
RootChaosbut normally run into issues when those releases retire00:00
RootChaosso i'll wait for the lts release to come out00:00
RootChaoslike with 7.x00:00
sbeattieum, err, 10.04 LTS ought to be out tomorrow.00:00
sorensbeattie: Today, really. It's Thursday already. You guys are just behind. :)00:01
RootChaosthat's good news... just hope our bandwidth to SA holds up with the seacom cable maintenance... we've been having poor internet access from upstream providers running mostly on seacom00:01
sbeattiesoren: based on sleep patterns I'm still on tuesday. So nyah!00:02
RootChaosperhaps our TENET mirror will have it sooner than later00:02
RootChaosthanks guys00:02
sorensbeattie: Based on time aged during this release cycle, it's 2014 for me, probably.00:02
sbeattieRootChaos: You could um start prefetching now00:02
RootChaos10.x LTS RC ?00:03
RootChaoswould it be easy to upgrade from the RC to the release version ?00:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #571481 in openldap (main) "when slapd upgrade fails, later upgrade attempts overwrite saved copies of pre-upgrade configuration files " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57148100:05
InsyteRootChaos: Yes.00:07
RootChaosok cool, i'm downloading :)00:07
arrrghhhhey all, havin issues with mpd.  used to run just fine, but i decided to wipe my server & start clean.  now it segfaults when it tries to play a song...00:08
RootChaoscoming down at 40kb/sec00:12
RootChaoson a 1mbit line00:13
RootChaosguess it will be done in the morning00:13
RootChaosoff to bed00:13
mathiazahasenack: hey00:40
ahasenackmathiaz: hey00:40
mathiazahasenack: I was wondering what you thought about the drop of cn=localroot,cn=config in slapd in lucid00:41
mathiazahasenack: and not using SASL mapping anymore00:41
ahasenackmathiaz: no strong opinion either way, because the client when using ldapi doesn't even see this00:41
mathiazahasenack: instead I just use directly the sasl name for root in the olcAccess rule00:41
mathiazahasenack: it seems to be simpler00:42
ahasenackmathiaz: I just hope they never change the way this sasl DN is constructed :)00:43
mathiazahasenack: :) - we'll another olcAccess rule then :)00:43
gophi can I install from the ubuntu server ubuntu on to a usb flash stick00:48
gopJust curious00:48
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
mikelifeguardHow do you tell ubuntu what domain name it is? For example,00:50
mikelifeguard'ping localhost' tells you what IP & domain it is pinging.00:51
* mikelifeguard got a new domain name & wants to start using it01:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #571498 in openldap (main) "slapd.postinst should put all backed-up items together in one place under /var/backups" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57149801:26
erichammondsmoser: How soon do you think you can release AMIs for the new Asia Pacific region (ap-southeast-1)?02:40
erichammondsmoser: Not like you had any other important AMIs to release in the next day or so :-)02:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #571517 in python-boto (main) "package python-boto 1.8d-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57151703:06
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== ^rifter^ is now known as rifter
kzmanhello, what is the best ftp server for ubuntu?03:43
twbkzman: openssh-server.03:43
ScottK+1 for that from me.03:46
kzmanis the ftp and windows filesharing download speed alike?03:48
twbI don't understand the question.03:48
kzmando they have FTP and Windows filesharing the same download speed?03:50
twbI don't understand the question.03:50
kzmanwhich is more efficient?03:51
twbWhat is "windows filesharing"?03:51
kzmanwhen i share files in a windows network (samba on linux)03:51
twbYou mean CIFS?03:52
kzmani think03:53
twbI don't know which would be faster.03:54
twbThey're both shockingly bad protocols by modern standards.03:54
twbHTTP/1.1 with pipelining ought to beat both.03:55
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ping04:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: howdy04:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: we're trying to get your testdrive uds session scheduled04:23
RoAkSoAxkirkland, howdy :)04:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: looks like it'll be on the desktop track04:23
RoAkSoAxkirkland, yeah that's what i was wondering04:24
kirklandRoAkSoAx: it might get renamed, or something04:25
RoAkSoAxkirkland, but which one are we gonna use: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/testdrive/+spec/server-maverick-testdrive-frontend-gsoc or https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/testdrive-gtk/+spec/server-maverick-gsoc-testdrive-frontend04:25
kirklandbut it should be an open forum for collecting ideas04:25
RoAkSoAxto pass the info from one to another04:25
kirklandRoAkSoAx: we/you won't have to implement all of them, for sure04:25
ScottKRoAkSoAx and kirkland: Not sure if you've already got it covered, but maybe a session on getting onther flavors integrated into testdrive.  I know there are Kubuntu people interested in that and probably other flavors too.04:25
kirklandRoAkSoAx: but it would be nice to drum up some community around this04:25
kirklandScottK: agreed; that's part of what RoAkSoAx should be doing this summer as part of his GSoC project04:26
RoAkSoAxkirkland, of course. That's what i was thinking. That's why at first I said goals and first get a PyGTK and then the garage/car approach.04:27
kirklandScottK: rough story-board looks something like http://people.canonical.com/~kirkland/testdrive-wizard.html04:27
kirklandScottK: where the "flavor" field would be Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Mythbuntu, etc.04:27
RoAkSoAxScottK, you mean have a Testdrive PyQT interface?04:27
ScottKRoAkSoAx: That would be nice, but I was starting with being able to use different flavors in test drive.04:28
RoAkSoAxkirkland, and yes, one of the features is to be able to testdrive other flavors... that's something that Im gonna start working on right after having the modularization finished04:28
kirklandRoAkSoAx: so if you can get PyQT going, that's great, but PyGTK comes first;  I think ScottK just means getting Testdrive able to download and test other Ubuntu flavors04:28
ScottKIn line with what kirkland just pointed out.04:28
kirklandScottK: great, we're in sync04:28
kirklandRoAkSoAx: if your modularization goes well, bolting on a PyQT interface should be easy for someone else to contribute04:28
RoAkSoAxScottK, btw.. can I bother you with python code review? in a few days for advice in the way how am implementing the OO?04:29
RoAkSoAxkirkland, yes that;s the idea... it should be possible now btw...04:29
ScottKkirkland and RoAkSoAx: I would suggest consulting with someont like rgreening_ who worked on the USB creator split to make sure you start with a design that will be easy to add a different front end to.04:29
ScottKHe's been through it before and can give good advice on laying a foundation for expansion.04:30
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
RoAkSoAxScottK, yeah indeed that;s why I decided proposed to modularize the code04:30
RoAkSoAxrgreening, ok then I;ll bother you for some code review/advice then in a few days04:31
ScottKrgreening: BTW, you pinged earlier.  I'm here now.04:31
rgreeningsounds good RoAkSoAx04:31
kirklandrgreening: excellent, you'll be at UDS?04:31
rgreeningScottK: I figured it out.04:31
rgreeningkirkland: yep04:31
kirklandrgreening: cool, would be nice if you could join us for a session on Testdrive then04:32
rgreeningkirkland: I'll be bugging the server guys lots while im there :)04:32
rgreeningkirkland: sure thing04:32
rgreeningkirkland: you have a blueprint up for that?04:32
kirklandrgreening: ack, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/testdrive-gtk/+spec/server-maverick-gsoc-testdrive-frontend04:33
