
tgm4883slangasek, I assume you will be asking superm1 for this http://www.mythbuntu.org/10.04/release00:21
tgm4883that page exists, just needs to be flipped to public when the time comes00:23
Daviey(keep in mind that due to caching on the site, it requires a little bit of notice)00:26
tgm4883ah yea00:26
tgm4883that too00:26
tgm488315 minute cache00:26
sbeattieargh, finally got the last of the iscsi tests done.01:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
slangasektgm4883: that's the url I'm looking for, yes. :)  do I talk to you or superm1 about it when we're ready to go?05:32
tgm4883slangasek, probably ping us both, or Daviey one of us can flip it over06:01
slangasektgm4883: ok, thanks06:09
aragood morning all!07:25
slangasektgm4883: hi, there's a last-minute decision to take a fix for bug #570765, which affects all desktop CDs except for kubuntu (i.e., anything that supports migration-assistant)11:03
ubot4slangasek: Bug 570765 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/570765 is private11:03
slangasektgm4883: cjwatson has dropped a note to Daviey and superm1 already; each distro flavor has the option whether to take the current image or the pending one11:04
* davmor2 quickly switches off his machine and strolls away nonchalantly in the knowledge he didn't just see that info11:05
slangasektgm4883: revalidating the pending one will most likely mean mythbuntu will not be ready to release by the time we push the release button for Ubuntu, whereas taking the current one as release leaves users with a pretty serious bug that they'll need the wisdom of the Internet to find their way out of - so neither is a great option, but it's the mythbuntu folks' choice to make11:05
slangasektgm4883: I realize you're probably not in a position to *make* this decision, so you may instead wish to focus on rallying resources to do the actual testing :)11:06
davmor2slangasek: so you are going for a respin or are these iso's already up?11:07
ttxdavmor2: not up yet11:07
araslangasek, mythbuntu is alternate, isn't it?11:08
slangasekara: mythbuntu is desktop-only; ubuntustudio is alternate-only11:08
slangasekdavmor2: ETA 1.5h for first images11:08
araslangasek, ah, ok, sorry11:08
davmor2slangasek: so do you want a complete retest on the lives or just that m-a/auto-resize is functioning correctly?11:09
davmor2slangasek, ara: I got my two releases out of the way yesterday so I'll have a bit of time I can throw your way11:11
cjwatsondavmor2: we should have a complete retest if at all possible, but auto-resize is the priority11:11
cjwatsonand if we can do that, we will probably be comfortable11:11
davmor2cjwatson: okay so if we hit all the auto-resize and m-a tests first and then plod through the others and ensure they work on top then11:12
cjwatson(there is some debate about this line; for the time being assume that we'll need a complete retest)11:14
cjwatson(installation at any rate)11:14
araslangasek, cjwatson: I never hit that bug while doing my testing. Do you want me to focus in the rest of the tests and let people that hit the bug do the verification?11:15
slangasekara: that would be fine11:15
cjwatsonara: did you explicitly check?11:15
cjwatsonI'm told it's not called out in the test plans right now11:16
aracjwatson, I'll double check with current ISOs, to see if I can reproduce11:17
ara"Dooitze de Jong  wrote 2 minutes ago:    #4411:17
araWhat about to release Ubuntu on 30th of April?11:17
arathe suggestions...11:18
slangasekbladernr: awake? :-)11:18
davmor2cjwatson: I didn't have a look at m-a in the end I can run a quick test now if you want on hw rather than vm11:18
cjwatsonhave we explicitly tested that Kubuntu is unaffected by this bug?11:20
cjwatsonthe hypothesis is plausible, but I'd like to know that for sure11:20
slangaseknot that I've heard11:20
slangasekcan someone test the existing kubuntu ISO?11:21
cjwatsonev: have you?11:21
davmor2I'll do it now for you11:21
cjwatsondavmor2: thanks - can you reproduce the original bug?11:21
cjwatsonwe should make sure it's an apples-to-apples comparison11:21
davmor2I hadn't but I didn't do any m-a/auto resize tests in FR11:22
