
nisaany body here00:03
mewshihi there00:03
nisawhat the great ubuntu one?00:06
joshuahooverhi mewshi00:13
joshuahooverhi nisa00:13
nisahai joshuahoover00:16
nisanisa here00:41
joshuahooverhi nisa, is there something you need help with?00:55
nisawhen i got to download 10.04 lts??00:57
joshuahoovernisa: in less than 24 hours :)00:57
nisabut my place are ready 8 hour 29/4/2009... huhuhuhu00:58
joshuahoovernisa: right...well, we tend to go by gmt/utc time :)00:59
brummbaerhow would i add a new machine if i already have an account? i'm not  seeing a button for 'add this machine' after signing in01:45
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elzappSigh... I enabled syncing of ~/Musikk on one machine, without thinking of that there were a very messy ~/Musikk folder on another machine... Now the two folders are merged on u1, leaving it even more messy06:44
elzappThe metadata queue is processed very slowly06:46
psypher246hi, is there any ubuntuone admins here?07:43
kermiachello rye :)08:11
ryekermiac, hi!08:15
ryeok, syncing speed appears to be back to fast08:17
kermiacrye: any suggestions on how to respond to bugs that are caused by servers being slow lately? the bug I'm working on has "INTERNAL_ERROR" but not much other debugging info yet08:17
ryekermiac, probably just request to retest now. I am syncing my 600Mb Document folder again - looking at the speed of processing08:18
kermiacrye: awesome.... I'll ask that they try again & then upload logs if still having issues :)08:18
psypher246rye: good day08:21
ryepsypher246, hello!08:21
psypher246rye: do you know if the issue from yesterday are fixed, my files still won't sync at all08:22
ryepsypher246, yes, actually the speed of processing has improved. When was the last time you reconnected the client?08:22
psypher246rye: bout 30 mins ago, created my home folder, it sycned that, then copied my documetnst folder into the ubuntuone folder, nothing happens08:23
ryepsypher246, what does u1sdtool --waiting-meta say ?08:23
psypher246calims ysnc is complete08:23
ryepsypher246, is that karmic version?08:23
psypher246no lucid RC08:24
psypher246u1sdtool --waiting-meta shows nothign08:24
ryepsypher246, ok, what is in u1sdtool --waiting-content?08:27
psypher246nothing :/08:27
ryepsypher246, ok, u1sdtool --list-folders ?08:28
psypher246No folders08:28
ryepsypher246, so you have Ubuntu One folder, and documents folder inside but it has not synced, right?08:29
ryepsypher246, could you please provide your syncdaemon.log - ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log ?08:29
psypher246i have ubuntuone folder, then inside that my username, which it did sync, and then documents inside that, which aint syncing08:31
ryepsypher246, hm, it does not look like it found that document folder at all - is it possible for you to provide the output of ls -l ~/Ubuntu\ One (i.e. no sensitive filenames)08:38
psypher246ls -l ~/Ubuntu\ One08:39
psypher246total 408:39
psypher246drwxr-xr-x 2 ruald ruald 4096 2010-04-29 08:39 ruald08:39
psypher246lrwxrwxrwx 1 ruald ruald   41 2010-01-15 09:13 Shared With Me -> /home/ruald/.local/share/ubuntuone/shares08:39
ryepsypher246, could you please try u1sdtool --refresh=/home/ruald/Ubuntu\ One/ruald08:42
psypher246ok now says sycn in progress08:42
psypher246in the gui tool08:42
psypher246sycn complete :/08:43
psypher2462010-04-29 09:43:02,969 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - INFO - T:NONE:T 71961aa9-f290-4d0b-817c-e2fcc9c343f9 ['root'::'207bc2db-b7ff-4478-85d9-95b7a785aa08'] ''Ubuntu One/ruald'' | Called nothing (In: T:NONE:T)08:43
ryepsypher246, hmmm so the flow was as follows: You created new folder via nautilus, renamed into ruald then copied the documents folder to that directory, right?08:44
kermiachey rye, are there known issues wuth u1 in virtualbox? bug 56951108:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569511 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntu-one crashed with a fatal error while using a VirtualBox network adapter with NAT access" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56951108:55
kermiacgives server_rescan_done08:55
ryekermiac, no, since ubuntuone is not hw-dependent08:56
ryekermiac, LP: #569511: Matched bug pattern: http://launchpad.net/bugs/45839308:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569511 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntu-one crashed with a fatal error while using a VirtualBox network adapter with NAT access" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56951108:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458393 in ubuntuone-client "BadTransition: SYS_SERVER_RESCAN_DONE" [High,Fix released]08:57
kermiacrye: thanks, i was just checking it wasn't specificly related to VB before I duped it :)08:59
psypher246rye: any ideas on how to proceed?09:46
ryepsypher246, so the refresh has not made any differences?09:46
ryepsypher246, could you please do ls -l in /home/Ubuntu One/ruald ?09:48
psypher246ls -l /home/ruald/Ubuntu\ One/ruald/09:48
psypher246total 009:48
psypher246lrwxrwxrwx 1 ruald ruald 29 2010-04-29 08:39 Documents -> /home/ruald/Private/Documents09:48
psypher246hmmm, wait i think i might have a reason as to why this is happening09:49
psypher246my Documents folder is softlinked to /home/ruald/Private/Documents09:49
psypher246although I copied the documents folder to ubuntuone09:49
psypher246rye: now copying the contents of the documents folder09:51
psypher246rye: so i'm guessing it's busy doing it's hashing now09:56
=== rye changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: https://one.ubuntu.com | http://identi.ca/ubuntuone : Ubuntu One service will be taken down to perform servers upgrade. Going offline: 9:30 UTC, Expected back: 10:00 UTC | Known issues: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status | Say "honk" to get help for Ubuntu One. Please be patient.
