
m4lthi, I went to join #ubuntu and still showed banned and that was from 2007 and It got unbanned long ago by Hobbse in 2007 and now it shows it banned again?00:01
m4ltI have used ubuntu for a long time, just trying to access channel and get little help and try and help others, if I can.00:02
m4ltis there anyway anyone could check and see if this ban can be done with?00:03
jribm4lt: one second00:04
jribm4lt: I don't even see a matching ban00:05
m4ltlook for
m4ltthat's my static IP had it for years00:06
jriboh I see realname ban on malt00:06
jribm4lt: why were you banned?00:07
m4ltin 200700:07
m4ltI got logs00:07
jribm4lt: /why/?00:07
m4ltover cody00:08
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:08
m4ltcody summerville00:08
jrib!guidelines > m4lt00:08
ubottum4lt, please see my private message00:08
jribm4lt: just read over those.  Let me know when you are done and if you agree to them00:09
m4ltthere I told you it was old00:09
m4ltban since 2007 then it got removed, cause I got DDoSed by cody00:09
m4ltthen something with proxy back then00:10
m4lt12:04:51] <+mneptok> well, if we know the ISP we can fake a DMCA claim and get him00:11
m4ltthat was what they were up to00:11
jribmneptok: comment on m4lt's ban?00:14
m4ltI will show respect, ubuntu is all I use, I am just trying to be in the community to help and get help now and days.00:15
jribm4lt: did you see my comment about reading the guidelines?00:16
m4ltreading now00:16
jribthe ban is so old and half the people involved are no longer active on irc that I don't personally have a problem lifting it, but since mneptok was involved, I'll wait for his comments00:16
m4ltdo I need to stay and idle, or will he just let you know?00:19
jribm4lt: you can idle if you wish to wait for mneptok, he's usually around during this time00:20
m4ltok thanks00:20
nhandlerbjf: Techni/5100:28
nhandlererr, ignore that00:28
h00knhandler: consider it ignored00:29
mneptokjrib: i'm currently on vacation out of the country and not very reliably connected.00:35
funkyHatWhat's the difference between /ar and /arn?00:35
h00kone letter!00:35
* funkyHat prods h00k 00:36
mneptokm4lt: IIRC, you were abusive, chose to ignore requests to stop behavior, and ban evaded.00:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:36
m4ltNo, I was attacked had to come here00:36
nhandlerfunkyHat: The n causes it to notify the user00:36
m4ltand even the ubuntu admin was banned cody00:36
nhandler18:36:39 -!- Irssi: /arn, /remove_notice: Remove a user and /NOTICE them the reason00:36
m4ltI did use a proxy to be able to talk to in this channel00:36
m4ltit has been years to, didn't know00:37
mneptokthat's ban evading00:37
m4ltI ban evaded to get someone to stop them00:37
m4lt+ they did fake ISP claim00:37
mneptoknot only is it against Ubuntu IRC policy, but also Freenode policy00:37
m4ltCan I get 2nd chance since it has been so long, please?00:38
m4ltI am different now00:38
m4ltschool and all00:38
m4ltcommunity college00:38
mneptokdo you understand that sexist, racist, or other such "jokes" are not acceptable?00:39
m4ltthat wasn't even me, they used proxy and my name00:39
m4ltto get me banned00:39
mneptokwho did?00:39
mneptokwhat makes you think this?00:39
m4ltit's all here00:40
mneptoki think you need to read that more carefully.00:41
m4ltlook how old that is00:42
m4lteven your admin banned your channel admin00:42
m4ltfor DDoSing and faking DH claim00:42
m4ltI had to come here to speak my side00:42
m4lteven if it was evading00:42
m4ltthey called my ISP and that did nothing00:42
m4ltover 1 person that hated me all this happens00:43
mneptokm4lt: again, you seem to not be reading that e-mail carefully.00:44
m4ltI read it fine we both did wrong00:44
m4ltI will say it00:44
m4ltcan I please though help the community and show respect?00:44
mneptokm4lt: and no one DDoS'ed you. i know, i was there.00:44
m4ltI got logg00:44
m4lt+ read there00:45
m4ltdowntime was 4 hours on medical network typist00:45
m4ltISP was about to really jump into this back then00:45
m4ltI got locked up anyways over weed00:45
mneptokm4lt: well, since you show absolutely no contrition, i will not be unbanning you.00:45
m4ltI am, just telling my side man00:46
m4ltI haven't evaded since00:46
Picim4lt: We're not asking for excuses or explanations over what happened that long ago.00:46
Pici19:39:06 <mneptok> do you understand that sexist, racist, or other such "jokes" are not acceptable?00:46
PiciPlease answer.00:46
m4ltthat wasn't me00:47
m4ltcody used my name + proxy00:47
* mneptok goes back to his vacation00:47
m4ltfuck it then, I just go by whole new identity00:47
m4ltfuck you all00:47
m4ltban me00:48
mneptoksorry to dump this back into your collective laps, but this seems a dead-end00:48
m4ltgo ahead00:48
m4ltsure does00:48
mneptokand ... there we go. true colors flown from the mast.00:48
Picimneptok: Go enjoy yourself.00:48
* Pici doesn't know what that was00:48
mneptokPici: thanks. sorry about any mess.00:48
Picimneptok: not your fault, that was weird.00:49
mneptokPici: nice to know you're still taking your understatement pills00:49
* mneptok detaches and returns to a lovely .do evening00:49
funkyHatAnyone know the difference between /ar and /arn?00:59
jpdsfunkyHat: <+nhandler> funkyHat: The n causes it to notify the user00:59
PicifunkyHat: didn't nhandler tell you that?00:59
* jpds prods funkyHat01:00
funkyHatOh, sorry. I was distracted by this crazy malt person01:00
funkyHatThanks ⢁)01:00
PiciIts okay, it was distracting.01:00
* nhandler can't remember if he added the /help autobleh stuff or if the new version came with it01:00
funkyHatThe version I have provides no help01:01
Picimaybe you need a new version01:01
Picih00k: maybe you should suggest a factoid for the manual01:04
h00kI should01:04
h00kbecause it's out01:04
h00kI have to figure out how to suggest something01:04
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:04
funkyHatmanual is <reply> roll up, roll up, get your free copy here! All about how to use Ubnontus! http://wer.da.manyul.iz01:05
ubottuIn ubottu, h00k said: !manual is <reply> The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:05
h00kthat's kinda long01:06
Pici!manual is <reply> The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music  and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:06
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici01:06
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Sp0t said: ubottu well today is April 29, at least in Thailand it is already01:06
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music  and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:07
Pici!manual =~ s/  / /01:09
ubottuI'll remember that Pici01:09
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:09
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org01:09
PiciWhatcha lookin for?01:10
jribisn't there a factoid that lists help.ubuntu.com?01:10
h00k!search help.ubuntu.com01:10
ubottuFound: frostwire, tty, xampp, moblock, binarydriver, burners, usplash, themes, keyboard, font and 214 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=help.ubuntu.com01:10
funkyHatI think the answer is a resounding "yes"01:10
jribmaybe I'm just thinking of !support01:10
h00kperhaps we can add the manual to support01:11
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com01:11
jribthere we go01:11
nhandlerShould we add manpages.ubuntu.com to that ?01:11
h00kalso, the manual, probably01:12
* Pici finds his release-party alias01:24
nhandlerDoes the u-r-p bot quiet users if they trigger the "is it out yet" kick too many times?01:36
h00kgood question01:40
h00kPici: /arn, yes?01:40
h00kWho is making the official announcement in there when it's out?01:40
wgrantNormally slangasek (the RM).01:41
h00kwho is realubot?01:41
wgrantDoes everyone remember the fiasco last time?01:41
wgrantCan we please not repeat that?01:41
h00kWhich one...01:42
wgrantSomeone came along and changed the topic early.01:42
h00kI am not going to touch it.01:42
tsimpsonh00k: it'll be announced on the ubuntu-announce list01:42
nhandlerwgrant: Probably an Ubuntu member (no longer on the access list)01:42
wgrantnhandler: It was, yes.01:42
wgrantAh, good.01:42
h00ktsimpson: right01:42
h00ktsimpson: but I mean, who announces it to #ubuntu-release-party01:43
nhandlerTopic shouldn't be changed until that ubuntu-announce@ email comes through01:43
tsimpsonwhoever feels like doing it01:43
wgrantIt should be slangasek.01:43
h00kI wonder if sabdfl will be around01:43
tsimpsonif one of the release team are there, sure01:43
tsimpson*there _and_ active01:43
nhandlerThey'll be *very* busy tomorrow01:43
h00kwe have a few people01:44
h00kSciri for one01:44
h00kis a Canonical guy01:44
nhandlerh00k: He is not release team01:44
nhandlerHey jpds01:44
h00knhandler: who is, do we have a list?01:44
