid repo (which doesn't exist) ... how would I fully clean out this repository so that I can "start from scratch" as it were?03:04
johanbrcrimsun, yep, I know... I'll see if I can ssh to her machine and get the debugging info03:04
FFForeverI get an error saying Nautilus cannot handle network locations03:04
johanbrpcrov, alright, thank you03:04
crimsunpcrov: unfortunately it's so audio hw-specific that your case probably isn't at all relevant03:04
pcrovi know, crimsun. just answering the question given.03:05
NonpythonHow do I pass kernel options to Lucid?03:06
johanbrlastelement0, no experience with that one, but looks like others have the same problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/system76/+bug/56578703:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565787 in system76 "Realtek RTL8111/8168B NFS hangs" [Undecided,New]03:06
Nonpython(I don't like this new boot thing at all)03:07
crimsunNonpython: the same way you did before.03:07
crimsunNonpython: press Shift during the grub2 init, edit the kernel command line, choose boot.03:07
cornwalldfgdfgggNonpython: Lots of people don't. Just be glad you can boot! :)03:07
lastelement0johanbr hmmm not entirely the same but thanks03:07
NonpythonI went straight from intrepid to Lucid, due to hardware that hates me.03:08
pcrovNonpython: see /etc/defaults/grub and /etc/grub.d/ if you want to tweak things more permanently03:09
Wickedhmm.. cannot get ubuntu-10.04-rc-desktop-amd64.iso to boot for me...it gets to where it looks like its gonna load the desktop but then just stops and said it couldnt start...but it would start the desktop so i could see what was wrong....but then it just shuts the computer down03:10
arandNonpython: edit the boot line in the grub menu03:10
NonpythonIt did boot in the past, it stopped working when I set up my wireless mouse.03:11
Nonpython(nomodeset did not help.03:12
Fudgehi my logitech usb microphone detected fine in beta but not in rc2, how can i check to see what could be wrong?03:13
Wickedyea... 10.04 rc livecd will not boot for me.03:16
Wickedhope it gets fixed by tomorrow03:17
NonpythonI resorted to burning a -desktop cd and removing my change.03:19
wick94guys will ubuntu 10.04 be available today at midnight?03:26
cornwalldfgdfgggwick94: Probably not03:28
cornwalldfgdfgggwick94: it will be released when it's ready03:28
wick94and thts on april 30th03:28
cornwalldfgdfgggwick94: but it will be on the 29th. It may be tomorrow night, depending on where you are in the world03:28
wick94oh wats their time zone03:29
Loshacornwalldfgdfggg: actually, it will be released *before* it's ready, if the other releases are any guide....03:29
cornwalldfgdfgggwick94: Hardy released on Midnight for me, Karmic released in the afternoon for me03:29
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lastelement0hey johanbr, it actually did solve my problem lol... go figure. thanks again03:30
cornwalldfgdfgggwick94: dunno their time zone, it's in Europe03:30
wick94bt wat time zone does canonical follow03:30
johanbrlastelement0, great! you're welcome03:30
wick94do u knw the country03:30
Waistlesshi, I'm using an Ati 3850, and when I try installing fglrx, on boot the xorg.0.log throws up "undefined symbol ResVgaShared" and it fails to load fglrx. Is there any solution?03:32
Blue11does this channel become #ubuntu at midnight?03:36
arandBlue11: Some short time after release it will be closed, yep.03:36
Blue11many bugs remain03:37
tonyyarussoBlue11: when it's released yes, but that will not be at midnight03:41
arandBlue11: Many bugs _always_ remain :(03:42
ircuserWhen is the Final Release supposed to be there?03:44
Waistlesshas anyone tried the official fglrx 10.4 (from ati website)? do they work ok with lucid?03:45
Blue11Waistless: what is it?03:45
Waistlesswell as I posted earlier, I'm getting an error with the fglrx drivers in the lucid repo, so I was wandering if they worked03:46
Blue11Waistless: I am running the stock ati driver03:46
arandircuser: No fixed time03:46
Waistlessoh, you joined before that post.. the driver in lucid repo, when I boot gives an error "undefined symbol resVgaShared" and doesnt load03:46
ircuserarand: oh. I've been waiting since midnight.. I don't want to try Beta or RC03:47
Blue11Waistless: i thought all ati drivers (for linux) were in legacy mode03:47
ircuserI will waioy a bit more03:47
Waistlessblue11: what do you mean? I was under the assumption that ubuntu always got pre-release drivers so that they would work upon release (ati treats them special :P )03:48
Blue11Waistless: i mean that ati doesn't maintian the driver, and depends on the distributor to solve any issues03:48
Waistlessoh, I mean the fglrx driver in the lucid repo, i know ati doesnt maintain radeon or radeonhd03:50
Blue11Waistless: yp...I have an old radeon that suxeth03:51
Freeaqingme_are there ubuntu developers in here?03:51
Waistlesswell mine's an ati 3850 (sort of old), last release of ubuntu (9.10) gives me a black screen regardless of fglrx version. anyway Ill try fglrx from the ati website now anyway, ubuntu early look support looks promising...03:52
crdlbWaistless: I think the driver in the repo is indeed newer than the official release03:53
Flynsarmy10.04 comes otu today (29th) ?03:53
crdlbWaistless: and from what I've heard, 10.4 does not work on lucid03:53
Waistlesscrdlb: are you sure about that? official 10.4 was just recently released03:54
Waistlessand the fglrx in the lucid repo was around before then03:55
crdlblet's see03:55
crdlbWaistless: it seems I was mistaken03:57
ArtVandalaeHello all... is it still the 28th in the US (east coast/west coast?)03:58
arand!party | ArtVandalae03:58
ubottuArtVandalae: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties03:58
ArtVandalaearand, thanks03:58
Waistlessoh, umm.. xulrunner isn't compatible with firefox... somethings not right04:00
Waistlesswhy doesnt lucid get firefox 3.6?04:02
crimsunWaistless: eh? It has
Waistlessstrange.. i'm using lucid repos... firefox-3.6 doesn't show up04:04
crimsunthat's b/c it's 'firefox'04:04
Waistlesshmm.. well the firefox package shows up as 3.5.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu204:04
Waistlessno upgrades.. i know im using the lucid repo04:05
crimsunyour cache is broken?04:05
crimsunapt-cache policy firefox04:05
Waistlessapt-get update apt-cache policy firefox only 3.5.5 shows up. the mirror im using probably hates me..04:06
crimsunWaistless: http://pastebin.com/DUSehL5i04:07
Waistlesswell you're using ppa launchpad.. arent they more up to date always?04:07
crimsunWaistless: read the second candidate04:07
crimsunline 804:08
Waistlessi guess my mirrors horribly outdated :(04:08
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Random832anyone know how to completely disable KMS on intel video? or completely disable putting the display to sleep? they're interacting badly04:08
abhijainis ubuntu 10.4 is final released?04:10
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=== LucidLover is now known as progre55
abhijainneed a best download link . confused with alpha1 and beta04:11
arand!outyet | abhijain04:12
ubottuabhijain: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party04:12
abhijainubottu: thnaku04:12
Random832well that did SOMETHING at least04:15
Random832time will tell i suppose04:15
bp0ho to prevent the flash movie from exiting fullscreen mode when i push the volume buttons04:17
bp0i dont care so much about those stupid bubbles, if i could turn them all off that would be fine04:18
gaysquirrelhave lynx been released yet?04:18
crimsunyou'll have been kicked from the channel when it has been released. So, no.04:18
gaysquirrelwhats that supposed to mean04:18
crimsunwhen 10.04 LTS releases, this channel is no longer the Ubuntu+1 support channel.04:19
gaysquirreloh okay i though that was an insult of some sort04:19
StormMageis that at midnight or when?04:19
crimsunit's when you stop asking plus X hours04:19
gaysquirrelthats not nice!04:20
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crimsunseriously, none of us really know.04:20
gaysquirrelthats better ;)04:20
crimsunif you want the final images, it's a good idea to zsync the current ones.04:20
StormMagei am just trying to figure out if i will have time to dl and burn it off before running to class04:21
gaysquirrelwhy not just do an apt get and update it04:21
crimsunBTW, if you don't have lucid-security, lucid-updates, and lucid-proposed enabled, now would be a *really* wise time to do so.04:22
gaysquirrelany advice to a noob on how to get said prerequisites04:22
crimsunmeaning the pockets I just mentioned? You can edit /etc/apt/sources.list then update && upgrade, or you can use Software Sources04:23
gaysquirrelamd whats the purpose of getting them04:24
crimsunto get them before the mirrors are slammed04:26
jzacshso uh.. i'm sure this is the main que. ppl are asking -- but what time will the new release be available?04:26
DanaGargh, firefox segfaults when I try to add the security device /usr/lib/pkcs11/libopencryptoki.so04:26
crimsunjzacsh: 23:20 < crimsun> seriously, none of us really know.04:27
fauzyI am wondering if I can just roll 10.04 Lucid Lynx beta by running apt-get upgrade to the LTS04:27
crimsunand I've been at this since 4.10, so really, none of us know.04:27
fauzyis that possible?04:27
crimsunfauzy: yes, you can.04:27
fauzycrimsun: ty04:28
DanaGoh, and apport won't let me submit bugs on the ubuntu-mozilla-dailies.04:28
fauzyso has anyone got a sync sytem setup?04:28
fauzyTrying to get help running Unison04:28
jzacshcrimsun: :) i believe you. how does it work? only the lead developers know?04:29
fauzyI hope they fix the ALPS issue in the LTS04:29
crimsunjzacsh: no, literally when the major mirrors have synced and the release manager presses the red button on LP.04:29
DShepherdhow do i query what video driver my buntu is using?04:29
bryanrok i am here04:30
jzacshcrimsun: LP?04:30
bryanri told ya i would be here for the release04:30
bryanronly 30 minutes to go04:30
crimsunjzacsh: Launchpad04:30
jzacshcrimsun: ah. k, thanks for the info.04:30
crimsunbryanr: don't hold your breath; it's likely to be a lot longer than 30 minutes.04:30
fauzyCan I please get some help with something?04:31
bullgard4What does 'drm mean in »ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 2.6.32-21.32-generic«? See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/571530/04:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571530 in evolution "gpg: using subkey foo instead of primary key bar; skipped public key not found" [Undecided,New]04:31
crimsunbullgard4: it means the DRM component (for graphics) is from
crimsunbullgard4: if you remember, a decision was made to use 2.6.33's DRM stack instead of 2.6.32's04:32
fauzyShould I be in another hub to get help?04:32
crimsunfauzy: don't ask to ask, please04:32
fauzyok, so is this the correct hub for technical issues? or is that another hub04:32
crimsunfauzy: for 10.04 LTS, yes, at least for a few more hours04:33
crimsunafterward you'll be redirected to #ubuntu04:33
fauzyok, I need help with a sync issue.04:33
bullgard4crimsun: I do not remember. What do the letters 'DRM' stand for in this acronym?04:33
crimsundirect rendering manager04:34
bp0what package is the notification bubbles part of so i can report a bug>?04:34
crimsunbp0: notify-osd04:34
fauzyrather, I could use some advice as to issues regarding syncin across a network.04:34
bullgard4crimsun: Thank you very much for your help.04:34
bp0crimsun, thanks04:35
fauzybp0: do the OSD tags fade when moused over then come back?04:35
bp0bug 57153304:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571533 in notify-osd "Notification bubble causes flash to exit fullscreen mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57153304:35
bp0no, but i hate that too04:36
fauzyweird huh. 8)04:36
bp0is there a bug for that one04:37
bp0ill got join it04:37
johnjohn101is lucid finished officially?04:37
fauzywell i tried.04:37
fauzyhappy crackin04:38
crimsunjohnjohn101: "finished"?04:38
CygniaAnyone know whether Empathy can do IRC again in Lucid?04:42
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crdlbCygnia: it can, but it was semi-accidentally hidden04:43
crdlbCygnia: you must make an account for some other service (can be gibberish) with the wizard, then you can use the real accounts editor, which contains IRC04:43
Cygniacrdlb:IRC just isn't in the drop-down, no matter that I create another account first.04:44
almoxarifenever had video flicker before, been seeing it for a few days, anyone else?04:46
crdlbCygnia: so when you go to edit->accounts, you don't see a wizard with the header Welcome to Empathy"?"04:47
bullgard4Cygnia: Yes, Empathy can do IRC in Lucid.04:47
Cygniacrdlb: Yes I get the wizard. I connected my Facebook chat first, then went back in...04:48
CygniaBut IRC still isn't part of the list of services.04:49
crdlbCygnia: even with facebook chat enabled, you still get the wizard?04:50
Cygniacrdlb: No, at that point I choose Edit > Accounts. Every other imaginable service is in the dropdown, but not IRC.04:50
crdlbis telepathy-idle installed?04:51
Cygniacrdlb: Let me check...04:51
bullgard4Cygnia: Check to see it the underlying telepathy DEB program package is installed.04:51
Cygniacrdlb & bullgard4: Yes telepathy-idle is installed, according to Synaptic.04:52
CygniaShould I install either telepathy-core and/or telepathy-gnome? They are not installed.04:54
bullgard4Cygnia: Yes, please install telepathy-core.04:55
tucemiux_is it out yet?04:56
bullgard4Cygnia: Yes, please install telepathy-gnome too.04:56
tucemiux_it's april 29th in europe, is it not?04:56
bullgard4tucemiux_: Yes it is.04:57
crdlbI don't have telepathy-core or telepathy-gnome either04:57
tucemiux_3 minutes till april 29th in the east coast04:57
crdlband they're in universe, so definitely not required04:57
pcrov!outyet | tucemiux_04:58
ubottutucemiux_: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party04:58
Cygniabullgard4: That fixed it. Thank you for your help!04:58
tucemiux_pcrov, thanks04:58
bullgard4crdlb: But my Ubuntu did install them for me automatically.04:58
BiggFREEWill it be ready at midnight ?04:58
bullgard4Cygnia: Enjoy ubuntu!04:59
CygniaAnd you too, crdlb.04:59
BiggFREEEST ?04:59
MeekoHave ubuntu put the header on the frontpage (the search-header) the wrong way? :P04:59
tucemiux_BiggFREE, what are you talking about? it's going to be the 30th in a few hours04:59
johnjohn101i did the distro upgrade yesterday and got everything back in order. Is there anything I need to do tomorrow?04:59
bullgard4Meeko: What frontpage do you speak about?05:00
BiggFREENo It will be 29 here (IN Eastern Canada)05:00
Meekobullgard4: The ubuntu custom google-search05:01
BiggFREEIt is 29th now05:01
BiggFREEHow to get the LST version ?05:01
crdlbCygnia: well, that's odd, but I try not to look the gift horse in the mouth :)05:01
johnjohn101when does this channel officially close?05:03
bullgard4Meeko: I cannot answer you question. Because I am using a personally customized Google search page.05:03
BiggFREEIt is 29th now05:03
BiggFREEHow to get the LST version ?05:03
bullgard4BiggFREE: There is none.05:04
Meekobullgard4: http://start.ubuntu.com/10.04/05:04
BiggFREEWhy ?05:04
BiggFREEI got it many days ago.05:04
bullgard4BiggFREE: You probably meant something else.05:04
BiggFREEI got the RC one.05:05
BiggFREEHow do I upgrade now ?05:05
bullgard4BiggFREE: You better wait and see.05:06
BiggFREEIt is not release yet.05:10
MeekoThe ubuntu -way s to wait untill 11:59 on the west side of the international dateline05:10
BiggFREEEastern Canada here05:11
bullgard4beyondcr: We will celebrate an Ubuntu Release party tomorrow in Berlin, Germany.05:12
beyondcrlol cool it will be released the same time all around wont it?05:13
donpdonpwhoops, thats deprecated now05:14
dunasSo Ubuntu One's music store has been stuck on transferring to your ubuntu one storage for about 45 minutes, help05:15
jpdsdunas: #ubuntuone is your friend.05:16
MJEvansdunas: click the close button and reload after killing it?05:16
MJEvanshttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/  << So do only server and alternate ISOs get jigdos?05:17
jpdsMJEvans: jidgo isn't completely supported for ISO images downloads.05:17
MJEvansYeah, but jigdo + zsync get me there without downloading shared components at varrying offsets.05:19
MJEvansjpds: more or less I'm stuck behind a lower end DSL connection, but want to download most of the .isos between release and the launch party so I can burn a few copies of everything.05:22
KnifeySpooneyhistorically, when does the ubuntu homepage get update for each release? I really want to see the new design. :D05:23
MJEvansMost of their contnets is going to be the same, it's really going to be the desktop components that will differ.05:23
KnifeySpooneyI know, but they are going to update their homepage (ubuntu.com) with thew new colors05:23
KnifeySpooneyI'll find a link in a minute05:23
Error404NotFoundhave waited for this for like a million years... :P05:27
hemanthdoes lsb_release give us info about the version, just wanted to check if i'm on beta2 to RC05:27
Error404NotFoundhemanth, cat /etc/issue, lsb_release -a05:28
KnifeySpooneyMJEvans: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/ubuntu-gets-new-themes-logo-more.html05:28
hemanthError404NotFound, both say Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, but i want to know if i'm on beta2 to rc05:29
KnifeySpooneyAbout halfway through the article they mention a website05:29
KnifeySpooneyhemanth: if you've updated through the update-manager or apt, you should be on the release candidate05:29
KnifeySpooneyif not, you can update now and you'll be on the release candidate05:29
Error404NotFoundhemanth, hmmm, may be open the Help, System > Help, sorry, haven't used Lucid for more than couple of days, still running on a test box though...05:30
hemanthKnifeySpooney, i was on beta2, then i rembr doing update, upgrade05:30
KnifeySpooneyhemanth, well there is no definitive "this is rc" because the packages are constantly being updated in the repos. Run the update-manager again and if you have updates, install them05:31
hemanthKnifeySpooney, i have now updates, so must be on RC, after the final release today, i will do a upgrade-manager -d thank you :)05:33
KnifeySpooneyhemanth, just make sure you run `sudo apt-get update` before you check for updates :)05:34
KnifeySpooneyotherwise it will use your existing package list which could be outdated05:34
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
* shachaf wonders if it makes any sense to install the release candidate right now and upgrade later, rather than just waiting for tomorrow and installing the final release.05:39
PlainFlavoredhow many hours until the release?05:40
PlainFlavoredsorry if this question has been asked a million times already :D05:41
KnifeySpooneyPlainFlavored, i'm curious too :) in my experience it's never early in the morning (12am for me)05:41
KnifeySpooneyNot sure if they have a set time05:42
donpdonpPlainFlavored: im not sure even ubuntu knows05:42
PlainFlavoredi see05:42
KnifeySpooneyI was disappointed to see they haven't updated the home page yet.05:42
Victory444the countdown image they've had simply has a smiley face where the days used to be :P05:43
donpdonpit'll be out when this url exists: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/release05:43
arandNah, it's out when the official email goes out to the mailing list. The CDs will likely be mirrored earlier, right?05:45
donpdonpim just looking for the bits, not the official timestamp05:45
KnifeySpooneydonpdonp, maybe I can write a quick script to check for the release and start the torrent05:46
donpdonpKnifeySpooney: yeah as long as its not too hard on the server05:47
donpdonpis already very slow to respond05:47
aranddonpdonp: You could grab the current daily (27th apr), and check the sha1sum when the final is out... I have a suspicion they'll be the same, unless some major thing stops it. :)05:48
donpdonparand: thats a good point, though im in no hurry to get it05:48
red2kicdonpdonp: You could obtain the RC now. When the final is out, zsync it. :)05:50
MJEvansred2kic: does zsync handle relocations?05:50
red2kicMJEvans: I don't know. You can copy iso just to be on safe side.05:51
MeekoIs there any major changes in UNR?05:51
MJEvansred2kic: So I'm trying out rc-alternate-amd64 as the basis for rc-desktop-6405:56
Kalidarnhi, lucid release cycle follows UTC time right? it's currently 4:56AM UTC i'm wondering if it might be out in the next few hours (before i go home from work) because i want to use my work's fibre connection05:56
spvensko_so, is there a countdown yet? :)05:57
MJEvansTarget 5.0% complete.  Ouch05:57
MJEvansHopefully it works better for the final05:57
arandKalidarn: Download the current daily iso, and use zsync to take the final diff, if any.05:58
arandMJEvans: I can see that not working very well, no :)05:58
Kalidarnarand: i have a few more hours yet before i go home :) so i might just wait until im ready to leave05:59
arandMJEvans: desktop-alternate I would expect a rather huge delta.05:59
arthurhdid the dontzap package make it into the lucid repos yet?05:59
DanaG!find trousers/tss.h05:59
ubottuPackage/file trouserstss.h does not exist in lucid06:00
DanaGwait, why did it remove the slash?06:00
DanaG!find tss.h06:00
ubottuFile tss.h found in libaubio-dev, libboost1.40-dev, libboost1.41-dev, libtspi-dev, linux-headers-2.6.32-304-ec2 (and 2 others)06:00
arandKalidarn: My vague guess is that it will be until afternoon/evening UTC, so might be  while still.06:00
Kalidarnright, thanks06:01
DanaGah, libtspi-dev06:01
quentusrexwhich ubuntu release is based on debian lenny? or where do I go to find this info?06:02
mosnoquentusrex, aren't they all snapshotted from sid?06:03
crdlbquentusrex: my understanding is that ubuntu is based on unstable06:03
quentusrexthen since lenny released in jan 201006:03
quentusrexI would say it would be safe for a lenny user to use a karmic ppa?06:04
crdlbnot really06:04
MJEvansquentusrex: would it maybe work?  Yes.  Would it be known stable; very much no.06:04
MJEvansYou'd find out very very quickly if it would let you install.  You'd probably never find out if it was the cause of instability or not.06:05
