
dakerstill 1h00:01
godbykT minus 1 hour!00:01
dakertry now00:02
dakerthe struff are in includes/condif-db.php00:02
dakerthe struff are in includes/config-db.php00:02
godbykhumphreybc should be here in 20 minutes or so. He's just waking up.00:05
* ubuntujenkins gets cake to celebrate with.00:07
ubuntujenkinshas humphreybc got a speech i wonder?00:08
* ubuntujenkins hehe00:08
* daker will become crasy00:20
dakerubuntujenkins, http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:22
dakerthe countdown is fixed00:22
ubuntujenkinsno its not it says zero for me00:22
ubuntujenkinsunless its ment to00:22
godbykit's still local time.00:23
godbykso for me it says there's 5+ hours to go ('til midnight local time).00:23
ubuntujenkinsI ahev loads of lectures tomorrow :/ I will not be much help in the channel uk time00:24
ubuntujenkinsis anyone going to be around then? dutchie might00:24
humphreybchello chaps00:25
godbykhey, humphreybc.00:26
ubuntujenkinshello humphreybc have you done a speech. we all want to hear it00:26
godbyk'bout time you showed up. :)00:26
humphreybchey! shush!00:26
godbykYou better have brought cake, too!00:26
* ubuntujenkins has cake00:26
ubuntujenkinsand pop please humphreybc00:26
* humphreybc brought champagne00:27
* godbyk wants cake!00:27
ubuntujenkinsoooooooooooo champers00:27
humphreybcnow get back to work team, we've still got 30 minutes before we can party!00:27
* daker wants more time00:27
godbykhumphreybc: the book you ordered is obsolete now.  ubuntujenkins had to update the browser home page screenshot today.00:29
godbykjust thought I'd let you know. :)00:29
ubuntujenkinsthats canoicals fault not mine00:29
* humphreybc cries00:29
godbykoh, and apparently canonical released some branding stuff today (finally).00:29
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: you will have a one off00:29
godbyktoo bad we needed it yesterday -- literally!00:29
humphreybcmine's the special edition00:29
godbykhumphreybc: just think of it as a rare edition -- a collector's item. :)00:30
godbykI think Ilya has a one-off, too. :)00:30
godbykI think he snagged a copy after I removed a spurious comma.00:30
godbykSo you each have one-offs.00:30
* humphreybc is off to grab a coffee and toast00:32
godbykubuntujenkins: I'm don't understand the xindy thing. It's basically running a test and deciding that the test failed for some reason (though I don't know why).00:32
godbykIt looks to be adding some numbers.. and it does so correctly, but still doesn't like it.00:32
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: hmm is there another way to do it?00:33
godbykI don't now.00:33
godbykI just use the precompiled stuff. :)00:33
ubuntujenkinsfound a deb for xindy on launchpad00:34
godbykah, so it's packaged separated from texlive-*?00:35
=== daker_ is now known as daker
ubuntujenkinsit last successfully built in intrepid not hopefull00:36
ubuntujenkinsit was in universe at one point00:37
dakergodbyk, can you pls check the logs table ?00:39
godbykdaker: sure00:39
ubuntujenkinsomg godbyk it made a manual we are missng two things. assuming people install texlive-full. I can make a dummy package that has all the dependcies we need and we just need to package two other things00:42
godbykcheck to make sure the index and glossary look right.00:43
ubuntujenkinsdo you want to double check the log as well00:43
godbyksure, I can.00:44
humphreybcT minus 15 minutes00:46
humphreybcwe need manualbot to do a countdown next time00:46
ubuntujenkinshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/424297/ godbyk  i will e-mail you the pdf to double check00:46
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: I did ask dutchie00:46
humphreybcgodbyk: the final PDF is up on the server? what's it named?00:47
humphreybcNOT ubuntu-manual.pdf I hope00:47
godbykNo, it's named "Getting Started with 10.04.pdf"00:47
humphreybcgood man00:47
godbykEr.. insert Ubuntu in there somewhere.00:47
humphreybcand the download counter scripts are going?00:48
godbykdaker's polishing them now.00:48
godbykbut entries are being added to the database.00:48
dakerwhen i finished trunc the tables00:48
godbykdaker: will do.00:48
humphreybcdo we have a way of storing peoples email addresses so we can email them when their language is available>00:48
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: the screenshots are not in the manual i built they are looking for them in en_Us not en. I will symlink them but are all the others ok?00:49
alketIs manual ready :D00:49
godbykI'll truncate the tables at the same time as I push the button on lulu and make the site live.00:49
godbykalket: Yep.  It'll be live in a few minutes.00:49
godbykhumphreybc: yes.00:49
humphreybcdaker: Could you remove some of the website translations that aren't finished from the list please, like "Sinhalese"00:49
alketgodbyk :D can;t wait to start translating in my language00:49
godbykalket: You can start now!00:50
godbykalket: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual00:50
qwebirc5666Hello World00:50
humphreybcdoesn't look like many people knew how to translate "we have a version optimized for printing to save the trees" haha00:50
humphreybchey guys!00:50
ubuntujenkinshello everyone00:50
* humphreybc told everyone on facebook and twitter to come join us00:50
qwebirc5666Some Have translate the manual in Arabic ?00:50
* ubuntujenkins more people00:50
godbykqwebirc5666: An Arabic translation as been started, yeah.00:51
humphreybcqwebirc5666: I think there is a bit of work on the Arabic translation, but not a huge amount00:51
ubuntujenkinsqwebirc5666: you can help here https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual00:51
humphreybcthe website is in Arabic I believe00:51
alketgodbyk: Can I translate it with Open Office because I don't think Rosseta is suitable00:51
humphreybcnope, no it's not00:51
humphreybcdaker: what happened to the Arabic website translation?00:51
humphreybcalket: unfortunately I don't think you can, you'll have to use Rosetta00:51
godbykhumphreybc: didn't you just tell daker to remove all the non-English translations from the site? :)00:51
humphreybcgodbyk: no!00:52
humphreybcI meant remove the ones that aren't completed00:52
dakergodbyk, incomplete translations00:52
humphreybcfor example, Vietnamese is fine00:52
humphreybccoz it's translated00:52
humphreybcSinhalese is still all in english though :P00:52
humphreybc8 minutes!?00:52
godbykbrb. need to refill my glass of water and use the bathroom.00:52
godbykthen I'll start pushing some buttons. :)00:52
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: yep00:52
dakergodbyk, hurry up00:53
dakerbecause i need you00:53
humphreybcour timing has to be perfect :)00:53
humphreybcyeah godbyk, hurry up!00:53
=== qwebirc5666 is now known as BunixTux
BunixTuxNo body can ask me ?00:54
humphreybcBunixTux: hmm?00:54
dakerBunixTux, ubuntu-ma ?00:54
humphreybchey Azelphur!00:54
Azelphurhi :)00:55
manualbotHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-manual! Enjoy your stay!00:55
DnaXHi at all00:55
humphreybcHey, it's Bryan!00:55
dakerwaw 3500:55
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: have you mentioned the release in #ubuntu00:55
ubuntujenkinshello semioticrobotic00:55
xfactHope I didn't miss anything spacial00:55
humphreybcnope xfact you're right on time00:55
ubuntujenkinsnope xfact just in time very soon00:55
humphreybcubuntujenkins: nope, on facebook and twitter00:55
xfactFeww! Great...00:56
ubuntujenkinsI mentioned it on #ubuntu-uk00:56
daftykinshi all o/00:56
ubuntujenkinshello daftykins00:56
xfactso it's like 5 minutes left, right?00:56
humphreybc4 minutes, even00:56
daftykinscongrats on the hard work :>00:56
semioticrobotichi ubuntujenkins!00:56
h00kthe spam got me :(00:56
* ubuntujenkins 40 people00:56
humphreybchey h00k!00:56
semioticrobotichey hey everyone!00:56
* ubuntujenkins o this is exciting00:57
h00khello, hello.00:57
* xfact excited... 00:57
humphreybceveryone, eyes on daker and godbyk :P00:57
dakerdaker getting stress00:57
humphreybcthey're the ones who are going to push the button to change the website over to show the download links00:57
* semioticrobotic is focused00:57
xfactA whole new project finally going to see the light!00:57
h00kwhat are we lookin' for?00:57
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: should we tell #ubuntu-doc00:57
alketI think i will translate it with Open Office, Rosseta isn't suitable for book-like00:57
BunixTuxTwo minutes00:57
humphreybch00k: www.ubuntu-manual.org will flick over very soon00:57
DasEioh, manuals for those who can read.. they really exist .. hehe,  need translation for german ?00:57
d0odoh hai when can i getting the manual guide hehe??00:58
godbykEveryone has to promise not to break our new, wholly-untested site.  :)00:58
semioticroboticno promises00:58
daker!welcom ubuntu-ma00:58
manualbotdaker: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:58
daftykinsgodbyk: aww must i :(00:58
=== tarik is now known as crowd
semioticroboticbut I'll try my best not to00:58
daker!welcome ubuntu-ma00:58
manualbotdaker: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:58
manualbotHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-manual! Enjoy your stay!00:58
h00khumphreybc: and by very soon, you mean 5+ hours?00:58
crowddaker: tu es la00:58
humphreybch00k: nope, 1 minute00:58
humphreybcat midnight UTC00:58
h00khumphreybc: I see 5 hours 1 minute, here!00:58
godbykNah.. the countdown is set for midnight, local time, not UTC.  So it's a bit wrong for most people. :)00:59
humphreybch00k: ah yea, the countdown timers are localized00:59
semioticroboticyeah, four hours here00:59
dakercrowd, speak english :)00:59
h00kbah! I was fooled!00:59
humphreybcfor some weird reason00:59
xfactWill somebody count 10, 9, 8 >>> etc.00:59
humphreybcit's a big trick :P00:59
alketWhere will it be published firstly in wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual or www.ubuntu-manual.org00:59
humphreybcalket: our website00:59
humphreybcgodbyk, daker, ready to push buttons?00:59
jeffreyfsays 4 hours for me...00:59
humphreybcwait i'm behind00:59
* h00k begins drumroll00:59
humphreybcnow ahead01:00
h00kit's still counting down :(01:00
* xfact !!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:00
alketRC ?01:00
* semioticrobotic cheers01:00
humphreybcOMG BATMANZ!01:00
h00kit's counting down yet :(01:00
xfactNow if there anyone behind count by adding -01:00
DasEihey, interesting , does the site resolve ip's for their country ?01:00
jeffreyfI have 3 hr 59 mins01:00
xfactwebmasteryoda, ;)01:00
humphreybchopefully the site will change in a second01:00
semioticrobotic404 error!01:01
themusicalduckmine has just said 0, 0, 0 for a while01:01
ubuntujenkinsthe website gone down01:01
humphreybcif godbyk and daker have hit the right buttons01:01
h00kBAH THERE IT IS01:01
ubuntujenkinsits up01:01
humphreybcit's up!01:01
alketits old site now01:01
semioticroboticand there we go!!!!!!!!01:01
humphreybcdownload that mother!01:01
jeffreyfthere it is01:01
xfactYea, it's up01:01
DnaXawesome home page!01:01
xfactNow only Lucid is left01:01
semioticroboticsucking bandwidth01:01
ubuntujenkinsis lucid still not out?01:01
xanguaparty¿ :D01:01
semioticroboticpage looks great, everyone01:01
h00kit's true, it isn't01:01
xanguaubuntujenkins: no01:02
xfactYup, the page is smart looking01:02
ubuntujenkinsxfact: wow01:02
DasEisemioticrobotic: http://www.ubuntu-manual.org is up for me, displays in my native (german) language01:02
Alcorgive the page01:02
daftykinscor it's only 4.6MB01:02
ubuntujenkins* xangua01:02
DasEiAlcor: ^01:02
* ubuntujenkins has it01:02
pleia2congrats guys :)01:02
semioticroboticyes, I'm on it01:02
xfactDownloading... 1.2 MB01:02
godbykWorking for everyone?01:02
daftykinsyeah congratulations everyone \o/01:02
humphreybcdaker: should we hide the "Downloads" page from the nav bar for now, since there are not many options? :P01:02
daftykinsjust downloaded01:02
themusicalducklooks really great01:02
godbyk(My webhost is probably freaking out about now.)01:02
humphreybcwell done guys01:02
DasEiagain, interesting , does the site resolve ip's for their country ?01:02
daftykinserk corrupted01:03
humphreybccouldn't have done it without ya!01:03
godbykhumphreybc: nah, I say leave it.01:03
ubuntujenkinswell done to all this channel is going so fast01:03
DnaXthere is a problem with the PDF download01:03
semioticrobotichumphreybc: many thanks to our fearless leader01:03
humphreybcmy first download was corrupted?01:03
godbyk'kay. lemme look into it01:03
daftykinsyeah i'm downloading again, my first was corrupt01:03
ubuntujenkinsmines fine01:03
* xfact cheers *splattering wine* 01:03
* humphreybc pops open the giant champagne bottle01:04
godbykdaker's on it. no worries.01:04
DnaXok, now 4.6Mb file01:04
semioticroboticcongratulations everyone01:04
