
arandThe "Additional plugins are required" firefox message, that part of the firefox package, or something else in ubuntu?00:15
arandI had a (for screen-reader, fatal) at-spi crash, however apport refused to report it, is there any way to make sure to catch it?00:51
* sjn is wondering if he's found a dependency bug in the perl-modules package01:21
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sjnCPAN.pm isn't very useful out-of-the box without libwww-perl and libyaml-perl01:23
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bbordwellIs there anyone here VERY familiar with debugging using gdb that is willing to help me?05:51
dholbachPackaging Training: Fixing small bugs in Ubuntu: in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom - http://is.gd/bLixO06:50
thekorngood morning, and happy {release,hug}-day everybody!07:04
kklimondahey :)07:05
ddecatoroh hey, it's a bug day..07:05
nigelbabuddecator: also release day ;)07:11
nigelbabuhence the no-package bugs I suppose07:11
ddecatornigelbabu: right. that i don't care as much about since i've been on lucid since a3 =p07:11
thekornis it out? is it out?07:14
ddecatoranyone here that can help me with valgrind?07:32
aramorning all!07:37
ddecatormorning ara07:38
* vish wonders why valgrind was named so.. since /grind/ things to a halt?07:41
ddecatorha, first bugday bug in a while...i'm actually kind of ashamed of that =\07:47
vishddecator: running valgrind for firefox ?07:50
ddecatorvish: nah, nautilus bug i filed. the valgrind process was ending before nautilus crashed, but the log was full and had a ton of errors, so i just attached it as-is to my report07:51
vishanyone receiving same bug mail twice or more?07:59
vishi'm noticing Bug 571181 , which has confused folks in #launchpad they mention it might be yahoo related08:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 571181 in malone "LP sends same mail several times [bug mail and maling list mails] (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57118108:00
ddecatorvish: i haven't noticed anything like that08:04
vishmight be stupid yahoo :/08:04
ddecatorgmail =)08:05
RuneWhenever I use dch -i it grabs my name from /etc/passwd and uses username@host as my email despite that I have set DEBEMAIL="some@mail.net" and DEBFULLNAME="name" in ~/.devscripts08:10
RuneAnyone else that have the same problem?08:10
bbordwellrune, do you have "export debmail=some@mail.net"?08:10
aburchRune: IIRC that are environment variables, not variables set in devscripts.conf08:12
Runeaburch, indeed thanks08:23
Runethough I don't quite understand the decision not to have them read from .devscripts08:25
ddecatorRune: #ubuntu-packaging has a lot of people good with that kind of stuff. they might not know the answer to that question, but packaging-related questions you have are more likely to get answered there =)08:33
Runeddecator, thanks08:37
mistryniteshplease have a look at bug 570734, I had marked it against gnome-power-manager and asked the original reporter to do 'apport-collect 570734'08:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 570734 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Screen brightness can not be set to maximum (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57073408:47
mistryniteshoriginal reporter has attached the reports--- so what is the next step? --- should i mark it triaged?08:48
ddecatormistrynitesh: you can look for dupes, see if you can reproduce it and possibly add more information that narrows down the cause08:50
mistryniteshddecator: yes, it seems there would be duplicates, but can't reproduce as I don't have a laptop08:51
ddecatormistrynitesh: well then you can look for dupes at least. it can't be set to triaged until there is enough detailed information for the developers to be able to know what needs to be fixed. generally, apport information really helps that, but it's a lot of info to look through, so if we can find a way to narrow down the possibilities it can help them a lot =)08:52
BUGabundo_remotehey hey huckle barry08:52
ddecatorheya BUGabundo_remote08:53
bbordwellmistrynitesh, also if the bug needs to be forwarded upstream you should do so08:53
bbordwellif you can reproduce it, otherwise ask the original reporter to do so08:53
ddecatorbbordwell: good point, forgot this was a gnome report, haha08:53
* ddecator is a little tired08:54
ddecatoractually, on that note, i'm gonna get to bed. night/morning all, enjoy the release, but don't forget about the bug day =)08:57
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kermiacnight ddecator :)09:01
bilalakhtarI just now applied to join the bugsquad team and have sent a mail to the mailing list.10:05
bilalakhtarI just now applied to join the bugsquad team and have sent a mail to the mailing list. Can someone approve my request to join the team?10:09
om26erbilalakhtar, you could wait for a few hours. someone will certainly do that10:15
bilalakhtarom26er: thanks for that.10:15
om26ernp :)10:15
vishbilalakhtar: have you tried lp to join .. iirc it was open for new members to autojoin [not sure how it works though]10:26
bilalakhtarvish: I have already applied to join in lp10:26
nigelbabuvish: bug squad is moderated now10:37
vishnigelbabu: there was some mention of allowing auto-join due the the mail load10:38