cjwatsonactually in some ways a VM test would be more certain since it would be possible to snapshot the original state and install each of Ubuntu and Kubuntu on top of the snapshot11:22
cjwatsonI'm preparing an appropriate VM snapshot myself for another reason anyway so I can queue that up11:23
cjwatsonara: the suggestions that didn't bother reading all the comments before replying, more to the point :-/11:24
davmor2cjwatson: Right I'm running against xp and vista11:37
davmor2kubuntu is showing up xp11:52
davmor2cjwatson: boots into both okay11:53
cjwatsonFTR I can't reproduce it either here11:54
cjwatsonit's obviously a little more subtle than "happens to everyone"11:54
cjwatsontrying to debug11:54
davmor2cjwatson: do you want me to try a current ubuntu install against xp/vista too?11:55
cjwatsonoh you installed kubuntu11:59
cjwatsonok, yes please try ubuntu against xp11:59
davmor2cjwatson: no probs12:01
aracjwatson, reproduced here in a ubuntu - ubuntu configuration12:18
cjwatsoncurrent hypothesis is that it only happens if there's something to migrate12:20
aracjwatson, yes, it has only happened to me now that I migrated the bookmarks12:22
davmor2cjwatson: I got stuff on both xp and vista, and ubuntu installing on both now with m-a enabled12:23
cjwatsonand you had the relevant stuff there when installing kubuntu too?12:24
davmor2cjwatson: yes but there is no m-a in kubuntu12:25
aracjwatson, reproduced again in HW (previous test was KVM)12:25
cjwatsondavmor2: yes.  what I'm trying to establish is that kubuntu does not suffer from this12:26
davmor2cjwatson: yes kubuntu was fine12:26
cjwatsondavmor2: the thing we need to establish this is that the bug is reproducible with ubuntu but not with kubuntu, while changing absolutely nothing else12:26
davmor2ubuntu is running now12:26
cjwatsonso if you reproduce it with ubuntu, then that should be sufficient to confirm that12:26
davmor2cjwatson: should be12:27
davmor2cjwatson: not showing up runing m-a12:35
cjwatsonplease expand12:35
davmor2cjwatson: XP isn't showing up now that the m-a auto-resize has completed12:36
cjwatsonok, great12:37
davmor2cjwatson: do you want me to try again this time skipping the m-a and see if it is m-a rather than auto-resize?12:37
cjwatsonno, we've confirmed that here12:37
cjwatsonI can reproduce bug 570765 when there is something to migrate, and not when there isn't12:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 570765 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Lucid] no GRUB menu entry for other operating systems (affects: 6) (heat: 62)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57076512:37
davmor2how long for the new cd's12:38
davmor2cjwatson: just as a confirmation, vista has no grub entry with m-a run either12:44
davmor2so that is 32 and 64 bit's covered too12:44
davmor2bbiab need to go do some stuff and then lunch.  give us a ping when they are up I have 3 windows machines preped now waiting12:46
cjwatsonI'm currently testing by way of 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' before starting the installer12:50
cjwatsonin order to get a jump on it12:50
cjwatsonlooking ok so far12:51
araslangasek, netbook up, but timing out :(13:07
slangasekoh good job, Internet13:07
araI am trying again13:07
arayes, perfect day for #ubuntu to be a trending topic in twitter13:08
araslangasek, weird, downloading the complete ISO works, but not using zsync13:11
aradownloading it now (but hte complete one)13:11
slangasekwhat about rsync?13:12
slangasekalso, we're doing a quick respin13:12
slangasekof the ISO part only13:12
slangasekit says LTS when it shouldn't13:12
araok :)13:12
newz2000Hi, I'm willing to help test if you can use an extra tester. I have a Dell D430 laptop and some blank CDs. Can test 32b or 64b. I don't want to format my whole drive but an make room for 20G or so.13:16
newz2000Is that useful? I've never tested ISOs before. I've read the wiki page.13:16
slangasekok, new netbook posted13:17
cjwatsonnewz2000: never hurts, refer to iso.qa.ubuntu.com13:17
* cjwatson is confirming the ubuntu vs. kubuntu distinction right now13:18
cjwatsonconfirmed that Kubuntu wasn't affected13:31
davmor2cjwatson, slangasek: what iso's are up now?13:34
slangasekonly ubuntu-netbook13:34
slangasekubuntu desktop will be up shortly13:34
araschwuk, ping13:38
