
jelmerPeng_: ping00:12
bendjIf I "bzr init-repo A; bzr branch (url) A/test1; mkdir -p A/B; bzr branch A/test1 A/B/test2"00:46
bendjthen, "cd A; bzr multi-pull", will multi-pull "know" to always pull in the correct dependency order?00:46
fullermdYes, but no.00:47
bendjOk, thanks!  Bye!00:47
bendjJust kidding ... pls 'splain00:47
fullermdYes, it will pull in "correct" order there, but not because of any sort of dependancies.00:48
bendjfullermd: Hrm.  How's that?  Order of creation?00:48
fullermdmulti-pull doesn't do anything more than "for i in `bzr branches`; do (cd ${i} && bzr pull); done"00:48
bendjalphanum order, then?00:49
fullermdLexical ordering of the paths.  At least, I'm pretty sure it orders 'em.00:49
bendjfullermd: hrm.  doable, then -- but a bit fragile. other than multi-pull, *IS* there a 'better way', then, to build a hierarchy of dependent branches, and, auto-update the whole shebang -- in correct dependency order?00:51
fullermdNot pre-built.  You could probably bang up something to pre- or otf- build a graph and walk it.00:51
fullermdThough I wonder why you'd just have a long chain of copies of the same branch.00:52
fullermdPresumably you'd actually have changes around, and be merge'ing rather than pull'ing, which generally means interaction anyway.00:52
bendjfullermd <klingon pain stick> versioning modules, core hacks, and site code for multiple drupal sites can be such a joy </klingon pain stick>00:53
fullermdIf it's a single series, loom could do some level of automation, but that doesn't help you once the branch graph branches.00:53
bendjloom? looking ...00:53
bendjas in http://www.isi.edu/isd/LOOM/  ?00:54
fullermdIt's a tool for automating having branch A, with branch B based off that, with branch C based off that, with branch D based on that, with...00:54
fullermdBut it doesn't help when you have branch A, with branch B based on that, with branch C also based on A, with branch D based on B, with branch E based on D and C, with...00:54
bendjah, heh -> https://launchpad.net/bzr-loom00:54
bendjfullermd: Comparing levels of pain/confusion, your point's looking better by the moment" "... generally means interaction anyway ..."01:02
bendj5 minutes of manual interaction versus the possibility to fubar the whole mess -- under script control.01:03
bendjmethinks "Door #1" is the saner option ...01:03
fullermdScripts are inanimate objects.  Inaminate objects are volitional entities hell bent on imposing any perversity imaginable on anybody in range.  Basic precept.01:04
bendjWell, some of the emplyees around her are inanimate objects as well ... more similar to voles than volitional entities.  But point taken.01:05
bendj{employees, here}01:05
fullermdExactly.  People are safer.  It's like the difference between genius and stupidity; genius has its limits.01:06
bendjfullermd: Heh.  I could extend that argument to DVCS vs sneaker-net-n-punchcards, but been there, done that already ;-)01:08
KilrooI need to write down the sequence of steps that I use that sometimes results in bzr concluding that the directory foo has been renamed to foo01:10
Kilrooand try to figure out why it happens.01:10
KilrooI keep being in too much of a hurry when it does.01:10
poolieKilroo: 'foo has been rename to foo'?01:36
KilrooI get a rename conflict on a directory with the same name. Haven't stopped to figure out why yet.01:42
KilrooI am having trouble recalling what I'm usually doing when it happens.01:43
pooliethis can happen when two people add the same directory independently01:43
pooliewhich is a known bug01:44
pooliespiv, did you see https://answers.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+question/108796 ?01:44
KilrooWell, that would explain it, even though I added them both.01:48
spivpoolie: hmm, no, I hadn't.01:48
poolieyou should subscribe to answers if you're not already01:52
KilrooI'm still debating what I want to do about the fiasco of "version control" we have at work...01:53
spivI am, but apparently not for loggerhead.01:54