nhandlerh00k: The official announcement will come to ubuntu-announce@ from slangasek. Once that comes, anyone can update the /topic01:45
wgrantThe standard has been that the RM will come in and announce it.01:45
wgrantBut we should discuss that with him when he wakes up.01:45
jpds /mode #ubuntu-release-party +tea01:45
tsimpsonwe should probably have one of the team join here close to release, so we can communicate properly01:47
elkyjpds, tea party?01:47
wgrantelky: The best kind.01:47
* elky goes to wash her mouth out.01:47
jpdselky: Well, I really meant s/tea/t/ , but some PG tips would be lovely.01:47
h00k#u-r-p is crazy01:48
nhandlerI'll talk to Steve tomorrow to try and get the release todo list updated to include updating the /topic in u-r-p and announcing it there01:48
wgranth00k: Er, this isn't crazy.01:49
h00kwgrant: well, I remember last year, too.01:49
h00kyeah, i suppose it gets worse.01:49
wgrantThere's still 12 hours to go.01:49
elkyI don't remember last year. I was conveniently in hospital.01:49
gordyou forgot the quote marks around conveniently01:49
elkyIf it went as ballistic as you folks make out, then no, it really was convenient.01:50
tsimpsonI really do hate -r-p01:50
wgrantBetter there than #u!01:51
elkyI like that it's confined to one channel.01:51
gordyeah, its basically there so that the rest of the channels don't erupt, we can forward people to one place01:52
tsimpsonand watch it burn01:52
gordwell we don't want the nice parts of the internet burning now do we :)01:53
h00kthere's only 125 in there at the moment01:53
gordwait until north america hits thursday ;)01:53
h00kI might get a few beers01:54
* elky shudders at Italian_Plumber01:56
wgrantYes, but I'm not sure it really violates any rules, sadly.01:57
wgrantOr does it?01:57
jpdsmaco: Actually, the bot is probably PHP.02:04
macooh really02:04
tsimpsonnot "probably", it is02:05
h00ksabre-edge is on thin ice with me, as is bentkus. They've both had enough warnings02:06
wgrantHe's in -release proper, too.02:16
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
mneptokbefore any of you ask, yes, i did indeed schedule this vacation to conflict with the release, and thus avoid -r-p duty. and you know, i think i'll make this a habit.02:26
mneptokhmmm ... moonlight swim. the Caribbean or the pool?02:26
* wgrant sentences mneptok to 12 hours community service in #u-r-p.02:27
mneptokwgrant: done. i'll drop in on May 5 when i return.02:27
IdleOneevening folks02:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu, bentkus said: ubottu: steam + ubuntu is like porn02:53
h00kit's quite quiet, now.03:14
Flannelh00k: you're not supposed to say that out loud03:15
h00kFlannel: my bad ://03:15
Myrttiyou'll jinx it03:15
FlannelSo, last October, both #ubuntu and #u-r-p peaked at the same time.  Peak in #u was 1865, peak in -r-p is 1177.03:16
Flannel39 seconds apart, oddly enough.03:16
h00kholy crap.03:17
Flannelh00k: Just so you know what we're in for in the next 24 hours :)03:17
IdleOneFlannel: #u will top 200003:17
h00kYeah, I remember last year and observing, anyway.03:17
FlannelIdleOne: I don't know, it's ~12 hours out, and we're still at our regular size03:23
IdleOneFlannel: I'll bet you 100 internetz :)03:23
=== IdleOne is now known as LucidOne
h00kLucidOne: did I just beat you in a quickdraw?03:37
LucidOneh00k: I think we both hit him :)03:37
LucidOneone to the head and one to the heart :)03:37
FlannelAnyone know anything about this "IRC Answers Bot"?03:45
* tonyyarusso has a sneaking suspicion PartyBot1 might have something to do with LjL03:45
jpdstsimpson: Yes.03:46
Flanneltonyyarusso: ^^03:46
tonyyarussoSimilar antics to last time :P03:47
h00kNo idea...03:49
LucidOnewhen did the word party become a synonym of stupid?03:49
Myrttisince... hm. let me think03:49
MyrttiI think April 2006 is a close guess03:50
FlannelLucidOne: We created that channel to focus the stupid somewhere it can safely be semi-ignored without affecting real IRC channels03:50
jpdsLucidOne: In the beginning, life was rice, wild and on the whole tax-free.03:50
LucidOneFlannel: understood03:51
GodricBrutusi asked a question about openoffice.org's appearence and posted a screen-shot of my desktop with the way openoffice.org looks on it, and the guy said 'my screen-shot 'has nothing to do with my question' and that i 'should know better' and banned me. http://uppix.net/2/d/e/6b2a6dec70f12ea504775149e056d.png03:51
h00kGodricBrutus: yes, that was myself, and that was not the link in question.03:51
tsimpsonh00k: poke03:51
LucidOneGodricBrutus: what channel?03:51
GodricBrutush00k yes it was03:51
h00kGodricBrutus: Let me check the logs.03:51
GodricBrutusLucidOne, #ubuntu channel03:51
* LucidOne mutters something about logs03:51
Myrttido I want to open the link?03:52
h00kGodricBrutus: I'm correct, that was not the link.03:52
FlannelMyrtti: That link is safe03:52
GodricBrutusi dont know what to tell you. this is a fresh install and that is the only screen-shot i've ever taken03:52
GodricBrutusi swear to god that was the link03:52
GodricBrutusi would not lie03:52
GodricBrutusgood. please see the logs03:53
FlannelGodricBrutus: You also posted this one:03:53
h00kGodricBrutus: I'm quite insulted, actually, as the link you posted was pornographic in nature and contained thumbnails that were not appropriate for the channel.03:53
GodricBrutusthere is nothing wrong with the screenshot03:53
GodricBrutushook i did not03:53
GodricBrutusno way i did that03:53
tsimpsonyou did03:53
h00kYou did.03:53
h00kFlannel: that be the one.03:54
GodricBrutusare you sure?03:54
FlannelYou posted the former twice, and then the third time you switched, yes, I am sure.03:54
GodricBrutusif that was the one, im sorry. my clipboar had a mixup03:54
GodricBrutuswas an honest accident03:54
GodricBrutusif that was it03:54
LucidOneSo you did have more then one screen shot on your system03:54
GodricBrutusyeah, i remember that now03:54
GodricBrutusthat was after i changed my background to ask the question03:55
GodricBrutusi changed the background specifically to ask the question. honest mistake03:55
Myrttiwell, you can also see that the screenshot you posted originally indeed did NOT have anything to do with the question you asked03:55
GodricBrutuswill make sure it doesnt happen again03:55
GodricBrutusyes, i see that now. it was an honest mix-up03:56
GodricBrutuswill be more careful next time03:56
GodricBrutuscan i please be un-banned?03:56
GodricBrutusand not to push my luck ir anything, but does anybody here know why the munu items are bold like that?03:57
LucidOneGodricBrutus: that question is better suited for #openoffice.org as for your ban it is up to h00k03:58
h00kGodricBrutus: I will remove the ban, but please check the links that you are posting before you post them03:58
GodricBrutusthanks bro03:58
GodricBrutusi will03:58
h00kGodricBrutus: also, make sure you are familiar with the guidelines and code of conduct03:58
GodricBrutuswill do03:58
h00k!guidelines > GodricBrutus03:59
ubottuGodricBrutus, please see my private message03:59
h00k!codeofconduct > GodricBrutus03:59
GodricBrutuslater guys03:59
LucidOneis play kicking allowed in -party?04:07
LucidOneor are we being adults :)04:07
h00kI don't know, but I just got kicked04:11
Flannelh00k: Because you asked if it was out04:11
h00kFlannel: I know :D04:11
h00kit caused some lols in there, too. good fun.04:11
LucidOneh00k: bot luvs me more then you04:11
h00kLucidOne: it feels bad for you :(04:12
LucidOneI laughed for real04:12
h00kI did, too.04:12
LucidOneI thought we would have a little protection but I guess not.04:12
* LucidOne is not special \o/04:12
h00ktsimpson: wait, who did you just ban?04:13
tsimpsonh00k: bikcmp04:14
tsimpsonmaybe he04:14
h00kah, I see that now04:14
tsimpson*he'll think twice about "is it out yet" now04:14
LucidOneguess Flannel wasn't hungry04:21
FlannelPartybot isn't updated for muting?05:02
LucidOneI was waiting for it to kick in05:03
LucidOneguess not05:03
FlannelIt did, +zb, but used old style05:03
elkyoh, the linking has started?05:04
h00knot linking, she was giving asciiart longcat05:04
Flannelthe longcat flood has started05:04
Flannelfirst was 1 minute, this is 5 minutes, she's getting an hour if she's still going when it's over05:04
elkytrollcat is troll.05:05
h00k224, so far05:09
h00kFlannel's quick alias is quick05:10
Flannelh00k: auto_bleh!05:10
h00kFlannel: I need to learn all of the aliases, there. :D05:10
FlannelLucidOne: Please don't advertise -r-p in #u, point people there, but don't invite more people05:11
LucidOne:/ k05:11
FlannelLucidOne: We don't need #u to be noisier than it is.05:11
FlannelThe point of -r-p is to keep #u usable tonight ;)05:12
LucidOneFlannel: right, just got excited is all :)05:12
FlannelNo worries05:12
h00kFlannel: is that /at ?05:15
Flannelh00k: yes, /at name minutes05:15