nigelbabuvish: it was auto-renew10:38
nigelbabuargh self renew10:38
keffie_jayxhello guys, I just got a friend to file a report on some issues with the kernel and 10.04, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/545339, i can't seem to find the wiki entry on how to improve bug reports and specifically the part for kernel10:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 545339 in linux (Ubuntu) "irq 20: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option) (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Medium,Triaged]10:41
keffie_jayxcould anyone poing me in the right direction with the improving a bug report?10:41
kermiackeffie_jayx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies10:56
kermiacnp :)10:56
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BUGabundo_remoteanyone looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/57076511:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems (affects: 6) (heat: 46)" [Critical,Confirmed]11:30
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nigelbabubug 42325213:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 423252 in sudo (Kairos Linux) (and 14 other projects) "NSS using LDAP+SSL breaks setuid applications like su and sudo (affects: 29) (heat: 218)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42325213:26
pvandewyngaerdehello,   is anyone else having the problem that on a console you cannot use the loadkeys command  and it gives a long list of error messages ? one line for keyboard layout 0 -> 127,  and then : access denied,   KDSKBENT: action not allowed, loadkeys cannot release keyboard layout 12813:27
pvandewyngaerdeas root it does work13:29
pvandewyngaerdehello anyone ?13:36
aburchnigelbabu: Hehe, that one is fun.  But upstream considers it a feature.13:40
nigelbabuaburch: hehe, I was doing nothing with the bug.  It turns twice when I queried LP via API13:41
nigelbabuturns out it has a karmic and lucid task13:41
aburchWell, I guess I can at least link to the Debian bug report in libgcrypt for this.13:47
BUGabundo_remoteyay for more mono rant :(14:03
kklimondaBUGabundo_remote: ^14:05
BUGabundo_remotekklimonda: ^14:17
thebishopany news on the GLX memory leak issue?  will it be fixed today?15:01
Picithebishop: er, that was already fixed.15:02
thebishopPici, yeah?  do I need to manually reinstall glx?15:02
Picithebishop: if you've been updating you should already have the update.15:03
thebishopPici, that's what i'd expect, but it's not what happened for me15:03
yofelthebishop: what does 'glxinfo | grep GLX\ version' give you?15:04
thebishopyofel, The program 'glxinfo' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:15:05
thebishopsudo apt-get install mesa-utils15:05
yofelthen install it and check if you have glx 1.2 or 1.4, you're only affected by the GEM leak if you have 1.415:06
thebishopyofel, ok15:07
simaris not today the bugday15:53
vishthebishop: what do you get with ~$ cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/gem_objects15:59
thebishopvish, objects \ 1715 objects \ 75587584 object bytes \ 19 pinned \ 12902400 pin bytes \ 59248640 gtt bytes \ 234881024 gtt total16:00
vishthebishop: no leak there ;)16:00
vish" 75587584 object bytes " is OK16:00
vishheh better than mine even ;p16:01
thebishopvish, yeah, i didn't think I was affected by the leak per se, but i am affected by not having GLX16:01
vishthere is another leak in the kernel though! well atleast for me .. if i use .33 no problems for me16:02
vishsimilar happened during karmic as well . :s the karmic kernel was a problem and only the lucid one was good for me.. [had nautilus problems due to kernel]16:03
thebishopvish, do you know offhand if atl1c supports gigabit ethernet yet in *33?16:04
vishthebishop: nope..16:04
vishthebishop: i mean , i dont know :)16:04
qenseCongratulations to all of you for this wonderful release! Without the Bug Squad Lucid wouldn't have been what it has become.16:05
yofelsimar: sure is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2010042916:06
micahgqense: not released yet AFAIK16:06
qensemicahg: Ah, well, then I'll congratulate you with this morning's build. ;)16:07
yofelwell, not much difference from out point of view16:08
yofelnext week is open week and then I'll have some time to work on the backlog :)16:08
dgtombsanybody know what program handles an XF86Eject key press?17:15
dgtombsin gnome17:15
dgtombsthat's my first guess17:16
dgtombslooks like it's g-s-d from the source (part of media keys)17:25
mistryniteshdoes xubuntu also uses gnome-power-manager? if there is a problem in setting brightness in xubuntu, which package should it be reported against?17:37
charlie-tcadepends on the version, 9.10 uses xfce4-power-manager17:37
mistryniteshfor lucid?17:38
charlie-tcasame, xfce4-power-manager17:38
mistryniteshin bug 555709 the reporter uses xubuntu, yet it is reported against gnome-power-manager. Should it be changed to xfce4-power-manager17:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 555709 in xorg (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Laptop display maximum dim at startup (affects: 5) (heat: 30)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55570917:42
charlie-tcaNeed to make sure he did not add gnome-power-manager.17:43
charlie-tcaIf you add Xubuntu-desktop to gnome, you still have it17:43