KilrooI think, if either I can't get them to change how we're doing it at all OR I can convince them to move source code out of subversion completely, I'm going to end up pushing hg; if I can convince them to restructure the repositories sanely but they insist on sticking with subversion, I might stick with bzr.01:55
KilrooPersonally I like 'em both, but for purposes of adoption by the rest of the team I think HgEclipse might make the difference between getting brushed off and being given serious consideration.01:56
KilrooStill experimenting though.01:56
pooliejam, still here?02:38
KilrooI wonder if I'm going to end up fouling myself up by having a lightweight checkout for switching among the branches of a shared no-trees repository in .bzr/r.02:54
Peng_jelmer: pong03:03
Peng_poolie: No. jam /quit.03:11
poolieKilroo: no that's pretyt standard03:19
KilrooOk. I didn't think it was too likely to foul up anything, but I also wasn't sure how common it was to put things under .bzr that bzr didn't put there for you.03:20
poolieoh i thought that was a typo03:24
poolieyou should look at bzr-colo03:24
poolieit may confuse upgrade and things like that03:24
masmullinhello.  does anyone know if there is a timelapse view for bzr similar to this one (http://code.google.com/p/svn-time-lapse-view/) ?03:25
pooliecheck out bzr gannotate03:26
pooliebut not directly with a slider afaik03:26
masmullinthank you03:26
GungaDinIs there a way to make bzr ask for a username when executing bzr commit (with a remote url)?07:18
spivI think some transports like HTTP can do that.07:19
vilahi all07:28
vilaGungaDin: Like spiv said, http suports that, but most of the time you want to always use the same user to you specify it in the url (user@host)07:30
vilaand all protocols supports that07:30
vilapoolie: I can't find the tag for 2.2b1 in lp:bzr/2.2, it's associated with mbp@sourcefrog.net-20100401011841-9x637emlcah1a0qv907:39
vilapoolie: err, I can find the tag, but not the associated revision07:40
* vila gets more coffee07:40
pooliehi there vila07:44
pooliei didn't end up merging that branch because i tried a last-minute merge of some fixes from gary07:45
pooliethat ended up being rejected by pqm07:45
vilapoolie: no worries, just thought I mentioned it07:47
bialixhi all08:01
pooliehi there bialix08:07
bialixjelmer: if I want to check whether some directory has svn checkout inside, what method of bzr should I use?08:07
bialixhello poolie08:07
bialixthere is open_tree_or_branch method08:08
bialixI need the way to ensure bzr clean-tree won't delete nested branches/trees/repos08:08
bialixany suggestions?08:08
bialixhmm, `bzr ignore foo` does not check for duplicates. I don't think it's good08:13
pooliethat would be nice08:21
poolieobviously you can have globs that may overlap with each other08:21
poolieby precise dupes seem pointless08:21
bialixpoolie: how you call in english any bzr object (branch/tree/checkout/repo)?08:26
bialixas cummulative name>08:27
bialixas cummulative name?08:27
pooliecontrol component08:27
bialixso when I don't care what the bzr kind there but want to say "something which is bzr handle"08:27
bialixeither branch or tree or ...08:28
bialixbzr control component?08:28
bialixguidance needed on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/57209808:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572098 in bzr "`bzr clean-tree` should not blindly delete nested branch/tree/repo" [High,Confirmed]08:29
pooliebialix, i think if you do BzrDir.open it should tell you whether there is any control directory there08:38
poolienot specifically .bzr but also including .svn08:39
bialixthanks, that's what I need08:39
jszakmeisterHello all!08:41
jszakmeisterSo I was examining some history on bzr trunk recently, and saw something interesting...08:42
jszakmeisterthe tag for bzr-2.1.0rc1 is at 4981.1.6, but the bzr-2.1.1 tag is at 4797.41.108:42
jszakmeister...which seems a bit odd. :-008:42
jszakmeisterThat was meant to be :-)08:43
jszakmeisterLooking at it with qlog, it seems to make sense now.08:52
