
Riddellslangasek: are we aiming for a midday-ish UK time release?00:50
bentkuswhat the facebook02:04
bentkuswhy the facebook did you kick me?02:04
nhandlerbentkus: Wrong channel02:09
bentkusi can see02:11
bentkusbut i can pay you with beers if you tell me the exact release date02:11
nhandlerbentkus: Date is April 29th. Now let's move back to -party02:13
bentkus-party mode yoohoo02:15
bentkustoobad its laread 3 in the night at here02:15
bentkusand its my last beer02:15
ScottKlool: I saw the bugmail.  I think closing it was the right thing to do (re 290153)02:45
* lamont sleeps04:22
lamontmeh.  ECHNA04:22
slangasekRiddell: early afternoon05:29
slangaseklool: errors on console is not what I was going to release note for 47077605:30
slangaseklool: my understanding of the remaining bug is that mountall is unhappy if you list a bind mount in fstab whose source is a symlink05:30
pittiGood morning05:31
wgrantslangasek: Hi. Are you planning to do the usual #ubuntu-release-party announcement this time, or shall we make other plans?05:31
* slangasek waves05:32
slangasekwgrant: I was planning to do it05:32
slangasekI was also planning to do it last time, before someone stole the spotlight from me :)05:33
wgrantubuntu/member/* don't have access this time, so it's less likely.05:33
wgrantI don't want that disaster repeated :)05:33
ajmitchtalk about spoiling all the fun05:41
ajmitchwe should thank whoever added the index.html to the .pool dir, that'll save a bit of bandwidth :)05:43
wgrantIt's been there for a couple of releases now.05:44
wgrantStill doesn't stop them much...05:44
ajmitchIt has? I guess I hadn't noticed05:44
pittislangasek: do you think I can already start accepting some SRUs?05:54
pittislangasek: if you want me, I can set one buildd for each arch to manual, so that we have them on standby in case we need an urgent lucid final build?05:54
slangasekpitti: accepting SRUs> yes, that would be good05:57
pittislangasek: yellow is on manual now, but all the i386 buildds time out when I try to switch them06:00
wgrantpitti: A timeout timeout, or "Please try again" timeout without an OOPS number?06:01
pittibut oh well, most packages there are really small06:01
pittiwgrant: trying again for the exact text06:01
Keybukslangasek: I have a last minute urgent mountall upload, is it too late to respin?06:06
pittiwgrant: no oops, just a "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."06:07
wgrantpitti: Aarrrrrgh.06:07
wgrantThat is impossible.06:07
wgrant(it's the only page on which it happens, and it shouldn't be possible)06:07
pittijust that it happened four times today, and about a week ago when I desperately tried to reserve an amd64 builder06:08
slangasekKeybuk: ...06:09
Keybukit fixes bug #57154906:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571549 in mountall "Steve Langasek is having a good day" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57154906:10
* slangasek snorts06:11
slangasekKeybuk: I don't think we need to respin for that, release notes should be fine06:12
ajmitchKeybuk: having a nice evil day giving people heart attacks?06:12
Keybukajmitch: since I can't do it in person ... :-(06:13
slangaseklool: oh, it seems 470776 may not be the bug I was thinking of; there was one where someone mentioned problems w/ bind mounts, and this appears not to be it06:44
aramorning all!07:25
* slangasek waves07:36
arahey slangasek08:07
araslangasek, one quick question, are we going to have "home" webpages for every search engine in mozilla?08:07
slangasekara: as far as I know, there's just one home page that points to the default search engine?08:09
araslangasek, If I select a search engine other than Google or Yahoo and close firefox, when I restart firefox I get a 40408:09
slangasekoh, is *that* what causes that bug08:12
slangasekbug #557640?08:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557640 in ubufox "[Lucid Beta2] nrf-003 testcase failed Default "Welcome to Ubuntu" page doesn't appear without connectivity" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55764008:13
araslangasek, yes, it is not a server not found, it is just a plain old 40408:14
slangasekI don't know how it's meant to work, but that's probably the bug report to track it on08:14
araslangasek, ok, I'll comment there and will talk to the design guys08:14
elmo              08:17
* ara waits08:17
elmosorry, that's our bug08:20
elmoI'll get it fixed08:20
elmowe dropped some rewrites from start.ubuntu.com because we were running into apache mod rewrite bugs (sic) and I didn't realise firefox was sending arbitarty URLs to start.ubuntu.com for different search engines08:22