crdlbbtw, lenny was frozen quite a long time ago06:05
hiredgoon 06:09
coldfirewhat is the channel for the 10.4 release?06:12
woodyjlwits the 29th!06:13
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party06:13
MJEvansWed Apr 28 22:16:32 PDT 201006:16
MJEvansStill the 28th for me06:16
MJEvansThu Apr 29 05:16:49 UTC 201006:16
MJEvansAbout... 7 more hours till internation dateline expires all 28s06:17
woodyjlw12:17 AM here06:17
NinoScript1:17 here :P06:17
woodyjlwim in kansas city06:18
NerdsMcGeeHey guys, I just installed 10.04, and installed the nVidia restricted drivers on my MacBookPro5,5. When I boot now though, my boot resolution is very low. It was fine before I installed the nVidia drivers. Any ideas as to how I can fix this?06:20
donpdonp10:23pm in oregon06:23
underdevafter days of being pissed off and confused as to what keeps pinning my quadcore to 100% under lucid- i remembered top- it's gwibber-service06:28
underdevanyone else seeing this06:29
bullgard4NerdsMcGee: I would look up this bug in Launchpad and any remedy there too.06:29
pcrovNerdsMcGee: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/06:30
bullgard4underdev: No. My gwibber-service works all right but I am using an old-fashioned Thinkpad T43 computer.06:30
underdevmaybe it's x64 weirdness?  I used gwibber-daily forever under karmic and i don't remember this crap happening06:31
NerdsMcGeeSo Vesa = Highres Booting, and nVidia = lowres? :(06:31
Viper1432gwibber on my RC still chews memory like a pig and desktop couch still crashes a lot.  primetime it ain't imho.  no cpu nastiness though.06:32
Viper1432its why I'm using pino on my arch partition.06:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505583 in mountall "[Lucid] maintenance shell and tty1 compete for/share keyboard input" [Undecided,Fix released]06:32
underdevViper1432: bullgard4 ty06:32
DanaGargh, I still have this issue:06:32
tucemiux_how can i update to the official release?06:33
DanaGas soon as I try to enter so much as one letter of my password, it says "login incorrect".06:33
Viper1432np underdev06:33
Viper1432it really REALLY knows you DanaG ?  :D06:33
DanaGAnd with serial console, it doesn't accept ctrl-d, either!06:33
freezwaywill ubuntu 10.04 have RGBA support by default?06:34
Viper1432iirc that was pushed back to 10.10 freezway06:34
NinoScriptNerdsMcGee, Hey! I'm using 10.4 with a MacBookPro5,5 :D … btw, are you still here? you still have your problem?06:34
NerdsMcGeeYes, and Yes. :P06:34
NinoScriptwhat was it?06:34
NerdsMcGeeWhen you first booted, the ubuntu graphical loader was high res, right?06:35
NerdsMcGeeI installed the nVidia restricted drivers and my high res went away. :(06:35
underdevno pino in Software Center06:35
NinoScriptto me everything works (except the ctrl on the command key, because of a bug of xmodmap in lucid u.u)06:35
underdevnor apt-get06:35
NinoScriptNerdsMcGee, there are 2 restricted drivers, which one did you install?06:35
Viper1432underdev,  check omgubuntu.co.uk for links for that.06:36
freezwaywill ubuntu 10.04 have RGBA support by default?06:36
Viper1432freezway, didn't you just see my reply to you on that?06:36
underdevomgubuntu- i lol'd06:36
Viper1432underdev, its a great site for 'all things ubuntu'.06:36
freezwayViper1432, no i didn';t06:37
freezwayoh i c06:37
Viper1432freezway, that was pushed back.06:37
NinoScriptNerdsMcGee, I use the one that says (version current) [Recommended], I don't see the 195 :P maybe it's the same?06:38
Viper1432underdev,  here's the link to the twitter reviews on that site:  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/twitter-applications-for-linux-ubuntu.html06:38
silversk8rhi everyone, any idea when the Final is getting out?06:38
NerdsMcGeeYeah, That's the one06:38
underdevreminds me of one of my favorite online poker players: OMGClayAiknen06:38
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment06:39
Viper1432lol @ underdev06:39
underdevViper- thanks for the link- reviewing06:39
NerdsMcGeeNinoScript: I'm trying something out, gimme a sec.06:39
Viper1432no sweat underdev06:39
NinoScriptNerdsMcGee, I had to update and restart before it actually worked… try that :D06:39
dermothubottu, I use the nvidis binary driver in 10.0406:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:39
dermothubottu, nv and nouveau both have issues for me :(06:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:40
NerdsMcGeeis what fixed it06:40
basixIs it out yet?!06:41
basixWhere the heck is the ubuntu release party??06:41
pcrov!outyet | basix06:41
ubottubasix: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party06:41
basixits already the 29th on the east coast!!!06:41
basixgeez...nobody is excited about lucid? I remember a lot more excitement for karmic!06:42
arandbasix: note the *sometime*06:42
digital_1Is Mark Shuttleworth out of town?06:42
pcrovand the #ubuntu-release-party06:42
basixarand, yes, so it is *sometime* on 29th right *now*06:43
digital_1I saw a Lynx run out of the woods06:43
pcrovand it'll still be "sometime" on the 29th later too06:43
underdevbasix i think there's a lot of ambivilance towards luic06:43
digital_1ubottu is a Lynx an animal?06:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:44
basixunderdev, what does ambivilance mean?06:44
Viper1432good link NerdsMcGee .  too bad that couldn't have been 'fixed' without the hoops to go through.  (nvidia prop. user here as well.) meh.06:44
digital_1what hoops for nVidia users?06:44
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party06:45
Viper1432to get hi-rez booting going digital_1 .06:45
NerdsMcGeeIt was really straight forward and works on Lucid, so no complaints.06:45
MeekoIs it possible to set up software raid with ubuntu live-cd on install?06:45
digital_1Viper1432:  As in lots of hoops?06:45
pcrovyeah, i'm just happy there were hoops instead of walls06:45
Viper1432guys, that link NerdsMcGee  put up isn't a "lot" for folks who know the OS, but for a "grandma can do it" POV, its a lotta hoops for something that shouldn't have looked so crap in the first place.  my 2 cents.06:46
underdevbasix it means i can't spell ambivalence06:46
NerdsMcGeeIt's not just nVidia users, ATI too06:46
BiggFREEWhy does the RC 10.04 always locking ? It is really bad.06:46
BiggFREEIt is always asking my password every 30 seconds.06:46
NerdsMcGeeAgreed Viper143206:46
digital_1NerdsMcGee what is the link again?06:46
NerdsMcGeeScroll up. ;)06:47
digital_1I just got here06:47
NerdsMcGeeAhh, lol06:47
digital_1Up is just a short distance06:47
underdev the coexistence within an individual of positive and negative feelings toward the same person, object, or action, simultaneously drawing him or her in opposite directions.06:47
pcrovViper1432: i started with ubuntu like a week ago and it was no sweat for me.06:47
Viper1432pcrov, you can read.  congrats.  heh heh.  Most folks...don't much.  ;-)06:47
underdevyeah, closing gwibber has made my computer very happy06:47
BiggFREEAny available solution for my request ?06:48
NerdsMcGeeViper1432: what are you running at the moment?06:48
Viper1432If this release were a non LTS, I could see the low rez stuff...but for "polished"...its not.06:48
digital_1You know I read a Shuttleworth interview and he just didn't seem as excited about 10.4 as he was about 10.1006:49
Viper1432NerdsMcGee, I'm currently using Arch and ubuntu 10.04 RC....but more and more I'm on the arch partition, and less and less on the ubuntu side.06:49
digital_1So maybe they're kinda looking more forward than usual.06:49
NerdsMcGeeWonder how much a PITA Arch would be on a MBP. T_T06:49
BiggFREEAny tag about this auto  lock ?06:49
pcrovlast time i tried getting a linux desktop running was like 8 years ago, so this RC ain't getting complaints outta me06:50
aranddigital_1: Obviously, since all the exciting stuff happened a month ago...06:50
digital_1BigFree- locking every 30 seconds?06:50
Viper1432what's got me boggled is my arch partition + apps = 300 meg less than my ubuntu parition + same apps. I know 'why', but shocked me at first.06:50
pcrovBiggFREE: overzealous screensaver settings?06:51
Viper1432(ram is what I was referring to.)06:51
leifwwhere has notify-send gone in lucid, and what can I use instead?06:51
digital_1arand:  I think it was more along the lines that the LTS is always a bit conservative in features.06:51
Ian_CorneIt's almost over again :)06:51
BiggFREENo active screensaver. Or it is blank.06:51
digital_1BiggFREE, I've not experienced that at all06:51
aranddigital_1: I wouldn't claim Lucid was though, if you compare to Karmic..06:51
donpdonpwhats the next release name after lucid lynx?06:52
digital_1arand:  Agree- at least asthetics06:52
digital_1or something along that06:52
BiggFREEIs it a bug according you ? pcrov06:52
digital_1sorry yeah that06:52
donpdonpM* Meerkat?06:52
Viper1432meowing meercat?  -ducks.06:53
underdevoh god, not cats06:53
leifwmaverick I think06:53
digital_1"ManWeScrewedUpWithTheNewThemes" Meerkat I think it is.06:53
Viper1432lmao digital_106:53
arandMaverick Meerkat06:53
donpdonpMaverick Meerkat. cool06:53
leifwthere is no notify-send or gnome-osd-client06:54
leifwthis is super annoying06:54
* arand dislikes the three-syllable ones.06:54
underdevlets call it snow leppard!  snotty snow leapord!06:54
arandleifw: installed libnotify-bin?06:54
leifwarand: nope, thanks06:55
BiggFREEpcrov ... You solved my problem. Thanks06:55
arandleifw: at least that's the one for notify-send iirc06:55
NinoScriptany other MacBook users here? (specially looking for MacBookPro5,5 users, but it would be nice to contact any Mac user out there :D)06:56
leifwit is, now I just have to figure out how to port gnome-osd-client's bizarre xml syntax to notify-osd06:56
digital_1NinoScript:  I have a Mac plus!06:56
digital_1But I doubt Linux would ever run on it.06:57
NinoScriptdigital_1, whoah! my first mac was an LCII, the mac plus is older than me :P06:57
digital_1Although someone got an Apple //e to send tweets I guess.06:58
digital_1NinoScript:  I grabbed it along with a //e for collectors items.06:58
digital_1I'd rather have had the original Mac but no dice.06:58
Ian_Corneflashplugin-nonfree broken for anyone else?06:59
NinoScriptbut I meant, one running linux :P06:59
digital_1How so Ian_Corne?07:00
NinoScriptIan_Corne, not here, just a little glitchy on playing video, but definetely not broken07:00
BiggFREEI am using Ubuntu as a VM.07:00
Mikerhinoshi all07:00
Ian_CorneNinoScript: I meant the package07:01
digital_1Hello Mikerhinos07:01
BiggFREEdigital_1: ... Are you a bot ?07:02
digital_1Anyone running the last daily build?07:02
Ian_CorneI'm running a totaly uptodate system07:02
Ian_Cornethat should be the same07:02
digital_1I've been accused of worse, BiggFREE :-D07:02
BiggFREElol  Sorry :(07:03
digital_1lol tis ok07:03
Mikerhinosdigital_1, i am07:03
underdevIan_Corne: someone was complaining about it this morning too - how did you install it, may i ask?07:03
digital_1Mikerhinos:  Cool.  All went well with the install?07:04
underdevIan_Corne: (its working for most, btw)07:04
digital_1Ian_Corne - 32 or 64bit?07:04
Ian_Corneunderdev: it works for me07:04
Ian_Corne32 but07:04
Ian_CorneI just can't upgrade the package07:04
Ian_CorneAnd I installed it 3 years ago or so :p07:05
Ian_Cornevia apt, ofcource07:05
Mikerhinosoh sorry i didn't understood , i meant i'm running the latest lucid but it is alpha2 with daily patches in fact07:05
leifwcan someone help me test this by sending me a message?07:06
digital_1It looked to me as if the last daily build in 9.10 became the release07:06
leifwas in, just say something with my nick in it07:06
rwwleifw: no07:06
Mikerhinosand i have problems with metacity i think , i don't have cursor nor windows borders until i activate compiz effects07:06
leifwrww: you're wonderful07:07
MikerhinosLucid is still arriving today ?07:07
rwwMikerhinos: It's still scheduled for the 29th, yes07:07
Mikerhinoscool , i think i'll burn the final image and do a fresh install this evening so , because i have a few problems , like broken tty07:09
digital_1Do they always release on a Thursday?  I can't seem to recall.07:09
echosystmis 10.04 still due to come out today?07:10
donpdonpif i go to sleep, will the ubuntu fairy make 10.04 available when i wake up?07:10
LilarcorI can't type anything under my LL VM under fusion!07:10
leifwdonpdonp: yes, of course07:10
Lilarcorwhat the hell is going on?07:10
rwwechosystm: if by "today" you mean the 29th, yes07:10
echosystmor has there been an official announcement that it has been delayred or anything?07:10
donpdonpleifw: yea!07:10
echosystmis it usually at the start or end of the day that they release?07:10
echosystmand in what timezone? :P07:10
macoechosystm: at some point while it is the 29th in some timezone07:11
echosystmi have to go away tomorrow and it would have been nice to get 10.04 installed on my laptop before i leave07:11
echosystmis the current beta fairly stable?07:11
DanaGWed Apr 28 23:11:48 PDT 201007:11
digital_1echosystm:  yes07:11
DanaGechosystm: still, if you're about to go away from other computers, it's better to err on the side of caution.07:12
digital_1I never bothered to load the RC.  Beta was pretty stable.07:12
pcrovworking well here, echosystm07:12
DanaGOr at least, make sure you have a working Windows or other Linux partition.07:12
echosystmis there a netinstall cd, so i can be sure it only sucks down the latest files?07:13
echosystmi dont want to install off a cd then have it updating again07:13
DanaGYou can just upgrade your existing distro to Lucid, though that'll take a while.07:13
echosystmi dont have ubuntu installed currently07:13
echosystmonly debian07:13
digital_1bah do a clean install07:13
macoDanaG: not like much if anythig is going to change between now and tomorrow07:14
digital_1never upgrade an OS IMHO.07:14
macoDanaG: archive's been frozen for a couple days now. they're spinning ISOs07:14
DanaGI have too many tweaks I'd lose if I'd fresh-install.07:14
echosystmso point remains - is there a netinstall cd?07:14
powerhi,probably this is asked 526326 times, is there a way to get iso of release (iirc it was scheduled for today)07:16
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:16
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:16
NerdsMcGeeHow exactly do I restart HAL in Lucid? It's depreciated, no?07:16
Ian_Corneechosystm: You can update the installer07:18
kwtmJust had an epiphany which I will share so the rest of you won't waste hours trying to get KMail running.07:24
=== yukiseaside is now known as yqjk
=== yqjk is now known as yukiseaside
paketehey all07:26
paketeis it coming today???07:27
pakete10.04 final?07:27
paketenetbook remix also?07:27
MeekoI would assume that, yes.07:27
paketeno bugs with plymouth?07:27
powerit looks like the mirrors are getting their copies, i guess.07:27
KeithWeissharwhat time will ubuntu 10.04 be officially released?07:27
paketei mean well...hopefully07:27
paketelooking fwd...about 12GMT or later07:28
MeekoKeithWeisshar: Today.07:28
Lilarcoranybody get LL working under Fusion?07:28
LilarcorI can't type anything!07:28
k00giezwhere the party at07:29
k00gieztonight is the release night?07:29
digital_1Jono Bacon's garage07:29
paketewe should all celebrate!!07:30
KeithWeisshari'm in the united states07:30
Mikerhinosanybody has a wacom bamboo tablet ? i need to reconfigure buttons on gimp , but i can't install the control panel .deb because there is not wacom-tools dependance in synaptic :s07:30
paketethis ine is a hell of a release! it doesnt matter where you are. all celebrate!07:30
rwwk00giez: #ubuntu-release-party07:30
vishKeithWeisshar: there is no specific time set , but today for sure  ;)07:30
KeithWeissharwhat's the time difference between edt and ubuntu.com time zone07:31
rwwKeithWeisshar: there isn't an "ubuntu.com time zone"07:31
KeithWeissharshould i get the 64-bit version if i have a lot of ram07:32
PythonPupKeithWeisshar, to use more than 3.5 gigs of RAM, you need the 64 bit version.07:34
PythonPupBut, a few things don't work on the 64 bit version.  Nothing I care about, but maybe something you care about.  That is what you should check, KeithWeisshar07:35
HagenaarsDotNuPythonPup: if you're running on an Intel 945 chipset, the 64 bit version will not help07:35
PythonPupSo, check that, too, KeithWeisshar.  I don't use systems that new, or have that much ram.  I could go 64 bit, but see no real reason to.07:36
KeithWeisshari have 12gb of ram07:37
KeithWeisshari have an x58 chipset07:37
HagenaarsDotNuhmm, that's a lot of ram07:37
vishheh , i was expecting a KeithWeisshar to say "No, wait , its actually 2gb" ;p07:39
PythonPupKeithWeisshar, do you have any reason to believe your new motherboard will work with Lucid?  I am not saying it won't, but new chipset drivers take some time.07:39
crdlbI should probably install these updates before the servers get swamped07:41
MeekoDoes UNR have a textbased install, like the ubuntu desktop alternative cd's?07:42
amereservantIs there something I have to do to be able to choose what installs from the mini install?  It never prompts me to choose what packages I want.07:42
amereservantI don't get the option to choose what desktop etc. I want.  It finishes and has only installed the CLI, no gnome.07:43
HagenaarsDotNuKeithWeisshar: Have a look at post 6 and 7 here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7209584#607:43
HagenaarsDotNuespecially the PAE part07:44
vishHagenaarsDotNu: he aint here ..07:44
NinoScriptamereservant, I thought that was were you chose, in the CLI do a sudo apt-get install ?buntu-desktop07:45
NinoScriptamereservant, replacing U or KU or XU where the ? is. I think that should do it07:45
NinoScriptamereservant, or at least, that's what I would do, I'm no expert :)07:46
amereservantNinoScript: Well sometimes I get the option while installing the mini image.07:46
amereservantIt actually has a menu where you select it.07:47
amereservantBut for some reason it usually skips that menu.07:47
kwtmSince I am already using Lucid Lynx, I can spoil it all for the rest of you guys by asking "Is it out yet?" yet another time, right PartyBot?07:48
vishhow do i find my PCI card ADDR  ?07:48
NinoScriptamereservant, Should it appear at the start? I think with Lucid CDs, when you see a little keyboard and a guy in the bottom of the screen, you should press something so the menu appears07:49
vishkwtm: looks like you want   #ubuntu-release-party   ;)07:49
Mikerhinosanyone knows how to configure buttons on a wacom tablet with lucid ? i'm left hand , so when i press the stylus on the tablet , it is considered as right clic and opens the menu :s07:49
kwtmvish: Oh, darn, I was spoiling the wrong party!  Anyway, off I go to spoil their fun. :)07:50
amereservantNinoScript: Nah, no menu like that on the mini cd.  The menu usually appears after creating a user and before installing Grub.07:50
PythonPupMikerhinos, That should be under mouse preferences.  I am rebooting my lucid system and I'll check in a moment.07:52
MikerhinosPythonPup, thanks07:53
PythonPupMikerhinos, System/Preference/Mouse.  It should show the option for left hand when it comes up.07:54
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:55
blue102is the final release out yet07:55
blue102when ?07:55
Meekoblue102: Today.07:55
MikerhinosPythonPup,  yes for the mouse , but for the wacom tablet ? do you have a dedicated menu ? i don't :s07:55
Meekoblue102: ask in #ubuntu-release-party07:56
Meeko*silent evil laugh*07:56
blue102is it for download yet07:56
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment07:56
Meeko!rc | blue10207:56
blue102have the link07:57
Meeko!download | blue10207:57
ubottublue102: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Karmic, and help keeping the servers' load low!07:57
blue102ubuntu server as well07:58
PythonPupMikerhinos, I assumed the Wacom was acting as your mouse.  I don't have a tablet, so I guess I don't know how it shows up.  Sorry.  There might be a xorg.conf tweak.  If you don't find a setting, that is where I would look.  Edit that file, with caution.07:58
blue102thanks guys07:59
DaijoubuAre there going to be magor changes for the final release today O_o i mean will i have trouble with the RC install?07:59
MikerhinosPythonPup, yes that's the problem : wacom is acting like my mouse , so left and right click are switched. That's what i want with my mouse (i'm left hand) but not the wacom pen , as when i press it on the tablet , it doesn't draw anything but opens right clic menu :s08:00
shawnboyThis is probably been asked a hundred times, but will Lucid definitely be available Apr 29 and if so does anyone know what time?08:00
MeekoDaijoubu: Probly not, just run an update.08:00
DaijoubuMeeko, phew thanks ^^08:00
shawnboyall I can find is RC08:00
Meekoshawnboy: Becaouse it's the last release.08:00
Meeko!release date | shawnboy08:01
Meeko!release | shawnboy08:01
=== [yukiseaside] is now known as yukiseaside
ubottushawnboy: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases08:01
PythonPupshawnboy, the schedule is not until the night of the 29th.  I don't speak for the team, so I don't know what time it will really be.08:01
shawnboyPythonPup, I never understood if that meant now (it's 29th and is nighttime) or the eve of 29th.08:02
PythonPupAt the end of the day on the 29th08:02
shawnboyI understand. Thanks, PythonPup.08:03
PythonPupMikerhinos, wacom looks to be officially supported.  There is an official xserver package for it.  Sorry, I don't know more.08:06
PythonPupMikerhinos, If you don't find anything else, I'd try the xorg.conf tweak listed in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151   The message is old, but it looks pretty generic.  Don't install the package they mention.  That seems to be depracated.08:08
paketehey all08:08
MeekoNot yet, pakete =)08:09
paketemein gott08:09
paketehow long!08:09
Mikerhinosyes wacom-tools doesn't exist on lucid , too bad , because that's what i need to install the button configuration tool .deb i found :s08:09
Meekopakete: The release date is today. When today is tomorrow you can ask again (thats on international dateline).08:10
Meekoor when today is yesterday is probly better.08:10
