
brycehimbrandon, Sarvatt, please review that page and if you can spot ways to improve it please edit00:00
RAOFbryceh, Sarvatt: Yeah, that ubuntu-lucid branch is an attempt to pull back glx 1.4 without the clutter crash or memory leak, particularly if we found that somethings had come to depend on 1.4.  I didn't want it only sitting on my local system. :)00:00
brycehmorning RAOF00:01
RAOFGood morning00:01
imbrandonbryceh: cool will do here very shortly00:01
brycehRAOF, fwiw what I've done in such situations in the past is chunk it into a ppa00:08
brycehthat way it's available/backedup and easy to test00:08
bryceh(which I'm sure has already been done in this case)00:09
RAOFYup :)00:11
Sarvattbryceh: will look it over in a bit, been working 00:29
Sarvattbryceh: btw mandriva does have xserver 1.7/2.6.32 support for poulsbo now, thats what someone linked a day or two ago00:30
Sarvattand holy crap the package infrastructure for poulsbo is nuts, 7-8 packages?00:31
RAOFHow do they manage that?00:31
RAOFKernel module, DDX, maybe libdrm extension…00:32
Sarvattthen xserver libglx and libdri in seperate packages too..00:32
RAOFAnd then mesa driver, presumably.00:34
RAOFThat's still 6 :)00:34
Sarvattyup and firmware00:34
RAOFAh, of course!00:35
Sarvattpsb-firmware xserver-xorg-video-psb libdrm-psb psb-kernel-source xpsb-glx libgl1-mesa-dri-psb and a change to libdrm for psb symbols00:36
Sarvattjust needs packaging changes to work with alternatives and to drop a load of patches on most parts, the tarballs are still the same old ones from hardy00:38
brycehI say Mandriva can win -psb00:40
Sarvatthah I said "just"00:43
Sarvattif anyone has a psb netbook they can bring to UDS I can probably be convinced to make it all work there :)00:49
brycehSarvatt, you could put a call out on ubuntu-devel@00:57
brycehSarvatt, or ask tseliot, he probably knows how to get one for testing00:57
* bryceh hrms at 5bug #6877901:33
RAOFHas the flock of canaries patch made it into upstream yet?  Those users seem quite happy with the 2.6.34-rc5 kernel daily packgaes.  Let's check…01:48
brycehRAOF, what are your thoughts on bug #568779 ?01:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568779 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i855] 10.04 rc boots into black/blank screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56877901:58
RAOFIt's a bit scattered, isn't it?  We knew that there were going to be *some* pepole with 855 cards who'd have problems.  This will end up being a duplicate of bug #541511, won't it?02:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541511 in ubuntu-release-notes "MASTER: [i855] GPU lockup (apport-crash)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54151102:04
brycehRAOF, yeah probably02:04
RAOFSome get fixed by re-enabling kms, some get fixed with vesa, some… :(02:05
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jg a random walk through an N dimensional space.02:19
RAOFNot guaranteed to end up at the starting position.02:19
jgRAOF, or even terminate, as I saw in beta 2.02:20
jgThankfully, I get a new toy tomorrow, and won't care much anymore about the RS600 POS.02:21
jgnew laptop is somewhere in the air between Louisville, KY and Boston at this instant, according to UPS.02:22
brycehif only manufacturers would stop making new hardware, it would make our lives so much easier02:24
jgbryceh: heh.  I may have a different set of problems, but I can get keithp to fix them if I do ;-).02:25
jgfirst time I've gotten to select my own laptop in 3-4 years.02:25
jgbryceh: note my RS600 problem is hardware that I got over 18 months ago: it's hardly in the new category.02:27
RAOFbryceh: Or even just make new hardware without crazy architectural differences would be nice.  It can't be *that* hard to preserve the modesetting interface across generations, surely :)02:35
brycehif only manufacturers would stop making hardware, it would make our lives so much easier02:41
brycehwe have 0 bug reports about the abacus after all02:42
jgbryceh: but then you'd be stuck with old braindamage forever, which is equally bad and frustrating.  You'd have to support broken POS for aeons, rather than merely half a decade or so.02:57
jgbryceh: for example, trying to make mode setting work on old ISA cards would be a unique form of water torture.02:59
brycehif only manufacturers would stop making old hardware, it would make our lives so much easier03:06
jgnow that we've gotten rid of all new hardware and all old hardware, we'll all set to use semi-obsolete systems ;-)03:07
brycehjg, you know, it's kind of an achilles heel of FOSS, that each year brings an increase to the amount of hardware out there that needs supported, and any upstream change to X risks breaking at least *some* random selection of HW03:07