* humphreybc prepares the press releases01:04
xfactbeer too01:04
DasEithe pdf is still english, though the starter appears in german to me01:04
semioticroboticthis is the first open source project on which I've had the pleasure of working, and it's been great01:04
humphreybcgood timing d0od01:04
humphreybcalthough you're missing a link :P01:04
* ubuntujenkins 46 people at peak just for the notes01:05
xfacthumphreybc, Just saw your last stable announcement tweet, yay! ...retweeting01:05
humphreybcdaker: have we got that star in the works to point to lulu.com?01:05
humphreybchowcome my download of the manual keeps dying at around 600 kb?01:06
godbykhumphreybc: he's busy fixing things at the moment.01:06
humphreybcah ha01:06
godbykYou can purchase a printed copy of the book from http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/getting-started-with-ubuntu-1004/1079355901:07
godbykhumphreybc: you should update the channel topic to something apropos.01:07
xfactMine failed near 2.6 MB... :(01:07
humphreybcI should01:07
daftykinsin the mean time, how different are these print/screen editions?01:07
dakerxfact, yes sorry01:07
xfactnow problem01:07
h00kubottu now has a factoid regarding the manual01:07
manualbotFactoid 'manual' not found01:08
semioticroboticSo we clocked in at 4.6 mb.  Not too shabby, really.01:08
h00kmanualbot doesn't01:08
manualboth00k: Error: "doesn't" is not a valid command.01:08
manualbotFactoid "doesn't" not found01:08
DasEihoho, 170 sites, no more excuses.. oo01:09
dakerwhat this ?01:09
DasEiBrain > xangua01:09
manualbotnetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:09
DasEi!brain > xangua01:09
manualbotxangua, please see my private message01:09
* xangua ignores manualbot because he doesn't have it in his buddy list01:10
DnaXThanks to everyone ;)01:10
xangua!brain > xangua01:10
manualbotxangua, please see my private message01:10
DasEixangua: you can search factoids directly or message the bot for fishing01:12
xanguaok ;)01:12
dakerwhere is humphreybc ?01:13
semioticroboticdarker: booted somehow ... in a 'split'?01:14
semioticroboticwhat happens with those things?01:14
godbykBack now.01:14
godbykNot sure what happened there.01:14
manualbotnetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:14
semioticroboticgodbyk: humphreybc left the chat room. (*.net *.split)01:14
semioticrobotic[8:09pm] godbyk left the chat room. (*.net *.split)01:15
semioticrobotic[8:09pm] issyl0 left the chat room. (*.net *.split)01:15
godbykthanks, semioticrobotic and daker .01:15
semioticroboticdarker: thanks for that01:15
daftykinsaww i was really looking forward to looking through the manual :(01:15
humphreybcsomething funky happened there with my internet01:15
manualbotnetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:16
semioticroboticsite is already blitzed01:16
humphreybcgodbyk, can your server handle it?01:16
DasEiso I just overflew it, is it meant to get enlarged ? lucid will be lts..01:16
godbykhumphreybc: hard to say. we'll find out.01:17
humphreybcDasEi: there will be a second edition in July to cover some of the things we missed01:17
godbykit's going up and down apparently.01:17
godbykit's a shared server.01:17
godbykI have no real control over it.01:17
* humphreybc still can't download the PDF01:17
humphreybcI keep getting corrupted PDFs cos the download stops at around 600 kb01:17
dakerme too01:17
DasEihumphreybc: it would be nice to have the changes listed, like grub2, upstart plymouth and such, xorg.conf <>hardy01:17
daftykinsdoes anyone have it via another method that it can be posted on some free file sharing site for now?01:18
humphreybci'll put it on my server01:18
DasEishall I mirror the pdf ?01:18
humphreybceven though that'll be real slow01:18
humphreybcDasEi: feel free01:18
godbykI'll set up some mirrors, too.01:18
semioticroboticwe could try a torrent, but that would circumvent humphreybc's attempt to calculate 10,000 downloads01:18
humphreybcall the press releases have been fired off01:18
DasEihumphreybc: will do, I gtg soon for some time, will announce here later (small private line)01:19
humphreybcdaker: godbyk, can we get the mirrors listed on the front page just for the time being, too?01:20
DasEi... first "native lucid is installing in background, after some vm's done01:20
dakerwait just a minute pls01:20
humphreybcI guess the fact the server is struggling is a good sign :P01:20
h00kI see you're hosted at dreamhost01:21
* h00k mirrors01:21
humphreybcthanks h00k01:21
semioticroboticyeah, humphreybc, a good sign indeed01:21
DasEinext time in ubuntu there are just answers like : http ... page six  line 48 lol01:22
daftykinsif only01:22
DasEidaftykins: hexadecimal o'course, hehe01:22
godbykh00k: yeah, I'm at dreamhost.01:25
h00kgodbyk: yeah, I saw that :)01:25
godbykYou can grab a copy of the print PDF from here: http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/getting-started-with-ubuntu-1004/1079355901:25
DasEithat's really a nice job stated there, the inventory could be more detailed, like a subsection saying re-install grub, but I'm aware of the work already done01:26
ubuntujenkinsok screen version here http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6544772/Getting%20Started%20with%20Ubuntu%2010.04.pdf01:26
ubuntujenkinsprint (ie the book) here http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6544772/Getting_Started_with_Ubuntu_10.04%20%28print%29.pdf01:26
ubuntujenkins*book version01:26
ubuntujenkinsgo go go01:27
h00kI 'dented a mirror pdf01:27
semioticroboticWell, friends, I need to pack it in for the evening.  Good luck with your mirroring, and congratulations on a job well done.01:28
ubuntujenkinsnight se01:28
humphreybcgodbyk, what's the direct download link from the site?01:28
ubuntujenkinsnight semioticrobotic01:28
* xfact 's copy downloaded successfully *glancing* 01:28
semioticroboticTomorrow I'll probably pull lucid-e2 and begin my next round of edits!01:28
semioticroboticnight ubuntujenkins01:29
godbykYou can download/view it here, too: http://www.scribd.com/doc/30667167/Getting-Started-With-Ubuntu-10-0401:30
humphreybcdaker, godbyk, get at least two mirrors up on the front page asap01:30
godbykhumphreybc: in progress.01:30
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: feel free to use the dropbox links account for this purpose only01:31
godbykI'm mirroring it on a couple other servers, too.01:32
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: did you e-mail enough lists?01:33
humphreybcubuntujenkins: no :P01:36
godbykhttp://www.vrac.iastate.edu/~godbyk/Getting%20Started%20with%20Ubuntu%2010.04.pdf is another mirror01:37
ubuntujenkinshow did we crash it? there was only 46 people01:38
godbyknot sure.01:38
humphreybcubuntujenkins: in the channel?01:38
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: yes01:38
humphreybcIt got reposted everywhere01:38
godbykI think one of daker's later updates did something funky.. it added some html to the top of the pdf.01:38
humphreybcFacebook, twitter (we have 1300 fans on facebook)01:38
humphreybcmailing lists, omgubuntu.co.uk had an article up straight away01:39
humphreybcanyway, i have to head off, meeting thumper for a coffee now01:39
ubuntujenkinshe he popular01:39
scouser73humphreybc when is the omgubuntu podcast coming out?01:39
humphreybcscouser73: ahh good question. Ask d0od01:39
humphreybche's on IRC atm01:39
ubuntujenkinsI should probably go to bed. night team o/01:39
humphreybcblame him for not editing it in time :P01:40
xanguadidn't d0od go to sleep¿¿01:40
xanguaooh that was thaco01:40
* humphreybc is off01:43
humphreybci'll be back soon01:43
godbykyou better be!01:47
joschtdid i miss the countdown?01:50
godbykjoscht: Yep.  We're already live.01:51
joschtoh ok then well thats still good news though i missed all the fanfare01:52
godbykI think my server is panicking a bit, so if you encounter problems, let me know and I'll give a mirrored link to the PDF.01:52
godbykNo problem.01:52
DasEiftp://ubuntu@ftp.greuelheuler.dyn-o-saur.com   is giving the pdf ?01:56
ubuntujenkinsomg the manual made it onto ubuntu fridge01:56
DasEiahh, my bad I'm still running a blocking router, can't change it now , will come up later, sry01:58
godbykNo problem.01:58
godbykHey, IlyaHaykinson02:54
godbykTwo hours in and we have over 1500 downloads, and 10 copies of the book sold.02:55
doctormoCongratulations humphreybc on the release02:56
godbykHey, doctormo02:56
sebsebseblet's check out the02:57
sebsebsebUbuntu Manual then02:57
sebsebseband then bed soonish as well02:57
doctormohumphreybc: I _really_ wish you had asked me to do (or peer review) your open source definition, it's got loads of errors in it.02:58
godbykdoctormo: With regards to the CC license?02:58
doctormoPage 14102:58
IlyaHaykinsonhey, how's it possible that we ended up releasing before lucid? ;-)02:58
IlyaHaykinsondoctormo, I agree, it's weak.02:59
IlyaHaykinsonif you can file a bug, we'll fix it in lucid-e202:59
godbykYeah, we'd definitely like to improve it for the second edition.02:59
doctormoI'm trying to find a good reaction service online so I can quickly show you all the errors.02:59
epkugelmassIlyaHaykinson, speaking of which, we need more releases for the e2 series02:59
IlyaHaykinsonthere are a lot of other factual errors in there, for sure -- some that we know about; some that we don't.03:00
IlyaHaykinsonepkugelmass, you mean e1.1, e1.2, etc?03:00
epkugelmassa beta and rc at least03:00
godbykI think we just haven't set up the e2 release stuff yet.03:00
godbykWe'll be doing that this coming week.03:00
epkugelmassok. i've been dealing with bugs and targeting them to the only release available03:01
dakergodbyk, when lucid e2 will be released ?03:01
IlyaHaykinsonsure, i think that's fine. we'll triage all the bugs.03:01
IlyaHaykinsondaker, July 1 i think03:01
doctormoIlyaHaykinson: Actually what I'm more concerned about is that this open source definition is a perpetuation of the usual misinformed open source and free software understanding.03:02
doctormoWe're trying to describe a political, social, technical and legal revolution with "It's charity and free" which is completely what it isn't.03:03
IlyaHaykinsondoctormo, i see it as being mainly weak, incomplete, overly general in some places and very specific in others.03:03
IlyaHaykinsonbut it's not maliciously incorrect.03:03
doctormoNot maliciously.03:04
epkugelmasscan someone please deal with lp:499657 ?03:04
doctormoJust incorrect, inversely so in parts.03:04
IlyaHaykinsoni think that this is a touchy subject, and there's certainly a good way to write this section that is factually correct.03:04
IlyaHaykinsoni would suggest that you file a bug, with some bullet points (or even suggested copy), if you have some time.03:05
IlyaHaykinsonour goal for the second edition is "100% quality", so if something is wrong then we definitely need to fix it.03:05
thumperhumphreybc: #nzpug03:08
humphreybcthumper: you beat me home03:11
humphreybcgodbyk, daker: Why don't I see the mirrors on the website?03:12
humphreybcthumper: kk03:12
humphreybcand launchpad people?03:12
epkugelmasshumphreybc, can you please address lp:499657 ASAP?03:13
dakerbecause it works03:13
godbykhumphreybc: they're built in03:13
humphreybcgodbyk: nice!03:13
godbykjust click the download button and it'll pick one automatically03:13
godbykyeah, that's how we do things. :)03:13
humphreybcrock on :)03:13
humphreybcepkugelmass: hehe, on it03:14
humphreybc"Fix released."03:14
humphreybcRock on03:14
epkugelmasshumphreybc, we need to change the download on launchpad and make an announcement03:14
humphreybcthat we do03:14
IlyaHaykinsoni woudl keep that bug open03:14
IlyaHaykinsoni think our manual will be "incomplete" for a long time.03:14
humphreybcIlyaHaykinson: it's open for ubuntu-manual but fix released for lucid03:14
IlyaHaykinsonmuch like, say, bug 103:14
epkugelmassi just deactivated the lucid-final-release milestone03:15
manualbotLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103:15
IlyaHaykinsonalright, now just need to wait for Lucid itself to drop ;-)03:16
epkugelmasshumphreybc, nominated lp:499657 for l-e203:16
humphreybcthanks Elan03:17
IlyaHaykinsondaker, http://ubuntu-manual.org/getinvolved/authors -- links to the quickshotdevs team in LP03:17
humphreybcgodbyk: what's our guesstimate on the number of downloads including mirrors?03:18
humphreybcdoes the script count the mirror downloads too now?03:18
godbykno clue on the mirrors03:18
humphreybcwhat are we up to?03:18
godbykcurrent downloads through our site are 1700.03:18
sebsebseb!manual | h00k03:18
manualbotFactoid 'manual' not found03:18
sebsebseboh yeah of course03:18
sebsebsebit won't be here03:18
godbykdaker has this awesome stats site he wrote. I'm trying to get it set up.03:19
godbykthen you can see the stats, too.03:19
humphreybcand the "star" for the lulu.com link is being worked on?03:19