h00kFlannel: I figured, I'm looking through the script now05:16
LucidOneI think I need to start using irssi05:16
LucidOnewill wait till release is over to switch05:17
h00kFlannel: /at is different than /aq ?05:17
LucidOneno time to start learning new commands now05:17
h00ktimeout vs quiet?05:17
Flannelquiet is permanent, timeout will remove it after X05:18
h00kmakes sense05:18
LucidOnedamnit leave me some too05:24
h00kFlannel: still going.05:29
Flannelwent to 30, yeah.05:29
wgrantOh, it's a *really* longcat.05:29
wgrantI see.05:29
FlannelBe nice if we could get +z changed to +q that'd make the whole night a lot more pleasant05:32
wgrantSo, slangasek confirms that he plans to do the announcement in #-r-p.05:35
wgrantSo we just need to stab anybody who tries to set the topic early.05:35
* h00k gets his topic fingers ready05:35
Flannelh00k: You've got plenty of time05:35
h00kI'm all ready...05:35
* h00k larts self05:35
wgrantIt's 8 or 9 hours away.05:36
Flannelban evasion to spam.05:37
Flannelwell, quiet evasion05:37
h00kis it instant kicks for .pool links?05:43
wgrantFlannel: Ah, of course, the disclaimer. Thanks.05:45
h00kGood call.05:45
FlannelI don't want to mention pool explicitly, but yeah05:45
* h00k makes a new hilight05:48
h00kI removed someone in #ubuntu for linking to it05:53
elkypeople are pasting pastbin links full of "is it out yet"?05:55
elkyI don't have words for how pathetic that is.05:55
h00kbetter there than in the channel, anyway05:55
elkyyes. still...05:56
wgrantPretty pathetic, yes.05:57
FlannelIs he still doing that?05:57
wgrantHe hasn't for a couple of minutes.05:57
wgrantOr not.05:58
h00kI did ask him to stop, he did it twice since05:58
geniiWhen will #ubuntu-release-party be open?06:00
wgrantIt has been for a day.06:00
geniiAh, good06:00
bazhangjohnj still at it06:02
h00kI put him in timeout for 10 mins.06:03
h00kI just got rickrolled.06:07
Flannelrickrolls are good clean fun06:08
h00kI lol'd06:08
h00kokay. johnj needs to go.06:09
wgrantHe left himself.06:09
wgrantNext time he needs a nickban.06:09
h00kwgrant: he keeps coming and going, I kickbanned him06:09
wgrantOh, right, he isn't changing hosts, although he is using the web client. That's easier.06:10
h00kI did ban him06:11
FlannelI did.06:14
Flannelyou did!06:14
h00kI did, yeah.06:14
h00kand he keeps coming back06:14
Flannelright, hold on06:14
ubottuIn ubottu, gnufun said: Where is Lucid?06:14
h00kelky: you beat me.06:14
FlannelThat was a second IP06:18
Flannelwhat an idiot.06:18
h00kelky: once agian, you beat me.06:19
elkyi'm just that good06:19
h00kit's true.06:19
h00kI blame it on not being practiced06:20
FlannelWhat's our "servers are experiencing heavy load" factoid?06:28
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors06:28
* Flannel found it!06:28
h00kthere you go. first shot.06:28
FlannelWait, why is the club bot in -r-p?06:36
Flanneloh, wait, it's not.06:37
elkyFlannel, don't scare me like that.06:40
Flannelelky: I scared me like that06:40
h00kyou both scared me like that06:41
dholbachgood morning06:45
bazhangugh the linkspammers06:49
wgrantThat was just an RC link for now.06:49
h00kit was. :/06:50
bazhangjotall still at it06:51
h00kyes, still.06:51
h00kI PM'd jotall06:52
h00kPMantis is expecting an answer from me about linking, apparently. Should I direct them here?06:54
FlannelIf you'd like06:54
FlannelI'll just say it06:54
Flannelit'll let everyone else know too06:54
h00kI'm out for the eve.07:07
Flannel"Karmic is released!" in the topic of #u is somewhat silly.07:36
elkybut it's true...07:44
elkyhas that really been there 6mths?07:44
Flannelmaco: Think I got everyone ;)07:50
macoyeah i thought you missed abyssx but i just wasnt reading fast enough07:51
macothe first thing i did when they started hitting my "girl" highlight was check the channel flags07:51
Flanneltrainwreck is so pleasant in query as well.07:53
macooh lovely07:53
ikoniahello ogasawara08:56
ikonia@mark #ubuntu DonkyManChong bad language, removed from #u-r-p for the same, very abusive in pm, telling me to "fuck him sideways" etc09:07
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:07
elkyFlannel, ikonia, bazhang, h00k any bans we want to preserve for -party?10:01
wgrantAh, people throwing around hashes are going to be in for a bit of a surprise, for real this time.10:38
wgrantMaybe it will shut them up for a release or two.10:44
jussiI cannot wait for next week. -r-p is over then.10:46
elkyI think I've realised the /real/ purpose for -party.10:53
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
jussi!away > bjf[afk]11:55
ubottubjf[afk], please see my private message11:55
LjLi banforwarded someone from -release-party to here11:56
LjLyeah. just so if he comes back you know where he's coming from11:57
jussicolors enabled in -r-p? bleh12:00
LjLoh one thing. may i suggest that, as a second option to the torrents, we point to the metalink downloads of lucid?12:02
LjLthat spreads the load on all servers (given even during the hardest hits, there's always some servers that manage to remain underutilized), and aria2c (the best metalink client in the repositories) *also* downloads from torrent12:03
nhandlerjussi: I thought tsimpson disabled those12:10
nhandlerAlright. I just talked to slangasek. He *will* be making an announcement and updating the /topic in #ubuntu-release-party, so we don't need to worry about that12:44
bazhangnice :)12:44
wgrantYeah, I confirmed that earlier.12:47
wgrantMakes things easier.12:47
jussinhandler: have we given him access to the topic?12:50
Piciis it over yet?12:55
nhandlerjussi: Should we just give him +t or +votiA like everyone else12:55
jussiikonia: I dont think a ban for everyone like that is good, perhaps a remove first up?12:55
jussinhandler: just op him up12:56
ikoniajussi: someone comes into the channel with phrases like masturbating monkeys, I've muted him while I talk to him12:56
ikoniajussi: I think that's pretty appropriate12:56
nhandlerjussi: He is all set12:56
PiciYou want to op him in a channel with 600 crazy people?12:56
nhandlerPici: No. I gave him +votiA12:57
nhandlerHe can op and /topic or /cs topic when he is ready ;)12:57
Picinhandler: Thats fine.12:57
Picihttp://status.nullcortex.com/other/other/irccount2.html <- release party is the ugly lime-green line12:57
ikonialets see....this will be good12:57
ikonianice big jump at the end12:58
nhandlerI should find that irssi stats parser script and run it on my u-r-p logs to see the most popular phrases and who got kicked the most12:58
Black_Phantomyo guys i was jk take it easy12:58
ikoniahello Black_Phantom12:58
Black_Phantomi swear Linus said that12:58
ikoniaBlack_Phantom: have you ever been in any #ubuntu based channels before ?12:59
Black_Phantomikonia, many12:59
ikoniaBlack_Phantom: ok - so I'm pretty sure you're then aware that that sort of comment is not appropriate in #ubuntu channels12:59
Black_Phantomright brah, but am here since 6 am ( its 3 pm now )12:59
Black_Phantomi got a lil bored12:59
Black_Phantomsorry brah12:59
ikoniasorry, I'm not sure how that's relevant12:59
Black_Phantomok another chance brah common13:00
ikoniaBlack_Phantom: if you're making these mistakes because you're tired, I suggest you sit out the rest of the party and come back when you're awake13:00
Black_Phantomikonia, nah am all good13:00
Black_Phantomcommon i have been DJying the channel for 3 hours13:00
Black_Phantomikonia, can you unban me please ?13:01
ikoniawell, I suggest you take a couple of hours away from the channel, I've watched in the channel today and you know the rules and you chose to make that comment13:01
Black_Phantomikonia, dont worry am all awake and aware and am not high dont worry, this is the 1st time i get banned in freenode13:02
ikoniaBlack_Phantom: ok, so if I remove the ban I'll have no more issues with you in #ubuntu-release-party right ?13:03
ikoniaok then13:03
Black_Phantomthanks brah13:03
ikoniathere we go13:04
ikoniaall removed13:04
ikoniaPici: those graphing tools look quite good13:05
Tm_Tat what point partypot will talk about june release date?13:05
bazhang+1 is nearly as bad13:06
Piciikonia: it takes samples every 5 minutes from some irssi scripts I've hacked up.  The blank spots are from when I broke it and the script failed to run.  Unfortunately its pretty much impossible for me to go back and fix any of those13:06
ikoniait's impressive13:07
bazhangsomeone want to check pakete in +1?13:08
Picimunin is doing all the heavy-lifting, I'm just using some unconventional data-sources.13:08
bazhang<pakete> then you type sudo -s do check malware13:08
Tm_Tummm, I might have bit short fuse in -r-p today, poke me when I'm tooo quick13:13
Tm_Tpakete is there, talking about update kit again13:14
elkyjohnj just got removed for spamzoring that link again13:21
PiciWell, hes not doing it in +1 at least :/13:21