jgbryceh: yeah, and if not enough people care, it stays broken.  I don't think I'll probably cry hard if the RS600 stays broken indefintely, though having the tablet working would be sort of nice...03:08
jgwould help to have a more obvious business model on the desktop side to enable funding of random hardware maintenance, though.  There are times FOSS's business models are insufficient, at least at current scale.03:10
jgnow 10x the desktop/laptop market share would go along way toward fixing that problem.03:12
brycehyeah, the business model seems to work well enough for when someone is actively selling the bit of hardware, since money flows  consumer -> hw manufacturer -> OS vendor03:12
jgas we have on the server side, for quite a while.03:12
jgStill hard on the desktop side, though not as dismal as it used to be.03:13
brycehbut when its hw no longer being sold, there isn't $$ flowing around, since the OS can be had without purchasing it, so support is entirely OSV good will03:13
jgbryceh: yeah, server production deployments force that on the server side.03:13
brycehright, where service contracts are purchased, there is a money flow03:14
jgRH is based on that...03:14
brycehon the desktop it seems users aren't accustomed to buying technical support contracts or whatever03:14
brycehI'd say 9 out of 10 bug reports that we see on X would really probably be better classified as tech support requests (well, 'help requests' at least)03:15
jgbryceh: the microsoft ecology is that there is no real support available other than the local IT guys, child or  neighbor; you just throw out the machine and buy a new one if you ever upgrade it.03:15
jgever try to deal with Microsoft to get help with any of their software?03:16
brycehheh true enough03:16
jgI went through *five* releases of Microsoft Word, unable to reliably convert a document to plain ascii, and couldn't get them to fix it, even when I had contacts in the office group who tried to do so for me.03:17
jgoh, for the ability to even generate a stack trace to be able to give them......03:17
brycehgiven that, it amazes me how outraged bug reporters get when someone doesn't reply to their bug report right away03:18
jgbryceh: you are dealing with the lunatic fringe of people, in several dimensions.03:18
jgunless you are a very big microsoft customer, with a really serious bug, it's almost impossible to get them to pay attention, even if you have "support".03:20
jgmost of the support that isn't "community" is forced back on the hardware vendors who supply the crack to the addicts.03:21
jgI'm amused, 8 years later, that HP is buying a company that does Linux based handhelds.  The lack of vision is stunning.03:22
jg8 years ago, the only Linux handhelds were HP iPAQ's, period, done by HP/former Compaq people.03:23
jgmaybe it's 10 years now.03:24
jgnow, if they'd given us 10 % of the 1.2 billion they are playing for Palm, they might be somewhere in phones or handhelds.03:25
rafiyrSomeone actually bid on palm?03:26
jgIf I'm bitter, just ignore me.03:26
jgyes. HP.03:26
rafiyrGuess I should look at the news once in a while.03:26
jginstead, they cleverly laid off everyone who had caused the first linux handheld devices to run Linux....03:27
brycehjg, very penny-wise of them03:28
jgheh.  pound foolish, and took pounds out of keithp's and my hide, among others.03:29
jg(like jamey hicks, and andrew christian and so on).03:30
jgwell, good night; hopefully I wont have too many adventures with my nice new laptop tomorrow....03:34
vishSarvatt: hi.. I'm using the mainline kernel .33 and it doesnt seem to require the quirk new_pll=0  [RV515]06:46
vishhmm , is KMS on by default in mainline kernel.. how do i check?06:53
RAOFDoes /sys/bus/pci/devices/$YOUR_CARDS_PCI_ADDR/controlD exist?  If so - you're using kms.06:57
RAOFI'd expect kms to be on by default in the 2.6.33 mainline kernel; I haven't checked though.06:58
RAOFYou can also check /var/log/Xorg.0.log; drivers tend to say whether they're using KMS06:58
vishyeah , the /var/log/Xorg.0.log  shows   (II) [KMS] Kernel modesetting enabled.07:00
RAOFOooh!  I just saw one of those thinkpad x200s+compiz powersave=1 sync flashes!  My hardware *isn't* totally unaffected :)09:09
arado you guys think this bug should be an xorg one instead? 10:33
arabug 56921410:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569214 in ubiquity "Ubuntu 10.04-rc desktop installer unreverable error" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56921410:33
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brycehara, impossible to say without more info.  if they're using i855 graphics it could be just a dupe of the 8xx kms bug18:02
arabryceh, ok, thanks18:03
Sarvattvish: really? do you have any idea when the flickering started with the ubuntu kernels?18:07