epkugelmassone more technical item humphreybc: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+spec/final-release-lucid/+status03:19
dakerhumphreybc, i don't have a star03:20
humphreybcdaker: can you make one?03:20
sebsebsebhumphreybc: shame about the cover, but good manual03:20
humphreybcor do you want me to create one for you03:20
humphreybcsebsebseb: shame about the cover?03:20
godbykwhy don't we just add a button for now (below the download button)03:20
sebsebsebhumphreybc: yeah saw some really nice ones before in development,  and the cover is nothing like those03:20
dakerhumphreybc, yes03:20
humphreybcsebsebseb: the cover has to take in other requirements such as printer friendly-ness03:21
sebsebseboh ok03:21
humphreybcand it has to be generated for each language, so it can't be overly complicated03:21
humphreybchey look03:22
sebsebsebhumphreybc: people in #ubuntu-release-party like it by the way03:24
sebsebsebhumphreybc: now a break I guess?  I mean won't know much about  10.10 untill after UDS,  and just after that I guess is a bit to early to start on the next one?03:28
epkugelmasssebsebseb, we have e2 coming out in just a few short months!03:28
sebsebsebwhat's e2?03:28
godbyksebsebseb: Second edition.03:28
sebsebseboh the point release?03:29
humphreybcdaker: the website is looking great03:29
sebsebseb10.04.1  or the manual?03:29
humphreybcsebsebseb: it's not a point release, it's a second edition for Lucid that we're releasing03:30
IlyaHaykinsonsebsebseb, second edition of the manual03:30
humphreybcmainly fixing bugs coz Lucid is an LTS03:30
dakerhumphreybc, thanks03:30
sebsebsebright except03:30
humphreybcand we didn't have much time this cyclc03:30
sebsebsebI thought even with LTS they only do security updates?03:30
sebsebsebthey won't  bring in new end user features for example03:30
sebsebsebsome changes under the hood sure security updates03:30
humphreybcthat's why we're not going to do point releases for the manual03:31
humphreybcnothing new to add03:31
epkugelmasssebsebseb, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e203:31
sebsebsebright so Lucid Edition 2 is just some impovements to the manual after feedback or something~?03:31
doctormohumphreybc: Fixes to make!03:31
humphreybcdoctormo: report them as bugs!03:31
sebsebsebhumphreybc: seems the first edition is being sold as a book as well, but that means it will be outdated in about two months03:32
humphreybcsebsebseb: technically, yeah03:34
humphreybcbut it's only $9 USD, and it won't be a HUGE amount of changes, just bug fixing03:34
humphreybcit's not the end of the world03:34
manualbotLaunchpad bug 571524 in ubuntu-manual "Open Source definition is inaccurate" [Undecided,New]03:34
sebsebseboh got03:34
sebsebsebthing on Launchpad as well03:34
sebsebsebfor bugs for the manual03:35
sebsebsebsort of interesting03:35
IlyaHaykinsonsebsebseb, the purpose of the printed version is not to make money (we take no cut), but to allow people to have a printed version if they so desire, without printing it themselves.03:35
sebsebsebor not really since, had a launchpad page anyway03:35
IlyaHaykinsonobviously as soon as anything is printed it'd be out of date when we change it.03:35
sebsebsebwho is getting the money for printed version, the publisher?03:35
sebsebsebhumphreybc: by the way I hope the graphics for the manual weren't made on a Mac,  like the graphics for Ubuntu 10.04 are03:36
sebsebsebMac OS X hrm03:36
humphreybcdoctormo: I've confirmed your bug and assigned you03:37
humphreybcsebsebseb: nope, made in Inkscape on Ubuntu by thorwil03:37
sebsebsebok :)03:37
sebsebsebanyway if  the manual has a wrong open source definition, that's not good03:37
humphreybcit's not *wrong*03:38
humphreybcit's just not perfect03:38
sebsebsebah ok03:38
humphreybcand doctormo is very picky03:38
doctormoBecause hitler just *wasn't perfect* ;-P03:38
IlyaHaykinsonno, doctormo is right -- not just picky.03:38
IlyaHaykinsonit's just a thorny subject.03:38
humphreybcgodbyk: "More languages will be available next week: English UK, Galician, German & Greek. Other languages will be released over the next few weeks."03:38
humphreybchear that?03:39
godbykWe'll see. :)03:39
godbykWe should really give them time to edit their stuff first.03:39
epkugelmassgodbyk, is there anything i can do to help get the translated manuals at the door?03:39
IlyaHaykinsonhumphreybc, well, to be fair i don't think we'll release all 50...03:39
IlyaHaykinsoni think if we get 20 out the door it'll be great.03:39
humphreybcIlyaHaykinson: no we won't03:39
humphreybcokay now we need to go into feedback and research mode03:41
humphreybcthen planning mode03:42
humphreybcWe should encourage reviews of our manual03:42
humphreybcIlyaHaykinson: Could you work with nisshh on developing a survey?03:42
IlyaHaykinsonhumphreybc: no, i don't think this is the right approach03:43
IlyaHaykinsoni've got a meeting with a friend of mine who runs user research03:43
IlyaHaykinsoni think we need to take a step back and design some qualitative research03:44
IlyaHaykinsonuser groups, etc.03:44
doctormoI introduced the manual to all my students today at the community center, they all seemed very interested and left with copies.03:44
IlyaHaykinsonthen, based on that, we will figure out what _quantitative_ research to do03:44
IlyaHaykinsoni.e. how to structure and administer surveys03:44
IlyaHaykinsonbut i think the qualitative has to come first.03:44
humphreybcthat sounds good03:44
humphreybcCan I leave it in your capable hands?03:44
IlyaHaykinsonsure. i'll drive it for a while.03:44
IlyaHaykinsonwill let you know when i need help. i'll keep ppl updated, for sure.03:45
humphreybcokay, nisshh is keen to help03:45
humphreybche's eager and motivated, you will be able to find something for him to do :)03:45
epkugelmassIlyaHaykinson, let me know if I can help. I'm a student--plenty of prospective users that I can focus group03:45
IlyaHaykinsonsweet. i'll keep him in the loop after my meetings.03:45
IlyaHaykinsonepkugelmass: thanks. we'll probably need all the help we can get for recruiting.03:45
IlyaHaykinsonbut i first really want to do the design work on the research03:46
humphreybclet's start work on that asap. We need to start thinking about what we can put into 2nd edition, because we don't have much time since we are trying to cram in two releases this cycle.03:46
IlyaHaykinsoni.e. figure out _how_ and _what_ we could do03:46
IlyaHaykinsoni think all the research work will really end up targeting maverick, not lucid-e2.03:47
IlyaHaykinsonit'll take a few weeks to get setup, then more time to get feedback.03:47
IlyaHaykinsonmeanwhile we know what we are missing in lucid-e1, and can start on that immediately03:47
IlyaHaykinsoni think that for lucid-e2 we rely on our own knowledge of _problems_ - i.e. things that are not high quality enough03:48
IlyaHaykinsonand on the community, in reporting bugs03:48
IlyaHaykinsonfor lucid-e2, we would keep the structure of the lucid-e1 manual mainly intact03:48
IlyaHaykinsonbut for maverick, we may end up reorganizing wide swaths of the book if that's what research recommends.03:49
humphreybcIlyaHaykinson: sounds good to me03:49
humphreybcgodbyk: how many people have bought the book from lulu?03:50
godbykhumphreybc: 10 total including yours and Ilya's.03:50
humphreybcgodbyk: not an overwhelming number but that's good03:53
IlyaHaykinsongodbyk: can you check if the Listing & Reading Projects API at http://api.lulu.com/publication/python_tutorial.php returns the number of downloads?03:53
IlyaHaykinsoner, purchases03:53
godbyklemme look03:54
godbykIf so, it'll be another stat to go on the stats.ubuntu-manual.org site that daker and I are working on.  all our stats collected in one place.03:54
godbykIlyaHaykinson: I'm not seeing anything on the particular page about sales/purchases.03:55
godbykLooks like it's more for uploading stuff to their site and getting the results of the project's creation.03:55
IlyaHaykinsonno, but i am wondering if list_projects() may output some stats03:56
IlyaHaykinsonit probably doesn't. it's just a hope.03:56
godbykAh, I see.  Not sure. I'll try it.03:58
IlyaHaykinsonbetter yet, call client.__submit('list', None, None)04:00
godbyktheir code is horrible04:00
IlyaHaykinsonbecause list_projects seems to only extract the list of content_ids, but the result of the list call may return more stuff than that.04:00
IlyaHaykinsonyeah, the code is a bit, um, unhappy04:01
godbykI can't even get their hello, world to run.04:01
godbykit's trying to connect to server
arandhumphreybc: Is it too late for reporting petty errors in the manual?04:15
humphreybcarand: for this release, yes, but please do, we'll fix them in the next release04:15
humphreybcwe own the planet: http://planet.ubuntu.com/04:16
arandIs bug reports the way to go? (Proposed change is one single ":")04:18
humphreybcarand: yes please04:18
humphreybcyou could combine multiple small grammatical errors into one bug report if you like04:18
arandhumphreybc: The little I've read. I've not found many :)04:19
humphreybcthat's good04:19
humphreybcwe like to hear these things04:19
godbykhumphreybc: 2300 downloads.04:22
humphreybcI think we'll reach our target04:22
godbykYou'll have to go back to the FCM podcast and say, 'Yeah, about that server issue you mentioned..'  ;-)04:23
humphreybcgive me wording for the lulu star thing04:24
godbykUgh.. "Buy the book!"04:25
humphreybcgodbyk, daker: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/website-star.png04:31
humphreybcis that good?04:32
humphreybcor should it be gree?04:32
IlyaHaykinsonorange, and have dots spaced far apart ;-[04:32
humphreybcdots spaced far apart? lol04:33
humphreybcis that good?04:33
humphreybcwording, colour, size etc?04:33
humphreybcor aubergine?04:35
dakerit too big04:35
dakershould be something this04:36
humphreybcis that colour okay?04:36
humphreybcI can make it a circle with jagged edges if you like04:36
humphreybcI tried that but liked the star shape more04:36
dakeri mean the size04:37
godbykhumphreybc: or you can just generate it: http://www.web20badges.com/04:38
godbykit's harder to read now04:39
dakerthe problem is04:40
dakerwhere should i put it ?04:40
humphreybcwhere it is in the mockup04:40
humphreybccan you do that?04:40
humphreybcsort of... on top of everything04:40
humphreybcrefresh again04:41
dakerthere is the mockup ?04:42
godbykstill kind of hard to read.04:42
godbykmore contrast! :)04:42
humphreybci'll make the colour a bit lighter04:42
dakerwe are at 2500 downloads04:42
godbykdaker: I was just about to point that out. :)04:42
humphreybckk fixing contrast, one se04:43
godbykdaker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/57153104:43
manualbotLaunchpad bug 571531 in ubuntu-manual "website detects locale/language incorrectly" [Undecided,New]04:43
godbykhumphreybc: better04:43
humphreybcgod it looks so different between my two monitors04:43
humphreybcmy laptop is REALLY dark orange, on my Dell 24" it's like... yellow04:44
humphreybcrefresh agai04:46
humphreybcand again..04:46
humphreybcwe happy?04:46
humphreybcdaker: is that good?04:47
humphreybccan we get it to sort of overlap the main content area, like in the mockup I did?04:47
dakerwhere is the mockup ?04:47
IlyaHaykinsonlogging off, tty folks l8r04:47
humphreybcrefresh manual print04:49
humphreybcignore the facebook, twitter icons and stuff04:49
humphreybcwait a sec, i'll take a screenshot of the actual site04:49
humphreybcdaker, you might have to make the "Download now" button a bit shorter04:50
dakerWow 107.88 downloads per hour04:51
godbykplus another 200 total for the print version.04:54
humphreybchere: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/star-placement-1.png04:54
humphreybcor here: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/star-placement-2.png04:54
humphreybc(depending on whether you can actually get the star to overlap the fading images04:55
dakerat left04:56
humphreybcwhich one are you going to do? 2?04:56
humphreybcneat, can you make it overlap the fading images?04:57
dakeri'll try04:57
dakerbut pls not now because i am very very tired, and it's 04:0004:57
humphreybcokay, go get some rest :)04:58
humphreybcyou've done a great job :)04:58
dakergodbyk, too :)04:58
dakernight all and good counting :)05:00
humphreybcnight daker! good work, have a good sleep!05:00
dakera 12 hours of sleep05:01
arandSo it is planned to be sold in book format? Where and how much?05:08
humphreybcit's on lulu.com05:08
humphreybclet me find the link05:08
arandNice :)05:12
=== godbyk_ is now known as godbyk
humphreybcso we had like, 46 people in here at one stage06:10
humphreybcnew record?06:10
arandhumphreybc: You should host the #ubuntu-release-afterparty in here ;)06:17
humphreybcwe can party06:18
c7phello guys, congratulations :d06:34
godbykHey, c7p. Thanks!06:35
IlyaHaykinsonc7p: thx!06:35