araelmo, OK, thanks. Glad to hear you're working on it08:25
ograwow, getting up and finding 100 new bugmails in my inbox ... must be release day08:35
aramorning ogra, and happy release day :)08:37
ograsame to you :)08:37
* ogra hugs ara 08:37
* ara hugs ogra back08:38
pittiogra: and it's not just the usual "branch linked" spam? :-)08:40
ogranope :)08:40
* pitti gets some 50 of those every day08:40
ograi rarely have over 60 when i get up ... and probably another 60 during the day08:40
pittiogra: ah, so it's 40 extra "OMGhowcanyounotfixthisbyrelease" comments :)08:41
ogralovely how much testing we get the last day08:41
arayes, yes08:42
ograwe should make secret release schedules and just spread rumours about the actual release date that are 3 weeks ahead08:42
araI *love* that kind of comments08:42
pittiogra: no, before, so that we can actually fix stuff still08:42
ograthats what i meant :)08:43
ogragrammar skew :)08:43
ajmitchno matter what you do, someone will complain about it08:43
* pitti suggests redirecting those folks to testing -proposed and giving feedback08:44
* hyperair got a particularly large amount of spam from the tooltip bug08:48
Jeeves_btw: http://lvsd.lucid.bit.nl/stats/08:53
pittiyay statistics!08:55
ograslick statistics even08:56
elmoara: should be better now, can you confirm?09:09
pittislangasek: FTR, -proposed queue is now processed, except for the four that I uploaded, empathy (had a question on the bug), and poppler (OMGbigdiff, needs more time/discussion to review)09:13
evmvo: just a heads up, we may need you to mkdir ubiquity; touch ubiquity/10.04-update-available on changelogs.ubuntu.com in a bit09:28
mvoev: ok09:31
mvoev: I stand ready09:31
ev:) thanks09:32
* ara checks09:33
araelmo, confirmed09:34
araelmo, thanks09:34
mvoev: is that so that it picks the right release notes text?09:34
evmvo: it's a hint to the installer that a new version is available, so it will show an update button09:35
mvoev: aha, so that the installer can update itself? nice, I noticed that this got landed early this cycle09:35
evmvo: indeed!  sabdfl asked us towards the end of the cycle to only show the option when an internet connection is available and an update is actually available, so we've implemented that.09:36
* mvo nods09:37
slangasekso it seems we're going to do a last-minute respin of Ubuntu desktop CDs only, with a single lucid-updates change, to address the worst of bug #570765 in the limited time available10:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57076510:32
slangasekpitti: ^^ in particular, this means do NOT promote anything else to -updates :)10:33
pittislangasek: understood; there's just one candidate anyway, but I don't like -updates promotion before release10:33
slangasekwith good reason :-)10:33
pittislangasek: does that require an upload? or just cd image build changes?10:34
slangasekpitti: migration-assistant, ubiquity are in progress10:35
pittislangasek: want me to review m-a or are you doing it?10:38
evspot check please - http://paste.ubuntu.com/424497/10:40
slangasekpitti: doing10:40
pittiyellow is standing by, will bump build score and reenable it on your command10:41
slangasekmigration-assistant accepted10:41
pittic'mon yellow, grab it10:42
pittifodder for you10:42
jarnosHello, will https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes and http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 have the same notes today?10:43
pittislangasek: hm, I don't think we'll be able to move them to -updates before a publisher run, though10:45
pittii. e. it'll take two publisher runs for them to get into -updates?10:45
wgrantYou can do it quicker if you get Soyuz approval to run process-accepted manually.10:45
wgrantThat takes seconds, and will mean you can immediately promote.10:45
araslangasek, we will be respining only CDs or DVDs as well?10:45
pittislangasek: m-a built on i386/amd6410:46
slangasekara: we will be respinning DVDs, but have not yet made a hard decision to take the new ones10:46
jarnosIs it deliberate, that they have nothing about nouveu drivers? What is the role of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/TechnicalOverview ? cjwatson10:46
cjwatsonwgrant: Soyuz approval?  the Ubuntu archive team does manual stuff like this on production regularly10:47
cjwatsonbut in any case it's easier to just upload directly to -updates10:47
jarnosslangasek: ?10:47
slangasekpitti: shortcut: ubiquity is going to -updates now, and that's the only one that has to go on the livefs10:47
cjwatsonjarnos: please raise bug tasks on the ubuntu-release-notes project for anythng you think should be added10:47
