
thorwiliainfarrell: morning! i showed a similar screenshot to kwwii, but did not talk about the color issue with him, otherwise09:13
thorwilvish: if you open one of the for-web SVGs of the ubuntu logo, does it look much more red than what you see in the guidelines pdf, too?09:14
vishthorwil: what screenshot?09:16
thorwilvish: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/7e44f4cb5d9bf6be8d062b2eef5c793109:17
thorwili'd like to have confirmation that the same happens on other systems, as i'm still on karmic, but with a custom inkscape build09:18
* vish checking09:18
vishthorwil: where is the cof_orange_hex_svg.pdf?  did you generate that?09:21
vishusing inkscape or in the files?09:21
thorwilvish: yes, pdf export of cof_orange_hex_svg09:21
thorwilvish: but if it's the same on your system, it doesn't matter if you llok at it in inkscape or export to png or pdf, that color stays the same09:22
vishthorwil: the colors are different09:22
thorwilvish: does it match the colors in my screenshot?09:23
vish just a sec09:23
knomeiainfarrell, sent you a reply09:25
iainfarrellhey knome09:25
iainfarrellWe're in Brussels for the next two weeks preparing for UDS09:25
knomeokay. :) i never got that invite by the way ;]09:26
vishthorwil: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot-2.png09:41
vishthe exported pdf and the svg are the same , but the eps file is a bit different09:42
vishand the guidelines are the same color as your screenshot09:43
thorwilvish: thanks09:43
thorwiliainfarrell: so it's not an oddity on my system. the EPS on vish's screenshots has #e72100 instead of #dd3a2109:45
vishand the branding ones are totally different09:45
thorwiliainfarrell: you could try if using inkscape on a mac makes a difference, but you might have to investigate how the assets and guidelines have been created, regarding platform, color profiles and software09:48
thorwiliainfarrell: though it does look like the hex color values are quite simply just wrong09:48
thorwildoubly so for the EPS09:49
vishwhy is the guidelines having the totally wrong colors ? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot-3.png09:50
iainfarrellvish and thorwil: We'll need to investigate why this is happening because these colours are identical on other platforms09:50
vishiainfarrell: well , I'm on Lucid *Ubuntu* , not sure which platforms they were tested ;)09:51
thorwilvish: on OS X and Win 7, of course ;)09:51
iainfarrellthorwil: I've not looked on Windows :)09:52
iainfarrellvish and thorwil: I need to understand more about how colour spaces work on Linux09:52
iainfarrellbecause I think that's what's causing this issue09:52
thorwiliainfarrell: perhaps it's some color management on the mac with adobe tools, vs no color management at all on ubuntu?09:53
* vish ... leaves this to thorwil , already bugged kwwii enough for another issue ;p 09:53
thorwilvish: heh, this is all i have to say about, enough bugging :)09:54
iainfarrellthorwil and vish - have you come across similar issues elsewhere?09:55
thorwiliainfarrell: no09:56
thorwilkwwii: would you mind if i edit brand_of_thumbs.png to close the shadows/frames on the top of the pages? they all look cut off, currently09:57
vishiainfarrell: well , the one i mentioned to kwwii was the ubuntu branding files being named as *K*ubuntu > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot-Properties.png  and kwwii is already on it09:57
kwwiithorwil: sure, go ahead09:58
vishiainfarrell: btw , you guys should scrub the metadata from the files ;)  we dont want other to know we depend on mac/adobe ;)09:58
iainfarrellvish - yeah kwwii and I are talking about this already09:59
iainfarrellregarding the colours issue09:59
iainfarrellI'm going to start doing some digging on this and find out why it's happening10:00
iainfarrellI think I know why and I'm not sure there's much we can do about it10:00
iainfarrellin the short term at least10:00
iainfarrellthe pdf guide is the correct orange10:01
iainfarrellwhy the other files are opening like that I think is to do with how the application treats different files rather than how  the colour is set in the file10:01
thorwiliainfarrell: well, simply sampling the orange from the pdf would yield better results on ubuntu10:01
kwwiithorwil: the files with the hex colors are correct thought10:01
kwwiithorwil: ie, when I open them they show the correct colours10:02
kwwiithorwil: note that the pantone and cmyk will not appear to be the same anyway as they are slightly different values10:02
iainfarrellthe hex values might be right but the way they are rendering on your screen isn't10:02
kwwiiie one cannot simply reduce cmyk into hex10:02
vish well , not really an issue for me.. :)  but its the sort of stuff the design team gets poked about like > http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/V5T-2y66sVE/ubuntu-1004-press-releases-enter-wild.html10:02
iainfarrelllook at the orange we're using on Ubuntu.com and then look at the way that EPS has opened10:03
iainfarrellit's clearly wrong10:03
kwwiiwhich EPS?10:03
