
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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dholbachPackaging Training: Fixing small bugs in Ubuntu: in 10 minutes - http://is.gd/bLixO06:49
ajmitcharg, lernid hates me today :)06:56
dholbachgood morning everybody - who's here for the packaging training session today?07:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Event: Packaging Training Session - Current Session: Fixing small bugs in Ubuntu - Instructor: dholbach || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat
dholbachI've never used classbot before, so I suppose you need to ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat07:01
dholbachso if you could please join that, I'd appreciate it07:02
dholbachso who's here for the packaging training session today? :)07:02
dholbachhum, ajmitch and imbrandon are sure going to know all of this already - maybe we should move back the session by 2h or something?07:03
dholbachalright, let's do it now then :)07:04
dholbachso I picked a few "easier" bugs that weren't solved yet, and we'll have a look at them and see what we can do about them07:05
dholbachwhile we investigate them I'll try to explain a bit more about the processes in ubuntu, the tools, etc. so the next time you hit a somewhat similar (but different) situation you know what to do, who to talk to, etc07:06
dholbachif you have any questions, or if I'm wrong or I don't make sense or go to fast or slow, please speak up in #ubuntu-classroom-chat :)07:06
dholbachfirst of all, let's install a few packages we're going to need:07:07
dholbach  sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libtool ubuntu-dev-tools debhelper cdbs pbuilder build-essential07:07
dholbach - build-essential gives you tools to compile packages07:08
dholbach - cdbs and debhelper contain scripts that streamline the packaging of applications07:09
dholbach - pbuilder is a tool to test-build packages in a sane environment07:09
dholbach - ubuntu-dev-tools contains a few useful scripts for developing on Ubuntu (and will pull in devscripts that contains even more useful scripts for developing and packaging :-))07:10
dholbach - libtool is required by one of the packages we'll work on later on07:10
dholbachok... a tiny bit of preparation now - I'll keep this short07:10
dholbachPlease make sure you have "source package entries" enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list07:11
dholbacha    grep deb-src /etc/apt/sources.list    will make sure07:11
dholbachSystem → Administration → Software Sources → Software → Sources     will work too07:12
dholbach(I hope that's what it's called in English, I use a German Ubuntu over here.)07:12
dholbachnext please edit ~/.pbuilderrc07:13
dholbach(if it's not there, create it)07:13
dholbachand please add this entry07:13
dholbachCOMPONENTS="main universe multiverse restricted"07:13
dholbachsave it07:13
dholbachnext please edit ~/.bashrc (if you use the bash shell - if you use something else, edit the appropriate settings)07:14
dholbachand add07:14
dholbachexport DEBFULLNAME='Daniel Holbach'07:14
dholbachexport DEBEMAIL='daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com'07:14
dholbachplease use your own name and email address :-)07:14
dholbachnext please run07:15
dholbach  source ~/.bashrc07:15
dholbach(or restart your terminal session)07:15
dholbachnext please run07:15
dholbach  sudo pbuilder create07:15
dholbach(this will take a while)07:15
dholbachnow what did we do07:15
dholbach1) we enabled a source package entry for apt so we can get the source of all packages very easily07:16
dholbach2) told pbuilder that it should use all components by default07:16
dholbach3) gave a lot of packaging tools a bit more information about ourselves (so we don't need to type in our name and email manually all the time)07:17
dholbachall good up until now?07:17
dholbachrock and roll07:18
dholbachok, here's our first bug07:18
dholbacharand asks "existing gpg-key is assumed? Or not required in this case?"07:19
dholbachit's not required, but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto is a good guide to get it set up07:19
dholbachawesome, now we can speak in here too :)07:20
dholbachthanks again pleia2 :)07:20
pleia2sure thing :)07:20
dholbachok, back to our mime-support bug07:20
dholbachapparently there's a typo in there: "form" should be "from"07:20
dholbachlet's get the source and find out07:20
dholbach  apt-get source mime-support07:21
dholbachit's always good to read and understand the whole bug report before you start... Scott Ritchie found out that it's a problem in cautious-launcher07:21
dholbachdaniel@miyazaki:~/mime-support-3.48$ find . -name cautious-launcher07:22
dholbachso cautious-launcher is a script that lives in the debian directory of the source, it should be safe for us to just go and edit it and fix the bug (we'll hit a different case later on where it's not that straight-forward)07:22
dholbachso go and edit the file, and change "form" to "from"07:23
dholbach<arand> otherwise   grep -r "form an untrused" .  in the source directory would point out the file ;)07:23
