
oxymoronHi guys and girls, I wondering how do I call on Kickoff and/or Lancelot within Dbus or any similar protocol?00:23
Riddelloxymoron: qdbus org.kde.plasma-desktop /kickoff00:30
oxymoronRiddell: Thanks, do you know how to hide as well? :)00:35
oxymoronand maybe how it works for Lancelot?00:35
Riddellno idea00:36
oxymoronRiddell: Alright and one more thing, does that dbus command require plasma?00:37
Riddellwell yes, since kickoff is part of plasma00:38
oxymoronRiddell: Does it work as a plasmoid? The reason I wonder is that I am trying to explain how it works for Cairo dock devs so they can implement app launchers in Cairo Dock :P00:39
Riddellyes it's a plasmoid00:39
oxymoronRiddell: Alright and then how do you change the x and y position where the plasmoid should be show when calling dbus command for Kickoff? :)00:41
Riddelloxymoron: I don't think you can00:42
Riddelloxymoron: you can use javascript as an init or upgrade script if you want to do that00:43
oxymoronRiddell: Its possible for Lancelot like doing like this: "qdbus org.kde.lancelot /MainApplication org.kde.lancelot.App.show 10 150"00:45
oxymoronx=10 and Y=15000:45
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nixternalGreat job everyone on Lucid, you all did a smashing job. Thus far feedback and comments are looking promising04:35
claydohnixternal: I concur, it is early still but kubuntuforums is pretty quiet atm :)04:40
ScottKTm_T: Did you get a chance to test the final powerpc ISOs?05:45
ScottKNice.  Strigi decides to update it's index while I'm runnng a data analysis script on a 1.2GB data file.  Perfect time to suck up an entire CPU.06:27
persiaIt's trying to save battery time by not using your CPU when your machine is otherwise idle :)06:28
ScottKIt is somewhat interesting that this processing script was I/O bound on my last laptop that had a 5400 rpm hard drive and a two year old CPU, but is CPU bound on the new machine that has an SSD.06:34
persiaSo the limitation is more about the hardware than the coding style?06:36
ScottKYes.  Same code.06:41
persiaNice work :)06:41
Daskreechnixternal: ping06:51
nixternalDaskreech: pong07:09
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:29
Tm_TScottK: will try, though having family party today09:29
oxymoronIf I dont activate proprietary nvidia driver then I cannot activate desktop effects and use OpenGL for Cairo Dock (Required for transparency), but IF I do then plymouth resolution of logo and everything is going blurry and noisy, that didnt happen before when nouveau took care of my resolution and all. Why does this happen? :S09:29
oxymoronTm_T: ? :$09:32
oxymoronThis is weird, if I enable XRender instead of OpenGL everything works. But with OpenGL in system settings => desktop => advanced I cannot enable composite xD09:46
Tm_Terr, how plymouth can be disabled? I'm bit lost09:48
oxymoronTm_T: No, I dont want to disable plymouth.09:50
Tm_Toxymoron: I do09:51
oxymoronTm_T: Aha okay :P09:51
oxymoronTm_T: I dont know what happens if you just uninstall the packages, but if not you can change kernel settings to disable usplash or whatever it calls.09:52
Tm_Toxymoron: ye, got it now, plymouth package cannot be removed, it's part of whole boot process too tightly10:06
Tm_Tlovely, so now that I disabled plymouth splash, I cannot see at all what fsck does, nor cannot still cancel it10:10
Tm_Toh well...10:12
Riddelltime to start maverick? :)10:32
Riddelloh no, 4.4.3 time10:46
Tm_Tfun boot issues in u-devel10:46
Riddellarchive servers seem to be running slowly for some reason today11:10
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Riddellapachelogger, JontheEchidna, nixternal, seele bloggers of kubuntu go forth and big up 10.04 LTS!11:57
* apachelogger was trying to fly with a skateboard like spyro the dragon, but crashed and got the ouchy now :'(12:19
apacheloggerRiddell: cool12:19
* Riddell wraps apachelogger up in bandages12:20
apacheloggerdoesnt look that awful, but hurts like a monster :(12:22
* Riddell scared to look12:25
Riddellbit of Savlon, big sticking plaster and a nice hot chocolate you'll be as good as new12:31
apacheloggerif only I had such fancy stuff, usually I avoid almost killing myself ;)12:32
* apachelogger could go out for ice cream though12:32
apacheloggerkubotu: weather graz, austria12:32