Tm_Tgone ->13:22
PiciI have a meeting for the next few hours, so have fun ;P13:45
elkyfor the record, someone invited me to a channel that has johnj in it, as _techie_. he quite literally doesn't know when a joke isn't funny any more13:47
ikoniawho is johnj ?13:47
marienzI can help with very obvious problems if you want me to, but it looks like you've got it pretty much covered already :)13:47
elkyikonia, the boring "paste a pastebin of "is it out yet" and think it's funny" person13:47
bazhangpastebin spamming isitoutyet13:48
ikonianot seen him13:48
marienzstarted spamming "ELKY" using various webchat hosts after being removed.13:48
elkythe channel has a deligthful collection it it13:48
elkyincluding eagles.13:48
elkyi loled upon entry.13:48
ikoniasounds a treat13:49
marienzalso, TragicallyHip could do with being removed, I think13:49
gordwhy do people all over identi.ca think that there has to be 1000 people in u-r-p before it gets released?13:51
bazhangthey're insane?13:52
elkygord, ...13:52
elkyis this like Speed? If we drop below a threshold, the whole thing asplodes?13:52
gordsave me keanu!13:53
topyliok i'm joining, can't help it!14:02
* elky prepares the couch for the crying topyli to come running back to.14:02
tsimpsondon't blink, they get you when you blink...14:02
marienzthis is true14:03
elkyDid sebsebseb just tell me to go to bed?14:03
topylitis busy14:06
topylivery crowded, i can't even find the bar14:06
elkytopyli, if you subscribe to the theory of intellectual osmosis, you should probably be wearing a tinfoil hat too.14:07
marienzI wonder if there's a trigger to get PartyBot1 to hand out drinks.14:09
elkyit'd have to be added i think14:10
tsimpsonprobably incoming (bentkus)14:11
marienzI can't figure out if Ergo^ is trolling or legitimately concerned.14:11
bazhangwow bluebaron14:11
bentkusno party bots in here :(14:12
ikoniamarienz: trolling14:19
bentkustrolling is on the nature of wise linux users14:20
bentkusin the*14:20
ikoniabentkus: how can we help you ?14:20
bentkusi got kick banned from the party channel, now i have to stick at this boring channel14:20
ikoniano, you are welcome to leave this channel14:21
ikoniabentkus: this channel is only for resolving channel/operator issues14:21
ikoniabentkus: who banned you from #ubuntu-release-party ?#14:21
ikoniabentkus: I don't see it as anything to smile about14:21
bentkushe was not amused about my shit joke14:21
ikoniabentkus: have you spoke to tsimpson ?14:21
ikoniaI'm not ammused with your language14:21
ikoniaplease stop using swear words14:22
ikonia!guidelines > bentkus14:22
ubottubentkus, please see my private message14:22
tsimpsonlanguage issues, he's been warned several times14:22
ikoniabentkus: please read the URL ubottu has sent to you14:22
ikoniabentkus: did you get the URL ?14:24
bentkusi didnt thought that sh** is a swear yeah14:24
bentkuso sorry didnt delete that input14:24
bentkusam yeah im reading it now14:24
bentkuslooking for the swear list14:24
ikoniabentkus: as tsimpson is active I suggest you try to resolve the issue with him, or leave the channel14:24
ikoniabentkus: there is no swear list, it's common sense14:24
bazhanghe was warned several times14:25
bentkuskinda hard to see all the messages in such an active channel14:25
h00kincluding by myself14:25
bentkusthat was yesterday14:25
bazhangbentkus, the rules apply on every day.14:26
bentkusyeah, but the punishments are not permanent14:26
bazhangright. that channel closes soon enough14:27
bentkusi mean like if you steal a car you wont get into prison for the rest of your life14:27
bazhangof course not. and as the channel will soon close, nothing to worry about.14:27
bazhangthe code of conduct and the guidelines are in effect in all ubuntu channels. please be sure you are aware of them.14:29
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:29
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .14:29
bentkusyeah, already read them14:29
tsimpsonTragicallyHip: please read the links from the bot too14:30
TragicallyHipYeah.  Reading it.  Do I have to sign it?14:31
bentkusIt wouldnt be very ubuntuish if they would force you14:31
tsimpsonyou don't need to sign-in14:31
ikoniabentkus: please concern yourself with your own issue please14:31
TragicallyHipokay.  The point has been impressed.  Like I said, just caught up in the bustle.  Trying to be funny.14:32
TragicallyHipmy bad14:32
TragicallyHip'm sorry.14:32
tsimpsonTragicallyHip: you can re-join the channel now14:33
TragicallyHipthank you14:33
bazhang:Channel ban list is full in #ubuntu14:37
ikoniaughhh again14:37
Picibazhang: I'll take a look at the excempts14:37
bazhangPici, I'll remove some longer standing ones except for arrgh2d214:38
ikoniagot rid of a couple14:39
ikoniaPici: good call14:39
bazhangwhhops sorry for the flood14:39
ikoniaahhh the idiots have created #ubuntu-release-party-norules14:40
h00kit should be ##14:40
tsimpsondoes it actually exist?14:41
ikoniaI'm in it now14:41
h00kI'm afraid to ask, how many are there?14:41
elkyI'm inclined to let them have it for the day.14:42
ikoniaonly 514:42
tsimpsonbentkus: can we help you?14:42
bentkusYeah, it would be nice if i could  get unbanned at the party channel14:43
bentkusi now see that my behavior was inapropriate14:44
bentkuswont happen again14:44
ikoniatsimpson: thank you for stepping in14:44
Pici81 exempts being removed.14:45
ikoniaPici: a hero amongst men14:45
tsimpsonPici: non-ops can't see +e or -e14:45
Picitsimpson: I know, thats why I told y'all14:45
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:46
bazhangholy cow14:46
LucidOne[09:46:06] <Gorak> ER... partybot is not only a nazi but newbie users are joining, asking one question and immediately getting kicked14:47
LucidOnehe has a point14:47
tsimpsonit only kicks on the 3rd request14:47
LucidOnetsimpson: never on first?14:47
LucidOneok nm14:48
LucidOneGood morning14:48
Picioh, we've hit a new peak in #ubuntu already14:49
ikoniabentkus: is there anything else now ?14:49
ikoniabentkus: it doesn't look like your ban is going to be removed at this time, so if you could please leave the channel14:49
bentkusYou are not very ubuntuish14:49
tsimpsonI removed +o from the partybot and set a +q14:52
tsimpsonit's getting too busy in there right now14:52
Picitsimpson: That wil stop it from stopping floods14:52
PiciBut that might be for the best14:52
Piciit probably can't cope14:52
tsimpsonPici: we have a whole load of ops in there, lets do it old-school ;)14:53
Tm_Ttsimpson: you mean 7k *14:53
Tm_Tnow it's flooding...14:54
h00kwhat'sabetter way toget count without running /n14:55
Tm_Th00k: using some script that keep the count, I guess14:56
tsimpson/list #channel14:56
jussiWell Im off. laters people.14:56
Picih00k: chanpeak.pl14:56
h00kPeace, jussi14:56
Picih00k: /names -count14:56
Pici09:54:07 >>>> Irssi: New peak in #ubuntu@freenode : 188314:56
tsimpsonbut /list is server-side14:57
Tm_TPici: still no 2k ):14:57
PiciTm_T: i know :(14:57
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:58
h00kman, this is a cluster. heh.15:08
elkyI have a headache. I'm going to blame it on that channel.15:14
tsimpsonI too have a headache, and also blame it on that channel15:14
Tm_T1717.57 < xomp> why not #ubuntu-release-channel, what with all the cops here it's hardly a party :315:18
Tm_Tsounds like our release channels are multiplying now15:18
tsimpsonI'm already guarding it15:19
h00kwatch BonezAU15:26
mneptokis it out yet?15:27
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:28
Picimneptok: go back to your vacation15:28
mneptoksorry, ww. i meant that for #lotr-extended-edition-bluray15:28
jpdsNow fools in #ubuntu-mirrors.15:28
Tm_Tmneptok: yes, cat is out15:28
jpdsStop hammering my servers, damnit15:29
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)15:29
h00kwhat about these automagically-download-it-when-its-out links15:34
jpdsh00k: Exterminate.15:35
h00kokay dokey15:35
Tm_T... I'm too slow15:44
h00kI'm trying to be quick, but not too jumpy15:46
LucidOneFlannel: 1935 in #u we are getting close to 2000 :)15:46
h00kare we keeping the hats on?15:46
tsimpsonmay as well with ~1000 mad people15:47
Piciparty hats!15:47
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)15:50
tsimpsonnot far off 2K in #u15:51
CaptainLucidi would question the reasons behind +m on -release-party, but I see the reason now (since it was removed)15:53
h00kI'm starting to have a hard time keeping up15:54
CaptainLucidactually, I would offer my services should you need more ops, but the likelyhood I'd be allowed to help is low xD15:54
CaptainLucidokay, seriously, RECOMMENDATION: use +q on people15:54
CaptainLucidrather than +m the entire channel15:55
ikoniaCaptainLucid: it's fast moving - it will be sorted now, there appears to just be one or two people being a problem15:55