bialixqlog ftw!08:53
jszakmeistertrunk was merged into the branch for rc1, picking up some more fixes.08:53
jszakmeisterqlog is the best bzr tool there is!  I use it *all the time*.08:53
jszakmeisterBut it does make me think dotted revision numbers are less useful than I previously thought.08:54
bialixjszakmeister: and also slow08:55
bialixjszakmeister: they're human-readable08:55
bialixthat's main idea08:55
bialixdid you read recent thread from jam about history-db and dotted revnos?08:55
jszakmeisterYeah, and they're easier to remember... but I wanted to assign some meaning to it, and you really can't.08:55
jszakmeisterYes, I did.  Good stuff!08:55
jszakmeisterIt seems like a lot of trouble to go through to keep them useful though.08:56
bialixbut I was surprized that topo_sort is the main bottleneck though08:56
jszakmeisterYeah, it was all very intriguing.08:57
jszakmeisterI would have thought something so visible to the user would have a simpler calculation... I was surprised by some of the answers in that thread.08:58
* bialix nods09:00
bialixvila: ping09:03
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vilabialix: pong09:04
bialixvila: I have problems with selftest -s09:04
bialixwait a sec I do paste09:04
bialixvila: http://pastebin.com/UR68Awqc09:05
bialixI've added new test to bb.test_clean_tree09:05
bialixbut selftest don't see it?09:05
bialixwhat I'm doing wrong?09:05
Peng_bialix: "C:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib\library.zip\bzrlib" -- it's using the system-wide bzrlib.09:06
Peng_bialix: Run "./bzr selftest ..." or whatever the Windows equivalent is.09:06
bialix`python bzr`09:06
vilaPeng: wow ! Good catch :)09:07
jszakmeisterSo another weird tag issue: bzr tags on bzr.dev shows:09:07
bialixPeng_: many thanks09:07
jszakmeisterbzr-2.2b1            ?09:07
bialixnow I can't run test at all :-(09:07
vilajszakmeister: Yeah, I mentioned that poolie earlier, related to a pqm failure09:07
bialixbzr: ERROR: No module named testtools09:07
bialixit's not my day09:07
vilabialix: gee, that was changed sometime ago, you should run tests more often :-O09:08
bialixvila: I do run tests everytime. for qbzr and scmproj!09:08
vilabialix: easy_install ftw09:08
vilabialix: but not from bzr.dev it apperas09:08
* bialix hates easy_install but it does not matter09:08
jszakmeistervila: I thought that's what you were asking.  But how did the tag show up?09:09
vilajszakmeister: bug most probably09:09
Peng_Wait, now the bug is PQM is propagating tag too much? That's new. :D09:10
jszakmeisterI wouldn't think the tag would carry over without the corresponding revision...09:10
vilajszakmeister: yeah, me neither :-/09:10
jszakmeisterWould it be a PQM problem or bzrlib?09:11
jszakmeisterI'm curious if you can trigger this via the command line itself (I'm not sure how PQM does it's thing)09:12
vilajszakmeister: I'm not sure, I guess pqm could be involved09:12
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jszakmeisterHmm... maybe I'll play around a bit and see if I can trigger the issue.09:13
bialixvila: bzr get lp:testtools; cd testtools; python setup.py bdist_wininst -d.; run testtools-0.9.2.win32.exe <-- and no easy_install! :-P09:13
vilajszakmeister: if you find interesting bits, please file a bug09:14
jszakmeistervila: will do09:14
vilabialix: wow09:14
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vilabialix: worth giving feedback to the testtools project I think09:15
jszakmeisterHeh.  I can reproduce it.09:15
vilabialix: if only to tell them this alternative setup works out of the box09:15
bialixvila: testtools does not use setuptools and this is fine09:15
bialixvila: what kind of feedback needed?09:16
bialixeverything is fine09:16
vilabialix: yeah, that's good feedback :)09:16
jszakmeisterLooks like it's a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/9913709:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99137 in bzr "tags are "permanently" propagated by merge" [Medium,Confirmed]09:17
vilajszakmeister: cool, thanks for checking !09:19
