
alkisgGood morning06:57
* stgraber waves11:42
sbalneavMorning all14:47
* bencrisford has really messed up his 'buntu cakes18:09
mhall119hope they still taste good18:10
bencrisfordI found a nice looking recipe, but it made way too many cakes, so I halved the ingredient amounts18:10
bencrisfordbut it seems I forgot to halve the sugar and vanilla :(18:10
bencrisfordso I have really sweet, vanillery muffiny cup cake things18:10
bencrisfordand then I sort of gave up with putting an ubuntu design on18:10
bencrisfordbecause I didn't know how I would do it18:11
bencrisfordso I just melted some chocolate and marshmellows on the top18:11
bencrisfordbasically, they are uber strong and sweet ubuntu cakes, that aren't actually ubuntu cakes :(18:11
bencrisfordmhall119: they dont actually taste that bad, but they can't be healthy :P18:12
mhall119even better18:12
bencrisfordand there is flour everywhere :( because I ripped the bag by accident18:12
bencrisfordill stick to oven chips and pizzas from now on18:13
mhall119bencrisford: this is the article that inspired my wife: http://blog.josephhall.com/2006/11/sugar-cookies.html18:26
mhall119his tux cookies are even more impressive: http://blog.josephhall.com/2006/11/tux-cookies.html18:26
bencrisfordmhall119: saw that yesterday when I was looking around online :D18:27
bencrisfordfor recipes and that18:27
bencrisfordI liked the look of his circle of friends ones also :)18:28
isforinsects'ello all18:46
isforinsectsbencrisford: questions continue: what (if anything) is going on with the curriculum team?18:47
bencrisfordisforinsects: if that is the same as the ~edubuntu-study-content, then afaik - very little19:05
bencrisfordhighvoltage: "9.10 is released" this time - the topic actually does need updating :)19:13
highvoltagebencrisford: indeed :)19:13
=== highvoltage changed the topic of #edubuntu to: Edubuntu | http://www.edubuntu.org | wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu | 10.04 is released!, see http://www.edubuntu.org/news/10.04-release | Help out with bugs: http://tinyurl.com/EduBugs | LTSP questions? also try #ltsp
bencrisfordhighvoltage: :),19:18
highvoltagebencrisford: you've got something under your chin there19:18
bencrisfordhighvoltage: do you mind if I edit the description of the teams blueprint so it includes what we discussed at the meeting wednesday19:18
bencrisfordand lol, so I have :P19:18
highvoltagebencrisford: please go ahead19:19
bencrisfordhighvoltage: btw, my ubuntu muffins kind of failed19:19
highvoltagebencrisford: heh! what happened?19:19
bencrisfordI couldnt be bothered to make them look ubuntu-y...19:19
bencrisfordbut before that I doubled the amount of sugar and vanilla by accident19:20
bencrisfordbut, they still celebrated the lucid release in their own way :)19:20
bencrisfordand it was kind of fun getting everything covered in flour19:21
bencrisford(clearing up on the other hand..  wasnt so fun)19:21
bencrisfordhighvoltage: ok, I have changed the summary to include what we discussed on wednesday, making it clear what our "Action plan" roughly is at the moment19:36
bencrisfordI stuck to the same style and layout as it was, just updating some of the content19:38

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