
cjohnstonmdke: ping15:47
mdkecjohnston: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)15:47
cjohnstonmdke: Is there any plan, or desire to localize help.ubuntu.com  - dpm is wondering if we should make a session at UDS about translating it, but I don't know if this is something that is planned or desired15:48
newz2000ofirk_: download iframe should be updated and ready to launch18:53
newz2000ryanakca: ^^18:54
newz2000ofirk_: I was not able to get the updated js version in but I will18:54
ofirk_newz2000: thanks! (you mean for new theme launch, right?)18:54
newz2000ofirk_: which part?18:54
ofirk_newz2000: will the download page be updated along with new kubuntu website theme?18:55
newz2000ofirk_: I don't know about the new theme. To make the download page work you've got to point it at the new iframe18:56
newz2000ofirk_: do you want the old page updated now or are you putting the new page in today?18:56
ofirk_\me just figured that they both not in the same place18:57
* ofirk_ fills stupid18:58
newz2000ofirk_: I can do that18:58
newz2000I should have done that18:58
ofirk_I want the new iframe to be launched together with the new theme18:59
ofirk_so keep it under kubuntu-lucid-iframe18:59
newz2000ok, let me update the kubuntu iframe then (the old one)19:00
newz2000The mirrors are getting hammered so my testing is not going well19:03
newz2000ok, tested19:03
ofirk_I checked, it already points to 10.0419:04
newz2000I've updated the form...19:04
newz2000gotta get it live19:04
ofirk_newz2000: the choice between netbook and desktop is missing in the current iframe19:29
stashmm, who knows why .com website is not using new branding? :|19:36
stasi'm still excited to see it19:36
newz2000ofirk_: Do you know if kubuntu 10.04 is LTS?19:38
ofirk_newz2000: it is LTS19:39
newz2000ok, thanks19:39
cjohnstonnewz2000: what do you want to do with the bugs that are going to flood in.. like the two complaining that screenshots are out of date19:47
cjohnstonstas: did you read something saying it would be released today?19:48
stascjohnston: didn't, but thought it will target the release day19:48
newz2000cjohnston: can you give me an example?19:51
newz2000stas: we all wanted the branding to go live today but it just wasn't possible to get it done with a high enough quality for an LTS release.20:01
newz2000However, things are moving along nicely and we're making progress on it.20:01
detrate-hi, there appears to be a CSS bug on the homepage.  #ubuntulogo uses the following trick to hide the text inside the <a> tag (I guess for accessibility / SEO (though note, it's missing a title tag so it's not 508 compliant)) >> text-indent:-300px; << the problem is most obvious on a wide screen where this text is clearly visible off to the left.20:02
stasnp great to hear that.20:02
newz2000detrate-: thanks for the report, let me check it20:02
detrate-a better way to resolve this in the CSS layer is to do the following >> #ubuntulogo { display:block; background:...; width:0; padding-left:202px; overflow:hidden; }20:03
detrate-that should work cross browser20:03
stasdetrate-: what browser are you using, I got chrome on ubuntu and can't see any issues20:04
detrate-do you have a widescreen?20:04
newz2000detrate-: I'll try it out.20:04
detrate-look in the left of that screenshot20:04
detrate-verified it's present in chrome20:04
detrate-as well as opera20:05
detrate-it should be viewable by any standards compliant browser20:05
detrate-as it's just moving the text to the left -300px20:05
newz2000detrate-: actually, I'm fried. I think I may have to try this tomorrow20:05
detrate-really? just applying the css fix will work, I promise.20:05
* knome orders some fried kwwii's20:06
newz2000I believe you. It looks like a good plan.20:06
detrate-actually... you can probably just use 'overflow:hidden'20:06
newz2000detrate-: it's very hard to get changes done on the website on release day because the server is hammered20:06
newz2000detrate-: no, overflow hidden won't work on that20:06
detrate-haha, fair enough20:06
detrate-I just verified that it did20:06
newz2000it will with your fix, not mine though20:06
detrate-using firebug20:07
detrate-damn... all these links are missing title tags20:07
newz2000title tags aren't needed if your link text is descriptive, which we try to do20:08
detrate-in 508 compliance they are20:08
newz2000check again20:08
detrate-and I doubt the page currently validates20:08
detrate-check 508 compliance again??20:08
newz2000only for common text like "read more"20:08
newz2000"download ubuntu" would not need it20:09
newz2000"click here" would20:09
detrate-fair enough20:10
detrate-I guess there is no need to be redundant20:10
ofirk_newz2000: thanks for the update to the iframe!20:11
newz2000my pleasure. Sorry it took an extra hour to get right. :-)20:11
newz2000ofirk_: when do you think your theme change will happen?20:11
ofirk_newz2000: hopefully, next week20:12
detrate-holy css hacks batman, this stylesheet injected content is causing validation to fail: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntu.com%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=020:12
