
xanguatheGman: aptitude search packagename00:00
ervisdagon_, US time00:00
dominicdinadaidk i am being facious since people who are a day ahead keep asking and it is not even the 29th in about 90% of the world00:00
dagon_ervis: that's what I thought..00:00
felontheres too many cops in here00:00
Chetichow do I change the default appearance settings for a guest session?00:00
codertuxhi, I'm having issues with cyrus-sasl authentication. I'm following the tutorial at http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/index.html#config-secure-auth00:00
dominicdinadamaybe 95% of the world00:00
codertuxFrom what I can tell, whenever I tri to send mail using my client, postfix does not connect to saslauthd properly, ignoring the contents of /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf00:00
Drabzzusing more than two syllables is swearing to some.00:00
theGmanxangua: Thx. And is "apt-get" the cli installation tool?00:00
codertuxI'm logging the mysql queries and they don't show up in the log00:00
FloodBot4codertux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:00
xanguatheGman: you can use apt-get or aptitude for install00:01
h00kubottu: tell felon about codeofconduct00:01
ubottufelon, please see my private message00:01
* dominicdinada needs a cOPS help :/\00:01
dagon_ervis: so the US is like -6 hours?00:01
=== randomusr is now known as Guest80148
ervisi live in EU too00:02
dominicdinadadagon_ Central U.S. is -600:02
kimmohasn't US like 4 different time zones?00:02
dominicdinadakimmo: 4 or more00:02
dagon_dominicdinada: Then I was counting right00:02
theGmandagon_: It depends on where in the US one migh be...I'm only -5 though DST gets involved too :P00:03
theGmankimmo: Yes.00:03
dagon_theGman: potato, potato ;)00:03
Guest80148anyone here use sqlite or know where I could get some general help?00:03
DrabzzProbably 5 if you include Hawaii00:03
dominicdinadai think it has like 7 offical times zones00:03
dancalloDrazz: Ok, Contiguous US00:03
theGmanxangua: Thx again for the info.00:03
patrickhow do I install enlightenment in Lucid?00:03
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Guest5117can we talk about lucid in here yet?00:04
ervis5,6 or 7 the idea is we must wait :(00:04
dancalloIf you try, you get kicked to Ubuntu-Release Party channel00:04
theGmanGuest80148: Yeah, #sqlite00:04
theGmanervis: Wait for what?00:05
ervisdownload lucid :)00:05
felonwho are you00:05
Guest5117anyone using enlightenment in Lucid?00:05
ubuntu547473someone who is familiar with apparmor pm me00:05
dancalloYou go to the #Ubuntu-Release-Party channel and you are immediately faced with "Don't ask when Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is going to be released" message00:05
theGmanervis: Ah, the latest ver I take it?00:05
CaptainTrekyes because the exact time is not set00:06
theGmanWhat, if I may, does the "LTS" stand for?00:06
CaptainTrekLong Term Support00:06
dagon_Long Term Support00:06
dancalloMy sources say the release is 0700 Samoa time on 30 April00:06
dagon_CaptainTrek: you beat me to it :P00:06
h00k!LTS | theGman00:06
ubottutheGman: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)00:06
theGmanAh, thx. Been wondering about that.00:06
CaptainTreki iz fast typer00:06
=== daddoo is now known as Guest98533
felonim not signing anything00:07
felonelectronic or with old fashon lead baby !00:07
Guest5117does anyone know how to install enlightenment in Lucid?00:08
theGmanWhere can I find the latest httpd/php/mysql pkgs ubuntu uses?00:09
canozani have a conflict between my two partitions which avoids me from booting to win7. can anyone help?00:09
jpdstheGman: Lucid?00:09
powertool08Guest5117: Does sudo apt-get install enlightenment work?00:09
theGmanMy prob is that Fedora stays so much on the bleeding edge that it's messing with my web consultancy work.00:09
AidanieHey guys, does anyone know what time Ubuntu normally comes out at? (GMT)00:10
jpdsAidanie: Random.00:10
h00kfelon: regardless if you're signing or not, you need to abide by the code of conduct and the guidelines, including language00:10
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CaptainTrekthere's no specific release time ever00:10
aj00200!isitout Aidenie00:10
Typos_King!ask | canozan00:10
ubottucanozan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:10
powertool08aj00200: You need the pipe --> |00:10
Guest5117powertool08, yes it doesnt work00:11
FGTrooperHello, when, tomorow, Lucid will go out ?00:11
* Typos_King hands aj00200 'the pipe'00:11
felonor what00:11
theGmanjpds: Nah, 9.1000:11
powertool08Guest5117: I'd try 'sudo apt-cache search enligtenment' That should list possible packages, then 'sudo apt-get install <the package you found>'00:12
h00kfelon: do you have any support questions for the channel?00:12
Typos_King!outyet | FGTrooper00:12
ubottuFGTrooper: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party00:12
Guest59950Has anyone tried using any USB Video Input devices on Ubuntu lately?  If so, what software are you using for it/00:12
Drabzzthanx powertool08, I can use that too00:12
Rudd-Ohey guys.  chkconfig fails with a lot of errors00:12
powertool08Drabzz: np00:12
Harbingerwhy is ubuntu so much fail :(00:13
theGmanMy webserver runs some things like drupal and it's not ready for php 5.3 yet so I'm hunting around for a diff lux that I can use off a pendrive to deno to clients..00:13
Typos_KingRudd-0.... what's that for?00:13
theGmanjpds: Not sure of the name...:P00:13
felonacually i do00:13
FGTrooperThank you ubottu ! ^_^00:13
Rudd-OTypos_King: chkconfig --level 35 mysql on00:13
vernrhi again. is there any way you can make a custom liveCD without affecting your current install?00:13
theGmanSo where can I find out the latest httpd/php/mysql pkgs ubuntu uses?00:14
Typos_KingRudd-0:.... what's that for?   I don't use chkconfig myself, so00:14
theGmanOr how00:14
canozanhow can i resolve a conflict between two partitions?00:14
Ubunuone1how many hours are until ubuntu 10.04 release?00:14
h00kfelon: well, go ahead and ask, just mind the language while you're here. If it's a lucid question head over to #ubuntu+100:14
jpdstheGman: Oh, check packages.ubuntu.com.00:14
jpds!ititout | Ubunuone100:14
Guest5117canozan, tell them youll turn this car around so fast it will make thier head spin00:14
theGmanjpds: Thx! :)00:14
powertool08theGman: sudo apt-cache show <http/php/mysql pkg name>00:14
jpds!isitout | Ubunuone100:15
ubottuUbunuone1: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party00:15
felonthx. hook u da man.00:15
jimtahucanozan: what is the conflict saying?00:15
vernrparty? hehe00:15
Buhmillionhey guys, any idea how to stop squid from reporting that the original URL?00:15
Typos_King!details | canozan00:15
vernrcan i bring chips00:15
ubottucanozan: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:15
Buhmillionhey guys, any idea how to stop squid from reporting that the original IP?00:15
canozanthe first one ends after the second one starts00:15
Guest5117powertool08, nothin00:15
Ubunuone1doesnt seem to work :D00:15
theGmanI take it Karmic is the current released ver?00:15
Guest5117powertool08, a few things for sudo apt-cache search e17 but nothing i can make sense of00:16
vernrhi again. is there any way you can make a custom liveCD without affecting your current install?00:16
Typos_Kingvernr:   non-alcoholic one :P, only [root]beers allowed :P00:16
jimtahucanozan: that shouldn't be a problem00:16
VirusTBUhm. How can i check for filesystem my USB drive is in Ubuntu?00:16
VirusTBFAT32 or NTFS??00:16
=== Tonus_ is now known as Tonus
Typos_KingVirusTB:     sudo fdisk -l;00:16
HillshumVirusTB: Then find your drive in there00:16
VirusTBTypos_King,  doest fdisk format the USB?00:16
vernrlol "root"beers00:17
theGmanVirusTB: No, that cmd just lists the drives.00:17
Typos_KingVirusTB:     -l; means 'list'00:17
powertool08Guest5117: I'm on debian atm, the package for me is just called 'e17' typically ubuntu and debian are the similar if not the same.00:17
theGmanSo, IIUC Karmic is the current released ver yes? No?00:17
felonparty over here !00:17
MaletorIs the release at midnight?00:18
felonyo, whats that one umm channel called. the off topic ubuntu or something00:18
canozani was trying to make room in order to install xp, and i wanted to resize one of my primary partitions, win7 installed on it. windows manager and gparted didn't let me do that, and i run magic partition, which started with an error warning, i said ok, and i think it changed starting and endind values of my partitions00:18
powertool08theGman: Yes, until sometime later today when they release lucid.00:18
Typos_KingGuest5117:     it shows up on apt-cache search, as e1600:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:18
theGmanpowertool08: Sheesh! :P00:18
VirusTBTypos_King, ok tha fdisk command seems to be to technical for me... i cant find the name of my USB00:18
vernris there any way you can make a custom liveCD without affecting your current install?00:19
VirusTBTypos_King,  i named my USB  "Kingstoon 8GB"00:19
theGmanpowertool08: An, from the chatter in here, it seems that's an open ended time too right?00:19
canozani had 196GB partition with win7 on it, and now it is only 33GB, i can mount it but with gparted, my entire hard disk seems to be unallocated, although i can see my partitions in terminal00:19
powertool08theGman: It would appear so, I've never waited around to get it immediately. I've always waited a day.00:19
theGmancanozan: Was the partition info actually written to disk or just configured? It makes a big diff.00:19
vernrisn't there something called ubuntu remix or whatever00:19
Typos_KingVirusTB:     then it'll show usually under that label, is going to be either an 'sdb' device or 'sdc'00:20
xanguavernr: ubuntu netbook remix00:20
theGmanpowertool08: I agree. See if anyone has probs first right?:P00:20
canozan<theGman> i don't understand your question00:20
vernrim looking for that thing that makes custom livecds00:20
Typos_KingVirusTB:     run fdisk -l; and paste it for us to see :)00:20
Typos_King!paste | VirusTB00:20
ubottuVirusTB: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:20
powertool08theGman: Somewhat, and I didn't mind waiting.00:20
powertool08!remaster | vernr00:20
ubottuvernr: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility00:20
Typos_Kingcanozan:   what's the error partition magic is giving?00:21
Buhmillionpartition magic? use gparted00:21
* xangua thought this was #ubuntu, not ##windows700:21
kaff3inehi everyone, i have a quick question. i just did chmod 666 /dev/tty0, is there anything wrong with leaving it like that? also, what is it usually?00:21
Typos_KingBuhmillion:  he'd used both00:21
theGmancanozan: In garted or similar tools, you can tell it what you would LIKE to do but if you never commit the changes to disk...ie..write the partition table the changes are not comitted but still "appear" set in whichever tool you used.00:21
VirusTBTypos_King,  ah ok i see it  now00:21
vernrthanks powertool08 just what i needed00:21
Guest5117Typos_King, does it matter if I use that instead of e17?00:21
powertool08vernr: np00:21
jimtahukaff3ine: shouldn't be any problems00:21
powertool08Guest5117: e16 is the older version.00:21
VirusTBTypos_King,  had to many usb's plugged in so it was a bit confusing.... removed a few.. :D thanks00:21
Ubunuone1im new at such things linke Linux, ive heard ubuntu should be the one and only userfriendly distribution, but there are several others like Fedora, what do you think about Fedora etc. ?00:22
JetPackTuxedoanyone know how I can get ISO-13346 UDF support?00:22
toticHi I have ubuntu 8.04 and want to upgrade to the new version, can I do it without having to burn a CD?00:22
totic 00:22
jimtahukaff3ine: it will probly reset next reboot00:22
xangua!ot > Ubunuone100:22
ubottuUbunuone1, please see my private message00:22
h00k!upgrade | totic00:22
ubottutotic: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:22
Typos_KingGuest5117:    not sure, I used enlightment a long long while ago, I have no complaints, one version isn't going to make you or break you, same goes for Lucid seekers :P00:22
xanguatotic: yes you can; lucid lynx is released tomorrow00:22
VirusTBhey! 10.04 should be out today!00:22
kaff3inejimtahu: thanks, i appreciate it. i'm not 'new' to linux, but i never really had the motivation to figure it out. luckily, i'm starting to get it.00:22
BuhmillionUbunuone1, ubuntu is the most user friendly, fedora is kind of lacking00:22
kaushalcan i use the mozilla build firefox for ubuntu in production ?00:22
alketI know that this question must be asked too many times but I just want to be from the first one who grabs the iso ?00:22
jimtahukaff3ine: glad to help, have fun00:23
Guest5117powertool08, Typos_King thanks! I will try that!00:23
Typos_KingVirusTB:     unfortunately, no everyone lives west of the Behring Strait like you do :P, so that'll be tomorrow for me00:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:23
theGmanUbunuone1: Fedora is awesome, if you someone who likes to keeo their apps on the bleeding edge. Very solid too. Both have their pros/cons. :)00:23
VirusTBWhat Virtual machine program should I use on Windows 7 to use Ubuntu? VMWare? Virtual Box? ( i got a AMD processor 64bits i think :S ) Typos_King00:24
xanguakaushal: for using mozilla build fx try ubuntuzilla repository http://ubuntuzilla.wiki.sourceforge.net/00:24
h00ktheGman, Ubunuone1: please don't use this channel for idle discussion00:24
Typos_Kingalket:    go watch a few reruns of 'mad tv', get some sleep and retry on friday :|00:24
BuhmillionVirusTB. virtualbox00:24
powertool08VirusTB: It's a preference really. I perfer virtualbox.00:24
alketTypos_Kink: lol00:25
Typos_KingVirusTB:     either will do00:25
jimtahuVirusTB: I use virtualbox too00:25
theGmanBuhmillion: I wouldn't say "lacking" I am running Fedora as my os currently. It's very user friendly.00:25
Buhmillionanybody here know how to enable virus scanning on dnasguardian?00:25
theGmanh00k: Yessir.00:25
h00k!virus | Buhmillion00:25
ubottuBuhmillion: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:25
kaff3ineCan anyone help me figure out why i can't get ddclient/namecheap.com to play nice?00:25
sp0spousb external hotplug does not work... I have to reboot for ubuntu to see my external hard drive if i plug in a new one. ... what is causing this?00:26
theGmanVirusTB: I use virtualbox on win AND linux, works great in both...and it's totally free!00:26
toticxangua: but that updates to 10.12 not to 9.02 (the stable version)00:26
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:26
Buhmillionubottu, i don't have a virus problem. Dansguardian is a proxy server. I'm proxifing for windows clients, that NEED virus scanning00:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:26
Typos_Kingkaff3ine:   not familiar with either :{00:27
Buhmillionanybody here know how to enable virus scanning on dansguardian?00:27
Typos_King!hal | sp0spo00:27
ubottusp0spo: Hal is in the process of being depreciated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.00:27
Typos_King!details | sp0spo00:28
ubottusp0spo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:28
linusoleanderI realy need some help here.00:28
linusoleanderI'm getting PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library when trying to run PHP in the terminal in ubuntu00:28
linusoleanderAny ideas why?00:28
FloodBot4linusoleander: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:28
kaff3ineTypos_King: thanks for the reply, at least.00:28
Buhmillionanybody here know how to enable virus scanning on dansguardian?00:29
Typos_Kingkaff3ine:   I thought you were going to ask on kaffeine, I was going to say, kde4 uses dragonfly now ^_^, but anyhow00:29
xanguaBuhmillion: what is dansguardian¿00:29
powertool08Buhmillion: This might help? http://www.howtoforge.com/squid-proxy-server-on-ubuntu-9.04-server-with-dansguardian-clamav-and-wpad-proxy-auto-detection00:29
DasEiBuhmillion: you need snort for that00:29
sonOfIslamanybody i want to use opengl/glut on netbeans on ubuntu00:29
Buhmillionxangua, dansguardian is a parental control proxy add on00:29
BuhmillionDasEi, you don't need snort.00:30
Typos_Kinglinusoleander:    have you checked yet in -> sudo apt-get -f install; ?00:30
Buhmillionpowertool08, THANKS!00:30
powertool08Buhmillion: "The "contentscanner" line is already in /etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf towards the bottom. Uncomment this line to tell DansGuardian to use ClamAV to scan items requested via HTTP."00:30
boxgvfs or something appears to be broken on my ubuntu, upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04. whenever i try to open an sftp:// or ftp:// location, anything other than a regular folder, i get "The specified location is not supported". And the only type in Connect to server... is "Custom Location". looks like i don't have protocol support?00:30
=== Claudinux is now known as Guest58217
boxit worked before upgrade.00:31
linusoleanderTypos_King: Nothing is being installed00:31
Typos_Kingbox:   one reason why a full-install is usually recommended00:31
h00k!lucid | box00:31
ubottubox: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party00:31
boxokay okay, i'll move over there. any troubleshooting ideas would be a much appreciated, however.00:32
linusoleanderI'm trying to uninstall and install php5 again, but the php5 dir isnt being removed:00:33
linusoleandersudo apt-get remove --purge php500:33
DasEiBuhmillion: you're  right, it works itself on iptables, I mixed in my mind from router config00:33
=== gmendoza is now known as Guest10357
MaletorCan I download 10.4 at midnight?00:33
canozan<Typos_King> it gave me an error with the starting and ending of a partition, it said it had to be changed and i just said ok. now one ends after the other starts00:34
Typos_Kinglinusoleander:    sudo apt-get purge php5;   maybe00:34
DasEiMaletor: can do it know (torrent!) and then update00:34
canozan<theGman> i am not sure, i just clicked ok and windows shut down00:34
linusoleanderTypos_King: Same thing00:34
h00kMaletor: nobody knows when it is out00:34
Maletorthere should be very little difference for alternate cd right DasEi?00:34
linusoleanderThe php5 dir isnt being created00:34
Typos_Kinglinusoleander:    is not removing?00:34
DasEiMaletor: yes, I do the same ting00:35
linusoleanderTypos_King: no, the files isnt being removed eather00:35
linusoleanderI tried to remove them by my self, but they are not being created00:35
Typos_Kingcanozan:       there's a likelyhood you may have 'truncated' one or two partitions, and they may have the wrong sectors sections and as a result neither filesystem in them will be accessible :|00:35
Typos_Kingcanozan:    since win32 and I think other OS also keep a partition mappings records, and their allocation table can get corrupted deeming the files not  accessible00:36
linusoleanderI realy need some help with this, the site is live and I dont know what do to...00:37
=== FunkySayu is now known as FunkyMute
=== FunkyMute is now known as FunkySayu
Random832has anyone else had problems with screen flashing after resuming suspend on an i915? (I'm on Lucid, but this problem was present when I was on Karmic as well, so any workarounds are welcome)00:37
Typos_Kinglinusoleander:    ... you don't get any error mesages?00:37
linusoleanderTypos_King: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20060613/mysqli.so00:37
linusoleanderThat is one of them00:38
boxwhat does ip mean in the aptitude search results?00:39
Typos_KingRandom832:    that's usually due to a videocard driver issue, when the screen tries to repaint and the drivers can't after a hiatus, usually changing drivers does the trick00:39
Random832Typos_King: it's X windows specifically, not the framebuffer itself, if that matters00:39
powertool08box: I think it means Installed Program.00:39
Random832xev reports a lostfocus gotfocus and several expose events when it happens00:39
konsumerhello everyone, can some one link me to the tutorial for wireless set up on a compaq presario 2200 please? Thank you.00:39
Random832it's mainly my gnome-terminal that does it - though the panel sometimes also does00:39
dcmeeseWhat processes can I kill if my Ubuntu computer is running very slow? Before my GRUB update it was pretty fast..... (it has 256mb ram)00:39
fusariumInstalled Ubuntu Server last night. Got Shorewall installed today. Now, when I try to FTP in, I am not getting anywhere. I get a 'Connection Timed Out'. Is this due to Shorewall, or do I need to start some services when I restart the server? I restarted vsftpd, but still can't get in through FTP or PuTTY. Any ideas?00:40
hypetechCan anybody help me with a GDM issue?00:40
Random832how do you "change drivers"? is this something that can be done on the fly (or with only killing X rather than changing the kernel somehow?)00:40
raiddinnI have a question that is probably really easy to do and I just can't figure it out, when I change resolutions there is a pink box in the upper left, how do I get rid of that?00:40
Random832raiddinn: doesn't it go away if you wait five seconds?00:41
raiddinnit has been there for like an hour00:41
Buhmilliondoes anybody know where i can download an actual malware sample, preferably one for a windows platform?00:41
powertool08fusarium: I usually use nmap for things like that. Start with the localhost, then your private ip (192.168.etc) then move outward to the public ip. Find the hop where the port is closed and go from there.00:41
Random832raiddinn: wait... no -  close the monitor preferences window00:42
Random832Typos_King: new symptom - it's switching resolutions randomly. (apparently before it was switching between 1024x768 and 1024x76800:42
fusariumI'll need to install nmap? Is it a    sudo get-apt install nmap    command?00:42
Random832is there a way to like kill RANDR?00:42
zedkappafusarium: you should already have nmap00:42
zedkappait comes with ubuntu00:42
powertool08fusarium: yes. then the syntax is 'nmap -p <port of vsftp> localhost' It may need sudo.00:43
Typos_Kinglinusoleander:    .... and I assume you have mysql installed?  .... can't say..... has it been running well before?00:43
raiddinnthanks, that works, is there a way I can keep the preferences window open and just never have that pink box show up?00:43
konsumeranyone know how to set up a wireless connection on ubuntu ?00:43
konsumerubuntu 9.10 to be exact00:43
DasEiBuhmillion: wrong chan her, go to http://www.remote-exploit.org/ for such00:43
raiddinnor is that something that is just going to be like that00:43
fusariumgreat! Thanks. I'm reading on the documentation. So, I'm going to start on the inside and work my way out to see what the problem is, correct? Is this something that happens often, or did the server get shut down wrong and it buggered something up?00:43
zedkappakonsumer: are you using a laptop or desktop?00:44
Flameyzedkappa: actually, nmap isn't installed on my karmic system00:44
cernenushave i been hacked?00:44
Typos_King!details | konsumer00:44
ubottukonsumer: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:44
powertool08fusarium: Its possible, you can restart the service with 'sudo service vsftp restart' and yes, start on the inside.00:44
zedkappaFlamey: it isnt? sorry my mistake00:45
fusariumpowertool08, zedkappa, thanks for the help!00:45
raiddinnnm, thanks again Random00:45
raiddinni will work with it like that00:45
cernenusdoes anyone know what louckout.bak or zoodkrak.bak are00:45
mikelifeguardHow do you tell ubuntu what its domain name is?00:46
zedkappamikelifeguard: what version are you using?00:46
h00kcernenus: please keep this channel ontopic with support questions :) thanks00:46
boxpowertool08, i meant to say pi . wtf does that mean?00:46
mikelifeguardzedkappa: karmic00:46
h00k!wtf | box00:46
ubottubox: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:46
zedkappamikelifeguard: go to places>network00:46
mikelifeguardzedkappa: a server :)00:46
zedkappayes server00:47
zedkappa'connect to server'00:47
mikelifeguardzedkappa: no, this computer is a server - no GUI available00:47
cernenusthese files are in my home folder and cannot find the online, i was wondering if they were part of the install or something else00:48
zedkappaoh ok sorry about that i didnt get it00:48
powertool08box: I'm not sure, maybe the same? When you have aptitude running, hit '?' and see if it gives you info.00:48
DasEicernenus: bak is a typical windows file00:48
Hardwire03does ubuntu 10.4 support Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio VARPAK 7.1 Channels 24-bit 96KHz PCI Express x1 Interface Sound Card?00:49
sp0spowhat program handles auto mount? if i plug in a usb tumb drive, ubuntu desktop shows the thumb drive00:49
sp0spowhat does htat00:49
xangua!lucid > Hardwire0300:49
ubottuHardwire03, please see my private message00:49
samsonitesp0spo fstab00:49
cernenusso i have windows files on my linux system?00:49
DasEicernenus: you can use clamav or antivir to search for (win-)viruses, things like rkhunter for trojans (linux-ones)00:49
gophi is thier a proper way to install ubuntu server on to a usb flash drive00:49
DasEicernenus: seems like, never seen such on my -nix boxes00:50
powertool08gop: I don't think server was meant to be put on a flash drive...00:50
goppowertool08:  does server do to much writes00:51
samsonitegop depends obviously00:51
gopI am trying to make a baremetal free hypervisor using virtualbox headless and ubuntu00:51
samsoniteserver on a thumb drive sounds like a terrible idea though00:51
gopall the data would be on a sata drive00:51
cernenusgrrr no risky sites guess caues i am using a wifi conn labeled "free wifi".00:51
powertool08gop: I dunno, typically servers are used for long uptime processes, usb drives are not for long uptimes.00:51
gopall data would be sata disk with linux raid 100:52
gopjust use usb for boot00:52
gopthis is for home use00:52
gophome lab00:52
gopso most of the writes would be on the sata disks00:52
goptwo 500 gigs sata disk in raid 100:52
vernrcan anyone tell me how to setup my system so that traffic only goes through my PPTP VPN?00:54
humphreybc#ubuntu-manual are having their release party!00:56
humphreybccome join in00:56
humphreybcwe're really cool00:56
powertool08vernr: You could use an iptables command which redirects all outbound traffic to the VPN. There may be a better solution and I don't know the exact iptables command, sorry.00:57
fabiobikhello. i think i have a big big problem. Ive updated to the beta version. and now the ubuntu not work00:57
fabiobikive updated from 9.1000:57
fabiobikto 9.0400:57
fabiobikmy version is the last stable00:58
Glacer1where is like defragment at in ubuntu? like in windows00:58
fabiobiki think is 9.1000:58
fabiobikand the beta is 9.1400:58
samsoniteGlacer1 dont need it00:58
powertool08!defragment | Glacer100:58
powertool08aww :( I thought it had a factoid.00:58
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:58
Pici!defrag | Glacer100:59
ubottuGlacer1: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.00:59
fabiobikanyone can help me? i really dont want to loose my data00:59
fabiobikits very important00:59
arand!lucid | fabiobik00:59
ubottufabiobik: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party00:59
mosnosamitheberber, then why does ext4 have defrag tools?00:59
mikelifeguardmosno: Just In Case. ext4's online defrag should be all you need.00:59
StevenPearce88Is there any support for blackberry's in ubuntu besides just syching like if you wanted to upgrade your OS?01:00
mosnomikelifeguard, is that active by default in lucid?01:00
vadi2How can I get 64bit flash to work in google chrome?01:00
mikelifeguardmosno: I assume so.01:00
=== flip is now known as Guest79261
mosnothis is probably a FAQ but does Skype work well on x86_64?01:00
samitheberbermosno: oh, you used wrong nick01:00
Dante_JGood morning all.01:01
jimtahumosno: rather well, I make use of it01:01
mosnojimtahu, cool01:01
StevenPearce88oh will 10.04/Lucid have any support for it?01:01
Dante_JToday is D-Day for 10.04. Please Digg this story up, and get the news out to the masses:01:01
h00khttp://ubuntu-manual.org/ The Ubuntu Manual is now released01:02
Dante_Jh00k: Great news!01:03
Typos_Kingvadi2:     I'd just get the libflashplayer.so and dump it at /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins01:03
Typos_Kingvadi2:     I know chrome/opera/ff use that folder to load plugins01:04
vadi2Typos_King: did that... it's not picking it up for some strange reason.01:04
Sp0tGood morning all01:04
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
edwardthefmahello all01:04
vadi2well, ~/.mozilla/plugins and /usr/lib/flash-addons/plugins. Didn't try yours. Moment then.01:04
bentkusif im using rc, will i need to dist-upgrade or just update/upgrade to get the ne version01:04
Typos_Kingvadi2:   what about other browser?   like Opera? not trying to push you to it, just wondering if it's a chrome setting, rather than not reading it01:04
vadi2Typos_King: firefox isn't working as well01:05
* edwardthefma is thinking about trying out linux but is un shur about his reqierments01:05
jimtahuhi there01:05
Sp0twhat time is Lucid Lynx going to be released?01:05
Typos_Kingvadi2:     dump it at /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins01:05
Typos_King!outyet | Sp0t01:05
ubottuSp0t: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party01:05
TMKCodesh00k: the manual does not open in document viewer01:05
Alcorthe 10.4 manual just got released.01:05
* jimtahu is thinking edwardthefma should givit a try if he feels up to it.01:05
bentkusedwardthefma: the reqs of ubuntu are so minimal01:06
Typos_KingSp0t:    don't forget to wear proper dress code :P01:06
vadi2Typos_King: same result, unfortunately01:06
ubuntujenkinsTMKCodes: try downloading it again some people are having first download issuse we don't know why01:06
Sp0tubottu well today is April 29, at least in Thailand it is already01:06
bentkusedwardthefma: if you can run >= win xp you can run ubuntu01:06
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h00kTMKCodes: it should?01:06
xanguaSp0t: not in ubuntu quarters01:06
Typos_Kingvadi2:    what if you use Firefox's install folder plugins subfolder?01:07
vadi2Typos_King: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/54916/selection_001_C67G3w.png01:07
Sp0tand where are Ubuntu quarters?01:07
vadi2which one is that?01:07
TimothyAwhere in the repository is libsdl-ttf1.2-dev ?01:07
ubuntujenkinsTMKCodes: wait a few minutes before you try again I will let you know01:07
TMKCodesubuntujenkins: the manual says -> File type HTML document (text/html) is not supported01:07
bentkusSp0t: i already asked at the ubuntu live channel stream what timezone to refer to xD01:07
Typos_Kingvadi2:    you know you need to restart the browser whenever you dump a new plugin in01:07
xanguaSp0t: Main island, near england01:07
vadi2Yeah I did.01:07
Sp0tok bentkus01:07
TimothyAbecause when I try to get it, it says the package is obsolete :|01:07
bentkusSp0t: i guess you will have to wait for at most 24 more hours01:08
Sp0tthanks Zangua01:08
Sp0tin London it's 0109H01:09
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:09
=== fusarium_ is now known as fusarium
Sp0tcan't wait to get rid of Windows01:09
bentkusi think you have to refer to the american time01:09
Dante_JIt's also the 29th already in NZ, all Pacific islands, Australia, Japan, etc.01:09
vadi2Typos_King: that's why I'm rather confused here. Didn't have issues with this before, but on this new lucid install it's being problematic01:09
Sp0treally fed up with it now01:09
bentkussince most of the ubuntu guys are overthere01:09
Sp0tallright, well we just need to have a bit more patience I guess Bentkus01:10
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties01:10
=== flyc0r is now known as minigo
vadi2Typos_King: oh, it works! Don't ask me why01:10
bentkusi actuqally already installed rc01:10
bentkusi will be upgrading01:10
Dante_J10.04 is some of the best work Canonical have done thus far. Please do take the time to Digg this story up, so as to get the word out. Cheers01:10
Sp0tI was thinking of that01:10
Typos_Kingvadi2:  in chrome too?01:10
PiciDante_J: Please don't spam here, this is a support channel.01:11
=== Guest89290 is now known as wu_son
ubuntujenkinsTMKCodes: please try now01:11
vadi2Typos_King: yep. moved it ~/.mozilla/plugins01:11
vadi2Even though I had it there before, but I think another version01:11
vadi2Works in both now.01:11
Dante_JPici: undrstood01:11
wu_sonI need help please01:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:11
=== mod is now known as Guest14999
Sp0tbut internetspeeds in Thailand are not similar to European or American speeds, meaning that if I donlowd the RC now, I have to upgrade to the final again and it takes quite some time to get all the packages and stuff01:12
spikebikeSp0t: not really01:12
spikebikeif you install the RC today you don't have to download much (typically) to upgrade to a release01:12
wu_sonI can't play dvd's on my media player?01:12
TMKCodesDid my network go down or did ubuntu-manual.org go down?01:12
Sp0tmaybe not, as it is RC, maybe just some minor things to upgrade to the final01:12
Typos_King!details | wu_son01:12
ubottuwu_son: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:12
Sp0tI remember from 9.10 to 10.04 took quite a while last week01:13
Sp0tso I cancelled01:13
jimtahu!details jimtahu01:13
jimtahu!details | jimtahu01:13
ubottujimtahu, please see my private message01:13
bentkusSp0t: i dont think that the upgrade will be > 200 mb01:13
powertool08TMKCodes: look at http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com01:13
Sp0tthat is not too bad Bentkus01:14
hiexpoIdleOne,  - is all the probs of lucid gonna come here as of tomorrow?01:14
TMKCodespowertool08: well my network does work :P01:14
bentkusi mean from 10.04 rc to 10.0401:14
ubuntujenkinsTMKCodes: I think the website went join #ubuntu-manual we are all in there01:14
Sp0tand it probably looks all the same already01:14
powertool08TMKCodes: Then I guess it was your network and not ubuntu-manual.org then :)01:14
Sp0tcool man01:14
bentkusthey already got all this new menu stuff in r01:15
Sp0taha sounds nice01:15
Sp0tmaybe I still get the RC then01:15
bob_kQuestion about 10.04 and Ruby and RubyGems:01:15
bob_kgem list --local produces an empty list.  sudo gem list --local does not.  Why?01:15
AntigaJust installed 10.04 RC Have an issue with my fan. It runs at a constant speed regardless of temperature. Running sensors-detect only gives me 3 temp sensors.   /proc/acpi/ibm/fan has nothing in that folder, pwmconfig doesn't return anything.  Really stumped Ideas? Spent hours on this, read lots.01:15
Sp0twindows is really boring me now01:15
powertool08TMKCodes: ubuntujenkins The site loads for me.01:15
bentkusit seems like a lot of people will download 10.0401:15
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party01:15
TMKCodesubuntujenkins: the site is frigging slow01:15
Flameymosno: skype felt a bit wierd on ubuntu. (I'm running amd64)01:16
K350howto make GIMP automaticaly opens in maximized window?01:16
TMKCodesubuntujenkins: the pdf still not working01:16
PsychomanHello all01:16
=== sheep is now known as Guest48026
bentkusso downloading 10.04 as an iso image in one will be slow01:16
bentkusthough upgrading might be faster01:16
Psychomani need a very capital information01:16
ubuntucan someone guide me to change my partitions sectors manually? i cannot boot into ubuntu and cannot recover grub01:16
hiexponot me my 9.10 works just fine if it isn't broke no need to fix it01:16
Psychomanwhen will Canonical put the 10 online ?01:16
ubuntujenkinsTMKCodes: we are on it01:16
h00k!party | Psychoman01:16
ubottuPsychoman: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties01:16
jpdsPsychoman: When it's ready.01:16
Sp0tI can tell you that I have been trying 9.10 since last week (so yes that makes me quite new to linux, thought I played Hardy Heron before) and really have not been using windows at all anymore01:17
Sp0tcan do pretty much all the stuff I use to do in winows01:17
abhilashis there sun virtualbox for lucid lynx?? i installed beta of lucid, not finding virtualbox......01:17
fuzzybunny69yhey guys wasn't the new Ubuntu supposed to be released today?01:17
abhilashcan i install virtualbox of karmic only?01:18
lastelement0hey all, i'm having issues with my internet connection. i never get disconnected, but throughout downloading, it will just stop, and the download stalls. then randomly it will pick back up again. anyone know why?01:18
bentkusabhilash: there is virtualbox, i installed it today01:18
Piciabhilash : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.01:18
hombrealguien habla español?01:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:18
Sp0tI asked the same Bunny, but I guess we will have to wait until Ubuntu quarters switch to April 29th01:18
Sp0tthere timezone is not there yet01:18
fuzzybunny69yoh lol01:19
fuzzybunny69ysounds good01:19
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party01:19
bentkusI mean, they just said 29th april, so the worst that can happen is taht we will have to wait till the last timezone goes to 11:59 29th april01:19
lastelement0hey all, i'm having issues with my internet connection. i never get disconnected, but throughout downloading, it will just stop, and the download stalls. then randomly it will pick back up again. anyone know why?01:19
fuzzybunny69yoh it is already the 29th here01:20
Sp0tok going to pick up some Thai dely bakery, brb01:20
fuzzybunny69yin NZ01:20
ubuntucan someone guide me to change my partitions sectors manually? i cannot boot into ubuntu and cannot recover grub01:20
fuzzybunny69ybut anyway ill check back later01:20
fuzzybunny69ythanks guys i love you all and your great01:20
Sp0tit's 0719h in Thailand fuzzybunny69y01:20
nocleaderlastelement0: 3rd level harmonics? ... joking01:20
bentkusbunny is already fof01:21
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties01:21
Sp0tanyway brb01:21
david__Anyone know what time the new Ubuntu is being released tomorrow ?01:21
Picidavid__: When its done.01:21
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrekl
david__Anyone know what time 10.04 is gonna be done ?01:21
=== CaptainTrekl is now known as CaptainTrek
Picidavid__: I just answered you.01:22
Cani need to manually change my partition table beceause i cannot boot into ubuntu and cannot recover grub01:22
david__"<Pici> david__: When its done."01:22
Picidavid__: There is not set time for release, when testing is completed it will be released.  Please await the release in #ubuntu-release-party01:22
Sa[i]nTHow many hours to go?01:22
hiexpooh geez01:23
lastelement0omg lol01:23
=== arand_ is now known as arand
bentkusso much hype about this release01:23
h00kbentkus: yes!01:23
penthiefCan I mount an .iso and play it in VLC?01:23
hiexpoand its a boat anchor01:23
* powertool08 thinks somebody should announce its coming out tomorrow so all these questions stop. :::)01:23
PiciSa[i]nT, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party01:23
=== PerfectSine__ is now known as PerfectSine
bentkusits like an upgrade to wow would be released01:24
bentkuspenthief: you can play iso's just like that01:24
bentkusvlc can open iso's if they have a proper video format01:24
bentkuslike normal dvds in iso can be opened by vlc without mounting or stuff01:24
penthiefcool, I won't bother trying to find a blank dvd then.01:25
Sp0tpfff why on Earth did the Creator create mosquitos01:25
lastelement0hey all, i'm having issues with my internet connection. i never get disconnected, but throughout downloading, it will just stop, and the download stalls. then randomly it will pick back up again. anyone know why?01:25
penthief(not downloaded yet)01:25
powertool08Sp0t: so spiders could eat.01:26
Claw_how to automount a softraid start up ? i have created a raid5 (dev/md0) but i always have to start is with the grafical admin tool after login01:26
Sp0tthat's a point01:26
Claw_how to start it afer boot?01:26
jimtahulastelement0: probly a stall on the part of a gate somewhere between you and the download01:26
Sp0tbut there are flies already01:26
justin___Hey guys, I had to use a live CD to get my Ubuntu working again. How do I copy the video settings to my old partition so I don't have to just reinstall everything?01:26
AntigaI'm having an Issue with the fan on my laptop W7Sg Asus. It runs at a constant speed (slow) regardless of temp. sensors-detect/ pwmconfig are not doing the trick. Ideas?01:26
AntigaNothing in the acpi/fan folder either01:26
powertool08Sp0t: Who says spiders don't crave variety?01:26
dkwhen is ubuntu coming out?01:26
Picidk, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party01:26
lastelement0jimtahu: is there a way to find where it is/ resolve it?01:26
Sp0tdon't know powertool08, will ask one01:27
bobanencetowhat channel for ubuntu release party?01:27
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
Picibobanenceto: #ubuntu-release-party01:27
Sp0tin this country I see them eating big butterflies and even small birds01:27
jimtahulastelement0: not sure mabe some traceing would help you locate it01:28
Sp0tI guess those are tastier than mosquitos01:28
aj00200Typos_King: haha01:28
Alienarchok who's excited about tomorros release?01:28
Pici!party > Alienarch01:29
ubottuAlienarch, please see my private message01:29
* jimtahu thinks Alienarch is joshing01:29
Sp0tpowertool08 another point is, somebody was supposed to become rich over inventing electronic mosquito traps01:29
PiciSp0t, powertool08: Can we keep #ubuntu clear for support questions? You can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-release-party .  Thanks :)01:29
Sp0tok Pici no problem01:30
Canhow can i restore my partition table with fdisk output?01:30
uLinuxto update to new ubuntu we just update right01:31
xanguauLinux: yes, from karmic koala or hardy heron01:31
frodoI installed Ubuntu 10.04 Release Candidate.  Do I need to install the release version when it comes out or can I just do updates to the release candidate to get to the same level as the release?01:31
h00k!upgrade | uLinux01:31
ubottuuLinux: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:31
penthiefhmmm, playing this .iso only shows a single frame in vlc.01:31
xanguafrodo: no, yes01:31
frodoxangua: thanks01:32
penthiefI got this vlc error: [0x973cc08] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called01:33
Sp0tok going to download the RC, just can't wait anymore01:33
uLinuxit's really easy to upgrade01:34
Canhow can i restore my partition table with fdisk output?01:34
Sp0tuLinux I read that somewhere01:35
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:35
sasayinshow can I make a memory test in my boot loader01:36
penthiefPackage libdvdcss is not available, but is referred to...01:36
Colin__Does anyone know what time the new version of Ubuntu will be released?01:36
penthiefColin__: October01:36
hiexponedd to install mediubuntu repos to install libdvdcss01:37
penthiefhiexpo: ta01:37
h00kColin__: nobody knows, you can wait with us in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like01:37
arnoldanytime today no exact time just chill Colin01:37
Colin__Alright thank you01:38
infomomohey guys, what is a good script text editor (i.e: colours, indents, etc...)01:38
Sp0tmaybe have to wait until it's April 29 in Honolulu01:38
Ademan_has anyone with a Brother laser printer noticed that trying to print certain files (this one is a postscript file) results in a PCL error?01:38
powertool08infomomo: vi and emacs if you are comfortable with command line programs.01:38
infomomopowertool08: thx01:39
justin___Hey guys, I had to use a live CD to get my Ubuntu working again. How do I copy the video settings to my old partition so I don't have to just reinstall everything?01:40
Stavroshey, is lucid supposed to be released today?01:40
Canhow can i restore my partition table with fdisk output?01:40
Random832powertool08: vi and emacs are not command line programs. ed is a command line program01:40
electronicsjarwhat is the easiest way to set up a Gmail (or an email powered by Google Apps) on Evolution?01:41
monte_anyone here using the ati proprietary drivers?01:41
Stavroselectronicsjar: imap01:41
powertool08Random832: how so? It doesn't use a gui. Anything that works over ssh is a cli program imo.01:41
pibarnaswhat time will lucid be released? what fuse will be used?01:41
electronicsjarStavros: I mean setting up smtp properly on Evolution01:42
aliciapgis there a program that can take hardsub and convert it to softsub?01:42
Stavroselectronicsjar: oh, i don't use evolution, sorry :/01:42
Random832powertool08: "command line" implies it doesn't use the full screen01:42
franlStavros, http://ubuntu.com/ says "1 day to go", but half the world is already in Thursday, so I don't know when exactly the clock ticks to zero.01:42
Random832and emacs does have a gui - as do many vi clones01:42
=== Flare-Laptop is now known as Flare183
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party01:42
=== krafty_ is now known as krafty-nhl
powertool08Random832: As in one command at a time? I'm not familiar with ed. Vi and emacs use the entire shell, but not an entire screen (I'm comparing to a fps game here)01:43
Stavrosfranl: ah, but it's going to be released tomorrow at the latest, though?01:44
Random832powertool08: huh?01:44
Stavrosi was searching for a way to install a lucid package on karmic, but if lucid is being released tomorrow i might not have to, in the end01:44
Random832i mean it uses the whole terminal - which _can_ be the whole screen01:44
Random832rather than being something you just type commands into01:44
Random832like ed, or ex01:44
franlStavros, I don't speak for Ubuntu, but the date has been advertised for some time, so I believe it.01:45
powertool08Random832: Ok, I see what you're saying.01:45
Random832try hitting "Q" in vi, if you want to try ex01:45
Stavrosfranl: i know... should be tomorrow then, thanks!01:45
Random832it's basically just the : prompt - with :i :c and :a to type in text01:45
electronicsjarnvm; problem solved by searching for the right keywords on google01:45
Random832but no full view of the text that you can arrow around in01:45
Random832_that_ is a command line editor01:45
penthiefNo joy playing this iso file from vlc. "[0x8eeeb50] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called" have install libdvdcss and restricted extras. Fora suggest a codec issue.01:45
monte_im having issue creating ubuntu/karmic packages for ati binary driver, can anyone please lend some assistance?01:46
powertool08Random832: Got it.01:47
penthiefIs there a command to install shedloads of codecs? I get a single frame, but how can I work out why it doesn't play?01:47
Canhow can i restore my partition table with fdisk output?01:47
Random832Can: by remembering what it said and typing them back in exactly how t hey were?01:47
MitchLeBlancHey guys, will I see much difference in 10.04 if I just install the RC tonight instead of waiting?01:47
BlueEaglecan: In general, if fdisk reports the partition table as it should be there is no need to "fix" it.01:48
justin___Hey guys, I had to use a live CD to get my Ubuntu working again. How do I copy the video settings to my old partition so I don't have to just reinstall everything?01:48
Random832right but if you've got a good partition table it's not a _bad_ plan to save it somewhere in case something goes wrong later on01:48
PMantis1Can: You could also use dd.  something like dd if=/dex/sda of=/part_table bs=1 count=512  Then, the reverse later. :)01:48
BlueEaglejustin___: You most likely want /etc/X11/xorg.conf but be sure to back up your existing config.01:49
j3rghey anyone here knows about graphic cards01:49
PMantis1Can: Sorry, typo... but if it's safe for you to use it, you should be able to catch the typo, too.01:49
BlueEagle!anyone > j3rg01:49
ubottuj3rg, please see my private message01:49
justin___BlueEagle: I copied the ENTIRE X11 folder from etc unto the partition, and it still stalled on booting the X server.01:49
penthiefHow can I mount an .iso file? What should I put for the -t switch?01:49
KB1JWQapelgate: Should autodetect.  Mount as a loopback device.01:50
BlueEaglejustin___: What does /var/log/Xorg.0.log have to say about it?01:50
BlueEaglepenthief: mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /path/to/mountpoint01:50
j3rgwell the question is does the core clock speed multiplied by the stream processors ?01:50
j3rgto get the total speed of your graphic card01:51
n2diy_I have an HP Colorado T1000e par. port tape drive, what are the odds an HP-UX driver for it, will work on Ubuntu?01:51
BlueEaglepenthief: I believe that the type is autodetected, but I may be wrong.01:51
penthiefBlueEagle: thanks01:51
BlueEaglen2diy_: How old is the tape drive?01:51
justin___BlueEagle: I don't understand. That is a huge file.01:52
j3rgdon't worry i'll keep trying  the google machine01:52
n2diy_BlueEagle: umm fifteen years, there abouts.01:52
BlueEaglejustin___: Well typically you would want to cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep ^EE01:52
BlueEaglejustin___: That would give you all the errors.01:52
penthiefwhats a .VOB file? (I don't know about popular culture)01:53
BlueEaglen2diy_: Then I would not be suprised if it was supported.01:53
justin___BlueEagle: cat it on the partitio that fails to boot? Or the live CD I am currently on?01:53
aliciapgno one knows if such a program exists?01:53
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n2diy_BlueEagle: You mean just plug it into the printer port, and cross my fingers?01:53
BlueEaglejustin___: The partition that is not booting.01:53
justin___BlueEagle: Then what do I do?01:54
jszHi guys, does anyone know when the 10.04 will be available for downloading?01:54
BlueEaglen2diy_: Well, provided that modules are loaded for the printer port you would most likely see it as an entry in /dev01:54
bentkusi've got the problem that 10.04 rc banshee doesnt play mp3, does someone know a fix for that?01:54
n2diy_BlueEagle: Ok, here goes nothing, thanks.\01:54
BlueEaglejustin___: Did you recieve any lines of output from that command?01:54
BlueEagle!paste | justin___01:55
ubottujustin___: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:55
ariefbayuhi all01:56
ariefbayuI have problem01:56
ariefbayuI right click on panel and hit 'new panel'01:56
BlueEagle!enter | ariefbayu01:56
ubottuariefbayu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:56
od3n_anyone know why I am getting an error installing ATI drivers01:57
ariefbayuok, I'll rewrite01:57
od3n_wont let me install them01:57
BlueEagleod3n_: I think it would be useful to anyone whom would be able to help you if you actually posted the error message you are recieving.01:57
justin___BlueEagle: There are tons of errors.01:57
od3n_Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version01:57
od3n_default:v2:x86_64:lib::none:2.6.32-21-generic; make sure that the version is being01:57
ariefbayu I right click on panel and hit 'new panel'. now, there's invisible panel on my right side of the desktop. do you guys know how to remove it?01:58
BlueEaglejustin___: Is there a timestamp with the error messages?01:58
LoneIslanderRight click on it and Delete This Panel@ariefbayu01:58
aj00200are there any facial recognition programs for ubuntu for autotaging or similar?01:58
justin___BlueEagle: no01:58
ariefbayuno, I can't. The panel is invisible01:59
od3n_any ideas what that would be01:59
ariefbayubut it does take space. when I maximize window, it doesn't cover that `invisible` area. Leaving some space :(01:59
BCS-Satoriod3n: Are you using the 64bit installer, does that installer support the kernel 2.6.32-21 you are using?02:00
justin___BlueEagle: I recently switched monitors as well. How do I make Ubuntu reconfigure for my new monitor from the command line?02:00
felonmy apt-get aint getting02:01
od3n_I am using a 64bit installer02:01
od3n_on what I thought was 64bit 10.0402:01
aj00200felon: what are you apt-getting?02:01
felon" apt-get urbanterror "02:01
OpenBluntSurgryhey ubuntu nerds, was wondering if you guys think this is a good deal for a laptop running ubuntu - http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=IBMT60-LNX-1B&cat=NBB02:01
BlueEaglejustin___: I believe the command is: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg02:02
Typos_Kingjustin___       sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:02
BlueEaglejustin___: But would you please paste the last flew error lines to paste.ubuntu.com?02:02
ariefbayuok, it's weird. after I move one of my applet. My newly added panel automatically shown in which I then be able to right click and delete it.02:02
BlueEaglefelon: Are you doing that as super user? (ie; sudo apt-get urbanterror)02:03
BCS-Satoriod3n_: sounds like they do not support the kernel you are using.  Have you tried using ubuntu's hardware devices to install the driver?02:03
TUplinkhow can i allow a regular user to be able to shutdown?02:03
BlueEaglefelon: Also I do believe that you need to specify that it should install it so; sudo apt-get install urbanterror02:04
od3n_no how do I do that02:04
BCS-Satoriod3n_: you can also try to execute the script again and monitor /var/log/messages for additional errors.02:04
hiexpoariefbayu, what u just said made no sense to us please explain02:04
BCS-Satoriod3n_: see if it shows up under go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers02:05
od3n_it does not02:05
felonfelon@felon-desktop:~$ apt-get urbanterror02:06
felonE: Invalid operation urbanterror02:06
powertool08felon: apt-get install02:06
BlueEaglefelon: I repeat: Also I do believe that you need to specify that it should install it so; sudo apt-get install urbanterror02:06
wllkmbllCan someone tell me how to add the OpenSSL library?02:06
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties02:07
felonE: Couldn't find package urbanterror02:07
od3n_I am look at how to install it and it says a bunch of packages need to be installed02:07
hiexposudo apt-get install openssl02:07
meowbuntuhi when is the official support for ubuntu 8.0 lts stopping02:07
BCS-Satoriod3n_: my guess is the driver are using does not support the kernel  Check /var/log/messages for more information else you can try installing envy for your driver; else wait till 10.04 is out of RC02:07
od3n_how to I check to see if they are02:07
powertool08wllkmbll: sudo apt-get install libssl <hit tab once or twice> pick the newest version.02:07
arandfelon: I think it's available from playdeb02:07
justin___BlueEagle: Here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424327/02:07
justin___I need help!02:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:08
BCS-Satoriod3n_: sudo apt-get update; and sudo apt-get install "name"...using sudo apt-cache search "name" to find the package02:08
felonarand : playdeb a url ?02:08
pattycakezhello all, this may seem like a silly question, but I accidentally already downloaded the ubuntu 10.04 by torrent and did not realize that the release was tomorrow, will I still be able to update it tomorrow when the official release comes out?02:08
arandfelon: http://www.playdeb.net02:08
Scunizipattycakez: yes02:09
hiexpopattycakez, yes02:09
BlueEaglejustin___: Is that after  you ran the reconfigure?02:09
BCS-Satoriod3n_: put the error and packages it is asking for under a paste.ubuntu.com so that I can see02:09
GSF1200SDoes anyone know when 10.04 is going to be released so I can download it and seed it (already have 10.04 installed), and is anyone having problems logging in to the forums?02:09
gaysquirrelhey ppl02:09
justin___BlueEagle: no. Running the reconfigure did nothing for me before.02:09
joschtdoes someone know how to put starcraft fullscreen i googled and none of the guides worked02:09
justin___BlueEagle: that is the output from the partition that won't load X.02:09
BCS-Satorijoscht: did you check wine's appdb?02:10
od3n_Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version02:10
od3n_default:v2:x86_64:lib::none:2.6.32-21-generic; make sure that the version is being02:10
od3n_correctly set by --iscurrentdistro02:10
od3n_thats the error02:10
conley__Why does ##c++ tell me: [404] ##c++ Cannot send to channel Cannot send to channel02:10
pattycakezthanks scunizi and hiexpo, my friend was asking me why I downloaded the unstable version and I was a little worried that I had made a mistake02:10
od3n_and here is what it is looking for via packages02:10
joschtBCS-Satori:yes but it was for like 8.04 and then my x config went crazy and i had to revert02:10
hiexpopattycakez, what version are u running now?02:11
pattycakezwill I have to re-download or will I have to download updates via the package mannager02:11
pattycakezI am running 10.0402:11
BCS-Satoriconley_: isn't the c++ channel just ##c (no plus plus)02:11
tman_hey what r the system requirments for ubuntu 10.04?02:11
hiexpopattycakez, 9.10 before?02:11
Recur51v3When (what time Eastern) will the 10.04 ISO's be on BitTorrent?02:11
thelostpatrol7i can't wait for the final tomorrow02:12
BlueEaglejustin___: You may want to rename the existing xorg.conf and create an empty one in its place and see if the defaults lets you start X.02:12
od3n_ligcc,libsdc++ and XFree86-Mesa_libGL02:12
BCS-Satoriod3n_: try "sudo apt-get install build-essential"02:12
pattycakez9.10 before02:12
conley__BCS-Satori: I'm not sure. I was on chatzilla, and there was a channel called ##c++ with a lot of users in it02:12
BCS-Satoriod3n_: and try your script again02:12
thelostpatrol7tman_: what are you running?02:12
hiexpopattycakez,  - should have stuck with 9.1002:12
PiciRecur51v3, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party02:12
conley__BCS-Satori: I can see people talking, I just can't send anything02:12
Recur51v3I have to leave town tomorrow and my Fedora install is bonking so I need an ISO asap02:12
Pici!register | conley__ you need to register/identify to talk there02:12
ubottuconley__ you need to register/identify to talk there: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode02:12
_pg_I lost network manager applet and cant get online! help!02:13
tman_acer intel pentium dual core w/ 2gb ram02:13
BCS-Satoriconley_: the channel probably requires you to be registered look at the main message when you log into irc.freenode.net and register your username02:13
pattycakezI know... is this something I can fix, or will I be able to update tomorrow02:13
conley__Oh, thanks Pici, ubottu, BCS02:13
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:13
GSF1200SRecur51v3: please let me know if you find out- I really want to help by seeding; I already have 10.04 installed..02:13
GSF1200SRecur51v3, ill do the same02:13
od3n_same error02:14
ariefbayuhiexpo:I add new panel by doing this: right click -> new panel. It should add new panel on right side, right? Now, it does. But, that panel is invisible. It just take space without any hard evidence that there is panel, there. To make in visible, I HAVE TO move my applet (specifically: launcher applet, eg: firefox) somewhere (doesn't important, I just need to move it a bit).02:14
meowbuntume reverts from ubuntu 9.10 back to ubuntu 8.0 its easier and works better on my os02:14
vernrapril 29 GMT?02:14
BlueEagletman_ and recur51v3: You got that I was refering to you with !lucid, right?02:14
dulihow do I run a command that requires root priv at user login?02:14
Picivernr, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party02:14
BCS-Satoriod3n_: which packages are you still missing?02:14
ariefbayuhiexpo: is that clear?02:14
duliautomatically I mean02:14
tman_oh sorry i didn't know.02:14
hiexporemember everyone if what u are useing is working that ole saying if it isn't broke don'tfix it02:15
vernrPici, will flubuntu come with it?02:15
tman_on running ubuntu 9.1002:15
Picivernr: What?02:15
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vernrPici, the ubuntu basesed on fluxbox02:15
switchgirlis it out yet? is it out yet? is it out yet? is it out yet? is it out yet? is it out yet? is it out yet? is it out yet? is it out yet? is it out yet? is it out yet?02:15
_pg_I lost network manager applet and cant get online! hel02:15
od3n_not sure02:15
od3n_how to I check02:15
od3n_is there a list02:15
Piciswitchgirl: Please don't do that.  If you want to party, go go #ubuntu-release-party02:15
_pg_I lost network manager applet and cant get online! help!*02:15
od3n_should I just look in package maneger02:16
felonarand : can i apt-get install playdeb ?02:16
Picivernr: I don't think fluxbuntu is being acitvely delevoped, but I could be wrong.  Its also not an official derivative.02:16
pattycakezhiexpo, am I still able to get the official release of 10.04 then?  or will I have to download updates via package manager?02:16
Vantraxswitchgirl, love the enthusiasim... but yeah... #ubuntu-release-party is the place02:16
arandfelon: no.02:16
switchgirlVantrax,  :)02:16
BCS-Satoriod3n_: you gave me the list before...go to the list you gave me; go to System > Administrator > Synaptic and install all the items in that list which are required02:16
hiexpoariefbayu, yes thanx and it is invisable because your prefs just right click on the right side and hit prefs and change it to what ya want02:16
meowbuntufor older machines ubuntu should look at keeping ubuntu 8.0 lts supported officially forever02:17
hiexpopattycakez, ya ulebe fine02:17
_pg_I lost network manager applet and cant get online! help!02:17
infomomohey guys, the release is tonight at 12:00 ?02:18
sickmoocofluxbox is pretty useless if you ask me02:18
Piciinfomomo, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party02:18
stillmewhat release?02:18
meowbuntu8.0 os more stable on my p4 with 768 mb ram02:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:18
felonwonder if i shoukld d/l the .deb or configure the repository manually02:18
pattycakezok, thanks hiexpo, I'll just get back to my work and wait for the release with everybody else02:18
BCS-Satoristillme: windows 2010!!! lol02:18
hiexpopattycakez,  - best bet02:19
_pg_I lost network manager applet and cant get online! help!02:19
arandfelon: your choice, I guess.02:19
GrundokoHey, can someone help me with a keyboard issue?02:19
tman_what do u think is less resource hungry xubuntu 9.10 or crunchbang 9.04?02:19
_pg_Grundoko: !details02:19
DasEijustin___: which card ?02:20
meowbuntu!help | Grundoko02:20
ubottuGrundoko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:20
jvcis there a way to configure apt to always install the supporting dbg and dev packages when you install a package?02:20
_pg_meowbuntu: thanks02:20
GrundokoOh sorry, Ok.02:20
hiexpo_pg_, be patient don't where out your welcome :)02:20
meowbuntuGrundoko, so just ask away02:20
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:21
meowbuntu!details | Grundoko02:21
ubottuGrundoko: please see above02:21
_pg_hiexpo: :'-(02:22
hiexpodon't cry it's onlya computer02:22
DasEijvc: apt automatically solves depencies, if this was the question02:23
GrundokoIn Windows, when you hold a key when a textbox is selected, the key will begin to repeat. (Key press, release, press, release), but this would only happen when a Textbox is selected. It would not happen in a game. In games, when you press the key, it would just count it as a single key press, until you released it. In Linux, it does the key repeat no matter what. This is an issue because I'm playing a Flash Game "Super Crazy Guitar Maniac02:23
GrundokoDX2", in which there are long notes. If I hold down the A, S, or D keys to play the long notes, it detects that I play the note, but then instead of detecting me holding it, the game thinks I'm pressing the key rapidly, which causes me to lose my multiplier and points).02:23
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents02:23
GrundokoAlso, if it's important, I'm using Ubuntu 9.1002:23
cartmaniusubuntu es the best02:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:24
felonafter i install the .deb02:24
BCS-SatoriGrundoko: under keyboard options there is an option for repeat characters.02:24
_pg_I lost network manager applet and cant get online! help!02:24
DasEi_pg_: how do you connect ?02:25
hiexpo_pg_, ok why did you lose your applet?02:25
_pg_DasEi: i dont anymore. (ethernet)02:25
DasEi_pg_: dhcp ?02:25
_pg_hiexpo: I installed lxde, xfce, and E17. now I have a debian grub background and no network manager and no internet02:26
GrundokoBCS-Satori: I found the repeat option under keyboard options, but I was hoping there was a way I could do it more like it is on Windows, so that it will repeat when I'm editing text (Holding backspace to delete multiple characters), but does not repeat in Flash games.02:26
_pg_DasEi: yes02:26
pat5star_pg_: my suggestion is don't even bother with network manager and apt-get install wicd instead02:26
DasEi_pg_: and is this machine in reach so you can work on it now ?02:26
_pg_DasEi: yessir02:26
_pg_pat5star: why is that better?02:26
DasEi_pg_: ifconfig returns ?02:26
pat5star_pg_: way better02:26
_pg_pat5star: and i cant. (no internet)02:26
tman_what do u think is less resource hungry xubuntu 9.10 or crunchbang 9.04?02:26
BCS-SatoriGrundoko: not that I am aware of; I have a similar issue when playing World of Warcraft as my character likes to stutter move.  It's either on or off02:26
stillmehow do i make ubuntu reload a driver??02:26
_pg_tman_: crunchbang02:26
pat5star_pg_: can you put it on a usb key or something?02:27
arandtman_: crunch, most likely02:27
stillmemy two wireless cards stopped working02:27
DasEitman_: depends what you put on top of it02:27
_pg_DasEi: umm...eth0 and lo02:27
GrundokoBCS-Satori: Oh well, it's nice to know I can turn it off anyway. Thanks.02:27
DasEi_pg_: etho got a valid address ?02:27
tman_ok thats what i thought i booted it up on my desktop and it was idle using like 90mb of ram on a 512mb machine.02:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
_pg_DasEi: it has some goofy a-wait i think its an ipv6 address.02:28
message144Will it be pretty safe to install Lucid on a laptop tomorrow, or should I wait a few months?02:28
BCS-Satori_pg_: yep thats ipv602:29
_pg_BCS-Satori: why would it just do that?02:29
DasEitman_: you can use the minimal installer with sth. like icewm as windowmanager or go for lubuntu02:30
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:30
sp0spoif you have two  files 1 and 2 ,   2 is a hard link to the same location as 1... what if you delete file 1... then does file 2 take up the space or did you just delete both of them kind of?02:30
BCS-Satori_pg_: when you do an "ifconfig" in terminal you do not show any ipv4 address?02:30
DasEi_pg_: being connected to router, what does sudo dhclient answers ?02:30
_pg_BCS-Satori: no, unfortunately02:31
BCS-Satori_pg_: here is a good article describing how to setup dhcp/static ip via command line.  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html02:31
DasEitman: I still run an old lappi /w 256 of ram, works fine for my purposes02:31
joschthow can i add a new resolution to my xorg, i read that wine need to be able to change the res and when i ran xrandr it said minimun 1900x1200 max 1900x1200 i need 640x480 for Starcraft02:32
pat5starsp0spo: the hard links are just pointers to the file on disk, if you remove 1 but another remains, nothing changes02:32
_pg_DasEi: !!! I have an ip now. still no applet though.02:32
franlmessage144, "months" would be waiting too long.  2 or 3 days should be enough to reveal if there's anything really unstable with it.02:32
_pg_DasEi: is that just like ipconfig/renew?02:32
d_xohow do i route sound from hw:1 to hw:002:32
message144franl, ok... what about for a server.. should i wait a few months for that?02:33
DasEi_pg_: it just listens for a dhcp, want the applet back or just an working conf ?02:33
Travelerwhats the release party chan name?02:33
gaysquirrelhow do i start the wireless manager>02:33
_pg_DasEi would be outstanding02:33
BCS-Satorimessage144: its a 6-month release cycle; for server id "test" for a month before going anything production02:33
franlmessage144, no.  Both desktop and server will get shaken down very quickly.02:33
bLiNdRaGeI"m asking cause all i see on google is a user made how-to, but i'm wondering what i'm in for02:33
_pg_DasEi: a working applet*02:33
bLiNdRaGei work for IT at a college, and we have the usual enterprise setup...active directory, domain, etc02:34
hiexpoDasEi,  - i think he just deleted the applet and don't know how to connect02:34
bLiNdRaGeis there a way to get ubuntu to work with the username lookup for the domain?02:34
bLiNdRaGeor in windows terms..."add it to the domain"02:34
valentinexis there any way to update from older version to new without new clean installation?02:34
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:34
pat5star_pg_: hopefully your new ip address doesn't start with 16902:34
gaysquirrelhow do i restart the network manager02:35
gaysquirrelthe little icon02:35
message144franl, BCS-Satori, I am looking to upgrade my server from 8.04, which so far has been extremely stable.. I am just trying to see if I should upgrade to 10.04 or not.. any suggestions?02:35
BCS-Satori_pg_: in terminal try "nm-applet" does that load the applet?02:35
Travelerdoes anyone know what lucid lynx's release party channel name is?02:35
BCS-Satorimessage144: truthfully there should really be no issues; id make sure you test thoroughly prior to going production.  I plan on going 10.04 on my work desktop tomorrow.02:36
_pg_BCS-Satori: no, it says I should try "network-manager-gnome" is that the same thing?02:36
gaysquirrelrequest_name(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 302:36
BCS-Satori_pg_: yes02:36
joschthow can i add a new resolution to my xorg, i read that wine need to be able to change the res and when i ran xrandr it said minimun 1900x1200 max 1900x1200 i need 640x480 for Starcraft02:36
gaysquirrelBCS-Satori, upgrade or clean install?02:36
CkhiKuzadI want to know, since i have memorized pretty much everything on my GNOME environment, is there a way to install other languages to deter people from using my system, because they think its foreign?02:36
franlmessage144, if you can run them both in parallel for a while, you'd be able to determine your comfort level with the new release.  If you can't spare the hardware, maybe use a virtual machine.02:36
BCS-Satorigaysquirrel: clean02:36
DasEi_pg_: sudo apt-get remove --purge network-manager-gnome && sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome02:36
valentinexgaysquirrel: gay :s there is not method written for 10.0402:36
valentinexi want to get latesht 10 version i am using 9.1002:37
message144BCS-Satori, for a desktop you think clean install is better way to go than upgrade from 9.10?02:37
_pg_DasEi: why do I need to purge first?02:37
gaysquirrelyeah im on the fence about the upgrade02:37
message144franl, yeah I am on a VPS, so I will just fire up a new VM and see how it goes02:37
gaysquirreli dont have a separate /home partition02:37
BCS-Satorimessage144: I want to for a fresh start; I had quirky issues I don't want to transfer over02:37
message144BCS-Satori, yeah my upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 on desktop went terrible, to be honest02:37
gaysquirrelive only had 9.10 for under a month02:37
DasEi_pg_: I don't know whats up there, it will delete it's config, too, then reinstall02:38
hiexpoDasEi,  - i was gonna say that02:38
_pg_ok now I have the applet but it isnt working. I will try the purge thing02:38
BCS-Satorimessage144: I also do not trust my applications that I installed for source during the upgrade since the repository will not upgrade them02:38
gaysquirrelso im wary about upgrading when02:38
d_xohow do i route sound from hw:1 to hw:002:38
pat5star_pg_: the new ip address you have, does it start with 169?02:39
felonwhen i add a depository do i need to update apt-get to use it or for it to search for the packages02:39
message144sigh, no Lucid release parties in Los Angeles02:39
_pg_pat5star: no, not on my LAN anyways02:39
DasEi_pg_: the more professional way is editing /etc/network/interfaces, it also overrides nw-manager02:39
hololightfelon: if u mean respository, yes02:39
BCS-Satori_pg_: hes asking if you got a 169.x.x.x because that means dhcp isnt working02:39
pat5star_pg_: ok, I was just wondering if you got a valid ip address when you ran dhclient02:40
DasEipat5star: has02:40
_pg_DasEi: sudo apt-get remove --purge network-manager-gnome && sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome is just sitting there in terminal. no indication its doing anything02:40
dominicdinadafixed my problem i think :)02:40
felonapt-get update ?02:40
hololightfelon: yes02:40
sp0spoif you have two  files 1 and 2 ,   2 is a hard link to the same location as 1... what if you delete file 1... then does file 2 take up the space or did you just delete both of them kind of?02:40
felonsudo apt-get update ?02:40
DasEi_pg_: wait a minute, then ctrl-c it, sudo dhclient, then retry02:40
BCS-Satori_pg_: of course it wont do anything...you have no internet02:41
DasEiBCS-Satori: he had in between02:41
fabiobiklive cd of 9.10 normal version ???????02:41
BCS-SatoriDasEi: ah didnt see that02:41
fabiobikwere i can get that shit02:41
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:41
CkhiKuzadI want to know, since i have memorized pretty much everything on my GNOME environment, is there a way to install other languages to deter people from using my system, because they think its foreign?02:41
DasEifabiobik: eerm sh.. , desktop is live02:41
IdleOnefabiim: ubuntu.com and eatch the language please02:41
IdleOnefabiobik: ^^^02:42
IdleOnesorry fabiim02:42
DasEi!karmic | fabiobik02:42
ubottufabiobik: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91002:42
DasEi!lucid | fabiobik02:42
ubottufabiobik: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:42
fabiobikDasEI NOOOOOO lucid NOOOO02:42
R3cur51v3LOL pipes in irc commands02:42
R3cur51v3!karmic | R3cur51v302:43
ubottuR3cur51v3, please see my private message02:43
felonarand that is a koo site thx02:43
fabiobikive upgraded to that fucking version from 9.10 and guess what? NOT WORK02:43
Aeremiswhen do you think the gang at Ubuntu will straighten out the mess that is Canon Printer Installation?02:43
_pg_im restarting, i think that may have fixed it. damn xfce installing all this crap and then taking nm applet with it when i removed it.02:43
dominicdinadaya LOL02:43
DasEi!language | .. jupp02:43
ubottu.. jupp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:43
R3cur51v3!lucid | R3cur51v302:43
ubottuR3cur51v3, please see my private message02:43
_pg_Aeremis: canon printer installation sucks on osx man02:43
arandfabiobik: language, please, liveCD for karmic should be available from ubuntu.com02:43
thelostpatrol7how so?02:43
thelostpatrol7_pg_, how so?02:44
AeremisI finally got the printer working but the scanner is a no go02:44
_pg_thelostpatrol7: dont support 10.6, or have to install 300mb worth of utilities to get the driver etc...02:44
thelostpatrol7apple provides many drivers, surely there's one for whatever model it's needed for02:44
hiexpo!language | <fabiobik>02:45
ubottu<fabiobik>: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:45
AeremisYou'd think Mark Shuttleworth would get over to Canon HQ and make a deal for some support02:45
TravelerHabs won!02:45
joschthow do i add a new resolution through xrandr?02:45
DasEijoscht: does your current xorg include any lines ?02:45
hololightjoscht: this may be out of date but, you would add the lines to xorg.conf02:45
DasEi_pg_: did the cmd succeed now ?02:46
_pg_DasEi: thanks for your help! it works again! now I just need to fix grub background. it says debian on it for some reason and its ugly to boot02:46
DasEijoscht: paste it ?02:46
joschtok hold on02:46
_pg_DasEi: it did. and after a reboot I got it back.02:46
dominicdinadanow how to switch my desktop enviroment on this install02:46
DasEi!yay | _pg_02:46
joschtdo i have to use pastebin or whatever?02:46
ubottu_pg_: Glad you made it! :-)02:46
_pg_DasEi: Always problems when installing additional window managers-always02:46
meowbuntuhi all when does official support frun out for ubuntu 8.0 lts02:46
_pg_DasEi: thanks again for all your help02:47
DasEi _pg_: got to install the belonging displaymanagers, too02:47
DasEikdm, xdm, gdm ..02:47
arandmeowbuntu: It's three years from release if I recall correctly.02:47
_pg_DasEi: thank god I didnt. they end up fighting each other02:47
joschtSection "Screen" Identifier"Default Screen" DefaultDepth2402:47
joschtSection "Module" Load"glx"02:47
joschtSection "Device" Identifier"Default Device" Driver"nvidia" Option"NoLogo""True"02:47
FloodBot4joscht: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:47
dominicdinadawhy ubuntu 8.0 though02:47
DasEi _pg_: no, you decide which one to be used02:47
meowbuntuarand, and that is02:47
_pg_DasEi: I know thats the idea, but it has NEVER worked out for me. ever02:48
meowbuntuarand, i know its 3 yrs for desktop and 5 yes for server02:48
DasEijoscht : sry for not having told, know how to pastebin ?02:48
arandmeowbuntu: 8.04 + 3.0 = 11.04 if my arithmetic serves me right...02:48
hiexpomeowbuntu,  - how it goes ?02:49
kermit`Dear all, I'm in Chinese, it is 9:50 April 29th. When should ubuntu 10.04 release? Is it use the American time?02:49
kermit`In China, sorry.02:49
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:49
kermit`Oh, thanks.02:49
arand!isitout | kermit`02:49
ubottukermit`: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:49
arandkermit`: No fixed time02:49
kermit`Hmm, I see.02:50
_pg_kermit: To Be Determined02:50
hiexpoIdleOne,  - what u don't talk to me anymore lol02:51
DasEijoscht : which nvidia are you using ?02:51
tman_i like crunchbang i think because it uses openbox02:51
lastelement0hey all, i'm having issues with my internet connection. i never get disconnected, but throughout downloading, it will just stop, and the download stalls. then randomly it will pick back up again. anyone know why?02:51
joschtDasEi: what do you mean? which driver??02:51
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)02:51
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IdleOnehiexpo: haha sorry, just busy keeping an eye out :)02:51
=== KindTwo46 is now known as KindOne
DasEijoscht : which nvidia card02:51
tman_but what do u guys/girls think of lubuntu do they have a stable release yet?02:51
joschtDasEi: 8600GTM02:51
hiexpoIdleOne,  - oh ok02:51
meowbuntuwhere are the desktop backgrounds kept in ubuntu02:51
DasEitman_: not offically supported, I tested it on a very weak machine, fine as I can see02:52
DasEijoscht: install the propitary driver and use nvidia settings afterwards02:52
arandmeowbuntu: /usr/share/backgrounds02:52
tman_ok thats good so u think crunch and lubuntu are even in the way of performence?02:52
joschtDasEi: i already have the proprietary drivers installed02:53
bentkusubottu: steam + ubuntu is like porn02:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:53
_pg_bentkus: lol why is that?02:53
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joschtDasEi: How would i edit the resolution from in there?02:53
DasEijoscht: sudo nvidia-settings02:54
bentkusbecause gaming is really popular on electronics?02:54
tman_does lubuntu use openbox as its interface i heard that it did.02:54
DasEi(I assume the 185 from the repos), joscht02:54
bentkus:dunno, why do a lot of people buy xboxes and ps302:54
DasEitman_: #lubuntu02:54
CkhiKuzadis it possible to install a second language on ubuntu 9.04?02:55
IdleOnebentkus: Please stay on topic02:55
joschtDasEi: yes 18502:55
DasEiCkhiKuzad: yes02:55
DasEijoscht: sudo nvidia-settings02:55
bentkusIdleOne: whats the topic?02:55
lastelement0hey all, i'm having issues with my internet connection. i never get disconnected, but throughout downloading, it will just stop, and the download stalls. then randomly it will pick back up again. anyone know why?02:55
bentkushelp people with questions?02:55
joschtDasEi: done already and looking at display configuration02:55
h00k!topic | bentkus02:55
ubottubentkus: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic02:55
CkhiKuzadDasEi, how?02:55
_pg_bentkus: obviously. lol why is steam on ubuntu better than on windows?02:55
hiexpoi am not a nice guy and most of you will not like me because i tell it like it is oh so sorry i will cry with you but i will fix your problem if it is legit02:55
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IdleOnebentkus: ubuntu support related questions yes02:56
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luig1Ok, I used WINE to run a game, something I've done before, but every time I try to run this particular game my graphical display screws up and becomes unusable, blinking and such. TTY here is running fine, obviously, but trying Ctrl+Alt+F7 takes my screen to graphical hell. Is there a way to fix that without just restarting? (Restarting does fix the problem every time this happens.)02:56
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:56
bentkusso some one asked a question and i tried to help him by presenting my opinion02:56
luig1I'm talking about the display issue, not the WINE issue.02:56
joschtDasEi: are you still here?02:57
luig1Should I restart the X server or something arcane like that?02:57
robertzaccourwhat can i use to check for dead pixels?02:57
gogetaluig1: it can be wine realted if you dont have that issue with nativ apps02:57
IdleOnebentkus: if the question is off topic then the answer was also. Please stick to the topic or join #ubuntu-offtopic to chat02:57
CkhiKuzadDasEi, how do i install secondary language packs02:57
DasEijoscht: sure, no quakes here02:57
luig1The native apps cause this occasionally as well sometimes, gogeta.02:57
joschtDasEi: ok any new info to please help?02:57
gogetaluig1: sound gfx driver realted02:57
trimetaMy Karmic server just got a kernel bump; neither USN nor the changelogs tell me what's changed, though. Do I need to reboot?02:58
IdleOnetrimeta: not unless you are being prompted to02:58
gogetaluig1: i would make shure you got the latest driver for your card unless it uses oss drivers02:58
luig1Not sure.02:59
Loshatrimeta: kernel changes usually require a reboot before they take effect. No hurry though...02:59
trimetaIdleOne: Well, landscape is prompting me, because it's a new version of the kernel, but I don't know what changes that will bring about.02:59
gogetaluig1: dont you know what video card you run02:59
luig1Umm, it's Intel.02:59
IdleOneTriMe_: like Losha said you don't need to reboot right away, wait till you can figure out what changes were applied02:59
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luig1G990 or something like that, I haven't had to mess with that in like 2 years.02:59
IdleOnetrimeta: ^^^02:59
gogetaluig1: then its a built in driver i would turn off effects when gameing that should speed things up and stop that issue03:00
CaptainBrineyHey I was wondering if anyone knew of a linux program that made an overview software for news, stocks, server status, or anything like that. Something like this: http://www.panic.com/blog/2010/03/the-panic-status-board/03:00
luig1What I'm really interested in right now is figuring out how to restart the desktop somehow.03:00
trimetaI'll hold off the reboot until the changelogs propagate, then...honestly, it's not really going to matter, I'll just feel less like I'm leaving my system vulnerable.03:00
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luig1Like, without shutting down the system.03:01
gogetaluig1: can you drop to bash03:01
Loshatrimeta: also, if something does go wrong when you boot the new kernel, you can usually easily drop back to the previous kernel version. That's rarely necessary. Most kernel changes are fairly well tested on released systems...03:01
luig1gogeta: Yeah, I'm there right now.03:01
dave___I've got an NTFS partition is named "Data" I'd like to rename it "data"... is there a way to do this?03:01
DasEiCkhiKuzad: they are organized in language-packs, apt-cache search language-pack shows them03:01
mknarrdave___ try using Gparted to edit03:01
kzmanwhat is the difference between prerelease version (current release candidate) and the actual release?03:01
jrib!label | dave___03:01
ubottudave___: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.03:01
CkhiKuzadthanks DasEi03:01
trimetaLosha: It's more a matter of "I have 41 days of uptime and don't want to reboot unless I need to." ;-)03:02
DasEijoscht: did you call the settings gui ?03:02
jrib!lucid | kzman03:02
ubottukzman: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:02
gogetaluig1: then sudo service gdm restart03:02
CaptainBrineyDoes anyone know of a linux program that works like this: http://www.panic.com/blog/2010/03/the-panic-status-board/03:02
luig1gogeta: thanks, I'll try that.03:02
gogetaluig1: that well restart x for you03:02
joschtDasEi: dont know what you mean by that03:02
LucidGuyIs there a way to specify a password with an ssh command.  Example  "ssh root@computer ls /"  <--  the system will prompt for password I want to include it within the command.  (I know this is not safe, will input the password from a script)03:02
Loshatrimeta: then unless the kernel change fixes some awful security hole (and usually those are well publicised), you don't need to reboot unless you want to...03:03
cdavisCan someone suggest a good console based to-do-list for Ubuntu?03:03
joschtDasEi: i'm in the nvidia gui but what settings?03:03
trimetaCaptainBriney: The closest thing I can think of is conkey, but I don't know if that's really what you want.03:03
gogetacdavis: as in03:03
DasEijoscht: sudo nvidia-settings03:03
MyrttiLucidGuy: no. You can try to set up keys to login though03:03
CaptainBrineytrimeta: Yeah, I'm looking for something a little different but I can probably just write a conky config to do this.03:03
joschtDasEi: yes i did03:03
LucidGuyMyrtti, I would prefer to not set up keys03:04
MyrttiLucidGuy: then you are out of luck.03:04
DasEijoscht: xserver display config > resolution03:04
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cdavisgogeta: I use mutt newbeuter, irssi and would like to have a console based program for handling my to-do-list as well03:04
LoshaLucidGuy: ssh goes to some effort to make doing that difficult. Consider setting up keyed authentication instead so you don't need a password. Otherwise, you'll need to use something like 'expect' which is quite a hassle...03:04
DasEijoscht: choose desired, save to x-config03:04
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joschtDasEi: not understanding this03:05
LucidGuyLosha, keyed authentication?03:05
ywgxhave anybody?03:05
DasEijoscht: left side of gui, second entry ..03:06
LoshaLucidGuy: what Myrtti said; using keys to login...03:06
DasEijoscht: xserver display config > resolution03:06
=== Cylon is now known as Cylon_hunter
dave___how can I change a mount point from /media/Data to /media/data? (I sucessfully changed the label to 'data' with gparted just now - thanks!)03:06
joschtDasEi: yes but it only has 1 resolution 1900x120003:06
DasEijoscht: choose desiredresolution , save to x-configguration file03:06
luig1gogeta: Well, console 7 is still freaking out, X tried to start in 9 but that one freaked out for a minute and then went blank, and then began its own freakout. I'm here on 1 in irssi.03:06
gogetacdavis: humm thats a good one im shure there is such a app03:07
gogetaluig1: try it with stop them03:07
Loshaywgx: need help?03:07
DasEijoscht: on a 8600 /w 185 propitary ? monitor not detected properly ?03:07
gogetaluig1: them start03:07
Cylon_huntervery quick question, can I update to 10.04 through update from 9.1 or do I need to download the iso and reinstall?03:07
gogetaluig1: should close all running x03:07
trimetaCylon_hunter: You mean 9.10?03:07
DasEiCeylon can update03:07
joschtDasEi: maybe its been fine since 8.10 though. How would i fix it?03:07
Cylon_huntertrimeta, yeah I would say so. 9.10 should have been more specific03:08
DasEijoscht: it's fine with karmic, too, maybe get the 195 from nvidia and install again03:08
trimetaCylon_hunter: Since it represents a month, 1 isn't the same as 10. But yea, you can upgrade from Karmic to Lucid.03:08
h00k!upgrade | Cylon_hunter03:08
ubottuCylon_hunter: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:08
rajmahendra_Good morning03:08
IdleOnetrimeta: look into apt-listchanges03:08
IdleOne!info apt-listchanges03:09
Cylon_huntertrimeta, h00k , ubottu thank you all for oyur help. thanks.03:09
joschtDasEi: so get the proprietary drivers from nvidia.com and see if it recognizes it?03:09
ubottuapt-listchanges (source: apt-listchanges): package change history notification tool. In component main, is optional. Version 2.83 (karmic), package size 60 kB, installed size 496 kB03:09
DasEijoscht : yes;; what does the gui say about your screen(s), is the model correctly shown ?03:09
trimetaIdleOne: I'll take a look.03:10
joschtDasEi: it is a laptop and says LPL (DFP-0 on GPU-0)03:10
ywgx 还没有用帐号登录外网连接03:10
ywgx 我就能使用IRC03:10
ywgx 很奇怪!03:10
FloodBot4ywgx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:10
Myrttiywgx: English please03:10
_pg_how do i get rythmbox to see my iPod?03:10
gogetais that chinise or japnise03:11
gogetaso we can send him to the right place03:11
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:11
Fudgehi, can you get top or htop to limit results by top 10  processes003:11
trimetagogeta: Looks like Chinese to me.03:11
IdleOnewho was looking for the CLI todo list?03:11
ywgxI using my school net03:11
DasEijoscht : ic , well there *should be other resolutions, otherwise for a common laptop can use a generic xorg-section, too03:11
Loshaywgx: you've been here before. You know better than to do that...03:11
gogetaoh you speak english nv03:12
DasEijoscht: a 8600 on a lappi ? nice box03:12
IdleOnecdavis: apt-cache search tdl03:12
joschtDasEi: yea i got it in 8th grade for my birthday and christmas combined03:12
Loshaywgx: this is an English only channel...03:12
trimetaywgx: Never mind, just ask your question in English, and with minimal use of the Enter key.03:12
rajmahendra_why _ in my name ?03:12
gogetaywgx: you can always go to the chinise room if you speak that bteer03:12
rajmahendra_why there is a _ at the end of my name ?03:13
DasEi!ghost | rajmahendra_03:13
ubotturajmahendra_: If you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | further help in #freenode03:13
ywgxI see03:13
gogetarajmahendra_: it probly was aruldy taken so it auto renamed you03:13
NRGHello all :)03:13
ywgxmy English too bad03:13
DasEirajmahendra_: or nick not rstired by you03:13
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:13
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DasEiregistered* , rajmahendra_03:13
gogetaywgx: there you go03:13
trimetarajmahendra_: Looks like the one without _ is available; type /nick rajmahendra to change it.03:14
joschtDasEi: do you know how i can fix my problem?03:14
grunnyhi, I was wondering if anyone could help me. My ubuntu comp just updated and when it restarted it's gone to a GNU GRUB version 1.97~beta4 prompt with sh:grub> displaying. How do I get it to load?03:14
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Loshatrimeta: how do you tell if a nick is available?03:14
_pg_ask chanserv03:14
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DasEijoscht: I gtg soon; first try it with a fresh install from nvidia, else ask for s.o. withhardy > displayconfig-gtk to generate a generic xorg for you03:15
rajmahendra_thank you :)03:15
trimetaLosha: I did /whois rajmahendra; it told me it couldn't find anyone with that name.03:15
IdleOneLosha: /msg nickserv info nick03:15
trimetaIf there's a more elaborate method, I didn't use it.03:15
NRGWill the new version come as an update automatically or will I have to wipe and reload . from scratch ?03:15
Loshatrimeta: IdleOne: thanks guys03:15
joschtDasEi: thanks very much i must also leave03:15
grunnyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Rescue%20Mode <-- I tried looking here but am not sure of where I find the information to input03:16
Silver_Swordshi all. what's the usual release time (or most probable) in gmt?03:16
NRGAs in DL the ISO and reformat and reinstall03:16
gogetaSilver_Swords: oh cheat get the rc and update lol03:16
MyrttiSilver_Swords: late afternoon03:16
Silver_Swordsaha!  thnz all   =)03:16
gogetaSilver_Swords: they always update us beta user a few days before03:17
ChogyDangrunny: what is your partition layout?03:17
Silver_Swordsthnx   =)03:17
gogetaSilver_Swords: due to the flood that we all get on relese time03:17
grunnyI installed it along side a windows system03:17
sloopyin virtual box, how can i get the vbox control panel in full screen mode to display at the top instead of the botton?03:17
NRGno answer ? :(03:18
grunnythe ls command gives me (loop0) (hd0) (hd0,2) (hd0,1)03:18
gogetasloopy: i would assume in youre vm prefs03:18
sloopygogeta, yeah i assumed there too but didnt see anything03:18
gogetasloopy: in display?03:19
Fudgehow can u list usb devices?03:19
gogetaFudge: lspci03:19
gogetaFudge: list everything connected03:19
ChogyDangrunny: try ls (hd0,1)03:19
Fudgemy usb mic isnt shown there but it was before running rc103:19
PMantisDoes anyone know what time the official release happens? I know it's the 29th, but I think it's already the 29th in S Africa. :)03:20
Fudgedoubt its actually a lucid problem though03:20
kzmanWhy Ubuntu releases so many versions?03:20
sloopygogeta, yeah, and in the vbox control app... even tried moving it with various meta-keys...03:20
_pg_ok, so ubuntu chose rythmbox for music to be the core app right? why do that when it doesnt support iPods? or was this done one purpose? for legalish reasons? Can anyone enlighten me?03:20
gogetasloopy: i think google would be your frend there or the vbok irc03:20
EfreakI'm compiling eggdrop from source on ubuntu-server 9.10, and I'd like to make it a global install. can anyone tell me what values I should use for prefix, eprefix, bindir, sbindir, libexecdir, datadir, sysconfdir, sharedstatedir, libdir, includedir, oldincludedir, infodir, and mandir?03:20
grunnyChogyDan: ls (hd0,1) returns Partition hd0,1:Filesystem type fat, Label RECOVERY, UUID 1489-5f0003:20
sloopygogeta, yeah google didnt help much...03:21
mrbinI need ome help on activating volume hotkeys in lubuntu for the eeepc 701. anyone can help me?03:21
gogetasloopy: they change there ui so often03:21
ChogyDangrunny: try hd0,203:21
NRGyou dont have to upgrade you can stick with what ever version you have :)03:21
sloopygogeta, hmm #vbox i always looked for a #virtualbox channel :'/03:21
grunnyChogyDan: ls (hd0,2) returns Partition hd0,2:Filesystem type ntfs, Label ViastaOS, UUID c42a5a872a5a03:22
gogetamrbin: they should work out of the box03:22
outer_spacecan you make the mouse pointer wrap to the other side when it hits the edge?03:22
ChogyDangrunny: and hd0,0?03:22
NRGAnyone here know if the new version will be an auto update. or do you have to DL ISO and re-install from scratch ?03:22
mrbingogeta> they all work out of the box, except for the volume up, down and mute.03:22
ChogyDangrunny: wait, did you install inside windows?  like with wubi?03:23
amereservantWhere do I report a missing driver for a particular scanner?  I don't think filing it under a specific package such as xSane is correct is it?  Is there a library for scanner drivers?03:23
gogetamrbin: stramnnge they allwork on my 900a and thats a newer model03:23
grunnyChogyDan: I selected the option on the install disk that didn't require a partition I believe03:23
rajmahendrai have installed Ubuntu10.4 what is the new so social application available ?03:23
ChogyDangrunny: I see03:23
ChogyDan!wubi | grunny03:23
mrbingogeta> mine is a 701 4G03:23
ubottugrunny: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:23
_pg_ok, so ubuntu chose rythmbox for music to be the core app right? why do that when it doesnt support iPods? or was this done one purpose? for legalish reasons? Can anyone enlighten me?03:24
tmbgstupid question. how do you force eject the cdrom? k3b crashed and the tray is locked. sudo eject cdrom didn't work out for me.03:24
IdleOnesudo eject03:24
tmbgtried that also, no dice03:24
mrbingogeta> are you using lubuntu?03:24
felonok next time a game freezes how i kill the process03:25
grunnyChogyDan: I just downloaded ubuntu from the ubuntu site, burned it to a disk and installed it alongside windows as the option it gave me03:25
mknarrtake a papre clip and unfold it and stick it in the small hole in the cd rom tray03:25
IdleOnetmbg: sudo eject --or i'll kill you!03:25
grunnysorry I'm not that knowledgeable on this :S03:25
tmbgI was hoping for a way to remove the lock as opposed to just forcing03:25
Loshaamereservant: poke around http://www.sane-project.org/03:25
outer_spacehow do you make videos maximize to the right side monitor?03:25
ChogyDangrunny: yes, if you did it _without_ making a new partition, then you have whats called a wubi install03:25
IdleOnetmbg: not sure sorry :/03:25
grunnyah, okay03:25
ChogyDangrunny: Im not really sure how to recover within a wubi install03:25
ChogyDangrunny: Window UBuntu Install03:26
gogetamrbin: you can try this http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=65606 i dont knoe if it will work in lucid however it did in 9.1003:26
mrbingogeta, thank you, I'll try it.03:26
gogetamrbin: you dont have to mess with grub or anything03:27
gogetamrbin: its a old guide03:27
MrH_hello :)03:27
_pg_ok, so ubuntu chose rythmbox for music to be the core app right? why do that when it doesnt support iPods? or was this done one purpose? for legalish reasons? Can anyone enlighten me?03:27
ChogyDangrunny: try this: ls /boot03:27
grunnyah, makes sense03:27
mrbingogeta, I tried to install the array's customized kernel, but it didn't work.03:27
_Techie_what time is ubuntu 10.04 ecpected to be released?03:28
gogetamrbin: thers also stuff in the repos like eecontrole03:28
Fudgei can see dmesg saying new full speed usb device attached but its still not in lspci03:28
mknarrwell personally i hate ipods and itunes soo that is my answer lol03:28
tmbg_Techie_: the 29th, or do you need time of day?03:28
gogetamrbin: that should enable all fuctions03:28
needhelp1is 10.04 official release out yet?03:28
_Techie_tmbg, time of day03:28
IdleOne!isitout | needhelp103:28
ubottuneedhelp1: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:28
* lucid_lynx 03:29
gogetamrbin: oh they ave the acpi scripts in the repo now03:29
grunnyChogyDan: returns a lot, but within it shows the vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic and vmlinuz-2.6.31-20-generic03:29
MrH_hehe, i'm converting back to osx8603:29
mrbingogeta thank you very much! I'll try it out and look for the acpi stuff in the repos.03:29
=== vetle is now known as Half-man
gogetamrbin: just look up eee its the first one03:29
ChogyDangrunny: ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=848129903:29
mknarrwhats up suds03:29
gogetamrbin: in sysanptic03:29
=== IdleOne is now known as LucidOne
MrH_but i do love ubuntu :)03:30
ChogyDangrunny: see the 6th comment03:30
Half-manhi. is ubuntu 10.04 release yet?03:30
gogetaHalf-man: no you know better lol03:31
archaHow do i schedule "turn off" after 15 minutes ???  like a count down timer and then it should turn off my ubuntu03:31
steve-cwhere is lucid?03:31
qubzdoes anyone know the exact GMT or UTS of release?03:31
kzmanare there a website about eht difference between 9.10 and 10.04?03:31
MrH_urls ok?03:31
gogetaarcha: well if a laptop in powermangment03:31
arand!isitout | qubz steve-c Half-man03:31
ubottuqubz steve-c Half-man: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:31
grunnyChogyDan: the one by darkod?03:31
gogetaarcha: but no timer03:31
qubzok cheers ;)03:32
archagogeta, this is not a laptop03:32
steve-cthank you03:32
Loshaarcha: check out the shutdown command (man shutdown)03:32
sudsI have a ubuntu installed in vmware. I can resolve DNS for some domain such as google.com but can't for ubuntu.com.03:33
sudsIs there any clue on this ?03:33
archaLosha, i am not a linuxpert... total beginner.. :'(   do you mind tellig me the actual command ?03:33
gogetaarcha: why woud you wanna shutdown with a timer then03:33
archagogeta, because i will start transmission03:33
archagogeta, and then go out03:33
gogetaarcha: then you whant it to saty on03:34
archaLosha, isnt there a GUI app for this ? :(03:34
Loshaarcha: sudo shutdown -P +1503:34
archaLosha, thanks.03:34
gogetaarcha: are you talking abought the display or the entire amchine03:34
archaLosha, TURN OFF the entire machine03:34
archagogeta, turn off the entire machine03:35
archaLosha, and if i want to cancel it ?03:35
srinifont size is very big in my login screen..  How to solve this problem???03:35
archaLosha, just close the terminal window ?03:35
cstcyrSo what time is 10.04 due out?03:35
scriptxanyone good with X here?  I have an xorg.conf issue..03:35
gogetaarcha: you could probly use the secdule app to tel it to shutdown after 15 minuts or make a sh script03:35
arandcstcyr: No specified time03:35
Loshaarcha: the -P means to power down, the +15 means in 15 minutes. sudo shutdown -c to cancel (I've never tried this)03:35
archaLosha, closing the terminal window will not harm my computer because a command is running ?03:35
gogetaarcha: no it will end its task03:36
archagogeta, ok.03:36
scriptxthis is my existing xorg.conf:  http://pastebin.com/9s7TdYk6  all i want is to be able to output video to the second device (tv) in full screen.  i was advised i need not set this device up as another screen, though I am unfamiliar with how else to set it up.  any ideas?03:36
srinifont size of username and password  is very big in login screen how to solve this problem?03:36
archagogeta, do you write sh scripts ?03:36
Loshaarcha: you probably need to keep the terminal you're using for the shutdown open...03:36
grunnyChogyDan: It ran for a bit after getting to the boot step, but then it got to ALERT! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist. Dropping to a shell!03:36
cstcyrarand, is there a usual time of day that these things go down or is it just whenever?03:36
gogetaarcha: just like a .bat03:36
archagogeta, "schedule app" is this in ubuntu software center03:36
grunnyand now it's at BusyBox v1.13.303:37
gogetaarcha: should be installed03:37
archaLosha, thank you for reply me03:37
Loshaarcha: a pleasure...03:37
archagogeta, is it in Ubu software center ?03:37
gogetaarcha: no idea03:37
gogetaarcha: but that command he gave you should work fine03:38
arandcstcyr: Don't know really, afternoon/evening UTC is my guess...03:38
gogetaarcha: you can probly make a script out of that03:38
archagogeta, ok. i copied the command she gave to a text file.. but you told me some "schedule app"03:38
gogetasame affect03:38
gogetaarcha: name it something.sh03:38
markj_what music player do people recommend for ubuntu03:39
gogetaarcha: then sudo chmod +x thefie.sh03:39
cstcyrI'm kind of over excited here should I install the RC or wait till tomorrow?03:39
markj_install the RC03:39
archagogeta, you mean, i should have to put the cmd in a text file and rename it to name.sh and then run it ?03:39
ChogyDangrunny: hmmm, can you boot windows?03:39
gogetaarcha: yes then all it should do is ask for your password and run03:39
archagogeta, Losha i found this in ubunt software center "GShutdown"03:39
gogetaarcha: nice03:40
archagogeta, Losha and the description says it is used to schedule shutdown or restart03:40
ChogyDangrunny: have you booted windows since you had this problem?03:40
jsecHi all. I'm working on getting Skype up and running under Karmic on a MacBook. I've patched the iSight firmware, so the camera itself works fine, but I have no audio. The Sound Recorder that comes pre-installed works fine, but nothing for Skype. Anyone have any idea why this might be?03:40
gogetaarcha: bascily a gui for what he gave you03:40
iamthemorticideThank you everyone!03:40
=== jason is now known as Roasted
archagogeta, i *think* Losha is "she" .... !!03:41
grunnyChogyDan: Yes, once as a test.03:41
markj_If we all fart at the same time it might get released early03:41
LoshaI guess *everything* has a gui nowadays...03:41
_pg_markj_: good idea03:41
ChogyDangrunny: try booting windows and running a check disk.  or chkdsk03:41
srinihowto paste the message?03:41
archaLosha, good for beginners who are converts from windwos03:41
gogetaLosha: yes they make it to easy dont they03:42
=== fatboy-ubuntu-re is now known as tomatoes7
archagogeta, Losha gshutdown is looking super with calendar, count down timer... and all :D03:42
_pg_!paste | srini03:42
ubottusrini: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:42
Loshaarcha: because my name ends in "a" ?03:42
gogetaarcha: well i dont think linux is gonna gain more ground then we are at now03:42
Albi_where is the new ubuntu, i am pining like crazy!!!03:42
gogetaarcha: the server and low cost device market03:43
archaLosha, yes, sorry if i am wrong..03:43
markj_ubuntu or kubuntu03:43
Albi_ubuntu, both really03:43
Albi_ubuntu 10.0403:43
markj_so you use ubuntu over kubuntu03:44
h00k!support | markj_03:44
ubottumarkj_: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org03:44
srini_pg_:  while typing username and password the font size is very big in login screen how to solve this03:44
archaLosha, sorry :(03:44
encryptionIs anyone on here familiar with the alternative installation whole disk encryption?03:44
h00kmarkj_: perhapd head to #ubuntu-offtopic03:44
Loshaarcha: I'd make an ugly female, unless you like them with facial hair...03:44
gogetaarcha: well we coulda made a fancy script showing time left and all lol giving enough time03:44
Albi_markj_ are you asking me?03:44
markj_any one03:45
encryptionI've been using it for a while, and for some reason, now when I enter in my password, it says its the wrong password and the disk won't decrypt03:45
gogetaarcha: bash is alot more powerfull then most users relise03:45
h00k!ot | markj_03:45
ubottumarkj_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:45
steve-cbash is very powerful03:45
archagogeta, but total beginners fear for running scripts, won't they ?? especially after they faced lethal threats with viruses :P ... scripts = executables ?03:45
srinigogeta: My font size is very big in login screen how to solve??? http://imagebin.org/9490003:45
archagogeta, ok.  i need to learn it....03:46
Albi_markj_: ah, well no i was on kubuntu, but now i'm going back to ubuntu again, infact i kept switching between them, but iim convinced ubuntu is the way to go now03:46
rigelwhen does lucid go up for download03:46
gogetasrini: what the heck is that03:46
h00k!party | rigel03:46
ubotturigel: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties03:46
srinigogeta : sorry i dont understand03:47
Albi_markj_: and kde is better than gnome, but gtk+ is better than qt4, so id rather use the better toolkit, and i will heavy modify gnome03:47
gogetasrini: thats not a ubuntu login screen03:47
markj_I think i will go ubuntu too03:47
gogetasrini: looks like kbuntu or xbuntu03:47
srinigogeta: its a ubuntu login screen... But size is very big...03:47
gogetasrini: thers never been a blue login screen03:48
Albi_markj_ yeah go ubuntu, gnome is meant to be easier, thats why its classified as worse, because they took out the changing of advance features, but all advance features can be changed in otehr ways03:48
srinigogeta: theme is changed here03:48
markj_Albi_: I can just never get Kde to look right03:48
gogetasrini: well i cant tell you whats wrong with a non stock them maybe its bad03:49
grunnyChogyDan: Okay, done.03:49
mdelgnome is so much nicer than KDE03:49
markj_i am happy with using gconf03:49
mdelive never been a kde fan though03:49
srinigogeta:  Same problem in all themes03:49
Albi_markj_ you'll probably find the same thing with gnome, lolol, but it becomes prettier the more you use it03:49
mdelAlbi_: huh?03:50
gogetasrini: try apperances and fonts03:50
grunnyChogyDan: Try the same thing again now that I've run chkdsk?03:50
gogetasrini: if your ruhnning the black and white theme the font sizes are huge03:50
srinigogeta: i had checked... its good03:50
Albi_mdel: i think theyre both ugly, kde use to be heading in the right direction but now, you just have to heavily customize whichever one you use and then it will look nice03:50
Albi_mdel and sorry i slipped and hit the enter key waaay too early03:50
markj_i got them both running in a virtual machine side by side try to decide which to use03:50
gogetasrini: i dont modfy the themes like that so i cant give your a answer on what got changed03:51
mdeli just use gnome with the bisigi wildshine theme03:51
gogetasrini: i always change mine by hand03:51
mdellooks great, works great03:51
Albi_markj_ that is highly commical, they both do the same thing, they just use different desktop environments which in turn uses different toolkits03:51
Remmazeguy, i tried plug in a WD UDF External Harddrive on my ubuntu 9.10, why wont Ubuntu recognized it??03:52
markj_yes i know, but amarok does not run well on ubuntu and looks very bad, tried everything to make it look good in gtk03:52
srinigogeta: Its a freshly installed system.. After installation this problem came03:52
gogetaRemmaze: if its ntfs and flagged dirty ubuntu will not mount it untill chkdsk in windows is ran03:52
candyat what time ubuntu is releasing today? please let me know the time in gmt. we are having ubuntu release party here :)03:53
LtHummuscandy: it's out when it's out03:53
arandcandy: No fixed time03:53
Remmazehow do i run the chkdsk?03:53
Albi_markj_ that's because you need to install all the depended on qt4 libraries, rather than just the few that amarok wants, it is possibly to run gtk+ apps in qt4 and vice versa and have them look properly with no problems03:53
upul`Hi, Releasing on april 29th, is it 00:00 UTC. just wanted to know because i held up installing linux for a couple of weeks because of new release and planning for a download time03:53
hexdump_Remmaze:  for linux it's fsck03:54
candyLtHummus, :(03:54
gogetaRemmaze: boot windows with that hdd plugged in it should see its dirty and run it03:54
Albi_Remmaze: chkdsk is windoze03:54
Remmazejust type fsck in terminal...?03:54
candyarand, we need iso to burn cds :( , LtHummus03:54
markj_I have installed qt4-config, systemsettings what else i need03:54
LtHummuscandy: there's no set date...it's out when it's out.  it'll be sometime 4/29 but that's all we know03:54
Luyza^QUESTION^  Hi, I love nautilus Spacial view, in particular, the little drop down menu in the statusbar, with the folder tree, BUT I hate that it opens a new window everytime you click a folder. Is it possible to keep the view like that, but prevent it from opening windows?03:55
candyjoint #ubuntu-np03:55
candyLtHummus, hmm ok03:55
bobbyyuI was using the Python command line provided by Ubuntu and can't seem to be able to use an interpreter.03:55
candyLtHummus, how to go to other channel? whats the command??03:55
Albi_markj_ as far as i can remember theres like 120mb odd worth of downloads, but not only do you need the config you need some themes as well, gnome and kde havnt yet come on an agreeance for compatible themes with each other03:55
candyjoin #ubuntu-np03:55
arandcandy: Well you could always download the daily build from yesterday, and when it is released, compare the checksums, is they match, you don't need to reburn ;)03:55
bobbyyuI can't compile and run my .py test program.03:55
candyarand, ok let me check that too03:56
morphixI cannot find any distinguishable model number or otherwise printed on the motherboard nor via dmidecode, what is the easiest way in determining if a USB port is USB 1.1 or USB 2.0?03:56
_pg_does anyone have a Asus USB N13 wifi dongle working on ubuntu?03:56
markj_to much extra just for one app03:56
Albi_markj_ one alternative, so that you get the best of both worlds, is to download the ubuntu and kubuntu alternate discs, install ubuntu, and then in ubuntu install the kubuntu-desktop, and then it will have everything you need for running gtk+ apps and everything you need for qt4 apps03:56
frankie_hello my fellow ubunters03:57
ubuntu8-0LTSis thete a support chanel for ubuntu 8.04 lts03:57
Albi_markj_ its not just for one app, it will be for any qt4 app that you will use03:57
ArtVandalaeubuntu8-0LTS, this channel should be fine03:57
ubuntu8-0LTSArtVandalae: ok but is theere a more direct chanel03:57
Remmazewhat will happen after i do that FSCK?03:58
Myrttiubuntu8-0LTS: this is it03:58
LoshaRemmaze: what kind of filesystem is on the drive?03:58
bobbyyuI realise I should use #python, but since Python is provided by Ubuntu, I'd thought I'd ask here. :)03:58
ubuntu8-0LTSMyrtti: ok03:59
tman_can on run ubuntu 10.04 fine on a acer intel pentium dual core 2.00gh processer with 2.00gb of ram?03:59
grunnyI ran chkdsk before trying to reboot through sh:grub> and it still says ALERT! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist03:59
dktman_, of course!!03:59
ubuntu8-0LTSi cant install unetbootin for ubuntu 8.04lts03:59
tman_ok just wondering03:59
ArtVandalaetman_, well it depends more on your WiFi/graphics card, but yes, you shouldn't have any problems03:59
Remmazethe drive dont appear on my desktop..its a Western Digital External Drive03:59
FlynsarmyHow can i add php to my user group so it can chmod stuff without getting permission denied?03:59
ubuntu8-0LTSthis ppa does not work gives errors https://launchpad.net/~gezakovacs/+archive/ppa03:59
k0shhow many hours till official relaese of 10.4 ?03:59
LoshaRemmaze: open a terminal, and type sudo fdisk -l and then paste the result to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com please03:59
tman_ok thank you a lot.03:59
upul`oops, my question was answered before i typed the question, this channel is so fast :-)04:00
frankie_I have a broken touchpad, but in order to make it useable i have to use the synaptics device settings and disable buttons and set up the bottom left and right of the touchpad for mouseclicks, is this possible in ubuntu?04:00
Remmazeok will try that...04:00
ArtVandalaek0sh, #ubuntu-release-party might be more appropriate... but I imagine no more than 24 hours04:00
grunnyChogyDan: Any ideas?04:00
Flannelk0sh: The release will happen sometime during the hours of April 29th, somewhere on the earth.  Join #ubuntu-release-party to discuss it.04:00
ubuntu8-0LTSany ideas04:00
Remmazei got content on that drive, will it do sumting bad to it, if i do that fdisk -l?04:01
ArtVandalaeRemixman, unplug the drive, then plug it back in, and then open up a terminal and type "dmesg", see if it mentions anywhere about detecting a USB/HDD04:01
Luyza^QUESTION^  Hi, I love nautilus Spacial view, in particular, the little drop down menu in the statusbar, with the folder tree, BUT I hate that it opens a new window everytime you click a folder. Is it possible to keep the view like that, but prevent it from opening windows?04:01
LoshaRemmaze: no, sudo fdisk -l will not disturb any content. It will just tell us about the drive and filesystem...04:02
kzmanif i wanna share files in a LAN, what is the best way to do that?04:02
trainwreckhey anyone know what time the new 10.04 release will go live on the ftp's or bittorent? do they go off new york time for 12:00?04:02
dagon_kzman: samba or nfs04:02
dagon_trainwreck: no one knows04:03
kzmandagon_, and ftp?04:03
fananihe friend , i'm a new user of ubuntu04:03
ubuntu8-0LTSthe ppa for ubuntu8.04 from here https://launchpad.net/~gezakovacs/+archive/ppa is giving error ..."the public key is not available"04:03
dagon_kzman: sure04:03
ArtVandalaeLuyza, you can change it to non-spacial view, but I don't know if that's what you want. In Nautilus: Edit -> Preferences -> Behaviour -> "Always open in browser windows"04:03
ArtVandalaeLuyza, actually that may not be it, two seconds04:03
fananiplease help me , how to setup workggroup on samba04:03
trainwrecksamba is lame04:03
LuyzaArtVandalae,  yeah, then it's so clunky and fat, :P the spacial view is very "streamlined". Oh well. apt--get install Thunar04:04
trainwrecki like salsa04:04
trainwreckor the macarena04:04
Loshaubuntu8-0LTS: why not use http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ instead. Easier I think...04:04
ubuntu8-0LTShello any ideas04:04
ubuntu8-0LTSLosha: ok thanks04:04
sp0spohow do i find all files that are less than 1 kb ?04:05
FeasibilityStudyAnyone know where to get the .iso for 10.04?  The stable version that is?04:05
ubuntu8-0LTSlol Losha https://launchpad.net/~gezakovacs/+archive/ppa <- is a link from the site you sent04:05
FlannelFeasibilityStudy: It's not released yet04:05
ubuntu8-0LTSLosha: its the ubuntu link from there04:06
frankie_I have a broken touchpad, but in order to make it useable i have to use the synaptics device settings and disable buttons and set up the bottom left and right of the touchpad for mouseclicks, is this possible in ubuntu?04:06
FeasibilityStudyFlannel: I know its not "officially released" but I figured it might be out there somewhere04:06
clausensp0spo, du | sort -n | grep "^1 ".... or something like that would work...04:06
PMantisFeasibilityStudy: Only the RC04:06
FlannelFeasibilityStudy: No.  And if anyone links to something claiming to be the final, we'll ban them.04:06
HerbMonkflannel: so 9.04 is still the latest stable version04:06
Loshaubuntu8-0LTS: in that case, click on the 'Technical details about this PPA' link for key information04:06
kzmanon ubuntu if i wanna copy a folder with same name of another folder, and ubuntu ask me if i want to replace it ,or ignore, it ignores all, and if i wanna paste the new files into the folder to copy, what do i have to do, to avoid that?04:06
ubuntu8-0LTSLosha: so https://launchpad.net/~gezakovacs/+archive/ppa is teh poage i need to sort out04:06
FlannelHerbMonk: 9.10 is the latest stable version04:06
45PAAG0VMjust wondering if 10.04 will upgrade to the LTS release .04:07
HerbMonkFlannel: k thanks bro04:07
PMantisFeasibilityStudy: It *will* be at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/04:07
ArtVandalae45PAAG0VM, 10.04 will be LTS04:07
danny__hi all04:07
ubuntu8-0LTSi did i added teh key to software sorces but it has that error i mentioned ^04:07
Flannel45PAAG0VM: 10.04 will be an LTS release, 8.04 will upgrade straight to 10.0404:07
ubuntu8-0LTS^ Losha04:07
trainwreckanyone think there will be any diffrences between the release candidate and the final release04:07
grunnycan anyone help with booting ubuntu on wubi from GNU GRUB?04:07
danny__can anybody who is familiar with MPD help me with an error i found in my log file?04:07
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ArtVandalaedanny__, just ask your question04:07
FlannelGuys, the 10.04 discussions should be in #ubuntu+1 if they're support related, and #ubuntu-release-party if they're just chit chat, thanks.04:07
danny__i found this error in my MPD log file; Apr 28 22:25 : can't find alsa mixer control "PCM"04:07
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clausensp0spo, or find -size -2k04:08
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clausengrunny, maybe04:08
Loshaubuntu8-0LTS: ok, wanna wait while I try it on my 8.04 system?04:08
clausengrunny, what's your problem?04:08
ubuntu8-0LTSlosh really you are so nice04:09
danny__ArtVandalae,  i found this error in my MPD log file; Apr 28 22:25 : can't find alsa mixer control "PCM". P.S. awesome Seinfeld reference04:09
ubuntu8-0LTSthanks Losha you are a really kind gurl04:09