elzappI get unicode errors from u1sdtool --waiting-content10:44
elzappprobably caused by bad encoded filenames10:45
ryeelzapp, bug #56163810:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561638 in ubuntuone-client "u1sdtool does not support utf-8 symbols in --waiting-meta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56163810:45
ryeelzapp, no, it is not the filename, it is a missing decode in the code10:45
ryeok, api servers are restarted...10:46
bialixhello rye10:46
elzappBut only status info are affected, or will my transfers hang as well?10:46
ryeelzapp, no, that's the bug in u1sdtool-related package only10:47
* popey is getting incredibly frustrated by U1 notes sync10:47
popeydangerously close to punching something10:48
elzappok. Then I won't worry too much about it... maybe I'll create a patch :)10:48
popeygetting notes conflicts over and over so i have lots of copies of one note, no idea why10:48
elzapprye: was it the api server restart that made my syncdaemon disconnect?10:52
ryeelzapp, i believe yes, checking with admins..10:53
elzappthe server rescan takes foreeeever10:56
elzappNot literally, but it takes quite a long time10:56
elzappthe transfers themselves are quicker today10:59
elzappmy current server rescan has taken more than 10mins so far... and it's not even close to finished11:01
ryeelzapp, checking whether that's syncdaemon just hang...11:02
elzappand the queues (both metadata and content) has been unchanged for about 10mins11:03
elzappI don't want to restart syncdaemon with --debug because then it'll start all over again11:04
elzappAnd I don't think it'll give me much more to go on11:04
ryeelzapp, it is strange, my another sd instance is happily syncing while my main is still in SERVER_RESCAN11:06
ryehm... it is in AUTHENTICATE...11:06
elzappcan you have several instances?11:06
elzappor is it on several machines?11:07
ryeelzapp, several machines11:07
ryeseveral virtual machines11:07
ryeok, it went past SERVER_RESCAN and now processing queues11:08
elzappI'm crossing my fingers that my music folder is intact... I added it as a syncroot on one machine, without thinking of that the same path already existed on another machine11:09
elzappLoaded with a serious mess of files11:09
elzappso ubuntuone merged the two folders, and made an even worse mess out of it11:09
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elzapprye: Now things have started to happen in my metadata queue, but it's horribly slow11:13
elzappe.g. 1 item each minute11:16
elzapp(or 2 items between each MARK in the logfile)11:17
ryeyes, metadata queue looks slow11:18
elzappthe current items are Unlinks.... it seems that ListDir is a bit quicker...11:19
elzappBut that might be a completely wrong observation on my hand11:19
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ryeelzapp, is your syncdaemon ok now - i.e. what status it is now?11:41
elzapprye: it's syncing metadata, about three times as fast11:45
elzapp6-7 items per MARK (two minutes)11:46
elzappAnd it has kept it's connection for about an hour now (since the api server restart)11:49
diverse_izzueU1 is very slow for me -- is something wrong with the servers?12:14
elzappdiverse_izzue: Is it very slow now, or has it been for the last few days?12:36
elzappdiverse_izzue: Mine was very slow until 1 and a half hour ago12:37
elzapprye: It seems that the metadataqueue is slowing down again...13:27
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elzappI'm getting 2010-04-29 15:02:20,526 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - WARNING - ListDir                      share:'d0323994-3e02-4a19-9db9-9561cc3f1fe2'   node:'0a628d05-d218-49d4-98ec-5ac499702d65'   ListDir(fileobj_factory='<function <lambda> at 0x2445488>', share_id="'d0323994-3e02-4a19-9db9-9561cc3f1fe2'", node_id="'0a628d05-d218-49d4-98ec-5ac499702d65'", server_hash="'sha1:daafaf61560b1781404643d9ec906e52c5d18f2f'") failure TRY_AGAIN14:02
ryeelzapp, the client should disconnect and reconnect in this case14:03
elzappAnd now it reconnected... It didn't even get to the content queue14:03
ryeelzapp, when client gets TRY_AGAIN it reconnects since that most likely indicates server reconfiguration14:04
elzappYes... I understand that... It's just a bit frustrating, Files I added some weeks back is still in the content queue14:05
elzappAnd now it's unable to connect as well...14:05
elzappWhen it reconnects, it would probably start quering again, giving it 3-4 hours of metadata-queue before it gets to the content14:07
elzappNow it's connected again, doing server rescan14:07
elzappWOW! The server rescan was very quick this time :D14:09
elzappFrom frustrated to happy in a few seconds :D14:10
psypher246rye: is there some kind of benchmark on how long you should expect the metadata scan to take, still waitting hourse later now for my 1319 files to hash and start uploading14:11
psypher246this seems to be the norm with u114:11
elzapppsypher246: Likewise with my 55 files14:12
ryepsypher246, there were several service restarts during last hours/ Re: hashing - no, that should not take long, but the metadata queue processing should be faster now14:12
ryeshould be as in what I expect it to be..14:12
psypher246elzapp: yeah i have been reading what you guys have been discussing14:12
elzappthe metadata processing seems to be vastly improved now :)14:14
elzappNot dropbox-fast, but faster...14:14
psypher246rye: is there a command i can run to check how many filkes still need to be scanned?14:14
ryepsypher246, still need to be scanned locally, i.e. hashed?... well not really but i can create one14:15
ryewill be ready in 10 minutes14:15
psypher246:) kewl14:15
mewshiI don't suppose Ubuntu One would be very helpful if my files on one end got corrupted, would it? >.<14:22
elzapprye: how does the Event d-bus signals work? (Or, when are they triggered, if ever?) I've tried to subscribe to them, but they have never been triggered as far as my script can see14:23
Chipacamewshi: yes, it would very helpfully propagate the corruption to your other boxes14:25
mewshiThat's what I thought.14:25
Chipacawe aim to please :)14:25
mewshiwhat's a good backup solution with dated files?14:25
mewshiIE one that won't overwrite my good files with bad ones, but rather put the corrupted files in a separate folder so that I can find out when the corruption occurred?14:26