ikoniaCaptainLucid: hang in there and it will get resolved15:55
CaptainLucidyeah, i've been impatient15:55
CaptainLucidhad hackers all night tryin to get root on my server15:55
CaptainLucidand had bots being evil15:55
CaptainLucidalso had an evil troll on another net15:56
ikoniaCaptainLucid: anything else you need from the operator team ?15:56
CaptainLucidnope, not at the moment15:56
CaptainLucidmight in future if its crazy in -release-party xD15:56
Picioh, that was trek.15:57
ikoniayes and lucidghostc2c is spaceghost15:57
h00kwho is Vizio...etc15:57
Tm_Tis someone watching those youtube links?15:57
PiciI can't here.15:58
h00kViZi0naRy, who is this?15:58
LucidOneI can check out the youtube links15:59
LucidOnekraut link was ot but not vulgar15:59
LucidOnekraut (~kraut@blackhole.netzdeponie.de) needs a ban for posting fake link to lucid16:01
PiciLucidOne: you have ops there16:01
bazhangall voiced here do16:02
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:05
Tm_Thow fitting, 1804.43 < fsdj> are we insane yet?16:05
Tm_Tthat channel has been insanely asking "are/is * yet?" for hours already16:07
jribTm_T: oh, I thought the time might be significant16:07
Tm_Tanyway, I gotta go, have fun16:08
LucidOneThis is not fun :/16:08
jriboh it broke 100016:08
LucidOneit's insane for stupidity sake16:08
funkyHatPeople saying "the channel should be +m" just make me want to +q them ;þ16:11
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:14
tonyyarussoWho is Steve Beattie?16:27
tonyyarussooh.  Apparently a member of Ubuntu Drivers.  Ruh roh.16:28
tonyyarussoVia identi.ca - "Nothing like emergency last minute respins before release. *sob*"16:28
tsimpson2000 in #u16:29
marienz(2000 in .... argh)16:29
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:29
* tsimpson saw that coming16:29
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:29
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:29
niko2001 :)16:30
tsimpsonlooks like another record breaking year16:30
LucidOneFlannel: 2000+ :)16:30
tsimpsonwe should apologise to freenode for the load ;)16:31
jriband it should probably go higher once people get off work in america16:31
tonyyarussotsimpson: Well, Canonical does give them heaps of money.16:31
tonyyarussotsimpson: what is the record btw?16:31
LucidOneI think they can handle an extra couple thousand users16:31
tsimpsonI'm pretty sure it's <2000, Pici?16:32
ubot3Factoid 1950 not found16:32
LucidOneit was 1984 I think16:32
Tm_TLucidOne: could be that16:32
Tm_Tbut not over 2k16:32
DavieyVery big brother.16:32
Tm_TI remember when we had big cheer for 100016:32
LucidOne2010 is the record so far16:34
LucidOnegood number :)16:34
Tm_Tgotta go again (:) ->16:35
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:36
funkyHatikonia: high five!16:36
ikoniaparty is almost becoming a place to orginise trolling, you mention #ubuntu-testing and 1000 users join16:36
h00kit's like /b/ of ubuntuworld?16:36
LucidOne2012 :)16:38
Tm_Twho dare to mention #f then?16:39
ikoniaI'm really dissapointed with the regulars, like captinlucid don't the "is it out" crap, they know it's a bad channel in terms of control, and they are not helping16:39
* Tm_T got the girl settle down in front of the tv for a moment16:39
Tm_Thi burmas16:56
kLx-backhello, why i got banned when i asked if its final version?16:59
LucidOneI don't see any bans for you17:00
marienzI see a kick, but not a ban.17:00
marienz(the kick was for pasting a link)17:00
kLx-backIn ubuntu-release-party channel17:00
kLx-backCannot join #ubuntu-release-party (You are banned).17:01
LucidOnetsimpson: fix what?17:01
marienzah, I'm not paying attention, there's a *!*@78.63.71.* in there.17:02
tsimpsonLucidOne: * LucidOne sets ban on *!*@*.it17:02
tsimpsonI changed it17:02
jpdsLucidOne: Nice.17:02
LucidOneoops thanks17:02
kLx-backso will I get unbanned?17:03
marienzyou should probably check with LucidOne, he's the one who set it.17:03
LucidOnekLx-back: you got banned for posting a link17:03
kLx-backbut it's from ubuntu site17:04
LucidOneI will remove it but please do not post anymore links17:04
kLx-backokay got it now17:04
LucidOneok join now17:05
kLx-backjoined, thanks.17:05
LucidOneif we don't have anymore business can you please not idle in here17:05
LucidOneI think I am going to be a spectator in -party. The stress level is a little much :/17:06
h00kburmas: can we help you?17:06
h00kburmas: if we can't help you, this isn't a channel to idle17:10
LucidOnewould be useful to be able to remove in here also sometimes17:12
tsimpsonpgraner: can we help you?17:13
pgranertsimpson: no, I'm an op for #ubuntu-kernel17:13
tsimpsonright, I forgot that17:13
bazhangnot voiced yet17:13
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)17:16
tsimpsonjussi: plz to fix +v17:17
jussiis #ubuntu-kernel a core chan since?17:18
tsimpsonyou asked him here17:18
tsimpsonand i'm not sure it is17:18
h00k1195 people. phew.17:19
h00kevery time I get an email, I'm all excited to see what it is.17:20
jussiHi pgraner,  did you note my PM earlier on?17:21
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)17:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:21
h00kshould McNuggests still be banned?17:26
pgranerjussi: not sure, I've been on and off quite a bit today with ISO testing17:29
LucidOneburmas: How can we help you17:29
LucidOneogasawara: Can we help you?17:29
pgranerLucidOne: ogasawara is a #ubuntu-kernel new op17:30
LucidOnethank you pgraner :)17:30
brianhermanCan you unban me from the ubunu-release-party17:30
LucidOneogasawara: welcome to the insanity, run while you still can17:30
brianhermanI promise i wont flood17:31
LucidOnetsimpson: ^^17:31
tsimpsonsomeone else take it, I'm a little busy17:32
bazhangh00k, you may unban if you wish; he is a chronic troll however17:32
LucidOnebrianherman: I will remove the ban but this is your last chance :)17:32
brianhermanthank you17:33
brianhermani wont post anything any more17:33
brianhermanill just study for finals17:33
h00kubottu: guidelines > brianherman17:33
ubottubrianherman, please see my private message17:33
h00kubottu: codeofconduct > brianherman17:33
h00kbrianherman: read those, and let me know when you're finished17:33
gordi hate you bot, *talk to me!* >_<17:34
LucidOneh00k: you removed it?17:34
h00kLucidOne: I did not17:34
LucidOnehmm I don't see it anymore17:34
LucidOnebrianherman: ok you may join again17:35
LucidOneif we are done here. please don't idle in this channel17:36
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)17:36
h00kI wanted to give him a bit more time to read the guidelines and codeofconduct17:36
LucidOnesorry. I'll wait longer next time17:37
h00kit's alright17:37
ubottuschweegi called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()17:38
TragicallyHipuhh ... someone banned the freenode webchat17:39
RickyGthis is the best channel17:39
ikoniaRickyG: what do you need from us ?17:39
LucidOneRickyG: if you don't have business here please part17:39
ikoniaRickyG: this is the #ubuntu-ops channel17:39
schweegiand now ?17:40
RickyGmy eyes hurts17:40
LucidOneschweegi: wait a minute17:40
RickyGfrom reading all that17:40
TragicallyHipcan someone please unban the freenode web chat?17:41
ikoniaTragicallyHip: what channel are you banned in ?17:41
LucidOneschweegi: I don't see a ban for you in -party17:42
TragicallyHipI shouldn't  be banned in any.17:42
ikoniaTragicallyHip: so what's the problem ?17:42
tsimpsonh00k: the x-.... part is random and changes per-connection17:42
h00ktsimpson: I noticed, is there a quicker auto_bleh trigger for that?17:42
TragicallyHipikonia, when I login to the freenode web chat it send me to proxy-users but never lets me in17:42
ikoniaTragicallyHip: you're in the channels, its let you in17:43
tsimpsonnot sure, I don't use auto_bleh17:43
h00ktsimpson: alright17:43
TragicallyHipikonia, I'm using my networks direct connection for this17:43
ikoniatsimpson: it's a glitch in auto_bleh I'm looking at it nhandler pointed it out to me yesterday17:43
TragicallyHipI need to switch behind the proxy.17:43
schweegiLucidOne: when i try to go in, pidgin tells me that i'm banned from the channel because of an operator. i've just write that its out now because i reload the ubuntu page and there was the normal "10.04 Lucid Lynx" name and not the RC. in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-release-party i'm banned from an operator..17:43
LucidOneschweegi: you are banned in #ubuntu for not following the !guidelines17:43
ikoniaTragicallyHip: the web chat process should work, if you join #ubuntu-proxy-users and follow the instructions, it should work, if not, please join this channel and ask for help17:44
LucidOneschweegi: the official release will be announced by the operators. Please don't post links17:44
TragicallyHipnow it's working17:44
TragicallyHipi had to completely exit an come back17:44
