
arandrebooting now, will be back here.00:02
DinkHello, I have been trying to use launchpad to only build a specific flavour kernel ie, netbook. I am now getting "make: *** No rule to make target `build-netbook', needed by `build-arch'.  Stop." in my build log. Any help would be appreciated. I have tried to remove all non configs etc for x86_64 as well as other flavours for x86. Did I remove too much ?00:23
DinkSorry for my ignorance I have never done this as a .deb before.00:24
kamalmachiang, cnd: hey, I figured out my problem with my LKML post never showing up!  apparently, the vger.kernel.org mailing lists silently reject any message without a Message-Id: header (my message file, the edited output from git-format-patch, had no Message-Id: header). ...00:47
kamalmI was feeding my message file directly to msmtp, but I eventually guessed that might be the problem (after noticing that git-send-email *does* generate a Message-Id) so I just resubmitted it using git-send-email directly and it appeared on LKML immediately (yay).00:49
kamalmI still don't like git-send-email much, but I'll either use it anyway, or else come up with a way to generate a Message-Id: for msmtp-direct use.00:50
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achiangkamalm: stg mail01:18
kamalmachiang: stg?01:19
achiangstacked git01:19
achiangit's quite nice01:19
kamalmI guess I don't see why I need to fiddle with git at all just to send a piece of email ;-)   -- I know git-send-email (etc.) can do more fancy stuff than that, but I (foolishly) wanted to do it manually to see how it worked (or didn't as the case may be).  that'll teach me.01:20
achiangkamalm: oh, i use stacked git to manage patch series on top of git01:21
achiangkinda like quilt, but you know, not stupid like. :)01:21
kamalm;-)  my patch was sooo simple, I thought, surely I don't need a *tool* to send the email for me.   I'm not even ready to think about stacked patches yet.01:22
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johanbrhas anyone else noticed broken sound on some HP laptops with the lucid -21 kernel (32 bits)?02:01
johanbr-19 works fine02:01
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psurbhigood morning #ubuntu-kernel07:30
jjohansenmorning psurbhi07:36
* psurbhi devel machines scsi controller is almost dead :( got back to my old slow laptop now08:35
tgardnerapw, rsync -zhhP rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/current/${RELEASE}-desktop-${i}.iso ${RELEASE}-desktop-${i}-daily.iso10:32
tseliotapw: I've compiled a kernel from the Linus git branch but I'm getting kernel panic VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0). Any ideas on what this could be? (support for ext4 is built into the kernel)10:44
apwunable to mount the initramfs perhaps ?10:44
tseliotapw: this also happen with a mainline build of 2.6.34-rc5 here10:48
smbtseliot, I had this sometimes when something failed to do update-grub correctly...10:48
tseliotsmb: it could be that. As the same kernel on the same machine (different installation of Lucid) works10:49
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elmoseriously, people11:34
elmoa hardy kernel release TODAY?11:34
smbelmo, That can only be one moved from proposed. I would not have expected this to happen exactly today. But that is not really in our hands11:36
tseliotsmb, apw: it looks like it didn't generate any initrd file even though I built it with --initrd11:45
tseliotand CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD=y while CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE isn't set to anything11:46
fabbionehmmm guys who is in charge of karmic kernel and all the CPU speed step stuff?12:03
fabbione(like setting ondemand vs performance cpu bits)12:03
AnAntHello, why is there a rt3070sta.ko in linux-rt but not in linux ?12:22
AnAntah, linux has rt3090sta12:45
smbfabbione, Wassup?13:00
fabbionesmb: i am trying to figure out why setting ondemand cpu governor on karmic -> filesystem corruption (a bad one)13:00
fabbionesmb: and if there is somekind of blacklist table to make sure ondemand is never EVER used on a similar system13:01
smbfabbione, repeatable?13:01
fabbionesmb: yes absolutely. it's 10 days I am debugging this thing13:01
fabbionesmb: started from swapping one disk at a time in the raid(s), cables, controllers, etc. etc.13:02
fabbioneyou know.. usual drill trying to understand what the hell is wrong13:02
fabbionetill i figured that in init 1 i didn't see the corruption13:02
fabbioneinit 2 did13:02
fabbionedifferent kernels.. etc.13:03
fabbionesmb: note that ondemand seems the default in karmic (at least it's been pulled in when updating from jaunty)13:03
fabbionenot sure how many people are affected potentially by this problem, but it's not easy to spot at first13:04
smbfabbione, It would be the first time I heard this. Yes it is. It only performance during a small time during init when I remember that correctly13:04
smbIs that a special raid setup of just normal md raid?13:05
fabbioneyes right.. performance at init then at the end of the boot goes to ondemand13:05
fabbionesmb: 2 md raid -> different controllers -> different disks -> same behaviour (one shows it faster tho)13:05
fabbionehow to reproduce:13:05