Sarvattvish: do you have the 2.6.32-19 kernel to try by any chance?18:07
vishSarvatt: i have tried with 32-19 as well , if i use new_pll=0 on boot there is no problem , but the problem arises after ~6hrs 18:10
vish, seems it runs out of magic18:10
Sarvattinteresting, how about 2.6.32-16? that one should be a clean backport of 2.6.33's drm18:12
vishSarvatt: but with .33 i'm not using new_pll=0 and after~19hrs I dont have *any* problems18:12
vishyeah , thats -16 was the next thing i wanted to test.. havent tested it yet..18:13
vishwas actually expecting problems with .33 , surprising  , /several/ problems seem solved.. 18:14
Sarvattis it 2.6.33 with a karmic config or a lucid config?18:14
vishlucid one18:15
Sarvattah its karmic, they didnt make any 2.6.33's with lucid's config18:15
brycehsweet, there's a cache coherency patch18:16
Sarvattvish: 2.6.32-16 would be really interesting if you could test it, if that fails then the problem is outside of drm 18:17
vishSarvatt: isnt this the lucid one?  > http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.33.3-lucid/18:18
vishthats the one i'm using18:18
Sarvattoh thats totally different, we dont have .3 yet in lucid18:18
Sarvattthat means your problem will be fixed by the next SRU :)18:18
vishyay! :)18:18
Sarvattsomething in there fixed it18:20
vishSarvatt: just curious ,which kernel did you mean initially?  [i thought those were the only mainline ones]18:20
brycehSarvatt, have you packaged kernel patches before?18:20
Sarvattyou said 2.6.33 and i didnt look at the kernel version you posted to notice it was
Sarvattbryceh: not in a PPA :(18:21
vishah , cool18:21
brycehsome day I need to learn that18:21
Sarvatti dont know how to bump the abi right for a PPA18:21
Sarvattyeah same here18:21
Sarvattbeen saying that for months now but i never get around to it :)18:21
Sarvattvish: just curious, how is your monitor connected?18:22
Sarvattoh wait its a laptop isnt it18:23
vishyeah , Acer laptop18:23
Sarvattjust ruling out commits that it could be18:23
brycehSarvatt, oh... this patch is just the "This is the most horrible hack I've ever written" patch we already knew about18:26
bryceh(I think, lemme doublecheck)18:26
Sarvattbryceh: fixes PAL tv problems with KMS, wrong gamma values with radeon when using a DVI-VGA adapter, washed out images over tv out on radeon - bug 548709 18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548709 in linux "[R423] gamma bug, display too bright when using DVI-VGA adapter [patch]" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54870918:28
Sarvatti've seen bugs for all of those but have to dig them up18:29
Sarvattnoting on that bug that its fixed in
Sarvattvish: I have no idea what fixed it in your case..18:32
Sarvatthopefully it's not some agp or pci problem that wont be in the next kernel :(18:32
vishSarvatt: do you want me to test 32-16 too?18:33
Sarvattnah that was just because I thought you were saying the 2.6.33 kernel fixed it18:33
vish this 33.3 is totally awesome! :D  i earlier had minor memory problems , songs used stutter when wallpaper changed , and all sorts of things.. but now *poof*!  18:34
vishxorg cpu would just spike fo 2secs when wallpaper changed18:35
Sarvatti hope http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git;a=commit;h=ae2e767a2b2be23d6131cf463f3de730014dc070 isn't the cause of that cus that patch isn't upstream, they reverted it because of problems..18:37
Sarvattvish: do you have the bug number for your flickering problems handy by any chance?18:39
Sarvattit's against linux so i'm having problems finding it in the noise with my slow net connection18:40
vishSarvatt: i didnt file one separately since you mentioned it was a known bug..18:40
Sarvattyeah i thought you might be subscribed to it or something, no worries18:40
vishSarvatt: i think this is the one closet to mine > Bug #54150118:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541501 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "[RV515] [LENOVO T60] external screen display shows "shivering", horizontal refresh offset" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54150118:41
Sarvatthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/570394 -- i need to turn my reply there into a stock reply since most every nvidia bug is just because of that problem :)18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570394 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "nvidia "glXCreateContext failed"" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:41
brycehSarvatt, heh18:43
brycehSarvatt, if that's true, it makes me wonder if we could programmatically identify and dupe those bugs18:43
bjsniderman, that fails to make sense. there's no way you can install nvidia-current that it doesn't update the alternatives to use its own glx18:43