jszakmeisterNo problem!09:20
jszakmeisterI'm going to add a note to the ticket saying that we were both a bit surprised by the behavior, if you don't mind.09:20
vilajszakmeister: sure, don't forget to click the metoo button09:23
vilajszakmeister: that should enough to nudge poolie to provide an updated tad :-D09:24
vilapoolie: bzr tags -> bzr-2.2b1            ?09:26
vilagrrr bzr erro 'check your limbo', yeah, it's *empty* just get rid of it !!09:27
poolieah, they propagate even if the merge is rejected09:27
vilapoolie: no worries, just a papercut :)09:28
bialixvila: yeah09:39
jszakmeisterIs there a way to get a list of the mainline revision ids between two revids, without the merged revisions (just the mainline)?10:01
pooliein code?10:02
jszakmeisterOr do I just need to use iter_merge_sorted_revisions and filter them myself?10:02
jszakmeisterpoolie: yes10:02
pooliei thought you'd be able to get them directly10:02
pooliei don't recall the precise function tohugh sorry10:02
jszakmeisterNo worries10:03
vilajszakmeister: bzrlib.log._get_mainline_revs() , but note that it's private10:03
vilajszakmeister: at least you can use it as an example10:04
jszakmeistervila: Thanks!10:04
poolieok good night all10:19
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ElMonkeyany pointers as to how to split off a sub-project from a repo without the sub-project retaining all unrelated history?10:53
ElMonkeyi'm in the situation that i'd like to release a part of a private project as open source, with the history, but of course wouldnt want the other parts of the project visible in the repo10:54
spivElMonkey: probably the easiest way is to use the bzr-fastimport plugin to export and filter a dump of the history, and import the filtered history.10:56
spivElMonkey: note that the history that will synthesise will have new revision-ids, so won't be easy to merge with the existing history10:57
ElMonkeythat wouldn't be a problem10:57
ElMonkeyknow of any article that describes the process?10:59
jszakmeisteDoes anyone know if you can limit the access to just the smart server over http?  Or do I have to allow both smart and plain access to http?11:01
bialixElMonkey: see the help for fastimport plugin and for fast-import-filter command. it's pretty straightforward11:12
Peng_jszakmeiste: Sure, if your web server is smart enough (no pun intended). Smart requests are .bzr/smart. Dumb requests are everything else under .bzr.11:12
Peng_jszakmeiste: Just curious, why?11:12
ElMonkeybialix, looking at it11:12
ElMonkeythough i'm currently confused what they mean by front-end11:13
ElMonkeyas in "front-end | bzr fast-import-filter..."11:13
Peng_ElMonkey: Whatever fast-outputs.11:13
bialixElMonkey: for you frontend will be `bzr fast-export` command11:13
Peng_Um. I hope.11:13
ElMonkeyah, ok11:13
Peng_OK then. :D11:13
Peng_Oh, right, "export" is the word.11:14
jszakmeistePeng_: I've got my server handling the smart requests, and I like that because I can easily put fine-grained access controls in front of it (check the authenticated user, and allow no access, read access or write access)11:14
bialixElMonkey: it supposed to support conversion from other (d)VCS11:14
Peng_jszakmeiste: Why can't you do that with dumb requests?11:14
jszakmeisteBecause being authenticated doesn't mean that you should be allowed to view the branch11:14
ElMonkeyhmm, i can't fast-export a subdir, can i?11:15
bialixyou can't11:15
jszakmeisteAnd it would dramatically increase the maintenance required as compared to our svn setup11:15
bialixmy favorite topic detected: ACLs!11:15
Peng_I thought building on Windows was your favorite topic. :D11:16
bialixphew! buildout kills windows builds for me11:17
bialixit seems my head is not robust enough to break the wall11:18
ElMonkeyspiv, bialix, thanks for the pointers, i think i'm on my way. just need things to re-appear at the right spot when importing11:27
ElMonkeythere's no way to make it keep stuff in a directory?11:29
ElMonkeyeg, i have source/foo.c etc i want to include11:29