dholbacharand is right :)07:23
dholbachnext we need to document what we just did and update the version number of the package07:24
dholbachplease run07:24
dholbach  dch -i07:24
dholbachdch is a very useful script from devscripts that deals with editing debian/changelog - it should have added a new entry for you and added your name and email07:24
dholbachlet's go through the format of the changelog entry real quick07:25
dholbachfirst up is the name of the source package07:25
dholbachthen we have the version number, in our case 3.48-1ubuntu207:25
dholbachwhich means: upstream version (released by the software authors) is 3.48, 1st revision in debian, 2nd revision in ubuntu07:26
dholbachit shows quite well the flow of the software in terms of releases07:26
dholbachupstream → debian → ubuntu07:26
dholbachthat's something we care about a lot, which is why James Westby's comment in the bug report is important too, he says that it's an ubuntu-specific script, so in this case we don't necessarily need to forward the change to debian or upstream, but maybe we want to send the whole script to them at some stage07:27
dholbachok, getting back to changelog entry07:28
dholbachmime-support (3.48-1ubuntu2) lucid; urgency=low07:28
dholbachnext up is the version of ubuntu we want to upload it to (lucid in our case)07:29
dholbachand the urgency we can ignore for now - while Launchpad now supports urgency (I've been told) it's rarely used07:29
dholbachmy actual changelog entry looks like this07:29
dholbach* debian/cautious-launcher: "form" → "from" (LP: #567527)07:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567527 in mime-support "Typo in warning dialog" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56752707:29
dholbachit mentions the file we changed, mentions what we changed and also mentions the launchpad bug in a special format07:30
dholbachit's important to refer to some kind of discussion of the problem in the changelog, so it's clearer to others later on07:30
dholbachthis special format will also make sure the bug gets automatically closed when we upload the package07:31
dholbachnext please run:07:31
dholbach   debuild -S -sa -us -uc07:31
dholbachand if it asks you about some tarball that's missing, please just say "yes" :)07:31
dholbachthat's a packaging mistake we probably shouldn't get ourselves into right now - not our fault07:32
dholbachdid that pan out alright for everybody?07:32
dholbachdid anybody get lost along the way?07:32
dholbachif you now would please run:07:34
dholbach cd ..07:34
dholbach debdiff mime-support_3.48-1ubuntu{1,2}.dsc07:34
dholbachand paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com I'd appreciate it07:34
dholbachand I'll do a quick review07:34
dholbach<bbordwell> what is the significance of the arguments in this command? debuild -S -sa -us -uc07:35
dholbachgood question bbordwell07:35
dholbach"-us -uc" will tell debuild (which will pass this on to dpkg-buildpackage) to not try to sign the source package or changes file with your gpg key later on07:36
dholbachwe just do this because we didn't set up the gpg key together07:36
dholbach(use the link above and you should be fine and can drop -us -uc in the future)07:36
dholbach"-S" will tell debuild to rebuild the source package as opposed to build the .deb package itself07:37
dholbach"-sa" is just necessary if you want to upload the source package somewhere07:37
dholbachso did you post your patches to some pastebin?07:37
dholbachcan I have the links?07:37
dholbach"debdiff mime-support_3.48-1ubuntu{1,2}.dsc" and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com07:38
dholbachalso: to test-build the package, run    sudo pbuilder build mime-support_3.48-1ubuntu2.dsc07:39
dholbacha note on pbuilder: it will set up a chrooted environment which will just contain a bare base system, then install all the necessary packages to build that source package, then tear it down again07:40
dholbachthe obvious advantages of this are: the package will be built in a clean and sane environment as opposed to your probably quite modified system and you don't have to install 43217139513 of -dev packages and build-dependencies07:41
dholbach<bbordwell> Is this what you were looking for? http://paste.ubuntu.com/424428/07:41
dholbach<arand> http://pastebin.com/dDuWneYc07:41
dholbacharand: this looks good07:41
dholbachbbordwell: is that the changes file?07:42
dholbachbbordwell: can you post the output of the debdiff command?07:42
dholbach debdiff mime-support_3.48-1ubuntu{1,2}.dsc07:42
dholbach(lp:567527) needs to be (LP: #567527) for Launchpad to trigger the closing of the bug07:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567527 in mime-support "Typo in warning dialog" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56752707:43
dholbachbut as far as I can see this looks good already07:43
dholbachso once you have 1) found a fix, 2) test-built the package, 3) tested it you can proceed to07:43
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess (I'll give you some links later on again) which explains how to get a patch uploaded to Ubuntu07:44