ikoniait does have bugs17:44
ikonianothing is perfect17:44
schweegiLudicOne: I've followed the guidelines, i've just write because i had think that the officioal release is there at the ubuntu homepage, and i've just post the link from it. not from an external site17:44
TragicallyHipikonia, yeah i know.  i'm as close as it gets17:45
schweegiand all in the channel are posting external links, i'm not and i'm banned -.-17:45
LucidOneschweegi: do NOT post any links just to be safe17:45
tsimpsonyou posted a link, it says in the topic not to17:45
LucidOne!guidelines | schweegi17:45
ubottuschweegi: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:45
LucidOneplease read that and let me know when you are done17:45
schweegii'be just posted a link from the cdimage-server from ubuntu. but many other people can post external links and get no ban, but I because of an official link? i will never do that again, but that's not fair of the operator.17:48
bazhangthe topic says dont link17:48
LucidOneschweegi: the ban was less about the link and more about asking if we are stupid17:48
schweegiyes because of the ban before in #ubuntu-release-party.17:49
LucidOneschweegi: ok. you are not getting the point.17:49
LucidOnethe point is you do not have the right to be rude because you feel you were unjustly banned17:49
LucidOnePlease read the guidelines ubottu linked to you17:49
schweegiLucidOne: Do you speak german?17:50
Picimneptok: ?17:50
LucidOneIT"S OUT!17:50
tonyyarussobtw, is Steve the release manager again?17:50
mneptokPici: note the lack of -rc17:50
mneptoktonyyarusso: AFAIK, yes17:51
h00kLucidOne: I'd kick you if I could17:51
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)17:51
h00kI didn't get the email yet17:51
schweegiThis link i posted before and because of this link i'm banned! there is no release candidate at the site, therefore i think that its released.17:51
Picimneptok: I also note that slangasek hasn't said anything.17:51
jpdsschweegi: No, it isn't.17:51
schweegiLook at the side mneptok posted!17:52
schweegithere's no release candidate on it.17:52
Caerbannogit seems like it is17:52
h00kschweegi: You're not understanding the point. We ask no links be posted. Over 1000 people hitting the servers are only going to slow things down.17:52
h00kCaerbannog: that applies to you.17:52
* LucidOne larts mneptok :/17:53
AmaranthI absolutely cannot keep up anymore17:53
schweegih00k: i understand that. but that's not the point i mean..17:53
ikoniabot attack in -r-p17:54
tonyyarussoPici: Noted.17:54
Piciikonia: looks like its just the web gateway17:55
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)17:55
ikoniathat many17:55
ikoniait went nuts17:55
marienzI'm not sure if that's an attack or if somoene just linked the webchat somewhere very visibly17:55
* Pici shrugs17:55
tsimpsonthere is NO way all those web users are for real17:55
marienzit's all webchat17:55
LucidOneschweegi: The point here is that you were wrong for posting the link and then for joining #ubuntu to call us stupid.17:55
AmaranthThere is no way 200 people clicked on the link for webchat at once17:55
h00kI don't think that was coincidence17:56
tonyyarussoAmaranth: Digg?17:56
schweegii'm sorry about it, but i was angry over the situation..17:56
schweegii hate my english..17:56
LucidOneyour english is fine17:56
ikoniamarienz: more probably, Pici marienz thank you17:56
LucidOneyour attitude and temper need to be controlled a little :)17:56
donpdonpikonia: why did i get kicked17:57
bazhangposting links17:58
donpdonpwhats wrong with that?17:58
ikoniadonpdonp: you posted a link after it's been said in the topic and channels to not post17:58
bazhangthe topic says not to17:58
marienzstill a lot of incoming webchat connections. I'll try to remember to tell you when that's quieted down.17:58
donpdonpoh sorry17:58
donpdonpi see it in the topic now17:58
ikoniadonpdonp: it's not out yet so you're telling people to get an product that' snot out yet17:58
mooseboyreally? I got banned for linking to the official ubuntu iso?17:58
donpdonpikonia: well thats why i phrased it as 'being built'17:58
jpdsmooseboy: Yes.17:58
donpdonpmeaning its not ready yet17:58
mooseboythat's hilarious17:58
mooseboyyou guys have a wonderful day17:58
LucidOneschweegi: please rejoin the channel and enjoy the party17:58
donpdonpbut i understand about promoting a half-built directory17:58
ikoniadonpdonp: one moment, and I'll remove the ban17:59
ikoniadonpdonp: done17:59
jpdsCan we +m -r-p please?17:59
donpdonpikonia: ok thx. sorry for ignoring the topic :)17:59
ikoniadonpdonp: thank you17:59
marienzthere's a couple of tweets with a webchat url in them. I'm not sure how many people are following those, but it probably doesn't need that large a percentage of them to hit "connect" to cause the influx we just saw.18:01
marienz(and are still seeing)18:01
Piciikonia: hah18:02
ikoniawhich funny tickled you18:02
Piciikonia: "you're out"18:02
marienzPartyBot1 came up with that joke a lot earlier!18:02
PiciI like ikonia's better18:03
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (19))18:03
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))18:03
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))18:03
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))18:03
marienzyou could consider banforwarding the webchat to a muted channel with an appropriate topic instead of just banning it outright18:06
marienzwe're still getting a lot of connects from that, and I'm assuming most of them are trying to get to #ubuntu-release-party18:06
PiciIts banned?18:06
bazhangnight all18:07
ikoniait is tempting to mute it for a few minutes, to put a few things in perspective18:07
marienzof course now that I said this the connects are slowing down a bit, you know how it goes :)18:07
Picitsimpson: ^?18:07
tsimpsonPici: about 50 joined in 20 secodns18:08
tsimpsonall together18:08
marienzah, there it went again.18:08
PiciAre they legit?18:08
marienzI can't really tell :(18:08
erUSULnone is going to kick THRHOPE4LINUX: from #ubuntu ?18:09
marienzI suspect a large part of it is people following links that are being tweeted18:09
Piciwell, lets try an experiment18:09
ikoniait's tempting to mute the channel, have the bot repeat every 30 seconds18:09
marienzI recommend you banforward it instead of just unbanning it18:09
marienzbut it's up to you18:09
ikoniaerUSUL: sorry - distracted, all done18:09
ikoniaunmute it post release and let everyone party18:10
erUSULikonia: tyvm18:10
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)18:10
tsimpsonPici: see...18:10
ikoniatsimpson: is the man18:10
ikoniaoh - he's gone18:10
tsimpsonall those webchat users just can not be real18:11
tsimpsonthere aren't that many people on the planet!18:11
ikoniaI wonder if jono just tweated / facebooked like last time18:12
ikoniabig hit on the channel18:12
tsimpsonif hid did....18:13
* tsimpson mumbles something inaudible18:13
pleia2yeah, he did 20 minutes ago18:13
tsimpsongreat, so we have half the internet joining now18:13
Picioh dear18:13
marienzaaah I can't keep up18:13
PiciThen they're legit18:14
tsimpsonthat's going to be impossible to run18:14
LucidOnewhat do you mean going to be?18:14
LucidOneit already is18:14
* LucidOne hugs pleia2 Happy release day :)18:15
tsimpsonthere's more uses in there than are normally in #ubuntu18:15
* pleia2 hugs, you too!18:15
tsimpsonexcept they are ALL active18:15
marienztsimpson: exactly! isn't it fun?18:16
tsimpsonyou and I must have differing definitions of "fun"18:16
schweegimy pidgin trys to crash yet in #ubuntu-release-party :D18:16
funkyHathttp://www.worldcorrespondents.com/ubuntu-10-04-operating-system-finally-released/884668 just game up on my googles18:16
tsimpsonmy fun doesn't involve my eye twitching18:16
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)18:16
* tonyyarusso hopes ol' Stevie boy gets here soon...18:16
Piciikonia: there are a few of us watching, you shouldn't have to +m in a flood18:17
AmaranthI'm tempted to just +m and op slangasek18:18
tonyyarussoAmaranth: It may well be getting to be that time.18:18
PiciAmaranth: he has the power to do it himself.18:18
tonyyarussoPici: We may have crossed a threshold past which we can't keep tabs on the insanity though.18:19
ikoniait is getting messy18:20
tonyyarussoand the ban list is full.18:20
tonyyarussoso yeah18:20
ikoniaI'm tempted to mute it and just make regular updates18:20
ikoniathen unmute and let them party post release18:20
* tonyyarusso just did18:20
ikoniais there a trick to clear down the ban list fully in one go ?18:20
marienzI still think you might want to banforward the webchat gateway (to a muted channel) and see if that slows down the rest of the party to a more bearable level18:20
ikoniamost of them will have expired by now anyway18:21
marienzno :(18:21