schwukara: hi13:38
davmor2I'm getting network timeouts trying to sync netbook13:40
charlie-tcaYeah, the server is apparently real busy ?13:41
aradavmor2, me too13:41
davmor2argh! slangasek if you want these testing we really need a connection :(13:48
slangasekthey're highly rsyncable, but I can't do much about the network13:49
slangasekI guess you should talk to schwuk13:49
araslangasek, I already talked with davmor213:49
newz2000I'm downloading netbook using rsync and it's workign OK except the speed goes up and down. I'm at 93% with about 2min left13:51
cjwatsonrsync speeds go up and down practically by definition, at least if you already had an older image13:52
slangasekubuntu desktop posted13:58
oubiwannogasawara: I'm going to test manual partition install for desktop14:02
ogasawaraoubiwann: cool, we're still getting them downloaded.  we'll post here the tests we start tackling.14:03
stgraberplease mark whatever you're going to test on the tracker14:05
* robbiew starting 64bit OEM Install14:07
* charlie-tca starting 386 entire disk14:08
cjwatsonhow do you mark a test as started?14:08
stgrabergo to the same page where you'd enter the result for a test case, there's now an extra status that's "started"14:09
cjwatsonwhy does the "Free Software Only" test case link to /Install/NetbookARM?14:09
stgrabercjwatson: oh, weird, fixing that now :)14:10
stgraberara: ping14:11
stgraberara: was lp-integration.py fixed ? I notice quandong rebooted and so my screen session is gone, so I'm wondering if it got fixed or if I should start a new screen session with the script14:12
stgrabercjwatson: fixed14:13
ogasawarais iso.qa.ubuntu.com down for anyone else?14:18
schwukogasawara: no, but slow14:19
ogasawarawe're starting the remaining Live Session and Install (auto resize) for Desktop i38614:21
ogasawaraalso starting Install (entire disk) for Desktop amd6414:22
arastgraber, it got fixed by is14:24
newz2000ok, well, I'm having hardware probs or somethign and I'm not able to successfully test.14:26
ogasawaraapw: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20100429/MD5SUMS14:29
bdmurrayara: Is there something specific I can test?14:29
slangasekbdmurray: I think we're pretty well saturated on the images that are currently ready, but xubuntu/mythbuntu desktop and edubuntu/ubuntu DVD are pending14:30
slangasekbdmurray: so if you don't already have those mirrored and want to get a base downloaded for rsyncing, that's probably the best use of your bandwidth right now14:31
arafor me, even resyncing a couple of MBs is being a pain :(14:31
charlie-tcaMine is only 12 minutes for 200MB14:33
davmor2slangasek, cjwatson : I've got une at 78% of the install using m-a14:41
* slangasek nods14:42
pedro_oh wow the iso tracker is really slow14:42
stgraberdb@quandong:~$ uptime 14:43:25 up 3 days,  6:22,  1 user,  load average: 13.90, 40.20, 38.6414:43
slangasekperhaps I'll be posting the next ISOs via the db :P14:44
araslangasek, heheh14:44
stgraberI don't see any specific process taking all of the CPU though the load is now up to 60. Might be some IOWAIT, might be worth poking someone from IS.14:45
davmor2slangasek: royal mail might be faster :D14:45
araNow we know what would happen to the tracker if we build a bigger testing community14:46
davmor2ara: it dies a horrid painful flaming death14:46
davmor2cjwatson, slangasek: YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:47
cjwatsonI'll take it that's a success14:47
davmor2works on une at least :D14:47
stgraberara: well, it seems like something is really slowing down quandong, seems to be I/O related.14:48
cjwatsonbouncing up and down on your chair works better on the chairs in the office14:48
charlie-tca386 entire disk worked14:48
davmor2cjwatson: it's the hydrolics they take the impact better :D14:51
rlameirohow is going it now14:55
rlameirois every test being made at the moment?14:55
rlameirothe iso.qa.ubuntu.com is very slow, i wanted to help on a VM to test the isos fasters14:56
cyphermoxfwiw, on amd64 with another lucid side-by-side (autoresize), both show up in grub14:58
* fader_ is testing Free software only install on desktop amd64 but is unable to get to the tracker to mark it as started.15:01