dholbachok, let's crack on - bbordwell just had some issues, we hope to have figured them out07:49
dholbachnext bug07:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538221 in app-install-data-ubuntu "typo in GTK wiimote whiteboard (whitebaord)" [Undecided,New]07:49
dholbachok, this one is a big misleading07:49
dholbachit says that the bug is in app-install-data-ubuntu which is the package that contains all the package descriptions for software-center (and gnome-app-install)07:50
ClassBotThere are are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.07:50
dholbachyou need to know that app-install-data-ubuntu is generated from lots and lots of other packages, so very rarely the bug will be in app-install-data-ubuntu itself07:50
dholbachto find out which package is actually concerned, I tried this:07:51
dholbachdaniel@miyazaki:~$ apt-cache search wiimote whiteboard07:51
dholbachgtkwhiteboard - GTK+ Wiimote Whiteboard07:51
dholbachso we'll do a similar dance as last time again :-)07:51
dholbach  apt-get source gtkwhiteboard07:51
dholbach  cd gtkwhiteboard-1.3+dfsg/07:52
dholbach  grep -ri whitebaord .07:52
dholbachwill show you where the typo turned up07:52
dholbachluckily, again it's just in files that were added by the packaging (that live in debian/)07:53
dholbachso please go and fix all of these 3 files07:54
ClassBotThere are are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.07:55
dholbachok, when you're done, document it again07:56
dholbach  dch -i07:56
dholbachthen run07:57
dholbach  update-maintainer07:57
dholbach  debuild -S -us -uc07:57
dholbachwhat update-maintainer does is: change the Maintainer name/email in debian/control to preserver the debian maintainer in a different variable and set an ubuntu mailing list as maintainer07:58
dholbachthat's something our friends at debian asked us to do so they don't get bug mail for changes that were introduced in Ubuntu, etc :)07:59
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField for more info :)07:59
dholbachok, again send me the output of the debdiff command08:00
dholbach  cd ..08:00
dholbach  debdiff gtkwhiteboard_1.3+dfsg-5.2{,ubuntu1}.dsc08:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi
dholbachin the meantime a few links that will probably help you08:00
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted links to all the bits that are useful along your way08:01
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide for a quick tutorial for the packaging basics08:01
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment for more info about the ubuntu development processes08:01
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess for getting changes uploaded into Ubuntu08:01
dholbachdid anyone get the whitebaord debdiff? :)08:02
dholbachare there any more questions?08:03
dholbach<aburch> dholbach: If bugs are assigned to the wrong package, they should be reassigned (the one in gtkwhiteboard)08:04
dholbachaburch: yes, totally08:04
dholbachwhatever new you find out, you should put add as information to the bug report08:05
dholbachso even if you don't manage to fix the bug completely the next one attempting has that info already :)08:05
dholbach<arand> I'm not sure really how to do the changelog on this one, it seems a bit much stating all the files cahnged, and a bit little to omit it completely..: http://pastebin.com/aGiMBSYg08:06
dholbacharand: this looks good - I personally absolutely wouldn't mind listing all the files, but that's a matter of preference :)08:06
dholbachalso... if you found you like working on bugs and getting packages fixed, consider dropping in #ubuntu-packaging or #ubuntu-motu08:07
dholbachand ask all the questions you have there08:07
dholbachthere are lots of really helpful people in there who will help you get started08:08
dholbachthanks a lot everybody for attending08:08
dholbachyou ROCK!08:08
ajmitchthanks dholbach!08:08
dholbachnext week is Ubuntu Open Week and we'll have a bunch of sessions related to development there too08:08
dholbachit'll be awesome08:08
=== Hodge is now known as Hodgestar
=== DreamThi1f is now known as DreamThief
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
simarhello ppl isn't a way of attending the study material of today's classroom if somone was absent at that time ??????21:05
joaopintosimar, check the irc logs, google: ubuntu irc logs21:08
simarjoaopinto, is the classrooms conducted only via chat ??? 2days wad that of danial21:09
joaopintoyes, only via chat21:09
simarjoaopinto,  ok fne21:11
simarjoaopinto, could you help me about triaging bugs ... i have read how to triage guide ... n i feel it insufficient knowledge to start triaging .....  like i don't know what bugs to triage  ... n many more things???21:13
simarplz help21:13
joaopintosimar, this is not a support channel, the best channel to get help with bugs traging is #ubuntu-bugs21:13
simarjoaopinto,  but nobody replies there ... is it like question should be adressed to someone or????21:15
joaopintoit means you need to wait for someone to become available21:15

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