newz2000detrate-: I test in multiple browser to ensure it's usable (including text only browsers like lynx)20:12
newz2000The inline css is a necessary evil and does hurt validation but the site works20:13
detrate-well I don't want to tell you how to do your job, especially on release day but if you want to bounce around ideas on how to have your cake and eat it to, let me know :)20:15
newz2000detrate-: the mailing list is a good way to start a discusion on it20:15
detrate-is there a forum or only mailing list?20:15
newz2000just a mailing list but it gets very little traffic20:16
detrate-have you dropped ie6 support?20:19
newz2000detrate-: I still test with IE to make sure the site is usable20:19
newz2000but I don't try to make it perfect20:20
newz2000We still have about 5% of our users on IE6 :-(20:20
newz2000(by test with IE I mean "test with IE6")20:20
detrate-it's borked for me in ie6, it's okay in 720:21
newz2000As long as they can click the download button… :-)20:21
detrate-yeah, I wish I could drop support as well... started adding ie6 support as a service20:22
detrate-a large part of our market is involved with state/gvt -- so ~20-50% is ie :( :( :(20:22
detrate-and ~70% of that is ie620:23
detrate-I know :-\20:23
detrate-"we want it to do this, that and this"... "well... upgrade your browser, then we'll talk ;-P"20:23
newz2000I remember when IE6 rocked.20:23
newz2000As bad as it is, supporting it is better than IE5.520:24
detrate-yeah, it at least has _some_ idea of compliance20:24
detrate-less hair pulling bugs but still enough that make you wish the ie team would just stop developing20:24
detrate-bragging about ie9 having ~40% compatibility these days??? welcome to 5 years ago? hth20:25
detrate-"but we injected more of our proprietary AWESOMENESS into it."20:25
cjohnstonnewz2000: bug 57183320:26
ubot3Malone bug 571833 in ubuntu-website ""What is Ubuntu" page should use 10.04 login screen screenshot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57183320:26
cjohnstonbug 15183520:26
ubot3Malone bug 151835 in ubuntu-website "Ubuntu Desktop Edition page uses out-of-date screenshots" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15183520:26
detrate-I give webkit props for pushing CSS to the next level20:26
cjohnstonbug 571837 bug 57184520:26
newz2000cjohnston: lets just sit on these for a bit.20:26
ubot3Malone bug 571837 in ubuntu-website "Server Edition page links to 8.04 brochure, should be 10.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57183720:26
ubot3Malone bug 571845 in ubuntu-docs "help.ubuntu.com claims 9.10 is current stable, 8.04 is current LTS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57184520:26
cjohnstonhow many more do you want20:26
newz2000help.u.c shoud be assigned to ubuntu-docteam20:26
newz2000that server edition link to 8.04 may be one to fix though20:27
newz2000Hmm… we'll have to sit on it too20:27
newz2000the server brochure20:28
newz2000it won't be ready20:28
cjohnstonwould it be appropriate to send him an email and let him know that it will take time for everything to be updated, not to file a bug about everything20:28
newz2000cjohnston: I'm going to let you decide. My head hurts.20:29
cjohnstonsorry to hear that... too much release fun?20:30
newz2000Yeah. Plus I'm sleeping on a coach. :-)20:30
cjohnstonsell the house?20:31
newz2000(I'm moving from one house to another and have 3 weeks between)20:31
newz2000Close two week from tomorrow.20:31
newz2000Thanks. I think it's been long enough for any serious issues to surface so I'm going to sign off here in a moment20:32
cjohnstonhave a good one20:33
newz2000thanks for your help cjohnston20:33
skierpageTwice now zsync http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.04/kubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso has ended with  'Bad line - not a zsync file? "" '.  Anyone else seeing this?  Is this the place to report the problem?20:56
skierpagemd5sum reports a different checksum than in MD5SUMS, so the zsync error message is not a false alarm.20:56
skierpageI wound up with 731101184 2010-04-28 13:17 kubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso, which may be the unchanged .iso from yesterday's release candidate.20:58
Turlhi all!20:58
Turlhm, no netbook iso bittorrent on ubuntu.com? :(21:01
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
skierpageI filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/571877 about the apparent .zsync file corruption.21:23
ubot3Malone bug 571877 in ubuntu-website "error 'Bad line - not a zsync file? ""' from zsync of kubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync" [Undecided,New]21:23
billybobbigdongis the alternate install iso needed to create software raid?22:24
stasbillybobbigdong: did you check the http://releases.ubuntu.com/22:33
vegazthe orange banner on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown is still showing "coming soon...", thought you should know :) off for a fresh install, thank you for a great os!23:09

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