grunnyclausen: My ubuntu comp just updated and when it restarted it's gone to a GNU GRUB version 1.97~beta4 prompt with sh:grub> displaying. I tried following the instructions at comment #6 here http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8481299 but that gave an ALERT! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist. Dropping to shell! and goes to a BusyBox v1.13.304:10
ArtVandalaedanny__, :)... On pure speculation, I'd guess that error has something to do with PulseAudio acting as a "fake" ALSA. If you kill pulseaudio, and try that again. See if you still get the error.04:10
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Loshaubuntu8-0LTS: why does everyone think I'm a gurl tonight? I haven't trimmed my moustache or anything...04:10
=== LucidLover is now known as progre55
grunnyclausen: I tried running chkdsk on the windows part and trying again, but it gave the same result04:11
danny__ArtVandalae, ok, brb04:11
ubuntu8-0LTSLosha: is a girls name that is why04:11
aunnis this wubi http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/wubi.exe for the 10.04 release right ? not 10.04 beta.04:11
ubuntu8-0LTSLosha: in english it is04:11
Flannelarquebus: 10.04 isn't out yet.04:11
Loshaubuntu8-0LTS: I didn't think it was anyone's name. I've never met another Losha...04:11
clausengrunny, hmmm, that's odd04:11
aunnwell, the schedule is april 29, isn't it?04:12
Alex-Musicmanseems that in few hours may be avaliable...04:12
Flannelaunn: 10.04 isn't out yet, so no, that's not final.  And yes.04:12
clausengrunny, can we talk in private?  it's hard to chat in this noisy channel!04:12
grunnyclausen: yes04:12
Flannelaunn, Alex-Musicman: go to #ubuntu-release-party to pass the time.  It will be released sometime within the next 32 hours.04:12
aunnwell, it might be april 29 in japan or something04:12
=== 45PAAG0VM is now known as fauzy
nil_Danny_:Hi.Do you have problem with your sound system?04:13
fauzyso 10.04 is going LTS as it runs now?04:13
Flannelfauzy: 10.04 will be LTS once it's released.04:13
fauzyi see04:14
aunnFlannel ok, thx.04:14
fauzyanyone using Unison? looking for some feed back04:14
danny__ArtVandalae, http://uppix.net/d/c/f/d7d124209ea7ddb70b51878206815.png04:15
Loshaubuntu8-0LTS: just run apt-get install unetbootin and when it asks to install without verification, just say yes. It will work...04:16
fauzyNeed some help in regards to Unison over internet - intranet in Ubuntu <>Fedora04:16
coflysomebody in ,somebody out!04:17
nil_Losha: you have to install the pubkeys to your repository.04:17
ubuntu8-0LTSLosha: https://launchpad.net/~gezakovacs/+archive/ppa04:17
fauzyare you guys all volunteers?04:17
Loshanil_: well, you don't *have* to, you can run it without...04:17
StormMageanyone know when 10.04 will be out? at midnight or just sometime on the 29th?04:17
LuyzaYes fauzy04:17
dagon_nil_: import, not install04:17
Raptorserror: binding to port 113: bind(): Permission denied04:17
nil_This the cause of the warnings.04:17
ubuntu8-0LTSoops Losha E: Couldn't find package unetbootin04:17
fauzythats really really  cool04:17
JuzzyStormMage: it's pretty much out now04:17
Loshaubuntu8-0LTS: no, deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu hardy main from further down the page04:18
RaptorsI'm switching from oidentd to ident204:18
ubuntu8-0LTSi need th=o add teh ppa i think04:18
RaptorsHow do I get rid of the error?04:18
RaptorsI purged oidentd but its still there04:18
StormMageit is juzzy?04:18
Loshaubuntu8-0LTS: the url in the technical details appears to be a typo...04:18
ubuntu8-0LTSok thanks04:18
ubuntu8-0LTSLosha: thanks mate04:18
Luyza=^..^=  Question =^..^=   VLC notification icon disapeared (I'm in Karmic) anyone know how to get it back?   And,  in Nautilus, is there  a way to remove the arrows left of the icons, in List View ?  Thanks in advance =^..^=04:18
fauzyfauzy will do04:18
Raptorserror: binding to port 113: bind(): Permission denied04:18
JuzzyStormMage: the repo is constantly updated, the "final version" will only be a small few packages different04:18
Loshaubuntu8-0LTS: So would Losh be a boy's name?04:19
nil_dagon it is in the repo too.You can install it .I did it.04:19
StormMageany idea how long until the netbook remix or at the same time?04:19
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fillayyIs it worth it to try that 9.10 update yet?04:19
Juzzyi've been mirroring lucid since sunday, they are only changing 30-80 packahes/day at this point04:19
Juzzyout of tousands04:19
Juzzythousands too04:19
fillayyIs it worth it to try that 9.10 update yet?04:19
FlannelJuzzy: Please take it elsewhere, this channel isn't for lucid04:19
fauzyok I am looking to use Unison for notebook / desktop sync. Is there any better application04:20
JuzzyFlannel: the hell it isnt.04:20
=== Losha is now known as Loshki
MyrttiJuzzy: rly.04:20
anyoneofusanyone downloaded ubuntu 10.04 final?04:20
fvrserver irc.plasa.com04:20
Juzzyits ubuntu channel, lucid is ubuntu04:20
Myrttianyoneofus: it's not out yet04:20
FlannelJuzzy: It's not.  This channel is for Ubuntu support, Lucid isn't officially supported yet.04:20
oarion7what time is it going to be released, anybody know?04:20
JuzzyFlannel: go eat a dick elsewhere :/04:20
MrPocketsSO i jsut noticed that ubuntu's "clicks" when  you click on a button or something, are all in stereo.04:20
MrPocketswhich is cool as heck04:20
Flanneloarion7: Sometime within the next 32 hours.04:20
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oarion7Flannel, okay, thanks. wasnt sure if there was a "planned" release time.04:21
Flanneloarion7: It will be announced when it's released, don't worry.04:21
ishijoego to #ubuntu+1 for lucid talk04:21
ubuntu8-0LTSLoshki: anyway there is no other ppa i can find except fir the typo one04:21
fillayyWhat is the best program to use if you want to download music with ubuntu?04:21
Flanneloarion7: Nope, just "sometime" on the 29th (in some timezone)04:21
ubuntu8-0LTSLoshki: anyway there is no other ppa i can find except fir the typo one04:21
sp0spowhen windows does a scan and fix disk... it makes a found.000 directory... how do i turn that directory and files back to what it used to be?04:21
Guest18864I don't have any sound. speakers are powered on, alsa is topped out, and the Volume shows it's full. What's wrong?04:21
dagon_fillayy: rhyhtmbox and ubuntu music store? :P04:21
coflytimezone is a big problem04:21
anyoneofusin my local, everyone can to download ubuntu final at 15pm04:21
fillayydagon, is it free? :)04:21
Xial. . .04:21
Loshkiubuntu8-0LTS: if you use the deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu hardy main then do apt-get update then apt-get install unetbootin it works. I just ran it...04:21
ubuntu8-0LTS!sound | Guest1886404:21
ubottuGuest18864: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:21
Raptorserror: binding to port 113: bind(): Permission denied04:22
dagon_fillayy: don't think so, nothing is04:22
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:22
dagon_fillayy: the program's free but the music probably costs04:22
Xialhm, doesn't rhythmbox also pull music from jamendo?04:22
justinjstarkXial, Yes, there is a plugin for that04:22
Xialif so, then some of the music is free. some of the music (ie: what comes from magnatune) has a cost.04:23
LoshkiRaptors: which app are you trying to run?04:23
nil_Hey you !Kaffeine is still better way to listen music.04:23
RaptorsLoshki, Ident 204:23
RaptorsLoshki, Ident204:23
fillayyIs it possible to get a virus on Ubuntu? What kind of virus software could I use?04:23
LoshkiRaptors: you need to run it under sudo...04:23
_Techie_il est encore sorti04:23
nil_You can add musics from another partition too.04:23
Raptorserror: binding to port 113: bind(): Address already in use04:24
wolfie1hello all04:24
RaptorsLoshki, error: binding to port 113: bind(): Address already in use04:24
fauzyno one can help with a sync setup?04:24
LoshkiRaptors: do you already have an ident running?04:24
totic_Hi I am having a problem doing apt-get remove here it is http://pastebin.org/19119304:24
fauzyi have never done it.04:24
totic_does anybody know why this happens?04:24
jzacshwhat's the channel that's for waiting on the new release?04:24
RaptorsI had oidentd running but I stopped it and removed it04:24
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party04:24
jzacshLucidOne: thanks04:25
wolfie1in terminal when I press twice times tab, I get a list of all the available commands, I need to dump that info into a .txt file, how do I do that?? o.O04:25
LoshkiRaptors: what does netstat -an | egrep 113 say about anyone using port 113...04:25
fauzyjzacsh: #ubuntu+104:25
fauzyi think04:25
ubuntu8-0LTSLoshki: http://imagebin.ca/view/SsQek0qs.html <-here is teh error i am talking about when i add it04:25
wolfie1I know I will get all the commands and applications I have, and thats what I need04:25
HavoccI cannot get my microphone to work with Ubuntu 9.10 and the Audigy 2.  Any ideas?04:25
Raptorsit found my samba server but that 1138704:26
Loshkiubuntu8-0LTS: as previously discussed, the error is actually only a warning, and you should be able to proceed by just ignoring it...04:26
nil_Raptors :do you have installed Jack04:26
ubuntu8-0LTSLoshki: ok then04:26
Raptorsnil_, no04:26
wolfie1how can I make a file.txt with a list of all the commands and programs available in my pc? like when in terminal I press twice times "tab" ??? PLEASE HELP04:26
LucidOne!clone | wolfie104:27
ubottuwolfie1: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate04:27
nil_Raptors:So install it .Mabe solve your problem04:27
LoshkiRaptors: very odd. I would reboot, and then try running identd again...04:27
wolfie1yey!, that sounds better, because I really dont need the commands, but the programs I have installed04:28
ubuntu8-0LTSLoshki: thanks so much its ben awhile i jusr reverted back to ubuntu 8.04 as its more stable on my comp than 9.1004:28
Raptorsalright I'll restart my comp04:28
TwipleHey, my GRUB loader suddenly decided to do away with the whole "list of boot options" thing and now just pops up as a command prompt04:28
Xialeh, i'd htop before considering a reboot.04:28
Loshkiubuntu8-0LTS: got it working ?04:28
Twiplewhat happened?04:28
HavoccDo I need to remove pulseaudio to get my microphone to work with 9.10 and the Audigy204:28
Remmazeafter i did the fdisk -l this appear : Disk /dev/sdc: 499.4 GB, 499405291520 bytes04:28
Remmaze255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60715 cylinders04:28
RemmazeUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes04:28
RemmazeDisk identifier: 0xf600249204:28
Remmaze   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System04:28
ubuntu8-0LTSyes its installed thanks04:28
wolfie1thankies obuttu x304:28
nil_Raptors : Do you took a look to Kmix configuration?04:28
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LoshkiRemmaze: please paste the entire output to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com and tell us the url, ok?04:29
ThePulpi want to install unbuntu04:29
dagon_go ahead :)04:29
ThePulpbut i can't04:29
ubuntu8-0LTSLoshki: your a pal i am reckomending you for a ubuntu award04:29
bryanri came for the thirty minute countdown before the official release04:29
ant1mazrThePulp: go fir it :)04:29
ant1mazrThepulp: why that ?04:29
Loshkiubuntu8-0LTS: all in a day's work. Cheers...04:29
=== is_it_out_yet is now known as _Techie_
Flannelbryanr: That doesn't exist, but #ubuntu-release-party is where you want to be04:30
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ubuntu8-0LTSLoshki: remember part of linux is also helping people to help themselves04:30
Twiplenobody knows...04:30
ubuntu8-0LTSLoshki: and your a legend at it04:30
HavoccMy Microphone will not work with 9.10 and using Audigy 2. How can I fix this?04:30
Remmazethis is the link http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/J4bnBqdT04:30
ThePulpi try to load unbuntu by virtual Box04:30
impr0they does anyone know where i can track down some nvidia drivers for ubuntu ppc 10.0404:31
crimsunHavocc: make sure you've unmuted and raised the desired mixer controls04:31
Havocccrimsun: I have done all of those.04:31
impr0texperimental or not. just something better than the standard nv :( it's killing me04:31
LoshkiRemmaze: ok, which one of those is your new drive. Is it the 500GB one on /dev/sdc ?04:31
ThePulpbut this program tell me that error04:31
Remmazeyup the 50004:31
ThePulp kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init04:32
Twipleok, I'm just going to redo it again.04:32
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LoshkiRemmaze: ok, it looks like it's brand new i.e. it has no partitions or filesystem. Did you say there was data on it?04:32
crimsunHavocc: which? I don't know which you've done...04:32
Remmazeyup, according to my MAC friend...04:32
ant1mazrThePulp: what is your host OS ?04:33
Remmazehe used it for his Mac Book Pro04:33
Havocccrimsun: I have done all that you said. it was never muted to start. the mixer controls of the input/mic are turned up. I get no feedback on the input level04:33
crimsunHavocc: please pastebin 'amixer' output04:33
anthonyhi to all of you04:34
LoshkiRemmaze: well your system can't see that data. As far as its concerned, the disk is blank. If you want the data, you'd better take it back to your pal and get him to access it...04:34
britany_oklawould someone recommend a channel for video editing04:34
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impr0they does anyone know where i can track down some nvidia drivers for ubuntu ppc 10.04?04:34
Remmazethe thing is, we want to see if this UDF works on Linux and Mac04:34
Havocccrimsun: http://pastebin.com/qFjki9vy04:35
=== CaptainTrek is now known as CaptainLucid
=== Guest22337 is now known as gatakamsky
Loshkibritany_okla: I found http://www.videohelp.com/forum/archive/irc-channel-t335861.html via google. It mentions some irc channels...04:35
sam204475Hey ~ Anyone here?04:35
frankie_i am on ubuntu live cd and i am trying to configure my touchpad. i went to ubuntu software center and tried to install the touchpad thing there but it wont let me04:35
Guest5166i have a problem how do you play video .mov format i have a problem on its audio if i play it on movie player04:36
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britany_oklacan i msg u Loshki04:36
LoshkiRemmaze: then I would say the answer is clearly "no". In order to access the disk on linux you'd need to partition and format it, which would destroy any existing data...04:37
sam204475guest5166 ~  did u install the restricted packages?04:37
ThePulpi don't understand04:37
Remmazeok Loshki...04:37
Remmazethanks for yur help....04:37
britany_oklaGuest5166 Gixine04:37
Loshkibritany_okla: yes...04:37
Guest5166yes i already did it04:37
crimsunHavocc: 'Mic Boost (+20dB)' is muted; 'Analog Capture Boost' is muted; 'Analog Mix' capture is set to 0%04:37
ThePulpi don't know waht is my OS host04:37
Remmazereally appreciate it...04:37
rosco_ydoes anyone know why my system sounds are playing, but my multimedia apps are silent?04:37
sam204475Guest5166  ok   what file is .mov anyway?04:37
Guest5166what is Gixine04:37
frankie_it says "not available in the current data" it doesn't really help me very much04:37
LoshkiRemmaze: try googling for linux and mac filesystems, maybe there's something you can use which works for both04:38
Remmazewill do that04:38
Havocccrimsun: I am obviously not seeing where to unmute those.  Where do I fix that?04:38
Guest5166its play on quick time04:38
crimsunHavocc: amixer, alsamixer, etc.04:38
rosco_yis there a gui that let's you adjust the volumes for different processes (i.e., firefox)04:39
sam204475guest5166  did u get GSstreamer ?04:39
crimsunrosco_y: sure, pavucontrol04:39
Guest5166yes i already install it04:40
rosco_ycrimsun, thanks!04:40
sam204475what are you using to play?04:40
Guest5166can i just sent you the file04:40
Havocccrimsun: how do I unmute with alsamixer? i cannot seem to change them when pressing up and down04:40
trainwreckanyone know when the new release will go live04:40
sam204475no its ok  i can download one and try04:40
crimsunHavocc: press 'm'04:40
trainwreckis it midnite?04:40
trainwrecknew york time maybe?04:41
crimsunHavocc: note, use the capture view for 'Analog Mix'04:41
xisxoni need help04:41
xisxonmy ubuntu box is always crash04:41
xisxoncan someone help me? Please?04:41
greezmunkeyxisxon: on it's own, or are you doing something to cause it?04:42
frankie_ugh this is so frustrating thought this was suppose to be easy to use04:42
trainwreckxisxon, whats crashing?04:42
trainwreckis it the graphical interface? or gui / dektop04:42
trainwreckor is linux freezing04:42
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greezmunkeytrainwreck: maybe it crashed again??04:43
sam204475Frankie_ hehe  you should have seen me when i started using linux.  i pulled my hair out and didnt eat for days.04:43
sam204475it just takes time.04:43
ThePulpwhat is that??04:43
ThePulp kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init04:43
frankie_sam204475 well i just want to install something and it taunts me with a preview picture and everything and tells me it doesnt owkr!04:44
impr0tin the start linux scared the crap out of me.04:44
Havocccrimsun: how do I do that exactly? I want to make sure I am understanding what you are asking04:44
trainwreckso just waiting for this damn new release to go live04:44
greezmunkeyThePulp: explained: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/explained-kernel-panic-not-syncing-attempted-to-kill-init-353920/04:44
Guest5166this is the error if i try to play the video audio/x-gst-fourcc-Qclp decoder04:44
crimsunHavocc: press F404:45
sam204475what you want to install frankie_????04:45
impr0tdid you get the restricted drivers package?04:45
Flanneltrainwreck: #ubuntu-release-party is the place to go to wait04:45
crimsunHavocc: in alsamixer, that is04:45
=== evilGUI is now known as LucidGUI
Havocccrimsun: I greatly appreciate your help.  what does hitting f4 do exactly?04:45
crimsunHavocc: switches to the Capture perspective.04:46
sam204475Guest5166 ~   try this channel  i dont know maybe someone here can help you better   #twil04:46
crimsunHavocc: the screen for alsamixer should mention that...04:46
Havocccrimsun: do I need to do anything after that for it to take effect?04:47
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crimsunHavocc: not really, just make sure you've changed all the options.04:47
Havocccrimsun: Thanks buddy.  That did the trick. many thanks.04:49
crimsunHavocc: np04:49
StevenPearce88Does anyone know if there is blackberry support for ubuntu?04:49
Out_ColdStevenPearce88, yes and no..04:50
Out_ColdStevenPearce88, you can use your SD card and sync, but there are work arounds04:50
StevenPearce88what about being able to upgrade the OS?04:51
Out_ColdStevenPearce88, i think that's winblows specific..04:51
jbpinsonDoes anyone know when the Ubuntu 10.04  final release torrent will be available?04:52
h00kStevenPearce88: negative :(04:52
jpds!isitout | jbpinson04:52
ubottujbpinson: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party04:52
Out_Coldjbpinson, 29th or something04:52
jbpinsonThanks guys.04:52
johnjohn101that's now right?04:52
Out_Coldtomorrow for me04:52
StevenPearce88me sad :-(04:53
Flanneljohnjohn101: Sometime within the next 32 hours.  Join #ubuntu-release-party to pass the time04:53
johnjohn101what ever happened to the back up software that was supposed to be in lucid?04:53
StevenPearce88I guess I will just keep using Windows 7 *sigh*04:53
archaStevenPearce88, ?04:53
archaStevenPearce88, ubuntu 10.4 RC > windows 7 :-)04:54
=== mezquitale is now known as tucemiux_
Out_ColdStevenPearce88, just use a win comp to upgrade?04:54
Havocccrimsun:  Haha.  Now I have no audio output.  Love it. :/04:54
gbear14275anyone know if brainstorm is a dead project?04:54
tmukmkdso release already or not? officially04:54
Flannelgbear14275: I don't believe it is dead.04:54
Flanneltmukmkd: No.04:55
gbear14275Flannel: I don't see it advertised anywhere... or am I missing something?04:55
tmukmkdflannel thanks for da info :D keep updating guyz :p04:55
StevenPearce88yes but what blackberry support04:55
Flannelgbear14275: I don't know where it would be advertised, sorry.04:56
StevenPearce88i love ubuntu but I wont be able to upgrade my BB in ubuntu only sync04:56
Out_ColdStevenPearce88, i don't own a blackberry but you can transfer data to a storage card and sync contacts.. I think that's it04:56
r2q2What time does lucid get released04:56
Flannelr2q2: #ubuntu-release-party04:56
StevenPearce88does anyone think I can emulate desktop manager use win or wine doors or crossover?04:57
StevenPearce88one more hour hopefully04:57
StevenPearce88it's almost 11 here only like 3 minutes away, then 12 AM the 29th lets hope it comes04:58
sam204475Anyone here having problems with aMSN and webcamming? ????? ~~~~~ ??????04:58
Loshkigbear14275: brainstorm looks current, stuff is getting proposed and even implemented...04:58
sam204475YAY  10.04 ~04:58
sam204475Is anyone having a party for 10.04?04:58
TwipleI managed to get past the grub problem04:59
Twiplebut it didn't do what I wanted, how do I get out of initramfs04:59
tman_almost midnight does release at midnight. 10 sec04:59
rajmahendrahi i want to join Ubuntu Member. how to join ?04:59
StevenPearce88well actually I am on OS 5.0 for BB and OS 6.0 will be out sometime this year I heard but I may not be able to run it, dont know, because this OS 6.0 is still very new05:00
sam204475I feel really bad.  i had an amazing installation ~   everything works.  better than it did in windows :D  love ubuntu   ~  hated it the first couple of weeks.  :D    love it now.05:00
StevenPearce88as in still in the thinking and building processs lots of time to go05:00
Flannel!member > rajmahendra05:00
ubotturajmahendra, please see my private message05:00
Black_PhantomWhen is Lucid getting released ?05:00
FlannelBlack_Phantom: #ubuntu-release-party05:00
sam20447510.04 comes TODAY!05:00
rajmahendrathank you05:00
FloodBot4sam204475: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:00
FlannelGuys, take Lucid relase chatter to #ubuntu-release-party05:01
Twipleso can you help me?05:01
tomatoes7when today?05:01
Flanneltomatoes7: Within the next 32 hours.05:01
tman_im having a one man party someone say hey. and then say hoo.05:01
tomatoes7midnight in new york or los angeles?05:02
Flanneltomatoes7, tman_: take it to #ubuntu-release-party05:02
sam204475tomatoes i downloaded it already05:02
vernrHi. I would just like to know how to setup my system so that traffic only goes through my VPN (incoming and outgoing) whether I'm using PPTP or OpenVPN. I'm using a VPN service that charges a subscription fee and I don't want any traffic not going through the VPN for privacy reasons. I also want to be able to remote port forward a few ports. I'm using ubuntu 9.10.05:02
sam204475upgrade actually.05:02
patriickwheres the update05:02
sam204475update-manager -d05:03
=== CaptainTrek is now known as CaptainLucid
Flannelsam204475: Please don't suggest that here.05:03
sam204475Flannel   why not?05:03
Twiplebecause it's off topic and you're derailing help requests05:03
Flannelsam204475: Because this channel is for supported versions of Ubuntu, Lucid isn't official yet, and as such, isn't supported.05:03
sam204475ahhh ~05:04
sam204475ok  well then ill go. :D05:04
Twipleif you do have an issue with the RC05:04
danny__do i need to download the official release disc, even though i have the pre-released version of lucid installed?05:04
Twiplethere's a channel for that too05:04
vernrHi. I would just like to know how to setup my system so that traffic only goes through my VPN (incoming and outgoing) whether I'm using PPTP or OpenVPN. I'm using a VPN service that charges a subscription fee and I don't want any traffic not going through the VPN for privacy reasons. I also want to be able to remote port forward a few ports. I'm using ubuntu 9.10.05:04
dellphis 10.04 out yet?05:04
Flanneldellph: No.  #ubuntu-releaes-party05:04
Twiplethis is hopeless...05:05
FlannelTwiple: /join #ubuntu-release-party05:05
dellphok thanks peps! :)05:05
Twiplethat's not what I'm here for05:05
dellphi want to party!!05:05
Twiplehow do I get out of initramfs05:05
ps3inatorhey everyone. im sure this has been asked a billion times, but i was just wondering around what time do the final releases usually come out? i want to know how i should plan my day tomorrow05:06
vernrwhats the big deal anyway?05:06
ps3inatordoes anyone know what time 10.04 final should be released?05:06
Twipleps3inator: #ubuntu-release-party05:06
Havocccrimsun: I have no audio at all now. Something broke when getting the microphone to work05:07
ps3inatorthanks twiple05:07
crimsunHavocc: pastebin your amixer05:07
FlannelTwiple: Please stop parroting that channel, thanks05:07
danny__i found this error in my MPD log file; Apr 28 22:25 : can't find alsa mixer control "PCM". any ideas anyone?05:07
Twipleso but they keep going in here talking about 10.4 being released05:07
Loshkivernr: I can't help you much on the details, but I can tell you that the routing of traffic is done via the routing tables, and by suitably manipulating them, you can make all or part of your traffic go via the vpn...05:07
TwipleI was just trying to point them in the right direction, sorry05:07
FlannelTwiple: And you're adding to the noise with the channel names05:08
FlannelTwiple: We appreciate it, but it's not necessary :)05:08
Sayag_Samuelps3inator: in other word they don't05:08
vernrLoshki, where can one learn how to do this?05:08
Havocccrimsun: http://pastebin.com/T8uwPueL05:08
TwiplecanI do anything from initramfs or am I stuck?05:09
DShepherdhow can i determine what video drive i am using05:10
vernrLoshki, where can one learn how to do this?05:10
Loshkivernr: not sure, but try googling "ubuntu routing vpn" and see what turns up...05:10
Xcellyou folks are scaring me, my sys works 2 good, dammit man.05:10
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:10
LucidOne#ubuntu-release-party All the cool kids are doing it :)05:10
Xcelli just loaded the new pae and didnt have to redo my 195.36 graphics, whats up with that  ?05:11
Raptorsstill doesn't work :(05:12
Raptorsstill getting that error05:12
Raptorserror: binding to port 113: bind(): Address already in use05:12
Twipleoh wait05:12
Twipleit's called busybox05:12
LoshkiRaptors: and netstat -an | egrep 113 still shows nothing on port 113?05:13
Xcellman, i hope canonical puts mac in its place, if this keeps up, it will, bwahaha, like mcdonalds, (im lovin it).05:13
Twiplewhat does busybox do and why is everything so screwed?05:13
jimtahuTwiple: busybox it a mini-replacement for a bunch of /bin/stuff05:14
Twipleis there any channel for WUBI support?05:15
RaptorsLoshki, bash@bash-desktop:~$ netstat -an | egrep 113tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN05:15
Raptorstcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED05:15
Raptorsunix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     11322    /tmp/orbit-bash/linc-88d-0-52eeb2485e68905:15
Raptorsunix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     11372    /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket05:15
Raptorsunix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     1137105:15
FloodBot4Raptors: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:15
Raptorsunix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     11330    @/tmp/dbus-dEkSoqVnxX05:15
gnucodemonkeyWhen will 10.04 be available exactly?05:15
federicoHigh I am trying to configure my ATI card, but I aticonfig doesn't seem to work05:15
impr0tthey have rc out already05:16
federicoubuntu doesnt use X11 anymore right?05:16
jimtahufederico: what dose it complain about?05:16
LoshkiRaptors: please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com for the output and send us the url05:16
Flannelgnucodemonkey: Sometime within the next 32 hours, but we can't be more specific than that.05:16
RaptorsLoshki, http://pastebin.com/6HiLWskX05:16
federico aticonfig05:16
federicoaticonfig: No supported adapters detected05:16
Flannelgnucodemonkey: It's offtopic fo rthis channel, but you can join #ubuntu-release-party to bide your time while it releases05:16
gnucodemonkeyFlannel, Hey, thank yo very much.05:16
federicojimtahu, aticonfig: No supported adapters detected05:16
TwipleFlannel, is there a channel for WUBI issues or is it handled here?05:17
jimtahuThat means it dosn't realize what your card is05:17
CaptainLucidthats here Twiple05:17
LoshkiRaptors: that first line says there's something already listening on port 113: tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN05:17
pjoshiwhere can i download ip_gre.ko module05:17
TwipleMy WUBI is dumping me into Text parser GRUB05:17
Havocccrimsun: not finding anything?05:17
LoshkiRaptors: next, run lsof -i4tcp and pastebin the output05:17
RaptorsHow do I close it?05:17
jimtahufederico: try lspci and see if your cardis in the list05:17
maximus_hey ppl its 29th at my place wats the utc time of lucid release?05:18
TwipleI have no options, it's just this broken GRUB05:18
CaptainLucidmaximus_: UTC 1200 +- 12 hours05:18
federicojimtahu, yes it does appear  VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M56GL [Mobility FireGL V5200]05:18
RaptorsLoshki, http://pastebin.com/Wbe0HcPV05:18
Twiplewith no options, I don't know what to do05:18
maximus_@CaptainLucid thanks, cant wait any more :D05:18
jimtahufederico: maby it dosn't suport your card?05:18
CaptainLucidmaximus_: note the +- 12 hours, it could be either way.  /#ubuntu-release-party to wait for it there05:19
CaptainLucidi'm off, needz sleeps05:19
TwipleI found out this way to boot up ubuntu, but it just brings me to busybox05:19
federicojimtahu, no it isn't that , it used to work in my previous ubuntu isntalls05:19
maximus_@ ye got it05:19
Twipleis there any way to start ubuntu from busybox?05:19
jimtahufederico: dose the hw drives thingy list it?05:19
LoshkiRaptors: and also lsof -i4tcp:11305:20
Raptorsno output05:20
FlameyTwiple: there was this laptop once I tried to boot from live usb. It dropped me into busybox, I removed and reinserted the usb stick and exited the shell and it procedded to finish booting.05:20
Raptorsbash@bash-desktop:~$ lsof -i4tcp:113 bash@bash-desktop:~$05:21
LoshkiRaptors: ok, we'll have to do it the hard way. pastebin the output of 'ps ax' and lets see what's running....05:21
Raptorslol hard way05:21
federicojimtahu, it used to be supported and the way to configure it years ago when i got this laptop05:21
federicothe thing is I gave up on linux in a laptop a while a got05:21
j2bv16Hey is 2905:21
Raptorsbash@bash-desktop:~$ ps ax05:21
Raptors  PID TTY      STAT   TIME COMMAND05:21
Raptors    1 ?        Ss     0:00 /sbin/init05:21
Raptors    2 ?        S      0:00 [kthreadd]05:21
Raptors    3 ?        S      0:00 [migration/0]05:21
FloodBot4Raptors: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:21
federicoand wanted to see if I could revive it05:22
rootlinuxusrIs it possible to have the window snap to half the screen similar to win7?05:22
jimtahufederico: I hate it when things change like this05:22
LoshkiRaptors: pastebin, if you please...05:22
federicoc'est la vie05:22
federicofor some reason the fucker would die whenever I watched movies after a random amount of time05:22
federicowithout telling me anything05:22
federicojust caput05:22
FloodBot4federico: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:22
federicoand thats it05:22
Flannelfederico: Please mind your language, thanks.05:23
LucidOne!ohmy | federico05:23
ubottufederico: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.05:23
jimtahujimtahu: it may be config'd already?05:23
jimtahufederico: it may be config'd already?05:23
FlameyLoshki: sometimes lsof -itcp:{port<1024} doesn't show anything05:23
LoshkiFlamey: yeah, looks like this is one of those occasions...05:24
FlameyLoshki: it works with sudo though05:24
RaptorsLoshki, sorry it didn't copy it05:24
federicojimtahu, maybe, I just updated to 10.02 and it just died without a warning while watching hulu05:24
federicoso I am trying to get drivers from scratch05:24
ManOnFirewhen will ubuntu 10.04 will be released for download..05:24
cielonew ubuntu user, lost sound card on my kids computer - ubuntu 10, just dissapeard! any help?05:24
Raptors!ubuntu 10.0405:24
jimtahufederico: sorry I can't help more, I going to go bed.05:24
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party05:24
suboneim trying to resize my windows ntfs partition from gparted on ubuntu live cd or from ubuntu installed on hdd, but it says the CD is mounted on /cdrom on the ntfs drive...05:25
Twipleit says panic occured, switching back to text console05:26
Twiplebefore the busybox05:26
cielotyped playdo you think I should go back to version 9 of ubuntu ?05:26
LoshkiRaptors: please also try Flamey's suggestion of running: sudo lsof -i4tcp:11305:26
Raptorsinetd   1373 root    5u  IPv4   6205      0t0  TCP *:auth (LISTEN)05:27
Twipleok, I have a feeling that if I screw around with this anymore, my WUBI installation is going to corrupt my Windows, I'm pulling the plug on this05:27
sam204475twiple.  bye05:27
LoshkiRaptors: ok, that's a big clue. What do you have configured under inetd?05:27
Raptorsshould I just remove identd?05:28
LoshkiRaptors: not sure I believe you :-)05:28
RaptorsI don't use identd05:28
TwipleSo, what can I download do access my WUBI files? I have important documents I can't afford to lose05:28
RaptorsI used oidentd before05:29
Twipleor do05:29
Raptorsbut I removed that.05:29
Raptorshmm, that's running from root05:29
Raptorsso I probably should remove it05:29
LoshkiRaptors: some irc servers require identd. But if you can access everything without it, its ok to dispense with it.05:29
Raptorsi want to use ident205:30
Raptorsthat's inetd not identd05:30
RaptorsWTH is inetd?05:30
LoshkiRaptors: you are going to have to have a closer look at inetd then, because it looks like it's listening on port 113.05:30
TwipleI understand that this problem is a bug in WUBI itself05:31
TwipleI'll try setting up a legit dual boot05:31
LoshkiRaptors: inetd is a program which listens on various ports and when packets come in on those ports, it starts the appropriate daemon. Not to be confused with identd...05:31
LoshkiTwiple: make a backup of your windows system first, and that way, if it all goes terribly wrong, you'll be able to recover05:32
RaptorsSo I can't just close it? :(05:32
LoshkiRaptors: close which? inetd? identd?05:32
TwipleI'm on an EeePC, can't I just back up all my files and use the system restore partition?05:33
JarrettVwould like to change my dual boot 9.10 to virtual machine 10.04, any tips?05:33
RaptorsI dont't have any ident running, I'm trying to start ident2 but its not working05:33
j2bv16Is Ubuntu 10.04 aout?05:34
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party05:34
JarrettVTwiple, ubuntu 9.10 was unstable on virtualbox05:34
LoshkiRaptors: that depends on whether you are relying on inetd to start applications for you. If not, it's ok to stop it.05:34
j2bv16o i need to wait?05:34
JarrettVit is april 29th somewhere05:35
hexdump_Hey all.05:35
LoshkiI will be sooo glad when this release is over...05:35
Raptorsits april 29th here.05:35
FlannelGuys, take it to #ubuntu-release-party05:35
tech-mikeanybody here able to help with a backtrack 4 final live usb boot prob?05:36
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)05:36
hexdump_just curious I'm downloading a torrent and I'm getting an unregistered torrent error.  I know it probably has something to do with the tracker, but I'm still able to download it.  If there is another channel that I should go to that would be cool, but if somebody here could help that would be sweet.  Thanks! :)05:36
j2bv16[raptor]  agreed05:36
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party05:37
zetheroorecently I have been having some random issues with Skype and other apps going nuts with the CPU ... and I have to start killing processes right and left to gain minimal form of computing power ...05:40
TwipleLoshki: how do I make a backup of my windows system?05:40
zetherooyesterday it was Virtual Box, Skype and the Ubuntu Sync daemon that all were grabbing 90% CPU usage ...05:40
zetherooor trying to anyhow05:40
LoshkiTwiple: I'm not the best person to advise you on that, I don't use windows. Ask on #windows05:40
zetherooTwiple: uh ... wrong channel ...05:41
scuniziTwiple: actually just save your data since you have a recovery partition.. if something goes wrong use the recovery partition then restore your personal data05:42
PhilMatherThe new cloud stuff seems pretty interesting.05:42
aliciapghow do you kill something that says it's not running?05:42
zetheroosomething else I am noticing is that when I leave my system alone for a while and the screen goes black and I move the mouse to bring the screen back "on" it seems like everything is running slower than before05:42
LoshkiTwiple: Actually, I would take a 2nd opinion on that. It's possible to trash the recovery partition accidentally...05:42
ActionParsnipZetheroo: run: top ,for clues05:43
zetheroogenerally I am feeling Ubuntu to be more and more sluggish ... even with a strong CPU and 4GB of RAM05:43
ArtVandalaealiciapg, open a terminal.. ps aux | grep firefox ... find the pid... then kill 123456, where 123456 is the pid of the app05:43
TwipleI have an empty partition, can't I just restrict the installation to that?05:43
zetherooActionParsnip: top shows the CPU usage, no!?05:43
Loshkizetheroo: which os release are you running?05:43
aliciapgArtVandalae: did that05:43
zetherooLoshki: 9.1005:43
aliciapgArtVandalae: bash: kill: (25231) - No such process05:44
LoshkiTwiple: you can, but if you make a mistake, it's unforgiving...05:44
ActionParsnipAzetheroo: as well as the highest cpu user process05:44
TwipleI remember hearing about a program used to back up partitions05:44
TwipleI forgot the name05:44
zetherooActionParsnip: like System Monitor ... right!?05:44
ActionParsnipZetheroo: try a different wm/de maybe its a bug05:44
aliciapgArtVandalae: and the pid changes every time >-<05:44
scuniziTwiple: partimage, clonezilla05:44
ArtVandalaeTwiple, clonezilla?05:44
LoshkiTwiple: probably norton ghost, but as I say, I'm not an expert, and it's off-topic for this channel05:44
Twipleyes, clonezilla!05:44
ActionParsnipZetheroo: no idea, I've always used top05:45
TwipleSorry again05:45
j2bv16when will be release the final of !lucid05:45
ActionParsnip!liucid | j2bv1605:45
Flannelj2bv16: Within the next 31 hours05:45
ActionParsnip!lucid | j2bv1605:45
ubottuj2bv16: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party05:45
frankie_meets and greets05:46
Twiplehow do I open WUBI .disk files?05:46
zetherooFlannel: damn ... we're counting the hours already ... how time does fly ... :)05:46
aliciapgso no one knows?05:46
ArtVandalaealiciapg, what is the process that you're trying to kill?05:46
twiztidi need help with grub05:47
aliciapgArtVandalae: like the program?05:47
ArtVandalaetwiztid, just ask05:47
ArtVandalaealiciapg, yes05:47
ActionParsnipAliciapg: so you need to kill firefox off?05:47
aliciapgArtVandalae: aMule05:47
ArtVandalaealiciapg, try: killall amule05:47
aliciapgi can't open it because it says another instance is running05:47
aliciapgArtVandalae: tried that05:47
ActionParsnipTwiztid: sup05:47
zetherooI think Skype is buggy in Ubuntu/Linux ...05:47
TwipleI think so too05:48
ActionParsnipZetheroo: its proprietary so development is slow05:48
zetherooActionParsnip: indeed05:48
twiztidi edited my /etc/default/grub to default to my vista with a time out of 1 second... yet it wont auto start05:48
ArtVandalaealiciapg, ah, I've had that issue with Firefox before. It might be that something is cached somewhere (in a temp file, for example), that says that an instance exists. A restart will definitely fix it... but that's not really a solution05:48
CrazyWoodswhat's the exactyly time ubuntu 10.04 release?05:48
zetherooActionParsnip: we need an open source solution for Skype :D05:48
Raptorswell I killed inetd and started ident205:48
Raptorsand its working05:48
ActionParsnipTwiztid: did you run: sudo update-grub05:48
RaptorsI guess I'll turn on inetd again05:48
ArtVandalaeCrazyWoods, #ubuntu-release-party ... no official time though05:48
twiztideach time05:49
aliciapgArtVandalae: right... i kinda don't want to restart05:49
ActionParsnipZetheroo: the protocol is proprietary too. Look into ekiga05:49
zetherooI really wish the ThinkVantage utilities were usable in Linux ... :P05:49
zetherooActionParsnip: I see ... so how does imo.im work?05:49
ariefbayuall, I'm using 10.04 RC 1. and few days ago, I did partial upgrade (all available updates from update manager). Is this means that I'm currently running 10.04 (the one that will be released in the next couple hours)?05:50
ArtVandalaezetheroo, ActionParsnip is right. SIP is a good alternative to skype05:50
twiztidActionParsnip: I had it workin before but after i botted up to ubuntu and it did a update, it wont timeout in grub05:50
j2bv16i found the final ---> http://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso05:50
scuniziariefbayu: yes05:50
ActionParsnipTwiztid: read /boot/grub/grub.conf to verify settings are ok05:50
carlllhow could i have a server on a ubuntu computer and start the server on a windows computer?05:50
ActionParsnipJ2bv16: lucid is offtopic here05:50
zetherooArtVandalae: I don't use Skype for VOIP05:50
ActionParsnipCarlll: wake on lan maybe05:51
ArtVandalaezetheroo, just chat?05:51
clausenis there a good way to test ekiga?05:51
scunizicarlll: you want to start the ubuntu server from a windows computer?  what server? web, samba, ftp?05:51
zetherooArtVandalae: yep ...05:51
frankie_i am deciding whether to install the 64 bit one or the regular one is there much difference? I have a laptop and 4gbs of ram05:51
twiztidActionParsnip: could i pastebin it to you for a quick look?05:51
ActionParsnipClausen: use it05:51
clausenI often find that I have to hassle a friend to test VOIP programs05:51
carlllits a minecraft server05:51
clausenskype has a nice test call service05:51
ArtVandalaezetheroo, if you're interested, there is a free chat protocol called XMPP (Jabber), that is implemented by Gtalk and Facebook among others05:51
ActionParsnipTwiztid: I'm not conversant with grub as I don't multiboot. Try in #grub if you get no replys05:52
clausenActionParsnip, ?05:52
carlllthe server is on the ubuntu but i want to start it from the windows computer05:52
aliciapgso no solution eh?05:52
zetherooArtVandalae: but you can't chat with your Skype contacts without Skype right?05:52
ActionParsnipClausen: best way to test ekiga is to use it, like any other software. If it works as expected then it works05:52
ArtVandalaefrankie_, not much if you use free software. Proprietary software (such as Flash) may not work without tinkering though. Although I think even Flash released a 64bit Linux version recently05:52
clausentwiztid, I can look if you like...05:52
scunizicarlll: start the entire machine or one of the many servers that can be installed on it?05:52
clausenActionParsnip, it's very inconvenient05:53
carllljust 1 server on it05:53
twiztidcool yes please   http://pastebin.com/pPEgmb3K05:53
ActionParsnipArtvandale: flash64 has been around ages05:53
ArtVandalaezetheroo, that's correct. If Skype works for you, then stick with Skype. I just mentioned XMPP and SIP in case you're not aware that there are free alternative available05:53
clausenActionParsnip, and in the past it hasn't worked properly for me, so I don't want to keep hassling my friends05:53
brando753anyone know how to use a usb to parallel or usb to serial in ubuntu?05:53
ActionParsnipClausen: how is it inconvenient?05:53
zetherooArtVandalae: cool thanks ...05:53
clausenActionParsnip, I have to have a friend to test it with05:53
clausenActionParsnip, i.e. disturbe someone else to test it05:54
scunizicarlll: you still didn't answer the question.. start the entire machine from power off or start the server service on a machine that's already on?05:54
ActionParsnipClausen: then use a 2nd pc and talk to yourself05:54
carlllstart the server when the computer is powered on05:54
frankie_ArtVandalae thank you - is it more hassle to get 64bit linux working correctly than regular one ? with it being a 1.90ghz computer with 4gbs will there be a noticable difference in performance?05:54
clausenActionParsnip, I don't have one handy05:54
twiztidclausen: im curious about line 3405:54
frankie_4gbs of ram^05:54
ActionParsnipFrankie_: its just as easy. The pae kernel seems sluggish in my experience05:55
clausenActionParsnip, also, LAN connections are too "easy"05:55
scunizicarlll: you can ssh into the box and from there start the server.. there's a program for windows that allows ssh to linux05:55
clausenActionParsnip, it might work well on a LAN, but poorly over the internet05:55
Diverdudewhen is the new ubuntu version arriving?05:55
ActionParsnipClausen: that's all I got. Any voip software needs testing though in any OS05:55
ArtVandalaescunizi, carlll , program is called PuTTY05:55
ArtVandalaeDiverdude, soon. #ubuntu-release-party05:56
clausenTwiztid: sorry, what's your question?05:56
clausenActionParsnip, skype has a test call service05:56
scuniziArtVandalae: thanks.. I was just googling for that05:56
clausenActionParsnip, none of the free VOIP programs have one too?05:56
ActionParsnipClausen: does ekiga?05:56
clausenActionParsnip, not last time I checked05:56
scuniziclausen: ekiga does05:56
clausenscunizi, oh, it does now?  great!05:56
scuniziclausen: has for years05:56
carlllArtVandalae can you help me use PuTTY?05:56
ActionParsnipClausen: scunizi says it does, inconvenience relieved05:56
scuniziclausen: ActionParsnip I think it's 500@ekiga.com (maybe .net)05:57
twiztidclausen: my grub is setup to default to vista with a timeout of 1, yet after todays update, it wont automatically boot05:57
ActionParsnipCarlll: type the server name in the hostname box and click connect. You will then login to a command line interface05:57
clausentwiztid, you have to select it manually each time?05:57
ArtVandalaecarlll, sure, but there's really not much involved. Download Putty... double click on it... enter the hostname/IP address of your Linux machine, and you're done!05:57
clausenscunizi, so, there's no easy-to-find link for it?  hmmm05:58
ActionParsnipCarlll: you will need to install openssh-server on the server05:58
frankie_ActionParsnip  would you recommend installing 64 bit because of the sluggish handling of the pae kernal ?  sorry i am newbie :o05:58
twiztidclausen: yea...05:58
ActionParsnipFrankie_: for 4gb ram yes05:58
clausengrrr, ekiga doesn't fit on my screen05:58
scuniziclausen: in the setup I think it tells you.. might even be book marked.. or look on their site05:58
frankie_ActionParsnip : thank you for being helpful :)05:58
baudelaireWhat channel is the release party in?05:58
sam204475I have three partitions on my computer   one of them is windows.  I want to add the D:/ drive to my linux space.  any ideas how i can make my linux partition bigger?    ubuntu 10.04.05:59
iamthemorticidethats what i was wondrin05:59
bazhang!party > baudelaire05:59
ubottubaudelaire, please see my private message05:59
clausentwiztid, I'm looking into it...05:59
clausensam204475, gparted?05:59
baudelairebazhang, ty05:59
sam204475Clausen   is gparted installed with ubuntu or do i n eed to download it?05:59
hackoohow to start upgrade process for karmic to lucid?05:59
clausensam204475, I think it's already installed06:00
hunahpusam204475: you have to install it via Software Centre/syanptic, it is loaded in livecd though06:00
twiztidclausen: specifically line 34 looks suspicious with the -1 for a timeout06:00
sam204475im not using a live CD06:00
clausentwiztid, right06:00
hunahpusam204475: then install it via Software Centre06:00
clausensam204475, hmmm, maybe you should use a live CD?06:00
sam204475k  ill give it a try06:00
archathe pidgin window shows my own name with which i logged in.. and if i post a mesasge to my name, it sends me back the same.. what should i do now the pidgin window shows my own name with which i logged in.. and if i post a mesasge to my name, it sends me back the same.. what should i do now ??06:00
archasorry, i pasted the message twice by mistake06:01
sam204475im already installed and have been using it for a couple of weeks ~06:01
anishsethhi, can anyone tell me at what time the ubuntu 10.04  final release would be unleashed06:01
clausensam204475, new versions of parted aren't good at resizing partitions on the same hard disk as one in use06:01
clausen(but I'm not sure)06:01
clausenI mean, it won't do damage06:01
PhilMatherAnybody having issues with 10.04 and open-vm-tools wanting to install X?06:01
clausenbut it might just complain and give up06:01
sam204475ok ill give it a go06:01
twiztidclausen: and as you can see i attempted to time out with 0 on line 36...06:01
hunahpusam204475: unless you're resizing the partition you booted from, you won't need to use a LiveCD06:01
sam204475ive backed up everything. i have 10.04 and im ready to say BYE BYE to windows for good.   ohh  scray.06:02
clausentwiztid, you could try commenting the if...else stuff out...06:02
xanguaanishseth: it was gnonna being released in 1 minute, but now that you asket it was delayed another hour :(06:02
xanguaanishseth: /j #ubuntu-release-party06:02
sam204475im resizing the booted HD yeah.  ok ill get the gparted  see wha happens.06:02
anishsethxangua: if you don't wanna answer don't06:02
hunahpusam204475: =) good choice, you can always use a virtual machine if it's absolutelly necessary to use win06:02
danny__i found this error in my MPD log file; Apr 28 22:25 : can't find alsa mixer control "PCM". any ideas anyone?06:03
xanguaanishseth: is gonna be ready when it's ready06:03
clausensam204475, I'm pretty sure that's not going to work06:03
vernrHi. I would just like to know how to setup my system so that traffic only goes through my VPN (incoming and outgoing) whether I'm using PPTP or OpenVPN. I'm using a VPN service that charges a subscription fee and I don't want any traffic not going through the VPN for privacy reasons. I also want to be able to remote port forward a few ports. I'm using ubuntu 9.10.06:03
xanguatoo much !ot from my part06:03
clausen(you'll need a live cd)06:03
anishsethxangua : that is better06:03
twiztidclausen: ok, just one in front of 'if' an 'else' ?06:03
clausenyou can boot a live cd off the boot partition06:03
clausentwiztid, 33, 35, and 3706:03
sam204475hunahpu ~ honestly. im sick of windows.   im just so tired  of re installing over and over and the printer wont work without the cd and the wifi wont work without the small CD that dont fit in my computer.    Ubuntu really is a godsend.06:03
clausensam204475, (I wrote a patch to make it easier to boot from ISOs....06:04
=== shai_ is now known as shai
vernrHi. I would just like to know how to setup my system so that traffic only goes through my VPN (incoming and outgoing) whether I'm using PPTP or OpenVPN. I'm using a VPN service that charges a subscription fee and I don't want any traffic not going through the VPN for privacy reasons. I also want to be able to remote port forward a few ports. I'm using ubuntu 9.10.06:05
vernrcould someone please help!06:05
hunahpu!patience | vernr06:05
ubottuvernr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:05
iamthemorticideYes, yes. Doesn't network manager provide that? Are you having a problem with the network manager applet?06:05
jpottsvernr, Set your default route in for the vpn gateway.06:05
padi999Hi all06:05
twiztidclausen: ok would commenting 35 negate 36's instruction? or does it matter?06:05
vernrjpotts, what does that mean?06:06
inuyashamy default windows manager became mutter,how can i change it to metacity?06:06
mahiis there any web based svn administration tools06:06
padi999in 10.4 my evolution does not show "Google" as an option for a new calendar. This worked yesterday, and today the option is gone?06:06
robertzaccourwhich is better for netbooks netbook edition or regular? or should i just use xubuntu or lubuntu?06:06
clausentwiztid, let me see if I can find the documentation06:06
robertzaccourfor lucid i mean06:06
clausentwiztid, sorry, I'm not being systematic06:06
mahiis there any web based svn administration tools06:06
ExavionI had to work in a few kernel source updates and recompile it to work with some of my hardware in karmic, lynx claims to work with it out-of-the-box, should I just clean-install or update karmic to it?06:06
mahihi every one06:06
mahiis there any web based svn administration tools06:07
iamthemorticiderob: i recommend not using netbook version, but using a regular distro. my opinion.06:07
vernrjpotts, how do you do that? :006:07
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robertzaccourok thanks06:07
kkpicDoes anyone know when LTS will be available?06:07
hunahpu!patience > mahi06:07
ubottumahi, please see my private message06:07
twiztidclausen: no problem, im so stumped, it worked until today, let me know what you find much appreciated06:07
hunahpukkpic: in ~24hrs06:07
clausentwiztid, why don't you change the -1 to 206:07
robertzaccourprobably xubuntu or lubuntu. is lubuntu ready for use yet? it was unstable a year ago06:07
clausen(or 1)06:07
sata!patience > sata06:07
ubottusata, please see my private message06:07
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party06:07
vernrjpotts, where did you go?06:07
clausentwiztid, "-1" means "show the menu"06:07
vernrHi. I would just like to know how to setup my system so that traffic only goes through my VPN (incoming and outgoing) whether I'm using PPTP or OpenVPN. I'm using a VPN service that charges a subscription fee and I don't want any traffic not going through the VPN for privacy reasons. I also want to be able to remote port forward a few ports. I'm using ubuntu 9.10.06:08
kkpicI wish they wouldn't have said it would be available today06:08
iamthemorticidethank you ubo for the proper channel name for the rel party06:08
twiztidclausen: is that safe? even though its a generated config file?06:08
iamthemorticide@vernr, learn 2 ssh06:08
clausentwiztid, yeah, it's safe06:08
clausentwiztid, it won't last though...06:08
noahkkpic - i was hoping it would be available now as well06:08
PhilMatheriamthemorticide: no06:08
clausentwiztid, it will get overwritten06:08
hunahpukkpic: "today" can be yesterday in some countries and tomorrow in others... :p06:08
robertzaccourtoday is the 29th, so its just hours til Lucid isn't offtopic. i don't thing the final release will be any different within those hours lol06:08
vernriamthemorticide, and that would be helpful in which way...?06:08
Guest86759HELLO DEVERYONE06:09
PhilMathervernr: setup a firewall rule to block all traffic except to the VPN host.06:09
hunahpu"Today" is 28th here...06:09
colombianSpanish channel?06:09
padi999I did a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure evolution" and it reappeared!06:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:09
hunahpuhola colombian, en #ubuntu-es06:09
vernrPhilippeD, that's exactly what I want to do but I dont know how to do that.06:09
hunahpucolombian: escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" sin las comillas06:09
robertzaccouris LXDE a safe choice over XFCE yet?06:09
twiztidclausen: ok ill give it a go, and ya its cool at least i can get it manually, hopefully... thank you very much for your help06:09
PhilMathervernr: maybe read up on firewall rules, its pretty easy.06:09
vernrPhilMather, its a huge complicated mess06:10
clausenTwiztid if that works, we can figure out hwo ti fix it properly06:10
hunahpurobertzaccour: it's not 100% stable yet but it is functional06:10
PhilMathervernr: oh?06:10
vernrHi. I would just like to know how to setup my system so that traffic only goes through my VPN (incoming and outgoing) whether I'm using PPTP or OpenVPN. I'm using a VPN service that charges a subscription fee and I don't want any traffic not going through the VPN for privacy reasons. I also want to be able to remote port forward a few ports. I'm using ubuntu 9.10.06:10
twiztidclausen: k ill try to report back with my success...06:10
robertzaccouris it really any noticeably faster than xfce hunahpu ?06:10
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PhilMathervernr: ok, listen to me.06:11
frankie_if i install the 64bit version of linux and find most things work like wifi, graphics, etc does that mean that i wont have too many hassles after installing it ?06:11
clausentwiztid, :)06:11
mahiis there any web based svn administration tools06:11
PhilMathervernr: use your VPN service, but set your firewall on your local machine to block all outgoing traffic except to the VPN service.06:11
hunahpurobertzaccour: between *buntus; not THAT faster, but yeah, it is lighter, if you're seeking for speed/lightweight you may want to try a different distro06:11
PhilMathervernr: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html06:11
gogetaPhilMather: i think you mean test with live cd06:11
PhilMathergogeta: that would be a bonus.06:12
gogetaPhilMather: the ubuntu cds are live cds06:12
vernrPhilMather, ok, did I mention that I need to do remote port forwarding as well?06:12
robertzaccourtrading in my laptop in tomorrow for a dell mini 9 and $200. gettin my usb flash drive xubuntu ready while i still can lol06:12
gogeta!firewall ! vernr06:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:13
PhilMathervernr: were is the remote port forwarding coming from?06:13
vernrPhilMather, what do you mean?06:13
gogeta!firewall | vernr06:13
ubottuvernr: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.06:13
wombatmanAnyone know how to exit vmware unity or is this a bug? Ubuntu is 9.10 vmware player 3.0.0 running windows xp vm06:13
vernrgogeta, I'm aware, thanks.06:13
gogetathat will give you all the info on doing that06:14
vernrbut how do you forward ports to the vpn server06:14
PhilMathervernr: I presume the remote port is on far side of the VPN connection, yes?06:14
vernrPhilMather, correct06:14
gogetavernr: itsa easy to manage threw ufw06:14
PhilMathervernr: ok, if the VPN service is issuing you a public address, then your machine one connected to the VPN service should be fully routable on the internet, via the VPN service address.06:15
PhilMathervernr: if they assign you a private address things get a bit more difficult.06:15
IPSvbhello can someone help to setup monitor + video card i installed ati-driver-installer-9-12-x86.x86_64  and tried to run ati control center but it said "There was a problem initializing Catalyst Control Center Linux edition.  It could be caused by the following.06:15
IPSvbNo ATI graphics driver is installed, or the ATI driver is not functioning properly.06:15
IPSvbPlease install the ATI driver appropriate for you ATI hardware, or configure using aticonfig."  and my monitor is marked as unknown06:15
Albi_where is ubuntu 10.04, i've been waiting all day!!06:15
hackooIf I install lucid beta can I upgrade it to stable later?06:15
vernrPhilMather, i get a internal ip that they assign that the ports are forwarded on06:16
bullgard4How to list all tags of my firefox?06:16
Albi_hackoo you dont want to install lucid 'beta' as in a RC i think you mean06:16
tumiihackoo: why would you do that? Lucid final is released today06:16
vernrPhilMather, can we please take this to PM?06:16
spikebikes/is/will be/06:16
frankie_if i install the 64bit version of linux and find most things work like wifi, graphics, etc does that mean that i wont have too many hassles after installing it ?06:16
Albi_hackoo it has a memory leaking issue which just as you run it it just fills up your ram more and more06:16
tumiifrankie_: you shuould not06:17
hunahpufrankie_: it should work fine, if you have 64-bit hardware you should be using 64-bit OS anyways.06:17
hackooAlbi_: ok, yes I dont want RC. But upgrade option shows only lucid beta.06:17
hackootumii: yes its released but its not available in online upgrade ?06:17
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PhilMathervernr: I would suggest reading up a bit more on the firewall software.  It's better to understand what you are doing for your protection then having somebody guide you through the process.06:18
Albi_frankie_: when you install a 64bit version all applications that are installed must be 64bit to run, unless you are into heavy video editing there is really no point06:18
tumiihackoo: not yet, i think?06:18
hunahpuhackoo: the final version is not out yet, wait ~24 hours for the network upgrade06:18
Flannelhackoo: It's not released yet.06:18
hackootumii: ok06:18
n2diyI just shutdown my test box with ssh over the lan, can I restart it with ssh? i don't see how, since it is off line?06:18
frankie_albi_ it makes me feel uncomfortable if i knowingly dont use my hardcare to its full capabilities06:19
hunahpuAlbi_: of course there is a big point in using 64-bit software, otherwise you're wasting your hardware...06:19
* hackoo waiting for stable lucid06:19
Albi_frankie_ and hunahpu you waste your hardware even more if you can only run one or two applictaions on it06:19
tumii10.04 is not released yet? probably later today, or?06:20
kaushalwhat does the motto "Linux for Human Beings!" means06:20
hunahpuAlbi_: having 64-bit software allows you to run more apps at the same time actually.....06:20
Flanneltumii: Sometime within the next 30 hours06:20
spikebikeif you install a lucid release candidate, then apt-get upgrade/update, is there a file that indidcates if you are still running the rc or if it's the release?06:20
Albi_kaushal: because linux use to be really complicated, ubuntu makes linux easy because everything works out of the box just about06:20
Flannelspikebike: Once its released, and once you upgrade, you're good.06:21
Albi_hunahpu: only if the app supports slash is written for 64bit06:21
dedWhat's the apt-get/aptitude command to search for a package containing a specific file?06:21
Flannelspikebike: It's not released yet, so you won't be on final yet.06:21
Flannelded: apt-file06:21
spikebikehunahpu: 64-bit has just about nothing to do with how much you can run at once06:21
dedFlannel, cheers06:21
hunahpukaushal: it's from the actual word "Ubuntu", an african word that means something like "Humanity for all human kind"; express that ubuntu means to make the use of Linux something anyone can do, both usability and accessability06:21
spikebikeFlannel: er, yeah I know but once you are how can you tell?06:21
NerdsMcGeeHey guys, I just installed Lucid and installed the nVidia restricted drivers on my MacBookPro5,5. When I boot now though, my boot resolution is very low. The same thing happened on Karmic. It was fine before I installed the nVidia drivers. Any ideas as to how I can fix this?06:21
hunahpuspikebike: of course it does06:22
spikebikehunahpu: er no06:22
hunahpuspikebike: that's the idea behind jumping to 64-bits arch06:22
Flannelspikebike: I don't know if its written anywhere, but you'll know since you're up to date06:22
wombatmananyone use vmware player unity?06:22
hunahpuspikebike: yes of course, with 64-bits you can effectively use more threads allowing you to run paralel processes06:22
IPSvbcan someone help to setup ATI video card ?06:22
vernrPhilMather, could you at least tell me this: what is the process of only allowing VPN traffic to and from your machine called?06:23
spikebikerunning 32 bit or 64-bit os has nothign to do with how many programs you can run at once06:23
hunahpuspikebike: again, it's the whole idea of jumping to 64-bits....06:23
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spikebikehunahpu: er, no it's not06:23
Albi_frankie_ 64bit hasnt picked up yet, most hardware nowadays supports 64bit, yet people still use 32bit, if you are an advance user you can go 64bit, but if you are not you will have many troubles06:23
hunahpuspikebike: yes... do you know what threads are?06:23
duckwarsis there anyway to check if I made a proper bootable USB?I can't seem to get my computer to boot from the USB...06:24
spikebikehunahpu: yes I'm quite familiar with threads, they run just fine on 32 bit machines06:24
NerdsMcGeeis my /etc/usplash.conf supposed to be non-existant after installing nVidia drivers?06:24
n2diyI just shutdown my test box with ssh over the lan, can I restart it with ssh? i don't see how, since it is off line?06:24
spikebikehunahpu: hold that thought I have to scarf some food06:24
calamariduckwars: do an fdisk on the drive, is there a * in the bootable column for the boot partition?06:24
hunahpuspikebike: is not if they run or not fine in 32bits... how many threads can you program in a 32bit machine and how many in a 64bit? if you still say it doesn't allow you to run more processes... I'll call you a blind person.06:25
Flanneln2diy: If it has some sort of Wake On Lan, you could, but in general, no.06:25
duckwarshm... problem is I don't have access to a linux machine06:25
abyssx64bit is for folks that think 4+ gigs should be enough for anyone06:25
abyssx"*gigs of memory :P06:25
n2diyFlannel: thanks, do you know what the wake on lan command syntax would be?06:25
Albi_NerdsMcGee you shouldnt need that usplash for nvidia you want /etc.X11/xorg.conf06:25
calamariduckwars: oh so this is something you copied on06:25
vernrwhat is the process of only allowing VPN traffic to and from your machine called, anyone?06:25
hunahpuabyssx: having 64-bits software is far more than being able to use more than 2^32 of RAM........06:25
NerdsMcGeeAlbi_: That tells it the boot resolution too? When I get to gdm, the resolution is fine.06:26
PhilMathervernr: firewalling/blocking local traffic.06:26
Flanneln2diy: You'd have to set up a magic packet before shutting it down, and then you find WoL software (some is in the repos) and have at it.06:26
Albi_NerdsMcGee pardon the error i meant /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:26
* hunahpu stops the !ot06:26
duckwarsyea... i tried doing what it said here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick for mac06:26
bebobliabyssx: Isn't that backwards? Wouldn't one who desired the benefits of more power desire more RAM (beyond 4 gigs) rather than less?06:26
frankie_are there many programs that still won' twork on 64bit ubuntu? i thought most of the issues with it were gone?06:26
PhilMathervernr: you would in theory block all outbound and inbound traffic from your local machine, except to the address of the VPN server.06:26
duckwarsnow I just wanna know if I made the usb wrong, or if I'm failing to get my computer to boot from it06:26
calamariduckwars: oh you have an intel mac?  I can't help you there, sorry06:26
duckwarscalamari: I also have a windows 7 computer I can check the USB with06:27
PhilMathervernr: again, this would prevent data from getting on the non vpn local network.06:27
ActionParsnipDuckwars: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?06:27
n2diyFlannel: roger that, sounds like a project for the waking hours, tnxs again.06:27
Sp0treleases.ubuntu.com doesn't work..06:27
Albi_hunahpu: it may allow you to run more processors but it does not allow you to run more programs because barely anybody is coding for 64bit, if you want to rewrite every program that you want to install to run 64bit go ahead and install it06:27
xangua!party > Sp0t06:28
ubottuSp0t, please see my private message06:28
duckwarsno... but I did just try to read the USB in windows and it said I need to format.... so I'm gonna format and then try put UBUNTU on the USB again06:28
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ActionParsnipAlbi: I've ran 64bit for years with no issues. The repos have 64bit apps and 32bit06:28
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties06:28
gFredAny ideas what time the Ubuntu Lucid Lynx will be released?06:28
Albi_NerdsMcGee if you are talking about the resolution when it boots as in all the white text on black background you cannot change that, it should change to your proper res when you reach the dm and then when you log in it should also keep that higher resoplution06:29
xanguagFred: in a couple of light years06:29
NerdsMcGeeAlbi_: But it was proper res on VESA06:29
Sp0tthe country where I am is not on the map!06:29
ActionParsnipDuckwars: if you donrt test the md5 then you have no idea if the data sis complete or consistant06:29
hunahpuxangua: isn't light year a distance unit?06:29
IPSvbcan someone help to install a video driver ?06:29
NerdsMcGeeAlbi_: Also, I'm talking about the grahical loader. With ubuntu and the colored background06:29
duckwarshow do I test the md5?06:29
xanguahunahpu: yes, !bazinga06:29
Albi_ActionParsnip: yes there are applications for 64bit, just a program that isnt written for 64bit wont run on 64bit06:29
ActionParsnipIpsvb: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga06:30
Albi_NerdsMcGee: yeahp everybody has that low resolution of 640x480 or whatever it is for that graphical loader, just like in windows, theres probably a way to change it but probably complicated and not worth your while06:30
ActionParsnipAlbi_: you can run 32bit apps using ia32-libs06:30
NerdsMcGeeAlbi_: That's what I don't get. It was 1280x800 when I first installed, and worked until I installed the nVidia restricted drivers06:31
ActionParsnip!md5 | duckwars06:31
ubottuduckwars: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:31
IPSvbActionParsnip  can you make privet chat please06:31
Albi_ActionParsnip: its been about 2 years since i looked into 64bit, i will check out what this lib06:31
ActionParsnipIpsvb: no keep it in the channel06:31
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ActionParsnipAlbi_; can you please stop spreading ignorance then06:31
calamarisince upgrading to karmic, sound skips in most applications.. is there a fix for this?06:32
ActionParsnipAlbi_: you can run 32bit apps on 64biut ubuntu and you are tlling users its not possible06:32
freezwayis RGBA enabled by default in ubuntu 10.04?06:32
Albi_ActionParsnip: how dare you even accuse me of such06:32
twiztidclausen: good news! that workaround got it to boot up automatically!06:32
xanguafreezway: that depend of the them you are using and it's configuration; join #ubuntu+1 for lucid support06:33
IPSvbActionParsnip: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 365006:33
hunahpufreezway: the short answer is yes; but it really depends on the specific application you're using06:33
ActionParsnipAlbi_: you are also telling users that installing video drivers is complicated and not woretg the effort which is also false06:33
k2sis it a good practice to have default ubuntu user ? shoul I rename it after installation ? how ? thank you06:33
Albi_NerdsMcGee: not sure then, if its only the lower res in the graphical loader id consider myself lucky, lol06:33
Albi_ActionParsnip: PTTTTTT WHAT ON EARTH, i said nothing of the kind06:33
ActionParsnipIpsvb: great, in the administration menu there is a hardware driver installer. If you click it are you offered a driver?06:33
Flannelk2s: during install you'll pick a name for your user, "ubuntu" won't be it.06:34
IPSvbActionParsnip: Reconfiguring X.org video drivers is not possible: /etc/X11/xorg.conf is invalid.06:34
hunahpuk2s: it's not a good practice, security-wise06:34
ActionParsnipFlannel: can you please paste albi_ saying getting better display is hard. My client only caches about 50 lines06:35
k2sFlannel: I am on Amazon EC2 and that is pre-installed image with ubuntu :-(06:35
ActionParsnipIipsvb: ati has a proprietary driver for you card.06:35
ActionParsnip!ati | ipsvb06:35
ubottuipsvb: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:35
Albi_ActionParsnip: i said changing of the graphical loader is hard, i said nothing about installing video drivers or the bullshit you are quoting, now honestly i came in here to help out which is more than what you are doing so fuck off06:36
IPSvbubottu :  thanks06:36
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:36
k2sdoes anybody know how to rename that "ubuntu" user ?06:36
ActionParsnipAlbi_: cool06:37
* hunahpu is grateful the bad-karma Albi is out06:37
DeadpocketssDoes everything in Windows XP have an equivalent in Ubuntu?06:37
ActionParsnipK2s: in user manager06:37
ActionParsnipDeadpocketss: mostly yes06:37
hunahpuDeadpocketss: not everything, but most of it yest06:37
DeadpocketssI'm considering a clean install. I'm not sure yet.06:38
hunahpuDeadpocketss: It's a good idea if you use Ubuntu more than Win, and if you can do all your work with it06:38
ActionParsnipDeadpocketss: could install to usb/sd card to test :D06:38
jumbersDeadpocketss: Do it. If you really need windows, you can install it in VirtualBox06:38
DeadpocketssI have them side by side right now.06:38
IPSvbActionParsnip: yes and i istalled it it said "There was a problem initializing Catalyst Control Center Linux edition.  It could be caused by the following.06:39
IPSvbNo ATI graphics driver is installed, or the ATI driver is not functioning properly.06:39
IPSvbPlease install the ATI driver appropriate for you ATI hardware, or configure using aticonfig.06:39
ActionParsnipDeadpocketss: my bad06:39
hunahpuDeadpocketss: many of us have a dual boot machine (double head system)06:39
FloodBot4IPSvb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:39
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hunahpuIPSvb: how did you install the driver? did you restart X?06:40
ActionParsnipIpsvb: there is a way to generate an xorg.conf file but I am unaware of the sytax, you can then edit that to load the driver06:40
DeadpocketssI'm going to clean install, nevermind. It shouldn't have even been in question.06:40
ActionParsnipHanahpu: good point06:40
hunahpuDeadpocketss: Good choice; if you ever need win, there are virtual machines06:40
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ActionParsnipIpsvb: reboot after you install the driver (makes things easier and tests from a cold boot)06:40
DeadpocketssYeah. Ill do it after it updates.06:41
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hunahpuDeadpocketss: you are waiting for updates in order to make a clean install??06:41
DeadpocketssI just realised what I said.06:42
Discombobulatorhello, I know this might've been asked many times today, but at what time lucid will be released?06:43
FlannelDiscombobulator: soemtime within the next 31 hours06:43
kwtmDiscombobulator: You don't have it yet?06:43
hunahpuDiscombobulator: in about ~24 hours06:43
NinoScriptNerdsMcGee, Hey, I'm PMing you :D06:43
anon__so no official time just within 31 hrs?06:44
hunahpuDiscombobulator: there is a channel about it, #ubuntu-release-party I think, message ubottu with !lucid06:44
* spikebike returns06:44
ac_4934how to earn money?06:44
Discombobulatorhunahpu, thanks for the channel06:44
hunahpuanon__: it's scheduled for the 29th, but they never mention a time-zone :p and delays are common06:44
pijuany ham radio operator here ?06:44
spikebikehunahpu: say you want to run a few hundred apaches on a 16gb ram machine06:44
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ActionParsnip!ot | ac_493406:45
ubottuac_4934: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:45
anon__thanks alot for the answer06:45
hunahpuspikebike: remember that having 100 apaches open doesn't imply they are working at the same time; with a 64-bit machine (software included) more of them will be able tu be running simultaneusly06:45
mdelmy sata drive keeps "resetting"06:46
spikebikehunahpu: er, exactly one will be running per core (or 2 per core if you have hyperthreading)06:46
spikebikein the 32 bit or 64 bit case06:46
hunahpumdel: what do you mean resetting?06:46
mdelso my machine keeps freezing for approx 30 seconds06:46
mdelhunahpu: the error is "ata3: hard resetting"06:46
mdelthen the machine locks up06:47
ac_4934how to earn money?06:47
mdelthen the message is something like "sata XX: link is up 1.5gbs"06:47
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spikebikehunahpu: the schedule will give the appearance of many running at once06:47
mdelthe drive is fine, as this occurs with another drive as well06:47
spikebikeer scheduler06:47
mdelim thinking its the sata controller06:47
mdelbut maybe drivers?06:47
hunahpumdel: it might be your computer sata controller06:47
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mcnelliswhat times does 10.04 come out?06:48
ac_4934how to earn money?06:48
Flannelac_4934: that's offtopic here, find a more suitable channel06:49
zefyrred 5 standing bye06:49
mdelhunahpu: here's hoping an off-mobo sata controller will help06:49
Flannelmcnellis: Soemtime within the next 30 hours.  Follow along in #ubuntu-release-party06:49
hunahpumdel: yes, that may work06:49
hunahpumdel: there are pci ones I think, some mobos are cheaper though :p06:50
losairoHi. Anyone know if today will be really released the 10.04 lts?06:50
Flannellosairo: Within the next 30 hours.  Follow along in #ubuntu-release-party06:51
hunahpulosairo: yes, but "today" is "yesterday/tomorrow" depending on your time-zone; it is the 28th in the (US) west coast for example.06:51
losairothank you06:51
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* hunahpu feels sorry for Canonicals servers... they will be loaded.06:52
supervividwhats the exact UTC time for the release?06:52
spikebikeI kinda wish canonical would publish torrents 1 hour before opening the webservers06:52
Laibcomssupervivid, from experience, as long as there's a timezone that is still in the relase day (in this case April 29th), then it is still "on time"06:53
hunahpusupervivid: they don't tell... :p delays are always expected, be patient; it should be out in ~24hours go to #ubuntu-release-party to count down06:53
sandipbwhy dont you download the rc torrent now and then zsync it when released?06:53
spikebikesandipb: hard to guess how many blocks will be shared between rc and release06:53
spikebikeeven an offset of 1 byte would invalidate every block06:53
tonyyarussospikebike: um, zsync works rather well for what he's suggesting actually.06:54
sandipbspikebike: even a beta2 to rc release, the zsync diff was only about 70%06:54
tonyyarussosupervivid: as Laibcoms said, there is no time of release, only a day.06:54
sandipbsorry, 30%. 70% was already identical06:54
sandipbthe rc to release version would have more identical06:54
supervividi'll be waiting for the last time zone in the last hour06:55
ac_4934how to earn money?06:55
spikebikesandipb: interesting 70% in common or 70% new (i.e. was the 2nd download 70% or 30%06:55
tonyyarussoac_4934: ....that's definitely not an Ubuntu support question.06:55
bazhangac_4934, please stop asking that.06:55
sandipb70% in common06:55
ac_4934i need money06:56
NinoScriptany other MacBook users here? (specially looking for MacBookPro5,5 users, but it would be nice to contact any Mac user out there :D)06:56
spikebikesounds promising06:56
bazhangac_4934, it has nothing to do with ubuntu support . please stop or you will be removed06:56
eycelhi can some one anser an linux question06:57
xzxzxzI would like to make a script that starts openvpn by opening a ovpn file, pauses for 1 second, enters in a username, presses enter then enters a password. could anyone show me how to do this please?06:57
sandipbBTW, am just now zsyncing the kubuntu rc cd images by using the ubuntu rc images as seed. Seems on an average about 70% identical.06:57
sandipbbut yeah, rc to rc06:57
eycelhow do i get special font characters to come up in linux?06:57
BiggFREEThe support is really good. Thanks a lot.06:57
eycellike in windows you have the character box in program files06:57
xzxzxzeycel, applications -- accessories -- character map06:59
padi999Can I make the about:home google screen in firefox under ubuntu 10.4 somehow make the default for google searches?06:59
hunahpupadi999: google is the default browser engine in firefox (10.04)06:59
hunahpuif that's what you mean07:00
xzxzxzI would like to make a script that starts openvpn by opening a ovpn file, pauses for 1 second, enters in a username, presses enter then enters a password. could anyone show me how to do this please?07:00
padi999hunahpu: yes but google has a different design/layout if you browse to googlecom instead of the about:home screen07:00
gleennso who's exited about tomorrow?07:00
gleennor is it out already?07:00
padi999hunahpu: I don't like google's new design/layout. I want the about:home style everywhere07:01
hunahpugleenn: it is not out yet07:01
hunahpupadi999: google has a new design?07:02
NinoScripteycel, also, if you know the unicode of a character, you could make it by pressing ctrl+shift and entering the code07:02
eyceldop de dop07:03
NinoScripteycel, for example, ctrl+shift, then while pressed u2603 gives you ☃ when you let the ctrl+shift go07:04
NinoScripteycel, try it :D, snowman rocks! ☃☃☃☃☃☃☃07:04
eycelk nino thanks07:04
ac_4934child porn here?07:05
Homer_Rox_YaUbuntu 10.04 is out and I'm running it with issues. It's really nice, but now I have to find something to do instead fixing my computer, it's sort of boring.07:05
rwwac_4934: No.07:05
rwwubottu: tell ac_4934 about guidelines07:06
ubottuac_4934, please see my private message07:06
ac_4934oh ok07:06
hunahpuHomer_Rox_Ya: 10.04 is not out yet...07:06
gleennbut we're so close07:06
rwwHomer_Rox_Ya: haha, I know the feeling07:06
ac_4934ubottu, i don't sell child porn07:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:06
ac_4934don't ask me07:06
rwwac_4934: Now would be a great time for you to drop this topic.07:07
NinoScriptI'm sorry if I shouldn't say this, but… could you ban ac_4934?07:07
rwwspeedy Flannel is speedy07:07
gleennuh, wrong room guys...07:08
ActionParsnipYo yo yo07:09
gogetarww: there is a command to grab the ops attetion but they relly better be doing something wrong before you triger it07:10
rwwgogeta: I'm aware of this.07:10
emacsppWho can tell me why I can not get the real Ubuntu10.04 as is reported today07:12
Flannelemacspp: It'll be released within the next 30 hours.07:12
gogetaemacspp: its not out yet07:12
dominicdinadait is only april 29th @ 1:12am right now07:12
luckymuralihi to all07:13
gogetait will be 1 minut late just to annoy everyone07:13
luckymuralihow do I list the first line of all files in a folder using head and ls command?07:13
jlgaddisfor FILE in * ; do head -n 1 $FILE ; done07:14
gleennyou should use xargs07:14
gleennit's cooler07:14
gleennimpress your teacher07:14
luckymuralinwithout using for loop07:15
jlgaddisluckymurali: sounds like homework07:15
ActionParsnipI'd use: ls | head -n 107:15
ActionParsnipWorks in my head, can't test though07:15
jlgaddiswon't work07:15
ActionParsnipNo. That'd just show first result07:15
gogetaActionParsnip: whers your ubuntu box07:16
hasardeurhi @ all07:16
ActionParsnipGogeta: I'm on a bus. I'm getting a new pc soon so I've made my desktop good and genericv to sell07:16
luckymuraliI used it but I forgotbthe command07:16
bluebird421Hi everyone07:16
hasardeuris it a good idea to do a dpkg --get-selections on ubuntu 9.10 in order to do a --set-selection in 10.04?07:17
PaperBoyany ffmpeg expects in here?07:17
gogetaActionParsnip: bad you never sell a linux box you make it a server07:17
ActionParsnipHasardeur: should be fine. If you used any ppas you will need to add those too07:18
hasardeuryes, of course, thank you very much, ActionParsnip!07:18
ActionParsnipGogeta: I have lots of 300mhz systems laying around. Wanted to make the cost less by recouping from the current07:18
thelostpatrolhey guys, any news on the 10.4 final release download links?07:19
gogetaActionParsnip: 5 ps fans and 3 hdds my 333 m2 is stil happly running as a server07:19
dudefacewhen does ubuntu come out07:19
thelostpatrol10.4 is planned for today07:20
Flannelthelostpatrol, dudeface: it'll be released sometime within the next 30 hours.  Join #ubuntu-release-party for updates07:20
rootlinuxusrhow can i determine what device is mounted from it's mount point?07:20
thelostpatrolokay, sounds good. i'll join.07:20
ActionParsnipGogeta: pentium 233mhz with 64mb ram running gentoo runs torrents+samba+backups ;)07:20
rootlinuxusr(sd card)07:20
ActionParsnipRootlinuxusr: mount ,will tell you07:21
gleennrootlinuxusr: mount command by itself will list all mounted devices07:21
gogetaActionParsnip: 486 dx2 running slack as a torrent server07:21
ActionParsnipGogeta: nice07:22
rootlinuxusrlists mmcblock0p1, how can i format that? it's not located under /dev.07:22
ActionParsnipGogeta: I inherit old systems but figured i'd buy a new one for once. Acer nvidia ion nettop. Its spiffy07:23
ActionParsnipRootlinuxusr: try: sudo fdisk -l07:23
gogetaActionParsnip: man should gone for the g7307:23
gogetaActionParsnip: of yea a dell c610 converted to compact flash as me media center running puppy07:24
ActionParsnipGogeta: I'm looking up g7307:24
gogetaActionParsnip: hdd died so i put a 2.5 ida to dule cf flash adaptor in07:25
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ActionParsnipGogeta: asus g73 is expensive dude. I web browse and chat. My current rig is half the power of the acer and does what I need already07:25
gogetaActionParsnip: i buy power lol07:26
KeithWeissharhow many hours will ubuntu 10.04 be relased in?07:26
KeithWeissharit's 2:26am where i live07:26
paketehey all07:26
ActionParsnipGogeta: I buy low power consumption. Was going to get a fitpc2 but its not got enough beef for halflife207:26
FlannelKeithWeisshar: Within the next 30 hours07:27
gogetaActionParsnip: oh i got a little netbook for that07:27
gogetaActionParsnip: but when its gameing time you pull out that bad boy07:27
zencatanyone know how many hours till 10.04 is released?07:27
ActionParsnip!lucid | zencat07:28
ubottuzencat: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party07:28
baudelaireAnyone know why they've significantly cut down the number of official US Ubuntu Mirrors?  MIT and GATech used to have their links posted up there07:30
gogetaActionParsnip: did the channel die lol07:30
ActionParsnipGogeta: not sure. Seems ok07:30
gogetaActionParsnip: none is speeking other then us and the guy asking abought mirrors07:31
ActionParsnipGuys that's how it goes for now07:31
gogetabaudelaire: when lucid comes out they will be lots of mirrors07:31
* PorkusMcG is excited!07:31
ActionParsnipAnd now I gotta go work so just you now gogeta ;)07:31
saucerunning 9.10 and see new kernel updates pushed out, maybe something up soon with 10.04, probably not but i can pretend it is07:32
PorkusMcGso, forgive me for being noob (I am not, actually rofl), but uh ... did they post a *time* that 10.04 goes live?07:32
rwwPorkusMcG: no07:32
sauceubuntuforums people say no timetable given07:32
FlannelPorkusMcG: No, it'll be released sometime on the 29th, which means within the next 30 hours or so07:32
brutusgodricanyone here into mpd? i found this error in my MPD log file; Apr 28 22:25 : can't find alsa mixer control "PCM".07:32
rwwPorkusMcG: announcements will be posted to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/ and this channel's /topic when it's done07:32
gogetasometimes in the last few hrs they do a countdown07:32
Flannelgogeta: No, they don't07:32
PorkusMcGThanx guys, I was just wondering.  rww ty fer the link!!!07:33
dethklokPorkusMG: 10:04 AM GMT of course:)07:33
gogetaFlannel: not foing it with this lts are they07:33
PorkusMcGdethklok: rofl07:33
predakangaHeh, I'm just idling waiting for the release as well07:33
wildbatjust y ppl care sooooo much about when 10.04 time of release~ .... ?07:33
gogetapredakanga: enjoy that 30 hr idel07:33
killaz_when ubuntu 10.04 will be release ?07:33
Flannelgogeta: They've never done a countdown, because that would mean they'd know when they were going to release ita few hours ahead of time, which they don't07:34
* McNuggets waits for the mirrors to crash under the load 07:34
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
FlannelGuys, please take the Lucid questions to #ubuntu-release-party, thanks07:34
gogetaFlannel: well i saw em do it once07:34
predakangaFlannel: kk07:34
PorkusMcGFlannel: thanx, I also didnt know about that channel.07:34
rootlinuxusrhttp://pastebin.com/S0wjRhLc why did this exit with an error - tried to format a sdcard07:34
gogetaFlannel: im not shure haw far back that was thow it has beena wile07:35
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Kartagiswhat time will Lucid be released?07:36
gogetathers no time07:36
=== Flannel changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | Lucid/10.04 Support in #ubuntu+1 | Release discussion in #ubuntu-release-party
gogetajust a date07:36
gogetai dunno why people even go crazy for the exact time all thats gonna happon is the servers will flood07:37
PorkusMcGHey Flannel, is there any way to make that little added note there in bold or flashing, or fancy colors?07:37
FlannelPorkusMcG: nope07:38
kelvinellahi, how to use d-link airplus-G card with ubuntu?07:38
rootlinuxusrhow can i format fat32 to an sdcard from command prompt?07:38
PorkusMcGFlannel: too bad.  i am going to use Bittorrent to get mine.07:38
kelvinellathe model number is DWL-G650+A07:38
gogeta!wireless | kelvinella07:38
ubottukelvinella: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:38
wildbatrootlinuxusr, mkfs.vfat -F 32 <dev>07:40
dethklokjoin #anime.de07:41
cbillhey i have a question, my PC is idling at 40% ram usage(775MB) but i can only acct for around 200MB in processes, any idea were the other 500MB is going?07:41
rootlinuxusr@wildbat should it just say mkfs.vfat versinfo dateofrelease and that's it?07:42
tp43how much ram you got, or how much % is 200mb?07:42
mrakegresh: :D07:43
wildbatcbill, cache , buffer, etc~07:43
tp43cbill, MINE IS THE SAME07:43
cbillya im reading a forum, seems its normal amount07:44
tp43there is lots of processes, adds up07:44
wildbatrootlinuxusr, huh?07:44
rootlinuxusr@wildbat http://pastebin.com/6Dgw1Lv9 this is my result.07:45
brutusgodriccan i disable the fact that my right-click acts as a left-click sometimes? like if i were to right click on my desktop and accidentally right click again on one of the menu items that come up, it acts as if i right clicked on the menu item because it activates the clicked item07:46
PadhuIs Lucid Lynx released?07:46
drwxr-xr-xAt what time does Ubuntu 10.04 actually go oficially live?07:46
rootlinuxusrcurious as to that answer too.07:46
Padhu<drwxr-xr-x> +107:46
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party07:47
candyhow to go to another channel?07:47
rootlinuxusrtype /j07:47
drwxr-xr-xThank you! :) I'll go there.07:47
wildbatrootlinuxusr, and? what else you need?07:48
optimus_thow do i fix the broken packages?07:48
rootlinuxusris that what it's supposed to look like, or is it supposed to give a wget-ish display?07:48
wildbatrootlinuxusr, yes it is supposed to look like this ~07:49
rootlinuxusryou know how wget gives a percentage based on what percent is finished?07:49
wildbatrootlinuxusr, it is quick format ~ so no percentage07:49
rootlinuxusranyway to format regularly? trying to fix fubar G1 phone...07:50
rootlinuxusrneed virgin sdcard.07:50
PadhuWaiting for Lucid................07:50
optimus_tcould not mark all the packages??07:50
abyssxwhats the rls party channel?07:50
Skepticso where can i find the lucid iso?07:50
wildbatquick format shall be fine ~07:50
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party07:51
RuneWhenever I use dch -i it grabs my name from /etc/passwd and uses username@host as my email despite that I have set DEBEMAIL="some@mail.net" and DEBFULLNAME="name" in ~/.devscripts07:51
Imran-UKanyone know what time of day 10.04 will be released?07:51
Imran-UKthe website just says "soon"07:52
metalekso welp07:52
PorkusMcGUgh, the #Ubuntu-release-party channel has gotten .... a bit rediculous.  I'm out for the night.07:52
sam204475is there a room for playing games on ubuntu?07:52
PorkusMcGnite all!  see y'all on the flipside.07:52
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someonespecialafter putting apparmor into complain mode where do i find the complaints it logs?07:56
tarzeauis it out already?07:56
someonespecialall of the pages on the net i must be bad at searching07:56
someonespecialover and over it tells me it will log it but does not say where the log is07:56
someonespecialhelp help!07:57
NerdsMcgee_I think I have Lucid pretty much setup on my MacBookPro5,5 :)07:57
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sam204475Someone Special.... with Ubuntu  or something else?07:57
agapoulhswhere is ubuntu 10.04.....??07:57
sam204475karmic?  whats that?07:57
someonespecialkarmic is ubuntu 9.107:57
sam20447510.04 ~~~ 囧 who knows.  its taking a long time to get here...07:57
someonespecialhalp halp!07:58
someonespecialwhy does it take me 40mins just to figure out where apparmor logs stuff07:58
someonespecialand counting07:58
rootlinuxusrwhereis apparmor*log?07:59
someonespeciali searched and every page tells me complain logs violations but doesnt say where the log is07:59
sam204475i was using 9.1007:59
wildbatsomeonespecial, did you checks /var/log ?08:00
friendforalli need some different help08:00
someonespecialil check08:00
wildbat90% of the  logs are there08:00
Webdev_SEOhi guys08:00
daMulltook me 2 minutes and some googling08:01
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=== mark_ is now known as markuss
theurossomeone can give me an advice ... i use ubuntu for a few months and i have a problem wich i don't know how to solve ....08:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:03
theurosgimp doesn't work anymore...08:03
theurosi tryed to unistall it . and installit again08:03
theuroswhen i try to run it ... nothing happens ..08:03
theurosfor first few secconds seens like something is loading but then stops08:04
wildbattheuros, try run it in terminal and get the error msg08:04
someonespecialwhat is in /etcpasswd?08:04
someonespecialwhats located in /etc/passwd08:05
wildbatsomeonespecial, user login infmation ~ so you don't wanna touch08:06
rootlinuxusrhash stored passwords08:06
Spankgood morning08:06
someonespecialwildbat: damn skype is snooping all over my system08:06
someonespecialits peking in there08:06
thrityfourfiftypurge it08:06
Spankwhen we expect the 10.04 to be released?08:06
sam204475~~ need help with using Wine.. Anyone able to help?08:06
Manfred-Spank: XD08:06
theurosok i will try it when i arrive at home ...  seccond question ... i have windows here at work .. and it sucks .. i will install ubuntu, but i still need windows sometimes ... dualboot sucks so i will use virtual box .. anyone know how well win xp will run in virtual box? .. my comp. spec are: AMD sempron 2600 with 1,5gb of ram08:07
wildbatsomeonespecial, what do skype have to do with /etc/passwd?08:07
frankie_its thursday08:07
rootlinuxusrshould run fine. done it before.08:07
thrityfourfiftytheuros it runs perfectly well08:07
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noorhi everyone08:07
rootlinuxusrdependent on whether or not your processor supports emulation.08:07
wildbattheuros, all good except 3D graphic08:07
noori just installed ubuntu 9.0408:08
theurosi have 1,5gb of ram .. how much run should give to windows and how much to ubuntu ?08:08
Spankim new to linux community and i have decided that ubuntu is a good distro for beginners :P08:08
someonespecialwildbat: apparmor logged it trying to peek08:08
someonespecialamong a plethora of other things08:08
someonespecialskype is pure spyware08:08
gmatti am trying to change the settings in my screen recorder software to get my mic to record audio, but i am unsure which device it is.  how can i find this out?08:08
sam204475Spank.... :D08:08
DaijoubuUbuntu Lucid Roxxx o//08:08
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties08:08
someonespeciali think skype is breaking federal law08:08
sam204475Skype is spyware ?  really08:08
noorand i installed xammp but had propleme with making alias always give me 403 Access forbidden error08:08
sam204475why ? someonespecial?08:08
wildbatsomeonespecial, it try to steal /etc/passwd?XD08:08
wildbatdid it touch shodow yet?XD08:09
someonespecialthere was a law saying p2p programs cant ust open up peoples computers without telling them08:09
sam204475someone special... can i ask u something ?08:09
someonespecialwildbat: i dont know theres a loooong list its basically trying to acess everything08:10
someonespecialthe profile that comes in the repos wouldnt let it work08:10
someonespecialsure ask me08:10
sam204475How many users of ubuntu live in america?  im british and skype is european.  i dont think its breaking any laws here.  if it causes you any problems why dont u just not use it??08:11
someonespecialskype doesnt come with ubuntu08:11
sam204475i know  but i like it ...08:11
thrityfourfiftyis it really european?08:11
FloodBot4sam204475: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:11
someonespeciali think skype is a usa inc08:11
sam204475its from europe.08:11
gorskii don't see 10.04 upgrade possibility in update manager, help?08:12
thrityfourfiftyme too08:12
wildbatgorski, nope08:12
sam204475well your all thinking wrong. its european08:12
markussupdate-manager -d08:12
someonespecialubuntu comes from where obama comes from08:12
gorskiwhen it will appear, please?08:12
wildbat!lucid | gorski08:12
ubottugorski: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party08:12
sam204475Estonian ~ thats where skype is from  estonia .08:12
noordoes any one know how to make alias on xampp server it gives me error 403 , help !!08:12
thrityfourfiftyits european08:12
thrityfourfiftyat least historically08:13
sam204475it still is08:13
milkmanHow long until 10.04 is out?08:13
someonespecialskype is a usa inc i think though08:13
theurosat home i have some old computer with ubuntu server installed .. i'm not a linux guru so i just want to ask .. is there a simple way to test if my server config. is ok or has some security flaws ?08:13
sam204475just cos Ebay owns it now dont mean its american08:13
sam204475just like IBM is not American anymore. :D08:13
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thrityfourfiftyI dont think so - if you own sth - you own it - whereever it was before..08:14
milkmanHow long until 10.04 is out?08:14
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wildbat!lucid | milkman08:15
ubottumilkman: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party08:15
=== ookami is now known as ^ookami^
someonespecialdoes anyone know of a way i can stop skype from scanning my whole computer08:15
someonespecialand still use it08:16
daMullsomeonespecial: don't use skype if it bothers you08:16
daMullsomeonespecial: use it in a virtual machine08:16
andy112233Thanks ubottu. Am curious whether half of the people here now switch to #ubuntu-release-party. :o)08:17
someonespecialwell i have it on another computer08:17
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someonespecialand on its own netwok so08:17
someonespeciali guess ill just let skype takeover the system08:17
Kalidarnif i've got the ubuntu dvd or kubuntu dvd media can i setup encrypted lvm with that, from memory you needed the 'alternate' cd.08:17
jony_can somebody tell me when it will be available the final version of 10.04?08:17
Kalidarnjony_: later today probably08:17
Kalidarnit's 7:14AM UTC08:17
someonespecialKalidarn: what version i think 9.10 allows it08:18
Kalidarnyeah 9.10 or any version after that08:18
someonespecialthen why did u ask08:18
IlyaHaykinson_Want to experience Lucid early? download the new Ubuntu Manual - http://ubuntu-manual.org -- and let us know what you think!08:18
Kalidarnsomeonespecial: thing you just have to kick it into the text installer which is an option on the boot menu08:18
Kalidarni just wondered08:18
someonespecialu ask what u already know answers too?08:18
Kalidarnsomeonespecial: used to use the xubuntu alternate disk, but in 10.04 i won't be using xfce anymore as it uses more memory than gnome :P08:19
someonespecialthe reason i use skype is because it is more reliable than the other voips08:19
Kalidarnsomeonespecial: true it'd be nice to see libjingle get more popular08:19
icerootKalidarn: use lubuntu-desktop, its great08:19
wildbaticeroot, how great?;p08:20
dmarkeywhen is 10.04 htting the mirrors?08:20
someonespecialjust make sure you put skype on a blank systen08:20
Kalidarniceroot: true i am considering lxde, only thing was i found it didn't play to well with resizing desktops in vmware08:20
someonespecialthe whole thing is a trojan08:20
someonespecialbut a damn useful trojan08:20
wildbatsomeonespecial, just run in a vm if you worry ;p08:20
icerootwildbat: it has a nice usability (not like xfce4) and is using less ressources then xfce408:20
someonespeciali bought a netbook to run it on08:20
Kalidarnthrityfourfifty: skype cannot be used with pidgin, it's proprietary08:20
someonespecialeven a vm doesnt help08:21
someonespecialits like a wormhole to networks08:21
thrityfourfiftyKalidarn but there are other protocols that I would switch to if I find out that a chat program is scanning files in /etc08:21
someonespeciali put it on a netbook and run it on its own public ip08:21
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties08:21
guillermoůИИЖóóóóôôôюş  »08:21
Kalidarnthrityfourfifty: i wasn't aware skype scanned files in /etc ?08:21
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party08:22
someonespecialdont ever put skype behind a protected network08:22
thrityfourfiftysomeonespecial says os08:22
someonespecialKalidarn: run skype in apparmor complain mode and u can see everything it does08:22
Kalidarnsomeonespecial: interesting ill investigate this08:22
someonespecialits about 40 entries of files it shouldnt have acess too08:22
thrityfourfiftycould you paste the entries in pastebin or sth?08:23
Kalidarnsomeonespecial: got any links to this?08:23
thrityfourfiftywould be interesting08:23
creative1412guys is the ubuntu 10.04 got leaked like the isos?08:24
wildbat!lucid | creative141208:24
ubottucreative1412: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party08:24
someonespecialits on the netbook08:24
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party08:24
someonespecialjust try it08:24
someonespecialsee for yourself08:25
someonespecialdont take my word for it08:25
Remmazewhat is the command line to shut down an applications? example i want to quit transmission bit torrent?08:25
someonespecialim with the cia08:25
thrityfourfiftyRemmaze pgreg <program name>08:25
yohannbzhRemmaze: do "ps -ax | grep torrent"08:25
thrityfourfiftykill <process id>08:25
wildbatRemmaze, kill <pid> or pkil<name>08:25
Remmazeok thanx...08:25
thrityfourfiftypgrep up there08:25
yohannbzhRemmaze: and after "kill -9 <process_id>"08:26
thrityfourfiftynot pgreg08:26
thrityfourfiftybut dont use "-9" if you can avoid it for other programs, might be fine with torrent08:26
ph0xidein how many hours will be realesed?08:26
DonkyManChongso where thu fook is 10.04?08:27
wildbatp0bailey, 1000000000000hrs08:27
wildbatDonkyManChong, in you kitchen~08:27
someonespecialim with the IIA08:27
DonkyManChongmore like in my toilet08:27
someonespecialindividual inteligence agency08:27
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p0baileywildbat, ?08:27
someonespecialim a citizen too08:28
someonespecialso i said cia08:28
someonespecialcitizen intelligence agency08:28
thelostpatrolheh they're spamming some kind of blog link in the release party channel08:28
thelostpatrolapparently you can dl 10.4 there08:28
someonespecialeveryone should be a part of the iia08:28
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someonespecialkeep from having too many dumb people08:29
someonespecialgather intelligence for yourself08:29
Jaredd33where can you get it? whats this blog?08:29
thrityfourfiftydid you find pastebin yet?08:29
DonkyManChongthey 2 days ole08:29
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest78402
thelostpatrolyeah looks like the iso can be downloaded now from the pool08:30
Jaredd33wheres that08:31
someonespecialok i need more halp, gimme some ubuntu, what port does gpg acces keyserver from08:31
NekobwaahSo I just installed 9.1.0, and upon trying to open the Package Manage, I get this: "E: The package linux-image-2.6.31-21-generic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it"08:31
rwwDon't link to pool URLs, please. They're not necessarily final, and downloading from them slows down the release checklist.08:31
someonespecialbecause i have my firewall set to only allow web browsing08:31
thelostpatrolokay sorry08:31
someonespecialplease haaalp!08:31
someonespecialu good folks08:31
pramodyup...its up @ pool....u can download the iso....08:31
leonardomdphello people08:32
DelphiWorldhi all08:32
someonespecialwhat port does gpg acess ubuntu keyserver from?08:32
Jaredd33im downloading right now, thanks for the link08:32
DelphiWorldplease i have 2 fe nic in my server08:32
DelphiWorldubuntu 9.1008:32
DelphiWorld1 for internet08:32
DelphiWorld2 for backbone08:32
DelphiWorldif i add default gateway for 1 i can't access backbone but i can access internet08:33
DelphiWorldbut if i add default gw to 2 i can't access internet and i can access backbone08:33
DelphiWorldany help?08:33
leonardomdpLucid  Lynx release this for download now?08:33
rwwubottu: isitout | leonardomdp08:34
ubottuleonardomdp: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party08:34
leonardomdpthanks friend :)08:34
dotnettedhey all - I have to manually run "ifdown" and "ifup" on my wireless interface (ra0) to get it working after every reboot - what's the best way to diagnose why it wont auto-start? (it's set as auto in /etc/network/interfaces))08:35
someonespeciallets try 11371 ftw08:35
rshakinhey ppl is there a way to revert the visual keyboard to a normal state08:36
lucrusdoes anybody know the GMT time for 10.4 release?08:36
dotnettedactually I guess ra0 does auto start - but it starts ignoring the wpa-* values in /etc/network/interfaces until I do a manual ifdown/ifup08:37
rwwlucrus: there isn't one scheduled. an email will get sent to http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce when it's released, and this channel's /topic will be updated. You can also hang out in #ubuntu-release-party with others waiting :)08:37
lucrusrww, thanks08:38
padi999hi all08:39
noorwant to give execution permission to group of files inside folder08:39
playmoIs Lucid Lynx out yet?08:39
padi999Desklets for ubuntu: What does exist? gDesklets are not really working in 10.4 ... aDesklets does not even install properly...08:39
rwwubottu: isitout | playmo08:39
ubottuplaymo: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party08:39
wildbatChan Op Shall set a rule for banning ppl who don't read topic08:40
PaperBoyguys  my  php user doesn't have access to system() or shell_exec()  how can i enabled this08:40
rwwwildbat: unlikely08:40
wildbatrww, or and list kick them out ;p08:41
friendforalli need help with downloading a file and sending the file as DVD copy to me. someone to help me please?08:41
rshakinhey i need some kind of a good on screen keyboard08:42
Rei-chanfriendforall, try explaining that question again?08:42
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someonespecialok does anyone need my halp anymore or else im outtie08:43
friendforallRei-chan, can i pm you?08:43
wildbatsomeonespecial, later~08:43
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Rei-chanI'm just going to type !pm or something, mate.08:44
Rei-chanActually, friendforall, no one can PM me on Freenode. Please restate your question on the channel.08:45
someonespecialthis really sucks08:46
someonespeciali deleted allow 8001 in ufw and reloaded and the connection stays established08:47
friendforallRei-chan, My download speed only 10-15 kb. I need to download a file which size is 1.5 gb . If i try to download the file then i need 15-30 days. For this reason i need help from someone about sending the file to me. I can give him 5 $ as sending cost.08:47
someonespecialwhat a crock08:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:48
Rei-chanDoes this look like the channel for that?08:48
Rei-chanEnd of Line.08:48
someonespecialhow can the connection stay open when ufw is supposed to be blocking it08:48
PhilMatherRei-chan: ok settle down.08:48
someonespecialfile a bug that ufw wont break connections upon reload08:48
someonespecialwhat a puff08:49
padi999Is conky the sophisticated up-to-date way to use desklets?08:49
someonespecialdermoth: can u beleive thT08:50
DonkyManChongconky is an evil puppet08:50
mateushello, how to know the time of release of lucid in my country?08:51
someonespecialwhen u reload ufw to block a port it will still allow it if the port was already active08:51
DonkyManChongthe release is based one hour after the time zone to your left hits mid day + 808:51
moetunesconky ftw!08:51
someonespecialaint that some stink08:51
DonkyManChongthen you have to shake it all about08:51
someonespecialufw fail!08:52
gianiazhi, I'm looking for ubuntu 10.04, but on the site there's the link to 9.10... any news?08:52
someonespecial10.04 is beta08:52
moetunesgianiaz: it'll be out later today08:52
gianiazmoetunes, ok, thank you08:53
gianiazmaybe doy you know the time? :P08:54
wildbattoo much 10.04 attack my screen~ going to rest m eyes~ later ppl ~08:54
gianiazI have a 8.10... I'm waiting from about a month and I am impatient08:54
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moetunes!isitout > gianiaz08:55
ubottugianiaz, please see my private message08:55
gianiazthank you again :-)08:55
DJonesgianiaz: Are you going to upgrade or reinstall, if you're upgrading and on 8.10, you'll need to upgrade through 9.04 & 9.10 before you can upgrade to Lucid, upgrade to Lucid is only from 8.04 which was the previous LTS and from 9.1008:56
halphasshi everybody!08:57
halphassexcuse me, but where is 10.04? I must to wait or I can install the release candidate?08:58
AlexJ[CS]any ideea when final ISO will be released?08:58
dominicdinadacheck the website08:58
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party08:58
gianiazDJones, I think a will do a format08:58
gianiazand then isntall 10.0408:58
DJonesgianiaz: No worries then, I just had a vision of you being disappointed when it was released and not being able to upgrade directly without the earlier upgrade08:59
gianiazDJones, :-)09:01
GodricBrutushaving some MPD issues I was hoping someone could help me with please. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=919115209:01
stodorovicApt-get tells me "Reinstallation of linux-rtl8187se-modules is not possible, it cannot be downloaded"  -- why can it not be downloaded?09:02
moetunesstodorovic: which ubuntu version?09:03
stodorovicmoetunes: 8.1009:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:03
moetunesstodorovic: does   apt-cache search linux-rtl8187se-modules   return anything?09:04
kshi guys,09:04
ksI am unable to find "menu.lst" in /boo/grub directory. But everything works fine for me....plz help someone...i wanna edit the menu.lst09:04
arand!grub2 | ks09:04
ubottuks: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:04
Tauopbonjour tout le monde. j'ai une kubuntu Karmic sur mon netbook nc10, et lorsque je veux configurer un second écran, il me met le même affichage sur l'écran externe et l'écran du netbook09:04
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois09:04
arandks: It doesn't use a menu.lst09:04
Tauopoups moetunes09:05
stodorovicmoetunes: it does. "linux-rtl8187se-modules  - RTL8187SE WLAN drivers"09:05
Tauopmoetunes: thx :)09:05
Name141Hello, why are some updates 'held back' and not upgraded when I do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ? such as  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic09:05
kstnx arand09:05
Tauopmoetunes: just make a mistake while joining09:05
Name141Is it possible for me to make them go ahead and upgrade from the shell ?09:05
DonkyManChonglet me guess today is the year of linux on the desktop09:05
Name141(or 'terminal' )09:05
alessandro_ciao stanza09:05
alessandro_allora è arrivato ubuntu 10.10?ù09:06
arandName141: Likely the packages might not be properly published on the mirror yet...09:06
moetunesstodorovic: done an   apt-get update lately?09:06
arand!it | AllYourBases09:06
arand!it | alessandro_09:06
ubottuAllYourBases: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:06
ubottualessandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:06
arandAllYourBases: sorry, miss-nick09:06
stodorovicmoetunes: yesterday. but i will run it again just to be sure09:06
ksArand, Thank you....i will try the rest with google09:06
stodorovicmoetunes: maybe i created the package manually (more than a year ago) ?09:07
stodorovichow can I tell what the install source was?09:07
mikemhi, does anyone know why my custom .fdi files are not working? under Karmic they lived in /etc/hal/fdi/policy/09:07
Name141arand: I'm logging in to the GUI after turning it's monitor on and all that.  And I open up update manager, and there they are to install.09:07
moetunesstodorovic: that could explain it - it would show in local in synaptic iirc09:08
GodricBrutusI'm not trying to be a smart @#% or anything, but can anyone here see what i'm typing? I've been ignored in here for the past 6 hours, no matter what i say09:08
ikoniaGodricBrutus: yes09:08
stodorovicmoetunes: :( i need to find a way to compile the new drivers... but I no longer have a reference on the source of the drivers09:08
noorhi , i installed xammp on ubuntu it works great but when i made alias every time i try to access this alias it gives me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/424461/09:08
GodricBrutusikonia, ok. just making sure09:09
Name141arand: downloading as we speak through the upgrade manager.09:09
Name141why wouldn't it just update it over SSH?09:09
Name141(and get it over with)09:09
Ruscour1out yet?09:09
sam204475Whats Launchpad~~~09:09
moetunesstodorovic: I don't do wireless sorry - you didn't keep the original source?09:09
ikonianoor: xammp is it's own self contained platform and not really relevant to ubuntu, you should look at lamp, or use xammp support09:09
ikonia!lamp | noor09:09
ubottunoor: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:09
DonkyManChongcool story, bro09:10
noorikonia : ty09:10
ikoniaDonkyManChong: follow the topic in this channel09:10
DonkyManChongblow me asshole09:10
plumwhere can i figure out where my drives are?09:10
plumlike a path to them09:10
stodorovicmoetunes: i do have the orig source code but it doesn;t seem to work - too flaky. was hoping to upgrade kernel >= 2.6.29 as apparently that driver was merged into drivers/staging/ on that release09:10
Eddie_6plum: sudo fdisk -l09:10
ikoniaplum: "drives" work differently than in windows, can you give me an overview to what you want to do ?09:11
plumah sorry i misworded, but i found them, they are in /media09:11
plumikonia: i'm trying to link my music folder in ubuntu to my windows music folder since that's my main OS09:11
moetunesstodorovic: you could upgrade to a newer ubuntu or get a newer kernel from kernel.org09:11
ikoniaplum: ok, so you want to create a simlink or "shortcut" to your windows driver music folder09:12
rob__944Is there a way to disable the 'waiting' cursor? It's kind of annoying, because when I open Firefox or Open a file with Audacious it keeps waiting for about 10 seconds, even if the application is loaded withing a sec. (Using Karmic with Gnome)09:12
stodorovicmoetunes: yes. both options seem rather painful under a distro as restrictive as Ubuntu :/ I'll give it a go though09:12
plumikonia: that's correct, i assume ln -s /path-to-linux-music /path-to-windows-music would do it?09:12
speakmanhi folks. How do I do "apt pinning" for a certein PPA repository?09:13
ikoniaplum: you may have to do "-sf" to replace an existing folder09:13
ikoniaplum: but yes, spot on, well done09:13
moetunesstodorovic: or google for a newer driver and rebuild maybe...09:13
plumhmm... ikonia i am having a little problem though, i look in /media and Windows 7 is there but it has a space in the name.09:13
plumhow would i link it to there?09:13
plumfrom terminal09:13
stodorovicmoetunes: which will break next time the ubuntu kernel is upgraded :(09:14
ikoniaplum: escape characters, eg: ln -s /path_to_linux /path\ to\ windows09:14
Eddie_6plum: THats's the wrong way around!!!09:14
marienzplum: tab completion usually does the right thing for those too09:14
plumooh awesome09:14
plumthanks guys, i'll try it09:14
marienzplum: that is: ln -s /path_to_linux /media/Win<tab>09:14
igniis anyone else experiencing problems with nvidia/compiz since the new 2.6.31 kernel update???09:14
moetunesstodorovic: or you could add a line to /etc/modules for it09:14
marienzplum: err, other way around :)09:14
sam204475hey I have a qestion~  im using 10.04 right now,  so tonight when it is officially out. can i just upgrade it?09:14
plumikonia: and you said to make it ln -sf, correct?09:15
plumjust trying to make sure09:15
ikoniaplum: if you're replacing an existing directory, yes09:15
stodorovicmoetunes: how would that help? :) modprobe / depmod would do that for me09:15
yohannbzhHi. I'm trying to get Flash Player 10 for my firefox but when I install adobe-flashplugin and run firefox, it is always the version 9 that I have. What can I do? (I have firefox 3.0.19)09:15
moetunesstodorovic: it would still be there after a kernel upgrade - <stodorovic> moetunes: which will break next time the ubuntu kernel is upgraded :(09:16
veloxidhello all09:16
veloxidi do have some problems with the speed stepping in ubuntu 10.409:16
UjjwolGuys, is there any automated way to separated TrueType and OpenType fonts from a large font folder ?09:16
stodorovicmoetunes: it might not load given that the symbols could have changed09:17
veloxidit always runs on full speed and does not step down anymore09:17
Mandrewhiya ppl09:17
Mandrewat what time do they release the 10.04?09:17
working_don't think there's a definite ETA on that aside from "today" which isn't stopping me from madly mashing f5 >_<09:17
Ruscour7Mandrew: /join #ubuntu-release-party09:18
gitedithi guys, a quick question, is there any keyboard layout editor for ubuntu?09:18
TermanaThe time that they will release it is called release time. When it becomes release o'clock, it will be released09:18
moetunesstodorovic: that could be the case with any driver you build yes - best bet is to get a later kernel than yours09:18
working_i like that, release 'o clock09:18
Mandrewthanks Ruscour709:18
igniam i the only one experiencing problems with nvidia/compiz after updating to the new version of the 2.6.31 kernel?09:18
plumwell that's confusing... it's not working and not displaying anything09:18
plumi will try again tomorrow, it's too late at night for me right now09:18
plumthanks though :)09:18
gitedithi guys, a quick question, is there any keyboard layout editor for ubuntu?09:18
veloxidsome one can help me? i dont have any idea how to fix the problem with the speed stepping09:18
stodorovicmoetunes: true. though it means faffing about with initrd and it would be a manual process - what happens when next time apt-get upgrade is run and it installs the "official" kernel and sets it as the default?09:19
plumsee you guys later09:19
pschulz01Is it out yet?09:19
tech_hey guys, i need a bit of help, ubuntu 10.04 is released today, but i cant upgrade it in the update manager, and the website only has the beta verions.... any suggestions?09:20
Ruscour7it's not out yet09:20
moetunesstodorovic: that's one of the pains of using non ubuntu stuff - you could edit grub to use your kernel as the default09:20
gitedithi guys, a quick question, is there any keyboard layout editor for ubuntu?09:20
