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BUGabundo_remoteanyone awake in here?08:58
BUGabundo_remotegonna need a bit of help in +108:58
vishBUGabundo_remote: hehe, seems you had a fun time in +1 :D10:05
vishhmm , i was made an OP in #ubuntu-artwork  but when i try /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-artwork list  I'm not listed there .. how do i get that corrected?10:12
vishif i ask this in #freenode they would direct me back here , hence i'm asking here ;)10:13
BUGabundo_remotevish: #ubuntu-ops10:14
vishBUGabundo_remote: well, ubuntu-artwork is no mans land :(  its not a core channel10:14
topyli#ubuntu-artwork belongs to the artwork project. it's not no-man's land10:22
vishtopyli: i meant not a core channel so off topic in -ops .. and has ubuntu- namespace so offtopic in #freenode ;)10:23
jussivish: who "made you an op" ?10:47
vishjussi: kwwii10:47
jussivish: then he didnt actually do it right...10:48
jussivish: you need to go find kwii and ask him to do it correctly.10:48
jussiif he wants a hand with commands adding people, tell him to drop by -ops.10:48
vishjussi: i would only imagine he would be as lost as me..  :D  will mention that.. probably i can figure it out and make it easier for him ;)10:50
jussivish: /msg chanserv flags #ubuntu-artwork vish +votiA10:51
vishjussi:  thanks10:52
marienzdropping by #freenode for that kind of help is also fine10:59
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vishhrm , we need something better next time for -release-party , the is-it-out yet.. got boring :p15:21
BUGabundo_remoteI'm not even going there15:23
BUGabundo_remote900+ is too much15:23
BUGabundo_remotetwo cycles ago it went up to 240015:23
PiciNo, we've never had that many people in one IRC channe;.15:24
vishBUGabundo_remote: heh was there yesterday , and joined there again a few mins ago.. and its worse than a news ticker :p  lines just zoom15:25
BUGabundo_remoteI'm remote connected15:25
BUGabundo_remoteso I'm not even trying to lag my link15:25
BUGabundo_remotePici: I remember seeing those numbers posted in identica15:25
PiciBUGabundo_remote: Maybe total between the two channels, but never at once.15:26
Tm_TBUGabundo_remote: that's reliable source for sure15:26
vishyay 901!15:27
vishoops wrong tab :/15:27
vishwill the cloaks ever expire? currently i have an ubuntu cloak, was wondering if it is tied to the membership renewal15:31
Tm_Tvish: it is, no membership = no cloak15:32
Tm_Tand hi15:33
vishTm_T: hi.. ah , thanks15:34
BUGabundo_remotehi Tm_T. well it was posted by ppl I know and trust, or else I wouldn't be following them15:35
Tm_TBUGabundo_remote: still, as pici said, we never had that amount of people15:35
vishi recall , we had 1000 for a very brief moment during karmic though..15:36
Tm_Tvery possible15:37
Picivish: Yes, we hit a little above 1100 in #u-r-p for karmic.15:37
PiciPeak in #ubuntu was ~1800 for then as well.15:38
Tm_Twe are soon over 2k in #u15:38
BUGabundo_remoteahhh maybe it was the sum of both...15:39
BUGabundo_remoteI was looking at +1, but that never went very high15:39
vishhrm , nearly 2k means atleast ~1k might be looking for help :s15:42
BUGabundo_remoteits calm in #you, actually15:46
BUGabundo_remotelet me see party15:46
BUGabundo_remoteokay, party is NOISY15:47
* andrew hates when a population of a channel is over 30 or so15:51
BUGabundo_remotethere's 70 here15:59
BUGabundo_remoteand all 65 are quiet15:59
ebelhmm ubot3 on #ubuntu-ie says "YES!! it's out ..." when you ask !isitout16:02
ebelodd that16:03
ebelI wonder if it hasn't been updated since karmic...16:03
Tm_Tubottu: isitout16:21
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:21
Tm_Tjep, outofsync16:21
vishyip... we hit 1200+ in -party!17:23
m4vis like a basket full of crickets17:24
vish.. was fun watching ikonia shooting down a few ;p17:26
BUGabundo_remotehe is trigger happy :)17:39
erUSULthere should be a kickbot with a regex matching ubuntu websites mirrors etc .... in #ubuntu-release-party17:55
erUSULnone is going to kick THRHOPE4LINUX: from #ubuntu ?18:08
tsimpsonwe have !ops for a reason ;)18:09
erUSULi did not want to disteact evryone in the team just give a heads up18:11
BUGabundo_remoteUbuntu 10.04 LTS released InboxX18:28
erUSUL19:24 <@slangasek> everyone give a warm welcome to our favorite cat, the 10.04 LTS18:28
BUGabundo_remotePici: set +1 to moderated?18:30
erUSULBUGabundo_remote: it is now useless till the development for 10.10 opens again18:31
BUGabundo_remoteI know18:31
BUGabundo_remotewanna say good bye to my buds in there :)18:31
vishwoot! 1400 in -party .. is that a new record?18:38
erUSULvish: i parted .... too much flood nosense :/18:40
visherUSUL: i was just logged it to add support ;)18:41
erUSULIt also comes with social notworking integration because, unlike other Linux users, Ubuntu users often have friends.18:52
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:11
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ZykoticK9Where to report a bug with factoids?  !final is stating Maverick instead of Lucid19:19
tsimpsonlies, you LIE19:19
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:19
tsimpsonand it's already fixed, thanks19:19
marienztsimpson: it's still telling me "If you installed a A/B/RC of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) ... then you are already running the latest version of Maverick.", which seems a little peculiar.19:46
tsimpson!final ~= s/curDevel/curStable/19:47
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson19:47
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:47
tsimpsonthere we go19:47
marienzthanks :)19:47
ZykoticK9tsimpson, thank you19:51
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marienzbah, sorry.20:39
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Flare-LaptopI've got a question about the Encyclopedia plugin for ubottu21:22
jussiFlare-Laptop: #ubuntu-bots-devel ;)21:36
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