davmor2fader_: glad you can access tracker15:03
davmor2I'll take all the m-a tests as I get the iso's15:04
* ara is happy. she was able to mark a test as Started in the tracker15:09
araI just discovered the route to happiness: not timing out15:09
davmor2ara: Lies chocolate is the route to happiness ask czajkowski she'll tell you15:14
fader_Yeah, I hate when my chocolate times out.15:15
fader_Wait, what?15:15
davmor2fader_: yeah you do have to eat it before the sell by date ;)15:15
fader_davmor2: It's much cheaper to buy once it's past though :P15:16
davmor2czajkowski: how's the office?15:16
davmor2fader_: That's just so wrong ;)15:16
davmor2burns ubu i38615:20
=== oubiwann is now known as Wooster_
=== Wooster_ is now known as oubiwann
davmor2ubu 64bit and 32bit m-a running15:32
davmor2ubu i386 is working on m-a15:47
marjodavmor2: any more tests to run?15:48
marjoon ubu_i386?15:48
davmor2marjo: all of them that was the first as far as I know15:49
marjodavmor2: huh?15:49
marjoAFAICT, all tests have been reported on?15:50
cyphermoxnon-english network + cjk input in optional is all that's left on ubu i38615:50
davmor2marjo: respin for bug15:50
marjocyphermox: ack & yes, it's optional15:50
sbeattiedavmor2: what's being respun?15:50
cyphermoxdavmor2, any luck with m-a on amd64? I couldn't get it too see that there was data, but I may well have been doing it wrong15:51
davmor2sbeattie: every live system that has migration-assistant15:51
dholbach<slangasek> daily-live, netbook, edubuntu so far15:51
dholbach edubuntu ISO still finalizing15:51
dholbach<cjwatson> ubuntu dvd also planned, plus mythbuntu and xubuntu15:51
davmor2cyphermox: it's running now15:51
Daviey^^ I don't think Mythbuntu is having a re-spin, i might be wrong.15:51
marjodavmor2: thx15:51
cjwatsonDaviey: I asked you, you never responded?15:52
cjwatson10:57 <cjwatson> superm1,Daviey,mr_pouit: we're respinning the Ubuntu desktop CDs for bug 570765 and doing emergency revalidation.  You have the option of doing the same for Mythbuntu/Xubuntu if you choose15:52
Davieycjwatson: Sorry, i thought me and superm1 both responded in -devel?15:52
cjwatson                 (Edubuntu has already chosen to do so; Kubuntu and Ubuntu Studio are unaffected), and if you can get revalidation within at most a reasonable delay time.  Speak now?15:52
cjwatson10:58 <cjwatson> superm1,Daviey,mr_pouit: if you choose to respin, you'll have the option of taking either the current validated image or the new one15:52
ubot4cjwatson: Bug 570765 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/570765 is private15:52
cjwatsonoh, blah, now I see, it was in the middle of a pile of other stuff directed at me15:52
Davieycjwatson: i totally understand.. we honestly don't mind.15:53
Davieycjwatson: either way. :)15:53
davmor2cyphermox, cjwatson: clean bill of health for ubu 32 and 64 using m-a15:53
cjwatsonok, so in that case belay mythbuntu15:53
Davieycjwatson: ok, great.15:53
Daviey(which is easier, as it's landed on our mirrors already)15:54
marjodavmor2: ack th15:55
davmor2ubu32 full drive pass16:23
* stgraber start edubuntu i386 (all tests)16:23
fader_stgraber: Is it helpful if I start on edubuntu amd64?16:27
fader_(Not sure if you've done those or not)16:27
arasorry for asking this yet again, but i was out and the iso tracker is down16:28
arawhat has been posted?16:28
slangasekedubuntu is the latest up16:28
stgraberfader_: it sure helps to get more coverage, though if you have another image to test that nobody has rsynced yet, then prefer that one.16:28
slangasekubuntu DVD will be up shortly, though I can't get it posted to the tracker yet, either16:28
fader_stgraber: Roger; I'll poke at it until the DVD is up16:29
araok, thanks16:29
stgraberETA of 35min before Edubuntu i386 is fully tested16:32
brianhermancan i help?16:35
SirVictoryhaha one person posts this channel name in #ubuntu-release-party and a flood of people join16:36
AvaszSirVictory: tryue true16:36
Avaszthis is ubuntu horde16:36
brianhermanwe are the collective16:36
bdmurrayWe are actually try to work and coordinate ubuntu iso testing here16:36
will`give us ubuntu otherwise we'll moan on forums or something16:36
* HAL9K thought bill gates was the borg16:37
AvaszAll hail Ubuntu!!!16:37