kubotuWeather info for Graz, Austria (updated on 1:20 PM CEST on April 30, 2010); Temperature: 81 F / 27 C; Humidity: 26%; Dew Point: 43 F / 6 C; Wind: SSW at 4 mph / 6 km/h; Pressure: 29.89 in / 1012 hPa (Steady); Conditions: Clear; Yesterday's Heating Degree Days: 7 approx.; Sunrise: 5:44 AM CEST; Sunset: 8:07 PM CEST; Moon Rise: 10:55 PM CEST; Moon Set: 6:24 AM CEST; Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous12:33
apacheloggerthere, insanely hot12:33
nookie^apachelogger: u're from graz? i will come there to see that town in 2 months =)12:34
* apachelogger never understood why tourists would come to graz ;)12:35
apacheloggernookie^: make sure to give me a poke, we can grab ice cream or something :)12:35
nookie^apachelogger: sure! it's a deal :)12:36
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, did you try increasing the akonadi startup timeout?12:41
Riddelloh jings I started that but didn't finish12:41
Riddellonly had a netbook and it takes a long time to compile12:41
Riddelllet me try again12:41
shadeslayerGood work on the release page :D12:43
shadeslayerso when do we start on maverick?12:51
Riddell4.4.3 first12:52
Riddellalthough I'm working on kdevelop now12:52
shadeslayerhehe :)12:54
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ghostcubesmall fun13:55
ubottuHelp! apachelogger, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, Lex79, Quintasan, neversfelde, maco, rgreening14:02
rgreeningKDE 4.4.3 needs packaging14:02
kubotuapachelogger, JontheEchidna, Lex79, neversfelde, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, nixternal and Quintasan ... to the Batcave!14:03
Riddellrgreening: want to do the honours and clean up https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging ?14:04
* Riddell uploads kdevelop 4.0.0 to ppa backports14:06
Riddellam tempted to upload to real backports too14:06
* ScottK is travelling today, so won't be much help on packaging.14:08
JontheEchidnaThe way I see it, new packages in -backports can't hurt anything14:08
RiddellI shall make it sew14:09
ScottKRiddell: For kdevelop I think waiving the "must be in the development release first" rule is reasonable.14:11
JontheEchidnaDo we have anything in the specs regarding standalone QtWebKit ?14:19
RiddellJontheEchidna: we have a qt packaging review spec for our special guest stars Thiago and Jorgen from Qt14:20
JontheEchidnaooh, celebs at UDS14:21
ScottKRiddell: We should probably try to get fabo to particpate remotely in that one.14:21
JontheEchidnabatcave wiki cleared out14:23
seeleare the upgrade serves bogged down? i've failed getting packages for upgrade twice now :(14:25
Riddellquite probable14:25
JontheEchidnaNot uncommon for the few days after release. You might be able to find a mirror that isn't too shabby.14:26
JontheEchidnaIn fact, I believe the "select best server" feature in the software sources editor works this release, thanks to amichair :)14:27
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RiddellJontheEchidna: what does "Upload to kubuntu-s with ~ppa1 " mean?14:27
JontheEchidnaoops, that's a result of overaggressive text replacement in kate ;)14:27
JontheEchidnashould be kubuntu-ninjas14:28
JontheEchidnaand I'd edit it, but the wiki is being slow14:28
RiddellJontheEchidna: I don't think we want to package it for karmic, so I'd remove that section14:29
JontheEchidnathough we don't really have anything to do for maverick yet, so it'd wouldn't be in the way14:29
JontheEchidnabut I do suppose we want people to upgrade to 10.04 LTS ;-)14:30
Riddellor call it "optional"14:30
JontheEchidnasounds good14:30
JontheEchidnaMy dad's office has pretty good pipes: 525.7KB/s14:34
RiddellJontheEchidna: just what our torrents need14:36
Riddellapachelogger, Nightrose: who's Robert Frießleben and do I want to be his friend?15:20
NightroseRiddell: kubuntu.de guy iirc15:21
RiddellNightrose: how about David Watson  ?15:23
Riddellno wrong one15:23
Nightrosedon't think i've heard of him15:23
RiddellNightrose: how about Leonardo Finetti ?15:23
Nightrosekde bugs guy15:23
Nightrosefinex is his nick15:23
Nightrosenot seen him around lately though15:23
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kierenHey, I've installed Kubuntu 10.04 and it seems that QGraphicsScenes no longer work in QT/C++16:08
kierenThere is some code16:09
kierenThat's the error message16:10
JontheEchidnaThat error message is unrelated to your problems, and should be fairly harmless.16:12
kierenThe QGraphicsScene is created but the error message wasn't there in Kubuntu 09.1016:13