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mistryniteshactually looking at the list of bugs having problem with brightness setting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager?field.searchtext=bright&orderby=-datecreated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&f17:45
mistryniteshoops! how do i post this long link?17:46
yofelmistrynitesh: http://tinyurl.com17:46
mistryniteshso coming to the point, if all the variants of ubuntu has the problem regarding brightness settings, should it be reported against g-p-m, or something more basic?17:48
charlie-tcaIt could be hardware related, gnome-power-manager, xfce4-power-manger, or the kernel, actually. There is no universal package without checking the logs to find out where the issue is in each report17:53
malevping om26er18:04
bbordwellalright I have bug 571021 which is a dup of 546655, but Sebastian bacher has changed the importance of bug 571021 to high so I am not sure if I should mark it as a dup since he is looking at it. I told him in a comment that it was a dup but he did not mark it as such18:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 571021 in brasero (Ubuntu) "Eject's CD with error when trying to burn mp3 (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57102118:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 546655 in brasero (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Creating an audio CD fails (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Low,Triaged]18:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 571021 in brasero (Ubuntu) "Eject's CD with error when trying to burn mp3 (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [High,New]18:23
bbordwellAnyone know what I should do?18:27
om26erbbordwell, you could mark the other one duplicate of the high priority one18:27
bbordwellom26er, will that automatically reassign the upstream bug?18:28
om26erbbordwell, no you will have to do that by hand18:29
om26erbbordwell, and you sure both are same?18:29
BUGabundo_remoteUbuntu 10.04 LTS released18:30
BUGabundo_remotecongrats everyone18:30
bbordwelloh well, I can do it manualy if it does not18:31
thekorncongrats to the hardest working team in show-business - the bugsquad - for the best ubuntu ever (tm)19:52
thekornthanks everybody ;)19:52
stradaHi.  I can't login to launchpad/openID because of an internal server error :-(20:10
persiaThe servers are massively overloaded just now.  Try again tomorrow.20:11
yofelat least the wiki opens again20:12
stradaok. not a good time to take part at the Bug Day... I guess all world is downloading ubuntu 10.04 ;-)20:13
persiaYeah, that's about it.20:14
Damascenecongratulation, well done20:17
yofelhm, is there a rough estimate on when bugs expiration will be turned on by the way? I follow the bug report, but nobody mentions anything else than 'probably soon'20:20
JFoyofel, Expiration already works on edge. or do you mean automatic expiration?20:37
yofelautomatic expiration20:37
JFoah, not sure about that20:37
persiayofel: I think "never".  It was on before, and lots of folks (including me) protested loudly.20:38
persiayofel: Some other projects use it though.20:38
JFoI use expiration on kernel bugs20:39
JFobut not automatically20:39
yofelpersia: they do seem to want to turn it on again if you trust bug 33352120:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 333521 in malone "Enable bugs expiration for Ubuntu (affects: 1) (heat: 22)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33352120:44
persiaLooks like I have to complain again.20:44
persiaLast time it closed >100 of my bugs that were still replicable and valid in the stable release just because nobody looked at them except to do the automated "please try again", which I ignored because they were pointlessly obvious things like spelling errors or misconfigurations which were completely unchanged.20:45
persiaIt's also philosophically a bad idea because instead of listing the bugs as known open bugs that nobody has gotten around to yet, it falsely implies that they are either fixed or not bugs.  This annoys users.20:46
deryckpersia, hi. that's the point of the "expired" status being added.  to make these bugs easier to find now, not treat them as invalid.20:47
persiaBeyond just being annoying, it actively reinforces the concept of separation between users and those who help make the distribution happen: rather than folks asking "Nobody is looking at my bug: how can I help get it fixed" folks get told "Your bug is bad" and select a different software solution.20:48
persiaderyck: That doesn't help the user experience in any way.20:48
deryckpersia, I think it helps some.  To what degree it helps could be debatable, sure.20:49
persiaderyck: It helps the triagers experience, but triagers tend to be fairly comfortable working around things: it's the new user to whom we have to present the idea that 1) we care, and 2) we're budy and would appreciate their help.20:49
persiaderyck: Tell me a story about an end user who is happy with a bug being marked expired.20:50
persiaI may just not be imaginative enough.20:50
deryckpersia, I'm not saying anyone will dance in the street saying "yay, my bug expired."20:51
deryckbut it can be done in a way that is informative and not offensive, IMO.20:51