ckwalshMind if we quietly watch said testing?16:37
bdmurrayquietly is great16:37
* Avasz (~Freenode@unaffiliated/avasz) has left #ubuntu-testing :P16:38
bdmurrayare xubuntu or mythbuntu ready for testing?16:39
* rae quietly watches16:39
fader_bdmurray: I don't think mythbuntu is being respun16:39
charlie-tcaxubuntu is not yet16:39
bdmurrayfader_: cool, that wasn't entirely clear to me16:39
brianhermanWe should have a progress bar for ubuntu16:39
slangasekUbuntu DVD ETA < 10 min; xubuntu eta < 30min16:39
fader_bdmurray: I saw something in #ubuntu-release but let me confirm16:40
slangasektracker ETA... dunno16:40
cjwatsonbdmurray: we were planning to at one point, but it turns out it's unaffected16:40
fader_cjwatson: thanks, saves me from trolling through logs :)16:40
cjwatsonxubuntu isn't ready yet, it's building at the moment16:40
slangasekUbuntu DVD up - 20100429, not available from the tracker yet16:41
cjwatsoni386 squashfs has built, amd64 is still going16:41
Davieyfader_: Would it be wrong of me to say, if you are bored - feel free to test it anyway? :)16:41
fader_Daviey: Not at all, though I'd prefer to focus on the new images.  Plus I ran all the test cases for that image already so I wouldn't expect any different results from me :)16:41
* Daviey expects fader_ to be far from bored already :)16:42
fader_Never a dull moment, etc.16:42
davmor2ubu_32 pass on auto-resize and manual16:46
slangasekiso tracker is back16:46
slangasekogasawara: ^^16:46
ogasawaraslangasek: thanks16:48
slangasekbut perhaps people should leave some bandwidth for me to use in posting the candidates... :)16:49
slangasektracker up-to-date, at last17:00
davmor2slangasek: it might be but I stall can't access half of it how is netbook looking?17:01
slangasekdavmor2: netbook is done17:01
slangasekxubuntu desktop up17:02
slangasekand that's it for respins17:02
digitaloktayubuntu studio ?17:03
* fader_ starts some DVD amd64 tests.17:03
davmor2digitaloktay: only affects live cd's17:03
itsdaveperdueI heard there was a tracker up? am I late to the party? heh17:04
BonezAUanyone have the tracker url17:05
slangasekI don't think this is the tracker you're looking for17:05
davmor2these aren't the trackers we looking for, move along, move along17:06
itsdaveperduemove along...move along...17:06
davmor2woo slangasek to much starwars17:06
itsdaveperdueirc...ubuntu...linux...star wars...what do you expect?17:07
itsdaveperdueso no tracker then? haha17:08
* ara syncs ubuntu dvd i386, let see how it goes17:11
pedro_the DVD i386 is not up yet? I'm getting 404 with the links of the tracker17:11
fader_pedro_: Worked for me17:12
fader_From cdimage17:12
pedro_fader_, amd64 works here but no the i38617:12
davmor2fader_: from cdimage or the us mirror of cdimage17:12
* charlie-tca rsynced the xubuntu 386 cd17:13
fader_davmor2: From the UK site... I'm in the Lex office so I "look like" I'm in the UK to the Internet today17:13
pedro_they showed up now on cdimage17:13
davmor2charlie-tca: I don't think it's up yet dude17:13
pedro_it took a while17:13
charlie-tca<slangasek> xubuntu desktop up17:14
charlie-tca10 minutes ago17:14
davmor2charlie-tca: well spotted dude missed that in all the excitement17:14
charlie-tcaYup, You're just slow today ;-)17:15
* davmor2 stabs fader_ with an anvil if the pointy end don't kill you the weight will ;)17:16
araso, dvd i386 is not there?17:21
cyphermoxara: it is17:21
cyphermoxI'm zsyncing it right now17:21
fader_+1; it showed up a few minutes after amd64 for me17:21
cyphermoxtakes forever to reach me, but it's syncing :)17:22
* ara tries to zsync again17:22
sbeattieargh, zsync just aborted and toasted my xubuntu amd64 iso image.17:22
irvso just to confirm, the i386 and amd64 isos are both respun before rls today?17:28
marjoanybody testing ubuntu dvd i386? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/417017:29
aramarjo, I am syncing it now17:29
fader_marjo: I have it sync'd and can hit it after the amd64 DVD if nobody else hits it first17:29
araETA 12min17:29
ara(for syncing)17:30
fader_Heh, it'll take me more than 12m to finish amd6417:30
=== geronimo is now known as yoda
=== yoda is now known as geronimo
moustafaI haven't sync'd since last week, so it'll take me some time before I can get the DVD ready from here17:33