godbyk3700+ downloads06:35
c7poh cool06:35
godbyk(well, that's just the on-screen version)06:35
godbykprint version is another 280 downloads06:35
c7pvery good06:35
godbyk13 copies of the book sold, too06:35
c7pfrom what i see on facebook, you want editors for some languages (Galician, German, Greek)06:38
godbykc7p: Yeah, we'd like a translator in each group (or at least someone who speaks the language well and has a critical eye) to enlist as the editor for that translation06:39
godbykthe translation editors are the ones who will clear the translated manual for release, basically.06:39
godbykmake sure the translations are good, and the formatting is good, etc., etc.06:39
c7pyou mean correct any wrong translations etc ?06:40
godbykhelp correct translations, help out with latex formatting, yeah.06:40
godbykfor instance, I edited the English version that was released today.06:40
godbykmost of the margin notes needed to be moved around a bit.06:40
godbyk.. so that they would line up with the part of the paragraph they referred to.06:41
c7pso we'll merge some strings06:41
godbykyeah, probably.06:44
godbykyou can also move the margin notes around by telling it to move it up or down X lines.06:44
c7phow we do this? with latex ?06:45
godbykc7p: That's probably the easiest.06:48
godbykI would wait 'til the translations are proofread.06:48
godbykOnce they're all correct, we can generate a .tex file and move things around as needed.06:48
c7pwell g2g06:49
c7pwe will talk sometime today, i hope06:49
humphreybcubuntujenkins: you're up early!~07:08
ubuntujenkinsmorning all how are we doing07:08
humphreybcoh you know, just over 4000 downloads07:08
humphreybc13 copies of the book sold07:08
humphreybcanyways, i best go!07:09
humphreybcexam time07:09
ubuntujenkinshello humphreybc yes i have lectures. wow thats good plus the mirrors07:09
ubuntujenkinsgood luck07:09
ubuntujenkinsooo quickshot has a 3 more people who want to join07:11
godbykubuntujenkins: maybe07:13
godbykubuntujenkins: there was a bad link on the website07:13
godbykthat directed people to the quickshot team instead of the ubuntu-manual team07:13
godbykthe link's been fixed.07:13
godbykI've emailed those 4 people to make sure they didn't mean the ubuntu-manual team.07:13
ubuntujenkinsare makes sense thanks godbyk.07:13
godbykI told them if they were interested in quickshot, they should pop into the irc channel and chat up either you or RedHamster_X.07:13
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: i don't think your website re-pull thing is working07:24
IlyaHaykinson_either that, or there's a caching layer07:24
godbykI'll look07:25
godbykI'm at revno 64, what are you at?07:25
godbykoh! hey, make sure you're making your edits in the test/ dir.07:26
godbykthe main site is point at test/ now.07:26
IlyaHaykinson_er, what?07:30
IlyaHaykinson_so what's main?07:30
godbykdaker was testing up until the last second (literally) and so we just swapped out the symlink.07:30
IlyaHaykinson_i see. ok.07:31
godbykmain is has lagged behind testing for a few hours.07:31
godbykwe'll eventually set them straight.07:31
godbykbut we were under a bit of pressure, what with humphreybc's random countdown and all. :-)07:31
IlyaHaykinson_ok, pushed the change to test. thx.07:31
godbykI'm trying to figure out why the German translation is harping about a glossary entry now.07:32
godbykIt's claiming there's no description for the Wubi entry.07:32
godbykBut I'm staring right at it.07:32
* godbyk is confused.07:32
IlyaHaykinson_bad character?07:34
godbykNot really sure.07:34
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: may be he means the wubi sin't mentioned in the manaul07:34
godbykhere's the .tex file if you want to stare at it with me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424427/07:37
godbykI just made a fake wubi entry for now, and it doesn't like that either.07:37
godbykHey, thorwil!07:37
ubuntujenkinshello thorwil07:38
godbykWe're at about 5000 downloads and 13 books purchased.07:38
ubuntujenkinsyey \o/07:38
godbykall in 6.5 hours.07:38
ubuntujenkinsI can't see a problem with the glossary entry07:39
IlyaHaykinson_could it be because it's the last one before the \begin{document}?07:40
IlyaHaykinson_and if you add another (fake) one after wubi, the thing would be complaining about -it- now?07:41
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: Maybe. I'll try.07:41
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: Nice call! I think you're on to something.07:42
godbykIt complained about the new one I added.07:42
godbykOkay, Lemme do some binary searching and narrow this down.07:42
IlyaHaykinson_i think there are too few }s in the glossary section07:43
IlyaHaykinson_161 {s and 126 }s07:43
godbykit's that unbalanced?!07:45
thorwilhumphreybc: the announcement is already on the planet thanks to the fridge. do you really think i should repeat that?07:46
IlyaHaykinson_no, i must be mistaken. i don't see how though (script seemed correct)07:46
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: what script are you using?07:47
godbykI used to have one that counted parens, braces, etc. like that, but don't know where it's gotten off to.07:48
IlyaHaykinson_cat glossary-section | tr --complement '{' '\n' | egrep -v '^$' | wc -l07:48
IlyaHaykinson_then the same thing with '}07:48
IlyaHaykinson_but clearly i'm wrong07:48
godbykI'll just write up a quick python script. :)07:49
IlyaHaykinson_it's balanced07:52
IlyaHaykinson_fold --bytes --width=1 test | sort | uniq -c | egrep "\{|\}"07:52
IlyaHaykinson_where test has our text07:53
IlyaHaykinson_161 for both { and }07:53
ubuntujenkinsthorwil: humphreybc is at an exam. I guess proabbely best not to spam it with reelases at least one other person has reposted it07:53
thorwilubuntujenkins: yeah, that's what i think07:54
ubuntujenkinsnope they have posted it twice. We have lost 30 faecboook fans from all the posts yesterday07:54
IlyaHaykinson_ah, but the whole documen is unbalanced07:56
IlyaHaykinson_lacking a }07:57
godbykany idea where?07:57
godbykusually latex's good about tell me that.07:58
godbykbut it's not getting past the glossary entries yet.07:58
IlyaHaykinson_run that script on the individual chapter files07:59
godbykback now.08:01
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: there are no individual chapter files for the translations.08:01
IlyaHaykinson_ok hang on i have a system for it. gimme 2 min08:01
godbykthey're all merged into that one huge file.08:01
ChrisWoollardWell done for getting the manual out08:01
godbykThanks, ChrisWoollard08:01
godbykwhoa! major spike in downloads the last hour: http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvg&chs=550x320&chxt=x,x,y&chd=t:62,25,57,58,55,48,93,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0&chds=0,93&chxl=0:|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|00|1:|28/04|29/04|2:|0|23|46|62|9308:02
godbykI think Europe is waking up. :)08:03
IlyaHaykinson_found it (default apps somewhere) hang on narrowing further08:03
IlyaHaykinson_rhythmbox section. narrowing further08:06
godbyktry line 461408:07
IlyaHaykinson_\subsection{Freigegebene Musik hören}08:07
IlyaHaykinson_it's in that section08:07
godbykIlyaHaykinson_: Yeah, that's where it is08:08
godbykextra { before the \marginnote.08:08
godbyklet me try to recompile this whole thing again now.08:09
godbyk(so time-consuming, chasing down this little bugs.)08:09
godbykI spent a few hours on it yesterday.08:09
godbykcleared all but this one, I think.08:09
godbykI think our site is getting more hits now than it did when we first released the manual.08:14
IlyaHaykinson_well, all the excitement of the Lucid release will buoy our site too08:16
godbykyeah, especially since it's not out yet.08:17
IlyaHaykinson_i just spammed #ubuntu-release-party about the manual :)08:17
godbykHeh. nice. humphreybc did earlier, too08:18
IlyaHaykinson_and spammed #ubuntu for good measure08:18
godbykI'm running this http://code.google.com/p/logstalgia/ against my server life.08:19
godbyk(streaming the access.log file over ssh straight into the program)08:19
godbykit's fun.08:19
godbykwhen things settle down (tomorrow?), I'll take the access logs and run them through the program and generate a video of it.08:19
IlyaHaykinson_ah, cute.08:19
godbykso we can see it go from a ghost town to being attacked all at once.08:20
IlyaHaykinson_though really, apart from all the hoopla today, it's the long term usage that counts... :)08:20
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: that video would be so cool08:22
RPG-MasterI want to thank everyone who made this awesome little "for dummies" guide you've put together. My non-geek friends would thank you too :)08:23
godbykRPG-Master: No problem.  Though it's not a for-dummies guide, as dummies don't use Linux. :)08:24
RPG-Mastergodbyk: Being compared to the for dummies series is a good thing! :D08:25
godbykAh, okay then. :)08:25
RPG-MasterThey're famous for being well written and plain worded. So, good for those who aren't geeky ;)08:27
humphreybcexam was rather easy08:37
humphreybcalthough i forgot a couple of things08:37
humphreybchow input() behaves in the interpreter08:37
humphreybcalso what "%-5d" % n does08:37
godbykhumphreybc: we're almost at 6000 downloads08:39
godbykthere was a bit of a spike last hour08:39
ubuntujenkinsprobably because the uk got up08:39
humphreybcholy moly08:39
humphreybc252.25 downloads an hour now08:39
humphreybcnice URL08:40
godbykyeah, thank google chart api for that one. :)08:40
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I have found the xindy package in debian, so just got to get enoght info to upload it to a ppa08:40
godbykubuntujenkins: nice08:41
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: got the needed stuff.08:49
IlyaHaykinson_all that's missing is the operating system08:49
IlyaHaykinson_that's the subject of our manual :)08:49
ubuntujenkinsif anyone wants me i for quickshot ping me and i will get back to them08:49
humphreybcIlyaHaykinson_: ?08:50
humphreybcgodbyk, latest comment: http://humphreybc.wordpress.com/2010/04/29/getting-started-with-ubuntu-10-04-released/#comments08:50
humphreybc(about the fonts)08:50
jamindayhey guys, great to see the manual is out the door! Just ordered a print from lulu.08:53
humphreybchey jamin!08:54
godbykhumphreybc: got it.  I replied.  there's a colophon at the back of the manual the gives urls and stuff about the fonts and other tools we used.08:54
jamindayhumphreybc: hey, sorry haven't been around for a while!08:54
humphreybcgodbyk: there is?08:54
humphreybcjaminday: that's all good08:54
godbyk15 books sold, then.08:54
godbykhumphreybc: yep. I added that at the last minute along with a half-title page (for the print version only) and a bit more info on the copyright page.08:55
jamindaygodbyk: great!08:55
jamindaysounds like the downloads are going well08:56
humphreybcyeah they are jamin08:56
humphreybccraking way past 600008:56
jamindaywow that's fantastic08:56
humphreybcwe should easily reach 10,000 in the first 24 hours08:56
godbykwhich we only care about because humphreybc set that as some arbitrary goal. :)08:57
jamindaygodbyk: hehe08:58
humphreybc100,000 downloads by UDS08:58
godbykHow many days between now and then?08:59
IlyaHaykinson_i don't think that is realisti c08:59
IlyaHaykinson_we don't have consumer marketing08:59
IlyaHaykinson_existing linux users don't really need a manual generally09:00
IlyaHaykinson_and we aren't yet reaching non-users or new users effectively09:00
Davieywhile do; do wget http://$MANULA_URL ; done09:00
Davieyerm, YKWIM09:00
IlyaHaykinson_hm. are we really having bandwidth issues?09:01
humphreybcGood to see Apple getting some serious negative press09:01
IlyaHaykinson_if we are, i can try reaching out to a few contacts at Akamai09:01
IlyaHaykinson_maybe i can get them to throw in their CDN service for free for our use09:01
IlyaHaykinson_but i don't want to ask unless we really need it09:01
IlyaHaykinson_and it's not just a temporary problem for the next few days09:02
humphreybcI think we're okay now09:02
IlyaHaykinson_if this changes, let me know.09:05
godbykI don't think we have bandwidth issues.09:05
godbykI think the original problem was due to CPU usage.09:05
godbykAnd we've resolved that issue (I hope).09:05
humphreybcI wonder if you'll get an email from Dreamhost being like "Why the hell did your bandwidth usage increase 1000% in an hour?!"09:06
humphreybc"What are you, releasing the new iPhone!?"09:06
humphreybcour downloads are still increasing09:08
godbykyeah, we'll probably see them increase even more when the US wakes up.09:10
IlyaHaykinson_i would wait about a day, and then approach the folks at lifehacker.com and try to get them to cover us.09:11
IlyaHaykinson__after_ the OS drops09:11
godbykwe'll probably hit humphreybc's 10,000 downloads before the day's half over.09:11
