
chrisccoulsontime to get the party hats out in a few hours00:03
micahgchrisccoulson: you have an LWN subscription?00:04
chrisccoulsoni don't, how come?00:04
chrisccoulsoni probably should get one00:05
micahgoh, they published a paid article, Ubuntu members are entitled to a free paid account00:05
micahgchrisccoulson: http://lwn.net/Articles/384828/00:05
cwillu_at_workmicahg, you should be able to give out links to those though00:06
micahgcwillu_at_work: yeah, I could00:06
* cwillu_at_work gives micahg puppydog eyes00:06
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll give  you a link in PM if you want00:06
chrisccoulsonmicahg, that would be good :)00:09
kaushalcan i use the mozilla build firefox for ubuntu in production ?00:23
micahgkaushal: ?00:23
micahgkaushal: are you asking which of our builds are for production?00:24
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micahgchrisccoulson: is it ok if I create/push thunderbird-stable tonight with thunderbird, thunderbird-locales, and enigmail based on the Lucid packages?00:37
chrisccoulsonccheney, epiphany working without crashing now :)01:19
chrisccoulsongot lots of compiler warnings and glib runtime warnings to clean up now though01:19
chrisccoulsonbut it's looking good01:19
ccheneychrisccoulson: yipee! :)02:04
chrisccoulsoni've got most of the runtime warnings cleaned up now02:04
ccheneychrisccoulson: i don't know if you looked at the other packages yet but some of them might could be cleaned up a bit better esp with some of the bits you dropped02:04
chrisccoulsonyeah, i noticed there were some gtk changes02:04
chrisccoulsoni'd like to try and avoid those02:04
ccheneyiirc there were a few glib and gtk changes both, not sure if all of them can be dropped/changed so we don't need them directly in those packages or not02:05
chrisccoulsonthe GDK_BLANK_CURSOR addition in gtk can go now, as i've worked around that in epiphany (and it actually would need more changes in gtk to work correctly - it was the cause of one of the crashes)02:06
ccheneyoh ok02:06
chrisccoulsonand the addition of GTK_IMAGE_GICON can probably go as well, as i'm going to remove all the bits of that gtom EphyGtkEntry (epiphany doesn't use the GIcon images anyway)02:07
chrisccoulsondon't know what i was typing there ;)02:07
ccheneysounds like it should be much cleaner patch now :)02:07
chrisccoulsonanyway, i'll carry on with that tomorrow. sleep time now :)02:07
ccheneyhave a good night02:07
chrisccoulsonthanks, you too02:07
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
fta2amd643 2903 jobs (five days)07:07
fta2oh my! :(07:07
BUGabundo_remotehey hey huckle barry08:53
asacfta2: does that mean that they will fix those and make linux stable?11:13
asacor just move on because its too tough11:13
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
fta2asac, we could expect a stable for linux in ~ a month, based on m512:43
asacfta2: cool. thats very good news12:44
fta2but it will be the same release model as the beta i'm currently tracking12:44
asacfta2: right. but at least we can then garther data/experience on how stable maintenance really is12:49
asace.g. we can track real security updates ... and see how we can update them and see how bad regressions are etc.12:50
fta2asac, well, it's done by the same people, so it will be exactly the same12:54
asacfta2: could be. but its easier to explain to everyone once we have data from stable12:55
asacand we actively track for security updates etc.12:55
asacbut you are right. its probably the same12:55
asacfta2: what was the bash/sh option again to echo all commands run?12:58
fta2set -x12:58
fta2from inside the script12:58
fta2or sh -x script (from the outside)12:58
asacfta2: is that inherited for subscripts?12:58
asacfta2: whats the difference to -v ?12:58
fta2never used -v, it seems it just echoes the script12:59
asacfta2: so can i make -x to be inherited easily?12:59
asacor can i set that as an env somehow? (so it gets inherited)12:59
fta2it should be inherited13:00
fta2use set +x to disable it (if you just want to debug parts of a script)13:00
asacfta2: i want it inherited ... cool13:01
asaclet me try that13:01
asacfta2: set -e -x13:01
asacthat ok too?13:01
asacor do i need  seceond line13:01
* asac just tries ;)13:01
fta2i'd say you need two lines13:01
asachmm. let me check if -e is still honoured13:02
fta2but bash may be more permissive (it's certainly not portable though)13:02
asacok i make a second line then13:02
asacok seems its not inherited13:03
asacbut i found a functions.sh that is sources everywhere13:03
asacso i will just set it there13:03
asacwow. thats a hell lot of output ;)13:04