ElMonkeybut they all end up in / in the new repo11:30
ElMonkeyi know i can solve this when importing11:30
ElMonkeybut what to do when i want foo/abc.h and bar/abc.h both?11:30
ElMonkeyor nevermind, i can apparently *not* make things reappear where they want even in the simple case...11:33
ElMonkeythe fastimport files are ok to be edited by a text editor, right?11:45
ElMonkeyi need to redact parts of some commit messages11:45
a212901390231901hm, I need to go out in a couple of minutes so I better save this for later, but the new fix for bug 491763 has the same problem as the old one,11:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491763 in bzr "unhelpful OSError from rename inside transform" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49176311:57
a212901390231901"%s %s %s" % (unicode, unicode, bytestring) is not safe.11:58
a212901390231901and if someone who set up for building windows installers could test lp:~gz/bzr/support_OO_flag_installer that'd be great11:59
Peng_ElMonkey: Yeah, go ahead.12:02
lifelessa212901390231901: your nick is uhm, undescriptive ;)12:02
Peng_ElMonkey: Obviously it'll change revision IDs and such if you import them into the same VCS as you exported them from, but if that's okay with you...12:02
Peng_lifeless: It's Martin[gz]. All of his other nicks were taken. We have too many Martins, eh?12:02
Peng_Thank goodness for {auto,tab}-complete.12:03
lifelessa212901390231901: have you registered martin[gz] ?12:03
ElMonkeyPeng, thanks12:03
a212901390231901in the UDS launchpad group you sent a link to? yes.12:04
lifelessa212901390231901: on freenode12:04
a212901390231901no, I'll pick something more sane next time I ping out.12:04
lifelessif you register with nickserv12:05
lifelessyou can then kick off anyone grabbing your nick12:05
a212901390231901I tried a bunch of different options I use on other networks and they were all taken, then I got annoyed ;)12:06
a212901390231901it's something of a miracle I've stayed on this long without being taken down by a brown out or my flakey hardware12:09
Peng_You say "miracle" like it's a good thing. ;-)12:16
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rbriggsatuiowahow do I specify a default format?14:52
rbriggsatuiowaI get warnings about "Doing on-the-fly conversion from RemoteRepositoryFormat(_network_name='Bazaar pack repository format 1 with rich root (needs bzr 1.0)\n') to RepositoryFormat2a()."14:52
jelmerrbriggsatuiowa: the default format is part of bazaar itself14:52
jelmerrbriggsatuiowa: in that particular case the remote branch is in an older format and your local branch is in a newer format14:52
rbriggsatuiowaso do I have to downgrade?14:52
jelmerrbriggsatuiowa: fetching between two different formats is significantly slower than fetching between two branches with the same format14:53
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* rbriggsatuiowa goes off to refresh his apt skills so he can install 2.0.314:54
jelmerrbriggsatuiowa: you can either downgrade your local branch ('bzr upgrade --rich-root-pack'), upgrade the remote branch ('bzr upgrade <url>') or live with the slowneess14:55
Peng_Can suppress_warnings suppress that warning?14:57
jelmerI'm not sure14:59
sproatyuhm did bzr just autopush? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/208074/15:17
sproatyhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sproaty/whyteboard/development/changes  hmm aparently so15:19
vilaspeakman: more likely you're using a checkout or a bound branch, what does 'bzr info15:21
vila' says ?15:22
* vila curses return key15:22
sproatyI think I did bzr bind yesterday while trying to solve pushing trying to push to http://15:23
vilarhaaa, /me curses xchat too15:23
vilasproaty: yes you :) 'bzr info' ?15:23
vilasproaty: right, so you've using a bound branch,, the commit happens on the remote branch first and then locally15:25
vilasproaty: there is nothing left to push in this case :)15:26
sproatywas wondering why there was a pause after committing15:26