paketei celebrated yesterday, i am going to celebrate today and will re-celebrate tomorrow!08:11
paketelucid lynx is worth celebrating every day and night =)))) lol maybe08:11
cjae10.04 available?08:14
Kalidarncjae: probably not until later today08:14
Kalidarnit's currently 7:14AM UTC08:14
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=== basix is now known as FakePartyBot1
=== PartyBotCall911 is now known as yukiseaside
iceroot10.04 still using init-scripts or are they complety removed for startup?08:17
Jeeves_iceroot: Partially08:18
Jeeves_It's kindof confusing now08:18
icerootnot good for an lts-version to mix something important like that (imo)08:18
cjaewhere is canonical located08:18
Jeeves_Some packages still leave files in /etc/default, which aren't used08:18
Jeeves_iceroot: I agree08:18
Jeeves_Canonical doesn't :)08:18
Jeeves_cjae: Uk, Us.08:19
Guest16373I tried using jigdo-lite to download the 10.04 RC source DVD -- it fails with 96 source files missing.08:19
icerootmaybe i will have a look today at 10.04 in a vm to see if it is worth upgrading08:19
amereservantSo far I like it quite a bit better than 9.10.08:20
amereservantSome very nice improvements.08:20
RnFstRuckHrdI am sure I am to 1 x 10 ^96 person to ask this but...... when will we all get to upgrade?08:20
amereservantRnFstRuckHrd: Next week, it's been delayed due to too many asking.08:21
icerootRnFstRuckHrd: when its done08:21
PythonPupRnFstRuckHrd, I already upgraded.08:21
amereservantThey got nervous and withheld it an additional week.08:21
PythonPupIf you install the RC, and then do the updates, it gets you to the same setup.08:22
RnFstRuckHrdAmereservant/iceroot - TY ;-)      |        PythonPup - LUCKY!!!!!08:22
PythonPupLucid is nice.  You'll like it.08:22
amereservantPythonPup: Ohhh, that's what all those updates just earlier were all about.08:22
RnFstRuckHrdI have the RC on my laptop - but it has not gotten any updates :-s08:23
nishanthdoes anyone know if the final release of  lucid is out?08:23
amereservantNope, they're waiting another week.08:24
amereservantnishanth: ^^08:24
RnFstRuckHrdI have only been a complete linux (kubuntu) user for 5 months now so this will be my first big upgrade. Will downloading an .iso to make an install disk take forever due to the demand tomorrow?08:24
amereservantCheck back then and it'll be there.08:24
Guest16373RnFstRuckHrd, use BitTorrent to download it.  Having lots of people downloading it at the same time will make it faster, not slower.08:24
amereservantNah, not very many people will be downloading 9.10 now.08:24
Jeeves_Just update using the update manager08:25
PythonPupRnFstRuckHrd, Just do a torrent download of the RC iso.  I and a lot of other people are seeding it and it will come down fast.  Or, be patient and wait a week.08:25
Jeeves_you don't need the whole iso08:25
amereservant10.04 next week will be another story.08:25
RnFstRuckHrdI figured as much for the bitorrent method - but what about the mirrors? just not sure how they work08:25
nishanthi thought they said april 29th08:25
Jeeves_and there'll always be packages you need to download08:25
Jeeves_nishanth: It is :)08:25
Jeeves_amereservant is messing around :)08:25
amereservantRnFstRuckHrd: It's peer-to-peer sharing.08:25
nishanthso is it out?08:26
RnFstRuckHrdamereservant - mirrors??08:26
RnFstRuckHrdnishanth - NOT YET08:26
RnFstRuckHrd1 wk08:26
amereservantRnFstRuckHrd: No, bittorrent.08:26
amereservantRnFstRuckHrd: No mirrors involved in that.08:26
amereservantYeah, check back next week and it'll for sure be here.08:26
RnFstRuckHrdright - but can a mirror only handle one anounce at a time? or is it only limited by the connection speed of the mirror and the person downlaoding?08:27
amereservantThat is if all of humanity doesn't end before then.08:27
ph0xidein how many hours will be released08:27
amereservantph0xide: 72 hours.08:27
RnFstRuckHrdhrs that is08:27
PythonPupph0xide, I predict the number will fit in a small int.08:27
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ph0xidePythonPup, u had the smartest answer08:28
NinoScriptNerdsMcGee, can you click? can you move? :O08:28
amereservantRnFstRuckHrd: Since they're all up in some cloud computing business, I don't think they'll have any issues with download server loads.08:28
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* RnFstRuckHrd formats laptop and desktop to Gutsy Gib. - I always wanted a stable release!08:29
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amereservantI was watching a Youtube video on the Spring Board manager for iPhone/iTouch and I cried when I realized it had to be compiled with no instructions on how to do so.  What a tease.08:30
amereservantThe guy shows it off and yet it's not done in time to be in the 10.04 release.  He should be kicked.08:31
ojiimy keyboard on my lucid notebook stopped working today, and after logging in using the on-board keyboard the touchpad also stops working, anyone have an idea what I could do?08:31
amereservantEat a banana.  That's what I"m fixing to do.  Not sure if it'll help your keyboard issue though.08:32
RnFstRuckHrdojii - just wait for the updates08:32
ojiiRnFstRuckHrd, i'll try updating using SSH08:33
ojiigod bless ssh!08:33
amereservantRnFstRuckHrd: How's he going to get them if he has no keyboard?08:33
amereservantNM, he answered.08:33
ojiibut yea08:33
ojiithat would've been something to consider08:33
b0wojii erase everything! wait for a new clean fresh aromatic install of th final version08:33
ojiib0w, not really an option08:33
RnFstRuckHrdremote desktop via telepathy08:33
RnFstRuckHrdwhat? you cant do that???08:33
ojiican I start synergy over ssh?08:34
amereservantb0w: That's my solution.  Backup what I need, reformat it til it works.08:34
b0wyeah thats the mose healthy thing to do08:34
b0wit walywas lkike this on new releases08:34
b0wyou have to wait like 1 week or two08:34
amereservantIt's the only way I know to fix Windows' sluggish ways after a year or so.08:35
ojiiwewt for ynergy08:35
b0wand then everything is fixed08:35
RnFstRuckHrdwhen I was on XP I formated every 6 months - glad those days are over08:35
bbordwellRnFstRuckHrd, +!08:35
amereservantYeah.  I'm hoping Windows 7 holds more promise.  It's looking a little better than Vista so far, but not by much.08:36
PythonPupHas anyone here used the btrfs on Lucid?  If so, what do you think of it?08:36
pcrovsomehow i managed to run xp, and actually upgrade to vista, and keep that going fine on 2 comps for years (still going fine, actually) without wiping/reinstalling08:36
amereservantI just hate how much it bogs my boxes down over time.08:36
bbordwellpcrov, My windows install last forever now that i never use it08:37
RnFstRuckHrdgoing home to introduce my parents to Kub 10.04 when I can get my install CD downloaded. They are done with paying for AV software and other apps. Pretty excited to see them explore a new OS, they are not tech savvy at all but had no problem getting around my 9.04 laptop I let them try out08:37
amereservantpcrov: Hmmm.  I have to wipe Vista about 18-24 months to "refresh" it.  I do like Vista over all previous versions though.  It has done well for me regardless all the complaints people had about it.08:38
RnFstRuckHrdpcrov - by a lottery ticket son!!!! you must have quite the luck or some kind of gift!08:38
amereservantIf ppl would quit buying crap computers, it wouldn't run like crap.08:38
knittlhi. so when's lucid due? =)08:38
pcrovamereservant: i concur about it doing well, despite the naysayers08:39
RnFstRuckHrdknittl: 4/29/201108:39
misse-RnFstRuckHrd: gfy. I installed xubuntu on my uncle's new gf's ancient hardware (p3 800mhz 192MB RAM) Running XP with no service packs before.08:39
knittlRnFstRuckHrd: :P i meant more lik e10 hours, 2 hours, 5 hours, …08:39
amereservantpcrov: I think the issue all comes down to people buying junky cheap computers and wanting a Ferrari from it.08:39
RnFstRuckHrdI was more then pleased with how XP ran on my desktop and laptop machines. I was just curious what all of this linux business was about. I liek what I saw and liked that I could stop pirating software ;-)08:40
pcrovamereservant: that and folk loading their comps up with every flashy "screensaver" that lands in their inbox08:40
misse-amereservant: :P why would you want to buy any computer just to run vista on it? I wouldn't even use a computer with vista on it if it was given to me for free.08:40
amereservantLOL, yeah, no joke.08:40
RnFstRuckHrdknittl: it will be sometime in the next week. Just freeze yourself like Eric Cartman did when he was waiting for the Wii - it worked for him08:41
bbordwellpcrov, the biggest problem is all the bloat that major OEMs put on their windows machines08:41
amereservantmisse-: Everyone has their opinions.  There are some things I still just cannot do as efficiently in Linux as much as I love it, as I can in Windows.08:41
RnFstRuckHrdmisse: WOW no service packs. what was that like lol08:41
amereservantOtherwise I would've ditched it a while back.08:41
RnFstRuckHrdamereservant: I agree - emulating win in linux is not as good as just having a machine run win08:42
knittlRnFstRuckHrd: sometimes next week? it's today -.-08:42
misse-RnFstRuckHrd: couldn't connect to the wifi since XP didn't know what WPA was :P "The network is using a secure WEP encryption" :P .. no it wasn't and no it's not (wep, being secure) :)08:42
RnFstRuckHrdmisse: LOL! yikes08:42
amereservantRnFstRuckHrd: Nah, it doesn't work if you try running video-editing software or games.08:42
RnFstRuckHrdknittle - patience is a virtue08:43
RnFstRuckHrdamereservant - most certainly true08:43
misse-amereservant: Agreed, but there are much better versions of windows available then vista. I would argue that XP's better.. but I think you'll atleast agree that W7 is a much better OS than vista was when it was released.08:43
RnFstRuckHrdI tried emulatiing EAC - fail08:43
knittlRnFstRuckHrd: i was just asking. i'v been using it anyway for months now08:43
RnFstRuckHrdknittl: I am not riding you - I am here for the same thing. I was just asking the same Q in fact not more than 20 mins ago. I am just here now because I am too giddy with excitment to sleep.08:44
knittlit's 9 am here08:44
pcrovbring photoshop and bridge natively to linux (w/ 64 bit support) and i could probably switch over completely. but there's no way i can settle on the gimp.08:44
RnFstRuckHrdits 01:44 here08:44
amereservantmisse-: Well, in some cases.  I like Vista and up because of the 64-bit.  XP 64-bit was a joke.  I do like some things better about Windows 7, but there's some things they should've left alone.  XP was and is light, but the extra features Vista has was a big improvement for my needs.08:45
knittlRnFstRuckHrd: i think you can go to sleep08:45
* RnFstRuckHrd pleads for the adobe suite - primarily LightRoom08:45
misse-RnFstRuckHrd: idd ^^. I should've almost donated a clone of the partition to a museum or something.. don't think there can be much XP installs out there without even SP108:45
knittlit was usually released around 6 pm here08:45
amereservantMy box has 8GB RAM and therefore anything less than Vista wouldn't do me any good.08:45
RnFstRuckHrdmisse: fact08:46
misse-amereservant: oh, totally agree on the XP 64bit part ^^.08:46
sharkyI ended the MS money machine in 07, do I use MS and there apps Yep I paid for it , I wont pay any more08:46
SandGorgonamereservant, seriously (and I will be committing heresy here)... just drop vista and take win7 atleast. Your life on the other side, would be that much less miserable08:46
amereservantRnFstRuckHrd: No kidding....LightRoom.  That's a Godsend when it comes to editing large numbers of photos.08:46
RnFstRuckHrdamereservant - vista wouldnt do you any good either. you need the CS4 master collection in its entirety running simultaneously to use all of that mem08:47
SandGorgonthe only reason for windows is..... TF208:47
misse-SandGorgon: doesn't run in wine?08:47
amereservantSandGorgon: Oh, I am.  I'm running 7 on three PCs now to see how it plays out.08:47
RnFstRuckHrdamereservant - absolutely08:47
SandGorgonmisse-, performance suffers... i hae an old nvidia 7xxx08:47
amereservantRnFstRuckHrd: LOL, that RAM was my way of combating my tendency to overload my PC with too much heavy multi-tasking.08:48
misse-SandGorgon: oh, want another one? Just dumped my old P4 with dual 7xxxGTX in SLI.. Never got the SLI to function under linux08:48
pcrovRnFstRuckHrd: i often work with source images that are half a gig each.. throw some layers on that and it adds up quick. 8gig mem definitely comes in use here08:48
RnFstRuckHrddoes anyone here have a a dock app preference? I gave cairo dock a shot today - best expereince so far (offtopic I know) how about a dock preference for Kub 10.04 ;-)08:48
RnFstRuckHrdamereservant: haha!08:49
amereservantPlus it was really cheap and my motherboard could handle it so why not?08:49
amereservantMy newest box is another story.  DDR3 is a little pricey.08:49
misse-RnFstRuckHrd: tried it yesterday and am still using it. Was using docky or gnome-do with docky before and I must say cairo is a great alternative.. most noticable is the notification animation that doesn't just run once and then has an invisible little red glow beneath it.08:49
bbordwellRnFstRuckHrd, cairo dock is what i liked, i do not use one though08:50
RnFstRuckHrdpcrov: all my photos are imported in RAW  -  never more then two or three layers during editing. 4 gigs works for me. Not saying I wouldnt love 8 just for funzzies!08:50
misse-it keeps spinning or bouncing until I notice it, that's perfect08:50
NobleWill Lucid be relased today?08:50
amereservantNoble: Nope, major defect.08:50
amereservantCheck back next week.08:50
RnFstRuckHrdmisse/bbordwell: TY - cairo is in front for me. I do honestly like the K Menu though but docks a pretty08:51
bbordwellamereservant, the memory leak?08:51
pcrovRnFstRuckHrd: scanning film, much of it medium format. 8 lets me check my email while working on that :)08:51
amereservantIt's spilling all over the place.08:51
RnFstRuckHrdNoble - 4/29/2010 + 7 days08:51
NobleRoger that.08:51
NobleIs it the X-issue thats keeping it?08:51
bbordwellRnFstRuckHrd, So will it be called 10.05? lol08:51
RnFstRuckHrdpcrov: NICE!  well there you go :-p08:51
amereservantWe're trying to get the problem mopped up though.08:51
RnFstRuckHrdbbordwell - no, 10.049999999999999999999999999999999908:52
amereservantNoble: yeah, we're re-verting to the X in 9.10 for now.08:52
RnFstRuckHrdsorry 10.04.99999999999999999999999999999908:52
bbordwellamereservant, do you know if it will be fixed or if they are going to pull the change that introduced the bug?08:52
Nobleamereservant: According to the bugreport there is a fix out there, or am I missunderstanding?08:52
amereservantbbordwell: We're scrapping the whole X for 10.04 because of it.08:52
BUGabundo_remotehey hey huckle barry08:52
amereservantEnd of story.08:53
ojiiis there a way to prevent gwibber from jumping to top all the time when I'm reading stuff further down?08:53
LucidFoxI just did a fresh install for Lucid, and the Install button in the Software Center isn't working08:53
arandRnFstRuckHrd: Hardly, 10.04.1 is reserved for the point-update...08:53
BUGabundo_remoteshould I even dare joining #ubuntu-releaseparty?08:53
LucidFoxAny ideas?08:53
RnFstRuckHrdarand - I joke08:53
LucidFoxI just press it and nothing happens, apt-get install works fine08:53
amereservantServer will go on to 10.04 and so will the core of the Desktop/netbook, but the X will be 9.1008:53
misse-amereservant: that spoils my day somewhat. but hey, it's a valid decision to postpone the relase, the bug is kinda showstopping :P08:53
Nobleamereservant: What featuers will be removed from the current 10.04 X?08:54
BUGabundo_remoteNoble: why do you expect anything to be removed?08:54
amereservantMan, I'm jerking your legs.08:54
arandRnFstRuckHrd: Of course, but jokes can also be perfected ;)08:54
pcrovwell played, amereservant08:54
NobleYeah, you got me.08:54
RnFstRuckHrdarand - just deposited that one in the bank! ;-P08:54
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.08:55
ubottuDON'T POST LINKS! Lucid isn't out until it's announced, and indicating anything otherwise causes the server to get more load, thus making the release LATER. Is that what you want?08:55
Heliwrperhaps I misjudged the purpose of this channel, are we supposed to all be total feminine hygiene products and mislead everyone about the release date?08:55
LucidFox"all be total feminine hygiene products"?08:55
arandBUGabundo_remote: If this annoys you? Stay five miles from #ubuntu-release-party :-)08:56
BUGabundo_remote!coc | Heliwr08:56
bullgard4Heliwr: Don't talk rubbish, please.08:56
ubottuHeliwr: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .08:56
BUGabundo_remotearand: I plan too08:57
Heliwrevery person coming in here asking when lucid will be released is being told to check back next week08:57
BUGabundo_remotebut I'm here to provide support08:57
LucidFoxOh, and also08:57
Bunburymorning a;;08:57
RnFstRuckHrdHeliwr - theya re being told that it will be available then = TRUE08:57
Heliwrit will be available within 24 hours08:57
RnFstRuckHrdand also in 7 days08:58
Bunburyso countdown now says soon lol08:58
LucidFoxIn the restricted driver manager, when I press Activate, it says08:58
LucidFox"You are not authorized to perform this action."08:58
LucidFoxAny ideas?08:58
RnFstRuckHrdmorning BunBury08:58
LucidFoxSounds like a PolicyKit problem08:58
BUGabundo_remoteHeliwr: please stop trolling! redirect your burst of energy to #ubuntu-offtopic08:58
bbordwellLucidFox, did it ask your password when you opened jockey?08:58
RnFstRuckHrdBUGabundo_remote - +108:59
LucidFoxIt used to ask for it when I pressed Activate, before reinstall08:59
amereservantOn that note....08:59
bbordwellLucidFox, well did it ask for it at all?08:59
LucidFoxJust said I'm not authorized09:00
bbordwellLucidFox, try "gksu jockey-gtk"09:00
mk4say me. please. where(which site) i can get exact information about ubuntu release date?09:00
LucidFoxThat's a hack...09:01
LucidFoxI want to get PolicyKit working09:01
RnFstRuckHrddoes anyone know if mounted filesystems (through a SMB share) will stay that way thorugh my upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04?09:01
bbordwellmk4, today sometime09:01
LucidFoxMeanwhile, Update Manager does correctly ask me for the password, and updates with no errors09:01
RnFstRuckHrdLucidFox - progress ;-)09:02
mk4bbordwell, thanks09:02
RnFstRuckHrdright well, off to spend the rest of my wait it peaceful slumber. night all - see you on the 10.04 side09:04
LucidFoxWhat else uses PolicyKit that I can try?09:04
LucidFoxNetwork Manager?09:04
LucidFoxOkay, the user/group manager: pressing Add does nothing09:05
LucidFoxDefinitely a PolicyKit problem09:06
LucidFoxAnd it was fine before I reinstalled Lucid from the RC ISO09:06
JohnFluxLucidFox: you can try system activity as well - ctrl+esc  and try to kill a process that you don't own09:07
rob__944Is there a way to disable the 'waiting' cursor? It's kind of annoying, because when I open Firefox or Open a file with Audacious it keeps waiting for about 10 seconds, even if the application is loaded withing a sec.09:07
LucidFoxCtrl-Esc does nothing09:07
JohnFluxLucidFox: oh, not KDE?09:07
JohnFluxLucidFox: sorry dunno09:07
alloif any dev is here ...09:10
allohttp://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting#Apparmor is still an issue in lucid rc with all updates installed09:10
LucidFox...Oh wait09:10
LucidFoxpolicykit isn't even *installed*09:10
LucidFoxwhich is weird09:11
arandallo: Maybe... But ask away, anyway.09:13
SandGorgonallo, disable akonadi and ur computer will work faster09:13
Mandrewhiya ppl09:13
LucidFox...policykit is in universe?09:14
LucidFoxHow does it make any sense?09:14
Mandrewat what time do they release the 10.04?09:14
Bunbury2500 hours09:14
Bunbury:P j/k09:14
Mandrewnice need to get a new watch then09:15
Mandrewmaybe one with the brand name of Bunbury09:15
Bunburylol that would be a priceless timepiece09:16
Mandrewnaa timeless ;)09:16
SandGorgondoes anybody know of any archiving/compress manager other than Ark for kubuntu 10.04... it really, really sucks compared to Gnome's file-roller09:18
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
rob__418Is there a command to rename all files in a directory to random names?09:25
Ruscour7not that i'm aware of, a script could do it though09:25
rob__418could you assist me with that? I'm not familiar with Linux...09:26
RomDrob__418: do you know a scripting language like ruby or python?09:26
rob__418No, sorry09:26
RomDwell, that would have helped09:27
tavastirob__418, do they need to be random, or is just running number ok?09:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:27
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:27
rob__418tavasti: Number is fine, anything.09:27
kwtmrob__418: Why, yes there is.  Do you need it?09:27
FeasibilityStudyCome on, some dev here needs to send me the .iso.09:28
rob__418kwtm: Do I need what? Sorry my English is not the best.09:28
=== beyondcr is now known as Beyondcr
kwtmrob__418: Oh.  What language, then?  You asked "is there a program to rename a file to random names"09:29
rob__418kwtm: German :), yes that's what I need.09:29
yellabshello there09:40
yellabsis the release today?09:40
pirxyellabs: i am waiting for it too09:40
yellabsis there some trouble , that its not out yet?09:41
l3onis there a dedicated channel ?09:41
pirxif there will be a delay, i hope they write about it on the webpage09:41
yellabsi have the time, so its not really a problem09:41
yellabsmight be a time difference?09:41
yellabsthats causing the delay?09:42
yellabspirx : we can start by reading about 10.0409:43
yellabsthere is an very nice pdf book, have you seen it?09:43
pirxyellabs: nope09:44
yellabsokey, i sent it ?09:44
yellabsreally cool project, dont you think?09:45
yellabshmm, just love open source09:45
pirxthye only thing i will need to know is 1. how do i change so that the window buttons are on the right side, and 2. will a 10.04 server beta be able to be upgraded to the final version without problems :)09:45
yellabsfor the first question , bookmark this page here09:46
