
rippsShould I remove the intrepid builds from my gmpc/mpd ppas?04:12
persiaUp to you.  It's supported for another 12-15 hours :)04:15
persiaBut I suspect that there will be some mass-disablement at some point (much like there are no longer gutsy PPAs).04:15
micahgpersia: ripps: I think that's just the builders, not the PPA archvie04:31
persiamicahg: Then why aren't there gutsy PPAs anymore?04:32
micahgpersia: you can't build, but if it's built, I think it satys04:33
* persia definitely remembers them existing in the past04:33
persiaAh, interesting.  And one has to hack the URL to see them (e.g. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+a)rchive/ppa?field.series_filter=gutsy04:34
persiaAnyway, probably does no harm to just leave them then.04:34
micahgas long as there aren't any security issues IMHO04:35
wgrantRight. obsolete-distroseries.py only does primary/partner.04:35
KIAazewill all the official builders from the build farm be reallocated to the PPAs later?08:37
wgrantKIAaze: The PPA builders are currently busy serving Ubuntu releases.08:38
KIAazeah ok08:38
KIAazeand what are thoe preivate builds?08:38
KIAaze"private source"08:38
wgrantProbably security updates.08:38
KIAazeeverything will be back to normal on 2010-05-01?08:39
wgrantProbably not.08:39
wgrantBut what do you mean by "all the"?08:39
wgrantThere are three official i386 builders, and only two amd64 ones.08:39
wgrantNot many.08:39
KIAazewell, there are a lot of "private source" builds listed there08:40
KIAazeand the rest is marked as idle08:40
wgrantNote that most of those builders are for obscure non-PPA architectures.08:40
KIAazecan they switch architecture?08:41
wgrantNot without incredibly, incredibly slow emulation.08:42
KIAazeeverything feels slowed down when a new ubuntu release comes out. ^^08:42
KIAazeon wednesday, packages started to build within a few minutes, now it looks like a 2-6 days queue. I'm guessing a lot of rebuilding against the new lucid repositories.08:44
Peng_Isn't it possible to mark a merge proposal superseded?09:00
Peng_I don't see it now.09:00
Peng_A merge proposal was superseded by a different branch. For now it was marked 'Rejected', but that's not ideal.09:01
spivThe Superseded state exists, but I think is only set by submitting a new merge proposal for the same branch.09:10
spivSo in your case Rejected is probably as close as it gets :/09:11
spiv(Unless maybe the launchpad APIs let you set it?)09:11
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FloSofthi, is it possible to upload files via email?11:14
FloSoftlike the upload-python script, but via mail?11:14
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tsimpsonFloSoft: for bugs, yes https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface#Attaching%20files%20to%20bugs12:21
thopiekarmaxb: ping12:23
FloSofttsimpson: and for "release"s?12:24
wgrantFloSoft: There is no email interface for them.12:24
tsimpsonthere may be a way with the LP API, but not via email12:24
FloSoftokay i have a python script which does not work correctly12:25
FloSoftwhich uploads it via lp api12:25
thopiekarI created a new ssk-key with seahorse, removed the old ssh key and added the new one but I just get ssh thopiekar@bazaar.launchpad.net -> Permission denied (publickey).12:25
tsimpsonthopiekar: did you remove your old key from your system?12:33
thopiekarand I think I found the problem..12:33
thopiekarthe using bzr it is using the default .id_rsa12:34
thopiekarbut my ssh key for lp is in .id_rsa_112:34
tsimpsonyou can change that in your ~/.ssh/conf12:35
thopiekarfound a article about that here: http://20y.hu/20081012/how-to-use-different-ssh-keys-for-different-services-smoothly.html12:35
tsimpson* ~/.ssh/config12:35
thopiekaryou should add that to the launchpad / bzr wiki12:35
tsimpsonit is12:35
tsimpsonI've been meaning to ask something, are "bug nicknames" used any more?12:51
tsimpsonwhere you could assign a bug a "memorable name"12:51
ubuntujenkinsI have been pointed in this direction to ask, I have done 'dget http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/x/xindy/xindy_2.4~pre1-3.dsc' which gives me a *.orig.tar.gz *.diff.gz and a *.dsc. This is all from debian but is not in ubuntu due to a build fail. I would like to put it all in a ppa, how ever i don't know how to make a *.changes file for it. (source is here : http://packages.debian.org/source/stable/xindy )12:58
ubuntujenkinsdoes any one know how to make the *.changes file?12:59
tsimpson"debuild -S" from the extracted directory should do it13:00
akherondpkg-source -x *.dsc; cd dir-name; debuild -S13:00
akheronaltough this recreates the *.dsc file too13:00
ubuntujenkinsthanks tsimpson and akheron I will give it ago13:00