ryemewshi, it depends on how that corruption manifests itself if the file is readable but its contents have changed then it is hard to detect that unless there is a snapshot of data checksum somewhere that cannot be corrupted14:30
psypher246rye: is there a reason why the upload process doesn't start right after it's hashed a file, why does it need to wait several hours for the hash to complete and only then start uploading, it seems s lot of time is wasted just waiting, i can also see by my disk activity that it pauses for 1-2 minutes between each file, no wonder its take more than 5 hours to index only 1300 files14:57
psypher246now imagine how long 98756 files will take, which is what I would like to have uploaded to u1?14:57
ryepsypher246, http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/u1filestatus.py - that will use Ubuntu One for now, no UDF support15:00
rye98756... bug #43661215:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436612 in ubuntuone-client "Need to profile metadata loading to see if it's too slow" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43661215:01
psypher246rye: oh so those bugsa re still in effect?15:09
ryepsypher246, yes, the sync will complete successfully, but the startup time for syncdaemon will degrade substantially15:10
elzapppsypher246: my ubuntu1 hashes local files super-fast... but it uses a lot of time determining if the hashes matches hashes on the serverside. Probably waiting for response from the server15:33
ryegrrr. Thenks.. right15:39
elzapprye: ?15:54
ryeelzapp, no, I was just preparing answer to the bug report, verified 3 times and then posted with "Thenks" as the first word15:54
ryeelzapp, as per the file hashing - the files are hashed locally then server is notified that it needs to allocate resources for new file to be uploaded, MakeFile() in terms of syncdaemon - these files immediately appear on the web ui as "Uploading"15:55
ryeelzapp, then after all preparations are completed content queue is uploaded15:56
psypher246elzapp: my hash of 800mb/1300 files has now taken more than 5 hours15:56
psypher246not really super fast15:56
psypher246rye: and from what in understand that bug report references the rescan of data once it has already been hashed, which also takes hours if not days depending on the amount of files15:59
psypher246rye: the point is that the entire process take extremely excessive amount of time to complte16:00
psypher246it not the difference of it taking between 10 minutes or one hour, the diffrence is hours and days to complete16:00
psypher246rye: it takes 5 minutes to hash an entire ubuntu cd for example, why would it takes hoursa for less data, it make no sense, there is a massive problem with the entire design of the system16:02
ryepsypher246, the performance is reduced severily once the amount (not the actual data size) but the number of records goes up. I noticed startup performance drop at 1000 files and startup takes 10 minutes with 40000. After this there is a metadat queue processing which is not the most efficient part - as far as I know this will be addressed during Maverick release cycle.16:03
psypher246rye: sorry i still don't get why it will take 5 hours + to hash 800mb, when it should take 5 minutes16:05
psypher2465-10 minutes MAX16:05
ryepsypher246, checking that...16:05
BlueWineHey guys - quick question16:06
BlueWinelogging into ubuntu one16:06
elzapppsypher246: are you sure it's the hashing that takes so long?.. I've just hashed 10GB of data, in 3000 files in 5-6minutes16:06
BlueWinenot getting a big 'authorise this computer' button16:06
psypher246elzapp: i don't know, how do i check, i copied the data at 12pm today and it's still running16:08
psypher246BlueWine: lucid or karmic?16:08
elzapppsypher246: lucid?16:08
ryepsypher246, just hashed 700 Mb in 3 minutes16:08
psypher246as soon as i open u1 cien it opens the u1 website to auth the pc16:08
psypher246elzapp: lucid me too16:08
psypher246rye: then what the problem?16:09
ryepsypher246, could you please pastebin ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log ?16:09
ryeBlueWine, what browser are you using?16:09
elzapppsypher246: what's your state in u1sdtool -s16:09
BlueWinefirefox 3.6.316:09
psypher246u1sdtool -s16:10
ryeBlueWine, has ubuntuone-preferences window opened for you?16:10
psypher246State: QUEUE_MANAGER16:10
psypher246    connection: With User With Network16:10
psypher246    description: processing queues16:10
psypher246    is_connected: True16:10
psypher246    is_error: False16:10
psypher246    is_online: True16:10
psypher246    queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH16:10
psypher246rye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424651/16:10
BlueWineyeh - just says unknown everywhere16:10
psypher246rye: i wish it took 3 minutes, i really do, but these are the issue i have sat with from the very start and there is no improvement16:11
ryepsypher246, 2010-04-29 17:09:17,480 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'QUEUE_MANAGER'  (queues WORKING_ON_BOTH  connection 'With User With Network')>; queues: metadata: 910; content: 1273; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=183752 miss=5521) ----16:11
ryepsypher246, it has 910 metadata objects to process and then it will start uploading 1273 content blobs16:12
psypher246rye: what is that?16:12
psypher246so in 5 hours it's only done 300 files!16:12
ryeBlueWine, ok, could you please close preferences and open this dialog again. Does that trigger anything?16:12
BlueWineClose then open the preferences? Doesn't trigger anything16:13
ryepsypher246, two hours ago the database servers were restarted to apply the newest configuration properly which was applied this night, and there were some disruptions after that for the application servers to bring them all up to date for todays release16:14
ryeBlueWine, ok, could you please try running the following in the terminal or gnome run dialog (Alt+F2) - killall ubuntuone-login16:14
ryesomething is weird with ubuntuone-login on first start16:14
BlueWinenice - that did it16:15
BlueWinethanks guys :)16:15
ryebut nothing manifested on my 5 test systems set up using different configs, network connection and original versions16:15
psypher246rye: i understand but please understand i have been testing this service for 3 months now, and this is all i get. it ALWAYS takes hours to anything. you said it just took 3 minutes to scan, why deosn't mine finsih now once the servers are up, it should have been finished ages ago??16:16