yellabsyou can also print it to an pdf file, and read it later09:46
yellabsfor the second, back up all data of your server, then upgrade, this is ,and will alway's be a tricky thing to do...no ,matter what brand you are using09:47
yellabsif you are not in a hurry, i would wait untill09:48
yellabsits a bit clearer as to what bugs are still in there..09:48
pirxyellabs: i got two weeks to test 10.04 on the new server:)09:50
RomDrob__418: ruby -e "Dir['*'].each {|f| File.rename(f, (0...8).map{97.+(rand(25)).chr}.join + '.' + f.split('.').last) }"09:51
RomDyou need ruby installed09:51
yellabsokey , i am off to do some work09:51
yellabssee you and good luck09:52
rob__418RomD: thank you!09:52
=== mikehh_ is now known as mikehh
bp0how much ram should you have to go without swap?09:59
RahuxHi guys - I was wondering if someone can give me advise on how to report a Lucid alpha->beta regression? My bluetooth keyboard/mouse no longer work.10:11
bp0omg too late Rahux !10:11
Rahuxsnap =p10:11
Rahuxsnooze you lose I guess - but might be useful for the future..there seems to be an easy workaround10:12
Rahuxstill worth throwing it in somewhere? It was fine on the alphas, but with beta and RC, a dialog comes up asking if I want to grant permission to the bluetooth device.. and unfortunately, w ithout my bluetooth input devices, I can grant no access10:13
Bunburyuse a psr/usb spare to do it?10:14
Rahuxyeah that's what I plan to do .. was just feeling a little lazy and thought I'd file a report in the mean time10:14
Rahuxthough obviously probably not going to be much use for this release10:14
=== mino is now known as Zubatac
westinghousebananas are required to meow10:16
vishanyone know how to find the PCI address of my graphics card?10:17
popeyvish: lspci -n10:18
mikehhvish: lspci in a terminal window10:18
vishthanks guys.. so 00:1c.0  and sort is the addr..10:20
theadminSomething weird with network manager here10:21
theadminConnection was lost (nothing was working), yet it still thought it's there10:22
vishtheadmin: it disconnects on its own?10:22
vishheh , mine is different issue then ;p10:22
westinghouseyeah song for guy is great but he died10:22
Rahuxcrap. This was not as easy as anticipated - granting access is not enough10:23
=== rootusr is now known as TuTUXG
=== TuTUXG is now known as TuTUX
Rahuxit makes the receive behave like a standard bluetooth hub - one that doesn't like the keyboard and mouse that it is bundled with10:24
=== TuTUX is now known as TuTUXG
* Rahux sighs10:25
mikehhRahux: what keyboard and mouse are you using10:26
RahuxLogitech MX Desktop Revolutions10:27
Rahuxjust checked: Cordless Desktop MX 5500 Revolution - http://www.logitech.com/en-au/keyboards/keyboard_mice_combos/devices/348110:29
mikehhRahux: just wondering - I have - Bus 003 Device 003: ID 045e:00f9 Microsoft Corp. Wireless Desktop Receiver 3.110:30
Rahuxis that bluetooth also?10:31
mikehhRehux: haven't a clue, I would asume so10:32
Rahuxa lot of them use radio not bluetooth - the bluetooth ones tend to be quite (over)pricey - I just got lucky ending up with this because logitech lost my actual desktop combo when they sent it for repair10:33
Rahuxso they sent me this sexy new kit10:33
hemanthis libgjs0 missing in rc? gnome-shell dependency10:34
mikehhMy son has a few Logitech desktops, but he is still on 9.10 so I haven't heard of any problems there10:34
arand!info libgjs0 | hemanth10:35
ubottuhemanth: libgjs0 (source: gjs): Mozilla-based javascript bindings for the GNOME platform. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 147 kB, installed size 536 kB10:35
Rahuxyeah I used alpha 3 without a problem.. when I tried the final beta the problem started but I was so busy I didn't have time to report10:36
Rahuxand I just tried the RC and to my terror, I had the same issue10:36
Rahuxnow I'm kicking myself for not reporting earlier lol10:36
hemantharand, gnome-shell: Depends: libgjs0 but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages, you suggest apt-get install libgjs0?10:36
arandhemanth: use aptitude and see what it claims to be broken10:37
hemantharand, okies, updating aptitude10:39
rohanlol, echosystm10:41
echosystmdo you have them rohan?10:41
echosystmare you hiding them all to yourself?10:41
mikehhRahux: just checked - mine uses RF rather than Bluetooth10:42
echosystmive been refreshing my browser all day10:42
coz_echosystm,  I dont think it is officially released yet10:42
rohanechosystm: try to swipe them off your /dev/null10:42
hemantharand, score 20 on downgrade on xulrunner!10:43
echosystmcoz_, its meant to be coming out today10:43
coz_echosystm,  right but my guess is that this channel will not exist when it is released :)10:43
arandhemanth: Have you install that from some unofficial repo?10:43
echosystmmy isps mirror synced quite late today10:44
coz_echosystm,  so when you are redirected to #ubuntu you will know it is released :)10:44
echosystmperhaps the repo is already in release state10:44
mikehhRahux: I am sure there must be some other users of the Logitech Cordless Desktops10:44
hemantharand, no, but my repo list is pretty big, some other dep might have been xulrunner, is there a way to find out which guy installed this ?10:44
Rahuxmikehh: One would think so.. I guess the first week or 2 will show us10:45
arandhemanth: apt-cache xulrunner will tell you which versions are available and which are installed10:45
Rahuxthough it is rather annoying.. if I tinker with it I'm sure there must be a way to use an older bluetooth module or something.. haha though I should probably be studying for my emergency medicine exams :P10:46
hemantharand, its says E: Invalid operation xulrunner; but i have xulrunner-1.9.210:46
arandhemanth: Ah, sorry, "apt-cache policy xulrunner"10:47
hemantharand, Installed: (none), Candidate: (none), but aptitude suggests an upgrade when i try to install gnome-shell, very strange10:48
c3lwhats up with the new release? why isnt it out yet?10:49
c3lis it the graphics driver issue slowing it down?10:49
arandhemanth: check that it isn't xulrunner.0 xulrunner1 or something...10:49
lightbrickoc3l: It is supposed to be released "sometime" today, and today is not ovvr yet.10:49
c3laha, I see. thanks10:49
coz_c3l,  as I mentioned before... it is more than likely this channel wont be here   you will be redirected to #ubuntu when it is released10:50
lightbrickoc3l check #ubuntu-release-party.10:50
robban_Anyone else having problem with external usb disks, only accessible for owner i.e. can't be shared using e.g. samba10:54
mikehhRahux: I was going to try a Wave Cordless Desktop my son has, but that is also 2.4 GHz wireless, not bluetooth, sorry10:54
pirxlooks like a dist-upgrade on a lucid-beta server brings it up to LTS10:55
Fudgeim on rc1 and dist-upgrade says im up to date, how can i tell if its already updated?10:55
Ken8521_pirx, well yeah10:55
Ken8521_Fudge, what do you mean?... if you ran dist-upgrade, and it says you're up to date, then you're up to date.10:56
Rahuxmikehh: Thanks anyway - I think I'll try and hti the books for now.. hopefully I can work out who to harrass this weekend =p10:56
Fudgebut i hadnt run it before so thought shoudl still be rc1, i have updated and upgraded how ever10:56
Ken8521_well, there you go.10:57
Rahuxtake care10:57
pirxFudge: what does this say?  cat /etc/lsb-release | grep DESCR10:57
Mandrewanyone here that know what the power consumption on a 5400rpm hdd?10:57
FudgeLTS :D10:59
Fudgethat was easy10:59
Ken8521_Fudge, you'd have got the same thing with lsb_release -a11:00
HawkMan_Need soome tips to activate compiz/effects on my atom/ion system, I got working Nvidia drivers installed. and it asks if I want to keep my settings, but when I answer yes it's still just basic.11:01
pvandewyngaerdeanyone else getting an errormessage when using the loadkeys command ??  it only works as root for me11:01
mikehhMandrew: which drive11:03
Mandrewin generall11:03
Mandrewwhat im trying to compare is the power consumption on a hdd 5400 rpm vs a ssd11:04
bp0release delayed11:04
Mandrewif im bettter of with a ssd11:05
mikehhMandrew: look at http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.asp?driveid=773 - bottom of page - i.e. read/write = 6.0 watts11:05
Mandrewman thats a big dif the ssd im looking at have a 2 Watt when its getting used11:05
mikehhthat's called solid state rather than moving parts :-}11:06
mikehhMandrew: yeah but how much does a 2TB SSD drive cost?11:07
Mandrewi might even get more out of my battery with a ssd11:07
Mandrewi dont need that in my netbook thoug ;)11:07
Mandrewi need boot speed wright speed and better battery11:08
mikehhget an external drive for extra storage and backup11:08
hemantharand, sorry for the delay, but i'm positive about the version11:08
arandhemanth: If aptitude only shows an upgrade as the broke-fix, it should be ok to follow through with it a would guess...11:10
lapionHmm I use a 8GB  CF acrd in stead of a harddiskdrive11:10
hemantharand, okies will take the risk :) thank you11:11
Mandrewis that faster then a hdd11:11
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lapionwell I am getting 40GB read speeds11:11
Mandrewthats nice :P11:12
lapiononly the writing speeds is realy slow11:12
lapionso slow I have to use a ramdisk for the firefox profile11:12
Mandrewsorry but i need to split  now c ya ppl l8r11:13
Mandrewthanks for the info lapion11:13
lapionbut that's because it's an old card11:13
lapionthe beauty about it that to connect a cf card to an ide controller all you need is a 1:1 adaptor11:16
lapionhowever only for P-ATA11:16
unknown__hello, since yesterday I'm getting strange problem. After I reboot PC, I need to change USB port for my mouse, otherwise it doesn't work. Do you know what can cause that?11:18
unknown__maybe some advice what logs should I provide..11:19
unknown__btw. mouse is logitech mx air if its matter..11:20
lapionAt boot I sometimes have the same problem with ubuntu-6411:21
unknown__lapion: yes, my is also x64 :/11:21
lapionI have to reconnect keyboardhub11:21
lapionthat is diconnect reconnect11:22
unknown__the last time when I swap ports, keyboard has stopped to respond11:22
unknown__If I use the same port, it doesn't work, I need to change to other11:22
lapionkeyboard is my hub for the mouse11:22
lapiontakes a long time tpo activate the port if I use the same port11:23
bullgard4Why did my Lucid RC install the DEB program package gnupg and not gnupg2?11:24
kjelebullgard4: Intended or bug11:26
lapionI have to be off..11:26
cozziemotooooo very strange ...no wallpaper with today's updates  :)11:26
bullgard4kjele: Your answer was not helpful.11:27
om26erwhy are we still on GNOME Terminal 2.29.6 ?11:27
=== ikey_zzz is now known as ikey
cozziemotoanyone here use secure-delete?11:28
kjelebullgard4: Well if you do not need gnupg2 then it is intended but if you need it then it is a bug.11:28
vistakilleranyone else have suspend problem?11:28
kjelevistakiller: What video driver you using?11:29
om26ervistakiller, its a notebook?11:29
vistakillernvidia binary11:29
vistakillerno dekstop 285gtx11:29
vistakilleris break from alpha 311:29
kjelevistakiller: They ought to have problems.11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed]11:29
vistakillerwas work great two years now11:29
kjelevistakiller: nvidia faults11:30
vistakillerany solution?11:30
vistakillerto edit grub or anything else?11:30
cozziemotowhoa trying to change background is opening a limitless number of file manager windows minimized o011:30
lapionI had to chkdsk my ntfs partition for grub to recognise it11:31
ikey...grub not recognising other OS's? o_o11:31
kialllapion, thats the bug holding up 10.04 ;)11:32
kjelevistakiller: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/51000411:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed]11:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510004 in pm-utils "[lucid regression] random graphics effects after resume from suspend to RAM" [Undecided,Fix released]11:32
vistakilleris not work at all kjele11:32
ikeygotta admit..11:32
ikeyNot exactly bugs11:32
ikeyMore like insane flaws.11:32
BUGabundo_remoteoh damn :( 10.04.111:33
ikeyHope to God they don't release with those issues..11:33
kiallikey, the grub one, IMO, is a feature rather than a bug!11:33
om26erBUGabundo_remote, kubuntu ruled out, desktop UNE for a respin but still only xubuntu is left I think11:33
ikeykiall: Yeah that don't wash with me.11:33
kjelevistakiller: click on the link and read the bug report11:33
ikeyUnless you argued that they were solving bug #111:33
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)11:33
vistakilleri just read it11:33
vistakilleri have this problem with binary driver form nvidia11:33
vistakillerin 9.1011:33
vistakilleri have update my driver to new from ppa11:34
vistakillerand i have fix the problem11:34
vistakillerthe suspend works fine from then in 9.1011:34
vistakillerafter i have upgrade to lucid and after one week the suspend stops to work11:34
kjelevistakiller: The bug report is for lucid11:35
cousin_mariorelease ETA?11:35
ZykoticK9cousin_mario, no one knows - sometime today11:35
cozziemotohey guys after update this morning  I get   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/Screenshot.png    the actual desktop image flashes for about 2 seconds when starting compiz then goes back that that11:35
vistakilleri see it was begin from jaunty11:36
vistakilleris any bug fix or in this version i will forgot suspend?11:37
BUGabundo_remotevistakiller: purge the PPA11:37
joaopintoargh, we have an emergency delay :( ?11:37
BUGabundo_remotejoaopinto: yes :(11:38
vistakilleri think to install newest nvidia driver from ppa11:38
joaopintolikely to be a +1 delay ?11:40
arandjoaopinto: How come?11:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed]11:41
vistakillerjust upload a fix for plymouth in proposed11:41
Lazy^Lucid works perfectly, update-manager offered stable version for me =)11:41
brosenHello. I may be blind, but how do I change the font size for IRC in Telepathy?11:43
paketeis it out yet?11:44
Jaymacpakete, i am sure you can answer that yourself :)11:44
joaopintoarand, not sure, I am assuming the iso respinning will cascace into a mirror synchronization delay11:45
joaopintoit must have been an hard decision11:45
paketeso when???11:45
ZykoticK9pakete,  no one knows - sometime today11:45
joaopintoor tomorrow :P11:45
paketeit's been so aited for...we can't wait any longer11:45
Jaymacjoaopinto, what's happened with the mirrors?11:45
coz_pakete,  when you log onto t his channel and you are redirected to #ubuntu you will know for sure it has been released :)11:45
paketewe need it NOW11:45
arandjoaopinto: Oh, is there any ref. for it, and what caused it?11:46
Jaymacpakete, you already have it if you're running the RC11:46
joaopintoarand, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IncidentReports/2010-04-29-Late-respin-for-bug-57076511:46
HagenaarsDotNupakete, how often are you going to ask? Reminds me of me and my sister in the car ('are we there yet?', 'are we there yet?', 'are we there yet?', 'are we there yet?', 'are we there yet?')11:46
BUGabundo_remotepakete: $ update-manager -d11:46
BUGabundo_remotedon't need to wait11:46
ikeypakete: while 0; do sleep 5 && wget -O - http://www.ubuntu.com | grep -i "released" ; done11:46
lightbrickoWhat is the difference between the latest RC and the final release that will be released today?11:46
ikeyEventually you'll find out.11:47
BUGabundo_remoteikey: don't abuse the servers... ok?11:47
joaopinto!final | lightbricko11:47
ubottulightbricko: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.11:47
Jaymacjoaopinto, looks like a good decision... would have been crazy to release 10.04 with a grub but11:47
BUGabundo_remotesubscribe announce mailinglist11:47
ikeyBUGabundo_remote: oh come on every 5 seconds?11:47
BUGabundo_remoteyou will get an email as soon as it is out11:47
ikeyFine. 120 seconds.11:47
mrpwhen will the new website comelive?11:47
BUGabundo_remoteikey: make that 80M ppl11:47
joaopintoJaymac, stilll an hard decision because it affects a minimal portion of users :P11:47
ikey80 minutes?11:47
lightbrickojoaopinto: I see11:47
Jaymacjoaopinto, yeah but i think it was the right call... a lot of people dual boot11:47
joaopintodual boot users without an internet connection :)11:48
BUGabundo_remote80 milio11:48
BUGabundo_remote80 milion11:48
coz_is anyone getting this  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/Screenshot.png after this mornings  updates?   the desktop image will flash on for about 2 seconds when starting compiz then back to that :)11:48
arandjoaopinto: Ah, well definitely the right call I'd say.11:48
Jaymacso i imagine if it comes out today, it will be 23:59 in Hawaii :)11:48
mrpis it utc?11:49
vegathere should be some kind of autokick that detects "is it out yet" questions11:49
Jaymacwhy people don't just check the website is beyond me :)11:49
stevecamare there complications with releasing the new ubuntu?11:49
ikeyJaymac: For the exact same reason people don't google their issue before asking in support channels11:50
ikeyThat would require initiative and effort11:50
paketei ran RC - i disliked it for its minor sucky bugs...11:50
lukehasnonameIced Earth: great band.11:50
Jaymacikey, i can sympathise with that sometimes, depending on the competence of the user - it can be easier to be talked through something than read instructions11:50
Jaymacikey, but no excuse for "Is it out yet?" :)11:51
lightbrickoJaymac: Would be even worse to write "it is out".11:51
stevecamis there a problem that the community could help fix11:51
ikeystevecam: ehh..11:52
ikey"Ubuntu is an operating system built by a worldwide team of expert developers."11:52
Jaymacstevecam, it has been fixed afaik11:52
ikeySo... no.11:52
paketethere'd better be a difference between Rc and final11:52
paketecause RC has sucky minor bugs11:52
stevecamok, just noticed it was taking a while11:52
paketewhich hopefully will be non-present in final11:52
joaopintopakete, if you care about those, you have reported them, and youa re aware if they were fixed or not11:52
lightbrickopakete: Even the fully updated version of RC?11:52
coz_pakete,  there will be ... maybe with release my webcam will not work  :)11:52
coz_as usual11:53
ikeyIs that the big bad bug then?11:53
paketenonono...everything works just fine, besides plymouth...which always blackscreens, unlike when you use it live from flash stick11:53
ikeyJust the grub issue?11:53
ikeypakete: Plymouth is more trouble than its worth.11:53
ikeyAdd that to the KMS issues, intel i8xxx issues, ATi legacy issues11:54
paketelike 2-3 seconds of black screen before giving boot splash11:54
joaopintoikey, right, but it's not optional anyway11:54
paketethat is minor but sucky bug\11:54
stevecammaybe the release will be forcing people to use signed hardware drivers and will only have a 30-day trial period11:54
ikeyRead: 60,000 distressed users.11:54
paketeall the rest is fine...so i will try final of course, if not solved - i guess i ll downgrade to windows 3.11, as a part of revenge ))) sort of11:55
paketehi ovis11:55
stevecamlol at PartyBot1 increasing by an hour every time11:55
oviscould you help me11:55
ovisi installed virtualbox11:56
ovisinstalled windows on it11:56
paketesure what's the problem11:56
ovisand the sound on linux stoped working11:56
clemyeatshi ikey11:56
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:56
paketehave you tried recent updates? or donwgrades?11:56
BUGabundo_remote500 users in here :(11:56
clemyeatsand Suhana11:56
BUGabundo_remoteno rest today :|11:56
Suhanahola ;)11:57
paketemake sure you ue latest update manager installed11:57
ovislike when i go to sound preferences11:57
ikeyAlternatively install VirtualBox from the Sun website.11:57
ovisin hardware tab is no any hardware11:57
BUGabundo_remoteovis: can you type everything in a single line?11:57
ikeyCheck package regressions too..11:57
paketeyeah...you don't actually need hardware for this...11:58
vegakeep in mind that virtualbox from sun website with USB support doesn't work well with ubuntu 10.04 (the USB part i mean)11:58
vegaotherwise it is ok11:58
ikeyBetter then the OSE vega ;)11:58
ovisit worked fine11:58
ikeyRight so its *stopped* working, as opposed to not working11:58
paketeand make sure you install latest security updates and if you want anti-virus update kit )))11:58
ikeySo somethings changed :)11:58
vegaikey: well not for me, since only reason to use it is with USB support..11:58
oviswhen i installed lynx the sound was working perfect all things started when i updated and installed virtualbox11:58
ikeyvega: which OSE doesnt have. Therefore Sun > OSE11:59
ikeyIs that the last remaining hold up though? The grub bug?11:59
* ikey notes a grub is a type of bug12:00
_btjust upgraded and my mixer applet has disappeared. any ideas?12:00
ikeyright click the panel → add to panel12:00
ikeycheck for the mixer applet12:00
_btits not there12:00
clemyeats_bt: it's not an applet anymore, it's an indicator.12:00
ikeythe me-menu thing?12:00
ZykoticK9ikey, if you need USB in VBox PUEL versions you can see my notes at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/virtualbox -- keep in mind this was from an Alpha version of Lucid - things may have changed12:00
clemyeats_bt: check sound-indicator12:00
_btclemyeats: how do i access this?12:00
ikeyZykoticK9: danke12:00
clemyeats_bt: you install it and add the indicator applet to your panel.12:00
ovishow to sync iphone apps on ubuntu ?12:01
_btCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "sound-indicator"12:01
clemyeats_bt: aptitude search indicator12:01
stevecamlol @ iphone12:01
BUGabundo_remoteovis: you buy a mac12:01
_btclemyeats: its indicator-sound :D12:01
clemyeats_bt: ;)12:01
_btunsure how to add this though, it is installed12:02
clemyeats_bt: ok, right click the panel, add to, and then "indicator whatever applet"12:02
_btahhhh well would you look at that. i added "indicator applet" and it added my mixer and evolution mail icon. thanks!12:02
ikeyMixer and evolution mail?12:03
ikeyI fail to see the relationship between the two.12:03
ikeyAt all12:03
_btme neither12:03
_btbut that's what happened :D12:03