pitticjwatson: *nod* but m-a was uploaded to -proposed10:47
pittislangasek: ah, because it includes source, right10:47
cjwatsonpitti: it doesn't really matter, it's only the source10:47
wgrantOh, OK.10:48
pittiI have yellow on standby again, once ubiquity hits10:48
pittiubiquity won't be fast enough to catch the :03 publisher; shall I disable it, or did someone already?10:48
slangasekalready did10:48
slangasekamd64: "starting in 1 hour"?10:52
pittibuild score bumped, yellow back on auto10:52
stgraberslangasek: are you going to respin the derivatives as well for that grub issue ?10:53
slangasekstgraber: please hold, asking this question10:53
pittiwgrant: yellow manual/auto worked until five minutes again, and now it's timing out, arrrgh!10:53
pittiwgrant: do you have the powers of reenabling it with better tools than the webui?10:54
wgrantpitti: You can poke a LOSA to use SQL, but that's about it.10:54
wgrantNo API yet :(10:54
pittiah, worked now10:54
wgrantA LOSA or maybe a lamont. Not sure if he can do it.10:54
pittiubiquity building10:54
slangasekstgraber: you have the option10:54
pittidear launchpad, please keep working just a little longer10:54
loolit's building now10:54
lamontg'morning, btw10:55
lamontor morning at least10:55
stgraberslangasek: ok, then please respin edubuntu dvd. I have a very decent internet here so I should be able to re-validate both DVDs in ~2 hours after they are on cdimage.10:55
pittigood morning lamont, how are you?10:56
jarnoscjwatson: ok, but why there are different release notes at wiki and www.ubuntu.com?10:56
lamontpitti: the timeout setting manual/auto seems to be related to launchpad being busy holding the door closed on the buildd manager, or at least us10:56
lamontpitti: doing well10:56
slangasekstgraber: we have a hardlinked copy of the current tree; we'll respin all the affected derivatives regardless, and you'll have the option of taking the current one with the bug or the new one if you're happy doing the extra validation10:56
stgraberslangasek: ok10:57
slangasekstgraber: if you go with revalidation, I expect we're probably going to have to push the release button for the other flavors before you've completed validation, but we can adjust the announcements accordingly, if that's ok with you10:58
cjwatsonjarnos: because they're copied over to www.ubuntu.com by our webmaster at release.  Don't worry, they'll be synced10:58
jarnoscjwatson: I am wondering, which one is better to be linked in Xubuntu's release notes. Xubuntu's final notes will be at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/LucidLynx/Final Well, I guess I could choose any.11:00
stgraberslangasek: I'm guessing you have to release before and of day London time or is that going to happen even before that ?11:02
RiddellGrueMaster: were you able to test the Kubuntu Netbook ARM images?11:02
cjwatsonjarnos: I think wiki linking to wiki would be fine11:02
cjwatsonbut I don't think it matters too much either way11:02
stgraberslangasek: otherwise, yes we can update the announcements to mention that due to that m-a bug we'll be releasing as soon as testing is over11:02
cjwatsonstgraber: the stuff on releases.ubuntu.com does; things on cdimage.ubuntu.com can delay a little bit if necessary11:03
Vgeso it will be released some time today? sorry, im little slow11:03
stgrabercjwatson: ok11:03
cjwatsonVge: that's still the plan11:04
stgraberslangasek: any kind of ETA on when we'd get the new images for testing ?11:04
cjwatsonVge: but please don't do the "are we there yet" thing in this channel :-)11:04
stgraber(as in edubuntu)11:04
slangasekstgraber: the Ubuntu release is expected to be before end of day London time, yes.  I don't have an ETA yet on edubuntu, I will see what I can do to expedite11:07
stgraberok, thanks11:10
pittislangasek: I guess it's safe now to reject the wine1.0 upload?11:12
lamontslangasek: would a second i386 livefs buildd help, or just unduly complicate things?11:15
slangaseklamont: I've asked elmo for a better king, amd64 is our bottleneck11:18
evhttp://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopResize updated11:18
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=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
pittislangasek: ubiquity built on i386/amd64; do we need to wait for armel for this run?11:24
* pitti supposes not11:24
pittiarmel will still take a while to compute that keyboard map11:24
slangasekpitti: no - confirming build status and starting the publisher11:24
slangasekpublisher running11:24
cjwatsonarmel is unaffected because it doesn't have grub11:24
elmo11:32 < elmo> seriously, people11:36