fader_moustafa: Hey dude!17:33
moustafahey fader_ !17:33
moustafaSorry I haven't been around much, I had some sorting to do17:33
marjomoustafa: welcome to the party!17:34
moustafaIn fact, if things go well, cr3 and I will be able to have lunch together, and this time I'll be paying it :D17:34
moustafaThank you, marjo :)17:34
marjocan you help out w/ some testing?17:34
moustafaNo probs17:35
moustafaI'm syncing the images as we speak17:35
fader_Nice, I'm no longer getting squashfs errors after install17:35
moustafaI had my sister install UNR on her new netbook, she likes it17:36
marjomoustafa: great to hear that17:36
aradvd i386 download eta 6min17:37
araplease don't time out now... pretty please17:37
moustafamarjo: Honestly, I wasn't sure what her reaction would be (she's a Ubuntu Desktop user already), but she likes it17:38
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
pratikCan anybody tell me when is lynx releasing? it was scheduled today, but still not available...!!!!17:41
irvwhat's the final filesize of the amd64 image anyone?17:41
irvpratik: anytime today17:41
bdmurrayits still today here ;-)17:41
moustafapratik: The ISOs are being remixed, so it's been delayed a bit17:41
moustafaShould still be out today17:41
pratikThanx... I am eager to download it.... :)17:42
moustafaWe all are.  Just gotta be patient17:42
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=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
fader_There's no test case for it, but should we be testing resize installs with the DVD?17:53
itsdaveperduepratik lynx is in the repos...fantastic browser17:53
moustafaitsdaveperdue: pratik left the room17:54
itsdaveperdueoh...well I thought it was funny17:55
itsdaveperduethat's the case with most of my humor17:55
* charlie-tca thought it was funny too17:55
fader_lynx vs. w3m can be the vi vs. emacs of the future17:56
sbeattiew3m-img makes that a no-brainer choice. :-)17:57
cyphermoxsbeattie, pfftt!!! then you still get all the ads!17:57
sbeattiecyphermox: that's fixed... elsewhere.17:58
* ara syncs xubuntu i386 17:58
davmor2still can't get at the tracker how's things looking17:58
moustafaI prefer lynx simply because it's lighter17:58
charlie-tcaara: done17:59
aracharlie-tca, ok :)17:59
stgraberdavmor2: really ? it's very fast here17:59
charlie-tcaworking on the 64bit xubuntu now17:59
marjofolks: could use help w/ http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/417118:00
moustafaI'm syncing the DVD images.  Reading the seed is long, though, but that's to be expected18:00
fader_marjo: Pulling down the image now; eta 15m18:01
marjofader_ thx18:01
marjoameetp, hggdh: have spare cycles on your amd64s?18:02
hggdhmarjo: guess so, what is needed?18:04
marjobladernr: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4171 help?18:04
sbeattiemarjo: zsync helpfully toasted that image for me; it'll require a full image download for me over my slow dsl line.18:06
marjosbeattie: yeah i saw that earlier; sorry about that18:06
hggdhmarjo: I can do the second and fourth, cannot do the first and wubi18:07
hggdhdownloading xubuntu now18:07
davmor2dling now18:08
marjohggdh: ok; i've asked davmor2 to help out w/ wubi18:08
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
moustafaOk, fetching Xubuntu AMD64 at the same time18:10
bladernrmarjo I can try... I was trying to zsync the DVD images and hit those, but they appear to only be available on cdimages which is being roasted right now.18:10
marjobladernr: ok thx for trying18:10
moustafaEstimated time 27 minutes...18:10
moustafaLess now18:10
bladernrmoustafa:  for dvd?  lucky... mine got stuck :(18:11
* bladernr kills zsync and looks to xubuntu instead18:11
* sbeattie is testing the ubuntu amd64 dvds right now.18:11
moustafabladernr: Actually, no I'm still zsyncing the DVD.  I am, however, downthemall'ing Xubuntu, which is at around 14 minutes now18:11
bladernrmoustafa:  ahh... heh... my zsync for DVD said 500 hours to go :(18:12
charlie-tcaheh, it only takes me two hours to download it18:13
bladernr 91.2% 1.4 kBps18:13
hggdhmarjo: xubuntu/daily-live and ./daily do not have images for today18:13