BUGabundo_remote"Are you proposing slipping the 10.04 release for this? Do you realize it takes 2 days to respin ISOs, thus making this a 10.05 release?" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/570765/comments/3112:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed]12:03
clemyeats_bt: you're welcome.12:03
clemyeats_bt: you can get rid of the mail icon btw.. if you want.12:04
ikeyRead that as Robbie Williams12:04
_btclemyeats if i do that it removes both12:04
ikeyit prolly has some options _bt12:04
ikeyCue: Right click12:04
clemyeats_bt: no, you can get rid of the mail icon on its own and keep the other one.12:04
clemyeatsikey: it doesn't .... let me find the info again.12:04
* clemyeats checks his notes12:05
ikeyIt's not gonna work on my machine at all12:05
ikeyI just know it.12:05
_btclemyeats they are not independent for me. if i remove 1 the other goes too. no right click options aside from "move, lock, remove, add"12:05
ikeyATi issue..12:05
clemyeatsikey: it will :)12:05
ikeythis one wont.12:05
ikeyMind you I've gotta get a new box anyway..12:05
ikeyThis one is teetering on the edge of recycling..12:05
Suhanaaka tossing out the top window?12:06
clemyeatswell I've removed it... let me just find out how to do it again.12:06
ikeySuhana: yeah12:06
ikeyFrom the highest window of the highest tower with the passion of a drink-deprived-paddy12:06
ZykoticK9_bt, if you want to remove the mail icon only -- uninstall indicator-messages12:06
_btthank you12:06
clemyeats_bt: sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages12:06
clemyeatsoh.. thanks ZykoticK9 :)12:07
ZykoticK9_bt, i didn't like that icon at first either - but it turns green on messages/mail/xchat (if you install the xchat plugin) - it's pretty handy really12:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed]12:08
ikeyxchat plugin? oh god no..12:09
_btZykoticK9: i do use xchat, i have the xchat applet, are you saying i can consolidate this?12:09
ikeyThey butchered that too? :(12:09
ZykoticK9_bt, if you install xchat-gnome-indicator then it will turn that mail icon green when you get an xchat message12:09
checheI saw the bug 570765 and comment in this channel, but I was told to just grub-update12:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57076512:11
checheit is a shame that this delays the release..12:12
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
BUGabundo_lunchmaybe not12:13
BUGabundo_lunchjust a few houors12:13
BUGabundo_lunchor in the worse case, tomorrow12:13
checheBUGabundo_lunch:  a few hours for sure. they  decided to respin the 32bit and 64bit CDs12:15
=== reijo-nyberg is now known as red
clemyeatsthat's one critical bug alright..12:18
clemyeatsI'm glad they finally settled on a respin.12:18
chechehow long it takes?12:20
clemyeatsto respin?12:20
Jeeves_Several hours, i think. Stuff needs to be checked as well12:21
clemyeatscouple of hours.. the biggest problem is to ensure all mirrors synched the "new" version.. that depends on whether they sync at the same time or not.12:21
clemyeatsand then there's testing... half a day to do it properly.12:21
Jeeves_And also, the new iso's must be distributed again12:21
checheso posibly late today.12:22
clemyeatsto be honest it's more than a day altogether.12:22
mondrquestion, does anyone know under the desktop wall plugin of compiz, what is multi-monitor behaviour meant to do?12:22
paketehave to report, there is no option available on my laptop when trying to adjust special effects12:22
stevecamdoes PartyBot1 have a typo its its messages?12:28
switchgirlis it out today?12:29
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:30
yofelhaha, not quite right answer...12:30
tux_is it out?12:30
switchgirlubottu, itnIS the 29th april12:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:30
niekieubottu: you're more intellegent than you think you are. :)12:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:31
stevecami thought that it was obvious that it wasn't out yet12:31
hdtdiam hello. can someone tell me where is 10.4 lts? it sais today.. but in the site is stil rc12:31
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:32
vegahdtdi: does it occur to you that there's still hours left in "29th april" ?12:32
vegaalso, google for "timezones"12:32
hdtdivega, uf.. im in europe.. here is 13:00 pm 29 april12:33
clemyeatshdtdi: there was a bug and a decision was taken to respin the ISOs so it might not happen today, hard to say.12:33
hdtdihmm thanks12:34
coz_BiggFREE,  hey12:37
coz_would someone check if they have secure-delete installed and if there is an   smem option on 64 bit?12:38
switchgirlbleachbit is broken http://paste.ubuntu.com/424563/12:39
coz_switchgirl,   have you trid12:40
coz_switchgirl, have you tried secure-delete?12:40
switchgirlcoz_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/424564/ no but now you mention it...12:42
abhijainis 10.4 fianl iso is released??12:43
coz_switchgirl,  mmm   intesting   apparently secure-delet is not working well either    you could try  smem -ll -v  to see if it frees memory cache  but I cant find the man page for it here either12:44
jrib!party | abhijain12:44
ubottuabhijain: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties12:44
abhijainconfuse with download which is better for download alpha1 or beta12:44
jribabhijain: rc or daily12:44
jribabhijain: these are NOT final releases12:45
abhijainjrib: so now give me link for download12:45
jribabhijain: ubuntu.com/testing12:45
abhijainjrib: last day you told me that 2day is final releasing12:45
jribabhijain: yes, sometime later today12:46
coz_abhijain,  this channle will be closed when it is released and you should be redirected to #ubuntu channel12:46
abhijainjrib:  i will back here once again12:47
jribabhijain: ok12:47
obscurant1stlucid was supposed to come today right?12:49
paketeit is out now12:49
paketecheck repositories12:49
switchgirlobscurant1st, phanaphana12:49
Ganymedetoday isn't over12:49
obscurant1stpakete, ubuntu.com shows RC12:50
obscurant1stswitchgirl, i dint get you!12:50
paketeRC stands for really complete12:50
obscurant1stpakete, lol12:50
switchgirlno. you wont, unless you're british12:50
obscurant1stGanymede, ok, ll wait today is over!12:51
obscurant1stswitchgirl, no, i ma not british, so why dont you tell me what it is!12:51
obscurant1stpakete, btw you asked me to check repositeries, how can i check it?12:52
paketejust run sudo -s in console12:52
icerootobscurant1st: check packages.gz if it has a new timestamp (some hours ago) the grub-fix was the last one12:52
paketeit will automaticall check12:52
paketebut you have to install the update kit and check your pc/or any for malware12:53
ikeylol @ malware12:53
paketeexactly ikey!12:53
paketesudo -s do check malwar12:54
Suhanamal-ware? wozzat?12:54
switchgirlobscurant1st, its a cartoon refrance people say it when they spot innuendo :P12:54
ikeySuhana: "lol @ malware" means I found it funny12:54
obscurant1stpakete, update kit ll sudo apt-get install update-kit do?12:54
ikeyPerhaps I would've been more clear by saying "HAHAHAHAHAHA OMFG THATS EPIC @ malware". Who knows :)12:54
paketeand don't forget to sudo do check malware afterwards12:55
* ikey wonders if people have forgotten the joys of the strings command..12:55
compliencewhats time is the release going to be out?12:56
paketeit is going to be...12:56
ikeycomplience: N o'clock12:56
obscurant1stpakete, why to check for malwares?12:56
paketeas soon as it is out - it will be there12:56
complienceoh i see12:56
compliencebut today?12:56
ikeyBasically it'll be out some time today12:56
ikeyWhen it gets here12:56
ikeyNo set time12:56
_btits out already if you look hard enough12:56
_btwhich is not really that hard at all12:56
* ikey doesnt' care :)12:57
complienceah ha,12:57
_btit took me around 5 seconds to locate it12:57
paketewhen everyone completes the check for malware12:57
_bti don't either12:57
paketeand use update kit12:57
ikeyupdate kit? ..12:57
paketethe one from #windows12:57
paketethe update kit checks for malware12:58
ikeylol wouldnt surprise me if it _is_ malware12:58
Suhanahang on ... an update kit on windows .. checks for malware on a linux system now?12:58
Suhanaoh my12:58
ikeyBrave new world.12:59
ikeypsst: (that was sarcasm)12:59
paketeit provides system sustainability also12:59
paketewindows defender and so on...13:00
ikeymk. brb13:00
paketein order to install it - you go sudo -s do update do update kit13:01
paketethen you type sudo -s do check malware13:01
paketeafter that you ll be able to update to latest release13:02
paketewhich is ouut13:02
paketeit IS out there13:02
bazhangpakete, please stop that13:02
JohnnyAmericasudo -s13:03
paketeit is like no problem!13:04
becomingGuruSo how long until the 10.04 release13:04
paketesudo -s = no problem13:04
becomingGuruMy new Dell Studio is waiting for me to install Ubuntu13:04
paketebe patient13:04
paketeit is out there13:04
charlie-tca!final becomingGuru13:04
paketeit is coming...will be here as possible13:04
charlie-tca!final | becomingGuru13:04
ubottubecomingGuru: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:04
bazhangpakete, its NOT out.13:05
paketeit is OUT THERE13:05
paketenot yet here13:05
charlie-tca!outyet | becomingGuru13:05
bazhangpakete, take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic13:05
ubottubecomingGuru: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:05
paketei mean it is out there, like something is always out there13:05
becomingGurucharlie-tca, Yea, I know... I downloaded the rc for that reason... But the failed the md5 checksum... So, I got to download it again, or...13:05
charlie-tcasomethime today, utc time13:06
becomingGuruwait for a while to download the final version13:06
paketesome say it is not gonna be different from RC13:06
charlie-tcapakete: that would be inaccurate13:06
paketeso if you have RC you may not worry - just use update kit for critical updates13:06
becomingGuruThe rc I downloaded failed the md5 checksum...13:06
bazhangpakete, what is update kit.13:06
becomingGuruSo, I need to start the download again... Or wait for a short while to download the final13:07
paketeit provides the latest and hottest updates and fixes, it also checks for malware automatically13:07
bazhangpakete, please stop spreading the wrong information. this is not an idle chatter channel13:07
bazhangpakete, no it does not.13:07
obscurant1stbtw if lucid is out, this channel ll still be there or what?13:08
_bt"update kit"13:08
_btwhat is?13:08
bazhang_bt, its nothing. just nonsense13:08
paketeupdate kit sounds very suitable when trying to update and check for malware13:09
charlie-tcaobscurant1st: this channel will no longer exist tomorrow, for a few days13:09
obscurant1stcharlie-tca, oh,k13:09
_btwhy do i need update kit to update when update-manager already does that?13:09
charlie-tcaWhen it comes back, it will be for Maverick13:09
bazhang_bt, you dont. ignore pakete13:09
paketeif you are using update manager - you can't check for malware13:09
obscurant1stcharlie-tca, oh so maverick is the nxt ubuntu?13:09
bazhangpakete, there is none. stop that13:10
patdk-wkmarty maverick? :)13:10
charlie-tcaobscurant1st: yes, Maverick Meerkat13:10
obscurant1stpakete, will this update-kit check for windows malwares?13:10
_btpakete is talking crap13:10
obscurant1stcharlie-tca, oh, k. the due date will be around oct- nov right?13:10
bazhangstop trolling pakete13:10
obscurant1stpakete, did you happen to develope this update-kit?13:12
_btgoogle says nothing about update-kit13:12
bazhangit does not exist.13:13
paketeyeah sure...it is because you didn't type sudo -s13:13
_btsomeone get him out13:13
patdk-wkhmm, no updates today13:13
bazhangthis channel will close soon enough13:14
paketeif something is non-existent it doesn't mean it is not out there...13:14
JohnnyAmericaleave him alone13:14
bazhangjust ignore his trolling13:14
_btyou tell us the pakete. i am 100% genuine interested in your malware product13:14
clemyeatsikey: how do you ignore someone on the IRC again?13:14
vegai don't understand why you don't kick him?13:14
patdk-wk/ignore :)13:14
obscurant1stpakete, i thought you were serious, !!!13:14
paketeso i am just looking forward to final 10.04 that is all... which is currently out there and coming fast - today13:15
_btwell it's already out there so go catch up13:15
paketewhat is serious anyway...13:15
coz_hey guys just discovered that the secure-delete package in lucid is incomplete   I had to install the karmic version on lucid to get its optionis available13:15
JohnnyAmericapakete: i love you man13:15
alex88_if i have multiple ip on eth0, how can i say to a program to use eth0:0 instead of eth0?13:15
seththzhey guys i just finished installing and when i went to reboot i get this message "disk drive for /media/sdb1 is not ready yet or present" i had been able to boot after install just fine but after the reboot i got that. im new to this so i have no idea what went wrong.13:16
paketeserious or not - it is out there...and now and then...when you get too serious you risk to end up in #windows13:16
obscurant1stpakete, who ends up in windows, last time i ended up in mac13:17
paketebut who knows, maybe final release has an update kit ...hmmm13:17
=== alex88_ is now known as alex88
obscurant1stbtw how much MB i will have to download if i am upgrading from Karmic to lucid?13:18
clemyeatsobscurant1st: probably around 3 to 6GB...?13:18
clemyeatsobscurant1st: it depends what you've got installed.13:18
paketeyou were lucky then, obscurantlst!!!13:19
obscurant1stclemyeats, i hv done the default installation of Karmic + some applications. So you are telling me i have to download 3-6GB, oh man. So today i wont be able to upgrade! :(13:20
obscurant1stpakete, why?13:20
paketebecause it is less serious i guess =) anyway we should not deny the possibility that update kit is possible...13:20
clemyeatsobscurant1st: not to mention that the repositories will be slow "if" they work.. the day of the release.13:21
clemyeatsobscurant1st: you're better off with a fresh upgrade.13:21
obscurant1stclemyeats, fresh upgrade, in the sence? deleting karmic and doing a new install?13:22
clemyeatsobscurant1st: yes13:22
obscurant1sti cant do that!13:22
clemyeatsobscurant1st: why not?13:22
clemyeatsobscurant1st: read section C1 of http://community.linuxmint.com/index.php/tutorial/view/213:22
obscurant1sti have done lots of installations and customizations, i dont want to loose them!13:24
=== EdgEy__ is now known as EdgEy
soreauHey guys, alls I want to know is.. it out yet?13:24
clemyeatsobscurant1st: I guess you didn't read....13:24
clemyeatssoreau: no13:24
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_remote
obscurant1stclemyeats, yeah i didnt read it yet. will read!13:25
pvandewyngaerdehello,   is anyone else having the problem that on a console you cannot use the loadkeys command  and it gives a long list of error messages ? one line for keyboard layout 0 -> 127: access denied,   KDSKBENT: action not allowed, loadkeys cannot release keyboard layout 12813:25
seththzhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1464540 seems he had a similar problem but i don't understand how he fixed it :(13:25
greezmunkeylo ppl13:25
Oli``Is there any way to remove accidental "follows" in gwibber. I clicked on somebody's name in a twitter feed and now there's a button for that person in the sidebar. I don't want them in there... But I can't see how to remove them!13:26
greezmunkeycheck this interesting message from /var/log/kern.log: Apr 26 18:48:32 UbuntuServ01 kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped, And then every entry since: Apr 29 05:15:08 UbuntuServ01 kernel: imklog: Cannot read proc file system, 1.13:27
coz_switchgirl,   I just found out that the secure-delete package in lucid is incomplete  you will have to get the package for karmic and install it13:28
coz_switchgirl,  also this "defrags" memor as well13:28
coz_switchgirl    it should all be in the man page13:29
exi_got a very shot question. i'm searching the lucid svn/git/whatever repo for the gnome-mount package, could someone please tell me where to look for it?13:30
elnurIs 9.10 coming out today?13:30
patdk-wkelnur, sure :)13:30
bazhangelnur, 9.10 is already out13:30
elnuri meant 10.04 :)13:30
bazhang!party | elnur13:30
ubottuelnur: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties13:30
elnurpatdk-wk, hehe, niice13:30
coz_exi_,   it doenst seem to be13:31
coz_exi_,   available in lucid13:31
BUGabundo_remotekoltroll: not out yet13:31
* patdk-wk hadn't realized 9.10 was in the closet :)13:31
clemyeatselnur: it could be delayed by a day or two, it's hard to tell, or it could be today.. the ISOs were respinned.13:31
exi_coz_: really? which one replaced it?13:31
BUGabundo_remoteoops bad complition... sorry koltroll13:31
KOPRajsafter upgrade from karmic to lucid my FAT32 disk is not being mounted with correct iocharset in Dolphin... any ideas?13:31
coz_guys actually when lucid is released this channel will not be here and you will be redirected to #ubuntu13:31
* clemyeats notices a new ubiquity version 2.2.2413:32
BUGabundo_remotecoz_: not exaclty13:32
patdk-wkcoz, what about 10.10?13:32
coz_KOPRajs,  well if possible  clean install13:32
BUGabundo_remotepatdk-wk: only after tool chaine13:32
coz_BUGabundo_remote,  oh?  something change?13:32
BUGabundo_remotecoz_ no! it just doesn't accept any one new to enter13:32
coz_exi_,   you could try  pysdm to set automount13:33
coz_BUGabundo_remote,  ah I see  so if you log on after release you will be redirected by stay and nothing happens :)13:33
coz_exi_,   http://superuser.com/questions/131918/gnome-mount-alternative-in-ubuntu-10-04-or-how-to-mount-partition-with-normal-use13:33
KOPRajscoz_: not possible... I just need to find where can I set mount options for disk being mounted by KDE (not in boot-time)13:33
ThomasBerendsi heard that ubuntu is delayed, will it still come today?13:34
coz_exi_,  also take a look here   https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gnome-mount13:34
paketehey all13:34
Andy80hi all13:34
JohnnyAmericapakete: hi :)13:35
paketeHello Johnny!!! =)13:35
paketehave you downloaded update kit yet?13:35
Andy80I had previously installed a development version of Gwibber and now I've upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04... how do I remove a twitter account??? I open Accounts, I select and remove it, but... when I re-open the client the account is still there :(13:35
JohnnyAmericapakete: sure, I did13:36
JohnnyAmericapakete:  :)13:36
Andy80I've also tried to remove gwibber packages with settngs using synaptics, but it didn't work13:36
bazhangpakete, there is no update kit. please stop it13:36
paketealrite!!! we shall see...it is not out yet...13:36
paketemy feeling is that update kit will be there, when it is out13:36
pvandewyngaerde hello,   is anyone else having the problem that on a console as a non-root user you cannot use the loadkeys command  and it gives a long list of error messages ? one line for keyboard layout 0 -> 127,  and then : access denied,   KDSKBENT: action not allowed, loadkeys cannot release keyboard layout 12813:37
bazhangpakete, most of us already have it; there is NO update kit. stop it.13:37
affar1-ATubuntu 10.04 can run with btrfs13:37
paketethere will be...in final13:37
affar1-ATubuntu 10.04 can run with btrfs?13:37
ikey/IGNORE *@78-106-203-239.broadband.corbina.ru ALL13:37
ikey@ everyone.13:37
paketeall you have to do is sudo -s13:38
JohnnyAmericappl, just listen to pakete13:38
bazhangJohnnyAmerica, he was trolling. no13:39
JohnnyAmericabazhang: r u sure?13:39
stevecamin the #ubuntu-release-party there is a typo with one of the bots13:40
stevecamPartyBot1 says "(the torrents are also locked)" instead of "(the torrents are also blocked)"13:40
charlie-tcaJohnnyAmerica: yes, he's sure13:40
schweegidoes anybody know here when lucid is released today?13:40
Picischweegi, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party13:40
JohnnyAmericacharlie-tca: ok, sry13:40
red2kicPici: Wut? I just got in... It haven't been released? o.O13:41
schweegiPici:  i'm already in #ubuntu-release-parry, but they talking about bots and that ubuntu.com is down and so on...13:41
greezmunkeyAside from wierd messages in logs, my system seems to run well. I'd be interested to know what is up with the text messages posted to the screen on shutdown. Mine are seriously scrambled. Is it possible that is related to some terminal properties config that needs adjusting?13:41
Picischweegi: And did you see the rest of my reply?13:41
jbwivI've been tracking a full system freeze on my system for a few weeks now. Now it seems to only happen when I return to work the next morning. Anytime I come in, the system is locked up...magic sysrq buttons won't work either. Is there something that happens when the screen is locked for a long period of time that might explain this? Power management or something?13:44
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:44
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »13:46
gintonicWhich is more efficient out of jigdo and zsync?13:51
gintonicfor upgrading an RC to release I mean13:52
charlie-tca!final | gintonic13:52
ubottugintonic: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:52
tsr2Hallo everybody. I'm told this is the right place to ask about installation problems with 10.04RC. Is that right?13:52
BUGabundo_remotegintonic: we advice zsync13:52
BUGabundo_remotecharlie-tca: calm down :)13:52
BUGabundo_remoteyou are trigger happy :)13:52
BUGabundo_remotetsr2: shoot13:53
charlie-tcaI am calm. If you are going from RC to release, that is the easiest, and most efficient13:53
gintonicEr thanks but that isn't what i'm trying to achive. I need to sync isos13:53
=== gorgonizer is now known as gorgonizer_
=== gorgonizer_ is now known as gorgonizer__
charlie-tcaBUGabundo_remote: that's because it is easier than typing it13:53
BUGabundo_remotecharlie-tca: he meant IOS13:53
=== gorgonizer__ is now known as gorgonizer
tsr2I'm trying to install from CD on an old Dell laptop. I get a splash screen with a moving dots progress bar. After a minute or twi the screen goes blank and won't respond to anything.13:53
BUGabundo_remotegintonic: zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync13:54