psypher246rye: and looking at my disk access graph there is always a 30 seconds gap where nothing is happening, whats it dooing, why doesn't the next file get processed?16:18
ryepsypher246, you can read my blog post where i voiced the same concerns ... http://blog.rtg.in.ua/2010/04/ubuntu-one-in-lucid-lynx.html16:18
ryepsypher246, 30 second gap.. hmm16:18
ryewell since it has already scanned everything then it should not be accessing the disk at all...16:19
psypher246whats yr email add?16:19
psypher246want to mail you my conky io graph16:20
elzapppsypher246: you're done hashing... it's working on the metadata, which means network traffic, not disk access16:20
psypher246zero network traffic16:21
elzappand the processing of metadata IS really slow16:21
psypher246elzapp: when you say really slow, you mean slow as in 1 hour or 24 hours, cos thats what i have been dealing with16:21
psypher246i can handle 1 hour16:22
psypher246THATS not slow16:22
elzapppsypher246: it means 6 metadata objecs every 2 minutes16:22
psypher2462010-04-29 17:23:07,385 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - INFO - T:LOCAL:F 02105610-cb3f-4857-a943-e78a4729fb50 ['root'::'4a297b6e-84a5-49b4-a6f0-431002853bf4'] ''Ubuntu One/ruald/Documents/Client Details/Santam/santam1-cpt-tygervalley-ho4-mi-9-10.png'' | Called new_local_file_created (In: T:LOCAL:F)16:23
psypher246what part of the process is that?16:23
psypher246hash or scan or upload?16:23
psypher246ok then what is it doing?16:24
psypher246i thought there is only a 3 step process?16:24
ryepsypher246, could you please pastebin grep MARK ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531273 in ubuntuone-client "Meta Queue takes ages: 28 minutes for 1457 objects" [Low,Confirmed]16:27
psypher246thats my issue16:28
psypher246low :(16:28
psypher246for a commercial product16:28
psypher246i know thats not your fault rye16:28
ryepsypher246, in your case there is 3 items per 2 minutes - this is SLOW16:28
psypher246but that is so disheartening, i actually am at the point where i am going to insits my money back from canonical16:28
ryepsypher246, in my case that's 14 items per 2 minutes - this is faster than slow but not as in your case. What is your lp username ?16:29
ryepsypher246, i want to check whether there is any slowdown on the server that hosts your data16:30
psypher246rye: and for you to tell me that these issues will only really be addressed in maverick, which is 6 months away, thats $100 for a service i cannot use16:32
ryepsypher246, your logs indicate that you have 1273 files to process. this is not a big number for ubuntuone - i have asked bout the db status16:33
psypher246rye: please explain the process to me again, cos elzapp has confused me now saying that i'm not hashing or scanning or uploading right now, then what is ut doing?16:41
ryepsypher246, actually it prepares the upload - the u1sdtool --waiting-meta will show you the current "waiting items in meta queue" . If you go to the web ui you will see these files in "Uploading" state16:43
ryepsypher246, 1. it sees new local file 2. it hashes local file 3. it notifies server about that new file 4. it uploads the file16:43
psypher246so at what point is it now?16:43
ryepsypher246, but upload queue will be running only after all items in the metadata queue are processed16:43
psypher246so it's still hasing?16:44
ryepsypher246, no, it finished hashing and now it notifies the server about new files it will be uploading16:45
psypher246rye: ok i see the web ui shoing the files all as uploading16:45
psypher246thats a new feature16:46
elzappI decided half a year ago that U1 was useless because it was too slow. I've paid for it the whole time, because money always makes it easier to fix the issues there is, and last week I decided to gite it a go again. Then it was worse than ever, and now I'm doing my best supplying rye & co with debug information so they can solve it17:01
elzappNot only was it slow half a year ago, it also randomly renamed files and folders *.u1conflict and made duplicates17:03
statikelzapp: there have been bugs, to be sure. we're gonna keep working on it until they are fixed. thanks for putting in the effort to provide rye and the other devs with debug info, i know it can be frustrating but it is *so* helpful with figuring out the bugs.17:04
psypher246but these bugs cannot wait till maverick17:05
statiksure, why would bugs wait until maverick? Lucid will be supported for 3 years17:05
elzapppsypher246: I have the feeling this is server issues, which means they can be fixed continously17:05
elzappand, there is updates inbetween releases as well17:06
statikwe roll bugfixes to the web once an hour, and to the other servers several times per week, and all the engineers have been working 12-18 hours a day for a LONG time now17:06
statiknobody is ignoring bugs and pointlessly postponing them17:06
elzapppsypher246: I have the feeling noone is waiting for anything, they're working really hard.17:07
psypher246statik: psypher246, the performance is reduced severily once the amount (not the actual data size) but the number of records goes up. I noticed startup performance drop at 1000 files and startup takes 10 minutes with 40000. After this there is a metadat queue processing which is not the most efficient part - as far as I know this will be addressed during Maverick release cycle.17:07
statikwe're already uploading the first SRU fix to lucid-proposed17:07
ryestatik, btw, what does that SRU contains?17:07
statikrye: the fix for the postal address funkiness when syncing from evo->web->phone17:08
ryestatik, the words psypher246 cited were mine. "During Maverick release cycle" = "Lucid release -> Maverick development cycle -> Maverick release"17:09
statikpsypher246: it's too soon to tell for metadata performance. once we have a working patch, we can argue about where to ship it, i certainly would like to ship it at least in lucid-backports17:09
psypher246well i would have thought with ubuntuone music going live this product would be working better than it is now17:09
statikpsypher246: we're gonna keep working on it :)17:11
elzappubuntu.com seems to have given in for the number of ubuntuusers that want new stuff :p17:15
=== rye changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: https://one.ubuntu.com | http://identi.ca/ubuntuone | Known issues: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status | Say "honk" to get help for Ubuntu One. Please be patient.