Rei-chanIf you'd like to find out when 10.04 is going to come out, join #ubuntu-release-party. When it comes out, it'll be announced there.09:20
jony_anybody knows when it will be available the finl version of 10.04?09:21
stodorovicmoetunes: indeed. Also I thought apt modifies grub's menu09:21
brah-Rei-chan no pre-known release date?09:21
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:21
stodorovicit already is the 29th :)09:21
tech_okay, thanks guys09:21
brah-gonna be a real party if the update breaks somthin :\09:21
giteditfuckin wankers :s09:21
Jaredd33you can downlaod lucid now09:21
Jaredd33go there ^09:22
moetunesstodorovic: it does - it would be an ongoing process iirc - or you could just not do a full update && upgrade09:22
Jaredd33its available right now09:22
* Rei-chan sighs.09:22
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:22
Jaredd33moetunes its released09:23
Jaredd33its out now09:23
stodorovicmoetunes: that might have to be the resulting plan. this netbook has no optical drive so will need to setup netboot.09:23
Jaredd33im downloading it right now09:23
Rei-chanJaredd33, are you sure you're not suggesting DLing a release candidate?09:23
kelvinellahow to use ubuntu software center??09:23
Jaredd33go look09:23
moetunesJaredd33: not by ubuntu it isn't09:23
kelvinellai choose emesene but then there is no button for me to press to install??09:23
Jaredd33well its on there mirrors09:23
Jaredd33some websites already have the iso on there ftp's09:24
moetunesstodorovic: there's unetbootin for installing from usb if that helps09:24
frojndhello there. I don't know what I did wrong while trying to burn .iso RC to an usb, but when rebooting I got message: No operating system available. How I burn the rc: sudo dd if=/home/frojnd/MultiMedija/Filmi/ubuntu-10.04-rc-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb before I made a 1000MB partition with cfdisk. And before that I've made ext4 this new partition like this: sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 What I can't boot into relase candidate?09:24
=== robin is now known as Guest12309
rob__418Is there a command to rename all files in a directory to random names?09:24
rwwJaredd33: That blog entry links to non-final ISOs used for internal mirror syncing, and downloading from there will 1) not get you a final ISO because there is no final ISO yet, 2) contribute to slowing down mirror syncing and thus the actual release.09:24
Mandrewlink it plz Jaredd3309:24
Rei-chantyp, rww.09:24
Rei-chanty, even.09:24
Mateo0169You can get the RC and upgrade it too ^^ the diffs beetween RC and final are minor09:25
Rei-chanYOu're just downloading the RC version, people. And slowing my internets down.09:25
veloxidwhat can i do if the kernel module acpi-cpufreq is not loaded? how can i fix the prob?09:25
rwwJaredd33: Yes.09:25
Jaredd33this isnt the RC09:25
kelvinellahello how to install software in ubuntu software center???09:25
kelvinellaTHERE is no button to press09:25
Jaredd33well iall know once ive downloaded09:25
rwwkelvinella: If memory serves, it's an arrow button on the right side of the window09:26
rwwJaredd33: You'll download a prerelease ISO that identifies as final release just like the RC does.09:26
kelvinellarww, i clicked that arrow already, but still no install button09:26
simion314hi, i forgot the name of the package that nstalls the development tools, something like base-dev or base-devel , and i can't find it with synaptic09:26
rwwsimion314: build-essential09:26
kelvinellarww,  nothing happening09:26
frojndveloxid: probably u load it by sourself but first if you really know the name of this module try: lsgmo | grep acpi-cpufreq09:26
rwwkelvinella: weird. I don't use that program much, so I have no idea then. Sorry :(09:26
frojndveloxid: paradon, lsmod | grep acpi-cpufreq09:27
rwwJaredd33: Do not link to mirror sync pool ISOs in this channel.09:27
kelvinellarww, i think i will just use the sudo apt-get install09:27
moetunessimion314: build-essential ?09:27
simion314rww: thx,09:27
rwwkelvinella: yeah, that's what I do :)09:27
Jaredd33i dont get it09:27
PrabzHi, Is the new ubuntu available?09:27
rwwJaredd33: I just explained it to you.09:27
rwwubottu: isitout | Prabz09:27
ubottuPrabz: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:27
frojndJaredd33: so it's already out official?09:27
frojndwhere is the torrent?????09:27
rwwfrojnd: No, it's not out, and there is no torrent.09:28
simion314moetunes: yes, thx , base-devel is it's name in arch,09:28
Kartagison a student's ubuntu installation, xorg.conf doesn't exit09:28
frojndrww: when will be out?09:28
tp43kelvinella, I just tried it, it works, maybe you need to scroll to the install button09:28
rwwfrojnd: Sometime on the 29th.09:28
Kartagishow is this possible?09:28
frojndrww: no hours  countdown?09:28
rwwfrojnd: there isn't a set time09:28
liuyi 你好09:28
frojndrww: k09:28
ptuxhi ubuntuists..09:28
Kartagis!cn | liuyi09:29
ubottuliuyi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:29
rwwKartagis: xorg.conf is no longer created by default; Xorg autodetects instead. If you create one, it will use settings in it instead of autodetecting them.09:29
frojndrww: about my problem do you happen to know why I can't burn the iso to an usb?09:29
=== beyondcr is now known as Beyondcr
moetunesKartagis: it is done automatically now - the log /var/logXorg.0.log will show what it does - but you can make one with Xorg -configure09:29
Kartagisrww, what I want to do is change the resolution09:29
kelvinellatp43 there is no scrow bar09:29
anylakewhy #gstreamer :Cannot send to channel09:29
moetunesKartagis: /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:29
frojndrww: wrong question, why when booting the usb get message that no operating sysem available09:29
rwwanylake: probably because you're not identified to nickserv09:29
ptuxwhen the new 10.04 will be out?09:29
rwwptux: sometime on the 29th09:30
kelvinellatp43, there is still no install button09:30
ptuxso it's almost coming rww ?09:30
anylakehow to change nickname09:30
=== Ileden_ is now known as Ileden
rwwfrojnd: Ubuntu ISOs don't work with that dd procedure. If you have an existing Ubuntu installation, use usb-creator (System -> Administration -> Create USB Startup Disk (or similar)); if not, use unetbootin09:30
tp43kelvinella, you got some screenshots?09:30
Prabzubottu: isitout | ptux09:31
ubottuptux: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:31
DaBOSSnot more precise that sometimes on the 29th? no usual time canonical releases ?09:31
kelvinellatp43, wait09:31
rwwptux: correct09:31
rwwDaBOSS: There isn't a set time, no.09:31
DaBOSSthank you so much09:31
DaBOSSwill join the #ubuntu-release-party channel as advised then09:31
frojndrww: aha so I need unetbootin09:31
Kartagismoetunes, it doesn't let me do it, I think it's because X is running?09:31
frojndrww: but why wont this method work it's by far the easiest and quicker :|09:32
moetunesKartagis: yep - you need to kill X and then do it09:32
DaBOSSif I upgrade from 9.10 will it keep my emerald theme or force install the new default theme with left side windows buttons?09:32
DaBOSS@rww thank you09:32
cirerahey I have a ubuntu 32 bits with 6gb of ram, but only detects 3gb, i search in google and founs some info about install the ubuntu-server headers, I instal those packages and restart the machine but still with 3gb09:32
rwwfrojnd: I'm not sure of the details, but it's something that needs to be set up properly in the ISO and Ubuntu's aren't, unfortunately.09:33
=== anthony is now known as Guest60663
cireraany idea?09:33
rwwfrojnd: unetbootin is downloadable from http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ or from several Linux distros' repositories, btw.09:33
moetunesKartagis: which version of ubuntu for the right command to kill X09:33
rwwcirera: which version of Ubuntu (9.10, 9.04, etc.) are you using?09:33
kelvinellatp43, http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/8711/screenshotku.png09:34
elnurIs there something like Dia but more sophisticated?09:34
cirerarww, and old 8.1009:34
Kartagismoetunes, 9.1009:34
noorhow could i get the password of root ???09:34
Kartagismoetunes, I tried to kill gdm-binary but it restarted instead of dying09:34
m0RrEnoor: boot in single user mode09:34
m0RrE"recovery mode" in grub09:34
moetunesKartagis: ctrl+alt+f2   and   sudo service gdm stop   iirc09:34
rwwcirera: you need to install linux-server (the kernel image itself), not just the headers09:34
oddyany news?09:35
noorm0RrE what if i want to change it09:35
rwwcirera: Be aware that 1) 8.10 becomes unsupported on April 30th, so you should upgrade rather soon, 2) Ubuntu 9.10 and newer have linux-generic-pae09:35
rwwoddy: on?09:35
oddyrww: the new release09:35
progre55hi people! how do you get a jmv dump?09:35
noorm0RrE: i just installed my ubuntu but i had peopleme with permissions in apache09:36
cireraok, thx rww i'm gonna check that09:36
rwwoddy: It's coming out sometime on the 29th, there's no set time, announcement of release will be posted in #ubuntu-release-party, http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce, and this channel's /topic09:36
Kartagismoetunes, thanks, trying that now09:36
kromixjoin #ubuntu-dk09:36
oddyisn't today the 29th?09:36
moetunesoddy: all day it is09:36
rwwoddy: in most timezones, yes.09:36
Prabzubottu: isitout | oddy09:36
ubottuoddy: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:36
oddyubottu: isitout09:37
kelvinellatp43, weird after i ran sudo apt-get update, then run ubuntu software center again, i got the install button09:37
tp43kelvinella, wierd, try going into admin->software sources09:37
oddyubottu: isitout | Prabz09:37
ubottuPrabz: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:37
Guest60663hi guys i have a problem how do u use ubuntu one how do you put file on that directory pls help me09:37
Prabzoddy u need to add the id of the person09:37
moetunesoddy: you need a ! in front09:37
oddyubuntu: !isitout09:37
kelvinellatp43, is there a bug or what?09:37
oddyubottu: !isitout09:37
Pearlan\join #ubuntu-release-party09:37
rwwmoetunes: "ubottu: factoidname" works fine, actually09:37
Prabzubottu: !isitout09:37
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:37
oddyah well, bye bye09:37
tp43kelvinella, Hno, you just need to get your sources in order09:37
moetunesrww: it didn't for oddy then09:38
rwwubotu just refuses to repeat factoids overly often.09:38
Guest60663hi guys i have a problem how do u use ubuntu one how do you put file on that directory pls help me09:38
kelvinellatp43, but should the software center do that automatically?09:38
kelvinellatp43, that will be not user friendly for a beginner09:39
rwwGuest60663: Setting up Ubuntu One should make an Ubuntu One folder in your home folder. You can just drag and drop files into it to sync them.09:39
kelvinellai guess i will just stick with the sudo apt-get install method or the synaptic09:39
Guest60663ok thx09:40
arvind_khadrihi, my karmic machine drops to initramfs, with unable to mount sys and other things...also says unable to find /sbin/init09:41
moetunesarvind_khadri: is it an initrd you built?09:42
tp43kelvinella, go into admin->software sources and do it there if you rather09:42
arvind_khadrimoetunes, nope09:42
dotnet67I just rebooted Ubuntu 9.1 (which was working fine and hadp  - no changes apart from editing /etc/network/interfaces) and now Ubuntu won't boot up - I'm getting "ACPI: I/O resource piix4_smbus conflicts with ACPI region SOR1" - any ideas appreciated09:42
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
dotnet67it gave me a root shell - after checking my /data partition mount it's no longer mounted..09:44
silverrockerWhen is ubuntu 10.04 comming?09:44
buckybithello fellow ubuntus - official 10.4 release today at noon? anyone knows?09:44
silverrockergmt +?09:44
kiku4youUbuntu What time will be downloaded09:45
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:45
rwwkiku4you, silverrocker, buckybit: It'll be released sometime on the 29th. There is no set time.09:45
kiku4youUbuntu 10.04 What time will be downloaded09:45
buckybitrww, thx for the update #ubuntu-release-party it is :)09:45
silverrockerok thx bye09:46
moetunesI think the #ubuntu-release-party is a good idea09:46
rwwkeeps #ubuntu from being absolutely swamped :)09:46
buckybittoter_Bayer, haha awesome name :)09:46
kiku4youUbuntu What time will be downloaded . time in netherlands09:46
rwwkiku4you: There is no scheduled time. It'll be released for download when it's done.09:47
Kartagishow do I log into no X?09:47
=== shai_ is now known as shai
buckybithave a great day guys /quit09:48
moetunesKartagis: ctrl+alt+f2   and then the normal login proceedure09:48
moetunesKartagis: tho it will be cli09:48
nucc1anybody know what time in UTC lucid will be released? :p09:49
rwwnucc1: Sometime on the 29th. There is no set time.09:49
PrabzIt's OUT!!!09:49
dagon_it's always a surprise :)09:49
nucc1rww, its 29th here :d09:49
PrabzNo not really.. :)09:49
lenonno it's not out.09:49
=== ckwalsh is now known as ckw|away
rwwubottu: tell ckw|away about away09:50
ubottuckw|away, please see my private message09:50
twiztidhow would i go about adding the command, 'sudo service grub-common start' to the startup sequence?09:50
kiku4you:-*Ubuntu What time will be downloaded . time in netherlands:-*09:50
nucc1ubottu, tell nucc1 about away09:50
ubottunucc1, please see my private message09:50
kiku4youUbuntu What time will be downloaded . time in netherland09:50
CharbaxDid they announce what time it is out?09:50
rwwubottu: tell twiztid about boot09:51
ubottutwiztid, please see my private message09:51
ckw|awaysheesh, calm down rww; I just needed something temporary.  Would you have prefered me switch to ckwalsh_? :S09:51
rwwCharbax: It'll be released sometime on the 29th. There isn't a set time.09:51
mikemhi, it seems last.fm support (scrobbling) is missing from Audacious in Lucid. this plugin used to be in audacious-plugins-extra in karmic, but that package isn't available for me with apt-get install. anyone know how to get it?09:51
AnxiousNutlinux key logger is giving me errors when "sudo lkl -l -k /usr/share/rdesktop/keymaps/en-us -o file"09:51
nucc1anyways, you can always just install the RC and then apt-get update laters09:51
Prabzubottu: tell Prabz about boot09:51
ubottuPrabz, please see my private message09:51
Kin`Awaybuongiorno a tutti09:51
kelvinellahow to make ubuntu use less memory?  the laptop only has like 233 MB of ram09:51
nucc1kelvinella, use XFCE desktop09:52
rwwubottu: it | Kin`Away09:52
ubottuKin`Away: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:52
RedNifreHey hey!09:52
Prabzhahah nice09:52
kelvinellanucc1, xubuntu?09:52
nucc1kelvinella, yeap.09:52
dagon_or an alternate install and then icewm09:52
kelvinellanucc1, can i just sudo apt-get install xubuntu?09:52
nucc1kelvinella, or even ubuntu. just install "xfce-desktop" i think, then logout, and select XFCE as your session when logging in09:52
rwwkelvinella: xubuntu-desktop, but yes09:52
nucc1kelvinella, sudo apt-get install xfce-desktop09:53
kelvinellaxubuntu-desktop or xfce desktop?09:53
rwwnucc1: xfce-desktop isn't a package.09:53
nucc1kelvinella, my synaptic is busy atm, so i can't check. but use search. you should recognise it when you see it.09:54
kelvinellanucc1, i am also updating atm, so i will try it after the update09:54
nucc1kelvinella, sudo apt-get install xfce409:54
rwwkelvinella: Xubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative that uses Xfce4 instead of Gnome. Installing the xubuntu-desktop package will install Xubuntu. Installing the xfce4 package will install a fairly vanilla version of xfce.09:54
nucc1ok, ^^09:54
kelvinellawhats vanilla version?09:54
kelvinellanothing to do with ice-cream right?09:55
rwwkelvinella: "vanilla" means plain or unchanged09:55
nucc1kelvinella, he he. just means exactly what the XFCE developers ship.09:55
tmukmkdizzit lubuntu version will come out in 10.04 too?09:55
nucc1kelvinella, non-vanilla means it includes xubuntu customizations09:55
kelvinellaso which one is better?09:55
nucc1nucc1, i'd say the xubuntu folks customisations should be nice to have.09:56
maroxej'utilise ubuntu lucid lynx(la derniere version)09:56
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois09:56
maroxepour me connecter, j'uutilise le driver ueagle pour mon modem USB09:56
maroxeje me connecte a internet sans probleme09:56
nucc1!fr maroxe09:56
rwwtmukmkd: Yes, there will be a Lubuntu version for 10.04. It hasn't been decided yet whether it'll be official or a testing version.09:56
maroxenetwork-manager ne reconnait pas maconnexion09:56
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois09:57
eipi-1hi, everytime i start assaultcube it takes couple of seconds and X freezes. I can play the newer Cube 2 (Sauerbraten) without issues. Main Problem is, I dont even get an error i could search for? Where could I look for some logs to get infos about freezing X? graphiccard is intel GMA HD (Core i5)09:57
tmukmkdrww thanks for the info :D09:57
nucc1maroxe, allez au #ubuntu-fr09:57
pawesomeone from Poland?09:58
moetuneseipi-1: is there a file in your home folder .Xsession-errors?09:58
rwweipi-1: ~/.xsession-errors or /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:59
rwwpawe: Try #ubuntu-pl09:59
twiztidso i just add             sudo service grub-common start                  to the end of /etc/rc.local? will it ask for the sudo password?10:00
eipi-1moetunes, rww, no .Xsession-errors, no updates in Xorg.0.log10:00
=== geek is now known as Guest42889
lenonja jestem from polannd10:00
=== ckw|away is now known as ckw
gmatthas anybody been successful with Wine+EVE Online?  nobody's answering in #winehq10:00
moetuneseipi-1: it is .xsession-errors sorry10:00
StephenLinuxwhat time is lucid released?10:01
rwwStephenLinux: Sometime on the 29th. There isn't a set time.10:01
StephenLinuxcool, been running the alphas etc. looking forward10:01
bp0^eve online10:01
cvrseis XChat-GNOME the irc client people are using these days or something else?10:01
rwwcvrse: I prefer xchat to xchat-gnome and use irssi personally.10:01
lenonStephenLinux: just keep refreshing this: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/ :)10:01
twiztidim using chatzilla add on for firefox10:01
eipi-1rww, sorry didn't read it correct.10:02
cvrserww: thx i'll check it out10:02
StephenLinuxubuntu is not a democracy, its a meritocracy. Just as well lol10:02
gmattcvrse - irssi or weechat10:02
eipi-1moetunes, rww, guess thats what i was looking for. thx10:02
bp0is there a non-gnome xchat?10:02
rwwubottu: cn | Guest4288910:02
ubottuGuest42889: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:02
rwwbp0: xchat-gnome is xchat with changes to make it use gnome's configuration backend and conform more to gnome's human interface guidelines10:02
rwwxchat itself works fine in gnome10:03
bp0heh, so is the xchat package in ubuntu that one?10:03
bp0must be eh?10:03
rwwbp0: "xchat" in the repositories is normal (imho superior) xchat. "xchat-gnome" is the gnome-ified one.10:03
Anonymous22Any way to mplab in linux wiy10:03
=== raj is now known as raj-darkmystery
Anonymous22Without wine *10:03
linda_hello everyone10:04
bp0can both be run at the same time to compare?10:04
=== Guest42889 is now known as chenyuanjun
bp0xchat vs xchat-gnome10:04
rwwno idea, I haven't tried10:04
StephenLinuxis crossover any better at running windows apps than wine, or is it essentially the same with a better GUI?10:04
linda_Anonymous22,  do u mean matlab software10:04
nompanyone here is using clamav??10:04
twiztidhow would i execute  'sudo service grub-common start' at startup so the recordfail resets and the next grub boot obays my grub.conf?10:04
bp0StephenLinux, same with better gui and bottles10:04
Anonymous22No I mean pic programming software10:05
linda_Anonymous22,  was the Y for me10:05
chenyuanjuni love you ubuntu10:05
StephenLinuxwill stick with wine CLI then :)10:05
Anonymous22How do! ?10:05
lenonlet's not get carried away, Stephen. :)10:05
bp0and crossover has some special application support10:05
twiztidanyone? how would i execute 'sudo service grub-common start' at startup so the recordfail resets and the next grub boot obays my grub.conf?10:06
rwwubottu: cn | chenyuanjun10:06
ubottuchenyuanjun: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:06
lenonok, have fun guys.10:06
rwwtwiztid: put "service grub-common start" in /etc/rc.local. I imagine there's a smarter way of doing it, but that should work at least.10:07
=== RedNifre is now known as RedNifre_sacrifi
rwwtwiztid: (stuff in rc.local is run with administrative privileges anyway, so you don't need the sudo)10:07
brontosaurusrexany guesses why h.264 would play slowly in chromium, while it plays fine with mplayer, aren't they using the same ffmpeg libs?10:07
linda_hmmm i think rc version of ubuntu is ok to use as a main distro10:08
brakkvatnHey. I have an odd problem. I installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my netbook. I then installed xubuntu-desktop to get xfce. But when I log in to xfce I still get the desktop menu thing that gnome has10:08
=== blackbart is now known as Guest15079
brakkvatnI want to get rid of that desktop menu10:09
Tursigreetings to everybody10:09
twiztidrww: ya its quite the technical bug with ifupdown and upstart not resetting the recordfail so im saying screw it and just wanna run the damn service each boot... XD10:10
RahuxHi guys - I was wondering if someone can give me advise on how to report a Lucid alpha->beta regression? My bluetooth keyboard/mouse no longer work.10:10
ubutombrakkvatn, dunno if thats the right thing to do, but you can try uninstalling gnome-desktop, might also remove all gnome-related stuff10:10
rwwRahux: probably better to ask in #ubuntu+110:10
Tursii have question... :) it is some possibility that lucid linx did just come out and its not RC version ? :]10:10
Rahuxthanks :)10:11
rwwTursi: Lucid has not been officially released yet; any ISO links you see floating around are not necessarily final.10:11
=== emile is now known as bob235
rwwubottu: tell chenyuanjun about cn10:11
ubottuchenyuanjun, please see my private message10:11
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:12
th3seaw0lfcan someone help me please, i need to replace KMIX with gnome-volum-control-applet in kubuntu10:12
abhinavubuntu release party10:12
Tursirww: so tell me .. why are they they pressenting on "ubuntu" countdown timer" that ubuntu was just released ? :D10:12
Tursiim so impatient :D10:12
nompit says available soon10:13
brakkvatnubutom, I think I'll not do that. Want to keep some of the programs. But I figured it out. I entered the xcfe settings editor and removed the netbook menu from the start-up apps.10:13
FardadJaliliubottu: tell FardadJalili about cn10:13
rwwTursi: The official Ubuntu countdown timer says "coming soon", not "released", which is what it always says the day of releases ;P10:13
ubottuFardadJalili, please see my private message10:13
Zorgeyeah, I'm staring at "available soon" as well10:13
brakkvatnbut thanks, ubutom10:13
th3seaw0lfcan someone help me please, i need to replace KMIX with gnome-volum-control-applet in kubuntu10:13
dominicdinada!isitout | Tursi10:13
ubottuTursi: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party10:13
kiku4youWho in this pending some Ubunt 10.04=-O10:13
Anonymous22How would I change volume over ssh?10:13
rwwAnonymous22: try the "alsamixer" command10:13
Tursiomg i have the word sometime :D10:14
Anonymous22Ohhhhh cool!10:14
Anonymous22That is awesome..10:14
th3seaw0lfcan anyone help me please?10:15
kronos29hi all10:15
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krautdo-release-upgrade will take some hours, until it finds lucid on archive.ubuntu.com?10:15
kronos29can anyone help me with symlink in php?10:15
bullgard4How can I download a complete web site (several web pages or documents (files) hierarchically) at once on my computer? Firefox does not seem to accomplish this.10:16
encompasskronos29: it's that for #php?10:16
moetunesth3seaw0lf: it is a part of the gnome panel iirc - you'd need to run gnome10:16
theadminbullgard4: use httrack (sudo apt-get install webhttrack)10:16
rwwkronos29: do-release-upgrade will refuse to upgrade until Lucid's actually released. If you wanted to upgrade to the still-technically-development version, you'd want the -d argument to it10:16
Iledenbullgard4: the tool you're looking for is probably wget10:16
rwwkraut: do-release-upgrade will refuse to upgrade until Lucid's actually released. If you wanted to upgrade to the still-technically-development version, you'd want the -d argument to it10:16
encompassbullgard4: there are plugins for firefox for that... can't remember them anymore10:16
rwwkronos29: sorry, mistab10:16
Tursiomg this is looking like an iPad releasing but on the other way.. its not in the news :D10:16
Iledenbullgard4: but it's a huge pile of options to handle, so take your time... there are some guides online.10:16
krautrww: hmm? i thout it was released today?10:16
rwwkraut: It will be released today. It isn't out yet.10:17
krautrww: ah, kk10:17
th3seaw0lfno way to rum it on kde? actually i like kde, but the 150% volume option in gnome-volume-control is also very important for me because my laptop's sound is low....10:17
krautrww: actually it will be distributed to the mirrors?10:17
encompassis there a release channel?  I want to celebrate!10:17
rwwencompass: #ubuntu-release-party10:17
theadminencompass: Read the topic, plz. It's #ubuntu-release-party10:17
ActionParsnipAnswered my question there rww ;). Mind you I'm using the rc so my updates later will fix stuff nicely10:17
th3seaw0lf@moetunes no way to run it on kde? actually i like kde, but the 150% volume option in gnome-volume-control is also very important for me because my laptop's sound is low....10:17
rwwkraut: different mirrors will get it at different times. It depends on how often they sync.10:17
encompassrww: thanks10:17
th3seaw0lfi can open gnome-voulme-control seperately, but i want it as an applet sitting nicely in the tray10:18
swine_i accidently deleted my top panel launcher10:18
moetunesth3seaw0lf: have you tried alsamixer in konsole to turn things up?10:18
swine_how do i get it back ?10:18
theadminswine_: Which one exactly?10:18
dominicdinadaTursi this release is not in the news because Distros are generally not products of publicly traded companies with shareholders and a make or break deal to raise stock prices :)10:18
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know is ubuntu 10.04 is out?10:18
theadminperlsyntax: Will be sometime soon10:18
rwwperlsyntax: not out yet, will be out sometime today10:19
swine_theadmin, application launcher10:19
dominicdinada!isitout | perlsyntax10:19
ubottuperlsyntax: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party10:19
swine_theadmin, the one at the top of the screen10:19
rwwswine_: right-click the other panel, click "Add Panel", right-click the new panel and add each applet back. See also the reset command I'll have ubottu send you.10:19
theadminswine_: Ah, like the menu... hm, try resseting panel.10:19
rwwubottu: panelreset | swine_10:19
ubottuswine_: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »10:19
th3seaw0lfmoetunes - the applet works fine even when i open it seperately in kde, i can pull the volume up to 150%, but it doesnt sit in the tray10:19
dominicdinada:*( bah10:19
theadminkillall gnome-panel? Hm.10:19
swine_theadmin, awesome, thanks10:19
rwwtheadmin: gnome-panel automatically respawns when you kill it10:19
theadminrww: Ah, like nautilus and such10:20
swine_the problem wasn't the panel being dead10:20
Tursidominicdinada: that's so thrue...10:20
swine_it was that i deleted the top panel altogether10:20
moetunesth3seaw0lf: if you tried alsamixer you might not need it10:20
StephenLinuxany way to get wine to use MSVCP100D.dll?10:20
swine_so the application launcher was gone10:20
theadminStephenLinux: Please ask that on #winehq10:20
theadminswine_: That command should still work10:20
StephenLinuxok thanks10:20
Anonymous22Makebcompile it from c. ..10:20
swine_theadmin, it did10:20
th3seaw0lfmoetunes , alsamixer cant pull the volume up to 150%, sadly10:20
swine_theadmin, did exactly what i wanted, thanks10:20
theadminubottu: yay | swine_10:21
rwwyou're welcome10:21
ubottuswine_: Glad you made it! :-)10:21
th3seaw0lfmoetunes, is there any other mixer i can use with kde?10:21
moetunesth3seaw0lf: afaik there's no way to get a gnome panel app to run in clipper...10:21
stodorovicmm so much quieter here now that i ignored the joins and parts :)10:22
moetunesth3seaw0lf: tried in #kubuntu ?10:22
dominicdinadaWhy the heck is my keyboard causing my cursor position to jump all of the sudden then switch windows10:22
lightbrickoHow do I chose between a 32-bit and the 64-bit ubuntu version? I have a Corei7 but is there any advantage/disadvantage about installing the 64-bit version?10:22
th3seaw0lfmoetunes, not yet but im going there10:22
theadminlightbricko: How much RAM? If it's less then 4GB, probably no point in using x64 one10:22
coz_has anyone found issues with today's updates.. concerening libglx ??10:22
lightbrickotheadmin: I got 4gb and will not get any more.10:23
dominicdinadadoesn't the ubuntu website have different distros for 64bit on the download page10:23
rwwlightbricko: there's a link on http://download.ubuntu.com/ for Alternative download options. You'd use that to get 64-bit10:23
theadminlightbricko: Probably then you should use 64 one10:23
coz_dominicdinada,  they should be there yes10:23
stodoroviclightbricko: pitty you can't use all 4GB10:23
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rwwlightbricko: as for which is better, I've used both and notice very little difference in performance and compatibility.10:23
rwwstodorovic: can with a PAE kernel, which I believe is automatically used10:23
dominicdinadacoz_: I was answering his question how to get the 64 bit version :/10:23
theadminmcs_che: russian support in... oh.10:24
coz_dominicdinada,  oh sorry10:24
dominicdinadaNo worries :)10:24
=== TuTUXG is now known as TuTUX
rwwh, autoinstall is only in lucid, not karmic10:24
rwwubottu: pae | lightbricko10:24
ubottulightbricko: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info10:24
stodorovicrww: hmm I will have to read about PAE in my kernel book when I get home, but I thought the top 128MB are used for HIGHMEM mappings10:24
dominicdinadaBut why is my keyboard so screwy ?10:24
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lightbrickoAs I understand it, the 64-bit has "in theory" a larger risk for incompatible applications but it's rarely noticed in practice so that aspect shouldn't matter. Would you guys agree with that?10:24
lightbrickorww: Thanks didn't know about that10:25
abhinavwhen will 10.04 come out?10:25
rwwabhinav: sometime on the 29th10:25
theadminabhinav: Sometime today10:25
dominicdinada!isitout |abhinav10:25
ubottuabhinav: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party10:25
rwwlightbricko: I used 64-bit for about two years (switched to a 32-bit Atom recently :( ), and very rarely had compatibility issues.10:25
icerootlightbricko: replace application with hardware, then your theory is correct10:25
stodorovicI want multilib. Does ubuntu provide that?10:25
rwwstodorovic: not yet, no. It's being planned for an upcoming version.10:26
stodorovicrww: such as slamd64 - you get 32 and 64 libs and devel environment10:26
coz_has anyone reported issues with the 2.6.31-21-generic  update this morning?10:26
lightbrickorww: I see then it won't be a problem for me I think. iceroot: Ok then I understand :)10:26
stodorovicrww: interesting. will have to monitor that10:26
icerootlightbricko: with opensource-software/driver there should not be a problem10:26
monzieHello all10:26
thelostpatroli'm going to run 10.4 in a virtual machine. is 32-bit enough?10:27
dominicdinadaNot that I have seen Coz10:27
lightbrickoiceroot: I "have" to use the proprietary driver for my NVidia card since it's so much better.10:27
icerootthelostpatrol: #ubuntu+110:27
icerootlightbricko: yes, nvidia-driver working fine on amd6410:27
theadminThere is no such thing as ubuntu 10.0410:27
monzieI have a macbook pro 4,110:27
monzieHow good/bad would be Ubuntu on it?10:28
thelostpatrolyes there is.10:28
theadminthelostpatrol: It's 10.0410:28
monzie( in terms of detecting hardware , hibernation etc )10:28
thelostpatroloh. right.10:28
thelostpatrolmy bad.10:28
dominicdinadaits 00410:28
rwwmonzie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro4-1/Karmic10:28
lightbrickoLast question: Must software be compiled for 64-bit (amd64) to be able to run on the 64-bit Ubuntu OS, or is there some kind of "compatibility layer" (with slight performance penalty) that enables me to run 32-bit applications?10:28
stodoroviclightbricko: has to be 64 bit. unless you have multilib10:29
* Taos is upset because he broke his linux10:29
theadminTaos: Huh10:29
moetunesTaos: you get to keep al the bits :]10:30
monzierww: thanks, that helped a lot10:30
TaosTried to update nvidia graphics drivers, and ended up busting it10:30
theadminoh heck, I had the same issue with ATI ones10:30
theadminWhen I updated from Jaunty to Karmic it totally killed my X.10:30
ArtVandalaeTaos, proprietary nvidia drivers or the new FOSS ones?10:30
Taoshave I killed my shell?10:31
lightbrickostodorovic: ok thanks for telling me (however it will probably not be an issue for me)10:31
th3seaw0lfmoetunes - i solved it, apparently all u hav to do is to add gnome-volume-control-applet to the KDE autostart10:31
th3seaw0lfth3seaw0lf: and it sits in your kde tray as an applet10:31
stodoroviclightbricko: it might be for me :)10:31
moetunesth3seaw0lf: happy for you :]10:31
swine_lightbricko, you just need all the 32 bit libraries :)10:32
th3seaw0lfthanks for your help moetunes :)10:32
XeiaieXis this true?:10:32
XeiaieXQuoted off PartyBot1 on the #ubuntu-release-party IRC:10:32
XeiaieX*** Ubuntu-Release RSS feed, [29/04/10 11:09:13] : Lucid release DELAYED INDEFINITELY due to serious security flaws found10:32
lightbrickostodorovic: I feared it would be for me which is why I installed the 32-bit ubuntu last time.10:32
StephenLinuxwhat is the diff between lucid (release) and the rc?10:32
moetunesth3seaw0lf: I didn't do much tho...10:32
TaosWhat can I do to fix it?10:32
stodorovicXeiaieX: hahahaha10:32
stodorovicthat's pretty funny.10:32
Manfred-XeiaieX: you must be trollin' aren't you ?10:33
erUSUL!final | StephenLinux10:33
ubottuStephenLinux: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.10:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:33
StephenLinuxi thought as much :)10:33
XeiaieXmanfred, fuck yourself stuck up asshole, read the ubuntu forum10:33
etiagoManfred-, he isn't, PartyBot did say that on the other channel10:33
rwwXeiaieX: Watch your language, please. Also, PartyBot jokes.10:33
swine_lightbricko, it's generally better to run 32 bit applications, esp. if you don't have gobs of memory10:33
arand!language | XeiaieX10:33
ubottuXeiaieX: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:33
theadminXeiaieX: Woah, watch the language10:33
Manfred-XeiaieX: take a deep breath10:34
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
XeiaieXthen dont be so quick to insult someone10:34
lightbrickoswine_: I think I will run into problems if I tried installing those. Even if the problems wheren't huge, it would be easier to use a 32-bit installation with PAE.10:34
dominicdinadaNerd Rage sigh10:34
TaosSo does anyone know how to fix my problem?10:34
swine_lightbricko, well i run 64 bit ubuntu10:34
swine_lightbricko, works well10:34
dominicdinadacan u press the up button to reask taos ?10:34
lightbrickoswine_: I see. But why do you think that "it's generally better to run 32 bit applications"?'10:34
swine_lightbricko, smaller pointers10:34
XeiaieXOK so anyway, again, is that statement i quoted true or not10:34
XeiaieXsomeone said he did say that10:35
theadminI tried running a 32-bit on a AMD64 processor, and it failed to detect a lot of hardware (networking devices, for example)10:35
swine_lightbricko, smaller pointers = less memory usage/better cache hit rates10:35
TaosAfter installing the propriatry nvidiea drivers it killed my display.10:35
stodorovicit would be funny if it were true. too much emphasis on release deadline and perhaps not on making it work? dunno. I do hope they fix things though - security problems are not nice10:35
Taos*on reboot10:35
lightbrickoswine_: less memory usage yes, but also better cache hit rates10:35
rwwswine_, lightbricko: changes in pointer size between 32-bit and 64-bit have a negligable effect on performance.10:35
swine_lightbricko, of course10:35
mcs_che /msg nickserv info mcs_che10:35
rwwalthough in general, 32-bit to 64-bit has a negligable performance change for most users.10:36
XeiaieXwell this was helpful10:36
lalalolhey, if u live close to the sea of British columbia in canada, what time is it there now?10:36
swine_lightbricko, although with the amd64 stuff, you get access to extra registers asw ell10:36
rwwXeiaieX: As I said already, PartyBot jokes. It was not telling the truth.10:36
theadminXeiaieX: I think it's a cake. They shoulda release it.10:36
XeiaieXoh rww, i didnt see when you said that10:36
XeiaieXlot going on10:36
lightbrickorww and swine_: Like some other issues, this issue about pointer sizes seems to be true in theory but insignificant in practice for most users.10:37
developerhow can i limit the bandwidth used by a client in a network10:37
stodorovicrww: did they fix the Xorg mem leak issue that was on /. a few days ago?10:37
theadminstodorovic: Yeah, they have10:37
XeiaieXhey how do i type to a specific user10:37
stodorovictheadmin: good :)10:37
rwwlightbricko: correct10:37
erUSULdeveloper: on the router10:37
dominicdinadaDeveloper: router10:37
Guest60663is it ok to update my os to 10.0410:37
XeiaieXwithout typing their name manuallt10:37
swine_lightbricko, sure. i run 64 bit linux10:37
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:37
swine_lightbricko, it feels about as fast as 32 :)10:37
theadminXeiaieX: Type first few letters and hit the "Tab" key10:37
developererUSUL, dominicdinada actually using linux10:37
XeiaieXoh ok thanks10:37
developererUSUL, dominicdinada we have a server here10:37
Guest60663is it ok to update my os to 10.0410:38
rwwGuest60663: define "ok"10:38
lightbrickoThe reason I'm trying to find out which one to run is not at all performance (the potential differences are insignificant to me) but only fears of incompatibility/bugs with applications.10:38
Taosso does anyone know what I could do to fix my problem10:38
erUSULdeveloper: well the look at the linux advanced router project how to's. traffic shapping10:38
dominicdinadaNot sure... about the server10:38
swine_lightbricko, you can run 32 bit apps under 64 bit ubuntu10:38
ubottuCanadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca10:38
erUSULdeveloper: or maybe you can find a gui or script to do that easily10:38
swine_lightbricko,  you just need to make sure you have all the 32 bit dependencies10:38
developererUSUL, ok10:38
dominicdinadaThey are raising Cain in the release channel10:39
Guest60663ok thx i it still on the beta or is it now on the standart edition10:39
erUSULdeveloper: maybe ebox has a module for traffic shaping; really dunno. do your research10:39
theadminGuest60663: It's QUITE stable, however, it's not released. (You will be notified when it will, by the update-manager box)10:39
swine_lightbricko, i've found 64 bit everything to be sufficiently stable though10:39
swine_lightbricko, flash is crap in both 32 and 64 bit versions :)10:39
Guest60663what dictionary aplication can i use offline can any one help me10:40
stodorovicswine_: very true (re: Flash)10:40
rww64-bit flash is better than the flashplugin-installer in the 64-bit repos, though10:40
=== dominicdinada is now known as sudo
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava10:40
=== sudo is now known as sudotux
robban_Anyone know how to give an external usb disk write permissions for everyone, would like to share it via samba to some Win machinse, tried it in 9.10 and 10.04 with same result : only accessable for owner10:40
stodorovicGuest60663: dict! :) dict.org and download the data-sets and download their server/client app10:40
theadminNever had problems with flash... Am i doing something wrong?10:40
rwwnspluginwrapper is crap :(10:40
swine_theadmin, don't use the web much ? :P10:40
bullgard4theadmin: I obtain: "11:35:46Error: "Unable to get server's address: No such file or directory" (-5) after 2 retries at link gnu/robots.txt (from primary/primary)." What is meant here by 'the server's address'?10:41
lightbrickoswine_: I see. I think I got some more knowledge about this now, thanks swine_ rww and others.10:41
erUSULrww: it has an advantage. flash crashing do not crash your browser....10:41
theadminswine_: huh? No, I am there all the time10:41
theadminbullgard4: ...what.10:41
XeiaieXanyone here currently using a distro other than ubuntu? im using opensuse, awaiting 10.4 of course.10:41
rwwubottu: ot | XeiaieX10:41
ubottuXeiaieX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:41
theadminXeiaieX: Other distros are not supported here.10:41
brah-xe I use windows xp10:41
erUSUL!party | XeiaieX10:41
ubottuXeiaieX: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties10:41
brah-ubuntu won't run on my comp normally, have to keep it in vmware10:41
=== emil is now known as Guest64991
TaosDoes anyone have a solution for my problem with the drivers10:42
bullgard4theadmin: Your message is too short to be comprehensible.10:42
lightbrickotheadmin: I've had no issues with flash since getting a faster PC. Before, I had issues with movies lagging and using a lot of resources (but no other issues)10:42
theadminbullgard4: I don't get what you were talking about10:42
brah-Taos depends on what kind of hardware the drivers are for10:42
Taosgraphics card10:42
swine_theadmin, and you've never had firefox go haywire ?10:42
=== peter_ is now known as Guest38889
Taosnvidea drivers10:42
theadminswine_: A couple of times, maybe, but usually browsing Youtube and such is fine10:43
brah-Taos I thought nividia made linux drivers10:43
bullgard4theadmin: I responded to a message from you. So you should know what I am talking about: About your message to me.10:43
swine_theadmin, youtube is well tested10:43
TaosThey do10:43
swine_but little flash apps mess up firefox all the time10:43
Killsso today the 10.04 is comin out?10:43
Guest60663what dictionary aplication can i use offline can any one help me10:43
Taosbut on update it killed my display10:43
theadminbullgard4: Uh, sorry, but you probably don't realize how loud this channel is. I forgot what you talked about with me10:43
rwwKills: yes10:44
Killswhen and how do I get it?10:44
Guest60663what dictionary aplication can i use OFFLINE? can any one help me10:44
rwwKills: There isn't a set time for release, and http://download.ubuntu.com/ once it's released10:44
mechaniclesHi all10:44
OERIASis ubuntu 10.04 released yet?10:44
rwwOERIAS: no10:44
stodorovicswine_: I've had firefox go haywire. usually when using flash10:45
OERIASwhat time?10:45
swine_Guest60663, do you not have internet access 24/7 ?10:45
swine_how barbaric10:45
bullgard4theadmin:  "<theadmin>bullgard4: use httrack (sudo apt-get install webhttrack)"10:45
lightbrickoOERIAS: : #ubuntu-release-party10:45
brontosaurusrexGuest60663: there is 'dict' in the repos10:45
mechanicleshey I want to update my gedit, how to do it?10:45
rwwOERIAS: there isn't a set time. Sometime today.10:45
theadminbullgard4: I see. Well, if there is a problem, it might be some permission issue on server side or something else... Nothing I can do about10:45
sudotuxnick billydroptables10:45
rwwKills: ( or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes if you want to upgrade an existing Ubuntu install. again, after it's released)10:45
TaosHow can I roll back my driver version via command line10:45
stodorovicswine_: heck I've even had Firefox once cause immense disk activity that actually ended up shifting my partitions and scrambling my MBR...10:45
bullgard4theadmin: I see. Thank you.10:45
Guest60663i dont have internet 24/710:46
swine_stodorovic, that sounds... pretty unlikely10:46
DjAngo23Hey everyone, is this the right place to ask how to install a irc server on a server ?10:46
OERIAShey slavik, you know slavs cause half of the world's problems!10:46
ActionParsnipMechanicies: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall gedit ,will pull the latest off your repos10:46
rwwDjAngo23: here or #ubuntu-server would work fine10:46
coz_OERIAS, ??10:46
DjAngo23rww, thanks10:46
DjAngo23Wel, thats my question ;)10:46
rwwOERIAS: That's offtopic for this channel.10:46
mechaniclesActionParsnip: thanks10:46
lightbrickoDjAngo23: If your server software has an own IRC channel that channel would be the best10:46
ActionParsnipMechanicies: if there is a newer one than on the repos you will need to add a ppa with the newer version or download a deb10:47
swine_DjAngo23, find an irc server and install it ? :)10:47
moetunesOERIAS: wrong channel for that mate10:47
stodorovicswine_: well it was either firefox or xorg. Never seen anything like it before. Had to rebuild the disk and spent about a month writing a low-level C util to try to recover as much data as possible from the ext3 partitions. Gave up when the metadata for a file pointed to the middle of my old school dissertation... :(10:47
brontosaurusrexGuest60663: actually no, that requires internet as well10:47
Taos:/ Well what commands can I use?10:47
swine_stodorovic, you don't need to write 'low level C utilities'10:47
ActionParsnipStodorovic: backups make life easier10:47
melrokzwhat are the GRUB commands to add windows 7 and windows Xp on my 1st and 2nd hdd respectively?10:47
swine_stodorovic, have you not seen ext2debug ?10:47
msanchezhey! just realized today is the great day! :-)10:47
Colrolis there a way to boot with / as read-only?10:47
stodorovicActionParsnip: true :)10:47
DjAngo23swine_, Thats exactly my problem, because when typing irc server on google, imagine how many result from servers or channel making their announcement, that i can't find what i'm really looking for10:47
melrokzi mean, editing menu.lst10:47
theadminmelrokz: menu.lst is old10:48
swine_DjAngo23, go to freshmeat, find an irc server10:48
swine_DjAngo23, download it, install it10:48
theadminsheesh, just make a channel on freenode, ffs10:48
melrokzI'm on Ubuntu 9.04...10:48
theadminmelrokz: Oh.10:48
stodorovicswine_: except i dont think ext2debug works when the block groups, partition table, superblock offset or other critical metadata is damaged :/10:48
=== Mowiiii`Aw is now known as Mowee
melrokzand installing Grub 2 crashed my system.10:48
melrokznothing boots.10:49
MoweeHi :o10:49
swine_stodorovic, superblock is backed up10:49
stodorovicDjAngo23: go to wikipedia, search for irc server - there usually you have a list of irc servers (hybrid etc) and usually links to the project sites to get the code10:49
TaosWhat should i do?10:49
melrokzwhat are the GRUB commands to add windows 7 and windows Xp on my 1st and 2nd hdd respectively?10:50
stodorovicswine_: yes at different places. I calculated the offsets and could not read correct data at those locations. :)10:50
erUSUL!grub2 | melrokz10:50
ubottumelrokz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:50
theadminerUSUL: He has GRUB110:50
DjAngo23stodorovic, thanks for that one ;)10:50
kelvinellahow come xubuntu is slower than ubuntu on old laptop?10:50
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erUSUL!grub1 | melrokz10:50
swine_stodorovic, weird, did you report this bug to the ext3 people ?10:50
erUSUL!grub | melrokz10:50
ubottumelrokz: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:50
swine_stodorovic, nothing firefox or x.org does should be able to do this10:51
theadminkelvinella: No matter how funny it may sound, but Xubuntu is far more fat then Ubuntu10:51
brontosaurusrexDjAngo23: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers10:51
moetuneskelvinella: what did you install to make it slower?10:51
antonio__hi, how can i stop dhpc server?10:51
melrokzk, thanks, i'll check it out...10:51
erUSULantonio__: sudo service dhcpd stop ?10:52
mechaniclesActionParsnip: E: Invalid operation gedit10:52
kelvinellai install ubuntu first, then sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop10:52
stodorovicswine_: it looked as if the disk was scrambled badly. I know... but I have had xorg crash, perhaps I got hit with some 0-day or it was a bug in the kernel? dunno. In the end, I had to resort to strings of my drive and backed that up. Since I had about 12 different kernel sources extracted, it's been a pain to process the 20GB or so of *ascii* data and I've given up totally. But that was about 6 years ago :/10:52
kelvinellabut it is a lot slower than ubuntu10:52
swine_stodorovic, i've never sen anything like that...10:52
shifat96how do you change window manager to compiz on xubuntu?10:52
kelvinellaand when i run the command "free" i found that xubuntu uses more memory than ubuntu ? wtf?10:52
swine_stodorovic, i did an rm -fr on 2 weeks worth  of code once though :)10:53
theadminkelvinella: Told ya, they over-bloated the Ubuntu's XFCE.10:53
swine_stodorovic, but all that took was a deep breath and some time with ext2debug10:53
moetuneskelvinella: check the autostart apps for gnome stuff10:53
RobertFFluxbox is not available in main.10:53
shifat96how do you change the window manager to copmiz from xfce4 on xubuntu?10:53
RobertFWhat are the X11 window maker available?10:54
stodorovicswine_: me neither :( never seen it before, never seen it since. Yeah as long as you dont write over the original disk blocks, I don't think rm clears the inode and struct ext2_dirent2 entries, so you can often recover.10:54
kelvinellawhat autostart?10:54
theadminshifat96: compiz --replace?10:54
Taoshow do you use envy.10:54
kelvinellatheadmin, what should i do now?10:54
moetuneskelvinella: system settings in the menu has a button for it10:54
shifat96no, change to compiz, theadmin10:54
theadminkelvinella: Not my fault :P Sorry, away now10:54
theadminshifat96: That's exactly what this command would do10:54
theadminshifat96: It would replace the current window manager with compiz10:55
brontosaurusrexTaos: 1. educate for possible disaster, 2, sudo envy (i think)10:55
moetuneskelvinella: you don't just have xubuntu running - common mistake10:55
theadminshifat96: Just don't run it in a terminal, run it from Alt+F2 thing10:55
coz_shifat96,  you could also install   fusion-icon  and the command would be   fusion-icon10:55
kelvinellamoetunes, what do u mean?10:55
coz_shifat96,  I prefer that method  since fusion icon also has right click options abailable10:55
shifat96it works now10:55
moetuneskelvinella: look at what is autostarted10:56
mechanicleshow to reinstall gedit in ubuntu?10:56
TaosARGH how do i fix this?!!10:56
TaosIts sending me mental10:56
coz_mechanicles,  sudo apt-get install gedit10:56
erUSULmechanicles: sudo aptitude reinstall gedit10:56
ArtVandalaeTaos, still the driver issue?10:56
coz_oh reinstall sorry10:56
RobertFWhat are the X11 window manager available in Main?10:56
ArtVandalaeTaos, I'd remove the nvidia drivers and install noveaux (sp?) drivers. That should at least get you X10:57
RobertFuniverse is not supported by the ubuntu team10:57
kelvinellamoetunes, all i can say is that the xubuntu interface is far more fancier than ubuntu10:57
TaosI dont know how to use the terminal10:57
TaosI wouldnt know how to do any of that10:57
ArtVandalaeTaos, okay, I can help you.10:57
mahershalalHi all. I have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but I've learned it's gone in Lucid. Where can I edit Section "Device" instead? Thanks.10:57
moetuneskelvinella: and I find it is far speedier with lower resource usage10:57
mechanicleserUSUL, coz_ thanks...10:57
erUSULmahershalal: it is been gone for a long time now. you can create one if you want10:58
kelvinellamoetunes, so i can switch back to ubuntu, right?10:58
mahershalalerUSUL: and just put the section in there?10:58
HawkMan_Need soome tips to activate compiz/effects on my atom/ion system, I got working Nvidia drivers installed. and it asks if I want to keep my settings, but when I answer yes it's still just basic.10:58
ArtVandalaeTaos, sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau10:58
se5a-nixsometimes a program wont see keypresses if my mouse cursor is not hovering over it, how do I fix this? even if it's in focus sometimes, for example I cant type in a pidgin window if the mouse is not hovering over it - even if the window is in focus.10:58
erUSULmahershalal: yes10:58
moetuneskelvinella: that an option in the session menu when you log in10:58
mahershalalerSULU: cool thanks.10:58
ArtVandalaeTaos, then reboot, and let me know if anything happens10:59
kelvinellamoetunes, how do i get rid of this xubuntu completely?10:59
moetunes!puregnome > kelvinella10:59
ubottukelvinella, please see my private message10:59
BlackBishop10.04 out yet ?10:59
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mahershalalerUSUL: last question: is there something I need to know when creating xorg.conf? Is it possible to just begin with Section "Device" and end with EndSection?11:00
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erUSULmoetunes: that only shows how to purge kde though :(11:00
darius_Is there a way to see what compiling options were used for a given Ubuntu package?11:00
theadminubottu: zh | chenyuanjun11:00
ubottuchenyuanjun: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:00
ArtVandalaemahershalal, which driver are you trying to install/use?11:00
theadminBlackBishop: Not yet11:00
kelvinellamoetunes, ?11:00
erUSULmahershalal: maybe 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' will be a good starting point11:01
moetuneserUSUL: oops - don't worry about that kelvinella11:01
kelvinellamoetunes, i dont get the ubottu thing11:01
BlackBishophope it'll be out by tonight11:01
digitaloktayubottu tr11:01
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.11:01
MinusSeveni just downloaded Ubuntu11:01
mahershalalArtVandalae: it's a workaround for a bug. I need to disable Option "EnablePageFlip".11:01
theadminMinusSeven: And?11:01
JediMasteranyone know why it doesn't seem possible to remove plymoth on an ubuntu-server install? (It is just a graphical animation on boot right?) It's trying to remove: at console-setup cron dmsetup e2fsprogs ftp hostname ifupdown initramfs-tools initscripts kbd logrotate module-init-tools mountall mysql-server-5.1 netbase ntpdate openssh-server plymouth postfix procps rsyslog ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard udev ufw upstart ureadahead util-linux11:01
MinusSevenjust finishing burning it to a CD11:01
ArtVandalaemahershalal, ah okay, can't help you there then, sorry11:01
theadminMinusSeven: Be honest, please, is this your first time using Linux?11:01
JediMasterMinusSeven, hate to tell you but there's a new version (10.04) due out later today11:01
MinusSeveni got 9.1011:02
rwwJediMaster: because plymouth is required by mountall. To stop it from running, try removing "splash" from /etc/default/grub and running sudo update-grub11:02
mahershalalArtVandalae & erUSUL: ok thanks.11:02
theadminMinusSeven: Well, I just was wondering. If you're new, then I coulda teach you some beginner stuff :D11:02
Anonymous22But how long?11:02
=== sloopy is now known as Guest87301
JediMasterrww, thanks, just seemed unnecessary for a server install =)11:02
rwwit really is11:03
se5a-nixhumn, how do filter the somone joins, somone leaves messages11:03
moetuneskelvinella: the ubootu thing is a bot with helpful links - sometimes...11:03
erUSULse5a-nix: depends on the irc client11:03
rwwse5a-nix: which IRC client are you using?11:03
veloxidhey i still have my speedstepping problem11:03
veloxidi figured out that cpuidle is installed but does not speedstep11:03
brontosaurusrexse5a-nix: on xchat? rmb click on channel button, there should be something11:03
rwwse5a-nix: There's a plugin to do it.11:03
rwwthat comes with pidgin11:04
Bert-it is a real torture :(11:04
Bert-When the Lynx will be published ???????11:04
Bert-I'm so impatient11:04
Name141wow flash is terrible on my old P2 450MHz system11:04
se5a-nixany idea what it's called?11:04
rwwBert-: sometime on the 29th11:04
Name141just hops and skips11:04
erUSUL!party | Bert-11:04
ubottuBert-: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties11:04
Bert-rww yeah11:04
Bert-we are on the 29th ;)11:04
yasserany secret mirror/torrent whr i can get ubuntu 10?11:05
protozoneBert-: Several hours from now. Only ~15 mins ago they decided to respin the CDs. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/57076511:05
rwwyasser: No, because it's not out yet.11:05
Name141Is there anything I can do about that?11:05
azlonin gparted when i right click on a drive there are a list of options to format a drive's fs. only a few are available to select... how can i enable the ntfs option?11:05
rwwse5a-nix: "Hide Join/Part messages", I think ;P11:05
erUSULName141: use noflash/noscript extensions for firefox ? ?11:05
burghello. when will 10.04 stable be available for download/update ?11:05
veloxideven if i use userspace and change it by setspeed to800000 it changes to 2ghz agin and does not do stepping11:05
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:06
Gryllidaburg,  aapril 2911:06
* erUSUL and the crazy begins ....11:06
rwwerUSUL: Begins? It's been like this for hours ;P11:06
se5a-nixMuch better! thanks rww11:06
erUSULrww: oh well11:06
moetuneserUSUL: been crazy for a while :]11:06
veloxidanyone an idea what i can do?11:06
lightbrickoWhy does Ubuntu have Empathy and not Pidgin? (In my view Empathy is by far not as good yet)11:06
eltewI like pidgin better too.11:07
rwwlightbricko: because Empathy uses Telepathy, which allows for stuff like screensharing and online gaming much eaiser11:07
Gryllidalightbricko, Empathy is in kde & Pidgin is gnome?11:07
erUSULlightbricko: it is a gnome project considered to have more future11:07
brontosaurusrexlightbricko: it has better name?11:07
burgGryllida, that`s today11:07
swine_lightbricko, supposedly some teleconfering stuff11:07
rwwGryllida: no, Empathy is GNOME's official IM client.11:07
Gryllidaburg, yes.11:07
balgarathanyone know when the final release will be available for download?11:07
rwwbalgarath: sometime on the 29th11:07
swine_lightbricko, but yeah, as an IM client, pidgin is better11:07
Gryllidarww, I thought pidgin on gnome by default.11:07
rwwGryllida: no11:07
burgGryllida, and i can only see: ubuntu 10.04 coming soon11:07
se5a-nixanyway, sometimes pidgin, and other programs wont see key presses if the mouse cursor is not hovering over them. any idea why, and how to fix this?11:08
swine_i sith they had extended gnome instead11:08
duffydack!isitoutyet | balgarath11:08
ubottubalgarath: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:08
swine_er, pidgin11:08
mrben_lightbricko, usability analysis here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmpathyVsPidginUsability11:08
FloodBot4swine_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:08
balgarathduffydack, thnx11:08
swine_the empathy ui is much worse11:08
veloxidsome one can help me?11:08
erUSUL!ask | veloxid11:08
ubottuveloxid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:08
eltewHey guys I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 server.  I cant ssh into it from school cuz they block port 22.  Anyone know how I can change the incoming SSH port in Ubuntu?11:08
rwwtl;dr: Empathy sucks compared to Pidgin, Telepathy is awesome compared to libpurple11:08
Gryllida!anyone ! veloxid11:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:08
Gryllida!anyone | veloxid11:09
ubottuveloxid: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:09
swine_eltew, it's in the sshd config11:09
erUSULeltew: /etc/ssh/sshd_config11:09
moetunesveloxid: might be time to state the prob again11:09
duffydackbalgarath, I`m in uk (11am now) and its normally released quite late on in the day/evening.. has in the past anyway11:09
rwweltew: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config, change the Port directive, sudo service ssh restart11:09
eltewthank you guys11:09
swine_incidently, catfighting is awesome11:09
eltewboth of you, erUSUL and rww11:09
swine_two cats in the backyard have been going at it for like 2 hours now11:09
rwwswine_: #ubuntu-offtopic would probably care more ;P11:09
balgarathduffydack, cool...I'm in the US(5am here).11:09
duffydackI just wait till next day anyways.. let all the excited little kiddies get their leet hands on it lol11:10
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lightbrickoGryllida rww erUSUL brontosaurusrex mrben_ and swine_: It seems like you share my opinion. "It seems to have a great future". But in my view then it should be the default in the future when it has become "great" or "good".11:10
balgarathim at a good stopping point in terms of how much code I need to write the next couple days...gonna install asap so i can get the kinks worked out and get back to coding11:10
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete11:10
ubottuEmpathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu, replacing !pidgin11:11
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brontosaurusrexlightbricko: no, i dont use pidgin or empathy, was just a wild guess from my side11:11
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:11
mrben_lightbricko, tbh i don't care too much what comes as default as it's easy to install whatever softweare *i* want11:11
rwwmeanwhile, rww uses bitlbee and laughs at you GUI folks ;P11:11
=== red is now known as reijo-nyberg
Taosim back on ubuntu11:11
lightbrickomrben_: That goes for me too, but I was thinking about new users.11:12
Taosthanks person who hellped me11:12
erUSULlightbricko: this discussion cames like a year late. pidgin does not have audio/video that was one of the primary reasons (with the fact that empathy is a framework you can ontgrate with other programs and is a *oficial* gnome thing)11:12
stodorovicrww: bitlbee? isn't that something to do with X-Bee and Arduinos? :)11:12
TaosRight now11:12
veloxidI do have some problems with the speedstepping, my dell vostro 1310 runs on full speed (2ghz) all the time.11:12
veloxidi check a few things and figured out that cpuidle is used,11:13
veloxidthe scaling_govenor is on userspace, i tried to change the scaling_setspeed to 800mhz but it changes to 2ghz imediate,11:13
TaosHow can I install some nvidia drivers that DONT break my display11:13
stodorovicTaos: wget the nvidia blob and run the .run file you download. :)11:13
erUSULrww: i do not use im protocols only irc. get out of my lawn kid. XD11:13
lightbrickoerUSUL: I see.11:13
Taosstodorovic: I dont understand that11:14
rwwstodorovic: It's a gateway that allows me to use IM inside my IRC client by acting like an IRC server11:14
bludswhen is going to be released 10.04?11:14
rwwbluds: sometime on the 29th11:14
erUSUL!party > bluds11:14
ubottubluds, please see my private message11:14
moetunesveloxid: what does   cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies   show as options?11:14
stodorovicrww: ooh. Actually I think I have heard about that. I must make a note to myself to try that on my home machine tonight :)11:14
dimfusany1 here?11:15
stodorovicTaos: which bit dont you understand?11:15
rwwstodorovic: sudo apt-get install bitlbee, connect to in your IRC client, follow instructions :)11:15
Gryllida!anyone | dimfus11:15
ubottudimfus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:15
rwwdimfus: only a thousand or two11:15
dimfushi ya11:15
dimfuserm i just installed ubuntu11:15
Gryllida!ask | dimfus11:15
ubottudimfus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:15
Gryllidadimfus hi11:16
kelvinellait is weird i restart again, this time xubuntu run very fast11:16
erUSULdimfus: wellcome then :)11:16
dimfushi ok lemme say everything in 1 sentence11:16
brontosaurusrexrww: how does that work with google chat?11:16
rbutlerHi there, I've a vpn connection from Computer A to B. Now I want to ssh from B to A through that vpn connection. Is that possible and if so how to find the VPN IP of B?11:16
moetuneskelvinella: change anything?11:16
dimfusi just installed ubuntu n restarted my computer but it doesn't seem to load why is it so?11:16
kelvinellamoetunes, no11:16
stodorovicrww: thanks :) it would also be impressive if it was multi-protocol like Kopete. I'll take a look tonight :)11:16
rwwbrontosaurusrex: text chat works fine, video and audio do not11:16
kelvinellamoetunes, i bascially reboot it and now it runs faster than ubuntu and uses less memory11:17
Gryllidadimfus some error message that you see?11:17
erUSULdimfus: any error messages? what happens instead of loading normally?11:17
kelvinellamoetunes, dont know why11:17
brontosaurusrexrww: sure, but..., well let me install...11:17
kelvinellamoetunes, let me reboot one more time11:17
moetuneskelvinella: it always has here11:17
dimfusnope did not see any error msgs it just load up with the ubuntu logo then after that goes into a black screen11:17
rwwbrontosaurusrex: google chat is just jabber. It supports jabber just fine.11:17
kelvinellamoetunes, what do u mean?11:17
brontosaurusrexrww: yeah11:17
moetunesruns faster than ubuntu and uses less memory kelvinella11:17
orbitdoes anyone knows if it's possible to add the window dodge effect to the ubuntu panel11:18
kelvinellamoetunes, but the first time i reboot, it runs horriblely11:18
se5a-nixif B is a dns host you can see it if you... whatever the *nux equivilent of ipconfig /all is rbutler11:18
dimfusat 1st i tot its a part of the step to wait for it to load however i waited for 40mins n no screen loads up11:18
rwwse5a-nix: ifconfig -a11:18
moetuneskelvinella: I don't know what to say to that11:18
se5a-nixthere you go11:18
kelvinellamoetunes, i now try the shutdown and hard boot11:19
rwwXubuntu is not particularly lightweight :\11:19
agusanyone know when I can get new ubuntu11:19
rwwagus: when it comes out, which should be sometime on the 29th11:19
dimfuswhat should i do??11:19
falxxits the 29th already11:19
=== pinoyskull_ is now known as pinoyskull
sgbirchfalxx: yup .. it will be released today11:19
Taoswhy does it say acsess denied on my graphics card when i type lspci -v11:20
orbitdoes anyone knows if it's possible to add the window dodge effect to the bottom ubuntu panel11:20
kelvinellamoetunes, it runs smooth a lot smoother than ubuntu11:20
se5a-nixwhy is the remote desktop password in ubuntu limited to 8 chars?11:20
dimfusor should i uninstall ubuntu and get a better linux os?11:20
rbutlerHi se5a-nix, no I cannot see B based on dns. B is behind a firewall and not accessible. However, I can establish a vpn connection from A to B. But now I don't know how to ssh from B through that vpn connection to A11:20
rwwHow come every time someone says "It'll be out sometime on the 29th", people come back with "today is the 29th!" :\11:20
dimfuscan any1 assist?11:20
agusanyone know when I can get new ubuntu11:20
moetuneskelvinella: it's built to use less resources but does sacrifice some things11:20
orbitagus: today11:20
Gryllida<dimfus> nope did not see any error msgs it just load up with the ubuntu logo then after that goes into a black screen. weird.11:21
rwwagus: There is no scheduled time. As we've said, sometime on the 29th.11:21
stodorovicrbutler: just ssh to the ip address of A....11:21
Gryllidadimfus, choose some safemode on boot?11:21
ariefbayuagus: download RC1/2 and do full upgrade, like I did:D11:21
Taoswhy does it say acsess denied on my graphics card when i type lspci -v11:21
dimfuser nope i let it run normally11:21
orbitdoes anyone knows if it's possible to add the window dodge effect to the ubuntu panel11:21
dimfusso would u prefer i do it in safe mode?11:21
stodorovicTaos: it doesn't11:21
se5a-nixstoderovic, he's on A11:22
se5a-nixstoderovic that would be the equivilitent to ssh localhost11:22
rwwTaos: because not all attributes of PCI devices are exposed to non-admin users. Try sudo lspci -v if you need to see them all.11:22
Avaszhow long will it take for lucid to be released?11:22
stodorovicse5a-nix: so? VPN A<=>B  ssh B, ssh A (from B)...easy!11:22
dimfuswhen i reboot11:22
jszwhy did they put away The GIMP ? it's like the symbol of GNU11:22
dimfusthey have this option when i go into ubuntu11:22
dimfuswhere i can press esc11:22
se5a-nixstoderovic he doesn't know the ip of B11:22
stodorovicrww: nonsense. lspci -v does not need root...11:23
dimfusn choose the type i want so which 1 should i choose?11:23
se5a-nixrbutler, do you not know the name of B?11:23
rwwstodorovic: if you don't want to get errors for some of the pci device attributes it does.11:23
Gryllidadimfus, give the list of what to choose from?11:23
dimfuserm i can't rmb11:23
dimfusthere are 5 choices11:23
helpmecan help me?11:23
stodorovicrww: they are not important. just "Capabilities" missing...11:24
dimfusnormal graphic thingy etc11:24
stodorovicse5a-nix: he said he was already sshed to B....11:24
rwwstodorovic: I didn't say they were. I was answering Taos's question.11:24
agusI can't be patient to get new release. I wait all day.11:24
orbiti have a 10.1" screen and i want both panels but i want the bottom panel to disappear when i maximize a window11:24
dimfusshould i try to reinstall the whole thing again?11:24
helpmehello,, my tomcat error.. could you help me?11:24
orbitis it possible?11:24
Gryllida!isitout | agus11:24
ubottuagus: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:24
stodorovicGryllida: you should probably set that on auto-repeat every 5 minutes or so ;)11:25
dimfusGryllida:  i m gona try reinstalling the thing11:25
rbutlerstodorovic: You mean the vpn ip address of A? Ok, currently I'm working on A which has a vpn connection to B. In addition I currently ssh to B. So is it possible to ssh from A to B and ssh via vpn from B to A?11:25
se5a-nixstodrovic: no he said he had VPN to B, and needed to ssh11:25
Gryllida<dimfus>there are 5 choices WHICH?11:25
adacDoes there exist a web interface for viewing ubuntu/linux log files?11:25
aguswill home page of ubuntu update soon11:25
dimfusgive me a sec i need to check be back in awhile11:26
Gryllida!isitout | agus11:26
ubottuagus: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:26
Gryllidaagus, actually, it is early morning in uk now11:26
stodorovicse5a-nix: he just said he sshed to B :)11:26
Gryllidaagus, actually, and some people are sleeping in usa11:26
ikey_zzzGryllida: No it isnt.11:26
stodorovicrbutler: yes it's possible11:26
ikey_zzzThu Apr 29 11:26:30 BST 201011:26
se5a-nixOh right, I missed tha tone11:26
agusooo...  it's night in indonesia :)11:27
ikey_zzzThey've had plenty time for their bacon already :P11:27
rbutlerstodorovic: Damn it, then I do sth. wrong :( Thanks11:27
stodorovicrbutler: just get the ip address and ssh in on the address range that's for the vpn...11:27
=== ikey_zzz is now known as ikey
Gryllidadimfus,there are 5 choices, WHICH ones exactly?11:28
se5a-nixssh bname.local?11:28
Azeotropehow can I use bluetooth on a laptop running live cd 9.0411:28
GryllidaAzeotrope, your specs? laaptop model?11:29
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup11:29
Slipieis it there yet?11:29
fincanthe funny bot is active?11:29
moetunesSlipie: what?11:29
fincanwhen ll it behere?11:29
AzeotropeGryllida: dell 50011:29
Slipiewhat else?11:30
moetunes!isitout | Slipie11:30
ubottuSlipie: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:30
Gryllida!bluetooth | Azeotrope11:30
ubottuAzeotrope: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup11:30
=== Avasz is now known as Avash|DebXo
AdvoWorkHi there, ive just installed ubuntu on a new pc(motherboard P5KPL-AM IN/G8/SI) but the monitor resolution is massive! Any suggestions please, it doesnt list anymore in display, any ideas please? I cant seem to find any additional drivers11:30
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:31
QuotesHave to say the new Lucid Lynx is *extremely impressive. If there are any developers in here, I just want to say thank you for the amazing job!11:31
stodorovicrbutler: any luck?11:31
moetunesAdvoWork: what's the vid card? - lspci will tell11:32
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:32
Kartagis!isitout | lalalol11:33
ubottulalalol: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:33
nicholas_!isitout wat11:33
Kartagisnicholas_, see ubottu's previous message11:33
moetunes!msgthebot | everyone11:33
ubottueveryone: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".11:33
brontosaurusrexrww: how come they all show-up in &bitlbee?11:33
AdvoWorkmoetunes, it says: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated graphics controller rev 01)11:34
rwwbrontosaurusrex: because that's how bitlbee works? read the help files it tells you about11:34
Name141[05:03:52:AM] : Name141 saying detected in #ubuntu by erUSUL@unaffiliated/erusul : on freenode : saying Name141: use noflash/noscript extensions for firefox ? ? | wouldn't that STOP flash instead of make it work ?11:34
moetunesAdvoWork: one min11:34
brontosaurusrexrww: ok, so its 'normal', hopefully the text i send to that channel is not distributed to them?11:34
coolmanWhat time today is Lucid released ????11:34
rwwcoolman: there isn't a set time11:35
tarzeaucoolman: maximum another 11 hours11:35
rwwbrontosaurusrex: I hate to be all "rtfm" on you, but the quickstart guide really is the best way to learn this.11:35
Kartagiswhat software is ubottu ?11:35
erUSULName141: true. but pentium II + flash in linux is a no go; imo11:35
Name141erUSUL: oh you are still here11:35
rwwubottu: botclone | Kartagis11:35
ubottuKartagis: Ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html11:35
brontosaurusrexrww: yeah i'am reading all that now11:35
tarzeaui wish ubuntu throw away firefox and use chromium-browser instead11:35
rbutlerstodorovic: No luck so far ... http://cbullitt.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/crying-baby_medium.jpg11:35
ikeytbh you should clone from sourceforge or w/e for supybot11:36
stodorovicrbutler: not even going to access that ;) do you have the ip address of both end-points on your VPN?11:36
ikeyotherwise you get the plugin bugs.11:36
Mokee269hi there .... hmmmm, i just instaleed 9.10 .. few questions (relating to ubuntu and not).. A. I probably will run this a bit , then do a re-install... is there a way to store the dl'ed packages to do a quicker offline upgrade next time? and B. I wish to write a simple GUI in a linux boot environment (live-cd, eg. knoppix, or lfs based).. xwidgets, c++ something what what could I use? glade-ruby ?11:36
=== miguel is now known as Guest37606
Name141erUSUL: it worked enough to make it possible to watch youtube in XP11:36
Kartagisrww, thanks11:36
Name141erUSUL: what's the 'linux issue' ?11:36
SchvenWhat time's Lucid going GA?11:36
psycho_oreos!party > Schven11:36
ubottuSchven, please see my private message11:36
ikeySchven: when it gets here.11:36
sancan any1 here help me please i want to change skin of my grub any links?11:37
stodorovicdefine: GA?11:37
coolmanyea wanna know wht time to.... they should have an hour countdown11:37
=== root is now known as Guest85221
tarzeausan: grub 1 or 2?11:37
coolmanI need to upgrade my machine11:37
Mokee269stodorovic, im assuming he meant Generally available11:37
ikeycoolman: Keep pressing F5 on ubuntu.com11:37
sani have 1 its damn boring i need a good look11:37
leeb9972hi folks, skipped my lunch to upgrade today :( anyone send me food11:37
stodorovicMokee269: ah.11:37
tarzeauikey: lol!11:37
rwwcoolman, Schven: there isn't a set time11:37
tarzeauikey: that's mean11:37
ikeysorry xD11:37
Mokee269leeb9972, : poos in his hand and gives ya it11:37
robban_How do I mount an external USB disk so it can be share via sama?11:37
tarzeaurobban_: with the right umask :)11:38
Mokee269hi there .... hmmmm, i just instaleed 9.10 .. few questions (relating to ubuntu and not).. A. I probably will run this a bit , then do a re-install... is there a way to store the dl'ed packages to do a quicker offline upgrade next time? and B. I wish to write a simple GUI in a linux boot environment (live-cd, eg. knoppix, or lfs based).. xwidgets, c++ something what what could I use? glade-ruby ?11:38
santarzeau: can u giveme link to get grub 2? or its skin?11:38
tarzeauMokee269: don't repeat please11:38
tarzeausan: no11:38
jribrobban_: just plug it in, does that not work?11:38
ikeyMokee269: check out APTonCD11:38
sancan anyone else help me?11:38
jribsan: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)11:38
=== Guest85221 is now known as Ervis
Mokee269ok sorry tarzeau... ok thank ikey, is it an API for 'native' gui environment or?11:38
robban_jrib: no, its nly 700 permissions11:38
ikeyWhat? No11:39
ikeyIts a tool11:39
Guest37606why is my ubuntu soooo extremely slow when I turn o AHCI in my bios?11:39
ikeyStores all cached packages to a disc11:39
jribrobban_: what filesystem?11:39
sanjrib: ok  i need a good looking grub11:39
jrib!grub2 > san11:39
ubottusan, please see my private message11:39
robban_jrib: fat32 on one and ntfs on the other11:39
tarzeausan: because you spend 5 hours a day looking at grub?11:39
Mokee269haha.. lol ok... it's just that I have been struggling with finding underlying architecture in limitedboot envrionments so question prolly sounded a bit tarded11:39
Ervisanyone download ubuntu 10.0411:39
coz_Ervis,  it is not released yet11:40
* ikey f5's again11:40
santarzeau: no no i just started searching11:40
Mokee269ikey: Ah I see, that was to question A.. I thought you meant Q B. sorry mate... thank a lot... :)11:40
jrib!ntfs > robban_11:40
ubotturobban_, please see my private message11:40
NoObik\j #ubuntu-pt11:40
Kartagiswhat does ubottu use? sqlite?11:40
tarzeausan: don't delay the release of the lucid lynx11:40
robban_jrib: in 9.10 i used a script, devkit to unmount and mount again, this doesn't work anymore after upragding to 10.04rc11:40
coz_Ervis,  if you want to know when it is actually released  log onto #ubuntu+1   when you are redirected to this channel it is released11:40
Erviscoz_, its 29  today :)11:40
jribrobban_: just make sure you use the noauto option as well as what ubottu suggests11:40
tarzeauikey: that was for you11:40
santarzeau: sorry?11:40
jribrobban_: for lucid support, #ubuntu+111:40
tarzeauikey: you will collapse the internet!11:41
coz_Ervis,  i believe in a few hours11:41
ikeyi usually do actually :/11:41
tarzeausan: wasn't for you but ikey11:41
stodorovicikey: just wait for the /. effect :)11:41
ikeyKartagis: /join #supybot11:41
santarzeau: it sok11:41
ikeyPeople will end up on facebook trying to log into launchpad ._.11:41
Yiziit will be out in couple of hours, its based on UK time11:41
mechanicleshow to update Gedit from 2.26.1 to 2.30.211:41
ikeyYizi: Lunch time in 20 minutes, don't expect miracles11:41
azlonhow can i make an iso from a folder? i have a ripped DVD and i want to add the VIDEO_TS to a whatever.iso11:42
fromspacei don't get it.. what was the reason behind the change in position of the min/max/close buttons?11:42
ikeyazlon: man mkisofs11:42
fincanits release time cancled because of a critical bug, CHECK the main website11:42
coz_fromspace,  it is a mystery  as far as I can tell11:42
Yiziikey: i wasn't ;)11:42
ikeyfromspace: easy enough to change11:42
azlonikey, thanks11:42
ikeyfromspace: use gconf11:42
jrib!lucid | fromspace11:42
ubottufromspace: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:42
sanis it safe to upgrade to 10.04? or it has some bugs?11:42
fincanits release time cancled because of a critical bug, CHECK the main website11:42
coz_fromspace,  you can change that with a ppa that has corrected the left handed issue11:42
tarzeausan: we don't know yet11:42
ikeysan: "critical bug"11:42
jribsan: it's not "safe" until released11:42
ikeyusually means "no"11:42
tarzeausan: but the betas i tried had some critical bugs for me11:42
tarzeauthey're even documented on launchpad.net bugs11:43
Mokee269ok, let me re-phrase... say I log in to a rescue shell... and wish to have a GUI available... which tools/language/libs should/could I use for this GUI?11:43
moetunesAdvoWork: which ubuntu you using?11:43
tarzeaunamels: ltsp problems, lvm with the kernel, and nis/autofs11:43
ikeyMokee269: C + ncurses11:43
sanok thanks guyz11:43
Mokee269thank you ikey!11:43
bobanenceto@fincan: u are lying :P11:43
jribMokee269: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?11:43
rbutlerstodorovic: works http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo287/Mistidakitten/Funny/thm_phpIq1nuF1.gif11:43
tarzeaui hope some of them are fixed. also the gnome/kde menu editors were badly broken in karmic11:43
fincan@bobanenceto: yeah xD11:43
rbutlerstodorovic: thanks11:43
ikeyMokee269: terminal user interface. don't expect on a working x.org whatsoever. rather depend on a working tty.11:43
ikeyotherwise its a pointless rescue ;)11:44
=== Guest37606 is now known as miguel000
miguel000Any idea why AHCI is so slow with my ubuntu?11:45
msanchezsan: I'm on Lucid now and I can say it's pretty stable in my case11:45
ikeymiguel000: Check 'dmesg' straight after booting11:45
ikeyYou should find messages relating to it.11:45
msanchezI'm not seeing crashes nor anything in bad shape since many days ago11:45
miguel000ikey oook thanks11:46
abtomikHello Guys, where can i find Lucid 10.04 stable? I am only seeing the RCs11:46
jrib!lucid | abtomik11:46
ubottuabtomik: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:46
msanchezit's not released yet11:46
msanchezbut it's planned for today11:46
digitaloktayabtomik you can install rc then you have less problem with download stable11:46
AdvoWorkmoetunes, 9.1011:47
abtomikThanks guys11:47
dumhow can i determine the card number of my audio sound card11:47
dumdoes anyone know how to do this?11:48
lovrehi all11:48
tugrullspci |grep -i audio11:48
Mokee269jrib: I want to boot a computer with a linux kernel, runa  gui for a total beginner, which basically sets up a recovery environment a la OEM's provide .. (however, since linux itself does this with its own distros, I want to do this for windows peeps, so they stop posting 15000 OMG I have to pay to fix this, when all they need is to set up partitions themselves and put som eimage files etc)11:48
moetunesAdvoWork: from google it ashould be supported - do you have a xorg.conf?11:48
lovresorry for offtopic: does anyone have access to springerlink? i need this pdf: http://www.springerlink.com/content/hq35136r2w2r5824/11:48
jriblovre: if you know it's offtopic, why would you ask... please don't11:48
Mokee269now many of them can't so I thought I'd make a tool for them, ... now originally with new licenses and tools in win 7, they now can do it with no 3rd party toools (so wanted ot make an interface for them...) but this interface needs to run also either in A. the winpe environment or a linux environment.. I wish to make a GUI either way11:49
lovrejrib: because there is no place this would be on topic?11:49
xyz 10.04 released guys11:49
jriblovre: in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel?11:49
xyzgo n start downloading11:49
jribxyz: please don't do that11:49
lovrejrib: oops, i didnt know that, sorry11:50
Fudgehi guys, im trying to remember the name of a script in repos that lets you choose from xfce or gnome instead of using login screen to do it11:51
kelvinellahow to install codec to play avi?11:51
ovishello everybody11:51
Mokee269ye am upgrading now :p11:51
ubutomanyone knows a program to use with korg nano key keyboard?11:51
ovisi have a problem with sond11:51
jribkelvinella: double click on it, you will be prompted.  Or just install ubuntu-restricted-extras11:51
dumtugrul: but which is the card number?11:51
huonoAny idea does 10.4 support old at radeon graphics gards? (Radeon 9600)11:51
kelvinellai double click it after installing some gstream thing and still cant play11:52
jrib!lucid | huono11:52
ubottuhuono: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:52
stodorovicrbutler: it's all working? good :)11:52
erUSULubutom: midi sequencer? DAW ?11:52
jribkelvinella: did you see the second thing I said?11:52
Mokee269jrib: did you see my reply? any thoughts?11:52
jribMokee269: still not sure what you are doing11:52
Mokee269ikey: do I *have* toinvoke the X server to run any form of gui??11:52
ubutomerUSUL, I installed some programs, but they don'r really work, will look into DAW11:52
kelvinellasudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras?11:52
ikeyMokee269: yerp11:52
jribkelvinella: sure11:52
erUSULubutom: DAW is digital audio workstation ---> ardour11:53
erUSUL|info ardour11:53
erUSUL!info ardour11:53
ubottuardour (source: ardour): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.8.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 4587 kB, installed size 12824 kB11:53
stodorovicMokee269: are you not in the wrong channel to ask programming questions? #c++ #c  etc?11:53
erUSULubutom: #ubuntustudio11:53
chamdoes anyone know where mailx's config file is? Or alternatively how to run the setup wizard agin which ran the first time I installed it via apt-get?11:53
ubutomyeah, thanks, gonna check that out :)11:53
Mokee269(darn... my first laptop 11 yrs or so, was a medion, back then a non typical brand on X server = TEZ NUTZ when it also was my first try on linux sigh) hates X therefore in any manual form but ah well11:53
stodorovicMokee269: interesting idea though for a recovery boot thingy like what some OEMs do11:53
=== sutch_ is now known as sutch
erUSULcham: sudo dpkg-reconfigure mailx11:54
ovisplease help11:54
ovissound its not working11:54
ovisim on ubuntu lynx11:54
rbutlerlovre: you got the article11:54
erUSULovis: #ubuntu+111:55
psycho_oreos!lucid > ovis11:55
ubottuovis, please see my private message11:55
tube_Hi all. I'm trying to modify a bootable ISO (copied from a CD), and then burn it back to another CD. I've been playing with ISO Master and Kiso, but both have let me down so far. With ISO Master, even if I don't make any changes to the ISO, when I burn it back the computer seems to almost boot, but just stops with a black screen and blinking cursor. With Kiso, the image is reported as "not bootable". Any advice?11:55
Mokee269stodorovic,  thank you... the thing is, it is simple to make now through added tools even in the windows system.. problem is, not for 'newbies' .. so wished to make a GUI for them, to intro them to the world of relying on yourself...(ironic lol), but anyway... the prob is the winpe environment lacks so many underlying libs I want to do it just from a linux environmnet...11:55
erUSUL!remaster | tube_11:55
ubottutube_: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility11:55
chamerUSUL: I tried that before and again now, and that just drops me to the next line in the shell.. so it doesnt look like it has any effect.11:55
Mokee269given they are windows noobs, they surely are linux naabs too, so I need to make a simple GUI at least11:55
erUSULcham: are you sure mailx has configuration?11:56
vvshhello, how can i make netcat continues to listen to the port when the client disconnected ?11:56
=== zorzar is now known as zorzarAway
dimfushey i m back11:56
dimfusu there?11:56
erUSULcham: maybe what you configured was the mta ... (postfix or exim) ?11:56
tube_erUSUL: OK cool, is remaster only for modifying Ubuntu? I'm trying to edit a Windows XP ISO11:56
robban_jrib: /dev/sdb1   /media/usbdisk  vfat   noauto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000   0   0, but it sill mounts with access only for the owner :(11:56
BrunsgaardIs ther a countdown for 10.04?11:56
psycho_oreos!party | Brunsgaard11:56
ubottuBrunsgaard: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties11:56
pepePluok when is it out11:56
dimfusi have reinstalled ubuntu but after that it did show some screen11:56
dimfusbut hanged after that11:57
dimfushow can i fix it?11:57
erUSULtube_: for windows isos ##windows seees a better place....11:57
Sn0rl4yjest ktos z Polski ?11:57
chamerUSUL: what I saw the first time was a wizard that asked me where my smtp server was.. so I assume it was mailx that was being configured..11:57
erUSUL!party | Brunsgaard11:57
ubottuBrunsgaard: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties11:57
Brunsgaardpsycho_oreos:  thx..11:57
jribrobban_: it shouldn't, anyway you said you were using lucid, you should ask #ubuntu+1 since maybe some things changed11:57
tube_erUSUL: Fair enough, but I'm running Ubuntu11:57
psycho_oreos!pl > Sn0rl4y11:57
ubottuSn0rl4y, please see my private message11:57
mechanicleshow to update Gedit from 2.26.1 to 2.30.2... pls help me11:57
dimfuserm can any1 please assist me?11:57
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:57
jribrobban_: also, you shouldn't use sdb1 but either the uuid or the label11:57
dotnet67can the boot-up "mountall" fail due to a change in /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/rc.local?11:57
AdvoWorkmoetunes, no xorg.conf tried to add one, doing sudo Xorg -configure as a few guides suggested, but it didnt axctually make a xorg.conf file. Ive tried xRandR which also didnt work. Any suggestions please?11:58
Mokee269euUSUL, well I know what to do with all the windows relating bits... I was looking to a linux question as how to launch a simple windows with some questions in it etc, in a linux env11:58
dotnet67or does it happen before11:58
robban_jrib: ok, i will. however this has been the same in 9.1011:58
mrpwhere do i edit how many workspaces i have?11:58
dimfushiya can any1 help me?11:58
Mokee269ubottu lol nice bot which recognises polish evenn wow11:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:58
joaopintodotnet67, mountall does not depend on network or rc.local11:58
respireCan anyone recommend a better password manager than keypassx?11:58
Mokee269(respire... your mind ;p)11:58
respireMokee269, yeah right with 10000 of truly randoms i think no11:58
stodorovicMokee269: so? just make it. no winpe needed, surely. hidden partition. special entry in grub etc. special kernel + special FBdev app or maybe minimal x11 based system?11:59
thropesorry for silly question - any idea when 10.4 iso will be available, have to install a machine today (uk time) and wondering whether to wait11:59
respireI just keep an encrypted list11:59
=== Jonathan__ is now known as KyubyLingus
Mokee269In england, I didn't have a mobile so I used to just rememeber all my mobile phone numbers of friends, in case I needed to contact them11:59
respirebut the keypassx is naff11:59
dotnet67guess the filesystem decided to corrupt itself ;/ it keeps hanging boot after failing mountall11:59
psycho_oreos!party > thrope11:59
ubottuthrope, please see my private message11:59
Abyss_hi, my ubuntu 9.10 used to have a proxy , now it doesnt but it still looks for a proxy when i install software, under system proxies its set, system wide, to direct connection, is this a bug?11:59
moetunesAdvoWork: you need to stop X to use Xorg -configure and it makes a file xorg.conf.new in your home folder11:59
erUSULcham: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix11:59
Mokee269thrope is it already: im downloading it now (10.04) that is11:59
robban_jrib: ok i'll have another go, thanks11:59
sam204475so many people.12:00
teolicyHi. I hope this isn't flamebait, but does anyone know exactly when 10.04 is supposed to be released (how many hours from now)?12:00
psycho_oreos!party > teolicy12:00
ubottuteolicy, please see my private message12:00
dimfuscan any1 assist me12:00
Mokee269hmm I guess... jrib: could I ask if you concur with ikey's proposal on ncurses as the best path?12:00
MrNazi know we're not supposed to ask this of an open source project....12:00
MrNaz... but where the hell is the next version? :)12:00
E3bhello all12:01
dimfusi m having a problem12:01
Mokee269(for GUI in post linux boot environment?)12:01
teolicypsycho_oreos, Aye, thanks, sorry.12:01
psycho_oreos!party > MrNaz12:01
ubottuMrNaz, please see my private message12:01
dimfusi installed ubuntu but it hangs when i reboot my comp12:01
E3bsomeone can tell me how can I upgrade to 10.04 ?12:01
jribMokee269: sure, I don't see its usefulness though12:01
psycho_oreos!lucid > E3b12:01
ubottuE3b, please see my private message12:01
Gryllida!party > Gryllida12:01
Daijoubuit's kinda quite for almost 2k people waiting for the new release :) lol12:01
ubottuGryllida, please see my private message12:01
AdvoWorkmoetunes, and so it would be a brand new file? and then what?12:01
ubuntuHow did I get the name ubuntu?12:01
dimfusu there?12:01
=== ubuntu is now known as wolfwalker-prime
ikeyGryllida: You PM'd yourself?12:01
erUSULubuntu: livecd defaults12:01
ikeyfair nuff.12:01
wolfwalker-primeNo dimfus I'm here.  YOU are there. :)12:02
dimfushey i just reinstalled my ubuntu12:02
MrNazpsycho_oreos thanks12:02
stodorovic****** Just set !party and !lucid on auto-repeat every few minuites and be done with it *** :)12:02
dimfusn i can see the load up screen but it hangs12:02
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading12:02
Mokee269E3b: nto the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '10.04' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.12:02
dimfuswhy is this so?12:02
TuringAoh can't wait to download lucid lynx!12:02
Mokee269oh oops... well nvm.. i realized what party means so :p12:02
psycho_oreos!party > TuringA12:02
snowhouseHi all I'm trying to make my ipod work with karmik koala. It recognizes it and has no problems mounting it but when I try to add songs it gives me this error: Error opening file "media/MyIpod/ipodcontrol/music/f10/mysong':read only file system does anyone know how to fix this?12:02
ubottuTuringA, please see my private message12:02
Mokee269TuringA,  LOL12:02
msanchezTuringA: just sudo aptitude safe-upgrade then ;-)12:02
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod12:03
se5a-nix!party > se5a-nix12:03
ubottuse5a-nix, please see my private message12:03
foomorwill 10.04 have kernel 2.6.33 or still 2.6.32?12:03
* se5a-nix was feeling left out12:03
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:03
psycho_oreos!lucid > foomor12:03
rwwfoomor: 2.6.3212:03
ubottufoomor, please see my private message12:03
msanchez2.6.32 I guess12:03
thropeMokee269: where from? do you have a link12:03
Daijoubui hoped for 33 but noes :/12:03
dimfusaguahhh no 1 is helpng me out =/12:03
Daijoubudimfus what version ?12:04
E3bMokee269, thanks12:04
Mokee269a kernel change would normally be on a X.X change rather then A.AX change12:04
Daijoubudimfus oops ask again then can't help with that one o-o12:04
dimfusDaijoubu: v9.1012:04
mechanicleshow to update Gedit from 2.26.1 to 2.30.2... pls help me friends12:04
moetunesAdvoWork: then you add to the screen section thr mode yu want e.g 1280x1024  mode12:04
dimfusDaijoubu:  huh?12:04
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code12:05
Daijoubudimfus ask your question again in the channel because i can't help you with 9.1012:05
dimfusDaijoubu: what version are u using?12:05
Daijoubudimfus lucid12:05
knittlhi. i got a question concerning 64 bit12:06
robban_jrib: Many, many thanks!!! Problem sovled after so many hours of frustration! Excuse my poore knowledge, kind a new to linux12:06
Daijoubudimfus did you try live cd for 9.10 does it hang as well?12:06
dimfuserm nope i downloaded it and mounted it12:06
jribrobban_: no problem, did you have to do anything other than mess with fstab?12:06
knittllshw shows my memory controller hub has a width of 32 bits12:06
AzeotropeI do have bluetooth (both sign and LED) on my laptop but ubuntu 9.04 sais it can't detect any built-n bt device. why?12:06
robban_jrib: nop12:06
jribrobban_: cool12:06
knittldoes that mean i cannot use a full 4 gb of ram, even with a 64 bit system?12:06
AdvoWorkmoetunes, any examples, ie what else needs to be in, as its a new file ive got nothing to go on12:07
Mokee269jrib: well it's for ppl hopeless with windows or just not very technically able... to make their recovery system..why? Due to things like: no more guarantee ; recovery system corrupt and no recovery dvd's given; want to customize their custom image which is recovered rather than their crappy OEM base one... etc (I have made a GUI front end on the windows side) now I need to make the juice which sets it all up in a boot envrionment12:07
ikeyknittl: 32-bit kernel will mean you can only use 3.2GB of total memory12:07
dimfusDaijoubu: erm nope i downloaded it and mounted it12:07
knittlikey: i'm talking about 64 bit kernel12:07
ikeyYou'll either need a 64-bit OS or a PAE-enabled kernel12:07
moetunesAdvoWork: I'll paste mine12:07
knittlikey: and it's 3.5, because that is what i can use right now12:07
jribMokee269: I see12:07
Mokee269winpe sucks in all honesty.. so I wished to do it linux wise but can't assume the ones im trying ot make lie easier for , will know lijnux, so need the GUI12:07
linda_hi everyone12:08
knittland i'm asking about hardware12:08
Daijoubudimfus emm really you should ask in the channel again maybe someone can help you, or you can wait a bit for Ubuntu Lucid to be released and try with Lucid12:08
Mokee269just because many of us use windows.. doesn't mean they .we don't deserve willingness to help either12:08
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!12:08
moetunesAdvoWork: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424543/12:09
Mokee269plus this way, they are less bound by the whims of M$ qnd OEM's , and when they see the driving force behind the set up is linux, might make them go hmm yaaay.. should maybe try this out... one day we all will be brothers and sisters ;)12:09
flodinehello is anyone using xmobar on openbox?12:09
misamanusUbuntu 10.04 is not available on the website12:09
erUSUL!outyet > misamanus12:10
AdvoWorkmoetunes, cheers, so once i put that in xorg.conf do i need to reboot?12:10
ubottumisamanus, please see my private message12:10
misamanuswhen will i be able to download it12:10
Mokee269misamanus sigh : To upgrade from Ubuntu 9.10 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '10.04' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.12:10
moetunesAdvoWork: ctrl+alt+backspace will do it - close all apps first12:11
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap12:11
KeithWeissharwhy hasn't usuntu 10.04 lts been released yet?12:11
digitaloktay* FloodBot4 setzt Modus +j #ubuntu 5:10  what is this ?12:11
KeithWeissharubuntu 10.0412:12
rwwdigitaloktay: join rate limit. feel free to ignore it12:12
rwwKeithWeisshar: because it's not done yet12:12
psycho_oreos!party > KeithWeisshar12:12
ubottuKeithWeisshar, please see my private message12:12
jaranis the update available through the update manager the final version of 10.04, or a release candidate?12:13
Avash|DebXo!party > Avash|DebXo12:13
ubottuAvash|DebXo, please see my private message12:13
Mokee269RC i think12:13
icerootjaran: final12:13
psycho_oreos!lucid > jaran12:13
ubottujaran, please see my private message12:13
Dan_Eubuntu 10.0412:13
Mokee269Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop! -> 10.04 : Alt + F2 : (type) update-manager -d -> choose upgrade12:13
icerootjaran: if you dont choose "use beta-software"12:13
Mokee269am on 75% of 10.04 dl weeee12:14
psycho_oreos!party > Mokee26912:15
ubottuMokee269, please see my private message12:15
Mokee269anyway.. thx for ncurses... actually completely12:15
fargurdis there a torrent link?12:15
psycho_oreos!lucid > fargurd12:15
ubottufargurd, please see my private message12:15
sangho10.04  is released?12:15
rwwUbuntu 10.04 has not been released yet.12:15
psycho_oreos!party > sangho12:15
ubottusangho, please see my private message12:15
Mokee269rww im dl it now12:15
Mokee269it is12:15
rwwMokee269: no, you're not.12:15
rwwit's not12:15
Mokee269im on 80%12:15
sanghohttp://ftp.daum.net/ubuntu-releases/.pool/ in this link. what is the ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso12:15
sanghoit's not marked "rc"12:16
rwwsangho, Mokee269: pool URLs are for internal mirror syncing. They often -- and in this case definitely -- do not contain final ISO images.12:16
DJones!links | sangho12:16
ubottusangho: DON'T POST LINKS! Lucid isn't out until it's announced, and indicating anything otherwise causes the server to get more load, thus making the release LATER. Is that what you want?12:16
psycho_oreossangho, -> #ubuntu+112:16
=== reijo-nyberg is now known as red
Mokee269oh right.. im downloading RC version :$12:16
=== horndog_ is now known as horndog
* Mokee269 runs and hides!12:16
Mokee269lol i literally just got red faced.. and logging offf :)12:17
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties12:17
azlonhow can i make a script that i can put in my context menu? i want to run a command on a folder...12:18
erUSULazlon: search in google how to make nautilus scripts12:18
Slartazlon: there is something called nautilus actions.. that might be useful12:18
erUSULazlon: ^12:19
Killshow do I know when 10.04 comes out?12:19
Slart!info nautilus-actions | azlon12:19
ubottuazlon: nautilus-actions (source: nautilus-actions): nautilus extension to configure programs to launch. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.1-1 (karmic), package size 301 kB, installed size 1796 kB12:19
psycho_oreos!party > Kills12:19
ubottuKills, please see my private message12:19
rwwKills: the topic in here will be changed, http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce will be notified, ubuntu.com will change...12:19
Slartazlon: it's got a nice little gui if I remember correctly.. you can select if it should only show up on some files, all files, folders etc etc12:19
dimfushow long more till lucid is out?12:21
psycho_oreos!party > dimfus12:21
ubottudimfus, please see my private message12:21
Avash|DebXo!party > Avash|DebXo12:21
ubottuAvash|DebXo, please see my private message12:21
Slartdimfus: because you went ahead and asked in the wrong channel.. one extra hour.. and no soup for you! ;)12:21
psycho_oreostoo many people just won't read /topic12:22
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties12:22
phenriqueanyone know a irc channel that treats about IHC? I wanted an indication of material on the following contents: human-computer interaction: concepts and principles / criteria recommendations of user-computer interaction, models of user interaction. styles of presentation of information, criteria and ergonomic recommendations, user documentation.12:22
overmacht!party > Avash|DebXo12:22
ubottuAvash|DebXo, please see my private message12:22
cdavisIs thre a iCal/Parser.pm in the repos, I don't see anything that seems like it12:22
sergiu14hi, at what hour will ubuntu 10.04 be released?12:22
psycho_oreos!party > sergiu1412:22
ubottusergiu14, please see my private message12:22
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties12:23
jayageprivmsg ubottu12:23
Moultso if ubuntu 10.04 has a fancy new look what about kubuntu?12:24
Avash|DebXoovermacht, har har har12:24
tottto-drummondIs Lucid Lynx out yet ?12:24
LjL!outyet > tottto-drummond    (tottto-drummond, see the private message from ubottu)12:24
=== Guest87301 is now known as sloopy
Slartthis channel needs a forced redirect to everyone that mentions lucid just after they join =/12:25
coolmanIm waiting for Lucid aswell, it should be countdown by the hour12:25
crazymanwhere can I find the code of usb driver?12:25
Slartcrazyman: isn't it available in the kernel source package?12:25
crazymanoh , I can't find usb-skeleton.c in /drivers/usb12:26
Slartcrazyman: hmm.. nope.. I can't find that file either12:26
Slartcrazyman: sure it's available in the 2.6.31 kernel?12:27
rwwcoolman: stop crossposting and just enthuse in #ubuntu-release-party, please.12:27
crazymannot sure12:27
nexus6__i want to buy a new computer and need some advise. please pm me if you have some hardware knowledge12:29
Fudgehi how can i change the login desktop with a shell script12:29
=== kilari_ is now known as kilari
Fudgecant remember the name of the script to apt-get12:30
psycho_oreosnexus6__, -> ##hardware12:30
tgalalwhen is lucid going to be available for download today ?!12:31
nexus6__hardware is kinda dead lol12:31
Fudgeis already12:31
Slart!party | tgalal12:31
ubottutgalal: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties12:31
psycho_oreos!offtopic | Fudge12:31
ubottuFudge: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:31
Slartnexus6__: that still doesn't make it ok to ask in here12:31
psycho_oreosit isn't dead there when you were talking in that other channel12:32
bjorn_Hi, I tried to install exiftool but the package could not be installed. Is exiftool not in the repositories anymore?12:32
Slartcrazyman: odd.. when I search for usb-skeleton.c in google I get lots of hits that seem to reference kernel source files12:32
Slart!info libimage-exiftool-perl | bjorn_ , is this the one?12:33
ubottubjorn_: libimage-exiftool-perl (source: libimage-exiftool-perl): Library and program to read and write meta information in multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.82-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1712 kB, installed size 6744 kB12:33
Slart!find exiftool12:34
ubottuFound: libimage-exiftool-perl12:34
Slartit seems to install a /usr/bin/exiftool at least12:34
Slarthello BiggFREE12:35
Slartcrazyman: find anything?12:36
AzeotropeI do have bluetooth (both sign and LED) on my laptop but ubuntu 9.04 sais it can't detect any built-n bt device. why?12:36
crazymanno,I just don't know why it'nt there12:37
WorkLuxgood morning everyone12:37
gabrielwhen I go to a text terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+<F1> I go to tty. what does is stands for (tty) ???12:38
nucc1i added a new repository, did apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and it says the "following packages have been held back"12:38
crazymanhaha...I find it12:38
nucc1instead of upgrading them12:39
randeepalo can i knw upload command for ubuntu12:39
Slartgabriel: wikipedia says it's short for TeleTYpewriter12:39
BaronFlopsyWoo Hoo So excited!!12:39
rwwgabriel: teletypewriter12:39
Slartrandeep: upload command?12:39
ikeyupload what?12:40
gabrielSlart, rww thanks m8's12:40
ikeywhat protocol?12:40
SlartBaronFlopsy: nice to see you excited for 9.10... since that's what we talk about in here.. not like in #ubuntu-release-party where they talk about 10.04.. hint hint12:40
randeeplocal file to remote server ikey12:40
ikeyVia what protocol?12:40
Slartrandeep: using what? ftp? http? ssh?12:41
ikeyIf its http.12:41
randeepikey slart u got me12:41
randeepya ikey if it http. wat12:41
BaronFlopsySlart: Sorry!! Cant help my self... Joining other room :)12:42
ikeyor firefox.12:42
SlartBaronFlopsy: =)12:42
randeepfirefox ah12:42
eon_can any1 tell me how i hide the cursor in the console?12:42
eon_not the mouse cursor12:42
randeepalo ikey answering me?12:42
eon_the blinking cursor12:42
ikeyabout six times mate.12:42
=== zorzarAway is now known as zorzar
belieon_: depends on your terminal emulator12:43
randeepalo any body knw command for uploading12:43
eon_gnome? :S12:43
* ikey never knew internet deafness existed12:43
fincanany news about the release time?12:43
ikeyrandeep: use your browser or curl.12:43
belieon_: thats not a terminal emulator.....i speak of xterm, eterm, nterm,Terminal, whatever12:43
Slartfincan: yes.. lots of news.. it's all they talk about.. in #ubuntu-release-party12:43
randeepcurl ikey12:43
eon_beli: how do i find out? lol (sry for numbness)12:44
randeepalo ikey gt me12:44
bsfc32anyone knows if my speedstream 4200 usb modem will be detected? I read a bit about some particular kernel modules for usb support, but I don't have the ISO burnt yet...12:44
belieon_: open a termina....in common the name is in the window bar...otherwise check the shortcut...right click on it....properties12:45
=== skbohra_ is now known as skbohra
sam204475NEED  HELP with a webcam.  works fine in Cheese but dont work in Skype or anything else.  Running  Ubuntu 9.10.12:45
randeepbeli can u help to knw upload cmd in ubuntu12:45
^ookami^sam204475: probably needs some LD_PRELOAD hack12:45
belirandeep: explain what you want to do12:45
Slarteon_: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:u7zv6jDUAYwJ:www.chrishowie.com/2008/03/28/gnome-terminal-cursor/+gnome+terminal+hide+cursor&cd=1&hl=sv&ct=clnk&gl=se&client=firefox-a12:45
ikeyWould need the legacy v4l12:45
randeepi need to upload a file to remote server thru http12:46
ikeyas ^ookami^ pointed out, preload12:46
Slarteon_: the original site is gone.. but the cache is still available.. it seems the gnome people remove the ability to "hide" the cursor12:46
moetunes!who ikey12:46
ikeyrandeep: You've been answered several dozen times and are making yourself a nuisance. If you refuse to listen to answers then do not ask the questions.12:46
moetunes!who | ikey12:46
ubottuikey: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:46
belirandeep: http/php is server side stuff...so your "server" needs to offer the service for you12:46
ikeymoetunes: aware of that. thanks.12:47
eon_Slart: gnarr...thx anyway :)12:47
ikeyI've used his name several times. Not my problem if he has selective irc hearing :)12:47
randeepya i can access remote server and manage12:47
belirandeep: why not upload via tcp/ip or ftp or scp?12:47
randeepbut i need to knw the command to upload12:47
ikeyMost webservers offer a ftpd.12:48
Slarteon_: oh.. found something   gconf-editor? Set the value of /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/cursor_blink_mode to “off”. The default is "System"12:48
beliikey: ? websevers offer ftpd? NO12:48
thinkertinkerHi,I would like to create a repo of selected packages for offline installation of packages for lucid...Is there a particular folder hierarchy i need to follow?(like /dists/lucid/main etcc) or will a single folder of packages and a packages.gz work ?12:48
icerootikey: good webservers dont do that12:48
ikeyrandeep: If its your server set up ssh (openssh-server) and scp to it (man scp), if not find out their ftp server (if they have one) and use file-zilla or something appropriate.12:48
ikeyiceroot: beli: read last post.12:48
ikeybefore jumping in ;)12:48
ikey* :)12:48
beliikey: ftp != ftpd12:49
technopaganMy apologies for my ignorance, but shouldn't the Indicator applet, like, indicate something? I've got Gwibber, Pidgin etc. running, but all the applet does is show the usual envelope-icon. Clicking it only shows the list of supported apps. There's no notification for new tweets, mail or anything. Am I not running a necessary daemon?12:49
ikeybeli: obviously.12:49
icerootikey: you said a webserver (apache is a webserver) has ftpd12:49
ikeyNo i did not mean that at all12:49
beliikey: but you said it ;)12:49
ikeypicky != support.12:49
icerootikey: you mean a lamp12:49
azlonSlart, im trying to make an iso file from a ripped dvd. for some reason when i do mkisofs -o filename.iso -dvd-video /path/to/video_ts   it doesnt work... any suggestions?12:49
randeepthanks beli ikey and all i gt it12:49
eon_Slart: what i really wanted was a "temporary" disable...i have a script in ruby, much of a watch, and the cursor just goes forth and back when deleting the "characters" i wat to delete12:50
ikeyiceroot: I know what I mean. The thoughts originated in my head so I'm fully aware of what they are :)12:50
Slartazlon: oh.. I've never messed with mkisofs like that.. I use devede or similar tools to create dvd's from avi movies and such12:50
colombianGentlemen, how do I access the field of a model given a string of its name12:51
Slarteon_: oh.. no idea then.. I just thought the blinking cursor annoyed you =)12:51
colombianIe modelInstance['fieldName']12:51
colombianWhoops, wrong channel, sorry12:51
ikeycolombian: #python → that way12:51
eon_Slart: i got that some people get anoyed, not my case :) thnx anyway!12:51
Slarteon_: you're welcome12:52
A_RntHi! what about ubuntu 10.04?12:52
z0netA_Rnt, coming soon :o12:52
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties12:52
wolfwalker-primeYou don't want to go to the release party channel.  It's far more stupid there.12:53
ucenik10kaj si be dani12:53
SuperRoach/join #ubuntu-release-party12:53
SuperRoachis the string for it - its been hectic leading up earlier today.12:53
k-hyogahey, it's nice to be in a 1700 people channel12:53
wolfwalker-prime /don't-join #ubuntu-release-party12:53
bentkusits like someone has written a bot which connects with different nicks and writes "is it out yet"12:54
moetuneswolfwalker-prime: why would you say that - don't be negative mate12:54
compliencewith the risk of you've already been asked this a million times already today.12:55
wolfwalker-primemoetunes, but it's fun!  Everyone likes to watch a train wreck.12:55
compliencewhen is karmic out?12:55
icerootcomplience: six month ago12:55
complienceand lucid in12:55
icerootcomplience: go to #ubuntu+112:55
moetuneswolfwalker-prime: best if you go to #ubuntu-offtopic12:55
DiverdudeIs it possible to zip some files into a zip file on ubuntu? And how is this done?12:56
wolfwalker-primeOr ubuntu+1.  I was wondering if 3G support was still in place in latest ubuntu.12:56
usr13complience: Oct 29, 200912:56
calmsivais Lucid is officially released yet12:56
SuperRoachdiverdude, have a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92121912:56
^ookami^Diverdude: right-click on it? ;)12:56
SlartDiverdude: yes.. there are several versions of zip I think.. try gzip12:56
wolfwalker-primeIn Ubuntu Karmic my AT&T Mercury has been a bit unreliable.  In Ubuntu 9.04 it worked flawlessly.12:57
beli!find zip12:57
ubottuFound: bzip2, bzip2-doc, dictzip, libarchive-zip-perl, libcompress-bzip2-perl (and 47 others)12:57
usr13Diverdude: zip filename.zip file1 file2 etc12:57
calmsivawhat time LUCID is getting released - i am in india12:57
kobishit me too12:58
tmukmkdi have install decibel audio player in ubuntu 9.10, when i click at the icon it wont appear.. can anybody help me (or tell me why?)12:58
thelostpatrolsometime within 24 hours12:58
Slartcalmsiva: join #ubuntu-release-party12:58
Black_Phantomyo somebody unban me from #ubuntu-release-party common !12:58
wolfwalker-prime!Lucid > calmsiva12:58
ubottucalmsiva, please see my private message12:58
Black_Phantomi swear Linus said that12:58
Darkiikako sme12:58
SlartBlack_Phantom: ask in #ubuntu-ops12:58
Darkiii dont understant12:58
calmsivaslart ; how12:58
Slartcalmsiva: type    /join #ubuntu-release-party12:58
kobismooking weed12:58
Slart!ot | kobi12:59
ubottukobi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:59
Darkiigive me OP12:59
Slarttmukmkd: have you tried starting it from a terminal? see if you get any errors back12:59
shikharkwhen is ubuntu 10.04 going to be out?12:59
Slartshikhark: ask in #ubuntu-release-party12:59
shikharkthanks Slart13:00
Slartshikhark: you're welcome13:00
calmsivaslart : thanks13:00
tmukmkdslart what the 'special word' for summoned it from terminal? i try decibel but its not right13:00
usr13Diverdude: To make a tar archive of a directory full of files, (such as your Documents):  tar czf Documents.zip ~/Documents/13:00
Slarttmukmkd: hmm.. I'm not sure.. hang on.. let me check13:00
usr13Diverdude: To make a tar archive of a directory full of files, (such as your Documents):  tar czf Documents.tgz ~/Documents/13:01
tmukmkdslart, ok :)13:01
_picAssO_is there a way to ban ips after the ip tried to access ssh2 several times and failed at each try?13:01
usr13Diverdude: .zip would be a missleading extension, (was a typo)13:01
_bt_picAssO_: fail2ban ?13:01
_picAssO__bt: let me see what it does; thx13:02
Pici_picAssO_: The default fail2ban setup does that, so you just need to install it and it should be good :)13:02
kobiwhats uppp13:02
calmsivais there any permission we have to get from canonical - if we are to print I LOVE UBUNTU stickers - and give it free (in chennai / india)13:03
Slarttmukmkd: it's called     decibel-audio-player13:03
beli_picAssO_: fail2ban is what you are searching for...another nice idea is to just allow ssh connections after port-knocking....search for knockd....and think of moving away from port 2213:03
Kartagisdo you guys think I should install 9.10 then upgrade, or do a fresh install with 10.04?13:03
SlartKartagis: fresh install13:03
tmukmkdslart, thanks i try it rite now :D13:03
Kartagisthanks Slart13:03
calmsivais there any permission we have to get from canonical - if we are to print I LOVE UBUNTU stickers - and give it free (in chennai / india)13:03
Slart!repeat | calmsiva13:04
ubottucalmsiva: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:04
tmukmkdslart the message quite long (5-6 lines) may i paste it at here or there are something specific way?13:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:04
usr13Kartagis: It is up to you.   Some like the 2 year cycle, (LTS - 8.04, 10.04, etc) and others like cutting edge 6 month cycle.13:04
Slarteon_: have you tried using the "stty" command.. it looks like it can do all kinds of neat things in a terminal..13:04
Slarttmukmkd: go with the pastebin.. give us the url when you're done13:05
Picicalmsiva: Best to read/contact http://ubuntu.com/legal/ if you are unsure.13:05
usr13Kartagis: (I'm an LTS person...)13:05
eon_Slart: to be honest i knew about stty, but i didn't knew i could hide the cursor...can i?13:06
Kartagisusr13, and that means what?13:06
calmsivapici : thanks13:06
lenoncalmsiva: Ubuntu trademark is published on creative commons license, as far as i know, so no permission required. check it up, though.13:06
tmukmkdslart, http://paste.ubuntu.com/424576/13:06
Slarteon_: I don't really know.. I just read about it here http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/advanced_bash_scripting_guide/system.html13:06
usr13!LTS | Kartagis13:06
ubottuKartagis: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)13:06
calmsivalenon : thanks13:06
Slarteon_: setterm also looks promising.. at least it has a "cursor off" option13:06
Kartagisusr13, you do a fresh install every other year?13:06
wolfwalker-primeKartagis, I do a fresh install every six months.13:07
usr13Kartagis: You can, but just the upgrade works fine.13:07
eon_Slart: thnx for the research of my behalf, i used stty a lot to hide password inputs, will check it out right away, thanks a lot13:07
Slarttmukmkd: hmm.. no idea why it does that.. looks like a bug to me..13:07
maximowhen will the LTS version be launched?13:07
Slarteon_: you're welcome13:07
Kartagiswolfwalker-prime, and why is that?13:07
Slartmaximo: ask in #ubuntu-release-party13:07
Kartagismaximo, some time today13:07
friendforallhow work ratproxy?13:08
tmukmkdslart, owh a bug. ok thanks anyway for the respond :D13:08
Slarttmukmkd: you're welcome13:08
wolfwalker-primeKartagis, because fresh install I have found is always more stable than upgrade.  And it works for me, for what I use my computer for.13:08
usr13Kartagis: I'll do the upgrade, sometime in the next few months, just when ever I feel like it... I won't be the first nor the last :)13:08
eon_Slart: Awesome, setterm does the deal13:08
usr13Kartagis: But that's just me....13:08
maximoquestion: I have ubuntu but not LTS ...does that mean I need to upgrade ?13:08
=== Guest25928 is now known as TnEt
LjLmaximo: well, even if it's not LTS, it'll still be supported for a while13:09
wolfwalker-primemaximo, depends on the answer to another question:  Is your computer doing what you want it to do?  If so, keep it.13:09
eon_Slart: pretty  cool and easy actualy, it also is great for the ones that get annoyed by the blinking cursor, since you can only "not-see" the cursor13:09