BUGabundo_remotewith the proper URL and "-o" parameter13:54
tsr2I've looked at the troubleshooting guide and it suggests various kernel options, but I guess I need to get to a proper prompt first?13:54
Hillshumtsr2: How much RAM does said laptop have?13:54
tsr2I thinks it's 768MB.13:55
gintonicWhy zsync over jigdo? I've never tested jigdo but it seems it could theoretically use less bandwidth13:55
pvandewyngaerdehow can i set my console language for error messages to english  ?13:55
BUGabundo_remotegintonic: cause that's what archive admins choose?13:55
grobda24Where is the new services and startup systems covered that replaces init.d ?13:55
BUGabundo_remotegrobda24: upstart13:56
gintonicOk, that's good enough for me :-D13:56
grobda24BUGabundo_remote, cheers :)13:57
vegawhere is the proper way of disabling a system service in this new shiny upstart?13:57
kennyGhello guys! I wonder if I could do any upgrade to the final release of Lucid or if it would be better just reinstall it over the Beta release... ?13:58
cwilluvega, rename the file to something not 'conf', or edit the "start on" line13:58
AzelphurkennyG: when the release happens, you will update and be on release13:58
echosystmdid they really replace gimp with F-Spot?13:59
sobczykhello, how well the kde4 is integrated in ubuntu 10.04? (ie. native network manager applet, driver manager, etc)13:59
xompersur a gimp14:00
sobczykespecially for a laptop14:00
BUGabundo_remotekennyG:  just do your usual updates14:00
vegacwillu: rename .. and after package update it is back again?14:00
BUGabundo_remoteechosystm: no14:00
BUGabundo_remotewe simply don't preinstall gimp anymore14:01
=== xompers is now known as xomp
echosystmare there any mono apps in ubuntu by default?14:01
vegacwillu: also, how should the "start on" line be edited?14:01
BUGabundo_remotefspot was already there14:01
Azelphurechosystm: yes, tomboy14:01
BUGabundo_remoteechosystm: a bunch14:01
kennyGBUGabundo_remote, and how do I do that?14:01
echosystmits mono, for christs sake14:01
cwilluvega, "appropriately"14:02
cwilluvega, look at the file14:02
BUGabundo_remotekennyG: update manager in system menu14:02
BUGabundo_remoteechosystm: stop the FUD and ranting ok?14:02
BUGabundo_remotethank you very much14:02
kennyGBUGabundo_remote, ok, thank you!14:03
tsr2XP reports 768MB on my Dell. I think that's sufficient for most Linux distributions.14:03
BUGabundo_remoteyes it is14:04
tsr2I've checked the md5sums on the CD14:04
tsr2 $ md5sum ubuntu-10.04-rc-desktop-i386.iso /dev/scd014:04
tsr29b88dce8d215a3c2839105ab8e3139be  ubuntu-10.04-rc-desktop-i386.iso14:04
tsr29b88dce8d215a3c2839105ab8e3139be  /dev/scd014:04
xompwhere's the best place to find out when this is released?14:05
bazhangxomp, #ubuntu-release-party14:05
=== DreamThi1f is now known as DreamThief
sobczykdoes the newt kubuntu has a default input method?14:06
sobczyklike japanese or korean14:06
DoggodI'm making place for an ubuntu installation14:06
cetanhotajoin #ubuntu-release-party14:06
cetanhotadang it14:06
Doggodhow big partition sohuld I make14:07
Doggodis 10GB enough?14:07
patdk-wk10g is enough for most anything in ubuntu14:07
bazhangDoggod, total , or only /14:07
Doggodonly /14:07
patdk-wkI normally fit everything into 5gigs14:07
patdk-wkmy servers fit everything in about 500megs14:08
bazhangif you decide to switch DE later then you have room14:08
Doggodcool, then I think I'll make an 8 gig14:08
tsr2As it's on a 700MB CD, I would expect the default install to be under 2GB. Can't say I'm certain as I can't get it to install right now ;-)14:08
patdk-wktsr2, hmm, I was pretty sure a default install was around 3gig for me14:09
tsr2Obviously they get a good compression ratio on the CD.14:09
Assurbanipalhi everyone!when is kubuntu 10.04 stable expected to be released?14:10
bazhangAssurbanipal, not known14:11
bazhang!party > Assurbanipal14:11
ubottuAssurbanipal, please see my private message14:11
JoshuaLi heard it was delayed because of some bugs, is this true?14:11
tsr2If nobody has ani ideas I'll abandon this attempt for today and go back to doing some proper work.14:11
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
charlie-tcaJoshuaL: not yet14:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed]14:17
BUGabundo_remoteyay bug found14:17
charlie-tcaBUGabundo_remote: respins in progress14:18
BUGabundo_remoteI know14:19
=== rohan_ is now known as rohan
tucemiux_how do you upgrade an RC to the official release?14:30
tucemiux_sudo apt-get upgrade???14:30
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:30
tasslehoffgunzip on my 10.04RC gives a crc error on unpacking expat-2.0.1.tar.gz. Unpacking the same file on 9.10 with the same version of gunzip works fine.14:30
tucemiux_Pici, so I have the official release then? O_o14:31
rmrfslashI'm trying to copy to the X11 clipboard w/in vim and it aint working out for me. Can someone provide help? If I highlight a bunch of text and type +yy then move to another tab and type +p I get nothin14:31
rmrfslashShould work under Ubuntu... not sure if anyone uses a lot of vim14:32
Picitucemiux_: essentially, I think a package or two might still be getting built though.14:32
rmrfslashUbuntu vim is compiled w/ x11 clipboard support14:32
tucemiux_how do you manage wireless connections??14:33
Doggodoookay, made a new partition for ubuntu :)14:33
BUGabundo_remotetucemiux_: on ubuntu, click on the network manager icon, on the top applet14:34
tucemiux_BUGabundo_remote, my RC doesnt have a network manager icon, I should click on "network" icon?14:35
* BUGabundo_remote face palms14:36
tucemiux_or maybe "network connections"?14:36
rygarhey is it true the release is delayed because a bug in grub?14:41
icerootyes but still today14:41
rygardamn, at least they found it before release :/ hope there won't be more after14:43
rygarat least the showstopper kind14:44
=== rohan_ is now known as rohan
clemyeatsiceroot: I don't think it's going to happen today.14:44
clemyeatsiceroot: the ISOs in the pool still have ubiquity 2.2.23...14:45
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
BUGabundo_remoteclemyeats: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/570765/comments/14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed]14:45
clemyeatsyeah, exactly.14:46
icerootclemyeats: the repos are updates (packages.gz) but not the isos14:46
JoshuaLhmm are xubuntu etc also affected and will it be fixed in those releases too?14:46
clemyeats2.2.24 is going in... meaning new ISOs, regression testing, mirrors sync, etc...14:46
BUGabundo_remoteJoshuaL: not on the ISO14:46
icerootclemyeats: the 2.2.24 shoudl be already in the repos14:46
clemyeatsif they do all that in less than a day they'll be cutting corners again.14:46
clemyeatsiceroot: it is.14:46
thebishopif i'm running Beta2 with upgrades, is there any reason to reformat when Release comes out today?14:46
JoshuaLBUGabundo_remote, not in the iso as it will not be fixed or?14:47
icerootclemyeats: yes so its "only" the iso-build left14:47
tasslehoffis that "gunzip-issue" known? could someone verify it and tell me where I should report if its indeed broken?14:47
clemyeatsiceroot: and testing it and mirroring it.14:47
charlie-tcaBUGabundo_remote, JoshuaL yes, and yes, the images for xubuntu were respun.14:47
BUGabundo_remoteJoshuaL: fixes will come as 0-day updates14:47
clemyeatsiceroot: that's minimum one day.14:47
charlie-tcaKubuntu is not affected14:47
BUGabundo_remote!bugs | tasslehoff14:47
ubottutasslehoff: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:47
JoshuaLBUGabundo_remote, and what does a 0-day update mean?14:48
BUGabundo_remotecharlie-tca: are you sure xubuntu images were respuned?14:48
icerootclemyeats: 6 hours at our system (to build debian-cds)14:48
BUGabundo_remotenot what says in the bug14:48
thebishopBUGabundo_remote, was that "no" to me?14:48
dennisgood afternoon people.... are we there yet ?14:48
charlie-tcaI don't care what the bug says14:48
charlie-tcaI am testing the images14:48
BUGabundo_remoteJoshuaL: means updates for it will be available on release14:48
JoshuaLok :)14:48
JoshuaLthanks for explaining.14:48
BUGabundo_remote!out | dennis14:49
BUGabundo_remote!isout | dennis14:49
rohanyou want !isitout BUGabundo_remote14:49
dennisreally ? i will have a look then14:49
BUGabundo_remotetooooo long14:49
Pirate_Hunteris lucid finally going to be released today? If so why hasn't the site been updated specially since 8.04 is to be maintained until 2011?14:49
clemyeatsiceroot: they can't release without the mirrors all in sync... if some of them still host the older ISO it's going to be chaos. That can take up to a day.14:50
JoshuaLPirate_Hunter, it will be released toda indeed14:50
coz_you know my one big gripe with lucic is the plymoth ubuntu-logo theme ith tha14:50
thebishopis there news on the GLX front?14:50
coz_with that white circle and  cut out ubuntu symbol14:50
icerootclemyeats: torrent is the solution for problems like that14:50
thebishopi couldn't play WorldOfGoo yesterday because GLX is out14:50
coz_that is just butt ugly :)14:50
icerootclemyeats: but yes you are right i just thought about the build-steps14:50
clemyeatsiceroot: waiting for a day is just the right call tbh.14:50
dennishas anyone got a link to the final ? i cannot find it14:50
jribcoz_: design a better one for maverick :)14:50
charlie-tcadennis: it is not out yet14:51
coz_jrib,  thats an easy call   I alrea14:51
icerootclemyeats: the main problem is another, the x-server bug... instead of fixing it, its backported14:51
coz_jrib,  I already fixed this one :)14:51
JoshuaLi will miss this channel after today :( :P14:51
clemyeatsiceroot: oh..?14:51
JoshuaLiceroot, the mem leak bug?14:51
clemyeatsiceroot: I didn't read about that one..14:51
icerootclemyeats: the x-server memory-leak isnt patched, the x-server-version is reverted without taht bug14:51
coz_JoshuaL,  I think ...from what I understand...if you stay logged on the channle still exists14:51
coz_i could be wrong however14:52
yofeliceroot: the gem memleak is already fixed, by reverting the glx version, or do you mean another one?14:52
dennisthe website still says release candidate only and the main image server doesn't list the final release... where can i get it ?14:52
icerootyofel: thats the bug i mean14:52
icerootyofel: reverting is not a good solution instead of a rela fix#14:52
clemyeatsdennis: you can't, it's not out yet.14:52
JoshuaLdennis, it is not out yet!14:52
Doggodwhen did they found the x-server mem-leak14:52
dennisdo we have a ETA ?14:53
Reckonis a delay expected on the release? I've heard rumours in some sources14:53
clemyeatsdennis: postponed.14:53
clemyeatsdennis: delayed..sorry14:53
dennisETR actually14:53
yofeliceroot: the leak was introduced by a fix for a crashing glx, it was too late to test other resolutions now14:53
pekshi, the intel graphic chipset problem with lucid only concerns 845 & 855, but not the rest of the 8xx chipsets??14:53
dennisoke, until tomorrow or what ?14:53
clemyeatsdennis: probably14:53
JoshuaLdennis, join #ubuntu-release-party14:53
denniswill do14:53
Doggodthe main issue about this release is that it's an LTS release14:54
clemyeatsI guess as iceroot mentioned, they could release the torrent today and the ISOs tomorrow.14:54
Doggodif this would be a regular release, i think the stakes wouldn't be so huge14:54
clemyeatsI hope they don't forget to update oem-config this time around14:54
tarzeauDoggod: the stakes are because of the no-more-brown theme14:54
clemyeatsstill at 2.2.20 on the current CD.14:54
alex_mayorgaso if I'm fully updated today I'm already on the "release"14:55
clemyeatsalex_mayorga: yes14:55
z0rt|workhappy release day dudes14:55
VigoIs +1 going to be closed after today?14:56
alex_mayorgaclemyeats: thanks14:56
JoshuaLimo they should have delayed the release :)14:56
rumpe1Vigo, no... waiting for Maverick14:57
lfaraoneHi. It appears that whenever I click on a window, the window manager interprets it as an Alt-Click drag action. Any ideas on how to fix that?14:57
alex_mayorgaVigo: no, we're going to get busy with mercat or something14:57
Vigorumpel: Thank you14:57
BonezAUFunny that, the final release of 10.04 SERVER has been out for a couple of days already14:57
Vigoalex_mayorga: Thank you14:57
yofelBonezAU: it has not, leaked cds are unofficial and not final14:57
BonezAUyofel, i know.. i was stirring :)14:57
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:58
VigoOh that should be a fun #channel.14:59
VigoThat is crazy15:00
alex_mayorgayofel: pirated copies maybe :P15:00
z0rt|workyarrrrgh mateyyy15:01
alex_mayorgayofel: those torrenters! :D15:01
alex_mayorgais there wiki for mercat already?15:01
icerootyofel: and the good way is to stop the relase, the bad way is to have a bad solution because of a timeline15:02
yofelwell, ubuntu releases don't get delayed, there was a blog post from mark about that a while ago15:03
yofelfor now we'll have to live with it15:03
icerootyofel: but i think you agree that this is not the best solution15:04
k0alaneed help with sound15:04
k0alacant hear any audio15:04
jbwivguys, when I run updatedb on Lucid and then run locate something.txt, it doesn't find something.txt when it's in my home directory. Anyone know what might cause this? It finds it elsewhere. /home doesn't look to be excluded in /etc/updatedb.conf15:05
coz_hey guys  ... is there a command simialr to  sudo xsplash to test plymouth withouth having to restart ??15:05
yofeliceroot: it has pros and cons, imho delaying a LTS would be justified, but they said they in turn had too little time with 6.10 because of that last time15:05
clemyeatscoz_: yes... let me find it for you..15:06
* clemyeats checks his notes15:06
yofelmaybe this should be rethought at some point, but for now releases are fixed15:06
clemyeatscoz_: sudo plymouthd --debug --debug-file=/tmp/plymouth-debug-out ; sudo plymouth --show-splash ; for ((I=0;I<10;I++)); do sleep 1 ; sudo plymouth --update=event$I ; done ; sudo plymouth --quit15:06
icerootyofel: maybe the debian-way is not bad to have a release when it is ultra-stable (but not ultra-old)15:06
coz_clemyeats,  cool let me try that15:06
clemyeatsfeatures can be cut when it comes to respecting deadlines but not quality.15:08
Taliesin`Hey guys, i know i ran into it earlier but cant find it now15:08
Taliesin`there was a "whats new in 10.04" page on ubuntu.com15:08
clemyeatsa known critical bug which solution is available should never be let out publicly15:08
icerootbut at the other side there is no need to do an upgrade at first day (or first month)15:08
Taliesin`Link detectives, find me the link i cant find again! :)15:08
yofelTaliesin`: please read the /topic15:09
* Taliesin` smacks head into desk15:09
icerootare there dev-channels on freenode for 10.10?15:09
Taliesin`i got as far as milestones :P15:09
clemyeatsdev-channels iceroot ?15:10
* clemyeats removes desk15:10
icerootclemyeats: yes, channels for developing, upstreaming and so on15:10
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment15:10
yofeliceroot: there is always -devel and this channel will be for 10.10 starting tomorrow15:10
icerootyofel: but this is more of a supportchannel like #ubuntu i guess15:10
icerootatm i am working on another debian-based distri and want to do some work on ubuntu 10.1015:11
yofeliceroot: it is, but actual development in in -devel, this is support and discussion (rather technical during alpha)15:11
icerootyofel: thx i will have a look at -devel15:11
JoshuaLwho will make the announcement that its out anyways?15:12
yofelJoshuaL: slangasek15:12
QueenZWhen is Ubuntu 10.04 coming out?15:13
JoshuaLyofel, ok :)15:13
JoshuaL!isitout | QueenZ15:13
ubottuQueenZ: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:13
yofelJoshuaL: more precise: Steve Langasek (the release manager)15:13
kwtmAnyone else having problems with getting bluetooth working on the alpha release of Maverick Meerkat?15:13
icerootkwtm: there is an alpha? i dont think so15:13
clemyeatskwtm: that'd be ubuntu+2 :)15:13
bazhangkwtm, there is not one15:14
kwtmOh, wait, are we still waiting for Lucid?  Geez, it's, like, Apr30 here...15:14
icerootrelease-days are very funny15:14
clemyeatsnot for everyone I guess :)15:14
yofeleven if lucid is out it will take a day or  2 for the toolchain to open :P15:14
Taliesin`'almost' april 30th here myself :P15:15
Taliesin`bout 15mins off15:15
JoshuaLyofel, whats a toolchain?15:15
Italian_Plumberdoes linx have different minimum specs from hardy?15:15
Italian_Plumbercould I run it on a Pentium III15:15
clemyeatsJoshuaL: build/release process/tools... the big machine that "makes" the release :)15:15
DarsVaeda1hi i can not install icedtea plugin -> W: Failed to fetch  http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tzdata/tzdata-java_2010h-1_all.deb15:16
JoshuaLclemyeats, cool thanks15:16
DarsVaeda1thats actually not there15:16
jo-erlendDarsVaeda1: have you tried updating your apt-get database?15:16
DarsVaeda1apt-get update?15:17
DarsVaeda1i hope the update manager thing does that for me?15:17
jo-erlendDarsVaeda1: it should, but try anyway.15:17
Doggodi tought about installing the RC and updating15:18
DarsVaeda1ok i'll do15:18
Doggodi read the bug with grub15:18
Doggodand that discouraged me15:18
Doggoddual boot15:18
Taliesin`Doggod: the bug is fixed and is already in lucid-updates15:18
rcsheets_i'm looking for documentation on which uid ranges are meant to be used for what types of users in ubuntu15:18
Doggodoh, cool15:18
Doggodso if I install15:18
jo-erlendthere is no reason to doubt that we'll have a release today?15:18
jetienne__q. i just booted 10.04-rc in a VM and it crash all over the places. like when i launch firefox, or when i click on the desktop menu15:19
jetienne__how come ?N15:19
Doggodthe grub bug only causes me not being able to use the other os right?15:19
Taliesin`depends on how much longer it's going to take to respind the ISO15:19
jo-erlendDoggod: please try to contain your messages on fewer lines. It's much easier to read.15:19
Doggodjo-erlend, sorry :P15:19
DarsVaeda1i still have the problem that the sound app is missing right after a clean install...that hurts15:19
clemyeatsDoggod: when you install make sure you've got ubiquity 2.2.24, if it's 2.2.23 upgrade it before installing.15:19
jo-erlendTaliesin`: was that message for me?15:22
z0rt|worki have a good one for you guys15:23
z0rt|workAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:15:23
z0rt|workThe package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.15:23
rygarhay i heard @relase-party the grub bug's been fixed15:24
ChogyDanrygar: whats the bug?15:24
JoshuaLz0rt|work, use sudo aptitude safe-upgrade15:24
jetienne__q. i just booted 10.04-rc in a VM and it crash all over the places. like when i launch firefox, or when i click on the desktop menu. am i alone in this ? or everybody is experiencing the same ?15:24
rygar"other os" isn't working IIRC15:25
* likemindead always goes with a fresh install for that squeaky clean feeling. ;-)15:25
ChogyDanz0rt|work: are you using the upgrade manager?15:26
BUGabundo_remoteyukiseaside: stop, please15:26
z0rt|workChogyDan: yes, i ran update-manager -d as su15:26
RambJoewhen's it out the?15:26
jetienne__nobody for my question about rc and the desktop menu ?15:26
HagenaarsDotNu/join #ubuntu-release-party15:26
mvoz0rt|work: could you file a bugreport please? with all the data in /var/log/dist-upgrade/* ?15:27
sauruswhen come ubuntu?15:27
saurusI'm waiting :(15:27
z0rt|workmvo: sure can15:27
DarsVaeda1jo-erland: apt-get update  worked for icedtea plugin, thanks15:28
clemyeatsthat's the fix for it? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ev/migration-assistant/trunk/revision/102#ma-script-utils15:28
JoshuaLz0rt|work, make sure you have the latest updates before doing a dist upgrade15:28
z0rt|worki do15:28
JoshuaLthen i suggest the same as mvo :)15:29
Taliesin`clemyeats: lmao15:30
Taliesin`someone forgot a line initially i think :)15:30
clemyeatsfunny thing is, that was fixed a while ago.. nothing to do with that bug in particular.15:31
DarsVaeda1taliesin hmm that nick rings a bell15:31
Taliesin`clemyeats: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ev/migration-assistant/trunk/revision/100/ma-script-utils15:31
Taliesin`revision 100, that line was removed :P15:31
clemyeatsnow ... :)15:32
Doggodone final question before I install the RC: how do you get wifi to work? I have broadcom chipset15:33
jimlovell777Doggod: Why would you install the release candidate? Isn't today the big day?15:34
TommyThaGunso... I guess this channel, as of today, will no longer be for Lucid support15:35
Taliesin`as of release ;)15:36
NoobFukaire1what was the rationale for moving the titlebar buttons to the left?15:36
clemyeatsthat's all it is alright.. one line ...15:36
clemyeatsvery tempting :)15:36
clemyeatsNoobFukaire1: in Ubuntu 10.01 they're planning on using the space on the right to bring some innovations to the titlebars.15:37
jimlovell777Normally by now this and other channels have buzz or it's even been released. Odd...15:37
Doggodjimlovell777, i can't wait :D15:37
Taliesin`it's not far off15:37
clemyeatsNoobFukaire1: sorry, meant 10.10.15:37
Taliesin`i can see the new iso's on the cdimage server :)15:37
holsteinthe space on the left could be used for innovations... im not buying that one ;)15:38
agronholmis there a tahoma replacement font in 10.04?15:38
Doggodjimlovell777, and btw, who knows if thre respin will be finished today?15:38
NoobFukaire1clemyeats: thanks, any docs on what those innovations might be?15:38
clemyeatsTaliesin`: tell me it's got oem-config 2.2.24 in its embedded repo...15:38
Taliesin`Doggod: it is finished :)15:38
ratcheerNoobFukaire1: The only thing I have heard is that they have plans for a new use of the upper right area.15:38
NoobFukaire1agronholm: liberation fonts maybe?15:38
agronholmNoobFukaire1, I'll take a look15:38
jimlovell777Doggod: I've been here for years and they've not missed a date that I can remember15:38
clemyeatsNoobFukaire1: no information on it at the moment I'm afraid.15:38
Taliesin`from what I can see :P15:38
NoobFukaire1ah, trade secrets? can't blame them, if they're really good ideas they'd get added to windows or mac before the next release15:39
clemyeatsor Mint ;)15:39