JontheEchidnabasically it's looking for the ibus input method (used to insert characters of other languges) but isn't finding it since you presumably don't have a need for ibus16:13
kierenOkay, thanks16:17
JontheEchidnaa bit annoying that it has to give that message, but should be harmless otherwise16:18
kierenYeah, if I install ibus-daemon and run it the error message doesn't appear16:19
Riddellhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kdereview/bluedevil/  new KDE bluetooth bits16:40
JontheEchidnalots of cool things are cooking in kde playground16:42
JontheEchidnaprint-manager, libqapt and now bluedevil16:42
nixternalRiddell: I was going to wait on the blog post originally, try to get it so we have at least 1 Kubuntu release post on the planet, but I was just thinking, if we flood the planet, ooh that would be fun :)16:58
nixternalI will work up a post today on it, that way there I get it on p.u.c and pk.o16:58
* JontheEchidna goes off camping for the weekend17:02
nixternalwas gonna tell him to have fun...camping sounds fun17:02
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rgreeningI luv working on Kubuntu... we get a new Lucid followed by an immediate upgrade for KDE :) haha18:04
rgreeningand this time we should be able to put in proper updates archive and not use PPA's!18:05
* rgreening assumes18:05
* rgreening thinks Riddell needs to remember to update bzr :)18:17
* rgreening pokes him18:17
rgreeningRiddell: do you have an uncommitted bzr for kdebase-workspace sitting on your system? Seems version 14 was pushed but not in bzr18:18
nixternalis it me, or is the 'kubuntu 10.04 lts...is here!' image on the homepage look really blurry?18:25
rgreeningnixternal: it's got a shadowed/fuzzy edge for sure.18:30
rgreeningnixternal: almost like the ink is bleeding through paper18:31
nixternalyeah, i can't look at it for long, my eyes start to cross :)18:33
rgreeningmaybe its in Real3D, and you need the glasses nixternal.18:35
oxymoronCould someone explain to me why I got error message outputs in Konsole while I am using it? :S I got messages like this: "Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-oxymoron" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0." and "/usr/bin/dolphin(11568)" Error in thread 139996565296912 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukstorage was not provided by any .service files"18:41
nixternali have those glasses too...my dad was at NAB 2 weeks ago and brought back a few pair18:41
nixternaloxymoron: did you fire off an app from within konsole?18:42
oxymoronnixternal: Nope18:42
nixternalhrmm...you just started konsole from the menu or alt+f2 and it does that?18:43
oxymoronnixternal: Yes :S18:43
nixternalwow, that is a weird deal...18:43
* nixternal fires up konsole18:43
oxymoronnixternal: Its really annoying because it just output a lot of text randomly while I am using the terminal myself :S18:43
nixternalI use Yakuake all of the time, which is just Konsole, but a quake style terminal emulator version of it18:44
oxymoronnixternal: Another weird and freaking weird thing is that not even apache2 works with permissions anymore. It seems all permissions got **************** up when changed /home to another partition :S18:44
nixternaldoes it happen every time? does it happen when you first start it up, or do you have to use it for a while18:44
oxymoronnixternal: It happens randomly18:44
oxymoron# /home was on /dev/sda2 during installation18:45
oxymoronUUID=ec515c21-a2be-4823-b861-1149f086a13f /home           ext4    defaults        0       218:45
oxymoronThats from fstab, is it correct?18:45
oxymoronnixternal: I must say I really hate permissions in Linux because they NEVER work as I want them.18:46
nixternalok then...the odd thing is the whole thing about dolphin...but if you are doing something, and say something is triggered in your ~/.bashrc and it isn't able to execute it and has an error, it does let you know, and in this case it is definitely file permission issue..which I guess you say might have happened when changing /home to another partition...as for the dolphin and nepomuk messages..i have no clue why those would be in there18:46
nixternalUUID=cb114d5f-7db3-4064-b2a9-020423d37bc6 /home           ext4    defaults        0       218:47
nixternalyeah, looks like mine too18:47
oxymoronalright, goodie then its not anything with fstab or so.18:47
oxymoronAnd yes perimission issue thats for sure.18:47