tiinahej någon som kunde hjälpa mig med med min firefox?13:09
Guphi all! i'm seeing 100% iowait on one core, and cant figure out whats causing it, rebooting seems the only solution, then it comes back after a few days. Are there any tools to find out whast causing this? top iotop and vmstat dont seem to give much indication... thanks.13:09
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
usr13Kartagis: I'll backup important files first  and then do the upgrade13:09
LjL!se | tiina13:09
ubottutiina: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se13:09
Slarteon_: yea.. I just tried it.. although I kind of like seeing my cursor.. but it might come in handy for scripts13:09
peter_curryHello.  Does anyone have any clue about why Ubuntu 9.10 will just randomly log out without me prompting on my IBM Thinkpad?  It is REALLY annoying.  It seems like a bug or something ...13:10
eon_Slart: in this case, its pretty nice13:10
Slarttiina: det finns en svensk kanal.. här pratar alla engelska.. skriv /join #ubuntu-se för att komma till den svenska kanalen13:10
Telennsimple question.. can anyone link me to a site to get a downloadable version of the ubuntu documention walkthrous.......13:10
tiinahej ingen som vet varför jag måste starta min om firefox använing?13:10
usr13Kartagis: I'll  make tar archive of my home dir and away I'll go.... into the wild blue yonder ....13:10
MaximoLjL: when I first started with Ubuntu I started with LTS ...what I need to know if I could upgrade from Non-LTS ?13:11
Slartpeter_curry: are you sure it's just logging you out? when the X server crashes it restarts and you end up at the login prompt so it looks like it logs you out13:11
stodorovicGup: had that with Slackware and Kubuntu systems. What disk hardware are you using? always in x?13:11
usr13Kartagis: onto my thumb drive.13:11
KarwanAre we ready to roll?13:11
Slartpeter_curry: check the /var/log/syslog file13:11
=== derpderp is now known as PigFlu
LjLMaximo: upgrading from non-LTS is the same as upgrading from LTS. the only difference is that, if you're on an LTS, you can upgrade directly to the next LTS without going through the intermediate versions13:11
LjL!upgrade > Maximo    (Maximo, see the private message from ubottu)13:11
tiina_anyone who could help me with firefox 3.6?13:11
Slarttiina: du kommer att bli kickad om du fortsätter fråga på svenska här..   skriv   /join #ubuntu-se   för att komma till den svenska kanalen13:11
stodorovictiina_: who knows...13:12
peter_currySlart: OK.  That is exactly what is happening.  What do I check with the /var/log/syslog file?13:12
usr13tiina_: What is your problem with firefox?13:12
MaximoLjL: thanks alot13:12
Slartpeter_curry: open the file in gedit or something.. start from the end and work your way up.. look for stuff like "segfault" "crash" "fatal"13:13
=== r_ is now known as Guest1461
tiina_when I start it and close it then it always says that Firefox is already open and you have to close that first???13:13
killaz_hi is it today that ubuntu 10.04 is suposed to release the final version ?13:13
stodorovictiina_: remove the lock in your firefox directory13:13
tiina_where is that?13:14
usr13tiina_: Is your system up-to-date?13:14
Slartkillaz_: yes, the party is in #ubuntu-release-party13:14
stodorovickillaz_: did you check the website?13:14
Kartagistiina, kill the firefox process13:14
tiina_how do I do it13:14
domi_nicktiina, this usually means that firefox is hanging in background. try killall on firefox "killall firefox"13:14
stodorovictiina_: in your directory, in the hidden mozilla dir in the firefox.profile dir probably13:14
killaz_yes but i dont have the upgrade option in the update manager13:14
Gupstodorovic, yep, always in x, but then never use the machine without x.  got a sata solid state boot disk and a s/w raid 0 of 2 x 2tb sata disks.  ubnutu, not kubuntu.  controller: 00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 82801GR/GH (ICH7 Family) SATA AHCI Controller (rev 01)13:14
wolfwalker-primeI have a question about 3G wireless modems.  I have a USB modem from AT&T, their "Mercury" model.  When I run from a live cd it works flawlessly but when I run from Ubuntu installed on the hard drive it takes sometimes four, five, six tries to get it to work.  I've tried on multiple installs (yes, it takes a bit of time to reinstall the whole OS) and installed Ubuntu keeps bugging it up.13:14
usr13tiina_: I dono then.  Alt-F2 pkill firefox13:14
=== pixel is now known as pixil
peter_currySlart: K.  So I found a line with "segfault" in it ...13:15
premdoes anyone here , have a good knowledge abt python builtin functions13:15
tiina_then do I need to download that again?13:15
killaz_and it did offer me a version about 1 time this morning i did not upgraded because in the release note it was written that it was not a final release it was still a beta13:15
Doggodwill 10.04 have the latest boost version in repo?13:15
cordenhello guys13:15
cordenanother LTS release13:15
TnEtthis was probably mentioned already so I apologize...but where is the final release of Ubuntu 10.04?13:15
fromspacei have an HP mobo (P-III,133MHz FSB).. will it work if I stick in it some PC100 RAM?13:15
stodorovicGup: hmm weird. I've seen it on nvidia / ati sata controllers, nvidia. There was a kernel bug report filed that might be trelevant but not sure13:15
cordenhow many hours left?13:15
killaz_is it normal ?13:15
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:15
usr13tiina_: No, that will just kill firefox.   pkill firefox     will kill running application "firefox"13:16
rockenrolaI'm trying to install a driver. The INSTALL script uses rpm, which i had installed, but it complains about glibc and asks to manually populate the rpm database. any help?13:16
domi_nickTnEt: still pending...13:16
alex88_if i have multiple ip on eth0, how can i say to a program to use eth0:0 instead of eth0?13:16
usr13tiina_: For more info about firefox, /join #firefox13:16
tiina_I did it but nothing happend13:16
=== cream is now known as Guest21217
stodorovictiina_: delete the lock file13:16
Doggodwill 10.04 have the latest boost version in repo?13:16
premdoes anyone here , have a good knowledge abt python builtin functions13:16
tiina_shall I write at first sudo apt pkil firefox?13:16
mrphow can i extract 10 zips to one folder?13:16
stodorovicprem: #python???13:16
peter_currySlart: So what does that mean?  This is exactly what it reads: Apr 28 21:38:34 PJC kernel: [ 2653.911745] operapluginwrap[2369]: segfault at b677cd6c ip 03218f13 sp ae79f340 error 4 in libflashplayer.so[2d9c000+994000]13:16
calmsivaprem: generally in this forum - JUST ASK your question - do not ask whether anyone knows anything or not13:17
Telennneed a downloadable of the user manual for ubuntu9.10. first time user, soon to have no internet connection, any helpers for a spot to aquire....13:17
hal9000_Hello, did I hear correctly that the new ubuntu will not fit on a normal cd-r dick?13:17
stodoroviccalmsiva: he's now PMed me:/13:17
mrpTelenn: ubuntu-manual.org13:17
=== alex88_ is now known as alex88
zeroseven0183Will there be a countdown here in the channel before 10.04 is released?13:17
iceroothal9000_: no13:18
calmsivastodorovic : i dont understand what do you mean13:18
wolfwalker-primehal9000_, rumors abound.  Don't pay them any heed.13:18
psycho_oreos!party > zeroseven018313:18
ubottuzeroseven0183, please see my private message13:18
icerootzeroseven0183: no13:18
MmikePOSOWill it allready? :)13:18
hal9000_ok, thanks13:18
Slartpeter_curry: that's just your flash plugin crashing.. it shouldn't bring your entire X server down13:18
Gupstodorovic, ha its finally stopped without reboot :) still want to find out what it is, really looking for something like iowaittop if such a thing exists?13:18
Slartpeter_curry: that was the only line you found?13:18
creamahi ya13:18
creamacan any1 assist me?13:18
stodoroviccalmsiva: prem PMed me... :/13:18
peter_currySlart: Yes.  So what is the solution to fix the problem?13:18
wolfwalker-prime!ask | creama13:18
ubottucreama: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:18
zeroseven0183Ooopppsss wrong channel. Sorry13:19
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:19
Slartpeter_curry: hmm.. I don't think that's the problem we're looking for.. you can do the same thing for the file /var/log/kern.log   see if you find anything else in there13:19
creamawolfwalker-prime:  hi i am experiencing this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=204608013:19
Slartpeter_curry: I guess it's also possible that nothing was reported in the logs13:19
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties13:19
Telenndowning now, thank you mrp13:19
pirxhas anyone used gparted to resize/move a ntfs partition? and if so, how did it go?13:19
stodorovicprem: #python13:19
Nece228wheres ubunut 10.04? it should be released yesterday right?13:19
Slartpirx: yes, fine13:19
Slart!party | Nece22813:20
ubottuNece228: please see above13:20
calmsiva# python13:20
premin python built in functions .........................., what is the purpose of the function "all"13:20
stodorovicprem: /join #python13:20
usr13mrp: Place them in that directory and then cd to that directory and unzip file1.zip file2.zip etc.13:20
Slartprem: ask in ##python or #python13:20
premcan anyone illustrate with an example13:20
creamawolfwalker-prime: i can't seem to fix it how?13:20
rosco_yIs 10.04 out yet?13:20
Slartrosco_y: ask in #ubuntu-release-party13:20
bazhangrosco_y, no13:20
peter_currySlart: OK.  In kern.log, I found the following (and Opera did crash last night): Apr 26 22:14:16 PJC kernel: [ 8013.335956] operapluginwrap[2123]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp bfc0b8dc error 4 in libX11.so.6.2.0[110000+12a000]13:21
rosco_ySlart: Thanks!13:21
* stodorovic would like to take a poll of people's blood-pressure values in here... this channel is pretty stressful :|13:21
Slartpeter_curry: did the X server crash at the same time?13:21
Nece228Slart: im talking about ubunut not ubuntu13:21
usr13Are we there yet? Are we there yet?13:21
wolfwalker-primecreama I don't know.  Tried using Super Grub boot disk?  Most of the other people here know more than I do, sorry.13:21
pirxSlart: resize or move?13:21
SlartNece228: ubunut? some home-brew variant?13:22
wolfwalker-primestodorovic, of course.  We are waiting for something we are looking forward to, but we don't know how long the wait will be.13:22
Slartpirx: I've resized, removed, created ntfs.. don't think I've done any moving13:22
EdgEy__it won't be anywhere near 6gb unless you have a shitload of apps installed13:22
Nece228Slart: well i dont know13:22
EdgEy__I would be surprised if it's more than 1-1.5GB13:23
peter_currySlart: Umm ... I don't know.  What does that look like?  I am still fairly new to Ubuntu.  If it is they symptom you originally described with the X server crashing, then that has happened - but not necessarily simultaneously ...13:23
stodorovicwolfwalker-prime: no no. I mean all the barrage of newbie questions and people not listening to advice/help :)13:23
wolfwalker-primeOh that13:23
oktaywhere my lucid at?13:24
Slartpeter_curry: yes.. that's what a X server crash would look like.. screen blink once or twice and then the login prompt appears again13:24
usr13oktay: See ubuntu.com13:24
oktayi don't like what i see there13:24
=== EdgEy__ is now known as EdgEy
Crewsr31what is  the chatroom where people are waiting for Lucid?13:24
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PiciCrewsr31: #ubuntu-release-party13:24
peter_currySlart: Yeah.  That has happened ...13:24
iceroot!party | Crewsr3113:24
ubottuCrewsr31: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties13:24
zeroseven0183Crewsr31: #ubuntu-release-party13:24
Dkl-2hi all!13:25
KOPRajshi, I've upgraded from Kubuntu Karmic to Lucid and now my FAT32 disk is being mounted with bad charset... It was working fine on Karmic... any ideas?13:25
Crewsr31zeroseven0183: thansk13:25
icerootKOPRajs: #ubuntu+113:25
oktaythansk for the link.13:25
Slartpeter_curry: as I said, it's entirely possible that nothing was written to the logs although there usually is some trace of it13:25
Slartpeter_curry: I'm not sure if X has a logfile of its own... hang on.. let me search around a second13:25
Dkl-2when the iso should be released?13:25
stodorovicSlart: peter_curry yes xorg has a logfile of its own. /var/log/Xorg*13:26
usr13Slart: /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:26
KOPRajsiceroot: same problem?13:26
icerootKOPRajs: no but wrong channel13:27
usr13Slart: Correction:  /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:27
Slartusr13: isn't that just for the starting up part of Xorg? would a X server crashing end up in that file?13:27
usr13Slart: Yes it is.13:27
usr13Slart: But what are you looking for?13:28
KOPRajsiceroot: do you think disk automounting is Kubuntu specific?13:28
jevangelo10.04 is going to release any minute today?13:28
Slartusr13: some error message from an X server crashing ( peter_curry is the one with the naughty X server)13:29
Dkl-2jevangelo: same question no answer :)13:29
icerootKOPRajs: no but 10.04 which is not stable yet13:29
Slartusr13: but there's nothing in syslog or kern.log about it13:29
elnurIs 10.04 coming out today?13:29
Slartelnur: ask in #ubuntu-release-party13:30
psycho_oreos!cn | ywgx13:30
ubottuywgx: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:30
stodorovicSlart: sometimes an application crashes just before a printf() or just immediately after it. Since printf() is buffered I/O, the application might not have a chance to have it's buffers flushed before the kernel terminates it13:30
peter_currySlart: OK - when searching in Xorg.0.log with the search terms "segfault", "crash", and "fatal", I get no results.  However, there are couple items when I search with the word "fail" ...13:30
shashwatpnshi everyone13:30
shashwatpnswhats the timing for 10.0413:30
stodorovicSlart: hence sometimes no messages are produced13:30
psycho_oreos!party > shashwatpns13:30
ubottushashwatpns, please see my private message13:30
loxsubottu, I want too 10.0413:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:30
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties13:31
Slartstodorovic: hrmpf.. that's true.. I was kind of hoping the syslog and kern.log did things a little differently.. thanks anyway13:31
elnurSlart, thank you13:31
stodorovicSlart: well I think xorg doesnt use syslog - rather i think it dumps to the /var/log/Xorg.$sceennumber.log files.13:31
Slartpeter_curry: mm... there are few things that "fails" even for a normal boot..  I'm beginning to think that the X server doesn't get to write anything to the logs before it dies..13:32
Slartpeter_curry: or at least in this case it hasn't13:32
peter_currySlart: OK - good to know about the log files.  So what is the solution, though?13:33
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mrfoxsywhen relise13:33
psycho_oreos!party > mrfoxsy13:34
ubottumrfoxsy, please see my private message13:34
TragicallyHipwhat time is the release?13:34
peter_currySlart: It obviously has something to do with either an Opera plug-in or the flash player ...13:34
psycho_oreos!party > TragicallyHip13:34
ubottuTragicallyHip, please see my private message13:34
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties13:34
PiciTragicallyHip, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party13:34
Slartpeter_curry: wait for it to happen again =/  see if you can provoke it.. some kind of information such as "it crashes when I run this program" might help finding out what is wrong.. that's about all I can recommend at the moment though.. it could be lots of things13:34
schweegidoes anybody know when lucid lynx 10.04 today released?13:34
psycho_oreos!party > schweegi13:35
ubottuschweegi, please see my private message13:35
Slart!party | schestowitz13:35
ubottuschestowitz: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties13:35
ArtemiosI've installed ati video driver using EnvyNG program, and after rebooting i can't start X. What have i to do?13:35
peter_currySlart: K - I could try reinstalling X server, you know ...13:35
SlartArtemios: check the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log find lines starting with EE or WW ..13:35
peter_currySlart: That MIGHT do the trick ...13:35
ywgxwhen ubuntu10.04 will be released?13:35
psycho_oreos!party > ywgx13:36
ubottuywgx, please see my private message13:36
sahakwhen ubuntu 10.04 will be released?13:36
Slartpeter_curry: sure.. reinstalling the X server.. reinstalling graphics drivers if you're using 3rd party ones..13:36
psycho_oreos!party > sahak13:36
ubottusahak, please see my private message13:36
ArtemiosSlart: and?13:36
ywgxwhere are you from?13:36
schweegisycho_oreos:  sorry, but nobody try to answer me..13:37
psycho_oreos!offtopic | ywgx13:37
ubottuywgx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:37
SlartArtemios: usually those lines tell you why X isn't starting.. something like "no valid graphics modes" or such.13:37
Nece228ubunut vs kubunut which is easier?13:37
psycho_oreosschweegi, that doesn't give you the right to ask in here, this is official support channel for non-10.04 (for the time being)13:37
psycho_oreosNece228, ask in #ubuntu-bots13:37
CircuitBugis 10.04 final out?13:38
SlartNece228: we don't support Ubunut here.. only Ubuntu13:38
Slart!party | CircuitBug13:38
ubottuCircuitBug: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties13:38
Nece228Slart: then how about ubuntu and kubuntu?13:38
SlartNece228: then you do what psycho_oreos told you13:38
peter_currySlart: K - I'm going to try reconfiguring X-Server to see if that does the trick ...13:39
schweegipsycho_oreos:  thats not a joke from me.13:39
xukun#join #ubuntu+113:39
psycho_oreosschweegi, neither is what I'm saying, read the /topic13:39
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oktayi got kicked out of release party for saying shit :)13:40
stevecamokidokia, just go back in there, its a silly bot13:41
oktayplease don't do that it's annoyinh13:41
Slartoktay: #ubuntu-ops13:41
tsimpsonoktay: the language rules apply here too13:41
stevecamoktay, i mean sorry OkropNick13:41
okidokiastevecam> what ?13:41
bibstharakesh_, hey13:41
rakesh_thanks bibek13:41
stashow much to the launch?13:41
Picistas, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party13:41
Slart!outyet | stas13:42
ubottustas: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:42
bibstharakesh_, no problem :)13:42
bibstharakesh_, just wait here and don't ask13:42
oktayPici: there's an official time in #ubuntu-release-party13:42
okidokiastevecam> sorry i was afk, i don't understand what you said about a "stupid bot" ?13:42
Picioktay: No, there is not.13:42
icerootoktay: please keep offtopic-chat from this channel13:42
stevecamsry wrong person13:43
oktayiceroot: and the topic would be? :)13:43
oktaynobody is talking about anythign but lucid ):13:43
okidokiastevecam> ok no soucy13:43
ubuntu-user-b2guys please join #ubuntu-release-party13:43
icerootoktay: ubuntu-support13:43
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bazhang!ot> oktay13:43
ubottuoktay, please see my private message13:43
=== Part_Bot1 is now known as Party_Bot1
killaz_hey is it normal that people said here that ubuntu 10.04 was delay and why do i have a upgrade note with what appear to be the final release ?13:44
schweegioktay:  i've just talked about my soundproblems ysesterday but nobody could help me..13:44
icerootkillaz_: it is the final release13:44
oktayanybody have sound stopping on youtube ?13:44
oktayas long as we're on topic13:44
killaz_it doesnt say beta13:44
pure_hateoktay, How is that on topic? Sounds like a yuo tube issue13:44
oktayubottu: thank yoiu for your private message. much appreciated.13:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:45
killaz_and it does not say that we should not install it on a production machine13:45
oktaypure_hate: ubuntu chrome youtube, sound stops13:45
Slartoktay: sound "stopping"? meaning you hear sound at the beginning?13:45
Sn0rl4ysiema jak wejsc na pl ubu ?13:45
Slart!pl | Sn0rl4y13:45
ubottuSn0rl4y: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:45
oktayubottu: i still like you brother13:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:45
killaz_so iceroot u confirm it is release ?13:45
killaz_final *13:45
Sn0rl4yco ?13:45
Picikillaz_: Its NOT out yet.13:46
ubuntu-user-b2IT IS NOT RELEASED YET13:46
icerootkillaz_: yes, repos have the final-version, isos are on there way13:46
oktaySlart: well. you watch one video it's fine. then after a while you want to watch another video. and sounds doesn't work anymore. it's silent. I have to kill the flush plugin for it to work again.13:46
killaz_so why my update manager offer me the upgrade ?13:46
icerootkillaz_: i told you why13:46
pure_hatekillaz_, He just told you its in the repos13:46
* bagpuss_thecat looks around for Mr Thom13:47
killaz_i was talking to pici13:47
killaz_in the repos what is the repos ?13:47
killaz_in the ubuntu database ?13:47
Slartoktay: hmm.. well, flash can do weird things to a otherwise healthy computer.. I'm just happy it works sometimes on my system13:47
schitsodid someone say release party?13:47
DingGGuhey guys, how to upgrade 9.04 to 10.04?13:47
iceroot!upgrade | DingGGu13:48
ubottuDingGGu: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:48
oktaySlart: yes. i am happy i found out how to kill just the plugin too. i was killing the whole browser.13:48
rosco_yschitso: #ubuntu-release-party, but it doesn't seem like anyone knows what's going on13:48
schitsoi see13:48
wN0AmQI2is this the justin bieber room?13:48
tsr2Hallo evrybody. Is this the right place to ask about problems installing 10.04RC  on an old Dell?13:48
oktayon #ubuntu-release-party the bot is giving out a time in UTC. and also saying the release was delayed an hour13:48
dudefacejustin <313:48
Abyss_ why does my system think i have proxy when i dont have one set anymore, its screwing up updates and apt gets13:49
icerootoktay: that is a fun and i told you already to stop being offtopic here13:49
bazhangoktay, take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic13:49
oktayAbyss_: did you install privoxy?13:49
vegatsr2: no13:49
Abyss_no oktay13:49
DingGGuso, how to upgrade kernel?13:49
oktayAbyss_: it happened when i did that. i would check the general proxy settings.13:49
vegatsr2: #ubuntu+113:49
schitsoubuntu.com loads fine for me13:49
oktayand remove any proxy software you might have.13:49
icerootDingGGu: which kernel you want?13:50
tsr2thanks vega13:50
dudefaceis there a way to make ubuntu super cutting edge13:50
Abyss_i set a system proxy once on this machine, but have since removed it as i changed the network is was on, i have ensured its been  set system wide, still same issue13:50
DingGGuoops, sorry13:50
tiinaanyone here help me with my firefox....13:50
usr13dudeface: Sure13:50
tiinatried to kill it but doesnt help13:50
david__Have the servers gone into labor ?13:50
icerootDingGGu: the latest from kernel.org? or the latest build for ubuntu?13:50
oktayAbyss_: it happened to me too. i didn't know why apt kept wanting to go through a proxy.13:50
usr13tiina: pkill firefox13:50
Abyss_system > preferences > system proxy - its set to direct internet connection - and is applied system wide13:50
icerootDingGGu: and why you need the newest kernel?13:50
tiinadidn help13:50
rosco_yIs there a package for 64 bit flashplayer?13:50
suboneCan I use the Ubuntu Live CD to boot from an Ubuntu Live USB? I can't boot from USB, was wondering if I can boot from the CD and then redirect to the USB install because the CD drive has errors13:50
DingGGui don't know13:50
DingGGumy feels say..13:51
icerootDingGGu: then remeber this sentence "never touch a running system"13:51
ubu_userrosco_y, not an ubuntu package no - you can manually install from adobe site though13:51
DingGGuok thanks :)13:51
dudefaceyou can get 64bit flash from the adobe website13:51
tiinahow do come to swedeish sites of ubunt here13:51
rosco_yubu_user: thanks :)13:51
oktayAbyss_: i seem to have 'manual proxy config' with no hosts set. i might have done that to fix that issue.13:51
ubuntu-user-b2use this repo for 64 bit flash: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/sevenmachines/flash/ubuntu karmic main #Adobe Flash PPA (x86-64)13:51
Abyss_oktay i will try that now,13:51
NerdsMcgee_Adobe has x64 flash? :O13:52
ubuntu-user-b2sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/flash.list13:52
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ubuntu-user-b2it has13:52
SlartNerdsMcgee_: it's a beta.. or alpha.. can't remember13:52
ubuntu-user-b2but is alpha13:52
dudefaceyes, once firefox 64 came out on linux, it needs 64 bit flash13:52
ubuntu-user-b2i have it for 3 moths now13:52
usr13tiina: Did you try removing lock files?13:52
ubuntu-user-b2and it's wotking great13:52
unclemantishow do i set my sign in timeout from what it is now to like infinite or some max value13:52
dudefacethey havnt made it for windows yet, since windows can run 32bit firefox13:52
masu3701__is 10.4 available now?13:53
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Slart!outyet | masu3701__13:53
ubottumasu3701__: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:53
IanBaliadJrhas anyone intel GMA HD iGPU?(core i3 i5 i7)13:53
waterthanks ubottu13:53
NET||abusehm,m why on the ubuntu site, there is no "more information" type link about 10.04????? been expecting some kind of push to promote a new LTS ont he site..13:53
SlartIanBaliadJr: yes.. on my laptop13:53
tiinahow do I get swedish ubuntu chat???13:53
Slarttiina: type    /join #ubuntu-se13:53
bazhangtiina, /join #ubuntu-se13:53
NET||abusewell, when you click to download you get info,, just don't like the way ti's presented.13:53
usr13tiina: rm .mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/lock13:54
IanBaliadJrSlart: the 3d performance is good?13:54
pirxIanBaliadJr: i have something called 4500hd (core i5 cpu)13:54
kennyGIs there anything newer than Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx ?13:54
SlartIanBaliadJr: I haven't really done anything heavy on it.. it runs compiz just fine with lots of screens and whatnot13:55
pirxkennyG: nope. lucid was released today13:55
Abyss_dammit apt-get still looking for a proxy!13:55
Slash[GnR]at what time they are going to release ubuntu 10.04?13:55
FFF666when the ubuntu 10.04 will be available?13:55
IanBaliadJrpirx: 5700HD what I'm looking for13:55
WorkLuxthere any active download links for, uhm, lynx yet?13:55
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:55
kennyGpirx, do you mean the GM?13:55
coolmanany news on what time for Lucid ????13:56
usr13tiina: and  rm .mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/.parentlock13:56
unclemantisok i found it. http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/02/03/keeping-ssh-sessions-alive/ Thanks folk13:56
stodorovictiina: see? just like I said :)13:56
IanBaliadJrSlart: thank you!13:56
SlartIanBaliadJr: you're welcome13:56
ArtemiosI've installed ati video driver using EnvyNG and now i can't start X. What have i to do?13:56
will`if 10.04 is not out soon i will kill myselfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff13:57
kennyGI am already using Lucid as Beta release, I wonder if I can update to the GM release or better reinstall it...13:57
n1tr0sвсе привет русско говрящие есть?13:57
Slartwill`: before you do that.. change channel to #ubuntu-release-party13:57
Slart!ru | n1tr0s13:57
ubottun1tr0s: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:57
naplesi thought 10.04 was being released today... ?13:57
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:57
Azelphurplease kiddies, #ubuntu+1 is that way -->13:57
usr13tiina: pkill firefox ; rm .mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/lock ; rm .mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/.parentlock13:57
jbwivI've been tracking a full system freeze on my system for a few weeks now. Now it seems to only happen when I return to work the next morning. Anytime I come in, the system is locked up...magic sysrq buttons won't work either. Is there something that happens when the screen is locked for a long period of time that might explain this? Power management or something?13:57
will`Slart hehe thanks13:57
Slartjbwiv: sounds like a suspend or hibernation problem13:58
jbwivSlart: I have it set to never put the system to sleep though13:58
Artemiosubottu: там невозможно писать в канал13:58
usr13jbwiv: Hard to tell, but can you ssh into it durning those times?13:58
Slartjbwiv: not really surprising.. it seems these days it's more surprising when a laptop actually supports suspend/hibernate without something getting messed up13:58
kennyGoktay, thank you!13:58
ArtemiosI've installed ati video driver using EnvyNG and now i can't start X. What have i to do?13:58
sobczykhello, how well the kde4 is integrated in ubuntu 10.04? (ie. native network manager applet, driver manager, etc)13:59
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Slartsobczyk: ask in #ubuntu+113:59
usr13sobczyk: We don't know yet.13:59
jeckoCan we use Shakespeer as a GUI enabled DC client on Ubuntu ?13:59
Slartjbwiv: hmm.. then I don't really know.. it might still be some powersaving thing though13:59
geekphreakhello all13:59
icerootsobczyk: find out with a live-cd13:59
jeckoCan we use Shakespeer as a GUI enabled DC client on Ubuntu ?14:00
FFF666I'm from argentina, when I can download the ubuntu 10.04?14:00
Slartjecko: I have no idea.. never heard of it.. have you tried it?14:00
Slart!outyet | FFF66614:01
ubottuFFF666: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:01
=== xompers is now known as xomp
developerhow to use alternate glib while building a program14:01
killah0phi hall14:01
ArtemiosI've installed ati video driver using EnvyNG and now i can't start X. What have i to do?14:01
nsahoohi .. I added a second monitor to the computer. What is the easiest way to make ubuntu recognize it?14:01
leeb9972sudo apt-get install cappuccino14:01
jeckoslart : I tried but it didnt work out, firstly I think its a console based client and secondly it was the backend that I was installing. Shakespeer is the best DC client for the mac though14:02
foucaultnsahoo, system preferences monitor14:02
journeymananyone know when lucid will BE released? i thought it was today?14:02
_gmhi all, when is it going to release 10.0414:02
llutznsahoo: what graphics adaptor? with nivdia, use "gksudo nvidia-settings"14:02
Slartjecko: even though mac and linux has some common parts native mac apps don't usually work on linux14:02
e-DIO-tguess he means 10.1014:02
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:02
hal9000_what time is the new ubuntu set to release?14:02
ArtemiosI've installed ati video driver using EnvyNG and now i can't start X. What have i to do?14:03
nsahoofoucault: you preferences display?14:03
geekphreakman peole are so much in wait, just a like a sale !!14:03
stodorovicgeekphreak: yeah they have no patience.14:03
Slartyes.. off to #ubuntu-release-party with all you waiters.. shoo14:03
jeckoSlart : Oh well thats sad, cuz the readme states that even though its written for the mac, the core should work for any UNIX system. BTW I hate Linuxdcpp for being so slow and not supporting smileys :/14:03
foucaultnsahoo, system, preferences, monitor14:03
foucaultnsahoo, what version?14:03
nsahoollutz: I have nvidia, but, it does not recognize the EDID info of the second monitor, it detects it correct: dell 1704FPT14:03
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nsahoofoucault: it's the latest14:04
Slartjecko: perhaps they have a version that doesn't use the mac's native stuff..14:04
usr13Artemios: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and start over....14:04
jeckoSlart No idea about it mate14:04
nsahoofoucault: how do I check the ubuntu version I am running?14:04
tyrosineis there a MINIMAL version of ubuntu? something designed with a minimum of sotware installed (i.e., I don't need all OO programs) - the advantage being a smaller ISO size?14:04
Slart!minimal | tyrosine14:05
ubottutyrosine: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:05
id10ti have an apt mirror, how can i check that i have the latest lucid on there? it updates at 1am daily...14:05
rportugalnsahoo cat /etc/issue14:05
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NFischerHow do i exclude kaffeine from being updated via update-manager?14:05
llutz!minimal> tyrosine14:05
ubottutyrosine, please see my private message14:05
stodorovictyrosine: gentoo has a minimal ISO ;) but i would listen to the bot ubottu instead :)14:05
nsahoorportugal: thanks14:05
tyrosinedoes the minimal ISO act as a live CD too?14:05
=== DreamThi1f is now known as DreamThief
foucaultnsahoo, ~$ cat /etc/lsb-release14:06
Slarttyrosine: nope14:06
nsahoofoucault: 9.1014:06
timmillwood10.4 yet?14:06
erUSULtyrosine: is based on the alternate installer14:06
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:06
meds_hi, where can  i ask a question about how to build portmixer under ubuntu14:06
usr13Artemios: See: http://ubuntuguide.net/install-nvidiaati-graphics-card-driver-in-ubuntu-910karmic  (about 2/3 way down)14:06
jeckoCan we update from Karmic to Lucid through the ISO14:07
Artemiosusr13 thanks14:07
Mokee269hi, I just did an 10.04 (RC i think) upgrade from 9.10 thinking it wss final.. either way, firefox now cant be moved or resized nothing.... anyone have this problem?14:07
foucaultnsahoo, too busy in here on release day, look in the forums on how to fiddle with your xorg.conf, that is if the automagic stuff does not work,14:07
geekphreakerUSUL: hi bud !14:07
id10tjecko, the alt install cd usually has a cd upgrade script on it14:07
erUSULgeekphreak: hi \o/14:07
nsahoofoucault: thereis a release today?14:07
NFischerHow do i exclude kaffeine from being updated via update-manager?14:07
foucaultnsahoo, indeed there is.14:07
suboneCan I use the Ubuntu Live CD to boot from an Ubuntu Live USB? I can't boot from USB, was wondering if I can boot from the CD and then redirect to the USB install because the CD drive has errors14:07
Artemiosusr13: i have installed using that program14:07
usr13Artemios: I do not know how useful it will be but...14:07
foucaultsubone, the cd drive has errors?14:08
jeckoid10t : Thanks14:08
geekphreakNFischer: unchk it, not recommended14:08
foucaultsubone, the cd has errors?14:08
Mokee269foucault, many drives (especially laptops which im guessing he's on) has errors reading14:08
Mokee269troubles readcing*14:08
Artemiosusr13: and after rebooting i have only text mode14:08
Mokee269reading.. the drive ahead of the CD14:08
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geekphreakNFischer: any particular reason, you want old build?14:08
LordDiabolusAnyone know if they're also rebranding the main site today?  I needs it bad!14:08
Mokee269hi, I just did an 10.04 (RC i think) upgrade from 9.10 thinking it wss final.. either way, firefox now cant be moved or resized nothing.... anyone have this problem?14:08
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NFischergeekphreak, say! yes but i want it to permanently be excluded since the newest version does not work for me14:09
=== j10 is now known as J1O
geekphreakMokee269: works fine here, did you try to create a new profile to test mate?14:09
usr13Mokee269: What version of firefox is it?14:09
geekphreakNFischer: afaik mate no, you will always be reminded about updates available on a package14:10
foucaultsubone, you could make a cd that will boot the usb, possibly, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-boot-cd-for-ubuntu-810/14:10
Mokee269one sec usr1314:10
subonei dont have any more blank cds14:10
geekphreakMokee269: backup current profile before you make new one just incae :d14:10
JManGtjoin the release party in #ubuntu-release-party14:10
Mokee269usr12: 3.6.3 (and 1.0 canonical)14:10
geekphreaksubone:  you can use ubuntu on a pendrive14:11
Mokee269and its alwayson top i just noticed suddenly :/14:11
Artemioswhich command can i use to run synaptic pakage manager in the text mode?14:11
Mokee269so cant change focus to other window and can't move it, rendering it useless14:11
fernandoc1how to enable webgl on Linux?14:11
dojoArtemios: sudo apt-get update/upgrade14:11
toast0rhi dewds14:11
Taliesin`fust a fyi for those who have not seen it14:11
dojoanyone know when today 10.10 comes out14:11
geekphreakArtemios: aptitude ?14:11
icerootArtemios: maybe you want aptitude?14:11
mrdkHi douchbags14:11
icerootdojo: no14:11
NFischergeekphreak, geez..14:11
dojoiceroot: thx14:11
dojoi'll check back in later14:12
NFischergeekphreak, thx14:12
Mokee269great, so I am tyhe only one who got this problem14:12
geekphreakNFischer: welcome , hope that was in a good way :d14:12
Mokee269how do i uninstall/reinstall firefox then?14:12
fernandoc1does someone knows How can I enable WebGL on Ubuntu???14:12
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usr13Mokee269: apt-get remove firefox14:13
geekphreakMokee269: purge, then reinstall >> sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox >> then install it14:13
=== kevin64_ is now known as kevin64
geekphreakMokee269: like i said backup your $HOME/.mozilla14:13
toast0rhow to leave this useless channel?14:13
Mokee269thank you usr13 and geekphreak14:13
usr13toast0r:  /leave14:13
geekphreaktoast0r:  use /part14:13
PMantistoast0r: /quit14:13
subonegeekphreak, yes but my computer wont boot from USB, i need to boot from the CD and then somehow redirect to boot from the USB drive or tell the live cd that the files are on the USB drive so that install doesnt break in the middle while cd drive fails14:13
bruceyguys is ubuntu 10.04 out today?14:14
erUSUL!outyet > brucey14:14
xrfang_My combo drive is broken, it can only read dvd disc but not cd-r, so I burned ubuntu iso onto a DVD+R disc, no matter what I tried (ubuntu/kubuntu/arch...), it keeps telling me input/output error...14:14
usr13brucey: see ubuntu.com14:14
ubottubrucey, please see my private message14:14
geekphreaksubone:  good luck with that one mate14:14
Taliesin`!outyet > Taliesin`14:14
ubottuTaliesin`, please see my private message14:14
bruceykk ta14:14
xrfang_ my question now is what is the easiest way to install ubuntu from an iso directly, now I am running windows 7, but would like to get rid of it after ubuntu installed..14:15
toast0rhi again, it's not so useless anyway14:15
Mokee269its NOT firefox.. I just opened gedit, and it also well it could be moved around but also is 'always on top'14:15
Mokee269and only has a blank square on the bottom taskbar :/14:15
Mokee269and all the close buttons are missing14:15
Taliesin`Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. <- it' is the 29th14:15
Taliesin`it's almost the 30th here ;)14:15
geekphreaktoast0r:  aww you are so kind :p14:15
mournkayeGood afternoon all!  Can anyone tell me how to hide join/part/quit notifications in Smuxi?14:15
wernbrenkubottu : I have the same question as brucey , please reply to me to.14:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:15
mrdkhello folks, how can I backup my RAM?14:15
Mokee269IO just did an upgrade form 9.10 to 10.04 prolly RC..l oh sigh14:15
geekphreakxrfang_:  question for you?14:15
Mokee269dont tell me its buggored and i need ot reinstall whole ubuntu now :;/14:15
geekphreakxrfang_:  are you planning to reinstall windows again ?14:15
usr13xrfang_: Under windows7 I doubt that it's possible.  Just burn a CD14:15
xrfang_geekphreak: I need help to do so14:15
toast0rgeekphreak: i know14:15
xrfang_no I do NOT want windows14:15
jribMokee269: #ubuntu+1 for lucid support (you're fine)14:16
wolf0dayhi all when 10.4 is comeing???????????????????????14:16
jrib!lucid | wolf0day14:16
ubottuwolf0day: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:16
geekphreakxrfang_: well it should be ok then mate , :)14:16
Mokee269mrdk LOL backup your ram? you can use dd to get the ram's raw contents14:16
xrfang_I just want to install (k)ubuntu on to my new hard drive.14:16
usr13wolf0day: We know.14:16
Mokee269read up on dd14:16
mrdkMokee269: some guy told me that I should do it14:16
mrdkMokee269: I guess backups are always good14:16
geekphreakxrfang_:  got blanks cd's?14:16
xrfang_the headake is that I cannot boot from my external usb cdrom, and the internal one is partly broken.14:17
geekphreakxrfang_: any pen drives?14:17
xrfang_I do have blank cd, but burning CD does NOT work (due to the partly broken internal drive)14:17
TSCDanSo, do we know when exactly Lucid is going to be posted? :-)14:17
Mokee269usr13, geekphreak: just installed 10.04 by upgrading... and its not firefox, its the whole system I notice... close buttons aren't rendering and windows always stay on top... except this one :p14:17
Ari_LazarusHi guys. I'm trying to make a shortcut that basically runs a particular terminal program. I think this is shell scripting, but it's been a long time since I did any of this. Am I going down the right path?14:17
xrfang_and the stupid benq a52 cannot BOOT from pen drive :(14:17
xrfang_the key problem is booting,...14:17
Mokee269mrdk, your RAM though is flushed often, making ab ackup of your ram .. i think he meant maybe creating a ram disk?14:17
Taliesin`TSCDan: waiting on teh desktop ISO's to be respun14:17
geekphreakxrfang_:  well there is 1 more thing you can do, but you will need to keep windows14:17
Mokee269anyway sorry, I can't help you more, because I don't understand the problem mrrdk14:18
geekphreakxrfang_:  use something like wubi to install ubuntu14:18
stodorovicMokee269: you cannot use dd to access ram14:18
usr13Mokee269: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:18
mrdkMokee269: I'm not sure, I just don't want to lose my data14:18
TSCDanTaliesin`: Any ETA or just "when it's ready"?14:18
geekphreakMokee269:  do you get any error messages or anything?14:18
Taliesin`when it's ready AFAIK14:18
Mokee269stodorovic, dd can extract ram contents, im pretty sure14:18
jribTSCDan: the latter14:18
Mokee269no geekphreak14:18
Taliesin`they are trying to get it out Aas fast as they can14:18
usr13Mokee269: What video card do you have?14:18
TSCDanTaliesin`: jrib: Damn, thanks :P14:18
WoRoNhi guys :) who knows, when 10.04 will be relized? Tomorrow?14:18
Taliesin`but they also need to have mirror re-mirror the iso14:18
jribAri_Lazarus: what terminal program exactly?14:18
stodorovicMokee269: i doubt it. Even /proc/kmem would be virtual address space, not the real physical memory14:19
TSCDanTaliesin`: But they can get the torrent out pretty easily14:19
usr13Mokee269: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:19
xrfang_geekphreak: can I get rid of windows after installing using wubi?14:19
Taliesin`WoRoN: well for me it will be, it's almost 11pm here (29th)....14:19
Taliesin`TSCDan: indeed14:19
Taliesin`but then people will be hitting mirrors going "Where is it?"14:19
geekphreakxrfang_: no you need to keep windows too :)14:19
xrfang_this is not an option .... :)14:19
Black_Phantomwhere can I report adobe flash bug report ?14:19
=== jrib changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | Lucid/10.04 Support in #ubuntu+1 | Want to know when 10.04 Lucid Lynx will be released? discussion in #ubuntu-release-party
geekphreakxrfang_:  well get your cd/rw working man :)14:20
Mokee269dlling pastebinit usr1314:20
Ari_Lazarusjrib: I'm trying to run a xampp stack. It's in some directory somewhere, but I want to see it all unfold before me in the terminal so I know what got started and what didn't14:20
Mokee269definitnhely an X issue it seems14:20
stodorovicjrib: you actually think anyone actually reads /topic? ;)14:20
Mokee269so thank you usr13 for picking up on that14:20
TSCDanstodorovic: I did.14:20
xrfang_geekphreak:  I also wonder, can I burn a CDROM iso onto a DVD+R disc?14:20
usr13Mokee269: send URL14:20
stodorovicTSCDan: :]14:20
Mokee269http://pastebin.com/38qtjkqF : usr1314:20
jribstodorovic: no, but now I'm just going to tell them to14:20
xrfang_it boot well, livecd running well, but i/o error when I try to install14:20
geekphreakAri_Lazarus:  think its in /opt14:20
WoRoNTaliesin` 11 pm? What time is it now?14:20
stodorovicjrib: good point14:21
Taliesin`im saying it's 11pm in 10minutes where I am14:21
Ari_Lazarusgeekphreak: yeah, it is. I just want a nice launcher sitting on me desktop that opens a terminal and runs it :D14:21
Taliesin`on the 29th of april :P14:21
* Ari_Lazarus is ubuntu nublet.14:21
Taliesin`so it will probably be tomorrow for me if it's more hten a hour away :)14:21
jribAri_Lazarus: why are you using xampp instead of just installing apache, mysql, and php the supported way through the repositories?14:21
Mokee269is an error there.. .. I keep having to close all windows cos they are always on top and this one always beneath14:21
geekphreakxrfang_:  if drive is broken how do you intend to do it?14:21
OutCasti have no sound in Quake, what need to do?14:21
Ari_Lazarusjrib: Because that would take so much effort? :p14:21
jribAri_Lazarus: no, less effort in fact.  Take a look:14:22
jrib!lamp > Ari_Lazarus14:22
geekphreakAri_Lazarus: its actually easier and you learn a lot :d14:22
ubottuAri_Lazarus, please see my private message14:22
geekphreakhi jrib14:22
NerdsMcgee_My battery disappeared from my tray. How do I get it back? :S14:22
jribgeekphreak: hi14:22
Mokee269stodorovic, hmm I should have the link somewhere, a forensics guy I think, who shows what one can do with dd.. very nice article and im pretty sure he demonstrates how to get data from ram14:22
meds_you shoud screw: bang! bang! tra-ta-ta-ta-ta14:22
Mokee269somehow but ok, I don't know personally14:22
geekphreakMokee269:  it is just firefox , cause i got a test for you14:23
WoRoN<Taliesin`> oh) can't understand u)14:23
veloxidI do have some problems with my speedsteppin,14:23
geekphreakMokee269: try creating a test user and logging from it , see if it works ok there14:23
xrfang_geekphreak: it is partly broken :) it can read dvd, but cannot read cd14:23
stodorovicMokee269: you are confusing things. You can use dd to get parts of ram, but you cannot take a copy of the whole physical RAM - the kernel's paging code does not let you14:23
OutCasti have no sound in Quake, what need to do?14:23
Mokee269geekphreak, : why then when i run terminal and gedit now.. for example. they are always on top, n I cant shift focus to this... plus they dont have the minimize close buttons etc14:23
Ari_LazarusI actually did try that first, I think. It's a lot more effort than just hitting 'lampp start' after running a tar.gz :/14:23
st23am2lucid torrent up yet?14:24
xrfang_and this is the 2nd incident, I just changed a broken harddisk on this notebook :(14:24
jribAri_Lazarus: well you just run one command and then it starts automatically14:24
Ubuntu_NutzerHi could someone tell me when 10.04 final is comming out?14:24
steelboxdoes someone knows exactly when the new ubuntu version will come out today?14:24
Mokee269it seems to be X, as on the bottom too when i run them, they dont show up as they should14:24
Mokee269cos I cant use the bottom taskbar14:24
geekphreakMokee269:  you can add that option manually , aint hard >> right click panel >> add to panel >> windows minimizer something14:24
jribAri_Lazarus: you run one command to install I should say14:24
greezmunkeyMokee269: did you try changing themes to see if that would help?14:24
usr13Mokee269: you could try:  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xorg.conf14:24
oktayUbuntu_Nutzer: #ubuntu-release-party14:24
jribsteelbox: see the topic14:24
geekphreakxrfang_: stay away from my pc :d14:25
Mokee269greezmunkey,  yes i did14:25
Ari_Lazarusand a few to configure :p14:25
Ubuntu_NutzerThns oktay14:25
Mokee269didn thelp and its not just firefox*14:25
Ubuntu_NutzerThanks oktay14:25
usr13Mokee269: Or dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  or gksudo displayconfig-gtk14:25
Mokee269trying now usr1314:25
steelboxjrib: oups sorry, thx :)14:25
OutCastanyone plays Quake3 on ubuntu??14:25
jribAri_Lazarus: if you want to change something sure, but the defaults are sane14:25
stodorovicOutCast: me14:25
stodorovicages ago14:25
veloxidit always runs on 2ghz even though i tried to use a userconfiguration with 800mhz, it always changes to 2ghz, is it possible that something runs wrong with my kernel driver cpuidle? (ubuntu 10.4, dell vostro1310 laptop(core2duo))14:25
geekphreakxrfang_: just kidding mate14:25
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OutCaststodorovic how to put on the sound?14:25
xrfang_not in the mood :p14:26
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geekphreakMokee269:  quetion did updates went  ok, or you had any issues , errors or crashes?14:26
stodorovicOutCast: you put on the sound as you put it on. it just works.14:26
geekphreakxrfang_:  blah :p14:26
xrfang_this is the 2nd day I am running Windows14:26
Mokee269geekphreak, seemed it all went fine no warning or error msgs14:26
geekphreakxrfang_: honestly dvd should work too mate though14:26
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ryannis there a media player that will properly play m4b audio books?  slides AND sound?14:26
stodorovicgeekphreak: you British? ;)14:26
OutCaststodorovic i have no sound in game, but in other app sound worx14:26
xrfang_I hope to get ubuntu installed without changing this cdrom, plan to change laptop later anyway hehehe14:26
Mokee269sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xorg.conf14:26
Mokee269Package `xorg.conf' is not installed and no info is available.14:26
Mokee269Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,14:26
Mokee269and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.14:26
Mokee269/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xorg.conf is not installed14:26
FloodBot4Mokee269: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:26
stodorovicOutCast: google and diagnose it14:27
usr13xrfang_: What is the problem?14:27
geekphreakstodorovic: i dont think so mate14:27
stodorovicgeekphreak: ah :/14:27
xrfang_the strange thing seems that it is not fully compatible, -- the cd-rom iso burning onto a dvd+r disk seems not working14:27
geirhaMokee269: xserver-xorg, not xorg.conf14:27
greezmunkeyxrfang_: the "burning howto" seems to support dvds with a cautionary message: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto14:27
Mokee269did the otye ok i did that too14:27
xrfang_usr13: I am looking for a easy way to install ubuntu from harddisk14:27
Mokee269no change.. ill reboot once and see if it shakkes things into place and come back14:27
OutCaststodorovic terminal write me "access denied", and i dont know what to do14:27
circuitmani cant play wma audio even though i installed the ASF plugin14:27
usr13xrfang_: Use CD not DVD14:27
xrfang_greezmunkey: I burned the disc on windows, not ubuntu14:28
usr13xrfang_: You can not burn a CD image to a DVD14:28
stodorovicOutCast: google for it. learn something. strace it! :)14:28
stodorovicusr13: yes you can :) k3b ftw14:28
llutzusr13: you can14:28
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xrfang_usr13: the problem is that my laptop's built-in combo drive is broken it can only read dvd disc, but not cdrom -- how strange...14:28
usr13stodorovic: llutz He is using MS Windows14:29
llutzusr13: doesn't matter14:29
=== ash_ is now known as k508
xrfang_the issue with ubuntu disc on DVD is that it boot into desktop ok, but keeps telling me i/o error when trying to install. this is not an ubuntu issue14:29
circuitmani cant play wma audio even though i installed the ASF plugin14:29
geekphreakusr13:  dont matter mate14:29
xrfang_I burned kubuntu, and arch linux, all same problem14:29
stodorovicusr13: oh :( KDE 4 for Windows + k3b for windows? ;)14:29
circuitmanhelp me guys14:29
usr13geekphreak: llutz stodorovic Ok, I stand corrected.14:29
llutzusr13: just the fact a broken burning soft won't burn, doesn't mean you cannot.14:29
usr13Tell xrfang_14:29
suboneCan I use the Ubuntu Live CD to boot from an Ubuntu Live USB? I can't boot from USB, was wondering if I can boot from the CD and then redirect to the USB install because the CD drive has errors14:31
Mokee269ok : I think some special package in firefox somehow dismantled the X... when restarting firefox whole thign wasnt working, a reboot seems to have sorted it, (dont know if it had to do with the commands u gave me usr13) but ye geekphreak, usr13, et al... thanks... looks like it stabilised14:31
NET||abusehmm,m ,,  i'm worried about my task bar... i've no space on the bar for open windows!  http://www.ashebrowne.com/tmp/screenshot135.png14:31
geekphreakMokee269:  good luck no worries mate14:31
Mokee269yup, can confirm X is working again now14:31
usr13Well, it is obvious that you need the right tool for the right job.  But I always just burn CD images to CDs and DVD images to DVDs.  (I believe in having the right media for the right job, AS WELL AS, having the right tool for the right job.14:31
xrfang_same problem as subone's need a solution...14:31
greezmunkeySounds like xrfang_ is in a "can't get there from here" scenerio, at least until he fixes his puter, or can access another one.14:31
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties14:31
NET||abusei need to compact the ubuntu menu's and the time display..14:32
geekyogiWTF.. still no download link :(14:32
NET||abusehamster is a bit greedy too..14:32
geekphreakgreezmunkey: agreed14:32
ryannNET||abuse:  can't you just make the tark bar taller (wider)?14:32
circuitmanhow to play wma audio files in rythm box music player14:32
geekphreak!wtf > geekyogi14:32
ubottugeekyogi, please see my private message14:32
stodorovicusr13: I've not bought any CD-Rs for a long time, yet still have to burn CD images. DVD-R seems usable enough in k3b. I always wonder why it works - but it just does.14:32
NET||abuseryann, sorry.>??? the "tark bar" ???14:32
ryannTHE TASK BAR14:32
BrimstonesRyan and his Tassk >P14:33
geekyogiam sorrry14:33
xrfang_greezmunkey: I can access another computer, but it seems that it cannot help me install ubuntu on *this* computer :)14:33
Mokee269dont tell me we wont be able to move the minimize position lol in this release dang :p14:33
greezmunkeyxrfang_: apparantly that puter can't burn??14:33
tiinaI dont get it how do I get to swedish ubuntu channel here?14:34
Mokee269greezmunkey, I got a friend, she used her l.aptop so muich it literally caught on fire... now it is better she ssays LOL14:34
circuitmani cant play wma audio.plz help me guys14:34
nsahootrying to upgrade to 10.04 rc . it's saying failed to fetch some. like http://mirror.umoss.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/festlex-cmu/festlex-cmu_1.4.0-6_all.deb14:34
NET||abuseryann, you talking about making it 2 layers?14:34
greezmunkeyMokee269: heh14:34
NET||abuseryann, well, the whole point for me is i don't like having a bar at the top and bottom?14:34
xrfang_greezmunkey: I use an external dvd-writer, it burns pretty well.14:34
xrfang_the problem is on the internal cd-reader of this laptop14:34
Brimstonesgreezmunkey: Its called fjukkmunkey because you should go seige a lady or man depending on which one you prefer :)14:34
geekphreakcircuitman: did you try vlc?14:34
usr13stodorovic: I have 3 media types on hand: CD-R, DVD+R 8X, DVD+R 16X14:35
NET||abuseryann, as i don't like constricting the content on my screen... but that said,, i'm kinda pushing things space wise then :)14:35
geekphreakcircuitman:  try using vlc please14:35
geekyogiGeekphreak am sorry..  Hope are high for new Ubuntu release.. :)14:35
greezmunkeyBrimstones: eh?14:35
circuitmangeekphreak: its more than 40 mb to download14:35
geekphreakgeekyogi: no worries mate :), likewise14:35
geekphreakcircuitman: which player are you using?14:36
Brimstonesgreezmunkey: Ok, thats it, im stripping you of your Munkey title :)14:36
bazhang!ot > Brimstones14:36
ubottuBrimstones, please see my private message14:36
circuitmangeekphreak: rhythm box14:36
Brimstonesbazhang: Go to hell fucking looser. Ill build your OS for you.14:36
circuitmangeekphreak: it asks for a ASF plugin14:36
gmr_ncomputing in ubuntu 64bits?14:37
geekphreakcircuitman:  can you open totem and try to play that wma on it, it should download the required codec and all for you to install14:37
stodorovic!wtf > stodorovic14:37
ubottustodorovic, please see my private message14:37
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu14:37
circuitmangeekphreak:i dont have totem14:37
playmoIs Lusid out?14:37
usr13stodorovic: The 8X is 8.4G,  16X is 4.7G14:37
rosco_yI set the "autohide" property on my top panel to true, now I can't seem to get it back, can anyone tell me how to restore my top panel?14:38
greezmunkeyxrfang_: have you looked inside the external writer, can it be temporarily installed on your puter?14:38
ArtVandalaeplaymo, #ubuntu-release-party14:38
geekphreakcircuitman:  press alt+f2, type totem see if anything comes ?14:38
stodorovicusr13: ooh. double later, or is it double sided single layer?14:38
nmvictorWow 1823 guys speaking in #ubuntu today, this must truely be a long awaited day, but Lucid aint in yet, according to www.ubuntu.com, whats up?14:38
subonexrfang_, have you tried http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/14:38
Taliesin`nmvictor: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/fatal-flaw-in-grub-found-at-very-late.html14:38
rygarhah i as going to ask the same14:38
geekphreak!resetpanels | rosco_y14:38
ubotturosco_y: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »14:38
usr13stodorovic: Double layer14:38
circuitmangeekphreak:it open a movie player14:38
nmvictorTaliesin`: what was that?14:38
rosco_yubottu: ty14:39
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:39
Taliesin`nmvictor: reason why the release is delayed currently14:39
nmvictorAny one tell me why Lucid is taking too long to show14:39
geekphreakcircuitman:  open your wma file in it14:39
subonexrfang_, also note, that wubi only installs ubuntu to run within windows, so that is not a proper solution to what you're asking14:39
usr13stodorovic: Double layer - 240MIN14:39
=== rob___ is now known as nothing_special
reisi_playmo: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODE5Ng <-- this might be the latest14:39
circuitmangeekphreak:opened but it asking the ASF demuxer14:40
geekphreakcircuitman: well download it , whatever it is asking you to :)14:40
nmvictorTaliesin`: ooh,I got it. Why now, I had bought a router just to stream Lucid to my Toshiba14:40
NET||abuseryann, fixed my layout... http://www.ashebrowne.com/tmp/screenshot137.png14:40
circuitmangeekphreak:but how to downaload that plugin14:40
=== e3asdfg is now known as Serv-U
Taliesin`nmvictor: it was only discovered at the last moment14:40
usr13stodorovic: 4.7G is 120min and 8.5G is 240min  (It's whats on the lable)14:41
xrfang_greezmunkey, it is too much trouble to disassemble the notebook and replace the drive... I will ask for professional help tomorrow. For now trying with some alternative booting method ...14:41
Taliesin`literally like an hour before release iirc14:41
Serv-UWhat is time of release of ubuntu 10.04 ?????14:41
geekphreakcircuitman: it gives you that option mate, or use synaptic to get it14:41
khamaelis there a way to find out what kind om ram my computer uses?14:41
stodorovicusr13: i dont' work in minutes - GB instead :)14:41
nmvictorTaliesin`: so when are they gonna give it?14:41
reisi_Serv-U: check out http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODE5Ng14:41
unmannedleechWhy isn't 10.04 out yet?14:42
Anonymous22Is it out yet?14:42
Taliesin`once they have respunn the new desktop iso's14:42
Serv-Uwhen is ubuntu 10.04 releasing14:42
Serv-Uwhat will be its time14:42
Taliesin`No time exactly14:42
Serv-Uwe are eager to know14:42
Taliesin`it's been delayed14:42
Taliesin`reason -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/fatal-flaw-in-grub-found-at-very-late.html14:42
Anonymous22To when14:42
Taliesin`Till when the new .iso files are ready...14:42
usr13stodorovic: I sometimes burn Video DVDs.  Each time I get a DVD, I make a copy to play.  The kids get hold of DVDs somehow and ... well you know...14:42
wolf0day when is ubuntu 10.04 releasing?????14:42
circuitmangeekphreak: from the synaptic manager i installed a plugin called xmms2-plugin-asf14:42
reisi_could someone update that omgubuntu link to the topic? :)14:43
Mokee269ok geeky question.. how do I resize the bottom taskbar :)14:43
circuitmangeekphreak: but no use it still says that the ASF plugin is not installed14:43
xrfang_thanks subone, now I have 2 options, one is unetbootin, the other is  PLop(http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html#runwin), which is metion on this wiki page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick  I wonder which one shall I try first? :)14:43
seth_hi all!14:43
rosco_yhey seth14:43
Taliesin`hi seth14:43
seth_i have a question14:43
geirhaMokee269: Right click it and choose properties14:43
llutzreisi_: you really expect anyone reading the topic?14:44
rosco_yubottu: thank you, my panels are back :)14:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:44
Mokee269geirha yes i was silly enough its populated just had to go to another workspace, gosh its been a while haha14:44
subonexrfang_, i have only tried unetbootin and it worked fine from windows, make sure you read any notes there may be for the operating system you are installing from14:44
reisi_llutz: well i didin't either; checked that after i wrote by prev line :)14:44
geekphreakcircuitman:  do you have gstreamer bad  ugly installed?14:44
silverrockerhi what time is ubuntu 10.01 comming?14:45
Taliesin`silverrocker: Ububntu has been delayed due to a serious flaw found in grub at the last moment, please see the following url -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/fatal-flaw-in-grub-found-at-very-late.html14:45
Phil_FLseth_, what is your question ? just state your question14:45
seth_today is release of 10.04 lucid lynx. I can't find dvd.iso distrib's on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com.14:45
geirha!outyet | silverrocker14:45
ubottusilverrocker: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:45
xrfang_subone: thanks, is unetbootin a way to permanently install linux to harddisk (erasing windows on the hard disk) or it is a way to install linux to usb drive?14:45
circuitmangeekphreak: neither14:45
Phil_FLseth_,  Want to know when 10.04 Lucid Lynx will be released? discussion in #ubuntu-release-party14:46
geekphreakcircuitman: install them all14:46
circuitmangeekphreak: u mean both bad and ugly14:46
zipitoI'm using ubuntu 10.04 and I need libstdc++.so.514:46
geekphreakcircuitman:  yes sir, i would get vlc too, ;)14:46
greezmunkeyxrfang_: check this out: http://www.freewarereview.info/2007-06/tftpd32_for_windows_-_unleash_the_pxe_bios_network_boot_feature_within.html14:46
RedNifre_backupwtf? 1857 people?14:47
uLinuxBest image mount tool?14:47
kompensatorcd ..14:47
jrib!iso | uLinux14:47
ubottuuLinux: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.14:47
uLinuxtks jrib14:47
karthikkottapallmy settings are not getting saved on Ubuntu.......I am using vbox14:48
nmvictorI am completely stressed, ever waited for you girlfriend for hours only for her to call and say she's not gonna make it today? Thats how I feal, except much worse14:48
subonexrfang_, it allows you to mount an iso and boot from it and install ubuntu to your HDD, you can partition the drive however you like during the installation, including removing the Windows partition14:48
circuitmangeekphreak: selected the packages but could not apply14:48
circuitmangeekphreak: the apply button is not active in synaptic14:48
geekphreakcircuitman:  how did you open it?14:49
llutznmvictor: waiting for lucid? go out, get a life then14:49
circuitmanusing synaptic manager14:49
xrfang_thanks subone14:49
circuitmangeekphreak: i mean by pressing alt+f214:49
geekphreakcircuitman:  make up your mind man14:50
geekphreakcircuitman:  >> click system >>administration >>synaptic14:50
dudefacei heard ubuntus out14:50
bazhangdudeface, its not14:50
dudefaceyes it is, i can see it14:51
bazhangdudeface, please stop that . its not14:51
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stodorovicdudeface: it's been out for years14:51
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Imran-UKsportsman bet that it's out by 1500 BST14:51
ywgxhappy happy,10.04!!!14:51
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties14:52
toastedmilkCan anyone say offhand if the fglrx driver works for 9.10 with a Radeon X1900(legacy) card?14:52
nmvictorllutz: yea, I was earnestly waiting for Lusid so I could boot into its Live CD and use it to format my 80GB occupied by karmic and try out windows 7,14:52
=== homer is now known as Guest63194
AdvoWorknormally to connect to a share, i do: Places > Connect To Server > Select Windows Share, put in: ServerIP,Folder, Tick Add bookmark and give it a bookmark name. Can i do this automatically, from a script some how?14:52
circuitmangeekphreak: nothing comes for as default in ubuntu. had to depend on downlaod for every thing14:52
rampage73anyone know of a good channel for iscsi info with ubuntu14:52
nmvictorllutz: i really should get a life, shouldn't I?14:53
nimrod10`so when can people donwload lucid ? the day after the actual release ? I knew there is some canonical policy in place but I forgot which14:53
geekphreakcircuitman: i find it ok, no worries here14:53
jribnimrod10`: the second it's released...14:53
balkierodehas 10.04 released or not?14:53
jribbalkierode: see the /topic14:53
llutznmvictor: at least think about your relation to a piece of software ;)14:53
balkierodethe day is almost over.14:53
nimrod10`ok so it means it is not released yet jrib , we are on the 29 0414:53
jribnimrod10`: correct14:53
antonio__hi, this doesn't work, < join test0.txt `sort -d test2.txt` >14:54
nmvictorllutz: Its not a piece of software, it my every desire14:54
volksmanany nfs masters around?  I'm trying to export a directory that has a bind mounted device inside it.  The directory gets exported but the bound mount is empty on the client.  Any ideas?  http://dpaste.com/188994/14:54
volksmanusing Karmic14:54
nmvictorllutz: its the life you want me to get14:54
=== half-man is now known as Half-man
circuitmangeekphreak:i have dial up connection that why14:54
rumpsyi installed xdebug using apt-get, so where it installed in my filesystem14:54
rumpsyany guess14:54
suboneis there anyway i can install ubuntu while booted from the livecd without using the files located on the cd? cd drive is bad, wont boot from usb14:54
rumpsySolarisBoy: hey14:55
geekphreakcircuitman:  i cannot do anything about that, you are own you own :)14:55
Gorakrumpsy: which xdebug14:55
Picirumpsy: dpkg -L xdebug14:55
rumpsyxdebug for php514:55
circuitmangeekphreak: at least in the 10.4 make everything as default14:55
toastedmilkCan anyone say offhand if the fglrx driver works for 9.10 with a Radeon X1900(legacy) card?14:55
odie5533I'm trying to set up an sshd. Why are there keys in both ~/.ssh/ and /etc/ssh_host_key ?14:56
NyteBladeHave they removed suhosin from Ubuntu 10.04? Because that thing kinda blows.14:56
quesoIs it safe to upgrade from Jaunty to Lucid using the Distributuion Upgrade button in the Update Manager?14:56
volksmanodie5533, the keys in ~/ssh are your own14:56
rumpsyso any guess14:56
nmvictorSomeone gueses that ubuntu is going the redhat way, I mean fully commercial14:56
circuitmangeekphreak:most users are wasting their precious bandwidth in downloading14:56
rumpsyshall i use dlocate14:56
odie5533volksman: Do I need both? Are both used if I have both?14:56
mournkayeodie5533: The key in /etc is the key for your *machine*, the one in ~ is for your *user*14:56
rumpsyi installed xdebug for its xdebug.so file14:56
geekphreakcircuitman:  thats with any system14:56
volksmanodie5533, yes...what mournkaye said... :)14:56
tarzeaunmvictor: why should they?14:56
=== carlos is now known as car|0s
rumpsyPici: i found it thanks14:57
tarzeaunmvictor: they'd lose all their users to debian, fedora or google os14:57
rumpsyi used dlocate14:57
=== mats is now known as Matsy
llutzodie5533: the ones in /etc/ssh are to authenticate your host. the one in ~/.ssh are used to authenticate YOU to remote hosts14:57
MatsyHello ;p14:57
odie5533should I make a key in ~/.ssh/ if I deleted them? Why is it useful to have one there too?14:57
toastedmilkodie5533, to authenticate both host and client14:57
llutzodie5533: go and read about ssh-keys, then you will see the reason for those keys14:58
circuitmangeekphreak: i have linux mint on my virtual machine.it does it play wma with out any download14:58
mournkayeodie5533: You don't have to have on in ~/.ssh - but if you do set it up properly it can save you from having to use passwords14:58
mournkaye(although you should still password-protect your key file ;-)14:58
MgMtanyone know the eta of 10.04?14:58
MatsyHm, I can't seem to format my SD card properly anymore within Ubuntu, I've tried the Disk Utility, mkfs.vfat, and then fsck.vfat, and I seem to get back really strange errors. ;(14:58
=== bert__ is now known as Bert-_
ubu_user!party > MgMt14:59
ubottuMgMt, please see my private message14:59
circuitmangeekphreak: also tell me how to access host system files on my virtual machine14:59
ubu_userMgMt, there is no ETA right now14:59
odie5533On my machine I have my main user. So if I make a key in ~/.ssh, I don't have to enter my user's password and I can enter a different password for that key then?14:59
flodinehas anyone used xmobar before14:59
mournkayeodie5533: Yes - but that key is only used when you SSH from your machine to a remote machine15:00
mournkayeodie5533: It's not used 'locally' for local logins15:00
nmvictorThe source of such information expalins further, that some Financial analyst behind Canonical walls adviced that with so many users already hooked to ubuntu, it is only wise to go comercial and make money to fully support the software and also create jobs, you know that GPL under which ubuntu is released does not prohibit taht15:00
mournkayeodie5533: Take a look at http://sial.org/howto/openssh/publickey-auth/15:00
FloodBot3TheFrenchWarrior: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:00
stodorovicnmvictor: from a commercial poinrt of view, that kinda makes sense. but I think if they do it too suddenly or too hevily, they will ultimately lose users15:01
nmvictorso guys, why not revert to windows before the whistle is blown15:01
* ywgx --help15:01
mournkayeodie5533: So, for example, when I log into my laptop I need to type a password.  If I then SSH into my server it'll use my key in ~/.ssh and I don't need to type a password again (since I set up my server to accept the key)15:02
tarzeaunmvictor: i didn't like windows 7 starter15:02
stodorovicnmvictor: we all run windows anyway. X11 is a windowing framework :)15:02
MatsyIs there anyone that can help me with my SDCard problem? I actually switched to Linux because WIndows was a total jerk with reading it. ;(15:02
circuitmangeekphreak: r u there15:02
nmvictorstodorovic: yea, thats why i'll be making a big comeback to #windows before the bell is rang15:02
webteamhey guys15:02
DeadmanIncJSis the torrent out yet?15:02
stodorovicnmvictor: why? just use a different distro15:02
tarzeauDeadmanIncJS: no15:02
webteamis 10.04 out yet?15:02
DeadpeoplezI am on the brink of switching to Ubuntu. Would anyone like to make some points of why I should switch?15:02
tarzeauwebteam: no15:02
odie5533mournkaye: I'm setting up an sshd on my computer though, I want to then log into it from my laptop. So I don't use the ~/.ssh/ on my host (computer) but instead on my laptop only (client)?15:03
tarzeauDeadmanIncJS: no15:03
MatsyDeadpeoplez, don't do it!15:03
mournkayeDeadpeoplez: It's free.15:03
DeadmanIncJSumm... it's not Windows15:03
webteamtarzeau, hmm any idea whats the story15:03
volksmanDeadpeoplez, cause its a more productive environment15:03
tarzeauwebteam: it's still today15:03
nmvictorstodorovic: windowing framework, x11 is running on Linux, not the other way round, we run linux, Ok15:03
MatsyDeadpeoplez, if you're doing it for the money, I'll even supply a free key for you ;(15:03
resthi to everyone )15:03
=== oier is now known as taj
stodorovicnmvictor: yes I know. what about it?15:03
volksmannfs issue if someone can peek:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/424618/15:03
MikeChelenDeadpeoplez: what is important to you about an OS?15:03
mournkayeodie5533: that's correct!15:03
restwho can halp with cranchbang?15:03
DeadpeoplezMikeChelen, that is just works.15:04
Deadpeoplezwithout problems15:04
odie5533mournkaye: how will my host know about my login key though?15:04
nmvictorstodorovic: you said we run windows which scared the shit out of me15:04
rest*help )15:04
MikeChelenrest: #crunchbang15:04
DeadmanIncJSDeadpeoplez... try Ubuntu from a LIVE CD.  you will like it, trust us15:04
mournkayeodie5533: ...well, it's half-correct ;-) on your host 'server' you need an entry in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys15:04
nmvictorstodorovic: I HATE WINDOWS for all I care15:04
tajjoin #ubuntu-translators15:04
stodorovicnmvictor: oh my mistake. it seemed to me that you were talkinga bout ms windows :P15:04
gartral1hey all, is it possible to tunnel irssi through a proxy?15:04
restMikeChelen> yes15:04
DeadmanIncJSplease understand though, that it will run slow(er) because its loading from the CD and not the hard drive15:04
DeadpeoplezAlright I will give it a try DeadmanIncJS15:04
MikeChelenodie5533: ssh-copy-id can help you set it up initially15:04
MatsyThis is the issue I am having: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424620/, does anyone know how to resolve this?15:04
KIAaze_minimum ETA 00:00 UTC?15:04
odie5533mournkaye: is that only the public key though? won't my host need a private one too?15:04
Taliesin`is there a whats new in 10.04 page on ubuntu.com ?15:05
mournkayeodie5533: nope15:05
MatsyDeadpeoplez, don't do it, I tell you ;(15:05
MatsyLinux is evil.15:05
odie5533mournkaye: or does my client have the private one and the host have the public?15:05
nmvictorstodorovic: its ok, by the way when exactly will Lucid be showing up?15:05
MikeChelenodie5533: the server should have your public key, and your computer has the private one15:05
DeadpeoplezMatsy just wondering why are you here then? O.o15:05
DeadmanIncJSthats why you're here Matsy?15:05
k0alahelp with audio15:05
mournkayeodie5533: The public part goes in $HOST:~/.ssh/authorized_keys, the private part in $CLIENT:~/ssh/id_rsa15:05
DeadmanIncJSLinux is a little confusing at first15:05
stodorovicnmvictor: no one knows. do you know how many people asked that same question in the last few hours? i'm getting fed up with people asking..15:05
MikeChelenDeadpeoplez: ubuntu works on a lot of hardware out of the box, without requiring additional drivers15:05
MatsyApparently, Ubuntu seems to be the only OS to even remotely help to fix this problem.15:05
mournkayeodie5533: what MikeChelen said :)15:05
MgMtdoes anyone know if there will be a bump top linux release anytime in the near future?15:05
DeadmanIncJSoverall, it's the same as Windows (but better)15:06
xrfang_subone: what is a "frugal install"?15:06
azloni have a software raid using mdadm. for some reason all of my drives look like this when i do cat /proc/mdstat    sda1[0](S)15:06
azlonwhat does the (S) mean?15:06
MatsyWindows can't even read my SD card, when ubuntu can. So, I still have hope of fixing my SD card.15:06
MatsyBut meh, I have no clue how to do it myself. ;(15:06
futuristwhen we can expect lucid lynx?15:06
wonderworldU BU N TU !15:06
k0ala!lucid | futurechimp15:06
ubottufuturechimp: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:06
Hary00For your SSH Problem ;-)15:06
k0ala!lucid | futurist15:06
ubottufuturist: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:06
MikeChelenMgMt: dunno, is the mac version out yet?15:06
Bert-_futurist, #ubuntu-release-party15:06
odie5533mournkaye: How do I disallow regular password logins and only allow key logins?15:07
MgMtmikechelen yeah, my friend was showing me it, its pretty sweet15:07
WakkaWakkai mean showing itself15:07
mournkayeodie5533: On your server host, change /etc/ssh/sshd_config15:07
gartralhey all, is it possible to tunnel irssi through a proxy?15:07
mournkayeodie5533: it's pretty self-explanatory15:07
WakkaWakkaremote host closed the connection15:07
dajhornMatsy: If it is an SD card, then it is probably burned out.  Copy your data off it and use another.15:07
WakkaWakkaa proxy !15:07
WakkaWakkathe card number ?15:07
WakkaWakkam pretty much bot inbreeding15:07
FloodBot3WakkaWakka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:07
WakkaWakkabrb flood of caps text though opera still wins15:07
Matsydajhorn: The SD card is currently one mold old ;(15:07
k0alacan anyone help me with audio?15:07
WakkaWakkasd card, then it should be able15:07
Mean_AdminI can't seem to figure out how to install the lastest Firefox version15:08
WakkaWakkaprocesses audio last name, i can smell the evil wumpus nearby ! another one of these damn kids jumped in front15:08
Hary00wait for release15:08
WakkaWakkadoesn, t seem to figure out whats causing it, rebooting seems the only option is15:08
SuperRoachomg, pastie.org is down!15:08
Mean_AdminI've downloaded the files but .. I just don't know what to do15:08
WakkaWakkaorg while you wait15:08
Matsydajhorn: I don't really care about the data on it though, but it seems to be the only SD card with such a high capacity on it.15:08
balkierodeon what port ubuntu one is listening?\15:08
sab-I read about the music store in lucid, anyone know what payment methods there will be?15:08
dajhornMatsy:  Try to zero it.  `dd if=/dev/zero of=/mmcblk0`.15:08
gartralWakkaWakka: yea, i have a droid, and the adb suite lets you host a proxy over usb and i need too figure out why terminal sessions aint listening too gnome-proxy settings15:09
MikeChelenMgMt: yup it is, but sadly not open source (though the devs are considering it). the gnome (default ubuntu) and kde (kubuntu) desktops are getting very flexible too, might be some way to enable mouse gestures15:09
MatsyWith the ''s?15:09
dajhornMatsy: Also note that SDHC (usually larger than 4GB) is not SD.15:09
MatsyThis is SDHC, indeed15:09
MgMtMikechelen gnome mouse gestures would make my day15:09
AdvoWorknormally to connect to a share, i do: Places > Connect To Server > Select Windows Share, put in: ServerIP,Folder, Tick Add bookmark and give it a bookmark name. Can i do this automatically, from a script some how?15:10
=== jo_ is now known as MastaYoda
MatsyOkay, it's zeroing it right now ;p15:10
odie5533mournkaye: I think I have it now, thanks for the help!15:10
nmvictorI think ubuntu needs competition, you know what monopoly does to a componay, Canonical notwithstanding, the fact that ubuntu is the solely incorporated into the minds of all Linux zealots is a true makes them shit around with our moods as they wish, if their was a better free distro[dont mention debian with their Lenny which reminded me of Intrepid] which would make them feel the fear of loosing users, then Lucid would be out ny now15:10
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:10
karthikkottapallquick question: Why do we have to delete the original CD in ubuntu after installing it in virtual box15:10
ejvwhere is it15:11
* ejv taps foot15:11
geirhakarthikkottapall: You don't, just ejecting it from the vbox is enough.15:11
MikeChelenMgMt: check out easystroke http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/easystroke/ idk how tightly integrated it is though15:11
subonexrfang_, unetbootin allows you to either create a usb installer or an installer from your hdd (frugal install)15:11
artistxeejv. they changed mind. not going to be for two more weeks ;)15:11
gartralkarthikkottapall: you.. dont, you need to remove it as a bootable device15:11
guglielmohi everybody does anyone know when ubuntu 10.04 is due to be released today??15:11
ywgx /join #ubuntu-tw15:11
Matsydajhorn: Oh, does it need to be unmounted?15:11
mournkayeodie5533: You're very welcome, good luck!15:12
mournkayeodie5533: Next you'll want to learn about protecting your keys with a password and using ssh-agent15:12
xrfang_subone: installer from hdd is *not* same as wubi, but just use the hard disk as installation media, and after installation it is same as a normal cd install, did I understand it correctly?15:12
dajhornMatsy: Yes.  If you ran `dd` while it was mounted, then the kernel will be confused.  You may need to `umount -f` it.15:12
dajhornMatsy: Let the dd finish.15:12
mournkayeodie5533: ...in case they fall into enemy hands15:13
MatsyI already.. CTRL+C'd it >_>15:13
karthikkottapallthanks for the replies..... my problem is that after customizing the whole thing, it does not save the settings15:13
MatsyAnd unmounted the SD card, and now running it again.15:13
guglielmohi everybody does anyone know when ubuntu 10.04 is due to be released today??15:13
elpiratedechronquick question what's the ftp where you can grab the latest images?15:13
circuitmanguys help me to share files between my host and guest os15:13
Matsydajhorn: It is correct that it doesn't show any output during the process, right?15:13
elpiratedechronI've noticed around release dates the site is laggy and the ftp seems to work out better for me15:13
DarsVaeda1i fail to install icedtea in 10.04 -> W: Failed to fetch  http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tzdata/tzdata-java_2010h-1_all.deb15:13
DarsVaeda1its actually not there15:14
nmvictorI dont like what karmic did to the the application GDM manager[System>Administration>Login Screen], we cant install custom login screens anymore like we used to in jaunty, isnt that infreenging on the software freedom that Richard stallman advocates for,15:14
xrfang_elpiratedechron: I would suggest bittorrent15:14
DarsVaeda1any known workaround?15:14
dajhornMatsy:  Yes.  Note that the flag order can sometimes matter.  Don't put the -v switch after the device name.15:14
DeadmanIncJSthe party room is BUSY :(15:14
kurocant wait 10.04 to be released15:14
jribnmvictor: gdm was rewritten, that feature doesn't exist yet afaik15:14
artistxeelpiratedechron, when it is released today , torrent is fastest method to download it. ( pass that on ;)15:15
DeadmanIncJSme either kuro15:15
subonexrfang_, that is correct, unetbootin allows you to mount an iso file located on some partition on your HDD, and installs a menu item for your bootloader to load it (whether its grub or windows bootloader). In effect it is the same as booting the computer with the livecd inserted in your cd drive. you have to boot into unetbootin when prompted at the windows bootloader menu15:15
dajhornMatsy:  A fat format can be slow on a big slow device.  Wait at least a few minutes.15:15
karthikkottapallhelp...I am not able to save the settings on ubuntu installed on vbox.....I have to start over again15:15
mlegerhello everyone, does anyone know when will my update manager allow me to update to lucid?15:15
DarsVaeda1oh its not released yet?15:15
DeadmanIncJSit will notify you15:15
Matsydajhorn: Okay, it's a pretty large disk as well, so it isn't that weird.15:15
DeadmanIncJSat least it should15:15
rrittenhouseyeah when is it released? ;)15:15
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties15:15
cremetortehi is anyone able to update to lucid  via   "do-release-upgrade" yet?15:15
Matsydajhorn: Lets hope this at least does something. ;p15:15
xrfang_subone, thank you very much, one final question I am still wondering, during installation of ubuntu, I will re-partition the harddisk, and in turn will erase the installation media unetbootin copied onto hard disk??15:16
=== Sean is now known as Dreaming
nmvictorjrib: meaning ubuntu users will have to do with what ubuntu developers decide to put in place, which make ubuntu a less Free as in Freedom software, right?15:16
kegusaThe art-people must've gotten sloppy/lazy when they updated the look on the manpages.ubuntu.com site. Really a lens flare on the logo? o.O15:16
=== rtrix is now known as reversetrix
aboSamoorany advices to install an application similar to MS paint ?15:16
dajhornMatsy: If this doesn't work, then your next steps could be using `mformat` instead of `mkdosfs`, or putting a partition on the SDHC card.15:16
nmvictorI said it15:17
circuitmaniam using sun's virtual box and running linux mint helena as guest OS and my Host OS is ubuntu 9.04. i would like to share files between the guest and host OS please help me15:17
Mean_Adminso, how would  I go upgrading Firefox from 3.5.9 to 3.6.3 ?15:17
DeadmanIncJSvictor, how can u say linux isnt free?15:17
Matsydajhorn: mformat works on SDHC cards as well? :D15:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:17
DeadmanIncJSthe code for the program is available anywhere, to anyone15:17
subonexrfang_, yes, hence, make sure you get it right the first time or you could end up in my situation :p15:17
wilh3mWaiting for the Final Realease Ubuntu 10.04 LTS....15:17
dajhornMatsy: mformat works on any block device in /dev if you have the /etc/mtools.conf entry for it.15:17
xrfang_subone: you mean, use a separate partition to store the iso / installation files, and do not erase it during installation?15:18
Matsydajhorn: Sounds complicated, haha. But I'll see how to use it whenever the zeroing does not work.15:18
bmharsha2010Ubuntu conducts sessions on IRC channel after every release. Where can I get information about these sessions? Since 10.4 is about to be released.15:18
usr13Mean_Admin: download 3.6.3 and then sudo apt-get remove firefox and then install 3.6.315:19
circuitmanhelp me15:19
Matsydajhorn: With a whooping 3MB/s.. this will take a while ;p15:19
Exposure410hello there15:19
Mean_Adminusr13: all right, here I go15:19
dajhornMatsy:  While you're waiting, run `dmesg` or look at the /var/log/messages file.  If the SDHC card is bad, then you'll see write errors.15:19
nmvictorI said it ubuntu is going the windows way, windows is bent on snatching freedom from their users, freedom to run their software without fear, one credence i can lend to this claim is that with karmic, you cannot download and install custom GDM themes created by other users, if anyone of you thinks I am wrong, let him be the first to dissaprove me.15:20
Mean_Adminusr13: when you say 'install firefox' you mean sudo apt-get install firefox  ?15:20
MatsyThere are around a gazillion errors.15:20
subonexrfang_, that may be a solution, however, remember that unetbootin needs to boot through the bootloader, and if during installation you get to the part where the bootloader is installed and wipes out your unetbootin config you may then not be able to boot into it... idk this is the first time ive used it, just be careful you read everything15:20
jetienne__q. i just booted 10.04-rc in a VM and it crash all over the places. like when i launch firefox, or when i click on the desktop menu. am i alone in this ? or everybody is experiencing the same ?15:20
rshartzDoes any one know how to prevent "Wireless Network Authentication Required" nm-applet dialog from appearing once the WEP/WPA password was set?15:20
Matsydajhorn: There seems to be an error on every possible block/.15:20
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Mean_Adminnmvictor: that sounded Jesus-y15:20
usr13Mean_Admin: No  do it manually.  See: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html15:21
stodorovicMatsy: with dd? you can increase block size - bs=4k or bs=128k it might improve performance15:21
dajhornMatsy:  Okay, if you're getting zillions of write errors, then you have bad hardware or your computer is using the wrong driver.  Bad hardware is more likely.  Try another card.15:21
xrfang_subone: when you install ubuntu it will install grub onto the harddisk, so what's wrong with erasing unetbootin's bootloader?15:21
Matsydajhorn: I already know the fault is with the card, unfortunately. I was just trying to fix it.15:21
Mean_Adminusr13: I downloaded the files but they don't interact with the .deb installer, they just sit there in a folder15:21
KottizenWhen does it come? :D15:21
elpiratedechroncircuitman: if you haven't got your answer yet.... you need to set the network adapeter type to Bridged in your v machines settings15:21
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stodorovicnmvictor: who uses GDM nowadays anyway? we use KDM ;)15:22
elpiratedechronthen it will be bridged to your existing network trhough your host os15:22
Kottizenstodorovic: yey!15:22
Matsydajhorn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424625/ that's what I am getting. ;(15:22
=== DeathKnight is now known as Avasz
elpiratedechronif it's set to tnat mode it makes a virtual lan inside vbox15:22
dajhornMatsy: Yup.  That's a dud card.15:22
respiresometimes when I put my memory card into my memory card reader it detects it as being write protect, when it isn't. repeatedly removing and re-inserting it eventually makes it recognise it as writable. any ideas?15:22
jetienne__q. i just booted 10.04-rc in a VM and it crash all over the places. like when i launch firefox, or when i click on the desktop menu. am i alone in this ? or everybody is experiencing the same ?15:22
Matsydajhorn: Ah noes :( How unfortunate! I will have to go back to dealextreme / focalprices now ;(15:23
nmvictorIf their aint a way users can claim what they though was best for them, or suggest what could work well with them, then we gonna have to wait after six months and usher in a software which we cant control, a software that controls us, just like windows users15:23
respiremore info: one of my cameras teaches this card the same way so it would look like a problem with the card except another camera i have NEVER thinks its write protected15:23
Matsydajhorn: There's no magical 'revive' command for these obviously dead cards? :p15:23
=== Mike_ is now known as Guest97954
dajhornMatsy: You sound like a masochist.  :(15:23
subonexrfang_, as i said this is my first time using it, im not certain of all of the possible issues that may arise15:23
=== Guest97954 is now known as Hapsbanan
rshartzDoes any one know how to prevent "Wireless Network Authentication Required" nm-applet dialog from appearing once the WEP/WPA password was set?15:24
dajhornMatsy: Not really.  :)15:24
xrfang_ok, thanks subone, I will now try reboot from the usb disk.. bye for now15:24
BitProcessorany news on when the new LTS will be available ? Heard that they encountered a serious issue just before release ?15:24
saurushello to all15:24
Matsydajhorn: A masochist? Why! I am a savior of the broken! Or at least, I was hoping to be ;(15:24
dudefaceits being distributed to the ftps at the moment15:24
dudefacegive the site an hour or so to update15:25
BitProcessorah! that's great news dudeface15:25
artistxe29 updates just popped up for me. sort of pointless now . . .15:25
stodorovic8.10 -> 9.10   --- is it just a case of doing multiple apt-get dist-upgrades?15:25
alanm_respire: probably a combination of cheap card readers and a slightly crap card.. the reader on the camera that always works is probably just better quality able to read less decent cards15:25
dajhornMatsy: Heh.  Even if you do manage to clear the card,  it is likely to fail later.15:25
saurusLucid come today?15:25
LzrdKingare we supporting lucid in here yet?15:25
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:25
usr13Mean_Admin: download 3.6.3 and do tar xjf firefox-*.tar.bz2  ; sudo mv firefox-3.6.3 /usr/lib ; sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.3/firefox /usr/bin/15:25
dudefaceit takes time to propegate out to your local ftp15:25
Matsydajhorn: Meh, I'll just buy a new one. Last time I'm ever using transcend.15:25
balkierodeok. byee15:26
balkierodeI dont think lucid will be released today.15:26
Spice`Anyone know what time Lucid is going to be out?15:26
Mean_Adminusr13: just moving it to into /usr/lib and linking it is enough ?!15:26
saurusbalkierode, why not today?15:26
mrmojohi there15:26
mrmojoi am trying to set up software raid over ssh15:27
mrmojowith mdadm15:27
mrmojoit all works perfectly, but the disks dont load at startup15:27
mrmojoand i have to manually recreate the array15:27
bmharsha2010 Ubuntu conducts sessions on IRC channel after every release. Where can I get information about these sessions? Since 10.4 is about to be released.15:27
alvaro_bon dia15:27
Matsydajhorn: Have you ever used microSDHC cards?15:28
saurusmrmojo... Ubuntu dosn't load the disk?15:28
Kin`Away_For you why after the change of the pyle of the mother board the computer was gone but the image didn't appear on the monitor. So I pushed reset and now the light of the mother board is opened, the light of loading makes lamp when I try to open the Pc but it does'nt work?15:28
=== CaptainTrek is now known as CaptainLucid
dajhornMatsy: Yes.15:29
mrmojosaurus, no, not at boot15:29
RedNifre_backupIs there a blog or something where the developers post update messages?15:29
Matsydajhorn: What would you recommend what a good brand is, then? :p15:29
mrmojoRedNifre_backup, take a look at planet.ubuntu.org15:29
Kin`Away_and it doesn't start15:29
dajhornMatsy: I buy retail and pay the premium.  I've gotten counterfeit media too often buying online.15:30
TEpicAny word on 10.04 final?15:31
Mean_Adminalso, to mess around with some c++, should I install Code::Block or Geany?15:31
fzerorubigd@ RedNifre_backup  http://release-blog.ubuntu.com/15:31
nmvictorSome few years  a new version redhat would be waited for, just like we are all waiting for Lucid, right now people have to purchase it and suffers the License restrictions, for a long time , Open suse has been commercial but maintaing a non commercial version anyway, with the remaining distros, ubuntu is most likely the next one to go commercial , Guys we need a way to be able to control ubuntu, as in limit the high authority otherwise, you might wondow 15:31
Phil_FLmrmojo, http://planet.ubuntu.com/ not .org15:31
oktayI have a problem with karmic. It's not going away and letting Lucid take over :)15:31
dajhornMatsy: Try to find an image of the part that you bought online, usually in the spec sheet of the OEM, and compare it to what you have in hand.15:31
mrmojosorry Phil_FL15:31
usr13Mean_Admin: Depends on you want to run it.15:31
Matsydajhorn: I bought this one online? I don't.. quite get your comment? ;(15:31
stodorovicnmvictor: fedora core?15:32
Mean_Adminusr13: sorry, can you rephrase that ?15:32
dajhornMatsy:  In my experience, dead-on-arrival media is much more likely to be a fake part.  YMMV.15:32
private_metaiphone + ssh + irssi ftw15:32
usr13Mean_Admin: Really, you don't need to uninstall the current version at all, just move firefox-3.6.3 to /usr/lib and then ln -sf /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.3 /usr/bin/15:32
arcskyubuntu 10.04 out?15:32
Mean_Adminusr13: all right :)15:32
cmajanocan anybody help? I'm trying to install my webcam but have problems... it's a creative webcam nx ultra, anybody?15:33
dudefacearcsky: the site should update soon, its being distributed15:33
usr13Mean_Admin: But you will need to blacklist firefox so that the next upgrade does not change the symlink.15:33
stodorovicubottu: help15:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:33
sliceany update on release15:33
cantomahey when is Ubuntu 10.04 Final Release out ?? <----15:33
cantomahey when is Ubuntu 10.04 Final Release out ?? <--------15:33
arcsky dudeface: thanks is the bug fixed?15:33
RedNifre_backupcantoma: When there are 2000 people in this channel15:33
Ge5icantoma dont spam :(15:33
Matsydajhorn: It came with my Android device as supplied by HTC, .. I mean, would they ever send fake cards?15:33
dudefacei asume so15:33
usr13Mean_Admin: sudo echo "firefox hold" | dpkg --set-selections15:34
dudefaceit should be in your local ftp shortly15:34
dudefaceor wait for the site15:34
Taliesin`dudeface: not seeing it on a 5min old mirror sync15:34
gartral i have a droid, and the adb suite lets you host a proxy over usb.  i need too figure out why terminal sessions aint listening too gnome-proxy settings15:34
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties15:34
dajhornMatsy: How big is the card?  I thought most OEMs were shipping 2GB or 4GB parts.15:34
Matsydajhorn: It's 8GB.15:35
dajhornMatsy: That is a sensible size for a bundle.15:35
gartraldajhorn: Moto Droids in us ship with a 16 gb card15:35
usr13Mean_Admin: But I suppoose that the next firefox upgrade may be to firefox-3.6.3 anyway, but if you already have it, no need to upgrade...15:35
cantomaGe5i, is final release data of Ubuntu considered Spam ?!15:35
shashwatpnswho controls the releases of ubuntu (the time,the date,command of updating the website,thecountdowns etc.)?15:35
remoteCTRL2what is it with this totem and avant bug, anybody heard of a fix yet?15:36
karlssonshashwatpns: Canonical Ltd.15:36
=== strongorder_ is now known as strongorder
Matsydajhorn: Meh, it wasn't a bundle, but it did say 8GB SD card on the page where I ordered my phone.15:36
Ge5icantoma , no its not, repeating a question is ....15:36
Phil_FLshashwatpns, the release team: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release15:36
suboneIs there anyway while booting from the Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD I can specify that all files to be installed should come from a USB drive inserted rather than the CD without having to boot fromt he USB drive?15:36
Imran-UKthats apparantly the cause of the delay15:36
dajhornMatsy: Maybe you got an open box.15:36
visofhello how can i check all harddisks ?15:36
Picivisof: for?15:37
cantomaGe5i, i was afraid that it would get missed15:37
Ganymedeis 1928 people in this channel usual?15:37
Picivisof: sudo touch /forcefsck   will force a fsck at next booth15:37
Taliesin`respin looks complete...15:37
usr13visof: fsck15:37
visofPici the all harddisks on my pc15:37
Phil_FLGanymede, no15:37
remoteCTRL2saubne why would you want to boot from cd but install from usb?15:37
karlssonMany mirrors already has the images in .dists but there could be a new one coming.15:37
visofPici i want to check if i have two harddisks or one or three or whatever ?15:37
visofPici df  ?15:38
Picivisof: sudo fdisk -l15:38
BrimstonesI piss on FEDORA: Mharris and those other loosers. I can code anything containing C and C++, QT and GTK. Any suggestions on where to start coding ?15:38
Espen-_-So whats going? Where is my Lynx?15:38
remoteCTRL2oh my...15:38
xompok, is there a way to download torrents from a linode box via command line? I wanna help distribute 10.04 when it arrives and have 100Gb of bandwidth to offer.15:38
dudefacewhats wrong with fedora?15:38
dudefacewe are all a happy foss family15:38
xomps/command line/terminal15:38
PiciBrimstones: This is the Ubuntu support channel, please take programming discussion to ##programming or #ubuntu-offtopic15:38
Astyxi like fedora15:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:39
Matsydajhorn: 8GB microSDHC (klasse 6)  Transcend Product  Life Time Warranty15:39
nmvictordudeface: yea, and I hope we keep it that way15:39
gartral i have a droid, and the adb suite lets you host a proxy over usb.  i need too figure out why terminal sessions aint listening too gnome-proxy settings15:39
Brimstonesdudeface: Loosers not equipped to deal with people and or love for code15:39
OerBrimstones, Fedora is nice. if you can code, you know your tools.15:39
Espen-_-xomp: you want rtorrent/libtorrent15:39
karlssonxomp: Yes, just install a bittorrent client like Transmission or rtorrent.15:39
Matsydajhorn: Means I just checked its serial number on the Transcend site, so apparently, it isn't a wrong card.15:39
BrimstonesOer: I am the tool master15:39
stodorovicBrimstones: what can you code?15:39
mournkayeI think a code-off is in order.15:39
dellphwhere can i download the new font of ubuntu?15:39
remoteCTRL2Pici: nothing you can do dude :D15:39
dudefacei code for xbmc, you could fix bugs there15:40
xompEspen-_-, karlsson thanks, I'll look into that15:40
dudefaceif you want somewhere to start15:40
=== StupyHAIRCUTZ is now known as Stupefy
Espen-_-xomp: your welcome :)15:40
BrimstonesI submit this text!15:40
stodorovicdudeface: do i need an xbox?15:40
Brimstonesecho -e "#include <stdio.h>\n int main(void) {\nprintf(\"\\\nI Rule ! ! ! \\\\n\\\\n\"); return 0;\\n}" > foo.c && gcc -Wall foo.c -o Rule && ./Rule15:40
Pici!ot | Brimstones15:40
ubottuBrimstones: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:40
dudefaceno, its cross platform now15:40
glennwhipplewhen is final release lucid supposed to be available for download15:40
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties15:40
geekphreakBrimstones:  stay with the topic plz15:40
BrimstonesFuck off please BOTS15:40
Piciglennwhipple, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party15:40
karlssonhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/ <-- there could still come new images however.15:41
Imran-UKBrimstones, please don't swear here15:41
remoteCTRL2hehe i knew it15:41
matt32124234hi Companion-Cube!15:41
matt32124234it's stdout!15:41
Matsydajhorn: But, it's like 30 euros to fix it. When a new card is only 22 euros ;(15:41
suboneCan I somehow replace the currently running CD with a USB drive so that the ubuntu install doesnt know the difference? i need to install from the files on the usb drive not the live cd15:41
stodorovicdudeface: what kind of scm do you use? i might be willing to devote some of my time to fix bugs etc.15:41
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:42
remoteCTRL2so whats qwith it now is it out or what?15:42
Ganymedeis it...so hard to wait until like apr 30th? then you won't have to ask if it's out yet...or do people have a really urgent need to deploy 10.04 NOW?15:42
xompEspen-_-, once I download I can wget the torrent to 10.04 once it's released and then somehow start the torrent from the terminal and it will download/seed?15:42
=== tyler is now known as Guest3498
* matt32124234 is already running Lucid15:43
=== Guest3498 is now known as digismack
matt32124234so no urgency at all15:43
SuperRoachI just hope the update process from 9.10 is painless ;)15:43
cantomaany system requirements for ubuntu 10.04 ??? or it will run on my old 486 ???15:43
remoteCTRL2Ganymede: like it was so different by tomorrow :D15:43
Espen-_-xomp: http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki/RTorrentUserGuide tells you all you need to know :)15:44
usr13cantoma: It will run on your old 486 as long as you do not start X15:44
flodineanyone using xmonad with ubuntu?15:44
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qwdflodine: just ask what you want to know15:44
gartral i have a droid, and the adb suite lets you host a proxy over usb.  i need too figure out why terminal sessions aint listening too gnome-proxy settings. sorry for the reposts, pidgin is overloading my proxy and shutting it dfown every few minutes15:45
xompEspen-_-, lol I'm afraid I'm a big noob, I'll try and make sense of all that though15:45
=== sash_mobile is now known as sash_
cantomausr13, and is it possible to install it without starting X?15:45
flodineim trying to start the program xmobar at the login.15:45
Espen-_-xomp: when you are in rtorrent just hit backspace and paste the url for the .torrent file :)15:45
remoteCTRL2has anybody else seen avant doing weird stuff after maximizing totem?15:45
xompEspen-_-, ah haha cheers! I need to know how to stop the torrent all together too so I don't go over my cap limit :)15:46
circuitmanhelp me how to acces host os files on my guest os15:46
geekphreakcantoma:  like a minimal install you mean?15:46
cantomageekphreak, like debian netinstall does15:47
gartral i have a droid, and the adb suite lets you host a proxy over usb.  i need too figure out why terminal sessions aint listening too gnome-proxy settings. sorry for the reposts, pidgin is overloading my proxy and shutting it dfown every few minutes15:47
geekphreakcantoma: yes there is ubuntu version of it too15:47
respireok gnomies, how can i make applications start on a specific workspace so firefox always opens on workspace 2 and nautilus on 315:47
shruggarcan anyone recommend a good command-line tool I can use to connect to an IMAP account and organize incoming mail into directories with some filter rules?15:47
=== CaptainTrek is now known as CaptainLucid
Zed`shruggar: alpine15:48
nmvictorConecting to http://release.ubuntu.com/10.04/*.iso ... [Connection lost:server refused connection due to grub]15:48
StupefyIs anyone willing to help me out with this grub error that I got?15:48
StupefyWill pay in waffles15:49
Zed`is 10.04 available?15:49
dudefacesure is buddy15:49
usr13cantoma: sudo update-rc.d gdm remove15:49
Zed`main web site does not show it15:49
SickPuppyanyone do the update this morning and have it break the nvidia driver ?15:49
dudefaceit wont for a while15:49
PiciZed`, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party15:49
MikkizZed` join channel: ubuntu-release-party15:49
dudefacei got kicked from ubuntu-release-party, and i am unsure why15:50
remoteCTRL2haha kk you finally got me15:50
cantomausr13, i could use a minimal window manager like window maker15:50
stodorovicis this a good time to update a machine to 9.10 given that all these impatient people will start hitting the ubuntu servers and mirrors soon ? :(15:50
XcellSickPuppy-   did you try reinstalling the drivers  ?15:50
xomplol I can find no mention on how someone would actually START rtorrent :315:50
Dr_Willisstodorovic:  i would wait  a few days perhaps.15:50
matt321242349.10? No, stodorovic15:50
usr13cantoma: That is possible, I suppose15:50
xompapparently this is general knowldege eh?15:50
SickPuppyXcell: no not yet15:50
dudefaceusually you just type rtorrent15:50
Dr_Willisxomp:  run 'rtorrent' in a terminal15:50
Matsystodorovic, I'd suggest migrating to a Windows based OS.15:50
xompDr_Willis, thanks15:51
jbroomestodorovic: doesn't that make you one of the impatient people?15:51
stodorovicDr_Willis: thought so. unfortunately i cant - client wants machine done asap15:51
dudefaceyou may to create an rtorrent.rc file in your home folder15:51
stodorovicjbroome: no since i'm not after lusic. i'm just setting up other bits in opensuse to do a netinstall15:51
Dr_Willisstodorovic:   then they get to sit through the updates i guess  that it will want.15:51
stodorovicMatsy: what kind of an answer is that?!15:52
matt32124234hi Xynth15:52
Matsystodorovic, a good one, if I may say so. ;p15:52
Xynththat's weird15:52
stodorovicMatsy: no :)15:52
XynthI thought I changed that..15:52
=== Xynth is now known as Aug
XcellSickPuppy-  are they the drivers from nvidia site  ?15:52
spenser_\join #ubuntu-release-party15:52
Matsystodorovic, there are no more updates for Windows coming up in the coming days. So, you're pretty much safe there.15:53
uiuiuihi everyone, am using ubuntu do share internet conenction to many users15:53
uiuiuiis there a way to know how many users are conencted15:53
uiuiuiand who is connected?15:53
SickPuppyXcell: yes they are I believe15:53
uiuiuii would like to be able to figure this out incase i need to block someone15:53
usr13cantoma: But ubuntu may not be best for the old 486.  It is a boat anchor, but if it has MS Win-3.1.1, it is probably better off where it is.  Ubuntu is a highly advanced OS intended for advanced hardware. A 486 is basically obsolete,  (very old, very obsolete).15:53
tutu360 VERIFY REGISTER tutu360 52052015:53
XcellSickPuppy-  alt+f4  and reinstall them15:53
xompDr_Willis, any idea how to limit upload with rtorrent?15:53
uiuiuilooking at dhcp3 leases gives much more info than what is needed15:54
cantomausr13, ;) its dead don't worry15:54
poutinetutu360, fail15:54
cantomausr13, the oldest i have is a PIII15:54
sanbluetooth is disabled how do i enable it? i tried a lot but it is not enabling15:54
BCS-Satoriuiuiui: first ask your question in 1 line..second look into "netstat"15:54
usr13cantoma: So that was a hypothetical question?15:54
SickPuppyXcell: I guess I'll have to read up on installing from the console15:54
sturdDid anyone get a "symbol: 'grub_puts_' not found" error when testing the Beta/RC's??15:54
sani installed blueman, kbluetooth but still no effect bluetooth is disabled by system can anyone help me15:54
henchieHi! when is the 10.04 gonna be released? I was told it was today? But it seems not...15:55
cantomausr13, well PIII would probably not work ok with Gnome15:55
san29th april15:55
XcellSickPuppy-  the directions are on nvidias site, nice and simple15:55
* Idioteque is getting high high high....15:55
sturdThey're testing a GRUB bugfix at the minute15:55
fisonsHow can  I connect and authenticate with IRC from 2 Computers at the same time (with the same identity)? Do i have to create a second identity (<uname>_work, <uname>_home)?15:55
thropeis there a program to boot linux from inside windows - I have a dual boot machine and need to switch between remotely - from liniux I can change grub default, but from windows (7) I dont know how to boot into linux (can't edit menu.lst from windows)15:55
henchiesan- Well then it is today!15:55
sanhenchie: srry?15:56
XcellSickPuppy-  just make sure you put the drivers in your home folder15:56
dagny_taggartfisons:  check out irssi and screen15:56
SickPuppyXcell: should I remove them before reinsalling ?15:56
BCS-Satorithrope: vmware or virtualbox?15:56
kiraiHEEEY IM LOOKING YOUR STREAM, no video, just sound whats the problem?15:56
sancan anyone help me out my bluetooth is disabled its not enabling15:56
usr13thrope: You might consider running MS Windows from virtualbox15:56
thropeBCS-Satori: neither - it is a real machine15:56
henchieSan- Sorry, I thought you answered my question15:56
sanany terminal command to enable bluetooth?15:56
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fisonsdagny_taggart: using empathy with lucid right now, no way to do this with empathy?15:56
thropeusr13: yep ... but thats something else... in this case I have a dual boot physical machine and I need to switch remotely15:56
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BCS-Satorithrope: you mean you have a physical partition you want to boot while in windows?15:56
SickPuppyXcell: ok, thank you,,I'm off to read at the nvidia site15:56
dagny_taggartfisons: don't know sorry, i'm not an empathy user15:57
thropei used to be able to do it with windows ext2 driver but i don think it works on 7 with ext415:57
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XcellSickPuppy-  use the 195.36.1515:57
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thropeBCS-Satori: a dual boot physical machine... I need to be able to select what it will boot too next time from either linux or windows.... linux is easy - just change grub default... from windows I would like to reboot into linux15:57
usr13thrope: o15:57
Gesiwhen will ubuntu 10.04 be available15:57
mr_louAnyone using anyRemote?15:58
thropeBCS-Satori: i thgouth there used to be a program to boot from windows15:58
sanbluetooth doesnt work with usb bluetooth stick please help15:58
Azelphur!isitoutyet | gesi15:58
ubottugesi: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:58
kiraiubuntu 10.04 - POWER TO THE PEOPLES!15:58
SickPuppyXcell: yeah I thinkn I was using the 173 version until now15:58
cantomawho suggested the name Lucid??15:58
XcellSickPuppy-  what card15:58
sturdThe names are amazing15:58
sturdI heart the next one's called Maveric Meercat!15:59
usr13cantoma: I thought you did...15:59
GesiAzelphur thanks15:59
cantomausr13, i missed that day15:59
BCS-Satorithrope: just to understand...you are in windows and you wish to boot your linux (while windows is running) right?15:59
xompAzelphur, get off my #ubuntu15:59
SickPuppyXcell: NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)15:59
Azelphurxomp: NO U.15:59
SickPuppyXcell: thats what lspci returns15:59
Xcelllook for the 173 then, being a fx card15:59
SickPuppyXcell: ok will do16:00
thropeBCS-Satori: i dont care... windows will die - I want to reboot into linux (but to be in windows grub will be defaulting to windows)... I thiought there was a program in windows that would boot to linux (and kill your windows session)16:00
azmHi. I have problem with sound in media players. Sound works well in browser like last.fm and youtube16:00
hacked_kernelWhen Ubuntu 10.04 will be released??16:00
Picihacked_kernel, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party16:00
usr13thrope: Change grub's boot order before rebooting.16:00
Kin`Away_do you know where can I find the repositories for this application Practice Spanish Verbs - KV erbos?16:01
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression16:01
BCS-Satorithrope: oh you lost your grub boot loader; you only see windows loader now16:01
usr13thrope: You could have two files and just swich back and forth.16:01
thropeusr13: yes but cant switch from windows16:01
thropeBCS-Satori: no, grub works16:01
Ganymedemust be hard getting real technical support here today...16:01
smithhi i am using xchat how would i connect to another server that isn't listed under the available servers?16:01
thropeBCS-Satori: i need to be able to reboot from linux to windows and windows to linux remotely16:01
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thropei think grub boot_once option can do it...16:01
emetsmith, /server <hostname>16:02
thropedefault always to linux then boot_once to windows when I need...16:02
usr13thrope: Oh yea... well scratch that idea.  Why can't you just run MS Windows from virtualbox?16:02
Mokee269sigh... 64 bit firefox flash plugin still a problem???16:02
BCS-Satorithrope: i agree with usr1316:02
emetMokee269, it is still alpha16:02
thropeusr13: a couple of reasons, it would be easier for most stuff16:02
jribMokee269: nope16:02
rahmanHi, is there a channel for ubuntu server?16:02
azmsound works in browser but no in media players like vlc, smplayer etc. HALP !16:03
jribrahman: hidden away in #ubuntu-server but you can ask here as well16:03
Mokee269well, I can't play youtube videos and hmmm, when i have tried alternative ways of installing the plugin, it says erro: flash something is virtual16:03
Mokee269and I can't get videos on web to play , and I wish to watch a tutorial :/16:03
stodorovicMokee269: it says that? what's it?16:03
soundboy45any suggestions for torrent client on ubuntu server?16:03
BCS-SatoriMokee269: 64 bit?16:03
smithhi i am using xchat how would i connect to another server that isn't listed under the available servers?16:03
emetsmith, /server <hostname>16:03
soundboy45either 64 or 32 bit16:04
Mokee26964 bit 10.04 , and hmm,16:04
Mokee269I think under 9.10 it was working16:04
emetsmith, /server irc.foobar.com (for example)16:04
Xcellsmith-   go to the network in xchat and add the new server16:04
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jribsoundboy45: bittornado, rtorrent?16:04
BCS-SatoriMokee269: see http://johnbokma.com/mexit/2008/11/25/64-bit-adobe-flash-ubuntu.html16:04
Mokee269okidokie.. than you BCS-Satori16:04
soundboy45thank you16:04
BCS-SatoriMokee269: welcome16:05
ianwizardalmost 2k16:06
bscapehi all, i was wondering if i could get some advice.  i'm going for a relatively minimal system on my laptop, would be it better to go with ubuntu alternate or ubuntu server?16:06
dudefacexubuntu possibly16:06
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dudefaceubuntu and minimal dont really go together16:07
attemptserver haven't a gui .16:07
doobrybscape, this system i'm on is installed from the mini iso, and then i just add what i want, its not that hard16:08
inayetis this the colorado drupal irc?16:09
Mokee269BCS-Satori, quick question I tried both ways installing plugin (libplayer.so thingy and by downloading via adobes site, .apt package.. so i deleted manually the.so file.. how do I uninstall the apt part when not sure... )16:09
Mokee269apt-search | grep "flash"16:09
Mokee269then remove or?16:09
bscapedoobry: yeah, that's what i've been using as well :)16:09
Mokee269lool ok apt-search doesnt exist :p16:09
sanusb bluetooth is not working can anyone help me please16:10
RickyGwhere is muh Lucid!!16:10
BCS-SatoriMokee269: which apt one did you install16:10
bscapeis there really a difference between mini and alternate?16:10
doobrybscape, i just have a virtualbox image of the "full thing" to see what i might be missing, and take what i like16:10
|Avi|when will 10 be out?16:10
BCS-SatoriMokee269: try sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree16:10
doobrybscape, i think the only difference is that the mini downloads everything16:10
sanit is really sad i went through many forums usb bluetooths dont work in ubuntu16:10
sh4d3sl4y3r_ETA for Ubuntu 10.04 ?16:11
Mokee269BCS-Satori, http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ then chose16:11
Picish4d3sl4y3r_, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party16:11
Mokee269apt for 9.04+16:11
dmlinuxyeah eta damint16:11
sanany ubuntu expert here? please help me usb bluetooth doesnt work16:11
dudeface1hr 19min according to the countdown16:11
CaptainLucidDON'T ASK about release time, because it will be released when its released16:11
sh4d3sl4y3r_: )16:11
|Avi|well i only have 11 hours left of downloads for the offpeak of the month16:11
CaptainLucidNOBODY knows the time16:11
dmlinuxoh that sucks balls16:11
|Avi|else i cant get it for the whole of next month16:12
CaptainLucid!language | dmlinux16:12
ubottudmlinux: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:12
Mokee269when i download now it says...l package adobe-flashplugin; is virtual16:12
BCS-SatoriMokee269: looking16:12
sh4d3sl4y3r_lol @ language16:12
Mokee269try : oh, that sucks lollipops ;p16:12
|Avi|stupid optus16:12
dmlinuxsorry :(16:12
stodorovicMokee269: lol :D16:12
RickyGlol language16:12
benkevanhttp://www.freetechie.com/blog/things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/ < :D16:12
doobryMokee269, you on 64bit?16:12
Mokee269yes doo16:13
Mokee269 *16:13
BCS-SatoriMokee269: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_64bit.html16:13
Mokee269but i need ot remove first right the one i just tried?16:13
XpistosDo we have an eta yet/16:13
stollywhen ?16:13
nukelacityhey guys does anyone know when ubuntu 10.04 will be finally released? its supposed to be today but its not there16:13
benkevannukelacity: It's still today isn't it?16:14
JackdamielsI got problems with adding a new wired connection in network manager on ubuntu 9.10. When I add a connection with static IP , J can not see it when I click on toolbar icon, and therefore I cannt connect, plz help16:14
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BCS-Satorinukelacity: join #ubuntu-release-party16:14
stodorovicyay got TFTP installed and working -- now to QUICKLY install Ubuntu!!16:14
nukelacitythankivoo very much :)16:14
nmvictor  nukelacity i hear their is a hitch that was stumpled upon at the 11th hours, so probably no one knows when16:14
Mokee269yaps... ok BCS-Satori got that one now.. but hmm not sure if the one i just tried got installed you see....  blah16:14
ianwizardnukelacity: we are all awaiting it, but there was a last minute bug with grub.  the official channel for waiting for it is over at #ubuntu-release-party16:14
boournsgparted is crashing for me in 10.04 - take a look http://pastebin.com/w27uBKEw - any ideas?16:14
nukelacityyeah ianwizard i read they fixed it16:15
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gnusarhow does an upgrade work? does it keep my applications and drivers or does it vanish everything so that it is equivalent to a fresh install on the partition?16:15
