
SanGohansalut les gens12:56
SanGohanhello world12:56
SanGohangot a question12:56
SanGohanwhen lucid will arrive, will our studio be affected (of course with the sources.list) but do you think some softwares will be really upgraded with our studio configuration? thanks12:59
SanGohanor is it more safe to wait the studio team to check is everything is allright? thanks13:00
astraljavaSanGohan: The software is the same as with the Ubuntu vanilla. Whatever you use on plain Ubuntu, you use with Ubuntu Studio. Everything you install on US, you can install on Ubuntu.13:02
astraljavaSanGohan: Ubuntu Studio is just a branding, with carefully thought out _default_ software, with themes and certain other structures.13:02
astraljavaSanGohan: But the grounds are the same.13:03
SanGohanyes you're right. when i install servers, i'm working with pure debian, but i have to admit that ubuntustudio is working fine in desktop environment. excuse my english if i don't speak well, i need some vocabulary and some gramatical structures ;) but thanks for your answer :)13:04
SanGohanthe only thing i saw, is that the last time i was upgrading studio, i got problems13:05
astraljavaSanGohan: Your English is totally fine with me, I understand completely. Hell, it's not my native language either. :)13:06
astraljavaSanGohan: Do you recall what sort of problems you encountered?13:06
SanGohanok :)13:06
rlameirogood thing now ia that jack is on the main repository, and is configured at installation time13:08
astraljavaSanGohan: Testing with Studio setup is on-going for the devel cycle, so you can say that the team is checking that everything is alright.13:08
rlameiroardour and a lot of other software are being upgraded13:08
SanGohanyes, i started studio with 8 and each time i was upgrading. but i notice instability, at the boot, sometimes, i got errors with "unread ..etc." (i have to note it to give you). the GUI was instable too. and some network services like SMB were working one time of 2...13:08
rlameiroand the defaul guitar effects is now rakarrack13:08
rlameirocreox is out of the "default" ubuntu studio13:09
SanGohaneven on laptop and desktop. architecture is X8613:10
rlameirowell, now i am runnig on it13:11
rlameiroi dont have errors13:11
rlameiroabout the display, it can be because the drivers you use13:12
SanGohanyes you're right13:13
rlameiroyor graphic card, is it nvidia or ati?13:13
SanGohanabout the drivers. but with the boot sequence..i don't understand, i never saw that13:13
SanGohanit's not blocking13:13
rlameiroSanGohan: well, sometimes thats happens13:13
SanGohanbut "désagréable"13:14
rlameirobut if the sistem boots and works, normally are erros that dont harm13:14
SanGohanyes,infortunately ;) but this is our goal, to manipulate and have errors ;) it's exciting for us, engineers :D13:14
rlameiroSanGohan: You know, before linux didnt had a graphic login... the boot process was a bunch of lines printed on the screen13:15
rlameiroold times13:15
astraljavaErr... I always disable the splash, and watch the normal boot process instead.13:19
=== lameiro_ is now known as rlameiro
mezquitalewhen is lucid going to be released?? O_o18:37
mezquitalewhatever happ[ened to jussi01?!?18:38
astraljavamezquitale: Lucid is out tomorrow.18:52
astraljavaI dunno, just needed a nickcut?18:52
mezquitaleso now it's just jussi??18:53
mezquitaleno more 01?18:53
mezquitalejussi, where art thou!18:53
jussiI dont exist anymore! :P18:53
mezquitalei mean besides the point18:53
mezquitaleastraljava, do i should be able to download the DVD ISO tomorrow then?18:54
mezquitalejussi, what happened to the 01? O_o18:54
mezquitaleastraljava, **so** I should be able to download the DVD ISO tomorrow?18:55
astraljavaOh, I didn't realize I was in the US channel. Someone else from the team should be able to answer that one, but Ubuntu vanilla is released tomorrow.19:04
mezquitaleastraljava, ubuntu vanilla is released right now, i was officially released a few minutes I go, I just downloaded the ISO using the torrent19:05
mezquitaleastraljava, **it** was officially released a few minutes ago19:05
astraljavaOops, so it seems. I was certain it was not until tomorrow. Oh well...19:11
tucemiuxastraljava, if it's april 28 in your part of the world then it was released early, its april 29 in most part of the world, it's already the 30th in japan19:13
tucemiuxastraljava, thanks!  we got us a winner!!!  I'm actually going to upgrade this time, as oppose to do a clean install from an ISO, im most definetely not configuring all my appz in my server19:16
astraljavatucemiux: You have US as a server?! You're kinky. :D19:17
tucemiuxastraljava, im using ubuntustudio as an ssh server :-)  Nothing big though, im the only one that uses it for my own personal use19:23
astraljavaOkay, that makes more sense. :)19:43
digitaloktaydoes working rt-kernel with nvidia driver ?23:45

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