rgreeningIm getting into some real kvm server work now at the office. and building lots of vm's .. so Ill pick lots of server brains at uds :)04:33
kirklandhmm, link broken04:33
RoAkSoAxkirkland, so i shall migrate the info already posted in https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/testdrive/+spec/server-maverick-testdrive-frontend-gsoc04:34
RoAkSoAxto  https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/testdrive-gtk/+spec/server-maverick-gsoc-testdrive-frontend04:34
kirklandRoAkSoAx: oh ... hmm, sorry about that04:34
ScottKkirkland and RoAkSoAx: Small nit for your mockup: Kubuntu and Kubuntu Netbook Remix are two separate ISOs/subflavors.  They are just built from the same seed set (unlike Ubunut/UNE) and so may not have appeared on your list.04:34
kirklandRoAkSoAx: yeah, please converge on one04:34
kirklandScottK: thanks ... this was an html napkin ;-)04:35
RoAkSoAxkirkland, you already proposed https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/testdrive/+spec/server-maverick-testdrive-frontend-gsoc so, I guess we should have everything in there instead of the one in https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/testdrive-gtk/+spec/server-maverick-gsoc-testdrive-frontend04:35
kirklandScottK: i'm going to try and get IS and the cdimage guys to give us a good manifest04:35
rgreeningI suggest drop the gtk04:35
rgreeningto remain FE agnostic :)04:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: yes, please just make sure there's just one blueprint04:36
RoAkSoAxrgreening, the gtk is part of the GSoC project04:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: move all the pertinent info to one04:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: subscribe me to it04:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: mark the other one "superceded"04:36
RoAkSoAxrgreening, but the modularization will allow us to have the other front ends04:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland, will do04:36
kirklandrgreening: yeah, RoAkSoAx is tasked with putting a GTK frontend on it for Google Summer of Code04:36
kirklandrgreening: in doing so, he's modularizing it such that another FE can bolt on easily04:37
kirklandrgreening: we're interested in your advice/review of that04:37
rgreeningwell, I may be able to help getting a qt/kde up and running04:37
kirklandrgreening: and if you want to put together the qt FE in parallel, that would be great ;-)04:37
RoAkSoAxawesome then :)04:37
rgreeningtestdrive rules :)04:37
kirklandrgreening: ;-)  sweet, thanks.  i find it very useful04:38
kirklandrgreening: and it warms my heart to hear that it's useful to someone else04:38
rgreeningme 204:38
rgreeningyeah. 1 line to launch a vm.. I run for coffee while it syncs :)04:38
kirklandrgreening: saved me many, many hours this release cycle, doing ISO testing04:39
kirklandwas *way* worth the couple of hours it took to write04:39
rgreeningkirkland: we need to figure out how to integrate checkbox into it to automate testing :)04:39
kirklandrgreening: and the secret agenda is that it gets people using and testing KVM without really knowing it ;-)04:39
kirklandrgreening: kvm-autotest is how ;-)04:40
rgreeningheh. tru dat04:40
twbIt's not a secret if you tell us04:40
kirklandtwb: you're just in the know, now04:40
RoAkSoAxkirkland, done in: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/testdrive/+spec/desktop-maverick-testdrive-frontend-gsoc04:42
rgreeningcool. subscribing now kirkland, RoAkSoAx. and now for some homemade ribs :)04:44
RoAkSoAxrgreening, :)04:45
kirklandrgreening: you're eating your kid's ribs?04:46
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
kirklandg'night all04:51
RoAkSoAxkirkland, nighty04:54
twbA new customer has sent me some notes on how to connect to their network.04:56
twbThey start with "Download the Cisco VPN Client here Mac/XP/Vista <URL>".04:56
twbWhat would that be on Ubuntu, vpnc?04:56
rgreeningone of the vpn sw supports the cisco client iirc04:57
rgreeningnot vpnc though I think04:57
twbAwesome, there's also openconnect, which has a Description that talks about a *different* Cisco VPN protocol04:57
twbrgreening: I did aptitude search ~dcisco~dvpn04:58
jpdstwb: network-manager-vpnc ?04:59
rgreeningtwb: Cisco vpn has a few varieties...04:59
twbjpds: presumably that's a wrapper for people dumb enough to run NM04:59
rgreeningdid customer provide any settings/options required?04:59
twbrgreening: there's some auth details further down the page.05:00
rgreeningvpnc may do it.. depending on requirements05:00
twbOh, and they gave me a .pcf file, which is probably the equivalent of openvpn's cert files.05:03
twbHaha, no, it's just an ini file05:03
twbI hate customers05:03
twbGrr, why doesn't thttpd Just Work05:05
twbBecause some clown set ENABLED=no in it's /etc/default/thttpd file05:06
twbHm, looks like the QA team did it (#142306).05:08
arrrghhhhey all.  i'm trying to run mpd and it segfaults whenever it starts to play a song...05:08
twbPlay a different song, then?05:14
arrrghhhlol if it was only that simple.  it's not just one song05:14
arrrghhhi haven't been able to get it to play one song.  i've tried at least 2005:15
twbAre you running mpd in the foreground?05:18
arrrghhhnot currently, but i've used the --verbose and what is it, --no-damon or something?  i believe it just ends.  i see the segfault in my /var/log/messages tho.05:18
twbIdeally you want to know what it does BEFORE the segfault05:19
twbThough if I were you I'd probably just say "bugger it, let's use xmms2"05:20
arrrghhhlol really?05:20
arrrghhhcan i connect to xmms2 with many different clients?  and i'm assuming it's a console-based player?05:20
twbxmms2 is a modular mpd05:21
arrrghhhi really did love mpd on my old ubuntu-server.05:21
arrrghhhwhatever it was up to, i guess it was 9.10 before i blasted it all away and installed 10.04 fresh.05:21
arrrghhhall i really want is a music server with a small footprint that just runs as a service... and i need to be able to control it from many different clients05:22
twbShrug.  Your two choices there are mpd and xmms2, and I don't care enough to help you debug the former.05:23
arrrghhhi thought xmms2 was just really a self contained player05:24
arrrghhhhrm.  that's unfortunate.  i don't understand why it would segfault on libavcodec.05:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #571543 in clamav (main) "Milter and Freshclam configurations buggy in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57154305:31
twbOK, with vpnc I can convert the .pcf file into a vpnc .conf file, and run vpnc on it.05:38
twbIt spits out this: ==> vpnc: hash comparison failed: (ISAKMP_N_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)(24); check group password!05:38
twbNever mind, $customer is retarded.  It's workign now.05:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #571555 in unixodbc (main) "package odbcinst1debian1 2.2.11-21 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57155507:11
Eric^-Ska jag installera FTP så är det sudo apt-get pure-ftpd elr hur?08:05
Jeeves_English? :)08:05
Eric^-oh shit xD08:05
Eric^-uhm, when installing pure-ftpd08:06
Eric^-It's suppose to be sudo apt-get pure-ftpd? or?08:06
Eric^-or is it apt-install?08:06
Jeeves_apt-get install08:06
Eric^-yeah :D08:06
twbEric^-: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie08:07
Eric^-twb: uhm, whata heck is that?08:07
Eric^-When following this guide, how the heck does i test if apache works since i use ubuntu-server without accses to go with normal interference08:10
twbEric^-: it means: "don't run pure-ftpd, or any other ftpd.  Use OpenSSH's SFTP component."08:10
Eric^-twb: heck,man im a noob. FTP is easy, i will use it! :D08:11
twbEric^-: you should not do so for the reasons outlined in the above article.08:12
artemglusankovis anybody here?08:16
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:16