psypher246i know, thanks17:15
psypher246yeah don't get me started on NEW features17:15
psypher246imho and entire release should be dedicated JUST to fixing bugs17:15
elzappafter the karmic release I would say the same, but it got better with time, after some intermediate package updates17:17
elzappactually, lucid has felt more solid than karmic for weeks already, in my experience17:33
duanedesign'lo all17:44
elzapphi duanedesign17:46
autarchI'm having sync problems with songs purchased from the music store18:02
autarchthey show up in the web view but are not syncing18:02
ryeok, that's it, /me goes to write a script that will create a report of all we usually require here, such as u1sdtool --status , --waiting-meta --waiting-content and MARKs from syncdaemon log18:07
ryeautarch, just a moment, i will present you with a script that will collect some debugging info18:07
BlackZsomebody could take a look at bug #571798 ? thanks18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571798 in ubuntuone-client "Text grammar wrong in Ubuntu One Preferences" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57179818:15
sunk8hi, is this the right place where I might get some help setting up my account?18:20
ryesunk8, hi18:23
ryeautarch, could you please download the script from http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/ubuntuone-debug-collect.sh and run it as "bash ubuntuone-debug-collect.sh" in the terminal?18:23
autarchrye: will do, one sec18:24
ryeeh, forgot the version info...18:24
ryesunk8, what is the issue with the account?18:24
sunk8ubuntu one fails to work after i upgraded to lucid18:24
sunk8m running 10.04 RC right now. no copmuters seem to be configured to my 'client'18:25
autarchhmm, seeing a little progress18:26
autarchit's made directories for the albums now, though no files downloaded18:26
autarchin the meantime, I'd restarted the sync from the preferences -> Ubuntu One applet18:26
ryeautarch, hm, the output with "MARK" is what I am interested in18:26
autarchrye: are you going to poste another version?18:27
ryeautarch, no, for now i'll stick to this one18:27
autarchrye: http://pastebin.com/BUJuHHxy18:28
ryeautarch, ok, it actually has created all the folders and now it is querying the server, could you please run " u1sdtool --waiting-meta | wc -l " now?18:32
ryeautarch, could you please re-run?18:38
ryeok, it works though it is not super-fast18:39
autarchbut the songs are not actually being downloaded, AFAICT18:39
autarchthere's no new mp3s under ~/.ubunutone18:39
autarchand the music store still just shows "transferring ..." for every song I purchased18:39
ryeautarch, they will start downloading once all preparatory work for metadata is done, i.e. when u1sdtool --waiting-meta | wc -l will indicate 018:39
autarchevery song I purchased a few days ago18:40
autarchso any idea why it'd be so insanely slow? I'm on a 50/10 connection here18:40
autarchI think I have enough bandwidth to download some mp3s ;)18:40
ryeautarch, checking re: "transferring..." files18:41
autarchwell, that makes sense, since it hasn't actually synced said files yet18:41
autarchand keep in mind, I bought these songs on Monday (IIRC)18:41
autarchso the fact that it's _finally_ making some progress now is not reassuring18:42
ryeautarch, are these files appearing in your web ui ?18:43
autarchyeah, they were there when I came into the channel18:44
autarchbefore restarting the sync daemon18:44
autarchthe files report that they've been there for 1 day & 14 hours18:44
ryesunk8, could you please provide more info about whether you were running ubuntuone in karmic earlier and whether you get any errors18:45
autarchok, I bought the songs _yesterday_18:46
ryesunk8, additionally you might want to run http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/ubuntuone-debug-collect.sh that will collect some debugging info that might help in resolving this issue faster18:46
sunk8i was running ubuntu one in karmic without the client. but had my computer 'added'.18:46
autarchso I think they transferred to u1 immediately, and are taking forever to sync (and are therefore not showing up in rhythmbox)18:46
ryeautarch, you are right, the recent changes to the infrastructure should have speed that up but this appears to be working not for all users18:48
autarchanything I can do to investigate?18:52
sunk8k, I ran the script in a terminal and 'pasted' the report to pastebin. No machines added to my account, I've tried all available solutions from the forum.18:52
sunk8No encrypted keys, u1sync --authorize gives no output18:53
ryesunk8, could you please provide the URL to the pastebin it gave you?18:55
ryesunk8, just a thought - what browser are you running?18:55
sunk8firefox with no extensions18:55
duanedesignrye: did i hear something about a new script?  :)18:55
ryeduanedesign, kind of - apport collect w/o apport and w/o collect... - http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/ubuntuone-debug-collect.sh18:56
ryesunk8, ok, so when you open ubuntuone preferences then does the window appear?18:56
ryeautarch, what's the current reading on u1sdtool --waiting-meta | wc -l ?18:57
autarchrye: down to 518:57
ryeduanedesign, happy lucid lynx^W^W Ubuntu 10.04 LTS release!18:57
sunk8well, the terminal didn't return me with any url... I was just asked if I want to paste to pastebin and i said yes. The file simply closed.19:01
ryeautarch, by this time waiting meta should go to 0 and content queue should unfreeze19:02
duanedesignrye: yes i am excited. As usual on release day19:02
autarchrye: yep, it's at 019:02
autarchit's downloaded 1 whole song so far19:02
autarchooh, 2!19:03
ryeduanedesign, this time ubuntuone does not have any fatal bugs... like the historical bug #462230 fixed 1 day before the release but caused tons of user mixed experience of ubuntuone during first month...19:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 462230 in ubuntuone-client "Files are removed from server after sync is interrupted and resumed later (dup-of: 462828)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46223019:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 462828 in ubuntuone-client "Files are marked for deletion on server when syncdaemon is killed during sync: Capabilities mismatch is displayed for outdated clients." [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46282819:04