fader_Okay, managed to get xubuntu downloaded but I can't test wubi due to lack of windows here :)18:14
slangasekhggdh: only daily-live should18:14
fader_I'll try the live stuff but persistence has never worked for me in vbox18:14
bladernrfader_:  persistence pays off in the end ;-)18:15
charlie-tcahggdh: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/20100429/18:15
sbeattiefader_: eh? persistence has worked for me in vbox; I just create a small 2nd disk image and partition/label it to taste.18:15
moustafaI have winxp in a virtual install18:15
fader_sbeattie: Should it be a vfat partition or ext?18:15
fader_sbeattie: Okay, thanks... I'll give it another shot.  I haven't tried in a couple of releases :)18:16
hggdhah they just appeared18:17
sbeattiefader_: yeah, it's not an ideal test situation, as there may be differences in treatment by the kernel/installer of usb disks versus sata/ide.18:17
* fader_ nods.18:17
fader_I figured that's the sort of thing that's generally better tested on real hardware18:18
* davmor2 hits wubi18:22
marjodavmor2: go, man, go!18:23
moustafadavmor2: Be gentle now18:24
=== oubiwann is now known as Wooster_
davmor2moustafa: NO! it should be strong enough to take a wailing from this sledgehammer :D18:25
moustafadavmor2: We're talking about windows here  ;)18:26
moustafadavmor2:  It can't even handle a needle18:26
davmor2moustafa: I got a really big hammer for that oh and a 5 story drop ;)18:26
bgunterThanks to all for your work.18:27
moustafadavmo2: I prefer using m'jolnir...from space18:29
benniethank you all18:29
MTecknology10.04 officially out..18:29
MTecknology yay18:29
pace_t_zuluMTecknology: link?18:30
MTecknologyubuntu.com ?18:30
jpdspace_t_zulu: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2010-April/000133.html18:30
marjocharlie-tca, bladernr, mtrudel: what's your eta to finish?18:30
pace_t_zuluthanks guys18:30
MTecknologyoh, that link- sorry18:30
ckwThank you to all of you guys for the works you put in!18:31
charlie-tcaI show two tests need to be done yet in xubuntu 64. I can have them in 30-45 minutes18:31
BonezAUyup its up on the mailing list now too18:31
fader_charlie-tca: I just started on the auto-resize test18:31
moustafaBut the website hasn't been updated18:31
fader_Updating the tracker now18:31
fader_Heh, you got that one finished :)18:32
bladernrmarjo:  ?? 15 - 20 minutes maybe? Waiting on packages to install18:32
charlie-tcaoops. I was wrong. it looks like wubi and entire disk are left18:32
marjobladernr: ok, thx18:32
=== Wooster_ is now known as oubiwann
marjocharlie-tca: davmor2's got wubi's covered18:32
=== oubiwann is now known as Wooster_
charlie-tcaand two people are running the entire disk test. That will be all of them18:33
marjocharlie-tca: ack18:33
moustafaAnd I realized I was downloading the alternate image :/18:33
charlie-tcaThanks, everybody, for the help18:33
=== Wooster_ is now known as oubiwann_
moustafaIt appears that I've recently breached the 18% mark for the DVD...so I guess I won't be doing that today18:35
davmor2one down one to go18:35
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
slangasektgm4883: http://mythbuntu.org/10.04/release - please publish18:41
davmor2and that's 218:42
marjodavmor2: thx!18:42
marjowaiting on mtrudel & bladernr for 100%18:42
moustafaOk, starting Xubuntu Wubi installer18:42
davmor2moustafa: done18:43
moustafadavmor2: Curse you!  Well, I'll do it anyway, so that I can at least contribute to something18:43
marjomoustafa: that's the spirit!18:44
davmor2moustafa: you should of seen me when I was on full sprint I was getting cursed all the time18:44
moustafadavmor2: Incidentally, how are you?18:44
davmor2nakered and busy now :)18:45
moustafadavmor2: Then you must have a seven leaf clover handy18:45
moustafadavmor2: Awesome18:45
moustafa rig...I think my AMD dual core is wishing it was an Intel i7 right about now...18:46
bladernrmoustafa:  my Intel i7 quad-core currently has 2 cores pegged at 100% and is probably wishing it was an 8-core18:47
moustafabladernr: Good point18:47
tgm4883slangasek, ok thanks18:48
tgm4883slangasek, ok published, you should see it now18:52
ameetpmarjo: sorry for the delay, amd64 image is downloading now...18:52
tgm4883slangasek, is there a link i can get the torrents from, I like to post them on the site18:52