Mokee269nevermind, I just wonder.. how do i search apt?16:15
stodorovicgnusar: probably a mixture of the two16:15
Mokee269(apt-sort say) | grep "adobe"?16:15
BCS-SatoriMokee269: just put the .so in the plugin folder; close and reopen firefox.  You can check to see if it loaded by doing about:plugins in the URL in firefox to see its in that list16:15
OERIASsomeone send me to the the release party IRC16:16
Schmidt_hi everyone!16:16
Mokee269BCS-Satori,  sure but it states specifically to uninstall first, so thoguht id like to make sure th eother one is gone before i mmessi tu p but ok ill give it a go16:16
matt3206hi i am using xchat and i would like to connect to another server not listed in the drop down menu16:16
BCS-SatoriMokee269: it will show up as "Shockware Flash" in about:plugins16:16
greenstayerhello world16:16
konradupgrad: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview16:16
sancan anyone help me? usb bluetooth not working16:16
matt3206how do i manually set the server that i want to connest to16:16
OERIAShey Ubuntu 10.04 is now officially out16:16
gnusarstodorovic: thats what i figured.. i'll propably just install it myself.. thanks16:16
|Avi|it is?16:17
insertyournameheI need help with squirrelmail, can somebody help with?16:17
BCS-SatoriMokee269: just remove the old .so in the plugins folder as well as run "sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree"16:17
konradwhere it is offical out?16:17
|Avi|nah isnt16:17
konradon ubuntu.com is nothing16:17
jimbauwens@san : what ubuntu version are you using?16:17
rahmanWell, need to move our mail server to a new machine. I installed postfix dovecort and libsasl2 to the new machine and copied all config files to new machine ( like /etc/postfix/*) The problem is webmail errors; smtp is not configured. Users can see their mailbox but cant send or recieve any mail. I can telnet localhost 25 and ehlo localhost in old machine with success. But cant do it in new one. The new machine listens 25 port and postfix starts without erro16:17
digitalstimulusis there a channel for lucid (beta/RC)?16:17
JackdamielsI got problems with adding a new wired connection in network manager on ubuntu 9.10. When I add a connection with static IP , J can not see it when I click on toolbar icon, and therefore I cannt connect, plz help16:17
Schmidt_i have a question! i'm from #ubuntu-ru (sorry for my english =) ) We are waiting for 10.04 LTS . Do you now when?16:17
sanjimbauwens: 9.10 karmic16:17
Mokee269BCS-Satori, yes the second line was what I was lookoign for16:18
konradkarmic too16:18
StephenLinuxwhats wrong with grub to cause the late release?16:18
stodorovicanyone else think 'karmic' reminds them of 'garlic' ?16:18
sananyone please help me usb bluetooth not working i went through many forums and sites but dint got any solution16:18
jimbauwens@san : does there apear a bluetooth logo in the top panel16:18
phpsboourns: gparted works for me (fully updated, 64bit)16:18
konradmaybe your bluetooth adapter is not supportet yet16:18
boournsphps, hmm, thanks.  i'm fully updated 32 bit16:19
StephenLinuxor no module installed?16:19
sanjimbauwens: yes it is running there is a icon but it is disabled and it isnt enabling16:19
Mandrewanyone here that have good knowledge about SSD:s?16:19
sani tried everything16:19
konrada bit16:19
stodorovicsan: if you tried everything then you would have tried the solution that would have fixed it16:19
OERIAScan some one send to the release pary?16:19
boournscan anyone with 32 bit 10.04 try opening gparted and see if it crashes?16:19
DigexPA littel16:19
Tha_Druidikawhen it is ready? ^^16:19
saninstalled bluetooth manager ever kbluetooth but still it is disabled16:19
santhere is not solution16:19
sanits a bug16:19
raedigitalstimulus: official Lucid Lynx channel is #ubuntu+116:19
Mokee269hmmm , no still not working :(16:20
sani went through many forums none had solution16:20
Mokee269and flash not showing up in plugins16:20
Jackdamielswhat network manager are you using , not the default one?16:20
jimbauwenssan, what is its type number16:20
BCS-SatoriMokee269: where did you put the .so what folder16:20
sanstodorovic: go to ubuntuforums and search for usb bluetooth u will see none is solved thread16:20
digitalstimulusrae, thanks!16:20
sanjimbauwens: sorry? dint got you16:21
jimbauwensproduct number, brand16:21
BCS-Satorimokee269: my libflashplayer.so is in /home/<username>/.mozilla/plugins try putting it there16:21
sanhow do i get that info?16:21
stodorovicsan: no. but you need to read the guide on asking sensible questions document by ESR16:21
BCS-SatoriMokee269: not the . (dot) mozilla is a hidden folder16:21
jimbauwensdoesn't it say on the back of the stick?16:21
BCS-SatoriMokee269: note*]16:22
Xpistosdoes ubuntu plan to have support in Meerkat for btrfs?16:22
Mokee269do i put it in extensions or create the oflder plugins?16:22
sanstodorovic: if you want to help then help dont comment m already tired16:22
UndadawgI, I i'm having trouble setting up my triple boot machine. I have Windows 7 and Mac OSX on two seperatate hard disks and they are dual booting fine with the chameleon bootloader. I just attempted to install ubuntu from liveCD which i downloaded and burned from the ubuntu website. During intallation i the option to "install side by side to windows" and resized the windows partition to make room for Ubuntu(250GB of 1TB), i also selected t16:22
Mokee269(nvm that16:22
chadiright now, i Have packages to update in the update manager. I'm on karmic. Are these the lucid updates?16:22
PaperBoyguys -rwxr-xr-x  is what 750?16:22
stodorovicsan: i am saying most people will not be able to help you unless you can help us better understand your problem.16:22
sanjimbauwens: how do i get the info? of brand and type number16:22
stodorovicPaperBoy: no. 75516:22
PaperBoythank you stodorvic16:22
jimbauwensis the module a usb stick?16:23
sanstodorovic: problem is simple usb bluetooth is running, there is a icon on top but it is disabled by system i cant enable it tried a lot16:23
Pici!ru | roma16:23
ubotturoma: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:23
sameer-ed85PaperBoy: rwx is 7 r-x is 5 r-x is 516:23
stodorovicsan: can you poke about and figure out what it's doing?16:24
uLinuxIf I uninstall unrar non-free can I install it later if trial days passed?16:24
sanjimbauwens: yes its a usb stick16:24
romaWhen leaves new ubuntu?16:24
claytonwalkerQuestion: I get annoyed by grub. How do I hide it when I start up Ubuntu? Online, it says something about a menu.lst, but I don't seem to have one on my HD.16:24
=== Ganymede is now known as a
bentkusclaytonwalker: you want to boot right into ubuntu?16:24
uLinuxIf I uninstall unrar non-free can I install it later if trial days passed?16:24
sanstodorovic: sorry?16:24
Xcellclaytonwalker-  hit shift on boot  ?16:24
Mokee269sigh BCS-Satori didnt work.. and hmm probably because the pacakge nonfree wasnt found... so maybe adobe installed a different named one :/16:24
BCS-SatoriMokee269: if you do not have a plugins folder make one16:24
jimbauwensif you unplug it, and look on the back, does there say a number16:24
claytonwalkerbentkus: Yes.16:24
stodorovicsan: you need to investigate and trace what's happening.16:24
twalczakIs anyone here running Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro?16:24
bentkusit might be not the best way, since you cant supply anymore anykind of debug messages16:24
Mokee269yes I did BCS-Satori.. but also when I get the install missing plugins bar in ff, the list is empty when I click on install16:25
ortsvorsteherhi, how to install the programm "create a usb startup disk" in ubuntu 8.0416:25
Rahula59can someone help me on codeblocks ?16:25
sanstodorovic: how16:25
Undadawgcan some1 help me, my chameleon bootloader won't recognize ubuntu16:25
BCS-SatoriMokee269: if "about:plugins" does not show in mozilla then flash isn't installed (manually and apt-get)16:25
bentkusclaytonwalker: if ubuntu fries and you want to somehow start it in debug mode, you wont be able to do that anymore16:25
thevishyis lucid now official ?16:25
stodorovicsan: the same way all inquisitive minds will investigate. draw diagrams and figure out what calls what, and what happens when someyihng else happens etc.16:25
konraduse a live CD of ubuntu 9.10 and then under system16:25
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claytonwalkerbentkus: That's quite alright, I would just like to know the process.16:26
gpetrakisi think not yet16:26
Mokee269i forgot .. what is the search for apt packages so i can grep for adobe?16:26
konradno lucid isn't offical out16:26
jimbauwenssan, run 'dmesg | grep bluetooth'16:26
BCS-SatoriMokee269: what is in your "addon's" inside firefox?16:26
macman_hey all im trying to catch rtmp streams via rtmpdump and opera .. nothing is working .. does anyone else have methods that will work ?16:26
ortsvorsteherhi, how to install the programm "create a usb startup disk" in ubuntu 8.0416:26
Mokee269and BCS-Satori, no when i do help -> about, i just get verson no pluygins... if i go to tools -> addons and check plugins no, flash aint installed, so ye the vids dont work16:26
Undadawgcan some1 please pm me, how do i get chameleon bootloader to recognize my ubuntu install (i selected not to install grub bootlaoder during the liveCD install)16:26
uLinuxHow do I compress rar in ubuntu?16:26
Mokee269i got the .so file both in /usr/lib/ and in ~/.moz....16:26
bentkusclaytonwalker: actually i dont know and im interested in that too16:27
gpetrakiswhy does 10.04 delay?16:27
bentkusso im googling with you mate16:27
beyondenigmawill lucid be released today?16:27
StephenLinux@gpetrekis: grub...16:27
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konradwhy you don't use ubuntu 9.1016:27
konradjust use a live cd16:27
Mokee269beyondenigma, its meant to, but prolly by tomorrow for sure.. it comes when it comes ;p16:27
uLinuxHow do I compress rar in ubuntu?16:27
gpetrakiswhat grub16:27
sturd1987 the year i was born!!16:27
hashed_uLinux: 7zip is a handy tool16:27
bentkusi believe that you have to got some kind of bootloader16:27
uLinuxstop with off topic pls and help me16:27
konradapt-get install rar16:28
StephenLinux@uLinux: use the rar cli, or use the archive manager16:28
Undadawgi have the chameleon bootloader and it alreayd boots my windows 7 and mac osx corretly16:28
beyondenigmai think its due to LTS version16:28
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uLinuxhashed_ I have 7zip installed and it doesnt compress to .rar16:28
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StephenLinuxLTS just has to work... with bugs they cant release16:28
bentkusclaytonwalker: actually i dont think that its possible to boot without grub or lilo, but you can set the waiting time to 0 or 116:28
StephenLinux@uLinux: sudo apt-get install rar16:28
hashed_uLinux: oh, woops. :)16:28
ykphuahhow many hours before 1004?16:29
gpetrakisso we have to wait...16:29
uLinuxStephenLinux is that free?16:29
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BCS-SatoriMokee269: I'm not sure then you have something messed up go through Synaptic and search flash and see if you have something installed16:29
panixcan i upgrade fromt the older LTS ?16:29
bentkusclaytonwalker: if you install windows one a pc without other OSes, it will install a really really small bootloader aswell, so you cant actually see the bootloader when its booting16:29
StephenLinux@uLinux: its free, the man rar for its params16:29
claytonwalkerbentkus: What I'm asking is, how do I hide it? I just don't want to see it. I would like Grub to load the first Linux kernal that pops up (which is Ubuntu) and be done with it.16:29
icerootpanix: yes16:29
gpetrakisfistly to the next release16:30
usr13panix: What?16:30
Simasdoes ubuntu support Radeon 9700 well?16:30
RickyGnoob ops16:30
uLinuxStephenLinux it's shareware i think16:30
uLinux0 days16:30
gpetrakisyou can only upgrade fro the previous release16:30
digitaloktayyes Simas with option nomodeset16:30
IdiotequeI heard its out16:30
Liquid-Silenceis ubuntu not supposed to be released yet?16:30
Idiotequebut its not... is it...16:30
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panixhow do i change the buttons like they should be ?16:31
bentkusclaytonwalker: are you using the 9.04+?16:31
Tcalphey all .. I've instuall ubuntu 'server' w/LAMP  to have a 'test / dev' server on my network16:31
StephenLinux@uLinux: ive been running it free ages16:31
stodorovicuhh... ubutnu installer says "Installation step failed" -> failing step = "Select and Install software" on a netboot 9.10 install. Anyone got ideas if this is common, or a network outage issue due to 10.04 ?16:31
claytonwalkerbentkus: Nah, I'm on the 10.04 RC.16:31
Idiotequepeople in #ubuntu-release-party have already lost their heads16:31
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bentkusyeah thats grub2, dunno if there will be some pages describing how to deal with that16:31
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lunganWhen will the 10.04 appear in the update manager?16:31
panixhow tho i change the button the way they should be ?16:31
StephenLinux@uLinux: thats odd, last time i installed it was free16:31
Undadawgwhich channel can i join to get help with multi-booting16:31
uLinuxStephenLinux if i go to software center and search for RAR it says is free but shareware16:32
claytonwalkerbentkus: This is my secondary comp, so I don't mind breaking the OS. At all.16:32
Tcalpbut I'm not really a linux user ,, I'm fairly familiar with how to login as my user via SSH and run commands but my user doesn't have access to the www folder  sudo as root doesn't seem to be helping much16:32
gpetrakiswhen it 's out16:32
ortsvorsteheryes, i want to use 9.10 but i have here an 8.04 installed and i need to create a usb startup disk to install 9.10 64bit konrad16:32
usr13Undadawg: What do you need?16:32
dudefacethe new site is up, and is looking great16:32
Undadawgi'm having trouble setting up my triple boot machine. I have Windows 7 and Mac OSX on two seperatate hard disks and they are dual booting fine with the chameleon bootloader. I just attempted to install ubuntu from liveCD which i downloaded and burned from the ubuntu website. During intallation i the option to "install side by side to windows" and resized the windows partition to make room for Ubuntu(250GB of 1TB), i also selected the op16:32
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:32
valpdany word on the updated release schedule?16:32
konradand you are not able to install from a normal cd?16:32
konrador just upgrading16:32
uLinuxso much offtopic today16:33
usr13Undadawg: Yes.. and...?16:33
hashed_oh yay... release is today?  :D16:33
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ortsvorsteheri have no normal cd konrad16:33
Mokee269BCS-Satori, SORTED! sorry.. I dont get it16:33
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ian_anybody know how to get the up down part of a scroll pad working??16:33
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StephenLinux@uLinux: id use it for now, ive been using for about 6months without registering16:33
UndadawgHow do i get chameleon to recognize my ubuntu install16:33
lunganWhen will Lucid lynx be released if not released today?16:33
BCS-SatoriMokee269: so its working?16:33
IdiotequeRiderz, pm me16:33
Mokee269I did  mkdir plugins, sudo cp blabla to .mozilla... but just now looked again16:33
Mokee269and the folder was never created somehow??16:33
StephenLinuxwhen the fix the bugs, it will release16:33
konradjust get it: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download16:34
madrazrHello everyone, I have a dell 1458 studio machine with ATI radeon card and Sound is not working on both Karmic and Lucid, can some one help me please?16:34
StephenLinuxthey cant force quick release of LTS16:34
gpetrakiswhat type of bugs?16:34
StephenLinuxgrub issues ive heard16:34
usr13Undadawg: We do not support chameleon16:34
Mokee269when i went through gui browser... so makde it again n copied and yes of course it worked! sorry BCS-Satori YES it is working.. but seriously, I created and copied foldeer and file in terminal so dont get how it didnt happen :/16:34
Mokee269sorry for the extra time due to that (so weird though :/)16:34
sje46isn't there a channel specifically for Lucid?16:34
nompanyone familiar with clamav????16:34
Mokee269thank BCS-Satori!!!16:34
usr13unimatrix: Use grub.16:34
BCS-SatoriMokee269: no worries glad it is working; when you want to upgrade your flash just go back to adobe's site and replace the .so file in the plugins folder16:35
LucidOne!lucid | sje4616:35
ubottusje46: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:35
ortsvorsteherkonrad, you dont understand. i downloaded 9.10 64 bit and now i need to create a usb startup disk. i have only a usb stick here16:35
mcurringtonHow do I upgrade from karmic to lucid? I can't seem to find any options in Update Manager or Software Sources.. On another system I was using it just asked me in the top of my Update Manager.. ?16:35
usr13Undadawg: Use grub16:35
sje46thanks, LucidOne16:35
BCS-SatoriMokee269: gotta jet have a conference downtown to go to. cya16:35
Mokee269enjoy and thanks again... :)16:35
gpetrakisit 's not released yet.16:35
konradortsvorsteher: once more... you already have a 9.10 64 bit CD-Version?16:36
StephenLinuxto update to lucide (RC) update-manager -d16:36
wfaulkany pointers on tracking down performance issues under moderate HD load?16:36
ircipimpis there some tool like (s)locate, which is able to look for files matching a given md5 checksum?16:36
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King_ArthurWhy isn't #ubuntu the trending topic on twitter?16:36
stodorovicwfaulk: what kernel?16:36
cabaromcurrington: sudo update-manager -d      but its still release candidate16:36
wfaulkresponse becomes jerky, like it's having trouble handling interrupts16:36
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usr13wfaulk: top16:36
ortsvorsteherno konrad i downloaded a iso image to my harddrive with ubuntu 9.10 64 bit16:36
ircipimpi've sent a file with an undescriptive name per mail and want to locate the source on my disk16:36
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wfaulkstodorovic: 2.6.32-21-generic16:37
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wfaulkusr13: it's not a cpu issue16:37
stodorovicwfaulk: what IO elevator and what type of hard drive and what disk controller?16:37
usr13wfaulk: I didn't say it was...16:37
konradah, now I understand16:37
stodorovicwfaulk: and what filesystem type?16:37
StephenLinuxanyone use zsh?16:37
RedNifre_backupit's 2010!16:37
konradthen you can use unetbootin16:37
konradtry this http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/16:37
ortsvorsteherkonrad, i try16:37
wfaulkusr13: what would you like me to do with top?16:37
usr13wfaulk: display linux tasks16:38
konradwhat's your problem with unetbootin?16:38
stodorovicwfaulk: because it sounds similar to https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1230916:38
wfaulkstodorovic: sata drive, looking for controller16:38
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois16:38
stodorovicwfaulk: which i'm not sure is even fixed16:38
wfaulkstodorovic: don't know what an IO elevator is16:38
erufusorry i mean hello ^^16:39
panixso i dont have any issues with sabayon at the moment so can i socialize with the community ?16:39
restfulAmfCant wait to download the stable 10.0416:39
Oerpanix have fun16:39
amosekwhats the date of final lucid release?16:40
StephenLinuxamosek: not said yet16:40
usr13amosek: We don't know16:40
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StephenLinuxamosek: bugs witrh grub16:40
* FardadJalili loves linux16:40
Oera.t.a. today16:40
will`it is never coming out16:40
restfulAmfnow in our country cause its 29 but i think europe is behind 1 day16:40
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wfaulkstodorovic: sounds similar at least16:40
dotnettedhey all - what's the best way to test audio input on a webcam? gstreamer-properties lets me pull up a feed of video input but the sound test isn't working - It does work on various softphone apps I have though, but it doesn't work on gnome-sound-recorder16:40
cabaroalso bugs with intel display drivers16:40
Rahula59hello, can somebody help me for codeblocks ?16:40
StephenLinuxRahula59: whjats up?16:41
mermeyesHello everyone, Is that true that 3G usb modem can't sniff anything? I have run ettercap and wireshark, and it said that the device doesnt support for sniffing.16:41
StephenLinuxhow do you send messages to specific users?16:41
usr13I wish they would NOT set an exact release date.16:41
ian_mermyes i have had a similar problem with my wireless card16:41
Rahula59i get this message while compiling over and over : "Your project seems not to have been build yet do you want to build it now ?"16:41
uLinuxhttp://www.acetoneteam.org/ Ubuntu download link doesnt work so where can I download acetoneiso?16:42
Rahula59i use a makefile16:42
konradtry sudo apt-get install unetbootin16:42
stodorovicwfaulk: io scheduler. cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler     the one in [] is used16:42
wfaulkstodorovic: cfq16:42
usr13They could just say that it will be released when it's ready (some time in April or May... something like that).16:42
mermeyesian_ , can you handle it?16:42
dotnettedmermeyes: google "promiscuous mode <adaptername>"16:42
StephenLinuxRahula59: have you tried a restart, i know that seems silly but the makefile ends up clogging in codeblock and anjuta sometimes when it cant define files exclusively16:43
timmillwoodusr13: it would be 10.5 if it was in May.16:43
ian_what do you mean16:43
stodorovicwfaulk: yeah that seems to be the default for a while16:43
usr13timmillwood: Why?16:43
wfaulkRahula59: nfs filesystem?16:43
Ge5ihow can i start the smtp service from terminal16:43
usr13timmillwood: o   .... :)16:43
Rahula59(im on windows :-S)16:43
StephenLinuxRahula59: is the project on the nfs drive?16:43
cabaromereyes: are you trying to sniff 3G packets or wifi packets?16:43
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timmillwoodusr13: 10 = 2010, 4 = April.16:43
OERIAS<Doggod> i love ubuntu so much, I want to take it behind school and make it pregnant16:43
mermeyesis your problem solved?16:43
Rahula59yes it is on my hard disk16:44
StephenLinuxRahula59: oh windows codeblocks?16:44
Rahula59yes :-(16:44
mermeyesi want to sniff 3G packets16:44
Rahula59i could not get help at any other place16:44
usr13timmillwood: Who cares... Version numbers should be just that... version numbers, not dates.16:44
frybyeHi I have a pc with win7 on c: amd the docs pics vids etc going onto a D: - if I use the automated parallel install for lucid will this c + d for win7 cause problems??16:44
StephenLinuxRahula59: asides why lol, have you got 777 perms on the files?16:44
Rahula59what are 777 perms ?16:44
DoggodOERIAS, you better believe that16:45
ubuntu__quick question before I install 10,04, how serious is that grub bug?16:45
Rahula59(im a noob ;-) )16:45
mermeyes<cabaro>, can you help me?16:45
odie5533I'm running an sshd on my box. My ssh private key has a password but I don't want users to be able to login to regular users with plain passwords, forcing them to use keys. How do I do this if the key also has a password?16:45
StephenLinuxRahula59: if the files are running on a linux box, the linux host (nfs share) may need to 'grant' perms on the files16:45
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circuitmanI'm unable to access host OS files on my Guest OS16:45
Ge5ihow can i start the smtp service from terminal ????????16:45
sam0ubuntu__: enough serious to delay the release16:45
DoggodOERIAS, got banned for that :D16:45
StephenLinuxRahula59: on the linux host, run chmod 777 FILENAME16:45
Rahula59omg, where do i access the linux host ?16:46
lalalol!release party16:46
StephenLinuxrahula: if that works, then you have full perms, otherwise, can you compile with the files local on machine16:46
OERIASDoggod suppose that Ubuntu is gay? not that I am saying it is16:46
ubuntu__sam0: Darnit >< I thought I was being clever by downloading the RC today and not having to wait so long, but I really don't want a messed up grub again16:46
StephenLinuxRahula59: What is the nfs storage box?16:46
DoggodOERIAS, ubuntu is a FINE LADY16:46
sam0ubuntu__: be patient ;)16:46
cabaromermeyes: if you want to follow your own trafiic, you could try tcpdump16:46
ubuntu__Is there a way I can update a livedisc before installing it?16:46
Rahula59my harddisk16:46
StephenLinuxRahula59: what os / NAS?16:46
Rahula59i mean it is on my arddisk16:46
Rahula59windows 716:46
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neurochromeHas there been an update to the nvidia driver recently?  My box just started acting weird.  The picture no longer fits on screen on my TV, and the fonts look terrible.  Plus the overall picture has gotten worse/brighter.... This is really annoying16:47
StephenLinuxRahula59: i see, is there any linux involved?16:47
cabaro3G packets in the air to sniff is a totally different story, and probably illegal16:47
KoterpillarIs there any guide for repairing/reinstalling Ubuntu from a... FreeBSD?16:47
Rahula59yes there is16:47
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neurochromePlus older kernel now want to start in low graphics mode as the nvidia module fails to load16:47
Rahula59gcc compiler16:47
StephenLinuxRahula59: where in the link?16:47
ubuntu__sam0: Nooo, patience is a virtue.. I can't survive as such a square. But back to my previous question, if I run apt-get update or whatever and install, will it include the grub fix?16:48
sanhow much time for the lucid release?16:48
Rahula59what do you mean by link ?16:48
suboneIs there anyway while booting from the Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD I can specify that all files to be installed should come from a USB drive inserted rather than the CD without having to boot from the USB drive?16:48
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StephenLinuxRahula59: am i right in thinking you are using codeblocks on windows 7, what is running the gcc compiler?16:48
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odie5533My ssh private key is passworded. I want to force users to use keys and not passwords. How do I do this if the key also has a password?16:48
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Rahula59mingw i guess, but i am not sure16:48
alias_neois ther a release time for 10.04 yet?16:48
jpdsalias_neo: No.16:48
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Rahula59in fact, i am quite sure16:49
neurochromealias_neo, try ubuntu+1?16:49
Picialias_neo, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party16:49
sam0ubuntu__: I can not answer you that. But if you update when it's relaeses there won't be any problem16:49
StephenLinuxif ssh keys have password, you can disable the normal password login though sshconfig, else you need to use no password keys, which is insecure16:49
aryanso there will be no delay?16:49
pinnenis there a way to change the mouse rate i linux ? Per default the mouse rate is forced to 125hz in linux/windows I think16:49
alias_neonehochrome : pardon me?16:49
circuitmanhelp me16:49
StephenLinuxRahula59: resend the last thing16:49
pinnenbut in windows you can change that16:49
circuitmanI'm unable to access host OS files on my Guest OS16:49
pinnenfrom 125hz to 500/1000hz16:50
Rahula59i am quite sure the things who runs gcc compiler is mingw16:50
researcher1is there a software in Ubuntu to develop an advertisement brochure?16:50
pinnenthat makes the response time so much much more better16:50
mermeyes<cabaro>, i'll check this out16:50
TalvaBye tlm16:50
neurochromealias_neo, you could ask in the lucid channel which is #ubuntu+1 ... or as others have stated check #ubuntu-release-party16:50
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cabarocircuitman: what host os, what guest os, which virtualization (virtualbox?)16:51
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neurochromeresearcher1, scribus and inkscape?16:51
Majid_Al-Dharrabresearcher1: Scribus16:51
mermeyes<cabaro>, is it possible to use MiTM attack on 3g ?16:51
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Majid_Al-Dharrabor OO.org draw16:51
neurochromemermeyes, perhaps the wrong place to ask?!16:51
researcher1Majid_Al-Dharrab: thanks16:52
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circuitmancabaro: Host OS is ubuntu 9.04 and guest is linux mint helena (gnome) and using suns virtualbox16:52
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cabaromermeyes: not answering to that, illegal, unless done in lab situation (i guess its not the case)16:52
neurochromemermeyes, have you checked the online documetnation for wireshark?16:52
wfaulkstodorovic: um, my machine's actually swapping far more than I thought it was16:52
stodorovicwfaulk: do you have loads of ram?16:52
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wfaulkdon't know how much is io/interrupt related and how much is just low memory16:52
nukelacityhey guys.. i would like to know if there is anyway to backup my home drive without using a CD or USB stick because i dont have any xD i want to know if i can do this, then upgrade to 10.04 when its released (i cant just use the upgrade command because im on dreamlinux at the moment)16:52
neurochromemermeyes, it is almost a guarantee that you are asking for help to break the law... Do it somewhere else please!16:52
circuitmancabaro: Host OS is ubuntu 9.04 and guest is linux mint helena (gnome) and using suns virtualbox16:53
edwardthefma■ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent that is the 32 bit 1 right16:53
cabaroi dont see there would be any legal reason to sniffing 3G packets in the air, so my help on that issue stops here16:53
ColrolI'm yansy to get 10.0416:53
sanhey guyz please help me out usb bluetooth showing icon but disabled what do i do16:53
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties16:53
mermeyesi'm sorry16:53
kLx-backGot banned in release party channel, dunno why :(16:53
cabarocircuitman: easy way would be to install ssh-server on your host machine and then use scp or filezilla16:54
neurochromemermeyes, pick your channels on irc wisely.... don't go asking dope questions in the wrong place16:54
neurochromekLx-back, wat?#16:54
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mermeyesi got it16:54
cabarocircuitman: on host:  sudo apt-get install ssh16:54
aatifhI have upgrade my machine from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 few days back. Seems modem manager not working. Read hardik post http://hardik.in/2010/04/23/upgrade-ubuntu-9-10-to-ubuntu-10-04-lts-rc-release/16:54
aatifhSeems that source doesn't exists anymore16:55
circuitmancabaro:is ssh samba share16:55
cabarocircuitman: on client test:    ssh username@host-ip-address16:55
cantoI know you people have probably gotten this quesiton 1000 times today, but got any idea when 10.04 is gonna be released?16:55
aatifhAnyone have any idea about this?16:55
mknarro my dear god the ubuntu-release-party channel is soo hard to read it is moving soo fast16:55
=== RedNifre_backup is now known as RedNifre
cabarocircuitman: secure shell. since both are linux, i dont see the need for samba16:55
cabarocircuitman: you can use samba if you like.   sudo apt-get install samba smbfs16:56
djzncanto: 10.04 is already released16:56
Picidjzn, cabaro: No, its not.16:56
DigexPDoes anyone know of a utility that can produce all variations of a word using the various common number/letter/symbol/case substitions?  For example, I feed it noob - and it says "noob, Noob,NOob,NOOb,NOOB,n0ob,N0ob,N00b,...." Etc.16:56
circuitmancabaro: i tried to share the folder by enabling the share this folder option,it asked to install a package to install16:56
bp0does the samba4 package replace samba?16:56
cantoit is djzn?16:56
djznPici: yes it is... you have it16:56
djznPici has got it16:56
luismmontielgso, when will 10.04 be released?16:57
DjAngo23Hello everyone, where are the VPN info saved ? I which file ?16:57
cabaropici http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell16:57
Piciluismmontielg, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party16:57
cantoso I guess itùs on one of the ftp sites :P16:57
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djznlast release was delayed half day...16:57
cabarocircuitman: probably missing smbfs.    sudo apt-get install smbfs16:57
djznI wonder if it is going to be FURTHER this time16:57
Picidjzn, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party16:57
circuitmancabaro:on the guest side do i need to install anything16:58
DerOetzihi just upgraded to 10.4 everything is working fine, but there is one little problem left: compiz is not starting automaticaly16:58
djznfor one thing a noob knows.... the links are "alive"....16:58
cabarodont know about mint exactly, does not hurt to install samba and smbfs16:58
circuitmancabaro: installed the share service,what nex?16:59
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:59
imagine7xyI just clean installed Ubuntu with an ATI Radeon HD 3450 and the desktop windows and playing videos/etc. are quite laggy with restricted ATI driers -- anyone know how to fix this a bit so its usable?16:59
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ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party16:59
stodorovicgoodness me! that channel is so busy17:00
DjAngo23Hello everyone, where are the VPN info saved ? I which file ?17:00
stodorovicDjAngo23: depends on which vpn17:01
cabarocircuitman: on client, open nautilus, then right click folder and choose sharing options (not sure for mint)17:01
gabriel_nick egc17:01
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mermeyesi apologize for my question before. i hope you don't treat me like a criminal.I use wvdial to connect my 3g modem to the internet after i deactived my pin. What optional command should i use in wvdial to enter my pin?17:01
DjAngo23stodorovic, pptp17:01
cabarocircuitman: sorry i gotta go now17:01
stodorovicDjAngo23: no. i dont know the answer. I'm just saying, it depends on the vpn client and you need to check the client's config file and man pages17:02
imagine7xyCAN somebody tell me why everytime I try to switch to Ubuntu its slow as fuck?17:02
imagine7xyI tried on like 4 different computers17:02
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imagine7xyTop of the line hardware17:02
kLx-backlwhat are pc specs?17:02
DjAngo23Just need to copy the settings from another compyuter17:02
macman_trying to use a hp script17:02
Ari-UgwuThe wait for 10.04 is driving me mad.17:02
DjAngo23stodorovic, Just need to copy the settings from another compyuter17:02
macman_do i just do php scriptname.php ?17:02
nimrod10`imagine7xy, what do you mean by slow ? what exactly is slow ?17:03
stodorovicDjAngo23: probably depends on  the application that does the pptp management. not sure what that app would be17:03
imagine7xyThis one is not top of the line, but there is no reason it should be so damn slow (ATI Radeon 3450)17:03
imagine7xyDragging windows is slow and choppy17:03
imagine7xyVideos are slow/etc.17:03
DjAngo23stodorovic, network managemetn17:03
nimrod10`imagine7xy, that is surely due to poor graphics drivers17:03
stodorovicimagine7xy: no 3d graphics drivers installed?17:04
nimrod10`imagine7xy, have you tried the latest graphics drivers ?17:04
JuJuBeeI could use some help... I cannot upgrade my laptop from 9.04 to 9.10 or 10.04.  When I boot live cd for either, my mouse starts in the upper left corner.  As soon as I start moving the mouse (USB connected mouse or trackpad) it jumps  right back to the upper left corner.  What do I do?17:04
FardadJalilianyone can help me about what should I backup before a clean install of lucid?17:04
stodorovicimagine7xy: or the general slowness of Ubuntu or Xorg17:04
sam0imagine7xy: are you using the live cd?17:04
ubuntuusershi. im on live UNR-usb. i already installed the UNR onto my laptop with LVM2. i have 2 problems when booting the machine. 1. grub wants to boot the wrong partition (this i can fix) 2. i guess lvm is not installed... is this possible_ how do i fix this?17:04
neurochromelonger fits on screen on my TV, and the fonts look terrible.  Plus the overall picture has gotten worse/brighter.... This is really annoying17:04
imagine7xyI just bought this card, I installed via a DVD17:04
imagine7xy10.4 RC17:04
manishe_hello. can you give me link to download 10.04? they release images now or not yet?17:04
imagine7xyNot live CD17:05
neurochromeHas there been an update to the nvidia driver recently?  My box just started acting weird.  The picture no longer fits on screen on my TV, and the fonts look terrible.  Plus the overall picture has gotten worse/brighter.... This is really annoying17:05
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:05
nimrod10`imagine7xy, did you enable the hardware drivers ?17:05
imagine7xynimrod, yes17:05
sturdanyone know if they fixed that "grub_puts_" issue, present in the karmic testing releases???17:05
imagine7xyThe Proprietary ATI drivers with their catalyst software17:05
stodorovicimagine7xy: glxgears and report the frame rate?17:05
cchaparrosomebody has ISO 10.04 yet?17:05
=== Ubuntu_Nutzer is now known as richard_stallman
cxoCan I update-manager -d my 9.10 to 10.04 now?17:06
imagine7xyI'm new to Linux, so I can't really figure out how to fix this... I never gave Linux a shot for long because its always so slow17:06
imagine7xyWhat do I need to do??? What do I need to buy??17:06
circuitmancabaro:installed the share service but could access the folder from guest os17:06
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obiwan_it isn't still released is it?17:06
obiwan_i think it's on 31 / 0417:06
=== richard_stallman is now known as waiting_for_10_0
stodorovicimagine7xy: you need to buy more knowledge. seems like your 3d isnt enabled17:07
FardadJaliliobiwan_: not yet17:07
obiwan_alright FardadJalili jeje17:07
Piciobiwan_: There are only 30 days in April... Please await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:07
imagine7xystodorovic, could you link me?17:07
obiwan_whops hehe i mean :P jeje is in spanish lol xd17:07
stodorovicimagine7xy: link you to what?17:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:07
Foorjust got in is it out?17:07
obiwan_Pici: do you mean tonights the night, i got my feeling tonights the night?17:07
obiwan_Pici: sry too much disco music :S ^^17:08
imagine7xystodorovic, is there a way you could show me where to learn this knowledge to fix the problem? Or do I have to guess?17:08
Piciobiwan_: the release will be sometime on the 29th.17:08
obiwan_oh yeahhh man that's great17:08
imagine7xyTake a shot in the dark?17:08
Guest7810Just wondering if we'll see 10.04 today, or if it's gonna be delayed17:08
imagine7xyOr am I unworthy?17:08
imagine7xyYour highness?17:08
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties17:08
sam0Guest7810: cd images are being built17:08
gpadrinohi everone there, looking for some php-mysql issues channel, can anyone tell if theres one out there?17:08
stodorovicimagine7xy: it took me 10 years to get this kind of knowledge :) if you install glxgears and glxinfo and run them, it will report back to you and give you hints if you have accelerated 3d enabled or not.17:08
Cychow di find out if im using 64bit or 32bit?17:09
insertyournamehehi i need help with squirrelmail17:09
Guest7810Thanks Sam, good to know17:09
Guest7810Any ETA?17:09
JuJuBeegpadrino: #php #mysql17:09
tonyyarussoGuest7810: #ubuntu-release-party17:09
EckonetQuien habla español?17:09
bp0Cyc, uname -m17:09
insertyournameheI cant login squirrelmail but with mutt using IMAP i can17:09
Pici!es | Eckonet17:09
ubottuEckonet: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:09
sam0Cyc: uname -m17:09
JuJuBeeCyc: uname -a17:09
JuJuBeeor that too17:09
=== ubuntuusers is now known as philipp3144
circuitmaninstalled the share service but could not access host os files on my guest os17:10
insertyournameheI have a Login/Logout at the same time17:10
circuitmanhelp me17:10
bp0does buying ubuntu support get a higher priority for your bug reports?17:10
Cyci686 guessing thats 64 bit then17:10
moderndayzeroanyone know how to put the network connections back on the top panel i cant seem to find the same exact application that was originally there17:10
stodorovicbye everyone. good luck to you all17:10
bp0Cyc, no17:10
sam0Cyc: nope17:10
Picibp0: You'll need to work that out with Canonical, but likely not.17:10
bp0when you call ubuntu support does it just speech-to-text/text-to-speech your questions into this channel?17:11
bp0that was.. joke17:12
pabelangerover 900017:12
circuitmaninstalled the share service but could not access host os files on my guest os17:12
circuitmanhelp me17:12
uiuiuidoes dhcp3-server check the subnet mask of a client before sending a DHCPACK/DHCPNAK ?17:12
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:13
uiuiuii cant seem to get my subnet to be fixed automatically, it behaves as if it only checks the ip addr17:13
=== McNuggets is now known as Chicken
Marttinwow 1999 users17:14
=== LarsB_ is now known as LarsB
circuitmanhelp me17:14
imagine7xyCould someone help me fix my ATI 3450 drivers to work with Ubuntu??17:14
imagine7xyIt is slow17:14
enanExcuse me, Do you have some information about new sound cards supported in ubuntu 10.04?17:14
philipp3144how do i install lvm2 on a existing ubuntu installation on my harddisk from live session?17:15
dp_is there a way to disable sounds for a theme?17:15
brianhermanenan: #ubuntu+117:15
brianhermanimagine7xy: what is wrong exactly17:15
sam0enan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards17:15
DjAngo23How to copy a vpn setting used on my laptop (pptp with netwrok-manager from gnome) to another pc ?17:16
minimecenan: check the alsa package version on packages.ubuntu.com and verify on the alsa Homepage. I guess there you get all information.17:16
anyoneofusanyone downloaded ubuntu final?17:16
imagine7xy brianherman: I installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu, but when I drag windows, etc. It is very choppy and laggy17:16
imagine7xyIt's impossible to work with17:16
brianhermanimagine7xy: did you install the restricted driver for your video card?17:16
imagine7xyI just bought this video card, from ATI,17:16
sam0imagine7xy: System / Administration / Hardware Drivers17:17
imagine7xy brianherman: Yes, I installed the drivers17:17
imagine7xy brianherman: It is still slow17:17
mhall119imagine7xy: did you enable them and reboot?17:17
imagine7xy brianherman: Yes17:17
imagine7xymhall199: yes17:17
sam0imagine7xy: using compiz or metacity ?17:17
imagine7xyI am using compiz, but I don't know how to fix this problem with it17:17
mournkayeimagine7xy: What's your visual effects level set to? System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects17:17
mhall119check your xorg logs, see if it's got any errors17:17
BesogonHello. Is it possible to make working 2 monitors in such way that 1 would be on 1 Desktop place and second on 2 Desktop place?17:17
=== Chicken is now known as McNugggets
enanthanks sam0 & minimec17:17
=== McNugggets is now known as McNuggets
imagine7xymournkaye: None17:18
blackxoredwhich was the name of the package for running speed tests and selecting the fastest debian/ubuntu mirror?17:18
mournkayeimagine7xy: Try the middle option :)17:18
thevishyis Lucid official ?17:18
minimecenan: np17:18
imagine7xymournkaye: I have already17:18
mournkayeimagine7xy: maybe it'll kick-start the driver :s17:18
imagine7xymournkaye: Even slower17:18
mournkayeimagine7xy: bah17:18
uLinuxwtf is akonadi?17:18
imagine7xymournkaye: I can NEVER get linux to work properly... thats why I can never use it17:18
sanhey guyz! how much time for 10.04 release!???17:19
imagine7xymournkaye: Is there some video card I can BUY to make it work??17:19
uLinuxbuy nvidia17:19
claytonwalkerOh. Hey. What do you know. Grub doesn't automatically show in 10.04.17:19
Xcellnvidia cards work well17:19
insertyournameheNo squirrelmail Heros in here?17:19
mournkayeimagine7xy: you're using 10.04 rc?17:19
imagine7xymournkaye: yes17:19
sanhow much time for 10.04 release?17:19
than0san, good question.. some one please answer.17:19
chaofluxam curious myself lol17:19
irvclaytonwalker: yes it will, once the patched version is released.17:19
wfaulkare there any video cards these days with good performance that have open drivers?17:20
than0Do we  normally have 2000 users on this chan?17:20
LucidOne!lucid | san17:20
ubottusan: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:20
claytonwalkerirv: Aww. I like this version. Would I be able to revert it to this behaviour? (When I hold shift on start up to get into the grub ui?)17:21
sanubottu: ya i know but in sites they are showing release date 29th april 201017:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:21
santhats today17:21
Picisan: And it will be released some time today.17:21
EgYPaRaDoX!lucid lynx17:21
progre55wow, 2000+ people!17:21
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:21
sanPici: yah! thats what i am asking how much time left?17:21
EgYPaRaDoXapril 29th when exactly?17:21
Picisan, Lucid will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party17:21
mournkayeimagine7xy: I didn't have a lot of luck with the ati driver on 10.04 rc recently, put it down to "that's what I get for using prerelease software"17:21
minimecwfaulk: I guess ATI would be the choice, as nvidia opensource driver has no 3D, and Intel's are integrated cards. Check that ... http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/ATIRadeon17:22
SpearAny idea when builds of 10.04 will be available to download?17:22
SpearIts meant to be released but the website hasn't updated...17:22
imagine7xymournkaye: then how to I get my Windows 7 working again??17:22
PiciSpear: Its not released yet.17:22
mournkayeimagine7xy: never had a problem with old releases though... if you do 'glxinfo' from a terminal, do the first few lines mention ati or 'fglrx'?17:22
progre55!outyet | Spear17:22
ubottuSpear: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:22
doobrySpear, hu really no one has even mentioned that today17:22
imagine7xymournkaye: after I installed this, I have no boot option to go back to Windows17:22
uLinux!pt | uLinux17:22
ubottuuLinux, please see my private message17:22
mickster04isnt it release day today?17:22
isolat3dsh33pis it out? D:17:23
ilonmickster04: sure is17:23
progre55!outyet | mickster0417:23
ubottumickster04: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:23
=== theloser_ is now known as theloser
Speardoobry: I've only just joined...17:23
* ilon is waiting17:23
mournkayeimagine7xy: Beats me.  That *was* the reason 10.04 is delayed, though, right? Other OSes not showing up in boot menu?17:23
mournkayeimagine7xy: again... 'pre-release' software :(17:23
minimecmickster04: /join #ubuntu-release-party ;) They are all waiting for it to happen...17:23
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties17:24
imagine7xymournkaye: I got a guy telling ME to download 10.4 cause he thinks I'm using the GA release17:24
mournkayeimagine7xy: maybe wait 24 hours for it to actually finally come out for real17:24
imagine7xymournkaye: then I got you telling me to do opposite17:24
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doobrySpear, its in the topic17:24
imagine7xymournkaye:  haha17:24
mournkayeimagine7xy: I said no such thing ;-)17:24
Sushiyantwhy ubuntu 10.04 LTS not come17:25
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:25
anodesniLet's party in #ubuntu-release-party17:25
=== pt047350 is now known as simperial
K_DallasQ: Would it be possible to have the new ISO booting from USB keys? I used to use Unetbootin but sometimes, for some distros in particular, it didn't work.17:26
blueoverallsGood afternoon all17:26
BesogonHello. Is it possible to make working 2 monitors in such way that 1 would be on 1 Desktop work place and second on 2 Desktop work place?17:26
gpadrinobe patien, Sushiyant, it will come... ;)17:26
Diabloc6t5x7Ubuntu DVD amd64 (20100429)  1/417:26
humphreybcJust a heads up, Lucid is a few minutes away17:26
K_Dallashumphreybc, thanks17:26
jdenneyany know why I can't click at the very bottom of the gnome panel to maximise an application, there is one or two pixels of padding where the click doesn't register, it's very annoying.!17:26
Sushiyantgpadrino: when ??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17:27
gpadrinodon't really know :P17:27
mickster04humphreybc: is it?17:27
humphreybcmickster04: yes17:27
gpadrinosoon, I hope17:27
humphreybcwithin the hour :)17:27
Pingucan someone plz tell me at what time will the 10.04 be available for download?17:28
stodorovicover 2000 nicks17:28
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties17:28
wildbatPingu, in 100083759864 ns17:28
Ge5iPingu , we think it will be out within the hour17:28
CrazyDoodeis that coming out today?17:28
stodorovicso no duke3d package in ubuntu/debian?17:29
stodorovicor do i have to get out gcc and try to hack my way through the source dist17:29
PinguA count down banner on the main page would have been cool17:29
simperiali do not enter a irc channel for years ... I am felling like a teenager again ;)17:29
* humphreybc would join the release party but alas, got banned17:29
stodorovichumphreybc: why did you get banned?17:30
humphreybcstodorovic: telling people they should download the daily build17:30
humphreybcto take load off the server17:30
humphreybceveryone's whinging coz it's not available yet :P17:30
littlepenguineduke is a port for the normal duke3d17:30
Rigorm0rtisI'm pretty sure it would be best to just let them download the real torrents when it actually releases.17:31
stodoroviclittlepenguin: i think i saw that the other week but i think there was a problem with it17:31
stodorovicit seems to be mainly a winpe exe17:31
Majid_Al-Dharrab2010 people in the channel!17:31
kannanany way to combine the output of ls with mv command?17:32
smoophhi any word on how long till the release ... and I don't want answers like "today" :D17:32
littlepenguinstodorovic i would try but i do not own the originals17:32
Subbysmooph: tomorrow...17:32
erUSULkannan: it is better to use find for that kind of job or glob patterns. what are you tryin to do ?17:32
smoophSubby : funny17:33
wildbatsmooph, the coming future17:33
mournkayekannan: try a for-loop: for x in *.jpg; do mv $x dir/; done17:33
littlepenguinsmooph i hate to wait for it..17:33
smoophkannan : yes17:33
Subbysmooph: but its true...17:33
minimecMajid_Al-Dharrab: Isn't is amazing. Still this channel is readable, because the others are joining the party channel. Ubuntu people seem to respect eachother... ;)17:33
Rigorm0rtisno we don't17:33
kannanerUSUL: mournkaye : smooph : thank you17:33
DeadpeoplezI'm wondering is there any tool / way to copy a physical harddrive into a vmdk format to be emulated inside a virtual machine? ( I hope it isn't obvious because I don't want to feel like a noob)17:33
schweegiare you stupid? i just banned in #ubuntu-release-party because of i write that ubuntu is out now because at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/  the RC is not there, only the normal "10.04 LTS" name.17:33
stodoroviclittlepenguin: i have the Atomic Edition CD of it somewhere.17:34
Subbyschweegi: it can't be there because the found a bug in grub...17:34
Filladobut i think it was because you have to wait for the "official" announcement17:34
littlepenguindeadpeoplez VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename <Absolute Path to output File> -rawdisk /dev/sda -register17:34
Rigorm0rtisschweegi: I still see the RC there.17:34
smoophDeadpeoplez : there is an import tool as far as i know17:34
minimecschweegi: Talk to the operator...17:34
agnelhey it seems some parts release of ubuntu are already out ? such as from here: http://bit.ly/TenFour_x8617:35
stodorovichttp://desktoplinuxreviews.com/2010/04/29/ubuntu-linux-10-04-lucid-lynx/    suggests its been released17:35
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:35
djbeenie_hello all, what command in linux to show what services are running? like in gentoo rc-status?17:36
* stodorovic goes to watch the best science fiction TV series on DVD and dinner17:36
swordzHi. If my update manager isn't showing the upgrade to 9.10 button yet, should I be worried?17:36
=== bburhans_ is now known as bburhans
smoophdjbeenie_ : "ps ax"17:36
smoophswordz : no17:37
stodorovicsmooph: fail17:37
smoophstodorovic : why?17:37
swordzOK, I'll wait a bit longer17:37
MiicoHi, has anybody been able to connect facebook via spotify?17:37
=== Roasted is now known as ROASTED
jon604Hey guys, I'm trying to set a static IP, I have followed many guides and it kinda* works, I'm getting LAN access but not WAN access any ideas why this would occur?17:37
l3dxMiico: I'm stuck at the "allow access" step17:37
=== ROASTED is now known as Roasted
djbeenie_ps ax..wow thats a nasty output of all the services running17:38
stodorovicsmooph: djbeenie_ wasnt asking about process list. more of a server status list. as in which servers start in whihh run-level17:38
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
Miicol3dx: me too:(17:38
=== ai6pg is now known as AI6PG
littlepenguinim not sure if updating is a good option..correct me if im wrong but maybe some installed libraries programs and dependecies maybe not available so the self compiled programs also need to be recompiled..i think a new installation is a clean and better thing..dunno im interested what others say..17:38
djbeenie_stodorovic, whats the correct command sir?17:38
littlepenguinps aux17:38
stodorovicdjbeenie_: no idea on ubuntu. i am tempted to go back to gentoo. ps aux does not give the correct info no matter what others say17:39
guestwhen ubuntu 10.04 will be available?17:39
littlepenguinps aux|grep name only shows the things with "name"in it17:39
djbeenie_stodorovic, yeah i agree17:39
littlepenguin@guest today17:39
littlepenguinbut depends on time17:40
guestlittlepenguin: is there any time schedule?17:40
stodorovicdjbeenie_: i mean, you're not asking for a list of processes. :/17:40
djbeenie_littlepenguin, have you seen what rc-status does in gentoo?17:40
MrThomWhen the 10.04 will be out ?17:40
respirehow can i tell upstart not to run certain services on startup17:40
kennyhi, how do i upgrade the kernel from karmic to lucid's version ? :)17:40
=== kenny is now known as Guest5979
daroluMrThom: In 20 hours17:40
littlepenguin@djbeenie sry i was wrong17:40
kannanmournkaye : how to include sub-dir.. ?17:40
mournkayedjbeenie_: try 'service --status-all'17:40
MrThomnow is what time ?17:40
tellapslucid is out already?17:41
Subbytellaps: no17:41
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:41
mournkayekannan: don't know, sorry :(17:41
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:41
Guest5979no, i just need a newer kernel, so i can use KMS with my radeon card17:41
DjAngo23how can i open gnome-netwrok-manager dialog with the command line ?17:41
smoophkannan : I don't know either but try ls recursive17:42
fate_0x2Dвсем привет17:42
jihedaminedjbeenie: maybe this could help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12731517:42
kannanmournkaye: mov *.jpg dir_name will the job easily if all files are in current dir..17:42
Guest5979anyone familiar with the KMS with a radeon card under Karmic ?17:42
ghotiSo ... I'm trying to figure out which 10.4 RC image I want to download to install onto an Eeepc.  Can the Netbook Edition CD be used to *install*, or just to run as a livecd?17:42
darolu!rs | fate_0x2D17:42
ubottufate_0x2D: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.17:42
fate_0x2Dнарод, а где можно скачать 10.0417:42
minimecGuest5979: Well it's running here... ;)17:42
Hackrylixhello everybody ^^17:43
HackrylixDoes someone know when Lucid comes ???17:43
mournkayekannan: that's an excellent point, the loop is only really useful if you want to rename them as well... sorry :)17:43
darolughoti: I'd wait for the final release, is only hours away17:43
fate_0x2Dwhen download 10.04?17:43
minimecGuest5979: what are your problems?17:43
FardadJaliliwhich one is better?! ex3 or ex4?17:43
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Noodelsfate_0x2D, join #ubuntu-release-party17:43
mournkayekannan: 'find . -name *.jpg' will get all files recursievely... one sec17:43
Hackrylixext4 not debian compatible :(17:43
daroluFardadJalili: Ext4 is faster and allows you to manage larger files17:43
djbeenie_jihedamine, hmm that script doesnt work17:44
Guest5979when i add 'radeon.modeset=1" to the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT between the " marks, after the quiet, with a space between them, the login fucks up :)17:44
ghotidarolu, thanks I'll do that...17:44
Rigorm0rtisghoti: "Lucid on Asus EEE PC 901 and 1000H fails to connect to any wireless network" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/54544317:44
Guest5979basicly i wont have the graphic login, just a terminal login, and i cant log in to the graphic desktop17:44
LucidOne!language | Guest597917:44
ubottuGuest5979: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:44
Rigorm0rtisghoti: I'm going to be waiting to install on my EEE PC until that is worked out.17:45
minimecGuest5979: Can you give me the output line of 'lspci | grep VGA'?17:45
Guest5979sure, 1 moment17:45
arielhubuntu.com is not responding !17:45
toniiyes it is17:45
sergiu14it is to me17:45
fate_0x2Dпарни, во сколько выйдет 10.04 ???17:45
Rigorm0rtisPeople must be hitting refresh too often. :D17:45
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties17:45
Guest5979ATI Technologies Inc R420 JI [Radeon X800PRO]17:45
obiwan_hahaha yeah i bet it doesn't lol, just look at how many people is in the ubuntu party hehe17:45
ubottuRemember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks.  Please do so sparingly.17:45
ghotiRigorm0rtis, any idea if that should affect Eeepc 900's as well?  The 900 has a different wifi chipset than the 901...17:46
arielhis 10.4 not out yet?17:46
Guest5979since i cant install catalyst 9.3 under catalys, and later ones doesent support my card, im trying KMS (read somewhere it might help )17:46
kannansmooph: mournkaye : any way to pass output to mv using  pipes?17:46
Pici!outyet | arielh17:46
ubottuarielh: nope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:46
=== Reckon|AFK is now known as Reckon
obiwan_kannan: xargs?17:46
daroluarielh: no, it's not out yet; it will be out when it's ready, wait ~20 hours17:46
Rigorm0rtisghoti: Not sure. You might want to try the LiveCD before actually installing.17:46
obiwan_but i'm too into the release party now hehe17:46
kannanobiwan_ : i will try that now.. :)17:47
rajmahendraYesterday i upgraded my ubuntu from from 9.10 to 10.4 i can see some changs... the top bar logout detail which appearance in right side is displaying in middle also... i am using Ambiance theme in this the close/minimize button must come in right side but its displaying in left side ... see this pics... http://picasaweb.google.com/rajmahendra/UbuntuLinux17:47
ghotikannan, xargs or a while loop:   cat file.txt | while read filename; do mv $filename /target/; done17:47
Guest5979minimec: i have Radeon X800 PRO17:47
fate_0x2Dкогда вайдет 10.04 ?????17:47
=== ricky_ is now known as Guest6960
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minimecGuest5979: My experiences with karmic and ATI were not that good. There is a ppa https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa for recent driver versions. I also decided to upgrade the kernel via the kernel mainline site.17:47
Pici!ru | fate_0x2D17:47
ubottufate_0x2D: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:47
fate_0x2Dhelp me please17:47
minimecGuest5979: The results afterwords were much better.17:48
fate_0x2Dwhen download 10.04 ???17:48
rajmahendraanyone tell me why its behaving differently17:48
mournkayekannan: for x in `find . -name '*.jpg'` ; do mv $x woo/; done17:48
minimecGuest5979: All that stuff is in Ubuntu 10.04 coming today ;)17:48
mournkayekannan: I'm sure there's an easier way but that works :D17:48
Guest5979minimec: i dont understand, what is coming today:?:)17:48
ghotikannan: basically, there's a whole lot of ways to skin this cat.17:48
daroluStarcraft 2?17:49
=== diego is now known as Guest93622
sanhey cany anyone help me out?17:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:49
sancounter strike 1.6 is not getting started in wine17:49
Pici!lucid | Guest597917:49
ubottuGuest5979: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:49
Subbyfate_0x2D: now17:49
GoodMuppetAnyone here using gnome-shell17:49
sanand if i start hl.exe it askas for cd key17:49
rajmahendramy ubuntu 10.4 behaving differently!!17:49
Picisan: Please ask in #winehq if you are looking for application support under Wine17:49
Guest5979lol, ive choose the day quite good :)17:49
sanPici: thanks17:50
darolusan: did you install with steam?17:50
minimecGuest5979: There is a new version of ubuntu coming today 10.04 Lucid lynx. If you upgrade your system, your card will respond better. Just wait another day and start your computer. The system will indicate you the upgrade ;)17:50
sandarolu: no its a non steam version17:50
rajmahendrasee this ...  http://picasaweb.google.com/rajmahendra/UbuntuLinux17:50
Guest5979minimec: thanks for the advice :) ill try it again tomorrow, hope it worksl ol17:50
darolusan: try installing with Steam, you can add the game to your list using the cd-key17:50
minimecGuest5979: no problem17:50
darolurajmahendra: that is normal17:50
alexkarpenkohey guys. any idea when the 10.04 downloads will become available?17:51
sandarolu: but i havnt bought the original cs i downloaded it from net17:51
sandarolu: its a non steam version17:51
rajmahendradarolu, can i change it17:51
darolusan: well then go and buy it17:51
ghotialexkarpenko: a few hours at least17:51
digismackalexsander: They are available on the main downloads page.. no more -rc- in the filenames.17:51
=== mitchell is now known as Mat128
sandarolu: but y not play non steam version17:51
kannanghoti : thank you :)17:51
alexkarpenkoghoti: ok. thanks. can't wait :D17:51
sandarolu: it works good in xp17:51
pepePluthey banned me from the party err what kinda party is that17:52
ghotioh!  The RC warning is off the web page!  Nice!17:52
kannanmournkaye : yr's for loops is doing the job.. :) yr a for loop expert :D17:52
noir_lord[1]can confirm, rc has gone from iso name on releases page17:52
darolurajmahendra: I don't use beta versions so I don't have Lucid yet, but I suppose it uses metacity as well so press alt+f2 and type "gconf-editor" then navigate to "apps-metacity-general" and change the button layout17:52
kannanobiwan_:thank you for yr help17:52
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties17:52
joneskoohow hard would it be to convert an installation to use dm-crypt for root?17:52
chun_Wonder if anyone can help -- when I put my laptop to sleep, I get a black screen and lots of hard disk activity, and nothing else happens17:52
alexkarpenkod-boy80: are those images of the release candidate or final?17:53
sancan anyone help me? cstrike.exe isnt working in wine17:53
Picialexkarpenko: Its not out yet.17:53
rizuI'm still waiting17:53
ahayzenis this the final release?17:53
mournkayekannan: you're welcome, good luck!17:53
GoodMuppetfinal is here17:53
Picialexkarpenko: No17:53
me2This is so frustrating17:53
rizuNot yet17:53
Picisan: You need to direct your question to #winehq17:53
obiwan_nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno problem dude kannan ! omg i'm jonesing for lynx haha17:53
alexkarpenkoPici: ok. just making sure :)17:53
GoodMuppetyes final available for download17:53
mournkayekannan: like I say, I'm sure there's a more elegant way, but I'm all about the brute force approach17:53
noir_lord[1]ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso is now available on the releases page, I checked 10 mins ago and it was still rc so it looks like its up17:53
obiwan_kannan: if need more help just ask mate ! byee17:53
Travis-42ok, the video on my computer has seemed to freeze up and stop working, but sound is still playing,and I can ssh to the computer. what might be wrong?17:54
sanPici: there is noone there to listen17:54
sanPici: noone replies on that channel17:54
pepePlucan someone put me back in the party? i wont post links i promise17:54
mournkayealso, gasp! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release/17:54
le0guys, how can i upgrade my 10.04 beta to final release without dl'ing the iso?17:54
Piotr_http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/ Ubuntu is out17:54
junkbitrealse party is under attack, damn fedora!17:54
usr13le0: Updates will do17:55
=== latkah is now known as latkahgravis
chun_Wonder if anyone can help -- when I put my laptop to sleep, I get a black screen and lots of hard disk activity, and nothing else happens. Any suggestions?17:55
respirethis is how im supposed to manage runlevel services in ubuntu? # find . -name 'S55thing' -delete17:55
ghotiWhat are Dove and i.MX51?17:55
darolusan: you can't expect people to give you a cd-key for your game, go buy it, all you need is the cd-key right?17:55
respiresomething tells me theres a pretty way to do it right17:55
djbenderghoti: other architectures17:55
sanle0: To upgrade from Ubuntu 9.10 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '10.04' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.17:55
usr13respire: You do it by processes17:55
ghotioh, they're ARM models.  okay.17:55
Orphamielerm hi, i'm confused about commands such as sudo root get-app and etc. where can i get a guide to learn?17:56
le0thats what i needed - update-manager -d17:56
le0cheers san17:56
usr13respire: man update-rc.d17:56
FloodBot1le0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:56
respireusett, lets say i don't want cups running on runlevel 217:56
respirei did read that man page17:56
weeklyhey guys, im stuck in a "$" -sh command promp and i want to log out "logout" doesnt work, how do i get out of it?17:56
sandarolu: damn! i dint ask you cd key it should load! first! then wil i get the chance to enter cd key17:56
bastid_raZor!terminal | Orphamiel follow the guide17:56
ubottuOrphamiel follow the guide: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:56
mournkayeweekly: exit?17:56
sanle0: thanx :)17:56
alexkarpenkoOrphamiel: type "man apt-get" to get the manual for that command17:56
weeklymournkaye thanks!! it worked17:56
respireusr13, apologies, no i didn't i read the manpage for the invoker :)17:56
sambagirlwhat command can i enter to determnie the version of ubuntu i have installed?17:57
darolusan: oh I see, well the only way I've made it work is via steam17:57
Orphamielthank you17:57
bastid_raZorsambagirl: lsb_release -a17:57
sandarolu: i hav cd key for cstrike but its not working with wine it just doesnt load17:57
Travis-42I have a problem with video freezing (and X server going to 100% cpu), while sound and other things keep happening. any idea how to fix this?17:57
respireis their a GUI sysv startup process manager17:57
respireso i can point and click things on and off17:58
FFF666hey, this ubuntu 10.04 is the definitive version? http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/17:58
weeklythe /bin/sh is just another BASH type deal right?17:58
PiciFFF666: No17:58
FFF666but it doesn't say RC17:58
PiciFFF666: The release manage hasn't given the OK17:58
erUSULFFF666: you've been already kicked off the party channel17:58
mournkayeweekly: it was the original basis for bash from the year 1605, yes - bash without all the features ;-)17:58
sambagirli have 8.04 on a server. will there be anyway i can do an update online to the new one coming out tomorrow?17:58
minimecTravis-42: when does that happen? What card?17:58
erUSULFFF666: do not push your luck here too17:58
FFF666for asshole17:59
ghotiweekly: /bin/sh is bash on linux, but only on linux.  If you're using BASHisms and value portability, make sure you refer to bash by name.17:59
sambagirlits a test server i play with.17:59
Aciidhow can I upgrade my kernel to 2.6.3317:59
LucidOne!language | FFF66617:59
ubottuFFF666: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:59
darolusambagirl: yes, you will be able to upgrade from 8.04 to 10.0417:59
Aciid!kernel | aciid17:59
jepler ghoti /bin/sh isn't even bash by default on all linuxes (it's not on any recent version of ubuntu)17:59
ubottuAciid, please see my private message17:59
CountDownIs the Bitstream Vera Sans font available in Karmic?  I can't find it.17:59
imagine7xyWhat is the Ubuntu equivalent to WINDOWS device manager??17:59
DezineSheesh, guess linking official links is a bad idea17:59
sambagirldarolus i have to wait till tomorrow?17:59
erUSULCountDown: use deja vu17:59
minimecCountDown: /usr/share/fonts I guess18:00
bastid_raZorsambagirl: yes, when the release is final check out this link :: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:00
CountDownerUSUL: Thanks, I'll look into it.18:00
ghotijepler, my linux-foo may be obsolete.  :)18:00
sambagirlok thanks a bunch18:00
erUSULimagine7xy: there isn no direct equivalent18:00
ryan-cWill hardy->lucid dist upgrade work?18:00
humphreybcryan-c: in theory18:00
=== Ursinha is now known as IsItOutYet
imagine7xyerUSUL: When I drag a windows it is LAGGY and choppy, how can I fix this??18:00
=== nihdez_ is now known as Nihdez
darolusambagirl: it should be out in a matter of hours, but yeah maybe waiting until tomorrow would be the best; I personally will upgrade my 8.04 in ~a week so the servers ain't loaded :p18:00
DezineWill upgrading from 10.04 RC to the LTS be safe?18:00
erUSULimagine7xy: which graphic card ?18:01
minimecDezine: No upgrade needed ;)18:01
erUSUL!final | Dezine18:01
ubottuDezine: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.18:01
DezineWait, I meant to said Wubi18:01
PMantisYeeeehaw, I'm seeding the i386 desktop iso18:01
imagine7xyerUSUL: ATI Radeon HD 345018:01
sjudgeCan I ask a basic question, if you want to run 64 Bit Ubuntu do you have to have an AMD 64 Bit processor or can you run 64 Bit Ubuntu in and Intel 64 Bit processor18:01
erUSUL!ati | imagine7xy18:01
DezineOk thanks!18:01
ubottuimagine7xy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:01
erUSULsjudge: the later18:01
GoodMuppetany 64 bit processor18:01
sambagirldo i have to update to 9.04 first?18:01
imagine7xy01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 LE AGP [Radeon HD 3450]18:02
darolusjudge: yes you can run it too; amd 64 is just a name for x86_6418:02
sjudgeThanks for the quick answer18:02
sebsebsebsambagirl: you can upgrade from 8.04, to the 10.04 final,  however 8.04 may still be better in certain ways18:02
r3mHi all, which package i need to display accentued character (french) in a terminal18:02
dssfnsfdgis it out?!18:02
darolusambagirl: from 8.04 you can jump directly to 10.04 without upgrading to 9.XX18:02
sjudgesecond quesiton, why is the 64 Bit ISO called AMD64?18:02
imagine7xyerUSUL: !ati | imagine7xy18:02
sambagirlthanks everyone18:02
=== joule is now known as heys
imagine7xyerUSUL: ????18:02
sebsebsebsjudge: since AMD made 64bit originalley or  something like that18:02
ryan-csjudge: AMD created that insturction set18:03
muscardinussjudge: yes18:03
erUSULimagine7xy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:03
minimecsambagirl: If you are not on 8.04, I guess you have to update. I would consider a fresh install as there were so much changes like the filesystem, or the boot manager...18:03
CountDownerUSUL: Apparently, I already have ttf-dejavu installed.  Do you know which font name I would want to use within LaTeX?18:03
sekmetbecause amd came up with the x86-64 bit architecture18:03
r3mHi all, which package i need to display accentued character (french) in a terminal18:03
darolusjudge: because AMD was the company that gave it name, to gain publicity I guess, but it's just a name18:03
DeadmanIncJSlet me guess... its still not out18:03
gourgisjudge: why not :-P18:03
weeklyok guys so im having trouble running a .run file to install files needed to run my q3 server, i looked it up and it said to try and emulate it to 32 bit with "linux32" command, but the install still fails, what flags with the "linux32" command could i try?18:03
sambagirlwell i started out with hoary ubuntu version and i used that forever until seveas bugged me to death to upgrade.18:03
sjudgeAh right, I get it, thanks for your help18:03
FloodBot1mixer_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:03
imagine7xy  *-display18:03
imagine7xy       description: VGA compatible controller18:03
imagine7xy       product: RV620 LE AGP [Radeon HD 3450]18:03
imagine7xy       vendor: ATI Technologies Inc18:03
imagine7xy       physical id: 018:03
FloodBot1imagine7xy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:03
imagine7xy       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.018:03
imagine7xy       version: 0018:03
erUSULCountDown: afaik Latex can not use ttf fonts... it has its own set of fonts18:03
=== thrope is now known as thrope2
sebsebsebminimec:  sambagirl   no Ext4 file system or Grub 2 boot loader, if upgrading to 10.04 from 8.04, however don't really need those anyway18:03
dssfnsfdgerUSUL: you can use ttf fonts with it though18:03
THRHOPE4LINUXim donwloading the official torrent seems to be up18:04
ryan-cactually, I should probably just reinstall, really.18:04
vichois it out already?18:04
Picivicho: no18:04
sebsebsebsambagirl: Could later install Grub 2 yourself, but not much point, plus if something goes wrong, you woudn't be able to boot up Ubuntu possibily.18:04
THRHOPE4LINUXtorrent is18:04
minimecsebsebseb: I had some speed gain specialy with ext4.18:04
THRHOPE4LINUXdoes any1 need torrent link?18:04
r3mHi all, which package i need to display accentued character (french) in a terminal18:04
sebsebsebminimec: indeed at that18:04
THRHOPE4LINUXcame online 10 mins ago18:05
muscardinuswhy are the releases out already, but the fron page is not jet updated?18:05
mournkayeweekly: you might need to install some 32-bit compatability libs, what's the exact problem you're seeing?18:05
Cordencan somebody share the link, just pm me. tnx18:05
FlyFreeBirdplease, can someone help me? I have a Acer Aspire One GZ5, I had installed UNR 10.04 and most things work out of the box, except for wireless(Atheros AR5001?) it's recognize the card, but I can't autenticate in my WPA2 personal network, sorry my bad english18:05
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:05
Aciidhow can I install 2.6.33 kernel?18:05
THRHOPE4LINUXhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent official torrent18:05
mournkayeweekly: apt-get install ia32-libs18:05
sanmuscardinus: cos they are beta versions not the actual stable version18:05
theGmanI just installed 9.10 from a live cd, need to know what the root pass get's set to or how to change it. Doing sudo passwd root wants to change my users password...18:05
darolu!kernel | Aciid18:05
ubottuAciid: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages18:05
THRHOPE4LINUXno root pass use sudo su - to become super user18:06
sebsebsebsambagirl: Ext4  may speed up boot up and shut down a tiny bit, and speed up the disk check, but other  then that, you probably woudn't notice much advantage.   There is a way to convert Ext3 to Ext4, but should really clean install the operating system if wanting that file system.  Plus give it a year or so and the btfs file system will be stable :)18:06
ksv___can someone remove the ban that was set on me in #ubuntu-release-party?18:06
minimecsebsebseb: What will happen, if we don't need the ext4 'patches' anymore? We will fly away... ;)18:06
darolutheGman: you don't need root password, use sudo instead; sudo -i will grant you root access18:06
muscardinussan: thanks18:06
THRHOPE4LINUXsame i was banned for sharing oficial torrent18:06
rldowling03I am banned on ubuntu-release-party, strange :\18:06
sanmuscardinus: :)18:06
qwdthere is no official torrent yet, that's why you were banned18:06
ahayzensame i was banned too:(18:06
sebsebsebsambagirl: when it comes to file systems, to make sure you have full support.  clean install the operating system18:06
sambagirli know your right sebsebseb18:06
qwdthey said don't link until it's official18:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:06
THRHOPE4LINUXthere is came online 10 mins ago]18:07
Aciiddarolu: couldn't find the 2.6.33 generic image from synaptic... tryed alreaduy18:07
=== rambb is now known as rambb2
THRHOPE4LINUXon release server18:07
sanwhose ubuntu boot time is less then 10 seconds here!?!?18:07
erUSULso you were banned and come here just to dirupt this channel too ;18:07
sebsebsebminimec: uh?18:07
sambagirli'll just do a clen install18:07
daftykinssan: yup18:07
* erUSUL rolls eyes18:07
THRHOPE4LINUXhad 2 peers no in last 5 mins gone to 200 nd 3 seeds this is the real deal18:07
ksv___qwd: what? http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ <- what's that then?18:07
bastid_raZori love when a release happens.. so much drama from the kids18:07
sandaftykins: any tweaks? how?18:07
daroluAciid: because there is no 2.6.33 for Karmic; there is a PPA with the 2.6.33 though; gimme a minute and I'll link you18:07
suboneIs it possible to manually copy certain files to my HDD partition to get it to boot, im running off the live cd now, but the install from the live cd fails because of bad cd rom. i have the install files on a usb drive, but cant boot from usb18:07
sanhow to decrease boot time18:07
daftykinssan: with Lucid on an SSD.18:07
ScuniziIs there a kde or gtk based PDF tool that will allow annotation of PDF's that will actually imbed and print if you want?  Ocular allows annotation but doesn't print what you add.18:07
weeklymournkaye: it spits out "This installation doesn't support glibc-2.1 on Linux / unknown"18:07
sambagirlinfact i will just do it on a different hdd and that way i wont lose what i already have.18:08
Cordenjust viewed the link and i guess if you look at the date and time it real time18:08
* sebsebseb is enjoying seeing the channel nick number go, up and up and up18:08
daroluAciid: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.33/18:08
ksv___erUSUL: i shut down the client hours ago, i have no idea why i was banned18:08
Aciiddarolu: thanks a bunch <318:08
sandaftykins: na i prefer karmic lucid's stable version is not yet out18:08
THRHOPE4LINUXlook at the time it is the real deal18:08
daroluAciid: np18:08
=== IsItOutYet is now known as itsNOTout
mournkayeweekly: oh :( dunno then, sorry18:08
FlyFreeBirdplease, can someone help me? I have a Acer Aspire One GZ5, I had installed UNR 10.04 and most things work out of the box, except for wireless(Atheros AR5001?) it's recognize the card, but I can't autenticate in my WPA2 personal network, sorry my bad english18:08
erUSULTHRHOPE4LINUX: stop already18:08
daftykinssan: that's irrelevant, it will be shortly.18:08
weeklymournkaye: do you know the names of the packages your talking about?18:08
daftykinssan: Karmic on an SSD would still boot very quickly too :)18:08
Mat128FlyFreeBird: join #ubuntu18:08
sandaftykins: yah i know its soemtime today maybe in few minutes18:08
neophahope that the bug is fixed fast18:08
mournkayeweekly: ia32-libs, but I'm not sure they'll help now :(18:08
minimecsebsebseb: ext4 has a 60seconds write on disk by default. The problem is, that if you have a system crash and your software is not programmed well, you might loose all your settings and so on. Gnome and KDE software is affected. So they set the wirte settings differently.18:08
__danthemanFlyFreeBird: you need to use WPA_Supplicant18:09
Cordenby the way if you looking for a really stable relase maybe you wait for about 3 months since more update will come after this release date18:09
usr13Aciid: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-26.html18:09
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
mickster04wow, this is the fullest channel i know of18:09
mournkayeweekly: I'd hassle whoever made your .run file :)18:09
usr13mickster04: I'm pretty sure it is fullest there is...18:10
sebsebsebminimec: there was some data loss issue when Ext4 was in development, but I think that issue  has been fixed for quite a long while now18:10
CountDownerUSUL: Turns out I wanted DejaVuSans for LaTeX.  LaTeX will convert the font into something it can use.  Thanks for the pointer to dejavu.18:10
weeklymournkaye: yeah, ill install that 32bit compatibility file and see what happens, thanks for the great help/suggestions18:10
ray_hello, a quick question, is ubuntu released yet? I see the old website with Release Cancidate ...18:10
sebsebsebminimec: Ext4 also became stable in Ubuntu starting with 9.10,  where as in 9.04 not properly stable and optional :)18:10
mournkayeweekly: good luck!18:10
minimecsebsebseb: fixed yes, by slowing down the ext4 system ;)18:10
daroluray_: go to #ubuntu-release-party :)18:10
qwdray_: no go to #ubuntu-release-party and wait there. don't *ask* you'll notice when it's out.18:10
usr13ray_: We do not know....18:10
ray_hmmm, ok ... :-)18:10
Cordenthe website will be updated after all installers are available for download18:11
lol0rwhen someone updates their isos with zsync will they have the same md5 as other media?18:11
erUSULCountDown: no problem18:11
darolulol0r: if the data is the same, it will have the same md5sum18:11
nilsmaany advice on how to get audio on HDMI (to tv) with karmic? (gts250, audigy2)18:11
melioOn my android18:11
weeklymournkaye: is there a way to only extract the files out of a .run so i could place them manually instaed of letting the .run do it?18:11
waltercoolwhats the difference between ubuntu-i386 vs ubuntu-netbook?? Exist some kernel difference or just apps?18:11
KeithWeissharwhy am i banned from #ubuntu-release-party after connecting via webchat.freenode.net?18:12
lol0rdarolu: oh okay i was just wondering how zsync managed remastering the isos18:12
DaughainWHats a good app for voice-to-text?18:12
neophaits okay if it does not come out today as long as it works well :)18:12
DezineThe notification window shows up awkwardly spaced from the top. Can I get this to show up flush with the top bar?18:12
daroluwaltercool: I think it's just the looks; UNR has an applet to display launchers instead the regular desktop18:12
p0baileythey are jerks18:12
mournkayeweekly: well, you could experiment with editing the file (the first 10 lines are likely to be a shell script to unpack the rest of the data) and removing any lines that look like they're *running* anything18:12
theGmandarolu: Ok, but I'm wierd like that. I prefer to do a su -l because I often have to do many commands/operations and I don't want to have to type sudo each time. Besides, IIRC there are some things that can't be done through sudo...18:12
jhardinI have a question. My sound suddenly stopped working on reboot(doesn't show any devices in menu), and at same time I am unable to mount my windows partition(says access unauthorized). Any idea how I can go about fixing the issues?18:12
=== Sachse_Siechtum is now known as zombie_siechtum
waltercooldarolu, oh... thanks, im going to download desktop version instead, thanks =)18:13
UbuntuLilyHey I there is alot of flooding in the party room, I went to the site and it says "Soon" but I clicked on the download link for RC1 and saw a link for LTS.  So you think its safe to assume this is the right one?18:13
uLinuxbanned from the party :(18:13
darolutheGman: "sudo -i" should give you all you need18:13
nilsmaany advice on how to get audio on HDMI (to tv) with karmic? (gts250, audigy2)18:13
erUSULUbuntuLily: no; it s not18:13
Xcellthat room is nuts right now, 2 many children are there.18:13
weeklymournkaye: i can edit the .run in something like pico, right?18:13
DezineIt's not safe to use an official page?18:13
daroluwaltercool: if you have a small screen (less than 10") you may want to use UNR though :p18:13
ksv___nilsma: have you changed audio interface to HDMI? I had to do this to make it work in 9.10 at least.18:14
mournkayeweekly: yeah probably, those kind of files are usually a few lines of shell script then a big bunch of binary data right beaneath it18:14
nilsmaksv___: any advice as to how i do that?18:14
mournkayeweekly: you might be able to get *just* the data and unpack it18:14
waltercooldarolu, nah, im just working with one gnome-panel and small fonts ;)18:14
weeklymournkaye: awsome, thanks for the help again!18:14
ksv___nilsma: maybe somewhere in the audio preferences?18:15
nilsmaksv___: indeed, i can change profiles, but none named hdmi, is it the iec958 option you are referring to?18:15
mournkayeweekly: good luck!18:15
=== IsmAvatar_ is now known as IsmAvatar
theGmandarolu: Thx. sudo -i did what I wanted. Thx.18:16
ksv___nilsma: try some... on my computer there is one named digital stereo (hdmi)18:16
=== zombie_siechtum is now known as Sachse_Siechtum
Mandrewis it even worth to put a INTEL X25-M 2,5" 80GB SSD SATA/300 MLC 34NM into a acer aspire 531h?18:16
nilsmaksv___: oki thanks, ill try those first then :)18:16
CordenDownloading the server edition18:16
daftykinsMandrew: what's the spec of that system? i won't look it up for you :)18:16
Cordenwelcome to the world wild cat18:16
monyo10.04 LTS is finally here! http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/18:17
kbarits not18:17
=== vinylourson is now known as Guest36949
ksv___kbar: what's that then?18:17
BiGG_DSo Im sure this question has been asked many times prior to me asking it...   Anyone know when the 10.04 GA build will be available for download?  =)18:17
=== PHANTOM is now known as Guest65977
erUSUL!party | BiGG_D18:17
ubottuBiGG_D: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties18:17
Yaxhell !18:17
erUSULmonyo: pleaee do not do that.18:18
ahayzenis that the final release?18:18
BiGG_DCool deal, Thanks...  =)18:18
ddrjwhen i type in "groups" in bash, i see that audio isn't listed, how do i add audio ?18:18
ksv___nilsma: do that, please tell me if you succeded.18:18
kbarits not18:18
pepePluthey all lied to me, they all said change is coming... Obama.. Ubuntu,  but still no change ;(18:19
ahayzenhow do you know18:19
kbarthis channel's topic18:19
K_DallasQ: I read that Ubuntu is kind of working or encouraging Adobe. does it mean that we wuold have acrobat beofre the end of 2010 for Ubuntu?18:19
FloodBot2kbar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:19
monyoerUSUL: maybe I'm wrong, but I can't see the "rc" in the file names, so I think these are the final images18:19
=== Guest65977 is now known as Black_Phantom
Picimonyo: Its not out.18:19
kbarwhat was the link18:19
daftykinsK_Dallas: i wouldn't use it even if Adobe released reader for Linux.18:19
dojohi guys. thought you may want to know that MIT's mirror has the 10.04 image available18:19
K_Dallasmonyo, it seems that they are still not the final release18:19
erUSULmonyo: you are just overloading the mirrors and delying the release ...18:20
monyoPici: Have you checked the file names? I know, that there is no announcement18:20
darolu!f5 | dojo18:20
ubottudojo: Remember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks.  Please do so sparingly.18:20
K_Dallasdaftykins, I am taking about the main software not the reader.  Do you have an alternative for that under Linux?18:20
ahayzenkbar: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso18:20
Scunizimonyo: read this.. http://www.linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2010042901535NWRLUB18:20
testeAnybody know when it leaves the 10 version of ubuntu?18:20
kbaroh i do see that but why is it not announced?18:20
dojodarolu: thanks for making a bot send me garbage18:20
dojodarolu: my post had nothing to do with refreshing hte homepage18:20
daftykinsK_Dallas: not sure, don't see the need for it myself18:20
Picikbar: Because they are not tested and may have bugs18:20
kbaralso, #ubuntu-release-copy has turned into /b/18:20
ubottuRemember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks.  Please do so sparingly.18:21
kbari thought the major one was that grub doesnt recognize dual boot18:21
daroludojo: read the "garbage" same principle applies to MIT's servers, don't make them waste resources....18:21
ScuniziK_Dallas: sure.. openoffice will create pdf forms just fine.. scribus will also18:21
ahayzenkbar: the testing has finished aswell18:21
usr13Look guys, this is a very busy channel.  If you have specific ubuntu issues to discuss, get to it, if not, please free up space for those that do.  And keep your comments / questions on one line, do not use Enter for punctuation.  Thank you.18:21
nilsmaksv___: none of the options seem to make any difference; still not able to get sound (have picture) thru hdmi to tv18:21
mournkayeteste: when it's no longer 2010 ;-)18:21
=== McNuggets is now known as Itouchmyself
K_Dallasdaftykins, well I work on government documents and they are all fillable PDFs and no other software even under windows has been able to do all I wanted and that is the main deterent for me to switch 100% to linux18:21
ubottuRemember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks.  Please do so sparingly.18:21
=== xyzzy is now known as xyzzy-burning_it
=== david__ is now known as IHaveBeenCensore
=== IHaveBeenCensore is now known as David____
=== heys is now known as IT_IS_OUT
=== Kills is now known as Kills_readthetop
=== xyzzy-burning_it is now known as xyzzy
stoimenovHello evrybody !! i have a one simple question - when is come the ubuntu 10.04 final realise :?18:22
=== IT_IS_OUT is now known as heys
K_DallasScunizi, I am mostly talking about filling and saving and not just creating from my own documents18:22
=== rygar is now known as damnyouA33A
* WebDawg refreshes 1 million times.18:22
=== xyzzy is now known as zyxxy
mezquitaleusr13, im trying to party here while I wait for the official release, ***thank you***18:22
ksv___nilsma: weird. then i'm sorry i can't help you!18:22
daftykinsstoimenov: just wait.18:22
=== Kills_readthetop is now known as Kills
FardadJalili!f5 | dios_mio18:22
ubottudios_mio: Remember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks.  Please do so sparingly.18:22
WebDawgI told the ubuntu people to make a torrent link for the BW.18:22
nilsmaksv___: oki, thanks for the effort mate :)18:22
stoimenovdaftykins, thanks18:22
WebDawgThey dont get it.18:22
=== damnyouA33A is now known as rygar
JordiC|On_Xboxwhats this channel about then18:22
nilsmaany advice on how to get audio on HDMI (to tv) with karmic? (gts250, audigy2)18:22
dios_mioWebDawg, BW?18:22
Cordenguys it is good idea to make server edition as a desktop system - will not be use as a server just a regular desktop?18:22
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:22
=== christian_ is now known as Lachi666
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:23
essialwow ubuntu release party channel is going nuts18:23
mezquitaleeverytime you refresh your browser you kill like a tree or something like that18:23
daroluJordiC|On_Xbox: support18:23
aciculaK_Dallas: you can get adobe acrobat vieuwer for linux, not sure if the editor program is available for linux though18:23
daftykinsCorden: in my personal opinion X (the GUI) doesn't belong on a server install. why would you run server as a desktop? :)18:23
LzrdKingif canonical didn't want people continually refreshing the site, they should have told everyone at least an approximate time of the release!18:23
ScuniziK_Dallas: sure.. with Openoffice you can create forms that are tied to a database.. If it's a one off form with no database and you want to save it with the input data intact, then print it as a pdf and the data will imbed..18:23
darolusalut martins_18:23
WebDawgBand Width dios_mio18:23
K_Dallasacicula, it is not. Reader has been on linux for a long time though18:23
LzrdKingstupidest thing, to not give even an approximate time18:23
=== Stormx2 is now known as jizzedinhispants
andreligne_Hello! I've got a USB-speaker that worked fine after fresh install, but then after reboot it won't give a sound away :( anyone who can help me? :)18:23
Cordeniknow daftykins - i will just download them - All i want to to have the 5 years support18:23
LzrdKingespecially with worldwide 47-hour days18:23
endeavormacdoes 10.4 dual boot cleanly with windows 7, without any special configuration?18:23
=== jizzedinhispants is now known as Stormx2
kbarits 10.04 and yes18:24
mezquitaleLzrdKing, what are you talking about,  April 29 isnt accurate enough for you?18:24
MrKeunerhi, always keep forgetting, which is the application that integrates gpg support in nautilus (encrypt, sign, decrypt)18:24
K_DallasScunizi, as I explained, I do not create those forms, they are already made by the gov. I use them, fill them and save them.18:24
aciculaK_Dallas: ah , then maybe running it via wine may work18:24
daroluandreligne_: does it work if you unplug and plug back?18:24
Scuniziendeavormac: kbar  at least it will after the iso's are respun..18:24
BGL-[t]there was a last minute bug with dual booting so you might wait on that18:24
andreligne_darolu: nope :(18:24
K_Dallasacicula, no success with wine either18:24
Vigo!dualboot | endeavormac18:24
ubottuendeavormac: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:24
aciculaK_Dallas: :( windows it is then18:24
K_Dallasat least not for the latest version18:24
=== di is now known as ___di
nilsmaany advice on how to get audio on HDMI (to tv) with karmic? (gts250, audigy2)18:24
Cordeni gues gnome-desktop  is about 300mb comapre to 5 years support than 3 year for desktop18:24
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:24
aciculanilsma: using the binary drivers?18:24
K_Dallasacicula, that is what i hoped to change if ubuntu and adobe work together18:24
stoimenovdaftykins, whether it will be released today18:24
ScuniziK_Dallas: great.. fill them out and then use the pdf print driver to resave the pdf to a new pdf with the imbedded data18:25
andreligne_darolu: but if you look in the sound options, you can see that it's sending sound to the speaker, but it just wont play my music :(18:25
SubbyIT IS OUT :)18:25
nilsmaacicula: i believe i am :p18:25
endeavormacscunizi: after the ISOs are respun?18:25
BlubbTecwhen today is lucid gonna be released?18:25
mezquitalehey so anyone else want to party while sober?18:25
birillo3<<¤WARNING¤>> Un MeGA SaluTO a TuTTo il CHAn #ubuntu <¤©0lÐ ®3V3ÑG3 §©®ÎþT.FoR.TEMPESTA¤>18:25
Scuniziendeavormac: http://www.linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2010042901535NWRLUB18:25
tolecnalBlubbTec: was released just a minute ago, according to #ubuntu-release-party op's :)18:25
mhall119BlubbTec: about 30 seconds ago18:25
K_DallasScunizi, well what if you need to modify/change them? Then I have to redo all from the scratch18:25
ubottunope. Lucid is due sometime on the 29th of April. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:25
Seb__when is it available for download?18:25
Cordendownloading server edition - 3% and growing18:25
LzrdKingmezquitale: its april 30th in some places, so NO18:25
BlubbTecty tolecnal mhall11918:25
aciculanilsma: does this guide help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96702318:25
sanCorden: no use18:25
mhall119someone update ubottu18:25
kkduesince some weeks I'm getting an error when trying to mount a partition in gnome:18:25
mezquitaleLzrdKing, april 29 samoa time?18:25
sanCorden: its not oficial18:25
K_DallasScunizi, I really need adobe and there seems to be no way around it and that is very frustrating18:25
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
schweegiits not out.18:26
kbarkkdue: how did you mount it18:26
daroluandreligne_: I don't have usb speakers so I don't know how to make them work :( I asked about the re-plugging as that can be solved using your mother board's software (bios) sry; ask in about 5 minutes and see if someone else can help18:26
kkdueis there some way to mount them with terminal (I don't know how to use hal/udev)?18:26
aciculanilsma: the devices maybe called differently, but basically it shows disabling one sound card and enabling the other?18:26
meteais this the channel for 10.04 or should i go to ubuntu+1?18:26
sanK_Dallas: adobe?18:26
dojodarolu: nobody is wasting resources they post the torrent and http file to download there.18:26
kkduekbar, using the resource menu18:26
kbarkkdue: hal is deprecated18:26
daftykinskkdue: #ubuntu+1 for lucid support18:26
Cordeni download it based on time and date18:26
K_Dallassan, adobe acrobat (not the reader)18:26
sanK_Dallas: k searchin18:26
GeekSquiddaftykins: lucid is released18:26
nilsmaacicula: oki, i will go thru that guide and see what i can pick up, thanks :) ps. i have only one soundcard? :)18:26
=== gub is now known as Guest29256
ScuniziK_Dallas: there are lots of tools to deal with PDF and do what you want.  But I think your point is that Adobe has them all in one location making it easier on the consumer.. with that I agree.. but it is possible to do all that in linux... just with various tools18:27
andreligne_darolu: ok, thanks anyways :=18:27
mickster04ubuntu 10.04 has been released18:27
Cordeni will keep monitoring the date and time if change18:27
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)18:27
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:27
Subbyit is out now!18:27
Zed`Subby: don't think so18:27
ubottuYes! Its out!18:27
AmaranthIt is.18:27
K_DallasScunizi, I am not even sure if I could save a filled PDF form in Linux into a fillable PDF. I can print it into a PDF but it would not be fillable unless there are some other tools that I have not discovered yet18:28
ScuniziK_Dallas: I also have to have Windows available for work for a different set of tools.. I've been able to accomplish that by running XP in a vm with virtualbox.18:28
Xcelli believe they are working on grub18:28
itshortyhey! i'm asking here because they are partiing so hard at #ubuntu-release-party ;) ... When the countdown banners get updated?18:28
thevishylucid is cool better than karmic18:28
* Amaranth goes to change topic18:28
=== itsNOTout is now known as LucidIsOut
Cordenbetter dowload the server and install either gnome or kde - for the reason of 5 years for server18:28
K_DallasScunizi, that is the only option available to me at the moment18:28
aciculawelcome to lucid support channel,vov18:28
SubbyZed`: of course it is!18:28
sanK_dallas: here you are :) http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-acrobat-reader-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html18:28
=== Amaranth changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) is released! Party in #ubuntu-release-party
LzrdKingso lucid is now supported in here?18:29
K_Dallassan, that is reader18:29
ScuniziK_Dallas: it works well.. seemless mode is almost transparent18:29
AmaranthLzrdKing: Yep18:29
Cordenby the way is there a plan to add wubi on server edition?18:29
LzrdKingwoah, just like that18:29
sanK_Dallas: hey sorry18:29
xompwhere does one get the 10.04 torrent?18:29
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:29
daroluLzrdKing: just give us a day to play with it :p18:29
ScuniziCorden: probably not.. but you could run it in virtualbox in windows.18:29
erUSULCorden: who in its right mind will run a server via wubi ?18:29
K_DallasScunizi, excellent. Will try it as soon as I installed Lucid. have kept an empty partition on my laptop for Lucid for a long time :)18:29
itshortyjeah ! this was like in avatar... simply impressing18:29
LzrdKingdarolu: you have a few months with the release candidates and such!18:29
K_Dallassan, no worries18:29
xompwhy do we have to take lucid questions to the release party channel for?18:30
Cordenjust for experimental ;)18:30
ScuniziK_Dallas: install build-essential & dkms .. then get the ubuntu .deb direct from virtualbox.org18:30
cgrozaim sorry, but lucid is officialy out?18:30
Cordeni guess im one of them hehehe18:30
heloyou don't... this is now the proper place for lucid questions18:30
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:30
racecar56lucid is really out?18:30
Subbycgroza: yes it is18:30
* Deathspawn has seizure watching flood in #ubuntu-release-party18:30
jevangeloif i have the 10.04 beta, can i upgrade to the stable?18:30
thevishyyes Corden  today18:30
ubottuYes! Its out!18:30
K_DallasScunizi, appreciate it. Will do so18:30
racecar56Deathspawn: yea it's done crazy in there18:30
cgrozaSubby, the man page still point to karmic18:30
xompwell I'm willing to donate my bandwidth to help distribute it if someone can be arsed to provide me a torrent link to it18:30
jevangelocan i upgrade my 10.04 beta install to stable?18:31
Subbycgroza: thats right, but it was offically released...18:31
Uragano736142<<¤WARNING¤>> Un MeGA SaluTO a TuTTo il CHAn #ubuntu <¤©0lÐ ®3V3ÑG3 §©®ÎþT.FoR.TEMPESTA¤>18:31
thevishyjevangelo, i installed beta 2 and kept upgrading i presumer i dont need to install again18:31
darolujevangelo: if you've been updating it, you're already using the final version18:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:31
DDAZZAI've just done sudo apt-get update and now it says "Buffer I/O error on device sr0" when I boot up.18:31
westinghouseis every mirror synced?18:31
cgrozain the ubuntu release party everyone looks crazy... text is just flying ariund :D18:31
kbar#ubuntu-release-party has become /b/18:31
z0netupdate-manager -d will update to the final version?18:32
daroluwestinghouse: yes, that's why it takes so long to release it from a RC18:32
kbarwhats that z0net sudo update-manager -d?18:32
racecar56z0net: update-manager18:32
K_Dallaskbar, it is frenzy at that chan :)18:32
racecar56z0net: that should do it fine18:32
daroluz0net: yes, that is correct18:32
* RedNifre dances18:32
z0netok ;p18:32
Enissaythe 10.04 is for today, I see nothg on the official site18:32
RedNifreGuys, please use the torrent, it makes it faster for everyone, including you!18:32
Frankie1Anybody has gnome games freeze on a 64 bit in lynx ?18:33
=== xaw_ is now known as waxje
xompRedNifre, I've been asking for a torrent link forever now18:33
dominicdinada!isitout | Enissay18:33
ubottuEnissay: Yes! Its out!18:33
daroluEnissay: it's out, update via network :)18:33
frankie_what is the alternate version?18:33
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) is released! | Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 | Download: http://www.ubuntu.com/ge
=== root is now known as Guest50501
llutzxomp: http://my.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/18:33
racecar56geeeeez where's ubuntu 10.0418:33
kbarracecar: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:33
Guest50501how can i install latest ver of QT ?18:33
racecar56i'm downloading it via bittorrent18:33
Devil999hey, it's really out? http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download isen't updated yet.18:33
kbaryes please use bittorent18:33
kbarDevil999, http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:34
Cordenthe date and time on the server is 29-Apr-2010 17:07 - in  my point of view, that is a official release18:34
FardadJaliliplease use torrent if you want to download18:34
uLinuxsetting new software channels18:34
_pg_does anyone know how to use compiz with E17/enlightenment? I cam e accross something called elive but I dont think its what I want. Im trying to make my Ubuntu Lucid run E17 and be awesome and snazzy like OpenGEU18:34
daroluDevil999: yes, it is really out; upgrade via update-manager18:34
pattycakezI got the release candidate, will I still be able to update later18:34
LogicalDashOh, okay18:34
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) is released! | Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 | Download: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu | Please use torrents | http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/
kbarpattycakez, yes use update-manager18:34
Devil999kbar, i've been in that page for a while, and there isn't anything new.18:34
frankie_what is the difference between alternate and desktop18:34
kbaryes its new18:34
hoelkany idea when the dvd images will be out?18:34
LogicalDashWell erm, I upgraded to 10.04 and now Ubuntu One doesn't seem to be syncing18:34
pattycakezI already checked update-manager and it says that my system is up to date18:34
kbarDevil999,  the RC tag on the downloads have been removed18:34
kbarhoelk http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:34
Fireking300Whats the difference between alternate and regular i386?18:34
Cordenfinally its announced18:34
LogicalDashThe preferences app says "sync in progress" but the bar is not moving18:34
Devil999yes, but the file times are old18:34
Devil999they've been like that for a while18:35
kbarFireking300, the alternate is CLI, the regular is gui18:35
Devil999and main page still old?18:35
llutzfreaky[t]: read http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:35
frankie_thank you kbar18:35
_pg_Fireking300: i think alternate is just a text installer. better for low resource systems. someone verify?18:35
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:35
pijuno released yet18:35
Enissaydominicdinada, i want to make a fresh install, where's the iso?18:35
pijuand not stable :-(18:35
pattycakezmy update-manager says im up to date, but I only have the rc version18:35
kbarEnissay, http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:35
NadleyEnissay: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:35
darolupiju: read the channel topic18:35
vamadirye lucid is cool18:35
meteakbar, is ndiswrapper an official solution for wireless on 10.04?  should i also install ndisgtk?18:35
RinsmasterAnyone got a checksum on ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso?18:35
_pg_does anyone know how to use compiz with E17/enlightenment? I cam e accross something called elive but I dont think its what I want. Im trying to make my Ubuntu Lucid run E17 and be awesome and snazzy like OpenGEU18:35
z0netpiju, lucid is out ;o18:35
kbarmetea, ndisgtk is just the GUI version of ndiswrapper18:36
darolupattycakez: if you've been updating it, you're already running the final version18:36
mrbThe release party channel is crazy :D u can't read nothing :D haha18:36
LogicalDashFireking300, the regular disc allows you to boot into Ubuntu and use it pretty much as normal without installing. The alternate disc doesn't, it just gives you a text-based installer. However, the alternate disc is also the one with Wubi, and you can use it to upgrade existing Ubuntu machines without formatting.18:36
pijudarolu; but the bot said it is not stable18:36
vamadiri allready use it18:36
kkduemichael jackson is dead18:36
kbarmetea, if you haven't used ndiswrapper or don't know how to, use ngdisgtk18:36
darolupiju: Pici >> ubottu :p18:36
campeetopic says that ubuntu 10.04 is released but when i go to ubuntu.com there is only a link to the release candidate..18:36
isolat3dsh33pz0net, I tried that. No updates :(18:36
pattycakezI haven't been updating it, I downloaded it the other day, I haven't updated at all today18:36
Guest50501plz help me18:36
pijukkdue; MJ is dead ?18:36
dominicdinadaEnissay: did you get the 3 of us telling you where it was?18:36
FloodBot2Guest29256: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:36
ishijoekkdue: rip michael18:36
Guest50501how can i install qt?18:36
Guest50501how can i install qt?18:36
rebornwhat do i have to do to update ubuntu beta to release candidate?18:36
Guest50501how can i install qt?18:36
Guest50501how can i install qt?18:36
Guest50501how can i install qt?18:36
dominicdinadawhats qt?18:36
z0netisolat3dsh33p, update-manager -d..18:36
darolupattycakez: that's normal, usually the RC version has no changes compared to the final one; you should be fine18:36
meteakbar, thanks18:37
ubottuQt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports18:37
beyondenigmaya its released18:37
racecar56Rinsmaster: i'm still downloading but i can give you one eventually18:37
pattycakezok, thanks18:37
rebornwhat do i have to do to update ubuntu beta to release candidate?18:37
racecar56i give up i'll just keep downloading the torrent :|18:37
LogicalDashreborn, just run the update manager18:37
_pg_does anyone know how to use compiz with E17/enlightenment? I cam e accross something called elive but I dont think its what I want. Im trying to make my Ubuntu Lucid run E17 and be awesome and snazzy like OpenGEU18:37
worldsayshihi! where can i download the release?18:37
rebornLD: doesnt work18:37
grendal_primeanyone got ati card working on 10.04  Thats the only thing hoding me up at this point (also need multimonitor support)18:37
racecar56worldsayshi: it's hiding at releases.ubuntu.com18:37
Fireking300No one likes to seed. >.>18:37
worldsayshidominicdinada: is that the official "real" release or just the candidate?18:38
Enissaydominicdinada, sorry guys, im just hesitating coz its the same link I get when looking for the test version from the official site18:38
LogicalDashreborn: it won't *say* it's the release candidate, but it will update the packages just fine18:38
aboSamoor_can anyone help me with my keyboard, I can not press the letter after "h" and I want to map it to one of special functions keys in my thinkpad ?18:38
claytonwalkerHave I missed it? Or is it officially out yet?18:38
_pg_Fireking300: are you talking about UBuntu torrents?18:38
darolugrendal_prime: what card exactly? manyof them are not supported anymore18:38
racecar56Fireking300: when i finish downloading then i'll be seeding18:38
_pg_claytonwalker: you havent missed it18:38
mas90don't use releases.ubuntu.com, you'll be overloading one particular mirror18:38
DexterLBevening. I need to edit the metadata of a jpeg file. I used to use digiwf but it now (as from Lucid RC) segfaults. So could you reccomend something else or I should build it from source?18:38
Fireking300yes _pg_ yes the torrent18:38
mas90give them a few minutes to get the official download link working18:38
Volkodavgnome-games freeze green up in the screen with no borders18:38
grendal_primedarolu...not sure...hold on18:38
daroluFireking300: you'll be amazed of how many of us do like to seed.18:38
mezquitalewhereis jussi01??18:38
RedNifreIs it confirmed that it's the correct release?18:38
Volkodavanybody got the card games freeze on startup ?18:38
platzhirschHey, is it possible to update my ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 without complete new-install?18:39
_pg_Fireking300: ubuntu torrents are usually the best swarms Ive ever seen. do you have a open port?18:39
freaky[t]is lucid released allready?18:39
daftykins!upgrade | platzhirsch18:39
ubottuplatzhirsch: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:39
RedNifreSo it's not just a candidate, it's the real release?18:39
freaky[t]or is it still the RC?18:39
_pg_platzhirsch: sudo update-manager -d18:39
kbara long time ago18:39
DexterLBfreaky[t]: RC18:39
daftykinsfreaky[t]: wait for ubuntu.com to say.18:39
mezquitalefreaky[t], http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ also try #ubuntu-release-party18:39
platzhirsch_pg_: nice, thanks man18:39
campeewhy don't they link to it on the home page? heh18:39
Fireking300my upload speed right now is 200 kbps18:39
bastid_raZorread the topic18:39
SandGorgonall ye with 64-bit hardware and still using i386 linux.. fear not. 64-bit is very stable and does _NOT_ use double the RAM (as the FUD says). Go 64-bit !!!18:39
kbarFireking300, are you using torrent18:39
daftykinscampee: not ready yet.18:39
ryan-cNot so much with the seeds on the kubuntu DVD18:39
_pg_Fireking300: that much upload could be flooding your download speed18:40
Fireking300yes kbar.18:40
darolucampee: I'm pretty sure their servers are loaded already, give them time to update the front-site18:40
ghotimy upload speed for desktop-i386 is currently 1.6Mbps18:40
grendal_primewhats the quickest way to get that..?18:40
Extendwhat is the release party channel18:40
Fireking300_pg_, possibly but I got a good download speed18:40
_pg_SandGorgon: agreed18:40
niekieExtend: #ubuntu-release-party18:40
kbar_pg_, not necessarily18:40
Ge5ijust wondering how can i send a message which is shown like a comment * | Ge5i is asking ???18:40
the_eye_its official18:40
grendal_primedmesg gives me a crapload of data but i cant figure out what i need for the video card18:40
the_eye_its out18:40
xomphow to tell if rtorrent is running?18:40
_pg_Fireking300: i thought you were complaining about slow speed?18:40
=== claytonwalker is now known as ClaytonW
daroluGe5i: /me >yourmessage>18:40
xompvia the console18:40
Extendthanks niekie18:40
bastid_raZorxomp: ps aux | grep rtorrent18:41
* Ge5i Ge5i thanks darolu18:41
niekieNo problem.18:41
ghotiheh - 1778 torrent clients in the swarm18:41
SdonatasPlease tell me, what ubuntu 10.04 upgrade will do with unwated packages from previous 9.10 distro?18:41
bentkuswhen will we be able to update our rc's?18:41
xompbastid_raZor, root     27429  0.0  0.1   1788   544 pts/0    S+   13:41   0:00 grep rtorrent18:41
Fireking300_pg_, I was complaining that. but I was talking about my speed in general18:41
_pg_Fireking300: ah i see18:41
_pg_does anyone know how to use compiz with E17/enlightenment? I cam e accross something called elive but I dont think its what I want. Im trying to make my Ubuntu Lucid run E17 and be awesome and snazzy like OpenGEU18:41
eBryggisIs the 64bit version stable and safe? How about the compability these days?18:41
_pg_eBryggis: go for it18:41
kbareBryggis, it is stable im runnign it now18:41
xompbastid_raZor, does that mean it's running?18:41
bastid_raZorxomp: if you had only one result then it is not running. you are seeing the grep yo ujust ran18:41
itixwill the Netbook remix be built at the same time as the others  or at a later moment?18:41
eBryggisThanks, sounds good18:41
barberanIt's 29 of april, and there is not a release still, what's the matter ???18:41
_pg_eBryggis: if you have more than 3 GB of ram. do it18:41
Fireking300_pg_, http://www.speedtest.net/result/798505727.png18:42
kbarbarberan, it is released18:42
dreykhey guys im really desperate with my scim, ive been trying everything but it doesnt show a input panel. somebody please help me out!18:42
worldsayshiany girls here?18:42
=== lucitu is now known as lucio
xompbastid_raZor, ah ok thanks, I think the iso has finished on my Linode box but am unsure, anyway to verify?18:42
_pg_Fireking300: wtf-that is insane18:42
WiNkYworldsayshi: winky am cute.. like girl18:42
eBryggis_pg_: Ok, thanks. Got 4 gb. I will give it a try-18:42
worldsayshiWiNkY: YAY!18:42
Fireking300horrible upload speed tho right? _pg_  :p18:42
barberankbar: ubuntu.com did not update their page, and there is written that 10.04 coming sson )18:42
worldsayshiWiNkY: are you in sweden?18:42
WiNkYam want squirrel for pet18:42
_pg_Fireking300: you are spoiled. my apt is 1.5 down 256k up18:43
aciculabarberan: well it will be updated there soon too18:43
bastid_raZorxomp: md5sum the iso18:43
kbarbarberan,  http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:43
_pg_does anyone know how to use compiz with E17/enlightenment? I cam e accross something called elive but I dont think its what I want. Im trying to make my Ubuntu Lucid run E17 and be awesome and snazzy like OpenGEU18:43
WiNkYand half russia18:43
kbaranyone know why #ubuntu+1 is +i?18:43
kbarby +i i mean +m18:43
xompcrap, I think rtorrent went tots up halfway through getting 10.04...18:43
Picikbar: Lucid is released18:43
dreyksomeone help me?18:43
daftykinskbar: usually happens upon release transition time18:43
bastid_raZorkbar: it is not needed now.. this channel is the 10.04 support channel now18:43
xompanyone have the bittorrent link again?18:43
AkshayUbuntu released officially?18:43
kbaris it really18:43
daftykinsAkshay: no18:44
ctkall images on http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/18:44
theuroshi .. can someone help me .. my gimp wont start ... if i try it to start nothing happens ... i can start it from console but i get following error: /usr/local/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/print: error while loading shared libraries: libgimpprint.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:44
theuros(gimp:3460): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: gimp: wire_read(): error18:44
worldsayshiWiNkY: nice18:44
ezekiel_hey everyone18:44
trismdreyk: which version of ubuntu is this? since karmic, the new default input method is ibus, so if you are on 9.10 or later you should try going to System/Administration/Language Support, selecting ibus as the input method (and installing any language packs you need), then configuring ibus in System/Preferences/Ibus Preferences18:44
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) is released! | Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 | Download: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu | Please use torrents | Intrepid Ibex (8.10) is EOL on April 30th, please up
Akshaydaftykins, Oh whats the official release time?18:44
barberanI can not imagine the load on the ubuntu.com server now... it's huge, I think18:44
=== ezekiel_ is now known as soUPERMan
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) is released! | Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 | Download: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu | Please use torrents | Intrepid Ibex (8.10) is EOL on April 30th
aciculatheuros: installed gimp from source?18:44
daftykinsAkshay: no idea personally, i'd advise watching the ubuntu.com page for an official statement :)18:44
_pg_does anyone know how to use compiz with E17/enlightenment? I cam e accross something called elive but I dont think its what I want. Im trying to make my Ubuntu Lucid run E17 and be awesome and snazzy like OpenGEU18:44
threexk1Is 10.04 the release that changes your window buttons?18:44
PiciAkshay, daftykins: Its out.18:44
Nuc134rB0t_I dont see it released yet  o.o18:44
=== Lucidno is now known as resno
daftykins!repeat | _pg_18:44
ubottu_pg_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:44
theurosgimp was allready installed with ubuntu18:44
kbarthreexk1, easily fixed18:45
Akshaydaftykins: for some reason its not loading here :/18:45
soUPERManNuc134rB0t_: i got it... :P18:45
AkshayNvm im gonna download it via torrents anyway18:45
theurosthen i tryed to uninstallit and installit again ..18:45
Nuc134rB0t_soUPERMan, =p18:45
PiciAkshay: The canonical guys are updating the website now.18:45
attempttheuros you've to install libgimpprint.so.1  search the package with synaptic18:45
_pg_repeat is relative to scroll speed18:45
soUPERManNuc134rB0t_: here's the link: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:45
AkshayPici: i wish they were faster18:45
geekphreakhello all18:45
theurosok thnx18:45
Fireking300good. I am downloading 1.6 MBps and uploading 200 KBps18:45
soUPERManhey geekphreak18:45
Zelozelosis there a 9.10 channel?18:45
daftykins_pg_: either follow the advice or you get no help (:18:45
daroluAkshay: I'm pretty sure they haven't slept much lately, give them a break :p18:46
aciculaZelozelos: its here too18:46
AkshayFireking300: Aweomse, great job18:46
jakob2How many people work at Canonical atm?18:46
PiciZelozelos: Everythings here18:46
geekphreaksoUPERMan:  hola18:46
Akshaydarolu: I guess so18:46
=== james is now known as Guest18113
soUPERManwhat u up to geekphreak ...18:46
Traveler_in_timeSITE UPDATED18:46
Nuc134rB0t_soUPERMan, thank yo ;)18:46
=== LucidIsOut is now known as Ursinha
Guest18113hello guyz have a problem with rythmbox when someone has a minute18:46
Traveler_in_timeIT IS OFFICIALLY OUT18:46