sunk8Ubuntu one preferences does open. But I have no account info there. If I click on Manage account, I can log into my account, but after that nothing happens.19:04
ryesunk8, ok, quick test - could you please close ubuntuone-preferences and then kill ubuntuone-login process?19:04
ryepaste.ubuntu.com really needs the history  - like http://pastebin.com has19:05
ryesunk8, after you do that could you please try running ubuntuone-preferences again?19:05
ryesunk8,  and one more - do you have "Ubuntuone token for https://ubuntuone.com"  in "Applications / Accessories / Passwords and Encryption keys" ?19:06
sunk8Done. No I don't have any keys except 'Passwords:login'.19:08
sunk8Ubuntuone preferences is up. Shall I connect?19:09
raphacongrats for the release!19:10
rapha(i'm still missing two songs though =) )19:10
mxpxpodare there plans to write an extension for chrome's bookmarks?19:12
beunomxpxpod, yes19:12
mxpxpodbeuno: what is the timeline on that?19:13
sunk8@rye I'm still on 10.04 RC Shall I upgrade to the latest release and try again?19:13
statikmxpxpod, i keep trying to avoid working on it ;) would you find bookmark syncing from chrome very useful?19:13
mxpxpodstatik: yes, very... I only use firefox for web development and chrome for my daily browsing19:13
ryesunk8, hm, could you please click on the arrow near Passwords: login entry in the seahorse(Passwords and encryption keys app)19:14
statikmxpxpod: do you need access to your bookmarks from your mobile phone and other computers that you don't normally use, or you just like them synced between your desktop browsers? Anything in particular that is good or bad about the built in bookmark sync in chrome already?19:15
mxpxpodstatik: I'd like to sync them between my phone and browser19:16
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mxpxpodplus, I don't trust my data to google ;)19:16
mxpxpodor, rather, would rather have it backed up on my computer/ubuntuone than google's server19:17
sunk8rye. Nope. There's no arrow here. Just one entry in 'Passwords'. It's a Keyring with Name 'login' and no details in 'created'19:18
ryesunk8, ah, ok19:18
sunk8earlier I had tried to delete this key and restart, no go. It appeared on the next boot.19:19
ryesunk8, hm, so when you re-opened the preferences application no new tab appeared in the browser prompting you to re-add your computer, right?19:19
statikmxpxpod: thanks, this is useful feedback19:20
mxpxpodstatik: cool19:20
mxpxpodthe only other thing I'd like to see (that I know you guys are working on) is pictures on contacts in U119:21
sunk8rye. No, I got the usual Ubuntu sign in page. I logged in and reached my Ubuntu One account page directly. Here in 'View the machines connected to this account', it tells me to visit installation details. It's all a vicious circle19:23
sunk8rye. And no change in the Ubuntu Preferences window. It's still the same.19:24
ryesunk8, when you open ubuntuone-preferences it should direct you to adding your machine to ubuntuone. If you were not logged in then you will be directed to Ubuntu SSO page. After you log in you will be presented with the screen to add your machine. When you add your machine then you will be redirected to localhost (syncdaemon receives the tokens required) and then you will have /files/ opened. When does that break for you?19:25
sunk8Well here's what happens: If I'm logged in, I reach my Ubuntu 1 account page directly. If I'm not logged in, I reach the SSO page. I log in and I reach the Ubuntu 1 account page. There is no 'add your machine' option/page. :-(19:28
sunk8To be sure, I had booted from a usb flash drive (changes discarded on reboot). Tried the same , no go.19:28
sunk8rye. Hey, I just noticed something. My username has deactivatedaccount appended to it!19:33
ryesunk8, huh ?19:33
ryesunk8, launchpad account has deactivatedaccount ?19:33
sunk8I dunno. I havn't used it in a while19:34
ryesunk8, ok, well, if you can login via SSO then you don't actually need launchpad account. So could you please close all one.ubuntu.com tabs in the browser then close the preferences application, then reopen it and see whether any web page came out19:36
ryei don't think we tested how ubuntuone works with deactivated launchpad account though...19:36
rapharye: so now that it's released, how can i get the missing songs into my account?19:41
ryerapha, do you have a "try again" button somewhere near the song that has failed to transfer?19:42
sunk8rye, closed all tabs... closed apps... Killed ubuntuone-login... Opened Ubuntu Preferences. Got the SSO page. Still waiting for logon...19:43
rapharye: yeah ... that never did anything. i just wanted to try again, but it shows "Connecting you to the Ubuntu One Music Store..." forever now19:45
sunk8rye. I'm at the lost something page now! Till a minute back I could log into my account in SSO! What hapenned?19:45
ryeok, please wait, the admins are now fixing login.ubuntu.com which pretends to be down19:45
beunoit's actually not pretending19:45
raphait *pretends* to? :-)19:45
ryeNo server is available to handle this request.19:45
raphaprobably overwhelmed19:46
ryewow, whole SSO does not want to cooperate... Somebody is logging in/logging out all the time now having fun :)19:46
raphaworks fine via the web for me, rye - maybe because i'm in europe?19:46
beunorye, ship it CDs19:46
ryebeuno, arghh... when launchpad was the openid provider was that the same during the release?19:47
beunorye, worst  :)19:47
ryebeuno, no favicon even?19:48
beunoit would take Launchpad down19:48
beunowhich is always fun19:48
sunk8rye. Thanks for your help. I think I'll run my update now and try on the latest kernel...19:49
ryesunk8, yes, that's a good idea since we can't contact SSO now reliably to diagnose the issue19:50
topylihrm. my user defined folders are syncing fine, but i threw a file in the actual ~/Ubuntu One folder and it won't budge19:54
topyliit shows in --waiting-content, but not in --current-transfers. it's been a while19:54
ryetopyli, does it show in u1sdtool --waiting-meta ?20:10
