
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
shahanproblem on downloading Torrent01:00
shahaneveryone is saying that they are getting spedd while downloading torrent01:00
shahanbut I am getting not more then 25-30 KBps01:01
phillwshahan: all bets are off for about 48 hours01:01
shahanphillw: bets?01:01
phillwif there are more leeches than seeders the rate drops, sadly too many leeches and not enough seeders. the majority are just "me, me, me" and do not understand that giving a little helps.01:02
shahanphillw: but getting seed 39(6748) and peers 9(3917)01:03
phillwshahan: idk, all i know is that i don't bother for at least 48 hours.01:05
pedro3005fala lobinho01:12
lobinhoit seems not everybody is very happy that Lucid Lynx was released today01:18
ddecatorno release ever satisfies everyone =p01:19
lobinhobut what about the celebration, the big event? D:01:19
ddecatorcelebrations happen throughout the first month of release =)01:20
ddecatorright now is the "yay, upgrade bugs..." celebration01:20
pedro3005hey ddecator01:20
ddecatorhey pedro300501:20
pedro3005how are you?01:21
ddecatorpretty good, just finished a midterm today, so now i can relax a little. busy weekend though. yourself?01:21
lobinhocome to think of it, I downloaded the first alpha that was released and it worked almost perfectly01:21
lobinhoonly the partitioner had some issues01:21
ddecatorlobinho: that's fairly common with LTS where they aren't making too many major under-the-hood changes01:22
lobinhohmm, I see01:22
ddecatornormal releases, i wait until a3, and even then they can be pretty buggy (at least in the past they have been)01:23
pedro3005Oh, I'm good01:23
pedro3005ddecator, how's Python? :P01:27
* phillw coughs at pedro3005 saying he is O:-)01:27
ddecatorpedro3005: didn't get a chance to work on it yesterday, gonna practice a little tonight =)01:27
pedro3005hello, phillw01:27
pedro3005ddecator, fun :) I'm stuck on the same problem you were, except in C01:28
ddecatorpedro3005: haha, fun stuff. btw, i asked in -team, but do you have a program you would recommend for writing py3 scripts? geanie is just py2 and idle is pretty basic for actual writing..01:29
pedro3005ddecator, Python 3 and 2 aren't different enough that you'd need a different program... I use GEdit for all my programming01:29
pedro3005and I love it :D01:29
lobinhocli rlz *-*01:30
pedro3005lobinho, no vim thank you01:30
lobinhoI mean the compiler ;)01:30
ddecatorpedro3005: following the byte of python, i've run into a few things that he uses that are in python3 but not 2. yah, i've used gedit for editing files when packaging, i like the scheme it uses for coloring the scripts01:30
pedro3005lobinho, compile python? dunno what you have been smoking...01:31
lobinhoI never learned Python, so I don't have a clue whether it is compiled or interpreted :p01:31
pedro3005interpreted as they get01:32
lobinhoI'm just saying I prefer compiling stuff through cli :p01:32
pedro3005I compile C code through CLI too01:32
ddecatorgedit has plugins? o.o01:32
ddecatori feel like i've been living in the dark..01:32
ddecatorwhoa, built-in python console, win01:33
pedro3005yeah, but I can't get it to work :X01:35
pedro3005oh, found it01:36
pedro3005View > Bottom Pane01:36
pedro3005certainly helpful01:36
lobinhohey, anyone knows how to use "su user" or "su - user" within a script? I mean, when the console asks for the password, how do I make the script enter it? I'm assuming I know the password for "user" and don't mind writing it01:38
Vantraxlobinho, you generally make it so your script runs as root02:11
Vantraxcron, cronweekly/daily/monthly or even run by rc.local02:11
lobinhobut the user who'll execute it shouldn't be a sudoer02:11
Vantraxthen you add the script to the sudoers file02:11
Vantraxthen they dont need to be sudo02:12
lobinhooh, didn't know about that02:12
lobinhoand then, the script which runs as root can execute commands through any user account, is that right?02:12
Vantraxyou go sudo visudo02:13
Vantraxthen add what scripts you want to be run without root02:14
lobinhogoogling it right now02:14