nixternalhwo did you go about moving /home to another partition?18:48
oxymoronnixternal: I choosed /home with a clean isntall of Kubuntu 10.04, so didnt move it.18:48
oxymoronnixternal: Something with groups or user permissions error, what permissions should / home have?18:49
nixternaldrwxr-xr-x   5 root root  4096 2010-03-10 13:44 home18:50
oxymoron   ---- /home is owned by me apparently, but hsouldnt it be userID 0 (root user)? :P18:50
oxymoronnixternal: Alright, how do I change /home to root:root?18:50
neversfeldedo we package 4.4.3 in bzr?18:50
nixternaldrwx------ 71 nixternal nixternal 12288 2010-04-30 12:50 nixternal18:50
oxymoronnixternal: What command to check that btw?18:51
nixternalls -l /18:51
nixternalfor home18:51
nixternalls -l /home/18:51
nixternalto see for your user directory18:51
oxymoronnixternal: Hmm: "drwxr-xr-x   5 oxymoron oxymoron  4096 2010-04-29 22:19 home"18:51
oxymorondrwx------ 37 oxymoron oxymoron 12288 2010-04-30 19:10 oxymoron18:51
nixternalls -l /tmp18:52
nixternaldrwx------ 10 nixternal nixternal 4096 2010-04-30 02:33 kdecache-nixternal18:52
oxymoronnixternal: I am not sure but I think I might changed group for /home folder to myself before, but how to change back? :P18:52
nixternalchown root:root /home18:53
nixternalsudo chown root:root /home18:53
nixternalcan't forget that sudo :)18:53
oxymoronHehe i forgot it to when doing the command xD18:53
nixternalthough, I don't think that is all that important, but I am not 110% positive on that...when you create users anyways, you use elevated priviledges, so it doesn't matter, I would think, who owns /home18:53
nixternalis kdecache-oxymoron owned by you in /tmp?18:54
oxymorondrwx------ 9 oxymoron oxymoron 4096 2010-04-30 19:55 kdecache-oxymoron18:55
oxymoronand in /var/tmp I presume :P18:56
nixternalyeah, my mistake there18:56
oxymoronnixternal: This is freaking annoying, whats left to try? :S18:56
nixternaldunno, you might want to hop into either #kubuntu or #ubuntu...i think you might get better answers from someone in #ubuntu though concerning the file permission stuff...i haven't done much sys admin stuff in more than 10 years, so without googling left and right, i feel i am a bit useless here18:58
oxymoronnixternal: They never answer in #kubuntu anyway :P But I think I have correct permissions now, but still doesnt work :S18:59
nixternaltype this in konsole19:00
nixternalwhat does it say?19:00
oxymoronnixternal: "uid=1000(oxymoron) gid=1000(oxymoron) grupper=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),105(lpadmin),115(admin),116(sambashare),1000(oxymoron)"19:01
nixternalok, that is correct19:01
nixternalyou aren't starting konsole like:19:01
nixternalsudo konsole19:01
nixternalare you?19:01
oxymoronnixternal: Nope19:01
nixternalor: sudo dolphin19:01
oxymoronsudo dolphin one time earlier.19:01
nixternaldon't use sudo with GUI apps19:02
nixternaluse kdesudo19:02
oxymoronwhy so? :P19:02
nixternalI don't know the entire reasoning behind it, but i know that is how it is supposed to be19:03
oxymoronHmm nobody answer in ubuntu either, its pure anarchy chaos in there :D19:03
oxymoronI try to reboot computer, helps sometimes in hard times .D19:04
* oxymoron is brb19:04
maconixternal: why is because of things like your .kde getting screwed up permissions if you use sudo but not if you use kdesudo19:23
nixternalmaco: don't know the answer to that 100%...I don't ever fire off apps with kdesudo...i used to know back in the dapper days when we were dealing with kdesudo vs. kdesu19:39
rgreeningkdesudo can set proper env vars that sudo does not export.20:00
rgreeningwithout the export, you get screwed up files/permissions in your home dir20:01
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maconixternal: i was giving you the "why" :P i wasnt asking a question20:38
maconixternal: cuz you said you didnt know why kdesudo was better20:38
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neversfeldergreening_: kdebase-workspace failed to build21:09
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neversfeldergreening_: sorry, was a bit confused, no problem there :)22:02
* neversfelde just realized that there is a difference between kdepimlibs and kdepim-runtime22:06
neversfeldenot my day, it seems22:06
neversfeldergreening_: now it really failed :)23:52
* neversfelde is a visionary23:53
yuriyooh it's out23:55
yuriycongratulations everyone23:55

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