godbykthat's a good idea, IlyaHaykinson_.09:11
godbykI'll be back in a moment. Going to find something for supper.09:12
humphreybcI included a lifehacker editor's email in the original press release I sent out09:12
* godbyk is still wrestling with this German manual and needs a break.09:12
IlyaHaykinson_i'm off to bed; happy ubuntu day, everyone09:12
humphreybcnight IlyaHaykinson_09:14
thorwilhumphreybc: instead of just repeating the announcement, i'll prepare a post about the titlepage process, with examples of at least 3 translations. i might add a note about our stats there09:21
godbykIt's settled then: I'm having spaghetti for dinner. :)09:21
godbykthorwil: that sounds like a great idea!09:21
humphreybcthorwil: that sounds good :)09:21
godbykthorwil: also, get a dig in about how it took canonical too long to get their logo and colors to us. :)09:22
thorwilgodbyk: yeah, planned that, too09:22
thorwilmorning popey09:22
humphreybcsup popey09:22
humphreybc*g unit*09:22
humphreybcand all that09:22
popeyjust had someone tell me the screenshots look bad in evince..09:22
* humphreybc is off to do dishes, back in a bit09:22
popeybut okay in acroread09:22
humphreybcpopey: that would be on karmic09:22
popeyno, lucid09:23
popeyfixed in git, not in lucid09:23
godbykthorwil: did you see the visual identity stuff posted yesterday?09:23
godbykpopey: should be fixed in lucid, too.  at least it was last time I looked on my laptop.09:24
godbykwe got the patch backported.09:24
thorwilgodbyk: yes, before anyone else outside of Canonical, afaik09:24
thorwilgodbyk: i pointed out an issue with the colors, had some notes on the pdf and some not so friendly words of how the process looks like from the outside09:26
godbykpopey: here's the bug where we (allegedly) fixed the issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/poppler/+bug/24835509:27
manualbotLaunchpad bug 248355 in poppler "Evince doesn't anti-alias graphics" [Low,Fix released]09:27
thorwilgodbyk: if you take the "for web" color they specify, you end up with something that is more red than orange, so we are better off with our custom orange, anyway09:27
godbykthorwil: nice!09:27
godbykthorwil: print and web are two different animals, as well.  usually the colors have to be adjusted.09:28
thorwilgodbyk: i know. but if you take one of the SVGs, export to PDF, you end up with something that is very different from the tone in the guidelines. on screen. will be about the same difference in print09:30
thorwilsee here: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/d3dae3e88edce0d243dba8d7f5ccd11309:32
thorwilthe design team got the same shot09:32
godbykthorwil: wow!09:33
godbykthorwil: what causes that?09:33
thorwilgodbyk: any of: some color management vs no color management, working on macs, never testing with inkscape and co, getting the hex numbers wrong?09:35
thorwilthe only thing i'm sure about is the result is not acceptable09:37
* thorwil pushed Hebrew title page just to have an RTL example09:44
godbykback now09:45
humphreybcthorwil: god that's awful10:29
humphreybcthey had enough time to get it right, too10:29
humphreybcwho'd you tell off?10:29
thorwilhumphreybc: Iain and Kenneth10:30
nisshhWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:34
thorwilnisshh: i'm not sure i parse that correctly ... are you excited?10:34
nisshhthorwil: YEAAAA!!! what cant you tell?10:36
nisshhhumphreybc: who put, manualbot in the cledits on the website, hehehe...10:40
hemanthi found a TeXLive2009 ppa in LP, would you guys recommend it ? https://launchpad.net/~aelmahmoudy/+archive/tl200910:43
godbykhemanth: I haven't tried it for a few months, but I'm not sure if it contains new enough version of files that we need. It's possible, though.10:52
humphreybcLooks like we're going to be stickyed in the Absolute Beginners thread10:57
hemanthgodbyk, ok, cos from source i tried 3 time, getting few n/w issues10:57
godbykhemanth: What issues are you having?10:58
godbykhumphreybc: awesome10:58
hemanthgodbyk, it fails to fetch some file, and says its saved in some *.property file and i'm continue again, but again it says the same11:00
hemanth*i'm,i may11:00
godbykhemanth: that's during the texlive installation?11:01
hemanthgodbyk, on sudo ./install-tl11:03
godbykThat's odd.  Have you tried running it with a different mirror?11:03
godbykYou might give that a shot.  It's possible the file is missing from that particular mirror.11:05
nisshhdoes anyone know how many downloads we have had yet?11:05
nisshhbe interesting to know11:05
godbyknisshh: 9,000.11:07
hemanthgodbyk, what is the parameter to switch to new mirror?11:08
* nisshh giggles like girl...11:08
godbykhemanth: I think one of the menu options lets you choose a mirror.  It's been quite a while since I've run it.11:09
nisshhhumphreybc: looks like we will hit 10k downloads easy11:09
hemanthgodbyk, only cli is working for me here! install-tl --gui=wizard is not11:09
humphreybcnisshh: yeah!11:10
godbykhemanth: the cli has a text-based menu, too.11:10
godbyklet me give it a shot real quick11:11
hemanthokies, me in text mode11:11
godbykhemanth: ./install-tl -repository URL11:13
godbykhemanth: you can find a list of mirrors at http://ctan.org/mirrors11:14
hemanthPartial download of bibleref.tar.xz found, removing it. URL by default is http://ctan.um.ac.ir11:14
hemanthgodbyk, okies checking the mirror11:14
hemanthgodbyk, TLDownload::get_file: response error:404 Not Found, for 3 url's in a row!  phew11:17
godbykhemanth: you can also try http://mirror.ctan.org/11:18
godbykand it'll choose one for you11:18
hemanthgodbyk, 302 found and it selected http://ctan.um.ac.ir/11:19
godbykof course11:20
hemanthsame thing is broken11:20
godbykhemanth: Okay. You may try emailing the tex-live mailing list and see if they can help more, too: http://tug.org/texlive/lists.html11:21
hemanthgodbyk, done mail sent :)11:23
godbykhemanth: cool.  let me know how it turns out.11:26
hemanthgodbyk, sure11:26
humphreybcalmost at 10,000 downloads!12:07
* nisshh screams far too loudly for this time of night12:11
* nisshh is kidding!12:11
godbykhumphreybc's so ecstatic, he fell of the internet!12:14
DakerYeah over than 10000 downloads \o/12:17
godbykDaker: yep! It just rolled over.12:18
godbykDaker: and the site seems to be holding up without any problems.12:18
godbyk(even through 3+ hours of higher traffic than that first hour.)12:19
DakerCongratulations Guys12:21
godbykYou, too12:21
godbykThe US is just now waking up, so I think we're going to get a lot more downloads in the next few hours.12:22
Dakerbrb breakfast time for me12:23
godbykOkay, guys, I'm headed to bed.  Don't break anything while I'm gone! :-)12:41
godbykAlso, congratulations on a great first release!12:41
humphreybccouldn't have done it without ya!12:41
godbyk10,640 downloads and counting...12:41
godbykI'll be back around in 8-9 hours, probably.12:42
humphreybchey c7p12:55
c7pgodbyk are you there?12:56
humphreybche's asleeping12:56
c7pah ok12:56
c7pi can imagine he had a long day12:56
c7pactually i read a post on fb "Different languages will be available next week, most likely English UK, Galician, German and Greek. Other languages will be released as the translations are completed over the next few weeks."12:58
c7pand i want to learn what can i do12:58
c7p*We will need editors for these languages too, so if you speak one of the above, please contact us ASAP in the channel: #ubuntu-manual on freenode.12:58
c7pmy native language is greek, i have been translating the manual from the beginning (when it had 500 strings) till now, so i think i can help13:01
dakerafter 12hours we have 11257 downloads13:07
c7pgreat :D13:07
nisshhthey are coming in thick and fast now13:08
dakertop 5 countries13:08
dakerUS (United States) : 1557 downloads13:08
dakerCN (China) : 907 downloads13:08
dakerES (Spain) : 703 downloads13:08
dakerGB (United Kingdom) : 624 downloads13:08
dakerRU (Russian Federation) : 556 downloads13:08
thorwilhumphreybc: uhm, the lulu edition isn't available, yet?13:08
dakerthorwil, it's available13:09
dakerthorwil, http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/getting-started-with-ubuntu-1004/1079355913:09
dakerfor the printed version: 909 downloads13:12
dakertop 5 :13:12
dakerCN (China) : 141 downloads13:12
dakerUS (United States) : 97 downloads13:12
dakerGB (United Kingdom) : 50 downloads13:12
dakerTW (Taiwan) : 46 downloads13:12
dakerES (Spain) : 43 downloads13:12
humphreybcthorwil: daker's going to add a link on the main site pointing to lulu soon13:13
thorwildaker: ah, thanks. couldn't find it via lulu search13:13
humphreybcthorwil: really? google "Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04 lulu"13:13
thorwilwell, their own search sucks, obviously13:14
c7pon our website some languages aren't available from the drop-down list13:17
c7pcan someone repair it?13:17
dakercause they are not translated completely13:18
c7pactually it is 100% translated in greek and there is no option on the list, that's why i mentioned it13:19
dakeroki i'll check13:19
c7pnice job thorwill13:36
semioticroboticanyone else having trouble getting ubuntu.com load?13:37
thorwilc7p: ty13:37
semioticroboticokay, just checking13:37
* thorwil edit to add a line about number of downloads so far13:37
semioticroboticI'm sure the site's getting a major overhaul today, in addition to the 10.04 blitz13:37
humphreybc those translated title pages look so kickass, thorwil13:58
humphreybc12,500 downloads and the download rate is still increasing14:04
semioticroboticso much for wondering whether we'll hit 10,000!14:06
hemanthis z.varallyay here? i saw the mailing list of advanced command line, i would be pleased to contribute to this sector of the manual, few of my scripts are https://launchpad.net/scripting and http://is.gd/bMZzK14:06
thorwilhumphreybc: heh, thank you! coffee time!14:07
hemanthgodbyk, still no response form the tex developers14:07
humphreybclucky they catched this14:21
manualbotLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed]14:21
semioticroboticwill that delay today's release, humphreybc?14:22
humphreybcit may do, but i believe they've got it sorted and are respinning the ISOs14:23
semioticroboticwell, at any rate, I'm not able to perform my upgrade today14:23
semioticroboticbut just wondering14:23
humphreybcread the comments14:24
humphreybcthey're an interesting insight into the stress of Canonical employees around release day :P14:24
humphreybc"Are you proposing slipping the 10.04 release for this? Do you realize it takes 2 days to respin ISOs, thus making this a 10.05 release?"14:25
humphreybcsounds like it's all go14:25
humphreybc"A third alternative is that if we get a fix into lucid-updates ASAP, then the "Update this installer" link at the start of the installer can be made active - that was designed for this kind of purpose."14:25
humphreybc"@Robbie: for me this is a release blocker so if I was allowed to chose, I would delay the release."14:25
humphreybc"We've decided to respin the 32bit and 64bit CDs of Ubuntu Desktop *ONLY*, as we feel this gives us the widest spread fix possible and allows us to still release today (April 29th). Unfortunately, this means other affected variants, such as Xubuntu, will not have this fix, and we deeply apologize for this."14:25
semioticroboticI'm installing a 32-bit  version on my notebook, and it's my only OS, so I doubt this affects me14:26
semioticroboticbut I'm still glad I'm waiting14:26
semioticroboticfewer updates to install14:26
semioticroboticI never released Ubuntu had an "update this installer" feature14:26
semioticroboticseems very handy for situations like this14:27
* humphreybc is busy writing articles to cover all the news that's flowing in14:47
* daker is busy fixing bugs 14:48
nisshheveryone check your feed readers, about 50 posts have been put up about the manual14:55
* nisshh is busy answering stuff on the mailing list14:55
ubuntujenkinshello guys i am back again14:55
nisshhubuntujenkins: hey dude14:56
ubuntujenkinsyou good nisshh ?14:56
nisshhubuntujenkins: yea, you?14:56
ubuntujenkinsI am not lectures are over. may have fell asleep in the last one :/14:57
nisshhboring eh?14:57
ubuntujenkinswere wer being told about the history of fatigue. all we need to know is how to work it out.14:58
ubuntujenkins*we were14:58
nisshhwow, i would probably fall asleep too!14:59
dakerwe are at 14040 downloads14:59
nisshhdaker: holy crap! that was quick!14:59
ubuntujenkinsnice I swear an hour ago it was alot less14:59
nisshhanyone know when humphreybc is coming back?14:59
nisshhanyone know if we are planning on an accessible version of the manual?15:01
nisshhfor the visually impaired?15:01
ubuntujenkinsnisshh: no that i know of wouldn't the screen reader work well enough? I have not used it15:18
nisshhapparently the screen reader is difficult to use with pdfs15:18