Vantraxfor example this is a line i use in one of my labs ALL ALL=/sbin/lsmod,/sbin/insmod,/sbin/rmmod,/bin/setserial,/bin/mknod02:14
Vantraxso the user can run lsmod insmod, rmmod, setserial, and mknod as user when they require sudo normally02:14
lobinhobut does that solve the problem of running a non-root command as another user? like user A logging temporarily as user B only for one command in B's account...?02:16
Vantraxwhy do you want to do it?02:16
Vantrax(and in answer to your question no... but there is probably another way02:17
lobinhoso that other people at home can resume my torrents while I'm out :D02:17
phillwlobinho: you would use the group part of unix privalideges for that, not try to over-ride owner privalidges ?02:17
Vantraxyep phillw02:17
Vantraxif you give group rights to it, and put the users in the group they can do it without being you02:18
Vantraxdepending how you are trying to do it02:18
lobinhobut I think the privilege issue is not with the script itself, I believe it's in the command instead02:18
Vantraxwhere is the program installed?02:18
Vantraxis it in your userspace or in /bin02:19
Vantraxor /sbin02:19
Vantraxor /opt/bin02:19
lobinhoprobably /bin02:19
phillwmake a new group, and simply add the users you want to it.02:19
Vantrax or...02:19
Vantraxso your using something like transmission02:19
Vantraxand want to be able to have another user use the command line to resume it under your account02:19
lobinhowith "$ transmission-remote -s" I can resume torrents through cli02:20
Vantraxbut that command has to be run as user02:20
lobinhoI read somewhere that "su user" makes us log in as user instead of root02:20
lobinhoand the console asks for user's password, as well02:21
Vantraxnow with a script run as root you can do a su user (because your root) and you dont need the user password02:21
lobinhoonly I can't figure how to make the script enter the password02:21
Vantraxso your script should be something like su user && transmission-remote -s02:21
lobinhooh! I didn't know that02:21
Vantraxand add the script to sudoers02:21
* Vantrax is going to double check that.. hasnt done that particular trick in a bit02:22
lobinhosomeone logged as root doesn't need anyone's password to execute a command as another user?02:22
Vantraxno, someone logged in as root can assume a user02:22
Vantraxjust booting up a machine to test that on02:23
lobinhoand why "&&"? I thought of adding the transmission code in the next line02:24
Vantraxjust means and execute this one too02:25
Vantraxjust verified that that does work02:27
Vantraxlong as you are root you can su to any user without a password02:27
lobinhowhen I tried "su user", either from terminal or from a script, I got an error02:28
lobinhodon't remember what it was like, but it was something related to graphics02:28
lobinhooh no, not graphics, but SCIM02:30
lobinhoshould I paste the output here? it's 10 lines02:30
Vantraxuse paste.ubuntu.com02:34
Vantraxthen give the link02:34
lobinhothat part was actually just a warning02:35
lobinhoI think I did it!02:37
lobinhofirst I'm opening gedit with another account whose password I know, so that I'll go there and see if it worked02:37
lobinhoshould it still be there when I log in for real?02:37
lobinhogonna check that now, brb02:37
lobinhoit wasn't there02:38
Vantraxi would try creating a file as the client02:39
Vantraxor making a directory02:39
Vantraxthat will show up properly02:39
Vantraxopening graphical programs from a command line as a user is much more tricky02:40
lobinhoor maybe this script could execute another script, which would then call Transmission02:40
lobinhothe second script would be run as the user, so no problem here02:40
lobinhowhat do you think?02:41
lobinhoVantrax, thank you very much for the help02:44
lobinhoI appreciate it greatly! I believe this is gonna work *-*02:44
Vantraxsorry, was afk a sec02:46
Vantraxthat would also work too02:46
Vantraxbut so would just doing su user && ...02:46
lobinhowow, I wrote "su user && gedit" and gedit opened up on my own screen, and the terminal where I typed "sudo ./script.sh" became user@...02:48
lobinhoI'll try just clicking on it02:49