elmo11:32 < elmo> a hardy kernel release TODAY?11:36
elmo(since smb claims it wasn't them that moved it from -proposed)11:36
pittihm, I discussed it with smb on Monday, and he said they were good to move11:37
elmopitti: yeah, it's more the timing relative to lucid11:37
smbpitti, I thought we discussed on last Friday to be moved this Monday. ;-)11:37
pittismb: right, I forgot; I remembered again when I cleaned up SRUs today11:38
pittioh, you mean mirror bandwidth-wise?11:38
pittiargh, sorry about that11:38
elmoslangasek: new-king is syncing, FWIW, but I hadn't quite counted on the n million files from chroots11:38
elmoslangasek: if at any point you want me to abort, and make king functional again, just let me know11:39
slangasekelmo: ok - what's the ETA?11:39
elmoslangasek: way too long, i suspect11:40
elmobased on a very poor sampling, it looks like at least an hour11:40
elmoslangasek: we could of course rebuild the chroots on new-king, but that's the whole 'introducing more variables' thing I was trying to avoid11:41
ux2an hour to the release? that's ok for me11:41
cjwatsonux2: huh?11:41
cjwatsonux2: please don't jump into the middle of conversation here11:42
ux2please don't be an asshole, you stupid ubuntuer11:42
Jeeves_hmm :)11:43
slangasekelmo: I can slot ubuntu-netbook, which is i386-only, at the front; that would buy us some more time to let king finish syncing, and would still be a net win for build time11:44
cjwatsonI'm tempted to moderate this channel for the duration11:44
slangasekelmo: I expect the king.buildd respin to save us at least 3h on the livefs mastering11:44
elmoslangasek: ok11:44
slangasek(since we're doing opportunistic respins of all affected flavors)11:45
cjwatsonvoiced core-devs, testers, release team folks, etc. - please /msg me if you need to speak and don't have +v11:52
ograi assume armel wont need a rebuild for the grub issue, right ?11:54
slangasekit will not11:55
ograok ... no install stress tests for me then :)11:55
stgraberogra: would have been weird as AFAIK you don't have either grub, m-a or windows on armel ;)11:57
ograjust wanted to be sure if ubiquity might need any regression testing or so11:58
cjwatsonstgraber: fwiw there's nothing windows-specific here11:59
aracjwatson, in a ubuntu-ubuntu installation, what m-a is supposed to migrate apart of firefox bookmarks?12:01
cjwatsonev: ^-12:02
evara: internet explorer bookmarks, "My Documents", music, AOL IM, Yahoo IM,  "My Pictures", the set wallpaper, opera bookmarks, ...12:03
araev, in ubuntu / ubuntu ones, I was asking12:03
evsorry about that12:04
araev, ok, thanks!12:04
cjwatsonblink, what happened to the moderation here12:11
lamontcjwatson: they have voice...12:12
cjwatsonno they don't12:12
cjwatsonkraut,Kilos: please leave us to deal with things at the moment rather than asking12:12
aracjwatson, I didn't see anything12:12
cjwatsonah!  only moderators see it12:12
lamontah.. I didn't see anything from him12:12
cjwatsoner, ops12:12
Laneythat's one of the chanmodes12:13
ograoh SIGH !!!!12:21
ograthey mirrored yesterdays image, renamed it and offer it as 10.04 already12:21
ograsilly world12:22
slangasekelmo, lamont: lucid-updates Packages.gz doesn't seem to be making it to syncproxy12:22
wgrantWell, historically that has been, well, fine. Hopefully this late respin will cause them to stop that for a release or two :)12:22
stgraberogra: file on their server seems to be RC. clicking on download gets me to ubuntu-10.04-rc-...12:23
ograwgrant, i doubt that, they want the clicks ...12:23
cjwatsonogra: can you contact them?12:23
slangasekelmo, lamont: the *binaries* have mirrored; the Packages.gz has not12:23
* ogra tries to find a mailto link or something12:24
cjwatsonthere's a "feedback" link at the bottom12:25
lamontslangasek: looking12:25
slangaseklamont: thanks12:27
slangaseklamont: aha, looks like things are moving now, thanks12:27
lamontyeah - was just going to say..  I see 2010-04-29 11:38 for a timestamp12:27
lamontecho "$(date -R): Waiting $DELAY seconds before triggering external mirrors."12:28
lamontsleep $DELAY12:28
lamontand DELAY=60012:28
lamontslangasek: and when I first logged in, there was a sleep 600 in the ps output...12:29
slangasekhum, ok12:29
elmoslangasek: what exactly were you seeing?12:29
elmoas in how were you checking syncproxy?12:29
elmoAFAIK it doesn't expose http12:29
slangasekelmo: cjwatson checked it12:30
lamontok, same questions, cjwatson:12:30
cjwatsoni.e.  RSYNC_PASSWORD=blah rsync -av ouruser@syncproxy12:32
elmohmm, that's worrying12:33
elmoI saw the same sleep as lamont12:33
elmoand at that point dists/ should be synced12:33