nisshhubuntujenkins: check the mailing list, it has a post there15:19
ubuntujenkinswe then thats something to look into.15:19
ubuntujenkinso see i hadn't read the list yet. hmm something to work on15:20
nisshhubuntujenkins: its difficult according to that persons opinion15:20
nisshhneed to make sure humphreybc sees that...15:21
ubuntujenkinsone of us will mention it to him15:21
humphreybcdaker: how's it going?15:21
ubuntujenkinsjust in time :015:22
humphreybcalmost up to 15,000 downloads15:22
humphreybcjust in time?15:22
epkugelmasshumphreybc: am I supposed to be able to see anything stats.ubuntu-manual.org ?15:23
nisshhhumphreybc: check the mailing list, there is a post there about visually impaired15:23
humphreybcepkugelmass: nope15:23
dakerepkugelmass, http://stats.ubuntu-manual.org/downloads/?id=815:23
nisshhhumphreybc: plus a few more too15:24
dakerscreen version15:24
dakerprinte version15:24
ubuntujenkinswow stats pages15:24
ubuntujenkinsomg these pages are great good work daker15:25
* humphreybc never expected so many downloads15:26
ubuntujenkinsis there a country that hasn't downloaded it?15:26
nisshhhas anyone from australia downloaded it?15:26
nisshhapart from me...15:27
dakerAU (Australia) : 415 downloads15:27
nisshhdaker: cool!15:27
dakerclick => "Traffic location"15:27
nisshhnice to know someone else uses ubuntu in au15:27
dakerthen click "Click for more details"15:27
nisshhdaker: yea, i looked before but couldnt find any AU15:27
dakerCTRL+F "AU (Australia)"15:28
ubuntujenkins140 countries out of 195 that is so good15:28
epkugelmassubuntujenkins: no hits from dprk15:28
dakerdprk ?15:28
epkugelmassdemocratic people's republic of korea, daker15:28
humphreybc113 downloads in NZ! woo!15:28
humphreybcnot that many hits from the UK15:29
nisshhhumphreybc: au is owning nz with over 400!15:29
humphreybcshutup nisshh :P15:29
nisshhcoming 8th15:29
humphreybcgodbyk told me some stats for the email addreses we've been collecting15:29
humphreybcfor people who want to hear about the manual in their language15:29
humphreybcsomething like 100+ sign ups to hear more info on the Spanish version15:29
humphreybcthe most demanded translations are Spanish (130), Russian (103), Portuguese (15), German (13)15:30
dakerFrench too15:31
ubuntujenkinsdaker: whats our google stats thing. how high up google we are15:31
humphreybcso... russian translators... deploy!15:31
nisshhwell, spanish is spoken by ALOT of people around the world15:31
humphreybcWE MADE SOFTPEDIA!15:31
nisshhooooh cool!15:32
ubuntujenkinswhere have we not made :)15:32
humphreybcit's a sponsored link on google15:32
nisshhubuntujenkins: meh!15:32
epkugelmasshumphreybc: is there a launchpad team that we can contact about ES and RU?15:32
humphreybcat least for me15:32
ubuntujenkinsdo you think we will get more downloads than ubuntu15:32
humphreybcepkugelmass: not sure, you wanna find out? :P15:32
epkugelmasssure, humphreybc15:32
nisshhubuntujenkins: nope, no way15:32
ubuntujenkinsnisshh: how many do they get?15:33
humphreybcheh, Luke, Ubuntu gets millions15:33
humphreybcthere are around 10 million ubuntu users15:33
dakerubuntujenkins, our pagerank is 415:33
humphreybcwith downloads + upgrades they'd have a shitload15:33
dakerfor google stats should ask godbyk15:33
humphreybc"The Ubuntu Manual is a great tool and the quality is on par with what you’d expect. It starts out with a brief overview of Ubuntu and Linux in general, but it quickly gets down to business with a step-by-step installation guide. Everything from choosing the right ISO to partitioning your hard drive is covered. "15:33
ubuntujenkinsok thanks daker page rank is what i ment15:33
nisshhone for every "when is lucid final coming out?" thread on UF!15:33
ubuntujenkinsepkugelmass: I would gess the translation teams for those langauges would be a good place to start15:34
dakerubuntujenkins, we have wait til the pagerank get update15:34
humphreybcbtw anyone who doesn't know, we will be stickied in the absolute beginner UF forum15:34
ubuntujenkinsany one know how to turn off highlighting for this channel only?15:35
ubuntujenkinsdaker: any idea how often it is done?15:35
nisshhhumphreybc: saw that when it was first posted thismorning15:35
dakerubuntujenkins, nop, may be in the next 2 days15:36
* ubuntujenkins has manual highlighted in case people ask where to find it in other channels15:36
humphreybcdaker: have we got html tags and stuff in our site? I googled for "Getting started with Ubuntu" and our site isn't even on the first page15:36
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: the package in the next release of ubuntu can we have a converstion on how you want it to work please15:41
dakerubuntujenkins, yes15:41
dakerh00k, , yes15:41
dakerhumphreybc, , yes15:41
epkugelmasshumphreybc: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ru and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-es15:42
humphreybcwhat's happening!?15:42
humphreybcubuntujenkins: package?15:42
epkugelmasshumphreybc: I'll send an email.15:42
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: you said you wanted the manual packaged in the next ubuntu release15:43
humphreybcepkugelmass: thankyou :)15:43
humphreybcubuntujenkins: right15:43
humphreybcsort of like your PPA15:43
humphreybcbut we get it in the Software Center15:43
ubuntujenkinsok how would you like it to deal with different langauges?15:43
humphreybcno idea15:43
ubuntujenkinsalso do we include it in the ppa or download it after installing the packgae15:43
nisshhpackage for each language?15:44
humphreybcprobably have a short installer type thing15:44
humphreybcnisshh: probably not, no15:44
humphreybci'd say a little program written in python that we stick in the repo15:44
humphreybcyou install that, it runs and you choose your language/version/whatever15:44
nisshhhumphreybc: yea your right, that would be 195 packages eventually15:44
humphreybcit creates an "Ubuntu Manual" or something-a-rather folder in your home directory15:44
humphreybcand it basically runs wget to grab the PDF from our site15:44
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: thats what i was thinking15:45
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: easy concider me on it15:45
humphreybcsweet! you've got 6 months to work on it :P15:45
* ubuntujenkins goes back to trying to package laytex15:45
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: any gui suggestions welcome15:46
humphreybcubuntujenkins: i'll do some mockups as soon as i can15:46
humphreybcprobably on the plane to UDS15:46
ubuntujenkinsany advanced users who have done packaging before?15:48
ubuntujenkinsI can package simple stuff but this is hard15:48
epkugelmasshumphreybc: emails sent to the owners of the RU and ES teams. I'll forward their responses to our mailing list.15:50
humphreybcawesome, thanks15:51
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: is the omg ubuntu podcast out?15:51
humphreybcubuntujenkins: nope, we've decided to scrap this release15:51
humphreybcwe're recording a new one, will be out next tuesday15:52
ubuntujenkinsfair enough15:52
humphreybcwe didn't want to release a shit podcast (shit audio quality, the content was great) right on release week with a heap of new readers coming to the site15:52
ubuntujenkinsmakes sense15:53
popeyif only all podcasters did that :)15:54
humphreybcpopey: heh15:55
ubuntujenkinsarrrgh all the packages that we need exists but I can't make the sources to put them in a ppa. currently they are all in different places . ( we haev to make one custom one)16:00
hemanthubuntujenkins, hi, i took a new branch as u suggested16:10
ubuntujenkinshello hemanth16:10
hemanthhi ubuntujenkins16:11
dakerhumphreybc, help !!16:12
dakerdaker@ubuntu:~/Projects/ubuntu-manual-website$ bzr push lp:ubuntu-manual-website16:12
dakerbzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information.16:12
humphreybcbzr merge16:12
ubuntujenkinsno daker16:13
ubuntujenkinsdon't do it16:13
humphreybcoh wait16:13
ubuntujenkinsdaker: bzr uncommit16:13
humphreybcthat's the website branch aint it16:13
ubuntujenkinsthen pull16:13
humphreybcdo what Luke said :)16:13
ubuntujenkinsmuch cleaner way :)16:13
dakerah someone has done a push16:14
ubuntujenkinsI think that may be ilya16:14
nisshhHOLY SHIT! has anyone tried out the new midori browser?16:14
nisshhits extremely fast at loading pages!!!!16:15
nisshhim talking faster than chromium!!16:15
dakernisshh, me16:15
dakerreally faster16:15
nisshhdaker: is it fast for you too?16:15
nisshhits INSANE!16:16
dakeruse less cpu than FF16:16
nisshheven has its own adblocker built in16:16
nisshhdaker: waaaay less!16:16
dakernew look16:17
humphreybchow do I get midori?16:17
humphreybcoh wait it's on omg16:17
humphreybcwe posted it :P16:17
dakersudo apt-get install midori16:17
nisshhhumphreybc: try it out!16:17
humphreybcinstalling now16:17
nisshhthe adblocker works ok too16:18
humphreybcthat is fast16:19
nisshhit also starts up just as fast as chromium16:20
nisshhmeh ok the adblocking isnt perfect16:20
nisshhhumphreybc: good eh?16:21
humphreybchow do I bookmark something?16:21
dakergmail.com doesn't work (with the 2.0 options)16:21
dakertells that i need to upgrade my browser16:21
dakerhumphreybc, http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:22
dakercheck out16:22
humphreybcin chrome it's not working :)16:22
dakerwhat ?16:22
humphreybcand in midori it's overlapping the Features text :)16:22
nisshhdaker: works great in chromium!16:22
* humphreybc is screenshotting16:23
dakerhumphreybc, clear the cache16:23
nisshhhumphreybc: your right it looks shit in midori16:23
humphreybcoverlaps the features text in midori16:23
nisshhis it just me or does midoris icon look like safaris but green?16:24
nisshhhumphreybc: bookmarks work fine in midori 0.2.216:25
humphreybcmidori is nice16:25
humphreybcbut annoying in some ways16:25
humphreybcthink i'll stick with chrome for now16:25
nisshhtell me about it16:26
nisshhmissing craploads of stuff16:26
humphreybcit's fast16:27
nisshhim gonna keep an eye on it though16:27
humphreybcand the GTK implementation is nice16:27
humphreybcbut no right click on bookmarks in the bar?16:27
humphreybcand the tabs are too thick16:27
humphreybcalso, it doesn't seem to load favicons16:27
nisshhand the dark grey tab bar? yuck!16:27
humphreybcbut yeah, promising16:27
humphreybcmaybe default in Ubuntu 10.10 :P16:27
nisshhhumphreybc: pfffft!16:28
nisshhyour so funny!16:28
humphreybcI have my money that Firefox is going16:28
nisshhin favour of what?16:28
humphreybcMidori or Chromium16:29
nisshhdo you think?16:29
humphreybcjust my hunch16:29
nisshhif midori, itll be a while16:29
humphreybcand hey, I'm going to UDS so I can push Midori :P16:29
nisshhand if chromium its too cutting edge16:29
nisshhlol, yea right!16:29
humphreybcno reason why Ubuntu can't fork either Chromium or Midori16:29
humphreybcWouldn't take much to patch up Midori somewhat, make it a bit better16:29
humphreybcor to just freeze a stable version of Chromium and rename it16:30
nisshhit being simple and all16:30
vishhumphreybc: expecting a Haka dance from you at the start ;p16:30
humphreybcvish: oh god16:30
humphreybchey when do you arrive?16:30
nisshhhumphreybc: yea gotta see that!16:30
vishhumphreybc: on the 9th 8am ;)16:31
humphreybcvish: nice. Will you be at reception to greet me? I get in at about midday on the 9th16:31
vishhumphreybc: no idea where i'd be at that time..16:31
humphreybcvish: in reception to greet me, do'h!16:32
vishah righty.. its official.. #ubuntu-release-party has gone bonkers! 1100+ folks there o.016:33
nisshhvish: gotta see that!16:33
vishhehe humphreybc got kicked ;p16:33
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: got kicked :)16:33
humphreybcI got kicked?16:34
ubuntujenkinsyep language16:34
humphreybcwholy moly batman?16:34
humphreybcwho kicked me? :P16:34
sebsebsebhumphreybc: ikonia16:34
vishhumphreybc: * ikonia has kicked humphreybc from #ubuntu-release-party (control your language)16:34
sebsebsebthe ops have been kicking a lot of people though16:34
humphreybci'm gonna ask him about it16:34
sebsebsebmainly when giving out fake links for Lucid16:34
sebsebsebhumphreybc: did you see my message there?16:35
sebsebsebmaybe not16:35
nisshhsebsebseb: lol!16:35
sebsebsebsince you got kicked so soon after woulds16:35
sebsebsebhumphreybc: also isn't it quite early for you?16:35
manualbotLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Fix committed]16:35
humphreybcI only have 50,000 karma, maybe that's not enough16:35
humphreybcsebsebseb: yeah, 3:30am16:35
epkugelmassGood job to everyone working hard to fix the issue. The fix was released, the ISO was built and it's even syncing with the mirrors as we speak. I'm disappointed by the release management team though, I have my doubts on the amount of testing that was done on this... just a few hours between the release of Ubiquity 2.2.24 and the decision to put the ISO in the sync pool. Once again it looks like regression testing is bei16:35