fabbioneget a folder of random file that's at least twice the size of system RAM (so it can't be cached and you need to I/O)13:05
fabbionefor i in $(seq 1 100); do md5sum /folder; done13:06
fabbionedepending how lucky you are it will eventually fail13:06
fabbioneat somepoint I was reading the same 7GB iso file, and I was getting a different md5sum each run13:06
fabbionethe data on disk look ok13:06
sorenWhich filesystem?13:06
fabbionebut then.. copy/backup/burn to dvd13:06
fabbioneall bad13:07
fabbionesoren: ext313:07
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fabbioneand removing that writeback option youdid turn on between 2.6.31-16 and -17 doesn't change a thing13:07
fabbionesoren: you are welcome to pass by and look at it yourself13:07
smbfabbione, Well that writeback only matters on crash13:07
sorenfabbione: Heh.. Don't wait up :)13:08
fabbionesmb: right, but i wanted to exclude every possibility13:08
smbfabbione, sure13:08
fabbionei even started modprobing one module at a time in case it was a conflict of somekind13:08
smbEspecially with something that looks rather odd13:08
fabbionethe raids are:13:08
fabbioneraid5 -> SATA -> 4x1.5TB 13:08
fabbioneraid1 -> IDE -> 2xsomethingGB13:09
fabbioneso different controllers, technologies and disks13:09
fabbioneall show the same issue13:09
sorenIf you've got tons of space somewhere, you could try copying the data somewhere insteaed of just md5sum'ing it.13:09
sorenThat way, you could see what the actual difference is.13:09
fabbionei come to the conclusion that's something to do with either a buggy CPU speedstep13:09
soren...and see if it's random data, data leaked from somewhere else, or just the correct data in the wrong order or whatnot.13:10
fabbionesoren: i did that test too. even if you copy and make a difference you obtain nothing useful. it's always a random different data that gets corrupted13:10
fabbioneand yes I did run memtest for > 24h13:10
fabbionesoren: that would require also performing a kdump and compare.13:10
fabbionesoren: not enough processing power for that13:11
smbfabbione, what type of cpu? amd or intel?13:11
fabbionesmb: amd13:11
sorenEither that or copy it to a remote place.13:11
fabbionevendor_id       : AuthenticAMD13:11
fabbionecpu family      : 1513:11
fabbionemodel           : 4713:11
fabbionemodel name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+13:11
fabbionestepping        : 013:11
fabbionecpu MHz         : 1800.00013:11
sorenright, I see what you mean.13:11
fabbionecache size      : 512 KB13:11
sorenWell, you might be able to make sense of it just looking at a hexdump of it.13:11
fabbionesoren: it's doable, but it means comparing TB of data at each run...13:11
sorenfabbione: Jesus, how much RAM do you have?!?13:12
fabbionesoren: i don't really care how it gets corrupted.. it just shouldn't happen in the first place13:12
sorenfabbione: Of course.13:12
smbfabbione, Hm, I just heard today that there might be a bug that might make it not scale up correctly (but nothing about corruption)13:12
fabbionesoren: it's 3GB of RAM, but then you need several copies of a 2xRAMsize file etc.13:12
sorenfabbione: I'm just saying that the contents might give you a hint about where it came from 13:13
fabbionesmb: the corruption could be caused by more than one bug...13:13
fabbionesoren: it's probably the same data swapped or something.13:13
fabbionesoren: i doubt there is a leak because everything that is loaded before switching ondemand (application and OS) are deadly stable13:13
fabbionei suspect simple byteswaps or something13:14
fabbionesmb: i suspect the CPU can even scale correctly, but other bits on the mobo don't.. 13:14
fabbioneanyway... now you know13:15
fabbionekeep an eye13:15
fabbionesmb: another thing... dvb related to karmic13:15
fabbioneyou want to revert that patch from 2.6.3113:15
fabbionei think it's already removed in dvb-trunk and later linus' trees13:15
fabbione(not sure about the git sha1 tho)13:16
smbfabbione, Yeah, thanks. I got a similar system which I might use to test. 13:16
fabbionethe patch as you see it went in at some point, but it breaks the HVR-3000 dvb-t13:16
smbfabbione, I guess I can find that out13:16
fabbionei already spoke to Darron and he agreed to revert it13:16
fabbione(that was a few months back)13:16
fabbionebut yeah you get the idea13:17
fabbioneonce that patch is in karmic i can finally stop building my own kernelks13:17
fabbionegetting tired of gcc :P13:17
smbfabbione, Well, to get it into Karmic, there might be a slightly harder need to it that tiring you. Especially when Lucid is released.13:19
smbfabbione, Don't we do that as a module? /me cannot remember that13:19
fabbionesmb: yeah it's a module, but i am pretty sure i am not the only HVR-3000 user out there13:20
fabbioneand doesn't have to go in yesterday.. just when it fits in the next update13:20
fabbionelucid.. that's going to take me at least 4/6 months before I upgrade those systems13:20
cmugIs it out yet13:21
fabbionei'd guess shortly13:21
smbfabbione, Likely not. Just that the SRU process is not really allowing for less critical problems. However annoying they are. You probably know. ;-)13:21
fabbionesmb: you can consider that a regression from Jaunty if that pleases you :)13:22
fabbionein Jaunty it used to work13:22
fabbioneand yeah I can imagine that people have been tighting the SRU process..13:23