ryetopyli, i.e. is there a lot of entries there ?20:10
ryetopyli, and what is u1sdtool --status ?20:10
topylistatus is working_on_both. there's a lot of entries in --waiting-meta: a load of "Query", an UnLink, an MakeFile and a ListFile20:13
topylier, ListDir20:13
topylithe MakeFile seems to refer to my failing file20:14
topylirye, this space intentionally left blank: just hilighting :)20:14
ryetopyli, i am willing to replace the notice about the maintenance now but it looks like the team is tweaking the servers to be faster now that's why you may experience slow advance of metadata queue.20:16
ryetopyli, and there are some restarts of apiservers planned so that might disrupt sync and client will reconnect20:16
topylirye, ok, that's fine, it's not important or urgent. it's just a lucid screenshot i wanted to share on twitter using ubuntu one :)20:17
topylithanks, i'm sure the service is under lot of scaling pressure these days :)20:17
duanedesignpretty neat script rye . I amde sure to add that to my people.ubuntu.com site.20:18
ryeduanedesign, i guess we need to start an official project :)20:19
ryeduanedesign, in order to have one bzr source :)20:20
ryeduanedesign, these are in lp:~rye/+junk/ubuntuone-scripts20:20
duanedesignrye: i have that branch on my computer somewhere20:20
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twrighthonk, I have been having some issues getting ubuntu one to sync21:15
topylitwright, the servers are wonky right now as they're putting in more servers or something21:17
topylianyway, scaling up21:17
twrightok although I have been experiencing issues for several months since I activated the 'sharing  other folders' feature21:18
topylitwright, ok, probably another issue then21:19
twrightwhen I tried creating a new account it did work21:20
ryetwright, what is the actual issue you are experiencing?21:20
twrightwell it does not seem to be syncing21:20
twrightu1sdtool -s says it is working but system monitor does not report the download occuring21:21
twrightrye: it took an hour just to create the folder and it does not seem to be progressing21:24
beunotwright, you see, the problem is that as we add more servers, people's connections are dropped21:27
beunoso you have to do the whole auth, server and local rescan, again21:27
beunothe real-life speed will kick in once we finish adding more servers21:27
twrightbeuno: great21:28
adaszhello how can i change the login?21:28
twrightbeuno: any indication of when it will start working again21:28
adaszi logged in with the wrong account21:28
adaszhow can i change21:28
beunotwright, we're hoping to stop fiddling with servers and knobs within the next hour or two21:28
beunoadasz, log out at the top-right?21:29
adaszand then?21:29
twrightbeuno: great21:29
adaszbeuno, ?21:29
beunoadasz, go to one.ubuntu.com, sign in again with the correct account21:29
adaszbeuno, thx now it works21:33
adaszbeuno, can i make only to sync the files?21:34
adaszwithout the contact?21:34
beunoadasz, sure21:36
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piratemurraycan anyone help me with ubuntuone music sotre issues?22:12
ryepiratemurray, hi, what is the issue you are experiencing?22:13
piratemurrayhi there! i seem to be waiting an awefully long time for my downloads from 7digital to download22:14
piratemurraythey just say queued.22:14
piratemurrayi would say that after a while they download. one track at a time. but it takes a very long time22:14
piratemurrayis this normal?22:15
beunopiratemurray, no, we're just under heavy traffic today22:16
ryepiratemurray, do you see the songs in your https://one.ubuntu.com/files ?22:16
piratemurrayi'll check. give me two tics22:17
piratemurrayyes i do22:18
piratemurrayso the server load thing is totally normal. cool cool. thanks22:18
piratemurrayis this due to get better in the future?22:18
ryepiratemurray, ok, then this is what beuno suggested, " <beuno> twright, we're hoping to stop fiddling with servers and knobs within the next hour or two "22:18
ryepiratemurray, definitely, the team is now working to make file sync faster22:19
piratemurrayfantastic. thanks for that. btw i really like ubuntuone and the whole cloud concept22:21
piratemurraygreat job to everyone involved!22:21
ryepiratemurray, thanks :)22:29
* rye is definitely involved, he is running in circles screaming and shouting about bugs22:29
duanedesignrye: is  connect = 0  Connect on start?22:32
ryeduanedesign, well, for ubuntuone in lucid... hmmm22:32
ryeduanedesign, i believe this is not used anymore - /usr/bin/ubuntuone-launch22:34
duanedesignrye: sorry i meant karmic22:36
duanedesigni thought i had these written down, but cant seem to find them. I dont have a Karmic install anymore to figure it out.22:37
ryei have22:38
ryei need to  start my own server farm :)22:39
ryeduanedesign, 0 - always connect, 1 - remember last time, 2 - never22:48
ryepengudeus, hi22:55
pengudeusHello.  :D22:55
pengudeusI'm having an issue with adding my Computer to Ubuntu One22:56
ryepengudeus, what is the issue ?22:59
duanedesignrye: thank you!23:01
pengudeusRye: Sorry for the delay23:03
pengudeusRye: The instructions say to press the "add computer" button23:03
pengudeusRye: But I don't see an Add Computer button23:03
pengudeusRye: SIlly question, I know @_@23:04
ryepengudeus, ok, when you opened ubuntuone from me-menu was ubuntuone page opened in your browser?23:04
ryeautomatically i mean23:04
pengudeusyes, it asked me to sign in, which I did23:05
ryepengudeus, only to sign in and where have it brought you?23:05
pengudeusRye: It takes me to "My Account"23:06
ryepengudeus, ok, what are the options there, are you able to access Files Notes or you have only one Account tab ?23:07
blistovSo, how far away are we from u1 storing our desktop configuration?23:08
ryeblistov, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneConf23:08
ryeblistov, basically community specs23:09
ryepengudeus, have you subscribed to the service, by the way?23:09
weepeI hace question about U123:12
weepeI have configuration files in ubuntu one storage23:13
weepeI installed fresh 10.0423:14
weepeI logged in to U123:14
weepehow I get these files back to my ubuntu from U23:14