Vantraxsu user only allows you to run a command with that users rights03:15
Vantraxso if your running a graphical program it will run in your session with that users rights03:15
lobinhothen I'll have to keep on searching03:16
lobinhothere must be a way to start a session and run a program... maybe some hard low level coding? D:03:18
wahbenVantrax, you mean like "su USERNAME -c COMMAND" ??03:18
Vantraxthats the one i was thinking about03:21
Vantraxlobinho, use su -c user transmission-remote -s03:21
lobinhoyeah, tried su user -c gedit right now03:22
lobinhogotta log int as user to see if it's there03:22
lobinhoI'm afraid Pidgin/IRC will drop in the meantime, so brb03:22
Vantraxit will03:22
lobinhohmm, nope, gedit was not open in the other session03:23
lobinhoneither did Pidgin drop03:23
Vantraxi dont think that it works with graphical commands03:23
lobinhohey, in the manpage I found an option -l or --login03:24
lobinhoMake the shell a login shell.  This means the following.  Unset all environment variables except TERM, HOME, and SHELL (which are set as described above), and USER and LOGNAME (which are set, even for the super-user, as described above), and set PATH to a compiled-in default value.  Change to user's home directory.  Prepend ‘-’ to the shell's name, intended to make it read its login startup file(s).03:24
lobinhoFailed to launch SCIM.03:25
lobinho(gedit:18571): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:03:25
Vantraxthats a display issue tho lobinho03:48
Vantraxthat actually told you it workd03:49
Vantraxhow are you going to launch an application when it doesnt have a display to put it on03:49
Vantraxanother session (ie yours) has it03:49
lobinhowhen I launch it through mouse click, it doesn't display anything, since there's no terminal screen...03:50
lobinhoso why does the program not open, when we do have a terminal output telling us it works?03:51
Vantraxmaybe get your script to have an exit message so you can verify that it completed03:52
Vantraxit can cat to a file to give success comments03:52
lobinholike this...?03:53
lobinhosu user -c gedit | cat output03:53
Vantraxwell that depends03:54
Vantraxsu user -cl gedit | cat /tmp/output should work03:55
lobinho-cl is like -c AND -l at the same time?03:55
Vantraxi would recommend not using gedit03:55
lobinhooh, why not gedit?03:56
Vantraxi would not use a graphical program03:56
Vantraxbecause your session has the display03:56
lobinhobut that's the point03:56
Vantraxso you cant open an application on a display03:56
lobinhoTransmission is a graphical program03:56
Vantraxtransmission is both03:56
Vantraxalso, transmission will already be running03:57
Vantraxso your not trying to create a new instance, just send a command to a program already in memory03:57
lobinhothat depends on the situation03:58
lobinhomost of the times, my account won't even be logged03:58
lobinhoI mean, everytime I leave with my session blocked and Transmission running, my mother eventually reboots so that she can surf the web03:59
lobinhothen, if she is to run a script that will resume my downloads after she's done, Transmission won't be already running in the first place03:59
duckieanyone know how to get a wireless network set up with ubuntu...im new...04:05
lobinhoif you have the hardware plugged, it's all automatic :)04:06
lobinhoat least it should be o.o04:06
duckiemy wireless is built in to my laptop04:06
duckieand since i have ubuntu, just got it two days ago, im used to windows, it hasnt been working04:06
duckieand i have no idea how to make anything work04:06
duckiei just need to set up the router in my house04:07
duckieand somehow get it all working04:07
lobinhothe one that came with my laptop just worked as soon as the system loaded everything04:08
duckiei dont have the software for my wireless router04:08
duckieive had it for a long time and i dont know where it is04:09
lobinhobut you shouldn't need any software for this04:09
duckieand it wouldnt work with ununtu anyhow04:09
duckieits a microsoft wireless g router, and i have a laptop, and ubuntu 9.1004:09
duckieanyhow, its alright, ive been trying to do this for two days now,  maybe you know where i can find help thru a website or something04:10