vilasproaty: you can 'bzr unbind' and then 'bzr push' when you feel the need to publish your changes15:27
sproatyalrighty then15:28
sproatythank you very much, vila15:28
vilasproaty: you're welcome15:28
sproatybzr rocks, wish we were using it in work15:28
sproatyno more damn .svn folders15:28
rbriggsatuiowajelmer: thanks for your help - I installed from source and things are going smoothly15:30
rbriggsatuiowaalso - just wanted to mention how awesome the bzr plugin architecture is15:30
jelmerrbriggsatuiowa: np, great to hear :-)15:30
lelithi, I noticed that while the home page mentions 2.1.1 as the latest, the SourceDownloads page carries only 2.1.0...15:39
bialixlelit: it's a wiki, feel free to update it15:40
bialixanybody seen this before? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/57240516:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572405 in bzr "push from windows machine to linux is broken" [Undecided,New]16:17
bialixI'm tempted to mark this bug as Critical16:18
bialixlight checkout problem again16:21
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ShermanBoydHello, I'm pretty new to version control in general, and after a ton of research I've decided I'd like to use Bazaar.  I've got a Windows 2003 production server and a 2003 Dev server and a couple of developers running Windows 7.  I want the developers to make changes on the dev box for testing and then periodically push those changes to production.18:41
ShermanBoydHow do I approach this?18:44
ShermanBoydTwo branches?18:44
ElMonkeyso you want dev->testsrv->production ?18:48
ElMonkeywell, should be simple18:48
ElMonkeyall repos are "branches", if you will18:49
ElMonkeyso you just create a repo on each machine, and the push/pull appropriately18:49
ShermanBoydElMonkey: so I need to set up an sftp server on each one?18:50
ElMonkeyssh should do18:51
ElMonkeydunno how bzr behaves with network shares, though, that might be simpler18:52
ShermanBoydElMonkey: then the devs push to the dev server and I pull the final tested changes by running bzr on the prod server18:52
ShermanBoydthey are in different physical locations18:52
ElMonkeydifferent networks, too?18:53
ElMonkeyfor a long time i used a common repo on a usb flashdrive on one project, due to the computers not being networked18:54
ElMonkeybut anyway, ssh/sftp or samba shares should work18:54
ElMonkeypulling from a network share should certainly work18:55
ShermanBoydHmm, I think I'm still wrapping my head around decentralized ...18:56
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ShermanBoydanyone here interested in helping me set up bzr on some windows servers for $25/hr ?19:23
sproatycan someone explain about merging/branches? I've kind of done merging with svn at work, but not branches19:42
sproatylike if I was to branch off to develop a new feature, that I see as being code-heavy, and then I find/fix bugs in the main code base that was branched from -- how do you like get the changes over into the other branch?19:44
sproatyor is it a case of branching from trunk, working on that then merging that back into trunk19:44
fullermdGenerally, you just fix those bugs in the main branch.19:49
sproatythen merge the 'new feature' branch back into trunk?19:54
fullermdWell, not before the feature is ready to land   :)19:58
cody-somervillehow do I push a pending merge on top of a branch instead of merging all the revisions into one20:09
* cody-somerville forget he made a bunch of --local commits on a binded branch and ran bzr update.20:09
cody-somervillebzr: ERROR: Selected-file commit of merges is not supported yet20:13
cody-somervilleI have changes in my working tree I don't want to commit :(20:14
IslandUsurpercody-somerville, you could `bzr revert --forget-merges`, and then commit your changes file-by-file. if they're more intertwined than that, I wouldn't worry about it too much20:15
fullermdThat's almost certainly a bad idea.20:15
fullermdThat's just going to lose those commits and get you a bunch of illogical and entangled new ones.20:16