muffin2Which one would I use between ubuntu and kubuntu?18:46
grendal_prime[Radeon X1300/X1550 Series]18:46
ctkhttp://www.ubuntu.com/ is updated!18:46
AkshayTraveler_in_time: AWESOME18:46
geekphreakGuest18113:  ask mate18:46
daftykinstheuros: try "sudo apt-get install libgimp2.0"18:46
dreykhey guys im really desperate with my scim, ive been trying everything but it doesnt show a input panel. somebody please help me out!18:46
* soUPERMan pressing F518:46
daroluGuest18113: just ask18:46
grendal_primelspci will get that informationt by the way guys18:46
jakob2yay! :-D18:46
* Zelozelos thinks that you guys should have waited a few more days b4 combining the channels, thers a LOT of ppl needing help it seems rofl18:46
agneli have a question about ubuntu, some time its very hard to install the latest version of a program as packages are not available, and the ppa's are hard to figure out to get working.. is there an easy way to do this , some guidelines on how to install latest software in ubuntu?18:46
UbuntuLilyYa thats the link I asked about18:47
AkshayITS OUT PEOPLE!!18:47
LjLyes, it's out18:47
FloodBot2Akshay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:47
LjLparty in #ubuntu-release-party please18:47
soUPERManAkshay: its been out for some time, just they didnt update the site18:47
daroluagnel: each application has its documentation about how to install the latest versions; read each apps' online documentation18:47
Guest18113ok I use to be able to import music library off my worldbook but since upgrade to 10.04 it will not import anymore18:47
_pg_daftykins: im already not getting help haha18:47
amereservantIs there any particular reason there's on 64-bit minimal install image for Lucid 10.04?18:47
AkshaysoUPERMan: Yeah im downloading it.. But wanted the official word to be out18:47
AkshayDamn im having some problems with my connection18:48
icerootAkshay: the official word is out18:48
=== sharp is now known as Guest72407
soUPERManAkshay: yeah its a bit slow to download, im at 57%18:48
agneldarolu, i was just thinking.. as an ordinary user, in windows its damn easy to upgrade software.. why is it so hard with ubuntu ?18:48
DooitzedeJongAre you downloading with torrents?18:48
dreykare there other support channels?18:48
xomphow to kill a process? jesus this isn't working for some reason..18:48
xompps kill, killall, you name it I've tried it..18:48
jaysonpkill processname18:48
geekphreakxomp:  kill command18:48
K_DallasWell, it seems that it was available some 2 hours ago. Same checksum18:48
DooitzedeJongSystem Monitor18:48
jaysonkill -9 pid18:48
Akshaywhats the official launch party channel name?18:48
soUPERManxomp: kill -s KILL pid18:48
xompthanks guys18:48
K_Dallasso I am now just seeding ;)18:48
nand0when it will be available for download?18:48
aciculanand0: it already is18:49
DooitzedeJongits now availible18:49
jayson12% down18:49
DooitzedeJongplease download with torrens18:49
Fireking300I know this is a noobish but how do I figure out if I am amd64 or i38618:49
Guest72407where can i downlot it?18:49
PiciGuest72407: /topic18:49
Guest72407it is not in the official sites :(18:49
amereservantK_Dallas: It actually appears it was released sooner.  The RC versions were updated last night.18:49
aciculaFireking300: what processor do you have18:49
geekphreakAkshay: #ubuntu-release-party18:49
Fireking300No idea ill look18:49
AkshayTweeps here, lets make #ubuntu a trending topic on twitter!18:49
aciculaFireking300: or what laptop/brand18:49
bastid_raZorFireking300: uname -m18:49
soUPERManGuest72407: try here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:49
xfactCan we ask Lucid help question is here now?18:50
daroluagnel: it's not hard; but the latest versions are not always there as devolopers tend to work on the next release (that has the latest software); there are apps that create their own .deb packages, others don't; you can't expect ubuntu developers to prepare packages of every single application out there; in other words you should be asking the application developer why they don't make Ubuntu packages instead.18:50
Picixfact: yes!18:50
K_Dallasamereservant, seems so. anyways, I can go do my other stuffs and leave it for a whole 24 hours of pure seeding :)18:50
Zelozeloshow bout making a ubuntu page on facebook ;)18:50
geekphreakxfact: yes18:50
xfactI am so happy18:50
Fireking300DX4822-01 acicula18:50
aciculaFireking300: if you have ubuntu its easy to find out, sec i'll lookup the command18:50
xfactAnd also record, over 2000 people joined the fun today!18:50
* soUPERMan back to the pending java assignment...18:50
* darolu thinks facebook is the devil18:50
K_DallasFireking300, checkout your CPU. I guess that would answer your question18:50
geekphreakxfact: whats the question?18:51
aciculaFireking300: do you have ubuntu installed already or do you want to install?18:51
Guest72407do i have to reinstall my system? is there any way to updating my current ubuntu to 10.04?18:51
westinghousebrüssel heb de rüssel18:51
jo__text to change buttons ---> gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string “menu:minimize,maximize,close,spacer”18:51
agneldarolu, got it . i am always worried about breaking something when i manually compile and install latest sources as i'm new to linux .. I am not too familiar with debian package internals and stuff18:51
xfactgeekphreak, For now no questions, just enjoying I was just verifying...18:51
Fireking300I have it installed just on windows on the moment.18:51
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100418:51
daroluGuest72407: use the update-manager18:51
Half-mansome one have the torrent link to ubuntu 10.04 that they can send me om pm?18:51
geekphreakxfact: great mate18:51
jo__text to change buttons ---> gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string “menu:minimize,maximize,close,spacer”18:51
ubottuYes! Its out!18:52
theeHi .. Can I buy  from ubuntu shop and get it delivered to India ???18:52
sanwow! 10.04 its finaly out!18:52
Guest72407darolu, thanks i check it18:52
ZelozelosGuest72407, i suggest installing from disk, but you can try the upgrade ive heard some horror stories thoug, just make sure you back up any data that you may loose18:52
K_Dallasthee, sure18:52
soUPERManHalf-man: if u dont mind, try: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/18:52
Fireking300Anyways it says I have Intel processor but whenever I download i386 packages it says I have the wrong architecture. So i download amd64 packages.18:52
olmarihello, propably many times asked, but... if I install ubuntu 10.04 wiht "netboot", will it be RTM version?18:52
DrMrHorseits out?18:52
rosco_yWould it be better to install 32 bit ubuntu on 64 bit hardware, or install 64 bit ubuntu?18:52
ZykoticK9jo__, what does the "spacer" do?18:52
geekphreakthee: buy what?18:52
DrMrHorsewtf happened?18:52
theeK_Dallas: Thnks .18:52
aciculaFireking300: well that gateway model seems to only be shipped with e5300 processors, which is 64bit capable so you can opt for the amd64 version18:52
K_Dallasthee, but I am pretty sure that there are Ubuntu groups in India too18:52
minimecthee: Read the shipping conditions on the homepage. i guess ... yes.18:52
=== khanhpt is now known as khanhpt|zzz
amereservantrosco_y: Depends on how much ram you're using.18:52
daftykinsolmari: the final version is downloadable now. it'll be final if you grab the image now.18:52
cousin_mariohow can I force the installation of thunderbird 32 bit version on 64 bit ubuntu?18:52
rosco_yamereservant: I have 8 gig18:52
agneldarolu,thanks for your message.. will keep that in mind18:52
jo__i didnt write but it work good18:53
cgrozarosco_y, only if you do video editing18:53
westinghousei have 32gb18:53
olmaridaftykins: just saw it too, thanks18:53
amereservantrosco_y: Then 64-bit18:53
SwedeMikerosco_y: the answer is "depends", 64bit is good for lot of memory, bad for some applications.18:53
darolurosco_y: 64-bit hardware will work better with 64-bit software18:53
Fireking300acicula, thank you very much18:53
K_Dallasminimec, ubuntu used to ship to Iran so India should be no problem at all18:53
jo__text to change buttons ---> gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string “menu:minimize,maximize,close,spacer”18:53
Half-manthx for the link. me happy =D18:53
westinghouse32gb ram is ok for my opinion18:53
amereservantrosco_y: 32-bit only recognizes up to 4GB.18:53
ZykoticK9!controls | jo__18:53
ubottujo__: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d618:53
rosco_yamereservant, darolu: Thank you~18:53
geekphreak32 gb?18:53
minimecK_Dallas: ;)18:53
DooitzedeJongmaybe vould the admins disable notice?18:53
theeK_Dallas minimec:   Just had a look in the shop .. there was only pounds, dollars and euro .. So got a doubt ..18:53
westinghousedual socket board frm supermicro18:53
theeIn india its rupees18:53
geekphreakthee: what are  you planning to buy?18:53
K_Dallasthee, you get to pay in those currencies but they deliver to India18:54
saurusWhy lucid has mac graphic?18:54
AkshayUbuntu is now trending on twitter!18:54
aciculaFireking300: both i386 and amd64 should work, amd64 just takes advantages of some new features18:54
AkshayGo Ubuntu!18:54
darolusaurus: what do you mean mac graphic?18:54
theeK_Dallas: I was looking for a bag ..18:54
=== khanhpt|zzz is now known as khanhpt
saurusmacintosh gui18:54
K_Dallasthee, I see18:54
saurusdarolu, macintosh gui18:54
westinghouseyeah finder and dock18:54
darolusaurus: it doesn't? do you mean the buttons on the left side?18:54
racecar56yay ubuntu 10.04 is released18:55
westinghousefrom saulus to paulus18:55
saurusdarolu, yes18:55
K_Dallasthee, have you looked at this page: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/purchase/asia ?18:55
Guest72407thanks a lot for the anwsers, good bye18:55
darolusaurus: well this version introduces a lot of changes, if the buttons bother you you can change them18:55
Zelozelosthe gui way to change the max,min,close buttons ;  alt f2, type gconf-editor, navigate to app, metacity, general, find button_layout, double click, type menu:minimize,maximize,close18:55
geekphreakPici:  you getting stable build?18:55
ojiiit's out but there's no updates? is that normal?18:56
returnVoidwhat updates18:56
saurusdarolu, I know that I can change the buttons... I don't know why now are in the left :D18:56
returnVoidmain page updated, check out18:56
j2bv16http://goo.gl/QHEo  ----- lucid official anounce18:56
K_Dallasojii, have you change to lucid in your repertories?18:56
m0arWhen I select "Open Folder" from deluge nothing happens, what might be happening? :)18:56
ojiiK_Dallas, thanks18:56
theeK_Dallas: Looks like its place to get CDs .. isnt it ?18:57
cousin_mariohow can I force the installation of thunderbird 32 bit version on 64 bit ubuntu?18:57
Picigeekphreak: I'm going back to work ;)18:57
ojiiK_Dallas, ah no, I mean I was on RC but now there's no updates since a day or so18:57
K_Dallasthee, one of them that I checked seems to be sending CDs.18:57
_pg_does anyone know how to use compiz with E17/enlightenment? I cam e accross something called elive but I dont think its what I want. Im trying to make my Ubuntu Lucid run E17 and be awesome and snazzy like OpenGEU18:57
BlubbTecany link on how to install from alternate cd?18:57
BlubbTec10.04 i mean18:57
geekphreakPici:  oh k bud, i am thinking about it :)18:57
barberanindex page has been updated)18:57
K_Dallasojii, I don't have Lucid but I saw people getting updates right now18:57
BlubbTechow to upgrade from alternate cd, any links?18:57
Zelozelossarus, darolu are you trying to change the buttons on the window ?if so look up a little18:57
janjissHello guys! I would like to concraduate you with new ubuntu! :))18:57
EgYPaRaDoXI have 4 OS on my pc including ubuntu (via wubi) using windows boot loader, im downloading the live cd not the alternate one, if i remove ubuntu and install lucid it through wubi will it cause problems for the rest of the OS?18:58
j2bv16Torrent Download18:58
Dr_Willis_pg_:  short answer is you proberly dont. E has its own special  window manager.. compiz is a window maanger..18:58
daroluZelozelos: no, sarus just asked why they decided to include left-sided buttons as default18:58
ojiiK_Dallas, okay... I'll just wait and see then18:58
rygar_pg_: google for  ecomorph18:58
K_Dallasall right18:58
ZykoticK9cousin_mario, assuming you have a DEB file use "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture $DEBNAME.deb"18:58
Zelozelosman theres soo many people in here18:58
cousin_marioZykoticK9: well, I wanted to take updates into consideration18:58
darolutoo many !ot too...18:58
Dr_WillisZelozelos:  actually its a little slow18:58
ojiialso: anyone know how I can reload the keyboard settings? I added something to /etc/modprobe.d/ and I think that's the reason my keyboard stopped working, removed that now and wonder how I can reload it18:58
josephseraosWhat's up?18:58
theeK_Dallas: I ll download  .... instead of getting the CD....  Is there any difference K_Dallas ?18:58
ZykoticK9cousin_mario, can't be done then18:58
Deathspawnupdates are going to be wicked slow...18:58
cousin_marioZykoticK9: can you have a repository for multiple architectures?18:58
moderndayzerowhen i open up synaptics i get this error "Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)" anyone know how to fix this?18:58
franlAnyone have MD5 or SHA-1 hashes for the ISO images?18:58
EgYPaRaDoXI have 4 OS on my pc including ubuntu (via wubi) using windows boot loader, im downloading the live cd not the alternate one, if i remove ubuntu and install lucid it through wubi will it cause problems for the rest of the OS?18:58
cousin_marioZykoticK9: but thunderbird 3 is a piece of shit18:59
K_Dallasthee, I am confused now :) Do you need the CDs or this one: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=51118:59
Failuremanmd5sums there18:59
Dr_Willismonteith:  edit line 54 and fix it.18:59
ZykoticK9!language | cousin_mario18:59
ubottucousin_mario: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:59
franlFailureman: Thx!18:59
AkshayEgYPaRaDoX: Nope18:59
Zelozelosis there a facebook ubuntu page? if not would i need any special permissions to make one?18:59
BonezAUojii, type modprobe <name of module you removed then re-added>18:59
* Spear is dissapointed with the new ubuntu theme -- they need to change the default font badly18:59
Guest18113so any iseas why rythmbox will import folder off worldbook?18:59
returnVoid /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER returnVoid yyrzyxrpkawv18:59
K_DallasZelozelos, make one and see how many joins it. You just cannot make it official18:59
EgYPaRaDoXAkshay: should you recommend me backing up through easybcd?19:00
Spearlol @ returnVoid19:00
erUSULreturnVoid: everybody has seen that password ....19:00
conb123Hooray Ubuntu 10.04 is out, anyone know if they fixed the issues with fglrx? I tried my radeon hd 5750 in the rc and had no joy.19:00
Spearthanks for your password...19:00
erUSULreturnVoid: change it ASAP19:00
mezquitaleZelozelos, you could open a facebook with an ubuntu theme, i doubt anyone would mind, just as long as you dont make it seem as if it's an official page from canonical19:00
geekphreakreturnVoid: huh lol19:00
theadminYay, I suppose?19:00
returnVoidits fucked up copy pase19:00
theeK_Dallas ... I dont need CDs ..  I ll download if I need software... I want to buy  Ubuntu Bag...   Just wanted to know if there is any difference between 'getting the software by download' or 'ordering CD' ..19:00
aciculareturnVoid: be sure to change it every where, this channel is publicly logged19:00
LogicalDashI'd like to change the background image of the login screen. How do I go about that?19:00
aciculareturnVoid: mind your language19:00
imagine7xyHow do I change my CPU from ondemand to performance ?19:00
theadminthee: No19:00
K_Dallasthee, CDs or ISOs, all the same19:00
returnVoidok alright sorry19:00
Guest18113i meant to say will not import19:00
darolu!language | returnVoid19:00
ubottureturnVoid: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:00
theadminLogicalDash: gdm2setup19:00
AkshayEgYPaRaDoX: Not necessary, Wubi will work fine. But the files in the drive that you install it in cannot be accessed i think19:00
geekphreaktheadmin: hi19:00
aciculaimagine7xy: via proc or via cpufrequency-applet19:00
Zelozelosmaybe canonical should, it would be a great way to get the word out19:01
theeK_Dallas: Oky thanks sir ..19:01
K_DallasreturnVoid, need a new password? ;)19:01
theadmingeekphreak: Hello.19:01
K_Dallasthee, sure19:01
ojiiBonezAU, what's the module for keyboard?19:01
LogicalDashimagine7xy, you need to add the CPU Control Applet to your panel.19:01
theadminHoly frog, this channel is burning.19:01
aciculaimagine7xy: prolly also is a setting for it in /etc/ somewhere19:01
BonezAUojii, don't know sorry19:01
aciculatheadmin: /ignore #ubuntu +QUITS +JOINS +NICKS +PARTS19:01
geekphreaktheadmin: thats always a good sign19:01
theadminacicula: Have that on :D19:01
AkshayEgYPaRaDoX: I meant cannot be accessed from Ubuntu, but you can access the drive from windows19:01
m0aracicula: Why the pluses?19:01
aciculam0ar: i have no idea19:02
dreykcan anybody help me out with scim?19:02
EgYPaRaDoXis it possible to expand the swap partition if I installed through wubi?19:02
aciculam0ar: try without and let me know19:02
cojquestion - is pysdm known to be buggy with Lucid? it seems to mess up on detecting sda1 for me, and resulted in my / not being mounted. i had to edit fstab to get it working. seems like a serious issue for anyone who's trying to configure automounting using pysdm.19:02
EgYPaRaDoXsince 256 MB is not much19:02
theadminEgYPaRaDoX: There is no swap if you install from WUBI, AFAIR19:02
sandeepceIGNORE #ubuntu QUITS JOINS NICKS PARTS19:02
EgYPaRaDoXwhen I open system monitor it said that I have a 256 swap partition19:03
agliodbsso I'm trying to print from an UNR laptop to a ubuntu server via CUPS19:03
perlsyntaxwhere can i find the dvd for ubuntu 10.04?19:03
Dr_Williscoj:  ive seen people really mess things up witgh psysdm  - backup your fstab first and pay attention to what it does19:03
agliodbsand it's failing without a useful error message19:03
m0aracicula: I've always done it without the pluses19:03
theadminperlsyntax: Look at releases.ubuntu.com19:03
ZelozelosEgYPaRaDoX, what i do is i use the storage device manager to automatically mount the windows partition, then made links to the public folder, anything i put in there can be accessed w/o any problems w encryption/permissions issues19:03
aciculam0ar: then its probably not needed i suppose19:03
theadmin...bleh, server load is awful, can't get Lucid19:03
pepePlupeople please tell me i can change the location of the buttons on Lucid Lynx19:03
GSF1200Stheadmin: torrent!19:03
BonezAUtheadmin, tried a mirror?19:03
perakus_my new ubuntu 10.04 is slow than 9.10 in desktop load, is normal ?19:03
aciculam0ar: i thought it was +- to toggle19:03
agliodbsit doesn't look like it's actually sending the print job to the server at all ... does anyone know how I can trace this so I can see why it's not working?19:03
Dr_Willistheadmin:  torrents i bet are real real real fast right now19:03
BonezAUpepePlu, yes you can, google will help19:03
_pg_anyone know how to get ecomorph installed/working on ubuntu running e17?19:03
theadminGSF1200S: BonezAU: Dr_Willis: I'm updatingzit from RC19:04
agliodbsfor that matter, has anyone actually gotten Linux->Linux printing via cups to work?19:04
Dr_Willisagliodbs:  you can check the logs in /var/logs and enable more verbose logging for the cups server19:04
m0aracicula: Oh, what client btw?19:04
perlsyntaxtheadmin i look for the stable one.19:04
_pg_or how to configure it? maybe I already have it....19:04
GSF1200Sim downloading 64bit desktop at 1.4MBps!19:04
aciculam0ar: irssi19:04
BonezAUtheadmin, what is the mirror you use in sources.list ?19:04
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i did that yesterday :)  and i will wait a week befor i update again19:04
agliodbsDr_Willis: how do I enable that?  cupsd.conf?19:04
m0aracicula: Ah, then it works without the pluses19:04
mezquitaleperakus_, lucid boots up and shuts down lilke in 5-10 seconds on my laptop19:04
theadminBonezAU: ru.archive.ubuntu.com19:04
BonezAUtheadmin, are you in russia? try another nearby country it may be a lot faster19:04
Dr_Willisagliodbs:  CUPS has a web interface http://localhost:631 also19:04
cojDr_Willis, pysdm seemed to read fstab wrongly and cause it to be misconfigured once changes were applid. i'm afraid the same bug will hit other newbies trying to configure hard drive mounting, just as it hit me.19:04
theadminBonezAU: Yeah, I am in russia19:04
perlsyntaxanyone know where i can download the ubuntu 10.04 dvd image that stable?19:05
Guest18113Rythmbox will not import music library off worldbook219:05
rygar_pg_: www.elivecd.org19:05
BonezAUtheadmin, go into Synaptic and use the "Find fastest server" tool19:05
bastid_raZorperlsyntax: read the topic19:05
coji ended up unable to start the ubuntu GUI or something like that, which was pertty scary19:05
EgYPaRaDoXin my ubuntu\disks directory there are 2 files one is about 8.35 GB and the ohter is 256 MB, i guess the other one repersents the swap?19:05
perakus_mezquitale my 10.04 64 go the login to view desktop in 20 !!!!!!!119:05
ojiidammit keyboard still not working19:05
ojiithis is realy really bad19:05
perakus_is not normal lool19:05
Dr_Williscoj:  my advice - forget  that psysdm or whatever its called.. ever existed. :)19:05
ZelozelosEgYPaRaDoX, yes it prolly is swap19:06
EgYPaRaDoXhow can i expand it?19:06
theadminEgYPaRaDoX: Come on man, do a normal install and don't worry19:06
EgYPaRaDoXI have 4 OS19:06
mezquitaleperakus_, that's most likely a bug, you might want to file a bug report19:06
ZelozelosEgYPaRaDoX, you dont need to make it bigger, it knows exactly what size it needs 2 be19:06
theadmin45 Bytes/sec... that ain't working this way *decides to wait till tommorow to upgrade*19:06
EgYPaRaDoXi prefer in this situation wubi than grub19:06
EgYPaRaDoXZelozelos: i see19:07
_pg_rygar: that is debian based. is there similar for ubuntu?19:07
theadmin_pg_: Ubuntu and Debian are close relatives19:08
agliodbsDr_Willis: oh yes, right19:08
EgYPaRaDoXI believe nobody is absolutely free to answer anyone at the moment.19:08
rygari installed ecomorph in ubuntu once, think you'll have to find debs or compile it19:08
cojDr_Willis, but then how are less technical users supposed to access their windows drives automatically? i do wish ubuntu had convenient options like "Mount all mountable HDs automatically" so less technical folks don't have to mess around with fstab manually.19:08
pookitocan anyone direct me to the UNR torrent.  for some reason the website is not offering it19:08
chadihow can I reload the wi-fi drivers?19:08
ghostyis ubuntu still based off the unstable branch though?19:08
rygar_pg_ besides ubuntu is debian based too19:08
theadmincoj: It mounts em all by default19:08
theadminghosty: Based off squeeze, whatever that is19:08
cojtheadmin, not ntfs drives it doesn't...afaik19:09
cojat least it didn't mount mine19:09
theadmincoj: Did for me :P19:09
ZykoticK9pookito, they are fixing a GRUB bug - so only "Ubuntu" is released so far (i believe)19:09
Picipookito: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/file?info_hash=%164%A67%92%A5h%8F%DDK%60%AEQ%A8%81%20%B6%0B%EE%2A19:09
ghostyI think squeeze is the newest unstable branch19:09
llutztheadmin: squeeze is debian/testing19:09
ChogyDanghosty: it was based on testing as a baseline19:09
_pg_rygar: but I have a working Ubuntu 10.04 setup I just want to make awesome with E1719:09
cojtheadmin: seriously? can someone else confirm that 10.04 automatically mounts all NTFS partitions?19:09
llutzghosty:  squeeze is debian/testing, unstable is sid19:09
ZykoticK9pookito, Pici thanks!  My bad.19:10
EgYPaRaDoXanother question, is ntfs-3g safe?19:10
theadmincoj: I dunno. I specified a mount point while installing, that's why, I suppose19:10
Zelozeloscoj no mine dosent i have 2 use storage device manager19:10
theadminEgYPaRaDoX: Yeah19:10
h93When issuing cat /proc/cpuinfo, a friend's computer shows as model name "Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60MHz" and under cpu MHz 800.000. What value is right? Has the processor been under-clocked?19:10
cojZelozelos, did it give you any problems? are you using lucid?19:10
cojtheadmin, specified a mount point for each partition?19:10
coji guess that might do it...19:10
ohirh93: yes19:10
Zelozeloscoj no problems, and yes i use lucid, and its almost the newest build its from 2 days ago19:10
theadmincoj: Pretty much yes (only 2 of them)19:10
tman_will ubuntu 10.04 run alright on my pc with a amd sempron 1ghs proceeser w/ 512mb of ram?:) and how about running the visual effects with that hardware?19:10
ZykoticK9h93, if is running on battery?  It's probably in powersaving mode19:10
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100419:11
ubutomh93, that model supports speedstep and so on19:11
_pg_hahaha awesome19:11
theadmincoj: /dev/sda2 = /media/windows/ ; /dev/sda1 = /19:11
cojZelozelos, weird, pysdm screwed my fstab by misreading it...19:11
h93ohir: ZykoticK9: ubutom: thank you19:11
bastid_raZorh93: it is probably on a 'ondemand' governor19:11
theadmintman_: It should run fine, but vis effects... meh19:11
ohirh93: you may disable speedstep at BIOS level if you really want to19:11
knittlweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, it's here!!!19:11
Zelozeloscoj idk what pysdm is, but i can help you with storage device manager, if you want19:11
sebsebseb!pary | knittl19:11
sebsebseb!party | knittl19:12
ubottuknittl: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Maveric release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MavericReleaseParties19:12
tman_i'll still test it out and see19:12
Hans_Henriki need to search an entire folder full of files for a specific text string, how can i do that?19:12
cojtheadmin, i must have missed where in the installation it allows you to specify mountpoints for each partition. oh well, thanks anyway19:12
knittlsebsebseb: lol, ok19:12
sebsebsebknittl: uh19:12
cojZelozelos, pysdm = storage device manager19:12
tobiasgieshi there19:12
pahow do i update from lucid beta to lucid final? just dist-upgrade?19:12
bastid_raZorh93: you could add the cpu frequency applet to the panel and be able to change the speeds/governors that way19:12
sebsebsebknittl: hrm they got that factoid already updated for the next one19:12
knittli'm just happy :D19:12
Guest18113I can't get rythmbox to import music folder on worldbook219:12
Zelozeloscoj ahhh rofl19:12
sebsebsebknittl: anyway Lucid party is in #ubuntu-release-party19:12
EgYPaRaDoXwhich ntfs-3g version is most stable?19:12
cojZelozelos, anyway i got it fixed by maually editing fstab, so no problems. i was just concerned that other newbies would run into the same problem.19:12
theadminpa, pretty much yeah19:12
knittlsebsebseb: no problem, i don't wanna party, i was just expressing my joy19:12
Zelozeloscoj i get it, *python* storage device manager ;)19:12
steve__hello everyone19:13
cojZelozelos, i suppose :P19:13
arielhis ubuntu 10.4 out already?19:13
j2bv16hello [stece]19:13
sebsebsebarielh: yes19:13
theadminarielh: yup yup19:13
_pg_arielh: hell yes19:13
h93thank you very much! that helped a lot! :)19:13
j2bv16yes in the official web19:13
j2bv16im seeding19:13
UrdaQuestion: Best way to install my 10.04 LTS x64 from USB?19:13
jotallWhy such a short EOL space for 8.10, one day?19:13
* Urda no CD drive this time around19:13
theadminjotall: Cuz it wasn't a LTS19:13
sebsebsebjotall: I am getting from a FTP server, screw seeding with you lot heh heh19:13
steve__if you were running the 10.04rc are you going to have to reinstall today with a final copy of the cd or will the upgrades take care of it19:13
arielhhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ has the beta? or the realease?19:13
sebsebsebjotall: uh wrong one.   j2bv16 ^19:13
Piciarielh: final19:13
theadminarielh: da final19:14
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
Zelozelossteve__, good q, i ws wondering that myself19:14
jotalltheadmin: Ah, right, which one was.. 8.04? 7.04? darn.. can't remember..19:14
Slartjotall: 8.10? wasn't it 8.04 that was LTS?19:14
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.19:14
theadminjotall: Hardy Heron, 8.0419:14
j2bv16is in the officla web sebsebseb19:14
sebsebsebyeah RIP 8.10 :(19:14
Picijotall: 8.10 has been scheduled for an April 30th EOL for a while now, it just wasn't in the topic.19:14
fructoseMy keyboard F1-12 keys are not working normally now... when I hit F1 it gives me power info (even though this is a desktop). How do I reset it? (And what did I do?)19:14
j2bv16what is the command to upgrade from Rc ?19:14
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:15
Yomerois fixed the bug with the grub?19:15
Slartj2bv16: just a regular update should do afaik19:15
theadminj2bv16: just sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:15
Pici!final | j2bv1619:15
ubottuj2bv16: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.10 (Maveric Meerkat) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maveric. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:15
ikoniaj2bv16: synaptic will offer updates so it will do it auto19:15
patheadmin, so is it normal that from yesterday to today there were no updates ?19:15
msmoothI cannot install 10.04 I get "Input signal out of range" no video when entering setup.19:15
theadmin10.10? lolwut?19:15
j2bv16lets upgrade19:15
Picitheadmin: er, let me fix that19:15
pijulets celebrate with http://www.malaysiabest.net/2007/08/28/mee-banjir-udang-kuala-sepetang-taiping/19:15
rygar_pg_: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1280189&page=819:15
theadminand pardon me, but we have a typo, "Maveric"19:15
PHLAKapt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade don't do anything19:15
PHLAKfrom the RC19:16
ChogyDanPHLAK: are you trying to upgrade with a cd?19:16
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
Dr_WillisPHLAK:  if you ahve updated recently. it may be you are up to date19:16
MenZa!dist-upgrade | PHLAK19:16
ubottuPHLAK: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.19:16
ilfwhat's the difference between # do-release-upgrade and changing sources.list + # apt-get dist-upgrade manually?19:16
moderndayzeroquick question,when i open up synaptics i get this error "Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)" anyone know how to fix this?19:16
PHLAKubottu: where do I see that?19:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:16
EgYPaRaDoXchanging sources.list bit risky19:16
Slartilf: one is good and should work, the other one isn't and sometimes doesn't19:16
fructoseMy keyboard F1-F12 keys are not working normally now... when I hit F1 it gives me power info (even though this is a desktop). How do I reset it? (And what did I do?)19:16
EgYPaRaDoXif you dont know what your doing19:16
ChogyDanilf: do-release-upgrade handles dependencies19:16
rygarare there torrents for dvd releases of lynx?19:16
theadminsorry, I'm out. Too noisy.19:16
digismackI tried to upgrade through update-manager and I get "Could not get the release notes - please check your internet connection." But, my net connection is working fine.19:17
steve__i just checked for updates and there were no updates from yesterday till today19:17
nilsmaany advice on how to get audio thru HDMI (video working)? (karmic, gts250, audigy2)19:17
Dr_Willismoderndayzero:  edit like 54 of the file it says. It either has a typo or some other mistake.19:17
pavsI am on ubuntu 10.04 beta build how do I upgrade to the final release? Its not giving me an option from update manager19:17
ChogyDandigismack: try torrenting the alternate cd, and upgrade with that19:17
ZykoticK9!final | pavs19:17
ubottupavs: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maveric. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:17
aciculanilsma: no luck yet enabling the sound?19:17
Giekehey, i updated my dual booted windows vista - ubuntu 9.10 to version 10.4, but now i can't boot into windows19:17
Giekeany ideas?19:17
iMaThhi all :)19:17
racecar56yay my download is done19:17
h93digismack: perhaps your repository server is temporarily unavailable. try to use another: System / Administration / Software Sources19:17
nilsmaacicula: unfortunately not :/19:17
tobiasgieswhich version of the netbook remix is the right one for my Samsung NC10? specs of the 'book are here: http://www.sammynetbook.com/samsung-nc1019:17
ojiiI'm on lucid and my keyboard stopped working as of today (I used RC before and it worked yesterday evening), does anyone have an idea what I could do?19:17
racecar56iMaTh: hi19:17
Dr_Willismoderndayzero:  you fix it. by fixing that line.19:17
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h93ojii: perhaps you get lucky by unplugging/replugging the kbd19:18
aciculaojii: what kind of keyboard19:18
agliodbsDr_Willis: so, apparently the desktop GUI for network printers in UNR is broken19:18
agliodbsDr_Willis: where would I report this?19:18
Dr_Willisagliodbs:  it workd for me when i set up my new printer yesterday.19:18
ojiiacicula, h93 it's a notebook keyboard, so no unplugging/replugging19:19
Dr_Willisagliodbs:   It saw my networked printer and set it right up.19:19
UrdaHey! Bittorrent of the iso?19:19
Zelozelosojii reboot?19:19
ojiiZelozelos, I tried re-logging in...19:19
ubottuLucid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavors can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).19:19
aciculaojii: does it work at boot? can you go into/out of the bios and grub menu?19:19
ojiiacicula, I don't get a GRUB19:20
agliodbsDr_Willis: well, when I tried to set up a printer via the desktop widget, it found the network printer ... but then set it up as a local raw printer19:20
PHLAKwhat's this "!upgrade" everyone is talking about?19:20
aciculaojii: you get asked to press ESC on boot or wait a few seconds19:20
digitalstimulusojii, does it work before ubuntu loads?19:20
agliodbsDr_Willis: when I set it up via the cups intereface, it worked19:20
aciculaor somethin to that extent19:20
ubottuYes! Its out!19:20
j2bv16descargando Ubuntu19:20
MarooAny idea why it would hang on booting from USB (10.04) with error "stdin: error 0" among others?19:20
Zelozelosojii try a full reboot19:20
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jevangelothat is a bot command to get info on how to upgrade19:20
Pici!upgrade| jevangelo19:20
ubottujevangelo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:20
switchgirlhappy ew year jsharper19:20
lucas12anyone have link of rapidsdhare of ubuntu 10.04 amd64 ?19:20
thevishywhere do the flv cache get stored in ubuntu of a youtube ?19:20
Giekehello, can anyone help me with grub.cfg?19:20
fructoseCan anyone help me? When I hit F1, Ubuntu pops up Power Information in the corner, instead of sending it to the programs I'm using. What's going on?19:20
ZykoticK9thevishy, /tmp19:21
Giekethevish, /tmp19:21
abhijaini m in india and which server location is need to select for download 10.419:21
lucifer_i do have little material for grub edit19:21
msmoothi cannot install 10.04 can anyone help please?19:21
aciculaabhijain: just grab the torrent?19:21
ojiiZelozelos, I will try in a minute, need it for work now19:21
dzupthevishy: in /tmp as any body19:21
the_eye_use torrents19:21
lucifer_but whats ur problem gieke19:21
OutlawJHSwith one computer can I have 2 users using their own ubuntu one accounts when they log in19:21
ojiidigitalstimulus, I wouldn't know, but I assume so19:21
dsterneojii: try logging in with the virtual keyboard, does the keyboard work after that? I had problems with virtual instances and had to log in using the virtual keyboard, then the keyboard worked. running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" fixed the issue19:21
Giekelucifer, can i pm u?19:21
j2bv16Ubuntu 10.04 in Twitter trending topics19:21
rygar!torrents | abhijain19:21
ubottuabhijain: Lucid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavors can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).19:21
ojiidsterne, I use it via synaptics atm19:21
=== switchgirl is now known as peppa_pig
ClaytonWYay! Torrents! Less strain on Conanical servers!19:21
ojiidsterne, I mean synergy19:21
Westernishi all19:21
h93!hi | Westernis19:22
ubottuWesternis: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:22
lucifer_hi westeris19:22
digitalstimulusojii, try rebooting and pressing a bios entry key like F1, Del, F10 (whichever your bios uses)19:22
ChogyDanmsmooth: please describe your troubles19:22
rosco_ywhere can we get the md5sums for the 10.04 release isos?19:22
ojiidigitalstimulus, any idea what the 'bios key' is for a macbook pro?19:22
acicularosco_y: in the same directory or from canonicals main repo19:22
jotallUh, what's the alternate release?19:22
dsterneojii: try reconfiguring the console-setup using "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup"19:22
Westerniswhere is the party chan?19:22
=== iconmefisto_ is now known as iconmefisto
KEFIRhow do I override repository block while updating to lucud? I need to update from hi-speed local mirror, but it blocks any third-party reps for update time19:22
digitalstimulusmacbook uses something different :)19:22
rosco_yacicula:  sorry, I found them19:22
aciculajotall: a text based installer19:22
msmoothi boot from the disk i burnt from the iso, i get a purple screen with a kb at the bottom.. then "Input signal out of Range" no video.19:22
digitalstimulusojii, macbook doesn't use bios..hmm19:23
jotallacicula: Ah, right. And that's it?19:23
tim__can i install the nvidia binaries from nvidia.com on ubuntu lucid?19:23
_pg_rygar: that page specifically?19:23
aciculajotall: well being text based you can do a bit more during the install process, you dont want to use it unless the normal installer doesnt work or you have a reason to use the alternative installer19:23
digitalstimulusojii, did you do a dist-upgrade or fresh install?19:23
ChogyDanKEFIR: I don't know, but can you grab the alternate cd from the mirror?19:23
ostwhat "do-release-upgrade" actually does?19:23
ojiidsterne, I tried that command and it didn't work19:23
aciculaost: text based update to next release19:23
ojiidigitalstimulus, I use lucid since beta 2 on this machine19:24
ostacicula: what it does?19:24
ojiidigitalstimulus, fresh install tho19:24
rubydia__will it be safe to upgrade to 10.04 from 9.1019:24
rubydia__also how much time it would take?19:24
aciculaost: update, just like update-manager -d19:24
ChogyDantim__ it used to be "no"  not sure what it is now19:24
tiinahar problem med firefox19:24
KEFIRwell ill try this, thanks19:24
abhijainrygar: i m downloading at through ubuntu .com19:24
rygar_pg_: didnt read the thread, but looked like a good pointer19:24
acicularubydia__: yeah, make backups of data though, depends on your computer and connection speed19:24
msmoothIm using a 28' 1080p monitor with a GTX 26019:24
rubydia__acicula: hmm19:24
The_Jorgehey, i was using the ubuntu release candidate, and when i try to update to the official release, update manager says that my system is currently up to date19:25
ClaytonWWait just a minute... If I was using the RCs, can I just update from there?19:25
rygarabhijain: torrents are faster and don't hog the webservers19:25
acicularubydia__: it takes 30mins to fetch here, and prolly about 1h to run through all the updates on a 5400rpm/c2d lapotp19:25
rubydia__which is better .10 versions or .04 ?19:25
rubydia__I have 9.1019:25
EgYPaRaDoXthere are no issues with grub?19:25
ChogyDan!final | The_Jorge19:25
ubottuThe_Jorge: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:25
rubydia__I am thinking .10 ones are stable19:25
EgYPaRaDoXare there*19:25
ChogyDanrubydia__: its a date, month 4, April19:25
acicularubydia__: .10 and .04 relates to dates19:25
digitalstimulusojii, you can hold down C on mac to get a list of devices to boot from...if that works, then the keyboard is working for sure19:26
cojit's simple to do updates directly from the ISO, right? i'm on 10.04 beta 2, not quite updated19:26
jbuncherThe_Jorge, that should have said Lucid, but yeah, if you've been updating your rc version, then you're already running the final.19:26
The_JorgeChogyDan: what do you want me to do? lol.... that didnt get me a message or anything19:26
DickerWhy was it important to emphasise the Long Term Support?19:26
The_Jorgejbuncher: is there any way for me to check?19:26
ChogyDanThe_Jorge: did you read the message?19:26
aciculaso 9.10 is older then 10.04 which has newer features. the only other difference is LTS versions, which means the verion, in this case 10.04 will be supported for a longer period19:26
ojiiI will try digitalstimulus , brb19:26
The_JorgeChogyDan: nothing came19:26
BonezAUfinally 100% downloaded!19:26
ostacicula: I mean does it do something more than change release name in sources.list && apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade?19:26
aciculaDicker: buisnesses use an os for far longer then 18 months19:26
jbuncherThe_Jorge, basically, the update manager is the check.  If there are no updates, then you're running the final release19:26
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)19:26
truckeris the manual partition encryption fixed on the alt version?19:26
aciculaost: dunno, it probably does, use the recommended ways of upgrading19:27
msmoothChogydan any ideas?19:27
ostI can't19:27
The_Jorgeah ok19:27
Ervis10.04 out19:27
aciculaost: you cant run do-upgrade or update-manager?19:27
Zelozelosis there a way for me to ignore the ubottu?19:27
aciculaZelozelos: /ignore <whoever>19:27
Zelozelosacicula, tried it didnt work19:28
digitalstimulusam I correct by saying that if you were using the RC/Beta and kept it up to date, you already have the latest release and don't need to do anything else?19:28
ChogyDanmsmooth: no, sorry.  I would file a bug19:28
PiciZelozelos: why would you need to do that?19:28
ostacicula: I can't let it mangle my sources.list19:28
msmoothwill do thanks19:28
ZykoticK9digitalstimulus, correct19:28
Zelozelostoo much ubottu19:28
Flamey.help notice19:28
BonezAUdigitalstimulus, yes correct19:28
digitalstimulusthat's what I thought :)19:28
aciculaubottu spews a lot of stuff, i have ubottu on ignore too most of the time19:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:28
guest3Where do I find the 10.04 release notes?19:28
Pici!notes | guest319:28
ubottuguest3: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100419:28
Flameyoops, wrong window19:28
aciculaost: backup the sources.list, and merge it later?19:28
guest3there not linked from the download website19:29
Zelozelosit was better when it said heay (so n so) see my privat message19:29
aciculaost: also you can drop your own custom sources in the sources.list.d directory, sources.list is just(partially?) generated from there19:29
EgYPaRaDoXThe server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.19:29
guest3BUG: release notes not linked from Download Website19:29
DickerWhy was it important to emphasise the Long Term Support -> in the name of the OS? Isn't other distribs like rhel supported this long?19:29
ojiidigitalstimulus, rebooting magically solved it19:30
trismDicker: not every release of ubuntu is LTS, that's why it is in the names of the ones that are19:30
guest3Ervis: yes, but there is no link on the download website to the release notes19:30
ostacicula: I think I'll do it by hand19:30
EgYPaRaDoXDicker: exactly e.g jaunty or intrepid19:30
Urdahey kids, torrent up19:30
Dickerok, thats the answer i was looking for. thanks.19:30
abhijain rygar: i m downloading  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download is this not working in india  and cna u tell me what is alternative option ubuntu intaller windows . i m new user and first time trying fpor ubuntu19:30
BonezAUguest3, give it time, it takes a little while for everything to be updated19:30
peppa_pighappy birthday19:31
guest3BonezAU: oh, ok19:31
peppa_pigthe number of users ftr19:31
EgYPaRaDoXabhijain: if your a new user I personally recommend wubi19:31
BonezAUabhijain, try this http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors19:31
freaky[t]10.4 doesnt recognize my usb bluetooth keyboard :(19:31
racecar56tobiasgies: that looks like it might be able to handle full-blown ubuntu, however i'm not good with netbook remixes (i have never owned a netbook AFAIK)19:32
bbordwellabhijain, or use the torrent, the servers will have high load right now causing downloads to be slow or not work at all19:32
racecar56tobiasgies: extremely late answer19:32
Dude28736i am downloading the new ubuntu! i can't wait! :)19:32
tobiasgiesracecar56: no problem :)19:32
BonezAUracecar56, i've always run full blown ubuntu on my acer aspire one... i hate the netbook remixes :)19:32
zarafhello, just curious: is KMS supposed to work with 10.04 on radeon 5k ("evergreen") GPUs? (IIRC initial KMS support in upstream codebase was only up to 4k and support for evergreen was added later, that's why I am asking)19:32
tobiasgiesI have already used a netbook remix on my nc10 once, I think it was 9.0419:32
edakiriCongratulations on the release!  I would like to suggest not serving the ISO images with most demand by FTP or HTTP initially: only P2P.19:32
racecar56tobiasgies: this computer i'm on has 1GB of RAM and it's running kubuntu19:32
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tobiasgieshowever, back then, there was only one .img file to download, not two :)19:33
BonezAUubuntu runs better on my netbook than windows xp home19:33
BonezAUwhich i guess it not really that hard :P19:33
tobiasgiesI'm just not sure which one to grab.19:33
abhijainbbordwell: i completed 10% download  with http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-wubi  is this ok for me ??19:33
racecar56BonezAU: that makes sense19:33
anodesniWubi 10.04 64 bit gives error on windows 7 64 bit "Error executing command: C:\Windows\sysnative\bcdedit.exe"19:33
racecar56tobiasgies: i don't know how good a N270 CPU is though but i'm guessing it might work well with full-blown ubuntu19:33
BonezAUunetbootin' to my usb drive now, getting ready to install 10.04 on the netbook :)19:33
tobiasgiesracecar56 the nc10 has a 1.6ghz atom19:34
Dickeranyone running 1004 in vmware?19:34
bbordwellabhijain, That is for wubi, to install in windows, Is that what you want to do or do you want to have it on its own partition?19:34
racecar56tobiasgies: yes, i looked at the link you sent19:34
tobiasgiesat least mine has :)19:34
Dr_WillisMy older netbook runs the full ubuntu quite well.19:34
Dr_Willisthee:  not for you. :)19:34
BonezAUwish i had a SSD but I went for the old school mechanical in the netbook19:34
ZykoticK9Dicker, i believe there may be a problem with keyboard/mouse in VMWare -- works fine in VBox19:35
racecar56tobiasgies: i have a 1.6 GHz Celeron in another computer i have because i burned up the q6600 that came with it ;)19:35
imagine7xyCan someone help me set my CPU to performance instead of OnDemand please?19:35
tobiasgiesooooh, ouch19:35
theeDr_Willis ... Why sir ???19:35
Dr_Willisthee:  you used too many upper case letters...19:35
Dude28736i am downloading the new ubuntu! i can't wait! :) :)19:35
blackxoredA quicker mirror for center-american country please19:35
status0hello all19:35
Dr_WillisIf one wants quicker downloads. use the torrents.19:35
BonezAUblackxored, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors19:35
* racecar56 wonders why pidgin is so crashy19:35
tobiasgiesblackxored: use bittorrent, I got it downloaded in like 5 minutes :D19:35
blackxoredBonezAU, thanks19:35
Jordan_UGieke: Can you mount your windows partition?19:36
blackxoredtobiasgies, Im updating my RC19:36
theeDr_Willis: tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/g19:36
racecar56tobiasgies: nice internet speed you have, it'd take more like 35 minutes for me :|19:36
dugger5688Took me 5 minutes too, torrent is always faster for me.19:36
blackxoredtobiasgies, running lucid from alpha 4, be safe, I won't download isos till tomorrow19:36
tobiasgiesracecar56: yup, I have a 50/2 line19:36
Dr_Willisblackxored:  i updated/upgraded last night. and dident have any updates this morning.19:36
* racecar56 is seeding ubuntu 10.04 amd6419:36
abhijainbbordwell: yah i have already installed windows vista  and now in another drive i will   ubuntu . is this ubuntu working with windows grub . or after installation ubuntu need to install grub once again??19:36
Giekeyes jordan, i can19:36
tobiasgiesbit shabby on the upload site, but I like the DL speed *g*19:36
Giekeand all the files are there19:36
Giekegparted even marks it as a bootable partition19:36
status0i have a question. i want to upgrade 9.10 to 10.04. how do i do it - if i dont want to erase my file under /home and my /home isnt other partition19:36
blackxoredDr_Willis, didn't did I since yesterday, what do you mean then?19:36
Jordan_UGieke: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?19:36
Giekeit's just gone from the grub menu19:36
blackxoredstatus0, sudo update-manager19:36
BonezAUstatus0, run sudo update-manager -d from a terminal19:37
racecar56tobiasgies: i'm stuck with 400 KB/s that usually doesn't get as fast as it should get19:37
Dr_Willisblackxored:  i always update and upgrade my RC. the day befor release.. then just wait a week or so befor i bother updateing/upgrading again.19:37
Gieke/dev/sda1:Windows NT/2000/XP:Windows:chain19:37
Gieke/dev/sda2:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows1:chain19:37
Jordan_UBonezAU: The -d isn't needed now that it's released19:37
BonezAUyeah true19:37
racecar56status0: it's easy to upgrade without wiping stuff19:37
bbordwellabhijain, it should already be working19:37
blackxoredGieke, please ask again, I think we fixed that already, at least they told me that19:37
malevubuntu's wiki is down?19:37
racecar56status0: all you need to do is use update-manager19:37
Jordan_UGieke: Then "sudo update-grub" should add windows entries automatically19:37
theestatus0:  http://anakbawang.com/upgrading-to-ubuntu-10-04-lts-for-ubuntu-9-10-or-8-04-lts.html19:37
* BonezAU is tired19:37
* blackxored is happy a lot, but the connection is killing him19:38
Giekeit sayts19:38
Giekefound windows recovery environnement on /dev/sda219:38
blackxoredthe ubuntu site19:38
Giekebut that should be a windows vista19:38
Jordan_Uthee: It's better to link to official docs.19:38
tobiasgiesracecar56: ouch, that ain't anywhere near species-appropriate for us geeks :D19:38
Jordan_U!upgrade status0 thee19:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:38
blackxoredBonezAU, can you find me a link about the mirrors, there's no way I can access *anything* on the ubuntu site under that load right now19:38
Jordan_U!upgrade | status0 thee19:38
ubottustatus0 thee: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:38
xnoxI don't like that the old logo is on ubuntu.com in the top left corner =)19:38
imagine7xyHow do I set my CPU to performance in Ubuntu?19:38
xnoxi meant =)19:38
xnoxi meant =(19:39
BonezAUblackxored, sure. where do you live?19:39
xnoxcan't type in the dark19:39
FloodBot2xnox: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
racecar56xnox: at least it isn't the one from 6.06 LTS ;)19:39
blackxoredBonezAU, Cuba19:39
status0Yey !!! it's there ... and it's A-L-I-V-E !!!19:39
imagine7xyHow do I set my CPU to performance in Ubuntu?19:39
lucas12 ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B238URN3 other are in upload19:39
abhijainbbordwell: means ubuntu10.4  working with windows  easily . and no need to install grub . ubuntu 10.4 is awesome if this problem is solved in new version19:39
GiekeJordan_U, blackxored , is there any hope to get my windows back?19:39
Giekei'll do reboot first19:39
racecar56tobiasgies: yeah it's pretty miserable sometimes, i want 1.5 MB/s... my upload speed is even worse; most of the time it's like 50 KB/s or something stupid like that19:39
samuel_ola alguien me esplica como va esto19:39
blackxoredGieke, if it detects the os, then sudo update-grub will do it19:39
xnoxracecar56, I wasn't around. How did that look?19:39
* xnox off to webarchive19:40
geekphreak!es > samuel_19:40
ubottusamuel_, please see my private message19:40
imagine7xyMy CPU freq is at 100%19:40
imagine7xyis this bad??19:40
racecar56xnox: nor was i (i just have a copy of 6.06 around in my DLs) it was...quite different19:40
imagine7xyIt says CPU scaling unsupported??19:40
racecar56xnox: still had the ubuntu guys but they looked different (same order though)19:40
bbordwellimagine7xy, cpu freq or cpu usage?19:40
Xcellimagine7xy-   http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1027165.html19:40
racecar56imagine7xy: i get that on my acer comp when i hack the BIOS too much19:40
xnoxracecar56, well there is ubuntu museum with VM's19:40
thropeim seeing a lot of memory used on a clean 10.4 install - nothing actuve (just ssh session) : http://pastebin.com/AFHKLRp9 any ideas what that might be?19:41
racecar56imagine7xy: either you need to reset the BIOS or if you don't remember fooling with it, then your CPU doesn't support scaling19:41
the_eye_memory usage is more complicated19:41
imagine7xyracecar, its pentium 4!!?!19:41
ubottuA short primer on linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html19:41
the_eye_dont compare just numbers19:41
Fireking300Is there any retailer that sells computer + multiple monitors for the purpose of multiseating?19:41
racecar56imagine7xy: that would be rather weird though, i don't believe i have seen any CPUs that don't support it19:41
racecar56imagine7xy: pentium 4 should be fine19:42
imagine7xyracecar56: Pentium 4 is mainline CPU19:42
imagine7xyracecar56: How do I set it to scaling?19:42
imagine7xyracecar56: please19:42
mkhanyisiMy desktop folder disappeard, I might've deleted it unknowingly. Now all the contents of my home folder (~) are displayed on the "desktop".  I tried doing a "mkdir ~/Desktop" and restarted but that did not help.19:42
imagine7xyracecar56: It is just using 100% cpu and making my computer lag19:42
thropethe_eye_: I know - did you look at the plot? I am seeing about 1gb more used than I would expect (not including budders/cache19:42
racecar56imagine7xy: i have a pentium 4 around but idk how it works with scaling, AFAIR (as far as i can remember) it works but idk19:42
status0Becuse of you i can drink ARAK in the party !19:42
racecar56imagine7xy: typo'd a bit :|19:42
imagine7xyracecar56: It tells me CPU scaling is unsupported19:42
racecar56imagine7xy: anyway that CPU should be fine and you probably need to reset your BIOS settings19:43
favilaCurrently upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04... is it normal for your mouse and keyboard to become inoperable? it's been more than 15 minutes.19:43
imagine7xyracecar56: My Bios is terrible19:43
imagine7xyracecar56: Its like AWARD BIOS19:43
imagine7xyracecar56: or something19:43
racecar56imagine7xy: my oldest comp has that i think19:43
racecar56imagine7xy: it works fine with my pentium 419:43
racecar56imagine7xy: afair19:43
geekphreakmkhanyisi:  so are you having issues with it?19:43
abhijainXcell: i m downloading ubuntu from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-wubi . is this working with windows without grub loader problem19:43
racecar56imagine7xy: i think you need to reset it somehow19:43
imagine7xyracecar56: how do I change to Performance?19:44
imagine7xyracecar56: from ondemand?19:44
minimecfavila: do you have any progress bar or % indicatioin that indicates activity?19:44
mkhanyisigeekphreak, yes, I want the desktop folder back19:44
racecar56imagine7xy: i'm not sure :/19:44
imagine7xyracecar56: Or whatever? I'm still new to linux19:44
peppa_pigfire up the quatro19:44
Jordan_Ufavila: No, that is not normal. Can you try "ctrl+alt+F1" to get to a console? (ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to X)19:44
bastid_raZorimagine7xy: you can add the cpu frequency applet to the panel and change it that way19:44
lucifer_gieke problem has been solved and posted on pastebin19:44
Giekeproblem is solved19:44
Giekecan boot to windows again19:44
UbuntuNoob192I'm currently tryin to backup my system inorder to start anew but I'm running into memory issues(not enough of it)   so what is the best way of compressing my files to the smallest amount?19:44
imagine7xybastid_raZor: I added cpu freq applet and there is no option19:44
lucifer_gieke problem has been solved and posted on pastebin19:44
bastid_raZorimagine7xy: or you can use cpufreq-set19:44
Giekethanks lucifer, and all who helped me19:44
imagine7xybastid_raZor: when I added it to panel, it said CPU scaling not supported19:44
lucifer_well come19:45
imagine7xybastid_raZor: but I see other people using pentium 4 with scaling19:45
bastid_raZorimagine7xy: ah, you have issues i can not fix19:45
Dickeri/o error :(19:45
lucifer_i also edited ur paste post and answered it there19:45
ubutomhey, before lucid lynx i was able to drag windows to other desktop, using 4 virtual desktops, now it doesn't work, something to do with ati drivers?19:45
aciculaimagine7xy: it just means it will run at max speed constantly19:45
geekphreakmkhanyisi:  can you open terminal ?19:45
bastid_raZorimagine7xy: cpufreq-info .. what information does this output?19:45
favilaminimec, Jordan_U  I had a progress bar now my screen is black and it's been that way for sometime. I will try ctrl+alt+F719:45
ev0http://i40.tinypic.com/2wnbl7a.jpg <<-This should work with proper packet forawding correct?19:45
abhijaini m downloading ubuntu from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-wubi . is it  working with windows without grub loader problem. and it is ok for me as i am new user19:45
mkhanyisigeekphreak, ok, I opened terminal, and then?19:45
aciculaev0: yeah19:46
imagine7xyI'm installing cpufreq-info19:46
ubutomhm, maybe i just have to relog into gdm19:46
aciculaev0: make sure it does bridge traffic though19:46
minimecfavila: Jordan_U Could it be that the partition is full? No mire space ti save?19:46
ev0the ids/firewall?19:46
geekphreakmkhanyisi:  see Desktop there?19:46
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P19:46
aciculaev0: you can simulate all this on one node19:47
Urdax64 Desktop torrent?19:47
favilaminimec, I had 30 gigs before the upgrade19:47
minimecfavila: ;)19:47
dragonUrda: can I help you?19:47
mkhanyisigeekphreak, yes, its the one I created with mkdir ~/Desktop19:47
Urdadragon: lost the link to an x64 Ubuntu 10.04 torrent :s19:47
Hans_Henrikwill update-manager ask me to continue after download? (i want to start download updates but not to apply any updates atm)19:47
yellowroost924hi, how can i tell whether i have a 32 bit or 64 bit system?19:47
abhijaini m downloading ubuntu from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-wubi . is it  working with windows without grub loader problem. and it is ok for me as i am new user19:47
mkhanyisigeekphreak, its not the original one19:47
bastid_raZorimagine7xy: that means you have 'performance' as the governor set now19:47
geekphreakmkhanyisi:  well you can try using something like gtweakui to set it up back19:47
Jordan_Uabhijain: With wubi, Ubuntu will be installed to a file on your windows partition. So grub will be installed, but rather than replacing window's bootloader it will set itself up so that windows's bootloader loads it. This is just technical details though, you don't need to know anything more than how to install a normal windows applciation to install Ubuntu with wubi.19:47
dragonUrda: look for it here http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/19:47
imagine7xybastid_raZor: why is my PC scrolling kind of laggy?19:47
imagine7xybastid_raZor: Do I need to set something?19:48
aciculayellowroost924: by checking the hardware19:48
CarlisI know this is not the appropiated site to get hel on it19:48
imagine7xybastid_raZor: My PC is kind of sucking right now on fresh install of Ubuntu19:48
aciculayellowroost924: are you running ubuntu already or do you want to install it19:48
mkhanyisigeekphreak, , command not found19:48
geekphreakmkhanyisi:  you can download from synaptic19:48
geekphreakmkhanyisi:  you will have to download it first :)19:48
yellowroost924acicula: am running ubunt 9.10 32bit, but was thinking of doing a fresh install of 10.04.19:48
aciculayellowroost924: type cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model19:48
Carlisbut may be someone know something about it19:48
aciculaand pastebin the results19:49
mastereduwho has problems with ubuntu?19:49
Hans_Henriki do19:49
minimecfavila: Hmm... How much space on the / partition. I guess the update-manager is using /var as folder to save. Maybe restart the system and delete the old deb archives with synaptics. Ubuntu is saving a copy of some installed deb packages in /var/chache or so19:49
Urdadragon: this is what I needed http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent thanks :)19:49
CarlisI have a blackberry Curve 8900 and I am trying to connect to the network of my office19:49
yellowroost924acicula: model name: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3800+19:49
yellowroost924acicula: so i have 64 bit processor19:50
minimecfavila: Synaptics gives you an option to delete these copies...19:50
aciculayellowroost924: correct19:50
mkhanyisigeekphreak, I cant download gtweakui because apt-get thinks I am behind proxy and I use proxy at work19:50
yellowroost924is there any disadvantages to installing 64 bit ubuntu?19:50
geekphreakmkhanyisi:  great :)19:50
aciculayellowroost924: yeah its better, but most advantages are not really noticable by end users19:50
Carlisand I can´t i receive this message: A network error occurred. How can i fix this issue?19:50
frankbroAnyone having problems with intel drivers on netbooks? With atom processors ?19:50
yellowroost924for some reason i've always gone with 32 bit ubuntu on my 64 bit processor computer.19:50
mkhanyisigeekphreak, great?19:50
geekphreakmkhanyisi:  let me think of another way 1 sec19:50
yellowroost924acicula: are there NO disadvantages to using 64 bit Ubuntu on 64bit computer?19:50
Carliswho can  help me ?19:51
Jordan_Uyellowroost924: Certain proprietary applications may not run as well / be as easy to install.19:51
bastid_raZorimagine7xy: sounds like you need video drivers.19:51
littlepenguinwhat was the command to tell apt to look for dist upgrade?19:51
littlepenguinok i answered myself19:51
yellowroost924Jordan_U: oh i see. like what applications?19:51
imagine7xyBastard, I have the latest drivers19:51
Carliswho can  help me ?19:51
dragon!who | Carlis19:51
ubottuCarlis: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:51
Hans_Henrikmasteredu: this is my *only* problem with ubuntu, i have to sit on the router to get wlan range, also known as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rtl8187se/+bug/416488 :p19:51
aciculayellowroost924: a few programs dont run very well in a 32bit environment, not even an emulated one. i havent had any problems with switching to 64bit though19:52
msmoothchogydan: i fixed it.. for some reason the install/setup GUI is in a resoultion my lCD monitor cant accept. had to use a very old CRT monitor to continue19:52
Jordan_Uyellowroost924: 64 bit flash is less stable in 64 bit (unless you install and use 32 bit firefox, which is possible) and IIRC it's harder to run windows apps with wine in 64 bit.19:52
dragonCarlis: also, this is an Ubuntu support channel. You might want to try ##blackberry19:52
littlepenguincarlis whats the problem19:52
favilaminimec,  okay I'll wait a bit more and see what happens. I really have no other choice right now other than pressing and holding the power button19:52
CarlisI have a blackberry Curve 8900 and I am trying to connect to the network of my office19:52
ChogyDanmsmooth: well, that's a work around.  I would still file a bug19:52
Carlisand I can´t i receive this message: A network error occurred. How can i fix this issue?19:52
kbarwhat was that Carlis19:53
bastid_raZorimagine7xy: please don't PM.. keeping things in channel are more appropriate and gives others a chance to see a fix..19:53
littlepenguincarlis have you checked if the vpn host is available?19:53
fdsaanyone know openoffice macros... their irc room is dead19:53
ChogyDanmsmooth: I know the video folks want to know about these things19:53
yellowroost924so who would find using 64bit ubuntu a better option then?19:53
Jordan_Uyellowroost924: I don't personally use any applications that have problems with 64 bit except flash, and I don't have many problems even with flash.19:53
minimecfavila: You can 'hold that button' right now .... The upgrade process will keep the downlodad packages in mind.19:53
CarlisIt´s available19:53
bastid_raZorimagine7xy: also, choppy scrolling doesn't sound like a cpu issue.. more like a compiz/video driver issue. possibly disable compiz and see if the issues persist19:53
ChogyDanmsmooth: I think you can run the command, ubuntu-bug xorg19:53
yellowroost924Jordan_U: how much faster is using 64bit ubuntu on a 64bit computer VS using 32bit ubuntu on 64bit computer?19:53
favilaminimec, okay thanks19:53
littlepenguin64bit advantage is adress more ram19:54
Carlisis the host ssd little ??19:54
kbaryellowroost924, only difference really is you can use more than 2GB of ram19:54
BonezAUloving the sexy new installer19:54
markattono, 64 bit is actually faster on x86_6419:54
markattoit has more registers19:54
UTFeeek new installer crashes on boot19:54
kbarBonezAU, you mean the entire new UI19:54
Fireking300Anyone here use Ubuntu Multiseat?19:54
markattobut it uses slightly more ram19:54
* Kin`Away_ ascolta Psycho Love degli Skid Row19:55
markattoFireking300: does that even work? I've been waiting for multiseat to start working again for a while now19:55
ToXedViruskbar its actually 3.2gb19:55
ToXedVirusand its faster19:55
BonezAUkbar, i'm still installing, have not had a chance to get down and dirty with that just yet, at first glance it looks good tho :)19:55
LzrdKing32 bits can address 4GB of ram, not 2GB19:55
Fireking300markatto, whend it stop? O.o19:55
Jordan_Uyellowroost924: It depends on the application, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_32_pae&num=1 gives some benchmarks for 9.1019:55
ToXedVirusSince the compilers optimize, I bet tarring and untarring is fater19:55
skiwithpeteI installed 10.04RC, should I/do I need to reinstall from the final?  Or is update the same thing?19:55
LzrdKingbut address lines are not processing lines19:55
erUSUL!final | skiwithpete19:55
ubottuskiwithpete: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:55
markattoFireking300: like a coupla years ago most solutions stopped working well19:55
Fireking300I saw a demo of 10.04 multiseat markatto19:55
yellowroost924kbar, i see. i have 1GB ram19:55
Hans_HenrikLzrdKing: more like 3.X (4?) gb of ram19:55
=== shock is now known as wahwah
littlepenguinim just updating thorugh update manager..i have encrypted the whole disk and have some other things running..im interested if everything goes well..19:55
mohawkboiHey everyone. Does anyone know of an easy way yo install a Logitech G25 in Ubuntu 9.10. I need to get it setup with FFB  PLease help as I am running out of hair to piull out.19:55
kbaryellowroost924, then get the 32bit19:55
ToXedVirusnot bad, the apache 64bit  is godlike19:56
markattoFireking300: there's a few commercial solutions that I know work, haven't seen it working without extra software though19:56
markattoFireking300: feel free to inform me if you know differently :D19:56
skiwithpetecheers erUSUL19:56
imagine7xyCan someone tell me please why Setting Visual Effects to "None" makes windows very slow and choppy, but using CompizConfig makes it better, except scroll is slow and laggy?19:56
ZykoticK9littlepenguin, be sure to see the release notes - your encrypted partition MUST be in /etc/fstab19:56
msmoothlink to file the bug please?19:56
Fireking300Well I don't know if the demo I saw used additional software.19:56
FullmoonIs it sufficient to apt-get update, && apt-get upgrade for 10.04 beta -> 10.04?19:56
Jordan_U!upgrade | Fullmoon19:57
ubottuFullmoon: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:57
erUSULFullmoon: yes19:57
IdleOne!final | Fullmoon19:57
ubottuFullmoon: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:57
erUSUL!final > Fullmoon19:57
ubottuFullmoon, please see my private message19:57
ZykoticK9msmooth, is your ubuntu working?  if it is use "ubuntu-bug PACKAGENAME"19:57
littlepenguinyes zykotic it is as an lvm mount19:57
MikeChelenimagine7xy: what video card and which drivers enabled?19:57
Usagiakumuhttp://wonder-tonic.com/geocitiesizer/content.php?theme=2&music=4&url=www.ubuntu.com woot the new Ubuntu is released19:57
markattoFireking300: there's a company that has a commercial solution, i think it involves a modified X server. The last distro that I saw zaphod mode really working on was fedora 8 i think19:57
john_deecan anyone actually see release files on releases.ubuntu.com?19:57
FullmoonThe bot is bothersome, though19:57
^paradox^im about to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 lts and have questions about three things noted in the release.19:57
Jordan_UFullmoon: Not the bots fault, it was mine for misreading your question :)19:57
UsagiakumuI love the new website theme19:57
C-S-Bwoot, its here19:57
ToXedVirusHm, too bad the x264 encoding performance is just slightly better19:58
minimecmohawkboi: Ubuntu 10.04 brings a different style of usb recognition... no HAL anymore. Also there is a new xorg version wich might support your device better than 9.10. I f you can... Upgrade your system to 10.0419:58
ToXedVirusthey could have done a better job19:58
^paradox^release notes*19:58
l0deHi, I'm having a problem with installing ubuntu on my mackson turret V3. The rounds are not ejecting correctly and the motion tracking is a bit off, any other turret users here?19:58
=== sunzoje is now known as sunzoje_
mohawkboiThanks Minimec. I am off to go do that now :-)19:58
Picil0de: #ubuntu-offtopic19:58
l0deI'm using the ethernet port, not the usb19:58
equityl0de: freebsd is actually a better operating system for turrets19:59
=== sunzoje_ is now known as sunzoje
Jordan_UFireking300: http://www.multiseatcomputer.be/multiseat-products.html And there are probably others.19:59
MikeChelen!final | Fullmoon19:59
ubottuFullmoon: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:59
l0deI think the mackson only supports ubuntu, gentoo, and redhat19:59
l0dewhat turret are you using19:59
equityoh i see19:59
frxstremis installing Ubuntu 10.4 Beta  and then installing all the updates the same as just installing the final version?19:59
equityits a custom built turret19:59
equityrunning freebsd20:00
l0deOh cool, what do you have on yours?20:00
ZykoticK9!final > frxstrem20:00
ubottufrxstrem, please see my private message20:00
kbarfreebsd is for pros20:00
IdleOnefrxstrem: yes20:00
elnurI boot with 10.04, ubuntu is loading, and then I see grabled graphics. And nothing else is happening. Anyone knows what's that?20:00
icomguys i have problem with skyep installing in ubuntu20:00
Limey_PacketJust wondering, is it ok to run a download accenerator to get ubuntu faster?20:00
equitybut if mackson only supports linux that wont help you20:00
markattoToXedVirus: note that a newer x264 will likely produce a higher quality video, aside from encoding time20:00
MPPI read that the 10 version of ubuntu coming out soon20:00
xnoxLimey_Packet, pick a closer mirror or use torrents. it will be faster than accelerators20:00
IdleOneLimey_Packet: it sorta like cheating imho20:00
l0deya, I don't really know much about freebsd and the mackson has the face recognition thing20:00
dkIS IT OUT YET?20:00
^paradox^ok so first about having to manually update grub if one chooses to use ext. is that still an issue?20:00
SubbyMPP: it is out20:00
Jordan_ULimey_Packet: No, it's not fair to other users. Try the torrent instead, it's blazing.20:00
obiwan_dk, !isitout xD20:01
MPPnot the beta version20:01
^paradox^ext4 sorry20:01
equityl0de: oh nice how much cash did you drop on it?20:01
obiwan_lol xd20:01
Mallen_Is it ok to install Ubuntu on the same drive as Windows (when windows was the first OS on the drive and the whole drive was partitioned at that installation time)20:01
ubottuYes! Its out!20:01
Limey_PacketWhat I mean is will I get in trouble from doing it?20:01
elnurAfter live CD is loaded, I see Windows desktop screenshot grabbled. WTF?20:01
obiwan_yeaaaaaaaaaaaah let's party it's out20:01
l0deequity, a lot, lol20:01
Hans_Henrikelnur: had same problem, tried with a little bit older kernel and got it working, but aint in the mood to investigate the issue :p20:01
obiwan_beer for everybody (cola for kids) yeaah20:01
Urdax64 torrent isn't blazing at this time ... holding steady at 90KBS, burst to 200 now and then20:01
Jordan_U^paradox^: Only if you are using grub-legacy.20:01
Zed`wheee installing 10.0420:01
rockywhat are the amd64 iso's like for core2 duo's these days? i remember old 64bit builds use to have issues with stuff like flash20:01
LogicalDashLimey_Packet, if I'm not mistaken the server just won't give you multiple threads. Download Accelerator won't work.20:01
sam204475oh my god!!!! this 10.04 download is SO SLOW!20:01
elnurHans_Henrik, how can I choose another kernel?20:01
l0deprobably $6k on the chassis, then $3k on the guns and the retrofitting kit, another $2k on the webcam and sensor package20:01
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ...is amd64 CD installable on intel 64-bit ?20:01
elnursam204475, choose another mirror20:02
Subbysam204475: use torrent!20:02
plumsam204475: how slow?20:02
LogicalDashsam204475, torrent! torrent! torrent!20:02
Hans_Henrikelnur: well.. normally by the bootloader on restart20:02
Urdacobra-the-joker: yesh20:02
Jordan_Ucobra-the-joker: Yes20:02
sam204475im using torrent~!~~~20:02
obiwan_i'm waiting for the minimal 64 lucid, the 32 bit is out yet, but not the 64 :S so bad :(20:02
MPPsomeone already managed to install wireless driver atheros brand in ubuntu20:02
cobra-the-jokernice ..ok20:02
ddelonyEverybody else is trying to upgrade. Be patient.20:02
equityoh thats  a pretty good price for the features20:02
Schmidt_hi everyone! i have a small problem: I'm trying to boot from 10.04 Netbook Remix LIVE CD, but it asks for LOGIN and PASSWORD , what can you advise? THANKS20:02
^paradox^Jordan_U: so i wont have to worry about installing a new grub?20:02
Subbysam204475: then you ard doing sth wrong :)20:02
sam204475its like 45kbps20:02
imagine7xyWhy does my computer behave in a way where I MUST use CompizConfig for the windows to not be laggy when dragged? But if I set it to "None" and not Custom in Appearance it is very slow?20:02
Urdaobiwan_: what is the diff for minimal?20:02
Limey_PacketIt's woroking for me with an accelerator. I am just wondering, will I get in trouble for doing so?20:02
equityare you using for home defence or what20:02
l0deI've got it hooked up to the remote unit though, real nice, have speakers give an audible "whoop" so I know it's off when I go back there20:02
dk64BIT IS NOT OUT YET?20:02
sam204475Subby    click to download20:02
MPPcompiz is cool20:02
sam204475i click .~?20:02
Schmidt_ hi everyone! i have a small problem: I'm trying to boot from 10.04 Netbook Remix LIVE CD, but it asks for LOGIN and PASSWORD , what can you advise? THANKS20:02
l0deHow many rounds per minute does your turret do?20:02
Subbydk: it is20:02
sam204475put any password in20:02
Jordan_U^paradox^: What version of Ubuntu do you have? And is it an upgrade from 9.04 or earlier?20:03
sam20447510.04 HURRY UP~~~~~!!20:03
Schmidt_sam204475 i dit it , but authorization failed20:03
ZykoticK9Schmidt_, try "ubuntu" as username and no password20:03
l0dealso are you having problems with it killing a lot of rabbits\groundhogs etc20:03
imagine7xyWhy does my computer behave in a way where I MUST use CompizConfig for the windows to not be laggy when dragged? But if I set it to "None" and not Custom in Appearance it is very slow?20:03
equitylast test got up to around 3500-400020:03
JarrettVif I am installing virtual machine, should I use alternate?20:03
^paradox^Jordan_U: ill be upgrading from 8.04 lts20:03
Schmidt_Tryed ubuntu with no pass20:03
ddelonyUpdate manager can't upgrade to 10.04 on any mirror at all.20:03
l0deseems like there's an issue with it not correctly identiying things too small to shoot20:03
equityyou think ubuntu causes that problem?20:04
UTFany of u guys had trouble running the 10.04 installer?20:04
ddelonyI think next release they should queue all the downloads.20:04
Jordan_U^paradox^: Then Yes, you will need to use grub-install manually before converting to ext4.20:04
Mallen_UTF: Yes20:04
Schmidt_Is it a bug? I thought , that authorizayion to LIVE Cd should be auto?20:04
l0deequity- no, well I have ubuntu on it now20:04
l0debut I got a weird error on install20:04
Legendariocan someone explain me what are the 2 other lucid unr images available at releases.ubuntu.com: marvel dove and freescale?20:04
l0deand the tracking is messed up compared to the old gentoo install (which kept crashing)20:04
wadWhere can I get a torrent file for the 32-bit server edition of 10.04?20:05
UTFMallen_, hehe ok - cause mine crashes at boot "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error."20:05
equityoh i see20:05
l0deThe mackson guys aren't in the shop yet (on jap time)20:05
theAdibUTF: on my system I have to "ACPI=off" if not it does not boot20:05
Subbywad: ubuntu.com20:05
theAdib9.10 is fine20:05
plumhahahahahahahahah 30 kb/s20:05
equityother than those errors would you say the turret is worth the price though?20:05
^paradox^Jordan_U: so i do after ive the 10.04 upgrade?20:05
UTFtheAdib, ah ok - i'm gunna try that then20:05
imagine7xyUbuntu says Frequency Scaling Unsupported20:05
imagine7xyHow do you fix??20:05
littlepenguin780 mb need to be updated20:06
hsn!release party20:06
=== keith_ is now known as kbuel
Jordan_U^paradox^: Yes20:06
wad@Subby: No, I checked. I just checked again. There are no torrent files there that I can find. It just asks me to download the image directly, but that's horribly slow.20:06
* Fireking300 wishes canonical would make ubunbu commercials.20:07
aciculayou can find the torrent files in the list below20:07
yellowroost924that's funny: torrent is finished but transmission shows some download still. weird.20:07
^paradox^Jordan_U: am i asked during the upgrade or after the upgrade to switch to ext4?20:07
aciculahttp://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent for example20:07
* wad looks for the torrent files some more20:07
H0Lii see i'm not the only one whit laggy scrolling20:07
llutzwad: http://my.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/20:07
alketHowcome the upload speed is much bigger of download speed in torrent download ?20:08
Jordan_U^paradox^: Upgrade, then use grub-install, then switch to ext420:08
Urdaaaannnnnddd http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent for 64bit acicula20:08
alkettorrent downloading is very slow20:08
ouned@H0li: are you using fglrx?20:08
Urdaalket: yes20:08
oddeyedHi, if I'm installing from something with grub-legacy will it automagically update for me?20:08
aciculaUrda: im seeding them, but thanx for telling me anyway20:08
alketUrda: why20:08
kbarit should once you get in oddeyed20:08
Urdaacicula: It was more or less for the channel :)20:08
Limey_PacketWhat speeds are you people using the torrent getting?20:08
H0Liouned: a what ?20:08
^paradox^Jordan_U: how do i switch to ext4? is it a menu option or done from the command line or...?20:08
Urdaacicula, my 64bit is almost ready to seed20:08
oddeyedkbar: Cos I'm updating from 9.10 which was 9.04 which was before grub220:09
wadAh, thanks guys. I got the torrent file.20:09
kbarbut if you don't get that bug then you shouldnt have any problems with the legacy grub oddeyed20:09
UrdaLimey_Packet: 500 down, 200 up now20:09
Jordan_Uoddeyed: I'm not sure what you mean. Can you clarify the situation a bit more?20:09
ounedH0Li: are you using a ati card with the official driver?20:09
Schmidt_Is anybody booted from New Netbook Remix?20:09
H0Liouned: i have nVidia card20:09
kbarJordan_U, he's referring to the grub bug that doesn't recognize any other boot options20:09
ZykoticK9^paradox^, you'd need to reformat the partition!  you can't upgrade ext2/3 to ext4.20:09
Jordan_U^paradox^: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Converting_an_ext3_filesystem_to_ext420:09
oddeyedkbar: No, sorry I've been unclear.20:09
duffydackWhere are the md5 hashes for 10.04 ? not on the usual page20:09
Limey_PacketI'm getting between 400 and 500 kb/s using the download accelerator.20:09
ounedH0Li: Did you install the nvidia drivers?20:09
Jordan_UZykoticK9: You are wrong20:09
drewwwWith the text-only alternate installer, how do I drop down to a shell? I don't precisely need to "rescue a broken system", I just want a shell so I can mount a drive and mess with some stuff on it.20:09
H0Liand in 9.10 everything was just fine, but in 10.04 scrolling is kinda laggy20:09
H0Liyes i did20:10
mewshican someone help me choose a good backup system?20:10
oddeyedkbar Jordan_U: I have the old grub on my laptop, and was wondering if when I install it will automagically install the NEW grub.20:10
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, looks that way!  thanks, did not know that was possible.  good to know.20:10
oddeyedmewshi: back in time20:10
hsnmewshi: TSM20:10
solarkennedydrewww: does alt-f2 or similar give you an alternate terminal?20:10
Jordan_UZykoticK9: You're welcome20:10
kbarthat I do not know oddeyed20:10
sometuxUbuntu 10.4 LTS Released !20:10
ounedfor me everything was laggy in 9.10 and in 10.04 everything is perfectly right20:10
H0Lichecked all 3, with the same result20:10
sebsebseb^paradox^:  The default file system for clean installs is Ext4 as of 9.10, but  if you are on say 8.04 and then upgrade to 10.04, by default you would still have Ext3.20:10
drewwwsolarkennedy: tried that, no luck :/20:10
sometuxUbuntu 10.4 LTS Released !20:10
mewshiI need it to support keeping multiple (time-stamped) copies of files, however.20:10
sometuxUbuntu 10.4 LTS Released !20:10
Jordan_Uoddeyed: No, you will not be automatically upgraded to grub2.20:10
chaofluxanyone have any idea what would be the best way to remotely access my mp3 collection on my desktop from an android phone?20:10
oddeyedJordan_U: is there a path to get it?20:10
Schmidt_who installed Netbook Remix 10.04? I NEED HELP )20:10
solarkennedydrewww: I think that will only work past a certain point in the installer20:10
^paradox^ZykoticK9: dude its just a question. chill20:11
_blackwater_chaoflux with usb cable20:11
LogicalDash!help > Schmidt_20:11
ubottuSchmidt_, please see my private message20:11
chaofluxi used to use simplifymedia on my mac w/ iphone, no idea what the equivalent is for ubuntu and android phone20:11
drewwwsolarkennedy: do you know what "rescue a broken system" does? might that get me where I want to be?20:11
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solarkennedydrewww: I don't know what that will give you with the new one, haven't tried it20:11
oddeyedSchmidt_: I can't help you, but I want you to know that I know someone who's surname is Shmidt :)20:11
Jordan_Uoddeyed: If you want to install grub2 run "sudo apt-get install grub-pc" ( I recommend doing this after you have upgraded to 10.04 rather than before)20:11
kbardrewww, you can exec shell commands and such20:11
jo_are repos slow?20:11
rohanis there _any_ mirror which does *not* redirect me? i am trying to update my ISO using zsync, and it always fails saying "bad response 302".20:12
solarkennedydrewww: but it will probably give you a choice to get a root shell20:12
oddeyedJordan_U: Thanks, that's exactly what I needed.20:12
chaofluxi mean i want to access my music collection on my desktop over 3g while like riding around in my car lol20:12
* oddeyed will be right back :)20:12
drewwwkbar: it's not going to do anything to mess with my drives or anything, right?20:12
Jordan_Uoddeyed: You're welcome.20:12
reportingsjrjo_: repos indeed seem to be slow20:12
kbardrewww, no20:12
Schmidt_what Login and Password i need to boot live cd (Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix LTS) ???20:12
drewwwkbar: I'm just scared of the name - I just want a shell, not any fancy auto-recovery20:12
sometuxHow to upgrade karmic to lucid from Live CD?20:12
ounedI installed ubuntu with only 100 GB for it. Can i change the size of the partition?20:12
Legendariocan someone explain me what are the 2 other lucid unr images available at releases.ubuntu.com: marvel dove and freescale?20:12
mewshiWhat's a good backup system that supports keeping multiple copies of a file, so that a corrupted file is NOT propagated through the backup system, wiping out good copies?20:12
kbardrewww, yes its the farthest thing from auto-recovery, especially if u use the CLI20:12
reportingsjrjo_: I got 1/3 of the way through 9.10 to 10.04 upgrade in a few minutes before it pooped out.20:12
Hans_Henrikouned: gparted for example :P20:12
sebsebsebouned: that's a good size for / if you have a seperate /home partition20:13
hsnmewshi: tivoli storage manager20:13
Schmidt_what Login and Password i need to boot live cd (Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix LTS) ???20:13
sebsebsebouned: or hardly put anything in to Home20:13
sebsebseb!home | ouned20:13
ubottuouned: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome20:13
^paradox^Jordan_U: im gonna read that. brb20:13
sometuxHow to upgrade karmic to lucid from Live CD?20:13
MikeChelendrewww: there is a menu to choose root console, root console with networking, and some others20:13
drewwwkbar: okay, i'll try that. thanks!20:13
DJonessometux: You can't upgrade using the desktop cd, only from the alternate cd.  They use different types of file systems which is why you can't upgrade from the livecd20:13
kbarsometux, read the website you can upgrade using the package manager20:13
aciculasometux: boot karmic and start the upgrade20:13
Sh4wnHi, guys, I'm trying to install 10.04 on a quite old Laptop (~4 years old), but the live cd doesn't work. After displaying the purple ubuntu loading screen with the red dots for a while, it changes to a blackscreen and does nothing anymore. The 9.10 live cd does work.. Anyone knows why?20:13
jo_<reportingsjr> i installed from cd a few bugs but ok now get stuff from repos but really slow20:13
ounedokey thank you all i will try that20:13
Jordan_Udrewww: "recover a broken system" starts a chroot. I seem to remember that pressing escape led to many options, one of which was to get to a shell.20:13
theloser_sometux: just insert the cd, and the update-manager should recognize it as a new release...20:14
Limey_Packetwhat torrent client should I use if I were to download the ubuntu torrent?20:14
Schmidt_what Login and Password i need to boot live cd (Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix LTS) ???20:14
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sebsebsebSh4wn: could be to do with the graphics card, or RAM20:14
MikeChelenSh4wn: try the alternate install cd instead20:14
UTFSh4wn, i have the same problem20:14
reportingsjrLimey_Packet: any client you want.  I use rtorrent.20:14
hsnLimey_Packet: utorrent20:14
sebsebsebSh4wn: how much RAM?20:14
ounedis there also a way to completly remove windows? I dont even need it anymore so20:14
aciculaSchmidt_: it doesnt have one20:14
oddeyedSchmidt: You shouldn't need to but I'd suggest "ubuntu" and "ubuntu"20:14
Sh4wnuhh 256 MB20:14
sebsebsebouned: of course20:14
IdleOnetheloser: Live CD does not upgrade20:14
Sh4wnnot much I know20:14
Limey_PacketAre these torrent clients legal?20:14
UTFSh4wn, mine displays an error first tho20:14
reportingsjrLimey_Packet: haha, yes.20:14
mewshihsn, how do I install that?20:14
Limey_PacketLol, good.20:14
sebsebsebouned: just delete the partition yourself or  on the guided  use entire hard disk option on the 10.04 Live CD20:14
Sh4wnUTF hmm here it doesn't display anything20:14
reportingsjrouned: you can delete the windows partition and resize your ubuntu partition to the whole disk.20:15
oddeyedouned: yeah, just erase the windows partition using gparted on the live CD and then expand the ubuntu partition.20:15
sebsebsebouned: and I assume any data from the Windows partition, you already have else where, if there is something20:15
Hans_HenrikSh4wn: well.. idk what the problem is (the new graphic drivers in the new kernels i suppose), but 9.04 can upgrade from upgrade-menu20:15
depositoHi! I have un installed dosemu and now re installed but it does not work. The freedos folder that is inside dosemu is empty. I try to un install freedos and re install it and nothing.How can I fix it?20:15
Schmidt_what Login and Password i need to boot live cd (Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix LTS) ???   Empty fields and "ubuntu" "ubuntu" don't help20:15
theloserIdleOne: oops, sorry, didn't know that...20:15
imagine7xyDamn, how do I change a file that is read only??20:15
jgcampbell300If I type in sudo apt-get upgrade will it reinstall everything back to default ? ... if not is there a command to do that20:15
UTFSh4wn, i have just been told to try to run it using acpi=off - i'm trying that now20:15
LinuxGuy2009Is there a list of alternate servers yet? So I can try to get a faster download?20:15
imagine7xyIt says I dont own file20:15
aciculaSchmidt_: where are you getting a prompt?20:15
reportingsjrSchmidt_: there should not be a password for the live CD20:15
sudo-suhelp with inkscape?20:15
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sebsebseb!details | sudo-su20:16
ubottusudo-su: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:16
weeklyhey guys, quick question. Is there a way to monitor smb users that are attached to my server? "w" doesnt show them "ps" and "ps -e" arent any help, in "top" i can see smb processes shooting off but it isnt much help... what the better way?20:16
reportingsjrsudo-su: might be best to go to inkscape's channel.20:16
ActionParsnipYo yo yo20:16
LinuxGuy2009sudo-su: Inkscape not saving files correctly?20:16
eBryggisI've a silly question. I made the USB Startup disk using builin Ubuntu utility, but it keeps booting my old Ubuntu installation. How do I choose for it to start the USB. (changed in bios)20:16
kbarSchmidt_, are you asking for the sudo password?  there should not be one. did you get the iso from the official repository?20:16
ounedokey very nice thanks. So i dont need to reinstall linux20:16
alketWho has installed Ubuntu 10.04 x64 ?20:16
Sh4wnHans_Henrik yeah thought it would be a good idea for a clean install, but update-manager time then.20:16
LinuxGuy2009sudo-su: Its a known issue.20:16
reportingsjrouned: not at all.20:16
sudo-suinkscape can't join trayect20:16
rohanchica: :P20:16
^paradox^Jordan_U: ok since im not great with the more techinical things id rather not screw around with my partition and possibly make my computer unusable. so would it be ok to just stick with ext3?20:16
Schmidt_kbar, yes it's from official repo20:16
sebsebsebActionParsnip: yeah hi20:16
ActionParsnipOuned: I have20:16
sudo-suof logo of ubuntu :(20:16
bastid_raZorActionParsnip: you missed all the action today.20:16
Sh4wnUTF how to pass those options when booting the live cd?20:16
chicarohan: :P20:16
edakiriwad: 32 bit torrent you wanted?  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release/ubuntu-10.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent20:16
UTFSh4wn, when the splash screen shows hit enter20:17
kbarSchmidt_, are you trying to root or do you just need to sudo20:17
ActionParsnipAlket: I use 64bit 10.0420:17
geekphreakbastid_raZor: morning20:17
sudo-susomeone use inkscape?20:17
UTFSh4wn, then hit F6 to use other boot methods20:17
bastid_raZorgeekphreak: afternoon20:17
DaughainHow smoothly have the 10.04 upgrades been goin? Anything like the 9.10 upgrades?20:17
sometuxI've heared that Bill Gates will give Ubuntu 10.4 a try, is this true?20:17
LinuxGuy2009sudo-su: I use Inkscape20:17
ActionParsnipbastid_raZor: what action. The release happened at 6;30pm here20:17
Hans_Henrikjgcampbell300: well system->synaptic package manager , can mark all installed packages for "re-install" :p20:17
sudo-suhave problem with the logo of ubuntu LinuxGuy200920:17
alketActionParsnip: Is it faster than x86 and will there be problems with installing debs ?20:17
ActionParsnipSometux: that's offtopic here20:17
UTFlol now i get (initramfs) unable to find a medium containing a live file sytem20:17
LinuxGuy2009sudo-su: Whats your question?20:17
ukixxhallo ppl do any one how to update "libgdata" 4 the youtube player in movie player20:18
sudo-suLinuxGuy2009, i cant join the letters of "ubuntu"20:18
Sh4wnUTF ubuntu splash screen or mother board splash screen?20:18
weeklyhey guys, quick question. Is there a way to monitor smb users that are attached to my server? "w" doesnt show them "ps" and "ps -e" arent any help, in "top" i can see smb processes shooting off but it isnt much help... whats a better way to see connected smb users?20:18
BrokenTraceanyone else get the "could not calculate the upgrade" when switching from 9.10 to 10.04?20:18
LinuxGuy2009sudo-su: group function not working?20:18
UTFSh4wn, ubuntu splash screen20:18
ActionParsnipAlket: its not faster, but can address more ram. Video and audio transforms will benefit too20:18
sudo-suto asign the colour20:18
Schmidt_kbar, I downloaded my .iso from torrent.ubuntu.com and it ASKS for password to boot live CD20:18
sometuxActionParsnip: true of false?20:18
sudo-suyes but i need join20:18
oddeyedIf I upgrade via apt, will gwibber automatically install?20:18
erUSULweekly: see connection to the port the service usas20:18
geekphreakweekly: ss command?20:18
kbarSchmidt_, it shouldn't.  It may be the password to your bios?20:18
sometuxActionParsnip: just kidding20:18
ActionParsnipSometux: go to #ubuntu-offtopic for that. Its not discussed here20:19
LinuxGuy2009sudo-su: If you have found a bug "ubuntu-bug inkscape"20:19
alketActionParsnip: Does it have problems and which are known for x86 ?20:19
sudo-suwant you try? LinuxGuy200920:19
kbarSchmidt_, use http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/20:19
CaptainLucidso.  Now that lucid is out, you offer support here?20:19
UTFanyone had this error? (initramfs) unable to find a medium containing a live file sytem20:19
BrokenTracealso how can i tell what is preventing a clean upgrade??20:19
LinuxGuy2009sudo-su:  No I do not right now.20:19
kbaryes CaptainLucid20:19
coolmanwhats the channel for release party ?20:19
sudo-suok sorry LinuxGuy200920:19
CaptainLucidkbar: can I direct upgrade from 9.04 to Lucid?20:19
geekphreakcoolman: #ubuntu-release-party20:19
RavenaticHUrrmmm.. Ubuntu One isnt having fun.... Cant log in.. sits there waiting for login.ubuntu.com :(20:19
LinuxGuy2009coolman: release party is over. Lucid is here20:20
ActionParsnipAlket: should have the same bugs yes.20:20
weeklyerUSUL, geekphreak: ill try those, thanks20:20
lucas12I have mu e hf links if you need /w me20:20
coroHi. Can anyone do me a huge favour and run an md5 checksum of the 10.04 desktop iso?20:20
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aciculaBrokenTrace: you get some kind of error?20:20
ratcheerCaptainLucid: To the best of my understanding, no.20:20
ActionParsnipRavenatic: can you ping login.ubuntu.com20:20
sudo-suLinuxGuy2009, where are you from?20:20
aciculacoro: md5sums are posted in the release directory20:20
LinuxGuy2009coro: Do you need an md5sum to compare with?20:20
coroyeah, couldn't find one on the site20:20
BrokenTraceacicula: "Could not calculate the upgrade"20:20
kbarCaptainLucid, you should. its on ubuntu.com20:20
PiciActionParsnip, its having issues currently, Canonical is workig on it.20:20
ActionParsnipRavenatic: it may also be slow due to the release20:20
^paradox^Jordan_U: its just i really dont think i should try it20:20
Schmidt_kbar, No :) i'm not stupid it has been booting for a 13 minutes on my notebook like normal live cd. It has a "Log in' button20:21
aciculaBrokenTrace: how are you upgrading20:21
LinuxGuy2009coro: 1 sec20:21
ActionParsnipPici: figured. Cheers :)20:21
RavenaticActionParsnip: yes, but sitting there its just very slow then eventually says my ticket or whatever is wrong... so its timing out before i can even log in lol20:21
vasandgvdcoro: d044a2a0c8103fc3e5b7e18b0f7de1c820:21
Calcarinecoro: d044a2a0c8103fc3e5b7e18b0f7de1c8  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso20:21
imagine7xyHow can I run as ROOT all the time?"?20:21
CaptainLucidkbar: so it can direct upgrade? without any issues20:21
oddeyedCaptain_Lucid: Open update-manager and find out!20:21
coroawesome, thanks vasandgvd, CaptainLucid20:21
xomphello, how can I tell if Grub is installed?20:21
BrokenTraceacicula: via the upgrade manager on the desktop20:21
geekphreakimagine7xy: not recommnded20:21
imagine7xyI'm tired of typing sudo then password20:21
coroer.. Calcarine20:21
ddrjgot a question, i have /swap/ and /home/ and also / <---- i was wondering if i reformatted ubuntu, would it delete everything in the / folder or /home/ ?20:21
Urdahey everybody20:21
ActionParsnipImagine7xy: sudo -I will give a root terminal20:21
Urda10.04 :d20:21
eBryggisI just created a USB boot discs of Ubuntu installation iso from RC version. When I restart the computer my system still boots up the old installation. I have changed my boot priorities. And it boots on my windows computers. Do I need to do something more?20:21
oddeyedxomp if it's on then grub is installed.20:21
LinuxGuy2009coro: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ (first file)20:21
imagine7xygeekphreak, it won't let me change file permissions20:21
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nomasteryodaimagine7xy, not good idea...20:21
aciculaBrokenTrace: whats your current ubuntu version?20:21
ActionParsnipImagine7xy: sudo -i ,sorry20:21
geekphreakimagine7xy: use sudo20:21
abhijaini m new user and confues with netbook remix20:21
nomasteryodaimagine7xy, but you could also use "sudo -s"20:22
BrokenTraceacicula: 9.1020:22
CaptainLucidnah, it wants me to upgrade to 9.10 first :(20:22
oddeyedabhijain: what is your problem20:22
LinuxGuy2009md5sums http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS20:22
imagine7xygeekphreak: I need to do it via right clicking file then changing permissions20:22
xompoddeyed: well I installed ubuntu to my external USB HDD but it won't boot so I'm on the Live CD now and need a way to verify if Grub is installed and if so, where?20:22
aciculaany funky repositories?20:22
imagine7xygeekphreak: it wont let me20:22
oddeyedit'll be in /boot/grub20:22
ActionParsnipCaptainlucid: yep that's normal. You must upgrade through each realese20:22
BrokenTraceacicula: maybe one or two PPA's20:22
ddrjANYONE HERE have a Geforce 210 video card ?????????20:22
aciculatry disabling those and try again20:22
ratcheerCaptainLucid: I tried to tell you.20:22
xompoddeyed: can GParted show this?20:22
CaptainLucidActionParsnip: I assume the possiblity of things going wrong is increased?20:22
oddeyedxomp: it'll be in /boot/grub20:22
ActionParsnipAcicula: depends what you want20:22
BrokenTracetnx acicula20:23
CaptainLucidratcheer: didnt see your message20:23
agliodbswell, now printing is working for any small document.  but if I try to print anything over 100K, it just aborts20:23
LinuxGuy2009ddrj: ask your real question?20:23
imagine7xygeekphreak: How do I change the file permissions without using terminal??20:23
oddeyedxomp: hang on 1 second, i'm gonna look20:23
ActionParsnipCaptainlucid: if you lepfrog yes. Its also not advised and not supported20:23
CaptainLucidActionParsnip: yeah, i thought so20:23
aciculaActionParsnip: im fine with my repositories20:23
xompoddeyed: ok, I checked /boot/grub and it's there20:23
geekphreakimagine7xy: right click properties?20:23
jgcampbell300how would i reset everything in ubuntu 9.10 back to default from command line20:23
CaptainLucidyet most of my data is stored on the drive...20:23
imagine7xygeekphreak: DONE, it won't let me20:23
oddeyedxomp: on the live cd or on the hard drive?20:23
imagine7xygeekphreak: It says I dont have permision lol20:23
ddrjLinuxGuy2009: i'm having problems getting audio over hdmi to work with my geforce 210 video card. i followed this guide but my video card's not showing up in alsamixer: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO_set_up_HDMI_audio_on_nVidia_GeForce_G210,_GT220,_or_GT24020:23
coolmanATI stopped upgarding lagacy drivers still ??20:24
CaptainLucidi guess i'll just install it separately20:24
vasandgvdLTS 10.04 - I can't use the keyboard to login from GDM. In tty it works perfectly.20:24
xompoddeyed: I'm looking at the 40Gb external HDD20:24
oddeyedCaptainLucid: Have you updated before? It takes less time than you think...20:24
oddeyedxomp: then that should be fine :)20:24
ActionParsnipDdrj: add the nvidia vpau ppa and run: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185 ,you will get the 195 driver and be fine20:24
CaptainLucidoddeyed: if its not supported, i'm not upgrading20:24
jo_gawd these repos are slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww20:24
jdtmi cant get the new release to install =[20:24
jdtmit just hangs at that purple screen with the keboard = circle thing20:24
ActionParsnipJgcampbell: delete all the gconf foldes in $HOME20:25
oddeyedCaptainLucid: You'll have to research this yourself cos I'm off to partition and install now, but I think there is a way to upgrade directly via the LiveCD.20:25
ddrjActionParsnip: woahhhhhhhh thanks man, let me try that, btw it's sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-195 right ?20:25
ratcheerjdtm: Try the Enter key20:25
oddeyedCaptainLucid: Look into it.20:25
oddeyedI'm off now, wish me luck!20:25
CaptainLucidoddeyed: i hope so, because I dont want to leapfrog xD20:25
ActionParsnip!slow | jo_20:25
ubottujo_: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors20:25
VigoCaptainLucid: I think you should go 9.04>9.10 then 10.04, maybe the alt-f2 would help.20:25
ddrjActionParsnip: because i just installed the propeitary drivers when i installed the video card..20:25
ActionParsnipDdrj: nope 18520:25
ddrjahhhh ok ty ty20:25
^paradox^ok anyone else? if i upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 and dont wanna screw around with grub and maybe make my computer my unusable would be ok to stick with ext3?20:25
CaptainLucidVigo: i'm not in the mood to leapfrog, many more things can go wrong20:25
ActionParsnipDdrj: its weird but works20:25
alexandru_hi, I've just downloaded the 10.04 image, and I don't have a CD ... can I use my pendrive as a CD to install Ubuntu? If so, how?20:25
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jo_will try20:26
ddrjty ActionParsnip, let me check for the ppa's20:26
jpds!unetbootin | alexandru_20:26
ubottualexandru_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:26
ActionParsnip^paradox^: ext3 is fine20:26
rohanalexandru_: yes, using unetbootin (google for it)20:26
jdtmahh there it goes20:26
ratcheerCaptainLucid: It would take a very long time, too.20:26
jdtmwhats up with that anyways?20:26
CaptainLucidActually, is it possible to make a persistent partition on a USB drive to make it work?20:26
VigoCaptainLucid: I understand,20:26
CaptainLucidi've not had success, hence my asking20:26
LinuxGuy2009!unetbootin | alexandru_20:26
rambb2worst distro ever20:26
ActionParsnipCaptainlucid: make sure you md5 test you iso20:26
duffydackI thought you could just 'dd' the iso now... from 9.10 onwards20:26
ActionParsnipRambb2: don't use it then20:27
^paradox^ActionParsnip: im dont consider myself anyone who should attempt something like that20:27
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:27
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CaptainLucidActionParsnip: i did with 9.04, it still wouldn't stay persistent20:27
rambb2ofc not using it20:27
depositoI need some help with this please! :)20:27
depositoHi! I have un installed dosemu and now re installed but it does not work. The freedos folder that is inside dosemu is empty. I try to un install freedos and re install it and nothing.How can I fix it?20:27
CaptainLucidActionParsnip: couldnt I just load 10.04 onto a 16Gb thumb drive as an opsys?20:27
CaptainLucidand make it bootable?20:27
remyoDoes anyone have 10.04 working smoothly in virutalbox?20:27
ActionParsnipCaptainlucid: burn the iso and boot to it, you can then tell the installer to install to usb20:28
CaptainLucidso thats a yes.  thanks!20:28
LinuxGuy2009remyo: Yes it runs fine in Vbox for me.20:28
acicularemyo: you have a problem with it, or just wondering if it will work?20:28
rambb2i tried the alpha on virtualbox, why remyo?20:28
ZykoticK9remyo, what OS are you using as host?  I have Lucid guests running fine on a Lucid host - OSE version.20:28
ActionParsnipCaptainlucid: there's also an app to put the cd onto usb under windows20:28
nnywow wtf20:28
nnythis is LTS?20:28
remyoacicula: Just wondering if it will work. I'm using OS X as host20:28
mahisastrawho is upgrading ubuntu?20:28
mahisastrawho has?20:28
acicularemyo: it'll work20:28
CaptainLucidActionParsnip: i'm on a Ubu 9.04 system xD20:28
Gadwilnny, yes, Lucid is LTS.20:28
remyoacicula: I remember when one of the 9's came out there were some issues20:29
CaptainLucidi dont want to risk upgrading xD20:29
ActionParsnipNny: yes 10.04 is LTS20:29
jcbvcant upgrade after downloading updates first says could not download release notes20:29
remyoLinuxGuy2009: Guest addons and all?20:29
rohanActionParsnip: apart from unetbootin, there is no official app; the usb-creator.exe program is not included on the CDs any more20:29
rambb2CaptainLucid use wine20:29
ratcheermahisastra: I did, about 3 weeks ago.20:29
ActionParsnipCaptainlucid: then use the usb-creator-gtk app20:29
acicularemyo: i havent had problems with running the rc in a vm20:29
Jordan_U^paradox^: Yes, there is no problem with sticking to ext3.20:29
jdtmnow when i hit enter on install it freezes again =[20:29
mahisastraany on ethere?20:29
dsternemahisastra: I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04, worked great20:29
remyoacicula: Sweet, thanks20:29
LinuxGuy2009!anyone | mahisastra20:29
ubottumahisastra: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:29
nnyok so I can't connect to a samba share that worked yesterday, (i have it bookmarked) i get a dbus timeout error, and now I have been trying to connect to #ubuntu with empathy only to have it crash over and over, quite the crapfest20:29
CaptainLucidActionParsnip: i don't want it to run the cd image off the drive xD20:29
ratcheermahisastra: Hello. We are answering you.20:29
nnyI am updating some packages now, but ubuntu is turning into damn windows ME at this rate20:30
datacrushercan i simply dist upgrade my 9.04 to lucid?20:30
^paradox^Jordan_U: ok i just wanted to make there wouldnt be any incompatibilities or itd break something ya know20:30
Gadwilnny, What OS were you on? Did you do a clean install or upgrade?20:30
Picidatacrusher: No, you need to upgrade to 9.10 first.20:30
ActionParsnipCaptainlucid: you won't the usb-creator-gtk will put the image on usb for you. You won't be booting lucid until you use the usb20:30
aranddatacrusher: in steps yes20:30
andreligne_Hello! Anywho who can help me with my USB-speaker? It worked fine after a fresh install, but after one reboot it wont play my music any longer :( anyone got an idea? :)20:30
nnyGadwii clean install20:30
ratcheerdatacrusher: No20:30
LinuxGuy2009nny: Thats cause everyone is downloading today. Be patient20:30
Limey_PacketUbuntu torrent is being slow, what do I do?20:30
nnyer Gadwil*20:30
bastid_raZordatacrusher: yes, from 9.04.to 9.10 to 10.0420:30
TEpicAnyone get their 10.04 installed yet?20:30
datacrusherwell, iv already gone to 9.1020:30
KarwanCould not download the release notes20:30
nnyLinuxGuy2009: what?20:30
Gadwilnny, I have also been having issues with Samba and Windows 7.  I think it is Win 7 though.20:30
nnyLinuxGuy2009: so everyone downloading today is breaking my samba share?20:30
datacrusherjust forgot20:30
CaptainLucidActionParsnip: doesn't that create a copy of the CD image?  i'm not in the mood to do that, i'd rather install it to the USB drive as the actual opsys...20:31
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:31
ActionParsnipLimey_packet: it will speed up over time20:31
LinuxGuy2009!anyone | TEpic20:31
ubottuTEpic: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:31
jcbvi got the release notes things too servers are jammed i bet20:31
ratcheerdatacrusher: Ok, then yes20:31
nnyGadwil: this is a samba server, works fine everywhere else and on other nix machines20:31
jdtmit freezes when i select install =[20:31
Gadwilnny, Then search around and see if anyone else is having the issue and has found a work-around or fix.20:31
Hans_Henrikwhat should i use for flash support (open source or not isn't an issue)20:31
ActionParsnipCaptainlucid: yes it will be like the cd on usb and will make you a casper-rw to save junk to20:31
ActionParsnip!flash | hans_henrik20:32
nnyGadwil: work around is mount in fstab with smbfs, which doesn't seem to obey the same permissions as the samba share presetns with smb.conf20:32
ubottuhans_henrik: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:32
jcbvanyone getting flash on ppc20:32
Gadwilnny, Then I guess we wait for a proper fix to packages.20:32
nnyi am just trying to get my damn work done, and ubuntu is determined to be an attention whore20:32
datacrusherratcheer, is there a simple command? or i must change my repos20:32
dupondjehttp://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ => this is a fast mirror :)20:32
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ddrjActionParsnip: weird... i added the ppa's and then tried to install the 185 drivers but it looks like 185 was already installed when i used ubuntu's search for hardware drivers feature20:32
ActionParsnipJcbv: you need gnash or swfdec for ppc flash20:32
guntbert!language | nny20:33
ubottunny: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:33
nnyyeah you should hear what I am saying out loud if you think that is vulgar20:33
A71KR117I installed the lucid rc. Do I need to upgrade to the final?20:33
ActionParsnipDdrj: have you rebooted since installing the drivers?20:33
ddrjActionParsnip: yah, many times when i'm messing with alsa20:33
^paradox^Jordan_U: for the next thing, what about the nvidia driver issue? i have an nvidia geforce 6200 agp card, its a little $100 deal pfff, and wanted to know if thats still an issue?20:33
jcbvyeah none of those work i thought movie player could play them guess not20:33
CaptainLucidActionParsnip: not available in Synaptic, I've got usb-creator tho20:33
aciculanny: then disconnect and vent your frustriations and then come back?20:33
geekphreaktake care folks20:33
mkhanyisigeekphreak, Thank you very much20:33
LukeLis it possible to use session 1 of a dvd for a ubuntu install cd, and then use session 2 for other data?20:33
bastid_raZorgeekphreak: good night20:33
geekphreakmkhanyisi: it worked?20:33
LinuxGuy2009!patience | nny20:33
ubottunny: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:33
__danthemanif you installed the rc, you should just have to run te update manager and you should be good20:33
jcbvstill cant download release notes check intenret connection20:33
mkhanyisigeekphreak, yes!!20:33
ddrjActionParsnip: it's weird, alsamixer doesn't recognize my card, it did ONCE but never since then... following this guide: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO_set_up_HDMI_audio_on_nVidia_GeForce_G210,_GT220,_or_GT24020:33
ActionParsnipA71kr117: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will do it20:34
geekphreakbastid_raZor:  nite bud20:34
blindmind___bot help offctopic20:34
geekphreakgoodnight all20:34
andreligne_Hello! Anywho who can help me with my USB-speaker? It worked fine after a fresh install, but after one reboot it wont play my music any longer :( help please? :)20:34
nnyjeez thanks Linuxguy!!!11120:34
ActionParsnipCaptainlucid: go with that then ;)20:34
Karwan"Could not download the release notes" Grrrr!20:34
Pici!notes | Karwan20:34
ubottuKarwan: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100420:34
Limey_PacketTorrent is still really slow, why won't it speed up?!20:34
* nny hits Linuxguy2009 with a cluestick20:34
KarwanYeah, but my upgrade stops there20:34
CaptainLucidActionParsnip: thats what i've done, its had issues with it in past tho20:34
PiciKarwan: oh :(20:34
blindmind___can anyone point me towards the offtopi channel? thanks20:34
KarwanPici: :-( indeed20:35
jcbv4 kb a second damn u damubutnu20:35
A71KR117ActionParsnip: I ran the 2nd one and it just said 0 to upgrade, 0 to keep, etc. . .20:35
spikebikeLimey_Packet: use vuze or other clients that use a DHT20:35
ZykoticK9!ot > blindmind___20:35
ubottublindmind___, please see my private message20:35
Jordan_U^paradox^: I don't know much about nvidia but usually they are well supported.20:35
guntbertnny: please stop that behaviour20:35
LinuxGuy2009nny: Keep it up20:35
PiciKarwan: Probably just overloaded, you may want to try later.20:35
blindmind___thanks ZykoticK920:35
dacsi have question that is confusing me in permissions!20:35
KarwanPici: yeah, will do that20:35
nnyban me tough guy, i could give a crap20:35
nnyi hate ubuntu20:35
jo_anyone havin probs with flash on 64bit version?20:35
jetoleHey guys. I am testing out 10.04 in a vm and at the same time trying evolution for the first time in the 10.04 in the VM. I use IMAP to connect to my mail servers which means all messages are always in sync from any client. If I delete a message on one computer it's deleted on all computers etc. Inside evolution, I am finding it's not showing all my mail messages that I can see inside thunderbird on my main system. For example, while looking in one folder, ...20:35
LinuxGuy2009ask | dacs20:35
aciculanny: then why come here to ask for help20:35
jetole... it seems to be skipping a lot of messages that it shows i.e. it shows one, skips a bunch, shows another, skips a bunch etc. Does anyone know what causes this?20:36
^paradox^Jordan_U: im using a propietary driver right now.20:36
nnyI haven't, just complaining atm20:36
aciculanny: this is not the complaint channel20:36
LinuxGuy2009 jetole: it?20:36
nnyahh which one is that?20:36
jetoleLinuxGuy2009: evolution20:36
pure_hatenny, /join #iamadouchebag20:36
LinuxGuy2009nny: #trolls channel20:36
ActionParsnipLimey_packet: its young. It will speed up with time20:37
nnyhmm ok pure_hate, cute name!20:37
dacsmy system have 2 users, user1 is my sudo user, user2 is regular user...if i add user1 to user2 group shouldn't i be able to create files and folders20:37
ARTSIOMHi All! I am using ubuntu server 10.04 beta20:37
ActionParsnipA71kr117: then the versions you have of the debs match the versions on the release20:37
stodorovicthe trolls are cool20:37
LinuxGuy2009jetole: Only app that seems to do that so far?20:37
ratcheerMan, this channel is going fast!20:37
nnyso let me get this proper, I can come in here and gush about Ubuntu, but if I criticize the fact that a clean install done yesterday behaves poorly, I am a troll?20:37
ARTSIOMwill it auto-upgrade to release?20:37
jcbvwhats the command to upgrade from terminal20:37
Pici!final | ARTSIOM20:37
ubottuARTSIOM: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:37
ActionParsnipArtsiom: yes20:37
guntbertnny: if you don't have a support question and cannot provide answers then please stay silent here20:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:38
Karwan"Could not download the release notes" Grrrr!20:38
nnyguntbert: hmm I did20:38
ratcheerjcbv: update-manager -d20:38
jcbvwhats the terminal command to upgrade20:38
Zed`gotta say, 10.04 is pretty sweet20:38
pure_hateSomeone kick or ban this idiot20:38
ActionParsnipArtsiom: any prerelease will seamlessly upgrade to the released version as it uses the same repos20:38
nnywait kick me, you're calling me names20:38
guntbertpure_hate: thats uncalled for20:38
__danthemansudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:38
aciculajcbv: do-release-upgrade20:38
ARTSIOMActionParsnip: thanks!20:38
nasrullahi have lucid lynx beta on my pc  ..how to upgrade it to the the release one20:39
andreligne_Hello! Anywho who can help me with my USB-speaker? It worked fine after a fresh install, but after one reboot it wont play my music any longer. help please? :)20:39
Pici!final > nasrullah20:39
ubottunasrullah, please see my private message20:39
irvis there a command that will tell me how many mb of ram are in the system?20:39
aciculafree -m20:39
guntbertnny: venting your anger *here* doesn't help at all -- what was your question?20:39
Hebram !final > Hebram20:39
ubottuHebram, please see my private message20:39
jcbvthat didnt work20:39
ActionParsnipNny: you can't "gush" here #ubuntu-offtopic is for that. This is pure support only20:39
scott_ino2nasrullah, just keep doing the updates and you'll end up with it20:39
Capt_BlackwoodTorrent's are loaded just as heavily...20:39
LinuxGuy2009nasrullah: Install all updates and you already have teh release.20:39
jo_any help to get flash working on 10.04 64b ??? apt gives error..20:39
ActionParsnipIrv: free -m20:39
jdtmthe install cd wont work >=[20:40
thevishyflash works on my lucid20:40
__danthemanjo_: go to the adobe website and download the 64bit linux prerelease of 10.020:40
nnylet me try again, since all I can do is ask. Why would 1.) empathy crash constantly along with telepathy when trying to join #ubuntu and 2.) why would this error appear when I am trying to connect to a samba share that worked yesterday. Note the bookmark is correct, have tried directly with nautlius. Error is DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)20:40
scott_ino2jo_, yes via restricted-extras installation my flash works20:40
LinuxGuy2009Yeah 10.04 LTS is proving to be quite popular, please be patient with downloads, updates, and torrents folks. ;)20:40
jetoleok, does anyone know another room where I can ask about evolution then?20:40
mickster04lol, ubuntu release server is down, does someone have a link to the i386 torrent plz?20:40
jo_will try rest extras20:40
imagine7xyCan someone please tell me why Visual Effects would be really slow when set to None?20:41
Picimickster04: http://torrents.ubuntu.com:696920:41
ActionParsnipJo_: can you please use: http://pastebin.com to give the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf20:41
mickster04thanks Pici20:41
xzenonI have an issue with 10.04 that has started with the upgrade from the last alpha to the first beta.... I think it's related to new xorg code20:41
ZykoticK9!torrents > mickster0420:41
ubottumickster04, please see my private message20:41
guntbertnny: appearantly no one here has experienced those issues - what makes you think that they are related?20:41
ActionParsnipJo_: if there is zero output just say20:41
nnyguntbert I dont20:41
LinuxGuy2009nny: If you feel you have come accross a bug, you can begin solving it by opening a terminal and "ubuntu-bug <package-name>"20:41
mickster04ZykoticK9: i just said that site was down20:42
ounedhi. so i made my windows partition smaller now i have 200 GB free space, worked fine, but it seems like i cant add this space to my ubuntu partition20:42
nnyguntbert I really care about the samba issue, the empathy crashing when trying to join ubuntu was just bad irony20:42
jo_ok one sec20:42