twbHow do I make a vbox .vdi usable in qemu (or kvm)?08:17
Eric^-How do i create a php file with terminal only? ;p08:18
Eric^-and edit it?08:18
artemglusankovI'm a newby in ubuntu-server. Is anybody have workable config for dhcp3-server?08:18
artemglusankovtouch something.php08:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #571572 in krb5 (main) "krb5 prefers the reverse pointer no matter what for locating service tickets.  " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57157208:21
twbI'm a lazy so, so I just use dnsmasq for DHCP08:27
twbThe ISC stuff is all enterprisey and verbose and confusing08:28
artemglusankovHow can I get an information about version of my Linux?08:30
twbartemglusankov: what kind of information?08:30
ajmitch'lsb_release -a' should tell you the distro version, at least08:31
artemglusankovthanks I will try08:31
artemglusankovIt woks!!! )))))08:32
artemglusankovI have found a program named Vuurmuur. Does anybody work with this one?08:34
twbartemglusankov: it appears to be in the repository.08:40
twbFrom Karmic onwards, there's no qemu, only qemu-kvm.08:52
twbWhat am I supposed to do if I can't use KVM, and installing the kvm package (which modprobes kvm without asking) causes the kernel to hang completely, due to it fighting with vmware?  (And management won't let me remove vmware.)08:52
_rubenfile a bug i assume08:53
twbI was afraid of that :-/08:53
twbFor qemu 0.11, I rolled Debian's package into a ppa backport (for hardy).08:54
twbNow I need 0.12, so looks like I'll be doing that again08:54
_rubendoes blacklisting the kvm modules help? not sure if blacklisting works for modprobe invokations though08:54
twbI'm a bit scared to try that on a production machine08:54
_rubenthat's what test setups are for ;)08:54
twbI can't afford the $300 for a second VT CPU08:55
sorentwb: You can blacklist the kvm modules.09:07
sorentwb: The upstart job should respect that.09:07
twbsoren: hardy doesn't use upstart much :-)09:07
sorentwb: Well, you could just comment out the call to modprobe.09:08
twbBut any call to modprobe will honour blacklists in modprobe.d09:08
sorenI forget if the init script passed -b to modprobe in Hardy.09:08
_rubentwb: but hardy isnt "karmic onwards", so now i'm confused :)09:08
sorenIt's been a while, after all :)09:08
sorentwb: No.09:08
sorentwb: Only if you pass -b.09:08
twbSorry, by blacklist I mean "install foo /bin/true" or so, not "blacklist foo".09:09
twb_ruben: sorry, I'm stuck on hardy but I want (to backport) qemu 0.12.09:09
sorentwb: Anyways, commenting out the call to modprobe is perfectly acceptable as well. init scripts are conffiles as well.09:10
_rubentwb: ah09:10
twbsoren: yes, but less reliable if some OTHER part of the kvm package tries to modprobe.09:10
twbI'd at least have to use policy-rc.d to prevent it doing it at install time, before I could get to the init script to edit it.09:11
twbNot that it matters much...09:11
sorenI didn't think just loading the modules caused problems. I thought it wasn't until you actually ran some virtual machines things started to go South.09:15
twbOh, sorry, I just remembered09:17
twbIt's not kvm + vmware, it's kvm + openvz that makes it hang09:17
twbOr possibly all three together09:17
twbI just like to blame vmware because it's proprietary09:18
smosererichammond, stuff is on its way up to ap-southeast-109:23
erichammondsmoser: Sweet!09:23
smoserkernels are there (not public)09:23
smoserhardy and karmic are on their way09:23
smoserand once karmic is there i can try lucid09:23
erichammondI'm migrating my S3 based AMIs and will copy EBS boot once your kernels are public.09:23
smoserlucid requires karmic for ebs publish09:23
erichammondsmoser: Do you have a link handy for your instructions for connecting to lucid desktop with nxclient?09:33
erichammondsmoser: hm, found this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-cloud/2010-March/000163.html09:34
smoserthats what i would dig up09:34
smoserthe other is instructions on how to use x2go09:35
smoseraround that same time frame09:35
janislawI am an average linux user - mostly from user experience09:39
janislawIn a moment our team is buing a new server and I am going to set up a system09:39
janislawit's amd64 with 64GB of RAM and would be serving basic services for about 20 users09:40
janislawI am looking for a comprehensive guide to set up the server09:40
janislawI wonder if you could provide some links09:40
twbI'd avoid speccing hardware to last more than three, or at most five, years.09:44
twbConsider what would, today, be a five-year-old machine.  It's probably PATA or SCSI, DDR1, and a Pentium 4 or so.  You would have to pay MORE for spare parts than to buy a whole new machine three times faster.09:45
twbOops, ignore me completely.  I read "20 users" as "20 years"09:46
twbBecause 64GB is pretty overkill for most applications of a twenty-user system09:46
janislawwell, we are replacing an about-9-year-old machine, for which the original admin is long gone09:47
janislawoh, for an average user09:47
janislawwe will be doing computations which require 4GB+ memory09:47
twbFile sharing, printing, and mail would only need 1GB09:47
twbAh, OK09:47
janislawalmost a cheap, home-blown HPC09:48
janislawwe're considering a queuing system if some users were too agressive on the processor time09:48
janislawI am looking for a guide to help with such stuff like user quotas, hooks on user creation, packages considered as a must-have09:50
twbSome of that is just ulimits09:50
janislawamong others, there would be: LAMP, ssh, ftp, svn, bzr and mathematic packages on FORTRAN and Matlab09:52
twbjanislaw: /etc/security/limits.conf09:53
janislawcould you recommend http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/09:53
janislawtwb: /etc/security/limits.conf is exactly what I need for the start09:54
twblimits.conf is basically the default values; the sh "ulimit" builtin allows users to voluntarily restrict themselves further.09:55
twbFor disk quotas, you want the "quota" package, which requires some extra setup.09:55
=== zorzarAway is now known as zorzar
uvirtbotNew bug: #529714 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (main) "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in _nss_wins_gethostbyname_r()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52971411:23
echosystmanyone here had a play with the cloud stuff?11:30
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:31
zorzarechosystm: which cloud stuff?11:32
echosystmthe ubuntu ECS thing11:37
echosystmubuntu enterprise cloud11:37
zorzarechosystm: i'm running ubuntu on amazons ec211:37
echosystmim interested to know how it works11:37
echosystmthe website istn very detailed11:37
echosystmi see a lot of places offering "cloud services"11:38
echosystmbut its really just a VPS with ram/storage that can be expanded and contracted11:38
echosystmto me, a cloud service is something like google app engine, not rackspace "cloud servers"11:38
echosystmso, my question, which camp does EC2/UEC belong in?11:39
zorzar"cloud servers"11:39
zorzarthe big differenc between a "cloud server" and a normal VPS is that you have an api to spawn and terminate servers and it happens in minutes11:40
erichammond...and you pay for it in small units like by the hour.11:41
echosystmthats crap :(11:42
echosystmits hardly really a cloud is it11:42
echosystmif someones going to offer me some cloud service, i expect scalability to be automagic11:43
echosystmlike appengine11:43
zorzarechosystm: then perhaps you have to rethink your definition of a cloud service11:43
erichammondechosystm: There is no widely accepted definition of "cloud" so it is difficult to say what is and isn't "cloud".  EC2 = "Elastic Compute Cloud" and is one of the few services which self proclaimed "cloud experts" would never say is "not cloud".11:44
echosystmthe whole idea of the word "cloud" is that you just throw your app out there and it somehow just works11:45