Taliesin`just grabbing the new iso now :D15:39
agronholmNoobFukaire1, no, tahoma is not included15:39
NoobFukaire1yeah but it has a bunch of fonts that match the microsoft font specs15:40
agronholmbut tahoma is not one of them15:40
NoobFukaire1I'm not sure what you're looking for, a clone of Tahoma? or you could just download tahoma off the net15:40
Doggodjimlovell777, what about 6.0615:40
agronholmjust wondering if I need to copy tahoma over from my windows box15:40
agronholmor if there is a legal alternative15:40
Doggodthat used to be 6.04, didn't it?15:40
agronholmI don't care about the looks but I want a font with the very same metrics15:41
NoobFukaire1if you own a copy of windows, I think you should be able to use it in your linux install15:41
NoobFukaire1wikipedia says wine has a similar font15:41
NoobFukaire1might be fugly though15:41
NoobFukaire1wine apps text is alway horrible if it's using wine's font code15:42
agronholmok thx15:42
AnxiousNutI cant find lkl (linux key logger) in the repository!!!15:42
likemindeadDon't forget to use torrents to ease the tension on servers, folks! :D15:43
z0rt|workmvo: filing bug report now15:44
Taliesin`d044a2a0c8103fc3e5b7e18b0f7de1c8 *lucid-desktop-i386.iso15:47
Nece228is lucid released now?15:47
Taliesin`d044a2a0c8103fc3e5b7e18b0f7de1c8 *ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso15:47
Taliesin`appears to be both in daily-live and releases\.pool15:47
mvoz0rt|work: what is the bugnumber?15:47
Taliesin`so they will be waiting for it to propogate to other mirrors :)15:48
h00kTaliesin`: do not link there15:48
Doggodi hope torrent goes up soon15:48
BUGabundo_remote!links | Taliesin`15:48
ubottuTaliesin`: DON'T POST LINKS! Lucid isn't out until it's announced, and indicating anything otherwise causes the server to get more load, thus making the release LATER. Is that what you want?15:48
Taliesin`im not linking ;)15:48
BUGabundo_remotestop anouncing it15:48
BUGabundo_remotethat build is buggy15:48
Taliesin`i have merely looked at the MD5SUMS files :)15:48
BUGabundo_remotenew images are being respuned15:48
Nece228is lucid released now?15:48
Taliesin`incorrect, the ISO that was built on the 27.1 are buggy15:49
jimlovell777For anyone wanting to celevrate go here #ubuntu-release-party15:49
BUGabundo_remoteNece228: when you get an email from annouce list, then its officialy out15:49
Taliesin`the ISO's that where respun after bug was found are under 29th for date :)15:49
BUGabundo_remoteTaliesin`: again: its not OUT, until email15:49
BUGabundo_remoteso , stop it, ok ?15:49
Taliesin`I never said it was released?15:50
Nece228is it released right now?15:50
clemyeatsdon't be too quick downloading the ISO, there could be other faults identified, let them test it first.15:51
amereservantBUGabundo_remote: Would you happen to know why on the mini install it sometimes gives the option to choose if I want to install addons such as the desktop etc. and other times it doesn't?15:51
ojiihow can i reload the keyboard configs? (the stuff in /etc/modprobe.d/15:52
wiiguyi thougth 10.04 would be released today15:52
likemindeadJust download the 10.04 Release Candidate. It's great and the updates will come. Torrents, baby! :D15:52
Dr_Williswiiguy:  and it still can be,,15:53
Taliesin`clemyeats: I do test them and provide bug reports :)15:53
Dr_Willisits only 11 AM here15:53
likemindeadI've been running 10.04 since Beta 1 on multiple machines with no problems. :D15:53
hylmancheck disk during ubuntu 10.04 boot takes forever!!!!15:53
Taliesin`it's 12:22am here (30th!) :P15:53
wiiguyi was confused because teh site says "avaible soon"15:53
BUGabundo_remoteamereservant: no15:53
irvwhich servers will have the release first? does anyone have an ftp link ;]15:54
Taliesin`where does one go again to sign up for ubuntu-releases's email? :P15:54
Taliesin`irv: I do, and no you cant have it :)15:54
Taliesin`wait for the annoncement15:54
clemyeats^^ evil :)15:54
BUGabundo_remotehylman: I don't remember last time I had a check disk15:54
BUGabundo_remoteunless foreced15:54
Taliesin`clemyeats: it's my perogative for filing bug reports for many a years :P15:54
likemindeadSeriously, what's the big difference in waiting for the final release? The RC is great.15:55
BUGabundo_remoteirv: they are all mirror to disttribute load15:55
BUGabundo_remoteyou can get a daily and then zsync any diff15:55
clemyeatsI understand and I fully agree.15:55
BUGabundo_remoteTaliesin`: ubuntu annouce15:55
irvyeah, i was wondering if someone had a link to one of the mirrors that will be hosting right away15:55
amereservantI guess I've never been around here on a big release.....this is madness!15:55
irvand lol Taliesin` you're new to open-source? :]15:55
clemyeatsirv: the ISO was just built, it's not approved for a release yet.15:56
Taliesin`irv: negative :)15:56
amereservantYou'd think it was a big cash givaway or something.15:56
hylmanBUGabundo_remote: I have this at least twice a week. I always shut down my netbook everyday though...15:56
irvyeah i understand it's not out yet, but there are servers that /will/ have it ;p15:56
BUGabundo_remoteTaliesin`: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce15:56
Taliesin`thanks BUGabundo_remote15:56
=== [yukiseaside] is now known as yukiseaside
irvsigh, i'm not trying to be difficult15:56
Taliesin`im not a fan of staying on mailing lists tis all15:56
irvTaliesin`: it's about sharing :)15:56
Taliesin`i do share15:56
clemyeatsirv: my bad.. it was.15:56
Taliesin`for hte greater good15:56
BUGabundo_remotehylman: run a live cd, and force a check on the entire disk15:56
clemyeatsit's syncing with the mirrors as we speak.15:56
ojiihow can i reload the modprobe.d confs for my keyboard?15:57
Taliesin`not so you can download a iso a little bit earlier then the rest :)15:57
clemyeatsI can't believe they're not testing it!!!15:57
BUGabundo_remoteTaliesin`: 4 emails per year is not that bad15:57
=== yukiseaside is now known as [yukiseaside]
Taliesin`how would I feel, if i gave you a link to a bad ISO?15:57
=== [yukiseaside] is now known as yukiseaside
Taliesin`I would feel bad, so i wont :)15:57
irvTaliesin`: earlier than the rest?... how could i download it before it was synch'd to the mirror you gave me?15:57
irvat which point everyone has access15:57
BUGabundo_remoteTaliesin`: there's nothing to give away..... ubuntu.com will have the links once it goes out15:58
irvplus, there are checksums to stop me from downloading a bad iso15:58
Taliesin`maybe i am talking about hte head mirror? :)15:58
ojiiwanna get my keyboard working again before the release :(15:58
BUGabundo_remoteirv: ITS NOT OUT15:58
hylmanwell, I've let the disk check run and finish. and it did finish after like 15minutes or so15:58
BUGabundo_remoteso stop it15:58
irvi never said it was15:58
HukkaI tried to install 10.04 to MacBook via USB stick but the stick doesn't become bootable. The image is dd:ed just fine, it mounts properly under OS X and all the files show there, but can't get the mac to boot from it. Any hints, has somebody managed to do this?15:58
BUGabundo_remoteyou can upgrade with UM15:58
irvor implied15:58
BUGabundo_remoteHukka: don't think that works on MAC15:58
ojiiHukka, i didn't manage to boot from USB either, use a CD instead15:58
HukkaBUGabundo_remote: Hm, I thought that the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#From Mac would apply15:59
Hukkaojii: Optical drive is broken, and no word from Apple support yet...15:59
z0rt|workmvo: bug number is 57174316:00
ojiiHukka, did you install the thing on osx that allows booting from USB?16:00
HukkaNot aware of such thing16:00
BUGabundo_remotebug 57174316:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571743 in update-manager "system upgrade 9.10 --> 10.04 could not calculate upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57174316:00
Hukka(As the guide doesn't mention anything special)16:00
zetheroohow many hours till release?16:02
Hukkaojii: What "thing" did you mean?16:02
Taliesin`clemyeats: Im sure Colin Watson did test it16:02
ojiiHukka, I don't remember16:02
Taliesin`he did it from within his virutal environment testing the changes before spinning the iso16:03
clemyeatsTaliesin`: yeah right.16:03
clemyeatsTaliesin`: I'm sure he had time.. wait he didn't.16:03
zetheroois Lucid released yet? .. it's the 30th of April here16:04
Taliesin`zetheroo: nope16:04
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:04
=== yukiseaside is now known as kog
=== kog is now known as yukiseaside
villemvalright. ubuntu-release-party officially sucks16:04
ianwizardyes, but I'm still there anyway.16:05
mdlueck@ubottu, "WHY NOT!" ;-)16:05
clemyeatsTaliesin`: did you get the ISO btw?16:05
ratcheervillemv: I was just about to say something similar.16:05
Taliesin`the server is a bit bogged :/16:05
clemyeatsTaliesin`: can you check the version of the oem-config in the pool directory?16:05
Taliesin`yeah thats what im intending to do16:06
clemyeatsTaliesin`: ok16:06
Taliesin`see if it .24 :)16:06
clemyeatsnot that I'm doubting Colin Watson or anything hmm? ....16:06
Taliesin`but mistakes do happen16:06
clemyeatsI need some air, I'm getting cynical now.16:06
=== clemyeats is now known as clem_away
Taliesin`clemyeats: lol16:06
phpshas somebody here problems with copying or moving large files with nautilus?16:07
Taliesin`yeah me too, cigarette air :D16:07
clem_awayTaliesin`: they tend to happen more when no testing is done though...16:07
Taliesin`true ;)16:07
BUGabundo_remotephps: up to 50GBs no prob here16:09
BUGabundo_remotehey BluesKaj. welcome to the party16:09
=== sweet is now known as gaza302
BluesKajhowdy BUGabundo_remote , no party here, sources aren't serving any goodies :)16:10
gaza302is ubuntu still going to be officaly released today... website still not updated16:10
ellaras we all wait for the release, time to say thank you to you all, for fixing the Bug #530605 as example!16:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530605 in ubuntuone-client "gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53060516:11
phpsBUGabundo_remote: ok thanks, maybe its because i use commit=100 for ext4 partition16:11
om26erany one find empathy fonts to be small with the new theme?16:11
BUGabundo_remoteellar: its fixed! what else do you want16:12
ellarsay thank you to all for the work=! :-)16:12
gaza302anyone knows if lucid is still going to be officialy released today}{|"16:13
charlie-tcagaza302: yes16:14
=== clem_away is now known as clemyeats
ubottugaza302: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:14
BluesKajgaza302, we're all waiting , today is supposed to be the day16:14
gaza302ubottu: you're a dumb bot lol  it's today!!16:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:16
Jake2|cfl :)16:17
Jake2|cflgotta love a bot with a sense of humor16:17
saurus12 minutes16:18
rohansaurus: 12 minutes to release?16:19
saurus11 minutes to release16:19
rohansaurus: how do you know? :s16:19
saurusit is scheduled16:19
Jake2|cflsaurus: said by whom?16:20
=== Noble is now known as Guest53435
rohanif it's not released in 11 minutes, we'll all bash saurus up16:20
digitalstimulusdoes anyone know if it is possible to use the chat/mail notification applet to automatically check email?16:21
coz_digitalstimulus,  I am not sure  sorry16:21
digitalstimulusthe applet for chat/email/broadcast16:21
blackxoredXorg is consuming a lot of cpu with and without video=vesafb, can someone tell me if this is a known issue, or just my notebook?16:21
BluesKajthat ubuntu reklease party chat is fll of ppl making comments to the crowd , but ppl aren't speaking to anyone in particular.16:22
digitalstimulusrelease party channel is nuts16:22
saurusrohan... if it was released?16:22
rohanblackxored: which video card?16:22
Jake2|cflBluesKaj: it is a mess over there16:22
BluesKajJake2|cfl, yeah it's silly16:22
blackxoredrohan, see:16:23
blackxored00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2a42] (rev 07)16:23
rohansaurus: you'll have my heartfelt appreciation :P16:23
saurussix minutes16:23
BluesKaj"is it out yet"...I remember that from karmic ...every second entry in the chat16:23
rohanblackxored: strange.. no idea sorry16:24
saurus...only this?16:24
=== Ganymede is now known as a
saurusrohan you aren't right16:24
saurussorry 4 my bad english :D16:24
Taliesin`oh so close to cracking 2000 users in #ubuntu :P16:25
* BluesKaj goes for another coffee , no rush ...i have yard work to do so maybe I'll wait til the run on the servers is dwindled some what.16:25
blackxoredXorg is consuming 15-20.00 CPU when it normally was 7.00 or less than that16:25
mvoz0rt|work: could you please try to remove either xubuntu-desktop or ubutnu-desktop prior to the upgrade? it appears because of the libsdl1.2debian-alsa <-> pulseaudio conflicts u-m is having difficulties upgrading them together16:25
=== a is now known as the
saurus4 minutes..... yeah16:25
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Doggodsaurus, who is your source? :D16:27
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Jake2|cflwill the repo's be up to date when the iso is released16:27
saurusDoggod, don't worry16:27
saurusbe happy :D16:28
rohansaurus: so, you were wrong :P16:28
Jake2|cflnot yet--2 more minutes, maybe16:28
rohanok, benefit of doubt to you.. ;)16:28
Doggodsaurus, i hope you're right16:29
Jake2|cflwill the repo's be up to date when the iso is released?16:29
saurusload time is about 3-4 minutes16:29
Doggodonce in life I'll have blind faith in something16:29
BonezAUJake2|cfl, yes16:29
saurusso x:30 + 0:0416:29
Jake2|cflwhassat mean16:30
saurusDoggod, I know I'm right16:30
Jake2|cflwhat does so x:30 + 0:04 mean?16:31
rohannow can we bash saurus :P16:31
Jake2|cflif it isn't out, yes16:31
saurusyou must wait 3-4 minutes16:31
rohanit isn't16:31
Jake2|cflsaurus: u said 1130 EDT16:32
Taliesin`off with his head? :)16:32
Doggodyou are worse than Kahn16:32
Jake2|cflno, fingernail16:32
* rohan bashes saurus :P16:32
Taliesin`It was like a million voices screaming out at once, then.... nothing.16:32
* Jake2|cfl laughs and says "who cares"16:33
* enyc hops around impatiently, again ;-)16:33
Flynsarmyis it out yet?16:33
bmungerwill the ubuntu netboot cd image have the grub2 problem?16:33
rohanFlynsarmy: no16:33
enycFlynsarmy: no16:33
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:33
rohanbmunger: yes16:33
Flynsarmyit's the 30th here :(16:33
enycbmunger: what problems have you been having with grub2?16:33
clemyeatsFlynsarmy: then wait for yesterday16:33
rohanbut since the problem is now solved, bmunger , no16:33
yofelFlynsarmy: sometime on the 29th in some timezone, not yours16:33
Jake2|cflnot here16:33
Flynsarmyclemyeats, on it16:34
saurusYeah... now is available16:34
kwtmFlynsarmy: Yeah,m tell me about it.  This release thing is overhyhped.16:34
Jake2|cflppl HERE are overhyping16:34
bmungerenyc: i just read on phoronix about the grub2 issue with dual os.. i dont have that problem, but was just asking if netboot image was affected since it pulls majority of packages off repo directly16:34
Flynsarmykwtm, i only asked if it was out yet because the last 2 releases had a trigger where the bot delays it an hour. it doesn't seem to have it this time :(16:34
yofelcan we move the release wait spam to #ubuntu-release-party please?16:34
enycbmunger: iam stantinc infront of a machine where i have for some reason replaced grub2 with grub for the time being. but this is 9.10 upgraded to 10.04 ....16:34
Taliesin`Flynsarmy: it does in the release party room ;)16:35
Taliesin`i was up to may 9th, about 3 hours ago :P16:35
Flynsarmydidn't realize there was another room. whast the channel?16:35
bmungeri plan on a clean install as only os, so it doesnt affect me, was just curiousity16:35
yofelFlynsarmy: we posted the channel twice already...16:35
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:35
bmungerrohan: thanks for clearing that up16:36
sauruswhy there is no torrent yet?16:36
jpdssaurus: It's not been announced?16:36
sje46saurus, it's not ready yet16:36
yofelsaurus: because it isn't releasedyet?16:36
Taliesin`But hey16:36
* Oxymoron thinks people are *buntu horny :D16:36
Taliesin`There is a change coming ;)16:36
charlie-tcabmunger: that bug is the reason the cd's are being rebuilt now16:36
charlie-tcaIt will not be present in the final release16:37
saurusI just dowloading from garr16:37
Oxymoronsaurus: garr?16:37
Oxymoronsaurus: Whats garr?16:37
Doggodcharlie-tca, the iso-s are rebuild already, no?16:37
sje46so once lucid is officially released, while this channel instantly be about maverick?16:38
Doggodiirc they were already being tested about an hour ago16:38
charlie-tcasome are, some are still running16:38
Oxymoronsaurus: Really, I cant get anything yet, but then I am updating for Kubuntu, maybe it will take some more time :P16:38
Doggodwell, the desktop editions were :D16:38
bmungercharlie-tca: right, but being that netboot is small and repo dependant, wondered if that was affected16:38
Taliesin`i beleive the netbook and the DVD are still spinning16:38
bmungercharlie-tca: thanks16:39
charlie-tcaIt was a migration=assistant issue, anything that used it was affected16:39
Jake2|cfldo ppl watching here have a real job other than watch irc?16:39
enycJake2|cfl: maybe16:39
bmungerim at work right now16:39
sje46nope.  I'm with the press16:39
Oxymoronsaurus: Btw, which garr?16:39
DoggodJake2|cfl,  no comment16:39
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.16:39
sje46/nick ABCNews16:39
saurusBtw stand for?16:40
=== Doggod is now known as Doggod_
raeBy the way16:40
donpdonpby the way16:40
=== Doggod_ is now known as Doggod
saurusOxymoron, it16:41
Oxymoronsaurus: it? :P16:41
saurusOxymoron, 3Kb down :(16:41
ianwizardso is it the GRUB bug, or the X bug, that's holding things up?16:42
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:42
Oxymoronsaurus: Haha, nice :D16:42
saurusubottu, suca16:42
yofelianwizard: grub bug, what x bug do you mean?16:42
ianwizardthe memory leak, but thanks for letting me know.16:42
yofelgem memleak was fixed a few days ago already16:43
Doggodmemory leak bug was fixed16:43
sauruswhere I can find torrent?16:43
saurusonly http is available?16:43
Doggodno torrent available yet16:44
yofelsaurus: if you don't have anything better to do than wait for lucid to be released then please do it in #ubuntu-release-party (and the torrents aren't officially out until the isos are synced on the mirrors)16:44
saurusyofel, sorry16:45
Oxymoronyofel: When do you think Kubuntu mirrors will be in sync and available with "apt-get dist-upgrade"? :P16:45
dividedby0zeroso, when does it hit?16:45
yofelOxymoron: wait, are you running karmic or lucid?16:45
Oxymoronyofel: Lucid RC or Beta2, dont know anymore? :P16:46
arandThis is why it was delayed (see bug reprot for more info, but plaese don't spam it, it has enough already): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IncidentReports/2010-04-29-Late-respin-for-bug-57076516:46
yofel!final | Oxymoron16:46
ubottuOxymoron: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:46
=== saurus is now known as porcozeus
Taliesin`omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg.... an IncidentReport link again -_-16:47
Oxymoronyofel: What, so you mean I am running the latest final stable version? :D16:47
porcozeusOxymoron download 10.04 from garr16:47
yofelOxymoron: yes, if you have all updates then you're running final already16:47
Oxymoronyofel: Hahahaha :D Not sure if U have all updates but I think so :P You know my video output problem before, it appeared again later on :D But VLC works with standard output strange enough :D16:48
Oxymoron* I have16:48
yofelyeah ^^16:49
Oxymoronyofel: Wonder if it will or have been solved in Dragon and Kaffeine now :P16:49
yofelwell, that depends on the issue, all players work fine for me for all cases16:50
OxymoronI am most sure its not any wrong in my settings or so. I tested to delete .kde and /home folder before and same error :D16:50
Oxymoronyofel: Its still that transparency thing.16:50
brianherman#ubuntu-testing #ubuntu-release-party16:50
yofelwell, then I don't know what's wrong, works fine here16:50
=== OERIAS is now known as Obama
OxymoronAnd cant go fullscreen mode sometimes, I am not sure what the problem is. Maybe some kind of conflict with some codec or anything I have installed :P16:50
=== Obama is now known as Biden
Oxymoronyofel: Do you think I can uninstall ibus? :P16:51
clemyeatsOxymoron: yes16:51
Oxymoronclemyeats: What did you answering on? :P16:51
clemyeatsOxymoron: removing ibus16:51
ianwizardI don't dual boot, so can I use update-manager -d and get everything.  Or should I wait until it's officially released?16:51
Oxymoronclemyeats: Even ibus-qt4? :P16:52
=== Biden is now known as CrazyBrit
clemyeatsOxymoron: yes16:52
=== CrazyBrit is now known as zerocool
alias_neoany release time for this yeat?16:52
researcher1is 10.04 released?16:53
OxymoronHmm: "update-alternatives: varning: forcing reinstallation of alternative  because link group xinput-all_ALL is broken."16:53
Jeeves_researcher1: Nope16:53
yofel!outyet | researcher116:53
ubotturesearcher1: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:53
aryanwill be there a delay?16:54
=== jimlovell777 is now known as MarkShuttleworth
yofelaryan: not much, but it will be late because of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IncidentReports/2010-04-29-Late-respin-for-bug-57076516:54
Oxymoronclemyeats: Hmm still not working after removed ibus :P16:55
=== MarkShuttleworth is now known as jimlovell777
clemyeatsOxymoron: I only meant yes, you can safely remove ibus.16:55
Oxymoronyofel: If I would backup /home folder and remove my installation and do a clean install of 10.04 I guess this will be solved. But the question is, will all my settings be intact? :P16:55
Oxymoronclemyeats: Alright :P16:56
Oxymoronyofel: I got this problem: "[mpeg4 @ 0x9bc4670]Invalid and inefficient vfw-avi packed B frames detected"16:56
yofelOxymoron: if you backup /home all user settings will be preserved, system settings not (maybe backup /etc too if you find out later that you need something after all)16:56
=== Reckon is now known as Reckon|AFK
Oxymoronyofel: And /usr/local as well I guess :P Hmm I think I backup the whole freaking partition and then move /home and files I need if I need them :D16:57