cjwatsonI think I can confirm that this only happens if there's something to migrate on the other OS12:34
cjwatson(however, that is still a pretty common case)12:34
lamontsomething to migrate?12:35
ogracjwatson, i sent something to the author and the chief editor12:37
ograi dont expect them to react in time though12:37
cjwatsonlamont: sorry, I'm talking about bug 570765 not about syncproxy12:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57076512:39
lamontcjwatson: doh.  sry12:40
dholbachI posted a comment in the forum for the chip online article too12:41
ogracjwatson, wow, that worked well, they replied and ask me for an MD5 for final so they can be sure to offer the right image :)12:55
elmoslangasek: new king is consisently hanging when adding modules, and I've no idea why.  at this point I'm going to either have to give up or ask for some help from someone either kernel-y or udev-y12:55
ogracjwatson, and according to dholbach the article is corrected already12:56
elmoslangasek: I've done body swaps like this before and it's usually fine except for having to remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70*peristent*net*12:56
cjwatsonogra: good12:56
dholbachogra: it's not corrected - it's an older article - I guess that's where the other author got their information (and the links from)12:56
dholbachbut somebody said he'd pass the information on12:57
slangasekelmo: oubiwann sent to get you a kernel person12:57
cjwatsonogra: if you didn't already, it might be a good idea to emphasise that they should wait for the official announcement and get the checksums and such from there12:57
elmoslangasek: thanks, it was an incredibly hard technical problem and nothing remotely resembling extremely embarassing PEBKAC12:58
ogracjwatson, they said they'll wait for me, i'll just forward them the official announcement then12:59
slangasekelmo: can I start flinging stuff at king?13:04
elmoslangasek: sorry13:12
elmostill working, rebooting now13:12
elmothis is a complete clusterf#%Y^13:12
elmook, booted, 30 more seconds13:15
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elmothis is unbelivable, so far it looks like it's going to be slower :-///13:36
elmothan old king, never mind terranova!13:36
slangasekmy build time estimates are very much ballpark; none of the livefs build logs have timestamps13:39
slangasekand I don't have any in my scrollback13:39
slangasekso I can't tell if it's actually slower13:39
slangasekwould there be any reasons for network contention between the livefs buildds and the archive?13:39
elmoslangasek: not enough to be relevant13:42
* slangasek nods13:42
elmoFetched 515MB in 41s (12.3MB/s)13:42
elmowhile that's not snappy, I don't think it's in the slow path13:43
slangasekstgraber: ETA 1h45 for edubuntu (best guess)13:44
stgraberslangasek: ok, thanks13:45
slangasekelmo: ok, 33min for a livefs build on king13:51
slangasekthat's... longer than expected13:51
slangasekbut < 2x the build time on terranova13:51
elmoslangasek: crazy idea, but could it be the completely cold cache?13:51
slangasekI have no idea13:52
lamontslangasek: and not very much at all pulls bits from ftpmaster13:54
cjwatsonpitti: is that you looking at NEW?  I was just reviewing adobereader-deu binaries and then they disappeared out of the queue ...14:18
slangasekpitti: you reviewed wine1.0 and it's just waiting until the end for accept, right?14:18
pitticjwatson: I NEWed l-b-m, but I left the partner ones alone14:25
pittislangasek: it's fine by itself, but it needs to build (30 mins on i386/amd64) before we lock down lucid14:26
slangasekpitti: yep - accepted, I'm afraid we have time14:27
pitticjwatson: and I did that about an hour ago; I'm testing ATM, not queue-juggling14:27
pitticjwatson: something wrong with them?14:27
pittislangasek: heh14:27
cjwatsonpitti: no, they looked fine14:28
Riddellcjwatson: I did that14:28
pittiTBH I ignored the partner packages so far, since I never quite managed to read about their process14:28
Riddelliamfuzz just asked me to review adobereader-deu14:28
slangasekttx: have you seen the follow-up from Nathan on bug #571057?14:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571057 in ubuntu-release-notes "slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5 corrupts olcDatabase={-1}frontend.ldif with duplicate olcAccess lines (again)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57105714:44
ttxslangasek: about the olcAuthzRegexp line ?14:45
slangasekttx: yes14:46
ttxslangasek: yes, that's not covered by mathiaz's patch, wanted to ask his opinion about it. Also I'm more and more confused by my tests, each upgrade path ends up with a different conffile14:46