brycehSarvatt, I've sent apw an email asking for a kernel ppa with that patch18:43
* hyperair quickly gets his fix of xorg-edgers after upgrading to luci18:44
brycehSarvatt, although maybe find a bug that was not filed against kubuntu to dupe against18:44
Sarvatthyperair: finally did it eh? :)18:56
hyperairSarvatt: my exams just ended today =)18:56
Sarvattbjsnider: yeah it's got me wondering too, i'm guessing theres some way of updating that fails to do it currently18:58
bjsniderSarvatt, either the postinst script is failing to run, or another script is running later that's resetting the glx alternative18:59
Sarvattlike installing after having installed the drivers from nvidia.com manually at some point with files left behind or something else that people forget to mention in bug reports :)19:00
hyperairSarvatt: so.. now that hal is gone, how do i configure my synaptics things?19:00
bjsniderSarvatt, well, they could be lying about that, yes.19:00
Sarvatthyperair: easiest way is to just edit /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/whatever-synaptics.conf and add Option "foo" "whatever"19:01
hyperairSarvatt: not /etc?19:02
Sarvattyeah I know its bad advice to tell people to edit that but its the easiest :)19:02
jcristauhyperair: /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:02
Sarvatthyperair: correct way would be to just add the options to xorg.conf19:02
hyperairSarvatt: aah okay, thanks.19:02
jcristauhyperair: add a InputClass section with MatchIsTouchpad "on"19:02
hyperairjcristau: thanks19:02
jcristauand whatever options19:02
hyperairaha. i see why my touchpad was acting weird now.19:02
Sarvattman synaptics has all the options and man xorg.conf tells you the structure19:03
hyperairfor some reason, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics got removed during upgrade19:03
hyperairthis was the most borked upgrade of ubuntu i've ever had19:03
Sarvattoh wait you're on edgers so it's /usr/share/X11 anyway :D19:03
Sarvatthyperair: hope you used ppa-purge xorg-edgers before upgrading..19:03
hyperairSarvatt: i didn't. *groan*19:03
Sarvatti put a big fat warning on the page about that19:03
hyperairSarvatt: the difference is... i don't heed warnings =D19:04
hyperairno, what i really meant is i know enough to recover from borked upgrades19:04
Sarvattppa removal seriously needs  happen in the update process instead of just disabling PPA's19:04
hyperairthe hit-or-miss part is making sure the system still boots after upgrade19:04
hyperairafter that i'm fine \o/19:04
Sarvatti dont know where to start hooking it in19:05
hyperairyes, that's true.19:05
hyperairyou should talk to mvo about this.19:05
Sarvatthyperair: good thing you reactivated xorg-edgers right after upgrading because things would have been horribly broken :)19:06
Sarvattmesa is totally different in lucid19:06
Sarvattand the karmic version is higher19:06
hyperairSarvatt: er no actually..19:07
hyperairSarvatt: i didn't. X worked by chance.19:08
hyperairSarvatt: right now i'm still downloading PPA packages19:08
hyperair162 of them @_@19:08
Sarvattwith no GL i'm sure :)19:08
Sarvatthyperair: were you using the blob or is that your intel machine?19:08
Sarvattcurious if the nvidia-current in xorg-edgers works, haven't tried it yet19:08
hyperairSarvatt: this is my intel machine.19:08
hyperairSarvatt: my nvidia machine is several hundred miles away19:09
Sarvattbryceh: scanning xorg.0.log on all nvidia-graphics-drivers bugs for (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so as candidates for the stock reply would w ork :)19:09
Sarvattahh back to work i go19:10
Sarvattwhat are the useful logs from a release upgrade again?19:33
Sarvattasking the person  in that nvidia bug if he can attach them and hopefully see where it went wrong. /var/log/apt/term.log and /var/log/dpkg.log? wasn't there another log or two just for the dist release process?19:33
jcristaumvo would probably know19:42
Sarvatthmm wonder if its possible /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules doesn't exist at the point where its setting up the alternatives19:42
Sarvattlibgl1-mesa-glx is what makes it19:43
Sarvattoh weird nevermind, mesa is making /usr/lib/xorg/x11-extra-modules19:44
* Sarvatt is confused19:44
Sarvattwhat the heck is  /usr/lib/xorg/x11-extra-modules, xorg-server only checks  /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules additionally19:45
brycehSarvatt, I used my new script to grep out all the nvidia-graphics-drivers bugs with that libglx.so path in them19:48
brycehlooks like it flagged a couple dozen bugs, I'm going through them now19:49
brycehsome it appears were filed against nvidia-graphics-drivers but the user booted into an open source driver to file the report, so not all are actually dupes of the alternatives bug19:49