Oxymoronyofel: I mostly want to save my icons, themes, cairo dock settings and hopefully my apache/LAMP settings for my website :P16:58
OxymoronWhats the most easiest way to backup the / folder/partition?16:58
yofelgui settings: backup /home, for apache you should backup /etc/apache2 I guess16:59
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:59
Oxymoronyofel: I remember mostly preserve Apache because it took ages to fix mod_rewrite work as I wanted it to do, a2enmod modrewrite doesnt work, you need to fix some more things, at least for my web application you need :P17:00
BluesKajwell this chat is still here so the new OS ain't out yet :)17:00
frybyeHi - I have a pc with win7-x64 on c: and it puts its docs, pics and vids on a d: - If I use the lucid auto install to install alongside win7 will the c+d setup cause problems...?17:00
Doggoddid the DVD-s finished rebuilding yet?17:00
Doggodhell yeah, dvd tests are run now it seems17:01
yofelDoggod: better you asked this in #ubuntu-testing, they're more up-to-date on the isos17:02
rohancool all tests validated on desktop x86 and x64 images17:02
Doggodyeah, looks like release is very close17:02
MotherMGAHi, I'm having a problem with my Sony Viao E series laptop.  My edge scrolling is enabled on my touchpad, but it doesn't work. Are there any work arounds?17:04
BluesKajfrybye, best to set up a new partition manually in a free space on your hard drive. I recommend gparted live cd , create an ext4 partition for ubuntu , then install it there with manual partioning.17:04
OxymoronHow do I tarball my / root folder?17:04
enycMotherMGA: what do you mean 'edge scrolling is enabled' ?  -- is that a BIOS setting?  a switch on the machine?17:05
BluesKajOxymoron, why would you do that?17:05
frybyeBlues - but then it won't fix the dual-boot situation autom. I dont have much idea on grub etc...?17:05
bp0Oxymoron, thats a bad idea17:05
OxymoronBluesKaj: For backup my system before do a clean install.17:06
Oxymoronbp0: Why so?17:06
MotherMGAenyc: In System->Preferences->Mouse->Touchpad17:06
MotherMGAI have a dual boot and the edge scrolling works in windows 7, so I doubt its a bios problem.17:07
BluesKajI don't understand this clean install obsession, oxymoron, unless your install is unfixable17:07
dividedby0zero_While it's true that upgrading ubuntu installs is certainly easier and better than windows installs, if you back up user data and are able, fresh installs are always a good practice17:08
frybyeBluesKaj: considering my general lack of grub and similar knowledge - what do you think the chances are that an autom dual boot install will work?  Is there a quite good chance it will be OK - or is the thing dodgy...?17:09
OxymoronBluesKaj: Preserve settings and then fix my system to be completly clean because I cant fix my freaking video output problem.17:09
moderndayzeroanyone know how to put the network connections back on the top panel i cant seem to find the same exact application that was originally there17:09
BluesKajfrybye, don't worry about grub , look at your partition table with gparted , and let us know what you have first.17:10
SandGorgonjust curious - how many people here had a worse out-of-the-box experience with Lucid (Beta2 and later) than with the _current_ release of 9.10 ?17:11
MotherMGAmoderndayzero: right click on the panel -> add to panel -> notification area -> add17:11
BluesKajOxymoron, reinstall over your existing system and it will leave your config files intact if you don't format.17:11
frybyeBluesKaj: ok - be back in a bit...17:12
MotherMGASandGorgon: my experience has been slightly better.17:12
moderndayzerosweet now is there a way to add that to cairo aswell?17:12
MotherMGAeverything dependant on the support for ATI mobility radeon 5xxx drivers.17:12
downhill_why don't they release the .torrent before the images on the mirrors?17:12
downhill_I mean, that'd cut down a bit on the mirror traffic, I bet. if there was some delay17:13
FardadJalilianyone can help me about the things I have to backup before a clean install, something like /var/cache/apt/archives/* ?17:16
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases17:16
MotherMGAenyc: did you have any suggestions on the touchpad edge scrolling problem?17:17
downhill_switchgirl: was that directed at me? heh17:18
switchgirlany of the 570 people here17:18
downhill_oh ok17:18
downhill_I was just gonna say, that really didn't have *anything* to do with what I asked hehe17:19
om26erswitchgirl, every body is at release part17:19
downhill_I'm not.17:19
om26ermy bad17:20
Dr-Ubuntuthat channel is driving my nuts17:21
gorgonzolajoin ub ubuntu-release-party17:23
progre55or #ubuntu-release-after-party :D17:24
Marttininvite only17:24
Marttininvite me progre17:24
Marttineres español?17:24
brianhermancan i get unbanned from ubuntu-release party17:24
brianhermani think i was too excited17:24
enanAnyone have a m-audio usb card running in lucyd? it works?17:24
Marttinoh swedish17:25
charlie-tcabrianherman: you need to ask in #ubuntu-ops17:26
brianhermanhow do i zsync17:27
downhill_don't you mean rsync? heh17:28
brianhermancan you post the command please17:28
brianhermani dont know my rsync17:28
BluesKajwhat's the point of the release party room, nobody talks to anyone e, it's just ppl making comments or asking , "is it out yet"17:29
downhill_well there's zsync too, but rsync is used more17:29
vishwhen is this channel gonna be closed?17:29
vishand redirected to #ubuntu17:29
downhill_when Ubuntu stops being made? heh17:29
vishdownhill_: well , it usually gets closed on release or around that time..17:30
brianhermanis it something like rsync sudo rsync --delete -azvv -e ssh /home/path/folder1/ remoteuser@remotehost.remotedomain:/home/path/folder217:30
UTFi think i did something wrong somehow... lol... my alt+tab isn't working anymore... anyone knows what i have done?17:30
downhill_vish: why not just have it be a perma channel? heh17:31
downhill_brianherman: oh I see why you asked about zsync now :)17:31
C-S-Banyone know hoew17:33
C-S-Banyone know how to create a script to switch audio output?17:33
coz_C-S-B,   I dont sorry but you might want to check in the ##Linux channel17:34
C-S-Bhttp://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8596595 <- this doesnt work,17:34
MotherMGAUTF: System->preferences->keyboard shortcuts.17:35
C-S-BMotherMGA, i know how to create a shortcut17:35
C-S-Bits the script I dont17:36
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MotherMGAC-S-B: my comment was for UTF. I don't know how to do your script.17:37
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schweegii've just write you and i'm banned in the release party and #ubuntu??? thats not fair of you.17:38
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!17:38
jpdsschweegi: #ubuntu-ops please17:39
bazhangschweegi, ?17:39
UTFMotherMGA, thanks bro 8) still reading thru the list17:39
UTFMotherMGA, u know which one of them that is suppose to be alt+tab?17:41
moderndayzerodoes anyone know how to add the notification area for the wifi to cairo dock?17:41
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
MotherMGAUTF: I'm not sure.  You normally loose Alt-Tab when you switch to a different switcher in compiz.  not sure if you're using that, but you could check there too.17:44
researcher1when will 10.04 be released]17:44
yofelresearcher1: soon17:44
UTFMotherMGA, aha! i did that the other day! thanks for the heads up17:44
MotherMGAutf: np. goodluck17:44
BUGabundo_remotehumm why isn't crimsun in that OP list?!17:45
klaxianupon upgrade to lucid today, dmraid is removed by default.  i run my system on a raid array.  do i need to install this back before rebooting or is raid handled in some other way now?17:46
UTFThere we go all working again17:46
UTFThanks a ton MotherMGA17:46
MotherMGAUTF: Sweet!17:46
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UTFahhhh man i just love alt+tab17:47
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
* UTF alt+tabs thru everything17:47
MotherMGAI have edge scrolling enabled in System->Preferences->Mouse->Touchpad, but its not working. Anyone have suggestions?17:49
shoonyalucid lynx released17:50
jpdsshoonya: No, it isn't.17:51
shoonyajpds: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/17:51
jpdsshoonya: It's not released, until it's *ANNOUNCED*.17:51
researcher1im using beta of Lynx17:52
researcher1what should i do today?17:52
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:52
joaopinto!final | researcher117:52
ubotturesearcher1: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:52
researcher1ubottu: ok.thanks17:53
bp0eh, noticed some bugs17:54
bp0the magnifier in "universal access" in gdm is not usable17:54
bp0corrput screen in the magnified view17:54
ubutomhi, anyone know if that shop system will be included in the final? I can't really say I found it yet :)17:55
MrKeunerbp0, this place is not for bug reports. Please use, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs17:55
Doggodis this the real release? http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/17:55
JanCDoggod: it's not announced yet, and please use a local mirror17:56
cdE|Woozybp0: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mag/+bug/41627917:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416279 in gnome-mag "Visual artifacts" [Undecided,New]17:56
bp0yes, what is the package... ok17:56
donpdonpwhoho. the release appears to be happening17:57
Doggoddownloading from german mirror :)17:57
Frankie1Many card games start and stay blank green17:57
Frankie1process shows as sleeping - have to kill it17:57
Doggodmirrors seem to go up fast17:59
MrKeunertorrents not working, yet or is it my ... ISP?18:00
dupondjeInstalleren van nieuwe versie van configuratiebestand /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-at-session.desktop ...18:00
dupondjeWARNING: Failed to parse default value `[????????? ???????;gnome-appearance-properties.desktop,????????? ???????????? ???????????;gnome-default-applications.desktop,?????????? ??????????;system-config-printer.desktop] ' for schema (/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_actions_list)18:00
dupondjeany idea ?18:00
OxymoronIs it possible to download Kubuntu DVD 10.04 anywhere? :P18:02
shoonyaOxymoron: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.04/18:02
racecar56ubuntu 10.04 coming soon?18:03
Oxymoronshoonya: Spank you very much! :) Hopefully someone will paste it on news page as well :)18:03
Maakuthracecar56, it is18:03
Doggodthere ara friggin lot of peers on the torrents18:03
racecar56i wanna torrent it too18:04
Doggodi <3 bittorrent because of this18:04
=== downhill1 is now known as downhill_
Doggodit is such a robust protocol, it was basically made for this kind of stuff18:04
Oxymoronyofel: This seem to be my video problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/cairo-dock-core/+bug/475375 :P18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475375 in cairo-dock "Can't play videos in kaffeine, dragon player, gwenview and smplayer using the "xv" driver after running cairo-dock" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:04
racecar56yay DLing!18:04
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php18:05
MaakuthDoggod, yeah. hopefully open bittorrent clients soon implement also the µtp protocol18:05
Frankie1anybody else has card games freeze on 64 bit ?18:05
Doggodthat would be cool18:05
Maakuthit's even better18:05
racecar56wooo! lots of peers!18:05
Doggodbut the best thing to happen to torrents is DHT and magnet links18:05
yofelOxymoron: what the hell...?18:06
Doggodi think magnet links are so much more urgent feature than µtp18:06
MaakuthDoggod, yes, they make it unbreakable18:06
Oxymoronyofel: I have no freaking idea, but after some research on Google it doesnt seem to be a Cairo dock issue, its QT4 together with OpenGL and Cairo dock which affect ALL video output.18:07
DoggodMaakuth, one thing I like more than bittorrent is kademlia18:07
Oxymoronyofel: Maybe I dont have to do a clean install after all, but I need to find a fix.18:07
Doggodbittorrent's DHT is based on that18:07
yofelwell, it's possible as I don't use cairo dock here18:07
Oxymoronyofel: Some settings in QT or so must have been changed when INstalled Cairo Dock because it doesnt work if I uninstall Cairo dock either, I tried before.18:08
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
MaakuthDoggod, at least azureuz's.. there's two dht implementations, isn't there?18:09
Doggodi think so18:09
Doggodbut the one that has more spread was the one the mainline client picked up18:10
Doggodand that was the kad based one18:10
sholdenso... is this the spot to ask about gwibber?  or do they have another irc?18:10
Oxymoronyofel: For VLC it have been fixed as it works with default video output, but dragon, kaffeine, Amarok and so on doesnt work to output video. THOUGH maplyer and xine libraries in temrinal can play video without problem. There is something with QT and rendering windows because I also got some kind of ghost effects though its not my monitor.18:10
Oxymoronyofel: I quote: "For whatever reason, when Cairo-Dock is started Qt4-X11 starts using the ARGB X11 visual, instead of normal RGB. I don't know why, but I assume it's the intended behaviour. Indeed, all Qt4 widgets work fine that way."18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416294 in qt "VLC crashes if cairo-dock is installed in karmic alpha 4" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:13
SandGorgonanybody who wants an amazing bittorrent client and is not anal about it being a QT (not KDE) app - do use qbittorrent. It actually was one of the platforms on which DHT was first developed and has had magnet support for ages. Looks a lot like utorrent18:14
downhill_I'm seeding the 64-bit server ISO.18:14
Oxymoronyofel: SO there is something with X11, QT4 and how applications choose RGB mide :P18:14
* yofel seeds kubuntu and ubuntu desktop i386/amd6418:14
OxymoronNot a *buntu issue I guess, not itself anyway.18:14
rohanwho, SandGorgon , qbittorrent actually looks awesome18:14
rohanyofel: did you download the ISOs already?18:15
downhill_yofel: it's done already?18:15
racecar56lots of people...18:15
SandGorgonrohan, of course it does. And its just one more step for me in my quest for Akonadi/Strigi/Nepomuk/Ark free existence18:15
racecar56here and in bittorrent too18:15
yofelI synced my daily builds a while ago, the isos are finished but testing is still being done, and it won't be released until that's finished18:15
downhill_whatever that means18:16
Mandrewis it even worth to put a INTEL X25-M 2,5" 80GB SSD SATA/300 MLC 34NM into a acer aspire 531h?18:16
downhill_my Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS AMD64 ISO is done and seeding. :)18:16
Oxymoronyofel: WOW I got it working by using this command :O export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 && dragon18:16
yofelwell, as long as it works :)18:17
MrKeunerdownhill_, mine has just started downloading :)18:17
racecar56SSD? nice...18:17
MrKeunerdownhill_, thanks18:17
yofelah, iso testing is finished so release should be soon :)18:17
downhill_I just hope more people than not keep seeding once theirs is finished18:17
racecar56i'll seed18:17
MrKeunerdownhill_, I'll keep this seeding as long as I can, probably a week or so18:18
Doggodi'm all confused now18:18
downhill_MrKeuner: sounds good ^_^18:18
racecar56usually as long as i have this comp on i seed torrents18:18
Doggodin the party chan they say that the torrents are not official18:18
amereservantWow, this is so much calmer.18:18
Doggodbut the question is: are they LEGIT18:18
downhill_Doggod: they are.18:18
Doggodthen tell that to ikonia too18:18
Oxymoronyofel: Yeah, but would be nice not to need doing that export every single time launching video players :P Only video player that works out of the box is VLC. I like VLC mostly but its slow starting and Dragon PLayer have a more nice GUI mostly.18:19
amereservantDoggod: They are of the RC version.18:19
yofelDoggod: they are not official yet, but the the chances that they will be redone is very low18:19
amereservantUntil the official release is made, they all refer to the RC version.18:19
racecar56so, it isn't out :|18:19
Doggodi seeee18:19
Doggodthat is just mean....18:19
amereservantThey've said 10.04 for a while now.18:19
racecar56yea i did notice the front page saying it's coming soon18:19
Doggodthere are over 2000 people downloading the i386 iso18:20
Doggodon bittorrent18:20
racecar56but, not cool18:20
ccmonsterso its 10.04 fully released?18:20
Doggodbecause they all will have a problem with grub18:20
racecar56ccmonster: no18:20
racecar56ccmonster: very soon it will be... or should be18:20
DaBOSSubuntu release party is crazy 1500 peeps, please join!! a new record to break!18:20
Doggodwell, not all of them, only those who want to dual boot18:20
amereservantI'm currently running 10.04RC on two pcs and no problems at all, even with the dual boot issue.18:21
Oxymoronyofel: Do you think a clean install could solve the problem? :)18:21
westinghousei need dual boot dudette18:21
racecar56i have ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 on another comp and grub is great, i quad-boot in it18:21
westinghousei have osx and linux18:21
racecar56and no, none of the OSes are Windows in there ;)18:21
AceKingI am downloading the torrent right now18:21
amereservantYeah, not sure what the problem is/was, but I guess it was significant.18:21
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racecar56i guess i should stop downloading the torrent until it gets released?18:22
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ccmonsterdo i just do a sudo-apt-get dist-upgrade when its ready? I am running beta218:22
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amereservantEither way, I would imagine the 10.04RC will just update to the Final version with the updates, so I don't see the big deal.18:22
racecar56ccmonster: that should be fine18:22
rohanyeah, the final will behave/look *exactly* same like RC18:23
rohanchannel #ubuntu-release-party is going crazy!18:23
racecar56ubuntu 10.04...when are you going to come...18:23
yofelOxymoron: honestly: no idea18:23
racecar56oooh i wanna join18:23
* racecar56 joins18:23
AceKingracecar56, the torrent is out18:23
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aquachicaRelease party is muted.  :(18:23
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KeithWeissharwhy is release party muted18:24
SandGorgonall ye with 64-bit hardware and still using i386 linux.. fear not. 64-bit is very stable and does _NOT_ use double the RAM (as the FUD says). Go 64-bit !!!18:24
DaBOSSits ridiculous18:24
amereservantBecause people are going nuts in there.18:24
aquachicaEveryone is saying "It is out!18:24
Oxymoronyofel: Because I dont want to do a clean install and then get same problem again xD Except that all things work perfect mostly. THough I still got Dolphin crashed and doing VLC in fullscreen sometimes crash :D18:24
yofeloh, lucid's released :)18:24
racecar56IT IS?!18:24
DaBOSSif they dont wanna chat, they should go away, whats the point of muting IRC!!!18:24
aquachicaPeople are saying that it is, but it isn't.18:24
KeithWeissharare there still bugs remaining in 10.0418:24
aquachicaThey are having issues with the Grub.18:25
racecar56KeithWeisshar: well, no software is perfect, so yes ;)18:25
DaBOSSwe r all responsible for our systems, no need to babysit us and mute the room18:25
Doggodokey cool18:25
yofelslangasek just announced it in -party18:25
Doggodit's out18:25
Oxymoronyofel: I wonder if I maybe should do clean isntall anyway, because I think I want to use ext4 and x64 install fo Kubuntu :P18:25
Doggodit was announced in -party18:25
Zelozeloswhat is the icon type for ubuntu and can i take a png and turn it into this type of file using gimp?18:25
KeithWeissharthe ubuntu website says it's not out yet18:26
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Oxymoronyofel: Do you know if there is any huge difference by using ext4 instead of ext3? :P18:26
KeithWeissharit still has rc18:26
racecar56Oxymoron: i'm using ext418:26
westinghouseplease use lilo18:26
westinghouseis 10.4 capable of booting btrfs?18:26
BonezAU10.04 is now out18:26
KeithWeissharwill 10.04 be available on dvd18:27
Oxymoronracecar56: Does it work better in someway than previous ext* ?18:27
kkdue<kkdue> since some weeks I'm getting an error when trying to mount a partition in gnome:18:27
racecar56Oxymoron: idk it seems fine18:27
amereservantBonezAU: Are you part of the dev team?18:27
racecar56Oxymoron: i think it might be faster18:27
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kbarKeithWeisshar: do you mean the iso?18:27
KeithWeissharthe iso18:27
Oxymoronracecar56: Any new features? :P18:27
yofelOxymoron: depends, ext4 is faster in general, but if you operate a lot with small files ext3 is faster (you'll notice that on package installation)18:27
BonezAUamereservant, no but the topic in #ubuntu-release-party has just been updated to reflect that it is now officially out18:27
kbarKeithWeisshar: its already out18:27
kkdueis it to possible to mount them using terminal, so I can see some error messages'18:27
racecar56Oxymoron: idk18:27
KeithWeissharis there a dvd iso18:27
meteahi.  i am running 10.04 on my eeepc 901 but wireless doesn't seem to (consistently) work.  are their any solutions or is it still in the works?18:27
kbarKeithWeisshar: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:28
Oxymoronracecar56: What does idk stands for now agan?18:28
kbarmetea: try ndiswrapper18:28
racecar56Oxymoron: i don't know18:28
cwillu_at_workOxymoron, "I don't know"18:28
BUGabundo_remoteUbuntu 10.04 LTS released18:28
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Lucid is Out! | Thanks you all for testing | Lucid support in #ubuntu
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Thanks you all for testing Lucid and making it a great release | Lucid support in #ubuntu | Channel will re-open when 10.10 toolchain lands | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule
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