duckieim really not used to ubuntu yet and i have a lot of trouble trying to find things04:11
lobinhowhich is somewhat strange, since it always provided me with everything I needed - apart from specific applications, of course04:12
duckieoh well04:13
duckieill just keep trying04:13
duckiethank you for your time04:13
lobinhoyou sure the router works in other OS's?04:13
duckieit worked fine in windows04:13
duckiebut my wireless card in my laptop doesnt connect anywhere now04:14
duckiesince i got ubuntu04:14
duckiei cant connect to wireless anywhere04:14
duckieand i dont know what to do to fix it04:14
duckieand i dont know how to get my computer to recognize the wireless router04:15
duckielike in normal windows how you would run a set up or something04:15
lobinhothere should be a connection icon in a panel, usually on the top-right corner04:16
duckiebut it doesnt see any wireless connections04:16
lobinhotry clicking on "edit connections" (right-click menu)04:17
duckieit only has the auto etho thing04:18
duckiewhich is all these wires on my floor04:18
duckieim guessing04:18
lobinhoyes, auto ethN are wired connections04:18
lobinhobut the wireless signal should be listet as well04:19
duckieso how do i get it to see the wireless04:19
lobinhohmm... by clicking on "edit connections", maybe you can create a wireless network04:20
lobinhoI'm not sure if that would do04:20
duckieive tried that04:21
duckieive been clicking around for a bit, let me see if i can make it work now04:21
duckiei may be back04:21
duckiethank you for your help04:21
Vantraxboo, i was awa04:39
Vantraxwhen ducky comes back get him to find out what adapter he has in his laptop04:39
Vantraxhe can use lspci ( lists pci device) and lsusb ( lists usb device)04:40
Vantraxthat will give him his model04:40
Vantraxalso have him check for restricted drivers04:40
ddecatori'm surprised how quiet it is in here..05:35
shahandowonload finished06:15
shahannow need the checksum of 10.0406:15
shahannot getting06:15
shahanstarcraftman: ...06:15
shahanphillw: ...06:15
shahanI need emergency help06:16
shahanneed check sum of ubuntu 10.0406:16
shahanany one can help me?06:17
ddecatorthe hash for md5sum?06:17
shahanddecator: yes06:17
shahanddecator: of ubuntu 10.0406:17
shahanddecator: can u help me?06:18
ddecatorshahan: i'm finding it =)06:18
shahanddecator: to get the hash of ubuntu 10.04... I am not getting it06:18
shahanddecator: ok06:18
shahanddecator: please06:19
ddecatorshahan: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS06:20
shahanddecator: tnx very much :-)06:20
ddecatorshahan: np =)06:20
shahanI am back07:10
shahanwith ubuntu 10.0407:10
ddecatorvery nice =)07:11
ddecatorwelcome to the future07:11
shahanddecator: I am looking for ubuntu-restricted-extras offline installer07:11
shahanddecator: do u have any know source?07:12
shahanddecator: known?07:12
ddecatorwhy would you need offline?07:12
shahanthats great07:12
shahanddecator: I need as someone has no internet07:13
shahanddecator: its could be helpful07:13
shahanddecator: is there any problem?07:13
ddecatorwell, it's not included on the system, so the only offline solution i can think of is downloading the .deb, putting it on a flash drive, then installing it on the other system..07:14
shahanddecator: do u know any source for downloading the .deb file of ubuntu-restricted-extras?07:15
ddecatorcheck the package details, find the one you need07:16
ddecatorthat is, click the arrows next to whichever verion they have07:16
Akosgood morning team07:21
Akosone more mirror for the downloaders if anyone wants to post links http://ubuntu.akos.me07:22
ddecatormorning/evening Akos07:22
ravibnHello! I need help with my booting problem08:46
Akoshi ravibn, what seems to be the problem ,the wider you explain, the more can someone help you (:08:46
ravibnHi, I ran an update few minutes back and it asked me to restart. After the restart in the boot menu I select generic kernel 2.6.31-21-genric to boot. I got an error msg "1.185157 Kernal Panic - not syncing VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block (8,17)" However I rebooted again with older version generic kernal 2.6.31-20 it works fine. How to fix this problem ?08:47