kwwiinone of the colour managed ones will open correctly on linux10:03
kwwiithat I get10:03
iainfarrellhey kwwii the one in T's screenshot10:03
thorwilkwwii: i had 3 years vocational education that included printing technology. i think i understand pantone and cmyk and the problems with converting to rgb values quite well ;)10:04
iainfarrellthorwil: so do you know what's happening here then? :)10:05
thorwiliainfarrell: i can only guess that it is color management related10:06
kwwiithorwil: I can confirm that the orange in the hex files is the correct value10:07
kwwiithorwil: look at the palette value for the orange and then open the file with gimp and pick the color10:07
thorwilkwwii: what about the difference between the SVGs and the EPS?10:07
kwwiithorwil: so it seems the pdf is the incorrect orange10:07
iainfarrellthorwil and kwwii am I right that there is no system wide management in Linux?10:07
kwwiiiainfarrell: there is but it is very rudimen tary10:08
kwwiithorwil: just checked the svgs and the colours are simply wrong10:09
iainfarrellkwwii: I see, are there projects out there to make it better?10:09
thorwilkwwii: ah, so it should be a reddish orange, not a medium orange!?10:09
kwwiithorwil: right dd481410:09
kwwiior so10:09
vishiainfarrell: is that the new font used in the branding guidelines pdf?  [or atleast the incomplete one?]10:10
iainfarrellvish yes it is10:10
thorwiliainfarrell: then i bet the toll that generated the pdf applied some color conversion according to some inappropriate profile10:11
thorwiltool, even10:11
vishneat ..10:11
iainfarrellvish thanks :) it's coming on very well10:12
thorwilfor a possible revision of the guidelines, the line-spacing should be increased. maybe tracking, too10:12
kwwiiI take back my comment that the SVGs are wrong10:14
kwwiiwhew :-)10:14
thorwilok, turned http://www.foopics.com/showfull/04037ab3ef5a93392c273ea4d3a559d9 into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/VisualIdentity?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=brand_of_thumbs.png10:20
ktogiashello. I am refreshing the style of the web site of greek loco team and I would like to add some banner usiing the font of the new logo. Is that font available for download? Where can I find it?11:36
kwwiiktogias: the new font is not available yet11:36
ktogiashm... I would like to make a banner for 10.04 release like the one apearing at ubuntu.com top "It's time for a change ..." . Do you have in mind any other font that will match nicely with th new ubuntu logo?11:38
=== kwwii changed the topic of #ubuntu-artwork to: Channel for the community artwork team | The new font is NOT AVAILABLE but there are Visual Identity Guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/VisualIdentity | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art
kwwiiktogias: to be honest, I do not11:39
kwwiimaybe someone here would like to help?11:39
kwwiithorwil, anyone?11:39
thorwilktogias: 2 fonts have been mentioned that seem to be similar, but both commercial11:40
ktogiasIf commercial then useless (for me at least...)11:41
ktogiasAny clue on when the logo font will be available?11:42
kwwiiktogias: no, sorry11:42
thorwilktogias: Gillius might be reasonable next to the new logo-type11:43
ktogiasthanks thorwil . I'll give it a try.11:46
thorwil0.o http://www.goodshowsir.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/camelot3.jpg11:47
kwwiinow that looks good11:49
knomeiainfarrell, sent you mail11:54
directhexoh, wow, there IS a new gdm screen. bug 532659 was keeping it a secret12:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532659 in gdm "new theme not applied" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53265912:18
kwwiisounds like there were issues with people updating12:19
directhexi was waiting for one of those to start existing before making a grub2 theme. i wonder how long i've been wasting time12:26
kwwiidirecthex: since about beta1 or 212:41
toxzi want to paint for ubuntu a picture14:03
islingtonanyone in here do plasma themeing?14:05
kwwiiislington: yes, it is very simple14:07
islingtonkwwii: not when the documentation is old and incomplete; do you know what frame.svgz is themeing?14:08
kwwiinot off hand14:08
kwwiiI would assume a frame around something though :p14:08
kwwiiislington: when I do not know what something does, I make it bright red and check14:08
islingtonmmm that is essentially what I did, made it white when my theme is dark, but I dont see any difference :(14:09
kwwiiyou should ask pinheiro in #oxygen14:10
islingtonk thanks14:10
kwwiiwow, I found something we should update14:30
ktogiasthorwil, everybody: Just finished with the installation and translation of 10.04 banner to ubuntu-gr LoCo team site. Isn't it beautiful?: http://www.ubuntu-gr.org/ ... Thanks a lot for your help!17:31
thorwiliainfarrell: size guidelines for logo use should include pixel sizes, perhaps.17:54
kwwiiwell, the week is over for me and I have a two week trip on Sunday20:38
kwwiihey DanRabbit_20:54
kwwiihow's things?20:54

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