epkugelmassquoted from the bug16:36
nisshhnot even midnight for me yet16:36
epkugelmassquoted from the bug!16:36
epkugelmassit's coming soon16:36
sebsebseb[16:33] <sebsebseb> humphreybc: yep a lot of Ubuntu fan boys here, and your a major one yourself lol16:36
nisshhthatll make the windows dopes happy16:36
sebsebsebhumphreybc: you stayed up I hope, not got up earlyish to find out if Lucid is released?16:37
humphreybcsebsebseb: nah, i'll go to bed soon16:37
humphreybcI know what Lucid is like, i'm running it lol16:37
humphreybcI wrote the book on it?16:37
sebsebsebgot to love some of the fan boys though in #ubuntu-release-party16:37
sebsebsebI mean the stuff they say16:37
* ubuntujenkins may be getting some where with these laytex packages16:38
sebsebsebwell some will be fan girls, anyway16:38
sebsebsebhere's a good one from earlier :)16:38
sebsebseb16:18] <Traveler> i woke up this morning like it was christmas16:39
sebsebseb[16:18] <Traveler> and then santa didnt bring any presents16:39
nisshhlol that is good16:39
dakerhumphreybc, http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:39
ubuntujenkinsi don't see all the fuss i have had it for ages16:39
nisshhsame, had it, seen it.16:40
sebsebsebnisshh: indeed16:40
ubuntujenkinswe all had to write on it so we had to use it :-)16:40
humphreybcthat looks good!16:40
nisshhubuntujenkins: yea!16:40
nisshhim going to search for funny threads about lucid on UF!16:42
ubuntujenkinshow many books purchased so far?16:42
jribyep, it's quieter here16:43
gotunandanhumphreybc: what is the plan for the 10.10 manual ?16:43
ubuntujenkinsjrib: not as busy as last night but fairly noisy16:44
ubuntujenkinsgotunandan: http://humphreybc.wordpress.com/2010/04/21/announcing-getting-started-with-ubuntu-10-10-quickshot-v1-0-and-the-ubuntu-quickstart-booklet/ is all the palsn for the next release16:46
nisshhlol, guy on UF: "I bet they can't get that damn Lynx out it's cage"16:47
humphreybcI got kicked again!16:47
ubuntujenkinslol what for? I don't have it open16:47
humphreybctrying to get people to download the daily build16:48
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: tut tut it does say you will get kicked for that16:48
* humphreybc didn't read that16:48
* nisshh laughs his face off!16:49
humphreybcoh, now i'm banned16:49
nisshhhumphreybc: yea you get that when your being a pest on another channel...16:49
humphreybcI bet you the guy who banned me doesn't have 50,000 karma16:49
humphreybcyeah, that's right16:49
nisshhooooh ouch!16:50
nisshhwanna see something really cool?16:50
nisshhok hang on16:50
sebsebsebhumphreybc: jono actsually suggested people got a recent RC and then upgrade to final later on16:51
sebsebsebI saw his tweet or whatever, in another channel, last night / this morning16:51
nisshhhumphreybc: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB0JodKgZ0A&feature=related16:51
humphreybcthe release is pretty close16:51
sebsebsebhumphreybc: I mean RC download updates, and then wait untill final, since it won't change much between the RC and the final16:51
sebsebsebhowever I guess most of the people he has on  twitter or whatever,  are experienced users anyway16:52
humphreybcI have no idea why people wait16:52
humphreybcit's open source16:52
sebsebsebtelling the newbies to get a recent one, and then upgrade, is still a bit hrm,  even though it probably won't do any harm.  except that Grub issue may be in there?16:52
humphreybcthe code is always available in the form of daily builds16:52
humphreybcit's not like Apple where it's all secret right up till the time it's released16:53
nisshhnoobs are scared of RC's and beta's16:53
sebsebsebhumphreybc: yeah, but things are buggy untill the final16:53
sebsebsebor  just before the final anyway16:53
humphreybcsebsebseb: not at all for an LTS16:53
humphreybci've been running lucid since alpha and it's been fine16:53
sebsebsebhumphreybc: altough most deveopment versions work quite well really16:53
ubuntujenkinsto humphreybc16:53
humphreybcit's just karmic + other shit during development16:53
nisshhiv run lucid since alpha 3 too its been great16:53
sebsebsebhumphreybc: I have been virtual machine testing it since alpha 1.  I did mess up one of those vm's16:53
sebsebsebthen I did a daily16:53
humphreybcit's a rolling release, they don't write the code from scratch each time16:53
* ubuntujenkins kicks humphreybc (bad langauge) :P16:53
sebsebseb,but I have done all the isues since alpha 1  in a new vm.  all the alpha iso's, the betas, and the rc16:54
humphreybcubuntujenkins: haha! we're allowed to swear in here :)16:54
sebsebsebhumphreybc: uhmmm not quite sure about that16:54
humphreybcsebsebseb: my channel :)16:54
sebsebsebhumphreybc: yeah, but16:54
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: why? we could have people of all ages for all we know16:54
sebsebsebhumphreybc: it follows the Ubuntu rules?16:54
nisshhthe only bug i got hit by was that gnome-panel one back in beta 116:54
humphreybcubuntujenkins: i know everyone in here can handle the odd swear word, we're not babies :)16:55
sebsebsebwell it's swear16:55
sebsebsebcontinue swearing al ot16:55
nisshhnow you cant swear!16:55
sebsebsebin #ubuntu16:55
humphreybcI wonder if manualbot has an entry for swearing16:55
sebsebsebcome back and do it soon after the kick, and you will probably get banned16:55
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: somthing to think about as we get bigger16:55
manualbotPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:55
humphreybcah ha!16:55
humphreybcwe should change that16:55
* ubuntujenkins is being boring ;)16:55
sebsebsebwell I think that's how the swearing rules is for Ubuntu,  but I am not an op there, unlike jrib16:56
humphreybcsometimes, you know, you just have to swear16:56
ubuntujenkinsI think its ubuntu conduct not to swear16:56
sebsebsebubuntujenkins: yes which is what I was saying16:56
nisshhhumphreybc: i agree!16:56
humphreybcthe worst I say is shit16:56
humphreybcwhich i happen to say quite a lot16:56
* humphreybc says it on the podcast a lot16:56
* nisshh knows that!16:57
sebsebsebhumphreybc: apparantly that one isn't always a swear word in Ubuntu channels16:57
sebsebsebor something like that16:57
humphreybcI try to avoid dropping the f bomb though16:57
nisshhyea, thats a baddy16:57
gotunandanhumphreybc: which podcast ? the omg!ubuntu! ?16:57
humphreybcsite's looking great daker16:57
nisshhnot good to say on irc16:58
sebsebsebhumphreybc: anyway it has been decided that 10.04, will get released, when you go to bed  :D  so get to bed already so the newbies, can overload the servers16:58
humphreybcgotunandan: yup, and interviews16:58
humphreybcsebsebseb: hahahaha!16:58
dakerhumphreybc, yes16:58
nisshhsebsebseb: yea!16:58
humphreybcdaker: how hard is it to have a rollover when you roll over the star? i can create a rollover image for you if you want16:58
humphreybcwould only take 2 secs16:58
sebsebsebhumphreybc: anyway as for development versions well yeah16:59
sebsebsebtest in development16:59
sebsebseband then by the  time the final is out, already bored of that release16:59
dakerhumphreybc, oki16:59
sebsebsebhumphreybc: that's what it is like for me16:59
humphreybcsebsebseb: haha i'm a bit the same16:59
humphreybci'm excited for maverick now16:59
* ubuntujenkins can't decide if to upgrade to maverick now16:59
sebsebsebhumphreybc: I was disapointed that had to wait untill it was December 10th for alpha 1 of Lucid, and then it was rather much like Karmic as expected, untill uhmmm alpha 3 or whatever it was16:59
nisshh10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....HAPPY DAY AFTER LUCID RELEASE DAY!16:59
humphreybcubuntujenkins: maverick doesn't exist yet?17:00
sebsebsebhumphreybc: I am glad I was only vm testing this time round also :)17:00
sebsebsebhumphreybc: however that was since I put a distro that I much prefer to Ubuntu these days on here, instead :)17:00
sebsebsebfor my useage17:00
ubuntujenkinsok then when it starts humphreybc17:00
sebsebsebI don't want social features,  rubbish top panel Gnome edits,  Ubuntu One, or the music store17:00
humphreybcubuntujenkins: will probably start next week17:00
sebsebsebfor my own useage17:00
humphreybcI know David has to have his design proposals for Maverick done by tomorrow17:00
dakerhumphreybc, what , what design ?17:01
humphreybcdaker: proposed new designs for maverick17:01
* nisshh is off to watch a movie, he will be back later...17:01
humphreybcthe design team mock up some stuff and bring it along to UDS17:01
ubuntujenkinsbye nisshh17:01
sebsebsebhumphreybc: yeah17:02
sebsebsebhumphreybc: your going to Belgium?17:02
sebsebsebfor UDS aren't you17:02
nisshhubuntujenkins: im not leaving silly!17:02
dakerhumphreybc, for our website ? or for the OS ?17:02
nisshhim sitting in the channel!17:02
ubuntujenkinsnisshh: have a good movie then :P17:02
nisshhhehe cheers!17:02
humphreybcthe design team mock up some stuff and bring them along to UDS17:03
humphreybcsebsebseb: yep17:03
sebsebsebhumphreybc: First time to Europe?17:03
sebsebsebnot that much goes on in Belgium really17:03
humphreybcsebsebseb: indeed it is17:03
sebsebsebaltough the European Commission is there as well17:03
humphreybclots of beer drinking17:03
sebsebsebhumphreybc: how will you handle the cold summer heh heh17:04
sebsebsebhumphreybc: well compared to New Zeland it will be17:04
sebsebsebI guess17:04
humphreybcdaker: this should do the trick, http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/star-rollover.png17:04
humphreybcsebsebseb: it'll be warmer in Brussels than it is where I live in May17:04
sebsebsebwell yes17:04
sebsebsebsince winter in New Zeland then17:04
humphreybcdaker: it should be a slightly lighter colour17:05
humphreybcin theory17:05
ubuntujenkins18524 downloads17:05
ubuntujenkins713.83 an hour17:06
humphreybcreckon we'll get to 100,000 by UDS?17:06
humphreybcit's in 10 days17:06
sebsebsebhumphreybc: look forward to another interview on omgubuntu by the way,   also love that Ubuntu fan boy and girl site really.   good blog posts,   and loads of newbie fan boys and such replying :D  as a expereinced Desktop Linux user,  I find some of the comments funny or something.  When they like express their love for Ubuntu :D17:07
dakerhumphreybc, is there any podcast ?17:08
humphreybcdaker: not yet17:08
humphreybcnext week17:08
humphreybcubuntu.com is going to change any minute now17:08
* humphreybc preps the omgubuntu post17:09
dakerhumphreybc, could you make it as one image (the star and hover)17:16
humphreybchow can I make it one image?17:16
dakerboth in one image17:16
dakerone under one17:16
humphreybcin a png?17:16
humphreybclike overlapping?17:16
dakerno no forgot about it17:17
* humphreybc is just waiting now17:17
hemanthhumphreybc, omgubuntu is using which cms?17:19
humphreybchemanth: blogger17:19
hemanthhumphreybc, wow! ok17:19
* hemanth now noticed the blogger icon 17:19
* humphreybc loves knowing people inside Canonical17:20
vishhumphreybc: its actually more fun keeping that to yourself ;)17:24
vishrather meant themselves*17:25
humphreybcvish: :P17:25
hemanthpeople search on people.canonical ? ;)17:27
humphreybchemanth: hahaha, not quite17:28
hemanthhumphreybc, RE on ~[a-z]+ ;)17:29
humphreybcmaybe when i get my IRC ubuntu member cloak I won't get banned all the time17:30
humphreybclooks good daker17:48
humphreybcHey Chris17:49
ChrisWoollardHow well has the manual been received?17:49
humphreybconly a few downloads17:50
humphreybc20,000 in fact17:50
humphreybcyou know, just a few17:50
ChrisWoollardThat is great17:51
humphreybcha ha!17:53
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: can we get project cloaks17:53
humphreybcubuntujenkins: ha! i don't think so17:54
ubuntujenkinsyou can do them freenode says so17:54
ubuntujenkinsI read it somewhere17:54
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gcrequest17:55
ChrisWoollardIs the manual on the iso?17:55
ChrisWoollardthat channel is really busy17:55
humphreybcfull of people asking "is it ready yet?" and posting spam17:56
epkugelmasscan someone help me find out why i'm +b from #ubuntu-release-party?18:00
humphreybcepkugelmass: banned?18:00
humphreybcprobably coz you linked to the download before it's been announced?18:01
humphreybcnot sure18:01
ChrisWoollardI believe the channal has also been muted18:01
epkugelmasshumphreybc: didn't do anything. i logged out, and when i logged back in i was banned18:02
IlyaHaykinsonooh, what do you know! lucid is out ;)18:07
IlyaHaykinsonhm, i don't think i like the "Buy the book!" star. Maybe "Get a printed copy!" star would be better -- the star right now makes it seem like the only version is the one you have to buy.18:10
dakerlucid is Out18:48