xzenonbasically, the issue is, I have a laptop, when I have a second monitor plugged in and my laptop screen up, at boot the second screen is fuzzy (wavy?)20:42
^paradox^ok the final question i guess ill just ask to the whole room. about sun java being moved to the partner repository, i have sun java 6 the web start and control panel and i have openjdk 6 web start. can i expect any problems with java after the upgrade to 10.04?20:42
jcbvcan u upgrade from cd20:42
ZykoticK9mickster04, sorry man - just remembered seeing the direct torrent links.  Down here too :(20:42
t-revnew to ubuntu20:42
jdtmthe install cd refuses to work. when i select install, it just freezes.20:42
LinuxGuy2009ouned: ubuntu partition is not mounted correct?20:43
nnysadly dbus errors happen with 90% of app errors, so googling for the specific error is like asking a blind man for directions20:43
ActionParsnipNny: log some bugs is all I can suggest. Try launching the apps from terminal and you may get clues20:43
spikebikeany mirror should have the torrents20:43
xzenonif I keep the laptop screen closed at boot up, the second monitor works great20:43
mewshiouned, you can't resize a partition while you're using it >.>20:43
spikebikejust use a client that can use a DHT because the ubuntu tracker is broken20:43
LinuxGuy2009xzenon: Bad VGA cable?20:43
ounedmewhi: umm i knew it xD do i need to use a live cd?20:43
jcbvi had to download like 4 times just to get a good one20:43
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100420:43
steven78bonjour , je suis un nouveau linux :) et je cherche quelqun pour une petite aide20:43
nnyActionParsnip: don't think nautilus will run in term20:43
xzenonLinuxGuy2009: no, because if I keep the laptop screen closed on boot up, it works just fine20:43
imagine7xyHow can you tell which fglrx driver you are using?20:43
ZykoticK9!fr | stevecam20:44
ubottustevecam: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois20:44
guntbertnny: then it will be easier to keep with one problem at a time -- I understand your samba concern -- where I cannot help much - maybe a few questions: what changed in your system (remote and local) since the samba connection worked last?20:44
LinuxGuy2009xzenon: Perhaps its being set to an unsupported resolution or refresh rate.20:44
ZykoticK9steven78, ^^20:44
jcbvanyone running yet with an old nvidia card like tnt 220:44
xzenonLinuxGuy2009: I believe that is it, but I'm not sure how to fix that20:44
ActionParsnipNny: no but you can launch it and get output when it crashes. Nautilus will act as normal20:44
xzenonif I put the laptop to sleep, same issue happens if I come back from being asleep with the second monitor plugged in20:44
mickster04ZykoticK9: back up20:44
nnyguntbert no changes I am aware of, worked two days ago, doesn't work today. error is vague, X11 auth20:45
andreligne_Hello! Anywho who can help me with my USB-speaker? It worked fine after a fresh install, but after one reboot it wont play any sound! anyone who could try to help me? :)20:45
opticonwith samba if using local accounts dont forget you have to run smbchgpass set passwords on accounts exactly the same as they are locally20:45
nnyDBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)20:45
nnyterminated abnormally with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.20:45
xzenonI was hopping it was just an issue with the beta release, but now that I'm at the RC/final, it's still an issue20:45
ZykoticK9mickster04, back up?20:45
LinuxGuy2009xzenon: Have you checked System->Admin->Hardware Drivers to see if there are any proprietay drivers that need to be installed possibly?20:45
aciculajcbv: /clear20:45
imagine7xyCan someone please help me set up my Ubuntu so graphics aren't so slow???20:45
aciculaerr nvm ignore that jcbv20:45
ActionParsnipJcbv: I have a system with one but its headless. It will be supported by nouveau20:45
__danthemanimagine7xy: what kind of graphics card do you have20:45
imagine7xy__dantheman: I am using ATI Radeon HD 345020:45
ratcheer^paradox^: What version of Java are you using, now?20:45
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imagine7xy__dantheman: I have installed the drivers correctly from their website,20:46
imagine7xy__dantheman: As far as I know20:46
xzenonLinuxGuy2009: I'm running that now20:46
guntbertnny: (I'm no good with samba, so just trying to find a hint): how do you try to open that samba connection?20:46
^paradox^ratcheer: ill take a look20:46
ZykoticK9mickster04, oh the site - i gotcha (i'm a little slow today for some reason)20:46
LinuxGuy2009imagine7xy: What video card do you have?20:46
imagine7xyLinuxGuy2009: ATI Radeon HD 345020:46
wildbat_10_40image7xy, go to ATI and download the latest driver~20:46
xzenonLinuxGuy2009: it worked out of the box with the alpha release20:46
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imagine7xywildbat_10_40: DONE THAT20:46
reportingsjranyone know the aptitude command to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 instead of using the update manager?20:46
nnyguntbert a bookmark that translates into user@//IPADDRESS/share20:46
nasrullahi am doing the update and upgrade thus now20:46
nnyguntbert the bookmark should tell nautilus to perform that action, i am drilling down now20:47
xodxI'm trying to change my kernel to the realtime kernel in grub but when i reboot my grub menu does not appear. grub automatically selects the generic kernel without allowing me to intervene. how to i get grub to where it shows me the boot menu?20:47
ZykoticK9xodx, hold down the SHIFT key20:47
xzenonLinuxGuy2009: I'm installing the proprietary drivers now, though I was hoping to just use what was out of the box20:47
rohanis there _any_ mirror which does *not* redirect me? i am trying to update my ISO using zsync, and it always fails saying "bad response 302".20:47
imagine7xySomeone please help me20:47
TazHello, I want to inquire about updating to Lynx from Karmic, will this update the booting and everything too or should I reinstall everything from scratch?20:47
xodxZykoticK9: thanks, i'll try that now20:47
LinuxGuy2009imagine7xy: Perhaps restate your question to something like "ATI Radeon HD 3450 second display is fuzzy/waving/etc." You know what I mean.20:47
aciculareportingsjr: do-release-upgrade20:48
imagine7xyLinuxGuy2009: OKAY, I will give you the whole scoop, I will message you so its easier20:48
reportingsjrTaz: it will update all programs that need updating from 9.10 to 10.04, but you will keep your personal files and settings.20:48
reportingsjracicula: thank you20:48
guntbertnny: with nautilus??  ouch -- I remember a similar issue long time ago, -- could it be that you started nautilus with root permissions?20:48
TazExcellent, thank you20:48
^paradox^ratcheer: im not sure how to find out. the windows for sun java 6 and openjdk 6 dont have about in the drop down menus20:48
reportingsjracicula: the trick is, will it actually work?!20:48
nnyguntbert: don't think so, it is started in my home folder, and grepping ps -aux shows nautilus as my user20:48
aciculareportingsjr: why wouldnt it20:48
LinuxGuy2009In here is fine. Others may have the same issue and benefit from seeing our discussion20:48
ratcheer^paradox^: Use java -version20:48
Picireportingsjr: That is the supported method of upgrading via the terminal.20:49
aciculareportingsjr: making backups is always prudent20:49
jdtmokay, so im guessing it wont work if i use a cd-rw.20:49
ZykoticK9For those running 10.04 already -- in Nautilus hit F3 to get a dual-pane window (cool new feature)20:49
^paradox^ratcheer: ok ill get it brb20:49
AndorinYo, guys, on Lucid, is there any way to move the window border buttons (close, minimize, maximize) back to the right side without just using a different theme? I want to use Dust but it has them on the left, like Ambiance.20:49
aciculajdtm: cd-rw for what?20:49
nasrullahin xubuntu how to install empathy20:49
ZykoticK9!controls | Andorin20:49
ubottuAndorin: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d620:49
jdtmi burned the iso onto a cd-rw20:49
aciculanasrullah: via the package manager20:49
jdtmim all out of cd-r's20:49
zebastian_Help, i have the following situation, i have a somewhat small hard drive, i'm on my laptop, i have hardy installed on dual boot with windows 7, I have been running low on the 7 ntfs partition, how can i shrink a bit the hardy partition and extend the ntfs partition without causing any major havoc? much appreciated20:49
aciculajdtm: unless you burned it on a different burner and use an archaic drive to read it in that should not make a difference20:50
ratcheerjdtm: And it fit?20:50
^paradox^ratcheer: heres the output. java version "1.6.0_17"20:50
^paradox^Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04)20:50
^paradox^Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.3-b01, mixed mode, sharing)20:50
guntbertnny: no, I meant more like "once during the last days" - because that could mess up local config files -- please can you create another user (or even try the guest user) and see if it works there?20:50
aciculajdtm: you can run a cd check at boot to make sure its correctly burned20:50
pure_hatezebastian, that is best done with a boot disk with something like acronis disk director20:50
__danthemanimagine7xy: what is the output from lsmod | grep fglrx20:50
BrokenTraceacicula: I removed all the PPAs and it will still not upgrade. is there a error log that will tell me what is crashing it otut?20:50
jdtmthats the problem acicula20:50
nasrullahlucid beta was working well ...hope the release one do the best work for me20:50
AndorinGreat, thank you, ZykoticK920:51
jdtmnothing in the menu will work.20:51
irvhow can i configure my swap partition to automatically swapon20:51
=== zebastian_ is now known as FreedomMaster
ratcheer^paradox^: That is way out of date. You need to upgrade to update 2020:51
Sir_LetoI'm trying to install disk-manager on Lucid, but it needs, python 2.5, which is only and no longer available in the repositories. Is there anyway to get disk-manager installed?20:51
aciculaBrokenTrace: err if there is it should be in /var/log/20:51
nnyguntbert: roger20:51
bastid_raZor!swap | irv follow the guide20:51
ubottuirv follow the guide: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info20:51
SeiFii installed 10.04, had the netbook remix before and now i see a desktop with the files and directorys on it and at the top an empty gray bar without anything on it20:51
imagine7xylsmod | grep fglrx20:51
imagine7xyfglrx                2092908  2920:51
imagine7xyagpgart                31724  2 intel_agp,fglrx20:51
SeiFii jus did an update with the updatemanager20:51
imagine7xyPLEASE message me20:51
SeiFierm upgrade20:51
imagine7xyso I can keep track of our CONVO20:51
guntbert!enter | imagine7xy20:51
ubottuimagine7xy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:51
edbianWhere can I get help using latex??20:52
jdtmwould it work with a dvd-r?20:52
LinuxGuy2009!fstab | irv20:52
ubottuirv: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:52
__danthemanwhat about glxinfo | grep direct20:52
^paradox^ratcheer: ok so how to do so?20:52
guntbertedbian: try #latex :-)20:52
GuitarInc1I'm a bit confused about the 32-bit target architecture.  The .iso has "i386" in the name.  Does that mean that Ubuntu 10.04 will run on the original Intel 80386 (from 1985)?  Also, does i386 imply that Ubuntu does NOT make use of later x86 extentions?20:52
aciculaedbian: er there are some wiki's and introduction available are around the web, picking up a book on it is recommended though20:52
bastid_raZorLinuxGuy2009: the swap guide explains how to add the swap partition/file to fstab20:52
irvbastid_raZor: thanks20:52
bastid_raZorirv: good luck20:52
irvLinuxGuy2009: thx20:52
aciculaedbian: kile helps me loads when writing20:53
sebsebsebGuitarInc1: it means it will run on most/all 32bit computers20:53
joaopintoGuitarInc1, yes, i386 means it runs on  Intel 8038620:53
agliodbsso, why doesn't printing from one ubutu machine to another just work?20:53
FreedomMasterHelp, i have the following situation, i have a somewhat small hard drive, i'm on my laptop, i have hardy installed on dual boot with windows 7, I have been running low on the 7 ntfs partition, how can i shrink a bit the hardy partition and extend the ntfs partition without causing any major havoc? much appreciated20:53
ratcheer^paradox^: First you need to add the Partner repository (if you are in Lucid).20:53
wildbat_10_40FreedomMaster, use gparted20:53
Pici!generic | GuitarInc1 this should explain more20:53
ubottuGuitarInc1 this should explain more: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)20:53
^paradox^ratcheer: im not in lucid yet20:53
LinuxGuy2009irv:  sure20:53
nasrullahis xubuntu lucid wallpaper will load automaticaaly or via sypnatic20:53
GuitarInc1joaopinto: does that mean that it does NOT make use of later i686 extensions?  It doesn't run as efficiently as it could on my hardware?20:54
FreedomMasterwildbat_10_40: ok how do i do that?20:54
aciculaGuitarInc1: the kernel switches to optimized code paths20:54
PiciGuitarInc1: It will use a -generic kernel, see the link from ubottu for more info.20:54
^paradox^ratcheer: im trying to figure out what things need to be sorted out before the upgrade20:54
aciculaGuitarInc1: i386 does not mean only uses i386 features, but means it will still run on i38620:54
joaopintoGuitarInc1, it uses i686 extensions on software which supports those using dynamic optimization20:54
ratcheer^paradox^: Oh. It won't matter yet, then. Upgrade Jave after you upgrade to Lucid.20:54
xompanyone have experience with getting Ubuntu/Grub working with OSX/Chameleon?20:54
Sir_LetoPlease Pm me, this channel moves to fast.  I'm trying to install disk-manager on Lucid, but it needs, python 2.5, which is only and no longer available in the repositories. Is there anyway to get disk-manager installed?20:54
wildbat_10_40FreedomMaster, boot a live CD ~ and system > admin > Gparted20:54
FreedomMasterwildbat_10_40:  does that = booting from livecd and then going to the gnome partition editor and resizing with the slide thingy?20:54
wildbat_10_40FreedomMaster, yes20:55
guntbert!pm | Sir_Leto20:55
ubottuSir_Leto: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:55
jdtmim gonna try to reburn it and retry, maybe my iso is corrupted or sumthing...20:55
FreedomMasterwildbat_10_40: that wont mess up either partition will it?20:55
daroluAre Ubuntu 10.04 iso files' hashes available?20:55
guntbertSir_Leto: you can tell your client to hide the join/part messages20:55
aciculadarolu: they are in the main release directory20:55
^paradox^ratcheer: can do, but is java just going to refuse to work or anything (because of upgrading to 10.04 i mean)?20:55
FreedomMasterwildbat_10_40: as in would you strictly back up?20:55
SeiFiafter the installation of 10.04 using ubuntu's updater from 9.04 netbook remix it boots correctly now, but i only have a grey empty panel without any symbols on it... what can i do now? how to get the default panel?20:55
wildbat_10_40FreedomMaster, unlsess you loss power in the middle of resizing20:55
LinuxGuy2009!md5sum | jdtm\20:55
ubottujdtm\: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:55
daroluacicula: release.ubuntu.com ?20:55
FreedomMasterwildbat_10_40: do you happen to know the minimum size for hardy to run on? i.e. harddrive space?20:56
nasrullahbest laptop for ubuntu20:56
mickster04so are there many problems with lynx?20:56
alex_mayorgais it possible to connect to my phone 3g via blueetooth?20:56
wildbat_10_40FreedomMaster, depends on what you have installed.....20:56
daroluacicula: thank you, I found them :D20:56
nny!final nny20:56
therkzmickster04: I installed it a short while ago, havent run into any problems myself20:56
Fireking300Can I put Ubuntu 10.04 on USB? So that I can use it to install on other computers? ( I don't have any spare cds/dvds)20:56
kajrosMickster04:  So far my only issue is my sound20:56
Pici!final > nny20:56
ubottunny, please see my private message20:57
guntbertnasrullah: please don't take polls in here20:57
jdtmhmm how to find the md5sum i forget lol20:57
joaopintoFireking300, yes, you just need to use the usb creation utility20:57
ratcheer^paradox^: I don't really know. As long as you upgrade Java, soon, it shouldn't make muck difference. Maybe the Lucid upgrade will even do it for you (but, I doubt it).20:57
FreedomMasterwildbat_10_40: how do you mean? i have hardy....and lxde20:57
mickster04kajros: did u have that with 9.10 at the beginning?20:57
Spice`Fireking, if you have the disk image, you can mount it from within the LiveCD boot, or using UNetBootin.20:57
QueenZubuntu 10.04 is out finally20:57
kaff3inehi all, if i wanted to copy a hyperlink to a .torrent file to download in the CLI, how would i do that?20:57
nnyheh thanks, couldn't see the bot command cause empathy continus to scroll down if you try to look back at conversation20:57
nasrullahguntbert what yyou mean20:57
kajrosmickster04:  Sound through my speakers yes not my headphones.  Now zero sound.20:57
mickster04kaff3ine: wget/20:57
ratcheerqueenz: Really?20:58
wildbat_10_40FreedomMaster, there are many package~ like office , etc.... so ... ~ how tight is your space?may be time to upgrade youyr hd?20:58
guntbertnasrullah: don't ask "what is the best....." in here20:58
QueenZratcheer: haha yeah :D20:58
mickster04kaff3ine:  wget http://file.path20:58
bp0i installed ubuntu on encrypted lvm, and when it reboots i enter the passphrase, then it says "cryptsetup: sda5_crypt setup successfully" and freezes20:58
^paradox^ratcheer: but how? i gotta add a ppa or its done from the command line or synaptic?20:58
bp0i cant do anything20:58
FreedomMasterwildbat_10_40: pocket says definitely not time to upgrade harddrive, besides it being a pain given it's a laptop20:58
rye^paradox^, sun java is available via canonical partners repository20:58
dugger5688Several kernel updates are being held back by nvidia? Normal?20:58
kaff3inemickster04: okay. does that save the file? sorry, i'm a newbie. going in headfirst and only using cli though. :D20:58
rye^paradox^, openjdk is available via main channel20:59
nasrullahlol i want to buy a laptop soon ..that's why??20:59
ratcheer^paradox^: You just add the Partner repository.20:59
Spice`Now for me to kill 5 hours while I get all the new packages...20:59
daroludugger5688: install them manually via Synaptic20:59
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:59
mickster04kaff3ine: well say your cli says user@hostname$ then you are probbly in your home folder, if you type wget http://file.path it will download to that directory20:59
guntbertnasrullah: try to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please -- this channel is strictly for support questions20:59
Pici!partner | ^paradox^20:59
ubottu^paradox^: The Ubuntu partnership program is designed to encourage, recognise and endorse Ubuntu expertise and commercial initiatives. It is structured to foster a healthy ecosystem surrounding Ubuntu, to highlight those companies with certified expertise in Ubuntu and a deeper relationship to Canonical. See http://www.ubuntu.com/partners for more information.20:59
vasiaDoes anyone know what is this PID: polkitd ? How to remove/stop this daemon? I've tried "sudo start-stop-daemon -n polkitd -K" but the daemon appear again!Thx!21:00
Spice`Luckily, I can run n through WINE.21:00
alaska13anyone know anything about configuring a ubuntu vm with a static ip21:00
^paradox^rye: can u please tell me what to add lol so i can just paste it into a file for later use? i know im lazy21:00
ratcheer^paradox^: Do you want Open Java or the Sun Java that you have been using?21:00
Picier, thats not what I wanted.21:00
chiggavelldamn avarage 1.60 after upgrade21:00
dugger5688darolu: Are they being held back because the new drivers aren't compiled for the kernel?21:00
nnyis there an official freenode channel or empathy.. (if so, do they just sit there and nod there heads when you say you have a problem..?)21:00
nasrullahok then21:00
nasrullahthank you21:00
chiggavellFailed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  multiverse/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)21:00
chiggavellSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.21:00
chiggavellhow to fix it21:00
wildbat_10_40FreedomMaster, hmmm~ disable window7 hibernate and system recovery ~ uninstall Openoffice in you hardy if you don't use ~ that save you 2GBs+21:00
=== Guest35290 is now known as ldlework_
rye^paradox^, /etc/apt/sources.list - add "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner" line21:00
daroludugger5688: that's a possibility, I don't know of a certain way to find the exact reason; other reasons include them (the updates) not being in Main repositories21:01
^paradox^ratcheer: well i dont know for sure. what i want might not be what works21:01
kaff3inemickster04: alright, i appreciate it. its a btjunkie.org, and it's a loooong, unintelligible mess, though, and i may download a few torrents, do you know of a way that doesn't require so much typing?21:01
chiggavellFailed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  multiverse/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)21:01
uLinuxlucid is not that good21:01
chiggavellhow to fix it21:01
QueenZuLinux: why not?21:01
uLinuxhow do i restore firefox launcher icon21:01
QueenZLucid is good21:01
guntbertnny: appearantly not on freenode - why do you use the app if you don't like it?21:01
mickster04kaff3ine: copy/paste...in terminal you have to rightclick>paste, ctrl+v doesnt work21:01
FreedomMasterwildbat_10_40: what do you mean? my intention is to get the windows 7 partition more space by taking some from the ubuntu hardy partition21:01
Spice`uLinux: Right click the menu bar, and "Add to Panel..."21:02
wildbat_10_40FreedomMaster, not a  good idea to dual boot on small drive thou if you ask me ;p21:02
simarHey ppl hello21:02
uLinuxSpice` there is NO icon21:02
uLinuxthats a problem.21:02
Spice`uLinux: No icon, or no panel?21:02
uLinuxthere is a blank icon21:02
ZykoticK9uLinux, it's some sort of licensing issue i believe21:02
uLinuxit's bug21:02
^paradox^rye: thnx and for open java?21:02
Limey_PacketMy torrent client is "seeding". What is this and how long will it take?21:02
FreedomMasterwildbat_10_40: it's not that small, it's over a 100gb21:02
uLinuxthe firefox icon is gone21:03
nnyguntbert dunno my joke had more to do with the name. I want to like it, but eh. If telepathy works with pidgin, or even just remove telepathy (have not figured out how to disable ir in xession, but I am sure apt-get remove may work) Guess I just wanted to experience 10.4 in it's proper glory21:03
simarcan anyone tell me about ubuntu classroom ..  Is it that conducted in a chatroom only21:03
wildbat_10_40FreedomMaster, i told you the method already ~gparted21:03
__danthemanLimey_Packet: your providing bandwith to other users that are downloading21:03
abountuhow can I create a user and make it the default user (as in Ubuntu logs in straight to that user without prompting for pw) - this is currently happening to the current user, and I want it to happen to a different user21:03
__danthemanthats how bittorent works21:03
mickster04brb /away bath im old:(21:03
alaska13hello i am having trouble configuring ubuntu 10.04 with a static ip anyone have any advice?21:03
uLinuxand how do i fix close minimize and maximize position21:03
uLinuxthis is annyoing21:03
guntbertLimey_Packet: as long as you let it -- it is letting other get part of your files from your system as before you got them from others21:03
rye^paradox^, openjdk - just apt-get install openjdk-6-jre or jdk; for sun java - sun-java6-jre or jdk21:03
ne7workhello all :)21:03
=== nawst2 is now known as mawst
ne7workHow I can start graphic enviorment on linux ubuntu 10.04 server edition?21:04
LinuxGuy2009!java | ^paradox^21:04
ubottu^paradox^: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)21:04
mawstWhat happened to Ubuntu+1?21:04
therkzne7work: do you have an xerver and window manager installed?21:04
CRC-errorHello all21:04
guntbertnny: empathy was the first thing I ditched on karmic - I never looked at it again21:04
Aji-Dahakamawst: it largely cleared since Lucid was released today21:04
macomawst: lucid was released21:04
LinuxGuy2009mawst: Lucid is already released21:04
ActionParsnipNe7work: if you need a desktop then install the desktop OS21:04
Kalidarnhi, ive been finding setxkbmap -layout us21:04
QueenZLucid is out21:04
nnyguntbert: anyways I found the vista dvd I needed already burnt, and running updates to make sure the problem isn't related to old versions. Thanks for being sane, i'll figure out the issue one way or another21:04
=== mud is now known as echoplex
Kalidarnis required in order to get the ' key working right21:04
CRC-errorI've install Ubuntu 10.04 on my VMware and on the login screen my keyboard is not detected.21:04
ActionParsnipNe7work: why install server when you wanted a desktop21:04
nnyguntbert: (had to install vista, not by choice, it's a client's pc)21:04
vasiaDoes anyone know what is this PID: polkitd ? How to remove/stop this daemon? I've tried "sudo start-stop-daemon -n polkitd -K" but the daemon appear again!Thx!21:05
Kalidarnand this is not just lucid but karmic, too is there a better way to set that layout21:05
uLinuxHow do i fix close minimize and maximize position? It's annoying have it on left21:05
ddelonyNo more mirrors. Only main Ubuntu servers from now on for me.21:05
Limey_PacketWill my torrent client stop seeding when I close it?21:05
=== echoplex is now known as echo-plex
uLinuxHow do i fix close minimize and maximize position? It's annoying have it on left..21:05
nnyguntbert: we'll see, maybe if ubuntu beats me enough I'll love it21:05
CRC-errorI can select user or other but cannot type my password or alt+shift+# to get console.21:05
^paradox^rye: thnx21:05
ActionParsnipULinux: there are thousands of guides online dude21:05
MPPLucid is pretty cool21:05
brontosaurusrexwuLinux: i think thats in themes somewhere21:05
uLinuxActionParsnip thousands of guides for lucid lol..21:05
dgtombsanyone having success with lucid ISO torrents?21:05
* Gaming4JC just noticed they FINALLY updated ubuntu.com announcing the Lucid release... ^^21:05
guntbertnny: you're welcome :-) we won't interfere one or the other way - we try to help if you ask us -- Good luck :-)21:05
ActionParsnipBrontosaurusrexw: its in gconf-editor21:06
dedHow do I tell firefox to use evince and not acroread?21:06
uLinuxand yea firefox icon is gone.21:06
dedI've done firefox preferences and mailcap21:06
brontosaurusrexwActionParsnip: ic, then i guess i changed the theme completely, uLinux wrong info21:06
ne7workCan I install gnome graphic enviorment or kde on Ubuntu 10.04 Server Edition and how?21:06
ActionParsnipUlinux: for moving the buttons there are lots of guides. Remember lucid has had a few alphas and a couple of betas21:06
LeapoIs VMWare's video card still not supported under Ubuntu 10.04? I can't get it to work properly.21:06
wildc4rdevenin' all21:06
__danthemansudo apt-get install kde21:06
ne7work__dantheman and how i can start the kde and stop kde?21:07
guntbertLeapo: you must install the vmware tools in the guest OS21:07
ne7workstartx or? what?21:07
ActionParsnipLeapo: search for: vmware xorg.conf 1024x768 ,should help21:07
Leapoguntbert: Did that, still no joy21:07
ne7workand how i can to stop kde?21:07
jdtmokay i got the md5sum of the iso, its d7bf7fa4c2cd2518c92ab81faf5b795d21:07
Kebap23so, what is better: update or fresh new installation? i am currently using 9.10, want to upgrade to 10.0421:07
__danthemanne7work: it should be available to select at the login screen21:07
uLinuxso lame21:07
RambJoeeww these ati 10.4 drivers are HORRIBLE21:07
guntbertLeapo: then I don't know - sorry21:07
Gaming4JCCan anyone get Cannonical to update their store? I wanna buy 10.4 DVDs! :D21:07
LeapoActionParsnip: i have vmware tools installed, but the driver Ubuntu is using doesn't appear to support 3D acceleration21:07
ne7work__dantheman on ubuntu 10.04 server edition?21:07
Neo--hm, can I expect any problems with drivers after updating vmware instance of ubuntu?21:08
Alienarchhow so?21:08
ActionParsnipKebap23: i'd try an upgrade first21:08
__danthemanI would assume so21:08
ActionParsnipLeapo: it won't either21:08
__danthemanwhen you first start up it comes to gdm right?21:08
__danthemanwhere you logon21:08
guntbertLeapo: you *may* have better luck in #vmware21:08
zebastian_i am on hardy with lxde, i want to get rid of gnome and just log into lxde everytime21:08
RambJoei can't even drag a window to the other screen21:08
zebastian_how can i do this?21:08
RambJoeand everythign is really slow21:08
ne7work__dantheman well when I go to school how to stop kde?21:08
kevin_is there an easy way to downgrade php5.3 -> 5.2.x ?21:08
__danthemanlogout and select gnome from the drop down menu21:08
arandAre there no release notes for Lucid yet?21:08
ne7work__dantheman how to stop and run kde from terminal?21:08
sebsebseb!notes | arand21:09
ubottuarand: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100421:09
LeapoActionParsnip: VMWare 7 added full 3D acceleration support. Everything the host hardware supports, teh virtual video adapter supports. I've had OpenGL and DirectX games running fine in Windows virtual machines already (which do have proper drivers)21:09
LeapoSo why doesn't Ubuntu have a driver for it?21:09
ne7work__dantheman without i stop my host?21:09
RambJoethe 10.4s say they support Xorg 7.521:09
ActionParsnipLeapo: then i'd log a bug and/or ask in #vmware21:09
ne7worki need to kill only kde21:09
Leapoguntbert: I'll give it a try, but they sent me over here when I asked during the beta21:09
arandsebsebseb: Where on earth are they linked on the homepage, I was completely unable to find it there...21:10
mewtIs there someway of forcing update-manager to not use the default ubuntu download server for the upgrade ? Ubuntu servers are slowwwwwwwwww atm21:10
* rye downloaded all ubuntu cd torrents and started seeding21:10
__danthemanif you just install kde and dont change any of the other settings, you wouldn't need to kill it21:10
ryemewt, yes, sudo software-properties-gtk21:10
guntbertLeapo: understood - but I never heard about needing a special driver for a virtual product, that wasn't provided by the VM system21:11
NerdsMcgee_Anyone else on a Macbook having a problem where the laptop thinks it's plugged in on battery?21:11
__danthemanjust logout of the session and you're back to the default install21:11
=== zorzar_ is now known as zorzar
TannerFhi. can I run 10.04 on a computer w/ a half gig of ram and a 3 GHz P4?21:11
Leapoguntbert: They did provide it but it required a kernel update for 9.10. I had hoped it would be rolled into 10.0421:11
AlienarchYes Tanner21:11
ne7work__dantheman when I logout i stop any processes or no?21:11
irvis hibernation working for all y'all?21:11
ne7work__dantheman or stop only KDE?21:11
sebsebsebTannerF: yes21:11
ActionParsnipTanner: more than I've got so yes absolutely21:11
guntbertLeapo: did you install dkms in the guest?21:12
__danthemanwhen your logging out, your just coming back to gdm21:12
mewtrye, changing it from there wont help, it gets automatically modified to archive.ubuntu.com in sources.list once the upgrade starts.21:12
ActionParsnip!requirements | tanner21:12
ubottutanner: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu21:12
__danthemanthere shouldn't be any left over kde parts running21:12
Leapoguntbert: What would that do?21:12
ne7work__dantheman gdm is?21:12
imagine7xyCan someone tell me please how to get my ATI drivers working? Call me @ 412-341-0433 please.21:12
__danthemanthe default login for gnome21:12
ne7work__dantheman i talk you to Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Server Edition21:12
amereservantAfter installing Ubuntu Server, what is the root user's password?21:12
LinuxGuy2009!language | imagine7xy21:12
ne7work__dantheman i talk you to Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Server Edition not Desktop?21:12
ubottuimagine7xy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:12
mewtamereservant, the one you set during install21:12
sebsebseb!noroot | amereservant21:13
dxtrUhm.. What do I do when I've run out of space on / thanks to /lib? :D21:13
ubottuamereservant: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:13
amereservantmewt: It never asks to set one.21:13
guntbertLeapo: it provides a way to "automatically" compile the configured kernel modules after a kernel update21:13
sebsebsebamereservant: I guess that applys to the server edition as well, but maybe not21:13
sebsebsebamereservant: there's also #ubuntu-server by the way21:13
poutineimagine7xy, you're really expecting people to call you to support you?21:13
=== Mowiiii`Aw is now known as Mowee
zebastian_i installed lxde as my desktop environment, is there a way of getting rid of gnome'21:13
imagine7xypoutine: Yes, I would21:13
amereservantsebsebseb: Well I've never had it prompt me for one in Desktop either.21:13
LinuxGuy2009!pm | imagine7xy21:13
ubottuimagine7xy: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:13
brontosaurusrexwdxtr: you move /lib to 2nd disk or partition21:13
sebsebsebamereservant: yes Ubuntu doesn't use root, it uses sudo instead21:13
Leapoguntbert: Seems like a lot of work to go through for something that should have been rolled in months ago. i'll try asking in #vmware -_-21:13
guntbert!root | amereservant21:13
ubottuamereservant: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:13
poutineimagine7xy, I wouldn't, you're not paying for it, are you?21:13
sebsebseb!sudo | amereservant21:13
ubottuamereservant: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:13
__danthemanimagine7xy: then you probably should purchase a server operating system21:14
zebastian_i am on hardy, but if i wanted to could i run ubuntu smoothly and without trouble with lxde only?21:14
sebsebsebzebastian_: yes21:14
imagine7xyI will pay someone to help me fix this?21:14
imagine7xyYou want it that way21:14
theGmanI'm new to ubuntu (Use Fedora Mostly) I need to know how to install the entire x window system, I've only got part of it atm...but can't startx...I get something about no xrdb or something...21:14
zebastian_sebsebseb: how?21:14
__danthemanwhat are you trying to fix21:14
amereservantOk, I gotcha.  I didn't know exactly what sudoer was until I installed Debian and realized it doesn't use it by default.21:14
ActionParsnipZebastian: totally lxde rocks21:14
sebsebsebzebastian_: don't think LXDE is in the Hardy repo though, but maybe can get a ppa for lubuntu for example21:14
joaopintoimagine7xy, did you tried to enable the restricted drivers ?21:14
ActionParsnipZebastian: sudo apt-get install lxde21:15
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu21:15
theGmanI'm using 9.10 server21:15
sebsebsebzebastian_: ^21:15
joaopintotheGman, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:15
zebastian_sebsebseb: i already have lxde, wha ti dont know is how/if i shoudld get rid of gnome21:15
sebsebsebzebastian_: doesn't matter if you keep both21:15
__danthemanimagine7xy: run glxinfo | grep direct21:15
LinuxGuy2009zebastian_:  sudo tasksel (untick ubuntu desktop)21:15
__danthemanand tell us the output21:16
kevin_is there an easy way to downgrade php5.3 -> 5.2.x ?21:16
zebastian_sebsebseb: i actually want to get rid of gnome21:16
zebastian_LinuxGuy2009: what is that?21:16
sebsebsebzebastian_: hrm21:16
sebsebseb!purekde | zebastian_21:16
ubottuzebastian_: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »21:16
s3r3n1t7zebastian, do you have a specific reason that you want to get rid of Gnome?21:16
LinuxGuy2009 zebastian_: if you want gnome gone, then there you go.21:16
sebsebsebzebastian_: I think that page tells you what to remove for Gnome21:16
irvfor hibernation, should it just load back into the same session I had? When rebooting, I just get GRUB again and then a normal login prompt21:16
joaopintokevin_, no21:16
sebsebsebzebastian_: ,but also what to install for Kubuntu so you don't want to do that21:16
kallisto_i have deleted my /boot/grub folder how I recreate the stage1 file?21:17
kevin_@joapinto : GRR.. thanks21:17
zebastian_sebsebseb: i wont install kubuntu, i am just afraid that i might mess something up by getting rid of gnome21:17
uLinuxbroadcast accounts lame..21:17
sebsebsebzebastian_: so keep it and don't use it, problem solved?21:17
theGmanI'm new to ubuntu (Use Fedora Mostly) I need to know how to install x window system, including all the Xorg stuff...anyone?21:17
zebastian_sebsebseb: i guess ill take a risk21:18
LinuxGuy2009zebastian_: Yeah the directions are there, but if you dont want to then dont. Your call.21:18
mewttheGman, usually you can install the default gnome desktop by simply install sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:18
littlepenguinif you need x window system install the desktop version @gman21:18
__danthemanimagine7xy: what was the gfx card you had, again?21:18
theGmanWhich means I'm in a textbased login, not much for browsers :P21:18
trismtheGman: if you just want xorg, just sudo apt-get install xorg; (you'll probably want a window manager too)21:19
Gaming4JChttp://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=17 ... epic.21:19
ActionParsnipThegman: why install server when you wanted a desktop system?21:19
barbarellatheGman:It depends what you want, gnome kde...21:19
Spice`Anyone here play n?21:19
Spreadsheet_Where are GNOME backgrounds (wallpapers) stored?21:19
littlepenguinyep parsnip that was my thought21:20
sebsebsebSpreadsheet_: /usr/share/backgrounds or something like that21:20
^paradox^thnx for taking time to answer my questions all. ill be back shortly.21:20
theGmanbarbarella: Gnome is fine for now, I can worry about that later.21:20
Spreadsheet_sebsebseb: thanks21:20
sebsebsebSpreadsheet_: np21:20
littlepenguin@spreadsheet http://gnome-look.org/21:20
__danthemandamn, the servers are slammed21:20
theGmanbarbarella: Would it be aptitude install "Gnome Desktop" ?21:20
mchasardcan i install ubuntu 10.04 on a eeepc 701 sdhc 4Go21:20
sebsebsebmchasard: the netbook edition I think so21:21
sebsebsebmchasard:  probably even the desktop, but should go for the netbook edition really21:21
mchasardit's anormaly long21:21
cantomaso any benchmark on this new ubuntu ?? is it faster than the others ?????21:21
LinuxGuy2009mchasard: Download and test it yourself. Might be surprised.21:21
sebsebseb!netbook | mchasard21:21
jhambowhat kind of download rates should I expect for distribution upgrade?  I'm getting only like 40 kB/s21:21
mchasardnot desktop ?21:21
sebsebseboh where is the bot21:21
ActionParsnipMchasard: sure the netbook remix or xubuntu will be fine21:21
joaopintocantoma, google for benchmarks21:21
sebsebsebmchasard: netook edition has a special kernel versin for net books21:21
__danthemanjhambo: the servers are slammed21:21
mchasardi don(t like the panel21:22
joneskoomchasard: it's not a lot of space so consider what you install, too.21:22
jcbvdoes 10.04 run compiz on old geforce vanta and tnt cards21:22
LinuxGuy2009sebsebseb: Hmm I wasnt even aware of that.21:22
__danthemanjust pulling info about new packages im only getting 10-15kb/sec21:22
sebsebsebjhambo: :D was wondering when stuff like that would happen21:22
theGmanbarbarella: Hello? Did I have the right of it or...?21:22
__danthemanand thats ona 50Mbps line21:22
littlepenguini got them fast21:22
ActionParsnipMchasard: or use ubuntu-minimal and install lubuntu desktop21:22
mchasardhum ok so its normal that i'm at at89%21:22
littlepenguinthe installing takes me 1 1/2 hour21:23
jhamboAlso, can I expect distribution upgrade to leave me with a system will actually work or will it break half of my stuff (as in my past attempts at distribution upgrade)?21:23
barbarellatheGman:it is said, apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment21:23
sebsebsebjhambo: that's why experienced sane people, tend to upgrade at least two days after the release, so I mean Saturday by the earliest21:23
bikcmpHi everyone, it appears that the ubuntu apt server is't working.21:23
jcbvseeing it took me 8 downloads to get a good installable version with 9.10 i hope this aint the same21:23
mchasardok its more than 30mn21:23
ActionParsnipMchasard: remove unnecesarry apps21:23
jhambosebsebseb: yes that would have been sane...21:23
barbarellatheGman:sudo it is21:23
theGmanbarbarella: Sry, I must have lost in all the chatter. Thx :)21:23
ratcheerjhambo: Upgrade worked fine, for me.21:23
s3r3n1t7bikcmp, mind telling us why it isn't workin?21:23
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors21:23
ZykoticK9theGman, if you want Gnome and Ubuntu default stuff "sudo aptitiude install ubuntu-desktop"21:23
BlackBishopin what package can I find libxpcom.so ?21:23
codertuxhello, how can I make a service start by default wen the machine boots?21:23
UseTheForceeek installer ain't working on my puter at all21:24
ubutomno fglrx atm?21:24
bikcmps3r3n1t7: Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com and it freezes.  Is it because of the recent new version?21:24
jcbvim just gonna reinstall ubuntu 10.04 over 9.1021:24
sebsebsebjhambo: there's even a factoid for when things get slow by the way  ^21:24
littlepenguincodertux under system startprogramms21:24
s3r3n1t7bikcmp, see message from ubottu above. It's quite working actually, albeit a bit slow.21:24
ganjawhen do you think it will go at normal speed?21:24
cantomajoaopinto, i could find for Alpha 2 but not for final release .. could you find anything for final release?21:24
LinuxGuy2009UseTheForce: alternate disk maybe?21:24
codertuxlittlepenguin: I'm working on a remote server through ssh and my debian/ubuntu-fu is quite limited :)21:24
bikcmps3r3n1t7: I see21:24
alex_mayorgawhy this wont work http://blogs.gnome.org/dcbw/2009/07/10/unwire-with-networkmanager/21:25
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:25
UseTheForceLinuxGuy2009: i'm using the regulary iso - is the alternate any different?21:25
jcbvanyone use geforce 2 gts and compiz or vanta and compiz or is it dead21:25
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:25
barbarellatheGman:same here, to many letters are passing my screen21:25
frybyejust installed lucid - have no sound with creative x-fi extreem audio - any tips?21:25
sebsebsebUseTheForce: support for some more hardware, and text based installer21:25
LinuxGuy2009UseTheForce: Yes its a text based installer.21:25
mchasardi'm going to wait till the end21:25
sebsebseb!alternate | UseTheForce21:25
ubottuUseTheForce: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal21:25
joaopintocantoma, don't expect significant performance changes after alpha221:25
thirtytwofeetper     /msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email>21:26
OssahHi all. Just install 10.04. I am having a weird problem with the Applications menu. It seems to crash if I hover of "Graphics" or "Sound & Video" any ideas21:26
UseTheForceLinuxGuy2009 cool thx guys i'm gunna give that one a spin :)21:26
xckpd7question: I'm trying to install a ruby gem, and it isn't working.... is it possible that the ubuntu package manager is conflicting with it?21:26
elnurIf my CPU can handle 64 bit, should I finally switch to it?21:26
LinuxGuy2009UseTheForce: good luck21:26
sebsebsebelnur: probably21:26
suboneIf anyone is wondering how I fixed my issues earlier with trying to install Ubuntu on a machine with a bad power supply (CD Drive was intermittently working) and no ability to boot from USB: http://subone.org/blog/2010/04/ubuntu-9-10-installation-sager-np7620/21:26
adaszhow can i change the acc on ubuntuone21:26
elnursebsebseb, know any disadvantages of 64 bit?21:26
LinuxGuy2009elnur: Im thinking of finally doing so myself.21:26
cantomajoaopinto, well there is a lot of regression due to security reasons .. it does not perform better than 9.0421:26
sebsebsebelnur: most stuff seems to work well21:26
sebsebseb!one | adasz21:27
ubottuadasz: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone21:27
elnurLinuxGuy2009, with 10.04?21:27
hsn!two | hsn21:27
joaopintocantoma, who ? There are no know security related regressions21:27
=== Mofo is now known as Mof0
OssahHi all. Just install 10.04. I am having a weird problem with the Applications menu. It seems to crash if I hover of "Graphics" or "Sound & Video" any ideas21:27
tomatoes7is there a torrent for netbook ubuntu 10.04?21:27
artistxemd5sum check not matching. is this because of respin concerning grub earlier today ????21:27
joneskooelnur: 64bit results in slightly higher memory usage, that's a downside. of course 64 bit supports more memory, too if you can can install more21:28
sebsebseb!torrents | tomatoes721:28
ubottutomatoes7: Lucid can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/server/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/21:28
s3r3n1t7Ossah, can you be more specific? Crash? Does it not show a picture? Does the screen freeze? Does it not dance, bring you beer?21:28
artistxecan anyone do an md5sum check ?????21:28
LinuxGuy2009elnur: Yes 10.0421:28
Ossahhuh.....it seems to be working now :)21:28
thebrucehey guys21:28
sebsebseb!md5sum | artistxe21:28
ubottuartistxe: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:28
cantomajoaopinto, performance continues to suffer dramatically under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and it is not expected that it will change at all for this next Ubuntu release. This major drop in the number of transactions being carried out per second is due to an EXT4 file-system change designed to provide better data safety but with a significant performance penalty.21:28
thebruceis this support for the 10.04 LTS?21:28
sebsebsebartistxe: you can aldo sha1sum and sha2sum check or whatever it is21:28
elnurjoneskoo, i have 4 GB of RAM, and my 32-bit ubuntu sees all of it because of -pae kernel. does 64 bit supports even more?21:28
sebsebsebartistxe: also not aldo above21:28
frybyeusing lucid in settings - sound - it seems to have correctly identified my sound card but does not offer the 5.1 setup I have - any tips?21:28
rohanelnur: no21:28
ratcheerubottu: You are a cool dude!21:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:28
LinuxGuy2009seb is fast as lightning today21:29
elnurLinuxGuy2009, heh. then we are in the same situation :)21:29
ZykoticK9tomatoes7, yes on this page http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/21:29
sebsebseb!thanks | ratcheer21:29
ubotturatcheer: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:29
Ossahguess Pidgin install did more than just install21:29
thebrucei am having an issue with my number pad on my keyboard21:29
littlepenguincodertux take cron21:29
Ossahthanks guys.21:29
joaopintocannonball, ah, you mean data safety, yes, but that is not ubuntu specific, that is related to ext4, you can use ext3 or, increase ext4 performance at a security cost21:29
elnurrohan, so, 64-bit supports as much as 32-bit pae?21:29
artistxeubottu, uh...... I am not using windows to do a check !21:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:29
cantomajoaopinto, yes you are right21:30
LinuxGuy2009thebruce: !numlock21:30
barbarellaelnur:go for the 64bits21:30
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: I think it's nicer to do support in here, when the channel number is rather big indeed21:30
joneskooelnur: if you see all your memory, that's not a gain anyways. there might be some minor performance difference but which way, depends on the applications I guess. I'm not aware of significant differences either way.21:30
thebrucelol LinuxGuy2009 i don't have a numlock on my keyboard21:30
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: such as now21:30
k0shshould i install regular ubuntu or netbook remix on my msi-wind? i dont like netbook-ubuntu gui that much21:30
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: altough it was like 2000 people earlier21:30
zebastian_lynx was just released today?21:30
Ossahlater guys and gals. I am sure I'll be back after I break something....21:30
sebsebsebzebastian_: yes21:30
LinuxGuy2009 sebsebseb: true that21:30
elnurbarbarella, heard anything about flash player not working on 64-bit?21:30
sebsebseb!isitout | zebastian_21:31
ubottuzebastian_: Yes! Its out!21:31
ZykoticK9k0sh, if you don't like UNE, then just install the desktop version21:31
OssahHey I can add something!21:31
sebsebseb!ask | Ossah21:31
ubottuOssah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:31
OssahI have 64bit 10.04 and flash player is working fine21:31
ZykoticK9elnur, flash works on 64bit, there is a click issue that needs to be manually fixed though21:31
LinuxGuy2009thebruce: Whats your actual question so we all know what going on with ya?21:31
k0shZykoticK9: i like internals that are suited to netobooks...21:31
benccis there a difference between installing fresh 10.04 or upgrading from the beta?21:31
thebrucelol LinuxGuy2009 ok21:31
Aji-Dahakaso, is there a convenient way to back up home directory and the set of applications I chose to install before an upgrade to Lynx?  When I tried the beta, the system would kernel panic on boot and reinstalls from scratch take a while.21:31
Hebramelnur:  The only thing I have experienced issues with on x64 is the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client.21:31
joaopinto!final | bencc21:31
ubottubencc: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.21:31
sebsebsebbencc: maybe21:32
ZykoticK9k0sh, i believe the kernels are actually the same21:32
axisysi am having issue with javaws unable to open a .jnlp file http://pastebin.com/6sVStTJ121:32
axisysanyone can help?21:32
Ossahhad to install flash player from Synaptic and had a few errors at first but it installed fine once I did a normal update21:32
sebsebsebbencc: if you upgrade from the beta,  the updates that were installed, may have not installed properly21:32
elnurZykoticK9, i bet it's not so hard to fix, right?21:32
k0shZykoticK9: theres is more to internals than just kernels..21:32
ratcheerbencc: There will be some minor differences.21:32
thebrucei have an Mx5500 keyboard my number pad worked at one time. NOW the numberpad just moves the mouse, or left clicks21:32
ZykoticK9elnur, it isn't21:32
carlos_hi guys21:32
dupondjebencc: no difference. When you upgrade the beta, you have the final21:32
jo_i need help with symlink on 64bit java21:32
sebsebsebdupondje: uh well see above ^21:32
agronholm"Users of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS may wish to wait for 10.04.1 LTS, due in July 2010,21:32
agronholmbefore upgrading. "21:32
joaopintoAji-Dahaka, you can install without removing the /home partition, anyway if you had a kernel panic you should test with a livecd first21:32
carlos_anyone knows a tutorial to update to 10.04 from shell?21:32
benccI got two different answers :)21:32
ZykoticK9k0sh, are you sure about that?  I've certainly heard the only real difference is the interface21:32
dupondjesebsebseb: lagg :( :P21:32
agronholmwhy is this said in the announcement?21:32
elnurHebram, heh. since i don't plan to use it, seems like 64 will be a good choice21:32
joneskoobencc: there was some security note in release notes but that was only about alpha versions I think21:32
benccsebsebseb: why not properly?21:32
Aji-Dahakajoaopinto: the installer (built into my laptop) wipes the whole hard disk on install21:32
sebsebsebdupondje: have the final sure, but  maybe not with all the updates installed properly21:33
stryk3rIf I had the release candidate of 10.04, by just updating it should be the same as the stable release right?21:33
Ossahexam revision to do. later21:33
sebsebsebbencc: since that's how it is, when in development21:33
Aji-Dahakajoaopinto: I may try a liveusb boot.  Good idea.21:33
k0shZykoticK9: power management, handling of things like lid, webcam, some tunings to motherboards.. etc21:33
ZykoticK9stryk3r, yes21:33
=== carlos_ is now known as crevillo
littlepenguinapt-get dist-upgrade21:33
benccjoneskoo: it's a vbox vm so I guess security shouldn't be an issue21:33
joaopintoagronholm, because it's likely that some important but undetected problems will be fixed until then21:33
LinuxGuy2009thebruce: Maybe accessability features are enabled?21:33
jo_i need help with symlink on 64bit java on 10.0421:33
barbarellaelnur:go for it, a nice example is the 3 GB barrier on a 32bits system.21:33
ZykoticK9!final > stryk3r21:33
ubottustryk3r, please see my private message21:33
benccsebsebseb: ok. thanks21:33
Aji-Dahakacarlos_: edit /etc/apt/sources.list, set karmic to lucid, apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade21:33
stryk3rZykoticK9, thanks21:33
markjonesi cannot partition my HDD21:33
sebsebsebdupondje:   bencc  let's be clear, you have the updates sure, but they may not be giving you the features you are meant to have21:33
joaopintoAji-Dahaka, DO NOT, that is now how you upgrade21:33
elnurbarbarella, the thing is that my 32-bit sees all of 4 GB because of -pae kernel21:33
agronholmjoaopinto, ok so it was a generic thing like "wait for service pack 1"?21:33
Aji-Dahakajoaopinto: ?21:34
ratcheerbencc: For instance, my upgrade did not end up with the current alsa driver. I had to fix it, manually.21:34
reportingsjris anyone else getting 404 and 403 errors while trying to dl 10.04 upgrades?21:34
LinuxGuy2009markjones: Hi there MarkJones, my name is MarkJones too. :)21:34
dupondjesebsebseb: oops :) karmic from alpha 2, and lucid since alpha 1 :) seems like I should do a reinstall ?21:34
thebruceLinuxGuy2009, they are not21:34
ZykoticK9elnur, 64bit will too21:34
jo_i need help with symlink on 64bit java on 10.0421:34
joaopintoAji-Dahaka, the procedure which you have described is not recommended and could break the system, you use either update-manger or do-release-upgrade21:34
benccratcheer: how can I check if I have problems?21:34
amereservantSo LVM is like raid, but without the redundancy, right?21:34
stefgmarkjones: is there still stuff on that hd that you need and that's not backed up?21:34
Aji-Dahakajoaopinto: when did apt-get dist-upgrade stop handling it?21:34
joaopintoamereservant, not, they are not related at all21:34
markjonesstefg: a windows partition21:34
sebsebsebdupondje: if your lacking features that  your meant to have,  if not, your probably ok,  but well  10.04 has a nice installer slide show as well21:34
markjonesand that's about 300gb21:34
prof87hi at all21:35
joaopintoAji-Dahaka, years ago, since update-manager was introduced which handles cenarios not covered by dist-upgrade21:35
ratcheerbencc: I don't know. You just have to keep an eye on things.21:35
jimcooncatprof87: 1885 users say hi back21:35
Aji-Dahakajoaopinto: oh, interesting.  I didn't know.  (I haven't used much ubuntu ... freebsd is my usual)21:35
joneskooamereservant: LVM is more than RAID since it can be dynamically changed (resizing partitions and adding new physical storage)21:35
benccratcheer: ok21:35
stefgmarkjones: seems that your partition table is half broken. you better take a backup of that win-partition before you proceed21:35
markjonesI'll Wubi it21:35
sebsebsebdupondje: oh and that's something if you been upgrading Karmic since alpha 1, without things messing up  big time21:35
ZykoticK9jo_, this is how i used 64bit java with Chromium, you could adapt for Firefox probably http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/java21:35
dupondjesebsebseb: think all have them all :) but never seen slideshow installer ... héhé :D21:35
elnurMy CPU is Core i7. Is it really 64-bit?21:35
joaopintoJonathanD, some RAIDs are not dynamic, it's not related to LVM at all21:35
prof87i have a problem with totem plugin of youtube...it said me that i have to verify if i have installated the last versione of gdata..thanks21:35
Aji-Dahakajas4711: thank you.21:36
amereservantjoaopinto: Well if I used LVM and say I have a 20GB hdd and an 80GB hdd, I can use LVM to combine them as a single 100GB partition if I wanted, right?21:36
joaopintoops, was for joneskoo21:36
Aji-Dahakajoaopinto: thank you21:36
AlienarchAnyone mind helping a noob out a little on simple stuff for server?21:36
Aji-Dahakajas4711: whoops, meant that for someone else.21:36
Stavrosis anyone else having trouble updating, getting "cannot download the installation notes"?21:36
thebruceLinuxGuy2009, i fixed it thanks21:36
sebsebsebdupondje: yeah that's for clean installs of  9.10 and 10.04, slide show installers21:36
prof87i have a problem with totem plugin of youtube...it said me that i have to verify if i have installated the last versione of gdata..thanks21:36
joaopintoamereservant, right, it allows you to do logical grouping of storage, but that is not RAID related21:36
sebsebsebdupondje: like Windows so people can find out about the operating system, whilst it's installing21:36
LinuxGuy2009thebruce: good to hear21:36
dupondjecool :)21:36
shakey_snakewhere is the NBE torrent?21:36
elnurWhy I see only amd64 ubuntu iso? nothing for x86-64?21:36
ZykoticK9Stavros, someone was mentioning that issue a little while ago - not sure what the outcome was, sorry.21:36
ppaulhushey there... just wondering how do I update to 10.04 from an existing ubuntu install? apt-get dist-upgrade?21:36
Alienarchamd64 is x86-64 also21:36
Stavroshmm, thanks21:36
StavrosAlienarch: just ask21:37
MikeChelenppaulhus: yeah or use update-manager21:37
amereservantjoaopinto: Ok, I gotcha.  That's what I thought, I guess the mention of RAID was a bad one.  Now if one disk fails in a LVM setup, does it loose everything in the LVM partition(s)?21:37
prof87i have a problem with totem plugin of youtube...it said me that i have to verify if i have installated the last versione of gdata..thanks21:37
s3r3n1t7!upgrade | ppaulhus21:37
Alienarchwell i dont have apt-get on my server, but I am wanting to put webmin on it.. just not sure how to get it there lol21:37
ubottuppaulhus: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:37
shakey_snakeer.. UNE torrent, whatever it's called now21:37
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.21:37
dupondjebtw, sunbird has been removed ? :s21:37
abountuhow can I create a user and make it the default user (as in Ubuntu logs in straight to that user without prompting for pw) - this is currently happening to the current user, and I want it to happen to a different user21:37
joaopintoamereservant, yes, unless you use LVM mirroring, which provides mirroring functionaly, but to be honest I am not sure Linux LVM supports mirroring21:38
=== Shawn_ is now known as syst3m
ZykoticK9dupondje, looks that way21:38
sebsebsebdupondje: possibily, since Sunbird no longer support Desktop Linux, however there's a fork of Sunbird, which does21:38
StavrosAlienarch: are you running an ubuntu server?21:38
prof87i have a problem with totem plugin of youtube...it said me that i have to verify if i have installated the last versione of gdata..thanks21:38
AlienarchYeah Stav, 10.04 (LAMP)21:38
kennyhey, is it out yet ?:D21:38
amereservantjoaopinto: Alright, thank you very much.  I was curious and read up on it, but wasn't sure about those two things.21:38
axoloteQuestion: Is the standard desktop i386 download (via torrent) for 10.04 a live version?  I can't seem to start up a live environment. It just goes black after the boot splash and doesn't do anything.  I installed the .iso on a USB stick via unetbootin. Any ideas?21:38
LinuxGuy2009abountu: One user can only be set to autologin. Keep in mind that keyrings may still require a password.21:38
sebsebseb!isitout | kenny21:38
ubottukenny: Yes! Its out!21:38
Zed`Anyone have any luck installing VMware tools (ESX) on 10.04?21:38
armenceHey all, I have this one folder in which several people need to be able to read and write. How can I set it up such that as soon as a file is added in that folder, it immediately becomes owned, readable and writable by a certain group?21:38
MaharaIn which package is asoundconf ?21:38
=== kenny is now known as Guest64581
strangeanyone know how to get the close/minimize/maximize buttons to the right?21:39
ShibaKunI just noticed the lack of a PowerPC ISO on the 10.04 downloads page.  Is this planned or has it been phased out?21:39
LinuxGuy2009abountu: System->Admin->Users and Groups21:39
Guest64581cool, so how do i refresh from karmic?:D21:39
joneskooamereservant: LVM is nice when combined with RAID21:39
sebsebseb!controls | strange21:39
ubottustrange: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d621:39
dupondjesebsebseb: whats the fork .21:39
littlepenguindejavues the 10th21:39
ZykoticK9!controls | strange21:39
LinuxGuy2009armence: Make sure that all users are part of the same group.21:39
amereservantjoneskoo: Hmmm, that's an interesting idea.  That way you have the redundancy and the flexibility.....21:39
reportingsjris anyone else getting 404 and 403 errors while trying to dl 10.04 upgrades?21:39
joneskooamereservant: exactly21:39
sebsebsebdupondje: nightinggal or something.  search http://www.linuxtoday.com for Sunbird, and stuff will come up about that21:40
joneskooamereservant: and if you need more space, you can add another RAID-1 or RAID-5 to the LVM set21:40
ShibaKunreportingsjr: the download servers are being hammered right now21:40
Ken8521ShibaKun, PowerPC hasn't been officially canonical for a couple of releases, believe there's some community ports21:40
Ken8521!powerpc | ShibaKun21:40
ubottuShibaKun: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ21:40
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors21:40
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:40
armenceLinuxGuy2009, Well, ok, but users are part of several different groups... How can I make sure the file is owned by the correct group?21:40
ShibaKunreportingsjr: grab the torrents21:40
joneskooamereservant: you can extend LVM on the fly (and even move physical volumes off the set, moving data to remaining volumes)21:40
reportingsjrShibaKun: so I thought, but I don't even get a small download rate I just get 404 and 403 errors. How long until you think I can get the full upgrades21:40
shakey_snakewhere is the Netbook edition torrent?21:40
reportingsjrShibaKun: well I'm upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04. Can I do that with the torrents somehow?21:40
sebsebseb!torrents | shakey_snake21:40
ubottushakey_snake: Lucid can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/server/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/21:40
andy112233Hi everyone. Lucid Lynx does not recognize my USB storage devices when plugged in. Karmic Koala did. Any help? THANKYOU!21:41
ShibaKunreportingsjr: wait until tomorrow21:41
ZykoticK9shakey_snake, http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/21:41
reportingsjrShibaKun: that's what I thought, thank you!21:41
amereservantjoneskoo: Yeah, very nice!  I'm surprised that hasn't caught my attention any sooner.  The only drawback would be the lack of windows compatibility since LVM is for Linux.  But to the sole linux users, it's awesome.21:41
Stavroscan i upgrade through a torrent?21:41
sebsebsebStavros: no21:41
Dr-Ubuntui upgraded a week ago to 10.4 but now its official release i dont get any updates why is that?21:41
reportingsjrStavros: shame, I know. Haha21:41
elnurSo, I still don't get. If my CPU is Intel Core i7 which is x86-64, can I install amd64 version on it?21:41
aciculaStavros: you can download the iso via torrent21:41
ZykoticK9!final > Dr-Ubuntu no21:41
ubottuDr-Ubuntu, please see my private message21:41
aciculaelnur: yes21:41
sebsebsebDr-Ubuntu: there should have been a few, if you did the rc21:41
axolote@ubottu: Do the .iso's from the torrents allow booting into a live environment?21:41
zebastian_can someone explain to me how i am supposed to download from this page? https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop21:41
Stavrosacicula: ah, i'll just wait a few days, thanks21:41
LinuxGuy2009armence: Not sure other than the creator to give permission to the group manually. Not sure if there is an automatic way.21:41
Ken8521Dr-Ubuntu, you are probably up to date, just run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade21:41
=== Reallycool is now known as Twiple
aciculaStavros: downloading the torrent wont take long21:42
Stavroszebastian_: join #launchpad21:42
armenceLinuxGuy2009, Thanks21:42
RandyOrti'm assuming the windows install program for 10.04 is only for the x86 version, right?21:42
reportingsjrelnur: yes, it's not about the cpu, but the architecture of the cpu. amd64 is 64-bit, as is x86-6421:42
prof87i have a problem with totem plugin of youtube...it said me that i have to verify if i have installated the last versione of gdata..thanks21:42
Stavrosacicula: but burning it, rebooting, etc will :/21:42
joneskooamereservant: I'm not sure if software raid is that compatible either21:42
TwipleOK, I want to dual boot ubuntu with windows on my EeePC, what precautions should I take?21:42
LinuxGuy2009armence: If they are members of different groups there is really no logical way that i could think of that ubuntu would know which one to set to a specific file.21:42
joneskooamereservant: of course if you have hardware raid, sure.21:42
Jordan_Uartveee: You can use zsync to just download the changes / parts with errors.21:42
sebsebsebRandyOrt: Wubi is ok for  trying Ubuntu, but not that good in the long run,  for example a pshyical install is likely to work a bit faster21:42
reportingsjrTwiple: you have to install windows first, then you can easily dual boot when installing ubuntu.21:42
Stavroshas anyone tried btrfs at all?21:42
abountuLinuxGuy2009, ok, I created the new user, but how can I make Ubuntu log on straight to this user, instead of the current user21:42
Dr-Ubuntuno idea what i installed tbh i just got the 1 from update manager -d21:43
RandyOrtsebsebseb: yeah... i'm grabbing the x64 version right now via usenet21:43
sebsebsebStavros: btrfs is not stable,  that will be another year or so yet21:43
s3r3n1t7axolote, Ubottu is a bot, he won't answer you. However, the CD's or DVD's you download and burn on a disc will let you boot into a live env.21:43
reportingsjrTwiple: windows can not dual boot and will over write anything else on the hard drive.21:43
Guest64581is there a newer version for the xorg with 10.04?21:43
Jordan_U!anyone | Stavros21:43
ubottuStavros: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:43
Twiplewindows came preinstalled21:43
polleriHi i just did a clean new install of Ubuntu 10.10 and the terminal auto complition is not working anymore can someone help? sorry for my english21:43
Twiplebut I want to clonezilla it21:43
aciculaGuest64581: yes21:43
amereservantjoneskoo: Yeah, the past three mobos I've bought had fake raid via onboard chipset and have all worked fine when switching between Windows/Linux.21:43
ZykoticK9Guest64581, yes21:43
Twiplebut I am terrified21:43
selofialguien  habla español?21:43
reportingsjrTwiple: you should be fine, but make sure you leave some room for windows. :)21:43
Guest64581thanks, lets hope it works better with flash & ati cards21:43
joaopinto!es | selofi21:43
ubottuselofi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:43
Mean_Adminso I'm slowly losing; under 9.04, wifi worked like it cared. I upgraded to 9.10, wifi works no more. I leaped to 10 and it still doesn't work.. the wireless NIC is "unclaimed" it seems21:43
sebsebseb!es | selofi21:43
benccwhat is the command to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04?21:43
Twiplewhat is clonezilla's computer wrecking potential?21:43
Stavrossebsebseb: sure, but it might be good to try out on a portable disk or something if it's easy to install in ubuntu...21:43
reportingsjracicula: do you know what version of Xorg?21:43
Guest64581bencc: start ur update manager21:43
LinuxGuy2009abountu: System-Admin-Login screen21:43
elnuracicula, reportingsjr, aha. i thought that amd64 is only for amd cpus21:43
reportingsjrbencc: sudo do-release-upgrade21:43
aciculareportingsjr: just look at the package21:43
reportingsjrelnur: nope, just named that21:44
s3r3n1t7!upgrade | bencc21:44
ubottubencc: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:44
aciculaelnur: amd64 is the instruction set, which intel also implements21:44
sebsebsebStavros: Ubuntu no, but  Fedora 13 will  have experimental support for it21:44
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.21:44
Exposure752hello there21:44
aciculaelnur: as a whole its referred to as x86_6421:44
Stavrossebsebseb: oh, interesting, thanks21:44
reportingsjracicula: where can I find a package list/repo for 10.04?21:44
abountuLinuxGuy2009, thanks a lot21:44
aciculareportingsjr: pacakges.ubuntu.com21:44
joneskooamereservant: it's perhaps different with a desktop. my solution is typically a network filesystem (samba, nfs). in that case LVM is great for managing the disk pool21:44
ShibaKunKen8521: yes, I know about the community port.  There was in fact a 9.10 release that I'm using right now.21:44
Mean_Adminah damn! it's OUT!? I just downloaded the ''unstable'' version this morning21:44
LinuxGuy2009abountu: your selcome21:44
sebsebsebStavros:  Fedora 13 I  think already has it in development version21:44
s3r3n1t7Mean_Admin, yeah it's out21:45
pollerican someone help me to get Terminal autocomplition working please? i just upgraded to 10.04 and it doesn't work anymore21:45
=== Slix is now known as Slix`
ShibaKunKen8521: so I guess what you're saying is that there may well be such a port, but it isn't released with official releases21:45
LinuxGuy2009!language | Mean_Admin21:45
ubottuMean_Admin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:45
sebsebsebStavros: not much point testing a file system really untill stable, unless your a file system developer21:45
Ken8521ShibaKun, well, according to ubottu the last PowerPC release was 7.10... so i'm not sure where you got 9.10.. not from anonical21:45
Ken8521ShibaKun, thats exactly what i'm saying21:45
sl0sh'unstable' is teh same as 'stable' now...21:45
A71KR117Does anyone see any performance changes when using the FGLRX driver instead of the radeon one?21:45
Mean_Adminis it even worth I try to upgrade to stable version ?21:45
Jordan_Usebsebseb: Where is your sense of adventure?21:45
amereservantjoneskoo: Ohh, yeah, that would be a different story.  I can definitely see where LVM would be really nice for that.  It's somewhat the same concept of cloud servers, expand when you need without a major overhaul.21:45
aciculaMean_Admin: yeah21:46
aciculaMean_Admin: the difference will be marginal21:46
AndorinDoes anybody know whether the version of Empathy included in Lucid supports connecting to XMPP servers besides Google Talk and Jabber? I asked in their IRC but nobody's talking.21:46
LinuxGuy2009A71KR117: Whats your real question?21:46
elnurreportingsjr, acicula, ok. got it. thanks21:46
sebsebsebJordan_U: oh I have it, I test software when in development here and there.   done Lucid since alpha 1  like this.21:46
Twiplewhere can I go for help with clonezilla?21:46
A71KR117LinuxGuy2009: Is it any better?21:46
sebsebsebJordan_U: did karmic etc21:46
amereservantAlthough I still haven't fully grasped how cloud servers work as in what role they all play together.21:46
Killsmy hifi is still playing at the same time with my laptop speakers when its conencted21:46
joneskooamereservant: for a server it's nice if you can partition first for a minimal install size and then extend the free space as REQUIRED, so you don't have to guess21:46
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s3r3n1t7!sound | Kills21:46
ubottuKills: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:46
sebsebsebamereservant: the cloud basically so you upload data to a server, and can access it from any Internet connected computer21:46
joneskooamereservant: if you need more space, sure. lvextend and resize2fs or something and boom, you have more space without any downtime21:47
sebsebsebamereservant: of course cloud servers aren't perfect,  servers can go down,  plus there are privacy issues21:47
porter1Andorin, I bleieve so21:47
LinuxGuy2009!opinion | A71KR11721:47
ubottuA71KR117: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:47
Jordan_Usebsebseb: Yes, but there you aren't risking your data! btrfs is where the real adrenaline junkies are at.21:47
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d621:47
sebsebsebJordan_U: that's probably true yes21:47
polleriHOw can I enable terminal autocomplition on lucid ?21:48
amereservantsebsebseb: Are they synced or does each one have it's own role and specific data to serve?21:48
sebsebseb!tab | polleri21:48
ubottupolleri: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:48
plentyHi, I need help...21:48
LinuxGuy2009polleri: tab21:48
sebsebseb!ask | plenty21:48
ubottuplenty: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:48
frybyere: how to I change the default soundcard in lucid???21:48
ShibaKunplenty: I need help too.21:48
ShibaKungo see a doctor :)21:48
polleriLinuxGuy2009, i know i use the terminal all the time but I just changed to Lucid and it doesn't work anymore21:49
ddrji'm having problems getting audio over hdmi to work with my geforce 210 video card. i followed this guide but my video card's not showing up in alsamixer: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO_set_up_HDMI_audio_on_nVidia_GeForce_G210,_GT220,_or_GT24021:49
frybyewhen running alsamixer it always starts with the wrong one - and there is in fact no sound avail.21:49
lightbrickoIs it possible to connect to a SharedView server from Ubuntu?21:49
ddrji have the nvidia 185 drvers21:49
amereservantsebsebseb: For instance, say I have two computers in the cloud and want to run an Apache server (overkill I know, just an example), which server runs the apache server and who holds the data?21:49
polleriLinuxGuy2009, i doesn't work after sudo; apt-get; aptitude none of those commands21:49
LinuxGuy2009!ask | ShibaKun21:49
ubottuShibaKun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:49
fwryanI have a server running Ubuntu 8.04, is it advisable to upgrade to 10.04... or should I wait until the traffic dies down?21:49
axolote@ s3r3n1t7, Oops. I didn't realize that was a bot. If I may, another question. Can I boot into a live environment if I install onto a USB stick also? I did that with unetbootin (selecting the .iso I downloaded) and I get nothing but a black screen after the boot splash.21:49
ShibaKunLinuxGuy2009: I was jokingly referring to the other guy's post, I don't need help :)21:49
joneskoofwryan: I'd wait a day or two21:50
sebsebsebamereservant: uhmm setting up your own cloud servers, is  off topic for  this channel,  plus above the knowledge of most Ubuntu users21:50
plentyHow can I carry my boot options from a LiveCD over to the installation?21:50
Guest64581should i close every other program when upgrading from karmic to 10.04, or they can keep running?21:50
ZykoticK9fwryan, if it's a production server, you might want to wait up 10.04.1 even21:50
stephen_netbookhi all21:50
joaopintoaxolote, yes, you can boot from a liveusb21:50
stephen_netbookis there a specific room for ubuntu netbook?21:50
amereservantsebsebseb: Alright.  Thanks anyways.21:50
sebsebsebamereservant: well unless in Ubuntu I guess21:50
ZykoticK9stephen_netbook, nope, this one21:50
jdtmwelp, im going to the store to pickup more cd-r's and im gonna try the alternate install cd. if that dont work im just gonna give up and stick with windows21:50
sebsebsebamereservant: where to send you if anywhere,  #ubuntu-offtopic is probably useless for your cloud questions.   #ubuntu-server for the server edition and uhmmm the one channel maybe21:50
fwryanjoneskoo: it's a test server, not used for anything -- but I'm concerned if the download fails I'll be in trouble21:50
pollerisebsebseb, I doesn't work on Lucid for some reason; I doesn't work after comands like sudo, aptitude etc21:50
sebsebseb!one | amereservant21:50
ubottuamereservant: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone21:50
s3r3n1t7axolote, yes you can, it should work just fine. i haven't tried the latest version (that came out today) tho.21:50
uLinuxlol adobe flash player doesnt work..21:51
BitProcessorcan't install - blank screen right after the Ubuntu logo with the moving dots... :-(21:51
plentyHow can I carry my boot options from a LiveCD over to the installation?21:51
uLinuxBitProcessor dont install it21:51
uLinuxkarmic is better21:51
stephen_netbookok, well i have it installed and its working great, apart from one thing D: , I am not able to access my wifi and my usb plug and play device is not working21:51
sebsebsebplenty: you can't unless you make your own ISO21:51
axolote@s3r3n1t7  Okay, I'll keep trying.  Thank you for your help.21:51
BitProcessoruLinux : don't install it ?21:51
andy112233Hi there. Third try: Why might 10.04 not recognize my USB storage devices (hard drive/USB-stick) but recognize my USB-printer? (karmic recognized all devices). Please help anyone. :-(21:51
BitProcessordid I miss something ?21:51
zerocooldoes shuttleworth speak afrikaans21:51
plentysebsebseb, it worked on Hardy and Intrepid...21:51
sebsebseb!flash | uLinux21:51
ubottuuLinux: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:51
sebsebseb!remaster | plenty21:52
ubottuplenty: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility21:52
uLinuxfirefox isnt installing flash21:52
kopfwehis there a boot spash on lucid server or is it just me?21:52
LinuxGuy2009!UCK | plenty21:52
ubottuplenty: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/21:52
libranoWhat is the release party channel?21:52
TwipleCan someone here help me with Clonezilla?21:52
reportingsjrandy112233: is there nothing listed under places as your usb flash drive?21:52
zerocooldoes shuttleworth speak afrikaans21:52
ZykoticK9kopfweh, it's called Plymouth21:52
=== b0w is now known as zz_b0w
joaopintouLinux, flash works fine here21:52
BitProcessoruLinux : why shouldn't I install it ?21:52
joaopinto!flash | uLinux21:52
ubottuuLinux: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:52
axolotelibrano: #ubuntu-release-party21:52
sebsebsebzerocool: probably and that's off topic21:52
uLinuxjoaopinto aki n21:52
LinuxGuy2009librano: Lucid is here!21:52
sebsebseb!ot | zerocool21:52
ubottuzerocool: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:52
chadiare the google chrome bookmarks in /home?21:52
andy112233@reportingsjr: Yes. Nothing.21:53
joaopintouLinux, please stop commenting about quality when you don't have any experience, flash is installed from the repositories, not from firefox21:53
sebsebsebzerocool: by the way there's an oppertunity to ask him next week21:53
ZykoticK9kopfweh, why it's needed on server is beyond me - something about mountall or something21:53
joaopinto!pt | uLinux21:53
ubottuuLinux: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:53
tat-chadi: yes, ~/.config/chromium, i think21:53
sebsebseb!openweek | zerocool21:53
ubottuzerocool: Ubuntu is hosting a series of introductory sessions for people who want to join the Ubuntu community, which all takes place in a week. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek for schedules, logs, and instructions.21:53
spvenskouLinux, flash seems to be working for me21:53
uLinuxnot for me21:53
reportingsjrandy112233: can you pastebin (http://pastebin.ca) the results when you open a terminal (under applications>accesories) and run the command lsusb21:53
LinuxGuy2009 chadi: Probably, you can also use bookmark sync for suncing between machines.21:53
andy112233Automount is active in gconf-editor under nautilus.21:53
chaditat- ty, coz I want to do a clean install of lucid, i want my stuff to remain21:53
BitProcessorblank screen when trying to install (after the screen with ubuntu logo and dots) - system freezes21:54
pdtpatrick@gstock dndn21:54
polleriLinuxGuy2009, I realized i don't have a bashrc file. is there a way of making the terminal create one?21:54
stephen_netbookanyone got any clue why wifi is not working on my netbook but LAN is?#21:54
sebsebseb!home | chadi21:54
ubottuchadi: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome21:54
kopfwehi use the server only with ssh aaaaaaannnd if it doesnt boot when there is a problem with a nonsystem disk its really bad21:54
chadiLinuxGuy2009 if they remain in home, no problem21:54
BitProcessortries running with nomodeset, noacpti etc... no luck21:54
axolotebitprocessor: same here.21:54
chazcoWhen does Ubuntu 9.10 reach it's end of life (e.g. no more updates)?21:54
sebsebsebchadi: yes some where in home I guess is where chrome stores it's bookmarks21:54
BitProcessoraxolote : what graphics are you using ?21:54
chadisebsebseb /home is already a partition on its own21:54
sebsebsebchazco: April next year, just like 8.04 on the desktop21:54
Tohuw!updates | chazco21:54
barbarellapolleri:you can copy it from root21:55
tman_im having a problem installing ubuntu 10.04 i start booting off the cd i see a purple screen with two icons at the bottom and then my monitor shuts off and just blinks. my specs are amd sempron 1ghz processer w/ 512mb of ram please help:):)21:55
toyman61How to update from Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 ?21:55
kallistohelp: grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 Error 15: File not found21:55
sebsebseb!upgrade | toyman6121:55
ubottutoyman61: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:55
joaopintokopfweh, you can set it up so it boots with missing filesystems, a server admin is supposed to understand how to do it :)21:55
tat-toyman61: sudo do-release-upgrade in a terminal21:55
chazcosebsebseb - Ah okay, so i'm okay until then. Thanks :)21:55
andy112233@reportingsjr: how does pastebin work? Sorry. IRC-newbie.21:55
LinuxGuy2009polleri: Make sure your home folder has the correct permission set for the whole folder?21:55
uLinuxHow can I downgrade from Lucid to Karmic21:55
chadisebsebseb Now I want to format the karmic partition and do a clean install of lucid, but I have to link my /home partition to it... hope i find out how to do it during the installation21:55
sebsebsebchazco: yep :) and yep 9.10 is better than 10.04 in certain ways :D21:55
tat-uLinux: reinstall21:55
joaopintouLinux, reinstalling21:55
Tohuw!eol | chazco21:55
ubottuchazco: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:55
polleriLinuxGuy2009, how can I do that?21:55
reportingsjrandy112233: hmm, go to http://pastebin.com. It looks like .ca is down.  Just paste what was outputted in to the big box and hit submit then give me the link. :)21:55
joaopintochadi, you can install over the existing partition without removing your /home21:56
chazcoThanks Tohuw :)21:56
uLinuxi dont want to lose anything21:56
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.21:56
kopfwehyah i know how but im confused that this isnt a standard setting21:56
toyman61tat-, :  Thanx!!21:56
joaopintouLinux, so backup your data and then reinstall21:56
Killsthe link didint help21:56
chazcosebsebseb - Tell me about it... best version I ever used was 7.04 (i think).21:56
StuckMojowhy does the offical site make it so hard to find things like release notes?21:56
uLinuxare you kidding me21:56
StuckMojoi want to see specifically what's new in 10.0421:56
chadijoaopinto yeah, but don't I need to link it to /home?21:56
uLinuxbacking up hundreds of gb21:56
tman_im having a problem installing ubuntu 10.04 i start booting off the cd i see a purple screen with two icons at the bottom and then my monitor shuts off and just blinks. my specs are amd sempron 1ghz processer w/ 512mb of ram please help:):)21:56
sebsebsebchazco: best one I used was 8.10  (even though ethernet didn't just work on other computer, but that one also needs a driver in XP before it works)21:56
LinuxGuy2009polleri: ALT+F2, gksudo nautilus and right clicking /home/<username>, and verify that you are the owner of the whole folder.21:57
bastid_raZor!notes | StuckMojo21:57
ubottuStuckMojo: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100421:57
sebsebsebchazco: sadly 8.10 goes end of life tommorwo21:57
joaopintochadi, no, if it's already installed on the filesystem you just need to make sure you dont select to format the partition21:57
sl0shtman_ try an older kernel21:57
ZykoticK9tman_, you should try booting with noacpi or noapic21:57
andy112233@reportingsjr: Ups... made it public. The link is http://pastebin.com/hdW4KMJQ21:57
StuckMojobastid_raZor: thx21:57
chadijoaopinto great news :-)21:57
reportingsjrandy112233: haha, doesn't matter if it is publice21:57
frybyeHi with lucid an fi-x extreem audio sound card all appears to be set correctly but still no sound - any ideas??21:57
BitProcessortman, I get the ubuntu logo with the moving dots, but blank screen after that21:57
chazcosebsebseb - Ah well, hopefully they'll return to that sort of release.21:57
zerocool<Doggod> i love ubuntu so much, I want to take it behind school and make it pregnant21:57
ZykoticK9BitProcessor,  you should try booting with noacpi or noapic21:57
mezyI have just installed 10.04 LTS through Wubi but for some reason I cannot boot into Ubuntu.21:57
sebsebsebchazco: it doesn't seem like it,  they are doing more stuff  now that isn't  upstream when it comes to Gnome, and they want to make things more like Mac OS X21:57
toyman61ubottu, :  Thanx21:58
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:58
andy112233@reportingsjr: Okay.... for your info: Have a 4 GB stick and a 500 GB hard drive installed. Neither is recognized.21:58
spvenskozerocool, are you leet?21:58
tman_and the green light on the side of my monitor just flashes21:58
Jaymacwhy hasn't the ubuntu website been updated with the new branding?21:58
spvenskozerocool, hack the planet!21:58
tman_but the cd is still spining in the drive21:58
frybyeany special url for sound problems with --lucid--??21:58
joaopintoJaymac, find a canonical related channel to ask that :P21:58
reportingsjrandy112233: both are currently plugged in?  Your 4gb flash drive is recognized, but your 500 gig is not.21:58
tman_and i have no errors before this happens21:58
polleriLinuxGuy2009, I am the owner it is fine21:58
tman_and the green light on the side of my monitor just flashes21:58
reportingsjrandy112233: pastebin the results of running dmesg please.21:58
`ph8hi all - i've just updated to lucid, xchat suddenly says "you must send your password first!" when i'm trying to connect to my bouncer, i've been using it for a long time - the format is /server host +port username:password21:58
sebsebsebmezy: is Windows on C?21:58
tman_but the cd is still spining in the drive21:58
`ph8any idea why this wouldn't work in newxchat?21:58
tman_and i have no errors before this happens21:58
mezysebsebseb: Yes.21:59
sebsebsebmezy: ok  well don't know then21:59
andy112233@reportingsjr:  Yes. Both are plugged in. I'll check again.21:59
reportingsjr`ph8: you may want to ask in the xchat channel. Probably something to do with a new version of xchat.21:59
tman_my other os crunchbang is working fine with my monitor21:59
mezyThat's weird21:59
sebsebsebmezy: also Wubi is uesaully ok for trying, but in the long run bettter off using, a proper partitioend install21:59
LinuxGuy2009polleri: So gnome-terminal isnt keeping your command history thats the issue?21:59
jcbvanyone get compiz working on old nvidia21:59
andy112233@reportingsjr: Yes. Both are. Shell I unplug the hard drive and repaste the lsusb?21:59
prayiianyone know what the hash code is for the amd64-desktop iso?21:59
reportingsjrandy112233: no, pastebin the results of running dmesg please.  Leave both plugged in.22:00
`ph8reportingsjr, silly me, thanks22:00
LinuxGuy2009jcbv: Perhaps restate that into a question about your experience so we can help you with your experience?22:00
polleriLinuxGuy2009, I have no clue. I just know the autocomplition is not working and i didn't have a .bashrc file in my desktop22:00
sebsebsebjcbv: I think you need a relitvely new card for Compiz,  new as in uhmmm last few years22:00
reportingsjr`ph8: heh, I just figure xchat people would know more about it. :)22:00
Berkjust wondering if anyone else is experiencing extremely slow speeds on the torrent?22:00
polleriLinuxGuy2009, i mean home foler sorry22:00
ZykoticK9prayii, if you mean MD5 3e0f72becd63cad79bf784ac2b34b448 *ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso22:00
sebsebsebBerk: yes others were22:00
sl0shi changed the and now i want it back to 'lucid lynx' but there is no such theme :O what to do?22:00
mezyI am brought to the windows boot manager when booting. It lets me click ubuntu to boot up, but then I am brought to the GRUB boot loader and Windows is the only option to choose from22:00
tman_i've had 9.10 working on it too with no problems at all.22:00
sebsebsebsl0sh: you changed what?22:00
tman_im having a problem installing ubuntu 10.04 i start booting off the cd i see a purple screen with two icons at the bottom and then my monitor shuts off and just blinks. my specs are amd sempron 1ghz processer w/ 512mb of ram please help:):)22:00
=== ubuntu is now known as Dai_Installing
sl0shheh the theme22:01
elnurHow to change default system in grub from command line?22:01
tman_and the green light on the side of my monitor just flashes22:01
sl0shlook and feel of gnome22:01
tman_i've had 9.10 working on it too with no problems at all.22:01
Berksebsebseb: thanks, as i'm being told it will take 5 days :D glad i'm not the only one then22:01
sebsebsebsl0sh: Ambiance and Radience are the new 10.04 themes22:01
reportingsjrelnur: you have to edit the order in grub.conf22:01
prayiiZykoticK9: thank you. For future reference where can I find that? It wasn't listed yet in the wiki22:01
elnurreportingsjr, no special tools for that?22:01
sebsebsebBerk: I know they say get from torrents blah de blah, but you can try FTP or HTTP instead22:01
REMIXhappy release day every body! can some one help me? what do i type in my terminal to upgrade from my netbook remix 9.10 to 10.04 LTS22:02
reportingsjrelnur: not really.  The list should be in /boot/grub/menu.lst and you can change them around there. Don't change anything other than order, though.22:02
ZykoticK9prayii, sorry there was a link posted earlier and i copied all them to a text file - not sure where it is22:02
sl0shok, i remembered it different, but i guess youre right22:02
andy112233@reportingsjr: HUGE PASTE @ http://pastebin.com/hdCnUxiV22:02
sebsebsebBerk: also maybe you need a port open for the torrents in your router?22:02
reportingsjrREMIX: sudo do-release-upgrade22:02
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:02
sebsebsebBerk: a port open to speed things up a bit22:02
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:02
Berksebsebseb: i'll carry on with the torrent, and do my best to keep it seeded too, if everyone gives up it'll stay slow22:02
tman_im having a problem installing ubuntu 10.04 i start booting off the cd i see a purple screen with two icons at the bottom and then my monitor shuts off and just blinks. my specs are amd sempron 1ghz processer w/ 512mb of ram please help:):)22:02
reportingsjrandy112233: It's fine if it's huge.22:02
ZykoticK9!repeat > tman_22:02
tman_and the green light on the side of my monitor just flashes22:02
ubottutman_, please see my private message22:02
Twiplewhen backing something up on clonezilla, should I clone the whole disk or just the needed partitions?22:02
sebsebsebtman_: some sort of plymouth issue by the sounds of it22:03
sebsebsebtman_: is that an old computer?22:03
polleriLinuxGuy2009, if i run the terminal as root autocomplition doesn't work either can I uninstall gnome-terminal and intall it again?22:03
Frapmy friend is sad and have loveproblem, what can be done about it?22:03
Berki'll leave you ladies and gents to release day carnage, laters22:03
sebsebseb!ot | Frap22:03
ubottuFrap: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:03
Frapyes but i dont know where else to ask22:03
tman_4 years old22:03
barbarellareportingsjr:it depends with grub2 it is /etc/default/grub22:04
elnurreportingsjr, seems like things have changed with grub 222:04
reportingsjrandy112233: I'll try to deal with the flash drive first.  Can you check if it is listed in the folder /media/?22:04
sebsebsebtman_: does it say on the boot up,  Ubuntu 10.04 ?22:04
reportingsjrbarbarella: ah, did not know that. Sorry22:04
emorrishi, what does the "recommended" option do for partitioning?22:04
Zelozelosanybody use Gwinwrap?22:04
reportingsjrelnur: as barbarella said, it's in /etc/default/grub22:04
oyoyI already had the release candidate for 10.04 installed... will the update manager prompt me about a new version or not now that 10.04 official is out?22:04
sebsebseboyoy: you can install the updates yourself to the final22:04
Alienarchis KDE or gnome better for a server gui?22:04
reportingsjroyoy: it should just be like normal upgrades, not a new release.22:05
andy112233@reportingsjr: It is not.22:05
tman_no it doesn't say anything its just a purple screen22:05
sebsebsebAlienarch: for real servers,  neither22:05
kopfwehserver gui?22:05
sebsebseb!server | Alienarch22:05
oyoysebsebseb: is that automatic?  i just checked update manager and says no updates are out there.  i had no updates at all today22:05
ubottuAlienarch: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support22:05
elnurreportingsjr, i have missed that because the message was not addressed to me22:05
dominicdinadablah I cant get the yum package or the b43 fwcutter any ideas with 10.4 ?22:05
Alienarchyeah well I am too much of a noob, I cant get webmind downloaded on the server to ionstall it lol22:05
sebsebseboyoy: maybe since the repos aren't working propelry22:05
reportingsjrelnur: that's why I said it to you. :)22:05
oyoysebsebseb: ok thanks i'll just wait and try later22:05
sebsebseboyoy: I think the repos aren't working properly at the moment, since the amount of people doing Lucid22:05
ZykoticK9!webmin > Alienarch22:05
ubottuAlienarch, please see my private message22:05
sebsebseboyoy: you should have been offered a few updates, unless you updated really recently22:05
Zelozelosim trying to figure out how to have multiple options such as for xmatrix '-small -no-trace -delay 83898' it seems to have an issue with the spaces between each trigger22:06
oyoysebsebseb: i updated last night i think22:06
reportingsjrandy112233: hmm, pastebin sudo blkid (all one command. `sudo blkid`)22:06
Alienarchoh sweet ebox ok22:06
littlepenguin1 hr remaining of installing..22:06
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox22:06
pablo_people please help...22:06
jcbvno compiz in here or what22:06
sebsebseb!ask  | pablo_22:06
ubottupablo_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:06
pablo_how acces to mi files from other sistem22:06
Zelozeloseach trigger works, they all work in a terminal, but if i enter a triger into the options space and have a space after it, it hangs22:06
sebsebsebpablo_: What does the other system run Windows?22:06
pablo_my files are encript22:06
pablo_sebsebseb, no22:07
sebsebsebpablo_: oh encryptin hrm22:07
pablo_other ubuntu22:07
sebsebsebpablo_: encryption can go wrong etc  well if you use the Ubuntu One22:07
dominicdinadaAnyone get fwcutter on 10.4 yet ?22:07
sebsebsebpablo_: Ubuntu encryption, not that Ubuntu cloud software22:07
pablo_sebsebseb, i am in ubuntu 9.1022:07
j800rthe ubuntu 10.4 theme is awesome!22:07
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
pablo_i want acces to my files22:07
sebsebsebj800r: no it isn't22:07
pablo_but this are encrypt22:07
sebsebsebj800r: The old brown human theme before 9.10, so a bit of orange as well,  for the win, seriously!22:08
j800rare you serious??22:08
sonjasomeone traineed in the application "wine"?22:08
j800rthe human theme was bloody aweful, lol22:08
sebsebsebj800r: indeed as an expereinced user since second release in 2005, that for me is the Ubuntu look,  none of this newer junkw22:08
andy112233@reportingsjr: Paste is at http://pastebin.com/5bBvQwDs. I am actually trying to connect other devices. So far each one's listed in lsusb, none's mounted.22:08
lightbrickoCan I set the default remote desktop viewer (vinagre) to listen-mode?22:08
j800rsebsebseb, if you're afraid of change, go back to an earlier release lol22:09
sebsebseb!vnc > lightbricko22:09
ubottulightbricko, please see my private message22:09
elnurreportingsjr, changed it. thank you :)22:09
j800rpersonally, i love it, and i'm sure i'm probs not the only one22:09
ZykoticK9For those wanting the old theme simply install - human-theme22:09
sebsebsebj800r: no, since can use the older theme on Lucid :)22:09
reportingsjrelnur: any time :)22:09
sebsebsebj800r: once installed from repo22:09
j800rlol, your mad :P22:09
sonjasomeone traineed in wine???22:09
j800rto each their own bud22:09
sebsebsebj800r: also a lot of the 10.04 changes are sucky really for expereinced users such as myself, but for other people they are good.  I mean top right panel changes that kind of thing.   Ubuntu on other computer,  another distro on this one these days.  anyway off topic22:10
CinnabelleHey everyone~ I just installed 10.04 and so far, it hangs after running for a few minutes and I have to restart.22:10
lightbrickothanks sebsebseb!22:10
thevorHey. has anyone updated from 9.10 to 10.04? Know if it's a bad or good move?22:10
oyoysonja: just ask your question...22:10
sebsebsebthevor: so far no major complaints like  what happended quite a lot, when people upgraded from 9.04 to 9.1022:10
clrgCinnabelle: X error messages, dmesg, /var/log/messages.. checked those?22:11
thevorI mean, should I wipe and reinstall, or can I just update with update maanager?22:11
madchinecan anybody tell me the name and size(s) og the font in 'Ambiance theme'?22:11
Spankguys is there any 64bit for intel processor?22:11
Cinnabelleclrg: I don't know how to do that... :D22:11
ZykoticK9Spank, AMD64 works for Intel22:11
thevor@sebsebseb thanks, do you knwo if updating is a safe move? I've wanted to try just updating before, but never know if it's a good move, but I hate wipping and reinstalling.22:11
George_ESpank: ??22:11
sebsebsebthevor: so good move I guess, but not such a good idea at the moment, since loads of other people are downloading it, so upgrade will be slow22:11
Spankare you sure?22:11
clrgCinnabelle: Type "dmesg | grep -i err | tail" or so22:11
thevor@sebsebseb ok cool thanks.22:11
ZykoticK9Spank, yes22:11
reportingsjrandy112233: ookay.  Try this! `mount -t vfat /dev/sdc /media/I`22:12
Spankso i better download the 64 bit22:12
thevor@sebsebseb so when I do want to update, I can just run update manager, and it will install 10.04 right?22:12
Killsany1 how do I make my speakers stop working after when i connecdt my headphones?22:12
j800ri upgraded to 10.04 just now from 9.10. gonna burn a live cd of 10.04 though and install that. cause i don't live upgrading to major new releases22:12
sebsebsebthevor: I plan to upgrade other computer on Saturday, the repo's will probably be alright then, but maybe not22:12
Killson a laptop22:12
ZykoticK9!update > thevor22:12
ubottuthevor, please see my private message22:12
strangeafter installing nvidia driver (from nvidia ppa) my terminal resolution is very low (ctrl+alt+F1-F9) anyone know where to change the resolution for that?22:12
thevor@barbarella thanks22:12
thevoryou too ubottu22:12
sebsebsebthevor: I think at the moment, they are having issues, but not sure exactly22:12
elnurAfter trying to boot windows, now i can't boot my ubuntu and I get grub rescue> command prompt.22:13
sebsebseb!thanks | thevor22:13
ubottuthevor: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:13
ZykoticK9strange, that's normal - affects Plymouth as well22:13
thevoroh i know it's a bot.22:13
FlameyWhat's this Retrieving file 17 of 28 in ubiquity?22:13
thevorjust seemed like the polite thing to do22:13
sebsebsebelnur: clean install or upgrade?22:13
morrowynhi, how do i upgrade from 10.04 beta to release?22:13
strangeZykoticK9: is there a fix? before installing the nvidia driver the resolution is alot higher22:13
sebsebsebelnur: also it's 10.04 I assume?22:13
Cinnabelleclrg: I got http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/uWbMEkJT22:13
andy112233reportingsjr: sudo mkdir /media/I | sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdc /media/I worked out properly.22:13
elnursebsebseb, yea, 10.0522:13
elnursebsebseb, clean install22:13
TheAkumabitoku ^^22:13
sebsebsebmorrowyn: by installing the updates, but I think rep's are bad at the moment.  also maybe won't get all the features installed properly, since it was the beta22:14
ZykoticK9strange, probably NOT worth the effort - but you can use VESA frame buffer -- http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/plymouth-resolution22:14
sebsebseb!grub2 | elnur22:14
ubottuelnur: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:14
reportingsjrandy112233: and can you now access your flash drive?22:14
s3r3n1t7!slow | sebsebseb ;-)22:14
ubottusebsebseb ;-): The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors22:14
sebsebsebs3r3n1t7: yes I know that factoid exists :D22:14
sebsebsebs3r3n1t7: used it earlier22:14
s3r3n1t7sebsebseb, i'm lovin it!22:14
clrgCinnabelle: Nothing interesting so far. Could you do a "dmesg | tail -n 150"?22:14
sebsebsebs3r3n1t7: the factoid or 10.04?22:15
s3r3n1t7sebsebseb, both22:15
andy112233reportingsjr: With "worked properly", I implied "yes, I can access it (read-only)." :-)22:15
strangeZykoticK9: i did that already it only makes the grub menu high res, not the console as a whole22:15
phil123hi there... will Ubuntu 10.04 RC automatically upgrade to the final version next days?22:15
madchineanybody? the name and size of the font in the new ambiance theme? i already managed to fuck it up.... :(22:15
ZykoticK9strange, no idea then sorry22:15
sebsebsebphil123: no22:15
sebsebsebphil123: you have to do it yourself22:15
strangeZykoticK9: k thx anyways22:15
Seeker`!language | madchine22:16
ubottumadchine: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:16
reportingsjrandy112233: might be read only because you had to mount with sudo.  Not sure there, sorry.22:16
Cinnabelleclrg: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JXznSm1T22:16
LinuxGuy2009phil123: if you have all updates installed right now, then you have the final.22:16
KEFIRI've downloaded alternate cd, running update with gksu sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade, but in the middle of getting packages from the .iso updater still trying to connect to the internet and show an error about that. is that normal?22:16
ZykoticK9!final > phil12322:16
ubottuphil123, please see my private message22:16
reportingsjrandy112233: now, for that 500 gig.  Can you unplug it, plug it back in, and then pastebin `dmesg | tail -n 150`.22:16
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.22:16
BrokenTraceOk here is another problem. Trying to upgrade to lucid from karmic and I would get the error " Could Not Calculate the upgrade". I removed a few PPAs then it failed again. Searehed the logs and it says "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages". Synaptic package manager does not show and borpen packages22:16
votexKills : Please check your handset, try putting a different one. OR could be problem with the pins.22:16
andy112233reportingsjr: I have quite a few devices. Have you any clue why lucid won't automount?22:17
barbarellaandy112233:i think you have a bad partition if sudo doesn;t work22:17
sebsebsebBrokenTrace: uhmmm  not a good idea to upgrade at the moment, since things may be slow22:17
s3r3n1t7KEFIR, if you've updated while connected to the internet and the package you're trying to get has released a new update in the repo's it will still download it from the repo's and not the alternate CD, since it's outdated on that package.22:17
reportingsjrandy112233: no, not sure what exactly is wrong. =\22:17
BluesKajhmm, the upgrade to lucid was an anticlimax in my case...guess I was already there before the so called official release22:17
sebsebsebBrokenTrace: since the amount of other people doing it22:17
phil123ok thx @ all22:17
reportingsjrandy112233: and you say versions before lucid automounted fine?22:17
=== ubuntu is now known as callaghan
sebsebsebBluesKaj: ppa's get disabled on upgrade I think22:17
BrokenTracesebsebseb: Maybe Ill wait :D22:17
Mohammad[B]how i can upgrade ubuntu 10.04 rc to latest release ?22:17
j800rsebsebseb, tell me about it. upgrade/update servers were slowed to a crawl earlier lol22:17
ZykoticK9!final > Mohammad[B]22:18
ubottuMohammad[B], please see my private message22:18
sebsebsebMohammad[B]: by instaling the updates like you do for security updates,  but may get issues with that at the moment,  since the amount of people wanting Lucid22:18
crkhey, Im sure someone else must've reported this as well, but there's no Seeders on the Ubuntu-10.04-i386-DVD torrent22:18
j800ri should've just downloaded the ISO in the first place22:18
clrgCinnabelle: I can't find anything suspicious. Have you tried googling the error? Also, your graphics card seems to be quite old (64MB VRAM..)22:18
BluesKajsebsebseb, disabled ? what ppas ?22:18
pmichaelI don't get it - boot 10.4 install CD and it wants a login?  I haven't installed yet22:18
sebsebsebBluesKaj: I thought thye mentioned ppa's22:18
crkeveryone's stuck at around 4 %22:18
sebsebsebcrk: heh heh22:18
ZykoticK9pmichael, tried Ubuntu as user with no password?22:18
Cinnabelleclrg: It really is. :D My whole computer really~22:18
Cinnabelleclrg: I guess I'll go to google~ <3 Thanks for trying to help.22:19
reportingsjrZykoticK9: I think it may be ubuntu for both username and password?22:19
andy112233reportingsjr: Yes. koala did excellently. lucid crashed while installing so I had to install from the live-version. grub had to be fixed first but then everything seemed to work fine (except automount). I included my internal drives into fstab, but really need automount for my external drives.22:19
KEFIRs3r3n1t7, I even tried to pull my internet cable out, how do updater realize files are outdated? how to turn off this?22:19
pmichaelZykoticK9: tried that - can't even find any instructions for installing - why would it be so different?22:19
mezimezimI have been using aptitude to do updates, is it OK to use the update manager to switch to 10.04 (I assume it uses apt-get) - might I encounter dependencies problems?22:19
BluesKajsebsebseb, i don't have any ppas in my sources.list22:19
Mohammad[B]ZykoticK9, this is dont have any updates :-s22:19
s3r3n1t7KEFIR, I"m not sure if you can to be honest. Some patience is probably best, or try switching a mirror22:19
ZykoticK9reportingsjr, my only uncertainty is Ubuntu or ubuntu - but it's no password for sure (unless it's changed in 10.04)22:19
s3r3n1t7!mirrors | KEFIR22:19
ubottuKEFIR: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!22:19
clrgCinnabelle: I'm sorry I can't help you more, but I'm not a graphics specialist :)22:19
ZykoticK9Mohammad[B], then you're at Final22:20
j800rpeople have been having problems installing 10.04? upgrade smooth as hell for me? o.022:20
Mohammad[B]ZykoticK9, http://paste.ubuntu.com/424846/22:20
Mohammad[B]ZykoticK9, please see that22:20
j800r*minus ?22:20
sebsebsebI have done it again BluesKaj   I was meant to message BrokenTrace22:20
KEFIRI got alternate from mirrors22:20
Mohammad[B]ZykoticK9, is this ok ?22:20
ZykoticK9MohammadAG, doesn't show anything you didn't just say - looks like you're up-to-date22:20
gabrielhas the question about slightly blurry fonts in apps in lucid been answered already?22:20
kennytHow often does the mirror list on ubuntu.com regenerate?22:20
dominicdinadaI need help with the b43 fwcutter it is not allowing me to apt-get install22:20
Mohammad[B]ZykoticK9, thanks :-)22:21
mustafais there a way to install sun jdk 6 on ubuntu 10.04?22:21
MaharaHow can I easily switch from a bultin card to a USB-speaker card in Ubuntu 10.04 so that I can playback audio on the USB-speaker22:21
MohammadAGZykoticK9, wrong person :)22:21
ZykoticK9mustafa, add the partner repo22:21
ZykoticK9MohammadAG, sorry man :)22:21
sebsebsebBluesKaj: so easy to mess up auto complete22:21
KEFIRokay, it seems I have to update from internet anyway) thanks for help, s3r3n1t722:21
MohammadAGZykoticK9, no worries :)22:21
MikeChelenMahara: look in sound preferences, in the output tab22:21
elnuranyone knows ho to launch recovery partition on asus k50in notebook?22:21
LinuxGuy2009Mahara: I have no clue what your asking.Maybe check your terminalogy and come back?22:21
genioafter upgrading today, im-switch keeps throwing errors everywhere.  Is this common?22:22
sebsebsebelnur: I think you want ##windows22:22
mustafaZykoticK9 how?22:22
dominicdinadaI have a question can anybody help22:22
ZykoticK9mustafa, see note on http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/java22:22
RegressLessIs there a good multi-processor system monitor that makes for good eyecandy?22:22
jmknsdI have a problem on 9.10, It mounts the DVD-RW as /dev/sr0. It can play CDs and when I boot to windows I can play DVDs. Is there some way to force it to see it as a DVD player?22:22
Xcellelnur  f9  ?22:22
Alcorwhat was party channel name?22:22
K0HAXawesome, started doing the distro upgrade to 10.04, it was peaking my internet connection, but now it's down to 6000 bytes per second22:22
sebsebsebakgraner: #ubuntu-release-party22:22
LinuxGuy2009!ask | dominicdinada22:22
ubottudominicdinada: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:22
arcadeSo, just installed a newer Ubuntu version .. and one of my immediate annoyances is that if I press ctrl+c in an xterm, I see ^C on the line...22:22
callaghanI just set up Ubuntu 10.04, I have a problem with my sound preferences, they look like this: http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/1548/screenshotsoundpreferen.png , at the setting in the pic my speakers are veeeery silent, and at the next marker they have max volume. Is there an easy way to fix this?22:22
mustafaZykoticK9, thank you.22:22
barbarellaandy112233:try fdisk /dev/yourexternaldrive than the p option. Does it look ok?22:22
sebsebsebno not akgraner   ,but yes Alcor22:22
pmichaelwhy would you have to login to install?22:23
dominicdinadaLinuxGuy I asked the Question 4 times with not even a hello so I am continuing to ask to get someones attention22:23
dominicdinadaI need help with the b43 fwcutter it is not allowing me to apt-get install22:23
joulen #ske22:23
ZykoticK9pmichael, i've see that with older ubuntu installs as well - not sure why it happens22:23
Dougdoug4WOW lol22:23
pmichaelI'm booting a system with a blank hard disk - booting to the 10.4 i386 CD22:23
elnurXcell, nope22:23
Dougdoug4#ubuntu almost has 2,000 people!22:23
luisicoHi, I've just installed ubuntu 10.4 and it works like a charm, congratulations22:23
ZykoticK9Dougdoug4, it was over 2000 earlier22:23
sebsebsebDougdoug4: not right now, but it was earlier or just over22:23
KIAazeis it just me or does the http://www.soslynx.org/ site (linked to from the ubuntu music store presentation) not work at all?22:23
Xcellelnur, is that the eee modle  ?22:23
luisicoi've only a question, I've plugged mi ipod touch and nothing happens22:24
sebsebsebDougdoug4: or maybe a bit under, I mean there are bots in here as well22:24
reportingsjrandy112233: sorry about that.  I think I have a fix for your solution.22:24
elnurXcell, no22:24
andy112233reportingsjr: great. Let me hear. :o)22:24
jon604Hey guys  setup a SVN with trac, and the trac and SVN get their accounts from the same htpasswd file, but the svn wont let me login while the trac will, any ideas?22:24
luisicoanybody can say if i have to do any tricky thing?22:24
dominicdinada!bot help22:24
reportingsjrandy112233: cd to /lib/udev/rules.d/ and run `mv 85-hdparm.rules 85-hdparm.rules.disabled`22:24
reportingsjrandy112233: tell me the results when you are done.  That should fix it!22:24
datacrusherhello everyone, im trying to update from 9.10 to 10.04, but it claims that my / folder gots no enough space. i got / on different partiton than /home, and i dunno what more can i delete to free that space.. any clues?22:24
Dougdoug49 minutes remaining on my 10.04 download22:25
melvsterjust upgraded my desktop to lucid lynx, but it's missing the me bar / calendar / login / logout ... can I readd them to the panel?22:25
LinuxGuy2009datacrusher: how much free space do you have?22:25
datacrusheri got 24gb22:25
sebsebsebmelvster: what's that about login and log out?22:25
ZykoticK9melvster, Add to panel - the two Indicator Applets22:26
funkycat90210windows 7 crashed on me the day lenny is released, that is a sign22:26
melvstersebsebseb: im missing the icont that normally appear at the right22:26
datacrusheron df i got 72% used on /, 2469428 free22:26
sebsebsebmelvster:  no shut down and log out in system menu,  if you have the me menu  / fusa  on top right enabled,22:26
barbarelladatacrusher: that is one partition?22:26
brzeziki have a problem with kadu22:26
datacrushersorry, i did df -h now22:26
melvstersebsebseb: i restarted 4 times22:26
harjotwhats the quickest way to very temporarily host php files anywhere, or at least view them in a web browser, as mine dont like it22:26
brzezikwhat is the best program?22:26
arcadeHumpfh.  Upgraded my Ubuntu, and now Ubuntu prints ^C in the terminal if I press ctrl+c.  Annoying - how do I turn this 'feature' off?22:26
datacrusherwell, i got 8.9gb on / partition, disp. 2.4 gb22:26
sebsebsebmelvster: most of the stuff on the top right sucks really,  but  most users have no idea22:26
andy112233reportingsjr: Renamed. Alas, Devices are still not automounted. :-(22:26
dominicdinadaI need help with the b43 fwcutter it is not allowing me to apt-get install22:27
datacrusheron partition /home i got 39gb used, 17g free22:27
LinuxGuy2009!best | brzezik22:27
ubottubrzezik: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:27
votexdatacrusher : Try for the computer Janitor..may be he will give you some more space!22:27
datacrushermy / is /dev/sda2, and my home is /dev/sda422:27
ZykoticK9arcade, that's the default behaviour - ctrl+c is quit22:27
harjotwhats the quickest way to very temporarily host php files anywhere, or at least view them in a web browser, as mine dont like it22:27
dominicdinadaI need help with the b43 fwcutter it is not allowing me to apt-get install22:27
reportingsjrandy112233: you /may/ have to restart, although I am not positive about this.  Simply because udev is more of a core program.  Try restarting and come back here and message me when you have, ok?22:27
playmoWhats the difference between the alternate and desktop edition?22:27
Dougdoug4UBUNTU 10.04 GAVE ME HERPES22:27
sebsebseb!alternate | playmo22:27
ubottuplaymo: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal22:27
sebsebseb!desktop | playmo22:27
ubottuplaymo: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors22:27
ZykoticK9playmo, Desktop = LiveCD - alternate is text only install22:27
arcadeZykoticK9: The default behavior of ctrl+c in an xterm w/bash in unix has always been to print a newline and the prompt again, without any silly ^C at the EOL.22:28
melvstersebsebseb: thanks, ive been throught the applet options about 10 times, I cant see what to add to get the me bar, or 'start' button or calendar ... any tips?22:28
LinuxGuy2009harjot: Ubuntu One?22:28
datacrushervotex, ill get it22:28
andy112233reportingsjr: I will. Thanks a lot.22:28
jmknsdI have a problem on 9.10, It mounts the DVD-RW as /dev/sr0. It can play CDs and when I boot to windows I can play DVDs. Is there some way to force it to see it as a DVD player?22:28
harjotLinuxGuy2009: ?22:28
barbarelladatacrusher:try to remove some log files and temp dirs, but that will only solve it temporary22:28
LinuxGuy2009!libdvdcss | jmknsd22:28
ubottujmknsd: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:28
litropyHi, peeps. The graphics card on the Intel Atom n270 supports better than VESA, right?22:28
playmoZykoticK9, So i can use the alternate to do a normal install?22:28
dominicdinadaI need help with the b43 fwcutter it is not allowing me to apt-get install22:29
sebsebsebmelvster: what's missing exactly the me menu? and   their edited fast user account switcher applet?22:29
jmknsdLinuxGuy2009, I have that installed and set up22:29
detrixI have Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty), I do not want to upgrade, but I do want to get the latest version of firefox (3.6)  how do I get Jaunty to do this?22:29
ZykoticK9playmo, "normal" sorta - it's text only, where the "normal" is GUI22:29
LinuxGuy2009!multibuntu | jmknsd:22:29
dominicdinadaI need help with the b43 fwcutter it is not allowing me to apt-get install in 10.4 why is this22:29
arcadeZykoticK9: So, how do I turn off this nice printing of ctrl+c ?22:29
geniomy locale is set properly, but im-switch is all messed up.  what is im-switch even for?22:29
LinuxGuy2009!medibuntu | jmknsd22:29
ubottujmknsd: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:29
playmoSo the alternate does not have GNOME ?22:29
melvstersebsebseb: yes the me menu is missing, and the old applet that showed my user logged in, that lets me restart etc., and the calendar22:29
datacrusherwhat does janitor do? it removes only trash or it will remove my installed packages?22:29
sebsebsebmelvster: ok got shut down and log out in the system menu?22:30
CalifGuy_my pc got both dvd-rom and cd-burner22:30
CalifGuy_cd-burner is not recognized22:30
ZykoticK9arcade, no idea man - all i have to say is CTRL+C works differently on my system(s) then yours, my ctrl+c quits stuff22:30
CalifGuy_how to fix it?22:30
melvstersebsebseb: yes logout and switch user are the only 2 options22:30
LinuxGuy2009!alternate | playmo22:30
ubottuplaymo: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal22:30
TwipleOK, I have a question about dual booting22:30
aquachicaHas anyone upgraded their netbook wtih the Netbook Edition?22:30
AskNickAnybody have 10.4 running on a Tablet PC? Having trouble with cursor in tablet mode.22:30
jmknsdLinuxGuy2009, I don't think the restricted formats are the problems, I think the problem is it loading the DVD is SCSI or something similar22:30
jmknsdLinuxGuy2009, I cannot even pull the data off of the DVD22:30
Twiplelast time a tried dual booting, I messed it up badly, GRUB would not boot windows22:30
arcadeZykoticK9: Ctrl+C sends a signal if you have a running application in the foreground.  It also gives you a nice new line, if you - for example - has written half of a command but then remember that you forgot another command in front.  You press ctrl+c, get a new line without executing the previous line (but with the entire line visible right above).22:30
Twiplehow can I avoid this?22:31
arcadeZykoticK9: This nice little ^C at the EOL makes cut and pasting a pain.22:31
LinuxGuy2009 jmknsd: Commercial DVDs wont play thats your issue?22:31
Jordan_UTwiple: With 10.04 RC?22:31
sebsebsebmelvster: ok good, well that's how it is meant to be according to  upstream Gnome, but starting with Ubuntu 9.04,  Canonical decided to mess with that, whilst having the edited fast user account swither enabled on  the top right.  So even  though even though those changes aren't upstream I guess you still want them, well I have an idea that may fix it.22:31
archy008is it safe to update from 9.10? any particular caveats so far?22:31
litropyHi, peeps. The graphics card on the Intel Atom n270 supports better than VESA, right?22:31
TwipleI was thinking 10.04 normal22:31
=== michael_ is now known as RedNifre
ZykoticK9arcade, i'm guilty of accidentally trying to copy with ctrl+c in terminal too oftern, and i see the ^C22:31
aciculalitropy, it should yeah22:31
jmknsdLinuxGuy2009, that is part of the problem, but even when I try and simply copy from the dvd it will error22:31