fullermdThe first thing to do is get a handle on your previous head state.  Update should have printed that out.20:16
fullermdAssuming upstream hadn't moved, you can use diff to recover your uncommitted changes relative to that, and stash that somewhere.20:17
fullermdUsing another branch (or unbinind that one), you can use pull to jack back to that last commit.  Re-apply the changes, commit them,  Push over the upstream.20:18
cody-somervillewhy wouldn't bzr revert --forget-merges not work? the commits were local and the master branch hasn't changed20:18
fullermdThen stab --local in the eye with a #2 pencil.20:18
cody-somervilleerr, sorry for double negation20:18
fullermdOh, it'll _work_.  But I doubt it'll leave you where you want to be.20:18
IslandUsurperbecause it does indeed erase the commits you've already done. but it leaves the changes in the working tree20:18
cody-somervilleso I can just commit now directly onto master20:18
fullermdIt'll leave you with all your local commits thrown away, and the sub of their changes (and whatever uncommitted stuff you had) sitting waiting to be committed.  That doesn't sound healthy.20:18
cody-somervillefullermd, all the changes from my local commits were still sitting in the tree since it was a merge.20:19
cody-somervilledoing a merge is like uncommiting everything and then recommitting it as a single revision but keeping the history20:20
fullermdIt...  umm...  not with any meaning of those words I can dredge up...20:21
fullermdTalking about "your changes" is ambiguous.20:22
IslandUsurperfullermd, sorry I mentioned --forget-merges. I should have just said "commit it anyway. it won't hurt."20:22
fullermdYou can take it to refer to the set of files as they now exist, or to the revisions you created.  revert --forget-merges leaves the former intact, but tosses the latter.20:23
cody-somervilleIslandUsurper, on the contrary, I'm all good now thanks to --forget-merges20:24
cody-somervillehow do I see the full log entries for pending merge revisions?21:06
IslandUsurperbzr log -n 021:07
fullermdThat won't tell you anything about pending merges.21:08
fullermdThere's no direct way through the UI.  You'd have to get your hands on the revid's and go from there.21:08
IslandUsurperqlog does it21:08
fullermdOh, really?  That's nifty.21:08
IslandUsurperI use it so much, I didn't think that regular log wouldn't21:08
IslandUsurperthough status -v will show you the commit messages of pending merge parents21:09
fullermdWell, it shows you something like log --line.  But that just shows you the first handful of words.21:09
* fullermd adds an entry to his "cool stuff about qlog" mental list.21:11
micahgwhat's the proper way to import files from a branch so one can merge between the two without the history?22:16
ubuntujenkinsIs there a command that i would use to view all the changes made in previous revisions to a particular file showing the lines changed in the file?22:25
micahgubuntujenkins: bzr log -p /path/to/file22:27
ubuntujenkinsthanks micahg22:28
KilrooSo guess what I learned today that I didn't know before22:33
KilrooI learned that switch first looks relative to where the branch you already have checked out lives22:33
micahgwhat's the proper way to import files from a branch so one can merge between the two without the history?22:33
micahgKilroo: that's what I was thinking, but I was worried about th efile Ids22:48
Kilroomicahg: I don't know of any meaningful way to merge without involving the history...if you don't want the history I'd think you'd just write/overwrite the files and commit.22:53
ikanoboriHey people, I was wondering if `bzr up` supports some kind of switch to make it pull unauthenticated. It seems it will always try bzr+ssh if I have a `bzr whoami`.23:00
ikanoboriOn a lp-branch that is.23:01
spivikanobori: lp: URLs are always resolved to bzr+ssh if you have done bzr launchpad-login23:50
spiv'bzr whoami' isn't involved at all.23:51
ikanoborispiv: Thanks for the clarification.23:53

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