echosystmthats hardly what EC2/rackspace/ etc. provide11:45
echosystmbut anyway11:45
erichammondechosystm: You're free to add your own definition of cloud to the mess :)11:45
echosystmi guess i got my answer, thanks guys:)11:45
zorzarechosystm: np ;)11:46
zorzarechosystm: ec2 does offer autoscaling11:46
echosystmyeah, but its like scaling one VPS, isnt it?11:46
echosystmas opposed to having your app automatically deployed to multiple servers11:47
lil_cainscalability is never going to be automagic.11:47
echosystmit is on app engine11:47
lil_cainIt may be easier, but if you want a scalable system, you have to design for it.11:47
zorzarechosystm: you can have your app automatically deployed to ec2 instances11:47
echosystmapp engine you just upload to one place, and google works out where best to put it11:48
zorzarechosystm: yeah but app engine has other big limitations11:48
zorzarechosystm: just use the tool that fits best, but just because you can hardly put a nail in the wall with a screwdriver, the screwdriver istn't bad by design11:50
\shapplication scalability has nothing to do with the underlaying server...app engine just works like a simple web host .. if they wouldn't have shared storage and shared session management for the apps it wouldn't work as expected...11:52
=== zorzar is now known as zorzarAway
=== swift__ is now known as swift
echosystmok guys12:24
echosystmubuntu server has 5 years12:25
echosystmbut desktop only has 312:25
echosystm(LTS, i mean)12:25
echosystmis it like a subset of the repo has 5 years, while the rest has 3?12:25
echosystmor what12:25
echosystmbecause ubuntu and ubuntu server obviously use the same repo12:25
echosystmi dont get it12:25
lil_cainYeah, it's a subset of the repo is on a three year support cycle.12:26
echosystmthat sucks :(12:29
JanCechosystm: why?12:29
echosystmwould have been nice to have the whole repo on that support cycle12:29
echosystmsometimes on servers you need to install gnome and so on12:30
JanCit's not like those packages will be removed12:30
echosystmyeah but they wont get security updates12:30
echosystmcant have that12:30
lil_cainI have never found a decent reason to install gnome on a server.12:31
twbWhat about "to convince $boss the hardware is too slow"12:31
twb"Gee, boss, look, after I installed tomcat, we get OOMed every few minutes"12:32
twb"Maybe you should give me $30 to upgrade to 1GiB of RAM"12:32
echosystmsmall business lil_cain12:36
echosystmthey want a GUI12:36
lil_cainuse a web thingy12:36
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox12:37
twbechosystm: rather, they THINK they want bug-for-bug compatibility with MS SBS12:37
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pmatuliszul: good game last night ;)13:04
zulpmatulis: i didnt watch it....hockey season is over13:05
pmatuliszul: ha ha13:05
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Guest13577Hello... how do i make a ftp server where its possible to give directory permissions to different users/groups?14:56
Guest13577like an ACL kinda thing14:56
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peterlhi cant seem to find any ftp server that does that on linux?14:57
Slideyyou're talking virtual users and permissions? pretty sure proftpd will do what you want14:57
peterlhyes virtual users14:58
peterlhiam using pureftpd-mysql now14:59
peterlhbut that can handlt it14:59
JanCcan't vsftpd do that (as that's the default FTP server for Ubuntu)?15:00
volksmantrying to nfs export a directory with a bind mount within it...the export works and I can see everything in the directory but when I look in the folder that contains the bind mount it's empty.  Is it possible?  Why doesn't it work?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/424618/15:05
mrmojohi there15:27
mrmojoi'm using mdadm to create a raid1 array over two hdds15:27
mrmojoit all works fine until i reboot, the array is not automatically reloaded15:28
mrmojoam i missing something obvious here?15:28
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Slideywhat does your mdadm.conf say ?15:34
mrmojowhere is mdadm.conf normally stored?15:35
Slideyi dont have it on an ubuntu box, but debian has it at /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf15:35
Slideythe man page on there shows how to generate a new one15:35
mrmojook, cheers, i think i may of overlooked this step15:35
Slideymdadm --examine --scan --config=mdadm.conf15:35
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mrmojoi still can't seem to find mdadm.conf15:36
linxehis there any way to easily install the Dell OpenManage / OMSA etc software on ubuntu systems?15:40
akincerSo we're close to full release, yes?15:41
akincerI figured the ISOs would have landed by now15:42
Jeeves_akincer: Yes, close. But not there yet15:42
Jeeves_akincer: Some are still missing15:42
akincerthat's cool. I'm patient, but I would like to get the full release before lunch so I can load up a server for a new project :)15:42
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ttxmathiaz: o/15:43
akincerby the way, is alfresco in main?15:43
mathiazbug 57105715:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 571057 in ubuntu-release-notes "slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5 corrupts olcDatabase={-1}frontend.ldif with duplicate olcAccess lines (again)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57105715:44
akinceralso, any movement on getting 10.04 as a supported version for their commercial release?15:45
Jeeves_akincer: who is 'their'15:46
leonelJUST SHOUTING  BIG  THANK YOU  FOR  LUCID !!   keep the great work15:46
akincerUnless I missed it, the devs for Alfresco offers a community version and a commercial version15:47
linxehakincer: why not just install the server and then upgrade ?15:47
akincerlinxeh: I'm doing that if the full release doesn't hit when I plan on setting up the server. was just hoping it would15:47
linxehI'm  doing that now - can easily upgrade the pakcages that have changed15:48
PerfectSinehello all!16:03
jiboumanshggdh: eucalyptus call now, please join?16:03
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uiuiuihi, i am using ubuntu to share internet with many people, is there a way to list who is connected, inorder to later block off unwanted users?16:10
uiuiuiit being used as a  hotspot...16:10
aurigusuiuiui: you should be able to get a list of mac addresses and ip addresses16:14
aurigusrunning an in place upgrade of 9.10 ubuntu server right now.16:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #571752 in openldap (main) "slapd upgrades don't add frontend ACLs for base="" and cn=subschema" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57175216:16
uiuiuii can get a list from /var/lib/dhcp...  but that is too much redundant information16:17
RoyKwasn't ubuntu 10.04 supposed to be released today?16:17
RoyKuiuiui: the dhcp clients file can be easily parsed with perl or something :)16:18
hggdhjiboumans: I am in16:18
jiboumanshggdh: please keep track of your gcalendar; bugs were discussed in the first 20 miis16:19
hggdhjiboumans: will do16:19
maekI have a bunch of DD images of entire disks. I have 1 partition per disk thats an LVM slice. I have the slice setup to a loop device and positions by offset. is there a way to mount an lvm partition or make lvm tools look at the loop device for a viable source?16:22
uiuiuiso, i'd have to do scripting on it... no other way out16:23
RoyKmaek: seems you need zfs :)16:23
uiuiuido u know of any utility that will list + block clients using iptables?16:23
maekRoyK: dont we all want zfs ? ;)16:23
RoyKmaek: but yes, you can use losetup to connect a file to a loopdev - see the -o option16:24
RoyKmaek: I use opensolaris when I need zfs :þ16:24
maekRoyK: thats where I'm at. I have the loopdevice setup and the -o option to tell it where it start16:24