Jordan_UTwiple: Try just running "sudo update-grub"22:32
arcadeZykoticK9: Right.  I want the ugly ^C turned off. :)22:32
melvstersebsebseb: right now i have no obvious option on how to turn my computer off, or restart, or suspend, apart from hitting the power switch ...22:32
LinuxGuy2009 jmknsd: libdvdcss is required and I would recomend restricted extras.22:32
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:32
ZykoticK9arcade, if you find an answer feel free to share it with me :)  Good luck man.22:32
sebsebsebmelvster: personally I would remove most stuff on the top right,  well for my useage, my littel brother to young for Facebook,  but  I am going to let my older brother have the features, since he uses Facebook a lot anyway.   You should be able to log out and shut down from the system menu, by the sounds of it.22:32
datacrusherbarbarella, can i do a /var/log clenup?22:33
datacrusherwont mess arround?22:33
zuiHello. I started up Microsoft Word 2007 in wine today and it logged me out. Latest wine (from wine repo) and Ubuntu 9.10. I had been using Word 2007 perfectly since the past 6 months. A google search didn't return any solutions except people complaining that it has been happening to them recently as well.22:33
coachjare we now discussing 10.4 here?22:33
bbordwell_melvster, try adding the power off button to the panel, that is how i have mine setup22:33
CinnabelleI'm crossing my fingers that turning off display effects will solve my freezing problem D:22:33
sebsebsebmelvster: there's a command that will reset the panels  to defaults, or should do anyway22:33
litropyacicula, my friend's OS hangs with a blinking line upon bootup after fresh install22:33
TwipleJordan_U: if that fails, is there any way for me to get windows back?22:33
sebsebseb!panels | melvster22:33
ubottumelvster: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:33
Jordan_U!panelreset | melvster22:33
ubottumelvster: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:33
RedNifreI found a lot of spelling errors in the german translation of the installer. Where to report them?22:33
barbarelladatacrusher: yes you can22:33
LinuxGuy2009!openoffice | zui22:33
ubottuzui: a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.22:33
Jordan_UTwiple: Yes, I doubt that it will fail though.22:33
litropyacicula, yet VESA works.22:34
aciculalitropy, 10.04 ?22:34
Travis-42if Ubuntu is installed on a new computer onto an SSD, will ubuntu align the new partitions it creates to maximize ssd performance?22:34
zui!sucks | LinuxGuy200922:34
litropy9.10, acicula. NBR22:34
sebsebsebmelvster: if that doesn't work, well may be some other way to fix it,  or you can just shut down and restart,  like upstream Gnome and other distros.22:34
=== piju[QRX] is now known as piju
aciculalitropy, how does vesa work but you get a blinking line on boot?22:34
TwipleJordan_U: ok, I tried clonezilla, and I know this probably makes me sound retarded, but I'm lost and terrified22:34
LinuxGuy2009Folks if you dont like the help that you recieve, please by all means, dont take it. Simple as that.22:34
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: agreed22:35
datacrusherstill 2.4gb22:35
Jordan_UTwiple: What did you do with clonezilla exactly?22:35
melvsterwoo hoo22:35
datacrusherholy crap22:35
AskNickAnybody have 10.4 running on a Tablet PC? Having trouble with cursor in tablet mode.22:35
melvsterworked, thanks guys you're the best!22:35
ZykoticK9RedNifre, according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs looks like you should use "ubuntu-bug ubuntu-translations"22:35
melvstergconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel22:35
datacrushernow that iv runned the atualization proccess once, i cant more open synaptic or terminal on the gnome screen22:35
littlegirlWhat's the name of 10.4?22:35
=== Dorrek is now known as taki_anonimowy
TwipleJordan_U: nothing yet, I just don't know how to clone a partition22:35
ZykoticK9littlegirl, Lucid22:35
sebsebsebmelvster: ok :)  however what I put...  well I guess you'll understand when your more expereinced :D22:35
mrfeltonhey - where is the full changelist for 10.04?22:35
littlegirlZykoticK9: Thanks. (:22:36
litropyacicula: he uses GRUB to boot using VESA instead of the default graphics mode22:36
uLinuxlucid whats that22:36
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100422:36
Travis-42is there a more detailed release notes for ubuntu 10.04? the technical overview just says things like "includes the latest GNOME desktop environment with a number of great new features" Which new features?22:36
sebsebseb!notes | mrfelton22:36
ubottumrfelton: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100422:36
syst3mIm having lots of trouble with the 10.04 live cd. Can't install it right away and getting tons of errors when running straight from the live cd.22:37
sebsebsebTravis-42: the above link I guess22:37
Jordan_Usyst3m: What sort of errors?22:37
bbordwell_zui, revert to an older version of wine that it is known to work on22:37
bbordwell_zui, the wine packages in the wine repository are development versions prone to regressions22:37
sebsebseb!md5sum | syst3m22:37
ubottusyst3m: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:37
mrfeltonsebsebseb, ubottu - thanks22:37
sebsebseb!thanks | mrfelton22:37
ubottumrfelton: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:37
Travis-42sebsebseb: no, it doesn't provide any more detail about what's new :-/22:37
votexLinuxGuy2009 : sudo apt-get install libdvdread422:37
aciculalitropy, the atom intel graphics are pretty poor afaik, but do have drivers. other then that i dont know, boot in vesa mode, grab the graphics card details and have a look on google for causes why it wont work?22:38
mrfeltonhow important would you say it is for me to do a 'clean upgrade'?22:38
syst3mmy md match, and its applet errors or something22:38
sebsebsebTravis-42: new kernel, new version of Gnome, two new themes,  later Firefox,  loads of packages updated in the repo, and that's it really22:38
LinuxGuy2009votex: pardon?22:38
sebsebsebTravis-42: KDE 4.4 for those doing Kubuntu22:38
mrfeltonI have quite a lot of extra stuff installed, including php and mysql from dotdeb22:38
=== Brenden_ is now known as BrendenB
sebsebsebTravis-42: there's also a  Ubuntu 10.04 manual, but that's not in the  ISO /  on CD22:38
mrfeltonis that likely to screw up the upgrade process?22:38
litropyacicula: thank you22:39
Travis-42sebsebseb: sorry, not trying to be difficult, but I was trying to get more details. e.g. what's new about the new gnome compared to the gnome before?22:39
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:39
TwipleJordan_U: so how high a priority would you put partition cloning?22:39
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:39
votexLinuxGuy 2009 : Terminal window, enter: sudo apt-get install libdvdread422:39
sebsebsebTravis-42: the Gnome site can explain that22:39
Jordan_UTwiple: What do you mean?22:39
sebsebsebTravis-42: however when it comes to specifailly Ubuntu22:39
sebsebsebTravis-42: you know that stuff on the top right?22:39
sebsebsebsure you do22:39
ZykoticK9Travis-42, pressing F3 gives a split screen in nautilus - only new feature I personally know about22:39
TwipleJordan_U: if I'm going to attempt a dual boot setup22:39
uLinuxis outdated22:40
SeismicMikeHappy Download Day everyone!!!! :)22:40
sebsebsebTravis-42:  the sound menu, and me menu, and what not,  none of that is part of upstream Gnome, it's Ubuntu specific22:40
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Travis-42sebsebseb: hmm, ok, yea I saw that that had changed.22:40
LinuxGuy2009votex: Maybe your confused, Im not in need of help myself, Im just a volunteer here to help others to get a good user experience.22:40
SeismicMikeI have a quick question - using apt or aptitude is it possible to automatically uninstall all packages that were installed as dependencies but are no longer needed?22:40
sebsebsebTravis-42: they also remove a more well kind of technical feature as a result of those changes as well, well when they are disabled22:40
Jordan_UTwiple: I don't think it's needed, though if you have important data it should be backed up just as a general measure.22:41
SeismicMikeI don't know of any specifically on my system, but I'd kinda like to make sure there aren't any before I do an upgrade22:41
Travis-42sebsebseb: alright, I guess I get the idea. thank you22:41
votexLinuxGuy 2009 : Nice work..keep it up..cool22:41
Jordan_USeismicMike: apt-get autoremove22:41
ZykoticK9SeismicMike, "sudo apt-get autoclean"22:41
Jordan_UZykoticK9: That cleans out caches, it doesn't uninstall packages.22:41
sebsebsebTravis-42: you know the automatic shut down Gnome feature?  well that's not there, when you got edited fast user account switcher applet, which is linked to the new me menu, enabled.   instead it will ask people if they really want to shut down ore re start, instead of automatically shutting down after a minute,  after they have done shut down22:41
ZykoticK9SeismicMike, sorry Jordan_U is correct!22:41
VDZUm...I have a problem booting Ubuntu after updating it. It hangs at 'Checking battery state'22:41
theJKHHow is everyone likeing 10.04?22:41
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, that's twice you've gotten me today :)  Thanks man.22:42
sebsebsebTravis-42: I guess newbie friendly features sometimes come at a price, for more expereinced users.22:42
ddelonyI'm still installing it.22:42
CaptainTrekhavent upgraded yet xD22:42
Jordan_UZykoticK9: You're welcome :)22:42
syst3mtrying to install...22:42
SeismicMiketheJKH: hitting apt-get dist-upgrade riiiiiight now.....22:42
ddelonyC'mon, how long does it take to install packages? :-p22:42
ivo_is it possible to use the "ubuntu music store" on other distros?22:42
datacrusherbarbarella, still no go. ill remove some packages22:42
theJKHI'm excited to install it ronight in a VM.22:42
sebsebsebTravis-42: ah yes I fogot, but there's also the Ubuntu Music Store22:42
andy112233reportingsjr: Am back.22:43
mewtdownload up upgrade finished! /me prays that update goes well22:43
bastid_raZorSeismicMike: that will not upgrade you from 9.10 to 10.0422:43
kensanataDoes anybody know what this means? "Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/lucid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-powerpc/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)"22:43
LinuxGuy2009theJKH: Lucid is nice, I recomend you try it if you are interested. ;)22:43
ZykoticK9ivo_, doubt it - it's only in Lucid, not even older Ubuntu's yet22:43
reportingsjrandy112233: ok, did it work?22:43
aquachicaUbuntu Music Store?22:43
SeismicMikebastid_raZor? No?22:43
sebsebsebascarter: yes22:43
barbarelladatacrusher:try some graphics22:43
ukixxhallo world :)22:43
sebsebsebuh aquachica yes22:43
ivo_<ZykoticK9> this kind of is not GPL22:43
VDZSo, um, does anybody know how to solve my issue? (hanging at Checking battery state)22:43
bencccan I move ssh keys from one machine to another?22:43
jcbvanyone got a geforce 2 working with compiz22:43
sebsebsebaquachica: you can buy music in Ubuntu 10.04 using Rythombox22:43
aquachicasebsebseb: I will have to check that out.22:43
bastid_raZorSeismicMike: nope, sudo do-release-upgrade   will22:43
ukixxdo any one how to fix the pa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated bug ?22:43
ZykoticK9ivo_, not sure about the source - but it makes money for Canonical when you purchase songs22:43
reportingsjrbencc: I believe you can.  You just have to copy them out of a certain floder22:43
andy112233reportingsjr: Nope. What does work is logging out and then back in. Thenn all devices are automounted. Here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9182423 the same problem is described. :-(22:43
datacrusherbarbarella, need 389mb to go22:44
barbarelladatacrusher:and clear the apt cache22:44
datacrusherany package suggestions?22:44
datacrusheralready did apt-get clean22:44
jcbvgeforce 2 gts compiz yes or no22:44
ukixxpa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated? help to fixit22:44
datacrusherand computer-janitor cleanup22:44
uLinux"Couldn't find package flashplugin64-installer"22:44
theJKHYeah I'm really interested. I will enjoy installing it tonight!22:44
ivo_I want to purchase songs on other linux22:44
SeismicMikeI did a sed -i s/karmic/lucid/ /etc/apt/sources.list - would that matter?22:44
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors22:44
benccreportingsjr: thanks. trying22:44
reportingsjrandy112233: interesting.  Everyone that did the workaround you tried had it work.22:44
bastid_raZorSeismicMike: dist-upgrade just gets your current version fully up to date22:44
SeismicMikeoh.... :)22:44
SleepmodehelpI need a professinal ubuntu programmer or something, please.22:44
SleepmodehelpI need a professinal ubuntu programmer or something, please.22:44
reportingsjrbencc: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/1526/transfer-ssh-public-key-to-another-machine-in-one-step22:44
aciculaSleepmodehelp, just ask22:44
teageIs my IP Adress the same as my Ethernet Address? Im looking at it from the connection information properties.22:44
Jordan_USleepmodehelp: Just ask your question, if anyone can help they will.22:44
ZykoticK9uLinux, if you want the 64bit flash you need to manually install from Adobe site22:44
SeismicMikewell.... oops22:44
benccreportingsjr: thanks22:45
VDZThen that means nobody can help me? :(22:45
uLinuxZykoticK9 i just want "normal" flash for lucid22:45
penthiefAnyone else find fusion-icon doesn't open the settings manager in 10.04?22:45
MikeChelen!repeat | VDZ22:45
ubottuVDZ: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:45
SeismicMike'sok... I've downloaded an ISO too, and I'm going to do a full reconfigure over the weekend... this is just temporary22:45
ZykoticK9uLinux, easiest thing to do is "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"22:45
andy112233reportingsjr: Could I have done anything wrong?22:45
ivo_<uLinux> what is normal flash22:45
ConcreteRoseWho the hell is this22:45
ivo_just download the plugin from adobe's site22:45
LinuxGuy2009VDZ: Will it boot with battery removed and on AC power?22:45
ivo_and copy it in your ffox plugin dir22:46
reportingsjrandy112233: you have a removable floppy drive?  I did see the I/O errors on fd022:46
ukixxpa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated22:46
andy112233reportingsjr: Should I pastebin the ls of that directory with those rules?22:46
VDZLinuxGuy2009: It's a desktop PC, there's no battery22:46
ConcreteRoseYes, really?22:46
ConcreteRoseYou need not a desktop server22:46
ConcreteRoseYou need a jail sentence22:46
ConcreteRoseConclusive, to your brain.22:46
ukixxpa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated??22:46
uLinuxZykoticK9 restricted extras?22:46
LinuxGuy2009VDZ: Ah yeah that is an issue. Not sure what package to report that on.22:46
SleepmodehelpAll the versions of ubuntu i've downloaded automaticly go into sleep mode, I am running it dual boot. I'm currently on windows 7 though. The current version is ubuntu 10.4 LTS. It will stay on for a little bit than automaticly go into sleep mode and not come out of sleep mode. It dosen't do it if I'm doing nothing, it will automaticly do it whenever it wants, it has a mind of it's own, i've asked forums everywhere, they have no c22:46
andy112233reportingsjr:  What's a removable floppy drive? You mean an old 3,5'' or 5,25''. Nope. I have no floppy drive whatsoever.22:46
ConcreteRoseConclusive to your people-networks.22:46
joaopinto!language | ConcreteRose22:46
ZykoticK9uLinux, it will install flash and codecs for you22:46
ubottuConcreteRose: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:46
Ken8521!restricted | uLinux22:46
ubottuuLinux: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:46
sebsebseb!troll | ConcreteRose22:46
ubottuConcreteRose: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel22:46
ConcreteRosePlease watch your mouth.22:47
theGmanOk all, I just installed the 9.10 server "spin" and it installed grub2 to my mbr, though it reported that it couldn't. Now, when I select my fedora install it's telling me I have to install/run the kernel first. What can I do to fix thie?22:47
ConcreteRoseYour kicking yourself very soon22:47
sebsebseb!ops | ConcreteRose22:47
ubottuConcreteRose: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!22:47
joaopinto!ops | ConcreteRose trolling22:47
ubottuConcreteRose trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!22:47
barbarellaandy112233:still got problems to boot your external fat drive?22:47
ConcreteRoseyour emergency?22:47
ConcreteRoseyour father?22:47
SleepmodehelpAll the versions of ubuntu i've downloaded automaticly go into sleep mode, I am running it dual boot. I'm currently on windows 7 though. The current version is ubuntu 10.4 LTS. It will stay on for a little bit than automaticly go into sleep mode and not come out of sleep mode. It dosen't do it if I'm doing nothing, it will automaticly do it whenever it wants, it has a mind of it's own, i've asked forums everywhere, they have no c22:47
ConcreteRosewhat are you talking about22:47
theGmanFedora IS my MAIN os, I also have win7 but I'll worry about that in a bit.22:47
ConcreteRoseyou need to go back to your house22:47
SleepmodehelpAnybody know?22:47
ConcreteRoseand than get arrested22:47
reportingsjrandy112233: then I don't know what device fd0 is. I think that the kernel hides SATA as floppy type drives or something.  Maybe a kernel bug? Not sure.22:47
joaopintoSleepmodehelp, it goes into sleep mode because that's the power saving settings22:48
uLinuxZykoticK9 155mb22:48
outoftimeanyone know off hand where /usr/share/gnome/default.session went in 9.10 ?22:48
LinuxGuy2009!manners | ConcreteRose22:48
ubottuConcreteRose: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:48
uLinuxfor codecs and flash lol..22:48
SleepmodehelpNo, both of them are set to off, Joaopinto22:48
SleepmodehelpNot off, Never* sorry.22:48
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: to late already kicked22:48
joaopintoSleepmodehelp, if it doesn't restore from it you should file a bug report, but you should be able to disable the automatica sleep22:48
andy112233reportingsjr: Think I have a SATA-as-IDE option activated in my bios.22:48
joaopintoSleepmodehelp, so, maybe you are experiencing a crash instead ?22:48
VDZI was considering giving Ubuntu another chance as Windows performance decreases like mad as you leave it on for a couple of days...but if it doesn't even boot after an update, maybe I should just return to WinXP :|22:48
theGmanSleepmodehelp: You have to change both your powermanagement settings AND your screensaver settings.22:48
ZykoticK9uLinux, if you only want flash just install "flashplugin-installer"22:48
LinuxGuy2009sebsebseb: good deal22:48
reportingsjrandy112233: ah, ok.  I'm sorry, but I think I'm at my limit for helping you. :(22:48
SleepmodehelpIt dosen't really crash, it just goes into sleep mode.22:48
barbarellaandy112233:still got problems to boot your external fat drive?22:48
SleepmodehelpHow do I change my screensaver settings.22:48
votexVDZ : Ubuntu 9.10 or ...22:48
andy112233barbarella: Don't want to boot from my external drive. Just want it to be recognized.22:49
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: good deal?22:49
merlin2049ershould i update before i upgrade?22:49
joaopintoVDZ, how does it fail to boot?22:49
andy112233reportingsjr: Okay.22:49
Jordan_USleepmodehelp: System > Preferences > Screensaver22:49
SleepmodehelpHow do I change my screensaver settings.22:49
andy112233reportingsjr: :-(22:49
barbarellaandy112233:still read only22:49
theGmanOk all, I just installed the 9.10 server "spin" and it installed grub2 to my mbr, though it reported that it couldn't. Now, when I select my fedora install it's telling me I have to install/run the kernel first. What can I do to fix thie?22:49
LinuxGuy2009!windows | VDZ22:49
ubottuVDZ: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents22:49
owen1_is there a lightweight gmail client?22:49
VDZI just updated to the new Ubuntu, and now at booting it hangs at 'Checking battery state'22:49
uLinuxZykoticK9  flash plugin installer is on the system22:49
jcbvno good games work in ubutnu22:49
SleepmodehelpAlright, i'll go try that, thanks for the help. I'll probably be back.22:49
sebsebseb!games | jcbv22:49
ubottujcbv: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php22:49
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sebsebsebjcbv: by the way next week as part of Ubuntu Open Week there will be a games session22:49
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sebsebseb!openweek | jcbv22:49
ubottujcbv: Ubuntu is hosting a series of introductory sessions for people who want to join the Ubuntu community, which all takes place in a week. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek for schedules, logs, and instructions.22:49
uLinuxZykoticK9  flash plugin installer is in the system already22:50
andy112233barbarella: I think I've broken my drive. Just realized that I had the USB-wire connected upside-down. When reconnecting it properly, the drive still isn't recognized, neither in ubuntu nor in XP.22:50
ZykoticK9uLinux, so restart Firefox and try about:plugins - is flash listed?22:50
Jordan_UtheGman: Have you tried running "sudo update-grub"?22:50
respireOK how can I make firefox start on workspace 2? The window placement plugin didn't do it, devilspie says the space doesn't exist22:50
jcbvwell i cant play company of heros or day of defeat22:50
sebsebsebjcbv: you may be able to in Wine22:50
merlin2049eranyone using ddclient22:50
joaopintoVDZ, do you have an ATI graphics card ?22:50
too5horthey, the linux installer cant fint my hdd, but the linux itself can find it as mounted,any help please22:50
sebsebseb!wine | jcbv22:50
ubottujcbv: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:50
VDZjoaopinto: NVIDIA22:50
theGmanJordan_U: Not once it installed, but the thing is I don't think the mapping is correct.22:50
uLinuxZykoticK9 zero plugins22:50
VDZGeForce 7600 GT, 512 MB22:50
owen1_is there a lightweight gmail client for linux?22:50
votexVDZ : Ubuntu 9.10  (updating)... OR22:50
ZykoticK9uLinux, don't know then.  Good luck man.22:51
theGmanJordan_U: But I can try it now and see what errors I get.22:51
barbarellaandy112233:then take it out and put it in your computer22:51
TwipleJordan_U: so am I worrying too much?22:51
respireowen1_, why not thunderbird22:51
running_rabbit07owen1_, thunderbird22:51
uLinuxlol nice ubuntu..22:51
bastid_raZormerlin2049er: dyndns.com has instructions on how to set it up22:51
jcbvubuntu is hacked to pieces anyway i see all types of viruses from vista showing up in ubuntu22:51
owen1_respire: ok, i'll try it22:51
andy112233reportingsjr: Is there anything I can do? Post the problem at a forum? Anything else? Relogging in/out each time doesn't seem the perfect solution.22:51
owen1_running_rabbit07: thanks22:51
VDZvotex; updated from Ubuntu 9.10 (I think) to the newest version22:51
LinuxGuy2009!thunderbird | owen1_22:51
ubottuowen1_: Thunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042722:51
sebsebsebjcbv: Windows viruses won't run on Ubuntu22:51
respirejcbv, examples?22:51
jcbvfu pay me for the answer its a good one too22:51
Jordan_UtheGman: If you are referring to /boot/grub/device.map, it's not used anymore (everything is UUID based now, and grub-install takes standard /dev/foo device names for arguments)22:51
uLinuxi could try to reinstall firefox22:51
respirei cant afford it :)22:51
reportingsjrandy112233: you can try posting at the forum.  Mention that thread you posted.  Also search in the bug list, and if there isn't a bug like yours then create one.22:52
User2hey guys, is someone responsible by shipit here?22:52
respireso you have a 0day eh22:52
jmknsdLinuxGuy2009, I have retried running a dvd with all of my media players, confirmed that ubuntu restricted extras is installed and it still does not work. I think it has something to do with Ubuntu seeing my dvd drive as /dev/sr0 instead of /dev/sd*.22:52
andy112233barbarella: Bought it in one piece. Might be worth trying.22:52
theGmanJordan_U: No, I meant in /boot/grub/grub.cfg or whatever drives the grub menu at boot.22:52
iwocan anyone tell me of a 'known issues' type list for 10.4? has such a list been started? (or should I just query launchpad?)22:52
sebsebseb!notes | iwo22:52
ubottuiwo: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100422:52
barbarellaandy112233:what does fdisk -l say?22:52
aciculajmknsd, playing a dvd film?22:52
votexVDZ : Did you check the HCL list before installing....22:52
andy112233reportingsjr:  Thanks a lot, reportingsjr! :-) Already midnight here. Getting some sleep now. :-)22:52
LinuxGuy2009jmknsd: sr0 is completely normal. libdvdcss2 installed?22:52
ZykoticK9jmknsd, dvd support isn't in restricted extras - see one of the 2 options at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/enable-dvd-video-playback22:53
chickenHey all, my laptop seems to run a lot hotter under Ubuntu than Windows. Is there a way of checking the fan speed? Both cores of my processor are set to 'Ondemand' on the CPU frequency monitor.22:53
aciculaLinuxGuy2009, jmknsd you may have to set the region code22:53
LinuxGuy2009!medibuntu | jmknsd22:53
ubottujmknsd: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:53
uLinuxZykoticK9 i just reinstalled flashplugin :)22:53
iwosebsebseb: cheers22:53
uLinuxand now it's workig22:53
reportingsjrandy112233: good night! :)  sorry about not being able to help.22:53
andy112233barbarella: The drive isn't even listed in lsusb.22:53
ZykoticK9uLinux, nice!22:53
VDZvotex; I didn't check anything. I hadn't run Ubuntu in a while, so I just decided to update everything and now this happened22:53
aciculaLinuxGuy2009, jmknsd if this is an encrypted dvd that is not playing22:53
sebsebsebiwo: np22:53
User2where can i find someone responsible for shipit?22:53
uLinuxZykoticK9  tks 4 the help22:53
andy112233barbarella: I think I've ruined the plug22:53
sebsebseb!shipit | uLinux22:53
ubottuuLinux: Shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Lucid (10.04) CDs22:53
sebsebsebwhoops  not uLinux  ,but  User222:53
uLinuxi didnt know that anyway nice..22:54
andy112233reportingsjr: Needn't be. I find it incredible what ubuntu has to offer, including support, all for free! Thank you!22:54
sebsebsebUser2: I guess the above factoid is useless, but was worth a try22:54
jozsibacsihey guys, what can  i do if i had blackout during the updateing from karmic to 10.04, and it broke at the sage of 'downloading packages', ive restarted it , and now it stucks at the 2nd phase of the 622:54
=== chicken is now known as ubuntusmash
jozsibacsican anyone help me regarding it?22:54
ubuntusmashMy laptop seems to run a lot hotter under Ubuntu than Windows. Is there a way of checking the fan speed? Both cores of my processor are set to 'Ondemand' on the CPU frequency monitor.22:54
votexVDZ : Laptop model ? if you please...22:54
ubottuShipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Lucid (10.04) CDs22:54
barbarellaandy112233:external cases are not so expensive anymore22:54
IdleOnejcbv: please watch your language and attitude22:54
VDZvotex; it's not a laptop22:54
alketcan anyone find me ubuntu 10.04 x64 hash ?22:54
VDZIt checks for a battery that isn't there22:55
kbarHas anyone had a problem where if going into suspend you22:55
kbarcant come back22:55
reportingsjrjozsibacsi: it should resume downloading, but considering the state of the servers it sounds like you have the same issue as me, haha.  Wait until tomorrow to resume upgrading.22:55
jcbvooooooooooooooooooooo tay capum22:55
frankie_why is it so dificult to remove ubuntu one? such a massive hassle, why can't it just be one easy uninstall click? it reminds me of trying to uninstall windows programes like IE, msn, etc.. is this really the future of ubuntu?22:55
iceroot!md5 | alket22:55
ubottualket: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:55
jozsibacsihehe :)22:55
IdleOnealket: releases.ubuntu/com/10.0422:55
reportingsjrjozsibacsi: the servers can't handle this many requests.  It may even be two days, who knows.22:55
LinuxGuy2009VDZ: Have you already searched launchpad for a bug? Created a new one?22:55
Enissaywhere am i supposed to apply to get a free lisence to use vmware workstation please?22:55
ZykoticK9alket, 3e0f72becd63cad79bf784ac2b34b448 *ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso22:55
sebsebsebfrankie_: oh it's quite easy to remove it22:55
merlin2049erhows the upgrade?22:55
andy112233barbarella: Can devices sold-in-one-piece (TREKSTOR) also be separated from their hull?22:55
alketZykoticK9 thanks :D22:55
VDZLinuxGuy2009: I haven't22:55
jozsibacsihm, and how do i stop the update now?22:55
LinuxGuy2009!vbox | Enissay22:55
ubottuEnissay: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox22:55
IdleOnejcbv: your attempt at masking your racist remark is not appreciated either.22:55
sebsebsebfrankie_: I also don't want to use Ubuntu One, how come you don't by the way,  Anyway open up Synaptic,  search for Ubuntu One, and remove, and done.22:55
barbarellaandy112233:yes any22:55
votexVDZ : PC ?22:56
LinuxGuy2009 VDZ: Great place to start with something that odd.22:56
User2Please, if someone here is a responsible by shipit, or know who is, please tell me. Thanks22:56
jcbvok cd just finised burning22:56
=== taki_anonimowy is now known as Dorrek
Enissaythnks LinuxGuy2009 :)22:56
Jordan_UUser2: Why do you ask?22:56
ubottuShipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Lucid (10.04) CDs22:56
reportingsjrjozsibacsi: there should be a cancel button?22:56
DiazzHi, is it possile to make an exisiting user root?22:56
jozsibacsinop, theres not22:56
icerootDiazz: with sudo22:56
LinuxGuy2009Enissay: welcome22:56
IdleOne!root | Diazz22:56
ubottuDiazz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:56
VDZvotex; I don't know the exact PC model and stuff. All I know is that it's a single-core P4 3.0 ghz, 1 GB RAM22:57
jozsibacsiit finished the 1st phase, now it stucked at 2nd phase22:57
bastid_raZorDiazz: add them to the admin group and they will be able to use sudo22:57
mustnggtanyone free to help with wifi in ubuntu 10.04? works but kinda doesn't work. More info if someone is available to help.22:57
Jordan_UDiazz: No, and that is almost certainly the wrong solution to whatever problem you are facing22:57
Traveler3is b22:57
Traveler3What type of distro is ubuntu?22:57
Traveler3Bleeding edge?22:57
Jordan_U!ask | mustnggt22:57
ubottumustnggt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:57
barbarellahmm, sudo passwd root22:57
icerootTraveler3: debian sid22:57
federicohi, i'm using uburntu RC how do i actulize to the final release?22:57
Ashley__Hey guys my work machine has ubuntu on it. It's totally messed up i need to get it sorted by 9am tomorrow... I just done a system update and it upgraded the kernel.. i rebooted and it's totally messed up. It's sitting at grub shell. When i type "linux /boot/<kernel img>" i just get a kernel panic error. Can someone help me out please really need your help guys.22:57
sebsebseb!wireless might be useful | mustnggt22:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:57
Traveler3what does that mean?22:57
tyocHi there, I have a new M11x with windows 7, can I install with the normal CD?22:57
User2Jordan_U, i have just requested two cds of Ubuntu (one from Jaunty and the other from karmic) and now i can't request anymore.22:57
sebsebsebmustnggt: might be useful22:57
sebsebseb!wireless | mustnggt22:57
ubottumustnggt: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:57
jozsibacsiand i cant even kill the update, cool22:58
UseTheForcejeez... i installed 10.04 on a usb stick... and i accidently overwritten grub on my main hd... so now my puter wont boot unless the usb stick is in the port... is there any way to put grub back the way it was22:58
h00kTraveler3: it is based off Debian and is released in 6 month increments22:58
xandyhi all22:58
h00kubottu: schedule | Traveler322:58
ubottuSorry, the @schedule function has been disabled. To see the schedule for meetings see http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar. To see the current time in another time zone, use @now22:58
mustnggtsorry, forgot, been a while since i've been on irc. Ok, so, Dell laptop, working wifi at home no problem running ubuntu 10.04 but...22:58
ubottuTraveler3: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases22:58
theJKHAshley__ That really sucks! I feel bad.22:58
Jordan_UUser2: That is normal, you have to make speciall requests and have them approved to get more (for instance if they are for a school)22:58
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:58
aciculatyoc, yeah the standard cd/dvd should work22:59
mustnggtat Univeristy, WPA Enterprise, it connects no problem and works, but as soon as the laptop hybernates, will not autoreconnect. even forcing reconnect does not work.22:59
xandyis the netbook remix already ubuntu 10 ?22:59
theGmanJordan_U: I just ran update-grub and got :Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sda1. Check your device.map" and it does it for all three /dev/sda's22:59
mustnggti have to delete the wifi setting and recreate.22:59
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:59
User2Jordan_U, i can't request either a special request22:59
h00kxandy: Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 is released, yes22:59
ZykoticK9xand, UNE Edition - is the 10.04 version22:59
andy112233barbarella: thanks22:59
Jordan_UtheGman: You can ignore that error, or get rid of it with "sudo rm /boot/grub/device.map"22:59
xandythanks h00k didn't find that info on the website22:59
jcbvwont boot from cd damn22:59
ZykoticK9xand, sorry22:59
mustnggtIf deleted and then try over, it works without problem until the next time it goes to sleep22:59
LinuxGuy2009Just FYI netbook edition isnt an LTS23:00
tyocacicula: so resizing of the widnwos filesystem is OK?23:00
enani think grub2 is too complex23:00
alketIts strange how Ubuntus default usb-creator-gtk doesn't work after trying to install ISO but Unetbootin works23:00
Ashley__I have grub. This was installed from Wubi. When i type 'boot' after loading the kernel, it says "No filesystem could mount root. tried ext4, ext2, ext4, fusebkl.. Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs unknown-block(8,1)23:00
aciculatyoc, it should be, make backups just in case though23:00
h00kxandy: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-netbook23:00
Ashley__And then it hits kernel panic.23:00
andy112233reportingsjr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-1/+bug/546992 let's me assume it has to do with those fd0-errors. Where did you see them? Can't I just disable this device?23:00
LinuxGuy2009!language | jcbv23:00
ubottujcbv: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:00
tyocacicula: OK23:00
theGmanJordan_U: Do I try it again then?23:00
tyocthx people23:00
IanBaliadJrcan anyone recommend me a good filemanager for openbox?23:00
User2Jordan_U, if i click: request a CD of Ubuntu Desktop Version it tells me that i can't request anymore. All i can request is server editions23:00
votexVDZ : Could you tell us something about the motherboard also..!23:00
ubuntusmashMy laptop seems to run a lot hotter under Ubuntu than Windows. Is there a way of increasing the fan speed? Both cores of my processor are set to 'Ondemand' on the CPU frequency monitor.23:00
theGmanJordan_U: And does it matter if it's grub or grub223:00
vbundican anyone recommend a desktop PCI wireless-g card with native linux support? (not ndiswrapper)23:00
mupaonHi ! My system monitor and conky shows that there is a 1 gb free space to use for "swap". But this is not possible because i did not set any swap space on Ubuntu installation (i am sure). Can you please help me to solve the problem.23:00
VDZvotex; unfortunately, I have no idea23:01
LinuxGuy2009IanBaliadJr: Perhaps take a look at what XFCE or LXDE use out of the box for starters?23:01
Slartmupaon: it might be a swap file.. linux can use either a partition or a file23:01
Jordan_UAshley__: You need to provide a proper root= kernel parameter, but why are you needing to boot from the grub shell? Do you not see a menu at boot?23:01
reportingsjrandy112233: those errors were listed in dmesg, which is partly why the dmesg was so long.23:01
votexVDZ : You could get that information during the POST.23:01
alketAfter formating USB always there opens TWO windows with USB Folder, how to fix it ? This problem was at karmic koala too, i tried with diffrent USBs23:01
Jordan_UtheGman: Yes, and yes (I believe grub legacy still uses device.map for some things)23:02
VDZWell, whatever. I give up. Back to WinXP for me. Thanks for the help anyways23:02
* ewp is away: /me has gone away.23:02
IanBaliadJrLinuxGuy2009: -_- thx23:02
mupaonSlart:  I dont want to use it. How can i delete that ? and how i have setup it ? :)23:02
ukixxpa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated23:02
extorWhat's the best linux util to undelete files from an ext3 partition that you accidently formatted?23:02
Ashley__Jordan_U, i get my "Choose windows XP or ubuntu" menu.. then i choose Ubuntu and i quickly see loads of crap errors then it boots me into a grub shell. FYI i done a kernel upgrade today via ubuntu system upgrade and upon reboot this is where i'm at.23:02
sebsebseb!testdisk | extor23:02
reportingsjrandy112233: I don't even know if the fd0 device exists.  That's part of the problem.  Check if /dev/fd0 exists.23:02
Slartmupaon: I don't know if it creates a swap file by default or if it's something new in lucid..23:02
sebsebseb!info testdisk23:02
LinuxGuy2009VDZ : Are you sure that its not just reporting that the BIOS battery is bad? Does the clock and settings keep time and stuff on power down?23:02
Slart!swap | mupaon, might be some info here23:02
Jordan_Uextor: photorec (which is packaged with testdisk)23:02
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (karmic), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB23:02
ubottumupaon, might be some info here: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info23:02
LinuxGuy2009!best | extor23:02
ubottuextor: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:03
votexVDZ : Restart your PC. and write down the information about the hardware.!23:03
froggymanis there a social channel for ubuntu?23:03
DiazzJordan_U if it says that Nvidia driver should be run as root?23:03
sebsebsebextor: try testdisk23:03
tiinahave problem with firefox still???23:03
extortestdisk failed23:03
Slartfroggyman: there's #ubuntu-offtopic23:03
User2Jordan_U, if is there a way to do special requests please tell me23:03
froggymanSlart: thanks23:03
dxtrBy the way, I'm really hoping it's updating my Xubuntu 9.10 to Xubuntu 10.04 (And not Ubuntu 10.04 :P)23:03
Jordan_UDiazz: You are installing the nvidea driver the wrong way, use System > Administration > Hardware Drivers23:03
ukixxswap infoo https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq23:03
LinuxGuy2009User2: Special requests for what?23:03
tiinaanyone ???? I have problem with my firefox23:04
User2LinuxGuy2009, Shipit23:04
andy112233reportingsjr: the https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-1/+bug/546992 gave me a workaround: "killall nautilus" solves the problem. Could I just add this command to my startup-programs?23:04
Jordan_UUser2: What do you need them for? I'm not affiliated with shipit in any way but I might be able to tell you if it's likely to be accepted.23:04
dupondjedxtr: it just upgrades all installed packages :)23:04
ukixxi have problem  whit movie player tomp eller whaaaever23:04
ukixxthe is23:04
dupondjetiina: problem? what problem ?23:04
LinuxGuy2009!ask | tiina23:04
ubottutiina: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:04
mupaonSlart: thank you for link but i had read that. this problem is not about lucid. because this problem also was on 9.1 and 9.04 on my computer :(23:04
warrior_hello wolr23:04
ukixxpa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated23:04
LinuxGuy2009User2: Whats your exact question? Are you having trouble ordering or what?23:04
tiinamy firefox is open and closing at the same time23:05
ukixx""pa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated"" helpppppppp23:05
theGmanJordan_U: Do I run update-grubt again then? And does it matter if it's grub or grub2?23:05
DiazzJordan_U thx23:05
=== EdgEy_ is now known as EdgEy
Jordan_UUser2: Also note that you can purchase disks from http://shop.canonical.com/23:05
dupondjetiina: try running 'firefox' from console, what output do you get ?23:05
daftykinshi all, i've just been installing Lucid on my ancient PIII 800 with 384MB RAM, ubiquity is stuck at 83% "configuring target system" and not progressing. via 'top' i can see it's generating a consistent 5% load23:05
LinuxGuy2009 tiina: open a terminal and start firefox there. See if you get any errors.23:05
EdgEyDoes anyone have an md5sum for ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso ?23:05
daftykinsany ideas how i can nudge it along?23:05
tiinaFirefox is already running,close....23:05
Jordan_UtheGman: No need to run it again, just try rebooting.23:05
dxtrdupondje: Right :)23:05
Jordan_UDiazz: You're welcome.23:05
User2LinuxGuy, Jordan_U, i requested just 2 cds (one from karmic and another from jaunty) and now i can't request anymore. is there a way to request new cds from Shipit?23:05
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:05
ZykoticK9EdgEy, 3e0f72becd63cad79bf784ac2b34b448 *ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso23:05
theGmanJordan_U: OK, be back in a bit then...if it doesn't work that is :P23:06
barbarellaextor:the best undelete is your Recycle bin, as most people do :-)23:06
thomasfustonAloha!, i got a short question, what could be the problem if i try to compile something, but i get an error like23:06
dupondjetiina: do 'ps aux', and kill the running firefox :)23:06
=== pythags is now known as BRC
BRChey all23:06
aciculathomasfuston, pastebin23:06
EdgEyZykoticK9, thanks, matches23:06
Slartmupaon: isn't there a command to list which swap spaces you have defined?23:06
rantic12Hello ?23:06
BRCwhats ubunutu 10.04 lts23:06
mupaonSlart i dont know ?! :(23:06
BRCwhat does lts stand for23:06
tiinaSame message in the terminal....your firefox is already running.....23:06
daftykins!ask | rantic1223:06
ubotturantic12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:06
daftykins!lts | BRC23:06
aciculalong term support23:06
ubottuBRC: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)23:06
rantic12lts: Long Term Support23:06
misamanuslong time support23:06
misamanusand how long is the long time support23:07
thomasfustonAloha!, i got a short question, what could be the problem if i try to compile something, but i get an error like "checking for kernel source/headers... not found"23:07
digitaloktay3 years desktop23:07
DiazzJust a quick question. If i updgrade my ubuntu 9.10 to 10.4 will my harddrive be wiped?23:07
barbarellaSlart: cat /etc/fstab23:07
digitaloktay5 years server23:07
BRCyes saying Ubuntu release 10.04 LTS available23:07
BRCahh ok23:07
sebsebsebDiazz: no your data will still be there23:07
Jordan_U!source | thomasfuston23:07
ubottuthomasfuston: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html23:07
rantic12Both my laptop and desktop have 4gb of ram, I remember a few years back people advised against the x64 release of Ubuntu. Does that still apply or should I grab the x64 10.04 release?23:07
LinuxGuy2009misamanus: Did you read ubottu just said that23:07
Diazzsebsebseb thx23:07
dupondjeDiazz: no, only installed packages will be upgrade to new versions from 10.0423:07
Jordan_Uthomasfuston: Sorry, wrong factoid23:07
votextiina : what was the real cause for it.23:07
diabolicalWhat are the names of the Software Manager and Package managers in ubuntu I know synaptic but the other 223:07
BRCam i goin to have problem installing this version23:07
aciculathomasfuston, install the kernel dev headers23:08
Jordan_U!compile | thomasfuston23:08
ubottuthomasfuston: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:08
blistovSo, how far away are we from u1 storing our desktop configuration?23:08
User2Jordan_U, if is there a way to make special request, even with the "No more CDs message", please tell me23:08
joaopintodiabolical, synaptic and ubuntu software center23:08
tiinaCannot just fix my firefox its already running and it is not!!23:08
BRChas anyone installed 10.04 yet?23:08
diabolicaljoaopinto: thank you23:08
blistovBRC Yup.23:08
diabolicalNeed them for Kubuntu yuck23:08
LinuxGuy2009blistov: You could maybe write a script for that? maybe23:08
gnuvangto get new release  Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx type in terminal    sudo update-manager -d23:08
dupondjeBRC: yep, since alpha 1 :)23:08
tiinaps aux...what else shall I write on terminal window?23:08
Jordan_UUser2: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/specialrequest23:08
BRCany know issues23:08
SleepmodehelpHello, I was just in ehre with a sleep mode problem, I was told to change the screensaver AND the powermanagment, I did, and it still randomly goes into sleep mode whenever it wants.23:09
SleepmodehelpAny version of Ubuntu I download. Same story.23:09
SleepmodehelpThis current version is however Ubuntu 10.4 LTC.23:09
dupondjegnuvang: the -d is not needed :) as its final :P23:09
blistovLinuxGuy2009, Problem is that not all versions of applications can deal with configs from older versions.23:09
User2Jordan_U, i get: "Demand for Ubuntu CDs is very high, and we're trying to ensure that we have enough CDs for those who really need one. We've noticed that you've already "23:09
daftykinsSleepmodehelp: are you sure you click 'make default' and then enter your password when you do that?23:09
=== Smoodo is now known as Smoodo_away
Slartmupaon: try this "cat /proc/swaps" you can pastebin the result if you want23:09
Jordan_USleepmodehelp: Can you check your battery status? It may be read incorrectly making Ubuntu think it needs to suspend.23:09
Slart!pastebin | mupaon23:09
ubottumupaon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:09
thomasfustonacicula is there a special package for those kernel dev headers ?23:09
Damo2kI have Windows 7, and im trying to dual boot with Ubuntu 10.04, im not seeing the "install side by side" option when trying to install, what may cause this ?23:09
zilvinashello there23:09
rantic12Both my laptop and desktop have 4gb of ram, I remember a few years back people advised against the x64 release of Ubuntu. Does that still apply or should I grab the x64 10.04 release?23:10
votextiina : Install a different browser Epiphany..23:10
mickster04User2: dont be greedy then23:10
agliodbsdoes anyone know where I can get lexmark printer drivers for ubuntu?23:10
SleepmodehelpIs anybody there.?23:10
aciculathomasfuston, build-essential typically helps23:10
mickster04agliodbs: new to ubuntu?23:10
BRCany differences between ubuntu 9,04 karmic and this current version 10.04 lts23:10
Slartbarbarella: yes, cat /etc/fstab works.. but cat /proc/swaps was what I was looking for. Thanks anyway23:10
thomasfustonacicula already installed, thats why i am asking ^23:10
sebsebsebagliodbs: old or new Lexmark printer?23:10
dupondjerantic12: go for the x64 for sure23:10
daftykinsBRC for common questions please read up on the website, it's ALL detailed there.23:10
agliodbsmickster04: not particularly.  I'm troubleshooting a cups issue23:10
agliodbssebsebseb: older23:10
aciculathomasfuston, hmm you should have them already23:10
ActionParsnipyo yo yo23:10
LinuxGuy2009agliodbs: Checked Lexmark website already to see if they already provide one?23:10
agliodbssebsebseb: optra m41223:10
blistovBRC, read the release notes.  Short answer, yes, there are tonnes of changes between 9.04 and 10.0423:10
tiinayeah but I like firefox...23:10
sebsebsebagliodbs: good and bad news, probably bad news for you though23:10
joaopintoBRC, yes, many, check the release notes23:10
aciculathomasfuston, you can check the configure script to see what it checks23:11
theGmanJordan_U: Nope, still getting "you need to install the kernel first" when I try to boot into my Fedora, what now?23:11
BRCso this is the latest release...23:11
mickster04ActionParsnip: daa da daaaaaa23:11
daftykinsthat echo problem is back in here.23:11
agliodbsLinuxGuy2009: yes, they provide a single universal deb which is too out of date to install23:11
ActionParsnipmickster04: daaaaaaaaaaa23:11
Damo2kUbuntu isn't giving me an option to resize my partition, so I can't dual boot23:11
User2mickster04, greedy? i just have requested two CDs, one from Jaunty and another form Karmic! Two... 2 is not several!23:11
aciculaBRC, yeah23:11
sebsebsebagliodbs: bad news is that Lexmark are known for bad Linux support,  however more recently they do actsually support Linux properly, even have the Tux penguin on their boxes23:11
RAGE8Hello, I was just in here with a sleep mode problem, I was told to change power management and screen saver settings, I did both, and it still shuts down whenever it feeels like it. Out of the blue, can anybody please help?23:11
Jordan_UtheGman: Can you pastebin your grub.cfg?23:11
ActionParsnipDamo2k: what is the current OS?23:11
BRCok cool i check it out..thx23:11
votextiina : sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser23:11
aciculaRAGE8, does it powerdown or just crash?23:11
Damo2kActionParsnip, Windows 723:11
rantic12Ok thanks23:11
RAGE8It goes into sleep mode.23:11
=== saint_ is now known as Sa[i]nT
agliodbsI've been using the postscript driver, but it crashes whenever I try to print a document more than 500K23:12
ActionParsnipDamo2k: win7 can resize its own partitions23:12
sebsebsebagliodbs: there may be a way to configure it and get it working,  but you probably won't get much luck23:12
sebsebseb!cups | agliodbs23:12
ubottuagliodbs: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows23:12
RAGE8And it will not come out of sleep mode, when  it goes into sleep mode.23:12
mickster04User2: but of course you cant download them? even the standard downloads should be ok? unless they aare on the same server?23:12
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:12
TMKCodes_Hey, anyone know the gnome-panel applet menu where is just icons? something called kalika..23:12
daftykinsRAGE8: are you sure you click 'make default' and then enter your password when you do that?23:12
theGmanJordan_U: Sure. Stand by23:12
Sa[i]nTUbuntu blackberry?23:12
Alienarchsomeone have a walkthrough to setup VNC (or turn it on) on server 10.04?23:12
LinuxGuy2009agliodbs: If push comes to shove and you think of upgrading your printer to work with Linux, Brother makes drivers and PPD files for all of the printers they make.23:12
agliodbsI asked the guys on cups.org for help and they said that there were PPDs available from Lexmark, but I sure can't find any23:12
blueoverallsI wonder if anyone here can help me23:12
joaopintoRAGE8, if it shuts down, it's crashing/hanging, not sleeping23:12
diabolicalAfter I install the Synaptic and Ubuntu Software center on Kubuntu I need to get Kmenu and what else?23:12
mickster04Sa[i]nT: i wish23:12
Damo2kActionParsnip, I just finished a defrag, and I have 210GB free, I am better using Windows 7 to resize the partition ?23:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:12
daftykinsAlienarch: system -> preferences -> remote desktop23:12
tiinawhen I logg in to about:config....what should I change there?23:12
Damo2kActionParsnip, and 30Gb is plenty for Ubuntu?23:12
agliodbsLinuxGuy2009: I'll change the OS of the print server first23:12
candellerI am having issues with screen brigthness after installing the ATI drivers. I have a samsung r522 laptop. In karmic the power managment slider for brightness was working ok, now it doesnt. Anyone has/had a similar problem?23:13
RAGE8How do I fix the crashes though?..My system is up to date and everything.23:13
ActionParsnipDamo2k: yes as it will manage its own files etc23:13
Alienarchdaftykins: it's server OS, no gui23:13
RAGE8I just updated my bios last night.23:13
User2mickster04, to download is out of my possibilities23:13
CaneToadif I'm running a 32-bit version of Ubuntu, can I upgrade to a 64 bit version?23:13
joaopintoCaneToad, no, you will need to reinstall to change23:13
ActionParsnipDamo2k: most netbooks get by with about 4Gb23:13
daftykinsAlienarch: VNC is GUI only... you can't remote control a CLI install ;)23:13
User2mickster04, i don't have a CD burner23:13
CaneToadjoaopinto: thanks23:13
ActionParsnipCaneToad:  you will need to reinstall23:13
Alienarchoh, well crap ok lol23:13
mickster04User2: ok, but technically anything >1 is several23:13
blueoverallsI installed 10.04 as an update, I acidentally installed GRUB on both my main drive and my external HFS+ drive, and now the HFS+ drive doesn't mount, and Disk Utils shows it as empty an unpartitoned. It had my Time Machine backups and all my music on it, anything I can do?23:13
nbktechwhat is the command to see the cli upgrade directions?23:13
Damo2kActionParsnip, what is recommended swap partition size?23:13
mickster04User2: run them mounted?23:13
daftykinsAlienarch: you'll want SSH to command line in remotely23:13
zilvinasdoes anyone knows why after installation of 10.04 system doesnt boot, shows only blinking typing cursor?23:13
RAGE8I just updated my bios last night.23:13
LinuxGuy2009CaneToad: Check to see if your CPU supports 64bit.23:13
RAGE8I still have these reoccuring problems23:14
mickster04User2: im impressed u dont have a burner...23:14
ActionParsnipDamo2k: 2xram for less than 2Gb. 1xram for 2gb or more23:14
Jordan_Uzilvinas: Do you have more than one hard drive?23:14
CaneToadLinuxGuy2009: it does23:14
RAGE8With any of the ubuntu versions I download23:14
ActionParsnipDamo2k: if you have a stupendous amount of ram it may not even be needed23:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:14
User2mickster04, i will use them to install in my friend's computers...23:14
joaopintozilvinas, does the cursor move when you hit enter ?23:14
blueoverallsDoes anyone have any idea what I can do?23:14
PerditaHey, I'm currently installing WinXP via QEMU and it has been saying 'restarting computer...' for quite a long time now ... do I have to do anything special, for example restart QEMU?23:14
Damo2kI have 4GB ram, its Dell XPS M153023:14
LinuxGuy2009!patience | RAGE823:14
ubottuRAGE8: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:14
Jordan_UUser2: Why don't you just download the iso yourself, or buy official CDs?23:14
mickster04User2: makes no difference to me, you paying for them then?23:15
ActionParsnipDamo2k: then 4gb swap wil be fine. it will enable hibernate etc23:15
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo23:15
Jordan_UUser2: Your shipit request will almost certainly be rejected.23:15
theGmanJordan_U: Here you go: http://fpaste.org/TsL223:15
RAGE8Ah yes, that reminds me. I posted it on Ubuntu forums a few days ago, and nobody knows the issue.23:15
LinuxGuy2009!vbox | Perdita23:15
ubottuPerdita: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:15
joaopintoActionParsnip, Damo2k it's always a good pratice to use swap, it frees RAM from inactive process which can be used for filesystem caching23:15
bappy2i'm on hardy LTS, but update manager doesn't show me the option to upgrade to Lucid. is that the intended behavior ?23:15
Damo2kActionParsnip, so I allocate 4GB swap on disk also ?23:15
suboneI just shared files on my desktop using "Sharing Options", but i cant see them from another machine (findsmb), can anyone help me?23:15
zerocoolcan some one help!23:15
User2Jordan_U, i can't special request too...23:15
ActionParsnipDamo2k: yes23:15
mickster04!patience zerocool23:15
LinuxGuy2009!ask | zerocool23:16
ubottuzerocool: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:16
sebsebsebbappy2: it should show it, also if you upgrade now well good luck, since the amount of other people doing Lucid23:16
Damo2kActionParsnip,  so thats 4gb ram + 4gb swap, is that too much?23:16
CaptainTreki cant even download from the torrent xD23:16
Jordan_Ubappy2: No, have you tried checking for updates or changing mirrors? (your local mirror may be a bit behind)23:16
mickster04LinuxGuy2009: yeah i got that one wrong :S23:16
downhill_in the 10.04 RC, bash had colors. why doesn't the final have colors for things like `ls` and friends?23:16
blueoverallsI installed 10.04 as an update, I acidentally installed GRUB on both my main drive and my external HFS+ drive, and now the HFS+ drive doesn't mount, and Disk Utils shows it as empty an unpartitoned. It had my Time Machine backups and all my music on it, anything I can do?23:16
sebsebsebbappy2: also in certain ways Hardy is actsaully better than Lucid23:16
Craig`hey guys23:16
joaopintoDamo2k, thaks ok23:16
zerocoolUbuntu is freezing after login!23:16
CaptainTrekDamo2k: should be fine like that.23:16
dupondjedownhill_: ls --color :)23:16
sebsebsebbappy2: plus no Ext4 file system or Grub 2, when upgrading Hardy to Lucid, but you don't really need those anyway23:16
votexzerocool : help with what.! Please mention.23:16
Alienarchwhats the kde install name?23:16
zilvinasonly 1 hard drive, and cursor wont move23:16
Damo2kActionParsnip, CaptainTrek, joaopinto  thanks guys23:16
ZykoticK9User2, ShipIt has a limit on how many CDs they'll send to an individual - perhaps you've reached the maximum23:16
daftykinsAlienarch: kubuntu-desktop23:16
downhill_dupondje: no, I'm sorry, I mean to say the log-in (on the left there)23:17
bappy2Jordan_U: how do i know which mirror it is using, and how can i change it ?23:17
Alienarchi.e. sudo apt-get install (kde?)23:17
tagis 10.04 still not "LTS" ?23:17
Craig`I'm wanting to download 10.04, I was told that I can download a dvd iso, rather than cd iso and that it'd have more things preinstalled, where can I obtain this?23:17
sebsebsebtag: it is LTS23:17
downhill_I could do it myself, but that's not the question23:17
hunahpuAlienarch: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:17
ActionParsnipDamo2k: if you just want to web browse an d chat etc then swap isnt needed, depends what the ubuntu os is for23:17
bappy2sebsebseb: i do have a few things broken on hardy, which is part of the reason why i want to upgrade to LucidGUI23:17
sebsebseb!dvd | Craig`23:17
ubottuCraig`: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:17
sebsebsebCraig`: nope that's not it23:17
zerocoolUbuntu is freezing after login!23:17
tagsebsebseb: do-release-upgrade tells me there are no releases found.23:17
bastid_raZorAlienarch: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop  ..if that is what you're wanting23:17
CaptainTrekCraig': 10.04 has language packs on its DVD version23:17
Alienarchhunahpu: ty ty ty i wasnet even close lol23:17
Jordan_Ubappy2: System > Administration > Software Sources23:17
CaptainTrekadditional ones23:17
ukixxpa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated23:17
sebsebsebbappy2: things that are broken such as?23:17
Damo2kActionParsnip, its more for experimentation, I havent messed with ubuntu since 8.1023:17
LinuxGuy2009tag: Yeah on ubuntu.com it says in plain letters LTS23:17
dupondjeSomebody knows if its possible to change the time display on the login screen to 24h format ? :)23:17
candellerAny ATI card users having problems with brightness?23:17
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)23:17
theGmanJordan_U: Could you get anything form that paste?23:17
agliodbsthe drivers Lexmark provides are all binary $&%&$23:17
User2ZykoticK9, how much shipits you have done? i have done just 2. I know people that have done about 30 and stay requesting23:17
gnuvangLucid LTS is the new release23:17
tagLinuxGuy2009: yes, I know.23:18
agliodbswhich don't work on a print server23:18
downhill_this channel is way too busy heh23:18
votexzerocool : Ubuntu 9.10 or ...23:18
sebsebseb!upgrade | tag bappy223:18
ActionParsnipDamo2k: then you can omit it if you want, but 4gb is the norm for 4gb ram23:18
ubottutag bappy2: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:18
EvRidedoes Lucid come with XInput2?23:18
tagLinuxGuy2009: but at the same time, my system is set to prompt=lts and it's not picking up 10.04.23:18
bappy2sebsebseb: i'm missing a few .so files in my /usr/lib directory23:18
Alienarchhate installing a desktop on my server ;/23:18
bappy2(accidentally deleted)23:18
tag(from 8.04)23:18
sebsebsebbappy2: why?23:18
daftykinsAlienarch: are you wanting to learn to do it CLI only?23:18
Damo2kActionParsnip, I will try that now, thanks.. Chat to you later.23:18
bappy2(user stupidity)23:18
ZykoticK9User2, i just ordered a Lucid - which was my 2nd.  There didn't used to be a maximum, they're actually thinking about cancelling ShipIt altogether23:18
rosco_ywhat cd burning package do you recommend, that can verify that an image has been burned correctly?23:18
LinuxGuy2009dupondje: Maybe change the clock format after log in will reflect on the login screen as well?23:18
lghey, i just updated ... and my grub got f***d, its in rescue mode now,what to do ?23:18
sebsebsebbappy2: ok yes maybe upgrade will put that back or not, but  10.04 is a good one to clean install really since what I mentioned about Ext4 file system23:18
CaptainTrektag: you usually have to jump-frog up, no?23:18
CaptainTrek!language | lg23:18
ubottulg: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:18
sebsebsebbappy2: even though it's not really needed23:18
dupondjeLinuxGuy2009: nope :)23:18
hunahpuAlienarch: you don't have to install desktop in a server; there are ubuntu-server editions23:18
Alienarchdaftykins: not sure what CLI is but wanting to learn it yes, and use it for Web and File services23:18
yaaardo the new lucid cd's have an option to verify the media like the old ones did? if so, where do i find it? (the new cd drops me directly into X instead of giving me a bootloader screen as in previous versions)23:19
sebsebseb!language | lg23:19
daftykinsAlienarch: command line interface23:19
Alienarchit's a LAMP install now23:19
sebsebseb!md5sum | yaaar23:19
h00kubottu: tell lg about grub223:19
ubottuyaaar: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:19
hunahpuCraig`: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#dvd23:19
Jordan_UtheGman: That's odd, the fedora entries are missing a search --set --fs-uuid command (to set $root by UUID).23:19
ubottulg, please see my private message23:19
tagCaptainTrek: jump-frog up?23:19
AlienarchYeah running 10.04 server23:19
LinuxGuy2009dupondje: Maybe you should check the BIOS clock format and see if that does it?23:19
GodricBrutuswhen i click 'chat' on the top right, in the panel, it opens empathy (which i don't like). is there any way to set that up as pidgin instead?23:19
h00klg: in those links contain a 'recover grub' section23:19
CaptainTrektag: 8.04 > 8.10 > 9.04 > 9.10 > 10.0423:19
zilvinasalright i figured it out myself. default installation settings install grub in another place wich even is unknown to me23:19
theGmanJordan_U: I believe it's also missing the proper path to the kernel too...from what I could tell...but I'm no expert...:)23:19
bappy2sebsebseb: what about ext4 and grub2? i didn't quite understand you the first time23:20
bastid_raZorCaptainTrek: tag 8.04 can be upgraded directly to 10.0423:20
tagCaptainTrek: No, 8.04 was the last LTS release.  So it's 9.10 > 10.04 and 8.04 > 10.04.23:20
zilvinaseverything works fine23:20
sebsebsebbappy2: Do you know what a file system is?  Do you know what a boot loader is?23:20
rosco_yCan anyone recommend a CD Burning Software that has an option to verify that an iso image was burned correctly?23:20
bastid_raZorrosco_y: k3b23:20
Alienarchrosco_y: nero express23:20
Alienarcherr on linux, I dunno23:20
User2ZykoticK9, after requesting the second, do your recive the "You can't request anymore" advice?23:20
sebsebsebrosco_y: i'll go with K3B as well23:20
yaaarsebsebseb: i'm not talking about verifying the image. i'm talking about the cd. normally i wouldn't worry about it, but brasero gave me an error after the burn was complete. i've had that happen before and it's usually a false alarm, but if this was really a bad burn i'd like to know so i can do it over23:20
sebsebsebrosco_y: however brasero can maybe do it23:20
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto23:20
bappy2sebsebseb: i do, but i didnt get that part of why b/c of those two things i should do a clean install23:20
tagbastid_raZor: right, but for some ... reason, do-release-upgrade shows there's no releases (even though lsb_release -a shows 8.04 hardy and /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades  is "Prompt=lts")23:20
jaypurmy gimp, inkscape is all without icons... in 9.10 i went to a place where i could select to have icons at ubuntu or not, where is it at 10.4?23:20
votexrosco_y : Try K3B23:21
h00krosco_y: on the Ubuntu CD, it has an option to verify it when you boot from it23:21
Moa2020hello there23:21
Moa2020I have a silly question23:21
daftykinsyaaar: boot it and run the disc check23:21
ilfupdate(s) went fine. however i had these error messages running release-upgrade: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=iWDxxTc323:21
sebsebsebMoa2020: ok sure go a head23:21
rosco_ybastid_raZor: Alienarch, sebsebseb--Thanks (I'm not finding the "verify" option in brasero)23:21
Moa2020I think I might have installed a 32 bit Ubuntu on my 64 bit computer23:21
nbktechI have a running 10.04 RC and want to upgrade to the final release. I can't remember the cli command to do so23:21
Moa2020so.. 1. Is there a way to check ?23:21
zerocoolUbuntu is freezing after login! I think the Intel GPU is not solved!23:21
bastid_raZorMoa2020: uname -m23:21
Moa2020(conky says i686)23:21
Pici!final > nbktech23:21
ubottunbktech, please see my private message23:21
Moa2020lemme check23:21
rosco_yMoa2020: I'm doing that on purpose right now23:21
erUSULnbktech: use the update-manager23:21
LinuxGuy2009!md5sum | rosco_y23:21
ubotturosco_y: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:21
sebsebseb!version  | Moa202023:21
ubottuMoa2020: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »23:21
daftykinsnbktech: you don't need to run a CLI command, just use the update manager.23:21
ZykoticK9User2, sorta - it only gives me the option to change my order, or purchase23:21
LinuxGuy2009Moa2020: 64bit CPUs can run either one.23:21
Jordan_UtheGman: Try copying the fedora entries to /etc/grub.d/40_custom but add a line "search --set --fs-uuid <UUID of Fedora /boot partition here>"23:22
jcbvcan i upgrade from live cd within ubuntu23:22
Moa2020LinuxGuy2009, what is the benefit of running 64 bit ?23:22
Moa2020besides the RAM23:22
Jordan_UtheGman: You can find the uuid by running "sudo blkid"23:22
rosco_yLinuxGuy2009: I did verify the md5sum, but I want to verify that the files get burned onto the cd correctly23:22
sebsebsebjcbv: no23:22
yaaardaftykins: yes, that's exactly what i'm asking how to do. previous versions of ubuntu would present the user with a bootloader menu which included the option "verify the media" ...but the new lucid cd drops you directly into X instead. so....is there still a way to verify the media? and if so, where is it?23:22
Moa2020I have i686 apparently23:22
erUSULjcbv: no only the alternate  cd can be used to do upgrades23:22
ZykoticK9Moa2020, faster video encoding comes to mind as a 64bit benefit23:22
h00kjcbv: I believe you need the alternate CD23:22
sebsebsebjcbv: if you had installed with the alternate CD though, you can upgrade with that23:22
votexrosco_y : Try K3B23:22
tagOh well, I changed it from lts to normal and it picked up intrepid....23:22
Moa2020ZykoticK9,  what about decoding ?23:22
zerocoolmy g-d no one is has helped me!23:22
bastid_raZorMoa2020: that would be 32bit.23:22
User2ZykoticK9, but it already gives you the option of shipit again?23:22
sebsebsebtag: oh your on 8.04?23:22
h00k!patience | zerocool23:22
ubottuzerocool: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:22
tagsebsebseb: yes23:23
ZykoticK9Moa2020, not sure23:23
TwipleJordan_U: So let's assume I install it, the GRUB won't launch windows, and I want to get rid of grub and make windows boot by default again, is there a way to do that short of reinstalling windows?23:23
Moa2020so next question...23:23
daftykinsyaaar: when you see the logo, you press a key and that menu appears.23:23
Moa2020is there a way to upgrade from 32 bit to  64 bit without losing, like, everything ?23:23
ZykoticK9User2, if i want to pay23:23
bappy2Jordan_U: i can't open software sources .. do i need to login to the GUI as root or something?23:23
sebsebsebtag: you should be able to upgrade 8.04 directly to 10.04, however in certain ways 8.04 is actsaully stil better :)23:23
yaaardaftykins: any particular key?23:23
zerocoolUbuntu is freezing after login! I think the Intel GPU is not solved!23:23
frexhow to get a date in my language format from the command line?23:23
tagsebsebseb: Yes, I'm kind of dying to get off subversion 1.4.x23:23
jcbvok now its letting me upgrade from the system23:23
daftykinsyaaar: not really, i used enter last though :)23:23
zerocoolUbuntu is freezing after login! I think the Intel GPU is not solved!23:23
sebsebsebtag: subversion remind me what that is23:23
rosco_yk3b is the one--thanks peoples!23:23
theGmanJordan_U: My Fedora boot is on /dev/sda323:23
hunahpu!patience | zerocool23:23
ubottuzerocool: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:23
tagsebsebseb: version control system.23:23
erUSULMoa2020: make a backup of your /home and use the tip in !clone then reinstall and restore apps and home23:24
frankie_do all programs work for 64bit ubuntu23:24
erUSUL!clone | Moa202023:24
ubottuMoa2020: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:24
sebsebsebtag: yeah for proggramming isn't it?23:24
Jordan_UTwiple: Yes, you can run "fixboot" from a windows isntall CD, or use the "mbr" package to install an MS style MBR from Ubuntu23:24
tagsebsebseb: more or less.23:24
sebsebsebtag: right ok23:24
votexMoa2020 : nothing like that..23:24
sebsebsebtag: well23:24
clickmeHi Everyone23:24
jcbvcan i use ubuntu to fry chicken23:24
odyiAnyone else seen lucid hanging shutdown?23:24
LinuxGuy2009zerocool: Not sure how to help thats probably why no one has helped, you have to remember we are all volunteers here.23:24
Jordan_UtheGman: What is its UUID?23:24
h00kMoa2020: you will need to reinstall, do you have your /home on a separate partition?23:24
eldoni have my router set to use opendns, and last week my /etc/resolv.conf somehow updated itself to have rr.com at the top of the list, my isp.. what policies define what gets placed in this file?23:24
ibqnzerocool, see release notes, it tells about it23:24
yaaardaftykins: roger that. thanks23:24
sebsebsebtag:  you could upgrade sure,  or you maybe find a ppa for that for hardy23:24
sebsebsebtag: then you got a later version23:24
clickmei'm missing things from COMPIZ23:24
=== jared is now known as Guest56816
Moa2020I do not think so, h00k23:24
skraghey guys, apt-get wont find the ia32-libs package, anyone know a diffrent name for it or a wget?23:24
zerocoolibqn, this is in Fedora too23:24
elie-mheyguyz, on 10.04 yet?23:24
Moa2020I am not sure if it is WORTH reinstalling either23:24
theGmanJordan_U: Not sure, I'm just using fdisk -l23:24
NeoCicakhi all.. just wondering if upgrading to 10.4 from 9.1 is straight forward...... i remember i upgraded from 9.04 to 9.1 and the system went so much slower, because 9.1 introduce a new filesystem (i think ext4), and with the old filesystem (ext3), 9.1 will be so slow23:24
h00kMoa2020: see the instructions above, you'll ne to reinstall23:24
bappy2when i run update-manager with the -d flag, then i see the option to update to lucid23:24
elie-mi'm still downloading :<23:24
Ash_Guys when i type "linux /boot/vmlinux-" it loads fine.. I get [Linux-bzImage, setup=0x3400, size.......etc.. Now when i type "boot" it tries to boot but i get a Kernel panic because it can't find my standard ext3 filesystem as this is a Wubi installation.. Help please?23:25
Hariharakadan#ubuntu-release-party still a spam-maelstrom?23:25
wick94hey guys23:25
Jordan_UtheGman: use "sudo blkid"23:25
Moa2020Performance wise, there is no real impact, right?23:25
LinuxID10TWhat happened to old-releases.ubuntu.com?23:25
elie-mbappy2, run update-manager -c23:25
LinuxID10TIt is missing several releases.23:25
=== MTughan is now known as Guest54469
theGmanJordan_U: Standby...23:25
arcadeZykoticK9: Seems to be a 'new' feature of bash that silly printing of ^C.  One can use stty -echoctl to disable it (but then loses ^Z when stopping a process.  It still works, but ^Z won't be printed.  But you get rid of the nasty ^C's :)23:25
tagsebsebseb: I see, apparently I have to do do-release-upgrade --devel-release23:25
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sebsebsebtag: update manager should show Lucid.  maybe it's not since some sort of upgrade issue.  Also you would probably be interested to know, but if you clean install 10.04, you get the Ext4 file system by default, which should be a bit faster  for boot up and shut down, but also the automatic disk checking.  You would also get Grub 2, which isn't really needed.23:25
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ZykoticK9arcade, thanks man :)23:26
clickmeanyone know what if ubuntu removed options from compizconfig23:26
waltercoolAsh_, Sorry... i dont know23:26
tagsebsebseb: (I didn't mention this is a server edition).23:26
votexLinux IDIOT : New ones replaced them.23:26
sebsebsebtag: oh server edition23:26
arcadeZykoticK9: Most annoying thing so far about upgrading ;)23:26
LinuxGuy2009skrag: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ia32-libs&searchon=names&suite=karmic&section=all23:26
tharveywhere can I find md5 sums for lucid?23:26
theGmanJordan_U: It looks like some big, long hash code or something....23:26
arcadeZykoticK9: Finally found out to get rid of it.  *Phew*23:26
medexSometimes update-manager doesnt offer new release right away to balance load.23:26
bappy2elie-m: update-manager -c does not show me the option to upgrade to lucid23:26
sebsebsebtag: well in that case what I said about Ext4 and Grub 2 really isn't that important and you want the server channel really #ubuntu-server23:26
Jordan_Uclickme: No, you probably just want to install the extra plugins23:26
kimmoHey everybody! I have issues with the top panel height in 10.04... If I make it more than 24px and the background repeats or something. Anybody else have the same problem?23:26
LinuxGuy2009!md5sum | tharvey23:26
ubottutharvey: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:26
hunahputharvey: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/MD5SUMS23:26
LinuxID10Tvotex: It is for a project of mine.  I would like to find Ubuntu 4.10.23:26
elie-msebsebseb, he can update ext3 to ext423:26
ZykoticK9arcade, glad you found a fix!  Appreciate you passing it along!23:26
arcadeZykoticK9: No problem.23:26
TwipleJordan_U: so am I worrying too much?23:26
sebsebsebelie-m: it can be converted, but won't get the proper thing23:27
LinuxGuy2009I agree with seb23:27
waltercoolAsh_, Maybe you have touched your root partition (where OS is located)23:27
jcbvcan i upgrade my ppc ubuntu with update23:27
tharveyhunahpu, thx23:27
votexLinux IDIOT : searching please stay...23:27
Pici!tab | votex23:27
ubottuvotex: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:27
elie-msimilar to upgrading and clean install23:27
zerocoolsome send a link to the release notes23:27
bappy2elie-m: i'm on hardy LTS. is lucid not LTS? is that why update-manager -c doesn't show but -d shows the option ?23:27
a5hh0135My VT's are gone... the ones that are F1 - F6 that should be there are gone. My monitor gives me the no signal box like it's unpluged but the keyboard is still responsive, can log in and everything... just do it blindly... anyone know how to fix this?23:27
frankie_do all programs work for 64bit ubuntu23:27
hunahputharvey: no problem, curious I was looking for the same thing when you asked :p23:27
sebsebsebbappy2: Lucid is LTS so it should show23:27
clickmei'm on uubntu lucid lynx and i installed compizConfig, but is missing options, can anyone please verify23:27
daftykinsjcbv: be backed up first, things could go badly23:27
theloserzerocool: just type /topic23:27
Jordan_UTwiple: Yes, but it's understandable.23:27
elie-mbappy2, it wont show u lucid if u were on hardy man23:27
theGmanJordan_U: All the uuid's look like that. Is that normal?23:27
hunahpuclickme: install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra23:27
elie-mbappy2, u should update to karmic then to lucid u cant skip and jump versions23:28
Jordan_UtheGman: Yes, the purpose of UUID's is to be Unique23:28
ibqnzerocool, the workaround like disabling kms is mentioned or something ...23:28
theGmanJordan_U: Ah.23:28
sebsebsebbappy2: elie-m is wrong23:28
Ash_waltercool, yes my Wubi setup loads my root windows parition, but inside that you have a VFS whcih is my ubuntu, it doesn'ty find this by default it has to be specified somehow to loads from the VFS within my standard partition :( :( (:23:28
sebsebsebbappy2: you can't just directly upgrade hardy to karmic23:28
LinuxGuy2009frankie_: If you need to manually check packages.ubuntu.com, but in general i would probably guess both repos are pretty much the same for both architectures23:28
elie-msebsebseb go read, he cant jump versions23:28
ibqnzerocool, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100423:28
fxhpWhat commands do I run to upgrade to lynx from terminal?23:28
Jordan_UtheGman: That's why they are preffered to device names /dev/sda1 which can change with drive order.23:28
StephenLinuxhow do i update from rc to lts?23:29
bappy2a few weeks ago i was told that because lucid is LTS, and hardy was the LTS before it, i could upgrade directly from hardy to lucid23:29
sebsebsebbappy2: nevermind turns out I read what elie-m  put wrong23:29
frankie_linuxguy2009 i want to install touchpad and flying toasters screnasver i am scared23:29
theGmanJordan_U: So, what are my options to rectify the situation? I'm intending on just installing the 9.10 desktop and just installing the server compponents I need.23:29
hunahpufxhp: sudo update-manager -d23:29
a5hh0135Anyone know anything about missing F1 - F6 terminals?23:29
bappy2sebsebseb: ok, i'm confused now :)23:29
MetalWolfhrmm... lynx auto installer errored for me...23:29
elie-mbappy2, 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10 and then u get lucid23:29
ibqnzerocool, see this http://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes23:29
medexfrankie_: that is wrong23:29
sebsebsebbappy2: you  should be able to directly upgrade a LTS to the next LTS23:29
LinuxGuy2009frankie_: xscreensavers23:29
CaptainTrekany way to prioritize usage of the internet bandwidth I have>23:29
jarnosDoes PulseAudio on Ubuntu perform finally perform well? http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/pa-in-ubuntu.html23:29
sebsebsebbencc: you shoudn't need to go through the other versions so 8.10, 9.04, and 9.1023:29
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Picielie-m, sebsebseb, bappy2: You can upgrade directly from Hardy to Lucid, as they are both LTSes.23:29
fxhpNo gui hanahpu23:29
theGmanJordan_U: I can't have just a text env, I need to present web stuff to my clients and have the tools to make corrections etc...text env won't do. :/23:29
frankie_linuxguy2009 thank u23:29
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LinuxGuy2009frankie_: yep23:29
theGmanJordan_U: Gotcha on the uuid's.23:30
jcbvfroze on setting new software channels23:30
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Maverick release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseParties23:30
elie-mwell what I did read said another thing. and that is that ucant skip versions23:30
ZykoticK9jarnos, i find it better then in Karmic - if that helps at all23:30
sebsebsebPici: yes, that's a bit of a better explination  and more simple :D  altough that's basically what I was saying as well23:30
CaptainTrekPici: nobody's seen that as an applicable option yet.  BTW, is there a way to upgrade to Lucid from Jaunty?23:30
elie-mI did read it on multiple places23:30
votexLinux IDIOT : In torrent is available..23:30
frankie_when instlaling flash i get could not find npackage 'adobe-flashplugin'???23:30
sebsebsebCaptainTrek: yes, but only through Karmic23:30
jarnosZykoticK9: What kind of progress you found?23:30
evilbugZykoticK9: hey.23:30
PiciCaptainTrek: Jaunty is not an LTS. You must go through the intermediary releases.23:30
a5hh0135Anyone know anything about missing F1 - F6 terminals?23:30
vividwhats the policy on nvidia-current, is this going to be updated to the current driver release? 195.36.24 atm23:30
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NFischeris it enough to just run the update-manager in 10.04RC or should i change to final release??!23:30
TwipleJordan_U: it came up saying /dev/sdb already has mounted partitions... what do I do?23:30
elie-mu cant skip versions23:31
CaptainTreksebsebseb: so update manager > upgrade to 9.10 then upgrade to 10.04?23:31
hunahpufxhp: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:31
LinuxGuy2009!final | NFischer23:31
ubottuNFischer: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:31
CaptainTrekprobability of success?23:31
Picielie-m: Only for LTS to LTS you can.23:31
elie-mI'm pretty sure23:31
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ZykoticK9jarnos, some of the games that where unplayable in Karmic (Quake4/Doom3) work in Lucid23:31
RAGE8Hello, anybody there?23:31
ZykoticK9evilbug, hey23:31
elie-mwell go try it and make him upgrade if u can23:31
Pici!notes | elie-m explains23:31
ubottuelie-m explains: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100423:31
Jordan_UTwiple: Can you run "mount" and pastebin the output?23:31
LinuxGuy2009!ask | RAGE823:31
ubottuRAGE8: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:31
cliffCan any1 tell me if upgrade to Lucid Lynx through the update manager, will I lose my data (programs, files, etc)? I am running Karmic...23:31
theGmanRAGE8: Just wathc the chan for a sec...you'll be able to tell. :P23:31
Zorixi cant get ubuntu 10.04 encryption working, it fails everytime, guided or manual.  I have done this many times before, is there a known problem on 10.04?23:31
RAGE8I found out that my Ubuntu is crashing, not going into sleep mode.23:31
sebsebsebCaptainTrek: yes that should work, if the 9.04 to 9.10 upgrade goes ok, but that may mess up.   Also no Ext4 file system or Grub 2 if you do that, but don't need those anyway.   You can install Grub 2 later if you really want it.  Ext3 can be converted to Ext4, but for the proper thing  would need to clean install the operating system.23:31
ZykoticK9jarnos, that is unplayable due to Pulse/Sound issues23:31
clickmethis chat doesn't stop lolz like it use to23:32
MotherMGAHi, how do I determine what devices X is using?  Is there a way to enumerate them?23:32
evilbugZykoticK9: i manged to solve the issue i had 2 days ago with my ubuntu not booting.23:32
LinuxGuy2009!upgrade | cliff23:32
ubottucliff: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:32
theGmanwathc -> watch23:32
NFischerLinuxGuy2009, thx!23:32
CaptainTreksebsebseb: is it possible to install 10.04 to a 64gb USB stick or summat?23:32
ZykoticK9evilbug, glad to hear (i must admit i don't remember the issue, sorry)23:32
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LinuxGuy2009NFischer: welcome23:32
Blues-Manlucid is out??23:32
sebsebsebCaptainTrek: in certain ways 9.04 is also still better23:32
RAGE8It's crashing for every version I install to my computer, no matter what I do. Sometimes it says going into sleep mode, sometimes it's crashing. Yes I turned the screensaver setting soff, power managment off, and yes I have been pressing make default and entering my password I just don't know anymore why it is crashing.23:32
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100423:32
sebsebseb!usb | CaptainTrek23:32
ubottuCaptainTrek: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:32
elie-mmeh anyway I will be using the alternate installation and upgrade.. waiting for the download to complete23:32
a5hh0135My VT's are gone... the ones that are F1 - F6 that should be there are gone. My monitor gives me the no signal box like it's unpluged but the keyboard is still responsive, can log in and everything... just do it blindly... anyone know how to fix this?23:32
hunahpuBlues-Man: yes lucid is out, please use Torrents to get it23:33
MotherMGAThe problem I'm having is that my touchpad edge scrolling doesn't work.  I think X is using a default ps2 device rather than the touchpad. Thoughts?23:33
theGmanJordan_U: So, what are my options to rectify the situation?23:33
CaptainTreksebsebseb: as in 9.04 is much mor stable and 10.04 might have some bugs?23:33
Blues-Manhughhalf, torrentfluxer :)23:33
adacis download rate on the upgrade only slow here or do you have same issues??23:33
LinuxGuy2009a5hh0135: analog VGA cable, CVI, HDMI?23:33
sebsebsebCaptainTrek: no,  just 10.04 offers  some of us features, that we really don't want23:33
TwipleJordan_U: oh, I think I figured it out, /dev/sdb1 is probably what it's talking about, and it's named "&0" or something, the goofy nickname ubuntu gives my SD card23:33
Jordan_UtheGman: Try copying the fedora entries to /etc/grub.d/40_custom but add a line at the beginning with "search --set --fs-uuid <UUID of Fedora /boot partition here>"23:33
Blues-Mani come from intrepid and jaunty upgrade with many troubles..23:33
Blues-Manwill i survive in this last upgrade??23:33
acciptercan I define the directory to which the installation files are downloaded to? my netbook doesn't have enough free space on / for hte installation23:33
elie-madac, i dont know I'm using the alternate upgrade, from torrent.. cause the servers will have huge pressure23:33
StephenLinuxam i right in thinking and update manager run will upgrade rc to the final release?23:34
elie-mon release23:34
cliff<LinuxGuy2009> <ubottu> : I know how to upgrade I just want to know if I lose my data, the website doesn't say.23:34
ZykoticK9a5hh0135, you may want to add yourself to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/56704723:34
RAGE8Is there any way I can get personal help via private message, this is obviously long in hard since nobody has been able to solve my problem on ubuntuforums, nor here.23:34
CaptainTreksebsebseb: ah, so no harm in checking it out first from a live image?23:34
sebsebsebBlues-Man: the 9.04 to 9.10 upgrade,  went wrong for a lot of people, normalley they go well Ubuntu upgrades23:34
CaptainTrekcliff: what version you on now?23:34
adacelie-m, so you burn a cd and upgrade it from cd?23:34
evilbugZykoticK9: it wouldn't boot due to a "cannot find /etc/fstab" error. i checked and fstab was in its proper place and contained the correct uuid so i couldn't figure out WHY that was. somebody on here suggested copying a fresh fstab from the recovery cd and that did the job.23:34
LinuxID10Tvotex: where?23:34
Jordan_UTwiple: Try removing the SD card and running "sudo update-grub again"23:34
LinuxGuy2009accipter: packages from the repos are downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives/23:34
cliff<CaptainTrek> Karmic 9.1023:34
votexa5hh0135: Please use Pastebin23:34
hunahpuBlues-Man: default stuff have no problems at all, how many extra-work you'll need to do depends on how many custom settings/installed apps you have23:34
Loshkisebsebseb: Hi! That's interesting. Which features *don't* you want?23:34
sebsebsebCaptainTrek: indeed,   USB stick or a virtual machine if your hardware can support it enough RAM and such23:34
Blues-Mansebner, yes mesa drivers for intel broken all23:34
RAGE8Is there any way I can get personal help via private message, this is obviously long in hard since nobody has been able to solve my problem on ubuntuforums, nor here.23:34
zerocoolibqn, danke! Thank you so much!23:34
ZykoticK9evilbug, :)  good job23:34
CaptainTrekcliff: you shouldn't lose your data if you upgrade in place, but back it up first just to be safe :)23:34
evilbugZykoticK9: redundant fstab...23:35
elie-madac, yes that's an offline update with no internet needed.. and better so u can skip burning a CD and mount the ISO and upgrade from it23:35
hunahpu!patience | RAGE823:35
ubottuRAGE8: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:35
votexLinuxID10T : With You..23:35
CaptainTreksebsebseb: yeah, i've got craploads of USBs xD23:35
sebsebsebLoshki: Ubuntu One and the Music Store,  and I don't like how those non upstream Gnome edits are done on the top right,  with other Gnome features two of them not being there anymore, when enabled23:35
llionnehi, i want to know if my file and package config will be lost if i do an upgrade and package update ?23:35
StephenLinuxRAGE8: what is you issue?23:35
cliff<CaptainTrek> thanx that's all i wanted to know.23:35
RAGE8Patience goes away after a week of hearing the same thing over and over again, hunahpu.23:35
parisDoes anybody knows how to configure and use MySQL Query Browser?23:35
zerocoolibqn, you made my day, I was look for remedies for this problem and nothing worked23:35
StephenLinuxRAGE8: whats wrong?23:35
aj00200I get the following error when trying to update to 10.04. "Software index is broken: It is impossible to install or remove any software". I ran sudo apt-get install -f like it said, but no luck. Anyone know what to do?23:35
TwipleJordan_U: but I'm installing right now, sorry for the lack of clarity, I removed it and reran installer, the message went away23:35
AlienarchIs VNC server altomatically turned on on 10.04 server install?23:35
sebsebsebLoshki: The Music Store is the best feature of 10.04 really, but I won't be using it23:36
a5hh0135linuxguy2009: it's a regular monitor cable23:36
RAGE8No matter what version of ubuntu I download, it's crashes/goes into sleep mode when I'm doing stuff, and I've set screensaver and power managment to never and off, and it still does it.23:36
adacelie-m, in a future release it would be really awesome if when you start the upgrade/update process at the same time you can download from bittorent sources23:36
hunahpuRAGE8: I'm sorry but if no one knows the answer no one will answer :(23:36
votexRAGE8 : Over again and again ?? let us know23:36
TwipleJordan_U: I do sort of wonder why it names it &0 though23:36
RAGE8I've updated the Bios of my computer, still does it.23:36
Loshkisebsebseb: I see. I missed all that not using gnome...23:36
adacelie-m, no server would do any harm then23:36
sebsebsebLoshki: are you on 10.04 now?23:36
dan512No audio on a system76 serval...23:36
theGmanJordan_U: Not sure if you ans me, had to step away (babysitting :P )23:36
LinuxGuy2009a5hh0135: Does your VGA cable have a short maybe?23:36
hunahpuRAGE8: it might be a hardware issue, have you tried different OS?23:36
elie-madac, u just download from torrent than install it.. I didnt get ur idea sry23:37
Loshkisebsebseb: I just installed 10.04 about an hour ago. Had sound problems (fixed) and some font issues, but it's basically working for what little I need (web/xchat/mplayer)23:37
TwipleJordan_U: ok, so I choose manual partition instead of whole disk I'm guessing?23:37
adacelie-m, well the upreade manager should be extended to a bittorent client. Hope you get me23:37
rizuThe party is over ???23:37
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a5hh0135linuxguy2009: would a short make it not display the F1-F6 terminals but display X on F7 just fine?23:37
elie-madac, yeah I got u, but I dont think that's possible23:37
sebsebsebLoshki: Ok all that stuff on the top right except for the clock,  that's not really part of Gnome,  only Ubuntu.23:37
StephenLinuxwhat is needed to get from 10.04rc to10.04final?23:37
elie-mall I want and wish and pray for is a smooth upgrade with no problems :S23:37
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Xgateshey all23:38
parisPlease folks, help about MySQL query-browser?23:38
Jordan_UTwiple: Why are you re-installing?23:38
adacelie-m, hmm why not? ever ypackage before its insalled should be prove against a checksum on the verfied server and fine it is23:38
llionneelie-m: like you :)23:38
LivenDieis anyone having a problem with torrents?23:38
Loshkisebsebseb: I don't see any of that as I use fvwm. You can't even tell it's 10.04 from looking at my desktop...23:38
llionnei hope that i don't losr my config file23:38
Xgatessay I thought the Lucid mini iso would provide the same hardware support? It won't recognize my laptop ethernet or wifi and I'm bummed because I wanted to do a minimal install of Ubuntu23:38
hunahpuLivenDie: nope, I'm seeding without problems :)23:38
votexRAGE8 : Bios update or upgrade will cause problems.23:39
TwipleJordan_U: I was asking you these questions before my first install, my last attemp I spoke of was actually 2 years ago23:39
* edwardthefma is installing ubuntu im at disk partishioning i need help23:39
Jordan_Uelie-m: adac: It's possible to use bittorrent with apt, there's just no nice GUI way to set it up currently23:39
edwardthefmawich 1 is recomended23:39
TwipleJordan_U: I need to be more clear, sorry about that23:39
jcbvso if i upgrade my desktop will look the same i take it23:39
extorIs there any linux supported raid or clustering or san/nas solution that is capable of using SSD drives as a sort of "forward cache" where it stuffs the most frequently accessed sectors on the raided platter drives?23:39
adacJordan_U, elie-m really. thats pretty cool. Must check that out23:39
a5hh0135Anyone know anything about missing F1 - F6 terminals?23:39
sebsebsebLoshki: I don't like how some of that is linked together as well.  the envelope and sound applet.  the social feature and edited fast user account switcher.  and how automatic shut down feature is removed,  when fusa is enabled, plus no shut down and log out in system menu where it should be really.   Well if on Gnome on 10.04 you'll see what I mean I guess or whatever.  Anyway oh right fvwm that's kind of interesting,  but that also means you can23:39
sebsebsebuse pretty much any desktop Linux distro, for what you want to do :)23:40
brummbaeroO torrent w/ apt?! link plz?!23:40
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hunahpuedwardthefma: if you have no other OS's, use the whole disk (recommenden for new-commers); a "recommended" partitioning scheme depends on each user needs23:40
votexRAGE8 : I guess time to replace your motherboard..23:40
Jordan_UTwiple: Ok, there should be an "automatic side by side with windows" type option, that's probably the best to choose.23:40
josemoreiraanyone running Lucid and eepc? my brighness is messed up and cant find a bug for it on launchpad23:40
LinuxGuy2009a5hh0135: No TTYs at all?23:40
elie-mJordan_U, I never tried that, cz usually I use the bittorent client for it, it's better but thx for the info23:40
imagine7xyCould somebody please help me uninstall a program on Linux?23:40
elie-mllionne, thx23:40
sam204475YAY I GOT 10.04 ~~~!23:40
sebsebsebimagine7xy: sudo apt-get purge program name,  that does config files as well, remove is just the program23:40
jcbvwell if fb goes under that will make this verison dead23:40
imagine7xysebsebseb: What if I don't know the program name?23:41
eeebuntuqb1 define ubuntu23:41
Loshkisebsebseb: yes, that's true, almost any linux would work for me. I like Ubuntu though, as it has most everything I've ever looked for pre-compiled...23:41
harovalihi , please help , what's the command to restart dhcpcd client in ubuntu 9.10 ?23:41
LinuxGuy2009imagine7xy: Open the software center, look under installed applications, remove whatever you want23:41
elie-monly 21 minutes left to download finish23:41
remyoWhere can I find the 10.04 minimum requirements?23:41
adacJordan_U, can you link me to a howto for apt and torrent?23:41
sebsebsebLoshki: such as?23:41
trismsebsebseb: if you remove the indicator-applet-session, the logout/shutdown menu options will return to the System menu (those one's also have the 60 second timeout like before)23:41
a5hh0135linuxguy2009: only F7, the rest take keyboard input as i created a file in my home dir blindly. But F7 is what i'm on now23:41
remyosystem requirements I mean23:41
TwipleJordan_U: from what I can see, windows XP is sda1, the extra partition with no OS on it is sda2, and the recovery partition is sda3, and there is no automatic side by side with windows option...23:41
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sebsebsebtrism: yes I know,  but  like with 9.04, what if really want both,  edited fusa, and in the system menu?23:41
voteximagine7xy : what you want to uninstal.23:41
rizuJosereira: using Netbook Remix 10.04??23:41
sebsebsebtrism: like with 9.04 and 9.10 even, above23:41
alketI just installed Ubuntu 10.04 x64, this is my first time that I install x64 arch, my problem is: Can't install flash from adobe.com23:42
LinuxGuy2009!requirements | remyo:23:42
ubotturemyo:: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu23:42
imagine7xyI want to uninstall these ATI drivers, the system says they are only partially installed23:42
plumhey, how do i install compiz cube on 10.04?23:42
tman_im running ubuntu 10.04 final its a dream come TRUE my wifi card worked right out of the box everything else did too:):):)!!!!! ubuntu 10.04 rules23:42
LinuxGuy2009!requirements | remyo23:42
ubotturemyo: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu23:42
Jordan_Uadac: http://debtorrent.alioth.debian.org/23:42
imagine7xyI see the Control center for catalyst23:42
sebsebsebtrism: plus what if wanting the automatic upstream Gnome shut down feature, whilst having edited fusa?23:42
imagine7xyIn the Administration menu23:42
frankie_alket : i am having the same problem :/23:42
sam204475OH MY GOD  i looooove 10.04  i can make my own images in 10.04  before other people would have to burn them for me.   this is great.   The ubuntu team are the best...  really  thanks to all of you for your help and i looove ubuntu!!!!   :D23:42
sebsebsebtman_: plus  in the menu. see what I mean?23:42
jcbvcube does not work anymore officially23:42
Jordan_UTwiple: Sorry, I have to leave for a while.23:42
campeewhere is the md5sum for ubuntu 10.04?23:42
plumjcbv: :(23:42
campeeit's not on the hashes page23:42
trismsebsebseb: I don't know what "fusa" is23:42
jcbvon my card that is23:43
LinuxGuy2009sam204475: High Five!23:43
imagine7xyvotex: I am trying to uninstall Catalyst Control Center ATI23:43
sebsebsebtrism: the way to shut down on the top right23:43
elie-mplum, for the cube to work u'd have to have 4 virtual desktop, and compiz installed ( as of 9.10) as I dont have 10.04 yet(downloading)23:43
tat-campee: http://no.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS23:43
Twipleso can anyone here tell me why there is no "side by side with windows" installation option?23:43
Loshkisebsebseb: handbrake, skype, stuff for making dvds and avis, and really good support. Pretty much any problem you encounter has been seen by *somebody* and there's usually always a fix unless it's really obscure. Redhat used to be like that...23:43
adacJordan_U, nice thx! Cause since I have a wireless provider (shared medium),  multiple connections/downloads do really speed up the whole thing23:43
campeethanks tat-23:43
Twiplethanks, jordan_u, bye!23:43
sebsebsebLoshki: I guess Mandriva used to be like that as well, when it had most Desktop Linux users23:43
sam204475Linuxguy2009 ~  this is it dude.  im going linux~ haha  it took me three years. but here it is a  linux i can actually use on my computer ~  :D  < can u see how happy i is? hehe23:43
sebsebsebLoshki: Mandriva/Mandrake23:44
jcbvanyone got compiz wokring with tnt 2 vanta or geforce 2 gts23:44
imagine7xyBasically, I'm trying to uninstall what is in /usr/share/ati/23:44
imagine7xyIt will not let me though23:44
digitaloktayworking realtime-kernel with nvidia driver in ubuntustudio =23:44
LinuxGuy2009Twiple: Who said there wasnt?23:44
trismsebsebseb: oh, from what I've seen, removing the timeout from that applet is hard coded, so you're out of luck there without code edits23:44
imagine7xyIt says I need to do a Force install but the command isn't working for me23:44
elie-mTwiple, I read that the boot isnt interactive anymore peoople owuld have to press anykey at the boot to get additional conf.. I dont know if that's what they meant by no longer interactive23:44
imagine7xyForce uninstall23:44
sebsebsebtrism: yes that's what I thought,  can't have both23:44
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org23:44
jcbv2 hours and 30 minutes to download jeez23:44
sebsebsebtrism: same thing for the system menu, and shut down on top right thing23:44
sebsebsebtrism: it seems, can't have both23:44
TwipleLinuxGuy2009: I did, it's not showing up at the partition part of the installation23:44
imagine7xyI'm sitting here in Low Graphics mode because I cannot get ATI to work23:44
Loshkisebsebseb: I've played with Mandriva under vmware (actually I've played with most distros that way), and none have been obviously better than Ubuntu...23:45
zeddycan you help me?? i have instal ubuntu 9.10 and i havent dual boot with winzoz seven23:45
elie-mjcbv, it's taking more for me23:45
zeddycan you help me?? i have instal ubuntu 9.10 and i havent dual boot with winzoz seven23:45
voteximagine7xy : Disable the drivers instead of uninstalling.23:45
jcbvmy isp restriced me to 100 kb23:45
imagine7xyvotex: I have already Disabled them23:45
plumelie-m: so i won't be able to install compiz cube on 10.04?23:45
imagine7xyvotex: This is a tough problem I have23:45
trismsebsebseb: oh, I'm sure you could probably have both some how, I haven't investigated though23:45
sebsebsebLoshki: depends on the user and such, but personally for me I am glad I got  rid  of Ubuntu 9.10 on here and did Mandriva One 2010,  other computer is still Ubuntu.   oh yeah and all of this is off topic really23:45
elie-mplum, of course u can23:45
jcbvwith 3 old computers and one half broke cd room things dont look to good if this upgrade crashes23:45
sebsebsebtrism: maybe some gconf editing or something23:46
elie-mzeddy, did u choose the install to install them side by side?23:46
Loshkisebsebseb: good to see you back on the channel though :-)23:46
plumelie-m: what package name is it? cause ubuntu came with 4 home screens as it is... so it would be easy to put compiz on i'd think...23:46
imagine7xyvotex: May I message you on IRC?23:46
tolvisHello! just updated to 10 but when i try to boot thers a problem mountung Proc/bus/usb. anyone no how to fix it?23:46
theGmanOk, now am in X so I can use a graphical web browser, need ALL the assistance I can get to fix my grub not letting me boot my default Fedora OS...X(23:46
sebsebsebLoshki: ok  pm me, and remind me who you are, since we are off topic, also that name does seem familuar after you say that23:46
elie-mplum, wait let me see on my repository23:46
=== drmrhorse is now known as DrMrHorse
voteximagine7xy : why not.23:46
Loshkisebsebseb: no time for PM. I used to be Losha...23:46
TwipleLinuxGuy2009: is it supposed to?23:47
sebsebsebLoshki: oh your going with that name now?23:47
ChogyDantheGman: are you using grub2?23:47
PMantisCould we place have more seeders on the 64-bit server version?23:47
zeddyelie-m yes this isn't my first installation23:47
elie-mplum, I think it is compiz-core23:47
zeddyfirst seven23:47
pinnenwhy is firefox so ugly in ubuntu? The tabls look like shit?23:47
frankie_should i use ext4 or ext3 when creating a new partition for ubuntu ?23:47
theGmanChogyDan: I believe so, at least that's what I remeber from install.23:47
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plumkk, i'll try that, elie-m23:47
elie-mzeddy, use update-grub23:47
frankie_i have a ntfs partition i want to use23:47
trismsebsebseb: yes, you're right, /apps/indicator-session/suppress_shutdown_menuitem, likewise for logout and others23:47
zeddyafter ubuntu23:47
Loshkisebsebseb: lately I got a bunch of people saying how helpful I was for a girl, apparently because my name ended in "a"...23:47
pinnenI mean, it's ugly in all distributions23:47
sebsebsebpinnen: agreed it does with the default Ubuntu 10.04  themes23:47
lucas-argwill 10.10 have gnome3?23:47
sebsebsebpinnen: so the default black one, but also the grey one23:47
pinnensebsebseb: yes23:47
ChogyDantheGman: try sudo update-grub23:47
LinuxGuy2009Twiple: Sorry you have to remeber there are 1700 people here all talking at once. Gotta speak clearly and refresh my mind.23:47
sebsebsebpinnen: is Ubuntu 10.04 your first version or?23:48
pinnensebsebseb: mno23:48
macoLoshki: thats a bit insulting "you're helpful....for a girl" O_o23:48
pinnenim a long therm linux user23:48
pinnenand just angry because firefox tabs allways looked like shit :D23:48
sebsebsebpinnen: ok well ever like human, you know the previous default?23:48
pinnenif I compare it to windows firefox .. it's such a huge difference23:48
sebsebsebpinnen: well before 9.10,  the like brown orange look :)  the 9.10 version not so nice.  anyway you can install that from the repo,  but also some other themes that  aren't that good23:48
elie-monly 7% left of my 10.04 download :D23:48
orange_tomekquick question, if I installed ubuntu 10.4 beta2, is there a way to upgrade to the final release of 10.4 or do I have to reinstall the OS?23:48
sebsebsebpinnen: then of course theme sites and that23:48
pinnensebsebseb: ahh, I see23:49
itilioushow can i use --replace metacity via remote ternimal?23:49
Loshkimaco: I know. Though I admit nerd girls are kind of rare. Anyway, I decided to change my nick just enough to forestall the issue...23:49
itiliousi get the error "unable to open X display"23:49
pinnensebsebseb: I think I tried the brown one in earlier ubuntu's and liked it :D23:49
zeddyelie-m ok i have update grub now restart23:49
LinuxGuy2009!fusion-icon itilious23:49
sebsebsebpinnen: well in that case23:49
Technovikinganyone know where the defaults.conf file for gdm is located now23:49
TwipleLinuxGuy2009: I ran the installer to install ubuntu 10.4 to the computer, there are four partitions, a windows partition, a filestoring NTFS partition, another windows partition(specialized for computer recovery in case things go very wrong), and a fourth one that's small and unknown23:49
sebsebsebpinnen: right uhmm23:49
LivenDieitilious: try "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"23:49
frankie_help, im trying to install ubuntu and it is asking me for a mount point, i have no idea what that means?23:49
elie-mzeddy, good luck, u must have known b4 if it detected it, as it says so in the verbose in terminal23:49
sebsebsebpinnen: sudo apt-get install human-theme23:50
pinnensebsebseb: if I compare firefox (windows) and firefox (linux) per defaul, I must say that the tabs in linux looks really bad and takes up soooooo much unneccessary space23:50
sebsebseb!info human-theme23:50
ubottuhuman-theme (source: human-theme): Human theme. In component main, is optional. Version 0.37 (karmic), package size 77 kB, installed size 600 kB23:50
LivenDieitilious: then remove metacity and reinstall it23:50
macoLoshki: can i pm?23:50
theGmanChogyDan: I did, I got errors so Jordan_U had me delete the .map file. I just tried it again and it seems to have worked with no errors...23:50
TwipleLinuxGuy2009: I got to the partition part and it does not offer an "install side by side with windows" option23:50
Loshkimaco: please do...23:50
Technovikingwant to try increse GdmXserverTimeout to fix a problem23:50
hobanhello. I updated to lucid and I keep getting errors when I try to perform system updates such as: W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://mirrors.us.kernel.org lucid-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>23:50
MotherMGAI'm running 10.4 on a Sony Viao E series laptop.  My sound works through headphones but is extremely quiet and all of my sound sliders are maxed out.  I can't tell if its actually playing through speakers though because its so quiet.  Is there a fix for this?23:50
evilbugfrankie_: is ubuntu going to be the only os on that computer?23:50
hobanhow do I fix please?23:50
pinnensebsebseb: ahh okay.. tnx m8 :D23:50
frankie_evilbug : yes23:50
sebsebsebpinnen: by default after isntalling human-theme you get that newer Ubuntu logo showing,  personalley what I will do is customize it and put the Gnome icons :)23:50
digitaloktayhey can i use this new themes for debian lenny ?23:50
pinnensebsebseb: ok :) kewl23:50
sebsebsebpinnen: they removed it in Lucid, but in the repo :)23:51
zeddyyes winzoz seven ys detected in terminal now restart23:51
theGmanChogyDan: I guess the only real way to find out is to reboot and see what happens eh?23:51
sebsebsebpinnen: there's also a human-legacy theme which is more brown23:51
evilbugfrankie_: running the desktop cd?23:51
elie-mzeddy, alright :) gdluck!23:51
ChogyDantheGman: ya, I think so23:51
pinnensebsebseb: okay23:51
dereineis there a repo where i can use php 5.2 on ubuntu 10.04?23:51
alketok, due to the lack of stable-flash support in x64 lucid, im trying to install flash 10 form adobe labs, but i get this error while installing: Segmentation Fault ?23:51
LinuxGuy2009Twiple: Well to be honest unless you know what your doing then your gonna screw up Windows. So expect it. Backup Backup Backup!23:51
uLinuxHow can I update grub entries? I want to remove the old ones.23:51
theGmanChogyDan: Be back soon then. :P23:51
frankie_evilbug yes, i am setting up a new partition, formatting windows off and putting ubuntu lucid lynx 64bit in23:51
itiliousLivenDie, i dont want to remove it, i simply want to stop the "visual effects" because my nvidia drivers wont let me use remote desktop when they are enabled23:51
sebsebsebpinnen: if you knew the colour code,  you should just edit the clear looks blue  theme by the way, and have human basicalley23:51
chun_Can anyone help? I'm dual booting Lucid and Win7, and Ubuntu won't boot -- after selecting it in grub I get a tiny bit of disk activity then just a blank screen. Win7 boots fine. Any suggestions?23:51
elie-muLinux, sudo update-grub23:51
sebsebsebpinnen: could not should above23:51
* eeebuntu 23:51
LinuxGuy2009Twiple: Most windows users have 2 existing partitions. windows and swap23:52
ChogyDanuLinux: you may also have to remove some of the old linux kernels23:52
TwipleLinuxGuy2009: why won't side by side with windows show up?23:52
pinnensebsebseb: okay23:52
sivelOk, this is a bit annoying.  I cannot get my headphones port or my microphone on my toshiba laptop working...23:52
sebsebsebpinnen: there's a program built in for themeing FIrefox in 3.623:52
* eeebuntu wants some attention.23:52
pinnensebsebseb: well, I shall exepriemnt with this :D23:52
uLinuxChogyDan how23:52
pinnenohh it is?23:52
Exilehey guys just upgraded and my firefox is broken23:52
sebsebsebpinnen: uhmm hold on23:52
ExileI get a segmentation fault when I try and load firefox23:52
Exileanyone got any ideas>23:52
sebsebsebpinnen: right23:53
evilbugfrankie_: make sure the correct partition for the install is selected and then mount point should be "/" without the quotes.23:53
TwipleLinuxGuy2009: isn't it supposed to?23:53
sebsebsebpinnen: personas  ,but you will have that already in your Firefox on 10.0423:53
a5hh0135Anyone know anything about missing F1 - F6 terminals?23:53
Exileit says Attempting to load the system libmoon23:53
ChogyDanuLinux: I use synaptic, remove the older versions of linux-image  and make sure linux-generic is installed23:53
evilbugfrankie_: unless you have some other custom directories set up.23:53
chun_Can anyone help? I'm dual booting Lucid and Win7, and Ubuntu won't boot -- after selecting it in grub I get a tiny bit of disk activity then just a blank screen. I've tried reinstalling grub using a live disc. Win7 boots fine. This has just started happening, it's worked fine up until now. Any suggestions?23:53
pinnensebsebseb: nice23:53
elie-muLinux ull have to apt-get remove the old kernels, they will automatically update grub and remove themselves23:53
sebsebsebpinnen: then you can just go on the site for that23:53
itiliouswould anyone know how to "easily" disable these effects remotely to enable me to use remote desktop?23:53
frankie_evilbug thank you, there it goes23:53
LivenDieitilious: i'm not totally sure but you could probably edit you /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.  You could also try running nvidia-detector to reset that file23:53
sebsebsebpinnen: or use the add on,  and like well select htemes easilly. on the site it's like drag on a theme and it shows you what it would look like23:53
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LinuxGuy2009Twiple: With a normal 2 partition setup sure. Otherwise you need to manually resize partitions to make room and do it all yourself.23:53
NeoCicakhello all.. is there a  way to point the ubuntu repository that my machine is using, to the mirror from my ISP?23:53
suboneI noticed that file transfers in nautilus are done simultaneously, which may slow down transfers to the same device. Is there any way I can set this to only do one file operation at a time and queue the rest?23:54
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LinuxGuy2009Twiple: But Im not the best one to ask. I dont use Windows anymore.23:54
xdrazensomeone here speaks spanish?23:54
darkkillaI just updated from Ubuntu 9.10 (alternate AMD64) to 10.04 and there's one thing I really don't like: I can't select mplayer as the default application for files... it doesn't show up in the list but synaptic tells me that it is installed23:54
xomphallo, I'm having problems installing grub to my external hdd. Getting the following error message: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/sdd1 Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time. Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device. Can someone help?23:54
evilbugfrankie_: good luck.23:54
sebsebsebpinnen: well have fun with 10.04  and looking like previous versions, I guess :)23:54
TechnovikingIs there a file that I can set GdmXserverTimeout, want to try increse GdmXserverTimeout to fix a problem?23:54
TechnovikingWas in /usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf, but not in 10.0423:54
darkkillaI can select SMplayer but I prefer mplayer23:54
uLinuxLinux kernel image for version 2.6.31 on x86/x86_6423:54
pinnensebsebseb: hey tnx for the help, I will experiment with it and see where it leads :D23:54
uLinuxthis right23:54
sebsebsebpinnen: ok np23:54
pinnenopensource are a greate thing and beats windows in a million years23:55
sebsebsebpinnen: indeed23:55
TwipleLinuxGuy2009: It's a swap partition the size of my RAM and a normal boot partition, right?23:55
darkkilla@pinnen: Full ack!23:55
sebsebsebpinnen: except for some projects23:55
_dreamycan anyone recomend me a good LAN connection manager .. that can combine with WICD ?  ( thanks in a advance)23:55
elie-muLinux, this is the last 1 on ubuntu 9.10 as of 10.04 I think they updated the kernel to a higher version23:55
zeddyelie-m thanks I had not thought23:55
uLinuxyes elie-m  the new one is 3223:55
sebsebsebpinnen: plus a lot of open source is cross platform, so also works on Windows23:56
uLinuxshould i remove the old kernel?23:56
elie-muLinux, so if u wanna remove the 31-21, and u sure about it, remove it and it will update grub by itself, removing itself23:56
pinnensebsebseb: yes, everything should be opensource :)23:56
chun_Can anyone help? I'm dual booting Lucid and Win7, and Ubuntu won't boot -- after selecting it in grub I get a tiny bit of disk activity then just a blank screen. I've tried reinstalling grub using a live disc. Win7 boots fine. This has just started happening, it's worked fine up until now. Any suggestions?23:56
sebsebsebpinnen: however best to run that stuff on an open source OS really :)23:56
iroquoishi all,which wine package should i choose?.There's about 10 in the synaptic package manager23:56
elie-muLinux I did it that way and worked for me23:56
elie-mzeddy, wlc man23:56
sebsebsebpinnen: most programs should be really yes23:56
Exileaha fixed my problem23:56
pinnenwhy not :)23:56
a5hh0135My VT's are gone... the ones that are F1 - F6 that should be there are gone F7 is what I'm on currently. My monitor gives me the no signal box like it's unpluged but the keyboard is still responsive, can log in and everything... just do it blindly... anyone know how to fix this?23:56
darkkillaby the way... I get a strange error whenever I start a bash: It tells me that there's a syntax error in /etc/bash_completion.d/cowsay in line 12: "Unknown word `kn'"23:57
xanguairoquois: sudo apt-get install wine23:57
iroquoisty very much xan23:57
elie-miroquois, my latest wine 1.40-123:57
zeddyelie-m good night buona sera a tutti23:57
itiliousi REALLY hope this is fixed in the next version of Ubuntu, kinda sad that ALL nvidia users have to have this problem with remote desktop23:57
TwipleSo why won't "install side by side with windows" show up?23:57
uLinuxelie-m ok im gonna mark it for Complete Removal i hope it doesnt ruin anything :P23:57
elie-mzeddy, gdnight u 223:57
Craig`nice, 10.04 is downloaded :)23:57
davidthedrakeHello. I'm working with a new Ubuntu installation and I've run into a weird problem that is giving me troubles. I'm just trying to run a file that is in the current directory I'm in. To do so, I'm entering ./filename. When I do, I get a "-bash: ./filename: No such file or directory". What am I missing here?23:58
elie-mif u're sure u have 32 online it wont ruin it23:58
Twipleis it because I have 2 windows partitions?23:58
darkkilla@davidthedrake: What kind of file is it?23:58
{g}Hey People! I sometimes have to reboot my notebook to regain wireless access. Any ideas why? tail /var/log/syslog says "could not trigger wireless scan device or resource busy"23:58
DrMrHorsewow lucid works like magic! no karmic-era problems here23:58
blendmaster1024i'm getting a lot of "INFO: using unknown version '/usr/bin/python3.0' (debian_defaults not up-to-date?)" when i use APT atm, how do i fix debian_defaults so it doesn't use python 3? other than removing py323:58
MotherMGAIs there a way to find the xorg server layout that is auto detected in ubuntu 10.4?  My xorg.conf doesn't have a server layout specified.23:58
_dreamyanyone helping , is there any network manager that doesnt conflicts with WICD ? ... or .. may wicd do a LAN connection ?23:58
elie-muLinux, if u're sure that u have a newer 1 that u log with on grub to ur linux, it wont ruin anything23:58
davidthedrakedarkkilla: How can I tell what type of file it is?23:59
DrMrHorse_dreamy: yes, wicd does wired23:59
JarrettVi was hoping ubuntu would work on virtual pc23:59
subone!lucid | MotherMGA23:59
ubottuMotherMGA: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100423:59
uLinuxelie-m i have 2 kernel version one is 31 another is 3223:59
davidthedrakedarkkilla: it has no extension and nothing at the top of the file.23:59
subone!ubuntu+1 | MotherMGA23:59
ubottuMotherMGA: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+123:59
mateoburIm using 10.04 on a macbook, everything works fine except the touchpad, any hints on this ??23:59
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_dreamyDrMrHorse: can u give me a hint.. on what option should i look for ?23:59
senderhello, I've upgraded 9.10 to 10.4 in a VMware image. When rebooting, I can't use the keyboard to enter a password. Any ideas?23:59

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