ttxduplicated lines14:47
ttxso to solve this cleanly we probably need to cover more cases, and do more comprehensive testing of all paths14:47
ttxI'm getting uncomfortable rushing that as a 0-day SRU14:47
* slangasek nods14:48
stgraber 14:48:30 up 3 days,  6:27,  1 user,  load average: 89.62, 72.15, 52.7914:48
stgrabercan we get someone from IS to look at quandong ?14:48
cjwatsonelmo: ^- ?14:49
elmoI can bounce apache, but I'm not sure where the actual load is coming from14:51
elmoit's not actually all that busy14:51
elmoand it's coming down on it's own14:53
pittinice, people are jumping on testing the new ISOs like hungry cats on a mouse14:56
ogradid oyu ask them in #u-r-p ?14:56
elmosigh, now it crashed14:59
pittiogra: no, just by the build notification emails, I figure14:59
pittiogra: oh, and I prodded folks in #u-desktop14:59
slangasekogra: anyone who asks #u-r-p for ISO testing help may find themselves stabbed at UDS15:00
araslangasek, has any other image been posted?15:00
pittiogra: like "test the new images NOW, or I tell Rick how bad you are in the next evaluation" :-P15:00
pittiogra: you are on #u-r-p? I didn't dare yet15:00
ograsure i am15:00
cjwatsontwitter is enough for me ...15:01
cjwatson(also insane)15:01
ogradont want to miss the entertainment15:01
slangasekara: not yet; the next one up is edubuntu DVD, ETA < 1h but hard to give an exact number15:01
araslangasek, ok, thanks!15:01
araslangasek, what about ubuntu dvds?15:01
cjwatsonthose are next after edubuntu dvd15:01
pittioh, quangdong == iso.qa?15:07
stgrabertracker's going to be real slow for a few seconds but should be better after15:12
stgraberseems like Drupal's sessions haven't been cleaned for a while15:13
stgraberso it had a table containing 543509 php sessions ...15:13
slangasekis that going to log me out of the tracker, *again*?15:13
stgraberit shouldn't, I'm only dropping the sessions of anonymous users15:13
pittistgraber: "FATAL: connection limit exceeded for non-superusers" -> that's because of too many sessions?15:14
stgraberpitti: yes, seems like each apache process got stuck doing SQL queries15:14
* ara hugs stgraber15:15
stgraberelmo: if you are still around, could you stop apache for a few secs ? should decrease the load and make the cleanup go faster15:16
pittiit's not working right now anyway15:16
slangasekelmo: ok, newking really is faster - edubuntu i386/amd64 just completed within a minute of each other15:16
slangasekoops - within 2 minutes of each other15:17
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
elmoslangasek: thank goodness15:19
elmostgraber: if I can log in, sure15:19
elmostgraber: done15:21
stgraberelmo: good, I'll tell you as soon as the cleanup + reindex is done, shouldn't take long15:21
stgraberelmo: looks like I need your help there ;)15:23
stgraberelmo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424628/15:23
stgraberelmo: can you run these 3 queries as the DB owner ? seems like the "db" user can't do that15:23
elmostgraber: running15:24
stgraberafter that you can restart apache15:24
stgraberdoesn't seem to have improved much :(15:28
dholbachslashdot says that "it's out"15:28
dholbacha bunch of people luckily told them already that they're wrong15:28
elmowhat else is on this box15:29
wgrantSlashdot consistently announces it hours earlier.15:29
wgrantIt's incredible.15:29
araMaverick is out. You can download it from here (random link)15:30
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Wooster_Jeeves_: wassup!15:31
fader_ara: I always trust thepiratebay.org for downloading OSes15:31
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dholbachara: where? where?15:35
aradholbach, :D15:35
dholbachwhich isos were rebuilt? daily-live, dvd, edubuntu?15:36
slangasekdaily-live, netbook, edubuntu so far15:36
slangasekedubuntu ISO still finalizing15:36
cjwatsonubuntu dvd also planned, plus mythbuntu and xubuntu15:37
elmooh for god's sake quandong15:41
slangasekedubuntu ETA: 5min15:42
lamontslangasek: just netbook-i386.iso, or also the .img files?15:43
slangaseklamont: hmm?15:43
lamontslangasek: I think that means 'no, we're not respinning the .img files'15:44
slangaseklamont: what .img files?15:44
slangasekthe armel ones?15:44
lamontwhich != netbook.15:45
lamontI'm just going to go pound my head on the wall for a few minutes.15:45
slangasekit's netbook, but it's not the netbook we're looking for :)15:45
lamontwell, to my defense, they do have 'netbook' in the name15:45
lamontso I'm gonna use a _soft_ wal15:45
stgraberelmo: anything else running on the same xen host as quandong ? (seems like quandong is so slow that my ssh session is completely frozen)15:46