maekRoyK: file -s /dev/loop3 shows me /dev/loop3: LVM2 (Linux Logical Volume Manager) , UUID: 00rP4mVL27fTaEM5mXBY1AB3DF3TA2P16:25
maekknow I'm wondering how do I start the recovery of that lvm?16:25
RoyKmaek: vgimport?16:25
maekoh just like that. the lvm tools will know the treat the loop mounted "device" as a legit source. sorry i've never used lvm before.16:26
RoAkSoAxjiboumans, howdy! I was wondering if the cluster stack blueprint was going to be accepted for UDS-M or what;s the status of its review?16:29
jiboumansRoAkSoAx: we'll do the review next week basically. cluster-stack will most likely get a UDS session16:30
RoAkSoAxjiboumans, awesome then! Thanks for the info16:30
RoAkSoAxkirkland, howdy!! Hey I was wondering now that the blueprint for Testdrive Front-end is under desktop, shouldn't we change the reviewer to  Rick Spencer?16:33
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sure, go ahead and do that16:45
RoAkSoAxkirkland, will do then :)16:46
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RoyKany idea how far 10.04 release is?17:00
PerfectSineyou can jump into #ubuntu-release-party17:02
PerfectSinethose guys are going nuts :)17:02
kirklandhggdh: howdy17:06
kirklandhggdh: the eucalyptus sru package made it into the lucid-proposed ... could you re-test the Java OOM with that package?  (should be almost identical to the PPA one you tested)17:09
kirklandhggdh: fire it up and run a few thousand instances and confirm that you don't get the OOM errors17:09
hggdhkirkland: no prob, will start on it17:14
kirklandhggdh: awesome, thanks a lot17:14
kirklandhggdh: this is how we move an upload from -proposed to -updates ...17:15
uiuiuidoes dhcp3-server check the subnet mask of a client before sending a DHCPACK/DHCPNAK ?17:15
kirklandhggdh: oh, before you upgrade to the -proposed package, run it once with the current package, and reproduce the problem17:15
kirklandhggdh: then upgrade the package (and restart the service or reboot the machine, whatever)17:15
kirklandhggdh: and then confirm that the OOM problem is solved17:15
aurigusRoyK: I'm doing an in place upgrade now, seems to be working fine17:20
aurigusam i crazy or something? It seems like it is out but everyone is asking when its going to be released?17:22
hggdhkirkland: will do :-)17:22
uiuiuii cant seem to get my subnet to be fixed automatically, it behaves as if it only checks the ip addr17:22
uiuiuiif a user connects to network1 w subnet, gets ip, then connects to network 2 which has subnet, the second network will allow the ip, but then if the user connects back to network1, the ip gets accepted and subnet remains at, not allowing it to connect to the gateway17:24
* RoyK whines a little more about 10.0417:25
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aurigusnm, i see these are all RC... im a fool :D17:26
RoyKaurigus: a few hours won't make much difference17:27
RoyKor even a few weeks17:27
RoyKworks for me (tm)17:28
brianhermananybody know how to get ubuntu and comcast to work together like I have this box im not using and i would like to make it a router17:32
RoyKbrianherman: isn't it just cable?17:41
brianhermanI tried ubuntu and I couldn't get an ip address when I plugged in directly17:42
brianhermanDo i need to reset the cable modem and take out the two batteries?17:42
RoyKI guess they might be holding the IP for the old MAC address17:43
RoyKbrianherman: try forcing the old mac address in /etc/network/interfaces - add hwaddress ether 00:01:04:1b:2C:1F or something at the end of the eth0 section17:44
brianhermani think i tried that17:44
brianhermani guess i did it wrong17:44
RoyKor try ifconfig eth0 hw ether x:x:x:x:x:x17:45
RoyKor just call them and tell them to release the address from the dhcp scope :)17:45
brianhermanok thanks bye17:51
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uvirtbotNew bug: #571430 in apache2 (main) "apache2 crashed with SIGSEGV in zend_hash_graceful_reverse_destroy()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57143018:06
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electro_I am trying to register the Walrus service for UEC and I am getting a generic error on the web portal that says "Failed to save! (Check hostname and path.)"  Where does it write to?  I checked perms on /var/lib/eucalyptus/bukkits and it looks good19:00
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RoyK10.04 out :)19:13
smoserjust fixed http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release-20100427.1/19:14
smoserso output doesn't state that there is armel arch on ec2 :)19:14
smosererichammond, lucid, hardy, karmic all on ap-southeast-119:19
smoser(lucid not recieved much testing there)19:19
erichammondsmoser: Thanks.  I've added the AMI ids to the top of http://alestic.com19:19
erichammondsmoser: I migrated all of the Alestic S3 based AMIs to ap-southeast-1 (also listed)19:20
erichammondsmoser: Remaining todo: Register EBS boot AMIs in ap-southeast-1 for Karmic and Hardy using your images.19:20
erichammondsmoser: I was using http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/query/lucid/server/released.current.txt which is very convenient.19:22
smoseri'm kinda stoked. 2 releases in one day :)19:22
jiboumansAs you probably heard, 10.04 is out now: http://www.ubuntu.com. A big thanks to all of you for making this an awesome release.19:24
jiboumansDon't forget to go see your loco team tonight for the Release party :)19:24
maekanyone know how to tell what raid setup or type of lvm was created ?19:28
npopemaek: lvdisplay for LVM19:28
maeknpope: does that make any sense to you ? http://gist.github.com/384008 if you dont mine. thanks19:29
maekI had a readynas and something in it (drives I think) failed19:29
maekI have 4 disks, 2 of which I got DD images of, 1 has not partition table and the 4th makes a grinding noise when plugged in. trying to determine is the 3 disks were raid 5 or just concated.19:30
incorrectin libvirt is there a way to stop more vm's being started than the host can handle?19:33
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ChmEarlwhat kernel version is final on 10.04 Server?19:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #246175 in kvm (main) "cpu frequency scaling causes multiple vcpu guests to panic (dup-of: 361754)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24617519:44
incorrectChmEarl, .32 iirc19:52
incorrecti will upgrade in a week i think19:53
ChmEarlincorrect, thanks19:55
aubreis there a nice command line way to check for the fastest upgrade server ?20:03
jpdsaubre: No, but use a local one.20:03
persiaThere are a couple, but they are all very slow (because they try to download from lots of places).  Manually selecting a nearby mirror is almost always better than the tools.20:03
aubreok , coworker was asking20:04
npopeif your near wisconsin use ubuntu.mirrors.tds.net20:06
RoyKI had perfectly good download speed until five minutes ago20:06
RoyKI guess this thing can be left overnight, though :)20:06
jpdsaubre: Where are based geographically?20:08
aubreAuburn, AL - I usually use gatech.edu20:09
aubresince ATL is only 90 mins from here20:09
aubreand we both have Internet 2 pipes20:09
kirklanddendro-afk: soren: hey guys, doubt you're terribly interested, but thought I'd mention ...  I released a new version of byobu last night with a new feature from jbernard, "rcs_cost", a little status applet that estimates cost of the current session in Rackspace20:17
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akincerwere there any changes to the final server packages? Update/upgrade on an RC server is showing no updates available20:32
RoyKakincer: same here, but I upgraded that a few hours ago20:38
incorrectnow that sun java is in the partner repo, will it be updated when new jdk's are out?20:39
sorenkirkland: You can usually deduce the instance creation time by checking the timestamp of /etc/crontab, and of network traffic, perhaps you could add a shutdown script that saves the traffic stats and count that as well?20:53