tsimpsonor dpkg-genchanges13:01
tsimpsonbut then you'd need to "debsign" the changes files to upload13:02
ubuntujenkinswow tsimpson and akheron, thank you two days of pain solved. (on another problem as well)13:05
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ubuntujenkinsIt worked with xindy but with texlive-base i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/425217/ any suggestions?13:15
tsimpsoninstall quilt13:16
ubuntujenkinsdoh! thats obvious thanks. the xindy package got rejected http://paste.ubuntu.com/425219/ any thoughts?13:19
tsimpsonchange "unstable" to "lucid" in the debian/changelog13:20
tsimpsonor just bump the version with dch -i13:20
ubuntujenkinsok thanks I will give it a go13:22
ubuntujenkinsthey have been excepted now thanks tsimpson.13:41
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kromagghi uh14:02
kromaggdo I report launchpad bugs on launchpad?14:02
intellectronicakromagg: yes14:02
kromaggI actually came here to ask if there was a problem with launchpad but it just came through so14:03
kromaggbug report it is then14:03
deryckkromagg, you can report here:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone14:04
deryckkromagg, if you file against launchpad itself it gets moved to malone eventually, but it's slightly quicker of you file on malone.14:04
kromaggokay thanks, I was having trouble finding the exact project to report against14:05
kromaggIn case you're interested, I got an OOPS-1581D1213 on reporting a bug against xorg14:06
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kromaggI'm assuming it's because of the crapload of attachments xorg adds14:07
kromaggah the number is a uniqid14:07
kromaggit's already in there though, #35790714:09
kromaggthanks for the hint14:09
lifelessthat oops hasn't propogated yet, sorry14:10
kromaggeventually managed to report the bug anyway so nps14:14
kromaggthe original one, that caused the oops14:14
rdbJust wondering - how is it possible to assign multiple people to a single blueprint?14:50
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
bacrdb: there is a single assignee, which can be a person or team14:52
xnoxam I having maverick hallucinations or we have amel ppa now?15:11
jpdsxnox: Yes.15:12
xnoxamazing thank you =)15:12
rdbarmel ppa? wh00t!15:19
rdbHow can it be enabled?15:24
bigjoolsarmel will be reserved, it's not for general use15:24
rdbOh, OK.15:24
bigjoolsway too flaky apparently15:24
rdbWhat defines the lucky elite that is priviledged to make armel builds?15:25
rdbWho do I have to sleep with to get an armel ppa?15:25
bigjoolsright now, just the Canonical OEM team15:25
rdbHmm... OK. Well, still an interesting development. =)15:26
xnoxrdb, I love the "who do I have to sleep with" test =)15:32
qenseAre patches accessible via the API in the bug.attachments collection, or do they have their own entry point?15:43
tsimpsonqense: those include patches too, you can see if it's a patch from the type attribute15:46
qensetsimpson: OK, thanks15:46
tsimpsonit will be either "Patch" or "Unspecified"15:46
qenseok, great!15:46
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humphreybchiya everyone, who should I speak to about build machines?17:13
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
BlackZCould somebody delete a project registered by me on launchpad ? It was a test.22:44
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tsimpsonBlackZ: you need to file a request on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad22:45
BlackZtsimpson: OK, thanks22:45
tsimpsonbtw, if you want to test things out you should use https://staging.launchpad.net/22:46
tsimpsonit's database gets reset daily22:46
wgrantWell, not quite daily these days.22:49
tsimpsonwell, it non-permanent anyhow22:50
braxapt won't install anything. :(22:57
BlackZbrax: This channel is for launchpad support & questions only. Please ask in #ubuntu .22:58
braxI asked in ubuntu and they told me to ask g=here... :C23:00
azopbrax: either another package manager is running, or you have a more serious problem that might be fixed by simply restarting the computer23:01
azopbut, it's a #ubuntu question for sure23:01
tsimpsonwhen they said check LaunchPad, they meant http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu23:04
tsimpsonoh, he left anyway23:05
lbieberFrom https://code.launchpad.net/~drizzle-developers/drizzle/development I click on "All revisions" but keep getting "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server"23:16
_habnabitSo it looks like the code browser is down.23:45
_habnabitIt said wait a minute or two, but it's been about half an hour for me.23:45
wgrantLOSAs: ^^23:46

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