persiaI don't need dancing in the streets :)  I just have not been able to come up with any way in which it improves the experience for end-users, and have a number in which it makes it less pleasing.20:52
persiaAny example of how an end-user's total experience is improved by bug expiry would reduce my vociferousness.20:52
persiaEven a small improvement.20:53
deryckpersia, the user sees the email saying the bug expired, thinks "oh, I meant to add a comment explaining FOO and never did," and updates the bug and moves it forward.20:54
persiaDoes it move it forward?  Do we have any means of capturing this data?20:54
persiaDo we have a way that triagers can examine recently unexpired bugs to avoid them timing out again?20:55
deryckpersia, hypothetically moves it forward, i.e. it's no longer expired and someone is able to look at it again with new info.20:55
persiaMost of the expirable bugs I've encountered suffered from lack of triager time, not lack of reporter feedback.20:56
deryckpersia, we have another bug about toggling to confirmed automatically when the reporter responds.  this will help the case you cite here, I think.  it could be made to work with expired status, too.20:58
derycktoggle from Incomplete-->Confirmed is the current plan, which is why I mean it could be made to work with Expired, too.20:58
persiaWould it be possible to roll that out at the same time as reenbling expiry?  Consider the difficulties inherent in attempting to roll out a third time if it's turned off again due to complaints.20:58
deryckpersia, I think we could, yes.  The Expired status is rolling out with next week's LP release, but automatic expiring is not happening until we have time to communicate it well.21:01
persiaOh, good.  That sounds like something that could work.21:02
persiaThinking about it, I wonder if they shouldn't move back to New: just because a reporter responded doesn't mean that it's confirmed not to be a local issue (e.g. PPA software).21:02
deryckI'm looking for the bug now to update with that suggestion.21:03
deryckas for Confirmed vs. New that seemed to me to be the common convention, but if not, I'm not wedded to Confirmed.21:03
persiaDo you happen to know that bug number?  I'd like to comment there on the Confirmed/New bit, but I'm not firmly attached to any specific answer.21:04
deryckpersia, looking for it now.  At a coffee shop, so terribly slow connection.21:06
deryckan lp speed doesn't help that21:06
persiaderyck: No worries.  If you bump into it next week, and tell me then, it's just as good :)21:06
persiaAsking LP to search for it now would be painful if you were sitting in the data centre.21:07
* deryck hears the browser saying "I think I can, I think I can..."21:08
deryckpersia, bug 56929821:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 569298 in malone "Toggle to CONFIRMED for bugs with response from bug reporter (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56929821:11
persiaWow!  Thanks for hunting.21:11
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simarCould anyone help me ... plz21:21
yofelsimar: what's your problem?21:27
BUGabundoeverning ppl of the intertubes! we came to conquer22:07
bbordwellDoes anyone know what the deal is with bugs showing up twice in launchpad?22:15
charlie-tcaGot an example?22:17
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: we conquered, I think?22:18
BUGabundowell, I lost +1 :|22:18
BUGabundocan't stay with 1800 users screaming in #ubuntu22:18
charlie-tcaI know that feeling22:20
charlie-tcabad enough with 500 in =122:20
charlie-tcafingers must be tired. missed the shift22:21
charlie-tcabbordwell: if they have more than one package under 'affects' they will show up once for each package22:21
bbordwellmost of the new bugs there show up twice for me, same bug number, only affecting one package22:22
kklimondaBUGabundo: I've already left +1 few days ago - too much noise22:22
BUGabundoshame on you22:23
bbordwellcharlie-tca, are you getting the same behavior or is it just some quirk?22:24
charlie-tcaThat is weird. Maybe file a bug against launchpad for it22:24
bbordwellcharlie-tca, I have never figured out how to do that....22:24
bbordwellhow do you go about filing a bug against launchpad22:25
charlie-tcaYou go to #launchpad and ask them what the package is to file against. They tell you, and then it is just like any other bug22:25
charlie-tca(at least, that is my way)22:26
yofelhm, good question, the bugtracker would be the malone project, but I'm not sure how the search works22:46
yofelbbordwell: can you subscribe me once you've got the bug filed after you get an answer in launchpad? (yofel)22:47
bbordwellyofel, sure can it may be a while though i have to leave for a couple of hours22:48
yofelfound a nice bug while looking for a similiar report: bug 55394622:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 553946 in malone "Timeouts in +filebug don't let you recover your bug report (affects: 4) (heat: 16)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55394622:52
yofelthat's annoying...22:52
eldoni've noticed evolution is really slow and  freezes when my internet connection is really slow, (artificially slow when downloading bittorrent. still, it should not be becoming unresponsive23:52

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