stgrabermarjo: ^15:46
stgrabercjwatson: can you +v marjo ?15:47
elmostgraber: yes, but it's an idle guest15:47
elmostgraber: I'm going to move quandong to  new hardware, we're just bringing it up now15:47
elmoor rather the ISO tracker to new HW15:47
marjoelmo: thx15:47
dholbachslashdot article taken down, probably temporarily15:48
GrueMasterRiddell: Sorry for not getting back to you on kde netbook on arm.  I had not had a chance to test them unfortunately.  I noticed that they are not part of the kubuntu testcases on iso.qa.ubuntu.com.15:53
stgraberslangasek: what's the version number of the new edubuntu build ? I see 20100429.1 on cdimage16:07
slangasekstgraber: that's the one16:07
stgrabergreat, starting to rsync then16:08
stgraberhighvoltage: ^16:08
slangasekstgraber: do you know the status of quandong?16:09
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stgraberslangasek: nope16:12
stgraberslangasek: last thing I know is that elmo was going to move the tracker to another box16:13
* slangasek nods16:13
elmoslangasek: sorry, there isn't  a quicker fix, ng is working on it right now though16:13
slangasekelmo: just wanting to confirm that the current page load failure is expected.  Any ETA?16:13
pittiso there were two successful tests of auto-resize, and I just finished one myself on i386; both OSes (well, lucids) are in grub16:14
pittiit's a bit sad that we don't show grub by default any more for > 1 OS, but I think that's actually deliberate16:14
cjwatson... we should16:15
cjwatsonit's a bug if we don't, and not one I have reproduced in my testing thus far16:15
pitticjwatson: that didn't fall victim to the design team specs?16:15
* pitti reboots again, this time without shift16:15
cjwatsonno, one of the exceptions was in the case of multi-booting16:15
pittiah, ignore me, sorry16:16
fader_Same here -- I have definitely seen the grub selector whenever I have done a resize and had multiple installs16:16
charlie-tcaIt showed the menu in my entire disk install by default16:16
cjwatsonpitti: worked?16:16
pittithe other one I was looking at had two kernels16:16
pitticjwatson: yes16:16
* pitti gets a little confused with too many installs, sorry16:16
fader_I'd like to have the option to hide it even when multiple OSes are installed, actually :)16:17
pittithey all worked great, though \o/16:17
elmoslangasek: 30m ok?16:17
slangasekelmo: it is what it is :)16:17
cjwatsonfader_: yeah, bug about that, it was kind of hard to support all the options16:17
slangasekubuntu DVD> 64-bit livefs is built, 32-bit is a-squashin'16:18
fader_cjwatson: Ack, I understand the reasons and am just griping :)16:18
slangasekUbuntu DVD ETA: 20min16:25
highvoltagestgraber: would that be the one dated today 15:41 (for i386)?16:27
GrueMasterRiddell: critical bug on kubuntu-netbook for armel dove.  Bug 571732.  Only on dove (not on imx51, will check omap).16:27
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/571732)16:27
cjwatsonthat bug's private?16:27
GrueMasterit just got filed by apport.  WIll change it.16:28
* Riddell waits in anticipation16:28
GrueMasterBug 571732.16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571732 in kdebase-workspace "ksplashx_scale crashed with SIGILL in QImage::transformed()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57173216:28
GrueMasterUnfortunately, I think the armel retracer is still wonked.16:29
RiddellGrueMaster: does that stop you using the desktop?16:31
GrueMasterRiddell: also, it is very slow, possibly due to it not running any optimized video drivers in live (imx51).  Will install and try with closed drivers.16:31
GrueMasterRiddell: on dove, yes.  No X.16:31
GrueMasterThe slowness on imx51 is very aggravating, but the installer is now running.  We'll see how it runs once it is installed.16:33
GrueMasterStarting omap.  Not too hopeful due to low memory on system (256M), but we'll see,16:35
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GrueMasterRiddell: knr boots on omap, goes straight to install.  Good so far.16:40
slangasekUbuntu DVD up - 20100429, not available from the tracker yet16:41
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GrueMasterslangasek: I am not seeing iso.qa site.  Is it still down?16:45
slangasekit is16:45
elmotracker should be back up16:46
pittithanks so much!16:49
RiddellGrueMaster: so we should publish omap and imx51 but not dove?17:05
GrueMasterYes, that is my current recommendation.17:05
GrueMasterWe need to figure out why ksplashx fails.17:05
Riddellslangasek: for kubuntu netbook ports please publish omap and imx51 but not dove17:13