smbfabbione, It would likely be more pleasing. But not if it would cause different regressions. 13:23
fabbionesmb: it doesn't.13:23
fabbione    This update also fixes analogue tuning on the hvr-1300 when in blackbird mode.13:23
fabbioneanalog doesn't exists anymore13:23
fabbioneit wasn't working before, doesn't work now13:23
smbWould sound good then13:24
fabbionehvr4000 works with or without the patch13:24
fabbioneDarron has a 4k and a 130013:24
smbfabbione, Would you happen to have a lp bug filed or you rather want to leave the fun part to me?13:24
fabbionefun part is all your :)13:24
fabbionefeel free to copy/paste from IRC13:24
fabbionei already have to deal with bugzilla13:25
fabbionethat's plenty for me :P13:25
* smb thanks fabbione so much. :-P13:25
fabbionewant to swap for sometime?13:25
fabbioneyou work with my BZ account13:25
fabbioneand i work with your LP account13:25
smbheh. :) Not sure I'll enjoy that13:26
fabbioneat least I have a bit of kernel experience (even if minimal).. but i'd love to see you banging on cluster stacks13:26
* fabbione feels a bit sadist today13:26
fabbiones/a bit/extremely/13:26
fabbionepicture this.. you debug an issue in the kernel.. that's local to one machine13:27
fabbioneit's there, right in front of you13:27
cmugfabbione, define shortly :)13:27
fabbionewith cluster, it scales across N nodes that are part of the clsuter13:27
fabbionebecause you don't know what's going to trigger what (so to speak)13:27
fabbionecmug: shortly?13:36
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JFothis bug looks interesting: bug 56878215:10
ubot3Malone bug 568782 in linux "cannot install two linux-backports-modules-wireless packages" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56878215:10
BenCcrimsun: ping15:12
tgardnerJFo, having a look15:15
JFotgardner, ta15:16
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fabbionehey BenC 15:28
BenCfabbione: hey bro, how's things?15:28
fabbioneBenC: not too bad and you?15:28
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JFoapw, you around?15:59
JFothis looks rather serious: bug 55988816:00
ubot3Malone bug 559888 in linux "Lucid installation bug: blank screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55988816:00
JFonot sure if it is us or X or some other16:00
apwdoes nomodeset sort it out?16:00
JFobryceh, care to look ^^ as well?16:00
JFoapw, good question, I don't believe they tried that16:00
JFoapw, looks to be happening during install16:03
JFois it possible to add the nomodeset during boot from CD?16:03
manjoapw, what hr is the release or is it already announced ?16:04
amitkstill testing...16:05
manjoamitk, dual boot installer bug ? 16:06
* bjf has to run my son to school16:11
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JFohey internalkernel 16:29
internalkernelhey hey... been awhile since I signed in...16:30
internalkernelJFo: how's life?16:30
JFonot bad16:30
JFotons of bugs :)16:30
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JFomorning kamalm 16:44
kamalmJFo: good morning16:45
kamalmis there a "release party" channel of any sort?16:46
azopkamalm: #ubuntu-release-party16:46
kamalmazop: thanks16:46
azopkamalm: if you enjoy spam :P16:47
kamalmazop: wow, you're not kidding, that's a firehose!16:47
azopwith 'is it our yet?!' or 'it's broke!'16:47
psurbhiits fun to read the messages on the #ubuntu-release-party16:54
* apw cracks a cold one17:43
vanhoofwow #ubuntu-release is wild!17:45
vanhoof-party .. ;)17:46
azopit's somethin'17:46
akgranervanhoof, you didn't know what all you were missing did ya :-P17:48
vanhoofhaha :)17:49
brycehhi JFo, looking17:59
manjoakgraner, guess you forgot about me? 18:02
akgraneropen week just just got finish18:03
brycehJFo, not enough information to say18:03
akgranerI have your stuff in front of me now :-P18:03
akgranerjust got finished rather18:03
akgranertyping fail today :-(18:03
brycehJFo, generally, if they're using a KMS driver then probably should be handled as a kms drm bug18:04
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vanhooflucid is live :)18:30
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manjoapw, congrats on the great job on the kernel 18:33
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akgranerThank you all for all your hard work!  You all rock!!18:51
* akgraner is <3'ing Lucid :-)18:52
apwmanjo, yo19:13
akgranermanjo, take a look19:13
manjoapw, congrats dude19:13
apwthanks ... see ya soon its release party time19:14
manjoapw, cool have fun19:15
manjoakgraner, can you add some testimonial for me :P19:15
akgranerdid you read my comments  - 19:16
manjo:) cool! will buy you a beer next time we meet! yes the comments looks great...  much better than what I had 19:17
akgranermanjo, you will also need to look at what I commented out - I made a few suggestions, but I don't have that information so you'll have to add it19:17
manjoakgraner, they announce membership meetings adhoc-ly .. I was on vacation last time they had meetings19:17
akgranermanjo, keep checking the wiki  - right now regional membership boards just accepted nominations - I would guess, but don't know, there will be a meeting sometime after the new membership board members are a announced19:19
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