asacbut i guess i will figure where a file is removed13:04
asac  /win2713:18
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_remote
asacchrisccoulson: can you try to run make buildsymbols on a built firefox tree next time?15:34
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i can do that17:41
chrisccoulsonasac - do we not have proper debug symbols then?17:42
ftaamd643 2935 jobs (five days)17:55
BUGabundo_remote5 days!??!18:15
BUGabundo_remoteUbuntu 10.04 LTS released18:28
fta<bigjools> fta: yeah,all the DC machines get commandeered to push CDs out18:32
micahgchrisccoulson: I got the ok from RAOF to add a wrapper around gnome-shell until gjs is ported to seed and to remove rpath for seed, so I'll try to prepare the SRU before the next xulrunner release19:36
micahg*remove rpath from gjs :-/19:37
chrisccoulsonmicahg - thanks, i could have probably ok'd that though ;)19:37
chrisccoulsoni don't think there's any plans to port gnome-shell to use seed19:38
micahgchrisccoulson: he was maintaining so I thought I'd ask him19:38
chrisccoulsonoh, ok, i didn't realise he was maintaining it19:38
micahgchrisccoulson: idk maintaining, but did the last couple uploads19:39
micahgit would seem to benefit us if we can get gjs ported to seed so it's not a xul rdepend19:40
ftacongrats for your work on lucid guys \o/19:42
ftai mean, thanks19:43
chrisccoulsonmicahg - seed is the webkit equivalent of gjs though, so it would be gnome-shell ported to seed rather than gjs being ported19:43
micahgchrisccoulson: oh? I didn't know that19:44
chrisccoulsonbut, the upstream gnome-shell developers don't have any interest in porting to seed19:44
micahgactually, I might have known that but I forgot19:44
chrisccoulsonthey don't seem to consider the xul dependency to be an issue19:44
chrisccoulsonwe should try to correct them ;)19:44
micahgI thoguht there was an option19:44
chrisccoulsongjs just provides a way to access gnome libraries when using spidermonkey, and seed does a similar thing when using webkit19:45
BUGabundoeverning ppl of the intertubes! we came to conquer22:07
asacchrisccoulson: just want to see if it works22:14
asacchrisccoulson: e.g. run make buildsymbols22:14
asacon top of what ewe currently do22:14
asacat best we get -dbgsym still ... but also a .zip i nthe tree that we could check with launchpad folks how we can upload that to mozilla22:14
asacchrisccoulson: make a spec for that: use upstream crashdb for mozilla22:15
asacthat was on our list for too long and now mozilla is ready for taking our debug symbols so we should try to get crashreporter enabled22:15
asacand the crash submission to launchpad disabled22:15
asacat least they have a real DB and not individual bugs for crashes ;)22:15
chrisccoulsonhi asac, i will create a spec for that then, that would be good to get working23:13
chrisccoulsoni won't be around tomorrow btw, i've taken some holiday tomorrow (long day travelling)23:14
micahgchrisccoulson: I have the upstream info for adding crash info if you want it23:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, that would be useful23:17
chrisccoulsonshall we talk about it at the start of next week? i shall be unavailable from this evening23:17
micahgchrisccoulson: mozilla 44777123:17
ubottuMozilla bug 447771 in Tracking "allow Linux distributions to submit crash reports to crash-stats.mozilla.com" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44777123:17
micahgchrisccoulson: sure23:17
chrisccoulsonexcellent, thanks23:17
asacchrisccoulson: long day travelling?23:18
asacenjoy your trip ;)23:18
micahgchrisccoulson: we need to submit a bug like mozilla 53594723:18
ubottuMozilla bug 535947 in Server Operations "Requesting account for uploading symbols for openSUSE Linux builds" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53594723:18
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, sadly i shall be driving for most of the day ;)23:18
asachope the destination is worth the long travel :-P23:18
micahgchrisccoulson: enjoy your time off23:18
chrisccoulsoni'm going to a wedding in scotland on saturday, and we are doing the travelling tomorrow23:18
asacbring a good scotch for me ;)23:19
asacor at least drink a good scotch for me :-P23:19
chrisccoulsonheh ;)23:20
chrisccoulsoni got my gf insured to drive the hire car, so i will be able to have a scotch ;)23:20
asacsounds like a plan then :)23:22
micahgthe upgrade complaints have begun :)23:55
BUGabundotook a while23:56
micahgBUGabundo: they were about an  hour ago23:58
BUGabundoany funny one?23:58
BUGabundolike asking for FF4 ?23:58
micahgBUGabundo: not yet :)23:58
micahgjust grumbling so far23:59

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