weepesyncronization works one way only?23:14
weepeUbuntu Desktop >> Ubuntu One?23:15
mattgriffinweepe: it works 2-way... thought you could also grab the config files you want directly from the website (https://one.ubuntu.com/files/)23:15
weepeI put some files to /home/../Ubuntu One folder .. these were sycnronized to server but files what I had allready there didnt syncronize back to my ubuntu23:17
mattgriffinblistov: that's 1 possible option in the future. i think there's a bug reported for that already and we probably categorized it in our wishlist23:17
mattgriffinweepe: hmm23:17
pengudeusRye: Yes.  I've subscribed to the free service.23:18
weepeU1 preferences show that Im connected and Syncronization is complete...23:18
mattgriffinpengudeus: sorry... Rye had to go. it was pretty late for him.23:18
pengudeusmatt: No problem.23:18
weepeI uploaded these files when I had 9.0423:19
mattgriffinweepe: there's a terminal command that you can use to get more info on the sync status. open a terminal and type 'u1sdtool -s'23:19
mattgriffinweepe: ah23:20
mattgriffinweepe: there should be any problem with uploading them from a 9.10 machine and syncing to a 10.04 machine23:21
blistovso, why did the u1 tray go away?  Everyone clearly wants it back... :)23:26
weepedisconnected couple of times and reconnected and now Im getting them23:28
mattgriffinblistov: it was a larger design decision to remove those type of icons and indicators... the tray can get quite long. we know people still need better indication of their sync status so we're going to work on it a bit for 10.1023:30
mattgriffinweepe: great!23:30
blistovmattgriffin, so right now all my machines are having problems syncing, and its rather difficult to figure out which are synced and which are not.  Still having some server issues?23:32
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duanedesignblistov: what desktop configuration files would you like to see synced?23:32
mattgriffinblistov: yeah. it's a bit rocky with all of the new users from the official launch today... we're working on it. sorry for the problems23:32
mattgriffinduanedesign: ohh... good question :)23:33
blistovduanedesign, most importantly, empathy, ff, and evolution settings.23:33
blistovduanedesign, though I'd really like to just see u1 integration, and I'd drop all my .files in there and symlink back.23:34
mattgriffinblistov: what aspects of ff?23:34
duanedesignI have an application that i have been working on. Currently it stores dpkg selections and some dot files like .bashrc .emacs .vimrc etc23:34
mattgriffinblistov: same question for evolution23:34
blistovmattgriffin, well right now, just plugins, as my plugins already do what oneconf would normally do.23:34
mattgriffinblistov: hmm... plugins. we hadn't considered that but it's an interesting idea23:35
blistovmattgriffin, so.. FF - history, bookmarks, passwords, and plugins would be great.  Evolution - settings only. don't need4GB of mail :)23:35
mattgriffinblistov: i can see how it would make life easier at times23:35
blistovmattgriffin, for most people, i suspect plugins are mandatory.23:36
blistovI've built lots of scripts to keep all my stuff in sync, but ultimately it requires cooperation from upstream devs.23:36
blistov... actually, maybe not anymore, as long as the application saves everything on the fly, instead of at close time.23:36
mattgriffinblistov: we looked into passwords and keys during UDSLucid but dropped it b/c it seemed really difficult and we had quite a full plate. it's a good thing to continue to investigate though.23:37
blistovmattgriffin, I'd love to start this project, but I really need to learn a more robust language first :)23:37
blistovIn my perfect world, I'd be listening to some music, while browsing a web page, and talking to someone via IM, on my desktop.  I'd then grab my tablet or phone and walk away, fully expecting to open my mobile device and it'd be exactly where I left my desktop.23:38
blistovoh, .. FF - tabs :)23:38
duanedesignblistov: +123:38
blistovIt'd be great if we could sync application state as well.  ie: empathy converation with mom open here.  sync it to my tablet.23:39
blistovpick up my tablet and leave, and my music continues on the tablet :)23:39
eeebuntuhey, how to connect my ubuntu 10.04 machine on ubuntu one?23:39
blistovAll individually very easy, but tying them together and standardizing is the fun part :)23:39
blistovAnywho, I gotta go and because I haven't invented a universal sync, my irc won't be coming with me (yet) :(23:40
duanedesigni started a project for what i was working on. After reviewing the OneConf blueprint i have been reworking it a bit. https://launchpad.net/stipple23:40
duanedesignblistov: have a nice day23:41
duanedesigneeebuntu: hello23:41
eeebuntuhey, how to connect my ubuntu 10.04 machine on ubuntu one?23:41
duanedesigneeebuntu: have you signed up for one of the subscriptions yet23:41
blistovduanedesign, mattgriffin, if you guys get this started, I've got tonnes of input from the past couple years of experience.  I'd be more than happy to throw down/test ideas.23:41
blistovI'm out.23:41
eeebuntuduanedesign: huh?23:42
eeebuntuduanedesign: huh? what does that mean?23:42
duanedesigneeebuntu: you go to one.ubuntu.com and pick either the 2GB or 50GB servioce23:43
eeebuntui have 2gb23:44
eeebuntuduanedesign: what next23:44
eeebuntuduanedesign: what next23:45
duanedesigneeebuntu: after that when you launch Ubuntu One from the Me Menu you will be prompted to add your computer23:46
eeebuntuduanedesign:not happining23:46
duanedesigntry this23:47
duanedesigneeebuntu: close the Ubuntu One window and open a Terminal (Appllications > Accessories > Terminal)23:47
eeebuntuduanedesign: ok23:48
duanedesignrun the command  u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login23:48
duanedesignafter that you can try to open Ubuntu One again23:48
duanedesignand it should open a browser window23:48
eeebuntuduanedesign: thanks! it works!23:50
duanedesigneeebuntu: great!23:50
eeebuntuduanedesign: meet me in a private chat.23:50
eeebuntunever mind23:51
eeebuntuduanedesign: NEVER MIND23:53
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