tonyyarussoikonia: there is...chanserv help?18:21
marienzwell, there is, but it's still noisy.18:21
marienzthen again, that's the least of your problems right now18:21
PiciJust remove link spammers18:21
ikoniaI've just had 318:21
ikoniaI'm getting a lot of users pm'ing me asking for it to be put on mute and just announced at regular intervals18:21
tazzikonia +1 mute it.18:22
ikoniamarienz: can we clear the list down and start again18:22
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)18:22
ikoniamarienz: most of them will have expired now and gone elsewhere18:22
PiciI'd prefer to see it -m18:22
marienzikonia: chanserv has a "clear bans" command that probably works (I haven't used that in ages if ever though)18:22
tonyyarussoikonia: done18:23
nikoor +r ?18:23
Pici+r is useless18:23
ikoniatonyyarusso: million kisses your way18:23
h00kapparently that worked.18:23
marienzyeah, that one :)18:23
ikonia+r wouldn't be fair either18:23
PiciPeople want to see the hype in there18:23
ikoniapeople should know18:23
tonyyarussoPici: it's true.  Let's see how they manage for a spell.18:23
ikoniaas in people should be able to get the info18:23
tonyyarussoOhp, never mind.18:23
marienzKB1JWQ: ^^^18:24
PiciKB1JWQ: because its a madhouse18:24
ikoniago mad18:24
marienzor perhaps you could set up a second channel that's +m and gets those updates, since people apparently want that?18:24
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)18:24
h00kaaaaaaaand it's over.18:24
tsimpsonno, now it begins...18:24
AmaranthI was just about to do it anyway then he PMed me :)18:25
ikoniamuted partybot118:25
AmaranthSomeone change the topic?18:25
ikoniamy clients going nuts18:25
Pici!no isitout is <reply> Yes! Its out!18:25
ubottuI'll remember that Pici18:25
ikoniachange it if you want18:26
PiciI need links18:26
marienzunaffiliated/mcnuggets could do with another ban18:26
marienzwas previously banned, is now in there as "ITouchMyself"18:26
Picianyone have release notes/ download page / torrent links?18:26
ikonianice one tsimpson18:26
ikoniamarienz: for for it18:26
ikoniaPici: that's what I was hunting for18:26
ikoniacjwatson just said there was a small problem with the download page18:26
tsimpson@list plugins.Encyclopedia18:27
ubottuError: 'plugins.Encyclopedia' is not a valid plugin.18:27
tsimpson@list plugins.Encyclopedia18:27
ubottuError: 'plugins.Encyclopedia' is not a valid plugin.18:27
tsimpson@config list plugins.Encyclopedia18:28
ubottu#alert, #database, #prefixchar, #privateNotFound, #relaychannel, #searchorder, aptdir, curDevel, curDevelLong, curDevelNum, curLTS, curLTSLong, curLTSNum, curStable, curStableLong, curStableNum, datadir, notfoundmsg, packagelookup, public, and remotedb18:28
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:29
Amaranthha pici updated +1 at the same time as I did #ubuntu18:29
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)18:29
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curDevel Maveric18:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:30
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curDevelLong Maveric Meerkat18:30
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curDevelNum 10.1018:30
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curLTS Lucid18:30
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curLTSLong Lucid Lynx18:30
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curLTSNum 10.0418:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:30
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curStable Lucid18:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:30
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curStableLong LucidLynx18:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:30
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curStableNum 10.0418:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:30
tsimpsonplz to check, I'm not "all here"18:30
Amaranth@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curStableLong Lucid Lynx18:31
schweegi@LucidOne: is this right? this is from an ubntu developer: -->  Robbie Williamson (vor 5 Minuten vonGwibber)18:31
schweegi#ubuntu 10.04 is released ladies and gentlemen</s18:31
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curStableLong Lucid Lynx18:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:31
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Maveric (Maveric Meerkat 10.10)18:31
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:31
Amaranthtsimpson: That's wrong, we don't know what the next LTS will be18:32
AmaranthBut it won't be 10.10 :)18:32
tsimpsonyeah, we can change it18:32
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91018:32
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)18:32
tsimpson!no lts is <reply> LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !$curLTS ($curLTSLong $curLTSNum)18:32
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson18:32
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)18:33
AmaranthOk, never mind, looked like a bunch of people18:34
Amaranthscrolling way too fast18:34
h00kAmaranth: I'm tryin', I'm tryin'18:34
marienzI don't have the scripts/aliases for this.18:35
schweegiis the official release out ?18:36
tsimpson!lucid is <reply> Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100418:36
ubottuBut lucid already means something else!18:36
tsimpson!no lucid is <reply> Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100418:36
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson18:36
Pici!no releasenotes is <reply> Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100418:36
ubottuI'll remember that Pici18:36
txwikingerhow about putting the announcement link in the topic of the party channel ?18:37
tsimpson!no karmic is <reply> Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91018:37
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson18:37
tsimpson!search karmic18:37
ubottuFound: koala, grub, karmic koala, 9.10, karmic, grub2, upgrade-#kubuntu, empathy, kde418:37
tsimpson!search lucid18:38
ubottuFound: lucid lynx, java, lucid, controls, currentissues*, ubuntu+1, torrents, isitout-#ubuntu-release-party, controls-#ubuntu+1*, releasenotes and 1 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=lucid18:38
ubottuKDE 4.3 is the latest major release of the KDE Software Compilation. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.4 - KDE SC 4.4 Beta1 packages for !karmic are available here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-beta-1 - Support in #kubuntu18:38
Pici!no torrents is <reply> Lucid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavors can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).18:39
ubottuI'll remember that Pici18:39
tsimpson!no kde4 is <reply> KDE SC 4.4 is the latest major release of the KDE Software Compilation. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.4.2 - Support in #kubuntu18:39
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson18:39
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100418:40
Pici!search 9.0418:40
ubottuFound: qtparted, ubottu: ssh*, intel, disks, 9.04, time, php, jaunty, mailserver, codecs18:40
nhandlerh00k, ikonia: FYI, the newer version of autobleh should handle gateways correctly18:41
tsimpson!no ubuntu+1 is <reply> $curDevelLong is the codename for Ubuntu $curDevelNum - $curDevel is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+118:41
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson18:41
h00kI have to check to see what I have18:41
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April.18:42
tsimpson!no isitout-#ubuntu-release-party is <reply> Yes18:42
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson18:42
h00knhandler: apparently I have 1.118:42
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)18:43
Piciwe fixed that one the other day18:43
h00knhandler:         changed     => q$Id: auto_bleh.pl,v 1.1 2005/03/17 08:19:53 don Exp $,18:43
nhandlerh00k: Try the version on http://autobleh.projectnet.org/18:44
h00knhandler: that is what I'm looking at now, yeah.18:44
h00kreports it is 0.1918:44
nhandlerh00k: The versions don't really mean much. The maintainer has changed a few times iirc or something like that18:46
Pici13:32:40 >>>> Irssi: New peak in #ubuntu@freenode : 212018:48
tsimpsonso apw, barney, ogasawara, tazz, TragicallyHip: can we help you?18:49
KB1JWQ+1 is shut down.  Tragic. :-)18:50
PiciKB1JWQ: it'll be back18:51
KB1JWQPici: Another three months?18:51
PiciKB1JWQ: Actually, we're going to open it back up for Maverick when it's toolchain lands... on May 6th18:52
marienzthat's the same as what was done with karmic, I think?18:53
KB1JWQMaverick Marmoset?18:53
KB1JWQOr Monkey?18:53
Picimarienz: Yeah, but we didn't plan it like that.18:53