ddecatori swear i just saw someone ask about that..08:50
ddecatorah, you asked about it in -launchpad =)08:51
ddecatorok, so i'm not crazy08:51
kermiacddecator: from reading the backsroll I believe that was ravibn earlier08:52
ravibnyes! I had asked this earlier but got no response from anyone08:52
ddecatorsorry, i saw it, but i'm not familiar with the kernel =\08:52
kermiacravibn: are you running ubuntu inside wubi?08:53
ravibnthats right under win xp prof08:53
kermiacah... one sec, I was reading something about that a few days ago08:53
ravibnbut this update happened only today08:54
kermiacravibn: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8639088&postcount=7908:55
kermiacyes, the same thing happened to a few people using wubi the last time there was a kernel update08:55
ravibnbasically I need to uninstall wubi by unistall-wubi.exe and then install this wubi from the url09:00
kermiacravibn: I don't think you need to uninstall wubi, just overwrite it with the new wubi from that url09:01
ravibngottcha you ! let me do that and I will get back on this channel09:02
ddecatori don't miss the wubi days..09:07
kermiacddecator: yeah, I'm not a big fan personally - but it is useful to help people transition to lubuntu :)09:10
ravibnkermiac : I did replace the wubi from that url but the problem was not solved09:10
ddecatorkermiac: did the trick for me, haha. then windows decided it wanted to move all of the files necessary to boot for no apparent reason. decided to dual-boot after that09:11
kermiacravibn: please try this updated version http://people.canonical.com/~evand/wubi/lucid/wubi-r189.exe09:14
kermiacyou will need to rename it to wubi.exe09:14
ravibnOk! I will give it a try09:15
_Commander_anyone here09:25
ddecator_Commander_: what's up?09:26
_Commander_need help09:26
_Commander_after some updates my computer wont boot09:26
ddecatorhm, quite a few people seem to be having that, i saw a lot of threads on the forums about it09:27
_Commander_was running lucid beta2 and updated some pakages today about 120mb09:27
ddecator_Commander_: can you be more specific about what happens?09:27
* kermiac goes to eat dinner. If ravibn is still having issues with wubi can someone pls direct him to the "if you have issues follow this procedure" part of http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9030372&postcount=109:28
_Commander_freezing during boot09:28
_Commander_stuck at loading initial ramdisk09:28
ddecatorany error messages?09:29
ravibnkermiac : Hi! the problem got solved. This got solved with the earlier version of wubi09:30
ddecator_Commander_: hmm..unfortunately i'm not very good with boot issues =\09:31
ddecatorespecially when it's 3:30am, haha09:31
_Commander_hm.... stuck with my phone on xhat....09:31
ravibnkermiac : you r online still  ?09:31
ddecatorravibn: good to hear =) kermiac might be busy at work atm09:32
ddecator_Commander_: ok, let me take a look to see if i can find anything on the forums09:32
ravibnanyway thanks09:32
ddecatornp, it's what we're here for =)09:33
ddecator_Commander_: can i ask how you know where it's getting stuck?09:33
_Commander_while loading initial ramdisk.09:34
ddecator_Commander_: on the forums it sounds like people had luck booting with a live cd then reinstalling grub09:37
ddecatorwe had some issues earlier with grub...if you got the iso after they fixed it, you shouldn't have run into issues, but it might not be the same problem09:38
_Commander_hm odd09:38
ddecatorer, wait09:39
ddecatorsorry, there is several people talking about different issues in this thread..09:39
ddecator_Commander_: is ubuntu the only OS on your computer?09:40
_Commander_windows 7 as second09:40
ddecatorcan you boot into windows still?09:40
_Commander_not tried. doing a live cd into lynx09:41
geirhaDoes the previous kernel boot?09:41
ddecatori know some people were unable to boot into any OS, and that was due to GRUB or, in some cases, the MBR09:43
ddecatorok, i can't stay up any longer, i need sleep...09:47
_Commander_night night :)09:47