sorens/of network traffic/for network traffic/20:53
sorenkirkland: The "since last reboot" notion doesn't seem very useful to me?20:53
sorenI don't see when one really cares about that (except when you think you don't have a way to find the totals).20:54
kirklandsoren: fair enough, thanks for the info....20:55
kirklandjbernard: can you take a look at that ^20:55
kirklandjbernard: and edit the rcs_cost script accordingly?20:55
RoyKI had perfectly good download speed until five minutes ago, but now it's dropped rather low20:56
kirklandsoren: you're not still in Texas, are you?20:56
kirklandsoren: seems a crew from Rackspace is heading up to Austin for the Lucid release party tomorrow evening20:56
sorenkirkland: ah, cool. No, I'm not.21:00
sorenkirkland: I'm on the proper side of the ash cloud^W^Wbig pond now :)21:01
kirklandsoren: heh21:02
sorenI don't remember, actually, if the billing cycle follows the month, but if it does, being able to determine the cost in the current billing cycle would probably be a nice addition.21:04
sorenIt doesn't. :(21:08
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Italian_Plumbercan someone recommend some type of live CD I can use to completely wipe a hard ddrive?21:12
cloakableAny livecd with dd on it21:12
Jeeves_cloakable: No21:13
Jeeves_Italian_Plumber: dban21:13
cloakableJeeves_: dd if=/dev/zers of=/dev/21:13
Jeeves_cloakable: That's not really wiping21:13
cloakableJeeves_: Oh god, I'm typoing like crazy today21:13
Jeeves_If you really want to wipe, that's not good enough21:13
cloakableJeeves_: it is if you do it three times :)21:13
Jeeves_Not even than, afaik21:14
cloakableWhat do you think dban does?21:14
Italian_PlumberJeeves, what is good enough?21:20
Jeeves_cloakable: overwriting with random data, several time21:20
cloakableJeeves_: so dd if=/dev/ransom of=/dev/disk ?21:21
* persia notes that one better have a HW RNG if doing that for reasonable sized disks.21:21
* soren mumbles something about randomsound21:22
cloakablehell, just spamming /dev/zero over it once should work to overcome basic file utility programs.21:22
sorenAlso, why do I suddenly think about http://xkcd.com/538/ ?21:23
cloakablesoren: pretty much :P21:23
sorenIf you really care that much about keeping your data safe, torch the bloody thing.21:24
persiasoren: Ooh, nifty.  I've been using trousers.  Mind you, one has to actually generate audio for that, presumably by a random-skip algorithm.21:25
sorenpersia: Just plug in microphone. The background noise in any environment should provide plenty of entropy.21:26
persiasoren: Ah, that's a good source indeed :)21:26
Italian_Plumberhmm... so I'm not srue what my answer is21:27
* persia installs randomsound on the machine where the manufacturer *removed* the TPM chip in the newer models21:27
persiaOoh, shred does work on partitions (or entire disks).21:28
Italian_Plumberthis page http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-rapidly-clean-wipe-hard-disk-drive/ gives the same command for overwriting with "zeros" and "Random"21:29
persiaItalian_Plumber: That's a typo on the page.  The second call should have been written with /dev/zero21:30
Italian_Plumberwell I do have a drill press.  I can always drill holes in the bloddy thing21:31
MTecknologyI can't figure out why logcheck won't send me an email..21:31
MTecknology2010-04-29 15:29:16 1O7aMB-0006q8-RW => admin@kalliki.com <logcheck@emplar.kalliki.com> R=dnslookup T=remote_smtp H=aspmx.l.google.com []21:32
Italian_PlumberThis says that shred doesn't work well on ext3, which is what my drive in question is:  http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_shred.htm21:32
MTecknologyI get the feeling gmail is screwing something up21:32
npopeItalian_Plumber: whats wrong with dban?21:33
RoAkSoAxkirkland, shall we set *meeting* times when I can bother you with testdrive questions?21:34
persiaItalian_Plumber: Read the *whole* manpage.  For certain sorts of journals, shred does pooly for individual files for ext3.  If you shred /dev/sda it'll do fine.21:34
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sure ;-)21:35
RoAkSoAxkirkland, what would be better time for you?21:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: though i'm generally open here too21:35
persia(because then it's shredding the block device, not a file on the filesystem)21:35
* soren doesn't really understand this whole problem21:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: you're in Miami, right?21:35
RoAkSoAxkirkland, yep21:35
sorenIf your data is secret enough that you can be bothered to go through this hassle, isn't it really so secret that you want to just properly /destroy/ the disk?21:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: you want a phone call, or irc, or what?21:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland, what we can do is that once per week we can *meet* to provide updates/status/questions... and whenever I have a doubt I can just ask you like now21:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland, whatever works for you21:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sure21:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: want to do a phone call around lunchtime on Wednesdays?21:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: middle of the week21:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland, sure21:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland, skype?21:36
* persia agrees with soren, and recommends destruction. It's fun, irreversible, and meets all known regulatory requirements.21:37
kirklandRoAkSoAx: or phone; do you have a US number?21:37
npopepersia: dban then napalm?21:37
persianpope: last time I had a need to destroy disks, we used a special device that first soaked them in a strong magnetic field, then electrocuted them, then smashed them onto several spikes, then crushed them into small cubes, and electrocuted them again.  The results made handy paperweights.21:38
ajmitchthat sounds like fun21:38
persiaIt was fun, although they only let me press the button once.21:39
npopethat sounds like a blast21:39
persiaIt was about 2 quare meters of dedicated disk destructing machine.21:39
persiaErr, 2 *cubic* meters.21:39
sorenEvery year at CeBIT there's a company (or more) that bring their disk annihilation machine. You can bring you disk and get it destroyed in a number of ways. The one I saw in use had a strong magnetic field and three big spikes that it poked through the disk. If people can get data from it afterwards, they deserve it, IMO.21:41
Italian_Plumberdo you have to have some special status on launchpad to file a bug?  I don't se ehow to do it21:46
MTecknologyAnyone know where to request support for google apps?21:46
RoyKasking google?21:47
InsyteI destroy my disks the old fashioned way:  Thermite.21:47
MTecknologyRoyK: ya.. I just found gmail forums - might be what I need :) - I can't figure out why logcheck email isn't coming to me - exim logs seem to say that things are being sent just fine21:48
sorenInsyte: That's probably overkill. A few hours at 280 degrees celcius in a regular oven should do it.21:48
sorenInsyte: (A few hours to make sure it's hot all the way through.21:49
RoyKInsyte: even overwriting them once with zeros will kill stuff21:50
RoyKand you can use them for porn later21:50
InsyteYes, but thermite is much more fun.21:50
lifelesswhy bother with the zeros21:50
lifelessshove em in a ceph array, and fill it with porn straight up21:50
RoyK/dev/urandom, then21:50
lifelessItalian_Plumber: you have to be logged in, thats all.21:51
InsyteI read an article a while back, I forget where, that basically said all of this "multiple overwrites" nonsense was pointless.21:51
RoyKInsyte: today it is21:51
InsyteNo one was able to demonstrate that they could recover data after a single pass of overwrites.21:51