ubuntujenkinsdaker: I don't have humphreybc's design skills but if i send you some text/content for the quickshot website in a few days (3-5) will that be ok for you to make a start?18:53
humphreybcare we making a dedicated quickshot website18:53
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: I may send you the content to proof read. I would like to put some devloper info on there about the project18:54
dakerubuntujenkins, sure18:54
ubuntujenkinsthanks daker, i will get thinking on what pages i would like18:55
humphreybci'll do a tonne of design on the plane to UDS18:59
ubuntujenkinsyey \o/19:01
dakerhumphreybc, http://www.websiteoutlook.com/www.ubuntu-manual.org19:15
ubuntujenkinswe have a hit from VA (Holy See (Vatican City State)) :19:15
humphreybcwe should stick ads on the site :P19:16
ubuntujenkinsdaker: why are there Backlinks 427 ?19:16
ubuntujenkinssorry read it as blank not back19:18
daker19270 downloads19:20
ubuntujenkinsI make it 20873 using both stats pages19:21
humphreybc"Ubuntu 10" is sitting at number four in twitter trends19:22
dutchieyay, released19:25
* humphreybc is going to bed19:26
ubuntujenkinsnight humphreybc19:27
ubuntujenkinshello dutchie19:27
ubuntujenkinshello again hemanth19:27
hemanthubuntujenkins, ha ha was waving humphreybc as he said he is going to bed19:28
hemanthubuntujenkins, did a  sudo update-manager -d ?19:28
humphreybcif we don't have 30,000 downloads of the manual by the time I wake up i'm gonna be so annoyed :P19:28
humphreybcthe weird thing is that the downloads don't seem to be dropping off19:29
humphreybcthey're actually INCREASING in rate19:29
ubuntujenkinshemanth: nope I just keep updating19:29
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: i thought they were droping a bit19:29
humphreybcnot really19:29
humphreybclook at the graph19:29
hemanthhumphreybc, you will have a sleepless night :0)19:29
ubuntujenkinson it now19:29
ubuntujenkinswow it is increasing19:29
humphreybcwe're only halfway through this hour and the bar for the hour is almost up to the max for last hour19:29
ubuntujenkinsmore people are posting it etc19:30
dutchiechrist, 20,000 downloads19:30
humphreybcdutchie: uh, yeah19:31
humphreybccrazy huh19:31
humphreybci had no idea it'd be this much19:31
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: the server crashed in 2 minutes of release19:31
ubuntujenkinswell "timed out"19:31
dutchieor not ;019:31
ubuntujenkinswe had to mirror it like crazy19:31
humphreybcit was a CPU load thing19:31
humphreybcdutchie: where were you anyway!?19:31
dutchiein bed :(19:31
ubuntujenkinsit was crazy \o/19:32
ubuntujenkinsI only got 5 hours sleep before this morning19:32
dakerwhere are you the bug form ?19:34
humphreybc1 million downloads by the end of may?19:34
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: hmm we will have to see19:34
dutchiedaker: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual-website/ubuntu-manual-website/bug-form19:36
humphreybcdutchie: is the bug form finished already?19:37
ChrisWoollardI wonder how many hits you would get if you got a link on www.ubuntu.com19:37
humphreybcChrisWoollard: probably quite a few, that's the aim for Maverick19:38
humphreybcwe're apparently going to become a "top level" project if we prove ourselves after this release19:38
dutchiehumphreybc: no19:38
dutchiehumphreybc: not far off19:38
humphreybcdutchie: lol, if it was i would be very impressed19:38
humphreybcwhen can we get it on the site, dutchie, daker?19:38
dutchiewhen it's ready19:39
dutchieweek? 2 weeks?19:39
humphreybcokay good19:39
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: what do we have to do to "prove" our selves.19:39
humphreybcone week would be good :)19:39
humphreybcubuntujenkins: prove that we can put out more than one release :P19:39
humphreybca lot of projects do one release then die19:39
ubuntujenkinsare i see19:39
ChrisWoollarddoes that mean the 2nd edition19:40
humphreybcChrisWoollard: yeah, probably19:40
humphreybcwe'll hype that up too19:40
ChrisWoollardHow long do you think it will be before the alternate languages will be available?19:43
ChrisWoollardObviously the ones finished19:43
dutchiestupid lack of battery19:43
humphreybcWe're aiming for the finished ones to be out in a couple of weeks, so English UK, Galician, German and possibly Spanish19:43
dutchiemay disappear in 45 minutes or so19:43
humphreybcall depends whether we can get some editors from the translating teams19:43
humphreybcChrisWoollard: would you like to work with godbyk to edit the UK manual?19:44
ChrisWoollardI would be happy to.19:44
humphreybcokay, when he wakes up, have a chat to him19:44
humphreybchopefully we'll get some translations out soon, coz that's one of our biggest selling points19:44
ChrisWoollardI just don't know how to do that yet.19:44
ChrisWoollardThat is also an amazing achievment t have it available in multiple languages19:45
humphreybccoz it's mainly in english, he'll probably do all the latex formatting and just clarify any spellings with you19:45
humphreybc(i say "mainly" i mean all)19:45
humphreybccoz godbyk's american19:46
humphreybcyeah, we need more translators tho!19:46
ChrisWoollardI am fairly sure the spellings are pretty much ok.19:46
humphreybcyou won't have much to do then :P19:47
ChrisWoollardI already did a search for everything i could think of19:47
ChrisWoollardbut will still help with whatever19:48
humphreybci'm off to bed19:48
humphreybcnight all19:48
ubuntujenkinsnight humphreybc19:49
sebsebsebheh I am trying to get a not so technical woman to download the Ubuntu Manual19:49
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: ping20:44
dutchieubuntujenkins: pong20:46
ubuntujenkinswhere/what is manaulbot run on? concidering a quickshot bot20:46
dutchiesupybot running on my vps20:47
manualbotHi! I'm #ubuntu-manual's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:47
manualbotTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:47
manualbotUbottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html20:47
ubuntujenkinsthanks dutchie I had seen the bit pages. just need to think of factoids.20:48
andrew[topic probably should be updated re: meeting]20:50
ubuntujenkinsI think i will tackle it after i have packaged lytex20:50
manualbotPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:52
ubuntujenkinshmm how do i see the topic?20:52
andrewubuntujenkins: /t or /topic20:52
ubuntujenkinsthanks andrew I leave irc on for so long20:52
=== dutchie changed the topic of #ubuntu-manual to: Ubuntu Manual Project discussion | Lucid Edition 1 released! Go and download/buy it | Website: http://ubuntu-manual.org | Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual | IRC logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu Guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Code of Conduct: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/
godbykI'm alive again.20:57
godbykHow are things going?20:57
ubuntujenkinshello godbyk over 20000 downloads20:57
daker20498 hits20:57
dakergodbyk, see lulu star21:00
godbykdaker: nice!  and you miraculously managed to get it placed just where humpreybc wanted it.  I'm impressed!21:01
godbykIt looks like there have been 16 copies of the book sold now.21:02
ubuntujenkinswow daker the star looks good there21:02
hemanthgodbyk, got response for tex devl, he says its ok if it skips it must find an alternative by itself, but that doesn't seem to happen, giving it another shot and the ppa i found in LP has no tlmgr, so the script in pkgs bombs21:05
godbykhemanth: okay, let me know how it goes.21:06
godbykhemanth: yeah, they don't package tlmgr in the repositories because they want you to install everything via their repository.21:06
hemanthgodbyk, okies, now its 1507/207121:06
ubuntujenkinsI am working on the packaging i need to talk to godbyk on it today i have also mailed the list21:06
godbykhemanth: if everything we needed were available in the repository (and installed on your system), the install-pkgs.sh script will tell you that everything's there and you're good to go.21:07
hemanthWell, the Debian packages of TeXLive do not ship tlmgr.21:07
ubuntujenkinsI know21:07
godbykubuntujenkins: you might be interested in the tldistro list I saw yesterday: http://tug.org/texlive/lists.html21:07
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: thanks i have mailed the debian devs for the tex packages21:09
hemanthlucid has Package: texlive (2009-7) but not tlmgr21:09
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: your install script can we go through what it does? I think i know.21:10
godbykI think I'm going to have to give up on replying to OMG commenters. :)21:10
godbykubuntujenkins: sure!21:10
dakerubuntujenkins, ImportError: No module named hivelib21:19
dakerhow do i install hivelib21:19
dakergodbyk, no idea ?21:23
godbyksorry.. on the phone.21:24
ubuntujenkinssorry daker also on the phone will look soon21:24
c7phello, how many downloads do we have till now?21:48
c7pplus the 3,000 of the softpedia (?)21:49
dakerc7p, http://stats.ubuntu-manual.org/downloads/?id=821:51
daker=> Traffic source21:51
c7poh nice, ty21:52
c7pah, daker, I corrected some very bad translations, could you update the greek translations on site?21:54
c7pok thank you :)21:55
* ubuntujenkins is off the phone22:34
* godbyk is too22:34
godbykdaker: what is it that requires hivelib?  something for the website, I presume?22:35
dakerno :D22:37
dakerforgot it22:37
ubuntujenkinsi can't find much on it's appears to be a weird package22:37
ubuntujenkinsyou get it from a website22:37
ubuntujenkinssebsebseb: pluging the manual in #ubuntu :-) i like it22:39
manualbotFactoid 'manual' not found22:39
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: !!!22:39
dakerubuntujenkins, https://launchpad.net/beeseek-bot22:39
dutchieteach it one22:40
ubuntujenkinsi don't know how22:40
ubuntujenkinsplease tell me i would like to know this is the #ubuntu one22:40
ubuntujenkinsThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:40
ubuntujenkinsnot that we need it here but its cool does #ubuntu-uk have it?22:41
dutchieI've forgotten how to operate the bot22:42
popeyloser! :)22:42
ubuntujenkinsubuntu-uk has it22:42
c7pthe type:comment string, are marked for removal ?22:43
sebsebsebubuntujenkins: heh I tried to22:44
sebsebseband yes I will22:44
godbykc7p: If that refers to text inside the \begin{comment} ... \end{comment} lines, then you can leave that text as-is.  It doesn't actually appear in the manual.  It's just an internal comment.22:45
manualbotThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:45
* ubuntujenkins needs to work out how to make highlighting of the word "manual" work for all but this channel22:45
c7pgodbyk, for example check this string https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/el/458/+translate22:46
ubuntujenkinsthanks dutchie22:46
* ubuntujenkins thinks of a quickshot one but doesn't have a link to use22:46
godbykc7p: Yes, you can ignore that.22:46
godbykI haven't had time to figure out how to convince po4a to leave the comments out of the translation template yet.22:47
c7pah ok22:47
dakergodbyk, can you update the website pot file in the manual branch ?22:48
dakerput it in daker-test/includes/languages22:48
dakerpull it form lp:ubuntu-manual-website22:49
godbykdaker: sure. give me just a couple minutes22:49
dakertake your time22:50
dakerc7p, the string will be up n few minutes22:50
dakerthe strings*22:50
c7pvery nice :)22:50
godbykIf anyone wants to order a copy of the book on Lulu, you can try the coupon code FREESHIP for free shipping (at least in the US for their normal US mail rate).22:51
* daker doesn't have a credit card :s22:52
sebsebsebubuntujenkins: got the word manual on highlight or something? How did you know?22:53
ubuntujenkinssebsebseb: I do haev the word manaul on highlight i gives a lot off hits from this channel which can be anoying22:54
sebsebsebyeah I done it before22:54
sebsebsebput words on high light22:54
sebsebseband then in Ubuntu...22:54
sebsebseband the amount of high lights I got was annoying22:54
ubuntujenkinsI put Ubuntu-manaul on but got loads fro "ubuntu"22:55
godbykdaker: You can also use paypal if that's available to you.22:55
dakeri don't think so :s22:56
godbykdaker: I've updated the pot file for you.22:57
godbykbrb.. going to find something to eat.22:57
ubuntujenkinsI think FREESHIP makes the manaul 5.17 in the uk22:58
godbykNice.  It saved me $4 in shipping fees.23:00
godbykSo my total cost was < $10 for the shipped manual.23:01
c7pnight all23:04
ubuntujenkinsyep £5.17 fo the uk with that code book: £2.18 shipping £2.99 great price23:11
* ubuntujenkins is off to bed night all o/23:14
=== andrewPCT is now known as andrew
godbyk21,000 downloads in the first 24 hours.  Not bad, guys.23:21
popeygood work23:51

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