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - See http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/336 for announcement - Developer summit: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS18:53
marienzPici: sounds sensible to me though, but hey, what do I know :)18:54
Picimarienz, KB1JWQ, other staff: Thanks for helping with the release maddness here :)18:55
tazztsimpson, nope i was here, just to get the OPs side while #ubuntu-release-party was +m18:56
marienzno problem :)18:56
tazzgreat fun! Glad i didnt have to deal with it.18:56
jussi!idle | apw barney ogasawara tazz18:59
ubottuapw barney ogasawara tazz: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.18:59
AmaranthThink we'll get 2500 in #ubuntu?19:01
PiciI think we've peaked.19:03
ikoniavisualise it19:06
ikoniait will happen19:06
PiciBut that means I can't finish my blog post now :(19:06
ikoniathat's not good19:06
ikoniaraise the priority19:06
gordoh we got to 2000, neat19:09
Picigord: Peak for #ubuntu@freenode: 2120 (Thu Apr 29 13:32:40 2010)19:09
gord2120, isn't that the year of the linux desktop?19:10
knomegord, you're mistaken... it's 2120019:10
apwjussi, thanks, but new op, and obligated to be here19:14
jussiapw: for #ubuntu-kernel?19:14
Pici!final | tsimpson19:15
ubottutsimpson: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.10 (Maveric Meerkat) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maveric. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:15
tsimpsonthat's because it's using $curDevel19:16
Pici@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curDevelLong Maverick Meerkat19:16
ubottuError: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.19:16
tsimpson!final ~= s/curDevel/curStable/19:16
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson19:16
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Maveric Meerkat) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maveric. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:16
tsimpson!final ~= s/curDevel/curStable/19:16
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maveric. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:16
=== LucidOne is now known as IdleOne
Picitsimpson: can you update the spelling for Maverick in the @config value19:18
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curDevelLong Maverick Meerkat19:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:18
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curDevel Maverick19:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:18
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+119:19
IdleOneI can't wait to start testing Maverick19:20
IdleOnewhen is it coming out?19:20
* marienz twitches19:20
PiciIdleOne: Toolchain opens on May 6th19:20
marienzoh, sorry, misinterpreted :)19:21
IdleOneLucid is awesome but been running it long enough19:21
PiciI guess thats what Coco's been up to lately.19:22
gordconanical make ubanto right?19:28
mneptokConanical The Berbarian. it's a guy in the desert with a 2 handed broadsword.19:34
PiciAcePreshaw: ikonia is currently AFK, is there something that another operator can help you with?20:23
AcePreshawim  baned20:23
AcePreshawhe can help soz20:23
PiciWhy were you banned?20:23
PiciAcePreshaw: any others?20:26
=== KB1JWQ_ is now known as KB1JWQ
AcePreshawoff topik20:26
PiciAcePreshaw: What about all the other channels that you joined and used the ops trigger in?20:28
Tm_Tchanserv seems to be unresponsive20:28
PiciTm_T: wfm20:28
AcePreshawno more20:29
AcePreshawno morer20:30
PiciAcePreshaw: I don't believe you.20:30
AcePreshawok im wnatig ikonia20:30
PiciYou joined and spammed a number of unrelated channels over the past few days.20:30
Piciikonia doesn't need to be here.20:30
AcePreshawi ned t chat to him not  u20:31
Pici@mark AcePreshaw20:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:33
Tm_T-irc ?20:34
PiciHes spammed ! ops in like 10 channels yesterday20:35
Tm_Tthere were others too, I'm sure20:35
charlie-tca#ubuntu+1 also20:35
knomelooks like he can't type. either he is 8, drunk or retarded.20:36
knome(or american)20:36
* knome hides20:36
Tm_TAcePreshaw: no this issue doesn't require ikonia (:20:37
PiciHes gone.20:38
Tm_Tand apparently doesn't like to get the issue dealt20:39
Tm_Tknome: be nice20:40
PiciI wasn't going to unban him anyway, but it would have been nice to get answers that were more than two words.20:40
knomeTm_T, always daddy :)20:40
jpdsPici: $ host us.archive.ubuntu.com21:25
h00kI wonder if ubuntu.com is going to take on a more impressive overhaul in the future21:36
Tm_Toh, forgot to check that21:36
h00kI mean, it looks good, I just expected a bigger theme change21:36
Tm_Thmmm, interesting...21:37
Picijpds: hmm?22:05
gordsigh, lets not have releases anymore, it just causes problems :(22:11
jpdsgord: But they're so much fun!22:11
funkyHatSurprised someone didn't remove LzrdKing22:12
topyligord & topyli, the nicest, most patient tag team ever :)22:13
gordalso, its late on release day, tired :(22:14
funkyHatI would have removed him if ops weren't already speaking to him22:14
funkyHatWhen he carried on, I mean22:15
IdleOnewhen is -party closing?22:37
LjLhey ho hey. can i put bestbot into -r-p (with the noisiest bits removed) to advertize it a little?22:39
IdleOnesounds good to me22:41
IdleOneDon't know how much weight my opinion carries on this matter22:41
LjLeh, no offence but i'd rather have an IRCC member, to avoid being beaten up about it later :P22:42
knomewhat if we beat you first, and then you put bestbot there, so you wouldn't need to suffer the punishment afterwards?22:43
LjLfine with me22:43
IdleOneLjL: none taken22:44
* knome takes his whip from the closet22:44
topyliadvertise what?22:44
LjLtopyli: bestbot22:44
LjLto make it known22:44
topylioh, i read that as put bestbot in there to advertise something :)22:44
topylibestbot might be good to have there, no opposition here22:45
IdleOnethat is 1.5 votes for22:45
topylilong as nobody asks me to join it, i'm fine22:45
IdleOnemotion carried!22:45
LjLIdleOne: wait22:45
IdleOnewait wait22:45
LjLi'm still in the process of being beaten ;(22:45
IdleOneknome: please finish with the beating in a timely manner22:46
knomeIdleOne, do you think 5cm wounds are deep enough?22:46
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (ConcreteRose)22:47
IdleOneknome: only if they cover more then 25% of his legs22:47
ubottujoaopinto called the ops in #ubuntu (ConcreteRose trolling)22:47
knomelegs?! i mean whole body...22:47
IdleOneknome: yeah that is good22:48
IdleOnelet him go off and play with his bot now :)22:48
knomethen i can probably stop22:48
knomeLjL, sorry for puncturing your other eye, that was a complete miss22:49
IdleOneh00k: I think ConcreteRose has had plenty warnings and temporary bans. He is a chronic troll22:49
h00kI've seen him before, yeah. I just banned.22:49
IdleOneall week long he has kept pushing the limits22:49
tsimpsonLjL: how noisy will it be?22:51
* IdleOne begins work on medication to cure Chronic troll syndrome.22:51
IdleOneknome: I may need your help on this project22:51
knomeyes, sir!22:51
IdleOnebring your whip22:51
* knome takes the whip with some rusty nails22:52
Jordan_Ujcbv is trolling #ubuntu22:52
LjLtsimpson: right now i'm in the process of removing the noisy parts... it will reply to "what's the best X" if it knows what "X" is, to "list every X" (same), and to "X is the best Y" (i might remove that later, but i guess it needs it to make people understrand they can vote). unless i forget to comment out things, that should be all22:52
LjLoh, also "vote for the best X" - it'll say "the poll starts" and "the poll ends"22:53
tsimpsonok, I'd be fine with that22:54
LjLtsimpson: actually, i'm making the "i'll keep that in mind" responses a PM22:58
topylibestbot is pretty useless anyway, i would just make one that replies "emacs" to everything :)23:00
topylino i wouldn't, as i don't actually use it even to the small extent i used to, but i'm sure someone would!23:01
LjLtopyli: it's not useless! ;( it's allowed me to keep lists of program categories fine23:01
LjLof course, the voting part is useless. it's only useful to make people submit package entries23:01
topylisorry LjL :(23:02
LjLit's fine :P23:04
LjLso if you have any problem with bestbot, ring23:04
IdleOneWho was that masked ljl?23:06
IdleOneI need a break and a beer23:06
funkyHat!cowbell-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> this factoid needs more cowbell23:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, blendmaster1024 said: !ingo is awesome23:08
blendmaster1024ubottu just said "Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail" when i tried to do an !info and typoed to !ingo23:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:09
blendmaster1024no idea what it did but ignore it, it was a typo23:09

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