brycehalso, I'm thinking I should set up a MASTER bug report for this, as none of these flagged bug reports are really that well made19:50
brycehwell, maybe they're dupes of bug #52232819:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522328 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "[Test xpr-008] Lucid upgrade broke when upgrading from manually installed nvidia proprietary drivers" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52232819:50
Sarvattgood idea! having them all in one place will make finding out the problem easier since i cant seem to reproduce it, wish tseliot was around to pick his brain because the alternatives are a maze. really want to see someones dpkg logs from when they upgraded  to see what order things went in. anyone have a karmic machine they are about to upgrade to lucid that could reproduce? :)19:56
brycehyeah I've been a bit disappointed he hasn't been that active here this release19:57
brycehyeah I'm going to use #522328 as the master for this, I don't want to own this bug ;-)19:59
Sarvattbryceh: Failed to initialize the GLX module; please check in your would be a better string to search for19:59
Sarvattwould only be in these specific bugs20:00
brycehalright rerunning...20:00
Sarvattwait what the heck, just realized this guys log has timestamping - (EE) Apr 26 20:59:18 NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module; please check in your X20:01
Sarvattahh ok the nvidia messages all have timestamping even if the rest of the log doesnt20:01
brycehwish the script didn't take so long to run...20:03
Sarvatt/usr/lib/mesa/ld.so.conf - priority 50020:03
Sarvatt slave xorg_extra_modules: /usr/lib/xorg/x11-extra-modules20:03
* bryceh drums fingers20:03
Sarvatti dont understand the x11-extra-modules, xserver is only set up to look in extra-modules additionally20:03
Sarvattoh i guess the alternative links that to extra-modules?20:04
Sarvattfglrx uses  slave xorg_extra_modules: /usr/lib/fglrx/xorg20:04
hyperairSarvatt: ...i get GPU hangs. whee.20:04
Sarvattsudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers and see if it happens on lucid, hope not!20:05
Sarvattok i dont think its related to xorg_extra_modules because nvidia_drv.so is in there too and thats loading20:07
Sarvattwhich means the alternatives for nvidia are getting set up properly in the first place, hmm20:09
bjsniderthen something is coming along after and changing them20:10
Sarvattnvidia_drv.so wouldn't load if extra-modules was pointing at the mesa version for some reason20:10
Sarvattlibglx should be in extra-modules right next to nvidia_drv if i'm not mistaken20:11
bjsniderit would have to be a xserver-xorg package that's installed after the nvidia-current package20:11
brycehSarvatt, hmm, not getting any results from the new search string20:11
Sarvattdunno about that because xserver tries to load from extra-modules before the normal one, I think it might just be hitting people reusing an old xorg.conf with something odd in it20:12
Sarvattoh yeah20:13
Sarvatti think i know what it is20:13
bjsniderwhy would the sorg.conf file have anything to do with alternatives?20:13
Sarvattcrap clients home, gotta run to the next job but i'll be back soon, i know what the problem is20:13
Sarvattits the depth section not being in xorg.conf20:13
Sarvatti had the same problems when i was trying to autoload nvidia without an xorg.conf20:14
Sarvattif you dont have depth 24 it wont load nvidia's libglx and uses the servers20:14
bjsniderso they used nvidia-xconfig to create the xorg.conf?20:15
Sarvattneed to go through the other bugs and compare xorg.conf, might be another option screwing that up like the argbvisuals20:15
bryceh"Failed to initialize the GLX module" not turning anything up so far... I'll let it keep running though20:16
bjsnideri'm going to try nvidia-xconfig right now and see if it puts that in there20:16
bjsnidernvidia-xconfig puts defaultdepth 24 in there too20:18
hyperairokay, it can't be a gpu hang. i can switch VTs once.20:19
hyperairSarvatt: BAH. xserver-xorg keeps hanging >_>20:44
hyperairblargh. why can't i switch VTs once X hangs in lucid?20:53
brycehbecause it's probably hung in the kernel20:54
hyperairbut why didn't this kernel have issues with xorg-edgers of karmic?21:01
Sarvattlooks like my last message didn't go through, but in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/570394 they have Modulepath"/usr/lib/xorg/modules" making it so /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules doesn't get used21:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570394 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "nvidia "glXCreateContext failed"" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:18