ddecatorgood luck _Commander_ i'm sure others can help you if you run into any issues09:47
shahanstarcraftman: r u here?10:13
shahanstarcraftman: you online?10:13
shahanis there any site which provide the Linux alternative  of Windows software?10:16
shahanis there any site which provide the Linux alternative  of Windows software?10:17
shahanis there any site which provide the Linux alternative  of Windows software?10:17
shahanis there any site which provide the Linux alternative  of Windows software?10:18
geirhashahan: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/switching/index.html10:20
geirha«Ubuntu equivalents to Windows programs»10:20
geirhaThere's also linuxalt.com10:20
shahangeirha: tnx10:22
shahantnx very much10:22
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javatexanhey guys I had the Update manager update my kernel yesterday and it appears that now my touchpad scrolling is now not working.....odd eh?14:18
javatexanwoohoo, its back this morning!!!!14:21
geirhaDoes it work if you boot the previous kernel?14:21
geirhaOh, fixed by magic? :)14:21
javatexanI have no idea, I tried it this morning and voila.....Maybe the laptop was tired and the long sleep last night fixed it.  LOL!!!14:23
starcraftmanjavatexan: you have failed to factor in the magic linux gods, they work in mysterious ways.14:24
javatexanI am not complaining....perplexed, but not complaining14:24
switchgirlikt, have you come across the issue of ubuntu failing - ie gwibber isn't working for me nore firefox14:35
geirhaFirst thing I'd check is space usage. df -h14:36
iktfirefox isn't working?14:37
geirhaIf / or /home is full, that would likely be the problem.14:37
switchgirlnot full14:38
geirhaSo that can be safely ruled out :)14:40
geirhado you get any error messages?14:40
switchgirli just can't post or update14:42
geirhaMaybe firefox has been updated and you haven't restarted it?14:43
iktthat's odd14:43
iktI always have /home separate so I can do a quick reinstall if need be14:44
switchgirlnope i rebooted several times#14:44
geirhaHave you looked in ~/.xsession-errors for errors relating to firefox or gwibber?14:45
LzrdKinghi switchgirl15:02
pizza_the_hutgood morning. did anyone upgrade to lynx?15:02
LzrdKingis this in lucid?15:02
nigelbabuswitchgirl: keyboard refuses to post anything?15:09
nigelbabuand only thing that works is alt ctrl del and you have to hit restart?15:09
switchgirlno it can type15:09
switchgirlit wont post it15:09
LzrdKingso enter is busted?15:13
switchgirlLzrdKing, it isn't it just adds a line15:17
LzrdKinghow about at the command line?15:18
LzrdKingmaybe you need to change the batteries in your wireless keyboard15:19
geirhaI had a partially broken keyboard a while back. After hitting ctrl+something, the keyrelease event wouldn't always trigger for the ctrl key, so when hitting Enter, it would actually be treated as Ctrl+Enter15:20
geirhatapping the ctrl key usually "shook it loose"15:21
julianHi I just installed v10.4lts with wine and timidity, and although it worked at first now I have no sound and the hardware isn´t listed in audio configuration15:33
digitalstimulushello all, would this be a good place to direct someone who has no experience with ubuntu or IRC even?  I have installed ubuntu on someone's machine and I plan on getting them started, but I won't always be there15:34
julianHi I just installed v10.4lts with wine and timidity, and although it worked at first now I have no sound and the hardware isn´t listed in audio configuration15:35
digitalstimulusjulian, is your sound muted?15:35
starcraftmandigitalstimulus: I guess, forums work also, both would be best, isn't always someone on IRC.15:35
juliannope it´s not muted :)15:36
starcraftmanjulian: uh, sound problems on linux cause headaches. Your sure initially after install sound was working?15:36
starcraftmanthis gnome or kde?15:36
julianabsolutely yea it was all working fine...15:36
julianit´s gnome yea15:37
starcraftmanjulian: hmmm, can you push alt+F2 and then type in: gstreamer-properties15:38
julianuhuh done15:39
starcraftmanthat should open a new window, cycle through the audio playback options and test them please. See if anything works.15:39
