
rippsh00k: Any idea if we're gonna have a release party in the Duluth/Superior area? Madison is a bit too far for me00:03
h00kripps: I've been so busy, I wasn't able to organize one up here. You are totally welcome to, if you'd like! I will be at the one in Madison on Sunday00:04
tonyyarussoMTecknology: Is it a full rewrite or minor modifications?  We made some changes to the old one, and I'm curious how hard it will be to merge those.00:11
tonyyarussoripps: I suspect we'll have a few delayed ones, as I know Mpls, South, and NW are not really ready, but looking into events as well.00:12
tonyyarussoIt seems like most of us have had a hectic April.00:12
rippstonyyarusso: my schedule is pretty busy as well, I've been having long days of U.S. Census Training.00:13
tonyyarussoha, fun00:18
h00kyeek :)00:18
MTecknologytonyyarusso: ground up total rewrite01:03
MTecknologytonyyarusso: you have a peak yet?03:54
tonyyarussoA little, yes. Not a decision though.  Certainly not going to try to roll it out this week.03:55
MTecknologytonyyarusso: what do you have for an opinion?03:55
MTecknologypositive and negative all appreciated :)03:56
tonyyarussoWell, I kind of liked the brown, so the bright orange is a bit of a shock, but the feel is a bit more sleek.03:57
MTecknologyIt was a culture shock for me too :P04:02
chinotoanyone know the release time?04:12
TakyojiThe exact time?04:13
TakyojiJust generally tomorrow. There's always been ISOs available, and people are able to upgrade to 10.04 right now04:15
TakyojiIt's just that tomorrow it gets the label of being the official release (to my understanding)04:15
chinotoexact time of torrent being available04:17
chinotoI just realized I could have meant when is the new mountain dew going to be release...04:18
chinotohttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ only shows release candidates rather than regular release04:19
tonyyarussochinoto: The exact time is not and has never been defined.04:20
tonyyarussoUsually it's between about 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM our time though, just based on history.04:20
chinotowell, back to homework then04:21
chinotoor screwing off >.>04:22
chinotodoes this group ever have meetings?04:38
tonyyarussoyeah, but not as often as we'd like.  You should organize one!04:40
chinotoI don't think I would be a good organizer04:41
chinotoI don't even have a license (close though)04:41
TakyojiJust set a date. :P04:52
Takyojiotherwise we're past due for a meeting this month04:52
* Takyoji blames it on tonyyarusso :P04:53
chinotoI set TOMORROW :D04:54
chinoto(cause of the official release)04:54
chinoto(also I was kidding)04:55
Takyojiotherwise I think meetings are typically every first tuesday of the month.04:59
TakyojiThen again, I've probably still got it wrong. :P04:59
chinotoyay installfest http://ubuntu-minnesota.org/events05:03
chinotoMay 1st05:03
TakyojiYea, I'll be there.05:03
Takyojiand I'll actually has a laptop fer once!05:03
chinotomaybe I should do my homework >.>05:03
TakyojiPssh, homework's overrated. :P05:04
Takyojionly pansies do homework!05:04
Takyoji(joking of course)05:04
chinotoI have english and visual basic (have to switch back to windows for that >:() from last week05:05
chinotoanyone know how to start programming in php, like make a program with a button?05:06
chinotoit doesn't even have to do anything05:06
TakyojiYea, there's extensions for PHP to do that.05:06
TakyojiThough PHP isn't really considered much of a language of development of desktop applications.05:06
TakyojiFor development of desktop applications, Python would be more suitable05:08
chinotoI suggested learning C to my dad and he said it would be easier to learn php05:09
chinotoI've seen a lot of apps using python05:10
TakyojiI also consider PHP an easier platform to learn from (if you have a general knowledge of HTML/CSS)05:10
chinotoI do a little bit of html stuff in notepad++ for my website05:11
Takyojiotherwise I have books on PHP, XHTML/CSS, JS, Ajax, XML, Python, C, C++, C#, UML, and so on.05:11
Takyojiand my primary job is web development, primarily dealing with PHP05:11
TakyojiIf you want to borrow any books, perhaps you could be at the installfest in St. Paul and I could lend them to you. :P05:12
chinotodid you have anything to do with the loco group's website?05:12
TakyojiYes, I have some administrative privileges. I have a couple changes that I want to submit that I haven't submitted yet.05:12
chinoto6 months later: here's your book back05:13
Takyojiotherwise it's a Drupal installation05:13
TakyojiI know XHTML, CSS, and PHP to a depth. So I don't really "need" the books currently. :P05:13
Takyojiotherwise I have yet to actually do something with Python yet05:14
Takyojiand I have to leave for the night; I shall return tomorrow as usual.05:15
chinotoAmerican Pie with apple pie, bye05:24
tonyyarussoLet the insanity ensue.17:53
sparklehistoryDoes that mean it's released?17:53
tonyyarussoNo, it means that thousands of people in #ubuntu-release-party are asking "are we there yet"? every 0.003 seconds.17:54
chinotoI wanted to ask if anyone had an estimate, but I already asked yesterday :D17:54
chinotoapparently 6AM-10AM wasn't right17:55
tonyyarussochinoto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IncidentReports/2010-04-29-Late-respin-for-bug-57076517:56
chinotoI was hoping to crawl out of bed and download the torrent right away17:56
chinotowell better safe than stuck (I need windows for vb class)17:59
tonyyarussoNOW it's actually released.18:24
chinotojust downloaded deluge, hope it's like utorrent18:27
chinotowow thats a lot of peers 0_o18:29
chinotoI wish I had a cd labeler so I could make my disk perty18:37
chinotoso who plans on seeding the torrent?18:41
tonyyarussoI will be.18:44
tonyyarussoALready trying to, although deluge is throwing some errors.18:45
chinotolike what?18:45
chinotoI'm already seeding, aiming to give back twice18:46
chinotomy client says no incoming connections, yet I am seeding at near 200 KiB/s (set my limit)18:48
chinotoprobably should cut back, internet is slowing down18:49
chinotook no more seeding for me, brother complained about not being able to do his homework19:03
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory
chinotoanyone figure out how to upgrade from disk (upgrade not fresh install or network upgrade)22:15
chinotoI'll probably do a fresh install later, but I want to try an upgrade to see how everything functions22:16
chinotoI should have separated my home directory...22:27
rippsIs there anybody near Duluth/Superior that wants to help plan a release party?23:16

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