bjsniderSarvatt, they have a modulepath line in the xorg.conf file?21:22
bjsniderwhere in the world...21:22
bjsniderwhere are they getting these crazy xorg.conf files21:23
Sarvattme? lol21:23
bjsnidermaybe nvidia=xconfig was doing this years ago?21:24
Sarvattold nvidia-xconfig and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:24
brycehSarvatt, 537648 and 570394 were the only bugs that matched that search string21:56
Sarvattthats new, File descriptor 3 (pipe:[141203]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 29395: /bin/sh when updating grub22:39
Sarvattbryceh: ahh ok, both are absolutely the same issue with an invalid xorg.conf22:39
Sarvattwhats the right place to have the Section "Files" section in xorg.conf removed on upgrade?22:43
Sarvatt# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig22:48
Sarvatt# nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildmeister@builder75)  Fri Mar 12 01:42:27 PST 201022:48
Sarvattheh nvidia-xconfig might still be making that invalid xorg.conf..22:48
Sarvattnope, it kept it around from an old xorg.conf when you run it, just ran it and it didn't22:49
Sarvattok *something* relatively current is making that xorg.conf with the modulepath set in it at least, this guy had a fresh install of lucid at alpha 322:51
Sarvattnah he put it there himself cut and pasted from somewhere else and ran nvidia-xconfig after looking at the options22:54
brycehSarvatt, probably just close as invalid or convert to a question23:00
Sarvattyep closed them all23:00
brycehbug 494625 can be made into a standard "your xorg.conf settings aren't right" master bug23:05
Sarvattugh tons of bugs from nvidia people saying visual effects goes back to none after activating nvidia-current!!!!11123:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494625 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "-nvidia requires settings in xorg.conf else it won't work" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49462523:05
Sarvatt(it requires a reboot and isn't supposed to work right away goobers!) :)23:06
brycehsounds like another master bug23:06
Sarvattdo we have a proprietary drivers wiki?23:06
brycehnot really, we've got some bits and pieces in the troubleshooting pages23:07
brycehwould be nice to have though23:07
Sarvatti'll start writing up common issues23:08
Sarvattgot that so far23:20
brycehlooks good23:20
brycehmaybe better than a wiki page would be just to have master bug reports for each issue23:20
brycehthat'd make bug duping a bit simpler, and then we can track the status of the issues23:20
Sarvattworks for me, trying to find more common issues to add23:22
bryceh570498 - installation fails when your disk is out of space (duh!)23:22
Sarvatthope you dont mind i'm marking it invalid... :D23:27
brycehno prob23:27
brycehor move to questions23:27
brycehwow, making good progress squishing nvidia bugs, down to 137 :-)23:27
Sarvattthe answer is you need space on your partition to install a package, I would hope thats obvious enough not to have to make a question out of it :)23:28
Sarvattadded a few xorg.conf options to that propdrivers.txt that fix a few other bugs i've come across23:39
Sarvatti need to use that  Option "UseEvents" "false" option personally, otherwise i get lots of stalls on my 8400M GS23:39
* bryceh closes out a mess of kubuntu -nvidia bugs with no stack traces provided23:43
Sarvatta lot of them are probably karmic too, nvidia-graphics-drivers seems to be the dumping ground kubuntu guys use even though the right package is nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 on karmic :)23:44
bryceh564129 was the only one with a decent stacktrace, so I left it23:45
Sarvattwish these kde bug logs weren't useless23:49
Sarvattpeople have problems running apport-collect usually on these ones dumped over from kde ones saying no new information to add23:50
Sarvattnothing we can do with just a dependency list and the backtrace thats usually all in qt functions23:51
brycehmm, search page on launchpad shows there's now an Expired state23:51
SarvattnVidia driver scrambles Usplash (on lucid)23:52
Sarvattthats either plymouth or vga16fb's fault anyhow, not nvidia-graphics-drivers23:53
Sarvattif you set something wontfix, it requires someone in bugcontrol or core-dev to change the status right?23:56
SarvattI'm eyeing https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/565980 which is likely to get changed even though they dont like the response :)23:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565980 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "low resolution in plymouth screen with nvidia-current" [Undecided,Won't fix]23:57

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