RoyKInsyte: today's drives are so tightly packed, a single overwrite destroys the data21:51
kopfwehis there a boot spash on lucid server or is it just me?21:52
RoyKInsyte: in the eighties and early ninetees, they could find the old data by using electron microscopes21:52
InsyteBut PCI mandates that we render retired disks unreadable.  I choose to interpret that as meaning: Melt them into a puddle with 4000F thermite.21:52
amereservantI'm curious about better understanding how cloud servers work.... Say I have two computers in a private cloud and I'm wanting to run Apache Server (overkill, I know) and host websites on them, what role does each computer in the cloud serve?  Do they both simultaneously run Apache and hold the data?21:53
RoyKInsyte: how boring - just dd a bunch if shit over the partition table and they won't find out21:53
InsyteIt's a blast!21:53
RoyKwasting good drives21:53
RoyKgood for porn21:54
InsyteThat's very old school.  Isn't the new approach to just store your porn "In The Cloud(TM)"?21:54
lifelessamereservant: there are many deployments you could do21:56
amereservantlifeless: I gotcha.  The main thing I'm trying to understand is the role of each computer in the cloud.21:56
lifelessamereservant: the simplest would be two differently configured apaches running different sites, getting the data off elastic mounted volumes, or a cluster fs21:57
lifelessamereservant: a more 'cloudy' approach would be a load balancer, and as many apache instances as you want, all dynamically configured and reading data from elastic / cluster fs21:57
amereservantlifeless: The idea of Cloud Servers/Computing is the computers "share" resources, right?21:58
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lifelessamereservant: no21:59
lifelessamereservant: the idea is simply that everything is a virtual machine, so you can stop and start and move it around really easily.21:59
Insyteamereservant: Cloud servers are just servers.21:59
Insyteamereservant: You just don't have to manage the infrastructure.22:00
InsyteNothing magickal.22:00
lifelessamereservant: one consequence of that is that when you need only a fraction of a machine, you can put several vms on one machine [that the sharing], but its not usually a key element.22:00
persiaTypically they are short-lived virtual servers with scripted configuration, rather than normal servers, but that's not that different.22:00
amereservantSo then it's like a group of VPSs then?22:01
Insyteamereservant: Yes.22:01
amereservantAhhhh, gotcha.22:01
InsyteWith an API for setting them up / tearing them down.22:01
amereservantYeah, I was seeing them all wrong.22:01
amereservantI was thinking it meant the servers were linked together and collaboratively working to serve content....22:02
InsyteThey can be, but it's not automatic.22:03
InsyteJust like normal servers can be all linked together and collaboratively serving content.22:03
amereservantYeah, but that's complex I'm sure.  A lot of factors and variables in that cookie jar.22:04
Insyte"The Cloud" is a BS term that's used to mean all sorts of things.22:04
amereservantI didn't realize it was also the same as using a machine to run multiple VPSs.22:04
InsyteThe more specific terms are SaaS and IaaS.22:05
InsyteIt's not *exactly* the same... there's generally a pretty significant software layer on top of that to allow for automatic provisioning / configuring / deprovisioning.22:05
InsyteSo a smart IaaS rollout will expand as needed during periods of heavy use and then contract as things ramp back down.22:05
Insyte(To pick a popular example.)22:06
amereservantInsyte: So then what role does something like OpenVZ play?22:07
amereservantBecause I was about to look into that and do some experimenting with it.22:07
InsyteThat's one of the many technologies that could be used underneath all of the fancy APIs.22:07
InsyteVery approximately:  OpenVZ == Xen == KVM == VMWare22:08
electro_I am trying to register the Walrus service for UEC and I am getting a generic error on the web portal that says "Failed to save! (Check hostname and path.)"  Where does it write to?  I checked perms on /var/lib/eucalyptus/bukkits and it looks good22:08
Insyte*Very* approximately.22:08
amereservantRight, I've seen the VPS hosting where they offered both OpenVZ or Xen.22:08
InsyteYeah, that's the software that lets you run virtual machines.22:09
InsyteI assume you're using Ubuntu... If so, KVM is the officially supported virtualization tech.22:09
InsyteWhich means it's well tested and works out of the box.22:09
InsyteAnd Eucalyptus can sit on top of it as a "cloud" API.22:10
amereservantSo is that something different/separate from the Cloud part or used "Instead of"?22:10
Insyte"As part of."22:10
electro_you guys configuring UEC?22:10
amereservantAhhh, so it's a two-part ordeal then.22:10
InsyteTo provide cloud-like services, you need a virtualization layer.22:10
InsyteThat can be OpenVZ, KVM, Xen, etc...22:10
amereservantelectro_: Nah, I was just trying to better understand how UEC works.22:11
InsyteHeh... more than two, depending on how complex you want to get.22:11
electro_amereservant: you and me both22:11
electro_Insyte: have you installed UEC?22:11
amereservantHe definitely understands it better than I did.22:11
electro_I have one right now with a front end running CLC, SC, CC, Walrus, and 4 NCs22:12
electro_but i cant seem to register the walrus service22:12
electro_I can add it at the cli with the euca_conf22:12
electro_but not from the web portal22:12
Insyteamereservant: Walk through the KVM and UEC HOWTOs.  You'll understand it a lot better after you've played with it for an afternoon.22:12
amereservantInsyte: Thank you very much!  You're explaining it will definitely help me comprehend what it's telling me and not just leave me confused.22:13
morrowynhow do i upgrade from 10.04 beta to release ?22:14
amereservantmorrowyn: Just run your updates.22:14
morrowynapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade should do the trick right?22:15
amereservantI'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure it's not a distribution upgrade.22:16
amereservantShould just need apt-get update22:16
mikelifeguardIn /etc/apache/sites-enabled, the filename is 000-default so it is loaded first right? So if I want to put new VirtualHosts in there, I should name the files in order. 000 for the catch-all; 001 for the default, >002 for the rest and so on, yes?22:18
RoyKmikelifeguard: NameVirtualHost should sort that out22:19
RoyKor ServerName22:19
RoyKjust put new files in there22:19
mikelifeguardWell, it does matter what order they're in - Apache uses the first matching ServerName, AFAIK22:20
amereservantmikelifeguard: Yeah, that's just the default in the event no other ServerNames are matched.22:20
mikelifeguardok, right22:20
amereservantmikelifeguard: It will only match the first one if none of the other VirtualHosts match.22:20
mikelifeguardyes, exactly :)22:21
mikelifeguardI was right! I was right!22:21
amereservantThe order is irrelevant.22:21
* mikelifeguard writes home to mom22:21
RoAkSoAxkirkland, are you able to sync any image from testdrive?22:21
RoAkSoAxright now?22:21
kirklandRoAkSoAx: what do you mean "any image" ?22:21
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
RoAkSoAxkirkland, like: run testdrive, select any image to run, and see if its syncing or not22:22
kirklandRoAkSoAx: now == lucid's package?22:22
kirklandRoAkSoAx: http://people.canonical.com/~kirkland/Screenshot-Terminal.png22:23
RoAkSoAxkirkland, yes. It doesn't seem to be testdrive issue, but it get's stuck here with no further message: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/424849/22:23
hggdhRoAkSoAx: just found an issue with testdrive (and, perhaps, the way images are put available): I downloaded Xubuntu desktop, and then run td -- and td clobbered the xubuntu with standard Ubunut22:24