bladernrmarjo:  Full Disk Xubuntu 64 done and passed18:54
tgm4883slangasek, is http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview still the right link back?18:54
marjobladernr: you did it! you're the winner!18:54
marjothank you everyone! 100% test image coverage18:55
marjocongratulations and thanks for all your hard work!18:55
bladernrnow I just need to blow the smoke out of my laptop18:55
marjowoohoo! is right18:55
charlie-tcaThanks, bladernr18:55
moustafaWubi Xubuntu 64 in a virtual machine install is freezing :/18:55
bladernrmoustafa:  wubi doesn't work so well in VMs18:56
bladernrmoustafa:  bug 55744818:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 557448 in wubi "[Lucid Beta2] Wubi hangs on first reboot after installing inside windows on amd64 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55744818:57
bladernrIt's worked fine for davmor2 on bare metal, but fader and myself could never get it to work in VMs, and I think it's most likely just VM wonkiness than a Wubi issue18:58
moustafabladernr: From the looks of it, it's likely a VM thing.  Has this been tested against different VMs?18:59
davmor2moustafa: muhahahaha you fell foul of that old china ;)18:59
bladernrmoustafa:  AFAIK, only on VirtualBox, but I'm not positive that's what fader's running18:59
moustafadavmor2: If things go smoothly, I'll eventually be able to have an actual machine to do my testing on by next release18:59
moustafabkadernr: I think fader_ uses KVM19:00
fader_Nope, been using virtualbox19:00
bladernrwoot!  xubuntu just did a triple-boot config (WinXP/Ubuntu/Xubuntu)19:00
fader_But I've never tested wubi19:00
* bladernr needs to look into KVM19:00
bladernrooops, sorry, shouldn't blame fader_ in this case.. sbeattie was trying in VBox too19:00
moustafaSo, this may be VBox specific19:02
bladernrindeed.  after things settle down I'm going to look at doing a proper KVM setup, but VBox was quick and dirty, and useful19:03
bladernrmay also look at putting VMWare on as well19:03
charlie-tcaI'll stay with VBox19:04
hggdhdarn! testdrive does not understand the difference between xubuntu and ubuntu! Just blew my xubuntu ISO :-(19:05
fader_bladernr: How about you use vbox, install kvm inside of that, and vmware inside of that?19:05
bladernrfader_:  honestly, that's crazy enough it COULD work19:05
moustafabladernr: Then you could try alternating your setups19:06
* bladernr HAS installed Xen, created a Full Virt VM in Xen, and installed Xen on the VM, and then created a VM inside the Xen VM inside the Xen host19:06
bladernr^^ almost led to the catastrophe that was predicted when the LHD was fired up19:06
fader_bladernr: That could cause a black hole and destroy the universe19:07
moustafaHey!  someone just finished doing a similar setup!19:07
bladernrWell, let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. Based on this morning's sample, it would be a Twinkie... thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.19:08
bladernrerrr... and ^^^ should be LHC no LHD19:08
bladernrmoustafa:  that's awesome19:09
moustafabladernr: I used to show that to people when the LHC was first launched19:13
bladernrit reminds me a lot of the Di-Hydrogen Monoxide thing http://www.dhmo.org/19:15
slangasektgm4883: looks good, thanks!19:15
slangasekthanks all for your help testing!19:15
marjobye all! congrats & thx again!19:15
fader_marjo: Have fun!  Congrats to you as well!19:15
davmor2marjo: get cjwatson a drink for me19:16
moustafaBye marjo !19:16
tgm4883slangasek, what about the torrents and link back?19:17
tgm4883slangasek, is http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview still the right link back?19:17
tgm4883cause that page still lists rc19:17
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
moustafaWell, everyone, I'm off19:58
moustafaTake care all19:58
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
=== Guest33843 is now known as segfault
=== segfault is now known as sysErroR
=== sysErroR is now known as CompuNerd
CompuNerdthere we go.23:32
CompuNerdI was told to contact you about joining the testing team?23:33
CompuNerdWell, contact this channel.23:33

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