juliani´ve done this already and it cycles through fine but there is no audio at all....15:39
starcraftmanjulian: hmmm15:39
julianI think I really screwed it up by installing timidity15:39
digitalstimulusjulian, are your speakers plugged in?  or have you plugged in anything else like headphones or a USB sound device?15:40
julianthey´re integrated and i´ve booted windows vista on the other partition and the audio still works...15:40
julianand no there´s nothing plugged in15:40
digitalstimuluswhat is timidity?15:40
julianit´s a sort of midi driver15:41
starcraftmanjulian: that could be, I'm not aware of any glaring problems atm though. That said I don't use timidity often.15:41
julianmaybe I should just uninstall timidity15:41
starcraftmanjulian: that might be a solution at least temporarily.15:41
julianthanks for your help15:42
starcraftmannp, didn't really do much. If not come back and we'll see about checking hardware more.15:42
julianthanks :)15:42
julianhey starcraftman, it still doesn't work :(15:45
LzrdKingwhat would make my wireless card not associate with my router when i do iwconfig wlan0 essid <essid>?  i know its not really associated because the dhclient command that follows will eventually time out sometimes; other times it connects right away15:52
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
Phreaok, I'll be shamelessly dumb here for a sec.17:25
Phreathe hash that's in Transmission [when viewing properties of a download], that's actually the hash of the .torrent files, isnt it...17:26
LzrdKingi think its the hash of the files in the torrent17:32
LzrdKingthats what would make sense17:33
PhreaI've been using torrent since it's infancy, and I still dont know this basic stuff17:36
toni_bghi, can anyone tell me how to put stuffs on window picker applet on unr 10.4 before there was white dot from were I can access this menu, but now it missing?18:55
ZargoldWhy didn't ubuntu change the look of their site with the new release?21:22
LzrdKingtoo much work21:31
armakolaslubuntu login username and password please22:14
phillwarmakolas: check the cd, it seems you may have a bad image, use the check disk option when you boot the cd.22:16
armakolasi am using sun virualbox and i logged out. i want to log in again.22:17
phillwthere are no passwords set.22:17
armakolasthank you very much for your fast reply22:18
phillwwhen you installed it, it would have asked you to create a login name & password22:18
phillwarmakolas: you're lucky I was passing ;-)  lubuntu is over at #lubuntu22:19
geirhaI'm guessing we're talking about the live session22:19
armakolaslive session, yes22:19
geirhaIn the ubuntu live session, there's no password either afaik, but it logs you in again after 30 seconds if you don't type anything22:20
phillwarmakolas: the lubuntu cd is built around the ubuntu one, so things like that should be the same on both, I've never had it ask me for a login.22:21
=== phillw is now known as phillw_ciggie_ti
=== phillw_ciggie_ti is now known as phillw
afeickHi, my session indicator used to show a box to put in my chat status, but it suddenly stopped doing it. Any ideas why?22:54
Guest20927Hello, may I get some help?23:08
bodhi_zazenjust ask Guest2092723:09
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: do you have gtkpod installed?23:10
Guest20927KMS doesn't play nice with my Intel integrated graphics (i915 chipset). I tried installing 10.04 through a flash drive using Unetbootin. I edited the generated syslinux.cfg file so that mode setting is disabled and that the Vesa driver would be forced. It didn't work. Any suggestions?23:12
bodhi_zazenno Bodsda23:19
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: any ideas how I would find out where the executable for that package would be placed?23:19
bodhi_zazenyou can find package information in synaptic23:20
bodhi_zazenwhich gkdpod23:20
bodhi_zazenGuest20927: not a clue23:20
BGL-[t]guest: i'm not sure if this is related or not: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/55490423:20

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