GrueMasterRiddell: Sorry for not testing it earlier.  I sometimes get overloaded here.17:14
stgraberslangasek: edubuntu is now 100% covered17:15
Riddellthat's fine, it's all best effort stuff nothing we depend on17:15
stgraberslangasek: I'm going to do some other test installs but fader_ validated amd64 and I just finished i38617:16
slangasekstgraber: excellent :)17:17
cjwatsonsmoser: can you get the EC2 publishing going?17:18
cjwatson(pp slangasek)17:19
ograslangasek, oh, i forgot to tell you, i tested omap -server last night, was all fine17:20
slangasekogra: ok17:22
ogra(meaning all omap images are good to go)17:22
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Riddellslangasek: I'm going out for a couple of hours, can you ping ofirk and shtylman if release happens, they'll update the kubuntu.org bits17:44
Riddellcjwatson: please +v ofirk and shtylman17:44
cjwatsonRiddell: done17:46
slangasekRiddell: um, it appears that http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading is not going to include information about upgrades for Kubuntu.  Can you take this into account as necessary on http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release17:48
Riddellslangasek: I'm not expecting it to cover Kubuntu, we use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades/Kubuntu17:49
Riddellalthough a link might be nice17:49
slangasekRiddell: ok; it has discussed Kubuntu in the past, and I'm just finding out about this content change now, so just wanted to make sure this isn't going to break your links17:49
stgraberelmo: hey, how do I ssh to the ISO tracker now ? (seems like quandong has been abandoned)18:01
Jeeves_ipv6 bt tracker is updated18:08
cjwatson17:59 <smoser> cjwatson, slangasek ec2 is essentially released.18:10
slangasekjames_w: I believe we need the bazaar importer stopped18:10
cjwatson17:59 <smoser> i've updated ami pages and also made images public18:10
cjwatson18:10 <ara> stgraber, I will appreciate if you could share that info with me :-)18:10
slangaseksmoser: oho - great, thanks18:10
elmostgraber: the new host is temporary, unless it's urgent, do you mind if we wait till we migrate back to quandong?18:10
araelmo, I will need to access tomorrow18:11
elmoara: that's fine18:11
elmoara: new host is limequat18:11
elmoldap accounts are easy18:12
elmoI'll make sure yours gets enabled before tomorrow18:12
araelmo, thanks :)18:12
james_wslangasek: done, thanks18:18
stgraberelmo: nothing urgent, just nice to have when something comes up or when I want to make a DB dump.18:18
smoserhttp://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release-20100427.1/ is there, but something went amuck in the web indices18:21
smoseri will get that fixed in 30 minutes or so. have to run now.18:25
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slangasekmvo_: please update changelogs.u.c18:26
james_wcongratulations slangasek et. al.18:27
james_wthanks for all your work18:27
Jeeves_Yeah, indeed.18:28
ograyeah, slangasek great job !18:28
* ara hugs slangasek :)18:30
stgrabercongrats slangasek & everyone else18:31
araslangasek, :'-)18:31
slangasekcongrats to all!18:32
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* charlie-tca sends congrats and thanks too18:35
* fader_ cheers.18:35
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shtylmanare we supposed to activate our release pages?18:38
cjwatsonweb updates are in progress18:40
slangasekshtylman: yes18:40
pittislangasek: will we still have a release meeting tomorrow?18:45
pittislangasek, cjwatson: oh, and have a nice evening and beer drinking!18:45
GrueMasterIs someone updating http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/arm?  Should be for 10.04 and netbook instead of desktop (as that was the focus since PDX Sprint).19:04
cjwatsonpitti: release meeting> let's not :-)19:13
slangasekpitti: you can!  I'm on vacation tomorrow :)19:15
doko_is maverick open?19:18
GrueMasterdoko_: no rest for the wicked, eh?19:27
doko_GrueMaster: it will take some time until we can open the gates for any uploads19:28
GrueMasterI was referring to your asking if it was open.19:28
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mdeslaurIs there no way to see the release notes from www.ubuntu.com somewhere?20:19
GrueMasterThere is a link to it by following the "Get Ubuntu" link, then selecting "How to Upgrade".20:41
GrueMasterOr http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100420:42
GrueMaster(kind of round about way to get there though).20:42
mdeslaurGrueMaster: oh, thanks...it kind of buried20:43
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