kirklandRoAkSoAx: new code, old cod?22:25
kirklandhggdh: yep, it does that because cdimage calls the images the same thing22:25
RoAkSoAxkirkland, new code... it was working few mins ago... now it doesn't so that's why Im pretty sure its not testdrive issue, it is rsyncing :S22:25
hggdhkirkland: indeed. We should try to find a way out of it22:25
kirklandhggdh: i've been meaning to talk to cjwatson or IS to see if there's something that could/should be done on cdimage's end, or if we need to hack it into testdrive22:25
kirklandhggdh: on target for maverick22:25
hggdhkirkland: I ran the OOM, got them, and am now running the -proposed22:26
RoAkSoAxkirkland, i was planning to add support to list different flavors and syncing them from cdimage22:26
hggdhRoAkSoAx: makes sense, the the basic problem is different images have the same name. If cjwatson buys it (which I hope he does) this can be fixed at the source22:27
hggdhotherwise we have to hack it in (directory structure, probably)22:28
kirklandhggdh: right, i'm hoping it's an easy, non-controversial change on the cdimage server end22:28
kirklandhggdh: if not, we can work our way around it22:29
RoAkSoAxyep, i was just planing on hack the way around it22:29
kirklandRoAkSoAx: so when's your next code drop?22:30
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i'd like to see bits at a time;  makes it easier to review22:30
kirklandRoAkSoAx: try to keep it functional, though, all along the way22:30
RoAkSoAxkirkland, anyways, my issue is fixed. Seems it was issue with cdimage.22:30
RoAkSoAxkirkland, I'm just cleaning up a little bit, doing some improvements to the modularization so that you can review it22:31
kirklandRoAkSoAx: great22:31
kirklandRoAkSoAx: we should make a list of "acceptance tests", the things we make sure continue to work, from release to release22:31
kirklandRoAkSoAx: have you tried it with virtualbox yet, for instance?22:32
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RoAkSoAxkirkland, not yet... I'm just doing everything with KVM for now. since I wanna first test all the current features with KVM and then do the same with virtualbox22:32
RoAkSoAxkirkland, would a netbook run virtualbox? It should right?22:34
erichammondsmoser: I'm trying to build the EBS boot Karmic/Hardy AMIs and think I'm running into the Lucid download craze today.22:35
erichammondsmoser: Image files are taking forever to download.  E.g., http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/release/unpacked/ubuntu-9.10-server-uec-i386.img.tar.gz22:36
erichammondsmoser: Any chance you have a copy somewhere else I could use?22:36
hggdhRoAkSoAx: if it runs KVM, it will run VBox.22:38
RoAkSoAxhggdh, netbooks can't run KVM AFAIK22:38
hggdhRoAkSoAx: still a bit of hope: vBox is not as stringent. But I sort of doubt, though22:39
* hggdh does not have a netbook...22:40
RoAkSoAxhggdh, well I can normally run VBox on machines without VT, which is good for old machines... anyways, I'll just give it a try since I'm gonna take one isntead of my laptop22:40
kirklandRoAkSoAx: definitely22:47
kirklandRoAkSoAx: you can run it along side kvm22:47
kirklandRoAkSoAx: just sudo stop qemu-kvm22:47
kopfwehhow can i deactivate the boot splash in lucid server?22:54
pmatuliskopfweh: what version of GRUB are you using?23:03
kopfwehinstalled lycid lynx right now23:03
pmatuliskopfweh: edit /etc/default/grub.  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:03
kopfwehanother question: i have the problem that the boot stops when there is a problem in the fstab and waits till i press s. but this is a little problem for me because i'm using the server with ssh23:06
jaypurhow can i upgrade my server to 10.4 with sudo apt-get ???23:06
jaypuri think it's not working23:06
pmatulisjaypur: don't do that.  use 'do-release-upgrade'23:09
jaypurpmatulis, now its working23:09
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
MTecknologyI think this is funny.. I get >50 UFW blocks a second from somebody that seems to think that this server has SMTP. They're apparently not even smart enough to check MX records.... Seems like they think changing IP's changes the fact that there's no SMTP server there.23:10
pmatuliskopfweh: what is the error?23:10
MTecknologyThis has been goin on for weeks, I'm starting to think I should maybe call the offenders ISP which isn't even masked..23:11
kopfwehpmatulis: i disconnected the datadisk and have an entry in the fstab for the disk23:12
kopfwehpmatulis: i just want it to ignore such errors23:12
pmatuliskopfweh: what is the error?23:12
MTecknologyIs there any easy way to add a UFW rule that drops the packet and doesn't log but keeps logging everything else?23:13
KristianDKHello - is there an amazon image of the new 10.04 available at the moment?23:13
jdstrandMTecknology: what version of Ubuntu are you using?23:13
MTecknologyKristianDK: yup23:13
MTecknologyjdstrand: 10.0423:13
KristianDKMTecknology, i couldnt find anything official23:14
MTecknologyjdstrand: err... 9.10 on that system - I'll be upgrading saturday23:14
kopfwehpmautils: The disk .... is not ready yet or not present. I get this error during boot and the boot stops there till i press S to skip the error23:14
KristianDKMTecknology, do have any id or something so i can find the image you are reffering to?23:14
kopfwehpmautils: is it possible that such errors are ignored during boot?23:15
jdstrandMTecknology: add an explicit deny rule rather than letting it hit your policy23:15
pmatuliskopfweh: it really depends on the exact error.  normally you should not have errors stemming from fstab23:15
MTecknologyKristianDK: Give me a minute so I can try to find that email - I thought in the announcement it said that was available23:15
jdstrandMTecknology: that will work going back to hardy23:16
MTecknologyjdstrand: how do I do that?23:16
jdstrandufw deny ...23:16
KristianDKMTecknology, thanks :)23:16
MTecknologyKristianDK: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2010-April/000133.html23:16
MTecknologyjdstrand: that's it... way too easy :)23:16
MTecknologyKristianDK: I'm gonna run now - any other questions (or if I was wrong) - much smarter people than I in here to answer23:17
kopfwehpmatulis: i know that the problem is that disc for the entry in the fstab is not present. i just want the server not to stop at this error and boot anyways23:20
pmatuliskopfweh: so comment out the line if the disk isn't there23:21
pmatuliskopfweh: or put option 'noauto' i believe23:21
kopfwehpmatulis: but i want it to be automatically mounted on boot when it is connected23:22
kopfwehpmatulis: server 9.10 just ignored the error and booted23:23
pmatuliskopfweh: i see23:23
pmatuliskopfweh: maybe if you paste the exact error23:23
pmatuliskopfweh: what kind of device is it?23:24
* pmatulis trots off to the local Lucid release party23:26
kopfwehpmatulis: 3 usb disks. during boot it stops with a purple screen which says that this usb disk can't be mounted. (because it isnt connected) but my only problem is that the boot stops there and i cannot login with ssh. so i just want to skip this error message23:27
tag--devel-release ?23:28
tagso my 8.04 server is trying to upgrade to intrepid for some reason.23:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #568341 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: underprocess installerade post-installation-skript gav felkod 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56834123:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #571926 in dovecot (main) "dovecot-postfix initial setting in postfix-main.cf wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57192623:46
kopfwehhuh giving up23:50
failoverAfter a fresh install of Karmic my system uses about 50 mb of ram, a fresh install of lucid is using 160 mb, someone knows why ?23:59
failoverboth in 64bits version !23:59

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